How to open the end portal. How to make a portal in Minecraft - Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest. Portal mods

The Edge, also known as Ender, is the third of the worlds of the Minecraft game, in addition to the original and hell. Traveling there is considered last step for a gamer who decides to play the game. It is there that the last boss lives - the dragon.

You can get out of there only if you open the portal, defeating this evil and powerful creature. So think carefully before leaving, because the hike will not be easy. How to find Ender and the portal to him in Minecraft?

What does it look like

Ender's components are two blocks. The first of them is a unique blast-resistant component of this world, visually resembling a cobblestone white color. The second is found in the original world and can be crafted, but requires an obsidian pickaxe to mine. There are also obsidian pillars, made in the form of bizarre tall trees. It is also quite dark in this world, so try to move carefully.

How to get to Ender?

Ender can be reached through a special portal. It is somewhat reminiscent of the one that the gamer must do to move to hell, but has fundamental difference- it cannot be created artificially. If you thought that you will not be forced to craft, then you are mistaken. Visually, the portal looks like a structure of 12 blocks surrounding an empty space with lava above it. It is there that you should go in order to be transported to the next world. To activate the mechanism, an eye of Ender must be placed in each of the blocks of the frame, which will need to be created by the player. Once you've completed all of the portal's components and activated, a door will open leading you to the end of the cube building game.

Last push

To craft an eye, you will need fire powder and pearls. The latter falls from Endermen - dangerous opponents with the ability to teleport. The second can be knocked out of Ifrit - a fiery spirit that lives in hell. The task is doable, but not easy. Once you've got everything, start searching.

  • We take the eye of Ender in hand using the right mouse button.
  • It will soar into the sky, and then fly towards the gate, leaving behind a trail of purple particles.
  • After flying for three seconds, it will fall to the ground. After that, it can teleport or stay in place.
  • So you have to keep using it until you get to the gate. When they are discovered, the eye will descend underground and head towards the portal.
  • When you find the gate, place an eye on each of the cubes, after which they will open.

Now you can go to the last world to fight the scary boss. Finding the portal is not so easy, but patience and perseverance will eventually lead you to it. The reward will be new world and the end of the game, which, as it seems at first, cannot be completed at all.

It is difficult to say what exactly draws players to the world of the End, because it definitely does not look like paradise, despite the fact that it is located above the main world. Dark sky, a small island of land, entirely consisting of one type of blocks (not counting the columns). Yes, and a dragon for complete happiness. But if these factors do not bother you, then let's take a closer look at how to build a portal to the End.

To begin with, you have to sweat. no one will let you into the world of the End just like that (as, for example, into the Lower World). In order to get to the End, you need to do 3 things: first, find the Pearls of the End (the more, the better). Secondly, collect the fiery powder and, finally, find the End portal itself.

Let's start with the ender pearl. It drops only from wanderers - tall black creatures with long arms. Killing them is quite difficult due to their ability to teleport, so it is better to use enchanted weapons to kill them in one hit. You will have to knock out at least 15 pearls before building a portal to the End, otherwise you simply will not reach your destination.

After you collect the pearls, go to the Underworld. Stock up on food and patience - you will be there for a long time. Your task in the local hell is to find a hellish fortress and collect staves from local ifrits (of course, they will not give them up voluntarily). Staffs need exactly two times less than pearls. Say easy? Let's see what you say after a couple of days of wandering around the Lower World - the location of the fortress is unknown. Therefore, you will have to look for it at random.

After collecting the staves, go to the nearest workbench and dismantle the staves for fire powder (1:2 ratio). Mix the pearls with the powder and get the eyes of the End. It's still too early to think about how to build a portal to the End in Minecraft, the most difficult thing left is to find the portal. It will take a very long time to go, so take care of supplies in advance. The search process is as follows: throw up the eye of the Edge and see which way it will fly. That's the direction you go to look for the portal. It is impossible to know the distance to the target, therefore a large number of pearls are required - sometimes they do not fall, but simply disappear after use.

From time to time toss the eyes of the End to correct the route, but not too often, otherwise, before going to the End in minecraft, you will have to repeat the first two steps again. You need at least 12 Ender Eyes to activate the portal.

As soon as the pearls stop flying to the side and begin to hang in the air, you can breathe easy - you are close. You can set up camp and settle in the territory, because after you learn how to build a portal to the End, you will have to return here more than once.

In a place where the pearl will hang in the air or even go underground, start digging. Dig tunnels until you find a hall with a portal. It is impossible to confuse the hall with an ordinary cave - you will not miss the square pool with lava and the pedestals located around it. Get closer to the building. You'll notice that some of the pedestals already have Ender eyes on them, while others are empty. All that is required of you is to insert the missing pearls and open the portal.

That's all about how to build a portal to the End. Most importantly, do not forget to mark your path from home to the portal - it will be a shame to lose it after so much effort. Good luck fighting the dragon!

There is a way to "win" in Minecraft game, for this you need to destroy the Ender Dragon, or as it is often called, the Ender Dragon. This is the most difficult task in the game.

To do this, you have to get to the island of the Edge, located in a desert dimension, and kill the dragon living there. If you can kill the dragon, you will have a unique opportunity to explore the rest of his island, after which you can return back to your world.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get to this island and defeat the dragon: first we have to find the Fortress, then activate the portal and go through it to complete the task.

Find a portal in the Stronghold

Have you already found the fortress? If so, then it's a good start. In it you need to find a room that looks like this:

End Gate in the Fortress. While inactive.

If you haven't found the Stronghold yet, then craft some items with the name Eye of Ender. It will take about 15-20 pieces. Put them in your inventory and get ready for a long journey.

It is immediately worth noting that the Edge and Ender are synonyms. But more correctly - Ender, since the developers use this term in the game.

The Eye can be crafted with Ender Pearls and Fire Powder.

Ender's Pearl periodically drops out of the Ender wanderer when he dies (since version 1.9, an Eye drops out of it immediately). It is not difficult to find them at any time of the day; at night they often come to settlements.

Usually the mob wanders back and forth aimlessly, often picking up blocks and placing them elsewhere.

Fire powder is obtained by crafting fire rod, which drops from Ifrit.

Ifrit spawners are located in Nether fortresses.

So, you defeated everyone and got enough of the Eye. Now go out into the open and throw it up. You need to select the Eye in the hotbar and throw it into the air, watching it: it will fall to the ground in the direction of the nearest Fortress.

Usually the Eye can be picked up and thrown again, but sometimes it breaks.

The toss controls vary by Minecraft version:

  • On PC/Mac, press right click mouse over the block you want to throw the Eye on;
  • On PS3 and PS4, press L2 on the joystick;
  • On Xbox 360 and Xbox One press LT on joystick;

Walk in the indicated direction for a while, then toss the Eye again. Leave a trail of torches or other items behind you so you don't get lost, as the path may not be close.

Keep tossing the Eye of Ender to follow him until it constantly hovering over one point. This is where the Fortress is located. Having started earthworks and dug up to the Fortress, you need to travel along its gloomy corridors in search of a portal.

During the search, you will find treasure chests, skeletons, zombies and other hostile mobs that will try to kill you.

The portal must be activated with Ender's eyes.

Clue: if the Fortress is far from your home, you can build railway to reduce travel time.

End Portal Activation

After exploring the Fortress and finding it, place one Eye on empty blocks, this will activate the portal.

The number of empty blocks to fill with the Eye is randomly generated.

Now you can safely go through the portal and fight the Ender dragon.

How to make an end portal in creative mode

Required components:

  1. white wool - 20;
  2. red wool - 8;
  3. black wool - 7;
  4. End portal frame blocks - 12;
  5. Eye of the Edge - 12;
  6. blocks of wooden steps - 3;
  7. sword or bow for killing chickens.

Step 1

Make a platform 5 by 5 blocks. You can use wool for it. Without a platform, the portal will not work!

Step 2

Note that the green End portal frame blocks, like the step blocks used for the example, can be placed in multiple directions. Understanding this step is important to complete the project and launch the portal.

Please note that here the blocks and steps are set at an angle of 90 degrees to each other!

Step 3

Now you can understand how to position the first of the four sides. The picture below shows this clearly:

Place them three in a row. The steps are used to visually show the direction of rotation of the green blocks, they are not needed to build the portal.

Step 4

Rotate the blocks 90 degrees and repeat the process, creating the next side of the portal.

Step 5

Create a third party portal.

Step 6

Create the fourth side of the portal.

The portal frame is ready.

Step 7

Eye of Ender can now be placed in portal frame blocks.

Take the Eye in your hand and right-click on the block you want to place it on.

Step 8

Place 12 Ender Eyes in blocks and the portal will work.

If the portal does not open, then you have mixed up the direction of the installation of green blocks somewhere. Check their location.

Jump into the portal and enjoy the new dimension.

End Portal Properties

Unlike the portal to the Nether, the End portal is one-sided. Entering it, the player will not be able to go back and will be on a 5 x 5 obsidian platform, which can be in the air or underground.

Breaking the active portal's frame block does not deactivate it. This is only possible when using mods, as the frame of the portal is rock solid. The portal cannot be deactivated without .

The active part of the portal emits light level 15, although there is no benefit from it without mods.

An active end portal can be obtained using mods, it instantly teleports the player who touches it. On multiplayer servers this is used as a trap, although most servers don't allow indestructible blocks.


Prepare for battle with the following gear. You can place chests with sets of equipment near the portal, if you die in the End, you can quickly take another set. You can also put up a bed and sleep in it so that you can return to the End without traveling again from the base to the Fortress.

When you pass through the portal, you need to be ready for a tough battle.

  • Armor: the best available, preferably hardened diamond armor;
  • Shoes: there is a high chance of falling from a great height during the battle, so weightless shoes can come in handy;
  • Sword: You can kill a dragon with different weapons, the best of which is diamond sword, preferably enchanted with high level sharpness;
  • Kirk: don't leave the house without her;
  • Bow and arrows: more arrows, at least two quivers;
  • Food: useful for healing;
  • Ladders: three or more for climbing;
  • Ender Pearls: useful for teleportation;
  • Blocks: one or two sets, made of cobblestones or other materials;
  • Potions (optional): healing and regeneration never get in the way in combat; it's dark in the End, so a potion of night vision will help;
  • Pumpkin (optional): The land is full of Enders. If you wear a gourd instead of a helmet, you can avoid fighting them, but visibility will deteriorate;
  • Piston and source of redstone (torch, lever or button) to collect dragon eggs after victory.
  • Glass jars - for collecting dragon breath to create potions.

Let's go to the edge

When you're ready, enter the portal. You will find yourself on an obsidian platform in a strange place of greenish stone of the Land inhabited by wanderers. You have to fight in a circle of obsidian pillars called pillars of the End.

Spawn point on the platform.

If you find yourself in a small cave, dig a ladder to the surface. If you're on a floating platform away from the mainland (like in the picture), drop an Ender Pearl to teleport, or build a bridge with the blocks you've thoughtfully taken with you.

There are sooo many of them here.

Don't look at the Enders (Ender wanderers), then they won't bother you. If you can't avoid looking, use a gourd instead of a helmet.

The dragon can attack different ways: fireballs and breath. Both of these attacks leave a cloud of poison that must be avoided. He also deals damage by hitting his head or wings, but the armor should keep the damage to a minimum.

The dragon is healed when it flies near the end crystal, so first you need to destroy the crystal, and only then attack the dragon.

The main risk is that the dragon can throw the player into the air or throw him off a high pole, the fall damage will be large. Shoes with the Weightlessness enchantment will reduce damage, ender pearls or a bucket of water can also help.

When a dragon approaches you, a headshot with a sword or arrow can cause it to stop attacking.

End Crystal Destruction

Each end pillar contains a crystal at the end. It is necessary to destroy them before entering into a duel with the dragon. Some of them can be shot from the ground with a bow.

The main danger is falling from a high pole.

Two crystals are protected by an iron cage, you have to climb up and break the cage with a pickaxe.

Climb up the ladder to the caged End Crystal.

Standing at the top of the ladder a block below the level of the pillar, you can destroy the crystal without hurting yourself and take good aim at the crystals on the other pillars.

Hint: the dragon will attack you more often as the crystals are destroyed, so the most difficult climbs should be done first.

Kill the dragon

When the crystals are destroyed, it's time to deal with the dragon. For about half the time, he flies over the exit portal from this world in the center of the arena. At this time, he can be attacked with a sword.

Stay behind the dragon to avoid head and wing hits. After some time, he will fly away, but will soon return. Keep going until the dragon is killed.

When the ender dragon is dead

After that, several things will happen:

  1. You will get a lot of points;
  2. The exit portal to the normal world will become active (a dragon egg will lie at the top of the pillar);
  3. A Gate will appear, giving access to the outer islands.

If you bring empty glass vessels with you, you can collect dragon's breath in them to create potions.

If you try to break the dragon's egg, it will teleport to another location nearby. If you want to pick up an egg as a trophy, you need to act discreetly:

  1. Close the exit portal with blocks so that the egg does not fall through it;
  2. Place the piston next to the egg so that when activated, it will push it;
  3. Activate the piston with the red torch, button or lever.

Access to the outer islands

After the death of the dragon, gates will appear on the border of the island, which can teleport you to another part of the Land, where there are many islands and cities to explore. But the gate is too small in size. How to get through them?

Answer: Throw an Ender Pearl into the teleporter.

On the other side of the gate there is something to see. The city and the ship of the End (you can find it in it).

A real treasure. There is not one of these here.

When you get tired of this area, return to the place where the dragon died and jump into the portal to return home and "win" in Minecraft.

You can respawn the dragon and do it all over again by creating four end crystals and placing them around the exit portal.

Craft crystal of the End.

To craft a crystal, you will need an Eye of Ender, seven units of glass and a Tear of Gast. And if there should be no problems with glass and eyes, then Gast's tear will make you sweat.

Gasts offend in Hell. Hunting them is a very difficult and dangerous occupation, as they fly high in a cave or over lava.

That's all. Now you know how to find the End, how to defeat the Ender Dragon and what you need for this. Good luck!

Portal to the End (End Realm)

end- this is the third world in the game minecraft, except original and Nether (you can also go to 2 other worlds. The first one is, Second - ) , it was added after the release of update 1.0.0. road toend(also callededge) is the final chapter of the game for the players, in the sense that there isfinal boss - Ender Dragon. And you also need to consider what to get out ofendais only possible after opening the portal, when you have already defeated the Dragon, so it is highly recommended to think it over several times before embarking on such a difficult journey, this is actually not an easy journey.

How to make a portal to the End

1st way how to open a portal to the end in minecraft

Keys to the portal

To find in minecraft portal to the End, you need to go through hell first. Find dungeons. It is made of dark red brick. This is where the fiery Blaze spawner will be (picture below) - a cube where little Blazes dance. You need to kill them and take fire rods from them. You need to collect at least 10 of them so that there is still more in reserve.

Now we go back from hell (sounds cool) to the normal world and now we need at least 15 Enderman pearls - they look like tall black ones and also teleport.

Enderman Eye - Enderman Pearl + Fire Powder

Portal search

Before looking for the portal, you need to have at least 15 endermen eyes, or even more, because to find the nearest portal in end, The Enderman's Eye must be thrown into the air (right click) and it will fly a few meters towards the nearest portal. The portal can actually be very far away, that's why I advise you to go a few more minutes before throwing the Eye again, because after you throw a lot of times the Enderman's Eye burns out, that's why I said at least 15, so when you find the portal you need to have carry 12 more to activate it.

Portal will be located in a dungeon, but this dungeon will be different from others that are made by someone - it will have a couple of corridors, doors, stairs and grates. Below is a picture of the portal that is in the room of such a dungeon. What would teleport to End (End), you need to install 12 Endermen eyes in all slots, in the figure there are already several of them installed. Keep in mind, if the portal is partially destroyed or damaged, then don't waste your eyes, it still won't work.


And now briefly:From Obsidian we make a portal to hell, from hell we take Blaze bars, and combine them with Endermen pearls to get 12 + keys to the End and with the same keys we start looking for a portal to the End.

2nd way how to open a portal to the end in minecraft

It is more simple, I think you should watch this video.

What is interesting in Ende?

The world basically consists of two kinds of block. The first is a unique edge stone, it is blast resistant, and it looks like a cobblestone, but it is white. The second one is obsidian. It is the basis of the landscape of this world. There is always very low lighting in the end, so all players need to be very careful. Remember that there is no admin in the region, and if you dig down, you will fall and fly into the "abyss" and die.

At the end you will meet "wanderers of the end" and the dragon of the end. They will not be as friendly as you would like, but the meeting will be exciting!

The third dimension, it is End, is under itself interesting world Reality Minecraft.
The portal will help the player to go there. You can design it yourself or carefully look around and find the entrance to the mysterious world.

Pros for a player hitting the End
The main reason for teleporting to the End is to defeat the Ender Dragon. For killing this mob, a large amount of experience is given, so you should never miss such a chance.

What does the portal look like and where can I find it?
The portal to the End itself has a bluish color and is located mainly in the fortress. So, getting there, the player must find a room with a pool of lava and stairs leading to the portal. To activate the portal, you need the presence of the "Eye of the Edge". In the design of the portal, they already exist, but in insufficient quantities.

For full activation, you need to add the missing elements - 12 Endermen eyes. The latter are crafted from fire powder and Endermen pearls.

The same component will help you find the portal hidden in the tower. It happens that the eye, when thrown with the right mouse button, shows the path down underground or into the water. Then it is quite possible that the portal is in a cave or under water.

Is it possible to do it yourself?
You can make a portal in creative mode or using standard mode administrative commands. You can apply them by downloading the TooManyItems modification first. For example, to build a portal, you need 12 portal blocks and the same number of endermen eyes. In order to get the required number of them, use the /give item ID 12 (item quantity) command. Accordingly, the block ID is 120, the edge eye ID is 381.