Fallout 4 mass fusion map. War booty. Enter the reactor compartment

In this small guide you will find the passage of one of the most difficult story missions in Fallout 4 - "Mass Fusion". But before fulfilling this mission, it is worth considering: do you want to leave the institute safe and sound, but at the same time lose your friendship with the Brotherhood of Steel? If you like the second faction, then when this quest appears, you need to contact the paladins and tell them about the purpose of the quest. In this case, the quest will be interrupted, and a new mission will begin - "Military booty". But we'll talk about it another time. Now you are waiting for the passage Fallout quests 4 "Mass Fusion", available if you choose to support the Institute.


Before you can start a task, you need to find it somewhere. However, this usually happens in Fallout game 4. Where does Mass Fusion come from? This quest will appear after completing the mission "The New Face of Mankind". After the end of this mission, the player will receive a message that he needs to contact Dr. Ellie Fillmore, who will tell you about a trip to the Mass Fusion building. In this location, you have to remove the nuclear reactor, which will provide the Institute with electricity for many years to come. After talking with Ellie, go to the center of the Institute, go upstairs using the elevator, to the teleporter that led you to this building.

Preparing for a Mission

Before completing this task, you should seriously stock up on first-aid kits, cartridges, durable armor and lethal weapons. After all, the passage Fallout quest 4 Mass Fusion Will Make You sworn enemy Brotherhood of Steel, and this is quite a formidable opponent. It is also imperative to take a large amount of anti-radiation drugs and appropriate armor with you, since your path lies through rooms with a large background.

Let's go to the destination

Using the teleport main character will be on the roof of the building, and from the very first second he will have to enter into a rather hot battle. After the battle, go to the room with the stairs and the elevator. To go further, you need to find a pass and a hologram with a password, without which it is impossible to continue the passage of the Fallout 4 "Mass Fusion" quest. Where is the pass? Finding him is quite simple, he lies on a table decorated with the logo of the building, next to it is a cassette with a recording.

It is worth noting that you can find these items only when passing story mission Mass Fusion. And if you, traveling through the wasteland, accidentally wandered into this building, then you will not be able to go further than the elevator, because the password card appears only with a quest marker.

In search of a reactor

Go to the terminal with the marker and open it with the password. After reading the message, you will receive a task to go down to the basement. This can only be done using an elevator. It will be a rather difficult descent, because the mechanism moves very slowly, and the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel will attack you from all sides. This is where all the stocks of cartridges and first-aid kits will come in handy.

At one of the levels, the elevator will get stuck, and you will need to run to a rusty switch on the wall. Pulling it, you will start the lifting mechanism again, after which you can continue the passage of the Fallout 4 "Mass Fusion" quest and go to the basement.

Mission Final

Below you will find a room with a wide panoramic window overlooking the center of the nuclear reactor. Go through the door on the left. There will be a huge level of radiation in the next room, and if you haven’t stocked up on the necessary armor, then a suit can help protect you a little, which can be found in a box outside the door, along with anti-radiation drugs. We go into the dressing room, by pressing the desired button, we activate the cleaning. Now the life of the protagonist depends on the speed of our actions, because from that moment on you will begin to receive a huge dose of radiation every second. We quickly move to the stairs on the right, go up and, by pressing the lever, we extract the core of the reactor. After that, as soon as possible, we run out of the room and close the doors with the button.

Do not think that this is where all the adventures are over. Ahead of us is a battle with a robot armed with a gatling laser and a protectron. In order not to fight with them at the same time, it is better not to leave the dressing room yet, because a large robot will not be able to enter here, and the Protectron is not so strong. After defeating them, get ready for the appearance of two gunships. It is quite difficult to fight them, so do not go on the attack. It is better to maneuver and run away, shooting back, while watching the charging of lasers on their heads. After defeating this technique, you will encounter a couple more turrets, but they are not that strong.

We leave for the elevator and begin our ascent: on the first floor, the hero will witness the battle between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute. And here there are two options for further action: we can stay to help the allies, which is optional, or proceed upstairs. Returning to the Institute, we talk with Ellie, to whom we hand over our task "Mass Fusion" (Fallout 4). The passage of this quest is completed, but we have many more adventures in the wasteland.

This is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. Take as much antiradium, stimulants, mines and RPG shots with you on this quest!

1. Talk to Ellie Fillmore.
Ellie will say that recent events have slightly disrupted their schedule and now the number one task is to start the reactor that Sean was talking about as soon as possible.

Our task is to go to the Mass Fusion building and get a beryllium impeller. This contraption will increase the power of the reactor and allow it to start up faster than planned. We ride the elevator, which is located in the center of the Institute to the last floor.

2. Teleport to Mass Fusion.
Upon entering the teleport, you will see a message: “If you teleport to Mass Fusion, you will forever become an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel.” We answer in the affirmative.

3. Find Beryllium Impeller.
You teleport to the roof. There will be several knights of the brotherhood, including those in power armor.

How to deal with them, take the password of the head of "Mass Fusion" and the certificate of the head of "Mass Fusion" from the desk.

We rise to the second floor to the terminal of the research laboratory. We open the document dated 07/30/77 in it and see that the impeller is installed in the main reactor at sublevel 01.

4. Infiltrate the reactor level.
We jump into the elevator and go down shooting the members of the fraternity.

5. (Optional) Restore elevator power.
The guards turn off the electricity. Find the switch and turn it back on.

But before you get back into the elevator, run along the terminals and take the Science Tests magazine on the table, it will give you "Energy weapons deal 5% more critical damage."

6. Unlock Reactor.
We sit down again in the elevator and go down to the floor with the main reactor. There, first you enter the purification chamber, which saves you from radiation, and then the doors to the reactor itself open.

7. Pick up Beryllium Impeller.
I went through this place like this: as soon as the door opened, I ran up to the ascent (this place is on the screen below) and injected myself with 3 anti-radians and 3 stimulants there. Here the radiation level is 97.

Having run to the very reactor, he injected the same dose again. Here the radiation level is 157.

He pressed the button, injected 2 more antiradinas and stimulants. He took the impeller, ran back a little, injected 2-3 injections again, jumped down, ran into the cleaning chamber and pressed the button for closing the doors there. And only now, when I am writing this article, I thought that it would be nice to take glad-x before entering the room with the reactor..

8. Eliminate the guards at the reactor.
As soon as the doors of the cleaning chamber open on the ceiling, the turret is activated - kill it and immediately throw a mine at the place where I am standing in the screenshot below. And run run into the room under the stairs that I'm looking at.

Because you will be attacked by a security robot. This is probably the most dangerous enemy in the entire game. He will lose part of his health by running into your mine, and demolish the rest by shooting at him from an RPG.

As soon as you kill him, two assaultrons will attack you (we already fought with one of these when we went for the serum for Virgil). The strategy here is this - after the death of the guard, immediately inject yourself with stimulants, run out of this room and throw a few more mines in the same place. After that, go back to this room and wait for the shabby assault guns ..

I recorded the passage of the reactor on video and the battle with the security robot after it.

9. Leave Mass Fusion.
We go down the elevator to the first floor. On the way to the elevator, you will probably meet a robot and one turret on the ceiling.

10. (Optional) Help the Institute agents in the lobby.
Although this is not a mandatory part of the quest - I advise you to help. You will not have any special difficulties there, but you will collect clothes and cartridges from corpses.

11. Talk to Ellie Fillmore.
We teleport to the Institute, run to the dressing room of higher systems and turn in Ellie's quest. For this task, we will be given 708 experience. Quest completed!

Next quest: Trapped

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Mass Fusion - Fallout 4: full walkthrough quest for the Institute + video. Note. Completing this mission will break even the strongest and most friendly relations with the Brotherhood of Steel. If you would like to remain loyal to the Brotherhood, then you must inform them of this assignment. This will automatically fail the "Mass Fusion" quest and trigger the "Spoils of War" mission.

Walkthrough Mass Fusion quest

After completing The New Face of Humanity quest, talk to Ellie Fillmore, who will inform you of the next objective. You have to go to a place with strong radioactive radiation, so you need to have as many anti-radians as possible on your hands (at least a dozen pieces) or go on a mission in power armor.

Head to the top of the Institute and use the teleporter to teleport to Mass Fusion. Get ready to fight members of the Brotherhood of Steel. Follow the marker on the map, which is heading towards the research laboratory terminal. Get the password from a nearby holographic recording and don't forget to pick up the ID card from the nearby table. Using the terminal, find out that the next destination is in the basement. Jump into the cylindrical elevator and ride it down.

Follow the markers on the radar to the Mass Fusion key lab, and then go into the lab itself. After the disinfection procedure is completed, go to the room with the reactor and unlock the object. Take it and take the elevator back. Leave the building, return to Ellie Fillmore, in a conversation with whom you will complete the quest.

When you start to slowly bring the storyline to the end, then for sure you will have to arrange a mass battle against one or another faction, this time we will take up against the Brotherhood of Steel.

Fallout 4: Mass Fusion quest walkthrough

Although the Nobility have become quite a strong faction, not everyone is ready to adopt their ideology. Therefore, often many players choose a completely different path of their adventure and often become enemies of this faction. And this means that you are waiting for the passage of Mass Fusion in Fallout 4 - interesting quest, which will start a mass opposition of factions. And what is most interesting, this quest is connected with the Institute, a faction of scientists who have defended well given place from the encroachments of strangers. More precisely, not they themselves, but their original organizers. And now you need to get there in order to get the treasured and very important equipment called the beryllium impeller. But before starting this adventure, you need to understand where is Mass Fusion in Fallout 4 on the map? Finding it will not be so difficult, just get into Boston and you will see the tallest building, this is the necessary destination.

Interesting adventure

Unfortunately, we cannot provide a Mass Fusion map in Fallout 4, but you can teleport to Mass Fusion in Fallout 4 in full. It is enough to find again the place of the teleport that you used to teleport to the institute. After the appearance of a certain quest, she will be able to transfer you to this building. As soon as you enter the Mass Fusion building in Fallout 4, you will need to find a special key that gives access to the elevator. It is he who will be able to deliver you to the reactor, where you will find the desired item. At first, you will find yourself in the Mass Fusion warehouse in Fallout 4, where you need to find a room with a destroyed floor. It is there that you can answer your question: where to find the Mass Fusion pass in Fallout 4. It is enough to find a table under the red symbols of this organization. After that, you can get into the elevator, which transports you to the right place.

If at first it seems to you that this is a fairly simple quest, then you should not be so mistaken. You will find a fierce confrontation between the members of the Nobility of Steel and an unpleasant surprise in the reactor itself. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of these events, we recommend that you arm yourself well and prepare for a confrontation that will be unpredictable and fierce. It is better to take with you the maximum ammunition, the best weapons and armor in order to be able to survive. Everything else will depend on your actions and decisions to be made instantly and as confidently as possible, we wish you good luck!

Note #1: In this task, you will have to choose to do the task as the Institute wants, or to help the subway. The task will be completed in any case if you help the subway, then the Father will say that it will be more difficult for him to convince the board of directors that we are "their own person." If you don't help the subway they won't say anything. AT this passage only the side of the Institute will be selected. The option of passing the line for the subway will be published separately.

Note #2: This mission will be quite intense in city battles, and the load on the graphics card will be much higher than usual. If you sometimes experience stuttering we recommend lowering the graphics quality for the duration of this task.

The Institute again gives the task to return the escaped synths. This time at once a group of four.

The task will have two markers one for meeting with X4-18 and completing the task, the second to inform the subway about the impending capture. If you want to help the subway go to them first.

Meet X4-18:

If you want to help the subway kill him.

If you want to return the synths we go to Bunker Hill. Three sides will fight on the spot at once: the subway, the synths of the institute and the Brotherhood of Steel. The first and second did not attack me. Perhaps if you start the line of the Brotherhood of Steel, then the soldiers of the Brotherhood will not be hostile.

In this task, you can practically not fight with anyone ignoring everyone, you run around the fence from the opposite side you will opened door we run inside, and immediately go down into the hatch, down.

Inside there will also be a “mash of all against all” again, you can ignore everyone and run further to the final room with synths.

Now you need to talk to each synth, after his answer there will be a choice say a code phrase and turn off the synth, or let him go. The choice is yours.

In any case, after that we go to the roof of the old institute and talk with our father.

It is worth noting that the Father considers all "terrestrial" inhabitants to be doomed, and only the Institute can give humanity hope for a brighter future. He considers the members of the subway to be fanatics seeking to destroy the Institute, and there can be no question of any friendship with them.

After the conversation, the task ends.

The new face of humanity

Father will tell you that we need to attend a meeting of directors teleport to the Institute.

We meet our father, and we go with him to the board of directors, we sit down.

After some introductory phrases, the Father will move on to the main thing his days are coming to an end, and we will succeed him as the leader of the Institute. The directors will be shocked, but the Father will say that this is not discussed.

After talking, the task ends.

Mass Fusion

The objective of this mission is to infiltrate the old reactor and take the beryllium impeller.

We meet with Ellie, we talk, she will say that she is coming with us. After that, we go to the central elevator, climb it and go to the room where we teleported to the Institute for the first time.

Standing in the center will be a warning continuing this quest will permanently make you an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We agree.

Having teleported to Mass Fusion, the first thing you need to do is find the “Password of the head of Mass Fusion”, it will be here:

Then we go into the elevator, and click on the "card reader". The elevator will begin to descend, and... attention... as you slowly descend, soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel will fire at you from all sides.

We activate it, return to the elevator and continue the descent.

Having gone down to the very bottom, you will need to find such an entrance to the elevator, and go down on it even lower:

At the same time, my task marker pointed to the exit from the building this is the wrong goal.

Going down we find ourselves in a nuclear reactor. It remains to take the beryllium impeller and get out of here. Keep in mind that after you pick it up, robots will attack you.

On the left there will be a passage, we pass, pick up, kill the robots, and an additional item will appear to help the agents of the institute in the lobby. We go there and kill all the fighters of the brotherhood. After that, we leave the building, return to the Institute, talk to Ellie again and the task ends there.


We find the Father and talk to him. He will report that there is one very smart scientist in the Commonwealth, whom the Institute wants to take for itself. Ordinary employees were sent on such an easy mission, but they were ambushed our task is to come to the place and eliminate the attackers.

"Yeah, these guys" (c) Street Magic

We kill, we go into the house, we talk with Enrico, he will say that the scientist has locked himself up and does not want to talk to them. Our task is to persuade him.

We talk (through the door), but ... the funny thing is that even if we don’t succeed (i.e. if we use all the dialogue options, including persuasion, threat), then a synth teleports into his room and simply knocks him out.

This completes the task.


We find the Father and talk to him. He will announce that it is time for the Institute to declare itself to the Commonwealth, and tell everyone that they do not need to cross the road. In this case, the appeal itself is invited to write to us.

We approach the microphone nearby:

And we start recording. In fact, the protagonist will read out the text, from time to time a choice of some phrases will be given. Nothing complicated.

Now we go to Diamond City, and go to the radio station:

There will be a box on the floor we take radio coils from it. Now you need to set them correctly.

The correct match is as follows:

  • Left block Button reel
  • Middle block Disc reel
  • Right block Tube reel

If you did everything right 5 lights will light up on the middle block.

We return to the Institute, we speak with the Father. He will say that everything is ready, but the honor of launching the reactor goes to us.

We activate the reactor, then we approach the terminal nearby and start it. After that we go to the board of directors. The essence of all conversations will come down to choosing where to focus on producing more synths, or improving their weapons. This choice seems to affect the number/strength of synths in general from the following quests. But whatever you choose we still have to do the main work, so this choice does not really matter.

After the selection is made, the task ends.

At the last line

So, you have come to the last tasks, in which the Institute eliminates its main opponents The Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel. In the task "At the last line" you need to kill all the members of the subway.

On this mission, there will be the last opportunity to go to the side of the subway not to kill, but to talk with Desdemona, saying that the Institute ordered them all to be killed. She will say that you need to contact the Patriot. The branch of passage for the subway will be published separately. In the same playthrough, the side of the Institute will be chosen.

To complete the task as the Institute wants is not a problem just teleport immediately to the headquarters of the subway, and kill everyone there.

Then we return to the Father and report that everything is done.


It's time to tackle the Brotherhood of Steel. It will be more difficult with them than with the subway.

We find and speak with Dr. Lee. We will be told a plan for their elimination for a long time, in short, we need to do the following: destroy three brotherhood reactors, then get to the Liberty Prime robot, and protect the synth that will hack it.

After that, the robot will consider the ship of the brotherhood as the main threat, and will destroy it.

Again we go to the teleport room, which teleports us directly to the base of the brotherhood.

This is what the reactors look like:

We destroy them, then we pass to Liberty Prime. As soon as we arrive at the indicated place a synth will appear, which will begin to hack it.

We protect him while he hacks the robot, and when the hack is carried out we go down and run away (not forgetting to watch what happens to the brotherhood ship). When we run back a certain distance, we will be teleported to a safe place, and they will show the final explosion of the entire base of the brotherhood:

This completes the task.

family split

Congratulations, you have reached the last task of the main story Fallout lines 4 for the Institute. We leave for the Institute, and we speak with the Father.

From the situation, it immediately becomes clear that he will die soon. We talk to him, we look final video. This completes the task.


In addition to passing the main storyline, on our website you can find the passage of other tasks. See page