How to activate a third party game on steam. Adding a third party game to Steam. Installing the app on Steam

Steam allows you not only to add all the games purchased in the store of this service, but also to attach any game that is on your computer. Of course, third-party games will not contain various dynasties that are present in Steam games, such as achievements or getting cards for playing the game, but still a number of Steam features will work for third-party games. To learn how to add any game from your computer to Steam, read on.

Adding third-party games to the Steam Library is essential for everyone to see what you're playing. In addition, you can broadcast game process through the Steam service, as a result, your friends will be able to see how you play even what is not in the store. In addition, this feature allows you to run any game that is on your computer through Steam. You do not have to look for shortcuts on the desktop, it will be enough just to click on the start button in Steam. Thus, you will make a universal gaming system out of this application.

Solving possible problems

Sometimes the procedure does not go as expected - the user is faced with certain problems. Let's consider the most common.

Game not added
Pretty rare problem, actually. In most cases, this means that the added game is already present on the account in one form or another. If the game is definitely not and cannot be on your account, problems with the client cannot be ruled out. The best solution in the latter case would be a complete reinstallation of the Steam application.

Steam does not work correctly with the added game
On the net, you can find reports that some of the "chips" of the client work with a third-party game added to Steam: Overlay, Steam Link, you can use the Steam Controller and the like. Alas, this information is outdated - Valve, as part of the fight against piracy, has disabled such functionality for games that are not available in the service and added by a third-party method. There is no solution to this problem, and most likely there will not be, so all that remains is to accept it.


Now you know how you can add a third party game to Steam. Use this feature to have all of your games playable through Steam and also to let you watch your friends' gameplay.


In this guide, I'll show you how to add a game or app to the Steam Library that isn't on Steam or hasn't been purchased from Steam yet.

This feature will allow you to use Steam in any game or application. You can show your friends what game you are playing, as well as use the chat features and the screenshot manager right during the game.

Using this feature does not allow your third-party game or application to automatically update through Steam or access other Steam Cloud features. You also cannot use them as proof of purchase when contacting Steam Support.

Adding a game or app

To add a third party game or app, click the button Add game... located at the bottom left Steam client.

After clicking on Add Game... the menu will appear. Select Add third party game...

A window will appear containing a list of programs that can be added to your library. Steam will automatically detect application files on your computer to populate the list.

If you did not find the program or game you need in the list, select the button Review at the bottom of the window. After that, Explorer will open, where you can select the game application file in the folders of your computer.

In this example, I will add World of Tanks to the Steam library. The application file is located in the corresponding folder on Local Disk D.

Once you have selected the desired application file, it will be presented in the window's list. Adding a game. Check what you have ticked desired games or applications, then click on the button Add Selected at the bottom of the window.

The games or apps will appear in your Steam Library

Run her

You can run the added game or application in the same way as other games purchased from Steam. After downloading, Steam and some of its features will be available to you. For example, Friend list and Screenshot Manager.

Shift + Tab- keyboard shortcut to call the Steam overlay. It can be changed in Settings, in the tab IN GAME.

Your friends list will show you which game or application is running with Steam. Your friends will always be able to know which third party game you are playing.

A similar notice will be displayed on your Steam profile. Remember, time spent in a game that is not activated on Steam is not tracked.

If after starting side game, the notification disappears - you need to run Steam with administrator rights.

If the name of a game or application is incorrectly displayed in the Steam Library, you can always change it through Properties in the right-click menu. Also in this drop-down menu, you can remove shortcut or change category.

AT properties you can change the name. While playing, this name will be displayed in notifications on your friends list and Steam profile.

It is useful for fans of computer battles to learn how to add a game to Steam if it is on a computer or on a media.

This will make it easier to access applications and organize them in one console.

Briefly about Steam

Steam entertainment and gaming platform, an Internet resource where registered users download computer games according to their interests and preferences. Genre diversity, affordability, support, rewards and achievement cards encourage players to make new purchases, to buy the continuation of their favorite video game.

There are more than 10,000 games for Windows in the Steam database, which are available to users for free, or at a price of 3 euros and more. The platform supports Linux operating systems, for which over 1.5 thousand games are available, as well as Mac OS - at least 2500.

January 2018 was a record for Steam - 18 million people simultaneously played online in multiplayer games.

Steam was developed and published by Valve. The main task of the portal is to protect the copyrights of the creators computer games who exhibit new and old developments on this resource. Also, the platform has become a means for electronic distribution of games.

Promotions, demo options, weekend discounts help to test the latest in the gaming industry. Based on the analysis of the number of downloads and reviews, a report is compiled that promotes new "toys" before they are sold in stores.

Registered Steam users receive the following benefits and features:

  • automatically save game data;
  • receive updates for free;
  • activate versions of games on discs;
  • broadcast and chat;
  • take screenshots and videos;
  • receive news;
  • create communities and groups;
  • receive cards for achievements;
  • receive discounts when buying or get a free game;
  • listen to music that is recorded on the device;
  • open access to the library of games (family access);
  • create a backup copy of your account;
  • count on the help of technical support.

For third parties game programs only some functions may be available in the platform:

  • chat with friends who see installed gaming applications;
  • screenshot works;
  • game moments are being broadcast.

How to Add Games to the Steam Library

Most players use the games of different companies, keeping applications and programs on the computer. Steam allows you to run them from the console. In this case, it does not matter where the program was downloaded from.

If the installation files are recorded on the computer's hard drive, then you can easily and simply add them to the Steam library. This helps to make efficient use of the memory and capabilities of the computer.

Step by step algorithm:

Installing a game purchased on Steam from a computer

Low Internet speed does not allow you to download the necessary files through your account. If the program with the game was purchased through Steam, then you need to manually write it to the account library. Users, in this case, take the saved files elsewhere, from the player who has already downloaded them.

  1. Copy the folder with the game to the flash drive from the folder Steam\steamapps\common.
  2. Attach it to a new folder on another computer, such as D:\Steam\steamapps\common.
  3. In the tab "Games" "Libraries" Steam find the desired file.
  4. Click on the "Install" button, and in the pop-up window select the path to the folder that you created on the D:\Steam drive.
  5. It starts checking and updating, if necessary.
  6. Then installation. In this case, a warning appears about the possible loss of saves. This is due to the fact that the game was downloaded on the computer of another person who has an account.

Adding Previously Installed Games to the Steam Library

When changing or reinstalling operating system there is a problem installing already downloaded gaming applications from Steam. If the files were saved on the C drive by default, then the games must be reloaded, since during reinstallation these files will be erased by the new system.

And if they were saved before changing the operating system on another disk, then restore them as follows:

  1. To do this, open a Steam account. Confirm with a verification code. Previously purchased products will be displayed in the library.
  2. Save the steamapps folder on the D:\Games drive, where the installed games are stored. In the Games folder, create a new folder, for example, Games1.
  3. In the Steam library, click on the name of the video game "Install". Select the installation location D:\Games\Games1. Installation starts.
  4. At this time, exit the platform through the Exit button. Close the icon on the taskbar (on the desktop at the bottom right).
  5. Go to the D:\Games\Games1 folder and delete the files that were created there.
  6. cut steamapps folder right click mouse and paste into the Games1 folder.
  7. Open Steam, launch the Library. Games will be loaded into the computer.

Little tricks help users to play online with friends. For a stable game and the operation of programs that depend on the Internet, it is worth checking providers that offer new rates and speeds for providing Internet connections.

And then there will be no need to run around with flash drives and prescribe difficult addresses, study materials on the Internet. And it's easier to create a Steam backup - there is a button for this in the settings.

The task of how to install a game on Steam is not as trivial as it might seem to an experienced “installer” of programs. Even despite the fact that we are spoiled for network installations, we practically don’t bother with distributions ourselves, we don’t install almost anything from a computer.

How to install or uninstall a game on Steam.

Nevertheless, even in the current situation, you need to know something, especially when it comes to software within the framework of the playground in question.

Background information - just good to know before installation

So, here is the basis that determines the whole nature of installing applications in the chosen environment:

Installing the app on Steam

It can take quite a long time to completely install the software by the environment itself. Yes, and it was previously downloaded on a completely different computer. That's when manual actions can help. For this:

  1. We go along the path where the steam games are installed - Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common.
  2. Here we create another one, by the name of the program itself (this is not necessary, but it is logical and accepted for a long time, so that later you simply do not get confused, so we advise you not to deviate from this rule).
  3. Now we enter Steam.
  4. Click on the "Install" button.
  5. The environment checks the information for completeness, but now, when almost everything is downloaded, everything goes pretty quickly.
  6. The program is installed and you can start.

IMPORTANT. We pay attention to the strict order of actions - how the application installs the necessary. Not at first they installed and then rewrote the files, but on the contrary, they first rewrote the files and only then they went to work to let the environment check that everything is already there. Otherwise, everything in Steamapps will be considered permanently deleted.

Now delete the application

The game is removed from the screw forever for several reasons:

  • Firstly, I'm tired, and there is not enough space on my computer anyway;
  • Secondly, indeed, there is no more space and you have to sacrifice something;
  • And, thirdly, the program requires reinstallation, and uninstalling followed by reinstalling is the best way.

The solution to the question of how to remove the game from steam is as follows.

We draw attention to an interesting point. What you just erased, in fact, on the screw, in the folder, remains - just for itself, the environment solves the problem of how to remove the game from Steam - it removes access and work with the game with its resources, but the information on the disk is not affected.

This allows you to make a kind of rollback of the deletion - to restore everything that was corrupted. To do this, go to the Library of games of the environment. We find the remote application and call its context menu. In the menu window, select "Install game". Be prepared that this may take a long time, it all depends on the size of the software itself.

Many users of the popular gaming service have probably faced the question of when you need to add a game to Steam that is already on your computer, so as not to waste time and download it again.

Since not everyone knows how to do this, it was decided to tell you about it in this article.

Looking ahead, I would like to note that this is very easy to do, since the Steam developers have provided for the possibility of registering a game already on the computer in the service.

How to specify the path of an already installed game?

To do this, you need to open Steam and go to the library. In it we find the game that is already installed on your computer and the path to which you want to specify.

You will be prompted to install it. We click on this button.

Click the "Install" button

Next, a window will open in which you need to select the folder where the game will be installed. By default, this is the folder with Steam itself. But by clicking on the arrow on the right, you can specify the folder in which the game is already installed.

Select the local disk with the installed game

The most interesting thing is that if you installed games several, then with a one-time indication on the example of one game, Steam will automatically determine the rest located in the same folder.

Specify the folder with the game

Note that if you have a shared folder, let's say a "Games" folder that has several other folders with Steam games, you need to specify the general folder "Games", and not the folder of a specific game. Otherwise, you will see this error:

"Steam library folder must be empty" error when specifying the game folder incorrectly