Quests for women by March 8. The task "Message in the Philword". Quest "Precious Cipher"

  1. Print all assignments
  2. Put in gift box or a packet of torn paper and a letter from Vidia
  3. Nearby put a riddle mirror
  4. Breathe on the mirror and write the word closet. Put a picture of one or all fairies next to it
  5. Put the clock task and the potion recipe in the closet
  6. Under the carpet, put a printed picture of a fern and a cipher TV
  7. At the TV, fold the orchid puzzle and the moss picture
  8. Put a picture of a lichen, a bowler hat, a glass of juice or water near a houseplant, and connect the task point by point
  9. Hide colored paper and a rebus table under the pillow
  10. Fold the stationery for crafts on the table
  11. Take a picture with your phone or camera of the place where the gift is hidden

Quest script for girls on March 8

When the child wakes up, give him a box or package with a letter from Vidya. If your child can't read yet, read the letter yourself.

Mom: "What to do? You need to go to the land of fairies to pick up your gift. But how do you get there? Look, there's a leaf there. Apparently Vidiya dropped it."

We go to the mirror. And we find a fairy.

Fairy: Hello baby. I know that Vidya stole your present. To get into the land of fairies, you need to brew a potion. But the place where the potion recipe is hidden is written on the mirror. How can you read it?"

We go to the cabinet and find the recipe for the potion

and next task

Mom: "What happened? That's right, carpet. The ingredient for the potion is probably there.”

Look, this is a fern and one more task. What is encrypted here? That's right, TV. Let's go soon

Look, there's moss here. Just what we need. And the next task. What happened? Orchid. I'm sure the last ingredient is the flower on the window. Let's go soon.

That's it, we found all the components of the potion. Let's boil it and drink it.

We drink juice and are transported to the country of fairies.

Look, there's Vidia.

Vidya: “I will not give you a gift, I need it myself. No one has ever given me gifts, and you haven't invited me to the party either. It's upsetting to me"

We address the child on behalf of any of the fairies

Let's make a present for Vidia, shall we? But where do we get all the tools for crafts? Look there you need to color the flower, connecting it by dots.

What happened? That's right, tulip. Means all materials for crafts under the pillow.

We find colored paper and a rebus table under the pillow.

We go to the table and make a postcard. We did this.

My daughter drew the contours of the basket with her finger, and then glued the petals, leaves and decorated with rhinestones.

We give Vidia a card and speak on her behalf

Vidya: "Oh thank you. No one has ever given me gifts before. Now I will return yours to you. You will find the place where it is hidden in the device if you guess the riddle

Mom: “Where is our camera? Right on the phone. Look, your present is here."

We had a toy store, because. My daughter wanted to choose a gift herself.

Where to download quest tasks for March 8

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MBOU Chanovskaya secondary school No. 1

Quest game

for girls

Fine art teacher

Forofontova E.V.


Quest game for girls

Target: team building, fostering a respectful attitude towards each other, developing the creative abilities of students.

Tasks: 1) create a festive mood in children.

2) to enable students to demonstrate their creative abilities, the ability to work in a team;

Our dear girls!

We invite you to play the game. During the school day, you must complete all the tasks and at the end of the game find a prize that has been prepared especially for you.

Third row third table

Rules of the game:

    Your task is to find the notes and complete all the tasks that will lead you to the treasure.

    It is strictly forbidden to leave the school!

    Look for letters - hints only in easily accessible places

    It is useless to look for letters in cabinets, tables and bags

    Remember - you are a team and must act together, listen to each other, be smart and follow the path indicated

    Good luck!

Look around and find a task.

After guessing the riddle, you will find out in which office the next clue will be hidden.

They call it the science of the spirit,

With the mind, and with the mind they comprehend,

In it, the numbers and dots and lines cannot be counted,

And also there are different functions!

Spot the Differences

There is a portrait in the school
Looks like you in every way.
Laugh - and in response
He laughs too.

Read the mirrored word DINING ROOM and find out where the next clue will be hidden.

Solve the riddle.

Who stole the parrot?

Solve the riddles and solve the encryption.

Fairy tale quiz. All girls want to be Vasilisa, if not wise, then beautiful - that's for sure. 1. The name of the king who sent Ivan Tsarevich for the Firebird? (Berendey)
2. Apples that give youth? (rejuvenating)
3. Weapons used by fairy-tale heroes? (Mace)

4. What is the nickname of Nikita, who saved Kyiv from the snake. (Kozhemyaka)
5. In what fairy tale is a person, in all respects, carrying out an insidious plan to kill two persons, one of whom was wearing a red headdress, but thanks to modern public intervention, everything ends happily? ("Little Red Riding Hood")
6. One of Vasilisa's names? (Wise)
7. What is the name of the cat in Russian fairy tales. (Bayun)
8. What is the name of the owner of the first aircraft. (Baba Yaga)
9. How many times did Prince Gvidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times)
10. This girl from a fairy tale broke, to her joy, several weddings. And one of the contenders for the hand and heart was a mole. (Thumbelina)

11. This girl in her fairy tale was first dirty, and then became the cleanest and most beautiful! (Cinderella)

12. This girl in her fairy tale is considered not only the most beautiful, but also the smartest! And also strict! Even the dog is afraid of her! (Malvina)

13. This girl found herself seven magical friends, and they were all boys. (Snow White)

14. This girl wanted to be loved and happy. And became! At the beginning of the tale, she had no legs. (Mermaid)

4-3,1-6,1-2,2-1, 10-6,7-2,13-5, 10-6, 2-6, 1-5,15,4-2,14-1,2-1,5-3,9-1,12-6,

4-1,1-2. Boys.

Our competition is over

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye -

Wish you good health!

Be happy, be rich

Give good light to everyone!

Always come to school

And live to be a hundred years old!

Dear girls! Be always beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, happy, healthy.

Quest "March 8"- a ready-made exclusive set (the idea and its implementation belong exclusively to the site site), consisting of a set of colorfully designed tasks with which you can organize a team quest for women in a room (apartment, cottage, office) with the search for a hidden surprise in an original way to beat the presentation of a gift on March 8. Give women an unforgettable holiday!

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • A ready-made set of colorfully designed tasks will help to congratulate a girl or woman on March 8 in an original way, to conduct an exciting quest for a wife (beloved girl, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee).
  • A wide variety of versatile places in the room, including an office where you can hide the puzzles and the surprise itself.
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games and various ciphers. The puzzles are not very difficult, but not primitive.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can lay out tasks in any order and make any number of stages (maximum 9 stages).
  • Attention: this set is a complete analogue of the quest, they differ only in postcards for starting the game.
  • Recommended age of players: 14 +

Team quest game

The March 8 set provides for a game for two teams: each type of task is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and quick wit of the players. This is also done so that the organizer of the quest has a wide choice of the most convenient places when compiling a search chain.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first clue; postcard format - A4. When finished, it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in brackets are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. Flower Cipher Hint (mirror, bed, plate, nightstand). Nice cipher. First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  2. Hint "Flower-semitsvetik" ( battery, bottle, phone). An exciting task for the speed of thinking.
  3. Tip "Beauty Secrets" ( painting, printer, plant). You need to find the key to the cunning cipher.
  4. Hint "Spot the Differences"(box, mug, pillow). An entertaining task, you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  5. Hint "Anagrams" (newspaper, armchair, copier). Interesting task for composing anagrams. Example from hint: rakita + three = architecture.
  6. Hint "Proverb in a square"(table, chair, clock). A task for quick wits and quick thinking: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and put them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  7. Hint "Flower" (door, lamp). A nice colorful task, you need to restore the names of the colors.
  8. Hint "Lady's Jewelry"(shoes, package, shelf). Unusually designed in the form of a pearl necklace, a task for composing words from mixed up letters.
  9. Hint "Encrypted Phraseologisms"(computer, window sill, refrigerator). An original fun task for associative thinking. You need to guess which phraseological units of the Russian language are encrypted with pictures.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + a handy sign for compiling a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: assignments and answers - 54 pages, recommendations - 3 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

After clicking on the button, you will be transferred to the basket

Payment is made through the payment system Robo cashier over a secure protocol. You can choose any convenient payment method.

Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a receipt confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on a successful purchase!" — It contains a link to download the content.

Please enter your email address without errors!

Gulya Guliyeva


Comprehensive development of children in various areas (physical, cognitive and socio-communicative);


creating a positive emotional mood;

development of social and communicative qualities through

collective solution of common problems;

Solving problem situations;

Ability to perform various game tasks;

Expanding horizons;

Development of logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;

Enrichment of vocabulary;

Instilling in children an interest in reading;

Raising respect for fairy tales, a sense of admiration, faith in miracles;

Improving movement coordination;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance


Here it comes again Spring,

She brought a holiday again

The holiday is joyful, bright and tender,

The holiday of all our dear women!

Dear mothers, your kids have prepared spring flowers for you.

Comes in Snowman

Snowman: spring do you meet? What about me?

Baby you got me out sculpted snow?

If the sun shines brightly and it is warm, what will happen to me?

I'm growing...

No, you don't need to meet spring! (steals the gift basket)

Leading: Snowman, because the guys tried, prepared gifts for moms.

Snowman: Here's a hint for you if you find a basket of flowers with flowers, then spring will come.

Leading: Dear mothers.

We start our game Quest

Do you know what is quest?

Quest(from English search, adventure)– a journey to the goal through overcoming difficulties and trials

Guys, are you ready for the test? What about adults?

Then we announce Quest dedicated to March 8"As Snowman stole spring» open!

Fanfare sound

So, in our quest 5 points are involved and each has its own number. After passing the test, you will receive a letter from which you need to make a word.

We will be divided into two commands: "Blue" and "red"

And where should we move? We need to look around, maybe there are some clues.

(2 encrypted envelopes are found). I wonder what that would mean?

1 Quest (in a group) "Guess the riddle and draw the answer on a piece of paper"

According to the scheme, follow the green arrows to point number 2

2. Task (in group number 10) Puzzle house. Assemble a Lego house according to the scheme.

According to the scheme, follow the blue arrows to point number 12

3. Experimental point

According to the scheme, follow the blue arrows to point number 11

4. sports "Testing Skittles"

According to the scheme, follow the blue arrows to point number 8

5.(musical number joint)

According to the scheme, follow the blue arrows to point number 7

Snowman(gives a basket of flowers)

it's time for me to pack

Yes, go back north.

You don't get bored without me

And Meet the red spring!

Related publications:

Scenario of the holiday "How Koschei stole a song" Characters (adults): Leading Santa Claus Snegurochka Koschey Children: snow white and 7 dwarfs, Wolf and fox, Heroes Oriental beauties,.

"How the children were looking for Spring." Holiday dedicated to March 8 Holiday dedicated to March 8 "How the children were looking for Spring"

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Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution Kindergarten No. 140 Sochi Cognitive QUEST "OUR KUBAN SUMMER" Part.

A home quest for March 8 is a great way to congratulate the fair sex on International Women's Day. The essence of the game is very simple: the player sequentially finds cards with riddles and tasks, guesses them. The solution of each such puzzle indicates the object or place where the card with the next one is hidden. This "chain" of tasks eventually leads to a hidden gift or surprise. Tasks in the game are selected specifically for women and girls, starting from 14 years old. To conduct the quest, you just need to print out the tasks and hide them in the indicated places in your house, apartment, cottage or even office.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each version has its own answer. This is done to make it easier for you to choose places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Note that the words are combined into groups. Within the group, the answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Bag/lamp/chest of drawers/pattern, door/cooler/frying pan, bathtub/shelf, sofa/hammer/printer, towel/monitor, curtain/mirror/passport, flower/chair/template, robe/dress/picture, oven/battery/ clock/refrigerator/phone, chandelier/box/template, flour(bread)/coffee maker, computer/calendar/template.

Description of tasks

Below is short description each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive. Please note that many tasks are offered in several variations depending on the answer to them.

1. simple riddle about the subject

We offer several options for puzzles, and you choose which one suits you best. You can "dilute" the quest with riddles by inserting them between difficult tasks.

The first riddle can be put into a postcard and handed to the quest participant. In the instructions, we talk in detail about how to do this in the most interesting way. There is also text for an introductory postcard in the instructions.

2. Task "Rearrange letters"

From randomly scattered letters you need to make a word.

3. Task "Archaisms"

To unravel the word, it is necessary to compare ancient words with their modern counterparts.

4. Quest "Precious cipher"

It is necessary to solve the cipher of precious stones.

5. Task "Cubes"

The card depicts an intricate design consisting of many cubes. It is necessary to count the number of cubes, and the resulting number will indicate the key item.

6. Task "Puzzle"

From several fragments it is necessary to assemble a picture and decipher the word.

7. Question

We offer some interesting questions, the answer to which is any items in the house or office. Either erudition or ingenuity will help answer the question.

8. Task "Spring pictures"

To find out the secret word, you need to add the names of famous paintings.

9. Puzzles

Some interesting colorful puzzles.

10. Task "Women's handbags"

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates that you can fill in with your own tasks.