Dragon age origins female characters. Dragon Age: Origins, Handbook, Character Creation. Classes and specializations



And sweep a good relationship with companions is very useful - it gives bonuses to characteristics, opens additional quests and dialogues, and besides, it helps in "moments of crisis".

B onuses with increased Influence are called inspiration - for Sten, Inspiration increases Strength (at a maximum - +4), for Morrigan and Wynn - Magic Power, for Leliana - cunning, for Zevran - dexterity, etc. Bonuses are obtained at Influence +25, +50, +75, +90.

FROM ama ratio scale in negative and positive registers is as follows:

– 100: crisis (hatred for Alistair, for others it is a signal to attack or leave (sometimes companions can be dissuaded from this with high Persuasion).

– 99 - – 26: dislike

– 25 – 25: neutral

D friendship:

26 - 75 - warm (the first additional dialogues about the past of comrades-in-arms are initiated, they can open a specialization, and are also capable of issuing a personal quest under certain conditions)

76 - 100 - friendship (they will thank for the support, and they can give something).


26 - 50 - interest (in addition to the usual "friendly" bonuses, followers start flirting)

51-70 - care

71 - 90 - attraction

91-100 - love



H To turn the relationship into a romantic one, you must complete his/her personal quest. All followers (except Alistair) will leave you if their approval drops to -100, and you have the opportunity to kick them out of the group at any time. There are also certain moments crisis - in certain situations, the character is able to rebel and attack, or leave your group on their own.

AT each major location has a point of initiation of a conversation between your companions taken in a group (most often two characters are talking, occasionally all three are involved in the conversation). These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Road and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of the Denerim Trade Quarter, Orzammar bridge to the arena, the first floor of the Tower of Mages, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point only works once, to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

AT your Guardian can also talk to his companions, and more conversations are available in the camp. Sometimes a comrade-in-arms may approach you in the camp and start a conversation. In its course, you can open a secret quest (for example, the Orzammar "Nag for Leliana"), as well as increase or decrease Influence.



D For all associates, there are gifts that can increase influence on the recipient. Most often, gifts are preferred by one comrade-in-arms, and touch others a little. For example, Leliana is delighted with church symbols, while Morrigan will accept them with coolness. You can find out what a particular companion prefers from the Code when increasing Influence to 25 or from dialogues. Some gifts are special and a special dialogue will start after being presented. All companions, except for the one to whom it is intended, will refuse it. There are also a number of gifts that are not intended for anyone specifically.

W and the first presented gift will raise the approval by 10 points, for the second - 9, and for each subsequent - 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can raise Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks you for a certain thing - for example, Zevran for donating Dalish gloves after the appropriate dialogue can increase influence by 12 points.

H non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for giving an item to a follower with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1).

P the easiest way to increase Influence is through dialogue or during the course of the game (followers can increase or decrease Approval for some of your choices), and a companion in which your Guardian has a romantic interest can very quickly raise it to 100. Gifts in such cases are worth holding , in order to use them to bring the necessary influence points to the marks that initiate a new dialogue or quest, or to make up for disapproval of your choice in a given situation.

AT summaries below Special Gifts are in bold type (tables are clickable).

And information about the exact location of gifts is best found in posts with the passage of the corresponding locations, and detailed information about personal quests - in posts dedicated to a particular companion.




BUT the lister will join you in the story in Ostagar and is the only companion who will not leave the group even at -100 attitude, and it will not be possible to kick him out until his personal moment of crisis. With high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.



Personal Quest - Alistair's Family



P The first time you visit Radcliffe, Alistair will tell you his biography, and if Approval is high enough, the next time you talk, he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask you to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - in order for the entrance to appear, come closer to it with Alistair.

AT inside you will have a small conversation with Goldanna, and nothing depends on your answers. At the exit, Alistair will try to discuss what happened. If you select the “Every man for himself…” option and in the ensuing conversation in the camp confirm that this is what you meant, then you will “toughen up” Alistair’s character, which may affect some of the final moments of the game for a female Sentinel who has a romance with Alistair.

moment of crisis



BUT the lister will only leave the group if you let Loghain live at the Gathering of the Lands. If you toughened him up, Alistair can remain king, otherwise he will be required to be executed by Anor. Agree with her or not - it doesn't matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair will not appear again.

Alistair as a romantic interest



BUT lister as a heart companion is of interest only to a female Guardian, and there are enough opportunities to start an affair with him in the game - you just need to flirt a little. With a properly developing romance, Alistair will give you a rose as a gift.

M You can invite him to the tent, but it's better to wait until his Approval is at the "love" level, and Alistair himself will offer to spend the night together.

R Oman with Alistair can have several endings.

1. Warden-Kusland may end up marrying Alistair the King.

2. Guardian with any other backstory, if Alistair is not tougher, is doomed to break the relationship.

3. A guardian with any backstory can stay with the “hardened” Alistair as a lover, and he himself can choose a woman more suitable for state reasons as his wife (marry Anora or remain a bachelor for the time being).

4. If you did not make Alistair king, but he remained Gray Warden, then it will stay with your character.




M Orrigan will join your party at Flemeth's insistence after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she stays, it will reveal additional options for the game's ending. She can also teach you the Weremage specialization.

E I like it when the Guardian acts tough, and does not like to help everyone in a row. You can “toughen up” (and in this case, soften) Morrigan after the Golden Mirror is presented, asking in return to be kinder to people. After that, she will reduce your Approval less for altruistic impulses.



Personal Quest - Grimoire Flemeth



P After visiting the Tower of Mages, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and ask him to find it. The book is in a chest in Irving's office.

P The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her mistress can simply give the book and ask Morrigan to tell that you killed her, and if you do not agree, you will have a fight with Flemeth the dragon. As a bonus for the last one, you will receive a new robe for the Morrigan. Returning the grimoire to the witch will complete this quest.

Morrigan as a romantic interest



R Managing her is only possible for a male Guardian, and it's easy to start - just talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After handing the Grimmoire to Flemeth, she confesses her feelings and refuses to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

moment of crisis



P The first such moment will occur before the final battle. Morrigan will make you a tempting offer, and if you refuse it, he will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, then Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.

FROM Trazh can go looking for her after the end of the game in the Witch Hunt DLC, and the ending there can also be quite ambiguous.




L Eliana will be asked to join the group in the Lothering tavern after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers. She can reveal the Bard's specialty to you. A charming Naga will help to catch the Idle Dwarf - see the passage of Orzammar for more details.



Personal quest - Leliana's Past



D To begin with, you need to talk with Leliana about the Orlesian bards, and the next time you visit the Camp, about Marjoline, her mentor. After that, when moving around the world map, there will be a random encounter-skirmish with a detachment of robbers, whose leader will tell the battlefield that he was hired to kill Leliana. The Bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (it will be a house in the Trade Quarter). A conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think.

AT camp, she will share with you her doubts about the resemblance to Marjoline. If you want to “toughen up” her, claim that the pleasure of defeating her opponents is part of herself, and this is not worth denying. Tightening can slightly affect the ending for Leliana, as well as allowing you to coax her into a night out with a threesome with your Guardian and Isabella, or a foursome with your Guardian, Isabella and Zevran in the Denerim Jewel. Details about the reasons for Leliana's quarrel with Marjoline can be found in the Leliana's Song DLC.

Leliana as a romantic interest



L eliana is a romantic interest for a guardian of either gender, and gives only two opportunities to start a relationship. A male Guardian who reaches an Influence score of 25 should ask "what a girl like that was doing at Lothering Church" and compliment her appearance. The female Guardian needs to reach 50 Influence and when Leliana says she likes your character's hairstyle, start developing the theme. As a result, you will have the option to ask if Leliana has always liked the company of other women, the field of which the bard will ask in response how you would react to this if it were so. The romance will begin if you answer that you would only giggle to look modest.

P With a properly developing romance, Leliana will give you a ring.

E If you missed the first opportunity (or ended the relationship for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after completion personal quest Leliana - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, tell her that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of her former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman scale. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together when the relationship with her reaches the "love" mark - you will not be able to invite her to the tent yourself.

moment of crisis

P will happen in the Glove (quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes") - if you desecrate the Ashes and Leliana is in a group, then she will attack you. If she stayed at the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have a leveled Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). Hardened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is defiled.




G A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack you when crossing the world map after completing one of the story quests. After dealing with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him to the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.



moment of crisis



P Zevran does not have a personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs near the end of the game when moving between the Denerim mini-locations (having Zevran in the group is optional), when you stumble upon a former associate of Zevran named Talisen, who will offer him to return to the Ravens, having completed his last task. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former assassin is high enough (and even more so in the case of a romance), Zevran will fight alongside you.

E If the relationship with Zevran is friendly, after the fight he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the sake of the treasures you find during your travels, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you have an affair with Zevran, then he will not try to leave. However, if you break the romance at the "love" mark, Zevran will leave the group.

Zevran as a romantic interest



W evran is a romantic interest for a Guardian of either gender, and you can invite him to the tent after a couple of compliments. If you want an elf to make the first move, you'll have to wait until Approval reaches 75. The relationship will turn into "love" after meeting Talisen if Approval is high enough. After that, Zevran will refuse another offer to the tent in order to be able to think, but unlike Morrigan, in the end he will not refuse to share a bed.

P With high approval, Zevran will try to give you an earring as a token of sympathy. You can refuse, and then the elf will soon try again, and the earring will already be a veiled marriage proposal.

E If your Guardian is Cusland and has married Anora/Alister, Zevran will stay with you without much persuasion.




E If you are playing as a Nobleman, then you will receive mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not drive him away) after completing the Houndmaster quest in Ostagar, when moving from Flemeth's Hut to Lothering. The second opportunity to take the dog is in the Return to Ostagar DLC.



O Mabari's fertilizer will initially be 100, so you can give him edible gifts just like that. Also, the dog can bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor.

P in almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions now and then communicate with your dog. Another “feature” of the mabari is that after the battle you can order him to lick the Guardian, and his armor will again shine with cleanliness.




FROM the ten can be rescued from the cell in Lothering, where he sits without food and water, serving a sentence for the murder of a peasant family, and called to atone for his sins in the battle with the Creatures of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.



Personal Quest - Beresaad's Sword



R after asking Stan about the reasons for the massacre, he will tell you that he was insanely upset by the loss of his sword, without which he cannot return to his homeland. To find the sword, first talk to the marauder at Calenhad Lake, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dvin in Redcliffe. The sword can be claimed, redeemed, or, if the dwarf died, taken from the chest in his house.

moment of crisis



E If Sten accompanies you to the village of Refuge (quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes"), he will express his dissatisfaction with the waste of time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit here is necessary, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Sten's Approval is high, then he will decide not to leave, and even if you agree to a duel, he will not raise his sword against the Guardian.




AT inn can join a squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go on story quest"Broken Circle". To do this, you need to take the side of the magicians, or at least offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have templar allies and don't want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the mages or save him, and then suggest to Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.



Personal Quest - Wynn's Regret



P As you move around the world map, you will encounter an ambush of the Darkspawn, and after the battle, Wynn will faint. After regaining consciousness, she admits that for a moment she thought that everything was already over. If asked what she meant by that, Wynn will promise to tell the story at the next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what happened to her recently, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneurin.

Based on games, books, anime and series of the universe of the same name


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Character groups

Total characters - 151

0 0 0

One of the ancient elf guardians guarding the Well of Sorrow in the Temple of Mythal.

Aveline Vallen

5 4 0

One of Hawke's first partners in dragon age II. She fled Lothering with her husband, Sir Wesley, during the Fifth Blight. Ambushed by darkspawn and rescued by the Hawk family. Aveline is one of Hawke's companions.

0 0 0

Gray Warden living in the abandoned Soldier's Peak.

Avernus was a young mage when Sophia Dryden became Commander of the Fereldan Order of the Gray Wardens.

During King Arland's attack on Soldier's Peak, Commander Dryden, aware of Avernus' blood magic, demanded that he summon demons. Avernus complied, but was unable to keep the demons under control. The veil was torn.

Avernus retreated back to his laboratory, where he spent almost 200 years in forced confinement, not allowing the demons to leave the fortress, until the Guardian came to the abandoned fortress of the order.

Alistair Theirin

11 15 1

Cheerful and good-natured Gray Warden, one of the protagonist's partners.

Illegitimate son of King Maric, was raised by Earl Eamon. Trained as a templar for some time, but was drafted into the Gray Wardens by Duncan. During the events of the Fifth Blight, he can become the king of Ferelden or stay with the Gray Wardens.


2 0 0

The last Inquisitor of the old Inquisition. Became an Inquisitor at the request of his friend Emperor Orlais Cordilius Drakkon. With the help of a spirit companion, he imprisoned Gakkon and himself in a time loop in an ancient temple.

0 0 0

Staring into the sky, Avvar priest of the Mistress of Heaven. When the sky opened up in the Sanctuary, he realized that it was the Mistress of Heaven speaking. Now, in order to fulfill her will, he follows the wonderful lowlanders from the Inquisition.

15 41 0

Renegade mage.

Anders is not a real name, but a nickname that is a reference to his family being from Anderfels. He escaped the Ferelden Circle of Magi seven times before being drafted into the ranks of the Gray Wardens.

In the Vigil's Tower, Anders met Justice and communicated with him for a long time. He survived the darkspawn attack on the Tower. He agreed to let Justice into his body, believing that together they could help the mages. However, Anders' hatred for the Circle of Magi twisted Justice into the demon Vengeance. The guards did not agree to harbor the possessed, which they believed Anders was, and the magician had to flee to Kirkwall.

At 9:37 Anders blew up the Church, which started the massacre in Kirkwall.


2 1 0

Prophetess Andraste is the founder of the Church, the creator of the Song of Light, and the savior of all believers.

As the people of Andraste rebelled against the occupation of Tevinter, her visions became more vivid and touching, and her understanding of the Maker's will became less abstract and more active. She began to consider herself an intermediary between people and the Creator, announcing to people His truth and His requirements for their salvation.

Andraste's husband, Maferath conspired with Archon Hessarian and allowed the disguised Tevinter to enter Andraste's fortress in the city of Nevarra. The Prophetess was captured, taken to Tevinter and burned alive, the most painful and brutal punishment Tevinter was capable of.

0 0 0

Elf mage, healer and former apprentice of Winn.

He needed time to get used to the Circle, but Wynn, believing that it was necessary to start learning, did not give him this time. When Aneirin tried to talk to her, she only told him to concentrate on his spells. He often talked about the Dalish and how he wanted to see them. One night, he left the tower, but the templars found the student missing and, taking the phylactery, left to look for him. Having caught Aneurin, they pierced him with a sword and, considering him dead, left him. Luckily, he was found by a Dalish clan who took him in and nursed him back to health.

Anora Theirin (nee Mac Tir)

3 4 0

Only daughter of Loghain MacTeer, wife of King Cailan.

1 0 0

Ariana is an excellent warrior and the best hunter of her clan. Fights with two blades. When an ancient book of elven history that belonged to her clan is stolen, Keeper Solan sends her to find the book. She is determined to complete the task, given by the custodian. While searching, she crosses paths with the Guardian, who is looking for the Morrigan. During the conversation, it turns out that it was Morrigan who stole the book, and Ariana joins the Guardian to find the witch together.

3 0 0

Kitshock became the Qunari Arishok in 9:25 Draconic.

The Arishok and his Qunari pursued Isabela, who stole the "Scripture of Koslun" - a sacred relic that Orlais was trying to return to the Qunari to improve diplomatic relations. The storm sank the ships of both sides off Kirkwall. So the Arishok ended up in Kirkwall, where he and his army were given a place to stay in the port while they supposedly waited for Qunari ships.

Died fighting the Defender of Kirkwall.

The Architect

2 1 0

Garlock is an emissary of the darkspawn, one of those masters who invaded the Golden City. The Architect is the first known darkspawn to have a will of its own.

Archon Hessarian

1 0 0

Hessarian the Unshackled is a mage and ruler of the Tevinter Empire during the Andraste Rebellion. By his order, the prophetess Andraste was publicly executed.

After the execution of Andraste, he believed in the Creator, and declared Andrastianism the only faith in the territory of Tevinter.


0 1 0

Elf smuggler, Hawke's first employer.


0 0 0

One of the rulers of the Fereldan lands, divided among the aristocrats of the Empire of Orlais during the occupation of Ferelden. Blood Mage. By killing many young girls, she tried to regain her youth. In the end, the subjects turned their backs on the Baroness and burned her house. Before her death, the Orlesian cast a spell that transferred her soul and the souls of all people to the Fade, a nightmarish version of the Black Swamps.

Bartrand Tethras

0 0 0

A ground dwarf of House Tethras, Varric's older brother.

Organized an expedition to the Deep Roads. Fell under the influence of a lyrium idol and abandoned Hawke and Varric in the Primordial Taig.


0 0 0

A werewolf that the Guardian first encounters in West Brecilian. He is the head of the werewolves living in the Brecilian Forest.

Bhelen Aeducan

2 1 0

Member of the Dwarven Council and third child of King Endryn Aedukan. Belen is playing a political game and rigged the assassination of Trian and the betrayal of the Guardian in order to become the first contender for the throne of Orzammar after his father.

If Belen becomes king, he initiates reforms and works to strengthen Orzammar's connection to the land world. It also gives new rights to the untouchables and privileges for military service in battles against the creatures of darkness. This policy helps Orzammar capture the lost part of the Deep Roads, but draws the ire of the warrior and noble castes. After several attempts on his life, Belen dissolves the Council and rules alone. Some will remember him as a tyrant, and others as a far-sighted ruler.

0 0 0

Chapter of the Charter before the events of Dragon Age: Origins. Invested in the nobility hunter Rika. He was killed by the Guardian - a commoner dwarf.

Bethany Hawke

6 3 0

Hawke's younger sister and Carver's twin. She is a renegade mage like her father, causing her family and her to live in fear of the templars. Her father taught her magic.

If Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies at the beginning of the game, but if he (a) is a warrior or a robber, then she accompanies her brother / sister throughout the first act.


2 5 0

Guardian-Constable of the Orlesian city of Val Chevin and partner of the Inquisitor.

Blackwall is one of the few Gray Wardens who willingly and enthusiastically chose such a share. He believes wholeheartedly in the noble ideals of the Gray Wardens and would not trade this life for any other.

Bodahn Feddic

1 0 0

Traveling Dwarf Trader. AT Dragon game Age: Origins, he, along with his adopted son Sandal, travels with the Guardian. In the second part, Bodan joins Bartrand's expedition to the Deep Roads as a merchant. After the expedition, Bodan, with Hawke's permission, moves to the Hawke estate with Sandal.

Bram Kenric

1 0 0

Researcher and professor, originally from Starkhaven. Specializes in the history of the early Church, especially from the time of the signing of the Nevaaran Agreement. He transferred from Starkhaven to Orlais to be closer to the subject of his studies.

0 0 0

Branca was the wife of Oghren, a member of the warrior House Kondrat. She became Perfect through the invention of smokeless coal. In 9:28 of the Dragon Age, two years before the start of the Fifth Blight, she and her entire household except Oghren went on an expedition to the Deep Roads in search of the Anvil of the Void.

Ferdinand Genitivi

2 0 0

One of the most famous ecclesiastical scholars, largely due to his published stories (many considered fiction by his contemporaries) of travels up and down Thedas. A significant part of the code in all games is written from his perspective.

1 0 0

Elf servant of the Empress Selina.

On behalf of Selina, she organized the search for Sir Michel de Chevin. During the search, she learns that her parents were killed on the orders of Selina. After breaking up with Selina, Briala raised an underground elf army to harass both sides of the civil war.

Bianca Davri

1 0 0

Inventor, member of the Dwarven Merchant Guild, and lover of Varric Tethras, after whom he named his crossbow.


0 0 0

Elf hagren in the Denerim alienage. old friend Duncan.

Varric Tethras

17 16 0

Rogue dwarf and Hawke's partner. It is he who tells the story of Hawke during the interrogation that Cassandra arranges, trying to find out what started the war of magicians and templars and where Hawke, who became the Defender of Kirkwall, went.

Varric is the youngest son of the Tethras family, while his older brother Bartrand is the head of the house and runs the family business. His real business is leadership" spy network", whose main task is to provide information to the Tetras family, which is part of the Commerce Guild, as well as quietly solve the problems of the family.

After Hawk disappeared from Quircall, he was interrogated by Cassandra and joined the Inquisition.

1 0 0

The successor to the guardian of the clan of the Dalish elves, a potential partner of the protagonist. She knows well how much the elves lost in the war with people, and considers it right that people with the invasion of the creatures of darkness lost no less.

Velanna has a short temper and is not afraid to say what she thinks, even if it might offend someone. She hates people, but will help them in pursuit of her goal.


1 2 0

Senior sorcerer-knight of the Orlesian Circle of Mages. Potential partner of the Inquisitor.

Vivien was one of the main candidates for the post of First Enchanter in Montsimmar. But the conflict between the magicians and the templars and the civil war in Orlais prevented her from officially taking this position.

Vivien is called the "iron lady", and she fully justifies this nickname. This formidable woman, the head of the magicians and the official sorceress of the imperial court, achieved her position through cunning and skillful political play.

4 2 1

Mage, Elder Enchanter of the Ferelden Circle of Magi and one of the Guardian's possible companions in Dragon Age: Origins. He plays a cameo role in the "Awakening" add-on, and is also one of the main characters in the book "Ghost Mask" by David Gaider.

Wynn was born with the natural gift of a Spiritual Healer.

Vaughan Kendells

1 0 0

Son of Urien Kendels, Earl of Denerim.

After the death of Arl Urien Kendells, Loghain made his supporter Randon Howe Earl of Denerim. Vaughan was imprisoned.

Gereon Alexius

1 1 0

A Tevinter magister and commander of the Venatori who occupied Redcliffe. Was the teacher of Dorian Pavus.

Hakkon Wintersbreath

0 0 0

On the one hand, it’s a sin not to cope with this, on the other hand, when passing the game for the first time (and even the second), it is quite possible to miss some important detail.

After the introductory video, in which Duncan's characteristic voice explains what the problem is, the character generation window appears:

The default hero is human, male, Caucasian.

After choosing a gender, race, class (warrior, magician and "horns" - in this case it was translated as "robber"; gnomes cannot be magicians, non-magicians will not be able to learn to conjure at all later), valid background stories are highlighted in the amount from one to two. When choosing, the hero is dressed in a suit appropriate to the chosen costume (three types of armor and a mantle for magicians).

Then comes the appearance settings window, the choice of name and voice:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

Appearance can be left by default, choose one of the ready-made ("set of settings"), or long and reverently design your own version based on the data. "Default faces" come in a set of one of each gender for each race, for elves and dwarves of different backgrounds, "default faces" differ from each other only in the presence or absence of a tattoo.

Here, for example, is a female commoner dwarf:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

Unlike the same "Oblivion", in which you see your physiognomy after character generation exactly a couple of times, if you do not specifically turn the camera around and admire it, here the hero's face is an important element of the game. It appears in various commercials in close-up, and occasionally it even changes expressions.

So it's worth making it the way you want to see the hero. Beautiful, ugly, young or old. This traditionally does not affect the passage.

All the characters, judging by the backstories, are young people (and not people), up to thirty years old in our account. If you make an old face, there will be some dissonance. In addition, body models do not change with age.

Among the options there are faces with Mongoloid and Negroid features. Among NPC-people, dark-skinned people are rare, among elves - a little more often, among dwarves - even a little more often. Mongoloids, if any, are very few. This face will stand out.

Female characters can boast of makeup: the color of the eyelids, lips and the presence of a blush. Male characters (except elves) can have stubble and beards (beards look a bit unnatural, unfortunately). For example, the default noble dwarf:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

It is curious that if the character has a beard, he cannot change the "Mouth" and "Jaw and cheeks" parameters. The presence of bristles allows this.

Also, different sets of tattoos are available for different cultures. For humans and city elves (elf magicians are also "urban") - one (and there are practically no NPCs of this culture with tattoos in the game), for Dalish elves - the other (on the contrary, almost all Dalish faces are covered with tattoos), for commoner gnomes ( untouchables) - the third, "stigma" (every untouchable has a brand, everyone who has a brand is untouchable or equated to it), for noble gnomes- fourth (very rare).

Technically, a commoner gnome may not have a brand, but this again will introduce some dissonance into the passage, the untouchable is often referred to as "branded".

The lines of the characters in the dialogues are not voiced. Each type of voice gives only its own small set of lines for the character's statements when the player gives the hero some command: activate the door or chest, hide, attack ... phrases are quite funny, like "I want a trophy, I want a trophy", but their set is small and little sense from them.

The surname of the heroes is given unchanged, depending on the background (and in the case of a magician - on the race), but you can come up with a name yourself or leave it by default.

Here is a table of default first and last names:

The surnames Kusland and Adukan will be mentioned often in the game, but the rest will not be mentioned even once.

When setting up the "avatar", the hero can make those grimaces, but keep in mind that you will have to admire the whole game on it.

After choosing the appearance, you can go to the next window, and in which you want to scatter the characteristics:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

Unlike, for example, TES games, gender does not affect starting stats. Prehistory as such - too. Just race and class.

The choice of characteristics is a deeply personal matter, and for hardcore fans it is a very responsible one. To help the beginner - pop-up hints "who needs what." Having changed your mind during the generation process, you can go back and redo everything at any time.

Then comes the skills window:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

Two of them are already given by default, and now they depend on both the class and the background:

Cousland Warrior - 2 combat training; Kusland the robber - combat training and cooking poisons (a basic skill is also needed to use poisons);

Mages of both races receive the skill of the herbalist and battle tactics (for the main character, the need for them, alas, is not paramount);

City elf warrior - influence (only the main character's skill, persuasion) and combat training; City elf robber - influence and preparation of poisons;

Dalish elf warrior - combat training and survival (specific skill, not for everyone); Dalish elf robber - survival and preparation of poisons;

Aedukan Warrior - 2 combat training; Aedukan Rogue - combat training and preparation of poisons (similar to Kusland, in general);

A throw warrior gains combat training and a thief skill (ill-conceived, but capable of being useful); Throw - the skill of a thief and the skill of preparing poisons.

A simple pattern is visible: warriors are given combat training, robbers are given poisons.

And finally, the skill window:

Character generation in Dragon Age

Character generation in Dragon Age

Here comes the choice of specialization. Two-handed sword, sword and shield, weapons in both hands, bow and crossbow. For magicians - magic.

Most regrettably, none of the options provide for the "originally given" two-handed sword skill. A warrior who decides to choose such a path of development receives one skill from another branch of development in addition to himself. Flaw!

"Favor" to the shieldmen are only two options: Kusland-warrior and Aedukan-warrior. They get "shield hit" with machine guns.

Mages receive a magic arrow and are completely free to choose their specialization.

The Dalish elf warrior is implied to be an archer - he is given the "fettering shot" skill.

The city elf and dwarf commoner warriors are designed to wield two blades. They are given a "swing with two arms with weapons."

All "horns" are free to choose - they are given the skill from the "dirty fight" branch of the robber, and they can easily become both an archer and a fighter with two blades.

After this window, it is proposed to click on the "play" button. After that, you can not change the starting parameters without mods. This feature is only available in the Awakening addon.

Alistair is the youngest Gray Warden in the order. He is an optimist, a joker. In the veins of this Gray Warden also flows Royal blood, as Alistair is the illegitimate son of the late King Maric. But even knowing this, the joker does not want to become king. As a child, he was sent to the temple, after which he became a templar, but Duncan took the prince in time, right before Alistair pronounced the vow of the templar, seeing his grief and unwillingness to become a minister of the church. Nevertheless, the former templar remained prejudiced against mages. At the same time, Alistair loves all kinds of amulets, talismans and other "magic" items.

Alistair is kind, appreciates good human deeds, but does not tolerate evil. He is hilarious, but at the same time he often "dismisses nurses", recalling the death of Duncan and so on.

Alistair has a sister, Goldanna. She lives in Denerim's market district, next to the blacksmith Wade's workshop. When Aleister and the Gray Warden come to her, she does not particularly welcome them, after which the frustrated Aleister, along with the Gray Warden, will go outside. Teirin will once again complain to the Gray Warden. If you reproach Alistair and tell him that life is not a fairy tale, Alistair's character will become more solid. He will become more resolute, cruel, will not treat the idea of ​​his coronation with great contempt.

Accepted into your squad already under Ostagar. Will leave you if you save the life of Loghain MacTeer.

The prequel book The Calling introduces the theory that Alistair is the son of an elf mage who was a Gray Warden and whom King Maric slept with during the events of the book. At the end of the book, she introduces him to a human baby, stating that the child of a human and an elf is always a full-blooded human. Maybe it's Alistair.

In the second and third parts, Alistair will appear if he survived after the events of the first part. Appearances also depend on the events of the first game. He can appear as a king, a Gray Warden, or a drunkard in the Hangman's Tavern.


Wynn is one of the greatest mage healers who could have become the First Enchanter, but refused. This sorceress chose to help the Gray Wardens, so she was also present at Ostagar and saw Loghain's betrayal. She can leave you, but after attacking if she finds out that you are a blood magician (if you are one). If you desecrate Andraste's ashes, she will also leave.

Wynn had an apprentice, an elf named Aneurin. Wynn will mention him in conversation, after which the Gray Warden can promise her to look for him. Aneirin became a healer and went to the Dalish. However, he does not live in their camp, but prefers to wander through the forest. If Aneurin is found and Wynn is brought to him, she will be immensely grateful to the Gray Warden.

"Inside" Wynn, if I may say so, sits good spirit from the Shadow (possibly representing the Faith). He possessed her during the battle with the demon, when she protected children and students. Wynn lost the battle and died, but then resurrected and destroyed the demon. As you travel, the abilities of the spirit will increase. However, Wynn admits that the spirit is weakening and will soon leave her, and then she will die.

Wynn appreciates good, right deeds, but despises freedom-loving apostate magicians, does not tolerate maleficars (blood magicians), because he considers them magicians who do evil, not good.

Ms Coutren

He is the commander of the detachment, despite his peasant origin. Teirn Loghain's right hand. From her body, you can remove the sword from the codex - the Summer Sword or the Sword of Summer. Lady Couthren is boundlessly loyal to Loghain. During the Battle of Ostagar, it was she, along with Loghain, who commanded the soldiers of MacTeer. However, she does not always approve of his actions and decisions: for example, when Loghain gives the order to retreat during the assault on Ostagar, Coutren will dumbfoundedly ask about the king, but, after angrily pulling back the hand that Loghain grabbed, he will nevertheless withdraw the troops. A servant of Queen Anora will come running to Earl Eamon and you will be sent to rescue her. You will fight Earl Howe, after which Couthren will attack you. If your companions are strong, you can defeat her. Before the Gathering of the Lands, Couthren will try to stop the Gray Warden by force. However, if the Gray Warden is eloquent enough, he (or she) can persuade Lady Couthren to step aside. Coutren, sighing sadly, will finally understand what McTeer has become and let the Gray Warden pass.


Head of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden. He appears in all of the game's backstories, no matter which one you choose. He was wounded by an ogre at Ostagar, then cut in two by the ax of the gurlock leader. However, the ogre is killed by Duncan.

Duncan's body, like the other soldiers, was never found. Most likely, the creatures of darkness simply ate him or, due to the fact that he is a Gray Warden, burned him.

It seems that Duncan was fluent in two types of combat: with a sword and dagger, and with a sword and shield. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with an enchanted sword and dagger, however, his shield can also be found in the Gray Wardens' cache.

The Calling book reveals Duncan's origins. In his youth, he was a pickpocket in the Orlesian slums (although he was originally from Rivain), but was caught and sentenced before he was freed by the Gray Warden and accepted into the order (most likely because of this, he recruited Daveth) . Even after that, Duncan did not immediately get rid of the habit of grabbing everything that is badly lying. At the end of the book, the command of the Guardians appoints him as the main Guardian in Ferelden.

Zevran Aranai

Zevran is an elf, the son of a prostitute and a lumberjack. After the death of his mother, he was raised in a brothel, and after that he was bought by the Antivan Crows - the best killers in Antiva and, perhaps, in all of Thedas. Zevran's past is rather vague, and he doesn't really want to talk about it. The only thing that is initially known about him is that he grew up in Antiva, raised first by prostitutes and then by Ravens, became one of the top killers and hired by Loghain, with the help of Howe, to kill the Gray Warden.

Zevran has a very ambiguous personality. On the one hand, he mocks himself and the entire public, but on the other hand, he is offended when he is reproached for something. Zevran is cold-blooded in battle. Trained in the Antivan Crows guild of Antivan assassins, Zevran endured many abuses, passed the "natural selection" and became the best of the best. He realized that in order to achieve the main task - killing - everything is good, therefore, in the battle he uses "dirty" tricks, poisons and even bombs.

Zevran is very ironic, although his irony often turns into vicious black humor. Zevran's mother was a Dalish, so he speaks well enough of this people and will be very upset if the Gray Warden destroys the elves in the Brecilian Forest. Possible romantic interest for both a woman and a man.

Zevran is very nostalgic for his homeland - Antiva. He often thinks about the brothel he grew up in and the smell of Antivan leather. In Dragon age II, Isabela remembers him as he killed her husband with a dagger to the head. Zevran can be found in the second part. The former assassin continues to hide from the Antivan Ravens in the Free Marches.


Maleficar. In the Tower of the Circle, he fell in love with one of the priests, who told him that the templars intended to make him pacified for supposedly "studying blood magic." He asked an unknown mage of the circle, or your protagonist to help him, but, in the end, the escape with his beloved failed, the templars tried to grab him, but he was able to escape, causing them great physical harm. His beloved, by her own will, was imprisoned. She could not forgive Jovan for lying about his non-blood magic, nor could she forgive herself for believing him and becoming an accomplice in crime.

Having become an apostate, Jovan looked for ways to save his life. He was then hired by teyrn Loghain to poison Arl Eamon "for betraying Ferelden". Jovan was promised the protection of the teyrn in the event of the earl's death. To get closer to the Earl, Jovan, at the request of Lady Isolde, the Earl's wife, was hired to work as a teacher to Eamon's son, Connor, who turned out to be a magician. Jovan fulfilled his part of the treaty with the teyrn and poisoned the arl, but due to the intervention of the demon of Desire, which took possession of Connor, Eamon was able to survive. Jovan was captured and imprisoned in the dungeon of the earl's castle on the orders of Lady Isolde, who was sure that Jovan had summoned the demon, and Teirn Loghain, of course, quickly forgot about the maleficar.

The fate of Jovan is completely in the hands of the Gray Warden - he can kill him, drive him away, or use him to destroy the demon Connor through the Shadow. The further fate of Jovan depends on his actions - if he escapes, he can be found on the road, fighting the creatures of darkness. Otherwise, he will either be executed or turned into a Humble.

According to the game's creators, Jovan was originally intended to be the player's companion, but time constraints forced them to cut that part of the game.

King Cailan Teirin

The son of King Maric, after the death of his father became the new King. Two months after his coronation, he married Anora, daughter of Teirn Loghain, Maric's advisor and best friend. He died in the Battle of Ostagar: he was literally crushed by an Ogre, subsequently killed by Duncan. In the Return to Ostagar downloadable content, you can bury Cailan with dignity by exposing his body to fire, hanging from a crucifix built by the darkspawn, or throwing him to be eaten by wolves. Also there you can collect his armor and get his father's weapon - Maric's Blade.

Despite his royal lineage, Cailan is essentially a simple man, he likes to shirk his duties and spend time with ordinary soldiers or messing around with mabari. In this, he is very similar to Alistair, his half-brother, who also prefers the simple life to the crown. Anora later hopes to take advantage of this, who, even being Kailan's wife, practically ruled the state without his help.

Kailan Teirin is a arrogant and impatient person, in many ways this is what ruined him. He spoke disparagingly of the darkspawn, thinking that the horde was just a few large bands united in one army, but not the Blight. Cailan admired the Gray Wardens, elevating their skills almost to the level of heaven, dreaming that the battle of Ostagar would glorify him, as once the ancient kings, who also fought alongside the Gray Wardens. Then he did not take into account the possibility of Loghain's betrayal, however, no one could have foreseen this, except Loghain himself.

Cailan refused to wait for reinforcements from the Orlesians and Redcliffe's army. Subsequently, it turns out that Kailan may have had some feelings for the Empress of Orlais, and mutual.

Kailan is a fairly experienced warrior, he participated in the battle along with his soldiers. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with a two-handed blade, leaving his main weapon, Maric's blade, in a chest in the royal enclave, leaving the key to a trusted soldier.

Queen Anora Teirin (MacTeer)

Widow of Cailan Teirin. After the death of her husband, she formally remains the ruler of Ferelden, although, in fact, her father Loghain MacTeer, who declared himself regent of the queen, seized power.

Anora is very smart and prudent, it was she who ruled the kingdom under King Kailan, who almost completely retired in favor of his hobbies. According to Kailan's correspondence, it can be said that he did not have or lost feelings for Anora, and started an affair with the Empress of Orlais. Anora herself was criticized more than once, mainly for the fact that she never gave birth to an heir, despite her no longer a girl's age. Many believe that she is barren, some even spread rumors, as if a curse for the fact that a commoner was placed on the throne.

After the death of her husband, Anora does not support her father in many ways, although it is possible that the matter is not only that she does not like Loghain's politics, but also that he tried to take the throne from her. Ultimately, if the Gray Warden does not support her candidacy as the sole queen, or at least Alistair's future wife, she will again stand up for her father, believing that it is better to share the throne with him than to completely give it to Alistair. Also, if the Gray Warden is a man and the heir of the Kusland family, then he can offer Anora to marry him. Thus, the Gray Warden would become a prince consort, and Alistair would be relieved of the need to become king. But Anora will refuse to marry Alistair or the Gray Warden if Loghain is killed before he becomes a Gray Warden. Anora's appearances in the third part depend on the events of the first game.

Loghain McTeer

Advisor and father-in-law to King Cailan. He is also the Teyrn of Gwaren. Thairn is a very intelligent person and an excellent tactician. By origin - a commoner, but for the victory over Orlesian and the expulsion of the Orlesian troops from Ferelden, he received an honorary title from the previous king of Ferelden - Maric. At the Battle of Ostagar, his task was to stay with a small force in ambush to surprise the Darkspawn in the flank. The signal for the attack was to be a signal fire lit on the Tower of Ishal. However, when this happened, Loghain orders a retreat, thus leaving King Cailan and the Gray Wardens to be torn to pieces by the darkspawn. Despite the fact that many - including the closest associate of the protagonist, the Gray Warden Alistair - consider Loghain's act a betrayal, the teyrn himself claims to the last that this was a necessary measure to preserve the army. This is confirmed by the writers of Bioware, but nevertheless, there is no evidence in the game that Loghain did not intentionally leave the king to die. Returning to Denerim, he declared himself regent for Queen Anora, his daughter, which angered the Banns and Earls, who demanded that Loghain abdicate. However, the teyrn refused to do so, thus plunging Ferelden into civil war in the face of the oncoming Blight. He blamed the Gray Wardens for the death of the king (and, perhaps, even sincerely thought so) and announced a hunt for those of them that survived, including the heroes of the game. As the Gray Wardens began to make headway in gathering a united force to fight the Blight, Earl Howe, with Loghain's permission, hired the Antivan Ravens, the world-famous assassins from Antiva, to get rid of the hero.

The exact reason for Loghain's betrayal is not entirely clear, and many factors could have contributed to it. But at the head of all is his love for Ferelden, which ruined him. Loghain considers Cailan a king unworthy of his kingdom. King Cailan appears as a young, glory-seeking youth who dreams of epic battles"Like the old days." He constantly argues with Loghain in matters of strategy and tactics, and also rejects reasonable tactical combinations in favor of spectacular and pretentious ones. This jeopardizes not only the king himself, but the success of the war as a whole. Another reason for the conflict is Cailan's desire to unite in the war with Orlais, and this after only a few decades since the de-occupation of Ferelden. Orlais is a powerful state with a good army, ready to lend its troops to Ferelden in the fight against Blight. Cailan believes an alliance with Orlais is necessary, while Loghain, a hero of Ferelden's war of independence, considers an alliance with Orlais a betrayal of the country. In many ways, this hatred of Orlais blinded Loghain, the teyrn was ready to destroy the people of his state and give everything to the creatures of darkness, just not to let the Orlesians into their lands. After Cailan's death, Loghain immediately declared himself regent for his daughter Queen Anora, blocking the way for the Orlesian forces, including the Gray Wardens.

In the Return to Ostagar add-on, in Cailan's chest, you can find his correspondence with the Empress of Orlais, from which it is concluded that Cailan had a mutual attraction with her. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that, according to rumors, Queen Anora suffers from infertility, which is pointed out to the king by his adviser and uncle Earl Eamon. He advises to break up with her.

Loghain can be called not only a nationalist, but also a racist. He gave permission to the people of the Tevinter Empire to lead the elves out of Denerim's Elvenage, thus allowing the slave trade in free Ferelden. He himself justified this by the fact that Elfinage still could not be saved from Mora, and the money from the slave trade would benefit the army.

Thus, Loghain himself believes that he is doing the right thing and his only desire is to save the country. Comments on this subject are also given by the scriptwriters of the game. In addition, in the game resource editor, it is possible to read the comments of the developers in the dialogues and cutscenes from the game.

Toward the end of the game, you can take Loghain to the squad, make him a Gray Warden, but then Alistair will leave the group, not wanting to forgive "the killer of Duncan and all the other Gray Wardens of Ferelden."

In The Stolen Throne, we learn that Loghain used to be a brigand and his father was a farmer from Luttering who lost his land. Loghain also had an affair with Rowan, Maric's future wife, but he himself insisted that Rowan return to Maric for the good of the country.

In the third part, Loghain will appear if he survived after the events of the first part.


Previously, she was a bard in Orlais and, concurrently, a hired killer, but after the betrayal of her close friend and mentor (perhaps even her lover), Marjolaine moved to Lothering Church. It helps you, motivating your actions by the fact that "the Creator himself gave her a sign." With Leliana in the team, you will always have an excellent relationship with the church, for example, when she sees Leliana, the Reverend Mother can immediately give Stan to you without further questions.

Leliana's mother is from Ferelden, so despite her life in Orlais, she considers herself a Fereldan. Her mother was a servant of a rich lady named Cecile, who brought them to Orlais. Leliana was orphaned at an early age, but remained under the care of Lady Cecile, who raised her with an education that consisted mainly of singing and dancing. As she grew older, she fell under the influence of Marjolaine, a bard, spy and assassin. So Leliana learned her art and mastery of combat. During one of her missions, she learned that Marjoline was selling information about Orlais to Tevinter and Antiva. Fearing for her friend's life, Leliana gave her the discrediting documents. But soon the guards came for Leliana herself and accused her of betrayal, referring to the very documents that Marjolaine had redone, inscribing the name of Leliana instead of her own name. Leliana was imprisoned and tortured. But she managed to escape and escape to Ferelden. There she became a novice of the Lothering church. Having dreamed about the coming darkness and the flowering of the already withered rose bush, she took this as a sign from above and offered her services to the Gray Wardens. The church made her softer, but did not deprive her of her fighting skills. Subsequently, she again had to face Marjoline and forever resolve their conflict.

In the second part of the game, she returns to Orlais and becomes a Seeker of Truth, answering only to the Most Holy One herself (a person similar to Pope). Hawke can meet her in Kirkwall, where she arrives to warn the Reverend Mother Eltina of the possible danger due to the upcoming conflict between mages and templars. At the end of the game, it turns out that she is the partner of Cassandra Pentaghast and is looking for where the Defender of Kirkwall and the Hero of Ferelden (if the Guardian survived) disappeared.

In the third part, Leliana joins the Inquisition and becomes its agent.


Morrigan has a rather complex character. She appreciates deeds that lead to profit and power, regardless of the consequences, for example, in a mission where the player has to choose between an army of golems and huge losses of human lives, or the destruction of a forge, she takes the side of Branca, or rather supports her, but fights sideways side by side with you. Morrigan is a tough and purposeful person, her life credo is "survival of the fittest", while she is not a supporter of senseless killings.

Morrigan is very poorly versed in human psychology. So, she does not understand such a phenomenon as "love", she is very surprised that she has a friend - the Gray Guardian. She also warmly accepts gifts and says that she has never received presents.

Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth, a legendary witch from the Korcari wilderness. She is a stranger from the world, and only occasionally got out of the forest, therefore, she never had friends, and the company of only her mother gave her a complex character.

She will also offer the Guardian a way to defeat the Archdemon and still survive (regardless of the relationship level). You just need to sleep with her the night before the battle with the Archdemon. If the Guardian is a woman (or the man has no desire to do it himself), you will need to persuade Alistair (or Loghain, if he survived) to sleep with Morrigan. Appears in the third part as an adviser to the Empress Orlais.

Oghren Kondrat

A red-haired and red-bearded berserk dwarf who used to be in the warrior caste. After the departure of his wife, Branka, who went in search of the Forge of the Void, drunk, she kills another warrior. Orzamar Thaeig, as well as the Diamond Halls, forbid him from carrying weapons. But this punishment is the greatest shame for a skilled warrior.

Oghren tries to maintain the image of a "rock warrior", insensitive and unemotional. However, he doesn’t do it very well: for example, he explains a mean tear by the fact that “a bee has bitten”, and when he wanted to ask the Guardian for help, he could not find words for a long time. Oghren is always happy to have a drink in the company, but just care and concern for him cause him joy and sympathy for the Guardian. However, he never expresses it directly.

Oghren is a skilled warrior, a berserker. As he himself explained, berserkers are warriors who build up rage and release it during combat to shred nearby enemies. He can teach this to a Guardian (if he is a Warrior), Alistair or Stan.

After the battle with the Archdemon, Ogren will be offered a position as a general in the human army. However, Oghren remained himself and argued with Bann Tegann that he would drink a keg of brine.

In Dragon Age Origins: Awakening Oghren appears during the defense of Vigil's Tower from the darkspawn. If the Gray Warden is imported from original game, then Oghren will gladly greet an old friend. Later, he easily endures the rite of passage and becomes a Gray Warden. He helps the player throughout the game.

Oghren has a wife and child, whom he ran away from to become a Gray Warden.

Subsequently, Oghren could become one of the best Gray Wardens in Ferelden.


A warrior from the Kossite race, following the Kun (Kunari) religion, who sailed on ships with his detachment on a special mission. Later, stopping at Lake Calenhad, his entire squad is killed by the creatures of darkness, and his sword, which was made specifically for his hand in Beresaad itself, is kidnapped by a marauder. Later, farmers from Lothering find him, but he, in a madness, after learning that his sword was missing, kills the family. The Reverend Mother imprisoned him on the street without food or water, leaving him to fend for himself.

The Gray Warden releases Stan (by the way, this is not a name, but a rank in the Qunari army), and he joins him (although he can simply be kicked out). Stan owns a two-handed blade, although he lost his "native" sword - a weapon forged from rare blue steel only under his hand - during the battle at Calenhad Lake. If the Gray Warden finds the sword, Stan will be eternally grateful to him.

From time to time, Stan will share his own observations about Ferelden, as well as talk about the Qunari people.


A witch from the Korkari Wilds, who is the stuff of legends both in Ferelden and in the barbarian tribes, the Hasinds. There are so many legends and myths about her that no one even knows what is true and what is fiction and a fairy tale. Helps the Gray Wardens, explaining his help by his own fear of the Blight. As payment for the rescue, he sends his daughter Morrigan with the Guardians. One of Leliana's tales tells how Flemeth became a witch from the Wild Lands: she took revenge on her husband Connabar for the murder of her lover. In anger, she became possessed by a powerful demon that destroyed Connabar and all his people. The legend mentions Highever Castle, which now belongs to the Cousland family (they may be the Gray Warden - a noble person). Morrigan will tell this story differently, and later, in the Witch Hunt DLC, he will state that Flemeth is not possessed at all, and not even a person. If you find a book with Flemeth's secrets in the Circle Tower and give it to Morrigan, then she will tell you what was written in the tome: the secret of Flemeth's immortality. It turns out that the legendary witch bore her daughters, raised them, raised them, and then killed them in order to inhabit their bodies with the help of magic. Upon learning of this, Morrigan will ask you to kill your mother. However, the protagonist can release the witch, who promised never to appear in Ferelden.

In the second part, Flemeth (disguised) saves the Hawke family during their flight from Luttering. In return, she asks Hawke to deliver her amulet to the Dolly elves near Kirkwall, which he does a year later. The elves perform a ritual that Flemeth recreates. Apparently, Flemeth knew that Morrigan would try to eliminate her and set in motion a plan to return. From her words, it can be judged that Flemeth can exist in several bodies at the same time. The Dalish elves know Flemeth by the name of Asha'bellanar - "Woman of Many Years", but the Gray Warden Dalish will not remember this when meeting with Flemeth.

Rendon Howe

Aristocrat, ward and chief henchman of Loghain. Slaughters the entire clan of Kuslands in order to take possession of their lands. If you play as the last Cousland, then you are the last survivor (except for the older brother, who appears at the end of the game). Howe soon takes possession of Denerim as well, becoming his earl too. He is distinguished by cruelty, love of torture and self-righteousness (his last words, when he dies at the hands of a hero, are: “The Creator sees, I did not deserve this!”).

Eamon Guerrin

Earl of Radcliffe, who is poisoned by Jovan, but the Urn of Sacred Ashes is soon found, with which he is cured. Maternal uncle of King Cailan, elder brother of Bann Tegan. He is married to Lady Isolde, an Orlesian, with whom he has a son, Connor, who owns magic. The earl also had a sister who married King Maric. After healing, he helps the Gray Wardens, as well as his pupil Alistair, whom he wants to seat on the throne of Ferelden. He is a respected person among the nobility and common people, second only to Loghain at court. If Alistair becomes king, Eamon will become the realm's closest advisor and chancellor.


Downloadable Content Golem " stone prisoner". She used to be a dwarf of the warrior caste, but in Caridin's time, she sacrificed her soul so that he could create a golem out of her.

Sheila is strong, she has special abilities, and she also calls protagonist the name "it". If you kill Karidin in the Anvil of the Void mission, she may leave your party.

After spending a long time immobile as a statue, Sheila developed a deep hatred for pigeons and birds in general, as everyone knows what pigeons do to statues.

In the English version of the game, Shale is a neutral name, and the golem's deep voice makes everyone think it's a man.


Historical figure, for the Dragon Age setting, which is an analogue and Christ, and Joan of Arc. In ancient times, all of Thedas was ruled by magisters, the sorcerers of the Tevinter Empire. The runaway slave Andraste received a vision from the Maker and united the wild tribes of southern Thedas (this territory would later be called Ferelden) to lead them on a Holy campaign against the Empire. The campaign was successful, and southern Thedas was freed from oppression. But Andraste herself was betrayed by her own husband, jealous of her power and honor, and handed over to the masters who betrayed her to the fire. At the last moment, the Tevinter Archon Hessarian could not stand Andraste's torment and stabbed her with a sword, granting a quick death. The ashes of Andraste fell into the hands of one of the founders of the Church and are hidden in the mountains. Subsequently, Andraste became a great martyr, to whom almost all the prayers of the followers of the Church are addressed. Just like Christians in real world, the followers of the Andraste cult were persecuted and few in number for a long time.

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening

Unlike the first part of the game, there are no romantic lines as such in the add-on, and it is almost pointless to delay any relationship, since big time focused on combat, not storylines.


Renegade mage who main character encountered during the attack on Vigil's Tower. He joins the battle with the creatures of darkness, and after the victory he can be protected from the templars by accepting into the order of the Gray Wardens. He will survive the Initiation and join the squad. Anders is not his real name, but only a pseudonym indicating the origin - the magician comes from Anderfels. He got into the Circle already as a teenager, and therefore he could not get used to the orders prevailing there and set a record of successful escapes from the Tower - seven times. Fortunately, he has never been accused of using blood magic, and is generally considered capricious, but useful - Anders' talents lie in the field of spiritual healing and elemental magic. This mage fears maleficars and blood magic. He does not want to study it, although if you teach it to him, or if you yourself turn out to be one, then it's okay - Anders' attitude towards you will not worsen. Anders does not approve of the rebellious moods of many magicians and their idea to rebel against the Church, but he himself hates the templars and mockingly treats the dogmas of the Church and Andraste herself.

Anders has several interests: jewelry, gold earrings, and cats, which Anders loves. He will tell you that he already had a cat in the Circle of Magicians, named "Mr. Fluffy". The templars and the First Enchanter were allowed to take care of the cat, but soon a demon moved into it, the templars had to kill the small animal. Also, as a child, the magician dreamed of a tiger knight named Sir Lancelap, who would tear apart the hated templars and pull Anders out of the tower (you can find drawings of little Anders in Witch Hunt). Subsequently, Anders will name a kitten after the knight from his dreams.

If in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening you leave him in the Tower of Vigil before going to Amaranthine, which they should be attacking, and then do not return to save the Tower, he will die from a darkspawn arrow that hit him in the throat, but before that he will kill about a hundred enemies with magic.

Escapes from the order to Kirkwall, where he joins Hawke's squad. By default, he is considered accepted into the Gray Wardens, and a deserter. Even if he is declared dead in the Awakening epilogue, it will only affect a couple of dialogues with cameo characters. Anders' character also changes a lot - he is far from being so cheerful and selfish, although he still loves cats and yearns for Sir Lancelap, who was taken by the Guardians. This is explained by the fact that Anders became a vessel for the spirit of Justice, which, under the influence of his anger, was transformed into Vengeance. Even if you taught Anders blood magic in Awakening, in the second part of the game he will not know it, and will also disapprove of deals with demons and blood magicians in general. As the game progresses, Anders is revealed to be the main culprit in the ensuing mage uprising.


Like Anders, Velanna is an apostate mage, but this is because she is one of a clan of Dalish elves. Velanna was a student of the Clan Guardian, and it is known that the guardians of the elves are able to control plants and tree roots, and the trees themselves in principle. Once, she did not want to follow her clan, opposing her teacher, then some of the elves followed her. Leading them to their goal, the apostate did not suspect that the creatures of darkness would kidnap her sister, and then cut the rest of the rest, scattering human weapons.

It was then that Velanna raged, starting to revive the trees in her anger. She attacked the barbarian tribes, but soon a hero (heroine) arrives and stops the guardian's apprentice.

Despite everything, at its core, Velanna is very kind and sincere (for an elf character). She loves different memoirs, things belonging to the clans of the Dalish elves. She can also teach you the art of Guardian Magic by passing on her knowledge.

Mhairi (originally Mhairi)

Her character was never revealed, as she dies almost at the very beginning of the game. We only learn about Mhairi that she used to be in the service of the king (queen), is good with a sword and shield, and also admires the Gray Wardens.

This warrior dies during the rite of Initiation.

Nathaniel Howe

Son of Earl Rendon Howe. When the hero becomes commander of the Gray Wardens and Earl of Amaranthine, Howe Jr. secretly infiltrates the fortress. Initially, he wants to kill the Guardian, thus avenging the death of his father and the expulsion of the family, but on the spot - perhaps because the Guardian has not yet arrived at the castle - he decides to get by with the theft (from his point of view - returning to the hands of the rightful owners) family values. But the guards of the castle grab him and, despite desperate resistance (according to the guards, it took four people to twist Nathaniel) he was put in a dungeon. The hero, as the new owner of the castle, needs to decide his fate: execute him, let him go in peace, or call him to the Gray Wardens. In the latter case, he joins the squad. If he is released at the first meeting, he will return with a desire to become a Gray Warden.

If you have a chance to travel through the castle dungeons, you will find many things that belonged to his family. Of course he will like them.

If you import a save into Dragon Age 2, you will be able to save Nathaniel in the Deep Roads under Kirkwall.

Oghren Kondrat

In this part, you will also meet Oghren. Nothing happened to him, of course, except that he wanted to become a Gray Warden. Having passed the beginning, you are faced with the choice of whether to leave Oghren?

If the player imports their character from Origin into the module, Oghren behaves according to the story set out in the module. However, his attitude towards the GG will be kept at the “neutral” level.

Compared to the "Beginning", Oghren appears to us more boorish and cheeky, which is manifested both in dialogues with the Guardian and with his companions.


Dwarf girl from the Legion of the Dead. She and her party found a passage to one of the dwarven thaigs, which you will have to explore with her. In the course of the story, we learn that Sigrun was a reconnaissance legionnaire that can survive the most powerful opponents and blows. Sigrun is rough, strong, but very kind, while she has a well-developed sense of humor.


Going on a journey to the Dark Marshes, you will stumble upon an abandoned village. During the passage of the mission, you will be thrown into the Shadow, where this place is not affected at all: neither by time, nor by creatures. Exploring, you will soon make your way to the village, and there the Spirit of Justice awaits you. After you defeat the witch in the Shadow, Justice will fall into the body of a dead gray guard, because of which you actually went to the swamps. Having defeated the demon witch once again, he will try to find his meaning in life, then he can join you.

Kristoff, or rather already Justice owns Spirit Magic, which you can actually learn, but only as a warrior. To establish relations with Justice, it is necessary to find things that belonged to Kristoff - he will gradually remember fragments of the past experienced by the dead gray guard.

Dragon Age 2

Hawk family

Protagonist(surname Hawke)

Main character Dragon Age 2 is a human refugee from Lothering, a village completely destroyed by the darkspawn during the Blight in Ferelden. After escaping from his native village, where his (her) father died, he migrates with his family to Kirkwall, the City of Chains, which is part of the Free Marches, to the homeland of his mother Liandra. In order to work out the fee for "entrance to Kirkwall", he is hired as mercenaries or smugglers. Within a year, he becomes a notable person in criminal circles, thanks to which Varrik notices him (her), whose brother arranges an expedition to the Deep Roads. After this expedition, Hawk turns out to be a rich man, at the expense of money and an aristocratic pedigree of his mother, he is knocked out in the Upper City. Three years later, he takes an active part in the defense of Kirkvol from the attack of the Qunari and defector elves, which deserves the title of Defender. After that, he becomes a respected person, the second in power after the knight-commander Meredith. Three years later, the Protector finds himself involved in a conflict between the mages and the templars of Kirkvol, which flared up with unprecedented force through the fault of Anders. The defender has to support Meredith's Destruction Right and exterminate all the mages, or help the mages fight the templars. In the first case, the Protector will end up being asked to become a viceroy in Kirkwal, otherwise, he will have to flee the city. In any case, after these events, Circles of magicians will begin to rise throughout Thedas, and the Protector himself will disappear for one reason known to him.

He is the son (daughter) of Leandra Hawke (Amell), the older brother (sister) of Bethany and Carver.

Bethany Hawk

Renegade Mages, twin sister of Carver Hawke, younger sister of Hawke. If you choose the specialization "Mage", she dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamelin's house. A kind girl who cares a lot about being an apostate and about her magic in general. He loves his older brother (sister) very much.

She can become a Gray Warden on an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise she will die), but if you did not take her on an expedition with you, she will be taken to the Circle of Mages.

Carver Hawk

Warrior, twin brother of Bethany Hawke, younger brother of Garrett/Marian Hawke. Prefers two-handed swords. If you choose the specialization "Warrior" or "Rogue", dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamelin's house. Carver has a bad temper, often whines for one reason or another, rarely satisfied. He envies the talent of his brother (sister) and argues with him (her) in everything. In this respect, he has become a little closer to Varric, also a younger brother who has to obey his older brother, although Varric prefers to take his situation with irony.

Can become a Gray Warden on an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise he will die), but if you did not take him on an expedition with you, he will run away from home and become a templar.

Leandra Hawk (Amell)

Mother of Hawke, Bethany and Carver. She is a Kirkwall noblewoman and chief heiress of House Amell, but left the house and fled to Ferelden to marry the renegade mage Malcolm Hawke. There were also magicians in the Amell family.

He dies in the fourth year of his new life in Kirkwall at the hands of a crazy blood magician who collected zombies from the body parts of various women, reminiscent of his deceased beloved.

Hawk satellites

Varric Tetras

A Dwarf Grounder of the Orzammar blacksmithing caste. Hawk's friend or rival. Rogue, specialization: crossbowman. It is on behalf of Varric that the second part is narrated. dragon age. Renting a room in tavern"Hangman". He considers the latter to be his home and cannot imagine his life without it.

He has a brother, Bartrand, with whom Varric and Hawk go on an expedition to the Deep Roads. As a result, Bartrand is possessed by a demon and forced to lock his own brother and his friends in a forgotten teig. They manage to get out, but Varric forever loses trust in his brother.

He has a fanatical love for his crossbow, which he calls "Bianca" (a clear reference to the game "Assassin's Creed II" - there was also a character who called his weapon "Bianca"). It is later revealed that this crossbow is unique. It was designed by Varric's former comrade in an attempt to create an automatic crossbow. "Bianca" is the only working copy.

Aveline Vallin (nee Du Lac, optionally Hendir)

A warrior girl who specializes in sword and shield, she was in the ranks of Kailan's troops destroyed at Ostagar. Templar's widow Wesley. It is possible that the prototype of Aveline was the legend of the first warrior girl Aveline, told in dragon age Leliana, or read in the Codex. Lives in the barracks of the city guard.

At the start of the game, her templar husband Wesley Wallen becomes infected with the corruption and asks to be killed before turning into a screamer. The player can do it himself or let Aveline, but if he does it himself, then Aveline may be offended by him, but if you choose the phrase: "... Your husband is up to you to decide ...", then she will be grateful. In similar cases, also leave it to relatives or friends to decide (exception - when Anders asks about Karl, advise him to kill).

In Kirvol, Aveline quickly makes her way into the people, joining city ​​guard. With Hawke's support, she is able to find evidence of the city watch captain's treachery and subsequently take his place. Also, not without the help of Hawke, Aveline clumsily, but will achieve the location of the guard Donnik and marry him.

Aveline has a very strong character, she does not like illegal actions of any kind and tries to suppress them harshly. But, on the other hand, she showed herself to be very shy and rather clumsy during the courtship of Sweet clover, if Hawk had not directly expressed her feelings to him, perhaps Aveline would have remained single.


Rogue duelist of Rivain, pirate, former captain of a pirate ship. Also found in first part where can teach protagonist duelist specialization. In combat, he prefers two daggers. Spends his free time drinking alcohol in the "Hangman".

Isabela is a freedom-loving and dissolute person. She has a weakness for handsome and strong men who do not have to persuade her to "close relationships" for a long time. She ended up in Kirkwall by an unfortunate accident. She was ordered to steal the sacred book of the Qunari, the same chased her ship, but the battle and the untimely flown storm destroyed the ships of both Isabela and the Qunari. As a result, it was Isabela who became responsible for the appearance of the Qunari in the city. It is one of the possible love interests for a man and for a woman.


An elf slave of the Tevinter Magister and mage Danarius, who has lost his memory and is physically altered by the effects of lyrium. A warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.

Fenris' real name is Leto. He voluntarily agreed to be part of Danarius' lyrium experiment, in exchange for freedom from slavery for his mother and sister Varanya. Danarius implanted lyrium into Fenris's skin, creating something like vein tattoos through which lyrium flows instead of blood. Fenris claims that due to the unbearable pain that accompanied the ritual, he lost the memory of his former life; however, it is possible that his memory was erased on purpose to rule out possible rebellion on the part of the slave. Lyrium enhanced his physical abilities, at the same time giving new, magical ones - Fenris can make his body partially intangible, which allows him to dodge blows in battle and kill people with his bare hands (which he demonstrates several times during the game, tearing out the heart of his opponents). So the elf became a slave-bodyguard of Danarius. One day, Danarius, due to the fact that there was not enough space on the ship, had to leave Fenris to die on an island captured by the Qunari. There, the elf was found by the warriors of the fog, free people who do not obey anyone's orders. With them, Fenris first learned what freedom is, but soon Danarius found him and ordered to kill all the warriors, which Fenris did, unable to purely psychologically resist the order of the owner. But it was at this moment that life turned upside down: he realized that he no longer wanted to be a slave, and fled. The escape was successful primarily because Danarius did not expect such an act from a previously absolutely obedient slave. Time after time, he sent assassins who were supposed to return his "runaway property" to him, but Fenris each time dealt with them and fled to another city to hide from his pursuers. During one of these battles, Fenris meets Hawk and gains the first friend in all the time of his freedom. With the help of Hawk, he deals with the servants of Danarius, and then with himself. However, Hawke can also deny Fenris protection and give it to Danarius. Broken by such a betrayal, the elf will surrender without resistance, and later Hawk will receive a letter from Danarius with gratitude for the return of the slave and the message that Fenris's memory was again erased and he became subdued again.

Due to memory loss, Fenris is psychologically in her teenage years. He is withdrawn, thoughtful, and has difficulty controlling his rage. He hates magicians, believing that their gift is a curse, and there is no sacrifice that a magician would not make for the sake of power. Most of all, Fenris wants to be free, however, even having fled from the master, he remains a slave to his own hatred, and involuntarily looks for someone whose orders he can carry out.

Lives in the Upper City in the former mansion of Danarius. It is a possible love interest for a woman and for a man.


Renegade Mage, as well as the Gray Warden from the first official expansion for Dragon Age. Specializes in healing magic. Fled Ferelden, not wanting to deal with the Guardians anymore. Made a deal with Justice and became its host. He explains this by the fact that he wanted the good spirit to have a normal body, not a corpse and not captured by force, but a body that voluntarily accepted it. Unfortunately, Anders did not notice that Justice had begun to show a desire for revenge since his time with the Hero of Ferelden. Mixed with the feelings of Anders himself, Justice absorbed all Anders's hatred for the templars and, in general, for the position of magicians and turned into the demon of Vengeance (in some ways it resembles the story of Zarathos from The Spirit of Vengeance).

He lives in the slums of Kirkwall, where he maintains an underground clinic and does not hide the fact that he is a magician. Shows great dissatisfaction with Meredith's policies, wanting to change the lives of magicians. As a result, it is he who starts the war between the magicians and the templars, destroying the Church and killing the Reverend Mother Kirkvol.

Anders has changed quite a bit since his adventures with the Hero of Ferelden. Instead of a frivolous and caustic magician looking at girls, he became a vengeful killer. Perhaps the reason for this is Revenge, because of which Anders sometimes cannot control himself and is ready to go even to inexplicable murders. Anders misses Sir Lancelap, his kitten, which was given to him by the Hero, but which, by order of the Guardians, he had to give to a friend.

Anders is one of the possible love interests for a man and for a woman.


An exiled Dalish, a blood mage who is a temporary companion of the Dalish Elf Guardian from the first part of the game. Uses blood magic and sees nothing wrong with it. But it was blood magic that made her an outcast in her own clan. She was to become the next guardian of her clan, inheriting the title from Maretari. But Merrill took the path that her compatriots did not like. She herself considers herself a faithful follower of the heritage of her ancestors. She dreams of regaining the lost knowledge of the elves, primarily by restoring the mirror that was used to negotiate at a distance. To cleanse it, she became a blood magician and asked for help from a demon. In the end, this demon will try to take over her body, but Maretari will have time to seal it in her own body so that Merrill had to kill her. This could lead to the complete annihilation of the Merrill clan, or her eternal exile.

Merrill is a little frivolous, doesn't take hints at all and takes all the jokes seriously. She lives in the Kirkvol elfinage, where she has shown herself to be a very poor hostess. She is a possible love interest for a man and for a woman.

Sebastian Val

Sebastian Val(DLC "The Exiled Prince") - the future ruler of the neighboring principality of Starkhaven. Rogue, master of the bow.

Sebastian is at first the youngest son of the ruling clan, whose hopes for the throne were minimal. He did not fight for the impossible and took a vow in the Church. But he soon learned that his entire family had been brutally murdered on the orders of unknown persons. He asks the mercenaries to kill the clan that committed the murder, and Hawk takes over. Subsequently, Hawke further helps Val find the family that hired the assassins, and also find out that they were victims of the ambitious desires of the mother of a noble family and the demon of Desire.

Spends his free time in the Church. Is a romantic interest for a female Hawk.

If you refuse to execute Anders for destroying the church and killing innocents, he leaves for Starkhaven, promising to raise an army and return to show Anders "real justice."

Other characters

Knight Commander Meredith Stannard- the head of the templars of Kirkvol, fiercely hates magic and tries with all his might to oppress the magicians. As a result, she is captured by the same demon as Bartrand, which drives her crazy.

Orsino- The first sorcerer of the Circle of Magi of the city of Kirkwall. Elf. He is not afraid to speak out against Meredith, he is not conflicted, but because of the oppression, Meredith begins to rebel. In the end, he forces himself to use blood magic to resurrect his beloved students.

Flemeth- powerful witch first part. The second part explains how she was able to escape, even though the Hero killed her in the first part at Morrigan's request.

Cassandra Pentaghast- a female Truth Seeker, plays a narrative role, like Varric. In the third part, he joins the Inquisition, a companion of the protagonist.

Arishok- Qunari leader shipwrecked near Kirkwol and founded their own ghetto. He considers the whole city and its inhabitants unworthy and rotten due to base desires, in need of cleaning. Sacredly follows the teachings of Kun - the central philosophy of the Qunari. "Arishok" is a military title, not a given name, but to the Qunari it's the same thing. One of the game's trailers shows a battle between the Arishok and Hawk.

Bartrand Tetras- Varric's older brother, who organizes an expedition to the Deep Roads. Goes insane because of the demon in the lyrium idol. As a result, he can be killed by his brother.

Gamelin Amell- Hawk's maternal uncle. Sold Amell Manor in Kirkwall, losing everything at cards. Spends a lot of time in the Blooming Rose brothel.

Dragon Age Inquisition

Companions of the Inquisitor

Cassandra Pentaghast

The Seeker of Truth hails from Nevarra, the right hand of High Priestess Justinia V and a possible new High Priestess. One of the founders of the new Inquisition. Possible romantic interest for a male Inquisitor.

Iron Bull

Qunari mercenary, agent Ben-Hazrat (depending on the actions of the Inquisitor, may become a Tal-Vashoth), who joined the Inquisition. Romantic interest for an Inquisitor of any gender or race.


Formerly known as Tom Rainier, he called himself the Gray Warden and joined the Inquisition. Romantic interest for a female Inquisitor of any race.


An elf archer, one of the Red Jennys. A romance is possible only with a female inquisitor.

Varric Tetras

Known from the second part of the game, a dwarf writer and friend of Hawke (a).


The Spirit of Compassion, possessed by a renegade mage, is the main character in The Ghost of the White Spire. Depending on the actions of the inquisitor, he can become more spirit or more human.

Vivienne de Fer

Senior Enchanter of the Orlesian Circle of Mages, optionally a new High Priestess.

Dorian Pavus

Tevinter aristocrat mage. Romantic relationships are only possible with a male Inquisitor of any race.


An apostate mage who never lived among the Dalish. Possible romantic interest for an elf inquisitor.

Josephine Montillier

Ambassador of the Inquisition and old friend of Leliana. One of three advisers. Romantic interest for an Inquisitor of any gender or race.

Cullen Stanton Rutherford

It can be found in Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age II. A former templar who joined the Inquisition and became one of the three advisors. A love interest for a female human and elven inquisitor.


One of the companions of the Hero of Ferelden, an Orlesian bard in Dragon Age Origin and minor character in Dragon Age II. Known as Sister Nightingale and left hand of High Priestess Justinia V. Optional new High Priestess.


A dwarven blacksmith who became a rune specialist in the Inquisition.


Dwarf, commander of the Inquisition scouts.


Elf mage, Gray Warden of Orlais, Grand Enchanter and mother of Alistair Theyrin.

Raleigh Samson

A former templar who joined Corypheus. It could be found in Dragon Age II.