Dixit card game. Game club. Oh, it's something like "Imaginarium"

Board game Dixit is unusual beautiful game in association. During gameplay you will constantly have to turn to intuition, imagination and just ingenuity. The game reveals your friends to you from a new side and allows you to make new acquaintances in a pleasant and unobtrusive atmosphere. The game is practically independent of the language, because you can not only describe your associations in words, but also sing or show pantomime, and there are not a single word on the cards, only unusual images. This magical and calm game will give you a lot of pleasant emotions!

The rules of the game are very simple. Each player is dealt six cards. The players take turns. One of the players is declared as the Storyteller (guessing). The narrator chooses one card, lays out the card face down in front of him, describes it in any way available to him (pronounces a word or phrase, shows with a gesture, facial expressions, makes a sound that he associates with this card). The original map is not shown to other players.

All other players search among their cards for something that best matches the Storyteller's description and also put it face down on the table. Then all the laid out cards are shuffled, laid out in a row.

The task of the players is to guess the picture posted by the Storyteller. This is done using numbered tokens, each player places a token face down in front of him with the number of the card that he thinks the lead player has chosen.

The game ends when the deck of cards runs out. The player with the most points wins.


  • 84 cards;
  • playing field;
  • 6 wooden figurines of rabbits;
  • 36 voting tokens;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Dixit Action!

  • Reviews for the board game Dixit Promotion!


    At home there are all the games from the Imaginarium series and everything has already been played for 100 laps. They knew about the existence of Dixit and that it is the same thing, but since it is more expensive, they bypassed it. Well, since now there is no choice left, we came to our favorite Igrotime for Dixit. We were told that Dixit is a French original, and Imaginarium is a Russian analogue, so the price of Dixit is higher. Having opened the game at home, we were pleasantly surprised, the game just envelops with a fabulous atmosphere, we just fell in love with these illustrations. Definitely for a family with children, Dixit is much better suited than the Maginarium. Now we start to collect a new collection)

    Answer: Quite rightly said, Dixit is great for playing with the family, and Imaginarium is more suitable for parties. By the way, here you can find add-on kits at a discount!


    I like games where fantasy works. And here it works at 100%. Despite its intricacy, even the children were imbued with it. By the way, playing with them is often even more interesting than with adults. And harder. Their imagination works differently, but this is even a plus) The game was bought according to reviews from the Internet, they did not regret it. Special thanks to the store.

    Answer: We are glad that you liked the game! By the way, the mechanics of the game is quite popular, pay attention to similar games Imaginarium, Factum, Fancy. And then there is the Mysterium game, where this mechanic is woven into a detective story. And coming very soon new game Empathio, where in addition to associations, emotions are very important! Oh yes, be sure to also look at 500 evil cards for adult company and Nyashka to play with children!

  • This game has become real for us discovery of the year! For the first time we got acquainted with it from our friend and after playing enough for several weekends in a row we decided to buy the same one, but with a different set of cards, the choice fell on Dixit Journey, which we do not regret at all. The content of the article:

    How good is the game

    Suitable for all ages from 5 to 105. To tell the truth, our 3 year old is great at picking up associations, the difficulty for him is not to show the rest of his cards and not vote too early. It has been tested on completely different companies, it makes you fall in love with the simplicity of the rules, that is, the one who sees it for the first time deals with it in 2 minutes, and there are no special rules - choose associations and that's it, except that you need to figure out the scoring.

    Rules of the game

    1. Each player is dealt 6 cards, which he examines himself, without showing anyone.
    2. We walk in a circle, the first participant puts any of his cards upside down and names the association to it.
    3. An association can be any word, phrase, song excerpt, sound, gesture, facial expression or a mixture of these (the main thing is that the guesser can repeat this at the request of the participants)
    4. The rest of the players look in their cards for the closest association to the named association and also put it on the table.
    5. The first player shuffles the cards and lays them out now face up.
    6. Now the rest of the players must vote where they think the player's card is.


    Everything here is thought out very subtly, which makes the game interesting. The fact is that it is in your interests to come up with such an association to the card that only some players could guess. If everyone guessed right, it's bad, and if no one guessed it, then it's even worse in terms of scoring. Thus, you cannot make an association that is too obvious and at the same time you cannot say complete nonsense off the topic. So,

    • If everyone guessed the card, the active player (the one who guessed) gets nothing, the rest get 2 points each.
    • Nobody guessed right - the active player gets no points, the rest get 2 points each + the rest of the players get 1 point for the fact that someone voted for their card.
    • If at least one player (but not all!) guessed the card of the active player, then the guesser and all those who guessed correctly get 3 points + 1 point if someone voted for your card.

    Our cunning men did this: for example, on the left card, the association "Tungsten" and all the ladies ran up and poked someone in "finger into the sky", and only those (usually men) who are friends with physics, guessed that tungsten = light bulb. But the card on the right called "Helium" has already been guessed by many.

    How to diversify the game?

    To make the game even more interesting, try entering a theme. And then associations can only be invented within the circle of a given topic. For example:

    • Proverbs and sayings
    • Song phrases
    • Movies (movie titles, characters, phrases from it)
    • cartoons
    • Books
    • Soviet Union (everything connected with it)
    • Gestures (no words at all!)

    At first glance, this may seem difficult, but in fact, when our focus narrows on a specific topic, our brain even faster and more accurately finds the right words to describe the picture.

    How is Dixit Journey different from Dixit Odyssey?

    1) Another set of cards That's why we decided to buy Journey, because we played enough Odyssey with friends and wanted a new one 2) Journey is made for 6 players, and Odyssey for 12 and we play with six: we and plus two pairs of our friends, and secondly, which is very important, this game is very easy to make at least for 20, what is needed there? chips and votes. You can find any other chips in the house, even buttons, or you can, which is much easier, keep score on paper, as is done in card games Oh. And votes are easily made from pieces of paper. 3) Different cards for voting My set uses squares, you just put them on the table with the number you need. And in the Odyssey, cards with holes where you have to stick a pin and thus express your right to vote.

    How to save

    If you really want Dixit, but money for full version sorry, there is a way. It is quite possible to buy just a set of add-on cards, any one you like Dixit 2, Dixit 3, Dixit 4. That's it! You can play! As I already described above, it is even more convenient to count points on a piece of paper, or draw the same field on a piece of cardboard and take any other chips. Voting cards can be made in any way - either cut the cardboard into squares, or punch holes and insert matches into them like in the Odyssey set. Even those who bought a full-fledged set for themselves - this is exactly what they do when they take this game on trips and travels, that is, they only take cards with them, and everything else is done from what comes to hand.

    1. She likes people of all ages and temperaments without exception. Believe me, I have a lot of games and not every guest agrees to play, no one refused to play Dixit.
    2. It helps to understand each other better, it's a psychological game
    3. Stirs up the imagination, makes the brain work
    4. If you get tired of playing, you just need to buy the next set of cards. All sets are complementary, they can be mixed with each other
    5. Cards take up little space and are convenient to take on a trip

    I found it here: 2500 r Buy in this store The game is very inspiring and emotional, buy it and you won't regret it. And it's also a great gift for friends and in general "people who already have everything."

    Spend time on the Internet with benefit:


    For many years, Dixit has taken first place in the tops of card games. People can play it different ages from a five year old to any age.

    Tested on people of various tastes and preferences - the game has the simplicity of the rules. Each person can understand it within two minutes, although in principle there is nothing to understand - you just need to select associations and nothing more. You just need to understand the scoring system.

    How to play?

    Despite the fact that the rules of the Dixit game are simple, they still exist:

    1. All players are entitled to six cards. Everyone examines their cards without putting them on display.
    2. In turn, each of the participants puts any of their cards face down and names their associations in relation to the image on it.
    3. Anything can act as an association, be it a word or a phrase, an excerpt from a movie or a song. You can gesticulate, make sounds, make grimaces and so on. However, you should remember that you will have to repeat your association if one of the participants in the game missed.
    4. The rest of the participants in the game take out of their cards the one that best suits the association presented, and put it on the table.
    5. The player who selected the associations shuffles the cards and arranges them face up.
    6. Then the rest of the participants in the game vote, trying to guess the card of the walking player.

    How to count points

    There are subtleties in scoring, thanks to which the Dixit game becomes intriguing and interesting.

    The participant who leads the game must think through his associations to the smallest detail so that only a part of the players can guess the image on the card. In terms of scoring, it’s bad if everyone guesses the card and even worse if no one guesses. As a result, you should not give too light associations to the card, and you should not be too clever, trying not to be obvious.

    Points are calculated as follows:

    • If all participants in the game guessed the card, the leading player (guessing person) does not receive a single point, the other players are awarded two points each.
    • When no player guessed the card, no points are awarded to the leading player, the rest are awarded two points each and one more point is added for the cards of the players who received the vote.
    • If at least one of the players or several guessed the card of the leading player, then both the one who guessed and those who guessed the card receive three points each and one more point if they voted for the player's card.

    In order to earn points for themselves, the male part of the team can use a trick: the Wolfram association is issued for a card with a light bulb, and naturally it is difficult for women to guess the card, and they chose it at random, while men, as a rule, guess.

    How can you diversify the game?

    To bring a fresh note to the rules of the Dixit game, you can try playing with thematic cards. And then the boundary of associations narrows to a given topic.

    For example:

    • Proverbs and sayings will be a great topic for discussion.
    • Music lovers can devote their leisure time to songs.
    • Film fans use their favorite films, phrases from them, heroes.
    • Cartoons are perfect for children, and adults will help to plunge into the bright memories of childhood.
    • Literature lovers will appreciate such a topic as books.
    • The Soviet Union shines with a warm light in the hearts of many Russians who caught this time, so you can use this theme especially for them and indulge in nostalgia
    • And, in the end, you can do without words at all - only gestures.

    Inexperienced player themed game"Dixit" may seem a little complicated, but once you start, everyone with excitement and ingenuity will be able to pick up the right associations to describe the card.

    Board game Dixit breaks stereotypes. Dixit- a game of association. You will finally find out how crazy your friends are in your understanding. And be surprised and convinced at the same time that people sometimes rave in the same way.

    The gameplay is insanely simple. So simple that it is not clear why this game was invented recently.

    At the disposal of each player is one single ... I would like to say that this is a meeple, but in fact it is ... either a creeple or a crolemiple - a meeple in the form of a rabbit. Do you feel the breeze of madness? And we have to survive more than one hurricane.

    Crolemiples jump on the score counter built into the box. Well, besides all this not numerous disgrace, there is only one single deck of high-quality full-color large-format cards in the box.

    What is drawn in the pictures is a separate topic for conversation. Imagine that Salvador Dali and Antoine de Saint-Exupery got together and decided: "Let's make a deck of cards for the game of the 21st century." Yes, it’s not easy to make a sausage, but “I, ..., right now, I’ll draw this for them ...” Here's something like that.

    In general, each Dixit player receives several of these "pictures". One of the players is announced Narrator and rushed. A task Narrator- describe any of his pictures in any way available to him - in one word, sentence, title or character from the film, a short story, or even just a facial expression or gesture. After that, he puts this picture on the table face down.

    All the other players, giggling nervously and mocking each other, find among their pictures those that they think most closely match the Narrator's description. After that, the pictures are mixed and opened.

    Now the task of all players is to calculate the picture that was posted by Narrator. Each player has vote tokens, which are placed face down and then revealed. Whoever guessed right jumps forward with a crolemiple, whoever missed it nervously smokes on the sidelines. The last - only if NOT all guessed correctly!

    Here is the most relish - the initial task Narrator- describe the picture in such a way as to give some rivals a hint, the opportunity to guess, and confuse the rest with the original style of their unique thinking. Only in this situation, crolemipl Narrator will move forward. In the case of guessing the picture by everyone or the opposite situation, the rabbits of the rivals will joyfully wander forward, and not the narrator!

    And a very small subtlety - if you skillfully picked up a picture-competitor to the picture Narrator, then you get an extra point for each vote for your picture. You are well done. You are a scammer. Confused such intelligent people 🙂

    There are two stages of the Dixit game that leave us with no ground under our feet.

    The first is when the vote tokens are revealed. Perhaps you will remember for a long time how your wife or girlfriend, with whom you speak as if in the same language, found the silicon valley at noon in the picture, where there was nothing but some half-drunk girl... Where is the logic? And is there one? “How strange are all these people I've known for years? What is the mess in their head? Some will think so. And maybe many. And in the same way they will be surprised how it is possible to guess something from an almost unfamiliar person!

    The board game Dixit is a great fun for guessing associations, which not only brings pleasure, but also gives positive emotions from communicating with the players. Everyone is a fantasist today!

    The Dixit game is not just a beautiful box, bright cards and colorful figurines of rabbits. This is a real universe, which was invented by a crazy but kind artist. The main thing in this changing crazy world is to create your own associations, solve other people's and in no case stop.

    The creators of Dixit have also released a bunch of cool and cool add-ons that make the process even longer and more fun. Collect all the boxes with new magical illustrations or try a completely independent version.

    Dixit Game Rules

    Each player takes 6 cards with crazy illustrations. The first dreamer chooses any of the cards and comes up with a not-too-obvious association for it. The rest choose from their cards the most suitable pictures for the leader's association, put them on the table face down and mix thoroughly.

    The purpose of the Dixit game: for correctly guessing cards and associations, the player receives points. Need to move as far as possible playing field figurine of a "psychedelic" rabbit. This player is the winner.

    Dixit is a very social game for a small company of 3 to 6 people. It's great to play with family and friends. It creatively develops and strengthens communication skills. Always give impressions and emotions!

    Are you familiar with the popular drink Coca-Cola? So imagine the scale of popularity in Europe of the game Dixit, designed by the hands of the French artist Marie Cardo. They will be comparable.

    Buy the Dixit board game in Moscow and it will perfectly complement a good family evening and will drive everyone crazy without exception - dad, mom and even grandfather. Incredible pictures will delight the youngest dreamers and help them develop their imagination, logic and ability to understand others.

    Call today or place an order online in our store!