Pai give 2 game review. Nuances of the game and its gameplay

Payday 2 was released in 2013, but that hasn't stopped it from being popular to this day. Considering the size of the community and the amount of information about the game, from reviews to detailed guides in the passage, only the deaf could not hear about Payday 2. Therefore, I bring to your attention a somewhat unusual review - "Review of the consumer".

Until relatively recently, it was possible to purchase each DLC (of which there are almost fifty) separately, but now all DLCs are included in Payday 2: Ultimate Edition, which reduces the choice of everything to two options: either all or nothing. At the same time, the price tag, although significantly less than if you bought all the add-ons separately, is still rather big. As many people like to say: "It used to be better." Perhaps, in this situation, I agree with them, but "we have what we have."

What will we get by purchasing the Ultimate Edition? The answer is banal to the point of impossibility: "We will get everything." But what about those who cannot / do not want to spend money on additions to the game? Of course, there is a completely universal option - to cheat / cheat, but this is a rather controversial method, so we will not consider it. Instead, let's figure out what can be "squeezed" out of regular version game and how complete it is.

Let's start with character development. Here you can observe full parity with the Ultimate Edition: the number of available levels (including infamy) and branches of the skill tree is the same. The only exception is perks, of which a little more than half are available (10 out of 18). Yes, among the closed, quite interesting and useful perks, but personally I think that this is not critical, because among the available ones there is also something to choose from.

With the "tools of labor" the situation is clearly not in favor of the usual version: in all categories of weapons (except for paired weapons), significantly less than half of the "tools" are available to us. The saddest picture among machine guns, sniper rifles and a special one (and for both slots). Only 19 units out of 84 can be opened for close combat. The inaccessibility of weapons with impressive damage (grenade launchers, some rifles, bows, etc.) difficult levels, limits the choice of tactics, and simply does not allow you to have fun to the fullest.

The situation is similar with weapon upgrades, so I’ll just make a reservation that the inaccessibility of some types of modifications, for example, the shooting mode, creates the impression that we have something like a demo version, and not a full-fledged game.

Now for the good stuff - the missions. Yes, only 37 tasks out of 59 are available to owners of the regular version, but there is an absolutely legal opportunity to play each of them: just find a lobby with the desired mission and join the game. If you have a friend/acquaintance with Payday 2 Ultimate Edition, then everything is simpler - just make him the leader of the lobby and ask him to start the mission of interest.

There are a couple of things in the regular version that aren't in the Ultimate Edition.

a red inscription (in front of most modifications, weapons, etc.) with the following content: "Purchase Payday 2: Ultimate Edition to open"

golden menu item "Get Payday 2: Ultimate Edition today"

Seriously, I was very pleased with the advertising of paid content - it cannot be called intrusive. There is a clear division into standard weapons and DLC-shnoe; all inaccessible units are automatically shifted to the end of the list and do not "procrastinate", besides, you do not need to make extra clicks to check belonging to a particular category - everything is visible and understandable at once. The same goes for missions. Another nice thing is the lack of ads on the loading screens - not like some (I won’t specify, since the yubiks asked not to talk about their The Crew).

Although Payday 2 is cooperative game, but it is also multi-user. For this category, the problem of cheating is very acute. Personally, I think this is great. Yes, there are cheaters and there are quite a lot of them, but they don’t really interfere with other players for two reasons: 1. Everyone fights on the same side, so cheating against others is stupid. 2. It is very easy to get rid of cheaters, and you don’t have to write anywhere, or wait for waves of bans, which are not provided in this game. And this is another plus for honest players, because they won’t be banned due to cheaters or errors and you won’t have to buy a new copy games, as it happens with some (I won’t specify again, since you can’t write about GTA 5).

Another bonus: regardless of the version of the game, an expensive item can drop out that can be sold on the marketplace. In extreme cases, for ordinary items, you can get a couple of voiced coins, which will definitely come in handy at the next sale.

Outcome: Whether to pay extra for the Ultimate Edition is a personal matter for everyone. Yes, looking at the goodies from the DLC, a certain sediment appears, but by and large it is not critical, so Payday2 can safely be called a "must have" game for co-op lovers, regardless of version.

Personally, I like Payday2 for the variety of options for passing and the emotions you get in the process. I wish the developers further creative success.

Tactical first-person shooter, stealth action and co-op heist simulator all rolled into one. Gamers will be able to take a contract to rob a bank, choose the difficulty level and think over the tactics of the robbery. If the adventure is successful, players will be able to receive money, experience and a random reward.

General information

Well known from the first part, the four robbers come to Washington County, in search of new contracts and profit. The more successful robberies the team will have, the more complex and highly paid tasks they will be offered. Gradually, thanks to the customization system and the ability to upgrade weapons, the characters will be able to become real virtuosos. The game is aimed at cooperative passage, there is practically nothing to do in it alone.

As in the first part, you will be engaged in robberies. Sometimes, for a change, the game will throw in original missions: carry out an act of vandalism in a hypermarket, and then quietly escape from the crime scene. For such tasks you will receive fresh banknotes.


Playing alone, unfortunately, will not work. The accomplices of the bots turn out to be stupid, like stumps, they are only enough for running around and shooting. If they can help you in the easiest missions, then their AI is clearly not enough for a complex and thoughtful robbery.

Game process

You will be able to master the cash register in two opposite ways. Either you break into the bank with noise and bang, arrange a deafening firefight and force the staff to comply with your requirements, or - do everything neatly and cleanly. If you are not a fan of reasoning, then of course you can choose the first path, but keep in mind: the head will have to answer for the lack of convolutions.

To confront the players will be a whole crowd of police and special forces. They will begin to push in waves, climb into windows, jump out of gateways, fall from the ceiling, hide from sniper rifles on the roofs of neighboring houses. These guys also lack the stars from the sky, but are already capable of the simplest tactical actions. They can, for example, let in smoke or gas so that life does not seem like honey to robbers. If the player seriously injures the bot, it can hide and sit in cover for a long time. We'll have to smoke it at the risk to the character's life.


However, passing the mission quietly is also not easy. An unfortunate accident is enough for the staff to raise the alarm: they forgot to answer the dead cop on the walkie-talkie - meet the police squad; they didn’t hide the corpse in a trash can - here’s a special forces group for you. Yes, and with partners can not be lucky. You can practically turn the case by the time someone loses their nerve and a shootout starts.


To do serious and profitable business, you will need pumped characters who have various tricks in their arsenal. You will start with a clumsy clumsy who hardly holds a gun and, like a fool, picks at the lock for an hour. As you gain experience, you will discover new abilities in yourself: using a circular saw to unlock the doors of safes, and use various devices to turn off the alarm, open the doors to the vault using C4 and much more.

My first almost successful raid was on a jewelry store. The first is almost successful - it means that the massacre with the police ended, but did not begin; up to this point, with random partners, from the very start, I cut through the mountains of corpses without any fuss. Now we effectively knocked out the two guards, put all the buyers-sellers on the floor in a coordinated manner, tied their hands and quickly dragged the bags of diamonds to the car. But I turned out to be an idiot.

On the way to the very last bag, I decided that since everything was already done, I could not take a steam bath, and went ahead, through the glass display case. Of course, as soon as it broke, the alarm went off, and our pickup immediately dumped to a safe place, leaving me with three most likely disgruntled accomplices and a bunch of aggressive bots.

So far it has been mine best party in Payday 2. There was also one good start of clearing the art gallery of paintings, but there the farce began not halfway through, and through no fault of my own.

Somehow it happened that the first Payday passed me by. We could hear the loud start of the shooter, unknown to anyone until the very day of the release, the people around were playing for fun, all sorts of videos regularly appeared on the network, but with my own hands I didn’t feel something.

Payday 2 has already been expected, and here you can’t slip past in any way, you have to try, simultaneously stepping on a rake that everyone had to learn to bypass from the first part.

Already from the threshold it is clear that the gamer loves the project. The very first task is a tour of your new personal criminal shelter, where, among other things, there is a bank safe where you can admire the trained cubic meters of money, and stands with collections of masks and various guns. Except for narcissism, this nook is not needed at all for anything - a normal performance in local missions can only be obtained at local missions - but how nice it is to visit your cellar with dollars from time to time! It remains only to learn how to receive these dollars.

In general, PD2 is such a Left for Dead, only about bandits instead of marauders-survivors against policemen instead of zombies. We have a team of four robbers who need to do different things, and it is highly desirable to do all this together. If everything is done correctly, then you can dramatically increase your salary and avoid dreary skirmishes, if not, then welcome to zombieland, where they also have machine guns.

Obviously unbelievable: trying to get comfortable in PD2 locations with bots in partners is a mistake and a waste of time. The dummies do nothing: they stupidly run around and shoot at anyone. The missions of our game - if you try in a good way - they, among other things, are very, very tied to working together, the ability to do everything synchronously and / or on time, as well as knowledge of the current scenario of the map.

And here I am robbing a bank with bots. Bring the drill yourself, open the safe yourself, pack the bags yourself, drag them yourself to the car. But how could everything be: the team comes from somewhere from the roof or the service entrance, carefully removes three guards at once, disables the cameras, quickly knits seven visitors and two cashiers, takes the jackpot and enjoys life.

In fact, you will not be able to do this with live partners on the first try, but with bots it is generally a useless circus. Unless you can see the map. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to normal online, even if you have never played the original. There will be bumps, there will be a lot of them, but believe me, it will be both more useful and more fun.

Moreover, that's just fun in PD2 more than enough. Especially if you have a company with which you could arrange a big planned raid, brutally break off at one and a half stages and then taxi out the mission on an honest obscene word on Skype. But in general, random accomplices from the Internet will come down this time.

It happens that you enter a random lobby, and there has never been a lobby, but a long-running scenario, half of the civilians have been shot, the building is stormed by special forces, two of the three bandits are digging into bank cells, and behind them a third dies, who is poked in three law enforcers at once, and five more lined up in a queue until fresh illegal blood. You unload a whole magazine of your Kalashnikov into the corridor, put the dying man on his feet, throw additional cartridges on the floor, and just then the first two have collected deposits for three bags of candy - it's time to go; wow what a powerful mover!

And all this time, tense electronic music still sounds from the speakers, so that no one relaxes. The tone is set right, I tell you.

It happens, however, exactly the opposite, when there are noobs around, there are only insults in the chat, and players come and go from the server every two minutes, but the first happens much more often.

My safe: not yet thick.

Upon successful completion of the mission, PayDay 2 treats players with goodies. Probably a good third of the fun of the game is hidden in the process of their distribution.

So, there is a stable amount of cash, plus skill points. By combining the first with the second, you can get yourself some new useful perk. But the same money can also be spent on weapons and masks, and this is where miracles begin.

How happy do you get when you get some epic boss drop in some instance of some popular MMO ... oh, this number generator moonlighting as a one-armed bandit. When you open a chest in Borderlands 2, when you break Diablo's horns, when you get to the end of a dungeon in Elona... So, in PayDay 2 roulette random numbers, firstly, it happens after each map, secondly, it is a win-win, and thirdly, it is available even offline!

The humor is that before you can spend your ill-earned money on anything other than level-ups, you first need to open it in the local Draw Card slot machine. Actually, the guns appear in the store simply with a new level, but here are the upgrades for them, plus new masks, plus paints for masks - all this will first need to be pulled out of the slot machine.

The feeling of satisfaction after a successful round of guessing is like opening a box of Team Fortress 2 and pulled out an unusual hat for his favorite class. Or a special courier from Dota 2. And all this fun here is given away for free, uh-uh!

A bit of intro because it "s much needed... The developers made a lot of monetization mistakes in the past and you will find a lot of negative/old reviews for that. However, monetization (one-pack-buy-all- DLCs) is currently fine and quite cheap.

- Really a blast, enjoyable gaming experience most of the times.
- Quite a lot of people still play this, and it seems to be stable.
- You can play solo or with friends, or even public lobbies aren't bad, provided you use some filters (more on this later).
- Tons of mods, some good and some bad. They range from blatant cheats (FU) to customizable HUD and some gameplay fixes (these are<3).
- Insane weapons variety, and I mean it, there are so many weapons to choose from that I "ll be lucky if I played half of them in 600h+ gameplay. You want a Mosin Nagant and feel like in WWII again? You can have that You want a minigun and feel like in GTA San Andreas?
- A *lot* of maps and heists available, some of which can be completed either in stealth or loud.
- Do you like to run around guns blazing? You can play loud.
- You like to stealth and overall play sneaky cheeki breeki? You can play stealth.
- Pretty much unlimited (probably billions) of different mask customization options, if you"re into that sort of thing.
- There will be a difficulty for you, no matter if you never touched a shooter before or if you have really good aim. Just... Take it easy, please. Here follows a bit of a summary for difficulties:
Normal-> I think you just can "t die, cops deal close to no damage whatsoever.
Hard-> Don "t be fooled by the name, you really need to want to die and try super hard to fail at this difficulty, cops still deal next to no damage whatsoever.
very hard-> For a new player there is a bit of a gap between Hard and Very Hard. You can actually die at this difficulty but it's still super easy.
OVERKILL-> Here"s the first huge gap from the previous difficulty, this is where you generally quit messing around too much (unless you have hundreds of hours and you know what you"re doing).
Mayhem-> Another huge gap from the previous difficulty, cops deal a lot more damage and will down you in some shots.
death wish-> Not too big of a gap from Mayhem, cops do a bit more damage and that"s the difficulty I generally play at, where the game is hard but not stupidly hard and down to luck to complete.
Death Sentence-> This is a troll difficulty, stupidly hard where you get downed in 1/2 hits no matter how much armor you are wearing. It "s very silly, a lot of times you will rely on spawn RNG to help with level completion. This mode can be really frustrating and restricts the amount of viable builds you can use massively.
Death Sentence (One Down)-> Same as before, but even worse because you can get downed once and the second you go into custody. hardest mode.

- Bugs. Some of which can be fixed with mods, some will be funny. Just have to deal with it, the game isn't perfect like any other game I guess.
- Cheaters. I *highly* recommend you to enable the auto-kick feature for cheaters and install some modifications like NGBTO (google it) to further increase your lobby security if you"re into hosting, because a cheater is bound to join your lobby sooner or later .
- Sporadic crashes. The game will occasionally crash, some mods help with making it crash even more so you have to pay attention to the error logs if that happens.