Map rust without grass. Paper map (Paper Map). Rust map dimensions and how to create a unique Rust map

31-08-2014, 22:52

The world of Rust is dangerous, exclusive and exotic, and danger can lie in wait for you at every turn, especially if you have just started your game cycle. It should be noted that the game itself does not have a built-in map, and therefore you will have to navigate the terrain by the sun. It must be admitted that this is very difficult, especially for those people who live in cities. How to be in such a situation? Local map Rust games Alpha, which can be downloaded directly from our website, will help you concentrate on the battles of the game.

31-08-2014, 21:41

More than six months have passed since the release new game in Rust's "survival" style, and the developers have not yet added mini-maps to the gameplay, with which one could navigate the island. Although it may very well be that this will not happen at all, because it is no secret to anyone that the creators of the game believe that supposedly this nuance makes the game more exclusive, thus making it stand out from others in the same genre. They also added that even without a map in the game it is very easy to navigate, arguing this with three arguments.

31-08-2014, 18:47

Most often, gamers in certain games use a special mini-map to navigate the terrain, or even a kind of radar, which clearly shows the location of the player, and also outlines the nearby territory in detail. Never and no one could have thought that the developers of the recently released game Rust would take such an experimental step and remove such an important element from the gameplay of the game. Nevertheless, the game, despite this, became the most popular on Steam in the first half of this year. Although this can be explained very simply - the creators of the game focused on exclusivity, and they succeeded, despite the hackneyed plot. And after the zombies were removed from Rust in one of the updates, the game became generally original, in every sense of the word.

31-08-2014, 16:40

As you know, initially in the game Rust there were no landmarks other than the sun and nature. Of course, many players are used to the fact that in this kind of games there are special miniature maps that show the area around the player within a radius of several hundred meters. But the developers decided to make the game exclusive in this regard, that is, to bring the conditions for the survival of players in the world of "rust" closer to the most realistic. And I must admit, it really became more difficult to survive, focusing only on the cardinal points and sunrise and sunset.

Rasta maps (Rust games), like a compass, are not in the game. It's sad, but it's a fact! But there is an opinion that this is even better, because it gives the game charm. No circles in the corner of the screen indicating your location, no maps with the location of the loot. Everything is like in life! Everyone knows the term "orienteering"? Just you and the wilderness, only hardcore!

Rasta Map

Of course, I did not lie to you that there is no Rust card. But the world is not without good people, there are plenty of maps on the Internet. Here we offer you a virgin blank card Rust Alpha game (most likely it will change after the final release of the game).

As you can see, the area in the game is enough to hide from enemy eyes, given that the black closed line is a road, 2 meters wide.

And here is the whole map of Rust_Island_2013! The piece where players can play now is highlighted, the rest is not populated yet, there are no resources, but the potential is already visible!

Over time, we will tell you about all the intricacies of orientation, but for now we will learn how to determine the cardinal points, find water with a coastline and determine the territory of the road with factories and other useful buildings where you can find useful loot.

How to navigate the game Rust

What to do if there is no compass? To apply knowledge orienteering on practice! Everyone knows, and who does not, it will now become that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It just so happened. If you move clockwise from the east, then the east will be on the right, south on the bottom, west on the left, and north, of course, on top. Rust's territory has three great landmarks available: a large mountain to the north, a sharp mountain to the east, and a sea to the south and west - this is our "compass" in the game. In the same order, see them in the pictures from the game Rust.

north mountain

east mountain

West and South Sea

Focus on the "compass" and you will never get lost and easily find each other in the game!

The main places with loot on the map:

Cardinal directions in the figure: top - north, bottom - south, left - west, right - east.

1. The most delicious place is the Big Radiation City. On its territory you can find several two-story buildings, each of which contains 4 boxes. There are also boxes on the street along the territory on the opposite side of the road. Also, red bears and wolves live in the vicinity of the city, killing which you can also find useful loot. But it is important to run through the entire territory very quickly, or in several passes, because the territory is heavily contaminated with radiation! There is one trick for exploring this city, but we will talk about it in a separate article.

2. No less tasty place - the Plant. On its territory you can find one two-story building with 5 boxes. There are also boxes on the back of the factory area. And across the road from the factory towards the sea there is a shed with a couple of boxes and then 3 more buildings with a box in each. A good place, but also dangerous, players of all stripes often roam there and kill indiscriminately.

3. Another popular place in Rust is the Hangars. There is often someone here, either they “clog arrows”, or they just meet, in general, the meeting place cannot be changed. On the territory of the hangar, you can find useful loot here and there. Also a dangerous place.

4. A little northeast of the hangar in the mountains there is an abandoned civilization. There is a covered shed and a couple of buildings that contain a total of 4 crates. The place is relatively quiet despite the location in the center of the map.

5. If you go east from the hangar, along the road, you can find 2 rusty tankers. The territory is quite heavily infected and the level of radiation rises greatly, so you need to collect loot from the boxes quickly enough. On the territory, as well as near a large radiation city, red animals roam. But the place is quite crowded and often here you can grab a bullet in the ass. Be vigilant, in fact, as always in the game Rust!

6. Moving along the road from the tankers according to the Rasta map, you will come across the second city - a small radiation city. Its distinguishing feature is that the road crosses it in half, do not confuse. The territory is not heavily infected and you can stay in this city for a long time. On the way to the city on both sides of the road, red animals roam.

7. In conclusion of the article about loot places, it is necessary to mention a less useful place - civilization by the road. It can be found if you go from the factory (2) to the north along the road. There is a large barn and a couple of houses on both sides of the road. There are not very many boxes, but also people.

The principle of suicide or how to die in Rust

So, what to do if the area is still unfamiliar to us and we do not see any of the landmarks discussed earlier? We need to die! How to die in Rust? Do not know? Do not despair, now we will tell you, press F1, write “suicide” in the console that appears and press the Enter key. If nothing happened, repeat again. This happens if the keyboard layout was originally Russian. And so on until you see one of the landmarks. And as soon as you find it, move in the direction you need.

After suicide or death in Rust, you will see a message where at the beginning it will be indicated who killed you and at the bottom right it is suggested to choose RESPAWN or AT A CAMP. The difference is that RESPAWN will spawn you anywhere on the map, while AT A CAMP will spawn you where your sleeping bag or bed is. Read our article about sleeping bag and bed.


So we got acquainted with the iconic places of the Rust game on the map in Russian. Now you know about the main landmarks of the game, whether it's a "compass" or loot places. And of course, you learned about such a principle as the principle of suicide. In future articles in the topic of the map, we will tell you about territories with resources and animals, about good places for building your own house and observation posts and about many other interesting things. Good luck in the game, friends, and see you soon!

ZY: added to the site, and even interactive!

In Rust, most players have a problem with map orientation. When I first entered the game, it was very difficult for me to find my friends, since there are no compasses, radars or maps. Why, even now, after 10 hours of playing Rust, it’s hard for me to navigate the map, although I already know some places. But learning a map is not an option, you understand. This is very boring and very long, but I want to play as soon as possible, so I want to teach you how to navigate the world in this article.

Let's start, of course, with the easy way. It has one minus, its minus is that it will not be possible to use it on all servers. But it is really more convenient, and if it doesn’t matter to you which server to play on, then it is advisable to find a server on which a special mod will be installed that displays your coordinates on command. It is not difficult to find such a server, especially since this mod is installed on many servers now.

To check if it is installed this mod on the server, enter the /location command in the game chat. I want to draw your attention to the fact that you need to enter the command in the game chat, which is opened with the "T" key.

If the server did not respond to the entered command, look for another one. And if you have 3 numbers in the chat, then this command will work on this server and you can use the first method. But that's not all, now you need to understand where you are. For this, we'll be using a Rust webmap. I know two maps, they are rustmap and rustnuts. Personally, I use the first one - RustMap, as it seems to me that it is more convenient. And it’s more convenient because it has a map of squares, and with it it will be very easy to tell your friends where you are this moment are.

So, to determine your location, you need to enter the /location command in the game chat and remember two numbers - x and z. Then open the map in the browser and enter these coordinates in the block on the right. Do not forget to write "-" before the number z.

Rust map or how to navigate the world in Rust

But not every server has a mod that allows you to use the /location command, and sometimes you don’t want to leave the server, because you have already built your house there or all your acquaintances and friends play there. Then everything will be a little more complicated for you, here I can offer you two options. You can run around and find some base or building that was not built by the players, but it is built into the Rust map itself. For example, let it be a factory. RustMap has photos of each such object.

Rust map or how to navigate the world in Rust

To view photos of these objects, just click on the camera icon and you will see a screenshot of the object. Since there are not so many objects on the map at the moment of development of the game, you can look at each of them and see the one you are near at the moment. Not very convenient, but an option for servers that do not display your coordinates.

Well, the last way. As you can see on the map, there is only one ring road in the game that connects all the fattest places with loot. If by happy circumstances you stumbled upon this road, then move away not far from it so that no one sees you and look at the map. You may be able to find exactly the place on the road where you are now.

That's it, I told you about all the navigation skills in this game. Maybe I didn’t tell you something, since I didn’t play that much, in which case you yourself can create an article on this site and talk about some other, unknown to me, way of navigating the world in Rust. So, we have learned how to find out our coordinates in Rust and use the map in Rust. Good luck with your game and more fat loot!

paper map(papermap)- allows the player to navigate the terrain without the use of mods. This is a useful tool - the land appears on the map where the player was.

How to craft a paper map (Recipe)

The recipe for the card is known to the player from basic set knowledge.

To create a paper map, you will need 1 sheet of paper. In turn, the sheet is made from 100 units of wood. The creation process takes 30 seconds.


To start using a map, you need to place it in the toolbar. From now on, the map will outline the area around the player from a bird's eye view. Once the map is placed, there will be fog around the player's location on the map. As the player moves, the fog will dissipate and the terrain will be drawn. Over time, a detailed geographical setting will be outlined. You can expand the map by pressing the "G" key (default). Minimize the map - by pressing the "G" key again.

The fact that the player can see their location and the surrounding area makes the map a very useful navigational tool. Also marked on the map interesting places. To do this, click right click mouse over the terrain in map view.

So readers will talk about how to find each other in the vast world of growing experiments, or how my friend and I searched for two hours to die in 20 minutes.

Let's start..

In the new growth, everything is not the same as in the old one, then you won’t see many landmarks like factories or large buildings, and the map itself is generated directly on the server, it’s a bit like minecraft, if anyone played.

But it is still possible to navigate. There is a sun and moon, you can try to determine the cardinal points in order to understand a little where you are. It helps a lot to find the player definition of the biome. In total, I noticed several biomes, these are mountains, snow, sand, grass and forest. My friend and I were guided by this, we wrote the kill command until we got into one biome, but this story is at the end.

There are also large structures for orientation, for example, statues of dogs, I saw a huge satellite from afar, large cranes, ruins, castles are possible, I also paid attention to large icebergs running through the snowy mountains.

map rast experimental

This map is an example, actually on different servers I will be different cards. But the essence is the same.

Well, I hope with large landmarks I have clarified your understanding a little, but you probably already know the small landmarks with last game. You can put a stove or a wall or a small house. To navigate the selected area and quickly find your home.

In the end, a little story about how my friend and I searched on the first rustexperimental pirate server.

rust experimental world map

Let's call our friend Boozer, so as not to burden him with glory. So we phoned on Skype, went to the server and started running. At first we saw a big mountain with a snowy peak and rushed there, but they were probably different mountains, then we decided to show each other the screen via Skype, what if I or Bukhar had already seen something like that. We couldn't find each other, then we started writing the kill command until we got into one biome, we ended up in the grass with large trees, there was sand nearby. Then we decided on the direction from each other's screens and the sunset. I ran closer to the beach and saw that the river was forking, then I asked Bukhar to show the screen and spin, he saw something similar in the distance, well, then we met on the beach near the fork of the river, we started running to extract rivers, it got dark, we saw a light, ran , beat the boy to death, robbed him a little bit, but while they were dividing the rivers, the body was gone. Then we ran through the woods, killed animals, saved up logs and started building a house, built two floors, and then some asshole with a machine gun came running and keeled us.

rust card

It turns out that if you know the Seed Number and World Size, it is possible to generate a map using the service, which is a very convenient thing for server owners.