Contests for April 1 parents from children. Fun competitions for April Fool's Day for children. Very big and small, skinny

What holiday, and especially April 1, can do without funny contests? Of course not. Prepare everything you need for the contests, and you will be in a good mood.

Go around the barriers

Fragile objects, crystal or porcelain cups are laid out in an intricate order on the floor. The participant is invited to practice in neat stepping over obstacles. During this time, the participant remembers the order of the items. Then the player is blindfolded and offered to follow the same path, while all objects are removed from the floor. The participant, straining his memory, tries to remember the location of objects, “steps over” them. He does not realize that there are no more obstacles.


Write and then put up comic ads. For example, you can try to sell the inheritance of Madame Petukhova, the ad might look like this: “Sale! Inexpensive! Table set - 16 places, living room set - 14 places, walnut, work of master Gambs. Do not forget to write the name, surname and phone number of the seller, i.e. your friend or acquaintance. There are a lot of things that can be sold: an astrolabe, an organ, a one-year-old bull, a samovar, galoshes, also a soul, honesty, conscience, laziness.

Theater of paradoxes

Put on a theatrical performance. In this case, you can combine incompatible. For example, Shrek met Natasha Rostova and dances with her at her first ball (do not forget about the reaction of others); Spongebob Square Pants went for a walk and accidentally fell into the clutches of a diver. Beauty and the beast have changed places, now she is a monster, and he is a handsome man; L. N. Tolstoy and Daria Dontsova decided to write a series of joint novels.


The contestants are divided into teams. They must turn the following aphorisms into monuments:

1) a well-fed belly is deaf to learning;

2) stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut;

3) if you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Who quickly?

In this competition, you can offer to compete in the speed of pronouncing tongue twisters.

1. The parrot said to the parrot: “I will parrot you, parrot.” The parrot answers him: "Parrot, parrot, parrot!"

2. Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpaponi. Here children were born to them: Yaktsedrak and Chick-

Dripoy - Shah, Yak with Chick - Shah-Sharah, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Chick-Dripa-Drimiapony - Shah-Sharakh-Sharakhsheroni.

3. Jackal walked, jackal galloped.

4. Attraction sightseeing attractions.

5. The ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

6. A goat goes with a slanting goat, a goat goes with a slanting goat.

7. You can’t over-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak.

Guess the number

Surprise your guests! Ask everyone to think of one whole number and do the following mathematical operations with it:

1) add to the intended number the number following in order;

2) add 9 more to the result;

3) divide the number by 2;

4) subtract the originally conceived number. After the guests have counted, announce to them that you know what number they got in the end. It's the number "5"!

sing a song

Participants of the competition are given notes with names in advance. It is best that these are serious people, for example, politicians (Ivan IV the Terrible) or writers (L. N. Tolstoy, V. A. Zhukovsky). Each of them must sing a given song as if it were performed by his famous hero. Songs are best taken with a humorous, life-affirming content (for example, "Smile" by V. Shainsky).

tightly bound

For this test, two long ropes are needed. Two teams are recruited with the same number of people, the team that quickly passes the rope through the clothes of each team member wins.

Great cook

Papers are laid out on two tables with the following words: flour, eggs, yeast, kerosene, salt, sugar, jam, gasoline, vanillin, cabbage, mushrooms, dog, milk, computer mouse, water. Two participants are called, their task is to choose ingredients for a sweet pie from the proposed list.

Theatrical ability

For the competition it is necessary to form two teams of participants. Each participant is offered a specific role, and the teams, in turn, act out the scenes they have been given. For example, the first team could perform a skit called "Sea square dance" described by Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland. And the second command is the trial of Quasimodo from the "Notre Dame Cathedral" by Victor Hugo.

Guess your name

At the entrance, a sign is attached to the back of each guest with his new name, for example, an animal (hedgehog, ostrich) or a literary hero (Snow White, Cheburashka). Guests see the names of all participants in the evening, except for their own. By the end of the evening, they must learn it from other guests, who can only answer “yes” or “no” in response to questions.

Aspiring poet

You can invite participants to try their hand at writing. You name the first line, and they must come up with a second, rhymed one. For example: “Weird Day is class!” Approximate continuation: “We congratulate you on it!” Suggest to come up with a continuation of the following poetic lines:

1) a ram says to a ram...;

2) ran away from the hospital...;

3) tomorrow at school, and we ...


Two participants are called, they are offered cards with puns, their task is to unravel the words encrypted in puns: erenva (jam), tykofen (sweets), ovmok (carrots), ekfo (coffee), karonyma (pasta), omokol (milk), iranabk (bagels), ftolerak (potatoes).

gypsy girl

Several people are called, who, sitting on chairs, must perform the dance "Gypsy".

At the same time, music can be both suitable for this event, and not very, for example, from the repertoire of modern performers or masterpieces of world classics (J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, P.I. Tchaikovsky, etc.).


The central characters of this competition are the “riders” and their dashing “steeds”. The role of the former is played by two players, and the latter are two chairs with the signs "Rocinante" and "Bucephalus". The task of the “riders” is to ride on the “horses” to the opposite side of the hall, where there are vases with sweets. The time of the competition is limited, therefore, the higher the speed of each of the "horses", the more sweets their "riders" will receive.

Pop the balloon

2-3 (the more, the better) balls are tied to the legs of the participants. Under incendiary music, players must pop the balls tied to the legs of opponents. The one who bursts more "enemy" balls with the least losses will win.

Goals: cheer up the participants of the quiz.


  • talk about the importance of laughter in our lives;
  • develop imagination, sense of humor, resourcefulness, ingenuity;
  • foster a sense of mutual assistance, team spirit.


We live the best

Because with us - Laughter!

We never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

If the path to school lies -

Laughter runs next to us.

Our friend is with us everywhere.

Laughter-Smesinka! Laughter-Laughter!

Young, perky laughter!

Laughing isn't a sin, is it?

Hello dear friends! As you already understood, today's quiz is dedicated to April Fool's Day, the day of humor on April 1st. "Those who know how to laugh live longer" - so says folk wisdom. And you can't argue with that.

But the front-line writer, Alexander Tvardovsky, who raised the spirit of the Russian army, said this about this:

“You can live without food for a day,

You can do more, but sometimes...

Can't live without a joke

Jokes of the most humorous…”

The old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” is clearly justified. Laughter is not just good for health: it prevents the occurrence of diseases, strengthens the body's immunity and even prolongs life, especially when we are talking about the heart. The American scientist Miller even gives practical advice: include obligatory laughter in your “daily diet” along with physical exercises.

Did you know that the effect of laughter on the body is similar not only to exercise, but even to food intake:

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 bucket of cutlets, so you will never be hungry if you want;

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 glass or 200 grams of sour cream;

1 minute of laughter replaces 10 minutes of intense gymnastics;

And in general, 1 minute of laughter prolongs your life by as much as 15 minutes.

Laugh more and you will live forever!

Happy Laughter Day, jokes and mischievous pranks! Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. Let's laugh today, let's compete, let's cheer each other up!

Stage 1. Command presentation.

To participate in the quiz, I propose to organize two teams: "Veselushek" and "Laughing"! (To the right of the leader, the Veselushki team, and to the left - Laughing). And today you will be judged by a strict but fair jury in the person of Vasilchuk N.I. and Lopatina E.V., - our methodologists.

But first, I suggest you watch a short presentation, which, no doubt, will cheer you all up!

Stage 2. Quiz "April Day".

So, now you are invited to take part in the comic quiz "April Day", which consists of 35 questions. Teams will take turns answering questions, and the jury will sum up the points. If a team gave an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the next team. So, now we will find out who is the smartest among us. The fastest and smartest! Attention questions. (Presentation of the comic quiz "April Fool's Day").

1. What kind of comb will not comb your head? Answer: cock.

2. Which hand is best for stirring tea? Answer: tea is better to stir with a spoon.

3. What do we eat for? Answer: at the table.

4. What will not be included in the most large saucepan? Answer: its cover.

5. What word starts with three letters "r" and ends with three letters "i"? Answer: trigonometry.

6. What is the scariest river? Answer: Tiger.

7. Who has a hat without a head and a leg without a boot? Answer: mushroom.

8. What notes can measure space? Answer: mi-la-mi.

9. What can be cooked but not eaten? Answer: lessons.

10. How does day and night end? Answer: soft sign.

11. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? Answer: No, the ostrich cannot speak.

12. An ancient hero who has survived to our times in the form of porridge. Answer: Hercules.

13. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? Answer: from the railway.

14. How many months in a year have 28 days? Answer: everything.

15. You, yes I, yes we are with you. Are there many of them? Answer: two.

16. Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch up. Answer: time.

17. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees. Answer: on the map.

19. Now a pancake, then half a pancake; this side and that side. Answer: the moon.

20. Why does a goose swim? Answer: from the coast.

21. What horse does not eat oats? Answer: chess, sports.

22. Which word always sounds wrong?

Answer: The word is "false".

23. Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Chocho, Cheche. What is the name of the fifth daughter? Answer: Mary.

24. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? Answer: by gender.

25. What gets bigger when put upside down? Answer: number 6.

Fun games, tricks, competitions for children on April 1, April Fool's Day

Get an apple

To play, you need to take a basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the water, and then the player, holding his hands behind his back, tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it. Usually such a competition is very funny.

ha ha ha

The task of the players is not to laugh. Children sit in a circle, one of the players says: “Ha!” The next player in the circle says: “Ha-ha!”, The third: “Ha-ha-ha!” and so on. Anyone who says the wrong amount of "ha" or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who have dropped out are trying to make the players laugh. Whoever laughs last is called Tsar Nesmeyan.


April 1 is often given tasks that are impossible to complete. It is very difficult to eat fruit jelly or ice cream with a toothpick or skewer. And if the task of the competition is to do it as quickly as possible? Obviously, both participants and spectators will be able to laugh to their heart's content.

monkey king

The number of players is unlimited. One player is taken out of the room. Everyone sits in a circle and chooses the monkey king. Children must repeat all the movements of the elected king! After the king is chosen, the man who was outside the doors is brought into the room. His task is to understand who the participants in the game are parodying!

ghost rockets

Players alternately inflate many balloons, but do not tie them. Then someone firmly holds the ball by the “neck”, and someone draws black eyes, a nose and a toothy mouth on it. Then the ball is released. This is how "ghost rockets" appear. The balls are divided between the players, inflated again. And the fun begins: the signal sounds: “Forward!” Children release balloons. The task is to catch your "ghost rocket" before it falls to the ground.

Hocus pocus

In order to become the best joker, you should show a few magic tricks. Of course, each of these tricks has its own joke secret. But you won't tell anyone about it, will you?

strong bubble

Who can stick a straw in a soap bubble so it doesn't burst? Probably no one. But there is one secret. The tip of the straw (cocktail tube) should be moistened in soapy water and very carefully put into the bubble. Soap bubble stay whole!

Of course, you should practice before showing this unusual trick.

magic drawings

Surprise your friends with extraordinary drawings. On a white sheet of paper with a piece of a white candle, make a simple drawing (for example, a car, a boat, a house). It will be almost invisible. But as soon as someone takes watercolors and a thick brush, a miracle will happen. If you dip the brush into any paint and move it over the sheet, as if by a wave of a magic wand, a drawing appears.

"April Jokes"

"Guess the Tale" "My Neighbor" "Pharaoh" "Horror Movie"

"Egyptian goat"

"Zoo" "Kangaroo" "Labyrinth" "In my pants" "One, two, three!" "Cheerful little tailor"

"Puffy-cheeked mouth-slap" "Attention, attention!" "The most dexterous" "The strongest" "Let's drink" "Hat" "Bows" "Handyman" "Hedgehogs" "Burn, burn, my candle" "Oh, apple!" "Erotic" "April jokes"

The company announces that now everyone will play one very funny game. Everyone should stand in a circle, squat down, put their hands on the floor and catch on with the neighbors on the right and left with their little fingers. Then the presenter affectionately addresses the neighbor on the right, "Vasenka, you know how to play the game" April jokes.

What should the neighbor on the right answer?: "No, Andryushenka, I don't know how to play the April jokes game, then turn to my neighbor on the right with a similar question:" Masha, do you know how to play the April jokes game? The answer follows, and so on in a circle. When everything goes in a circle and reaches the leader again, the leader rises, (shakes himself off), looks down at everyone and says: "I know how to play the game" April jokes, why are you sitting here like fools ?!"

"Guess the tale"

In the company, a victim is selected and sent out the door (in the sense, from the premises). Next, the rules are explained to everyone. The victim must guess a very famous Russian fairy tale, which was supposedly guessed by friends.

The victim is required to ask leading questions that can be answered unequivocally "yes", "no", "don't know". The rest answer "yes" if the question ends in a vowel, "no"

If you agree, "I don't know"

For "b", "b", "s", "th". Thus, the victim, asking questions in turn to each of the players, completely comes to a standstill in his logical guesses, it is then that you can have mercy (if everyone has already laughed enough) and inform the victim about the rules.

"My neighbour"

The driver comes in and begins to ask in turn all those present about who they all thought of from those present. You can only answer yes or no. The joke is that everyone answers about their neighbor on the right.


The victim is chosen. She is forced to pick up a box of matches from the floor with the help of two matches. After he manages to do this, make him stomp on the floor with his right foot.

If everything works out, the host loudly announces that this is how a motorcycle is started in a madhouse.

A girl is chosen and her eyes are tied. Bring her to the table on which someone is lying. Take her hands and apply to different parts of the body lying. At the same time, each time you say: "Here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...", and at the end the hands fall into some kind of salad, and you say: "And here are the brains of the pharaoh."

The result is unpredictable.


Five volunteers are called, who are invited to pull an egg out of the cassette box. There are five eggs in the cassette, one of them is raw, the presenter warns. And the rest

Boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. (But actually, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just the last participant

He deliberately ran the risk of becoming a laughing stock.)

"Egyptian goat"

One person (leader) is sent somewhere far away, the rest choose the "Egyptian goat". After that, the driver is called, who asks the question: "Who is the Egyptian goat?". Everyone shouts loudly: "I!". Driver's task

Guess who is the "Egyptian goat" after all. For this, three attempts are given.

After the driver leaves, the leader explains to everyone the real rules of the game: when the driver tries to guess the "goat" for the first time, the person he pointed to says that he was mistaken. The second attempt ends with the same result. But on the third attempt, any person whom the driver points to must say: "Yes, indeed, you guessed it, I am that same Egyptian goat."

After that, the person who was "guessed" becomes the leader. The most important

Warn everyone that the second time, when the former driver will already be standing in a circle, to the question "Who is the Egyptian goat?" everyone should be silent.

The joke is that the former driver, not knowing the real rules of the game, will yell at the top of his lungs: "Me!"


Each participant in the game is called an animal (very quietly, so that the others do not hear). Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. It is explained to each that as soon as the name of his animal is pronounced, he must very quickly squat down.

And his neighbors in a circle should not allow him to do this. The host begins to talk about his trip to the zoo. First, he pronounces any animal, then another and another, and gradually comes to the name of the desired animal. The meaning of the draw is that everyone is guessing the same animal.

And the whole circle flops together on the floor.


A person is selected who is not familiar with this joke, is taken, say, to the kitchen, where the presenter decides to show the "kangaroo". Then the host returns to the room where the rest of the company sits under the pretext of giving the last clarification and quietly informs everyone that the "kangaroo" was made up. So, the acted person returns from the kitchen and begins to portray the "kangaroo".

And everyone pretends not to understand him and calls all sorts of "grasshoppers", "frogs", "bunnies", in short, just not a "hidden" word. So you can protomite the person being played for about twenty minutes, ask him to jump, demonstrate habits and, most importantly,

Don't guess all the time. Until he goes berserk from your "stupidity".


It is necessary that the majority of those who have gathered earlier do not participate in this. In an empty room, a long rope is taken, and such a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, passing, sits down somewhere, steps over somewhere. A person starts up, it is explained to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, he must remember the labyrinth and they will prompt him.

When they begin to blindfold, the rope is removed ....

"In My Pants"

Everyone sits in a circle and everyone tells their neighbor (clockwise) the name of any movie. He remembers what he was told, but tells his neighbor a different name, etc. (it is desirable that as few people as possible be aware of the matter) When everyone has said, the presenter says that it is necessary to say the following phrase: "I have in my pants ...", and then

The name of the movie you were told. Pretty funny if it's

- "Battleship Potemkin" or "Pinocchio".

"One two Three!"

Game for breaking the rules

Some kind of penalty, for example, a bottle of champagne The guesser pronounces the conditions to the Player: The guesser: "I say one, two, three. You repeat "three" and are silent for exactly a minute." After that, as a rule, a question like you won’t tickle, they honestly say “no.” Guessing: “One, two, three”; Player: “Three” Guessing: “Well, you lost, you shouldn’t have repeated.” Player: “Yes, you yourself said (or something like that)". As a result, if the player is not completely braked, the moment of silence is interrupted.

What the Player is immediately informed about.

"Cheerful little tailor"

To play, you need to assemble two teams in which an equal number of men and women. They all stand in line (man


The male

Woman). Two tailors are chosen. Each of them receives a small wooden stick, into which a long woolen thread is threaded (it is better if it is twisted into a ball).

At the signal of the host, "sewing" begins. For men, the tailor threads threads through the trousers, and for women through the sleeves. The tailor who "sews" his team faster wins.

"Puffy-cheeked lip-slapper"

You need a bag of sucking sweets (such as "Barberry"). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the host), put it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy, say loudly and clearly, looking into the opponent’s eyes: “Thick-cheeked lip slap”.

Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time says the "magic phrase" will win. I must say that the game takes place under the cheerful shouting and whooping of the audience, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

"Attention attention!"

2-3 people play. The host announces the conditions of the competition:

I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the number 3,

Take the prize immediately.

The following text is read:

Once we caught a pike

gutted, and inside

saw small fish

and not one, but as many as ... seven.

When you want to remember poetry

don't bite them until late at night.

Take and repeat at night

Another, but better ... 10.

Dreaming guy hardened

become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

and wait for the command: one, two, march!

One day a train at the station

I had to wait 3 hours ... (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and finishes it)

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

when it was possible to take.

"The most dexterous"

The game is played by 3 to 5 people. It is better if these are men after a certain consumption of alcoholic beverages. They come out, stand facing the audience. The host gives each of them a plastic bottle (1.5-2 liters), which each of them puts in his pants.

But not entirely, the main thing is that the bottle should hold. The bottles are pre-prepared, their bottom is pierced into a shallow, most important

into an invisible hole. Next, the leader gives each of them a mug of water and a spoon, with which they need to scoop the water from the mug into their own bottle. This operation is coming at speed. Men do not immediately notice the catch. At first it seems that they are spilling past the neck.

But when someone the most lively scoops up the last spoon, and the leader asks to get the containers, then, looking at the empty bottle, they realize that he poured a whole glass into his pants. It has been verified that the drunker a person is, the faster he scoops water into his bottle.



Participants of the game are offered to do push-ups several times on a strip of wallpaper. After they are offered to repeat this, but blindfolded, you need to grope for a sheet of wallpaper, take a position and who will do more push-ups. While the men are blindfolded

The wallpaper is turned over, and on the other side, naked silhouettes of women are depicted in natural growth. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheering them on with jokes and advice.

"Let's have a drink"

Everyone can take part in the game. The number of participants at the same time depends on the number of props. Props: gymnastic hoops (preferably plastic), beer (cola, sprite, etc.), preferably in glasses (it will be more original), but it can also be in jars or bottles. It is necessary to twist the hoop on the belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink) beer (cola, sprite, etc.).

The winner can be determined by several parameters: who will drink faster, who will not spill, who will be able to drink at all. Well, and so on.

All participants stand in two circles

Internal and external. One player has a hat on his head, you need to put it in your circle. Condition one

Pass the hat from head to head without touching it with your hands. The team in which the player number one is again in the hat wins.


All couples are welcome. Men sit on chairs, women from behind, on command, tie three bows to men. At the same time, the women's eyes are tied.

Who is better, faster and more original, he wins.

The game is played by two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or a potato in their teeth. Hands behind the back. A task

Drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and prevent yours from dropping. For the bravest

Use an egg instead of an orange.

"Hedgehog gloves"

Male players are given thick winter gloves. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over the clothes of their partner in the game.

"Burn, burn, my candle"

The players are tied to ropes, to the ends of which are attached either matchboxes or moistened cotton wool. A lit candle is placed in front of the players. Contestants need to extinguish the candle as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

"Oh, apple!"

The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

Belts are fastened to the waist of the players, to which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to “prick” an apple on a nail (plant) as soon as possible.


A woman and a man, preferably little known, are tied to her belt a frying pan of a middle size, and he

Ladle. Then they need to make as many hits with a ladle on a pan (or vice versa) as possible in a minute. Spectators also make their assessments on the technique of execution and the volume of the hit.

As a variation, you can tie a fork to both of them, moreover, from the back and so that each fork hangs at the level of its (!) knees. A task

Hook with forks while standing face to face. It is especially interesting if the participating couple are of different heights.

Leading. Hello guys! Do you know what day it is and what proverb to say? (April 7 - I don't trust anyone)

The guys answer.

Leading. And now I suggest you have fun and participate in competitions.

joke questions

1. What notes can be weighed? (Do-la-mi)

2. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)

3. Which is longer: one year or 12 months? (1 year = 12 months)

4. Why do some people wear boots and others wear boots? (On the ground)

5. What is higher without a head than with a head? (Pillow)

6. How far can you go into the forest? (Only to the middle, and then you go already from the forest)

7. How to write "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat)

8. Which fields cannot be passed or driven? (Brim hat)

9. What stitch is not embroidered? (river, sea)

10. Which island pretends to be clothes? (Jamaica)

11. What do we eat for? (At the table)

12. What is not in pumpkin or melon, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "r")

13. What is the most valuable fish species? (Gold fish)

14. Why does a heron stand on one leg? (If she picks up the second one, she will fall)

15. To whom do all people take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser)

16. What must be done to saw off a branch on which a crow sits without disturbing it? (Wait for her to leave)

17. Three girls walked under one umbrella. Why didn't any of them get wet? (It didn't rain)

18. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)


For the competition you need 3 teams of several people. The host reads the text, and the players, moving in a circle, must do what the text says. The team that will show the best acting qualities and cause more laughter from the audience wins. Winners receive medals "Best Actor".

First team. You are a young, healthy man, you have a wonderful athletic gait. Suddenly your stomach hurts. But do not forget that you are a young, healthy man and you have a wonderful athletic gait. But, quite unexpectedly, your right eye begins to twitch - this is a nervous tic. Do not despair, because you are a young, healthy man. Of course, all this is difficult to bear when your stomach hurts, your eye twitches and rubs the prosthesis on your left leg. And you have such a beautiful walk.

Second team. You are a little three year old. You look amazingly and trustingly at the world. But you are a very small three-year-old child, and therefore you still do not walk well, and your head is large, it still does not hold well on your still weak neck. But do not forget that you are surprisingly and trustingly look at the world. Suddenly you stumble and hurt your foot. And despite this, you remain a small, three-year-old child who is very trusting and looks at the world with surprise.

Third team. You are young beautiful girl well-dressed and modern. You have a great make-up, beautiful shoes with thin heels. You are full of dignity and importance. But suddenly you suddenly broke the heel on your left shoe. But do not forget that you are a young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, the elastic band on your skirt is torn. And you are still the same young, beautiful girl, well and modernly dressed, even if you are hindered by a broken heel and a falling skirt.

Competition "Musical pause"

The facilitator offers the children summary guess popular songs:

1. This song is about the behavior of poultry that lived with an elderly woman. ("Two cheerful geese")

2. This song is about how good it is to play the harmonica in the rain, celebrating your birthday. ("Song of the Crocodile Gena")

3. This song is about the tragic fate of a peaceful insect (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”),

4. This song is about how hair color can affect people's relationships. ("Red, red, freckled")

5. This song is about animals that, despite their natural cowardice, went to the forest at night to mow the grass. ("Song about hares")

Contest "Reserve"

For the game you need: blindfolds for each player and cards on which the names of animals are written: cow, pig, rooster, etc. (one animal on several cards).

All participants in the game go on stage, that is, on the territory of the reserve. All participants in the game are animals, its inhabitants. Each of the players chooses a cardboard box (does not show it to others) with the name of the animal that he needs to voice. Everyone must have at least two relatives. Everyone is blindfolded.

On command: "Start!" animals must find their blindfolded relatives by voice or characteristic sounds and unite, holding hands. As soon as the players are sure that they have collected all their own from the territory of the reserve, they raise their hands up. If they are the first and at the same time they have not lost anyone, then they are the winners. Winners receive medals "Best Detective".

Competition "Gatherings"

For the game you need: stools, a towel.

4 pairs come out to play. Players are given a towel - one for two. One end is placed on one stool, the other end on the other. The players sit on a towel and grab the stool with their hands in order to securely fasten the towel between the stool and themselves. They fixed it - and on command they begin to move forward, only each in his own direction.

The towel is first stretched, and then left with someone alone. 2 pairs are formed from the winners. The competition is repeated. Then the winner is determined from 1 pair. The winner receives the medal "The most assiduous".

Relay "Rublathlon"

For the game you need: coins and a glass.

Teams can compete. Each participant from the start line must reach the goal (cup) and hit the target with a coin, then remove it from the cup, return to the team and pass the coin to the next player like a baton.

It is necessary to carry a coin to the target on the toe of the foot, putting it there and not holding it with anything. You also need to throw a coin at the target (into a glass) only with your foot, without helping yourself in any way.

If a coin falls on the way, then you need to stop, put it back in its original place, and only then continue moving. If the coin does not hit the target on the first try, it must be put on the toe again and then try to throw it again. The team that finishes the distance and throws before the other wins. Winners receive medals "Best Thrower".

Contest "Psychic"

For the game you need: a chair, a tray, peas, a handkerchief.

A chair (or stool) is placed. On it is a tray. There are peas on the tray, and all this is covered with a handkerchief.

Several people come out to play. Players need to determine how many peas are on the tray. To do this, they need to sit down on a tray covered with a handkerchief, feel, stand up and name the number.

After the last option is named, the handkerchief is pulled off and it is determined whose assumption was closer to the truth. The winner is immediately given the title and the medal "Most Sensitive".

Balloon Taming Contest

For the game you need: balloons.

Any number of players.

The competition takes place in several stages. The challenge facing tamers is to deal with balloons like a juggler. First they are given one ball, then two, three, four. The interval between releases is 30 seconds. Whoever first drops the ball to the floor or holds it in his hand - he lost.

It is forbidden to shoot down the balls in one heap - each of them must fly separately from the others. You can help yourself with your head, shoulders and legs. Whoever lasts the longest is awarded the "Best Juggler" medal.

Competition "Rally"

For the game you need: plastic bags, plastic bottles, stools.

As with any rally, you will need to set the course. In our case, there will be two of them, and the same. As obstacles through which it will be necessary to pass or successfully bypass them, they use bottles placed on the floor (they can be bent around) and stools (you can pass between their legs).

The game starts on the command "March!", The athletes begin to blow on the bags, trying to cover the distance with obstacles as quickly as possible. First "there", and then "back", but without obstacles. The bag can only be controlled by breathing, it is forbidden to touch it.

In case of violation of this prohibition, the player is automatically considered the loser. Also, the "departure" to the opponent's track or any contact with him, his sports equipment or obstacles on his distance leads to the removal from the distance.

The winner is awarded with the "Fastest" medal.

Competition "Mimikoy"

The number of players can be any. They are given a card on which it is written what needs to be depicted with facial expressions and gestures. The guys guess.

For cards:

1. Sharpen a pencil.

2. Playing volleyball.

4. Sad penguin.

5. Cheerful cat.

6. Hot iron.

7. Cold ice cream.

8. A person who has just eaten well.

9. Eating grapes.

10. Artist.

Competition "Dragon"

Everyone who wants to stand one after another and firmly hold on to the sides of the person in front. The first player is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail. The dragon tries to catch its tail, but it dodges it.

Leading. On this we part, and I would like to wish you a good mood not only on the first of April, but also on all other days.