The most amazing and unusual money from around the world. Interesting coins of the world Coin with a piece of the heat shield "Concorde", Tristan da Cunha

Money is considered a necessary attribute of civilization. But if everything was as boring as it sounds, the world would not see such a flight of human imagination, captured in the most ordinary, it would seem, things. We have collected the most interesting coins and money in the world and examples of how they become the subject of art.

The most unusual money in the world

1. Let's start with Disney Dollars.
Walt Disney, who created the world of childhood for several generations, did not forget about the important. In the legendary Disneyland, children run everything, which means that the currency must be appropriate. Equal in value to the US dollar, the Disney dollar was first issued in 1987. The denominations of 1, 5 and 10 Disney dollars correspond to famous cartoon characters - Mickey, Goofy, Minnie. You can pay with them in all parks, resorts, liners and the island of the great Disney.

2. Unusual money of the island of Yap, which is impossible not to notice.
They appeared at the beginning of time and are still used by them today. Heavy discs of worn stone with a large hole in the middle to carry them broke not a single pair of legs.

Their value is determined by the size and number of people who died in the process of transporting them to the island. Yapi does not have their own stones, so they have to transport money from the island of Palau in a canoe.

3. Money smells
Those still inventors live on the island of Palau. A few years ago, they decided to issue a series of coins called "Paradise fragrance". The coin with the image of a coconut was the first to be released and it smelled delicious. Another noteworthy one is from the same series - with an engraving of a surfer who caught a wave. Its fragrance is as fresh as ocean waves.

4. Cameroon Butterfly
Three years ago, a silver coin was issued in Cameroon, recognized as the most beautiful and unusual coin in the world of numismatics. This coin is very valuable, but not in terms of its face value, but in terms of aesthetics. It is engraved with a flower on which an amazing butterfly with colored wings has landed. Looks realistic and voluminous. The technology of its manufacture is kept in the strictest confidence, and the number of issued coins is only 2.5 thousand pieces, so there is a little bit of good.

5. Talking John F. Kennedy is a sample of a coin with an interesting property.
On strange Mongolian coins worth 500 tugriks, John F. Kennedy flaunts. They are equipped with a special button, pressing which reproduces the legendary phrase of the former US president: "I am proud to be a Berliner." It is clear that a series of such coins is extremely small and expensive.

But these interesting coins are not all that the National Bank of Mongolia can boast of. For example, in 2011, they decided to issue a collection series of coins dedicated to endangered animals. This idea met with active support from the world community, and collectible coins were recognized as unusually beautiful. One of the most expressive animals captured in this series is the Ural Owl. The work is done very realistically, the coin is made of the highest standard silver, and the owl's eyes are encrusted with dark Swarovski stones. Now the value of an owl fluctuates between 1500 - 3000 US dollars.

6. Pyramid of Tutankhamen
An interesting coin in the form of a silver pyramid came out of the Pobjoy Mint 5 years ago. This is a tribute to Howard Carter, 70 years since his death at the time. Carter is famous for finding the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings. The image from the walls of the tomb is engraved on the coin. The sun is depicted at the top of the pyramid, and this is a particularly remarkable detail, because grains of sand are interspersed in it, which abound in this very tomb.

7. Coins in the form of guitars
Ten years ago, coins were issued in Somalia, now recognized as the most unusual and original. These are miniature multi-colored guitars, the surface of which is coated with silver, with a denomination of 1 dollar. An extravagant series of coins was issued for the anniversary of rock and roll, for its fiftieth anniversary.

8 Dinosaur Skeleton
One of the latest innovations in modern world Numismatics advocates a coin with the image of a dinosaur.

The fact is that the remains of a prehistoric animal were discovered not so long ago near the province of Alberta. A coin is easy to find in a dark pocket, as the phosphorescent skeleton of a majestic animal is sure to attract attention. On its reverse side is a portrait of Elizabeth 2, which, alas, does not want to phosphoresce.

9. From extreme to extreme
One of the heaviest coins in the world, one of the ten most unusual coins in the world. A coin with a face value of 1 million Canadian dollars weighs a lot - 100 kg., And its alloy is 99.9% pure gold. Until 2011, this treasure rightfully ranked first in the world in terms of its dimensions. But in October 2011, Australia presented something cooler. A giant coin 12 cm thick, 80 cm in diameter and weighing about 1000 kg of pure gold, which replaced its predecessor, was issued at the Perth Mint.

Meanwhile, in Foggy Albion, they came up with and implemented the concept of nano-money. The smallest of the coins boasts a diameter of 750 nanometers (1 nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter). It depicts Queen Elizabeth 2, who, in fact, is the object of the idea - the creation of amazing money was timed to coincide with her diamond jubilee.

10 Chile Mint Misprint
In 2008, something irreparable happened in Chile during the minting of coins. 50 million coins with the inscription "Republic of Chii" became the subject of hunting for modern numismatists and the reason for the dismissal of the head of the Mint of Chile. Today, collectors will have to pay double the price for them.

11. Pound Sterling for the space public.
Ray Bradbury, in his writings, relentlessly placed fears about crossing cosmic boundaries. So far, his fears have not been confirmed and earthlings have not landed on other planets, but there is already a special currency for this case. Cosmic money is designed to withstand possible overloads during future flights, is not subject to interstellar collisions and is completely devoid of sharp edges. The currency is intended to replace irrelevant wire transfers in the future. And it was created by a group of scientists from the National Space Center and the University of Leicester.

12. Virgin Mary of Palau
The Palau Islands have repeatedly surprised the public with their exceptional money. But in 2007 they created something interesting. The $1 silver coin is adorned with the image of the Virgin Mary, and inside the coin there is a reservoir of holy water from Lourdes, a grotto in France. In 2008, another series of coins was released, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin in this grotto.

13. Chewbacca instead of an eagle
The small Pacific nation of Niue is in dire need of money, so it released it to make money. The coins depict the characters of the legendary film saga " star Wars", so fans of the film and collectors will definitely like them. One such unusual coin costs $390.

In 2007, a coin with an unusual shape appeared on the Cook Islands, dedicated to Princess Diana, or rather the decade since her death. As you know, the world loved Diana Spencer very much, and therefore the coin looks like a Valentine. In the shape of a heart and with a portrait of a person of blue blood.

15. Science has stepped forward.
The now popular use of QR codes originated in Japan, and today the Netherlands Mint has released the first coins of its kind with this code. It contains a link to the website of the Dutch Ministry of Finance.

Humanity has long been paying with might and main plastic cards, but here in Canada, for example, they pay with plastic cash. The idea is good because the bill does not wear out over time and is not subject to attacks by counterfeiters.

Inspired by Lego, Designer Mac Funamizu set about creating the so-called prefabricated coins. For example, a dollar coin can be divided into quarters or halves. This idea will solve the age-old problem with an excess or lack of change and make money circulation more interesting.

We all know that it is impossible to count money after sunset, because they are not visible. Therefore, the recently created Luminous Paper Money concept is a solution to this problem. There are several backlight options, they correspond to a certain face value.

As you can see, human imagination is capable of transforming boring reality into something sublime and beautiful. The country has interesting coins, it is a kind of visiting card, an attempt to express feelings, the desire to perpetuate what you love, and of course dreams of a fantastic future. This is demonstrated by the exhibits presented above.

In fact, each country has its own unique currency. On the money are usually depicted portraits of famous people, landmarks or illustrations of historical events. But there are also very unusual banknotes.
This review contains 16 coins and banknotes that are the dream of every numismatist.

1. Silver coin with meteorite fragments, Fiji

In 2012, the Republic of Fiji issued a limited edition of 999 $10 coins made of silver, which contained pieces of the real Neuschwanstein meteorite that fell to Earth on April 6, 2002 near Neuschwanstein Castle, located on the border of Germany and Austria.

2. Banknotes with animals, Belarus

While most countries feature historically important people and symbols on their banknotes, the Belarusian 50 kopeck note features a squirrel, the 1 ruble note features a hare, and a pair of beavers can be found on the 3 ruble note. Banknotes of higher denominations contain images of wolves, lynxes, elks, bears and bison. True, the Belarusian "bunnies" have already been withdrawn from circulation.

3. 100-franc coin with marijuana, Benin

The world's first silver coin depicting marijuana was issued by the government of the West African Republic of Benin. On reverse side The coins have a bright green hemp leaf. When rubbed, the leaf emits a distinct marijuana flavor, which is produced by synthetic additives.

4. 50 pfennig banknote, Germany

The Germans portrayed real social advertising on money. The images on the banknotes were varied - from romantic folklore to social satire, but all very well convey the spirit of the culture of this period in German history. Scary images, such as those on the 50 pfennig banknote, were no exception.

5. Mammoth Fossil Coin, Cote d'Ivoire

Cote d'Ivoire has issued a limited edition 1000-franc coin with tiny fragments of mammoth remains.

SourcePhoto 6Zimbabwe $100 trillion note

In Zimbabwe, at the time of the country's exit from the Second Congo War (1998 - 2003), the confiscation of personal land holdings of white farmers began. This led to hyperinflation, which peaked at 79,600 million percent in November 2008. At that time, the National Bank issued $100 trillion banknotes.

7. Talking coin, Mongolia

The 500 tugrik coins, issued in 2007 in Mongolia, were equipped with a button that, when pressed, played the famous "I am a Berliner" speech by former US President John F. Kennedy.

8. Wooden banknote, Germany

Germany plunged into a deep financial crisis after the First World War. This led the Germans to start issuing their own unofficial currency called "Notgeld" (emergency money). German cities printed currency on everything possible - on wood, aluminum foil, playing cards, in an attempt to circumvent the depreciated value of the German mark.

9. Commemorative coin in honor of the Virgin Mary, Republic of Palau

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the first appearance of the Virgin Mary to Saint Bernadette in the town of Lourdes in southern France in 2008, the Republic of Palau ( West Side Pacific Ocean) released commemorative coin. It has a built-in Lourdes water capsule.

10 Oldest Banknote, China

Paper money was first used by the Chinese, who began introducing banknotes during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). They were used mainly for private bills. Paper notes were in circulation in China for more than 500 years before they began to take root in Europe around the 17th century. The Chinese Kuan of 1380 is the oldest known banknote in the world.

11. Banknote of 100 million billion pengy, Hungary

Hungary's currency, the pengő, has suffered the most high level hyperinflation in history. In 1946, a Hungarian bank issued a 100 million billion pengő note, which was worth only about 20 US cents. In July 1946, the country changed its currency from pengo to forint.

12. Coin with statuette, Easter Island

The most famous landmark of Easter Island was depicted on the coin in a very original way. The silver coin was designed so that miniature idol figurines could be inserted vertically into the slots on the coins, creating a three-dimensional version of the famous Easter Island monuments.

13. Coin with pearl, Republic of Palau

One more original coin A complex design was a coin issued in the Republic of Palau, in which a green freshwater pearl is embedded - a local symbol of good luck and happiness. The coins, which were issued in a limited edition, are also decorated with various types of sea shells.

14. Coin with a piece of the Concord heat shield, Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha, a British territory located on remote volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, issued special series coins in honor of the 20th anniversary of the famous aircraft "Concorde" in 2009. Each coin is gold plated and contains a tiny piece of Concorde's titanium alloy heat shield.

15. The largest banknote, Philippines

The 100,000 peso note was issued by the Central Bank of the Philippines to celebrate the country's centenary in 1998. The banknote measuring 22x35.5 cm was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest banknote, which is legal tender.

16. Leather money, Alaska

In 1799, the Russian-American Company, established in Alaska to develop the natural wealth of these lands, issued leather money. Stamps with a face value of 25, 10, 5, 1 ruble and 50, 25 and 10 kopecks in color resembled Russian banknotes issued by decrees of Catherine II in 1768 and 1787.

I bet that you had no idea that there are SO unusual coins in the world))

Central Bank of the Russian Federation. A three kilogram silver coin and a kilogram gold coin.

Canada has begun issuing a series of unusual coins.
They bear real dinosaur fossils processed using a special technology patented by the Canadian Mint. The skeleton of Duckbill Parasaurolophus is carved on the surface of the first moent. Each coin is individual.
Technical parameters of the coin: Canada, 2007, silver 9999, 1 oz, proof, mintage 20000 copies

Canadian coins with enamel.

Heroes of children's fairy tales, the Three Little Pigs and Sleeping Beauty became the themes of the coins of the Isle of Man

There is a new addition to the family of small gold coins with a symbolic meaning. This time, Palau launches the Shooting Star coin.
One dollar, gold 9999 0.5 grams, Uncirculated diamond

This small (half gram) 9999 gold coin is sure to enchant. Its shape, in the form of a four-leaf clover, should attract good luck, like the coin with a natural four-leaf clover leaf mentioned earlier.

An amazing series of coins from Niue, dedicated to the great artists. Real works of art! Silver925, face value 1 dollar, year of issue 2007

Coin - illusion "Cat in the window", 4000 kwacha, Zambia 2001

Coin dedicated to the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. A visit to the US is highly unusual. Not only does it have a unique shape in the form of a US map, it is also decorated with Zwarovski crystals in the colors of the American flag. Cook Islands, 2008, $5, silver 999, 25 g, edition of 5000 copies, gilding, Swarovski crystals in the colors of the flag USA, proof

Coins in the shape of the Australian continent

Among the novelties of the upcoming 2010, the world's first coin with a volumetric hologram is already distinguished.
The coin is called "Tender Love" with the main design theme in the form of three roses with a holographic coating.

The theme of the coins is the 175th anniversary of the release of the first book of fairy tales by the great Hans Christian Andersen.
Samoa, 2010, 10 dollars, silver 925, 25 g, diameter 38.61 mm, proof, circulation 2500 copies,

Titanium Bicolor Coins. The British Virgin Islands has issued coins that, in addition to using high-tech and unusual material- titanium, two of its oxides are used - golden and blue. The coins have a different color of reverse and obverse.

Coins with inserts of precious and semi-precious stones

Turkish square coins

Oval coins "Flowers of Turkey"

100 Austrian shillings. Silver 900, insert - titanium

Chinese coins in the form of a fan. Series "Chinese calendar", Gold, Silver 999

Coin "I miss you". Silver, enamel, Swarovski crystal

Australia, 2006, a silver coin with a capsule containing miniature replicas of six coins that were legal tender before the introduction of the decimal currency system in Australia

The first coin from the series of outstanding sculptures of the world with an insertion of a miniature sculpture made of real marble

Coin with sound! "I'm proud to be a Berliner!" - when you press the button, the coin reproduces the historical phrase of John F. Kennedy.

Crystal silver coin

Cook Islands, for the 80th anniversary of Benedict XVI, 2007, denomination of 5 dollars, silver 925, 25 g, gilding - gold 999, Swarovski crystals

Coin in memory of John Paul II in the form of a cross with black Swarovski crystals, silver, gilding and Continuing the baton of commemoration of John Paul II, the government of Liberia has issued a very unusual coin. The coin is completely black, except for the gold bas-relief of the Pope.

Transformer coin "Sundial" and compass coin

Set of four coins. The reverses of the coins together make up the word "Cook". The circulation is 1779 sets, i.e. year in which Cooke was killed by natives in Hawaii

Illusion coin. Woman hiding in autumn leaves. Palau, 2008, 5 dollars, silver 925

Coin with inserts of elements of a real meteorite. Silver 925, palladium plated

Continuation of a series of coins with inserts of elements of real meteorites. Martian meteorite. Cook Islands, 2009, 5 dollars, silver 925, 25 g, diameter 38.61 mm, antique coating, copper plating, circulation 2500 copies,

A unique set dedicated to the main milestones in space exploration. The set, housed in a metal "astronaut" case made of aluminum, includes five coins and a capsule with a particle of a lunar meteorite.

The world's first coin in the form of a pyramid with a capsule containing sand from the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, discovered in the Valley of the Pharaohs by the famous English archaeologist Carter in 1922

A unique coin with a thermal image. In the initial state, the coin has a uniform red color. When the coin is heated by hand, the image of a chicken appears

Cook Islands, Egyptian pyramids. Coin-transformer. The tab can be installed vertically on the coin

Sierra Leone, $75. 24 carat gold, purple niobium.

Modern coins of Hungary

Bicolor Niobium Coin

Unique spinning top coin

Marine calendar for 50 years.

Palau, 2009, 5 dollars, silver 999. Braille alphabet, raised dots on the coin mean "2009".

Coin with butterfly pattern

4 triangular coins stacked like a puzzle

The Central Bank of the Congo has issued three coins dedicated to the biblical story of the three Magi who bring gifts to the newborn Jesus. These coins are unusual in that each of them has inserts corresponding to these gifts: gold, myrrh and frankincense.

Stunningly unusual coin issued in Niue. When you press the coin, the built-in light bulb lights up, repeating the forum of the first electric incandescent lamp invented by Edison.
Coin with a built-in light source "Edison", denomination $1, year of issue 2005 , PROOF, mintage 2500 , silver.925, weight 38.61

Coin with concave relief

"Commonwealth Games", three-metal coin: gold, silver, copper.

An unusual turquoise titanium coin dedicated to the world's first misprint on postage stamp Western Australia in 1855

Canadian coins with hologram

Coins with a pattern of horses

For the upcoming year of the Tiger, according to the eastern calendar, Libera has released a set of colored rectangular coins. 4 coins, each: 5 dollars, silver 99.9, 20 g, size 56 * 25 mm, proof, mintage 8000 copies,

This coin is an amazing gift to remind you of a past vacation! She smells like the sea!

Coin with the heavenly smell of the sea!

Palau, 2010, 5 dollars, silver 925, 25 g, diameter 38.61 mm, proof, 2500 pieces

Silver coin with gold rectangular insert.

Series "Dangerous Animals" Tuvalu, 1 dollar, silver 999

A coin that combines beauty, history, symbolism, Orthodoxy. Icon of Our Lady of Kazan. Cook Islands, 2009, 5 dollars, silver 999, 25 g, size 30*38 mm, proof, circulation 2500 copies,

Another case of using wood in the production of coins.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. Art by Andrei Rublev. A unique coin with a removable wooden overlay in the form of an icon. Cook Islands, 2008, 5 dollars, silver 999, 25 g., size 30/38 mm, circulation 2500 copies, proof

Like the original, the icon of the Holy Trinity, as well as its incarnation in silver, evoke admiration for its refined beauty.

Coin of the Cook Islands, 2010, $5, silver 999, 25 g, size 30*38 mm, proof, mintage of only 2500. This coin will become a rarity for many years.

Coin with a capsule of holy water from the source of Lourdes.

Coin with carbon insert from a real Formula 1 car - Ferrari F2008. Cook Islands, 2009, 5 dollars, silver 500, 25 g, diameter 38.61 mm, proof,

The Cook Islands have released a set of coins that can be called the smallest in the world. Three coins of silver and gold 999 have a weight of 0.12 grams each

Australia has released a series of coins-amulets "Fortune". "Longevity". "Success". "Wealth".

A series of coins "Mythological Chinese Characters". Australia, 2009, 1 Australian dollar, 99.9 silver, 1 oz, size 47.60 x 27.40, 4 mm thick, color image, the coin is packed in a bright booklet.

Today I present two amazing coins with amber, real works of art

Australia made a stunning New Year's gift to collectors. Two new coins with loose precious stones The clear capsule now contains Kimberley diamonds. The coin was issued in silver and gold, proof quality.

And a bit of humor: in Russia they sawed out and installed the largest wooden monument to the ruble. He appeared on June 10, 2008 in the city of Tomsk. A wooden ruble weighing 250 kilograms and measuring more than two meters is installed on one of the squares for the traditional city event - the Tomsk Carnival. The wooden ruble is made in a realistic manner on a scale of 1:100. The organizers of the festival have already applied for the wooden ruble to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Elegant and full of great meaning coin issued by Nauru - Guardian Angel

Canadian designers have decided that single-color coins are a relic of the past, and have created a series of unusual colored coins with holograms. This is a step into the future.

But the designers who worked on the image of Turkish coins decided that the main thing is not the color, but the shape, so their one-color coins are cut in the form of squares and ovals with nice chasing on both sides.

Coins made of gold and silver, made in the form of a fan so popular in China. They belong to the "Chinese calendar" series, each is packed in a separate box, and then in a case.

And in Belarus, fans of the work of Alexandre Dumas will be able to find something to their liking. Namely, a series of souvenir coins based on the "Three Musketeers". Yes, four silver coins they depict four inseparable friends, each has zirconium of a certain color attached to the sword, and behind his back is an enamel painting depicting what was dear to each of them. Interestingly, the set is packaged in a special case in the form of a book. The certificate is attached.

New Zealand has its favorite books. So, everyone knows that Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed mainly in New Zealand, so the state decided to skim off this fact as much as possible. Therefore, a series of souvenir coins was issued depicting the main characters of this trilogy. Both silver and gold coins were minted.

And souvenir coins of Somalia can hardly even be called coins. Souvenirs - that's all...

The same applies to coins made in the Congo. Both wooden ones, issued with a slogan in defense of animals, and silver ones, with inserts of gold, incense and myrrh, which symbolize the gifts brought to little Jesus by the three wise men.

Islands are small planets separate worlds with its laws and charters, thinking and way of life. This is exactly what you think when you look at the amazingly unusual coins issued on the islands.

From here: 1, 2

We all produce every day certain payments, and money has become a familiar medium of exchange for us. Perhaps everyone is wondering what money was in the past.

However, today we will not talk about ordinary money that people used before, but we will talk about the most unusual money in the world, both ancient and modern.

The most unusual and interesting money in the world

The largest coin

American artist-sculptor Stanley Witten created a coin that set a record simultaneously for several characteristics: size, weight and face value. This coin was issued by the Canadian National Bank and has a denomination of one million US dollars. This authentic piece of art features the Canadian Maple Leaf symbol on one side and the image of Canada's Queen Elizabeth II on the back. This coin weighs a centner and consists almost entirely of pure gold. There are 15 such coins in total, and all of them are in personal collections.

most valuable coin

On this moment the most expensive coin in the world is a coin issued in the 30s of the 20th century. Its face value is only $20, but it left a New York auction for $7 million in 2008. The lucky owner of the unique coin wished to remain anonymous.

The lightest coin

The lightest coin in the world is the coin of Nepal, which was issued in 1740 and consists of silver. The weight of the coin is only 0.002 grams.

The most beautiful coin

The Mexican coin of 2005 was recognized as the most attractive outwardly coin. It is made entirely of silver and features the Mexican coat of arms on one side and the Aztec calendar on the other side. The decision that this particular coin will bear the proud title of the most beautiful in the world was made by the commission of the World Conference of Mints in 2008.

The smallest banknote

The banknote, which was issued at the beginning of the 20th century in Romania, can be easily confused with a tram ticket - after all, its size is just over 3 centimeters.

The largest banknote

But the largest banknote in size was in use already in the 14th century in China. Its long side is 33 centimeters.

Banknote of the largest denomination

The Hungarian banknote, which appeared in the 1940s, is the largest banknote in denomination. It is a sextillion pengö (Hungarian currency from 1927 to 1946).

wooden coins

But in the Republic of the Congo, the legal medium of exchange is a wooden coin, the release of which began in 2005. Maple wood was chosen for the manufacture of such coins. Obviously, the creators tried to give the coin some kind of social character, since the inscription on it calls for the protection of animals, and there is also an image of a gorilla on both sides.

fiber money

In 1944-1945 in Japan, in the region of Manchuria, coins made of reddish-brown fiber were used. The use of just such a material for coins was a necessary measure, since the metal reserves were on the verge of extinction.

The oldest paper banknote

- the first country in which money began to be used from the material to which we are accustomed - from paper. It happened at the end of the 1st century AD. The money of that period, unfortunately, has not survived to our times. The most ancient paper money that has survived to this day looks like this:

African money sticks

Until the 20th century, the inhabitants of some parts of Africa used money in their everyday life, which are small iron sticks. They were called “kissy” money. For convenience, they were often used in whole bundles, which had an equal number of sticks.

bullet coins

For almost two hundred years, since the 18th century, bullet coins have been in use. In appearance, such coins resembled a small uneven ball of silver. Each coin had the name of the king and his dynasty.

geometric money

Lovers of the right geometric shapes a direct road to Somalia - coins are issued there in the form of a cylinder, cone, ball and cube.

Coins-motorcycles, -guitars and -cars

Such coins, which can also be found in Somalia, are more like key chains or small souvenirs.

diamond coin

In the UK in 2012, a tiny diamond coin was issued with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. The coin is only 750 nanometers in diameter.

Coins for space tourists

Laster University, in collaboration with the US National Space Center, has issued coins intended for use exclusively in outer space. Coins, called Quid, are not used on Earth. Such money is endowed with a special level of overprotection and can withstand any cosmic load.

"Holy" coin

On the island of Palau in 2007, a one-dollar silver coin was issued. Its peculiarity is that a small container with holy water extracted from a French holy spring is attached to the coin.