Halloween contests for kids 5 6. Halloween games and contests are fun and funny. "Mummy" Halloween game

The foreign holiday Halloween, celebrated on October 31, on the eve of All Saints' Day, has long found fans in our country. Adults and especially children are attracted by the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, dress up in costumes, have fun and scare friends and family. The program of the festive evening will be brighter and richer with various Halloween contests and games for children.

Games and contests for Halloween

Get the apple out of the water

The complexity of the task lies in the fact that it must be done without the help of hands. You will need a large plastic container, which is washed and filled with boiled water. Several apples are placed in it, which you need to try to catch with your teeth. The winner is the one who gets the fruit first. Another option: so that no one is offended, each child should catch one apple. Adults control the course of the game.

pumpkin explosion

Every child can burst Balloon ik in the form of a pumpkin and, if luck smiles, receive a small sweet gift.

The game requires preliminary preparation, you must take:

  • Styrofoam,
  • burlap or any suitable fabric (about two meters),
  • Double-sided tape,
  • hooks,
  • small orange balloons (their number depends on the number of guests),
  • confetti, small sweets,
  • green paper,
  • sharp objects that will serve as arrows (darts or fountain pens).

Sequence of work:

  • The base is made of foam plastic, draped with a cloth. It can be glued to the wall with adhesive tape or attached with Velcro hooks.
  • Balloons are filled with sweets and confetti. It is convenient to do this using a funnel. To make the game resemble a lottery, you can leave some of them empty or put papers with wishes inside.
  • Inflated pumpkin-shaped balloons are attached to the base with adhesive tape. A green paper back is glued on top.
  • The end of the impromptu "arrow" is also drawn up with green paper. This makes it easier to hold it and easier to find on the floor.

Since the game uses piercing objects, it must be carried out by adults.

Hit the pumpkin

Cut out the pumpkin in the shape of a bowl, cover its inner surface with foil. Leave the top hole wide enough. The child moves a couple of meters away from the pumpkin and tries to throw small coins into it. Candy is awarded for each accurate hit.

Guess the weight of the pumpkin

Children are shown a large pumpkin and asked to guess how much this vegetable can weigh by writing down their version on paper. The one whose version is closest to the truth wins.

pumpkin bowling

To play, you need a small pumpkin, several plastic bottles with a volume of one or two liters, as well as a ribbon that will indicate the start. Skittles can be made heavier by filling them with sand or rice and decorated in holiday style.

Save who can

The participants dance to cheerful music, but as soon as the leader shouts: “Here comes the monster!”, they should quickly freeze.

Evil is listening to you

This game is reminiscent of the well-known "broken phone". Participants in the dark whisper in a chain the phrase that the leader tells them. This must be done as accurately as possible. To game action fit into the festive atmosphere, phrases of a certain theme are used. For example, “We will eat you”, “Save yourself, who can”, “I will drink your blood” and others.

Terrible howl

The winner is the one who will emit the most terrible scream or howl and scare everyone. Conducting such scary contests on Halloween at home, be sure to warn your neighbors about it so that the holiday does not end with a conversation with the police.


Elimination game. Children sit in a circle in a dark room. One of them is given a flashlight. Music is playing, it should match the theme of the holiday and be a little creepy and exciting. Participants pass a flashlight from hand to hand until the music stops. Whoever has a flashlight at this moment is out of the game. The player left alone wins.


The game involves teams consisting of two people: Mummy and Egyptian. The Egyptian wraps the Mummy with toilet paper from head to toe (except for the face). To win, you need to do this not only faster than everyone else, but also be careful: the team whose paper is torn stops the game.

ghost hunting

It is unlikely that a Halloween-style children's party can do without dancing, and this is a great dance competition for children. From the guests, they choose someone who wants to be a "ghost hunter" and blindfold him with a handkerchief. All other children are ghosts. They are dancing and the hunter is trying to catch them. Caught "ghost" begins to plaintively cry. If the hunter guesses by voice who it is, then he changes places with the ghost, if he does not guess, then he continues the game.

sinister bag

To play, you need a small bag in which several “terrible” items are placed: a wet sponge, dried fruits, pumice, marmalade insects. The host tells the players a terrible story about the appearance of this bag: he found it in an old cemetery, in a destroyed house, received it as a gift from a ghost. The first participant must take something in the bag without looking, but do not take it out. His task is to come up with and tell a scary story about this item, and at the end of the story, take out the item and show it to the other players. Then the bag passes to another participant.

Trick-and-treat (tricks and treats)

First you need to prepare sweets for prizes: small chocolates, lollipops, waffles, bags of sweets, dragees, marmalade. The next step is to number them.

For this Halloween game for kids, you will need three types of cards:

  1. with prize numbers
  2. with predictions (for example, “you will meet your soul mate soon”, “the black streak in your life will soon change to white”, “you will finish the school year without triples.” It is better not to write bad predictions),
  3. with assignments:
  • Crow a rooster.
  • Draw a hooting owl.
  • Imagine yourself as a bat.
  • Scream everyone.
  • Show how zombies walk.
  • Make a scary face.

The participant chooses a card on which the number of the prize is indicated. The host shows him this prize and asks if the player wants to compete for it. If the answer is yes, then you need to draw a card from the pile with tasks. For completing the task, the participant receives an earned prize, as well as a card with a prediction.

Inflating a balloon

Two volunteers are blindfolded and seated opposite each other, having previously explained the purpose of the game - to blow the balloon towards the enemy. The trick is that before giving the command to start the game, the host replaces the ball with a plate of flour, but the players, of course, do not see this and do not guess anything. On command, they begin to blow with all their might on a supposedly balloon. The outcome of the competition is clear. This game, as a rule, causes a storm of genuine emotions, both among the players and the audience.

Take care of your eyes!

There are two teams in the relay. The task of the players is to overcome the path from start to finish, holding a tablespoon in which there is a tennis ball with a drawn pupil. If the "eye" falls, then the one who dropped it will have to go the distance from the beginning. The team whose members reach the finish line the fastest wins.


Props for the game:

  • paper,
  • tassel,
  • desk lamp,
  • lemon juice.

This game needs to be prepared in advance. On sheets of paper with a brush and lemon juice, you need to write answers to the questions: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, as well as various numbers. The inscriptions will not be visible, as it should be. It is important to distribute the leaflets into two groups: with numbers and words.

The guests gather around the table lamp and start asking questions. The facilitator needs to get the right piece of paper, depending on the meaning of the question. If they ask: “What grade will I get on the control?”, You need an answer in the form of a number. If the answer involves a word, then you need a piece of paper from another pile. The paper is brought to the "magic lamp". The inscription made with lemon juice will become visible, and the guest will read the prediction.

Who is scarier?

Young artists must turn inflated balloons into frightening monsters. To do this, they will need multi-colored felt-tip pens. The one with the scariest ball wins.

road of fear

Empty cardboard boxes should be filled with various items: rustling plastic bags, dry leaves, damp moss, crumpled paper. A blindfolded volunteer is asked to walk barefoot along the road of fear, helping him move from one box to another.

Witch's Pantry

In a large room, you need to hide in secluded places as many ingredients for a witch's potion as possible: toy snakes, bats, worms, spiders and other animals. The task of the players is to find this "evil spirit" in a dark room (it is allowed to use the light of a flashlight or screen mobile phone). To make it more interesting to play, you can limit the time spent in the pantry by telling the children that the witch is about to return. The winner is the participant who found the most toys in the allotted time.

Make your way through the swamp

The floor of the room turns into a swamp. The task of the participants is to move along it using sheets of A4 paper. Standing on the first sheet, the child leans back to take the second, puts it in front of him and takes a step. Thus, you need to go all the way, while never stepping your foot outside the sheet. Anyone who stumbles is considered drowned in the swamp and is out of the game.

Who is it?

Halloween contests for kids younger age you should choose less intimidating. For example, you can invite them to solve riddles. The host reads riddles on the theme of the holiday: about Baba Yaga, an owl, a mouse, a pumpkin, a broomstick, and night. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.


For this Halloween game for a company of five people, you need to have five boiled eggs. Each of the players is invited to take one egg from the box and break it on their forehead. According to the rules of the game, announced to the players, one of them is raw, the rest are hard-boiled. The winner will be the owner of the raw egg - for courage. (The essence of this Halloween entertainment is that in fact, all the eggs will be boiled, and the last of the participants is awarded because he was sure that his egg was definitely raw and was not afraid to seem ridiculous).

witch dance

Another original Halloween dance competition. Those who wish are offered to turn into witches and show their ability to dance with a broom (a mop, a broom, a broom will do). The players form a circle. Dancing to the music, the witches pass the broom to each other. The music suddenly stops and the witch currently holding the broom is out of the game. The winner is the one who remains last.


On a piece of paper fixed on an easel, you need to draw the face of any character: a vampire, a mummy, a zombie. The essence of the competition is that it is done blindfolded. That "artist", whose portrait will be the closest to the original, wins.

Find a bat

Several figurines of animals are prepared in advance for the game - made of fabric, cardboard, wood. They hide in the room. The task of the participant is to find them. The host gives him hints: “far / close” or “cold / hot”.

Halloween contests with sayings

It is necessary to prepare sheets of paper on which proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, phraseological units about various evil spirits are written.

There are two options for playing with them:

  • Pantomime. Children are divided into small teams, each of which receives a piece of paper with a statement. The task of the participants is to portray it, and the rest - to guess this proverb or saying.
  • The facilitator reads half of the saying. Players must say its continuation. The participant who guesses the largest number of sayings wins.

You can use the following proverbs and sayings:

  • Not a candle to God, not a poker to hell.
  • It would be a swamp, but there are devils.
  • Still waters run deep.
  • The devil contacted the baby.
  • The devil would go to the wedding, but the priest is afraid.
  • There is nothing to play with the devil and coal and play.
  • In the middle of nowhere.
  • Step in the door, and he through the window.
  • Afraid like hell incense.
  • Sell ​​your soul to the devil.

collect candy

On the table you need to sprinkle small flat sweets, for example, "M&Ms". Children must collect them through plastic straws, drawing in air.


Large pumpkins are needed to turn a child into such an animal. Children are made up of two teams. The task of the participants is to lie on their stomach on a pumpkin and, helping themselves to move with their hands and feet, go a given distance and return in the same way back, passing the vegetable to the next person. Those pumpkin crabs who managed to make this way the fastest win.

Chains for a ghost

The children are told the story that ghosts live in old castles, frightening their inhabitants with the sound of chains. Guests of the holiday are divided into two teams. Their task is to make a chain of paper clips for the ghost.

There are two game options:

  1. Teams receive a box of paper clips. The one who quickly builds a chain of them wins.
  2. Paper clips are placed on the table in a box. Teams are located at a certain distance from the table. Their participants take turns bringing a paper clip, but they do this only if the previous "link" is already attached to the chain. The team with the longest chain wins.

terrible mug

Players compete to see who can make the scariest face. The winner can be given a small mirror as a prize.

Vampire Dinner

For dinner, young vampires are invited to drink "blood" in a glass through a straw. As a drink, tomato, cherry juice or cranberry juice is suitable. The first person to empty their glass wins.

Pitch darkness

Each of the participants in the competition is given a piece of foam plastic, into which lighted candles are inserted. The light in the room is turned off and the command is given to start the competition. Whoever blows out the candles on their piece of Styrofoam first is declared the winner.

Who is the smartest?

Pour flour into a large bowl and insert the candy so that the edge of the candy wrapper sticks out. The player's task is to pull out a treat without using their hands, but without getting their faces dirty. If successful, the participant receives a candy as a gift.

Halloween Makeup

Those who want to become make-up artists receive various decorative cosmetics: lipstick, blush, shadows, eyeliner. They select volunteers and paint their faces so that the makeup fits in with the theme of the holiday. The jury determines which makeup artist did the best job.

Best Caster

Competition for the most terrible spell. Each participant must come up with a terrible spell and explain to the others how it works.

very scary letter

If children already know how to read and work independently with paper, scissors and glue, you can offer them this game. Its participants are divided into teams and, taking newspapers and magazines, cut out letters and words from them, stick them on paper, thus compiling a letter. The team with the scariest message wins.

Running on chicken legs

Relay race. Team members take turns putting on “chicken legs” made of foam rubber. They must get to the counter in them, run around it and return to their place. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

Competition for the best costume

You can spend it at the end of the holiday.

Halloween pranks


The crypt of the mummy is being prepared in advance in the room. Turn off the lights and light candles. "Mummy" lays down on the sofa. A small open bowl with yogurt, curd mass is placed on her face. From above, the "mummy" is covered with a sheet.

On an excursion to the crypt, you can take turns. The facilitator tells the person being played about the mummy, while simultaneously running his hand over the parts of her body. For example: “Here is the leg of the mummy, here is the hand of the mummy” - the palm is applied to the limbs of the “mummy”. When it comes to the eyes, the host takes the fingers of the visitor to the crypt and abruptly lowers them into a bowl of yogurt covered with a sheet.


The principle of holding is the same as in the draw about the mummy. A girl is selected from the guests, who is blindfolded and brought to the table. On it lies the "Pharaoh". The palm of the "victim" is applied to different parts of his body, describing them. At the end of the prank, the girl's hand is dipped into a bowl of salad and told that these are the brains of the pharaoh. The reaction may be unpredictable.

Room of fear

The volunteer is invited to visit the fear room. The host escorts him to an unlit bathroom. There, the participant in the drawing is given the task of extinguishing a burning candle with a scream. He is forbidden to tell other guests about what happened. It turns out that at first everyone hears the terrible cry of the first “victim”, which is heard from the bathroom, and is a little afraid to go there. But the more guests participated in the draw, the more terrible it is for the rest to do it.

Old Dead Joe's Cave

This draw requires thorough preparation. Older kids will love it.

Organizational work:

  1. Choose a room for the role of a cave. Windows should be covered with thick curtains. The light will not turn on, so you need to stock up on a flashlight.
  2. The essence of the draw is to identify the parts of the body of Old Dead Joe, laid out in different vessels. It is necessary to find many containers of different volumes and, having filled them with warm water, arrange them around the room.
  3. You need to make the following parts of the body of the dead man:
  • Heart - a large tomato is placed in a vessel, the skin of which is previously removed.
  • The eyes are two large grapes.
  • Teeth are small pebbles, small lollipops.
  • The intestines are well-boiled pasta.
  • Hair - a wig worn on a ball.
  • Ears - cut the artichoke in half, clearing it of thorns.
  • Nose - cut from raw potatoes.
  • Fingers - made from sausages.
  • Bones - twigs, peeled from leaves and sharp knots.
  • Blood - tomato juice is poured into a jug. It is important to prepare a towel for wiping soiled hands in it.

A child who volunteers to look into a cave is blindfolded. Volunteers are led around the room under the dim light of a flashlight, offering to put their hand into the vessel and by touch determine which part of the body of Old Dead Joe lies there. The rest of the guests sit quietly, listening to the screams coming from the room. Letting the child out of the room, he is offered to wash his hands from the blood dripping from them, which enhances the atmosphere of horror.

What prizes can be prepared for participants:

  • All kinds of sweets. It can be both ordinary sweets and chocolates, and cakes, cookies, gingerbread, made in the shape of a pumpkin or a bat, or decorated with holiday symbols.
  • Small soft toys in the form of Halloween characters.
  • Thematic stickers, souvenirs.
  • Chocolate medals with the inscription "To the scariest monster", "To the funniest ghost".

Now you know exactly how to celebrate Halloween with your kids. Finally, we advise you to record your Halloween pranks and games for children on video. Recording can be shown to guests at the end of the holiday.

Animators at the children's Halloween party at the CP Europe. Outdoor games for kids

Halloween Scenario: Fun Halloween Program for Kids

3.8 | Voted: 20

On the night of October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in recent years in the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween script that is suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have a fun Halloween - this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require long and complex preparation, and the holiday will turn out just wonderful! The leading events are the Witch and the Barabashka (artistic adults dress up in them). If you wish, you can pick up other characters. All invitees should be warned in advance to come up with images of all evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater effectiveness, you can invite a face painter to the event - he will help guests transform into the right characters.

As prizes for contestants, you can use themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, key rings in the form of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets.

The holiday begins with the speech of the leading witch.


Hello! Welcome to the holiday of horror! I see that all the evil spirits have already gathered ... because today is our day - the terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night of October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the underworld.

Barabashka (in a mysterious tone): Finally! Here comes the night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and just horrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our party!

The game "I'm the most terrible and terrible"

The purpose of entertainment is to introduce all those present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests stand or sit around the leader. The host takes a small pumpkin (you can use a soft toy) and starts the game with the words "I am the most terrible and terrible witch who ...". Then she tells what she does, for example, takes away sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the host passes it to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone introduces themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But do you know, my dear monsters, where did this attribute come from?

The legend of the glowing pumpkin

A long time ago, the swindler and drunkard Jack invited the devil himself to his Halloween celebration. After the gatherings, the man argued with the guest that he would not climb the tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but cunning Jack drew a cross on the tree and the devil could not come down. The man then offered to remove the cross in exchange for never tempting him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed into heaven because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell either, giving only a red-hot corner. Jack hid the charcoal in an onion and has been showing up with it ever since on All Saints' Eve. Later in the United States, the onion was replaced with a pumpkin, and since then a luminous orange vegetable with a sinister smile has been a symbol of Halloween.

Competition "Symbol of the holiday"

The hosts offer the children to make the main attribute of the holiday on their own. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (if they are children under 10 years old) or a knife (if they are older children).

The task is to draw or cut out a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the hosts determine the "Most Scary Halloween Symbol", "The Most Original Halloween Symbol", etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times I had to celebrate All Saints Day ... already and can not count. But one thing I remember well - funny game always had donuts!

The game "Sweet tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween scenario. For the competition, you will need donuts (you can replace with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on threads at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected who wish to take part in the competition.

The task of the players is to eat a delicacy without the help of hands. The winner is the one who copes faster and receives a prize from the presenters.


My old friend Count Dracula handed over a treat for our holiday.

Contest "Feel like Dracula"

The hosts offer the most daring guests of the holiday to taste the “blood of the old magician” (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone gets a glass with a drink and a straw. At the leader's signal, the participants begin to drink. The first person to empty the glass wins.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Kasper. He has a big problem with his horror studies homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees tremble. And we can't do without your help.

The game "What a horror!"

Each contestant takes turns making a "scary and gruesome" public appearance. To do this, you can use a white cloth or sheet. The winner is chosen by voting or applause.


Eh, Witch, what terrible guests we all have! But this is not enough, because often evil spirits have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

From a large one, you need to make a container in advance, cleaning out all the contents and washing thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on pieces of paper (for effect, their edges can be burned) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Recall 5 proverbs or sayings that mention mystical creatures (“the devil is not as scary as he is painted”, “in the middle of nowhere”, “sell the soul to the devil”, etc.);
  • Dance the dance of Baba Yaga with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients magic potion etc.

Participants take turns pulling out a note with a task from a pumpkin and completing it. After the competition is over, everyone gets sweets.


Although they call us not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dance, the hosts offer festive treats to the children. You can organize a candy bar, where guests can enjoy at any time of the event. Read more about how to decorate a Halloween sweet table in an original way.

If children under 6 years old are present at the holiday, changes can be made to the Halloween script by adding a few entertainments appropriate for their age.

"Gather the Monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. We need to collect an image. You can have a speed race.

"Magic Potion"

In the room you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The task of the children is to collect the ingredients for making the potion in the amount indicated by the host. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs and 4 snakes.

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Halloween celebration script (for children 11 years old)

Apartment decoration

Big room ghosts
.3 balloons
.white fabric (gauze) for the apparel of ghosts
.black marker
.white threads
Inflate the balloon, it will serve to simulate the head. Throw chintz on the ball so that the imaginary head is in the center of the canvas. Use a marker to draw the face of a ghost on the ball-head. With the help of fishing line, fasten the ghost to the ceiling by the ends of the robe. Ghosts can be made not only white, but also black. To do this, pre-paint the chintz, and draw facial features with white paints.

Mini ghosts for the room
.candy chupa chups
.chintz (gauze, paper towels, white napkins)
.black marker
.white threads
.base where ghosts will be attached (pumpkin, long loaf, loaf of bread)
The table decorations will also support the idea of ​​ghosts in the room. Little, cute ghosts will also live there. Chupa-Chups candies will help to make them. Throw chintz or gauze over the candy so that the candy head is located in the center of the garment. Tie a thread around the neck of the ghost, straighten the shroud, draw a face for the ghost, stick the baby into the prepared base and thus form several ghosts with different facial expressions. At the end of the holiday, each invitee will receive several mini-ghosts.

severed head
.gypsum bandages
.big plastic bag
.deep dish with water
.acrylic paints
.if necessary, a printout of a photo or drawing of a severed head
.large round dish
.candy to fill the head
The head of my husband served as a model for the severed head. We decided to do all the preparations in the bathroom to minimize the dirt that will inevitably arise. I pre-cut the plaster bandage into strips about 10-12 cm long. They put a bag on my husband's head and cut holes in it at the nostrils. The package was smoothed along the contour of the face, expelling air and achieving the effect of the closest possible fit to the skin, the package was tightly tied around the neck. Make sure your model can breathe comfortably and start shaping the head. Dip a strip of plaster bandage into the water, wring it out, straighten it and attach it to the head, carefully smoothing it. The gypsum hardens quite quickly, and the models under the package are not very comfortable, so you have to work quickly and smoothly. We did everything together with my daughter. The procedure for applying the plaster took no more than 10 minutes, but I had to carefully remove it from the head without damaging the form. With a marker, I drew a circle on the top of the head (approximately where the Indians scalped) and drew a vertical line from it along the center of the neck. These are the marks that need to be cut. I couldn’t slip the scissors, so, taking a small but sharp knife, I began to carefully make cuts, holding the knife with a sharp (sharpened edge) towards me. This is a necessary precaution, since the incisions have to be made with a very limited scope of the knife, it is necessary to saw plaster, as it were, and I was afraid of injuring my husband or cutting off part of his hair. By the way, the package is cut along with the plaster. Having made all the incisions, my daughter and I released the father and immediately put a cast on the vertical incision near the neck, completely disguising it. The incision around the circumference was not masked, since, according to the idea, the upper part of the head should lean back so that children can get sweets out of there.
After the plaster was completely dry (after about a day), my daughter and I painted a face on our head. However, it should be noted that before applying facial features, the inner and upper surfaces of the head should be primed so that the plaster does not crumble.

Branches with Halloween symbols
.vase with branches
.pumpkins from yarn
.paper figurines of halloween characters
.the bats
Put mossy branches collected in the forest in a vase, if possible, tape a wire with mini-light bulbs (or a garland) to the branches with tape, then the branches will glow beautifully. Hang trolls, pumpkins from yarn, paper figurines of Halloween characters and bats on branches by strings or fishing line.

maple wreaths
.Maple leaves
.wax or paraffin candles
.thick wire
.glue gun
.glue gun sticks
.pot of water
.aluminum bowl
.baking paper
Prepare small maple leaves of various shades. In order for the leaves not to wither and to please us and our children for a long time, we will subject them to wax or paraffin lamination. To do this, boil more water in a saucepan. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and place an aluminum bowl over the pot. In a bowl, put wax or paraffin candles cut into small pieces. While the wax is being kindled in the steam bath we created, cover the work surface with baking paper. It is necessary so that the laminated leaves do not stick to the table and do not stain it. Alternately dip the leaves into the melted wax, let the excess wax drain and lay the finished leaves on baking paper. Prepare the number of leaves you need.
Measure the size of the child's head and form a hoop from a thick wire (preferably with a braid to make the head comfortable). With the help of a thread, fasten the leaves on the hoop with an overlap (like fish scales). Eliminate all blots (places where leaves move away from each other, or where threads are visible) using a glue gun.


Fruit salad "Jack - lamp"
.4 large oranges (according to the number of guests)
.2 kiwi
.2 bananas
.a few seedless grapes
.whipped cream or yogurt
. gummy worms or snakes
Peel the insides of the oranges and cut out faces with a sharp knife. Finely chop bananas, kiwis, oranges, and grapes. Mix all the ingredients in a large dish, top with whipped cream or yogurt and fill the hollow oranges with the salad. Insert gummy worms or snakes into the holes.

Cake "Halloween"
.wafer cakes
. kiwi
.cream for vanilla cake
.cream for chocolate cake
. milk
.boiled condensed milk
.nuts (or banana chips)
.sugar pencils
Whip vanilla and chocolate cake cream with milk in different containers. Lubricate the first cake with chocolate cream, put bananas on top, cut into thin rings. Cover with the second cake and coat it vanilla cream, on top of which put a dense layer of kiwi rings. Alternate cakes in the selected sequence. The top layer should be chocolate. Draw Halloween symbols on the cake with sugar pencils. Coat the sides of the cake with boiled condensed milk and paste over with banana chips or nuts.
The cake is very easy to prepare and does not take much time. My daughter made it all by herself.


Pinata for Halloween
Do you know what a pinata or pinata is? This is such a surprise for the holidays. Serves as decoration. Hangs from the ceiling or from a tree branch. At the end of the holiday, the hero of the occasion with eyes closed must find this very PINAT and smash it with a special festive stick. Pinata crumbles to the delight of guests with a rain of confetti, souvenirs and sweets.
There is a version that it began in Italy, and had the name "fragile pot" - pignatta. Pignatta was filled with jewelry, candy or other trinkets, hung from ropes and swung while a blindfolded player attacked it with a stick. Then, just like today, when the pignatta was broken, guests would pick up fallen souvenirs and sweets.
Some claim that PINATA is a Chinese invention, used during New Year's celebrations. Figures of cows, buffaloes and other animals made of paper with many ribbons of various colors and sizes were used during the New Year. After breaking the figures with multi-colored sticks, the remains were burned, and people collected the ashes for good luck in the new year.
PINATA is a beautiful holiday decoration for both children and adults. Today's pinatas are completely different shapes and sizes. According to the Spanish tradition, pinatas are filled with confetti, fruits and candies, and can also be filled with toys, souvenirs, and jewelry.
According to the method of breaking Piñatas can be divided into two types:
Traditional Piñatas are Piñatas that are smashed with a stick or bat. These Piñatas are best used for playing outdoors, in nature or in large rooms.
Pinatas with ribbons, equipped with special ribbons or ropes. If you pull on a certain rope, Piñata "opens" and crumbles with many candies. All other ropes do not open anything and bring intrigue and additional interest to the game. This Piñata is ideal for playing in small spaces. Note that even Piñatas with ribbons can also be broken with a bat!

.inflated balloons (according to the number of guests)
.gypsum bandages (2 for each participant). Bandages should be pre-cut into strips about 10 long and about 4 centimeters wide
.deep plates or dishes (for fixing the balls)
.2 basins with warm water (one for two children)
.printouts of zombies, mummies, skulls
.candy for piñata
.chocolate medals
.mini prizes

The Halloween pinata competition is divided into several stages, so you should think about what the children will do in the pauses necessary for the plaster to dry.

I stage
Place the inflated ball in a deep plate and fix it so that the ball is motionless during further work. Dip a strip of plaster bandage in a basin of water, wring it out and straighten the bandage, gently apply it to the surface of the ball. In the same way, glue the entire ball with the exception of a small area needed in order to put sweets and prizes. Let the bandage dry (about 30 min.)

While the plaster dries, I propose to hold a small competition with a light snack.
Pear Witch Contest

II stage
After the plaster frame has dried, the guys need to decide which character they want to get. Depending on this, choose the color of the paint and cover the entire surface of the frame with it (white for the mummy, zombie and skull, orange for the pumpkin). After the background has dried, draw eye sockets, mouth and nose on the face of the character with black paint (for greater clarity and credibility of the image of the features of the characters, I printed drawings of mythical heroes for girls in advance).

pear witch

.4 oatmeal cookies
.4 green pear halves
.4 pairs of raisins (for the eyes)
.4 chocolate M&M blues (for the wart)
.4 small knives (participants bring their own)
.Red Apple
.4 wafer cone cups
.carrot, grated (for hair)
.boiled condensed milk (for gluing parts)
.4 disposable plates
Cut the pears in advance along the fruit and remove the core. Invite the children to put the pear on a plate with the cut down and carefully, at a slightly angle, cut off a piece of pear along the supposed forehead of the witch. This piece will be her nose. In the center of the “face”, make a deepening-cut with a knife and insert the “nose” there.
Poke small holes for the eyes and the warts with a knife and stick the raisins and M&Ms in them.
Cut out a mouth from a red apple and fix it on a pear, making a recess for it with a knife.
Glue the waffle cone onto the oatmeal cookies using boiled condensed milk. If empty waffle cones are not available, you can buy ice cream according to the number of participants, put it out of the tubes first, and when the witch pear is completely finished, offer the guys ice cream as an addition to dessert. Attach a hat - oatmeal cookies to a pear for condensed milk. Attach hair - carrots to your head and enjoy the treat! Serve a banana smoothie here.
The competition is approximately 15 minutes long.

The bats

.4 sets of printouts of bats and the moon (cut out). Go to the Canon papercraft website. There is a lot of material for various holidays. The mobile bats kit is taken from there.
.scissors (bring each guest with you)
.line (yarn, twine or thread)
.4 old hangers (or hanger-shaped wire rods)
.syringes with glue "Titan"
.synthetic winterizer
.paints (to each invited person to bring with him). If the guys have paints glowing in the dark, they can separately work out the eyes of bats.
.brushes (bring each invitee with you)
.spill-proof jars (bring your own for each invitee)

Before assembling the movable structure, the children will have to color both halves of the month on their own. To do this, you can use different colors (yellow, sinister purple, reddish, orange). You can also draw the face of the moon (depending on desire and imagination).
While the paints are drying, it is necessary to glue the front and back parts of the bats by inserting a thread or fishing line between them. After the paint has dried, we also glue both halves of the moon (no thread is needed).
It's time to assemble the structure. Invite the children to lay out a wire structure on the floor and attach the ends of the threads from bats to it (the children choose the length of the thread and the place of its attachment to the wire hanger, checking whether the mice are well balanced).
Having broken the synthetic winterizer into small fragments, you can start gluing it to the hanger, forming a cloud on which the crescent lurks (the guys choose the shape and volume of the cloud themselves).

Catching apples

.basin with water
.12 apples
.2 handkerchiefs
.2 large towels
Participants of the competition are divided into teams (2 people each). Pre-washed apples are lowered into the water (by the number of apples there must be more than the participants, so that the competitors always have a choice). The presenter ties the hands of the two contestants behind with a scarf, ties a wide bath towel on each belt, I recommend that the girls tidy up their hair to save their wonderful hairstyles. The guys are invited to get any apple from a basin of water with their teeth. The one from the pair who grabs the apple with his teeth wipes himself, puts himself in order and gives way to the next participant, and his partner remains at the pelvis until he copes with the task. (Unscrew the stalks from the apples in advance, otherwise the especially smart ones will grab them with their teeth). Be prepared for the fact that the most daring will not be afraid to dive headlong into the basin and press the apple to the bottom to prevent it from slipping out when captured. This is exactly what my daughter did, and then she advised her friends to repeat this maneuver. Everyone tried! Definitely the most fun and funny contest of the evening! Both participants and spectators got real pleasure and laughed a lot. The team wins, both members of which coped with the task faster. If necessary, the host should always have dry towels on hand.
The competition is approximately 20 minutes long.

Making Halloween Scrapbooking Paper Treat Bags

.4 handbag sample printouts (Canon papercraft website)
.glue (invited bring with them)
.ribbons, pieces of fabric, decorative cords, buttons, beads…
.previously taken photos of the invitees (approximately 3 for each participant)
The children are offered pre-cut bag templates (the most complex elements are already glued together). Following the instructions of the facilitator, the participants completely complete their handbags. Everyone is invited to show their imagination and decorate them in the style of "Scrapebooking for Halloween", using their photos with a Halloween theme and the available decorative elements of various properties (paper, fabric, beads, beads, twigs, yarn). Guys receive handbags as a gift and fill them with sweets from a severed head.
The competition is approximately 25 minutes long.

treasure hunt

Arranging in advance with the parents of the children about the holiday, I suggested that they bring me a gift that they would like to give to their child. The fact is that gifts are an individual matter, and it is always nice when children get exactly what they dream of. After receiving gifts for each invitee, I began planning a treasure hunt contest. I wanted the treasure-hunting activities to be joint, but at the same time with elements of individual work, because everyone will look for their own personal treasure!
On the eve of the holiday, I printed 4 different photos (according to the number of participants). Each photo shows a close-up of the girl's face. On the reverse side photos text with explanations of the place where the treasure was specifically hidden. For example: Look for your treasure behind the blinds. The text is printed in a mirror image. My husband and I cut each photo into 12-14 parts (like puzzles), counted the total number of pieces (in our case there were 46). For myself, I wrote down where whose treasure will lie, so as not to confuse anything in the confusion.
After all the main competitions were held and it was time to start looking for the treasure, I asked the girls to play for 5 minutes in my daughter's room and not leave it. During this time, my husband and I hid 42 pieces (puzzles) in the hall, hallway and corridor. 4 puzzles we did not hide. Having called the guests into the hall, I announced to them that everyone will have to find their own treasure, but for this the children will need ingenuity, analysis, ingenuity, patience and mutual assistance. (The girls' eyes sparkled so much that I realized that the treasures have no chance of remaining unfound!) I gave each girl one puzzle and said that they had to find 42 more such pieces (outlined the circle of searches). And she warned that without finding all the pieces, they would not be able to guess the message. What started here! They searched everywhere and everywhere, there were offers to look even in the ground in flower pots!
Having found all the puzzles and counted them several times, the children sat on the floor in the living room and looked at me inquiringly, waiting for further instructions. I said that if they wanted to find the treasure, they would have to figure out the rest for themselves. The brainstorming has begun! The girls immediately realized that they needed to put the puzzle together and started working as a team, but a little later it turned out that the photos were different. They figured that each should put together their own photo. I am proud to say that it was not so easy for them to do this! After the photos were collected, the question arose of how to read the text on the back. Here I quietly put tape and scissors on the edge of the sofa. Active bonding has begun. (While the children were sitting in one place and gluing together, my husband and I put the gifts in the places indicated in the messages. We didn’t do this on purpose in advance so that the children would not find the treasure ahead of time).

The photos are glued together, the text is read, but its meaning is not clear, because on the back is gibberish. The young treasure hunters quickly guessed that the letters were printed in mirror image and ran to read the text in front of the mirror. The secret is out! At this point, my husband and I had to seriously take care of our own safety, because. the girls rushed for the prizes so much that we almost got knocked down!
Prizes have been found, everyone is happy! The competition was a success!!!

Each of the guests pulls out a phantom from a witch's hat, in which a hero is indicated, for example, a Werewolf, Dracula, Frankenstein, a Mummy, and it can also be more difficult - bringing a man who has been cut off his head, a ghost of a bride, a vampire on a diet, and so on. Each of the participants in turn shows their hero, the rest guess. Prizes are awarded for the brightest and most eccentric roles.

Mystery of Destiny

The host gives the participants their new characteristics: cards with an inscription are fixed on the backs of the players (for example, a vampire, a demon, a sorcerer, a werewolf). At the same time, everyone can read the name of the others, but cannot find out who he himself is. During the allotted time, players can ask questions about their “rank” to the others, and answer the questions of others only with “yes” or “no”. At the end, the players tell the facilitator what they think is written on the card. Those who guessed correctly or were closest to the solution win.

Maniac letter

Players are divided into two teams, which are given newspapers. The task of the teams is to compose and paste a “threatening” letter on paper in the allotted time, cutting out only whole words from newspapers. The winning team is chosen based on the quality and quantity of the text.

The most terrible death

Competition for the best horror story and fantasy. Each of the participants in turn must tell the most terrible story of death, for example, a Man was flying on a plane, but then his heart stopped, but he was rescued, suddenly the plane got into a storm and the engine started to burn, a man jumped out of the plane with a parachute, the parachute did not open , but from the 10th time it still happened, but then lightning struck and hit a man directly, killed him, but after a few seconds he woke up, caught on tree branches, a kite suddenly flew in and began to peck at him, but then the branches broke and the man fell into the sea, began to swim to the shore, and then a shark bit off his leg, but the man was able to get to the shore, began to lose consciousness from loss of blood, but still got to his home, bandaged his wounds and made himself tea and died. And the thing is that his wife mixed a strong poison into the sugar bowl. End. Which of the guys (by voting) will be able to compose the most terrible, interesting and long story, he will receive a prize.

Count Dracula

Each of the guests is Count Dracula, who must drink a glass of blood faster than the others. In fact, there will be ordinary tomato juice in the glass, but guests should not immediately talk about this, let them think that it is, for example, pig's blood. At the “strat” command, each of the guests begins to drink blood (juice) through a straw. Not everyone will immediately start drinking, because they think that this is real blood, but when they understand by smell and taste that this is tomato juice, things will go faster. And whoever completes the task faster than the rest, he will win.

ghost head

An inflated balloon with a painted face is placed in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded, and seated at the table opposite each other and offered to blow the ball towards the opponent. Before the contestants start, the ball is removed and a plate of flour is placed in its place. Not only the ball turns out to be a ghost, but also the participants.

Sabbath pass

The facilitator asks the players a question: “Who wants to get on the Sabbath?”. Each participant must say who he is (any word: witch, skeleton, closet, cucumber) until the leader misses him. You can skip a person according to any pre-selected criterion (for example, the first letters of skip words are vowels). The task of the players is to find out what criterion the leader uses.


The "witch hunter" is blindfolded and spun. The rest of the participants ("witches" and "citizens") randomly move around. The highlight is that the witches have bells in their hands, and it is them that the Hunter must catch in a minute or two, after which the next Hunter is selected (by lot). The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

You recognize the subject - do not eat this muck

The guests sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The facilitator launches some kind of terrible object into the circle around the hands, for example, a rubber spider or a toy rat, jaws (chewing candy) or a real chicken foot. Which of the guests is the first to dose the object in his hands, that fellow is out of the circle. The last 3 participants who remained in the circle and did not guess a single item will be punished, for example, they will drink a glass of blood (tomato juice) or eat a spoonful of brains with their eyes closed (any salad or porridge).

Halloween celebration can be very fun, interesting and exciting if it is properly organized and the scenario of the event is carefully thought out. So, both children and adults love to take part in various competitions dedicated to the meeting of All Saints' Day.

Such competitions are especially necessary when quite a lot of boys and girls of different ages gather at the festive event. In this article, we bring to your attention several competitions with which you can captivate a group of guys for a long time and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Children's Halloween Contests

As a rule, adults and teenagers take an active part in the celebration of All Saints' Day. It will be especially interesting for the latter to compete with each other and arrange exciting competitions. For children under the age of 10-12, Halloween contests such as:

  1. "Terrible mug." The task of each participant in this competition is extremely simple - he needs to make the wildest and most terrible grimace that he is only capable of. After all the guys demonstrate the result of their efforts, the host must choose the winner and give him a prize - a small mirror.
  2. "A long tail". A long thread is tied to the belt of each participant so that its end hangs down at the level of the knees. A pencil is tied to the end of this thread. The task of each player is to lower his “tail” into a bottle standing behind on the floor without the help of hands. The winner is the one who manages to complete the task first.
  3. "Pioneer Pilots". For this game, pioneer caps are made from paper according to the number of participants. One of the players - the "snitch" - is blindfolded, or they take him out of the room. A raw egg is inserted into the stand and hidden under any of the caps. After that, the bandage is removed from the eyes of the “snitch” and they are offered to hit one of the participants on the head. If there is nothing under the cap, this player takes the place of the “informer”, and the game continues.
  4. "Mummy". All participants are divided into pairs, each of which receives a roll of toilet paper. One of the players in a pair must make a mummy out of his comrade by tightly wrapping him with toilet paper. Those guys who managed to cope faster than others win.
  5. "Cross the swamp." Each participant of this competition receives 2 sheets of A4 paper. His task is to reach a certain place, shifting sheets of paper, but without stepping on the floor. If a player stumbles, he is drawn into the swamp and is eliminated from the competition. The one who completes the task first wins.
  6. "Scarecrows". Each contestant receives a balloon and a marker. For a certain time, all players must draw a monster on their ball. The competition is won by the author of the scariest balloon.
  7. "Snake bite". Apples according to the number of participants in the competition are hung on threads so that they are located at head level. All players put their hands behind their backs and try to bite as much of their apple as possible. The one who ate the most of the fruit wins.
  8. "Beware, monster!" This competition is more suitable for young children, but older children are happy to take part in it. The leader turns on fervent music, and all the children begin to dance. AT certain moment time, he says: “Beware, monster!”, after which everyone should freeze and not move. If one of the guys moves, he is out of the game. This continues until a winner is chosen.
  9. "Well, that's disgusting!" Take an empty shoe box and make a hole in it, similar in size to a child's hand. Place cold spaghetti, jelly, olives and other foods inside. The task of each child is to put their hand into the hole and determine by touch what is inside.

In turn, for the guys preschool age suitable for the following competitions:

  1. "Evil spirits". This competition can only be organized if at least 10 children take part in the celebration. To do this, all the guys need to be divided into 2 teams and put into different rooms. After that, children from one group take turns putting on a white sheet and begin to portray an evil spirit in front of the rest of the children. The task of the players is to guess who is in front of them.
  2. "Dark force". For this competition, you will have to cut out several large circles from the foam and make 30 holes in each of them. Candles should be inserted into these holes. A similar blank must be made for each child. At the signal of the host, all the children begin to blow hard, so as to extinguish all the lights. The winner is the one who managed to cope faster than others.
  3. "Voice in the Dark" One of the participants is taken out of the room, and the light in it, in turn, is turned off. After that, the driver comes back, and other players start to scare him different ways. At a certain moment, one of the guys comes up to the driver and quietly whispers “Halloween!” in his ear. The player's task is to determine who exactly whispered in his ear. If the driver fails, the game continues. If he was able to correctly guess the participant, the guys change places.