One Hundred to One in Odnoklassniki is an intellectual game with unusual tasks. "One Hundred to One" in Odnoklassniki - an intellectual game with unusual tasks Where can I play

Game "100 to 1"
Rules of the game

There are 2 teams of 6 players.

1. Simple game.
The first representatives from each team approach the button, the host asks a question. The right of the first answer belongs to the player who first presses the button. If the student answers correctly, the line of the scoreboard opens (the option is written on the board). Which team has the line above, with which the game goes. Students take turns giving answers and open the lines of the scoreboard up to 3 misses. Next - a blitz poll of another team, the captain of which gives an answer. If he guesses the answer, then the entire amount goes to this team, otherwise the amount of points remains with the playing team.
2. Double game.
The second representatives go to the button. and then everything goes similarly to a simple one, but all points received are doubled.
3. Triple game.
The third representatives go to the button. and then everything goes similarly to a simple one, but all the points received are tripled.
4. The game is reversed.
The fourth representatives go to the button. The right of the first answer belongs to the team whose participant gave the answer located below (more points). Then the teams discuss for 30 seconds and give more answers. Each team counts the points earned by its member and the team as a whole.
5. Big game.
The team with the most points plays. The sixth participant goes for a walk, and the fifth one answers 5 questions in 30 (45) seconds. Further, the sixth participant answers the same questions. If 5 and 6 participants score 200 points in total, then the team receives a super prize (depending on the teacher's imagination).

Qualifying round

1. Everyone knows that the Christmas tree
Not leaves but needles
And just like her
With needles... (Pine)

2. From the trees in early summer
Suddenly the snowflakes flutter
But this does not please us -
We sneeze from it. (poplars)

3. As if snowball white,
It bloomed in spring
It exuded a delicate scent.
And when the time has come
She became at once
All from the berry is black. (Bird cherry)

4 lay, lay
Yes, he ran into the river in the spring. (Snow)

5 winter glass
Spring flowed. ( Ice)

6 under our roof
Hanging white nail.
The sun will rise-
The nail will fall. ( Icicle)
7. Weaved thick grasses
Meadows curled up
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of the horn. ( Ram)

8. From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in the hollow. ( squirrel)

9. I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me. (Camel)

10 .Curls up into a ball,
And you can't take it.


11 .What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass
Ears bigger than head?


12 .Red Dairy
Day chews, night chews.
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk!


(1 minute to introduce the team and each team member)

1 simple game

(The first representatives from each team approach the button, the presenter asks a question. The right of the first answer belongs to the player who first presses the button. If you answer correctly, the scoreboard line opens. Which team has the line above, the game goes on with that one. the queue gives answers and opens the lines of the scoreboard up to 3 misses.Next - a blitz poll of another team, the captain of which gives the answer.If he guesses the answer, then the entire amount goes to this team, otherwise the amount of points remains with the playing team.)

The first animal tamed by man.?


1. Wolf 20

2. Dog 15

3. Cow 10

4. Horse 8

5. Cat 5

6. Pig 3

2 Double play

(The second representatives go to the button, but all points received are doubled)

Hares are saved from enemies ...?


1. Legs. twenty

2. Ears 15

3. Fur/dye 10

4. Eyes 8

5. Fear 5

6. Scent 3

(points are multiplied by 2)

3 Triple play

(Third representatives go to the button, but all points received are tripled)

What flowers are used to make jam?

1. Rose 20

2. dandelion 15

3. chamomile 10

4. bell 8

5. cornflower 5

6. lungwort 3

(Points are multiplied by 3)

4 game per turn

(The fourth representatives go to the button. The right of the first answer belongs to the team whose player gave the answer below (more points). Then the teams discuss for 60 seconds and give more answers. Each team counts the points earned by its member and the team as a whole)

The largest animal of Kuzbass?


1. Bear 3

2. Elk 5

3. Wolf 8

4. Fox 10

5. Raccoon 15

6. Hare 20

(1 minute for team discussions)

game with spectators(correct answers will be awarded medals)

1. The longest animal. (Giraffe.)

2. What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

3. What animal sleeps under its ears? (Hare.)

4. Wild, usually carnivorous, animal. (The beast.)

5. Underground dweller. (Mole.)

6. The animal with the most disgusting reputation. (Rat.)

7. Doesn't like red rags. (Bull.)

8. Poison toad. (Yeah).

9. The animal is a symbol of cunning and dexterity. (Fox.)

10. Hippos are different. (Hippopotamus.)

(1 minute of discussion is over your team options)

Game results

(the team with the most points plays the big game)

5 Big Game

(The team with the most points plays. The sixth participant goes for a walk, and the fifth participant answers 5 questions in 30 (45) seconds. Then the sixth participant answers the same questions. If participants 5 and 6 score a total of 200 points, then the team receives a super prize If player 2 gives the same answer as player 1, then he must offer another).






(2 participants 45 sec. Answers these 5 questions)

1. What is the hump of a camel made of? (from fat) water, muscle

2. Was born in water, but lives on earth? (Frog). newt, mosquito,

3. Does the penguin fly? (No) at times, in emergency cases, yes

4. What is the name of the baby sheep and ram? (Lamb). baby, sheep, calf

5. The cleanest animal. (Badger.) cat, dog, hamster

Scenario of the game 100 to one for teacher's day

Preparatory stage- preparation for this event included the cooperation of students and teachers of MKOU "Snovitskaya secondary school named after S.N. Belkin", students of SPO "No. 30" in Vladimir, students of Vladimir State University.

Stages of preparation.

The first : the longest stage is the development and implementation of a table layout with two buttons and light shades to determine the responding team.

To solve this problem, I studied the profile of schools and colleges in our city, then, having decided on an educational institution, I agreed with the master of the course of installers, Melentyeva N.N., on the manufacture of the necessary device. She and her guys designed an electrical circuit, and they assembled a table with two buttons and light shades.

Second : preparing interesting questions. To implement this stage, I visited the site of the game "One Hundred to One", where I chose questions that were interesting, in my opinion.

Third : survey of university students and processing of results.

For this, I agreed with the teacher of the university Egorova G.S. and she conducted a survey among students on these questions, and then I began to process the results. Moreover, more questions were taken for the survey, so that it was possible to choose the most interesting and unusual answers, as well as in the case of a prompt from the audience, so that it was possible to replace the question.

Fourth : team gathering, jury selection.

The holding of this game was a surprise for the teachers, they were invited to it directly from the hall. The team of students, these were young people of the senior classes, and the jury members were agreed in advance.

Between the game, numbers prepared by classes were inserted

The entire event took place within 40 minutes.

Conducting the game.

Target participants in the game "One Hundred to One" consists in guessing the most common answers of people from the street to the proposed questions, which cannot be given an unambiguous objective answer, "One Hundred to One" - team game. Each player must express his opinion, offer his own version, but victory (or defeat) goes to the whole team as a whole.

Rules of the game

The game is played by two teams, each consisting of five people. Whole game process consists of five "games" - a simple game, a double game, a triple game, a reverse game and a big game.

An important role in the game is played by the scoreboard, which displays the six most popular answers to questions (initially hidden) and three miss indicators. AT big game the scoreboard contains five lines, each containing two versions named by the players and the number of people who answered the same way.

The game begins with the introduction of the team. The captain introduces the participants, and the participant introduces the captain.

Questions were collected on various topics, the survey was conducted at Vladimir University among students of 1-3 courses, so that the participants did not know the questions and answers in advance. Two teams are playing - the teachers of our school and the boys of the senior classes.

simple game

A simple game begins with a "draw". Team captains approach a special table with two buttons. Then the host announces the question, after which each participant tries to press his button faster than his opponent.

The one who managed to do this calls his version of the answer to the question. If the version is on the scoreboard, the corresponding line opens (when the line is opened, the number of points written on it goes into the “game fund”; the number of points is equal to the number of respondents who named this version). If this version turned out to be the most popular among the respondents and was on the first line of the scoreboard, the presenter continues to play with the team whose player gave the correct answer. Otherwise, the second participant in the draw tries to answer. If his version turned out to be more popular than the previously named version (located on a higher line of the scoreboard), the move goes to his team, otherwise the game continues with the opposing team. In the event that none of the two versions is on the scoreboard, the draw is repeated, but the next team members compete.

Having determined the team, the leader proceeds to the main part of the game. He in a circle interrogates the players who name the answers to the question. If the version is present on the scoreboard, it opens and the points corresponding to the version go to the “fund”, if it is not there, the team is credited with one miss. The game goes on until all six lines of the scoreboard are open (in this case, all points from the "fund" go to the team's account), or until three misses are scored.

In the latter case, the host conducts a so-called blitz survey with another team. Starting from the end, he learns four versions of the answer to the question from the four team members. Then the captain must choose one of the versions of the members of his team or offer his own. This version is searched for on the scoreboard. If it is, points from it are added to the "fund", which then goes to the team's account, if it is not there, the "fund" goes to the opponents.

At the end of the game, the host opens the remaining lines.

Double play and triple play

The double and triple games are played in exactly the same way as the regular game, with the only difference being that the points for each correct line are doubled or tripled respectively. Another difference is that the draw is not held between the captains, but between the second and third team members, respectively (if the player has already participated in the previous draw, the next participant in order goes).

Game in reverse

Point distribution

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Answer 5

Answer 6

The game, on the contrary, differs from others in that it is most profitable for the team to guess not the first line of the scoreboard, but the fifth or sixth.

The question is called, and the teams are given 20 seconds for a meeting, after which the captains name the answers. Command versions do not have to match. The first team to answer is the one with the lowest number of points at the start of the rally.

Then the host opens the scoreboard. If during the opening process there are versions of teams, the points are immediately transferred to their account.

Questions in the game, on the contrary, begin with the word " The most…”, “The most…” or “The most…”.

Big game

The big game is played by two players from the team with the most points throughout the program. Before the start of the game, they agree among themselves who plays first and who temporarily goes backstage.

After that, the first participant in the big game is given 15 seconds, during which he must answer five questions. For each match of the player's answer with the answer on the street, the "fund" of the big game receives a number of points equal to the number of votes for the matched answer.

Then the second player returns from backstage. He does not know the questions and answers of his colleague, as well as the points received for them (however, the state of the “fund” is not hidden). In 20 seconds, he answers the same questions, and if his answer coincided with the first, the player must name another version. The points for his answers are then calculated and added to the "fund" in the same way.

As soon as the “fund” reaches 200 or more points during the big game, the game stops and the team is declared the winner of the game.

TOTAL. The team of teachers won, but they failed to score 200 points in the big game.


Simple game.

  1. What animal is born from an egg?

Chicken - 20

Duck - 12

Bird - 7

Lizard - 5

Dinosaur - 3

Double game (points are doubled).

  1. What is mail like?

Electronic - 14

Russia - 9

Fast - 8

Pigeon - 4

Field - 1

Triple game (points are tripled).

  1. Who maintains order in the country?

President - 18

Police - 9

Janitor - 8

Government - 3

Man - 2

The game is reversed (you must guess the most unpopular answer).

  1. Who wears a helmet?

Builder - 30

Miner - 60

Soldier - 120

Fireman - 180

Motorcyclist - 240

Big game (five questions, 15 sec, 20 sec for the answer).

  1. What fruits have seeds?

Apple - 27

Peach - 21

Orange - 8

Apricot - 6

Watermelon - 5

  1. Who disturbs sleep at night?

Neighbors - 23

Cat - 17

Mosquito - 14

Thoughts - 6

Dreams - 2

  1. What insects are most often killed?

Mosquitoes - 28

Cockroaches - 15

Flies - 12

Butterflies - 3

Sticky - 1

  1. What did the cat steal from the table?

Sausage - 19

Sausages - 12

Fish - 9

Food - 5

Meat - 3

  1. What is the school like?

Average - 20

Russia - 16

Primary - 12

General education - 6

Survival - 5

A game like One Hundred to One in Odnoklassniki would be difficult to play or even invent without a computer. This makes it even more interesting online.

What is its essence? The game one hundred to one online in classmates is somewhat reminiscent, but designed for 2 people. The question is asked at the very beginning. Sometimes it can seem absurd: "What do sheep think?" New Year?”, and sometimes even incomprehensible - “Who does the president dream of becoming?”.

There are 6 answers on the field, each of which has its own ratio. It depends on how often this option was chosen by other players. Based on the name One Hundred to One in Odnoklassniki, we can conclude that these ratios add up to 100%. Depending on this number, the player who guessed the specific one receives a certain number of points.

Most often, the game takes place in several stages, so a victory in 1 may not mean anything if someone guesses all the words in the next game. Points are awarded only to the winner who is the leader at the end of all games. Only 20 seconds are allotted for the move itself, which, in principle, is quite enough. Usually, coming up with answers to the game one hundred to one in classmates is even faster.

One hundred to one in Odnoklassniki would be too uninteresting if it were based only on these coefficients, so there are minor additions here. In particular, certain options may have bonuses, for example, "x2" or "x3", guessing which, your points will be multiplied. Sometimes on some options there may be a skull icon, which means - you guess this word, you will not get anything. Most often, it is located on the most popular option.

The game lasts one hundred to one in Odnoklassniki either until the players guess all the proposed words, or up to 3 missed attempts: this can be either the wrong word or a missed move.

Collections have also been added to Odnoklassniki to dilute the Hundred to One project. After certain parties, you get items from which you can build your collection. It is not entirely clear what it will be used for, but often the fact itself greatly increases motivation.

Of course, one hundred to one in Odnoklassniki could not do without a rating. Here it is determined among playing friends, and there is a separate one:

  • hour rating;
  • Rating of the day;
  • Rating of the week;
  • Monthly rating;
  • Overall rating.

Is it worth playing?

It is worth playing at least for the sake of showing up in the first positions in one of these.

In general, the game One Hundred to One in Odnoklassniki attracts primarily with its unusualness. Yes, it may resemble something that people played in childhood, even without a computer, but thanks to the existing questions, well-formed answers, it turns out to be more civilized, amenable to regulation.

Plus, one hundred to one in Odnoklassniki has a very strong effect on overall erudition, just like, for example, the popular one, because absolutely humorous questions here border on those where you need to strain your brains.
An example of the passage of this game can be seen here:

Of course, like most similar games, there is a certain set of resources on the Internet in which you can find all the answers to the game 100 to 1 in Odnoklassniki. This takes away a significant part of the pleasure that one could get, but if someone is used to using this, everything is done very simply. The only thing you need to be very fast, because the answer is only 20 seconds.

Game "One Hundred to One"

Get ready... Let's fly!

Description of the game "100 to 1"

100 to 1 is a fun team game where participants guess the most popular answers to questions from different areas. Special knowledge is not required for this - a good mood, quick wit and friendly support are enough.

Where can you play

Wherever you can put tables for teams and organize places for spectators.

How many people can participate

From six people, so that each team has at least three participants. The optimal number of players in each team is five.
If the total number of participants is more than ten, several rounds are held: in them, the players alternate with the audience.

You will like 100 to 1 if you:

  • over six years old;
  • love funny quizzes and competitions;
  • already played Mafia 😊

How do we prepare for the game

Individually, depending on your wishes. We are preparing props, prizes and musical accompaniment. Details of the event, topics of questions and other nuances can be discussed by phone or e-mail.


The cost of the game depends on the region, the number of participants and invited hosts, as well as prizes and props that will be used during the game.

For example, in St. Petersburg, a two-hour game "100 to 1" for 10 people will cost 10,000, and in Moscow - 13,000 rubles.

9) Here I thought for a long time whether it was worth turning on the gears "Through the mouth of a baby" and "Hundred to One" to the gallery. Well, I don’t remember the first one at all, so the issue is resolved with it. As for the second ... How does it fit the concept of " intellectual game"? Yes, let it be. You need to think something there :), although often the invited players do not understand this.

All in all, meaning Games: two teams of five people take part in it.

The game consists of a number of smaller games.

First, a simple game. The goal of the teams is to guess the most popular versions of the answer to it. With this question approached 100 passers-by. The six most popular answers are hidden on the scoreboard.

The first team players approach the leader (Alexander Gurevich). He reads the question. The player who presses the button first has the right to answer. If he guesses the most popular option, then the game will continue with his team (more on that below). Otherwise, his opponent also has the right to answer. If the latter guesses the more popular answer, that player's team will play. If the answer is less popular, then, alas, the team of the first player will play.

Guessed answers are displayed on the scoreboard. Missing the scoreboard is equal to the most unpopular answer.

If both players cannot name the options from the scoreboard, then the next players of the teams go to the leader. This can go on up to three times. I don't know what happens if none of the three couples manage to come up with a popular version.

It is worth noting that each answer on the scoreboard has its own popularity (the number of people who answered this way). When you open the answer to the scoreboard, this amount is added to the "bank". Team that won simple game, this bank also takes away.

Next, the leader approaches the team that received the move. The game will continue with the player standing after the last one, who went to the leader (a confusing phrase, but you can figure it out :)). He must guess the option from the scoreboard. Guessing - the sum of the answer points goes to the bank. Does not guess - the team is counted as an error. The host then moves on to the next player.

The team either opens the entire scoreboard, or makes a mistake three times. In the first case, she wins the game and takes the pot for herself. In the second, the leader goes to another team. There he conducts a “blitz survey”. He asks each player for a version of the answer, and the team captain announces the final version of the team. If it is on the scoreboard, then the team that just answered wins. No – wins, of course, the other team.

The next competition is Reverse Play. The facilitator reads the task and gives the teams time to think. The goal of the teams is to guess not the most popular, but one of the unpopular answers, which, however, got on the scoreboard. Then the scoreboard opens and it is determined how many points each team has earned. For a guessed option from the first line, 15 points are due, the second - 30, the third - 60, the fourth - 120, the fifth - 180, the sixth - 240 (he could have made a mistake).

Last game - big game". Only the winning team participates in it - the one that, according to the results of previous games, scored more points. This is a kind of superfinal, where the team can get a cash prize. Once it was equal to 25,000 rubles, how much it is now, I do not know.

The point of the game is this. Two players from a team play. One is placed in an isolated space and does not know what is going on in the studio. The other host asks five questions in sequence. All answers are given 15 seconds. After that, the player earns a number of points equal to the sum of all the popularity points of the answers that he gave. The easiest way to explain this is with an example.

Host: Who lives in the hut?

Player: Hare (popularity: 3).

Host: Who doesn't sleep at night?

Player: Owl (7).

Moderator: Why do we go to work?

Player: Out of boredom (5).

Host: Who is the boss in the house?

Player: Me (60).

Host: What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?

Player: Ate Grass (23).

The team earns 3 + 7 + 5 + 60 + 23 = 98 points.

Then the second player of the team appears in the studio. He is asked the same five questions, he is given 20 seconds to think about them, but he does not have the right to give the same answers as the previous player. These answers are unknown to him, but in case of a match, a signal is heard forcing him to give some other option. Further, the team is awarded points in the same way as in the first case.

If a team manages to score 200 points in total, then it wins the main prize. Otherwise, obviously, the prize does not go to her.

Interesting points:

Frankly, it is problematic to single out such moments. This game should be watched as a show, relaxing.

Let's analyze the game.

Players are equal in opportunities.

According to the type of opposing sides, the game is single-team, that is, the score is kept between teams, but most of the game is played by individuals.

By the number of attempts to play - yes, you can never play, probably :). Stars, employees of organizations, radio stations, theater actors, etc. are invited to play there.

The game is rigidly attached to one broadcast.

The duration of the game is about an hour.

The frequency of appearance on the air is once a week.

The density of new players is 10 new players per game, although there are certainly those who have been invited more than once.

There is no need to talk about strategy, since there is no way to dispose of any game resources.

Diversity… well, a lot of new faces. And so each episode of the program is not much different from the rest.

The number of possible outcomes, as in many games, is meaningless to count here.

Volume new information... um, minimal.

Subjective opinion and results:

You can watch. It's fun. But, of course, One Hundred to One cannot be considered a serious intellectual game.

General conclusion for the future: The example of this game clearly shows the possibility of combining team and individual competition. It's always nice when a particular team player can prove himself personally. This should be taken into account.


Kaa: And the greatest pleasure from this game is when you get a questionnaire for it, and you start inventing the most incredible, but nonetheless suitable, answers.