Party contests. Fun Party Contests for Friends Best Party Contests

Each contestant is given a banknote. At the signal of the host, the participants throw the bills up and start blowing on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if, nevertheless, the bill fell, do not despair, because you can kneel down and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

Players are divided into two teams and line up. The first players in their ranks are given a mop and a bucket. The mop must be taken in the right hand, put the leg into the bucket and hold it with the left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance, and then pass his equipment to the next.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Women's sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are handed bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each of the girls is to eat banana ice cream. However, you should not rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the presenter turns to the guests, who choose the best girl by voting.

funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given balloon and thread. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and arbitrarily go down.
In addition, a pushpin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle up. You can do this with a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's ball with his forehead. Whose balloon burst, he is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the audience and the participants themselves. Participants form teams of 4-5 people. Each of the teams chooses their phantom, which will indicate to them a certain situation, which they must show in 3-D. For example, rest by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and voices them with cries of “my my mine”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows a bright glow from the sun. Situations in fantasies can be completely different, for example, flying into space, morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team will show the best 3-D performance, that team will receive their prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. Leaves are scattered all over the tree reverse side which desires are written. Each of the participants in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After that, the player must fulfill the desire that was written on the sheet.

Find an orange

The host announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not translucent and completely closed), a hole for the hand is made in each box, an orange (apple) is hidden in one of the boxes and, for example, spiders or worms are sitting in one of the boxes (but, in fact, there are no spiders). On the “start” command, each participant must stick his hand into all his three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and, most likely, all of them will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that “unpleasant” creatures are sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first, he won. And at the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the presenter will confirm that there were no worms and spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears faster than the rest and find an orange is entitled to a prize.

That other couple

The guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with each other's arms clasped. Without changing position and without disengaging hands, at the “start” command, couples must get to their balloon (air), which is at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that completes this fun challenge the fastest will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and put 5 different objects on their heads, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, a candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their heads. Which of the guests will be able to recognize all 5 "their" items, he will receive a prize.

Competition for any party. Simple, cheerful, groovy.
To run this competition, you must:
- from 10 to 15 participants;
- one orange.
The participants of the competition become in a circle, one of the participants takes an orange and pinches it between his chin and neck, then they turn on cheerful music, and the participant without the help of hands tries to pass the orange to the participant standing next to him and so on in a circle. The one who drops the orange is eliminated, and this continues until one participant remains. The winner receives a prize - an orange. You can also use an apple or a pear, the fun will not decrease from this.


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New outfit.

For any party, this competition is long-awaited, as it just causes a lot of laughter.
For the competition, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), in which they fold various items clothes: size 56 briefs, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour. At the signal of the presenter, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing! The host gives the opportunity to demonstrate each outfit.


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I love, I don't love.

Competition for boys and girls at an adult party.
The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don't like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of stormy laughter is provided to you.
You can also determine the winner. The winner will be the one who most successfully and originally fulfills the conditions of the competition.

Party Contests

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I offer the most favorite competition of our cheerful and friendly company:
divide the players into two groups, according to the principle I love vodka, I love wine. Pour into small bottles (100 ml) in one wine, another vodka. Place on two different chairs in front of the teams at a distance of 3 or more meters. Put a plate there, with a finely chopped snack. Let's start playing:
1 participant: pours a drink into a bottle cap;
2 participant: drinks from the cap;
3 participant: has a snack;
And so on in a circle until the drink is over. Whoever runs out of booze first wins. Can't spill!!!
CONTEST IS AWESOME, ALREADY CHECKED!!! It is desirable that someone record you on camera, it will also be fun to look at yourself from the side !!!


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What changed?

Competition for attention. The host takes one person out of the room, having previously shown it to everyone present. Taking him out of the room, the presenter changes some detail on him: unbuttons a button, rolls up his socks, unbuttons his sleeve!
When the player and the host return to the room, the participants in the game must guess what has changed. A gift for the winner, a glass of champagne.


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Competition for a company in which they like to sing.
We are all used to singing our favorite songs together and out loud. And if we are asked to sing a song to ourselves, then it will seem strange to us. But it is in this competition that all oddities are easily dispelled.

To participate in this competition, the leader needs to invite everyone and build them in a row. If there are many who wish, then several rows can be created, as if it were a real choir.

Next, the choir is invited to sing a song that everyone should know, for example, "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass." (words can be printed for everyone). Only the presenter should warn everyone that at his command "Quiet" the song will need to continue to be sung to himself. And your voice can be turned on again only by the command "Loud".

So, for example, everyone starts singing the song:
In the grass Grasshopper sat,
In the grass Grasshopper sat,
Just like a cucumber
He was green.
Just like a cucumber.
Imagine, imagine
He was green.

At this point, the host says "Quiet" and everyone continues to sing to themselves.

He only ate grass

He only ate grass

Didn't touch the goat

And made friends with flies.

Then the host says "Loud" and everyone continues to sing.
Usually someone goes ahead in the text, and someone lags behind. This moment is sure to make everyone laugh.
It is especially interesting when the competition is held after moderate drinking.


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The contest can be held at any party. The drunker the participants, the funnier.
Competition to determine the most accurate man in digging. It is arranged among gentlemen of any age. The task is to get into a small hole with a pencil. It turns out that this is not easy to do. Those wishing to compete from behind, to the belt (belt) of the trousers, hang pencils on a strong thread so that they hang approximately at the level of the knees. Empty bottles are placed on the floor, the contestants are led with their backs to them. At the signal of the facilitator, the competitors must, without helping themselves with their hands, hit a bottle on the floor with a pencil. The audience actively suggests how best to complete the task, encourages the participants in every possible way, the fans morally support their gentlemen. From this, men try even more, but not all are accurate enough. The one who gets into the bottle first with a pencil is awarded the title of "The Most Accurate" and a comic prize.
This competition can be held for a long time, as long as there are people who want to participate. The fun at the party will go off scale.

Party Contests

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Hug your wife.

Competition for young married couples.
The host invites three married couples. Men become 3-4 meters from their wives. The facilitator opens 3 bottles of beer and places them in the path of each man. After that, each man is blindfolded, turned several times around himself, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the host quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. Men hug even other people's wives with great pleasure. The winner is the one who hugs his wife.


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Don't come!

One of the most popular and fun contests at our parties. A player is chosen as a person who takes part in this contest for the first time and does not know all its secrets.
At the beginning of the competition, the host goes around all those present, persuading them to put one valuable thing into his hat. It can be earrings, rings, watches, glasses, car key chains.
You will need a nice, responsible, neat person for the drawing contest. With its help, all the collected things are laid out on the floor, at some distance from each other. The host tells the rules of the competition: the chosen player, blindfolded, must pass between the objects without damaging them. The driver is given the opportunity to arrange things as he sees fit, and remember what is where. Finally, the preparation is over, the player is blindfolded, everyone present unanimously counts up to three, the leader wraps him around the axis and directs him to where things are laid out. While everyone is making noise and circling the player, the host or another person quietly removes all things from the floor. When a person begins to take the first steps, those present begin to take an active part in the game with their remarks: “Oh-oh-oh, you will step on my family diamonds”, “My favorite watch is in danger, you will hook it now”, “This is my keychain from the car, the alarm will go off now” and the like. The poor player no longer knows where to put his foot. All excited, sweating, he gets to the end of the path, where the leader is waiting for him. The bandage is removed from the player and turned to face an imaginary path of valuables. Have fun everyone! (don't forget to give the player a fresh towel at the end of the contest).


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Precise injection

An entertaining, exciting game for any company. The most agile wins.
Props: balloons (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each)
The number of people - the more the better. The game can be both team and every man for himself. For the game you will need: inflatable balls (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each).
The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread in the waist area (the balloon should be at the level and in the area of ​​the buttocks). A piece of adhesive plaster is pierced with the button and glued to the player's forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (during the game he cannot use them), but you can tie them.
After all these preparations, a start is given (some time is noted - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, it is considered who survived; and for the game, every man for himself - is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the opponent’s ball with the button on his forehead (not using hands). It all looks just amazing, the main thing is that there should be more people. Well, the winner is an incentive prize, a bottle of alcohol, etc., etc.


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Congratulations: 25 in verse (2 short)

Do you love Stalker? You can tickle your nerves not only at abandoned military-industrial facilities, but also at a party. This game is perfect for a company of close friends, and for an unfamiliar team.

Stickers (for example, in the form of snowflakes) - 5-10 pieces for each participant.

The task of the players
Get rid of stickers.

Hand out stickers to guests. You must stick your stickers to the clothes and body of other players, but in a way that they do not notice. If you are spotted, then the sticker that you failed to attach will be on you. The first person to get rid of all the stickers wins.

White elephant

What are you pinning, what kind of fool is this?
- It's not a fool, it's a horse!
- Nevermind yourself a gift, well, a gift ... such a huge fool.
- You're a fool yourself, it's a horse.
- Well, where do I put it, such a fool? You should have secured the merry-go-round... Okay, like, thanks.

m / f "Masyanya"

One of the kings of Siam was a cunning fellow. He gave a white elephant to noble, but unsympathetic people. The catch is that white elephants in the Thai region were considered sacred - they could not be worked on. Since then, the white elephant has symbolized an expensive, pompous, but impractical, and sometimes burdensome gift.

eponymous new year game It's a variation of Secret Santa. Only the task is not to guess the desire of a friend, but rather to surprise him ... :)

Present. It can be both new things (then discuss the budget in advance), and second-hand (unnecessary, but it's a pity to throw it away).

  • collected works of Daria Dontsova;
  • egg cutter;
  • tapestry with a deer in 1974 (original) and so on.

The task of the players
“Make happy” a friend with your gift and “steal” a tolerable present for yourself.

Put all the gifts (preferably well-packed) in a common bag. At an appropriate time in the evening, announce a gift exchange. Number your guests. The first participant takes the gift out of the bag and unpacks it. This is one round of the game. The next lucky person then takes out their prize or steals it from the previous player. At the same time, the person from whom the gift was stolen can take a new one from the bag or, if more than three rounds have been played, steal it from one of the participants.

With regard to the "stealing" of gifts, there are two "no":

  • you cannot steal a gift that has just been stolen from you - you need to wait at least one round;
  • you cannot steal more than one gift per round.

Read about all the subtleties of the "White Elephant" and variations of the game.

Shine Christmas tree!

Both children and adults love to decorate the Christmas tree. But it's one thing to dress up calmly, at home, with toys, garlands and tinsel, and another thing - at a party, racing and don't understand what. This game will amuse participants and spectators. You can sing “... and here she came to us dressed up for the holiday” and take pictures with the original Christmas tree.


  • Two small Christmas trees (artificial or live).
  • Items that are theoretically not intended to decorate the Christmas tree. For example, sock, ballpoint pen, soft toy and so on.

The task of the players
Show your imagination and decorate the Christmas tree with the proposed "decorations".

The game can be built on the principle of a duel, or you can divide the participants into two teams and compete collectively. Determine the time in which the players (teams) must submit their Christmas tree design. To make dressing up more fun, pick up incendiary music. The one (those) who will decorate the prickly beauty in an original way will win.


Olaf Speier/

They played in one cool movie, sticking pieces of paper on their foreheads and guessing who is who. Since then, this fun, known as "Who am I?", "I am a character", has a new name - "Tarantinki". But whatever you call it, the game is fun and exciting.


  • Stickers.
  • Pens.
  • Violent imagination.

The task of the players
Guess what character you are.

Players form a circle and come up with a character for the neighbor on the right (or left - as you like). The character can be the hero of a book or movie, a famous historical or living person. To give the game a New Year's flavor, agree that the characters will be appropriate: the Snow Maiden, the deer Rudolph, Peter the Great (the founder of the modern New Year), and so on. Write the name of the hidden character on a sticky note and stick it on your neighbor's forehead.

Then take turns asking questions about your characters. “Am I human?” “Am I male?” “Do I have horns?” and the like. The rest of the players can only answer “yes” or “no”, so it is important to formulate questions correctly. The game continues until everyone is declassified.

Ice cubes

In Andersen's fairy tale, a shard of a magic mirror hit Kai in the heart and made him cold and insensitive. To enchant Snow Queen touched you, play this fun outdoor game.


  • Ice cubes (the larger, the harder).
  • Stopwatch.

The task of the players
Melt ice cubes.

You can choose two players and play several rounds, or you can compete as a team. The essence in both cases is the same: melt the ice in the allotted time (3-5 minutes - depends on the size of the cube). How? All resources are good! Breathe on it, rub it between your palms, put it under your clothes. The only restriction is that you cannot prick and melt with a lighter. The first person to turn ice into water wins.

New Year's forfeits

In German, "phant" means "pledge". The game, where the participants gave away some thing, and then “redeemed” it, completing the task, was known and loved back in the 19th century. Over the years, the game has acquired many variations. One of them is New Year's.


  • Hat or bag for forfeits.
  • Task cards.

The task of the players
Fulfill your fantasy.

Players put one personal item into a hat or bag. Then the leader takes out these items in turn. The participant whose phantom fell out must draw out a card with a task for himself and complete it. Assignments must be New Year's. For example, portray the chiming clock, sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or tell a poem about Santa Claus.


Many people know and love the game "Crocodile", or in other words "Associations". "Draw" (in English-speaking countries - Pictionary) - its analogue. This is a fun creative game, which is better to play in a big company.


  • Drawing boards or paper.
  • Markers.
  • Task cards.

The task of the players
Guess what the player of your team is drawing.

Prepare task cards. For a New Year's party, they can be like this: ice, Russian salad, cotton beard, and so on. Divide into two teams. From each in turn choose "artists". They have to draw what is written on the card. The task of the team is to guess the “code word” faster than the rivals. The team that guesses the most words wins.

Letter to Santa Claus

In childhood, everyone lied, told Santa Claus how well they behaved, and asked for gifts. This game will help you remember this childhood fun. It is short, and you can spend it right at the festive table.

Form with a letter to Santa Claus.

The task of the players
Make up fancy adjectives.

The legend is as follows: the host (hostess) of the evening composed a letter to Santa Claus, but did not finish it. The guests need to help him (her) in this - complete the message with adjectives. The text of the letter can be thought up specially for the gathered company. Roughly in this vein:

_______________ Santa Claus!

All ____________ guests are looking forward to your ______________ arrival. Our ____________ women and at least _______________ men gathered to spend old year, which brought everyone a lot of _______________ events. New Year This is the most ___________ holiday of the year. With ______________ mood we will say _______________ toasts, lead _______________ round dances for you, dance _____________ dances! _______________ New Year is finally here!

After writing the missing words, the letter is solemnly read to the guests. The more extravagant the adjectives, the funnier it will be.

New Year's "Mafia"

"Mafia" - youth role-playing game. In recent years, it has become so popular that even tournaments are held on it. If your friends like to "hunt for criminals", invite them to play "Mafia" in the New Year's style.

Cards with New Year characters:

  • host - Christmas tree;
  • commissioner - Santa Claus;
  • doctor - Snowman;
  • maniac - squirrel;
  • girl - Snow Maiden;
  • mafia - penguins;
  • civilians are deer.

Before the party, you will have to do a little crafting - to make cards for the New Year's "Mafia". With a color printer, the Internet, cardboard and glue, this is not a problem. The game itself is played classical rules. Only the commands need to be adapted: "The city falls asleep, the penguins wake up ...".

snow woman

This is a mobile game fresh air. It will bring you back to childhood and burn the calories gained during the New Year's feast. The number and age of players are not limited.


  • Snow (preferably sticky and a lot).
  • Carrots, buckets, mittens and other attributes of a snowman or a snowman.

The task of the players
Make a snowman. To make it more interesting, you can complicate it: make the biggest snowman.

Divide into two teams. Determine the time to build a snowman. Have fun!

All adults were children at first, only few of them remember this.

The little Prince

What do you play at New Year's parties? Share your holiday ideas in the comments.

Dress up the lady

Props: ribbon or rope
Each woman holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the woman. The winner is the one whose outfit is more successful, or the one who completes the task faster, or by the decision of the jury.

With closed eyes

Props: thick mittens

Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person.


Props: not needed
Everyone sits down in a circle and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must as soon as possible say in the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example, a glass, the last one turned out to be “gangbang” :)

I love - I don't love

Props: Love! :)
The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don’t like the shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of stormy laughter is provided to you.


Props: nothing :)
Write the first lines of love songs on paper hearts and invite each of the guests to sing the verse of the song, the first line of which he got.

Feed your loved one

Props: food! :)
Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair contains a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.

Feed your loved one-2

Props: food! :)
The guests are divided into pairs. Each contains a man and a woman. In front of each couple, a few meters away, there are plates of ice cream. The task of women is to take a spoon, scoop up ice cream and, taking the spoon by the stalk with your lips, carefully return to your partner and feed him without letting the spoon out of your mouth. The first couple to eat ice cream wins.

Situational competition for women

Props: nothing
The host asks:
1. You came home, and an unfamiliar man is sleeping on your bed. Your actions?
2. You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place. Your actions?
3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions?
4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to repaint before the reception. Your actions?
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that keeps you awake anyway. Your actions?

And in my pants

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and heading topics can be very diverse, for example: “Down and Feather”, “Competition Winner”, etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and ...

boxing match

Props: boxing gloves, candy (preferably caramel)

Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The leader's task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask to have short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as: do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc. After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before the opponent wins.


Props: ribbon or rope

At my signal, the first participant takes the rope in his hand and one runs the entire distance. He returns to the start, the second “kid” from the group grabs the rope. Now I run the whole distance for two, then three, etc., until the whole group holds on to the rope. Whichever group reaches the finish line first wins.


Several pairs of men and women participate. For the game, surebets are required according to the number of players and some threads.

The forks are tied to the belt approximately at the level of the knee (fit experimentally) at the back. The goal of the game is to stand facing each other and hook with forks. Attention. Skirts on girls are not a hindrance! Difficulty can be adjusted by the length of the thread.

Road to Freedom

Two teams: one for men and one for women.

Two teams are formed: one for men, the other for women. On a signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team with the longest clothing line wins.


7-8 people participate
The game is generally something for children of older preschool age, but at parties and weddings it goes with a bang! 7-8 people participate, each one chooses an animal for himself and shows the rest the characteristic movement of this animal, only movements! :) This is how “acquaintance” happens. After that, the leader from the side selects the beginner of the game. That one must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” shows itself and someone else, and so on until the moment someone makes a mistake, i.e. will show another “animal” incorrectly or will show the one that was eliminated. The one who makes the mistake is out. The game ends when two remain." Then a toast:)


Props: pencil
Teams in which men and women alternate must pass from first to last a simple pencil, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you can’t touch the pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands :))), if the guests have already taken a certain amount of alcohol, the spectacle will turn out to be AWESOME


Props: toothpicks (matches), ring
A large company (of any age) gets up in the order M-F-M-F-M-F. Each participant takes a toothpick (match) in his mouth. First, a ring is put on a match (any, you can engagement). The meaning of the game: pass the ring along the chain (from match to match), of course, without the help of hands to the last participant.

Loud Reading Contest

Props: newspapers (male participants)
The facilitator announces that the participants must demonstrate how they read aloud newspapers for the whole family at home, and the one who does it best and loudest will win. To do this, they sit in armchairs or chairs, roll up one trouser leg to the knee (so that the bare leg is visible), cross the legs (the bare leg, of course, from above) and they are given a newspaper in their hands. Reading texts should be as diverse as possible. At the command of the facilitator, the participants begin to read newspapers aloud, trying to shout down their rivals. Such a funny uproar begins that the audience rolls with laughter ... On the command “stop”, the reading stops, and the host announces the winner. The last joke: the presenter announces that in fact this competition was not for reading, but for the hairiest legs, and the prize goes to the “hairy one”. :)))))))


Props: adhesive tape, balloons
From improvised material (preferably large sizes), for example, balls, participants sculpt a woman or a man and explain what was built. Use adhesive tape to secure. The winner is the participant who made the most INTERESTING sculpture and explained it in the most picturesque way.

Where to invest money?

Props: money-candy wrappers paper
The host calls two pairs (a guy and a girl in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one banknote in each. Get your initial deposits! (Gives couples money-candy wrappers). Banks for your deposits can serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to complete your deposits as soon as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, start!”. The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after 1 minute the facilitator sums up the results. Host: “How many banknotes do you have left? And you? Fabulous! All money is invested in the cause! Well done! And now I will ask the women to change places and withdraw the entire amount from the accounts as soon as possible. Open banks, withdraw money! Attention, let's get started!" (Music sounds, women seek money from other people's partners).


Props: two sheets of format - A4 or A3
Two boys and two girls take part in the game. Two chairs are placed on which the young men sit. Next, two sheets of A4 format are taken and placed on the knees of young people. After that, the girl sits down on the sheet of paper lying on the knees of the young man. The task is to crush the sheet as much as possible within 1 minute. From the side it looks very impressive and fun! :)

Girlfriend's leg

Good variant of the game for the ransom of the bride
A good company, a celebration with friends (you don’t need to spend this joke with parents, grandparents, or vice versa), birthday, etc. In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. From practice - no more. They show the man that his wife (girlfriend, acquaintance) is sitting among them and he is taken to another room to blindfold TIGHTLY. At this moment, all women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and let in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, in turn touching his bare leg with his hands, he must recognize his wife. There is nothing very terrible, but jokes are a waste. There are many options. And a man “climbs” on his legs for a long time, and sometimes he doesn’t recognize the “believing one”, well, and if he pointed to another man, they say, here’s my wife (and that one is wearing a stocking to hide hairiness) - OTPAD will be complete. Then all the men will want to, they won’t drag it away !!!


Props: inflatable balls (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each)
The number of people - the more the better. The game can be both team and every man for himself. For the game you will need: inflatable balls (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each).

The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread in the waist area (the balloon should be at the level and in the area of ​​the buttocks). A piece of adhesive plaster is pierced with the button and glued to the player's forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (during the game he cannot use them), but you can tie them.

After all these preparations, a start is given (some time is noted - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, it is considered who survived; and for the game, every man for himself - is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the opponent’s ball with the button on his forehead (not using hands). It all looks just amazing, the main thing is that there should be more people. Well, the winner of the incentive prize.


Props: Absolutely any (and as many as you like) items are tied by the organizers of the game on strings and hidden in a bag.

Call a volunteer, blindfold him. When the eyes are blindfolded, the host takes out of the bag and brings one of the prepared items hanging on a rope to the volunteer's nose. It is necessary to determine without the help of hands, only through the sense of smell: what kind of contraption is this. Guess you'll get this one as a gift...

The very first person is given something simpler, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the example, will then stand in line. It is very funny when an unfortunate sniffer pokes his nose, for example, into a hanging can of beer, which dangles back and forth ...

Finally, it comes to the fact that volunteers are allowed to sniff flavored condoms. The volunteer sucks in the air with all his might, and the people from laughter just crawl under the furniture. You can also give bills to sniff. And if he guesses right, then let him say what value the money was. Practice shows that there is always someone who is able to guess the dignity by smell ...

About the wedding night

Props: pen and paper for the presenter
Each guest is asked to try to reach their heel without bending their knees. Everything that the player says during this “exercise”, the leader writes down on a piece of paper (not forgetting to indicate the name of the speaker next to each statement). If the player silently tries to complete this exercise, the facilitator asks leading questions: how do you feel now, what are your feelings, etc. When all the guests have gone through this, and all their statements are recorded in detail, the host announces: “And now we will find out what (for example, Anna) thinks about her wedding night,” and reads all the recorded statements of this player. And so with the statements of each guest.


Props: thick winter mittens, shirt or robe.
Male players are given thick winter gloves. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over the clothing of their playmate.

Hunting for balls

Props: inflated rubber balls
Group version of the game "Balls". Evening dresses are not a hindrance. Inflated balls are tied to the ankles (we tied one at a time), in the absence of balls or their shortage at all, you can replace them with “rubber products” (checked - no worse). On command, everyone rushes to pop each other's balls with their feet, trying to protect their own. The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball. The game runs very rapidly, noisily, cheerfully, but, unfortunately, quickly (but a lot of impressions).

roll ball

Props: a few tennis balls
The game is played by several couples. Each pair receives two ping-pong balls. Men roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve. The ladies roll the balls through the men's trousers from the right leg to the left leg.

hanging apple

Props: an apple (grapes, etc.) is tied by a tail with a thread and hung up
The first option involves eating apples at speed, not yet removed from the tree, in the second: the apple is tied by a tail with a thread and hung on a chandelier (for example). In both cases, you can not help yourself with your hands. The most interesting version of this game is a team game, when both the guy and the girl take part in eating each apple at the same time. In conditions of poor harvest of apples, they can be replaced by bunches of grapes, but the absorption of these heavenly fruits should be carried out simultaneously by a guy and a girl to create a piquancy of the situation.


Props: two chairs and a rope or ribbon two meters long
Turn out the sleeves of two jackets (jackets) and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, backs to each other. Place a rope (ribbon) two meters long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take jackets, turn out sleeves, put on, fasten all buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull out the rope (tape) taking it for yourself.

Understand me!!!

Participants of the game (at least 4 people) are divided into two teams. A "leading" team is assigned. The other team comes up with a word so that it is not heard by the opposing players. This word is reported “in the ear” to one of the representatives of the “leading” team. The goal of this participant in the game is to depict with gestures the meaning of the word communicated to him so that his team will name the hidden word. Using letters, pronouncing this word with lips without a voice (and, of course, with a voice), as well as pointing at an object called this word, is prohibited. If the team guessed the word, then it gets a point.

Then the teams change places. In the next round, other representatives must speak from the teams, and so on until everyone has performed. Of course, this game may not seem very funny, but if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with very “interesting” words: “vacuum cleaner”, “orgasm”, etc. In addition, of course, players are required to be relaxed and light, with a sense of humor, attitude towards fun.

Difficulty level: short

Training: the presence of a scarf or scarf, which will be convenient to blindfold

Rules: the rules are simple to disgrace. The one who leads is blindfolded and brought in turn to all those present. The task of the player is to guess which guest is in front of him.

To divert the eye, guests can put on additional items of clothing, make their growth higher / lower. The main thing is to be silent so that you are not identified by your voice :).

Fanta game

Difficulty level: short

Training: deep basket, bag or hat

Rules: each of those present puts their item in the basket. It can be a watch, an earring, a lighter or any other personal item.

The host chooses a partner for the game, who is blindfolded. Pulling out the subject, the presenter asks “What is this phantom doing?” , and the partner comes up with any task at his discretion, without seeing which of the guests the pulled item belongs to

Blanks: and this fan...

  1. Gotta drink a cup of champagne with a coffee spoon
  2. Sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the style of heavy metal
  3. Tell me why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will take a group photo, acting as the author of the original idea
  5. Depicts Napoleon with a pillow on his head

Andersen game

Difficulty level: short

Training: the names of well-known fairy tales prepared on cardboard

Rules: each of those who wish pulls out a cardboard with the name of the fairy tale. The goal of the game is to tell an old fairy tale in new way in a certain literary genre - thriller, horror, detective. The best storyteller gets a prize 🙂

Game "Vacuum cleaner"

Difficulty level: short

Training: one playing card preferably plastic

Rules: The players stand in a circle and pass the card to each other. You need to do this without hands, with the help of your mouth, with which you will draw in air. The one who missed the card loses and leaves :).

Game "Porcupines"

Difficulty level: short

Training: colored scrunchie for small hair

Rules: the host announces that today we will increase the population of porcupines. Each girl chooses a partner for herself and for a certain period of time makes the maximum number of small ponytails that imitate the raised porcupine spines. Whose partner will be the most prickly, that young lady won :).

You can find a lot of such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also use unusual ideas and make funny contests for a party also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find a treasure or play the crime of the century. One has only to show a little imagination and create something extraordinary.

Game "In search of adventure"

Difficulty level: average

Training: local map". It can be either a river bank, a meadow, or your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, contests or puzzles.

Rules: you set the rules yourself. This may be a story about an ancient treasure, where you can break all those present into pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map indicating the points where they need to sail.

At the points, each team receives its tasks:

  1. Collect the Rubik's Cube.
  2. Solve a small crossword puzzle, a set of children's riddles.
  3. Compose a pirate song.
  4. Show card trick.
  5. Break your head over a puzzle or rebus.
  6. Push up from the floor 17 times.
  7. Learn a poem by Pushkin.

As you can see, there are a lot of conditions for passing each stage. The first team to reach the finish line receives the main treasure. These can be symbolic souvenirs for each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of rum 🙂

Game "Mafia"

Difficulty level: average

Training: special cards for the game, which you can find on our website in the article ""

Rules: you can also familiarize yourself with the detailed rules in the specified article. Although you can change the rules depending on your own wishes and preferences :).

Game "Crime"

Difficulty level: tall

Training: you need to create an atmosphere of murder, distribute cards with the names of roles to guests, one of which is the Killer. You can create additional roles and circumstances. You can also create cards with suspected murder weapons and evidence.

Rules: in the course of reflection and finding out who and where was at the time of the murder, the participants in the game identify potential suspects, cross-examine and try to catch the Killer in a lie. Use the tactics of the game "Mafia" and you will spend an unforgettable evening with friends.

What fun party contests do you use? Share them in the comments!