Passage of the quest inner world. The Inner World - Complete walkthrough. Secret place in Root Forest

Before we start, I want to warn you about some achievements that are relevant to the whole game as a whole:

  • Blabbermouth - you need to talk to all the characters in the game.
  • Casual-Gamer - use hints as often as possible.
  • Mr. Wise-Guy - given only if you have never used the hints.

As you can see, the last two achievements contradict each other. Given the save system, there will be no opportunity to load shortly before the end of the game and change tactics. The game will have to be played twice.

You will also receive 5 story achievements after each chapter. There is a peculiarity in obtaining achievement for the third chapter, it is described in the corresponding section. Be careful!

After the introductory video, we look around, making a futile attempt to catch a dove.
We take a bottle lying in a pile of garbage and a windsock hanging to the right of the wanted poster. A little more to the right, under the window, we take a crutch, which will naturally turn into a slingshot. In a conversation with the merchant, we pay attention to the bag of bird food, which we will get for free (like the Conroy doll), if we ask the price all the time.

  • We get the Schnapps-Dealer achievement by using the found bottle on the merchant.

We pour the contents of the bottle into the hole of the worm and take out the tipsy poor fellow. We combine a worm with a slingshot, here we add the cork left over from the bottle. We try to open the bag of food that the merchant gave, but it turns out that the bag is empty, but we have a rope.
We aim from a slingshot at the fish that the dove is busy with.

  • We get the Pigeon-Tunnel achievement by using the windsock on the pigeon.

We combine a windsock and a rope, we catch a pigeon with the resulting net. Getting to know Laura, it seems to be love at first sight!
Let's move on to the next location.

Passage of the game with the crack text from Vadim Levitin ( Leo


« The Inner World is a classic point-&-click adventure game with mouse control.

Main menu has a set of standard options. In option settings You can change the volume of sound effects, sound and music, turn on or turn off subtitles and full screen mode, and turn on learning mode.

Game menu opened by clicking the left mouse button on the icon in the form of a wrench key in the upper right corner of the screen, or by pressing the key escape.

Inventory is located at the bottom of the screen, and floats when the cursor is brought to this area.

Hints: clicking on the question mark in the upper left corner of the screen opens the help pages.

Saves (saves): there is one save slot for each of the three player profiles.


Against all odds, there is a universe that consists only of soil. Deep within it lies a spherical world that the locals call "Aspozia". Air enters this world through three sacred wind fountains. Little by little the wind subsides, and this fact is indisputable. Without the wind the light went out, without the light the heat went out. In the cold darkness came the wind gods. The only wind fountain still blowing is guarded by the Abbe Conroy. Every day he prays for strictness and obedience, in the hope that the Gods will calm down and the wind will return. The abbot is often watched by his young pupil Robert, who is constantly polishing the abbot's medallion.

One day, a dove flew through the window, which broke the measured flow of life. It so happened that the dove stole the locket and flew to the surface through the sewer manhole. Robber chases after him to return the locket to Abbot Conroy.

Robert falls out of the pipe after the pigeon, but does not have time to grab the insolent bird. The dove flies up to the windowsill and begins to peck at the old fish.

Chapter 1

Still just getting started

We look at the phosphos on the left side of the location. Robert loves Phosphos, but Conroy hates them. We examine a pile of garbage in the corner. The scarf given to Robert Conroy for his birthday, most likely ended up here by accident?

We select from the ground a bottle filled with fermented nodtarin juice. We open inventory. To do this, move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. We click on the bottle, select the action icon (in the form of gears). We get nodtarin juice and, separately, a cork.

We look at the garbage dealer (magnifying glass icon). ROBERT wants to ask if he can help him. We turn to the garbage dealer (cloud icon). We speak with him, choosing topics for conversation from those that open at the bottom of the screen icons. We get a bag of bird food and a Conroy doll.

We open inventory. We click LMB on the bag, select the icon in the form of gears. We untie the bag, which turns out to be empty. We refuse the merchant's offer, but keep the rope for ourselves. We consider a glove puppet that can speak in the voice of Conroy.

We look at the wanted poster, and the girl on the poster seems pretty nice to Robert. We examine a wind turbine above the poster, which has become useless since the wind disappeared. We pick up the windsock, to the right of the wanted poster.

We look at the worm burrowing into the "sacred earth", we try to catch it, but it is "slippery and small."

We try to call the dove, but the bird does not pay any attention to Robert.

We pick up the crutch standing under the window. It breaks, but Robert hopes to be faster than the owner of the crutch if he returns. We examine the head of Conroy in the right corner: Robert would have recognized this smile anywhere. In inventory combine windsock and rope. To do this, we clamp the rope and drag it to the windsock. We get a bag.

We take a bottle of fermented juice, apply it to worm and take away the drunken worm. We examine it in the inventory and understand that it is elastic. In inventory, combine the broken crutch with the drunken worm and get a slingshot. We charge the slingshot with a cork from a bottle. We use the charged slingshot on the old fish. The fish falls to the ground, the pigeon flies to the ground after it (the cork is automatically returned to inventory). Apply to dove net and now the thief is caught.

Suddenly appears young woman from the wanted poster, and takes Beak (that's the name of the dove).

We speak with the garbage dealer and find out that Laura (that's the girl's name) is outlawed. There is nothing left but to go through the arch to Barov Street.

We watch the show of a drunken hedgehog who came out of the fog and is following Robert's trail.

Nightmare on bar street

Robert hears a familiar tune and moves towards the woman rocking the cradle and humming a lullaby.

We speak with the asposian on all topics. She is willing to help Robert find Laura, but in return he must first knit a straw bear costume for her daughter, Conroy. We examine the door, the poster on the wall, the window. We follow deep into the screen to the Wind Fountain Square.

We speak with the owner of hands sticking out from behind the bars. Luckily for us, it turns out to be a tailor whom Conroy imprisoned for his own safety. The tailor agrees on favorable terms for us to knit a jumpsuit for a child, but for this we must get a pattern, knitting needles and wool of a straw bear (the tailor suggests that monastic cassocks are knitted from such wool).

Getting a pattern for knitting

We go up the stairs to the left. We examine the guard and his lunch box - this box can replenish Robert's collection. We turn to the guard, ask him all the proposed questions and notice how much the guard is afraid of Conroy.

We learn about the Sin-O-Mat device, with which you can cleanse yourself of sins.

At the end of the conversation, we rise to the balcony above the guard.

We examine the head of Conroy, we get a leaflet. We go down, apply onguards Conroy doll and pick up the lunch box. We follow to the right, to the machine for the release of sins. We declare that we have no sins. We take the lollipop from the openedcompartment issuance. We return to Barov Street.

We go to a bar. Approaching the gum machine. We use a lollipop as a coin on it and get marble balls. We pay attention to the wind monk, because. his cassock is woven from the wool of a straw bear. We are trying to pull the “hanging thread” and spin the chair on which the monk sits in order to unravel the cassock. But this venture fails, because the chair is rusted.

We communicate with the barmaid on all topics, learn more about her sins. We automatically get "Lava Flow" - this is a branded drink. We leave the bar.

We turn to the boy holding a treasure map in his hands, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a knitting pattern. We speak with him and find out that the guy is looking for a treasure - the eyes of basilisks. In inventory combine lunch box and marble balls.

We give the box with balls to the guy, in return we get a pattern for knitting.

Harvesting the wool of the straw bear

We take the cane from the statue on the right, we go to the "backyard". We select net windsock. We are trying to take an old fish, but it is too slippery, so we use a leaflet on it. We pick up the fish, return to the bar. Use the old fish on the spinning chair on which the monk sits to oil the furniture.

We pull the “hanging thread”, we get a skein of wool of a straw bear.

Getting knitting needles

We already have one knitting needle - this is a cane from the statue. We leave the bar, follow the area of ​​the wind fountain. We are approaching the “Sin-O-Mat” machine, we are talking about the sins of the barmaid Ottilia. The machine fails and breaks. We select the dropped arrow pointer and get the second needle.

We give knitting needles, drawing and wool to the prisoner-tailor, in return we get overalls. We bring it to the Asposian woman, who, after receiving clothes for the child, advises us to look for Laura in the mechanical theater (Robert automatically goes there).

We open the hatch to the basement of the mechanical theater

Robert is watching a play. At the end of the performance, noticing feathers on the stage, he goes up to the stage and picks up the dove's feather.

Detect locked Luke in the floor. We return to the hall.

We leaf through the numbered pages of the script lying above the control panel. Pay attention to the drawing on page 7. It shows that the thumb of Conroy's left hand can change position - point up and down. We examine the control panel.

The mechanical theater characters are controlled by the wheel on the right (it changes the scenery and characters), and the lever on the left, which changes the position of the characters.

Open the door below. We are considering picture is a hint of the sequence of action in the view, according to the pages of the scenario. Let's start the show:

We click on the blue segment of the circle, we expose the backdrop - the sun against the blue sky. We move the lever to division 4 - this is the figure of Conroy. We click on the crimson sector (the figure of Conroy), move the lever to position 3 - this is a smiling Conroy. We put the orange sector of the circle (basilisk), move the lever to position 3, and the eyes of the basilisk behind Conroy's back light up. We put the green sector of the circle (asposians), set the lever to position 4 - a click is heard. We run to the stage.

We turn the thumb of Conroy's left hand. The scenery disappears, a hatch opens into the basement. We're going down.

Pop-up inventory at the bottom of the screen.

Wrench in the upper right corner of the screen - exit to the menu. There are only three save slots. The game is saved in one slot.

The question mark in the upper left corner of the screen is a list of tasks and hints up to the finished solution.

Item Combination - Pull the first item in your inventory and drag it to the second item.

Hotspots - hold LMB anywhere on the screen.

Once upon a time there was a little man named Robert on the planet Asposia. He was a student of the keeper of the wind fountain, Abbot Conroy, and polished the Abbot's medallion every day. One fine day, a dove flew in through the window and stole the locket. Robert gives chase and ends up in a junkyard.

1. In search of silver phosphos

1) How to catch a pigeon:

The dove settled on a high window sill and pecks at a fish.

Talk to the garbage merchant and take a bag of bird food from him (they will give you another Conroy doll as a load). In the inventory, move the mouse over the bag and click on the "gear": the bag is empty, but the rope will come in handy. Collect items: on the left - a bottle with a fermented drink "nodtarin", under the window - a crutch, in the center of the location - a striped windsock. In inventory, open the bottle and get a cork. From the crutch you get the basis for the slingshot. In the center of the screen, sit a worm in the hole, give it drink from a bottle and take the drunken worm. Combine the windsock and rope to make a net. Combine a worm and a crutch - you get a slingshot. Load the slingshot with a cork and shoot the fish. Catch a pigeon with a net. The beautiful Laura will appear and take the dove.

2) How to knit jumpsuit:

Go out to Barov Street (active point under the arch in the back of the screen). Automatically, you will start a conversation with a local woman who is holding a baby in the cradle. She will tell you where Laura went with the dove in exchange for a baby jumpsuit. The jumpsuit must be knitted from the wool of a straw bear.

Go deep into the screen to the area of ​​the Wind Fountain. There is a prison here, talk to the prisoner. It turns out that he is a tailor by profession and will be able to knit a jumpsuit. You will need wool (monastic cassocks are knitted from this wool), knitting needles and a pattern.

How to get a drawing:

Go up to the guard near the prison and find out that the machine gun on the right of the screen is called "Sin-O-Mat." This thing listens to the sinner and assigns punishment.

Note that the guard is very afraid of Conroy. Talk to "Sin-O-Mat" and say that you have no sins. A box will open from which you need to pick up a lollipop. Return to Bar Street.

To the right of the door of the bar is a boy, after talking with him, you will find out that he is looking for a treasure. In the boy's hands is a knitting pattern, which he considers a treasure map. When you ask what specific treasure the boy is looking for, he will explain that these are the eyes of basilisks.

Enter the bar, go to the gum machine and use the candy as a coin. Instead of chewing gum, you will become the owner of marble balls.

Go to the prison guard and use the Conroy doll on him. Grab a lunch box and combine with marble balls. Give the box to the boy near the bar and get a knitting pattern.

How to get knitting needles:

The first spoke is the cane of the statue next to the boy at the bar (it just breaks off).

To get the second knitting needle, go to the bar and chat with the barmaid. Start a conversation about her sins (at the same time get the Lava Flow cocktail in your inventory). Return to "Sin-O-Mat" and tell him about the sin of the barmaid. The automaton will be indignant, shudder and break. Pick up the fallen arrow (lying on the ground between the lollipops) - this is the second knitting needle.

How to get straw bear fur:

Climb the stairs behind the guard and take the leaflet from the structure called "Konroy's Head". Go to the bar and talk to the monk. Please note that a thread sticks out of his cassock at the back, and since the cassock is tied, there is a chance to dissolve the cassock and get a whole ball of wool. Try to pull the thread: the swivel chair on which the monk sits is completely rusted.

Go to the landfill. Remove the fish from under the net with a leaflet: now you have a slippery fish, and at the same time a net. Return to the bar and grease the chair with fish. Pull the thread of the cassock and get a ball of wool.

Take all the items to the tailor, get a jumpsuit and give it to the Asposian. She will explain that Laura has gone to the theatre. Robert will automatically go there.

3) How to get to the basement of the theater:

After watching the performance, go to the stage and pay attention to the pigeon feathers (one feather will go into inventory). You will find a locked hatch.

Return to the control panel and open the door below it. Look at the hint:

Exit the zoom and scroll through the script book next to the control panel. Find pages 6, 4 and 7 (as indicated in the clue) and memorize the scenery and characters. Your task is to create a decoration on the stage, consisting of these three scenes.

Click on the control panel. You will see a scene on the screen. At the bottom right is a circle with four sectors that controls the characters, at the bottom in the center is a lever that allows you to change the location of the characters on the stage.

First put the circle on the blue sector (this is the background). Move the lever to 4: you should get the sun in the blue sky.

Then put a circle on the crimson sector (this is the figure of Conroy). Move the lever to 3: you get a smiling Conroy.

Put a circle on the orange sector (it's a basilisk). Move the lever to 3: you get a basilisk behind Conroy, the eyes of the basilisk glow.

Finally, place a circle on the green sector (this is the Asposian family). Set the lever to 4.

If everything is correct, a click will be heard from the stage.

Go to the stage and click on Conroy's finger. The scenery will disappear, you will open the hatch in the floor. Get down.

4) How to get a medallion:

You will see a dove, a medallion and Laura facing the wall. You won't be able to take the medallion, because. the dove will start signaling to Laura. Turn to the left wall and click on the control panel: you will activate the Conroy figure. Click on the control panel again: the figure of Conroy will rise to the stage (you can go up by standing on the elevator platform and check). Put a net in Conroy's hand, go down to the basement and click on the control panel: the idea is correct, only the net does not hold in your hand.

There is a torn bag in the basement at the left edge of the screen. Explore its contents: here is superglue, which must be mixed with a solvent, shaken and used. Put glue in a cocktail glass, combine it with a cork, then click on the "gear" (so you shake it up). Go up to the stage, put a net in Conroy's hand and glue it. Go down to the basement and click on the control panel.

A long cutscene will follow, after which Laura and Robert will run away from Conroy into the Root Forest.

2. Secret place in the Root Forest

1) How to get rid of traps:

Seeing the traps, Laura will leave to look for another path, and Robert will remain. A certain creature is sitting on the stone, which grabbed the Conroy doll. Take out the pigeon feather from inventory and tickle the creature. Pick up the doll and meet Gorf: it turns out that he is an extremely poisonous creature with sharp claws.

It is clear that you can get rid of traps by throwing something into them. A tree grows to the left, a helmet lies nearby. Put the helmet on Robert (in the inventory "gear" on the helmet) and kick the tree. A fruit will fall from the branch and hit Robert on the head, but because the helmet has a pointed top, the fetus will split. A white felt mouse jumps through the trees - that's it and you need to catch it to soften the blow.

Use the Conroy doll to pluck the thorn branch under the left tree and use it to plug the hole in the tree on which the mouse is sitting. Move away and wait for the mouse to fall into the trap.

Combine the mouse and helmet and kick the tree a second time. Pick up a whole fruit and use it on Gorf's left claw. You will get something like a bowling ball. Throw the fruit into the trap. Robert will go further, but will fall into a trap. Laura will appear, for which you will have to play further.

2) How to fix the aerology machine:

Go right: you will find yourself in the camp of aerologists (people who study the wind). Talk on all topics and find out that they are drawing a map where they will indicate the position of a secret well in the forest. They need a paper plane launcher to work, but it's broken. In addition, the monk holds their fourth comrade captive. Your task is to get a card.

Talk to Robert twice. At this time, the wind monk, who caught Robert and hung him by the leg on a rope, will lift your hero. The rope that Robert is hanging on goes through the hook and after two pulls from the monk will knock the hook to the ground. The hook is a useful item, so get down from the tree and take it into your inventory. Chat with Gorf and find out that the monk dropped his glasses into the swamp. Go to the swamp, pluck the reeds and combine with a hook. Get glasses from the swamp.

Remember that there is a skeleton sitting at the top of the location with Robert? This is the missing aerologist. To prove it, go to aerologists. Approach the stone in the foreground of the screen (a loud scream comes from it) and place glasses on the stone. The lenses will enlarge the hole on the rock and you will see the ant. Put the ant in the candy box that Laura carries with her. Return to Robert and plant the ant in the "scream ant nest" under the skeleton. The monk will shoot and build a ladder of arrows. Climb up to the skeleton, open his bag and take the pointer. Take off your hat (together with your head). Return to the aerologists and give the skull. In return, you will receive a globe.

The paper airplane machine runs on mud, and the globe can be used as a container. Open the globe in inventory and split it into two halves. There are holes in the globe, so return to the monk and pluck the moss from the piece of iron on the left of the screen. Combine moss and globe halves.

Scoop water from the swamp with one half (you need to take it from the bog next to Gorf), then go to the left of Gorf and dig a furrow under the left tree with a hook. Apply the empty half to the furrow. After getting the sand, combine both halves of the globe. Return to the aerologists. In the inventory, separate the hook with the cane and use the cane on the canister near the car (Laura will drink honey). Fill the canister with dirt.

3) How to find the secret place in the forest:

Turn the car so that it points to the monk and press the button. The monk will shoot and destroy the plane, Gorf will eat the second plane. A felt mouse will fly out of the car, and aerologists will mark one of the wind directions on the map. To complete the map, they need the trajectory of two more airplanes.

Go to Gorf and ask him why he ate the paper plane. He will answer that he is accustomed to swallow everything that flies. Pick up an arrow near the swamp, go to the car and use the arrow on the exhaust pipe (you will get an arrow in honey). Climb up to the tree house and use the arrow on the flies hovering over the skeleton. Go down to Gorf and use an arrow on him. Gorf will now be busy licking flies off his head. Go to the car and start it: one trajectory is ready.

If you noticed, there is an auditory tube near the monk (the lively old man is not only blind, but also deaf). So now we need to get him to stop shooting.

A felt mouse will help.

How to reach a felt mouse: you need to combine a pointer and a reed with a hook. Then go to the monk and throw the mouse into the auditory tube. Return to the car, point it at the monk's house and shoot. The second trajectory of the airplane is ready.

The aerologists will draw a map and mark with a cross the position of the wind well Laura is looking for.

It remains to rescue Robert. To do this, remove the saddle from the barrel, on which one of the scientists was sitting, and climb into the tree house. Use the saddle on the rope at the top of the screen. Laura will save Robert and they will move on.

3. Forgotten dynasty

1) How to open the gate:

Meet Gorfeline, who sits on the torso of a petrified Asposian. This poor fellow's feet are in front of a nasty frog, his hand is lying next to a large stone. It is clear that the statue needs to be put together, and for this you need to convince Gorfelin to transfer to the stone.

Pick up a hand and apply it to the stone (Robert does not have enough strength). Ask Laura to lift the stone. Remove the rope ladder from the tree and place it under the stone. Push the stone, then flirt with Gorfeline and take the torso. Collect the statue.

Asposianin clamps the 1st and 4th holes on his nose. Do the same by simultaneously pressing 1 and 4 on the keyboard. The gate will open.

2) How to make a golden pass:

Before going inside, click on the golden phosphos surrounded by moths. He will get scared and fly away to the right. Notice how the moths around the phosphos are now green instead of brown before. Examine the phosphos (through a magnifying glass). It will turn out that the moths are painted in the background color (i.e., if they are against a brick wall, they turn brown, if they are against a green bush, they turn green).

Go inside.

After examining the picture of Laura's father, the heroes will meet Steve and receive passes to the courtyard. Talk to Steve on all topics. It turns out that in the courtyard there is a door to the Temple of the Wind, but you can get there only with golden passes. Talk about Steve's reflection in the mirror, whose name is Pete. Pete wants to go outside and start singing the song of the wind, but it won't go beyond the first verse.

You can, without ordering an excursion to the courtyard, go there on your own (just click on the door). Go there, pick up the jump ropes and pull out the golden carpet from under the door. Return to Steve and zoom in on the painting. Remove the buttons from it. Exit the approach and remove the brush from the fence. Pick up the rolling pin dropped by Steve.

Combine buttons and a brush, then this design and jump ropes. You will get a moth. Go outside to Gorfeline and hang a carpet on a tree branch (first you need to frighten off phosphos if it is near a tree). With a rolling pin, you can score steps in the wall. Your task is to make sure that all the steps are on the inside.

From the outside, hammer in the bottom step. Inside, climb onto the bottom step and hammer in the middle step. Climb to the floor by clicking on the lower step with the mouse without a rolling pin. Drive down the bottom step. From the outside, climb onto the middle step and hammer in the top step. Outside, climb down to the bottom step and hammer the middle step.

Climb to the ground and hammer the bottom step. Frighten off the phosphos so that he is in the background of the carpet. Go inside, climb onto the top step and click on the wall.

Robert will be on the wall. Combine your "moth" with passes and use on phosphos. Dismantle the "moth" in your inventory and get golden passes.

3) How to help Pete:

Give Steve the golden passes and follow him to the Temple of the Wind. Under the ceiling, you will find rings similar to the rings in Laura's father's painting. The rings are nested one inside the other and something is drawn on them, but it is hard to see.

Return to the hall and exit without Steve into the courtyard. Check the shield on one of the walls that can serve as a mirror: it's rusty. Pick mushrooms near the right wall. Return to the hall and ask Steve for a tour. The three of you will find yourself in the courtyard. Ask Laura to distract Steve, but she will immediately get tired of hearing stories about cookies. Give her mushrooms as earplugs. Go to the hall (Steve and Laura will stay in the courtyard).

Remove the grater from the far wall and go to Gorfeline. Use a grater on it: you get a grater with poison. Go to Laura and ask him to end the conversation with Steve. Go to the hall and immediately return to the courtyard without Steve. Clean the shield with a grater and pick up a pile of rust. Return for Steve and ask for a tour, and then talk about the song in the courtyard. Pete will sing the second verse. The wall of the Temple will crack, pick up stone dust. Return to the hall and immediately go back to the courtyard.

Pick the nodtarin flowers from the flower bed, return to Steve and show the golden passes. Once in the Temple, place the flowers in the bowl next to which Steve is standing. Pete will be reflected in the bowl, ask Steve to sing a song. Now the crystal will fall off the wall and break, pick up its fragments.

4) How to activate rings:

Give Laura the mushrooms and ask him to distract Steve. Go to the hall.

In the lower left corner of the screen is a book on baking. Take the book and use the “magnifying glass” in your inventory to read the cookie recipe: you will need flour, nodtarin, chocolate flakes and sugar. You already have all the ingredients: flour is stone dust, chocolate flakes are rust, sugar is crystal fragments. Put the ingredients in the coffee grinder against the far wall and mix by turning the handle. Take the bowl with the "dough", from the table - the turnkey form. Combine the mold and the "dough" and apply to the oven.

Read the poster above the stove: fire bugs are used here as fire, which must be offended to get fire. So do it. Then open the door with the Conroy doll and pull out the key. Go to Laura and ask him to finish. Returning to the hall, go without Steve to the courtyard and open the door of the Temple.

Zoom in on the rings under the ceiling and look at the lit up drawing. It's nothing but a melody. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the flute symbol.

Press on the keyboard like this: 1, simultaneously 2 and 4, 3, simultaneously 1 and 3, 1.

Laura will find a bag of marbles. Then the fountain will crack, and the heroes will fall down.

4. Secret of the Basilisks

1) How to get rid of the guards:

Laura will immediately run away, leaving a note for Robert. Read it: "Hey! Look there!" Go to the far end of the hall where Laura ran away. To understand what to do, watch the parrot and the three guards. The parrot whistles at regular intervals, and the guards, at the whistle signal, begin to bypass the territory. Pay attention to the footprints that the guards leave. You need to go past the guards to the stairs at the back of the screen.

Return to the hall and talk to the guard looking at the drawing. It turns out that his knee hurts. Try to take the lacquer jar and the hex key on the table, but the guard will explain that only mechanics can get these items.

Approach the board with photos on the opposite wall. There are three photographs with explanations-epitaphs hanging here. The photo on the left has come off, take it with you. Carefully read the middle and right poem and conclude that they contain the identification numbers of the untimely departed mechanics (4-white-10 and 5-black-9). Read the epitaph under the left photo and calculate the number of this mechanic (by rhyme):

Rusty autumn has come (eight)

The bolts are worn to death (yellow),

It is impossible to weigh the loss (ten),

Guard mechanic (8-yellow-10).

Approach the draftsman and show him the photograph. When he asks for your number, say "8-yellow-10". Take the lacquer can and the hex key.

Go to the left and insert the key into the clockwork box where the flag hangs. Take the flag and go to the parrot. Apply the flag to the cage (and not to the parrot itself). An alarm bell hangs on the left, remove the hammer from it. Return to the draftsman and hit the hammer on his knee. Choose an exclamation point.

There is a coffee machine nearby. Pour varnish into the filter funnel and take the coffee pot. Combine the coffee pot and the exclamation mark to make a trail. Return to the parrot.

Click on the flute in the lower right corner of the screen and whistle by pressing any number from 1 to 4 on the keyboard. Now the guards will follow your whistle. Whistle until the guards release the nearest corner of the site to you.

Then attach the trail to the broken bridge and whistle again. Go deep into the screen to the stairs.

There is another guard standing here, a poster “Wanted!” hangs on the wall. with a picture of Robert. Give the guard Laura's note, and when he turns away, hang the mechanic's photo on top of Robert's photo. The guard will disappear.

2) How to free Laura's father:

Go to the laboratory, which was guarded by the guard (deep into the screen). You will see Laura and her father working on the assembly line. As soon as Laura touches the flask in which her father is located, he will receive an electric discharge. Exit the lab and go up the stairs. Robert will enter the throne room where the game began. We need to find a way out of here.

Collect the items: open the first-aid kit and get a vial of fish oil and a vial of sleeping pills. Approach the models in the foreground of the screen and take out the basilisk figurine. Collect the hedgehog quills (on the floor near the hedgehog). Sit on the throne and get a spring. Examine the picture: there is something here. Walk left and touch the sculpture in the foreground of the screen. The lid pops open and there is powdered sugar inside. Dip the basilisk figurine in the powdered sugar and then the Conroy doll in the powdered sugar. Give the doll to the hedgehog and when it disappears, look for the diamond among the shards in the middle of the screen. Swipe the basilisk over the painting and find the hole. Insert a needle into it and exit throne room.

Return to the lab and look through the grate in the floor (next to the elevator on the right side of the screen). Note that the conveyor manager is chasing a fly. Exit the approach and take the fist from the left box with spare hands. Combine the fist, spring and sleeping pills, then put the fist in the elevator. Look through the bars and smear the elevator button with fish oil. The manager will hit the elevator button, sniff the sleeping pills and be neutralized. After getting rid of the enemy, cut the flask with a diamond.

A long cutscene will begin, which reveals who Robert really is. The heroes will be attacked by Conroy, Laura and her father will be petrified. Robert will return to the Temple of the Wind.

5. Asposia's last hope

First, collect items: a shield, in the Temple of the Wind - a sleeping phosphos and a dove with a fish. Go to the hall, take the second phosphos and chewing gum from Steve's table. Go to Gorfeline and pick up the third Phosphos. Feed the frog some gum. Return to the courtyard. Put three phosphos in the basilisk parachute, click on the flute in the lower right corner of the screen and on any key from 1 to 4 on the keyboard. Phosphos will raise the parachute and pull the basilisk's head out of the ground.

Place the shield on the nodtarine bed and rotate it twice to point it at the basilisk. Click on the fire button in the cockpit of the basilisk. Robert will take the brain of the basilisk, and you need to pull out the blue eyes (these are the eyes that turn from the stone). Go to Gorfelina and use the brain on the bubble gum. Try to pick up Pete's mirror (doesn't work). Talk to Steve about the mirror until he breaks it. Use the sticky brain on the mirror shards. Go to the Temple of the Wind. Hang the resulting Christmas ball on the hook of the bottom ring.

Conroy will appear. Try to exit to the courtyard three times (will not exit). When Conroy leaves, go out into the courtyard and go to Conroy's basilisk. Take away the orange eyes (these are the eyes that turn to stone). Insert them into your basilisk's eye sockets. Aim the shield at the Temple of the Wind (you need to turn the shield twice). Put the fish that the pigeon loves so much on the fire button. Return to the Temple and click on the dove in the inventory ("gear"). The dove will fly to the fish and press the button.

Conroy will petrify and break into pieces. Pick up the medallion and hang it on the decoration on the right wall. Go back to your basilisk and change the eyes to blue. Press the fire button again.

Watch the final video.

Before we start, I want to warn you about some achievements that are relevant to the whole game as a whole:

  • Blabbermouth - you need to talk with all the characters in the game.
  • Casual-Gamer - use hints as often as possible.
  • Mr. Wise Guy - given only if you have never used hints.
As you can see, the last two achievements contradict each other. Given the save system, there will be no opportunity to load shortly before the end of the game and change tactics. The game will have to be played twice.

You will also receive 5 story achievements after each chapter. There is a peculiarity in obtaining achievement for the third chapter, it is described in the corresponding section. Be careful!


After the introductory video, we look around, making a futile attempt to catch a dove.
We take a bottle lying in a pile of garbage and a windsock hanging to the right of the wanted poster. A little more to the right, under the window, we take a crutch, which will naturally turn into a slingshot. In a conversation with the merchant, we pay attention to the bag of bird food, which we will get for free (like the Conroy doll), if we ask the price all the time.
  • We get an achievement Schnapps Dealer by applying the found bottle on the trader.
We pour the contents of the bottle into the hole of the worm and take out the tipsy poor fellow. We combine a worm with a slingshot, here we add the cork left over from the bottle. We try to open the bag of food that the merchant gave, but it turns out that the bag is empty, but we have a rope.
We aim from a slingshot at the fish that the dove is busy with.
  • We get an achievement Pigeon tunnel applying a windsock on a pigeon.
We combine a windsock and a rope, we catch a pigeon with the resulting net. Getting to know Laura, it seems to be love at first sight!
Let's move on to the next location.


We talk with a girl singing a lullaby to a baby. She knows where to find Laura, but in return she asks for the impossible - baby clothes made of the rarest material.
An important point: in a conversation with each character, the available topics for conversation are highlighted in color among those that you have already exhausted. Be sure to bring each branch of the conversation to the end, sometimes the further passage depends on it.
We talk with a little boy, we take away the cane from the petrified Asposian. We go to a bar.
We communicate with the barmaid, she will give you a cocktail. Trying to get candy from the machine. We speak with the monk. We pay attention to the thread that sticks out of his robes, as well as to the rusted chair.
We leave the bar and go past the girl with the child, to a new location.
Talk to the prisoner whose arms are hanging from the bars. He will turn out to be a tailor, agree to knit overalls for us and tell us what tools he needs.
Slightly higher stands sinomat. Tell him that you have no sins, then a box with a lollipop will open, which you can pick up.
  • We eat a lollipop and get an achievement fresh breath .
We repeat the procedure for obtaining a candy and climb the tower (entrance to the left of the guard chewing a sandwich). We pick up the leaflet and go down to talk with the guard. Use the Conroy doll on the guard and pick up his lunch box.
We return to the very first location where the fish lies. We use a leaflet on the fish and go to the bar.
  • To get an achievement King of Sins you need to talk with the bartender about your and her sins.
We use the lollipop on the candy machine. Combine the marble balls with the lunch box. We use the fish on a rusted chair, pull the thread sticking out of the monk's cassock.
We leave the bar and give the box of balls to the little boy, in return he will give us a knitting pattern.
We return to the sinner, tell him about the sins of the barmaid, pick up the fallen off arrow.
We give the following things to the prisoner: a knitting pattern, a ball of thread, an arrow from a sinner and a cane. We give the resulting jumpsuit to the girl near the bar and move on to a new location.

Raise the pen from the scene, try to open the hatch in the scene. We return to the control panel.

  • To get an achievement Trial and Error you need to solve the puzzle without opening the cabinet under the control panel.
The scene we need to render looks like this:

We hear the characteristic sound of the mechanism, we go to the stage. We press on Conroy's hand, which shows the thumb and go down into the hatch.
We press once on the control panel - Conroy's hand rises up. Use the bartender's cocktail on the torn bag. We combine a cocktail with a cork, take it out - the glue is ready. We rise to the stage, insert the net into Conroy's hand, pour glue on top. We descend into the hatch and once again click on the control panel.


We tickle the creature with a feather and return the Conroy doll. We talk with the creature on all possible topics. We take the helmet from the broken aircraft and with the help of the doll we tear off the branch from the bush growing at the foot of the tree.
  • Achievement Brainteaser we will be yours if you put on a helmet and kick a tree.
We stick a branch into the hole behind Gorf's back and move closer to the traps, then the mouse will again come out of hiding and fall into our trap. We remove the mouse from the branch and combine it with our helmet. We put on a helmet, kick a tree.
  • For achievement windfall try to throw the fruit on the traps.
We use the fruit on Gorf's claws and get an impromptu bowling ball. We throw the fruit into traps.


Before we get down from the tree, talk to Robert twice and wait for the hook to fall down. We go down, pick up a hook, tear off the reed growing a little to the right. We talk with Gorf, learn about the monk's glasses in the bog.
  • We make an attempt to scratch Gorf's dry spot with a hook and get the achievement Gorf-Scratcher .
  • Try to fish points out of the bog with reeds - achievement Master of Stirring yours.
We combine the reed and the hook, we catch glasses with this simple device.
  • For achievement suicide apply glasses on the monk.
We use a reed with a hook on the furrows to the right of Gorf, we find sand.
We go to the right, to a new location where there is a tent. We communicate with a strange group of scientists, we pay attention to the globe, the canister and the car that scientists are so proud of. Use the cane on the canister. Next to the sleeping scientist is a stone that makes strange sounds. We put the glasses on the stone and find the ant. We drive the ant into the box, which lies in our inventory.
We climb the tree and use the box with the ant on the nest. Climb up the ladder of arrows. We clean the skeleton: we take out the pointer from the bag and pick up the hat (unfortunately, only with the head). Moss grows on the opposite tree, do not forget to grab it too. Get down from the tree and return to the tent.
Give the skull to the aerologists and get a globe in return. Examine it in your inventory - it turns out that it opens. Combine the globe with moss, it will cover the holes. Return to the previous location. Use the globe on the sand we found earlier. Scoop up the slurry from the bog with the second bowl. Combine the resulting inventory - the fuel is ready. We go to the tent, fill the canister with fuel, turn the car towards the monk on the tree and press the button.
After the video, we combine the hook, reed and pointer in the inventory, remove the felt mouse from the tree.
At the next location, we talk with Gorf about our airplane. We get an arrow sticking out near the tree. We return to the tent. We use the arrow on the exhaust pipe, we get some honey. We climb the tree and throw the felt mouse into the monk's auditory tube. We use the honey arrow on the flies flying near the skeleton. We go down and use the honey arrow with flies on Gorf. Again we go to the tent, re-launch the planes towards the old monk and towards Gorf.
We take away the map of winds and the saddle. We climb the tree, use the saddle on the clothesline and go to the third chapter.


We select the petrified hand and the rope ladder hanging on the tree. We use our hand on the stone, but Robert does not have enough strength. Let's ask Laura to help us. We put a rope ladder under the stone, take our hand and move the stone.
We talk with Gorfelin, we need to transplant her to another place. To persuade Gorfelina to move to a new stone, you need to flirt with her several times. After she has moved, we raise the torso of the petrified Asposian, combine the legs standing on the ground with the torso and arm. To open the gate, you need to play a melody on your own nose (by first holding down the number 1 on the keyboard, and then 4).


We go inside and get acquainted with Steve, we get two tickets. After talking with Steve on all topics, you will get the opportunity to pick up a rolling pin, which he will throw out in a fit of rage. You can also ask him to give you a tour of the courtyard, but we don't need that for now.
Pick up the rolling pin, the book in the lower left corner, and the brush from the counter. Look at the drawing of Lori's father, take two pins from the drawing.
We go into the courtyard, pick up mushrooms growing to the right of the door, jump ropes, flowers from the flower bed and a golden carpet.
Combine a jump rope with a brush, add pins and two tickets here - does it really look like a moth?
We return to the reception. Pay attention to the brick sticking out in the wall. We need to make sure that all the bricks are on the reception side (now two of them stick out from the side of the tree).
We go to the gate, use the rolling pin on the lowest brick. We return to the reception, use the rolling pin on the brick in the center of the wall, and then on the lowest one. Again we go to the gate. We use a rolling pin on the topmost brick, then on the second, and then on the bottommost. Ready!
  • Give a bouquet to Gorfeline to get the achievement Casanova Casanostri .
We go to the reception, climb the bricks and look over the wall.
  • Lower the fake to the moths (they should flutter around the tree), then the tickets will turn brown. Give these tickets to Steve and you will get the achievement. The Royal Toilet .
Return to the tree and hang a golden carpet on a branch, shug the phosphorus and moths back to the tree. We go through the gate, climb the wall again, combine tickets with a fake and lower them down to the moths - you got golden tickets!


To get into the Temple of the Wind, we need a key that Steve does not part with. You have to do exactly the same. Familiarize yourself with the found book in inventory, you will learn the cookie recipe.
Ask Steve to show you the courtyard. When you get there, then ask Laura to distract Steve, it turns out that she is not able to listen to his chatter. Give her the mushrooms, don't look like ear plugs and go back to the reception.
Apply a bouquet of nodtarines to the bowl. Remove the grater from the wall and return to the tree to scratch Gorfelin with the grater. Return to the courtyard and tell Laura to finish. We return to the reception and again go out into the courtyard, only without Steve. We apply a grater (more precisely, what is left of it) on a rusted shield, raise the rust flakes. Again we go to the reception and order an excursion to the courtyard. We talk with Steve about the song, we raise stone dust.
We go to the reception and show the golden tickets to Steve, we pass into the Temple of the Wind. Use the bouquet on the bowl near Steve. We talk with him about the song, raise the crystal dust. We give Laura mushrooms, thereby asking her to distract Steve and return to the reception.
We throw the remaining ingredients into the bowl: rust flakes, stone dust and crystal dust. We use the handle, we take away the bowl with the dough. We take from the rack a casket from a turnkey, in the inventory we combine it with a bowl. We send the resulting blank to the oven and, in a conversation with the beetles, shower them with insults. You can open the hot oven with the Conroy doll.
We leave for the Temple, stop Laura and exit with Steve.
We return to the courtyard, open the large door with a freshly baked key.

IMPORTANT! To get the chapter 3 end achievement, you need to play a tune with your flute nose without clicking on the rings under the ceiling, just stay near the well and select the flute from your inventory!

The melody sounds like this: first we hold down 1, then simultaneously 2 and 4, single 3, simultaneously 2 and 3, simultaneously 1 and 3, single 1.

GO undetected

Talk to the guard, try to take a hexagon or a bucket of varnish - get a refusal. Examine the wall with portraits of other guards, take the leftmost photo, read the signs under each of the photos.
Go to the passage. Try to click on the alarm bell, a small hammer will appear in your inventory. Chat with a parrot in a cage. Return to the previous location, use the hammer on the guard's sore knee. Pick up the fallen exclamation point. Apply a photo to the guard, he will require you to name an identification number: 8 - yellow - 10. Take the hexagon and a bucket of varnish.
Insert the hexagon into the hole in the box on the left, lower the flag and take it. Use the bucket on the coffee filter, take the coffee pot. In inventory, combine coffee pot and exclamation point.
Go to the location with the parrot. Cover the cage with a flag, the parrot will fall asleep. Use the exclamation point on the broken bridge, Robert will make false tracks. Signal with your flute nose (any of the four keys), the guards will fall down.
Move to a new location.
To distract the guard and change the photo on the wall, give him Laura's note. While he's staring the other way, use the guard's photo on yours. The path is clear!
Go to the lab.


We take away the hand lying on the left in the same row with the others. We look around and exit the laboratory. We go up the stairs and find ourselves in the throne room.
We pick up the basilisk model, two bottles from the medical cabinet and the hedgehog needle that lies on the floor. Make an attempt to sit on the throne, take the spring.
  • Combine the sleeping pills with the Conroy doll and give it to the hedgehog to get the achievement Hedgehog Anesthesia .
Walk a little to the left, there will be a sculpture in the foreground. Touch it and you will find powdered sugar. Apply to the powdered sugar first the basilisk, and then the doll. Give the sugar doll to the hedgehog, pick up the diamond, which will lie in the wreckage of the candelabra. Examine the painting hanging behind the throne. Use the sugar basilisk on the painting and then insert the needle into the recess that Robert finds. Back to the lab!
  • Achievement Chief of BBQ will be yours if you "talk" with Reminepo three times.
In the inventory, combine the fist with the spring, and then add sleeping pills here. We thrust a fist into the elevator, located on the right in the wall. We look into the grate in the floor. We drip fish oil on the elevator button (it is on the right). We return the diamond from the throne room of Reminepo.

We select a shield from the ground, which we managed to polish earlier. We examine our basilisk, try to open the engine cover. We go to the Temple of the Wind. We pick up sleeping phosphorus, and also our old friend - a pigeon and his fish. We go to the reception, crazy Steve is still here. We take chewing gum and one more sleeping phosphorus from the rack. We talk with Steve, but this dialogue will not be long. Let's try to take the mirror from the wall and once again talk to Steve, who will eventually knock himself out. We leave the gate and talk to Gorfelin. We give her a chewing gum and select the third phosphorus. We return to our basilisk.
We place all three sleeping phosphors in a drag parachute lying on the ground and play on our nose-flute.
We put the shield on the flower bed and turn it around so that it is directed at the basilisk. We press the red button. In your inventory you will have a basilisk brain. We put an old fish on the fire button and turn the shield towards the Temple of the Wind.
We go to Gorfeline, wait for her to inflate the bubble and apply the brain of the basilisk to it. We go to the reception and use the sticky brain on the mirror shards.
We go to the Temple of the Wind and hang the resulting mirror ball on the hook (it is located under the symbols, right above the well).

  • When Conroy appears, release the dove from your inventory, it will activate the stone-turning beam and the achievement Just a scratch will be yours.
To get rid of Conroy (who is temporarily disarmed), we return to the courtyard and pick up the dove. We take out the eyes from our basilisk, and also take the eyes from Conroy's basilisk. We insert into our basilisk eyes that turn into stone and return back to the Temple. When Conroy appears, activate our dove again, but this time the evil tyrant will be defeated.
Pick up the pendant and hang it on the wall on the right. Go to the courtyard, take the dove and the fish, replace the eyes of the basilisk (with those that turn from stone) and press the red button.
Watch the final video and be touched.