World of tank quick commands. How to write a message in World of Tanks (WoT)? The solution is a compromise

AT WoT battles often in the chat you can see phrases like “Gentlemen, it’s time to take the enemy’s base” or “Don’t prop it up” or something along the lines of “Are you transparent? Stand back, I'm hitting right through" this is nothing more than a mod for the game. This mod is called "Customizable combat menu". What is a customizable combat menu or as it is often called a chamomile of commands for the World Of Tanks online game and how to set it up, read in this article.

Customizable combat menu

... and what it is eaten with ...

Where to download first?
Well, there is no definite answer here, everyone downloads to their taste, either a mod pack which includes this mod, or a separate Custom Menu mod and installs it according to the instructions.

The name of this mod speaks for itself, that's just why no one sets it up hmm ..?! Maybe deer?? Or crabs??? Yes nah…. they just can't

Well, let's learn...

We need a file RadialMenu.xml. You can find it along the way: your computer:\your drive\WorldOfTanks\res_mods\current client version\scripts\client\gui\scaleform\ or somewhere deeper, depending on whether you installed a mod pack or a separate mod. (in my case, it was a mod pack and the RadialMenu.xml file was deeper). If you cannot find this file, then use the standard Windows search.

Next, open it with our favorite notepad Notepad++. It is with this program that it is desirable to open all mod files, because. it does not change the file encoding. If you do not have it installed, then download, for example from here or from the official site, well, or from the Yandex disk and install.

Opening a file RadialMenu.xml we see a lot of obscure text… hmm… but we want to learn how to edit the customizable combat menu, so let's look further. Let's take these lines as an example:

To capture! Attack %(randpart)s Steer sharper to capture! We need to take the base! All to capture! Now we need to take the base! The time has come! You can not fight - run to capture the base! team

Aha… something is already looming…
The tags contain the name of the team.

In the tag - there is an icon displayed with the command rose.

I hope you don't need to explain the tags?

Command (macro) %(randpart)s do not touch, this is a command (macro) of the great Chinese random 😉 which (th) displays a random command enclosed in tags.
But everything that is written between the tags can be changed to your taste.

Tags - display mode or write to the command team or everyone All.

Valid icon names:
[ 'Attack', 'Yes', 'Helpme', 'Backtobase', 'No', 'Reload',
'Followme', 'Turnback', 'Helpmeex', 'Stop', 'Support', 'AttackSPG' ]

Valid command names:

Macros supported in the message text:
%(name)s - the name of the player whose tank is aimed at
%(vehicle)s — vehicle type name
%(clan)s - clan name
%(viewPos)s - the square where the camera is pointing
%(ownPos)s - square where own tank is located
%(randpart)s - random string from the list in the tag
%(reload)s - remaining gun reload time, in seconds
%(ammo)s - the number of unused shells in the drum

For example, how one of the commands I have redone:

Attack in a square Attack %(randpart)s Fighters, help in this square IMHO, you need to go in that direction We press this flank team %(viewPos)s

No need to explain why well-coordinated team game is the key to success in battle. Invite your friends, team up with other players in platoons and work together to win brilliant victories!

Communication with the team

Combat Chat

Use combat chat to coordinate with allies. It is displayed above the vehicle status panel.

— combat chat activation. Now you can write a message.

Press Enter again to send a chat message to the entire team.

Quick Commands

For instant messaging with allies, there is a function of quick commands.

Hold down the Z key to bring up the quick command menu, and move the mouse to define the desired command. Allies will see your message in combat chat.

The shortcut menu can display three types of commands:

  • Basic commands for all allies- for example, "I need help!".
  • Teams to aim at an ally. You can ask a player on your team to follow you or, for example, retreat.
  • Commands for aiming at the enemy. In addition to the standard set of commands, you can use the command "Support with fire!" and inform allies that you are attacking a specific vehicle and need help.

Chat Rules

According to the Game Rules, it is not allowed to use obscene language in the chat, bombard allies with uninformative messages or quick commands, or distract or insult players in any other way.

Messages in the game chat are monitored, and violation of the rules is punishable by blocking the chat or even the account. Remember, in-game chat is a tool for communicating with the team, not a battlefield. Respect each other!

Game with friends


Do your friends also play World of Tanks? Have you met strong players in battle and want to keep in touch with them? Add them to your contact list to know when your friends are in the game and chat with them.

To find and add a player to your contact list:

Platoon game

A Platoon is a formation of two or three players that always goes into battle on the same team. Well-coordinated play in a platoon increases the overall chance of victory and allows team-players to perform various combat missions.

You can assemble a platoon in the Hangar.

To invite players to a platoon:

  1. Click Create Platoon to the left of the Battle!
  2. In the window Invite to form select players from your contact list and click Invite . If the player you want is not in your contact list, press Search outside contacts.
  3. Click Ready! Wait for the player to accept your invitation and also confirm their readiness to fight.
  4. Click Fight! to go with a platoon into battle.

You can team up with allies during the battle. It is calleddynamic platoon.

To create a dynamic platoon:

If you decide to revoke the invitation, hold down Ctrl and click right click mouse by player name. Select Revoke invitation.

If you were invited to a platoon, you will receive a notification in the combat chat. On the team panel, an icon will appear to the left of the name of the player who invited you. To accept the invitation, hold Ctrl and click on this icon. Now you are in a platoon!

In world of tanks, there is not, has not been and will not be balancing players in teams according to their level of play. At least that's what the developers say. But we know that their official position can be as changeable as a spring wind in February.

Naturally, the skill level of world players of tanks can vary from phenomenal to almost zero. Unfortunately, the level of the tank here does not always affect the distribution. Sometimes the battles of the tenth level amaze with such mistakes, which not everyone makes even at the first levels. From this follows the fact that victory can be determined not so much by the actions of tanks in battle, but by the basic distribution of good and bad players on teams.

Today we will discuss this topic, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the system of balancing by the level of the game. Do not expect in this article on www. To believe it or not is again a separate question, because conspiracy theories are so attractive and often true.


It is bad when the outcome of the event is already predetermined from the outset. As part of computer game- this is not fatalism, but a very boring situation. It makes sense then to play if the question of victory or defeat has already been decided in absentia by the wot team balancer. It is even sadder when the difference in the level of the players of one team exceeds by an order of magnitude, then we observe very fleeting battles.

The losing team does not have time to do anything useful, just merge. Such situations are commonly referred to as "turbosleaves" or "turbo-damages". With regret for the site, I note that with the growth of the popularity of the game, such battles occur more and more often, especially during the period of powerful promotions. Indeed, if the deer team fights with good players, then even the chances of winning are very good player, accidentally found himself in a team of weak players, will not.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I’m not calling for you to immediately give up, based on the statistics of the players of your own and enemy teams. Firstly, statistics often lie, because many purposefully stuff statistics for themselves, but they don’t really know how to play. There are also occasions when weak players win, but this rarely happens. Even for such an accident, it is necessary that the bias in the average level for the teams is not too serious.

The main problem is not even the fact that the outcome of the fight is very predictable, the whole problem is the quality of the game. Such a fleeting battle (turbo drain) is equally unpleasant both on the part of the losing team and on the part of the winners. There is no pleasure in such battles, and there will not be, because there is not even a hint of a fight.

The solution suggests itself, you need to introduce a system for choosing opponents according to the level of the game. A similar system operates in the second Starcraft, no one complains. That is, your opponents will pick up a player who is approximately equal to you in level. They began to play better - the opponents became stronger, it is always interesting to win, there is always a chance to win too. There is a so-called ladder system.


But such a ladder system (the principle of a ladder, gradual strengthening of opponents, steps) has its drawbacks, as well as world features of tanks, which theoretically prevent its introduction into the game. In fact, in singles it is interesting to compete with those whose level of play is comparable to yours, otherwise the game will get boring very quickly, there will be either easy victories or fatal defeats.

But world of tanks is a command online game, so it is important average level team games, taking into account the levels of tanks (if there are weak players on the top tanks, this will greatly reduce the chances of winning). This simplifies the situation, but if the skew is strong, it will be the same. What we observe in the form of fatal defeats and easy victories, where you can not even reach the enemies in time.

With the selection of teams completely of the same level, the battles will become boring. After all, equivalent opponents will confront you, and the price of a mistake can greatly increase. There is also a possibility that the fights will be even more boring, but here I see a problem in general on game balance, not in the matchmaking system. But the main negative feature of the ladder system in wot is its deviation from the developers.

KVG openly and explicitly states that there will be no consideration of the level of players in the selection of teams. In part, they explain their decision with the same arguments that I indicated just above. There is no democracy in the world of tanks, the players have no rights, the whole game is only in the power of the KVG. So for those who want to change something in wot, I can recommend choosing , since such ones are now available. Here we either use the product or refuse it, the developers do not provide other options.


But many have already got used to not taking the word of the KVG, there are quite obvious reasons for this. But we will not analyze them today on the pages of, there is a separate article on the site about the perfidy and hypocrisy of developers. As for the selection of teams, many people began to notice that if the percentage of victories on vehicles gradually goes up, then then they will be destined to be part of teams of players so weak that they can no longer influence the outcome of the battle.

There are also suggestions that if you win on a tank, then in the next battle there is a higher chance of getting down the list of teams, from where it is already more difficult to influence the victory, especially for slow and heavy tanks. This theory was confirmed in the user agreement of the game and according to some semi-secret data. Other theories exist at the level of rumors and speculation.

There are varieties of such an idea that the more battles a tank has, the less likely it is to get into the top team, this idea is especially relevant for premium tanks (only bought - you will be in the top, then at the bottom of the team list). But here I would not go further in my assumptions, excessive fantasy leads away from the truth no worse than its complete absence.

Is the solution a compromise?

Still, the popularity of the world of tanks has reached unprecedented heights, and learning the game is not at all necessary. It is important for developers that there are many players online, as well as that they donate as much as possible, that is, they invest more real money in Game. That is, KVG is of interest to online players and donations, all other indicators are of less interest to them. A simple confirmation of this theory is the terribly low average level of players, and its dynamics is negative.

So more and more often any player on the team will be surrounded by frankly weak players. Many will play in platoons more often, and they bring their own imbalance to the game. So the number of uninteresting battles, where it is problematic to do anything, will increase. The solution can be compromise option when opponents will be selected not according to the personal level of the game, but according to the team. That is, as before, weak and strong players will be on the same team, but opponents will have a similar composition in the team.


I would like to end the article on this constructive and somewhat ambiguous note. But it will have to end on a pragmatic note. Developers are unlikely to do anything in this direction, since this makes little practical sense for them, online in the game is only growing, wot owners also do not complain about income. So, in terms of the balance of teams in terms of the level of play, everything will remain the same, in any case, no changes are planned. If this situation annoys you a lot, it’s easier just not to play World of Tanks.

Communication is one of the main components of any online game. Millions of users are fighting in World of Tanks, and often during the battle you need to tell your allies some information, ask them for help, or just ask a question. For these purposes, a special game chat is provided in the game client, but in addition to it, any owner of a game account in the World of Tanks can write messages in the topics of the official game forum, as well as communicate in a private conversation with another player in the hangar. How to write a message in World of Tanks to another player or team?

So, as you understand, any player has three ways of text communication with other users. To write a message in the in-game chat of the game, after the start of the countdown or during the battle, press the Enter button on the keyboard and start typing the text of the message. Press Enter again to send the message.

If you want the enemy team to see your message in addition to the allies, then click the "TAB" button: the inscription "To everyone" will appear to the left of the text input box.

To negotiate within a platoon, double-click TAB until "Platoon" appears.

How to write a message in WoT in a private channel? After authorization in the client, you can communicate with any World of Tanks player. Would you like to start a chat with a friend? Click the first icon below, left-click on a friend's nickname and select "Create a private channel" in the context menu.

In the new window, enter the text and confirm sending the message with the Enter button.

If you want to write a message to a player who is not in the contact list, use the search for contacts in the same menu and create a private channel.

In addition, you can communicate with players on the World of Tanks forum, which is available at . Open the forum address in the browser, click the "Login" button at the top. On the new page, enter the data from your game account: mailbox and password for World of Tanks. After authorization, select a topic and write your question or message to forum users in the quick response window.

Remember that in the game chat and private channel, obscene expressions are not particularly punished, but this is severely punished on the game forum. As a result, observe moral norms and principles, do not insult the players, both on the forum and in battle. No one knows who is on the other side of the screen - an adult, a schoolboy, a student or a child. Good luck and good communication!

→ Teams in world of tanks

All teams in world of tanks are focused on only one thing - the interaction between allies. Each of the fifteen tanks in the team is part of a team, albeit not very close-knit. You must use wot commands in order to help yourself or your allies by calling for help in time or by performing other actions. After you have purchased your second / third / hundredth tank, you must know the commands in game world of tanks. If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter, in this article we will talk about all the commands and think about using the general chat.

F2 - attack! As the name suggests, in wot team allows you to give a signal to your allies, which calls for an attack. Use carefully and only when you are sure you can push through the required flank. There are some individuals who, even with a large advantage of the opponent, throw this team into the wot battle chat and go forward, hoping that all the other allies on the team will follow them.

F3 - to the base! In the game, the battle can end for several reasons, and one of them is the capture of the base. Therefore, the developers implemented this command in world of tanks. I often witnessed a heartbreaking drama: more than half of our team goes forward, despite the fact that the firefly captures the base. Everyone thinks that there is a player who will turn back, but since everyone thinks about it, no one is going to break the capture. When this team appears in the world of tanks, I advise you to immediately look at the capture indicator, and if enemies are circling at the base, then immediately turn around and go to shoot down the capture.

F4 - follow me! A useless feature that gets boring in every fight. Of the fifteen players, at least one will imagine himself Napoleon and will convulsively urge to go after him. Whether it is necessary? Doubtful...

F5 - that's right! A rather useful command in wot, with which you can understand where the main allied forces will go. Napoleon shouts "follow me!" - and immediately several answers - "so exactly." They're going to pasture...

F6 - no way! The same as F5, but only the other half of the players do not want Napoleon to become emperor and categorically declare this by clicking “no way” several times.

F7 - need help! In wot, almost all commands are pretty useless, but this one looks different. Look closely, and if someone needs help, it is not in vain. It can be artillery swirling with a firefly or a tank that cannot defend an entire flank alone. You need to pay close attention to this team, because you always need to help, this is the key to team play.

Using Chat in Combat

Combat use wot chat necessary not only for whining and mating other players, as you thought. You can also write meaningless emoticons, command or play Vanga and Nostradamus, speaking in a general chat before the start of the battle: “Drain !!!”. But what am I talking about, we are seriously talking here ... But seriously, the combat chat in wot game can and should be used. Ask for help from the artillery, tell me where the enemy artillery tracer came from, warn about the planned light, ask the allies to destroy the light... As you can see, the chat can be used for good purposes. Of course, during a hot fight, the chat is filled with meaningless screams, but if you catch the moment, then your message will be seen. And not only will they see, but, perhaps, they will help or listen to wise advice. Using the wot combat chat is recommended for everyone, but if you continue to clog the channel with rubbish, it will only get worse.