Methodical development. “Sports orientation in games. Accuracy games for kids Accuracy games with your own hands

The main goal of all outdoor games for accuracy is to hit the target with the ball. Such games are universal for any age and have no limit on the number of participants. He spends them better on the street, in open spaces, so as not to accidentally "hit" a window or his mother's favorite vase. Recording and calculation of prize points can be taken over by an adult judge.

"Shooting range in buckets" - an outdoor game with a ball for accuracy for children from 4 to 14 years old

For the game, you need to prepare any unbreakable containers - basins, buckets, plastic glasses for beer and the like. A piece of paper with a number written on it is placed at the bottom of each vessel. This number is the number of reward points that a marksman who hits this target will receive. If you play on the beach, then it is good to dig the "targets" into the sand - for stability. Then they take a small ball and throw it in turn, gaining points. Of course, you can spend several "tours". The most accurate player is awarded. The game is suitable for children of any age, but the younger the children, the larger the target buckets, and the shorter the distance to the targets.

"Kingley" - an outdoor game with a ball for accuracy for children from 4 to 14 years old

The game is very simple. Two lines are drawn on the ground or on asphalt. Pins are set on one, the other marks where you can throw the ball. The task of the players is to knock down as many pins as possible with the ball. Points are scored for knocked down skittles. If you do not have skittles, empty plastic bottles can be successfully replaced. You can arrange the skittles not in a line, but in a zigzag or, as in bowling, in a triangle.

"Cities" - an outdoor game with a ball for accuracy for children from 7-8 years old

The game "Cities" is a team game. But the number of players in the "team" can be any - even one person. Before the start of the game, a line is drawn in the center of the field and a big ball is placed on it. At 2-3 meters from the line, two circles with a diameter of about 2 meters are drawn on both sides. These circles are the “cities” of the teams. All team members receive small balls. Their task is to throw their small balls at the big ball in such a way as to roll it into the opponent's "city". Whoever did it first, won.
If you are looking for games for children's day birthday or sports event, then you will be interested.

You see scattered parts of the blueprint in front of you. By rotating them in space, you need to get the whole image.

Reaction test, must be kept on the ball in the field.

Reaction test. It is necessary to euthanize the sheep as soon as it starts moving. Click on the arrow.

Reaction and attention test. Average result 20 sec.

Reaction test. Press the circle when changing colors. Excellent with a result of 0.1 to 0.2.

Test for reaction and attention. We collect black squares and avoid red ones.

Your task is to indicate all the black numbers in ascending order from 1 to 13. Get ready, concentrate.

Tests for memory and attention from "Science and Life"

Write all 50 numbers in order: 11 black, 11 orange, 12 black, 12 orange, ..., 35 black, 35 orange. If you do it faster than 3 minutes and faster than the last record from the table of records, then a button with the word "Hurrah!" will appear, by clicking on which you can enter your first name, last name, country and send your result to the server for recording in the table records.

Reaction test. You must click on the star as quickly as possible.

Game for development of attention and memory. free online.

This is an online counting speed game.

Not that puzzle

This is no ordinary puzzle, it tests your visual processing abilities. the task mainly involves the parietal lobe of the brain, the visual cortex and the temporal lobe.


This online geographic test will help you figure out where different countries are located on the map, what their capitals and flags are.

There is a Russian language and mute.


test for the ability to perceive colors and find them on the color palette. All you need is to quickly find the same color on the palette that this online test suggests. Or something similar. This is not only a test of the brain, but also a test of the performance of the right half of the brain, which is responsible for the perception of color.

Games with required registration

intricate figures

Various items, such as flowers, fruits, animals, geometric shapes

or amoeba, when composed, form a complex figure.

Determine the items that make it up.

To be able to play, you need register for free and save the password. Andonly after thatgames will be available for free..


Connect the name of the birds with their image and singing.

To be able to play, you need to register for free and save your password. And only after that games will be available for free.

Methodical development.

"Orienteering in games"

Orienteering - this is a search for control points on the ground using a map and a compass. Orienteering as a sport is suitable for children of different ages, abilities, interests, as it is essentially an outdoor game with the search for objects. Such activity forms research abilities, the ability to independently perform the tasks that the terrain, the map and search rules set, where necessary, along with physical training use intellectual capabilities

Target: training in orienteering in the main types of orienteering.

North South West East

10-15 people play, built in 2 lines and open one step. By compass or by the sun, the players indicate the sides of the horizon: north, south, west, east. Then loudly call any side of the horizon, for example<север>, and all players must quickly and clearly make a turn, facing north. Whoever makes a mistake receives a penalty point. The leader names the other sides of the horizon. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

Who will deliver the package faster

On the site, 2-3 routes are planned. A movement diagram is drawn up for each of them, it indicates the sections of movement in azimuth, landmarks and designated flags, branches, serifs on trees. To do this, the route is drawn on paper, divided into sections, the azimuth of each link is determined, and its length is measured in steps. At the starting point, each detachment is given a package and set the task of delivering to<штаб>On command, the groups begin to move in parallel at a distance of 200-300 m. The group that first reaches the final destination and hands the package to the intermediary wins. Note. The game can be played both for several squads and for groups of one squad.

Fun volleyball

As you may have guessed from the name, it will be about volleyball, BUT with a twist.

What you need to play:

You need to assemble two teams of 5 or more people, and of course you will need a volleyball. The highlight lies in the fact that instead of the usual grid, it is necessary to stretch a dense fabric and as a result the game will be played blindly, so to speak, which will undoubtedly add piquancy and excitement to it. Also the game will be very curious to watch the fans . The second highlight is to play the game with an ordinary volleyball net, but instead of a volleyball, you need to take an ordinary inflatable ball, add a few grams of water to it and inflate it, of course, such a game must be played in calm weather, or in the hall.

Team games

Team games are fun, exciting, dynamic team competitions that quickly and effectively involve children in the game, and also allow you to feel the benefits of teamwork and provide an opportunity to unleash the creative potential of each of the participants.

For children, this is an opportunity: to relax in a fun, interesting and exciting way. fresh air; communicate with your peers; feel the benefits of teamwork and feel the support of peers;

Game plan

Leaders (disguised as pirates or Indians) in game form group children into teams of 10 people. Teams are divided into pairs, come up with a name, motto and greet each other. After that, the start sounds and the "Game" begins. Teams in the competition mode are tested, and for winning the task they receive golden nuts or darts, (depending on the chosen scenario). Our heroes can compete in strength and dexterity, as well as show ingenuity and resourcefulness by guessing riddles and puzzles, test their accuracy by throwing darts. Then the semi-final, which includes the winners from each pair, and the final. Before the final competition, all teams exchange golden nuts or darts for keys to the treasure. After the final, the winners are awarded, prizes and commemorative diplomas are presented. Then the teams get together, open all the locks on the chest (how many teams - so many locks) and become the owners of all the contents (alcoholic drinks, company message, a huge bottle of champagne, fireworks, a flock of pigeons, etc.) Thus, all teams, regardless of whether they won the relay or not, they receive a total prize.

The game takes about 2-3 hours, during which the participants receive a huge charge of positive emotions, a sense of solidarity, self-confidence and a sense of victory.

Treasures of Flint.

When preparing the event, adventure scenarios and attributes are used. For correctly performed exercises, participants receive "artifacts", a card or "money", after which the team finds a treasure.

Discovery of America

It has been suggested that there is uncharted land on the other side of the ocean. A large expedition is going on a long voyage in search of the unknown. After many weeks of wandering through the endless expanses of the ocean, the outlines of land appeared on the horizon. The team dropped anchor, and the amphibious assault landed on the ground. It was the whole continent. Later it was called America. The team went to explore the surroundings, but they could not get far. The entire "Company" was captured by a tribe of Indians. The Indians did not want to let our discoverers go for a long time, but then they decided to grant them freedom, but only if they successfully pass all the tests that they themselves always go through when preparing for hostilities with neighboring tribes. That's what they decided on. And now our travelers are waiting for serious trials, after passing which they will receive freedom and various foreign gifts.

In all of the above scenarios, the commands will perform the following tasks:

Approximate list of tasks:

Tasks for dexterity, ingenuity and speed.

1. "Sapper" - Carrying the ball on rubber extensions

2. "Rings" - Throwing rings at the target

3. “Tug of war”

4. "Puzzle" - The task is to assemble a square from mosaic fragments.

5. "Snake" - It is necessary to hold a vertically standing log through the labyrinth with the help of braces from the ropes.

6. "Sticks" - Standing one after another, and placing sticks between them, you need to walk a certain distance without dropping the sticks.

7. "Swamp" (low) - the team must go from point A to point B, moving from bump to bump with the help of boards.

8. "Skiing" - while on group skiing, the team must go through the route indicated by the instructor.

9. "All-terrain vehicle" - standing one after another on special platforms, interconnected, you must go along the route indicated by the instructor.

10. "Toe to toe" - The team must step over obstacles without hitting them. At the same time, the players of the team stand in a line in front of the obstacle with their legs tied. The legs are connected as follows: the right leg of one player with the left leg of another player, etc.

11. "One hundred inches" - the team must saw off a log of a hundred inches in length with maximum accuracy. In this case, no measuring instruments can be used.

12. "Star" - The team needs to cross the logs without touching the ground using a pole and holding on to each other.

13. “Meeting” - The task is to disperse on a log without touching the ground.

14. “Stretching” - the team walks along two logs, resting their hands on each other.

15. "Labyrinth" - All participants hold a huge labyrinth in their hands, through which it is necessary to guide the ball

16. "Fishing" - Use a giant fishing rod to catch a five-kilogram crucian.

17. "Swing" - The whole team gets on the swing and balances them.

18. "Butterfly" - It is necessary to climb the ropes stretched cross to cross.

19. "Web" - The team must climb through the web, stretched between the trees without touching it.

20. "Black box" - guessing objects in the black box by touch.

21. "Stilts" - you need to go through the specified route on group stilts.

22. "Sea Wolf" - each team is given a long rope, on which within 2 minutes the players will have to tie as many knots as there are participants in the team. Then the teams exchange ropes. Now the participants need to untie the knots tied by the rival team.

23. "Snake" - participants stand in a circle and hold hands. Between them hangs one hoop (in the place of hand compression). The task of the teams is to collect all the hoops on one person (it can be any person from the team).

24. "Volleyball" - teams play volleyball with a huge (about 1.5 m in diameter) ball. The game is played up to 10 points.

25. "Winter fishing" - in front of each team there will be about 20 geometric shapes. Each of the participants will have a prototype of a winter fishing rod in their hand. The task of the team is to catch all the items, and then assemble them into an even square 1.5 * 1.5.

26. "Crossing" - at some distance from each other there are two platforms. The team needs to cross from one cube to another using a suspended rope. In this case, the participants should not touch the ground.

27. "Gorodki" - This is an old Russian game where participants can test themselves for accuracy. They have to shoot down a few figures.

The game runs from 2 to 3 hours.

Ali Baba

Everyone who wants to play this game is divided into two teams. Each team lines up in a line facing the opponent. The distance between the teams is at least 5 m. Then a dialogue occurs:

1st team. Ali Baba!

2nd team. What is the servant about?

1st team. Fifth, tenth such and such here (they call the name of the one they need).

After that, everyone in the first team join hands. And the player from the second team, the one whose name was called, must run up and, on the first attempt, break through the row of the first team anywhere. If he succeeds, he takes into his team one of those through whom he broke through. And if he failed to break the chain of players, then he himself goes to the opposing team.

The team that manages to collect all the players wins.

Cossack robbers

classical team game, the great-grandmother of all military sports games. For this game, the more players, the better.

Everyone who is going to play determines the boundaries of the territory on which the game will take place, and are divided into two approximately equal teams - Cossacks and robbers. Teams choose their own decals. Cossacks, for example, can play with armbands or similar caps, and robbers can tie bandanas or ribbons around their heads.

Now you can start the game. The robbers run to hide. Along the way, they draw arrows and leave other marks, which are designed not so much to show where they ran, but to confuse their pursuers, knock them off the trail.

Meanwhile, the Cossacks are choosing and preparing a place for a prison in which they will imprison the captured robbers. The dimensions of the prison must be such that all the robbers can fit in it. The border of the prison is either outlined with a line, or marked with sticks or stones.

When the prison is ready, it's time to catch the robbers. This is not at all an easy matter, because the robber must not only be seen, but also tarnished. If the Cossack manages to touch the robber, he must immediately stop. Taking the prisoner by the hand, he is led into the dungeon. You can’t break out, but if the Cossack himself releases the robber’s hand, he can run away. Gradually, several robbers fall into the dungeon.

But not everything is so simple. A robber who is being taken to prison can be rescued by his comrades. To do this, they need to sneak up on the Cossack escort and stain him. In this case, the Cossack must release the prisoner and has no right to pursue the fleeing robbers. However, everything can end differently. After all, if the Cossack was the first to tarnish the robber-rescuer, then he will take two to prison at once.

The robbers who got into the dungeon can leave it only in one case - if one of the comrades not caught touches them with their hand. Therefore, the Cossacks always leave several sentries near the dungeon.

Rescuing a robber from a dungeon is a very difficult and dangerous business. After all, the most that a prisoner who has noticed an approaching comrade can do is to approach the borders of the prison (but not cross them). And the guards can move as they please.

Therefore, usually a whole group of robbers is sent to free the prisoners: some distract the guard, while others stain the prisoners.

The game is played either until all the robbers are captured, or, which happens much more often, until it is time for the Cossacks and robbers to go home.

Wolves and bears

A team game of catch-up, in which the most important quality is not speed, but self-control, quick wit and good reaction.

All participants in the game are divided into two teams. The first team is wolves, and the second team is bears.

On the ground or on asphalt, 4 lines are marked: 2 starting (ambushes) and 2 finishing (houses).

Animals take places along the starting line facing each other. The sole of one foot of each competitor must be in the neutral zone.

Lead (the oldest or just experienced player), without warning anyone, chooses one of the teams and says loudly: “One, two, three ... Wolves!” (or: "Bears!").

The players of the named team rush in pursuit, while the others run away towards the house. Anyone who has crossed the finish line can feel safe - it is no longer possible to stain him. And those who have been tarnished are out of the game. Thus ends the first con. The rest take their places in the ambush, and the game begins again.

The game continues as long as there is at least one player in each team. If no one can be stained for a long time, the game ends. The team with the most players left wins.

The sea is worried ... Once

The host for the duration of the game becomes the master of the sea. He loudly says: “The sea is worried, once!” All participants run around. "The sea is worried, two!" - says the leader. The participants, moving, begin to portray someone or something related to the sea: a whale, a seagull, a sailboat, a jellyfish, etc. “The sea is worried, three! .. Marine figure, freeze on the spot!” All players freeze in poses depicting the selected figures. The leader goes around the participants and chooses the most expressive figure, the author of which becomes the new leader.

The game is repeated from the beginning. But this time, the facilitator can set the theme for the creation of the figures, saying, for example: “The figure ... of an octopus, freeze on the spot!”

Each next presenter comes up with more and more images for the figures, which can be animals, birds, plants, fairy-tale characters, heroes of myths and cartoons, representatives of different professions, popular artists, etc.

Sparrows and crows

This game can be played by 6-12 players. The more participants, the more interesting game. And for the game you will need two types of items, such as cubes and balls.

The participants of the game line up on the court in a column one by one at a step distance from each other. They are divided into two teams, counting on the first or second. On the right side of the column, cubes are laid out in a line, on the left - balls. There should be half as many objects on each side as there are players.

The game begins with the fact that everyone, at the command of the leader, performs different exercises: “hands up”, “hands to the sides”, “crouch”, etc. Then the leader pronounces one of the words loudly in syllables: “sparrows” or “ravens” . If he says “V-ro-ny”, then on the syllable “ny”, all the players rush to the cubes and try to capture them. If the leader says: “Vo-ro-bee!”, Then with the syllable “bee”, everyone rushes to the balls. Each player who captures an item earns their team one point. Usually spend 7 rounds of the game. After that, the points are calculated and the winner is determined.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. Some hold sports equipment in their hands (balls or flying saucers, or even better, both). The number of sports equipment depends on the number of players. If the participants are from 2 to 6, 2 projectiles are enough, if there are more than 6 participants, the number of projectiles can be increased to 3. The participants begin to simultaneously throw the ball and plate to each other in one direction. They always throw it to the closest friend. If he hesitated, the partner must wait.

Badgers, or hide-and-seek vice versa

This is probably the most fun version of hide and seek.

Players play out which of them will be the badger, as well as the order in which they go hunting. Then everyone turns away, closes their eyes and counts to 24, while the badger hides.

After that, the first hunter goes in search of him (the rest should turn away at this time). If the badger is not found within the specified time (for example, 1 minute), then the player returns to the hunters. And he can't talk.

But if a badger is found, the hunter, instead of driving him out of the hole, hides himself with him! A minute later, the second hunter goes to look for the badger, then the third, and so on. I must say that by the end of the game it is quite crowded in the hole. And the most difficult thing for everyone is not to burst out laughing and not give out their shelter to the hunters.

Station running

Rules of the game: This game tests the ability to complete tasks quickly and well. The route goes along the forest road. Groups are sent one after another. Each has its own waybill, where the start and finish times are noted, as well as notes are made at the stations (if necessary). Stations:

100 - Tennis balls buried in the sand. You need to find as many as possible in 30 seconds;

200 - bandage the unfortunate wounded;

400 - blow out a candle standing at a certain distance with the whole group;

500 - find a familiar person in the nearby bushes;

600 - in 1 minute throw cones as many balls suspended on a tree as possible, the balls should burst;

700 - in 30 seconds write as many qualities of a person as possible;

800 - collect a certain number of scattered peas in 1 minute;

900 - stand in a circle and say something pleasant to each other in a circle;

1000 finish.

Materials needed: Tennis balls, bandages, cookies, burning candle, balloons, paper, pen, peas.

Orientation type: Preset direction

Skills and abilities: the choice of rational ways of movement between the control

Means: determining the direction, reading the map, controlling movement along reference points.

Together with the leader, they walk the distance in a given direction in the park. Students determine the direction to the control point using a compass, select a chain of landmarks on the way to the control point, determine the binding and location of the control point, draw the selected route to the control point on their map and go on the route. Moving along the route, students determine their location on the map. Having found the control point, the leader tells about the rules of orientation on the ground. At the end of the journey, the leader divides the students into teams and conducts a quiz on the topic "Competition Rules"

Questions of the quiz "Competition Rules"

1. While marking at the checkpoint, you accidentally marked checkpoint 5 in the box number 6. Where will you mark the checkpoint 6. (A. In the box number 5. B. in the box number 7, then you will mark with a shift with a shift by one cell. S. in a reserve cage.)

2. Having passed the last checkpoint, you run to the finish line and find that you dropped the card. What are you going to do? (A. finish and then come back for the card. B. finish, tell the judges that you lost the card. S. come back for the map, find it, then finish.)

3.Running to the checkpoint, you found that the prism had fallen and was lying a few meters away from it. What are you going to do? (A. hang the prism in place. C. Do not pick up a dropped prism, and after the finish, tell the judges that the prism at the control has fallen. C. You will not take any action on this matter.)

4.After the finish, you were allowed to keep the map. A participant who has not yet started comes up to you and asks you to show the map. Will you fulfill his request? ( A. no. B. Yes. C. Yes, if he starts at a different distance.)

5. After passing several checkpoints, you found that you have a map with a distance of another group. You return to the start, ask to change the map and give you a restart. Will your request be fulfilled? (A. No. B. Yes. C. Yes, if the judges admit that the card of another distance was received by you as a result of a referee's error.)

6. Is it allowed to go to the start in sandals, sandals, shoes with heels. ( A. no. Q. Yes C. Yes, if the competition is in clear weather.)

7. Which of the following devices cannot be used while walking? (A. Satellite navigation device (GPS) only B. Altimeter (a device that measures altitude above sea level) only) C. both of these devices.)

Quiz topics can be: flora and fauna of the garden; garden and park culture of St. Petersburg; a life wonderful people; conventional signs sports cards; KP legends; competition rules; Olympism and the Olympic movement, etc.

Task 2 "Pathfinders"

Two teams of 2-7 people participate. The leader gives the team captains maps of the park (1-7 pieces) with marked checkpoints (CP), which must be found in the specified order. Membership card for marking at the checkpoint. According to the terms of the task, each team overcomes the route in opposite directions 1-1.5 km from 5-7 CPs. At the signal of the team leader, they determine the direction to the 1st checkpoint using the compass, choose the route to the checkpoint, put it on the map and go on the route. At the checkpoint, equipped with a prism with an inscribed question and answer options, the team must answer the question and enter the answer code on the card. Having overcome the entire distance, the team finishes and gives the leader a card and a card. The head checks the correctness of the answers and charges a fine. The team that finishes first in in full force and get a smaller fine.

Task 3 "Star"

Participants start in pairs or one at a time. The leader invites students to answer the quiz question and write down the answer code in the participant card. The task of the participant is to answer all the questions and put all the control points on his map, connect them in order of numbers in the distance. Run a distance, marking at the checkpoint with a composter in the participant's card. If the student made a mistake when answering the question, he connects the points marked on the map to the distance and goes on the route. After the finish, he continues to answer questions and transfer the checkpoint to the map. Again connects the CP to the distance and runs it. The result is determined by the time spent on the task.

Orientation type: Choice

Skills and abilities: planning the optimal route with a given number of checkpoints.

Tools: Designing routes

Task 1 "Redrawing".

Students can complete the task in teams, in pairs, one at a time. All start at the same time. The leader invites the students to redraw all the CP with control chart on your work card and in any order, at your own discretion, find the number of points specified by the manager. The task of students is to plan a distance from a given number of checkpoints with a minimum route length, choosing a path along clear reference points, with easy-to-find checkpoints on the ground with reference. At control points equipped with a prism with inscribed quiz questions and answer options, participants must answer the question and enter the answer code on the card. The result is determined by: running time + penalty for questions

Task 2 "Scattering"

Students are given a map, where the first control point is set by the leader, they find the remaining points of their choice, planning the distance on their own. The start is general, there are as many dispersion options as the CP costs. Control points are equipped with prisms with quiz questions and answer options, participants must answer the question and enter the answer code on the card. The result is determined by: running time + penalty for questions.

Task 3 "Shuttle"

Students from the control card, by choice, redraw one control point, find a control point, mark it at the control point, and return to the start, then redraw two points, find, mark, return, redraw three control points, etc. etc. until they find all the checkpoints.

Orientation type: Marked track

Skills and abilities: the student's accurate determination of his location and determination of the location of the checkpoint.

Means: Matching the map with the terrain

Task 1 "Petals"

The student receives a map with a plotted route and checkpoints on it, while moving along the route, the participant monitors his location on the map and, having met on his way a checkpoint equipped with a prism with quiz questions and answer options, the participant must check the location of the checkpoint on the ground with the drawn checkpoint on the map and if their legend matches, answer the question and enter the answer cipher on the card. If it does not match, then this is a false point, the student continues on his way. At the finish line, the student receives a card with the next loop and goes to the distance. After passing the last loop, the student submits the card to the supervisor for verification. The result is determined by the time the task was completed + the penalty for the CP.

Task 2 "Route"

Students are divided into teams of 4-5 people, a leader is appointed. The leader gives the leaders maps with different routes, but passing through the same checkpoints, the rest receive a blank map with a drawn starting point. Teams start at the same time. Leading teams perform the role of leader. Their task is to run along the drawn thread, fixing on the map the location of the checkpoints encountered on the route, ahead of the team. The role of the rest of the team members is to keep up with the leader, follow their location on the map and determine the location of the control point with fixing them on the map. The result is determined by the time spent on the task + the penalty for the CP.

Task 3 "Marker"

It is recommended to complete the task in winter on skis, using the ski track in the park. Students are given blank card with a designated starting point, their task, moving along the ski track, is to determine their location on the ground and mark on the map with a marker the location of all the checkpoints set on the course. The result is determined by the time spent on the task + the penalty for the CP.

Such games are perfect for developing gross motor skills, accuracy, speed, strengthening the muscular system and memory, the ability to compare hand movements with the desired result.


An old game is held in nature, on the beach. The number of players from 3 or more. Small indentations are made in the ground / sand, it is advisable to take a small spatula. Each participant has his own “stove”. The first player rolls the ball over the holes, the last player catches it and throws it back. In which hole he stops, that player quickly grabs the ball and throws it at the nearest competitor. Everyone scatters in loose, and the one knocked out must hit his comrade without leaving the spot. If he misses, he takes the place of the first player and continues to hit the stoves. After 3 unsuccessful throws, the hole is marked with a line. Each subsequent miss is indicated by a stick (chicken) around the hole. When a player collects 5 sticks, they are hidden, and the most "accurate" one is looking for them. When the chickens are found, the player catches up with the rest and touches them with a stick. Everyone is caught, the game starts again.

Relay race.

The participants are divided into teams. Optimally from 2 to 4, each should have an equal number of players. The start and finish lines (7-10m) are marked, at the end of the relay race a recess is made for the ball or snowball. The first players stand at the start and, on a signal, begin to throw the ball / snowball, trying to get into the hole. Whoever is lucky, quickly rushes to the hole, picks up the ball / snowball and returns to the start, passing the right to throw to the next player of his team. Victory for the fastest and most accurate. This game is especially popular with schoolchildren, it can be played at any time of the year.


The game is played in a pond, pool, river, sea. The more players, the better (from 7 people different ages). The draw determines the merman. He becomes the center, and the rest form a circle. Participants try to knock out the water one with a light ball. The most accurate one changes places with the central player, and the fun begins again. The ball should not touch the water, if this happens, then the unsuccessful thrower loses the right to throw for a while. Merman can hide under water, but not more than 10 seconds.


1st option.
Such fun is carried out in the park, in the forest on a warm, clear day. To play, you need a tree and a hula hoop. The start and finish (tree) are indicated. A hula-hoop is hung on a branch and a hole is dug at a distance of 40 cm from the tree. Players in turn run with the ball, throw it through the circle, trying to get into the hole. The most accurate will be the winner.
2nd option.
The same tree and ring. The running participant throws the ball into the hoop and catches it from the other side. Then it returns to its original position. The game is played against the clock, who gets the title of the winner faster.


For this game you will need a plastic or rubber plate with a diameter of 50 cm. The number of participants is not limited. The start and finish are drawn (5-15 m), on the latter a “tower” is installed (height is about 1 m). It can be built from plastic bottles, snow, or other scrap materials. Each player takes turns launching a frisbee in an attempt to knock down the tower. The one who hits the target 10 times wins.


To play, you will need a small hula hoop and two sports sticks. Participants stand opposite each other, the first with a stick throws the ring to the other. The second tries to catch him. The distance between the players at the beginning is 1 m, as you master it, you can increase it to 3 m. It's more fun to catch rings on the go, when the players run parallel to each other, keeping their distance.

Wherever there is a company, yard, park, river, physical education lesson, you can always improve your eye, accuracy and ability to cooperate.

Any activity associated with hitting the "bull's eye" not only develops motor skills and coordination, but improves the overall physical condition of the baby. Our selection of games will appeal to children of all ages.

Game #1: Scammers

It all starts with the elementary: you walk with your baby and invite him to play simple game- who will throw further, or who is the most accurate. In nature, any improvised means will suit you: snowballs, cones, coastal pebbles, small stones, or even the first fallen apples. As a target, you can use any container or, for example, a ball that needs to be hit by another object. Remember that it is more interesting for little ones to play when the sound is louder. So, they will be happy to throw "shells" into a metal bucket. At home, you can use acorns, chestnuts, walnuts, candy wrappers and a regular saucepan.

Game #2: Futsal

As soon as the baby begins to walk confidently, it's time to learn how to play football. You won't even notice how very soon your child will run faster than all his peers and shoot at goal with the accuracy of Messi.

To play on the "home field" you will need a soft ball, and any doorway can serve as a goal in the apartment. With older children, you can already go to the football field in the yard. It is important to observe safety precautions here. The ball should be light enough not to damage the emerging knee and ankle joints. Do not allow your child to kick a real soccer ball until he is 5 years old.

Game 3: Skittles

This game is equally good for both indoor and outdoor games. Babies love it when things fall and scatter. They come from this in indescribable delight! Especially if you play with parents who can set an example. There are simple sets of skittles made of lightweight plastic with small balls for the little ones, and there are also more weighty options for schoolchildren. This is almost a bowling alley, only for kids. By the way, skittles can be replaced with ordinary plastic milk bottles. First, you need to pour cereals into them or pour water - for better stability.

Game 4: Darts

Just don't give your baby daddy's darts to play darts. A set for the smallest will help to introduce the baby to this lesson - a target and balls with Velcro. Kids love absolutely everything in this game: lightness, simplicity, and even the sound of balls being torn off. They also sell sets with magnets. Of course, parents will have to count the points for now, but in the future the child will thank you, because the best entertainment in a noisy cheerful company in the open air can not be imagined. AND professional set for playing darts will be a great gift for the first anniversary.

Game 5: Rings

An exciting game for big and small kids and their parents. The conditions are extremely simple - several players alternately throw rings on pegs installed a couple of meters away. Minimum inventory. You can play both indoors and outdoors. Great for developing coordination and motor skills.

Game 6: Mini Basketball

Does your toddler love to throw toys? A great skill for a growing basketball player. Give your child a rubber or plush ball and set up a stylized basketball backboard with a mini basket in their room. Just do not hang the ring too high - the young athlete must see his progress. And tell dad not to demand from his child the clarity of NBA players. Let the baby throw the ball as you like, as long as it hits and is happy. And later you can raise the basket and give the ball a heavier one.

Game 7: Hoop

For this game, you will need a children's hula hoop or a homemade hoop, which can be made from wire and wrapped with braid. The rules are simple: one of the parents holds the hoop at a distance of 2 meters from the child, and the kid's task is to throw the ball so that it flies inside the hoop. The task can be complicated by changing the position of the hula hoop. And as a projectile, use not only balls and balls, but also, for example, launch paper airplanes through the ring. Boys will especially like this option.

Game 8: Minigolf

Another elite sport. Although accuracy and stick handling will prove useful not only on the golf course, but also on the hockey rink in the yard. Mini golf sets for kids are distinguished by light and sound effects, each successful throw is accompanied by solemn music. On top of that, this game will teach the child endurance and composure.

Game 9: Petanque or Boccia

Modern petanque is over a hundred years old. The essence of the game is simple: each player has a set of balls. By lot, one of the participants throws a target ball onto the playing field. Next, the players take turns throwing their balls. The one whose ball is closest to the target wins. It is allowed to knock out the opponent's balls, which makes the process even more fun. Today on sale you can find children's sets in the form of heroes of popular computer games. For playing with kids on the street, it is better to choose a sandy area - the balls will get stuck in the sand and will not scatter over a long distance. At home, you can improvise: for example, with wooden checkers or make a set yourself by sewing small fabric balls and filling them with rice, beans or buckwheat.