Console commands. Console Commands of the Dark about Cooking

Important Buttons

"F1" button- call console

"F3" button- Shows detailed information (only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F4" button- Go to windowed mode.

"F5" button- Switching the view from the 1st / 3rd person.

"F6" button- Opens the spawn menu (only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F7" button- Disables HUD.

"F8" button- Shows FPS. When enabled, debugmenu shows more detailed information.

"U" button- Opens a window where you can get any items that are in the game (only when the creativemenu is enabled).

"H" button- Allows you to fly, using SPACE to move up, and press "C" to go down (only if creativemenu is enabled).

"G" button- Allows you to enable god mode. In this mode, you take no damage, but the effects still apply (only with debugmenu enabled).

Esc button- When debugmenu is enabled, in addition to the main menu, an additional control panel will also open on the right.

Team abbreviated Description Example
help Help on command help ban
admin add Add admin rights (0 - Full rights) (1000 - Player) admin add 171 0
admin remove Remove admin rights admin remove 171
aiddebug Enables/disables AIDirector debug output
ban add Ban player ban 171 10 hours griefing
ban 282 1 year hacking
ban list Banned list.
ban remove Unban a player ban remove 171
buff Applies the effect to the current player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml file buff CoffeeStaminaBoost
buff player Applies an effect to the specified player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml file. buffplayer 171 CoffeeStaminaBoost
chunkcache cc Shows all loaded chunks in the cache.
clear Clears the console
cp add Add an access level to a command cp add gettime 0
cp remove Remove command access level (by default 0) cp remove gettime
cp-list List of commands and access levels
creativemenu cm Turns the creative menu on/off
deathscreen Shows the screen of death
debuff Removes the effect from the current player debuff brokenLeg
debuffplayer Removes the effect from the specified player debuff 171 brokenLeg
debug menu dm Enables/disables the debug menu
enablescope es Toggle debug scope.
exhausted Makes the player tired
exportitemicons exportitemicons Saves all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder Extremely useful for Wiki editing!
getgamepref gg List of current game settings on the console (airdrop frequency, daylight length, etc.).
getgamestat ggs List of current game settings on the console (land claim size, difficulty, etc.)
gettime gt Displays the current game time in the console
givequest Start the quest by the internal name of the quest. From the file 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml . givequest quest_BasicSurvival8
giveself Get a specific item. The item drops at the feet with maximum (600) quality. Use the option to specify the quality. Item names are used from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml file giveself machete
giveselfskillxp Get experience points for the desired skill giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000
giveselfxp Get the required amount of total experience points giveselfxp 1000
kick Kick a player from the server. You can specify a reason kick 171 bye
kickall Kick all players from the server. You can specify a reason kickall bye
killall Kill all players
lights Enables\Disables the display of the radius around all light-emitting objects (candles, fires, etc.)
listents le List of all entities currently in the game. (zombies, players, animals).
listplayerids lpi Prints to the console a list of all players with their ID
listplayers lp Prints to the console a list of all players with indications (IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc.)
listthreads lt List of all threads..
loggamestate lgs Writes information about the current state of the game (memory usage, objects, threads, etc.) to the file 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt . is any string that will be included in the header of the generated log. True = the command should be run on the client. False = the command should be run on the server. "False" is default. loggamestate START
loglevel telnet/web. Choose what types of logs will be displayed in the connection. By default, all types of logs are displayed. Log types: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL. loglevel INF false
meme Displays memory information and invokes the garbage collector.
memcl Displays memory information on the client and invokes the garbage collector.
pplist Shows SteamID -> ID information
removequest Delete a specific quest from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml file.
repairchunkdensity rcd Used to check if the block densities in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch, it may cause the chunk to display incorrectly or not be displayed at all with the error message "Failed setting triangles. Some indices are references out of bounds vertices.". It can also fix inconsistencies within a chunk. and are the coordinates of any block within the chunk to check. Adding "fix" to the end of the command removes any inconsistencies. rcd 0 100 fix
save world sa Manually saves the world.
say Sends a message to all players on behalf of
setgamepref sg Changes game settings. The list can be viewed using the "gg" command (getgamepref). sg ZombiesRun 0
setgamestat sgs Changes game settings. The list can be viewed using the "ggs" command (getgamestat). sgs LandClaimExpiryTime 10
settempunit stu Change the temperature units to Celsius or Fahrenheit. (According to the Fahrenheit standard)
settime day
set time night
st Game time change. st [Day] [Hour] [minutes] You can also enter the "help settime" command for information. settime 1300
settime 6 15 0
showalbedo albedo Enable\Disable albedo display in gBuffer.
showchunkdata sc Shows the data of the current chunk.
showclouds The artist's team to show one layer of clouds.
shownexhordetime Displays the time of the wandering horde.
shownormals norms Enables/disables the display of normal maps in gBuffer.
showspecular spec Enables/disables Display of mirror values ​​in gBuffer.
shutdown Quit the game
sounddebug Turns on/off the debug display of the SoundManager
spawnairdrop Calls the plane (airdrop)
spawnentity se Summons various animals and zombies to the player. You can use F6 (Debug Mode)
spawn scouts Summons a zombie screamer
spawnscreen Show spawn screen
spawnsupplycrate Summons an airdrop box directly above the player's head.
spawnwanderinghorde Spawn of a wandering horde, the horde goes to the point where the command was issued from
spectrum Force a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy. At the moment, the choice of "biome" and can lead to the crash of the game.
starve Causes hunger. (Food indicator is set to 0)
staticmap Toggles the Navazgane map between static and dynamic
switchview sv Change from 1st person view to 3rd person view and vice versa. You can use F5 (Debug Mode)
systeminfo Shows information about the current system (CPU, operating system, etc.).
teleport [y]
teleport offset
tp Teleports you to the specified coordinates. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and tp -200 77 300
tp -200 300
tp 171
tp offset 3 1 0
teleport player
teleport player
tele Teleports the player to the specified coordinates or to another player. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and . To teleport to a player, specify your ID and the ID of the player to whom the teleport will be made. tele 171 -200 77 300
tele 171 365
tele<Игрок> <Вы>= The player you have: D.
thirsty Causes thirst. (Water value is set to 0)
trade area If a player is in the trader's area, they will be kicked out, but may re-enter if the trader is not closed.
updatelighton Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
version Shows the game version and loaded mods.
water Water settings. For details, enter "help water".
weather Weather settings. For details, enter "help weather". Turn off rain: weather rain 0 , Remove clouds: weather clouds 0 weather rain 0
weathersurvival Toggles weather survival.
whitelist add Add player to whitelist
whitelist remove Remove player from whitelist
white list whitelist

I planned to devote the next entry about the game to the problems of finding food and drink; this is a very rich topic. But then people became interested in the house that I built. And so I thought it might be possible to shift priorities and talk a little about the various defensive structures that you ... well, build.

I will make two points right away. Building a shelter is practically the first thing to do in the game. And very quickly. What you get will look rather modest, because you cannot build the Maginot line before dark. And the second. The designer in me died a long time ago, if ever. And therefore, if you see in the same Space Engineers or here, in 7 Days to Die, something that strongly resembles a shoebox, then you can not even doubt: I built it.

Having made such a disclaimer, let's get down to business. From the outside my house looks like this:

One-story, walls - reinforced concrete, the door - iron, double reinforcement. You, of course, paid attention to the ditch and stakes; I will talk about this in more detail a little later.

As for building materials... It must be said that it is impossible to build a completely impregnable fortress in the game. If a zombie starts pounding on a door or wall, then sooner or later he will achieve his goal, although it will take him much longer to make reinforced concrete than to make wood. In short, just sitting behind the wall will not work. You always have to actively defend.

And here we smoothly move on to the purpose of the truss canopy, which, of course, you also paid attention to. He has two roles. Firstly, iron trusses let bullets and buckshot pass through them (and, unfortunately, crossbow bolts do not pass through). That is, standing on a canopy and shooting almost at your feet, you can very effectively shoot rotten comrades who are trying to knock out your door or break a wall. Secondly, the canopy should solve the problem of zombie spiders. No, no, these are not spiders, they are quite anthropomorphic. They just know how to climb vertical surfaces. But it is this construction that confuses them.

The strange constructions from the same farms at the very top are explained by the fact that at one time I planned to build a completely closed cage there (including from above). But then I began to wonder if it really was necessary. As a result, everything got stuck halfway.

Everything looks like everything. Let's go inside.

Here the walls, as you can see, are wooden. Also double amplification. The explanation is simple: initially these were the only walls. Then, when I was finalizing the shelter, I did not demolish them, but simply built up another layer from the outside, from the same reinforced concrete. And inside the tree remains.

The floor is earthen and this is a serious mistake. Zombies, it turns out, know how to dig. The second serious mistake - the house is built on the softest ground in the game, on the sand. Which greatly simplifies the undermining business. So far, zombies have not done such tricks with me, but there is always a first time for everything. Well, there's nothing you can do. When I started building all this, I had no idea about such nuances. Only then did I read it. I repeat, you need to build at least some protection in the game very quickly.

It is easy to see that the place is not particularly spacious. It was possible to build a really large mansion and put all sorts of sofas, armchairs, desks and other furniture inside (you can find it in abandoned houses or even craft it yourself). I did not do this, because functionality is above all. There is only one exception: a picture on the wall. I really liked it, so I stole it and hung it up.

And now about everything in order. A torch on the wall is important. Zombies spawn in dark places, and if a pleasant twilight reigns here, don't be surprised if some rubbish respawns directly in your apartment. The same applies to mines; they also need to be constantly illuminated. Fortunately, all this is not too difficult: the torch is easy to make and it burns indefinitely - such a game convention.

There is a box under the torch, it is needed to store all good things. The size of your personal inventory is relatively small, and all sorts of important things in the game are just a sea. Accordingly, everything that is not a matter of absolute necessity is dumped into such boxes, which will also need quite a lot. Basically, this is the raw material for future crafting.

There is a sleeping bag next to the crate. Sleep is not implemented in the game, so you won't have to sleep. A sleeping bag is needed for something else: it determines the point of your respawn in case of death. If you were killed before you had time to install it, then you will respawn in a random place on the map. Which is not very convenient.

Directly to the right of the pistol, one can discern a wooden staircase leading to the roof... That, perhaps, is all about the interior. Now let's say a few words about the outer boundary.

Here you see two types of stakes - ordinary (those near the wall) and the so-called "log" (those in the ditch).

Thin stakes cause very serious damage. When I first started putting them on, I lightly leaned against one of them as a test. After that, with a wild cry, he instantly lost about a quarter of his health. Well, watching zombies die with a howl on stakes is even more pleasant than shooting them yourself. Here, however, there is one "but": these pegs themselves very, very quickly fail. After another stormy night, the barrier needs to be seriously repaired and refurbished.

Log stakes are deprived of this shortcoming. True, they hit the enemy much weaker, but they work forever. That's why I put them in the ditch - because of their indestructibility, you won't have to climb into the ditch.

In 7 Days to Die, there are some other types of barriers. In particular, here:

Of course, I'm not talking about the sandbags in the background. Mines in 7 Days to Die are placed roughly on the same principle as all kinds of traps in the latest games from Bethesda: everything seems to be in sight, everything can be neutralized, but from time to time you still run into them. What you see in the screenshot is the air filter mine, the most powerful mine in the game. Stepping on one is instant death, regardless of health reserves. However, no one bothers to calmly remove it, put it in inventory, and then install it where you like best. Let's say, on the same approaches to the shelter. You can also craft mines, however, some parts for them can only be found.

This is not yet a complete list. There are also slingshots with barbed wire; they are good because they are removed as easily as they are put up, so that they can barricade all sorts of passages at night. Unfortunately, they hardly stop zombies at all.

Seems like everything for today. To continue, not to continue?

7 Days To Die guide

It's not easy to write a guide to the passage of the game - the sandbox, because ... it is endless. Well, we still have experience on the example of The Long Dark and we will tell you how to get everything you can from this game. Of course, it makes no sense to compare the last game with 7 Days To Die, since their themes are very different, but they have one very similar component - survival. Since the main point here is to survive, we will consider the passage completed as you can stomp from the edge of the map to the edge with ease and fun.

This guide will focus on the single player mode and the standard Navezgane map as the co-op folds into... a game called DayZ Standalone. Later we will say a couple of tips regarding this mode purely, as it will only complement the basic survival.

Regarding the randomly generated world, there is a remark that slightly spoils the game - its absurdity. The map may start to write out pirouettes, from which the eyes will climb on the forehead, so let's leave the generation for additional fun.

Like all survival games, we are thrown into very cramped conditions that we will have to deal with before we feel full. In 7 Days To Die, we can find ourselves naked in the desert, in an icy climate... and, in fact, average options, but with a torch and a little margin for survival. Our first goal is to move to more convenient regions. Of course, you can survive in the winter biome (Ave Don "t Starve), but it's easier to run over to the heat for a while.

To find the desert, we can use the map and go to the southeast of the map. Basically, the map in 7 Days to die is centered, i.e. you don't have to try to look around to find your current location. Why, here on the map even the coordinates of the cursor are indicated, it is not so easy to get lost.

Since some time, being in the desert has become noticeably more difficult. The heat of the day can quickly deprive you of stamina and make you easy prey for zombies, but this problem can be dealt with fairly quickly. The first thing we need to do is a hat. The hat won't help for long, as the heat is too strong, but it will give you more time to find shade. In the shade of houses (inside houses), the temperature is noticeably cooler, which allows you to take a break, look around. On our way there will be a gas station and a village where we can catch our breath. On the very edge you can make a dugout.

If the sun's rays warm you up to a solid temperature, then you are guaranteed a Sunstroke. It noticeably increases the consumption of water by your body, so you have to stock up on moisture. If you get lost, you can make juice from fruits common in the desert. Water also has a small effect on temperature and restores stamina, so "cast on the go" is most effective.

Unfortunately, we have a small number of recipes that reduce body heat, but what. The second recipe will allow us to relax. A leather poncho will reduce body temperature by 20 degrees... but the temperature can be calculated in Fahrenheit. As we already guessed, for a poncho we need leather in a very decent amount (20 pcs.). There is no need to hunt anyone ... well ... except for sofas. In the village it will be possible to find a very decent number of such sofas, just do not confuse them with fabric ones. When chopping, you will notice the difference in the resulting ingredients. The skill "Bad Mechanic" will help to significantly increase the amount of leather received. More details will be discussed in the article about the character.

As an additional method, you can use bathing. It will noticeably cool you + add the effect of moisture, although you should be careful, because the weather is colder at night.

The desert is the first stop on our way. First of all, here we will need to make ourselves a weapon - a bow and arrows. We make a stone hatchet and break stones 50-100. In the desert, there are not so many trees, which one could guess, but there are enough snags from which we will get our 50-100 units. Further nests and feathers.

The desert, in addition to a warm climate ... even hot, provides a convenient overview of the area, so you can easily see the monsters approaching you, but more importantly, it is much easier to see bird nests here - the main crafting material for arrows.

Advice: it is more convenient to look out for nests from the top, then small vegetation will not interfere so much. To do this, you can use stones, or make a wood frame and, jumping, substitute them under your feet. From above, you can clearly see the nests nearby, and then you can pick up frame "s ... There is an easier way to improve the visibility of the nests. Reduce the rendering of bushes and trees in the settings, then it will be easier to inspect the area.

Having typed the components, we make ourselves a bow and arrows.

A little introduction to combat. In 7 Days To Die, you can use both ranged and melee combat, but the second case is noticeably more dangerous. The fact is that zombie strikes can cause bleeding, which is fraught with a quick death, so you should always carry bandages or a first aid kit with you. No one is immune from a pack of wolves or dogs. Also, zombie strikes can knock the character off balance and we will not be able to run. If there are several opponents, then you may not even have time to stop panicking until you find yourself naked in another part of the map.

When shooting from a bow, after one or two hits, your opponent may fall. Hitting a prone causes triple damage, which usually finishes off the enemy. Is it worth mentioning that you need to aim specifically at the head? Damage to the body, although it passes, is significantly reduced. By the way, in some cases you can beat off a limb from the enemy.

7 Days To Die: Vault

Having received the coveted first weapon, we have to prepare for the night. At 7 Days To Die night dark and full of horrors... there are no white walkers here... but there are, only they need brains. At night, the zombies start moving very fast. You can, of course, keep a decent distance and shoot back, but your stamina will still let you down over time. By the way, do not forget about dogs, it is much more difficult to run away from them.

An important place in the game is research and travel. Often you will be in not calm and unfamiliar areas, where it will not be easy to keep the defense, so you should know how to arrange a temporary shelter for the night.

Getting ready for the night isn't too difficult, if you have time, it's worth clearing a building and settling on the roof, but in some cases this is not completely safe. For example, you can freeze from the rain or vultures can attack. In my opinion, the ideal place for a permanent refuge is the Gas and Pass gas station (desert biome). If there is no time at all, it is too dangerous to stay on the ground. Some zombies roam the territory, and even more so at night - they run. You may not run into them, but making a dugout is still preferable. It is more convenient to seal the upper entrance with a wooden hatch.

We will assume that we have already cleared the building or gas station. To finally consider the place occupied, you should make a sleeping bag. He will allow us to appear in this place, in case of our unforeseen death. Otherwise, we will have to run from wherever the game throws us. If you decide to move your sleeping bag to a new shelter for a while, wait for the guests. Zombies stop spawning where he lies.

To secure our shelter, it is worth making it so that the zombies, with all their desire, could not reach us. The behavior of zombies is characterized by the fact that they can jump onto the first step, but they cannot immediately jump to the second (except for spiders). If they can't jump, they will start waving their arms to the right and left, scattering everything in front of them, in this case the walls ... but we will return to this a little later, now we need to make sure that they cannot "accidentally" climb up. The ladder does not guarantee protection, they know how to climb (he himself is shocked).

The ideal option would be to place a wooden block against the wall, and build a ladder from the third cube in such a way that you can grab the ladder and remove the block from the jump. Make sure there are no stairs leading to the roof, some buildings have them. Indeed, there were cases when, already resting from a hot day, satisfied and quickly running zombies climbed onto the roof of the store being inspected. Additionally, if you decide to make an entrance from inside the building, you can make a hatch, but it will not be superfluous to turn the same trick as with the wall.

Don't forget that 7 Days to Die has been in alpha testing... for years now, and it can produce some pretty nasty glitches.

A possible option is to use a stone staircase, or rather, you can break the steps and put blocks in their place, which you will remove at night.

Having finally furnished the shelter with a couple of boxes in which we will put our belongings, we can begin to plan the next step.

7 Days To Die: Water, food and other supplies

The next step is to provide yourself with food and water. South-west of the gas station there is a small village, we will wool it. You can choose any village, there are many of them ... or even a town, but you should not climb into big cities, it is too dangerous there at an early stage of the game.

There are some old trees in the village, which are very suitable for planks, and nests for feathers. Collect everything that is not nailed to the floor, including chairs and trash. Rubbish will later come in handy for casting bullets, and chairs instead of firewood.

It is worth equipping yourself with one roof for temporary storage of supplies in order to later evaluate what is needed and what can be left. There is a lot of rubbish in 7 Days To Die. On this roof you will also wait out the night.

The most important thing that we need here is glass jars. It is in them that we will pour water. Later we will need adjustable wrenches and at least one claw hammer (hammer), so be sure to take them with you.

Dark about cooking

It's not hard to get water. It is more difficult to find a vessel for her. A decent number of glass jars can be found in kitchen drawers. In addition to jars, you can find a lot of delicious things, such as coffee. Water can also be poured into iron jars left after eating packaged food, but this is not the most correct way to use them. In the next game, when you find oil, you can cook "butter". It is used in the preparation of a repair kit and other important items.

What is very strange and everyone who plays 7 Days notices this, jars of water disappear when cooking. Perhaps for greater caloric content, glass and iron are also used in food ... or maybe for vitamins, however, our hero’s stomach is truly strong.

The second method that can be used in the extraction of water is snow. It is not difficult to get it, you need, either with your hands or with a shovel, to beat the white layer of earth in a cold biome (snow is natural). After, it will still have to be melted on a fire using a glass or tin jar.

Water is used in cooking almost everywhere. Considering that most dishes are simply "boiled", this should not surprise anyone. Hunger, in principle, can be quelled in fairly simple ways, the same fruits, but cooking has solid bonuses that you can hardly beat with anything. Coffee and beer can greatly improve energy recovery, which allows you to run or swing a pickaxe for longer.

There is another valuable way to use this magic liquid. Water is a very solid value in the market. Considering the main ingredients: sand and dirty water and wood (fuel), the economic value is quite reasonable. Unless the merchant has its own limits.

Let's get back to our tour of the city. Safes should be given special attention, they contain cartridges (since recently Alpha 16.3), however, like toilets (speaking of the godfather), pistols with cartridges are sometimes hidden in them, which is also our goal. Excrement, no matter how insulting to say, can also be useful. Of these, later it will be possible to make fertilizer.

In the houses you will pick up a lot of items of dubious necessity and it’s hard to say right off the bat what is useful and what is not, so let’s concentrate on the most important thing, and drag the rest to the shelter at your discretion.

It would seem that food is difficult in the desert, but in 7 Days it is quite the opposite. The desert is teeming with edible yucca fruit, which is easy to pick up just by running past, but we will talk about something more nutritious that you still have to run for.

Advice: harvesting Yucca bushes is not the only way to obtain these fruits. In some locations, such as the town in the southeast, you will not find them, but there are enough cacti, cutting down which you can get a very solid amount of provisions. The amount of fruit depends on the height of the cactus. From the largest you can get 3 pcs.

Advice: Yucca fruit, as well as water, is more convenient to consume on the go, as they slightly replenish stamina, so long runs are easy to overcome with a lot of food and water. A more costly but easy option is coffee or beer, as they provide effects that improve stamina regeneration.

We are most interested in the most common product that can improve our wellness and that is cornbread. To create it, you will have to run through the burnt biome into the green one, which is directly north from the gas station. There is a corn field where you can collect a lot of corn.

A bit aloof, but there is also a hardware store along the way, which is important to visit. In addition to building materials, tools will be very useful, since at the first stage we will still not be pumped enough to make them ourselves. It is easier to mine ore with a steel pick than with a stone hatchet. Yes, yes, we will also have to mine ore, which will later save time searching for ammunition.

Having collected the corn, we return to the base and bake delicious bread, the second stage can be considered completed.

Over time, you will learn to grow food and thereby greatly improve your condition, because the better it is, the more energy and health you can have.

Let's deviate from the main topic for a moment. There are locked boxes in 7 Days to Die that are of particular interest. They are of various types, but all carry (with some chance) quite interesting things. For example, in a weapon shop you can find parts from which you can assemble a weapon. In Tool Stores you can find tools of very high quality. The ideal option would be to find a steel pickaxe of the highest quality. It happens sometimes... but rarely, so try your luck.

Over time, the inventory is updated, but this time by default is quite decent. You can change it in the settings of the selected game.

7 Days To Die: Night

In this section, we will talk about the main and most dangerous night, the one that is a multiple of the magic number "seven". The section of the guide had to be placed somewhere close to the beginning, since around this moment comes "red night". In the early stages, until around Day 70, there won't be much danger associated with the zombie horde, but a couple of precautions will need to be taken.

The most important thing you already know is to cut off all approaches. No steps or stairs to get to you. In extremely rare cases, vultures can visit you, although this has not happened yet during the seventh night (most likely, these pterodactels are generated outside the horde in random places on the map). If you have met this condition, the zombies will crowd under you, destroying everything in a certain radius.

The second is the choice of position. If you sit under the main beam of the house on the seventh night, the zombies will most likely demolish it and you, along with part of the roof, will fly straight into hungry hands and graze. Try to stay in the middle of the room or roof.

If these tips are taken into account, then when night falls, you can switch the screen to windowed mode and watch a movie, read, dance, etc. (the same applies to ordinary nights). However, keep an eye on the main screen, because in rare cases, vultures can visit us. Remember that bleeding can be caused by any attack, and it will quickly drive you to the grave.

Then you have a task with greater difficulty. Over time, the hordes will become stronger and more dangerous. It will no longer be possible to sit on the roof, because in the enemy’s arsenal there are arrows (which can even shoot through the floor under you) and spiders that can climb walls. You have to make yourself a shelter that allows you to survive the night with minimal losses.

7 Days To Die: Ammo

Having provided ourselves with food and water, we have to provide ourselves with ammunition. In 7 Days To Die, the bullets come across in some places and on zombies, but this is not enough for a fun game. From experience, you can determine the following places where you can find cartridges:

  1. A pistol with cartridges can often be found in the toilets.
  2. In random low-level zombies with a very small chance.
  3. With a very serious probability of the police (moreover, a couple of guns once fell out).
  4. With a serious chance, you can get solid weapons, grenade launcher shells, various ammunition and better armor from army zombies.
  5. Weapon parts in gun shops (unfortunately, cartridges are rare there).
  6. Sometimes cartridges are in small safes, but more often papers or valuables (ingots, money).
  7. In a desert town, ala "Wild West", you can knock out rifles from cowboys, cartridges 7.62. There is a suspicion that at the later levels of the game and magnum.
  8. In rare cases, but still you can find cartridges and pistols in the bedside tables and work tables.
  9. In special boxes for cartridges ... much less than we would like.

To provide yourself with decent firepower, this guide suggests mastering the profession of a miner.

7 Days To Die: Ore

A little note to note. Cartridges are made from several types of resources: lead (bullet), copper (sleeve) and gunpowder (nitrate + coal). We will need to find all these resources.

Lead and copper come across as junk that can be dismantled and melted down in a forge, but the source is naturally ore. Saltpeter and coal are much more difficult to obtain, of course, they also come across in items, but in extremely small quantities, not sufficient for production, but let's get back to the forge.

Advice: do not look for copper ore, it is not in the game. Since it would be easy to add it, we assume that the developers of 7 Days to Die deliberately decided not to add it. Perhaps they wanted to encourage players to explore the world, so we are happy with what we have, and the most extensive source of copper is a machine radiator.

To create a forge, we need bellows. They need a decent amount of leather, which we will more than get by dismantling machines. Garbage aside, cars can be said to be the first available source of copper (radiator) and lead (batteries), as well as heaps of other goodies (gasoline, headlights, engines, etc.). Engines are desirable to leave. Later, we will use them to generate electricity. Speaking of metal sources in 7 Days To Die:

The first is trash, obtained from the inspection of everything.

The second is the "external" places of ore deposits scattered on the map.

The third and main source is underground ores.

Having collected the bellows, we proceed to the creation of the forge. It remains to find only clay. Clay is easy to recognize, as it differs markedly from ordinary soil, especially against the backdrop of desert sand. You can find it right next to the gas station. In principle, we will need a huge amount of clay, but there is a lot of it and it is close, so we do not wrap ourselves up.

The forge is used both as a workplace and as a means to smelt trash into ore. In fact, the ore is stored directly on the forge, so you can carry either ingots or trash. To smelt the ore, you need to put it in special two cells and light the forge.

Different objects have different densities, say iron fragments contain pure iron in a ratio of 1 to 1, and iron ore 1 to 5. If I’m not mistaken, a radiator and battery are 1 to 100.

On the forge we will create a pickaxe (if not found in the store). With a strong desire, reading the recipe and some pumping of the "weapon creation" skill, you can make a crossbow, but it shoots iron-tipped bolts, so you have to wait until they are ready.

Now we have a tool, but working in the dark is not pleasant, so we need light. The miner's helmet comes across far from immediately, but to make it (such an opportunity was added to alpha 16), you need a football helmet, which also does not lie under your feet. The easiest way to deal with the torches. If during the game you find animal fat, then everything is fine, otherwise you will have to go hunting.

Game can be found everywhere, though in the desert it is noticeably less. To be honest, in alpha 16 I have not yet met a rabbit in the desert, however, like a chicken, unlike version 15. But I met a big black wolf in a green biome and several white ones in a desert one, so there are definitely living creatures. You already know where the green biome is, so let's continue.

Having acquired light and a pickaxe, we will go to the mine located to the south (noticeably south) of the gas station at the gorge.

Having descended to the lowest level of the mine, you will have to feel like a real miner. If you don't want to be dependent on luck, you'll have to learn this profession, as this is the only way you can really count on a solid amount of ammo.

To get to the lowest level, you will have to overcome the descent into the mine, where there is no ladder. There are many options here. The most expensive is to build a staircase along the entire length. The most economical is to use a shovel. Simply dig a spiral path along the outside of the shaft.

Advice: Stock up on food, water, and beer (or coffee) so you can work tirelessly. It is best to spend the night on the roof of the building, because zombies can literally "get to the bottom" of you. You don't want to fight a herd of corpses sprinting through the narrow space of a mine.

Once there, kill the walking (lying down) so as not to expect trouble from the rear and look for a large arch clogged with boards. On one side there will be a pocket that will need to be dug to a distance of 20-30 cells and approximately 5-10 to the sides.

There are some tips to help you better navigate underground. Dig a tunnel 5 cells forward and 4 to the sides, drawing the letter T. This way you do not have to dig a cave along the radius, you will dig until you hit the ore. If at one level you are tired of dripping, go down to cells 5-7 and write out the same pattern.

Once you find it, if it's exactly what you need, rejoice and collect. If, for example, iron ore, the number of which tends to infinity, and you need another, dig out nearby sand. In 7 Days to Die, next to one ore, another may well be located ... however, it can also be in life. Of the additional finds, we can be pleased with oil shale, lead, nitrate and coal. Each of them is very useful in the production of ammunition.

You are unlikely to find everything at once, so it makes sense to find several different deposits in the future.

Specifically, in this mine, iron ore, coal and saltpeter are present in large quantities. You can find some tin ore, but now the most important thing for us is just saltpeter and coal. From them we will make a large amount of gunpowder.

Decide on how many rounds you will have enough for the first time, approximately 300-500. To do this, we will need to collect as much coal and saltpeter from the mine.

P.S. there is no copper ore in the game. We'll have to use the smelting of trash.

Making cartridges

For the first time, our main weapon will be exactly 9 mm. pistol. Cartridges for it are made from:

1) Bullet - 2 units. tin ore + 1 unit. clay.

2) Sleeve - 2 units. copper ore + 1 unit. clay.

3) Gunpowder - 2 units. saltpeter and 2 units. coal or one at a time if you use a chemical station.

The conclusion is obvious - we are going to look for a chemical station. It can be found if you follow the road from the gas station to the west. The first turn to the left leads to the village, which we have already examined, the second turn to a large pharmacy.

We clean, find the station and launch it into production. It will take a lot of time for everything, so we look around from idleness, drag everything valuable to the roof, build a box where we will store it and then pick up the valuable.

So, we have gunpowder, now we have to build a workbench. In principle, you have a choice, you can either make it at the main base, or use the one at the entrance to the mine, which we have already been to.

To make a workbench, you will need a wrench, a hammer, and a skill unlocked by upgrading your character.

Further play

Well, we got weapons and learned how to make ammo. In principle, this is all, except for the defense against the horde of the seventh day. We will talk about it in another guide, because you can come up with a lot of all sorts of interesting chips that rest only on your creativity. What's more interesting next?

Now it's time to have fun! Let's go explore the world. You will need to get a 7 Days to Die map and walk around a lot, shooting zombie heads, because why do they need heads, they don’t think they are ... right?

For a better trip, we need a minibike, because the game just has huge distances and to overcome everything on foot... not the most pleasant experience.

Walking with friends will be a special pleasure. The company always brightens up everyday life, and in 7 Days To Die, let's be frank, there are plenty of household chores. If you have problems connecting the game over the network, then you can read the article "How to play 7 Days To Die online" . With friends, it's easier to build a fort and survey the area, so extra hands are always needed. Do you remember that after the 70th day there will be more and more running zombies? This is where support comes in handy... But if you're looking for thrills, you can connect to PVP server. We warned you.

Behind the exploration of the world and shooting zombies, there is another element that was added in version 16 of the game, namely, high-rise buildings. To call them skyscrapers, the tongue does not turn, even though they rise above the outskirts like giants.

There are quite decent floors in them, so you will have to stock up on provisions and ... crutches. Believe me, there are plenty of opportunities to break a leg, so keep them to yourself. If you are too lazy to get out of the building in search of a safer roof, you can always settle inside. Fortunately, the ceilings of each floor are at a very solid distance.

So go ahead, grab your gun and have fun.

At the end of last year, the developers of the game decided to please the fans and presented a big update. A new version turned out to be quite extensive and included many important elements - new system dynamic weather changes, an improved crafting system, even more ruthless zombies, ferocious wild animals, vehicles and many other "chips".

Zombie the game finally got textures high definition and become more "sexy". Five new male zombie models and three female character dressed in tight rags. The undead have become much better looking, and some species, such as lumberjacks and nurses, are downright intimidating. In addition, a new kind of screamer zombie has been added to the game, with burning eyes that randomly roam the map and wait for your punctures. These zombies combine the talents of all the zombies in the game, and react to everything - the slightest noise, the smell of blood, body heat ...

Zombie animations have also been changed. They have new animations for grabbing, moving, running, and even final death. Also, the dead crawl, eat, bite and jump in a new way. Moreover, the behavior of a zombie is now calculated from its state: damaged zombies change their habits. In general, all the zombies in the game received edits and improvements.

Don't forget the zombies animals, a dead bear is now running in the game, an extremely dangerous enemy with huge claws and teeth. You can now have a quick bite with the help of chickens or chicken eggs if chickens have been eaten before you.

New weather finally extreme. The voxel world of the game is constantly growing and replenished with new biomes. The temperature world of the game is now strictly divided into cold, wet and hot. Accordingly, each type of biome is assigned a certain weather. It will snow in the northern biome, seriously affecting the player's metabolism. Cold wind often blows on such maps, you can't do without warm clothes! However, in a snowy biome, there can be a comfortable temperature, the higher, the warmer it will be. In humid conditions, the player does not experience constant thirst, but quickly freezes. In warm regions, the situation is strictly opposite. The weather system is clearly at the very beginning of development and will be constantly improved.

New graphic interface and the skill system received regular updates. In particular, new inventory controls have appeared - now the window with player and crafting parameters has become much more convenient. In addition to new icons, pop-up windows appeared with detailed information and convenient sub-menus. Now it is possible to group resources according to the whim of the player, as well as new version working with recipes: now a table appears with the amount of required ingredients. The production of items has also become more convenient, it has become possible to create a queue of crafting and automatic creation, as resources are found.

System pumping character on this moment not very wide. It is divided into seven main groups - players can improve the resistance to the main dangers in the game: radiation, fire, toxicity, humidity, cold, heat, and an increase in the player's "carrying capacity" is also available. Getting an improvement is possible with a good game - you need to kill a lot of zombies, and generally last as long as possible. In the future, benefits will increase, there will be bonuses for farming, hunting animals, building shelters, sewing clothes, etc. A total of 100 skill levels are planned, which will be extremely difficult to obtain.

Those who like to ride with the breeze can finally make their dream come true. A little earlier, the game was added vehicle- a design that can be called a motorcycle. At the moment, the bike terribly breaks the whole balance in the game, it can easily move away from danger and has a tangible superiority. In fairness, a bike is easy to break, but not easy to build. Some parts can be found (engine, battery, locks, wheels) and some need to be crafted (seats, frame, steering wheel). These parts can only be made by studying the recipe - a book with information about the bike, which you still go and find.

Quite a long list of innovations that greatly embellished the game. But that's not all, more than two hundred elements in the game have received improvements! A very good result of the year for playing in early access. And what do you think?