DIY entertainment for a party. Games and competitions. Game "Scary funny case"

Contests are the best pastime when a cheerful company has gathered. To avoid hitches, you should prepare in advance. When choosing, consider the location, the availability of props and the preferences of the participants.

Outdoor games

VIDEO: Outdoor competitions for adults

Find a pin

The host chooses 5 people and puts blindfolds on everyone. After that, he randomly attaches pins to the clothes of the players. The music turns on.

Participants begin to look for pins on each other. At the same time, it is impossible to tell. Whoever finds the most wins.

All pins must be clasped. Only adults can compete.

Big cleaning

For such a game, you need the same number balloons two colors. On the ground, you need to draw a large circle and divide it in half. Everyone present is divided into two teams.

At each site, a ball is scattered in random order. Their color corresponds to a specific team. The winners are those participants who threw all their balls into the opponents' territory.


Such a competition is perfect for starting a picnic. Two teams are armed with matches, cauldrons, the same number of knives and potatoes.

After the signal in each team, they begin to kindle a fire, peel potatoes and install a boiler. The winners will be those whose potatoes cook faster. The competition can be changed, for example, to the fastest cooking of shish kebabs.

Siamese twins

Players are divided into two. Each pair is tied together with two arms and two legs. Now they can't be used.

The essence of the game is that the "Siamese twins" perform some tasks. For example, peel potatoes. The couple that completes the most tasks wins.


In this game, participants are also divided into pairs. Each team is given five balloons. Couples need to burst them in the following positions:

  • back to back;
  • side by side;
  • between hands;
  • belly to belly;
  • sitting down at the same time.

The competition looks very funny. After all, the participants are ridiculous to move and squeal when the balloon bursts. So the game will appeal to both players and fans.

Ate and drank

For the competition you will need: a sausage, a bottle of drink, a plate, a knife, a fork and a glass. Next, you need to choose two teams of three people. Everyone moves an equal distance from the table.

First, the participants are offered food. The first player on the team runs to cut off a piece of sausage. The second pricks it on a fork. The third must eat.

Now the teams have to drink. Now all participants alternately open the bottle, pour into a glass and drink. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

hungry beast

For the game you need two volunteers and some food. For example, chopped sausage.

Participants alternately put food in their mouths and say the phrase “hungry beast” to their opponent. At the same time, you cannot swallow. The player who laughs first is considered the loser.

Looking for treasure

This competition requires preparation. The host needs to hide the treasure in advance - a case of beer.

Catch the ball

Participants are divided into four teams. With the help of lots, two of them become leaders, and the rest are followers. The leading teams are opposite each other, and the followers are located between them.

Participants from the leading teams alternately throw the ball. The task of the slaves is to intercept him. If they succeed, the teams switch places.

get me drunk

For such a competition, you need 6 players, 4 glasses and a couple of plastic bottles. In their covers with a nail, one hole must be made. The players are divided into two teams.

The captains, without opening the bottles and without using their hands, must pour water into two glasses. The rest of the participants quickly drink it. The team that completes the challenge faster than their opponents wins.


This game will require a lot of bags. The host leaves a gift at a certain distance from the start. Participants stand with their feet in the bag and, on command, begin to jump. Whoever gets to the gift first can keep it.

Find the bottles

This game will not only help to cheer up, but also cool drinks. Perfect for those who are bored while preparing barbecue. The host hides a bag of bottles in the river.

Players begin to walk around the pond and look for drinks. The host can prompt "hot" or "cold". The winner is allowed to be the first to choose a kebab stick.

Get dressed, undress

Participants are divided into two teams and stand on one line. After a certain distance from them, leave a hat, T-shirt and pants (preferably large sizes).

After the signal, each player must run to the things, put them on, take them off and pass the baton to the next one. The team whose members complete the challenge the fastest wins.


For this competition you will need spoons, raw eggs and leaflets with tasks. The host draws a "corridor" on the ground.

Participants one at a time take a spoon in their teeth, put an egg on it and go through the "corridor". The rest are trying to distract him, shouting "drop it", "you won't reach it." The player who dropped the egg must complete the task.

chocolate temptation

This game is suitable for the warm season. Participants must be in swimsuits and swimming trunks. The leader ties the blindfolds for the men. He also breaks the chocolate and places them on the girls.

Guys have to find sweets with their lips and eat them. When everyone copes with the task, the boys and girls change places.

Only adults who are not in a love relationship should participate in such a game. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

save the ball

For such a competition, many balloons will be needed, which should be inflated and tied to one leg of each player. Draw a big circle on the ground. After everything is ready, the host turns on the music.

While the song is playing, the participants, without leaving the circle, begin to pop the balls to each other. When the music is turned off, those who could not keep their ball intact are removed from the circle. The action continues until one winner remains.


This game will continue all the time that the company spends in nature. Near the feast chooses one tree. A scale is attached to it, from the bottom of which 40 degrees are written, and zero from the top.

Throughout the feast, each of the participants passes a breathalyzer. To do this, he stands with his back to the tree, bends over and puts his hand with a pencil between his legs to leave a mark on the piece of paper. Each time passing the test will be more difficult and funnier.

table games

VIDEO: The best board games


TOP 5 fun games for the company at the table

Entrance denied

Such fun is great to start a feast. Before each guest sits down, he must complete some task. It should not be difficult, for example, to say a compliment to the presenter.

drunk couple

For the competition, you will need several bottles of drinks and glasses. Those who wish to participate are divided into two. One of the couple takes a bottle, and the second - a glass.

At the sign, everyone tries to fill the glasses as accurately as possible. But at the same time, it is forbidden to take the bottle with your hands. The victory goes to the couple that copes faster and more conscientiously.


Several teams with a small number of participants are selected at the table. Everyone raises their right hand, clenched into a fist. After the command of the leading "telepath", the players unclench an arbitrary number of fingers.

The point of the game is for one of the teams to show the same number. Talking is prohibited. But the participants can try to negotiate in a different way, such as coughing or knocking.


One of the participants turns his back to everyone. The host points to any person present and asks the question “what should this phantom do?”. Assignments should be very funny, for example:

  • raise your hands to the sky and ask the aliens to take you back home;
  • congratulate passing people on some holiday;
  • drink a glass of highly salted water;
  • print a photo of a caterpillar and ask everyone you meet if they saw your runaway pet;
  • sing a whole song at the bus stop.

The most interesting thing is that the person who gives the task can randomly choose it for himself. Although the game is already old, it guarantees a festive mood.

We shared an orange

For the next fun you will need oranges, knives and any number of teams. Each group must choose a captain. It is he who starts the game and ends it.

At the signal of the facilitator, the group should take turns peeling the orange, divide it into slices and eat. The captain needs to start the process and eat the last slice. The fastest team wins.


The host plays a familiar song. When he raises his hand, everyone sings; when he lowers it, they are silent. Participants who make a mistake are out of the game.

Victory goes to the most attentive. To make the game more intense, the facilitator can use his hand very quickly. He can confuse everyone by continuing to sing when he doesn't have to.

The most nimble

For such fun, you will need alcoholic drinks and glasses. The latter should be less than the participants. The host pours alcohol and gives a signal, turning on the music.

When everyone sitting hears the song, they dance around the table. As soon as the music stops playing, the participants take apart the glasses. Those who are left with nothing are out of the game.

After the first round, the game continues again. For a change, the degree of drinks can be gradually increased. The competition ends only when one winner remains.

During the game, remove the excess from the table. Otherwise, the dishes standing on the edge may be broken.

How would you do if?

The facilitator asks various questions to the players. For example, what would you do if:

  • aliens have stolen you;
  • you spent the entire salary for three days;
  • you will not be able to use the Internet for a month;
  • you will be locked in the office.

The more ridiculous the questions, the funnier it will turn out. The winner can be determined by general vote.


In order to play this game, you need two participants, printed stories from the Internet, juice, paper and a pen. The first player takes a small amount of juice into his mouth, but does not swallow it. He is given a sheet with a story and offered to dictate it.

The second participant tries to write down what they heard. After the competition, everyone listens to the resulting story. Usually such a game turns out to be very funny.


One of the guests sitting at the table should stand behind them. The rest take the candy and quickly pass it to each other. The task of the driver is to catch the one in whose hands the sweet is.


This game should be played when everyone has had enough to drink. The host gets up from the table and warns that in one minute he will figure out the most drunk of the guests.

After that, the facilitator explains that it is necessary to give the subject he named a more affectionate shade. For example, sausage - sausage, tangerine - tangerine. All guests think that sobriety is determined by the speed of response.

At such a moment, the host says the word "water". Usually at such a moment they answer “vodka”. The guest who made a mistake is awarded a diploma “who has reached the required condition” to the general laughter.


For the competition you will need spoons and two large bowls filled with water. Everyone present is divided into two teams.

On a signal, everyone drinks a spoonful of water and passes the container to the next. During the fun, splashing water is not allowed. The first group to scoop out the contents of the bowl wins.

useful item

The leader gives any item to the person sitting next to him. The guest must say how you can use this thing and pass it on to the next. The one who can't figure out what benefits this item brings is the loser.

super cocktail

The host invites all guests to participate in the preparation of a super cocktail. But at the same time, he warns that the one who pours the glass must drain it.

All guests begin to fill the glass with any drinks in turn. Gradually, the place in the glass becomes smaller, and the game becomes more interesting. After its completion, the competition can be repeated again.

Only two weeks left before everyone's favorite holiday. An incredibly important time is coming - preparation for the upcoming New Year. What will your holiday be like? It is not too late to make sure that it brings a lot of joy and fun. On this night, we, adults, turn into children, and expect something unusual, magical, fabulous from New Year's Eve. We begin to believe in miracles and are ready to play games with passion. different games and participate in fun competitions. "Mir 24" cannot guarantee a New Year's miracle for everyone, but we can definitely create a festive mood for the whole company! "Mir 24" prepared a selection funny contests and games for the New Year's party. Choose what suits you.

Games for which it is not necessary to leave the table

Adult people, even those who are in high spirits, are far from always ready to respond to the call to get up and move. They are shy, they do not want to, they are lazy, finally. Therefore, in order to stir up the company, it is worth starting with games that you can play while staying at the table.

Long live the translator!

For this quiz game, you need to spend an hour or two preparing in advance. Have you ever tried to translate the words of a familiar song or poem into some exotic language using a google translator, and then back again? It turns out, of course, a non-rhyming phrase, but so unexpected that it takes your breath away!

For example, guess what it is? “The blizzard sang a song for her, a fishy red dream, buy and sell, snow-covered snow, unfrozen” ... This is the phrase translated into Vietnamese and back “The blizzard sang a song to her:“ Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye ”, the frost wrapped in snow : "Look, do not freeze!".

Try to experiment, and you will find such options that everyone will laugh continuously! Prepare a dozen or one and a half such translations in advance, and then read them out. Whoever guesses what it was wins a prize. You can, of course, google all this right at the table in your smartphone, but then there is a danger that the rest will get into their gadgets.

New Year's screenplay

In this game, all participants write a comic New Year's story together. You can even without interruption from the feast. It is done like this. The participants agree on what exactly they are writing: a script for an action-packed action movie, a magical New Year's fairy tale, a tragicomedy or a melodrama. The first author writes an introductory line and passes it on to the second. He writes a continuation below, and wraps the sheet so that only his line remains open. Each subsequent player does the same, all the while wrapping the sheet. It turns out that everyone attributes their part, not seeing the entire previous heartbreaking work. You can even agree that each player is trying to turn the plot in an unexpected direction. Finally, the sheet is written. We unfold it and read our New Year's screenplay with expression. Better not all at once, otherwise you can get tired of laughter. We intersperse this intellectual activity by raising glasses.

Like- I do not like

When everyone is already a little tipsy, then the game goes on with a bang, for which it is better for the guests to sit in alternation: a young man - a girl. Everyone calls what he likes and what he doesn’t like about the neighbor on the right (or on the left, or both there and there - as the host wants). For example, like the ears, do not like the crown. When everyone has reported their preferences, the host offers to kiss what they like and bite what they don’t like. A few minutes of squealing, squeaking, fuss and laughter at the table are guaranteed!

Photo: Elizaveta Shagalova, MIR 24


This is a psychological, somewhere even sophisticated game - for contrast with the previous one. The driver is selected, who leaves the room for a minute. The rest "conceive" one of the people present in the company. Next, the player enters the room and tries to guess who was chosen. To do this, he asks leading questions. The question should be constructed according to the type: “Masha, if it were a chair, what would it be?”. “Sasha, if it were a piece of music (a tree, a house, a flower, the weather, curtains, a book, a dog...), what would it be? Players think, weigh their associations with the person they thought of, and answer. For example, "It would be an elegant chair with twisted iron legs." "That would be a classic medieval minuet." Pleasure is received by the one about whom all this is said, and everyone who listens to the answers. The game goes on until the leader guesses correctly (it is better that he has no more than five minutes for this). Then the one who was thought of goes to his place.

Relatively mobile games

When everyone has already pretty much eaten and trained their creativity in the process of table games, you can leave the table. At this stage, everyone is already liberated, which means that those games in which you need to pump your acting skills a little bit are perfect.

Director's finds

Choose a guy. We thrust into his hands the text of a short fairy tale (you can take the smallest ones, like "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", or a specially written, New Year's one). From the text on the leaves we write out all the characters of the fairy tale, and inanimate objects also belong to them (the tower, the breeze, the stream, the draft, and even this ...). Then we fold the leaves, the actors blindly draw out a role for themselves, puzzledly scratch their heads and figure out how they will play it. The facilitator reads the text slowly, with expression. Actors come alive...

living sculptures

Remember the children's game "The sea is worried"? This is its logical continuation. All players stand in a circle, and one of them goes to the middle. He takes a certain pose, getting used to a role known to him alone. The expression of the player's face, all facial expressions and appearance must correspond to this role. It is impossible for him and the rest of the "sculptures" coming into the circle to speak and laugh. In this form, the first player freezes. The others are trying to figure out what it could mean. Then they come out one by one, completing the sculptural composition. At the same time, each subsequent player tries to destroy the idea of ​​the previous one, to put a new, unexpected meaning into the sculptural group. This is a very dynamic and bright action that causes explosions of laughter in the audience. The main thing is not to think too long. Ideally, the next player should finish building every ten seconds. After about a minute and a half, when there are already several players in the center and the rest are in no hurry to complete the composition, the host stops the game and invites the participants to tell what they imagined and how they completed the plot. Both teenagers and uncles over forty play this game with the same passion, there would be a desire to “show oneself”.

Crocodile, or Understand me

All guests are divided into two teams. The first thinks of a word or expression - as you agree. It is better to think of something well-known, for example, proverbs, sayings, or catchphrases from Soviet films. For example, those associated with the New Year and winter. The phrase is spoken in the ear of the messenger from the second team. And he, without words, exclusively with gestures and facial expressions, must explain this expression so that his friends understand him and guess the phrase. Teams guess in turn.

Photo: Maxim Kulachkov, Mir 24


This is a very popular guessing game. Pieces of paper with words written on them are folded into a hat. For the sake of the New Year, you can start the game with words associated with it, with winter, or with fairy tales. The first pair of players goes to the center. One of them pulls out a note and tries to explain to the second the word he read. At the same time, he does not use cognate words and translations into foreign languages. The second one has to guess. The rest are watching and also trying to understand what it is, but silently. The trick of the game is that it should be very dynamic. Only half a minute is given for the round, or a minute - as agreed. Then the next couple comes out. The highest aerobatics is achieved when guessing starts to take 10 seconds or even less. Time flies unnoticed and fun.

Games with an erotic component

If the company is well known and liberated, then playing something frivolous and frivolous is not a problem. Yes, at some point, any company slightly warmed up with alcohol becomes quite suitable for such games, unless you meet New Year with parents and grandparents.

Forgetful washerwoman

Several couples are invited to the center of the room. Each participant in the game is blindfolded. The pairs stand opposite each other, and the host (or rather, several assistants to the host) attach 5-6 clothespins to different parts of the players' clothes. Then the music turns on and, at the signal of the leader, the players must remove all clothespins from each other. (Spectators should not suggest where to look for them). The pair that completes the task faster wins the competition. To increase the degree of looseness, you can attach five clothespins, and say that there were six. And let them search!

Sweet woman

Pairs are selected again. Girls lie on their backs on a horizontal surface (on a carpet, or chairs put together). Small cookies, or grapes, or tangerine slices are carefully laid out on it. Young people are offered to gather their lips with their lips to romantic or erotic music without the help of hands. Further, the success of the competition depends on the artistry of the performers and the advice that the audience will give. Excitation and explosions of laughter are guaranteed!

the Forbidden fruit

The beginning of the game is the same. Girls lie on their backs on a horizontal surface (legs together, hands at the seams). We take an apple and put them to the girls as close to the feet as possible. The task of the partners is to roll the forbidden fruit with their noses, without touching either the girl or the apple, to the chin of the participant dying with laughter. If at some stage the apple rolled away, we start all over again (we take a new, clean apple). It turns out a lot of fun, because immediately after the start of the competition, the players have a lot of advisers, strategies are developed to overcome obstacles, and so on. Whoever made it all the way first wins. At the end of the game, you can add a final trick: the man must take the apple in his teeth and let the girl bite it. During the game, partners are not allowed to touch each other.


Participants are divided into two teams with the same number of players. Each team lines up in a chain, alternating: a boy-girl and so on. Now the first player in each chain takes an orange and holds it with his chin pressed to his collarbones. The task of the team is to pass the orange to each other along the chain to the very last player as quickly as possible, without using their hands and without dropping it on the floor.

Photo: Alan Katsiev, Mir 24

Another variant of the same game is to pass the ball, clamped by the knees. It also turns out to be fun.

Princess on the Pea

Girls participate in this competition, who must determine by touch what is in front of them. More precisely, what is behind them, since they “feel” the object with a soft spot. There are two game options. First: the girls are placed with their backs to a chair, they are blindfolded and a small object (a cone, an apple, a ball of thread, etc.) is placed on the chair. Gently and sensitively descending on it, they listen to their feelings and determine what it is. Of course you can't use your hands.

touching competition

The second version of the previous game: men sit on the chairs with their backs to which the girls are standing, and the girls, sitting down, must determine who they were on their knees. At the same time, it is better to turn on the music so that the sounds and rustles that the players make when changing seats do not make the task easier.

sea ​​battle in an adult way

The next game is a fun and exciting fuss with wrestling and kissing. You will need number cards and letter cards. Young men receive cards with numbers, and girls receive cards with letters. You can't show them to each other.

The game takes place on the carpet. All players sit in a circle. And the driver lies in the center on his back. He names an arbitrary combination of letters and numbers. For example: B2, or D6. If the guy is lying, then the girl under the letter B should have time to run up to him and kiss him, and the guy with the number 2 should prevent her from doing this, and kiss the girl himself. Obviously, if a girl is lying, then everything is repeated exactly the opposite. One of the players who did not have time to complete their mission lies on the floor and everything starts all over again. You can slightly expand the rules of the game. For example, introduce a rule that you can kiss where you can reach. Get even more fun.

Merry, active and boring New Year to you!

Tatyana Rubleva


New Year's table contests are an opportunity to have fun without getting up from your chairs. A large selection will allow you to choose cool and funny contests for the occasion. Depending on where you are celebrating. At a corporate party, at a family table or in the company of friends. Be sure that the New Year's fun will be remembered by every party participant.

Funny New Year's Table Contests 2020

Funny New Year's table contests help to have fun. Enjoy laughing and having fun. A relaxed atmosphere reveals the creative talents of guests, brings the team together.

Role-playing game "Turnip"

The number of participants is 7, plus one leader. It is desirable that the participants at the table sit next to each other. Alternatively, you can call those who wish to the stage. Role-playing game involves replaying the famous Russian fairy tale "Turnip". In a fun company, the game goes off with a bang. The host prepares 7 pieces of paper in advance. On each of them writes the name of the role. Turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. Words should be written next to the name. Explain to the participants that when their role is spoken, they must say the indicated words.

Role words:

  1. "Turnip" - "both-on."
  2. "Grandfather" - "would kill."
  3. "Grandma" - "oh-oh-oh."
  4. "Granddaughter" - "I'm not ready yet."
  5. "Bug" - "woof-woof."
  6. "Cat" - "meow-meow."
  7. "Mouse" - "wee-wee."

Each participant pulls a piece of paper from the hat. They stand in line according to a fairy tale - a turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. The game starts. The facilitator reads the text of the tale, and the participants say their lines when the facilitator pronounces the name of their role.

Fairy tale text:

“Grandfather planted (2nd player - would have killed) a turnip (1st player - both). A turnip has grown (1st player - both) big and big. The grandfather came (the 2nd player would have killed) to pull the turnip (the 1st player - both), pulls, pulls, cannot pull. The grandfather called (the 2nd player would have killed) the grandmother (the 3rd player - oh-oh). Grandmother (3rd player - oh-oh) for the grandfather (2nd player - would have killed), grandfather (2nd player - would have killed) for the turnip (1st player - both), pull-pull, can't pull out. And so on.

The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull, pull, they cannot pull it out. The granddaughter called the bug. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out. The bug called the cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out. The cat called the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. And pulled out a turnip! That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done.

Another option for words for roles:

  1. "Turnip" - "both-on."
  2. "Grandfather" - "t-ex".
  3. "Grandma" - "would kill."
  4. "Granddaughter" - "I'm not ready yet."
  5. "Bug" - "rr, fleas tortured."
  6. "Cat" - "and I'm on my own."
  7. "Mouse" - "wee-wee, I want to write."

The game "Who is the coolest?"

The facilitator selects 5 male participants. Offers them a plate of boiled eggs (hard boiled). Participants are told that one of the eggs is raw. Invites everyone to choose one egg and break it on their forehead. With each broken egg, the tension of the participants grows. At the end, everyone is declared the winner.

"I promise" (45 response options)

The game "I promise" has many variations. The funniest thing is when guests pull pieces of paper with promises already written. The host approaches each guest in turn. Holds out a box or a jar of twisted pieces of paper. The guest reads a promise from a piece of paper.

Promises are written in a variety of ways. The game is a joke, so some of the answers are funny. Sample inscriptions:

  1. I promise to get married this year.
  2. I promise to get married next year.
  3. I promise not to marry again this year.
  4. I promise to call the north pole in the new year.
  5. I promise to dance with the boss this year.
  6. I promise to come up with a new project.
  7. Stop looking in the mirror 100 times a day.
  8. I won't worry anymore.
  9. I'll start telling dirty jokes.
  10. I'll call my drunk ex.
  11. I will stop calling my husband at work often.
  12. I will give up sweets. I will drink semi-sweet.
  13. I'll come up with new experience. I use a friend as a guinea pig.
  14. I'm going to start saving water. I will go to wash with my friends.
  15. I won't go into social networks. Every day I will call my friends on the phone.
  16. I promise to buy new socks for my husband.
  17. I promise to throw out some holey socks.
  18. I promise to do vocals. For starters, in the shower.
  19. I will take care of the children. Not only theirs.
  20. I'm going to fight all my fears. Not only their own.
  21. I promise to lose weight by the summer. 2035.
  22. I promise not to eat more chocolates. And less too.
  23. I promise not to scold my friends for drinking. I will lead them.
  24. I'll rent it out and buy my wife a car. Washing.
  25. I will learn to show tricks with the disappearance of reporting for the year.
  26. I'll start to get fat. For my grandmother.
  27. I'll go in for sports. I'll start with the pastel mode.
  28. I promise to finish the unfinished business for the year. At least for 2007.
  29. I will be filled with the harmonies of joy. From chocolate.
  30. I swear to you not to work on weekends.
  31. I will praise myself more often. I am perfect.
  32. I promise to put the cat on a diet. First on sour cream.
  33. I promise to make fewer phone calls. At least in a different way.
  34. I'm going to start learning yoga.
  35. I will start playing sports.
  36. I will start a daily block on the Internet.
  37. I promise to calculate the expenses for the month. I'll start saving up for a vacation in Africa.
  38. I will read more books. At least in the toilet.
  39. I promise to plant a tree, build a house. On the internet farm.
  40. I'll start charging. I will recharge from coffee and cola.
  41. I'll dye my hair blonde.
  42. I will stop asking for a loan from friends. I will ask my colleagues.
  43. I will stop procrastinating things. I'll get a new box.
  44. I promise to stop watching TV shows and soap operas.
  45. I will find my dream job. At least someone else's dream.

"New Year's faces" (requires a projector)

Another name for the contest is a photo studio. The bottom line is that everyone pulls a piece of paper on which it is written what needs to be portrayed with a face. You can use emotions, facial expressions. Or pull your ears, nose. Anything, as long as it's funny. The facilitator approaches the participant with a camera, photo camera or smartphone and takes a photo. Photo equipment must be connected to the projector so that all the guests of the holiday can see the pictures immediately.

Roles for participants for inscriptions on pieces of paper:

  1. Forgetful Santa Claus.
  2. The most decrepit snowflake.
  3. Frivolous Snow Maiden.
  4. Dancing Chunga-changa.
  5. Cheerful Baba Yaga.
  6. Reindeer without antlers.
  7. Hungry Santa Claus.
  8. Snowman on the sea.
  9. Sleepy Snow Maiden.
  10. Sly Koschey the Immortal.
  11. Dormant tree.
  12. Capricious princess.
  13. Strong hero.
  14. A snowman covered in snow.
  15. Smiling mouse.
  16. Tired New Year's rats.

"What's in my pants?"

In advance, the presenter prepares magazine and newspaper clippings with ambiguous phrases and words. At the celebration, the host approaches the guests with an envelope in the form of panties. Invites them to pull out a piece of paper. The guest begins the remark with the words "In my pants ...". And ends with a phrase or word from a piece of paper.

"News from next year"

Competitors are given pieces of paper with written words. They should group the words into interesting news from the new year. Should be funny. The participant should try to use all the words from the piece of paper. An approximate set of words for 5 cards:

  1. Rug, zoo, laundry, snake.
  2. Japan, oranges, handball, girls.
  3. Dumplings, Olympics, bag, scabies.
  4. Nettle, beard, snowman, bicycle.
  5. Tangerines, barrier, football, fishing rod.

Games at the New Year's table

Games at the New Year's table allow you to get to know each other better. Funny company and interesting contests- the perfect recipe new year holiday. And there must be a leader or toastmaster. He directs the holiday in the right direction. Prepares props, costumes, gifts.

Game with cool congratulations

General congratulations from colleagues. Everyone says some interesting adjective. For example, solar-starry, sociable, wandering, sparkling, hot, exploding, enchanting, ghostly, and the like. The host enters the words in the congratulations in order. Then read to the guests.

Congratulations text:

“In one _________________________ country, in a ______________ city, there lived _____________ boys and _______________ girls. They lived __________, communicated with one _________________ company. And so they gathered on ____________________ day in _______________ place together. And they began to celebrate the onset of ___________________ New Year. So let _____________ toasts sound, ____________________ glasses break, __________________ drinks spill, ___________________ words sound, people's faces will have ___________________ smiles. I want to wish you all that the New Year be ________________________ for everyone, the tables were bursting with ________________ snacks, the houses were filled with ________________ wealth. May your ________________ wishes come true, dreams become ________________ reality. And the job will be _________. May ______________ friends surround you, relatives give _________________ joy and surround you with _________________ care. I wish you to sail on the ship of _____________ happiness, ________________ love and __________ joy.

new year wishes

For this game, the host will have to prepare in advance. You should blow up a lot of balloons. It is advisable to inflate with helium, a gas that will raise the balloons to the ceiling. A long thread should be tied to each ball. So that the thread hangs down to the guests and can be easily reached by stretching your hand up. A folded piece of paper with wishes should be tied to the bottom of the thread.

Lettering on papers:

  1. The road awaits you in the New Year.
  2. You will soon have a baby.
  3. In the New Year you will be the most stylish.
  4. Buy a car.
  5. Good luck will accompany in all matters.
  6. Feel free to buy a lottery ticket. Must lead.
  7. You get big money.
  8. You will go to the sea.
  9. Looking forward to meeting old friends.
  10. There will be an addition to the family.
  11. A plane ticket is waiting for you.
  12. You will have a new job.
  13. Don't be bored all year long.
  14. An old friend will return.
  15. Luck is waiting for you around.
  16. Someone is in love with you.
  17. Waiting for a gift for Valentine's Day.
  18. Lucky on the personal front.
  19. Find a sponsor soon.
  20. Luck will not leave you.
  21. You are having many children.
  22. Live in fun all year round.
  23. Love will beautify all life.
  24. Joy awaits where you do not expect.
  25. Wealth is around the corner.
  26. There will be a lot of joy.
  27. Big luck soon.
  28. Fly to the Canaries.
  29. Fate is preparing a surprise.
  30. Life without worries.

The balls should be placed so that they are under the ceiling exactly above the tables or above the guests. Everyone at any time can get their wish and read. It is important that there are more wishes than guests. This is both a decoration of the hall and a New Year's game.

Fanta from the hat

Guests are invited to pull out a piece of paper from the hat. Depict what is written in it. The following may be written on pieces of paper from the cap:

  1. Meow 5 times.
  2. Barking a pregnant dog.
  3. Pat yourself on the head.
  4. Pat your neighbor on the head.
  5. Kiss your neighbor on the cheek.
  6. Wave to the authorities.
  7. Drink a full glass.
  8. Depict how the gorilla screams.
  9. Depict how a parrot screams.


In the game about numbers, the presenter asks guests questions. They must answer in monosyllables, uttering a number. Sample questions:

  1. How old are you?
  2. What house do you live in?
  3. How many times a day do you eat?
  4. How many fingers do you have on your left hand?
  5. How old is your spouse (wife)?
  6. How many times did you stay in school for the second year?
  7. How many drinks did you drink today?
  8. After which bottles will you sleep in a salad?
  9. How many teeth do you have?
  10. How many liters of beer can you drink in an evening?
  11. How many minutes do you sleep at night?

Another version of this game. The host distributes papers to guests. Those should write on pieces of paper their favorite number or figure. You can write a sequence of numbers or numbers. The leader asks questions. Guests must answer the number that they have written on a piece of paper or show a piece of paper with their hand outstretched.

Toast "Who was born when?"

The host asks the guests who was born in January? Those born this month stand up and make a toast. So the leader moves through all 12 months of the year. You can't call it a competition. Just a fun way to make people laugh, and a good opportunity to have a drink.

New Year's Crocodile

"Crocodile in New Year's" is played in the same way as in classic version. But the participants show something New Year's. For example, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, decorated Christmas tree, ice or something similar. The facilitator writes the name of the role on a piece of paper that the participant pulls. After that, he silently tries to explain his role to the guests. The guests are shouting versions loudly.

Soap bubbles game

Three people are involved. Two direct participants, one leader. Participants sit on chairs opposite each other. The facilitator asks questions, the answers to which can be “little”, “many” or numbers. After a question to one of the participants, he blows into bubble. If there are a lot of bubbles, then the answer is "a lot". If there are few bubbles, the answer is "few".

  1. Do you work a lot during the day?
  2. Did you work hard during the year?
  3. How many work responsibilities do you have per day?
  4. How many ballpoint pens did you write in a year?
  5. How many hours per year did you sit in the smoking room?

Cool contests for the New Year's corporate party

At the end of each competition, each participant must receive a gift. A small surprise that will remind you of a fun holiday. What could it be? Small figurines of the symbol of the year, magnets, calendars, sweets, chocolate coins.


"Who's extra on the ball?"

The host selects several players. The situation is announced “They are flying on hot-air balloon, which is blown away. To prevent the balloon from being blown away, you need to throw off the ballast. Who is extra on the ball? Participants take turns saying why they should be left on the ball. They argue with their skills, professional merit, experience. In the process of voting, the rest of the guests decide who to leave on the ball. Those who are thrown off are invited to drink a glass of vodka. Or any other alcohol. You can put several stacks of different liquids or mineral water on the dish.

New Year's quiz

The host asks questions to the guests sitting at the table. They answer. Whoever answers the most questions wins and deserves a prize.

Questions for a quiz with answers:

  1. What is the name of the holiday where it is impossible to recognize the participants? (Masquerade)
  2. What is the name of the Snowman's wife? (Snow Woman)
  3. What is the name of Santa Claus in Belarus? (Zyuzya)
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus in Finland? (Yollupukki)
  5. What is the name of the second New Year in Russia? (Old)
  6. Why does Santa Claus give gifts to children? (per verse)
  7. Where does Santa Claus get his gifts from? (from red bag)
  8. Who lives in an ice hut at the edge of the forest? (Winter)
  9. How does winter knock passers-by off their feet? (Iced)
  10. How do they dance near the Christmas tree? (They lead a round dance)
  11. What is the name of the snow doll in the playground? (Snowman)
  12. Who is the most slender beauty in both winter and summer? (Herringbone)
  13. What lights up the sky on New Year's Eve? (Fireworks or fireworks)
  14. Who walks, flies, spins, falls from the sky in winter? (Snow)
  15. Sharp, prickly, weeping from heat? (Icicles)

"Remember the Alphabet"

The first guest stands at the table and makes a toast. The first word of the toast must start with the first letter of the alphabet, "a". The next seated guest recalls a toast with the letter "b". Thus, all guests should make one toast each, remembering the letters of the alphabet along the way.

"Toast with an abbreviation"

Each participant at the table is given a piece of paper with an abbreviation of some structure. He must think up a toast with this word and pronounce it. After that, drink, of course.

Abbreviations for the contest:

  • TASS;
  • MI-6;
  • traffic police;
  • NKVD;
  • OGPU.

"What's in the box?"

The host pulls a box into the center of the hall. Previously, so that no one sees, he hides several gift items in it. The guests at the tables will ask questions about the items. Whoever guesses correctly gets the item as a gift.

Sample list of gift items:

  1. The toy is a symbol of the coming year.
  2. A box of colored pencils.
  3. Big orange.
  4. Inflated or deflated balloon.
  5. Small bouquet of flowers.

Sample questions:

  1. What color is it?
  2. Is it alive or not alive?
  3. Is it soft or hard?
  4. Is it for fun or to stand on the table?
  5. Is it edible or not?

"Alphabet Christmas tree"

Each of the guests is invited to come up with an adjective for a certain letter of the alphabet. They move in a chain. The last one starts at the table, then his neighbor. Finished by the last guest. The first says an adjective with the letter "a". Adjectives end, like the alphabet, with the letter "I".

"Childhood news"

Several guests are invited to write on pieces of paper the name of a thing that reminds them of their childhood. You can list several things or write sentences. The facilitator then takes the papers and reads them aloud. The rest of the guests must guess who wrote which note.


Competition "Unexpected cocktail"

The competition involves 4 people and 1 leader. Participants are blindfolded. Prepare dark thin scarves for this in advance so as not to smear cosmetics from women's faces. Alternatively, only men can be invited as participants. So, 4 blindfolded people stand at the table. The facilitator places a glass or glass in front of each participant. He pulls out bottles of liquor from the table. Immediately think about how many bottles there will be. Usually 3 or 4 is enough. For example, vodka, champagne, white wine, martini. The facilitator points to the first glass, then to the bottles in turn. And he asks the guests: “Pour this into this glass?”. The guests respond. If yes, the facilitator pours some of the indicated alcohol into the glass. So the leader goes through all four glasses. Each offers to pour from each of the prepared bottles. Guests have the right to answer yes or no. At the end of the competition, the participants are untied, they make a New Year's toast and drink an unexpected cocktail from their full glass.


Similar to the previous contest. 2-3 people get up from the table. They are blindfolded. The other half of the participants are invited. It is they who prepare an unexpected sandwich for their loved ones. For culinary fantasy, prepare a table with plates in advance. Bread, sliced ​​cheese and sausages, sprats, fruits, alcohol are on the plates. From all this, sandwiches are made to choose from. Members since eyes closed must eat a sandwich and determine what it consists of.

Competition "Snowballs on target"

Competition like the game "Shooter". Several participants (4-5 people) line up in the hall. At a distance from them (about 8-9 steps, more) clean buckets or empty office bins are placed. Each participant is given a bag of snowballs. As snowballs, use crumpled paper - A4 sheets. Or small plastic Christmas balls. Then fervent music is turned on for 1 minute. Whoever throws more snowballs into buckets wins.

"To the touch"

Competition for couples. Several people sit on chairs. 3-4 men. They sit on chairs next to each other. Their companions or wives are given mittens each. Women are blindfolded. Each of them takes turns putting on a mitten. Feels each man, trying to recognize his own. Whom he chooses, he becomes. Feeling zones are best discussed in advance. Roles can be reversed. The women will sit and be groped by their male companions.

"Lunokhod" or "Mars rover"

Choose in advance which space object will participate in the game. Lunokhod or Mars rover. Perfect Game for drunk participants. The first person to come out into the hall, squats down. Walks like this, seriously saying the words "I am rover 1, I am rover 1 ...". The next person to laugh gets behind the first one in a circle. He also squats around in circles saying, "I am rover 2, I am rover 2...". And so on, until the number of participants exceeds 5-6 people.

"Dress me in mittens"

2 or 3 couples (man and woman) are invited to the hall. The essence of the game - a man must put on and fasten a dress shirt on a woman. The man's hands should be dressed in winter mittens.

Competitions on stage

For competitions, the most liberated or the most drunken guests are called to the stage. For other guests, the performance will be even more interesting if the participants are not shy.

"I blinded you from what was"

Competition for couples. Girls are provided with attributes for dressing up a partner. The winner is the one whose stalls will be the most beautiful and will be able to spin so that nothing falls. As attributes, we suggest taking the following accessories:

  • New Year's tinsel of different colors;
  • plastic Christmas balls (single balls or sets);
  • cosmetics with glitter, sequins.

"Hit the target"

The competition is old as the world, but it works at every corporate party. For men, a thread with a pencil at the end is tied to the belt in front. For a while, to cheerful music, they should fall into an empty bottle with a pencil. Bottles are placed near each participant.

"Who managed, he jumped"

Reworked game with chairs. No furniture on stage. 5-6 large strong men come out. And 7-8 women. The main thing is that there should be 1 less women than men. It is advisable for the host to choose thinner women. This is not a matter of etiquette, but of men's health. 😊 Male representatives line up in a circle. Women stand around them in a chain behind. The upbeat music starts. Women run or walk around men to the music. As soon as the music ends, every woman should be in the arms of a man. The one that finds herself without a partner leaves the stage. Then one man is removed. The game continues.

Funny moment. When 2 girls and one man remain on the stage, you can make a joke. While the women are standing backwards, the man should move away. When the music starts, the girls will turn around, but the men won't. Run after him to win. Guests will enjoy this spectacle.

"Prize on the Count of Three" (or triple trap)

Two people take the stage. A chair with a gift is placed between them. They are invited to pick up a gift according to the scheme "who is faster" about "three". As soon as they hear the word “three” from the host, they must pick up the gift.

Leader's words:

"I'll tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Consider what's inside.

Small fish were seen

And not one, but as many as… seven.

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better… five.

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I rate you "Class!".

"Chair as a gift"

2 participants are called to the stage. They are given a chair. As well as boxes with wrapping paper, tape, scissors. The box may contain bows, ribbons, decorations. Participants will have to decorate the chair in 30-60 seconds (the time is chosen by the presenter), wrap it in gift paper.

"Dress up Santa Claus"

Most likely there will be no Santa Claus at the holiday. Of course, if it's not a costume party. 2 women, 2 men are called to the stage or to the hall. The host gives the girls a set of Santa Claus clothes. Plus the necessary cosmetics, a cotton beard, a red nose. Girls to the music in 1 minute should dress up themselves best grandfather Frost. Who won, the guests of the holiday will decide.

"Princess on the Pea"

Guests are seated on chairs. Previously, extraneous things are placed on the chairs. TV remote control, small hard apple, spoon, saucer. The guest must understand what he sat on. Time game. Whoever quickly understands what he is sitting on wins. At the same time, an unknown object cannot be touched with hands or somehow peeped.

Important! Do not place anything that is easily crushed on chairs. Otherwise, the costumes and dresses of the guests will deteriorate. There will be no time for New Year's Eve.

Dance competitions

Some competitions are good for dancing. Participants will perform simple movements, and the guests at the table will repeat at the pace of the music.


To the music (you can easily find thematic music by the name "Macarena" "Los Del Rio) people on stage or on the dance floor perform movements for the leader on the account:

1 - stretch the right hand forward;

2 - stretch your left hand forward;

3 - put the right hand on the left shoulder;

4 - place the left hand on the right shoulder;

5 - remove the right hand behind the head;

6 - remove the left hand behind the head;

7 - put your right hand on your right thigh;

8 - put the left hand on the left thigh;

9 - twist your hips.

dance quiz

Questions about dancing It turns out interesting if the participant who answered correctly tries to show the dance by example. The host will have to acquire dance melodies from questions and riddles in advance:

  1. He was born in America, what is his name? (cha-cha-cha)
  2. The main carnival dance in Brazil. (Samba)
  3. Fire dance, passionate. You are so beautiful now, do not stand like a pedestal, but dance for us ... (Rumba)
  4. This dance is the most proud. Dancing in huge and ceremonial halls. But now it has almost disappeared. (Polonaise)
  5. In which dance do couples move around like snowflakes? (Waltz)
  6. What is the name of the famous Ukrainian dance? (Gopak)
  7. Hot spanish dance. (Flamenco)
  8. What is the name of the classical dance of the peoples of the Caucasus? (Lezginka)
  9. What pair dance comes from Poland? (Krakowiak)
  10. Women's dance, where the legs are exposed and thrown high? (Cancan)
  11. What is the name of the old dance, similar to the waltz? (Padegras)
  12. What is the name of the fruit dance of the sailors on the ship? (Bullseye)
  13. In which dance do you need to move your feet percussively? (Tap dance, step)
  14. The name of a famous Greek dance. (Sirtaki)

"Balls in Pants"

Props - a lot of inflated balloons, large wide colored pants (2 pairs). Two men are called to the stage. They put on pants. Anything can be used as competition clothing. Even a big snowman costume. To the music, they are invited to dance and put as many balloons in their pants as possible. Whoever has the most balloons in their pants wins.

"Picture a steam locomotive"

Couples (man and woman) are invited to the stage, from 6 to 8 people. They are encouraged to improvise. Show movements, gestures, facial expressions of the movement of vehicles. You can choose from a train, a plane, a private car, a taxi, a peregrine falcon.

"Round dance around the Christmas tree"

Several people are invited to the stage or to the hall. 4-5 people. They are asked to dance around the Christmas tree, to portray roles. And the tree will also be a person. This is one of the roles. As a result, a “Christmas tree” is dancing in the center of the hall. Around her are guests depicting a hedgehog, a bunny, a wolf, a fox. It is permissible to invent other roles. For example, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Gingerbread Man. The Christmas tree is a constant character.

New Year's competitions for the whole family at the table

You can involve children, even very small ones, in New Year's competitions for the whole family. There is little entertainment at the table for kids, except for eating sweets and tangerines. And the games will keep the kids entertained and defuse the situation among the adults.

Game "What to do?"

The game is suitable for the middle of the evening, when all family members have already had a little fun. Then they give non-standard funny answers. So, the host asks the players questions. They must respond in an unusual way. It turns out interesting if you triple such a game among children.

  1. What to do if the cat dropped the decorated Christmas tree?
  2. What to do if there are no tangerines in the store on New Year's Eve?
  3. What to do if you get stuck in an elevator?
  4. What to do if the dog ate all the New Year's gifts?
  5. What to do if you are accidentally locked at home while you go on vacation?
  6. What to do if there is no Olivier on the table on New Year's Eve?
  7. What if Santa Claus came without gifts?
  8. What to do if the Snow Maiden is lost?

The participant who came up with the most hilarious answer won. In the case of children, there are no losers. All children should be given a sweet gift.

Come up with a grandmother Snow Maiden

Everyone knows that Santa Claus has a granddaughter. And who can be his wife or companion? The task for big and small is to come up with a wife for Santa Claus. Who is she, what does she look like, what is her name. Have the participants come up with the most detailed story. Best Story enjoys chocolates.

Melt the heart of the Snow Queen

Participants of the competition are given saucers with small pieces of ice. They will have to be prepared in advance. Freeze a little water in ice cube containers. You can play alone or in a team. The team that melts the ice most quickly wins.

Playing the taster or "What's in my mouth?"

The game of taster is appropriate both at a family holiday and at a working corporate party. The essence of the game is to blindfold the participants, put some unusual food product into their mouths. They must determine as accurately as possible what is in their mouth. As food, you should choose something that is not on the tables. It is good to use exotic fruits, unusual cheese.

Change clothes on the fly or "Beauty will save the world"

Game number 1. Before the game, the host prepares an envelope. It will contain pieces of paper - clippings from colored paper (scraps of different colors). Items of clothing are selected in color to pieces of paper. Clothing is hidden in a bag, box or opaque container. It is announced that the guests are all beautiful, but they can become even more beautiful. The host invites guests to choose one piece of paper of any color. Under the color of the paper, the guest receives clothes that he must put on himself. At the end of the game, the guests become amazingly beautiful, and, of course, funny.

Game number 2. The second version of this game. The leader passes a bag with different clothes to the guests sitting at the table. good to use different kind gadgets from the joke store. Multi-colored noses, ears, mustaches, headbands with interesting attributes, tinsel. To the music, the bag is passed from guest to guest from hand to hand. When the music stops, whoever has the bag must randomly pull something out of the bag. And put it on yourself. With the interruption of the music, it is better to guess so that each participant in the game is dressed up.

"Unwrap the Gift"

Competitors (children are best suited) are given gifts in wrapped boxes. The one who unwraps his gift faster wins and deserves an additional reward. It is good to use the same gifts in the same boxes in the contest. So the children will be on an equal footing.

Cool cool games and New Year's table contests are sure to come in handy for a party. new year corporate party, family holiday Or meeting old friends. Participants and guests will never forget this evening. Laughing, dancing, dressing up. Hope it's a great selection. New Year's contests you liked it. For now, for now, for now. Or see you soon, dear readers.

And the home party was a success, it is necessary to draw up a cultural program with contests and games.


This fun is suitable for a "motley" company where people have gathered different ages. You will need a lotto set: cards, kegs and chips to cover the numbers on the cards. The game consists of three rounds. In each of them, the participants are given a card. Before each round, a prize is announced for the winner. The host pulls the kegs out of the bag and calls out the numbers. In the first round, the one who closed one row of numbers on the card wins, in the second - the one who closed two rows, and in the third, the one who closed the entire card. Between rounds, you can arrange small intermediate competitions, a “musical” or “dance” break.

Guess the melody

This game can be played in two versions, depending on how well your guests understand music.

Easy level: participants are divided into two teams and listen to 10 songs in turn. The musical passage should sound no longer than 15-20 seconds. If one team cannot guess the melody, the right to answer is transferred to the opponents. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Do not complicate the task by choosing little-known tunes, because the goal of the game is not to test your musical memory, but to have fun.

Difficult level: participants are divided into two or more teams. One of the team members approaches the host and receives a card with the name of the song. He must mumble, whistle, knock, etc. on this melody. to your teammates. If they cannot guess the melody, the right to answer goes to the rivals. One point is given for each correct answer. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


Each participant puts in a hat, pan or opaque bag a fant - some small object(fountain pen, keychain, lipstick). One of the players turns his back, and the leader, without looking, takes out one object from the hat, each time asking: “What should this phantom do?” The player standing with his back comes up with tasks: sing a song, jump on one leg, crow. The nature of the tasks depends on the company. After that, each "phantom" performs the received task.


The participants are divided into two teams. From each of them, one person approaches the leader. He gives them cards each with the word written on them. The words must be different. The player must, without resorting to words, "explain" to his team the hidden word. You can only use facial expressions and gestures. If a team guesses the word, it gets one point. The first team to score ten points wins. First, it is desirable to guess simple words(names of animals, natural phenomena, vehicles, professions), and then move on to more complex concepts (fidelity, love, rest, atom), names of cities and countries.


Men and women are divided into two teams. Each of them receives balloons of different colors and shapes, colored paper, a marker, scissors and tape. The women's team must create a "statue" of the ideal man, and the men's team - the ideal woman.

If the company has an unequal number of women and men, you can randomly split into two teams and, using the same equipment, create any “sculpture”: a snowman, a “beloved” boss, a statue of love.

"Drunken Checkers"

You will need a chessboard and twenty glasses. If there is no real chessboard, it can be drawn in advance on a piece of drawing paper. Ten glasses are filled with red wine, and another ten with white. Drinks can be chosen at will: make a more “strong” version with vodka and cognac, or vice versa, an option for non-drinkers with tomato juice and mineral water. The rules are the same as in ordinary checkers, however, before removing the won back “piece” of the opponent from the board, you need to drink a glass.

Eiffel Tower

For this game you will need a set of dominoes. Task: build a tower of "dominoes". Two knuckles are placed vertically, the top one is placed horizontally, and so on. Participants place one bone at a time in turn. The one through whose fault the tower collapses must pay a predetermined "fine": crow, drink a glass of champagne.

nose to nose

This competition is carried out sitting at the table. You will need a matchbox lid. The first participant puts it on his nose and passes it to his neighbor without the help of hands. He, also without helping with his hands, takes the cap on his nose and passes it to the next participant. The game is played in a chain. The one who drops the box is out, and the game continues further in a circle until one participant remains or until they get bored.

dance floor

A newspaper is spread on the floor - a “dance floor”, to which a couple who wish to participate in this entertainment are invited. Partners should dance to incendiary music without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. After 30 seconds the music is stopped, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. After another 30 seconds, the newspaper is folded in half again, and so on. Usually the competition ends with the partner holding his lady in his arms, trying to dance on one leg.


This competition is suitable for a very liberated company. All participants get on all fours and begin to crawl one after another in a circle, repeating: “What an awesome moonwalker I am.” The phrase must be pronounced very seriously and thoughtfully. Whoever laughs is out of the game. The most convinced "lunokhodik" wins.

Dress up the lady

Men and women are divided into pairs. Each woman holds a ribbon rolled into a ball in her hand. The man takes the end of the ribbon with his lips and, without the help of his hands, wraps his lady with it. The winner is the one who completes the task faster or whose outfit is “more elegant”. For a more relaxed company, ribbons can be replaced with toilet paper.

Profitable investment

Men and women are divided into pairs. Each pair is given an equal amount of "money". These can be real banknotes of small denominations or just candy wrappers. The host invites women to open as many deposits as possible within a minute. Banks can serve as pockets, collars, lapels and other secluded places on the partner's clothes. On a signal, the women hide the "bills" in the clothes of their partners. A minute later, the host stops the game and invites the ladies to change places and find all the hidden money within a minute.

"Killer Cocktail"

This competition is carried out sitting at the table. The guests in a circle pass each other a glass. Everyone pours some drink into it. The one whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink the resulting “cocktail”.


A wallpaper path or a narrow long rug is spread on the floor - a “brook”. Women are offered to walk along the "brook", spreading their legs wide so as not to wet their shoes. After all the ladies have “walked” along the stream, they are offered to repeat the attempt in turn, but already with their eyes tightly blindfolded. One participant remains in the room, and the other ladies leave the room so as not to see how their “rival friend” completes the task. The participant, blindfolded, walks through the "brook", with the permission of the presenter, removes the bandage and sees that a man is lying face up on the wallpaper track. Of course, the man lies down on the "brook" after the woman has completed the task, but has not yet had time to remove the blindfold. The lady, of course, is embarrassed. The next participant is invited into the room. When everything repeats, the first contestant is already laughing along with everyone.

push up

Only men participate in this competition. They are blindfolded and offered to push themselves off the floor as many times as possible. After the participants have completed a few push-ups, the host says that the floor is not clean enough, and so that the men do not get dirty, he suggests laying down paper. The bandages from the eyes of the participants are not removed. Pieces of wallpaper or sheets of drawing paper are spread on the floor with full-length silhouettes of naked women painted on them. Men continue to perform the task already above these silhouettes. After a while, the facilitator removes the bandages and asks the participants to continue push-ups. Fans keep score, encourage participants, give them tips.

Each contestant is given a banknote. At the signal of the host, the participants throw the bills up and start blowing on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if, nevertheless, the bill fell, do not despair, because you can kneel down and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

Players are divided into two teams and line up. The first players in their ranks are given a mop and a bucket. The mop must be taken in the right hand, put the leg into the bucket and hold it with the left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance, and then pass his equipment to the next.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Women's sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are handed bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each of the girls is to eat banana ice cream. However, you should not rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the presenter turns to the guests, who choose the best girl by voting.

funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given a balloon and string. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and arbitrarily go down.
In addition, a pushpin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle up. You can do this with a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's ball with his forehead. Whose balloon burst, he is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the audience and the participants themselves. Participants form teams of 4-5 people. Each of the teams chooses their phantom, which will indicate to them a certain situation, which they must show in 3-D. For example, rest by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and voices them with cries of “my my mine”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows a bright glow from the sun. Situations in fantasies can be completely different, for example, flying into space, morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team will show the best 3-D performance, that team will receive their prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. Leaves are scattered all over the tree reverse side which desires are written. Each of the participants in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After that, the player must fulfill the desire that was written on the sheet.

Find an orange

The host announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not translucent and completely closed), a hole for the hand is made in each box, an orange (apple) is hidden in one of the boxes and, for example, spiders or worms are sitting in one of the boxes (but, in fact, there are no spiders). On the “start” command, each participant must stick his hand into all his three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and, most likely, all of them will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that “unpleasant” creatures are sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first, he won. And at the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the presenter will confirm that there were no worms and spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears faster than the rest and find an orange is entitled to a prize.

That other couple

The guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with each other's arms clasped. Without changing position and without disengaging hands, at the “start” command, couples must get to their balloon (air), which is at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that completes this fun challenge the fastest will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and put 5 different objects on their heads, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, a candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their heads. Which of the guests will be able to recognize all 5 "their" items, he will receive a prize.