GTA V: combat system. GTA V: Gta 5 combat system aiming mode

In addition to being able to dive straight into the action in first-person mode at the touch of a button, GTA 5 offers a variety of different settings to ensure a comfortable playing environment, regardless of your preferred angle. In this article, we'll walk you through some of the options available to you and give you some tips on how to customize your game in the way that works best for you.

If you like to use the first-person mode when the hero moves on foot, but when driving a car you prefer the view from the side, you can set the game so that the angles change automatically - just go to the menu section "Settings" > "Picture" and choose a value "On" parameter "Allow independent camera modes". You can do the opposite if, say, you like to follow the road from the driver's seat, but you want to run and shoot with a third-person view.

You can adjust the aiming and camera sensitivity in first and third person, and adjust other image parameters. If disabled first person animation, the camera will move less when the hero is injured. If you disable options "Camera while rolling" and/or "Head Movement", this will also get rid of sharp jerks. And to take full advantage of the GTA V cover system in first-person mode, open the section "Settings" > "Management" and choose a value "On" parameter "Third Person Shelter (First Person)".

In the settings menu, you can adjust many different aspects of the first-person mode.

If you are racing or skydiving in GTA Online while using first-person mode, press Circle (PS4) / B ( Xbox One) to temporarily switch to third-person view. This view comes in handy in case of an accident involving several cars or when looking for another checkpoint. But in free mode do not count on such a reception - instead, you will simply turn on the cinematic camera mode.

Whichever angle you choose, there are four methods of aiming available to you:

  • Aim assist (full): A wide-angle auto-targeting system that allows you to switch targets (sight lock is only available in first-person mode);
  • Assistance in aiming (partial): automatic targeting system with an average angle of coverage; crosshair marker slows down when passing over a target (crosshair lock is only available in first-person mode);
  • Free aim support: Narrow-angle targeting system (scope lock available only in first-person mode);
  • Free aim:"hardcore" version. No aiming support.

How to win any shootout.

Death in GTA Online is a matter of seconds. During your adventures in Blaine County and Los Santos, you will often meet other players who will prefer to shoot you instead of friendly conversation. Even a banal "hello" can provoke a machine gun turn in your address.

In such an unfriendly environment, it is desirable to get used to virtual weapons and shooting mechanics as quickly as possible, if you do not want to constantly sit in anticipation of the next respawn after your character is killed again. However, winning a gunfight in GTA Online isn't just about good reactions and powerful weapons.

It doesn't matter if you're new to gaming in general or just GTA 5, these tips will come in handy whenever someone decides to paint the virtual lawn of things with virtual blood. Each weapon here has a lot of features, and each one needs to find its own approach.

First, let's get rid of the most annoying and annoying enemy in the game: the weapon selection interface. This menu in GTA Online can quickly get so many details that it can be quite difficult to sort through them, especially if you like to pick up every weapon you find. Your character will always have any weapons they pick up in their inventory, and you can't change the order in which they appear in the selection menu.

Therefore, it is best to get rid of useless guns or those that you do not like, unless, of course, you want to spend time looking for the right machine gun in the heat of a firefight. All this will have to be done manually every time you re-enter the game. Once you have the money, we recommend getting an office with a weapon locker where you can store all your finds. True, it works only in free play mode.

In online mode, semi-automatic weapons are practically useless, and therefore we recommend leaving this slot empty. As far as rifles go, it's best to carry the Compact Rifle for biking and motorcycling and the Special Carbine (some people praise the Advanced Rifle, so the choice is yours). In the shotgun slot, we advise you to discard everything except the Assault model, from pistols you will only need AP and Heavy Revolver (and Marksman for very advanced gamers too for advanced players), and in the grenade slot it is better to keep sticky bombs and mines.

Remember that all melee weapons have the same damage stats, however, the attack speed of the knife is superior to all other options, so it is recommended to always keep it with you. So, now that you've got rid of the unnecessary equipment, it's time to move on to action.

Players who have the enhanced version installed should be aware that sometimes the view mode is important. In some situations it is better to play in the first person, in others - in the third. It is important to always keep an eye on your surroundings in order to be constantly ready to attack or strike back in a timely manner.

In closed spaces, the first-person mode is more suitable, since it is easier to control the actions of the character without being distracted by extraneous factors. At the same time, in open spaces it is better to switch to third-person mode so that nothing can take you by surprise.

The choice of weapons must be approached wisely, while not forgetting two rules: fights with melee weapons must take place in third-person view mode (usually this happens indoors), and you must shoot from a sniper rifle only in first-person mode ( usually in open spaces). It is necessary to select weapons depending on the situation, because a shotgun is useless at long distances, as well as a sniper rifle at close range.

Only Special Carbine can be called universal. With it, you can get out of any mess in which your virtual ward will be. To increase the chances of survival, first of all attach a sniper scope to it and buy a couple of upgrades to your taste. And in those rare cases when this weapon does not help, you can always switch to something more effective.

Learn to shoot with a sniper rifle

You can do well with good shooting practice. sniper rifles, since weapons from this category in the hands of a skilled gamer become the most effective in the game. Try to kill enemies with one shot, as a miss can very quickly lead to death in sniper duels.

Aim for the head

Regardless of the weapon or view mode used, always follow the main rule: shoot only in the head. Is always. The body, of course, is easier to hit, but with proper practice, you will find that headshots do several times more damage, and therefore your efforts are worth it. The faster you kill the enemy, the less chance he will have to kill you.

Battles at close range

The obvious choice here would be a knife, but the aforementioned shotgun can be even more useful. Equip it with a high-capacity magazine, and enemies within arm's reach of you won't stand a chance. Accuracy at such moments is usually not so critical.

One of the nuances of any firefight that many players often forget about is maneuverability. In situations where you and your opponent are at a decent distance and at the same time you can see each other, it is better not to stand in one place, since you will not last even a couple of seconds. Also try to confuse the enemy with your movements and be unpredictable, because if he can predict your next move, then it will end badly for you.

In these cases, rolling is also very useful, which will allow you to quickly run to the nearest cover and confuse the enemy. In GTA Online, you need to press the aim button to do this (LT on consoles and right button mouse on PC) + X on Xbox, square on Playstation, or space bar on PC.

Good luck

Soon you will learn how to combine all the different techniques and apply them in time, which will help you survive in firefights. In this game, the outcome of the battle is decided by your skills and reaction, because even a second of delay is enough for the enemy to blow you up with a grenade or a headshot.

We hope that the tips given here will be useful in your adventures through the unfriendly streets of Los Santos. And we do not recommend using them on peaceful gamers who do not touch you - there are already enough griefers in the game.

Behind the company Rockstar- An impressive list of bestsellers. But from the early years of the existence of the series grand theft Auto quite often repeated complaints about the lack of accuracy in the combat system. The developers have set themselves the goal of getting rid of this shortcoming when moving to the current generation of consoles in GTA IV and continue to work on it working on gta v. Magazine game informer discussed innovations in combat with a junior technical director and a combat system designer Phil Hooker. We invite you to read his story about how the experience Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3 helps Rockstar create the most flexible combat system to date.

GTA V: combat system

A huge amount of work was required to make overhaul animations, aiming, and camera work to give the player a rich new experience in free, fast-paced gunfights in open world, which is key feature series games. We wanted shooting to feel more accurate and suit different playstyles. The control options have been expanded, now in addition to the traditional left trigger aiming, it will be possible to comfortably shoot on the run using only one right trigger. This way, you'll see your character in third person, while retaining the precise aiming and range of motion of a first-person shooter. It also opens up opportunities for the player to improve their skills in both single player and multiplayer, as the more accurate you shoot while moving fast, the greater your advantage.

This combination of mobility and precision is absolutely new experience for Grand Theft Auto and it completely changes the feel of gunfights. Shooting while moving allows you to maintain your field of vision while your propulsion system automatically adjusts between strafe with your weapon at the ready and the traditional way of moving where you don't shoot. This extra freedom is great for chaotic firefights where you wreak havoc in the open world and quickly find yourself surrounded and outgunned.

To make it all work, we've added an extra layer to our movement system. If you draw a weapon or get caught in a fight, your character changes stance and his speed switches from normal to combat run, giving you improved mobility along with increased sense of momentum. If there is no threat or you do not start shooting, you return to a relaxed state. Switching between these states is easy, without knocking the character off the pace, and you are always aware of the threat because you behave accordingly. Each character's personality is also displayed in the way they move and hold their weapons: Trevor is aggressive, Franklin is cheeky, and Michael is efficient.

If we compare the combat system to those we saw in GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3, then we must admit that it was influenced by all three games. It's based on GTA tradition, but we've collaborated with other studios to try to bring in the best features from other projects: more advanced cover and aiming from Red Dead Redemption, smooth transitions between normal and combat states from Max Payne 3. We We tried to make everything as dynamic and flexible as possible, from animation and aiming to camera behavior: we tried to take all aspects to a new level.

In terms of aiming, we wanted to change how it worked in GTA IV. Therefore, in addition to free aim, a soft form of assistance appeared, which, unlike hard target acquisition, is almost imperceptible to the player. The hard aim is a thing of the past as we found it often disorients the player and ruins the experience. gameplay, because you don't have to locate the enemy. We wanted players to feel the moment and think more tactically about shooting.

For GTA V, we divided aiming into three different modes: assisted aiming, traditional GTA aiming, and free lock on. Aim assist gives players a larger aiming area and also analyzes targets to pick the largest one. The traditional scheme is closest to the soft target lock option that was in the previous GTA. It retains all the characteristics of aiming with the help, with the additional ability to switch between targets with the right stick. New to the system is that each aiming mode now comes with a timer that forces you to take a more tactical approach: you can no longer simply hold down the scope and fire until the target is dead.

We added additional features easier aiming for each of the modes, including a reduction in the speed of movement of the sight near the enemy. We also spent a fair amount of time making the camera movement as smooth as possible so that you don't feel disorientated when switching between targets in the middle of a battle. All this will give you a feeling of smoothness of shooting, while you will not even notice that something is helping you to aim.

In addition to special modes, free aim remains, and experienced players will be able to play through the entire game using this mode and feel more comfortable than ever in the series.

The shelter system has also undergone changes. Most of the game will be spent switching from one character to another, fast seamless transitions of the player's choice. We've brought this seamlessness into the cover system so that when quickly hiding or jumping out of cover or around a corner to shoot at a target, the player will act intuitively and the system will be sensitive to his actions.

We also pushed the cover system to close the gap between driving and gunplay. You will be able to get out of the car while firing from the machine gun, and also use your car as a cover by disembarking and crouching behind it. Characters can hide behind the car for a while, and then at any moment quickly jump into the car directly from cover or without stopping shooting, and fly away from enemy fire. And it can really save you at a critical moment.