DIY games about professions younger age. Didactic profession games. Quest stations - games

Card file of didactic games for acquaintance with professions

in senior group.



Target. The game teaches children to please their relatives, provide them with all possible assistance, instills in children the desire to help loved ones, communicate in the process of joint activities,

Didactic material - various sets of 3-4 items: a bucket, a rag, a mop, a scoop, glasses, knitting needles, a sock, a Knitting magazine, a scarf, a hat, mittens, a scarf, glue, a brush,book cover frombooks, hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver etc.

Game progress. Children arrange chairs and lay out a playroommaterial throughout the group: on tables, on freeshelves, chairs, etc. The teacher helps them. Having finished preparing for the game, the kids sit on the chairs, and the teacher is opposite them and starts say: "I know thatall of you already know how to help your dads, moms, grandmas, grandpas, let'slet's play now. We will learn to help loved ones. To do this, you will have to complete various tasks. Do you agree? »

After the children answer, the teacher calls to myself four of them. The teacher tells the children about that grandmother tied sock. But she completely forgot where she put the magazine she needed, knitting needles, sock, glasses. He refers to the first four children with a request to help find these things. The teacher helps the children to agree what item each of them will look for. Children repeat the names of objects aloud.After that, the assistants scatter around the group and look for items . Finding them they are coming back into place and show what they found. The rest of the players together with the teacher checksthe correctness of each taskassistant. The teacher on behalf of the grandmother thanks them for help.

The first grandmother's helpers sit down to rest, and the teacher callsnext four. The game continues untiluntil all the children in the group have taken part in the game.

To continue the game, the teacher suggests the following situations:

Dad decided to fix the chair. For this he needs collect the following tools: hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver.

Mom needs help sweeping and washing the floor. Helpers should bring her a bucket, a rag, a mop and a dustpan.

The little brother went for a walk. But he lost hisclothes and can't find them. Help him. Where is his hat, scarf, gloves, scarf? Your favorite book is broken. They asked my grandfather to glue it, but he needs help. To do this, you need glue, a brush, book and torn cover.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the children and says that they, grow real helpers for your family.


Target. The game teaches children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

Game rules: name only one action of this profession. If the child cannot remember, then he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it back to the leader.

Game actions: throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher before the game conducts a short conversation, clarifying the children's understanding of the words used in various professions and actions. Then he says:

Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. Tolin's mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is Antonina Vasilievna's profession?, who cooks dinner for us? (Children answer: "Cook".)

Each person, having a profession, performs some actions. What does the chef do? (Children answer.)

Now we will play with you the game “Who will name the most actions?” I AMI will name the profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person of this profession.

The teacher says the word "doctor" and throws the ball to one of the players. Children answer: "Examines the sick, listens, heals, makes injections, operations, gives medicine."

The teacher names professions familiar to children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. Children remember what people of these professions do.

"Finish the sentence"

(use of complex sentences)

  1. Mom put the bread ... where? (to the breadbasket)
  2. Brother poured sugar ... where? (to the sugar bowl)
  3. Grandma made a delicious salad and put it... where? (in a salad bowl)
  4. Dad brought sweets and put them ... where? (in candy box)
  5. Marina did not go to school today because ... (fell ill)
  6. We turned on the heaters because… (it got cold)
  7. I don't want to sleep because... (it's still early)
  8. We will go to the forest tomorrow if ... (weather is good)
  9. Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries)
  10. The cat climbed a tree to ... (to save the dog)

"Who's a treat?"

(use of difficult forms of nouns)

The adult says that there are gifts for animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse someone with what. Asks for help. Pictures depicting a bear, birds - geese, chickens, swans, horses, wolves, foxes, lynxes, monkeys, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants are offered. Who wants honey? Who is the grain for? Who needs meat? Who wants fruit?

"Say three words"

(activation of the dictionary)

The children line up. Each participant is asked a question in turn. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three words-answers with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

  1. What can be bought? (dress, suit, trousers)
  2. What can be cooked? What can be read? What can you draw? What can fly? What can float? What (who) can jump? etc.

"Who wants to be who?"

(use of difficult forms of the verb)

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

No. 15. "Who needs what?".

Target : to teach children to correlate tools with the profession of people; name the relevant professions, subjects and their purpose.

Game rules : name the profession in accordance with the subject of labor, explain the purpose of the subject.

Game actions: Search for desired items.

Equipment : on the teacher’s table there are toys for the work of people of different professions: a set of medical instruments; a set of kitchen utensils; hammer, nails, wrench from a children's designer; large pictures depicting people of different professions (pictures and objects of the corresponding professions are selected).

Game progress : the teacher invites one participant to his table. The child takes an object and names it. The rest of the children should name who needs this tool, what they can do. The called child puts the tool to the picture with the image of a person of the corresponding profession. The game continues until all tools have been named and laid out. It is possible to conduct a game using only pictures depicting people of certain professions and tools.

No. 16. "Let's dress the doll for work."

Target : to teach children to correlate work clothes with a person’s profession, to name the corresponding professions.

Game actions: Search for the right items of clothing according to the named profession.

Game equipment: on the teacher's table there are planar images of working clothes for dolls, on stands - planar images of dolls: boys and girls, 1-2 pictures each depicting various tools (for different professions).

Game progress : the teacher tells the children that the dolls are going to work, everyone should dress in a work suit. Children can guess who everyone works for from the picture that lies next to the doll. This picture shows an item that is necessary for work. Children take turns approaching, looking at the picture, picking up clothes and calling the appropriate profession.

Then the adult asks the children to close their eyes, confuses the items of clothing, shifts the pictures, etc. The children correct the mistakes. The game is repeated several times.

The game can be played with dolls, for which different working suits are specially sewn.

No. 17. "Let's go to work."

Target : to teach children to navigate in the space of a room, to find their place in accordance with visual landmarks - pictures depicting professional symbols. Develop attention, memory in the process of this game.

Game actions: movement around the room (a trip by car is depicted) and finding a chair or place with the corresponding professional symbols (picture).

Game equipment: “rudders” are laid out on the teacher’s table (circles in the middle of which people of different professions are drawn), there are chairs in different places of the room, pictures depicting tools lie on them.

Game progress : the teacher invites the children to his table, everyone can choose their profession, take the wheel and go to work, for this you need to carefully look at the chairs and choose a picture with a tool suitable for this work. The game is played several times, the teacher shifts the pictures on the chairs, the children must again find their place. Then the children change rudders (professions), and the game is repeated.

No. 18. "Going to work."

Target : teach children to select tools for people of different professions. Clarify, consolidate children's knowledge about the work of adults, use this knowledge in the process role-playing games.

Game actions: searching for the right tools, putting them in suitcases, standing next to the dolls in working suits.

Game equipment: dolls in work clothes, suitcases (3D or flat with slots for pictures), sets of toy tools or sets of pictures with the image of tools.

Game progress : toy tools are laid out on the table, the teacher asks to collect dolls for work. You need to pick up toys or pictures by looking at work clothes.

No. 19. "From word to word"

Target: teach children to consistently name the objects of labor and select a picture depicting a person of the corresponding profession.

Game actions: sequential naming of objects depicted in the pictures, guided by dotted arrows, naming and selection of pictures depicting people of a particular profession.

Game equipment: cards divided into squares, which depict objects of labor; the squares are sequentially connected to each other by a dotted line ending with an arrow that rests on an empty square; in this square you need to put a picture with the image of a person who needs these things for work.

Game progress : the child names sequentially the objects shown in the pictures, at the end he findsthe desired image of a person of the corresponding profession.

No. 20. "Who does what."

Target. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.
Game progress . Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. Cook ... (cooks food), doctor ... (heals people), teacher ... (teaches children), builder ... (builds houses), artist ... (draws pictures), pianist ... (plays the piano), writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), laundress ... (washes clothes), cleaner ... (washes floors), seller ... (sells goods), photographer ... (takes pictures of people), educator ... (educates children), weaver ... (weaves fabrics), machinist ... (leads the train), controller ... (checks tickets), typist ... (types on a typewriter), etc.

No. 21. “Who knows more professions”

Target . To teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession, to form the corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).
Game progress.
Educator. I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read poems, stories to you, walk with you, put you to bed ... This is my profession - to educate you. And what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna? She cooks dinner for us. That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn some profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What is the chef doing? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, gives injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cutting, basting, smacking, stroking, trying on, sewing.)
The teacher names other professions - a builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name actions.

No. 22. “Pronounce it right.”

Target. Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, fixing the names of professions.
Game progress. Learn tongue twisters or tongue twisters, jokes, so that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeated;
- The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us.
- The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
- Old watchman Tom guards the house.
- The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.
- The baker baked a bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf of dough early in the morning
- Roofer Cyril crooked roof wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof.
- Porridge, porridge, yogurt, our cook Masha, instead of porridge for lunch, she cooked an omelet.

No. 23. "Professions"

Target. Fix the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.
Game progress.
You ask the child the question: "What does ... ..?" and call a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Intersperse well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What does the doctor do?", "What does the veterinarian do?" (make out the difference), and then the same way "teacher" and "scientist". You sometimes hear from children interesting versions.

No. 24. "Tell me a word." (“Additives”).

Target. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick words to rhyme.
Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.
In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).
Any tool at the place - and a planer, and ... (chisel). Popov S.A.
We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all the people.
So who are we? - ... (firefighters).
I would be a pilot pilot
Definitely wanted to become
I'm on a plane then
To Moscow would be ... (Flew). Delyanu Liviu
The pilot lifts the blue into the sky ... (airplane). Stepanov V.
He drove the goats to the hillock merry ... (shepherd). Demchenko G.
But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump). Baruzdin S.
So that people do not get wet in the rain
The roofer covers with iron ... (house). Baruzdin S.
White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
This carpenter makes frames and ... (floors). Baruzdin S.
Every day a newspaper brings us to the house ... (postman).
In front of the children, the roof is being painted ... (painters).
I'm flying dolls in the morning. Today I ... (nurse). Shigaev Yu.
It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter). Baruzdin S.
The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds ... (to train).
He brought us southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).

Irina Sycheva

Didactic game« Professions»

Didactic board game on this topic: « Professions» .

for children 4-7 years old

Target: expand children's ideas about a variety of professions, their names and activities. To acquaint with the tools of labor, tools necessary for these people professions, correlate them. Raise respect for the work of adults.

Game progress: Participants are asked to name in turn professions that they already know and the tools that these people need professions, then try to relate people's actions to their profession, form corresponding verbs from nouns (educator - educates, builder - builds, etc.).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that unusual chests appeared in the group, people of different professions, but they are empty, all the tools are mixed up, and people cannot work. Give the children a chest. Then the adult invites one participant to his table (everyone can sit at the round table). He takes a card and names what is shown on it. The rest of the children should name to whom, this item is needed for work, put it in a chest. If the children find it difficult to answer, explain what it is with children, remember where they saw such an employee.

Would need: 20 matchboxes, adhesive tape, printed pictures (can be laminated with adhesive tape). Wish you luck!

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"Who Can't Do Without Them"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the materials, tools, equipment needed by people of different professions.
Game progress: the teacher shows the children the subject, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. It should be borne in mind that the same items are needed by people of different professions.
"What first, what next?"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of labor actions.
Game progress: the teacher asks to teach the doll how to vacuum. He asks what needs to be done first, then what (plug it in, then press the button, vacuum, press the switch button, pull the plug out of the socket). Offer children and other labor processes.
"What does Masha want to do?"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about some labor activities; about the materials, tools and equipment necessary for the work.

Game progress: the teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha's doll:
- Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.
Substitutes the doll named objects.
- What do you think she will do? (wash). Right. And now Masha asks for a pot, milk, sugar, salt, millet. What is she going to do? (the doll wants to cook porridge). What is the name of the porridge? (millet).
AT game form other labor activities that require appropriate items may be considered. Toddlers are shown these items, for older children the teacher uses pictures depicting items or simply lists these items without showing illustrations.

"Who needs it"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Get to know professions.
Game progress: the teacher shows the children various items, asks to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose (this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote).
"Guess what I'm doing?"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about labor activities. Develop attention.
Game progress: the teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle. Everyone walks in a circle and says:
What are you doing, we don't know
Let's take a look and guess.
The child imitates actions not only by movements, but by transmitting sounds (vacuuming the floor, sawing, driving a car, washing, cooking food). Children guess actions.
“Who needs what to work?”
Purpose: to teach children to use nouns in speech. hours of date case (knife, board, pan, ladle - needed by the cook, etc.).

"Name the item that is missing"
Purpose: to teach children to select objects by analogy.
Janitor - shovel seller - cashier
To the doctor - a phonendoscope; to the cook - a saucepan

"Who's doing what?"
Purpose: to teach children to select as many verbs as possible for the name of the profession.
What is the doctor doing? - ... the chef is doing what? - ...
What is the janitor doing? - ... what does the hairdresser do? - ...

"Guess the profession from the description"
purpose: to teach children to find the corresponding concepts. (cook - cooks; doctor - medicine, white coat, thermometer)

"Who is what, what?",
goal: to expand the vocabulary of children, to learn how to select definition words for different types professions.
What driver? – Attentive, strong, focused…
What cook? - agile, careful, attentive ...

"Say the opposite"
Purpose: to teach children to choose words antonyms.
Good - ... benefit - ... buy - ... dirt - ...
Enter - ... speak - ... take - ... litter - ...
Help -… fix -… break -… early -…
Difficult -… fast -…

"Correct the mistakes in the sentences"
Purpose: to train children in the use of sentences with the meaning of opposition.
The doctor prepares a delicious lunch for the children. The cook prepares a delicious dinner, and the doctor treats people.

"I will start and you continue"
Purpose: to train children in the use of complex sentences.
A doctor treats people to...
A builder builds houses to...
The hairdresser cuts people's hair to...

"Small big"
Purpose: to exercise children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.
Shovel - shovel, bucket - bucket ...

"What comes from what"
Purpose: to exercise children in the formation of words by analogy.
Carrot juice - carrot; apple jam - apple ...

"Name what is superfluous"
Purpose: to teach to group objects according to a certain attribute and to highlight an extra object.
Rake, shovel, cart, ladle - ? the ladle is superfluous, because the janitor needs a rake, a shovel and a cart, but he does not need a ladle for work.

Gil Svetlana Alexandrovna
Murmansk region, Kirovsk.

Didactic games on acquaintance with the outside world on the topic "Professions of people".
The purpose of studying the topic: to continue to expand children's ideas about a variety of professions, their names and activities. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the need to work.
“Who does what”.
Target. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.
Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. Cook ... (cooks food), doctor ... (heals people), teacher ... (teaches children), builder ... (builds houses), artist ... (draws pictures), pianist ... (plays the piano), writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), laundress ... (washes clothes), cleaner ... (washes floors), seller ... (sells goods), photographer ... (takes pictures of people), educator ... (educates children), weaver ... (weaves fabrics), machinist ... (leads the train), controller ... (checks tickets), typist ... (types on a typewriter), etc.
“Who knows more professions”
Target. To teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession, to form the corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).
Game progress.
Educator. I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read you poems, stories, walk with you, put you to bed ... It is my profession to educate you. And what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna? She cooks dinner for us. That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn some profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What is the chef doing? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, gives injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cutting, basting, smacking, stroking, trying on, sewing.)
The teacher names other professions - a builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name actions.
Say it right."
Target. Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, fixing the names of professions.
Game progress. Learn tongue twisters or tongue twisters, jokes, so that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeated;
- The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us.
- The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
- Old watchman Tom guards the house.
- The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.
- The baker baked a bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf of dough early in the morning
- Roofer Cyril crooked roof wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof.
- Porridge, porridge, yogurt, our cook Masha, instead of porridge for lunch, she cooked an omelet.
Target. Fix the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.
Game progress.
You ask the child the question: "What does ... ..?" and call a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Intersperse well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What does the doctor do?", "What does the veterinarian do?" (make out the difference), and then the same way "teacher" and "scientist". Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children.
"Give me a word." (“Additives”).
Target. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick words to rhyme.
Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.
In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).
Any tool at the place - and a planer, and ... (chisel). Popov S.A.
We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all the people.
So who are we? - ... (firefighters).
I would be a pilot pilot
Definitely wanted to become
I'm on a plane then
To Moscow would be ... (Flew). Delyanu Liviu
The pilot lifts the blue into the sky ... (airplane). Stepanov V.
He drove the goats to the hillock merry ... (shepherd). Demchenko G.
But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump). Baruzdin S.
So that people do not get wet in the rain
The roofer covers with iron ... (house). Baruzdin S.
White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
This carpenter makes frames and ... (floors). Baruzdin S.
Every day a newspaper brings us to the house ... (postman).
In front of the children, the roof is being painted ... (painters).
I'm flying dolls in the morning. Today I ... (nurse). Shigaev Yu.
It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter). Baruzdin S.
The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds ... (to train).
He brought us southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).

Isakova S.V., MBDOU No. 7 of the city of Abinsk, Appendix 2

Card file of didactic games in the senior group


"Little Helpers"

Tasks: The game teaches children to please their relatives, provide them with all possible assistance, instills in children the desire to help loved ones, communicate in the process of joint activities,

Didactic material- various sets of 3-4 items: a bucket, a rag, a mop, a scoop, glasses, knitting needles, a sock, a Knitting magazine, a scarf, a hat, mittens, a scarf, glue, a brush, a book, a book cover, a hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver, etc.

Game progress. Children arrange chairs and lay out game material throughout the group: on tables, on free shelves, on chairs, etc. The teacher helps them. Having finished preparing for the game, the kids sit on the chairs, and the teacher opposite them and begins to tell: “I know that all of you already know how to help your dads, moms, grandparents, let's play now. We will learn to help loved ones. To do this, you will have to complete various tasks. Do you agree? »

After the children answer, the teacher calls four of them to him. The teacher tells the children that the grandmother knitted a sock. But she completely forgot where she put the magazine she needed, knitting needles, sock, glasses. He turns to the first four children with a request to help find these things. The teacher helps the children agree on what subject each of them will look for. Children repeat the names of objects aloud. After that, the assistants scatter around the group and look for items. Having found them, they return to the place and show what they have found. The rest of the participants in the game, together with the teacher, check the correctness of the assignment by each assistant. The teacher, on behalf of the grandmother, thanks them for their help.

The first grandmother's helpers sit down to rest, and the teacher calls the next four. The game continues until all the children in the group have taken part in the game.

To continue the game, the teacher suggests the following situations:

Dad decided to fix the chair. To do this, he needs to collect the following tools: a hammer, nails, pliers, a screwdriver.

Mom needs help sweeping and washing the floor. Helpers should bring her a bucket, a rag, a mop and a dustpan.

The little brother went for a walk. But he has lost his clothes and cannot find them. Help him. Where is his hat, scarf, mittens, handkerchief? Your favorite book is broken. They asked my grandfather to glue it, but he needs help. To do this, you need glue, a brush, a book and a cover torn from it.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the children and says that they are growing up to be real helpers for their family.

"Who will name more actions" .

Tasks: The game teaches children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

Game rules: name only one action of this profession. If the child cannot remember, then he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it back to the leader.

Game actions: throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher before the game conducts a short conversation, clarifying the children's understanding of the words used in various professions and actions. Then he says:

Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. Tolin's mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is the profession of Antonina Vasilievna, who cooks dinner for us? (Children answer: "Cook".)

Each person, having a profession, performs some actions. What does the chef do? (Children answer.)

Now we will play with you the game “Who will name the most actions?” I will name the profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person of this profession.

The teacher says the word "doctor" and throws the ball to one of the players. Children answer: "Examines the sick, listens, heals, makes injections, operations, gives medicine."

The teacher names professions familiar to children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. Children remember what people of these professions do.

"Who wants to be who?"

(use of difficult forms of the verb)

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

"Who needs what?"

Tasks: to teach children to correlate tools with the profession of people; name the relevant professions, subjects and their purpose.

Game rules: name the profession in accordance with the subject of labor, explain the purpose of the subject.

Game actions: search for the items you need.

Equipment: on the table at the teacher are laid out toys for the work of people of different professions: a set of medical instruments; a set of kitchen utensils; hammer, nails, wrench from a children's designer; large pictures depicting people of different professions (pictures and objects of the corresponding professions are selected).

Game progress: the teacher invites one participant to his table. The child takes an object and names it. The rest of the children should name who needs this tool, what they can do. The called child puts the tool to the picture with the image of a person of the corresponding profession. The game continues until all tools have been named and laid out. It is possible to conduct a game using only pictures depicting people of certain professions and tools.

"Let's dress the doll for work."

Tasks: to teach children to correlate work clothes with a person’s profession, to name the corresponding professions.

Game actions: search for the right items of clothing in accordance with the named profession.

Game equipment: on the teacher's table there are planar images of working clothes for dolls, on stands - planar images of dolls: boys and girls, 1-2 pictures each depicting various tools (for different professions).

Game progress: the teacher tells the children that the dolls are going to work, everyone should dress in a work suit. Children can guess who everyone works for from the picture that lies next to the doll. This picture shows an item that is necessary for work. Children take turns approaching, looking at the picture, picking up clothes and calling the appropriate profession.

Then the adult asks the children to close their eyes, confuses the items of clothing, shifts the pictures, etc. The children correct the mistakes. The game is repeated several times.

The game can be played with dolls, for which different working suits are specially sewn.

"Let's go to work."

Tasks: to teach children to navigate in the space of the room, to find their place in accordance with visual landmarks - pictures depicting professional symbols. Develop attention, memory in the process of this game.

Game actions: movement around the room (a trip by car is depicted) and finding a chair or place with the corresponding professional symbols (picture).

Game equipment:“steering wheels” (circles in the middle of which people of different professions are drawn) are laid out on the teacher’s table, there are chairs in different places of the room, pictures depicting tools lie on them.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to his table, everyone can choose a profession, take the wheel and go to work, for this you need to carefully look at the chairs and choose a picture with a tool suitable for this work. The game is played several times, the teacher shifts the pictures on the chairs, the children must again find their place. Then the children change rudders (professions), and the game is repeated.

"Let's go to work."

Tasks: teach children to select tools for people of different professions. Clarify, consolidate children's knowledge about the work of adults, use this knowledge in the process of role-playing games.

Game actions: searching for the right tools, putting them in suitcases standing next to dolls in working suits.

Game equipment: dolls in work clothes, suitcases (3D or flat with slots for pictures), sets of toy tools or picture sets of tools.

Game progress: toy tools are laid out on the table, the teacher asks to collect dolls for work. You need to pick up toys or pictures by looking at work clothes.

"From word to word"

Tasks: teach children to consistently name the objects of labor and select a picture depicting a person of the corresponding profession.

Game actions: sequential naming of objects depicted in the pictures, guided by dotted arrows, naming and selection of pictures depicting people of a particular profession.

Game equipment: cards divided into squares, which depict objects of labor; the squares are sequentially connected to each other by a dotted line ending with an arrow that rests on an empty square; in this square you need to put a picture with the image of a person who needs these things for work.

Game progress: the child names the objects shown in the pictures in sequence, at the end he finds the desired image of a person of the corresponding profession.

"Who's doing what."

Tasks: fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.

Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. Cook ... (cooks food), doctor ... (heals people), teacher ... (teaches children), builder ... (builds houses), artist ... (draws pictures), pianist ... (plays the piano), writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), laundress ... (washes clothes), cleaner ... (washes floors), seller ... (sells goods), photographer ... (takes pictures of people), educator ... (educates children), weaver ... (weaves fabrics), machinist ... (leads the train), controller ... (checks tickets), typist ... (types on a typewriter), etc.

"Who knows more professions"

Tasks:at to teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession, to form the corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).

Game progress.

Educator. I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read poems, stories to you, walk with you, put you to bed ... This is my profession - to educate you. And what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna? She cooks dinner for us. That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn some profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What is the chef doing? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, gives injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cutting, basting, smacking, stroking, trying on, sewing.)

The teacher names other professions - a builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name actions.

"Pronounce it right."

Tasks: formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, fixing the names of professions.

Game progress. Learn tongue twisters or tongue twisters, jokes, so that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeated;

The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us.

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Old watchman Tom guards the house.

The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

A bagel, a bagel, a long loaf and a loaf baked from dough early in the morning

Roofer Kirill crooked roof wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof.

Porridge, porridge, curdled milk, our cook Masha, instead of porridge for lunch, she made an omelette.


Tasks: fix the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.

Game progress.

You ask the child the question: "What does ... ..?" and call a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Intersperse well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What does the doctor do?", "What does the veterinarian do?" (make out the difference), and then the same way "teacher" and "scientist". Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children.

Say a word." (“Additives”).

Tasks: develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick words to rhyme.

Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.

In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).

Any tool at the place - and a planer, and ... (chisel).

We must fight fire.

We are brave workers.

We are partners with water.

We are very much needed by all the people.

So who are we? - ... (firefighters).

I would be a pilot pilot

Definitely wanted to become

I'm on a plane then

To Moscow would be ... (Flew).

The pilot lifts the blue into the sky ... (airplane).

He drove the goats to the hillock merry ... (shepherd).

But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:

Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump).

So that people do not get wet in the rain

The roofer covers with iron ... (house).

White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:

This carpenter makes frames and ... (floors).

Every day a newspaper brings us to the house ... (postman).

In front of the children, the roof is being painted ... (painters).

I'm flying dolls in the morning. Today I ... (nurse).

It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter).

The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds ... (to train).

He brought us southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).

The work of the builder to all ... (needed),

Everyone needs and tasty ... (dinner),

Doctor, so that everyone ... (treated),

And the teacher, so that ... (taught).

A pilot is needed to ... (fly) ...

"Set up the room"

Tasks: development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: sheet of paper (35*45cm), construction set, planar geometric figures

Game progress. The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (35 * 45 cm) and says that this is the floor doll room, asks to build it with bricks (the walls of the room), leaving gaps for the window and door. After the children have done this, he takes out a sheet and puts it next to the built room. Then he takes out geometric shapes and offers to lay them out on paper, picking up pieces of furniture that are similar in shape to pieces of furniture (a square is a stool, a rectangle is a bed, etc.). The teacher examines the resulting scheme with preschoolers and asks to arrange "furniture" on it in a room lined with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.


Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.

Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

Game progress: The teacher plays with the children the situation when a person cuts his arm, leg, broke his knee, elbow, a temperature appeared, when his throat ached, a mote got into his eye, and his nose bled. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

"Press conference"

Tasks: develop effective communication skills; educate the desire to communicate, make contact with other children; to teach children to ask various questions on a given topic, to maintain a conversation.

Game progress: All children in the group participate. Any but well-known topic is chosen, for example: “My daily routine”, “My pet”, “My toys”, “My friends”, etc.

One of the participants of the press conference - "guest" - sits down in the center of the hall and answers any questions of the participants. Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Who do you prefer to be friends with, boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What do you need to be to make more friends? How not to treat friends? Etc.

"Let's set the table for the dolls."

Tasks: teach children to set the table, name the items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Cultivate humane feelings and friendly relations.

Game progress:

The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today the doll has a birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends. It is necessary to help the doll set the festive table (doll furniture and utensils are used).

The teacher plays the stages of activity with the children (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery - spoons, forks, knives nearby). Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the puppets are seated in their places.

In order to consolidate the skills of duty, children of older preschool age can be shown subject pictures depicting the items listed above and offered to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

"What does Masha want to do?"

Tasks: clarify children's ideas about some labor activities; about the materials, tools and equipment necessary for the work.

Game progress:

The teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha (bibabo doll):

Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Substitutes the doll named objects.

What do you think she will do? (Erase.) Right. And now Masha asks for a pot, milk, sugar, salt and millet. What is Masha going to do? (The doll wants to cook porridge.) What is the name of porridge? (Millet.)

In the form of a game, other labor activities that require appropriate items can be considered. The kids are shown these items (an iron and a pile of doll clothes - for ironing; a bucket and a watering can - for watering the beds, etc.).

When conducting this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of labor, or simply lists these objects (without showing illustrations), inviting the children to guess more complex labor processes. For example: scissors, colored paper, glue, ruler, pencil - gluing books, repairing boxes, attributes.

The game can be complicated: one child draws objects on the board, and the rest of the children guess the type of work, or all the children draw on paper at the same time, and then show the drawings to each other and guess.

"Who needs it?"


Game progress:

The teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc.

When playing a game with children of older preschool age, the teacher selects different pictures depicting objects. For example: tongs, hammer, vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, steering wheel, computer, microphone, drawing board, centimeter, microscope, telescope, jackhammer, etc. Children name the profession of a person who uses the depicted object in his work.

"Choosing a Job"

Tasks: give children elementary representations about the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of their observations. Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession.

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, gets up in a round dance and offers to walk in a circle, saying:

Let's grow together

And choose a job.

We will go to astronauts

And we will lead the rockets. (Children imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of the rocket.)

We will become captains

We will lead the ships. (Children show how the captain looks through binoculars.)

Let's go to helicopter pilots

we'll lead the helicopters. (Children run and make circular movements with their hands above their heads.)

The game can be continued with older children, they are already imitating the appropriate actions on their own.

And we will go to the pilots,

Let's take the planes.

The first two lines are repeated at the beginning of each verse, the children go in a circle to these words.

We will go to combiners

And we'll drive the combines.

We'll go to the fire department

And we'll start putting out the fire.

“Why (why, why) do you need to do this?”

Tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a picture depicting an object that characterizes a particular action. Children should name this action.

Why do you need a plant? (Watering can.)

Why is it necessary to feed? (Bird.)

What needs to be washed? (Plate.)

What needs to be cleaned? (Carpet.)

What needs to be washed? (Dress.)

What needs to be ironed? (Shirt.)

What needs to be baked? (Pies.)

What needs to be changed? (Bed sheets.)

Who needs to bathe? (Child.)

Children of older preschool age are asked more difficult questions.

Why sow the fields? (Corn.)

Why plant? (Potato.)

Why spray? (Apple tree.)

Why buy bread (milk, sausages, fruits) in the store?

Why fix a broken toy?

Why do weekly apartment cleaning?

Why take care of your body?

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Tasks: to expand children's ideas about labor activities. Develop attention.

Game progress:

The teacher and children hold hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle. Everyone walks in a circle and says:

What are you doing, we don't know

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates labor actions not only by movements, but also (if possible) by transmitting sounds. For example, he vacuums the floor, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, does laundry, carries a bucket of water, wipes a mirror, chop wood, rubs on a grater, cranks something in a meat grinder, etc.

Children guess actions.

"Name your profession."

Tasks: to teach children to correctly name the professions of people according to the types of machines controlled by them.

Game progress:

The teacher names cars, vehicles and other technical means, and the children name the professions of the people who manage them.

Tractor - tractor driver.

The car is the driver.

Excavator - excavator.

Combine - combine.

Crane - crane operator.

The train driver.

The ship is the captain.

Aircraft pilot (pilot).

Spaceship- astronaut.

Fire truck - fireman.

Bulldozer - bulldozer.

Racing car racer (pilot).

"Guess the profession."

Tasks: to expand children's ideas about professions.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children a subject picture. Children name the profession of a person in whose work this item is used or is the result of his work.

Rabbit is a rabbit breeder. The field is a field grower.

The calf is a calf. Wrench - locksmith.

Sheep is a sheep breeder. Bucket and mop cleaner.

Deer is a reindeer breeder. Ticket - conductor.

Grapes are a grower. Cashier - cashier.

Tea is a tea grower. Planer - carpenter.

Bread is a grower. Paint and brush - painter.

Garden - gardener. Trowel - plasterer.

Flowers - florist. Kuhlman is an engineer.

A bee is a beekeeper. Hammer and anvil - blacksmith.

Fire extinguisher - fireman. Fishing net - fisherman.

Dental chair - dentist. Syringe - nurse.

Electric saw - lumberjack. Milking machine - milkmaid.

"Who can't do without them?"

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Game progress:

The teacher calls the subject, and the children - the profession of the person who needs it. For example: syringe, control panel, scissors, flour, garden sprayer, telephone, milking machine, stretcher, planer, wheelbarrow, police baton, drill, electric cable, nail, coil of wire, cash register, postman's bag, wallpaper roll, cash register, pencil, brush, tray, bell.

"Guess who?"

Tasks: to form children's ideas about many professions, to learn to distinguish between them. How useful are they?

Game progress:

The thread said: “I can sew anything your heart desires!

I can - a vest, I can - a coat, I can - a fashionable suit!

The needle protested: “And you would wear a lot,

When would I not carry you?

You only follow Me!”

He listened to them with a smile ... (Tailor)

I'm used to waking up before sunrise.

He is the first to meet the sun in the courtyard:

To keep our streets clean!

Works in the morning ... (Janitor)

He has a magic wand in his hands,

In a moment, she will stop all the cars!

Here he quickly raised his wand

Immediately "Moskvich" became rooted to the spot! (Adjuster)

Where a hundred mowers walked, five heroes came out:

They mow, knit at the same time and thresh for grain. (Combineer)

"Guess the profession"

Tasks: expand children's understanding of the profession; find out what profession in question.

Game progress:

This man is the mistress of a wonderful palace of books. She is sincerely glad to everyone who comes to visit her. And most importantly, guests will never leave her empty-handed. She gives them interesting books to take home. After reading, they can be exchanged for others. She will always help young and adult readers to find the right book. (Librarian).

When you are hungry and come running to lunch in a group, it already smells delicious. Who is it that worked so hard? Who prepared this delicious and fragrant dish? This is her favorite pastime, she does it with great love, that's why everyone likes food so much. For what a person does with pleasure and love brings joy not only to herself, but to everyone else. Who is this? (Cook).

And this person greets his patient with a smile, quickly drives away unbearable pain, treats all kinds of diseases. Once in childhood, this man came to the aid of sick animals and loved ones, because he loved them very much and tried to reject the pain. And then I realized that I couldn’t live without it, so I studied for a long time and became (a doctor).

When you come to kindergarten, everything is clean, comfortable, Fresh air. Not a speck of dust anywhere. The floor is washed, the glass on the windows is so transparent that it is almost invisible. This person loves cleanliness and does his job with pleasure. She has a great talent for this. Whose handiwork is this? (Cleaning lady, teacher assistant).

"Profession names from A to Z"

Tasks: to improve the ability of children to select words (names of professions) for a given sound.

For example: A - agronomist; B - librarian; B - driver, educator; D - janitor; M - music director, massage therapist, nurse; C - watchman, stewardess, gardener, etc.

"What do they do with this item?"

Tasks: to teach children to choose words that indicate the action performed by the object and who uses this object.

For example:

With a brush - (what do they do?) - Draw, (who?) - Artists, children.

Scissors - (what do they do?) - Cut, (who?) - Cutters, hairdressers.

Needle - (what do they do?) - Sew, (who?) - Seamstresses, embroiderers.

Shovel - (what are they doing?) - Digging, (who?) - Gardeners.

With a pen - (what are they doing?) - They write, (who?) - Teachers, writers, accountants.

With an ax - (what do they do?) - Chop (who?) - Carpenters, foresters.

Thermometer - (what do they do?) - They measure the temperature, (who?) - Doctors, weather forecasters.

With a ruler - (what are they doing?) - Measure, (who?) - Engineers, designers, schoolchildren.

Broom - (what are they doing?) - They sweep, (who?) - Janitors, etc.

What does the subject say about itself?

Tasks: based on knowledge about the content and characteristics of the work of adults who produce things and everyday items, learn to evaluate its results; instill in children a sense of gratitude to those who created such necessary things.

Rules of the game. The child takes the appropriate object and, on behalf of the object, tries to tell in an interesting way what it is, what it is made of, who made it, what this object is intended for.

“What would happen if it didn’t work

(electrician, driver, doctor, etc.)?”

Tasks: to bring children to an understanding of the values ​​of any work of people.

Rules of the game. Invite the child to fantasize on the topic “What would happen if it didn’t work ( eg) salesman?".

"Yes or no?"

Tasks: develop attention, logical thinking.

Game progress: the teacher asks provocative questions on the topic, for example,

The cook gives injections, right?

The janitor needs a white coat, right?

A doctor should sweep the yard, right?

The driver uses a phonendoscope, right? etc.

"Who is this?"

Tasks: to develop the ability to identify a representative of a particular profession by distinctive features.

Game progress: the teacher describes a representative of a profession, the children guess who it is, for example,

Walks in a white coat

On the head is a white cap,

Without him, all the guys will remain hungry, etc.

"Who thinks more"

Tasks: develop speech, the ability to correctly compose sentences.

Game progress: children come up with sentences or phrases with words that the teacher calls, for example,

Thermometer (Misha should have a thermometer.)

Throat (Masha has a red throat, etc.)

"Two teams".

Tasks: to teach children to group objects according to their properties and accessories, to develop the ability to classify, to develop attention, logical thinking.

Game progress: the teacher chooses two children - representatives of a certain profession (for example, a doctor and a cook). Items related to a particular profession are laid out on the table: a ladle, a thermometer, a syringe, a grater, a fanendoscope, a saucepan, a cutting board, a spatula, etc. The children are given the task to choose the items necessary in their profession. (The game can use painted images of objects.)


Game progress: Children sit on chairs arranged in two rows, like seats on a bus. On one chair, in front, sits "The Chauffeur". He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

We got on the bus together

And looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal,

And the bus ran.

(Children sway rhythmically. The driver "turns the steering wheel")

Traffic light: (shows a large photo)

Take a look at the windows

And think a little:

What building is in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

(What is the street in front of you? What is the monument in front of you? etc.)

Children: This is the Winter Palace.

Traffic light: I turn on the green light

So the children "travel" around the city and return to the street.

"Say Word #2"

Game progress: We play in the profession

We choose them according to our liking

And we dream soon

Mom and dad get older

Not just to dream

And who to be decide and become.

Sasha proudly plane

Lucky on a string.

He's getting ready to fly

So it will grow .... (pilot)

Pilot Borya has a friend

Paint all around.

Rain on the window

So, it will grow ... (artist)

The artist has a sister

He can sing very loudly.

Birds sing along to Nastya,

So it will grow ... (singer)

The singer has neighbors -

Twins Denis and Fedya

Water is boiled in the evenings

So they will be ... (cooks)

Cooks with Valera in a quarrel,

He again argues about tastes.

He loves debate

So it will be ... (deputy)

The deputy is friends with Marina.

The one that dances forever,

After all, the beautiful Marina

Become a dream ... (ballerina)

The ballerina is friends with Dasha.

Dasha feeds porridge from a spoon

Doll - capricious Katya -

Growing up ... (educator)

The teacher goes to school

Together with a cheerful boy.

Jan juggles the ball

So it will be ... (circus performer)

Jan - a circus performer knows Ivan,

Distrustful and strange.

He follows Uncle Dron

And dreams of becoming ... (a spy)

The spy has a brother.

Kolya is too curious

He is passionate about science

So it will grow ... (scientists)

Our scientist with friend Vasya

Swimming at home on a mattress.

Deftly rounded the sofa

Vasya, brave ... (captain)

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna

Infected with manna porridge.

And then they treated with cabbage soup.

They want to become ... (doctors)

Doctors have three girlfriends -

Dress up in pillows.

Galya, Masha and Vera

By calling ... (fashion designers)

Fashion designers love Gosha,

Because he's good.

He wrote them a sonnet

So it will grow ... (poet)

The poet's brother is Stepashka,

He taught the insect all year

Jump from glass to bucket.

Styopa - young ... (trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima

The whole day they were looking for a mine.

Dima jar under the fence,

Buried to become ... (sapper)

The sapper has an older brother,

He is always happy to help everyone.

Cats from a tree remover,

Leva - the future ... (rescuer)

Our lifeguard walks in pairs

With a kind girl Tamara.

She treats animals with a decoction,

Wants to become ... (veterinarian)

At Tom's veterinarian

The mice have all left the house.

He will find them by questioning everyone,

Tima, local... (detective)

Our detective on the couch

Found Ani's hairpin.

Anya is learning the role of Alice,

To become big .... (actress)

For actresses - applause

And flowers, and compliments.

He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”

Glory - cinema-... (director)

Theater director abandoned

He vacuumed the floor with Danka.

Road world around

Danka. He will be ... (environmentalist)

Ecologist has a neighbor

I made a stool myself,

Also a home for the birds.

So, he will become .... (carpenter)

There was a carpenter at a birthday party

Volodya's on Sunday.

Papa Vovka automatic

Gave it to grow ... (soldier)

All soldiers walk in formation.

Orders handed out to the heroes

And sent back to battle

Roma - brave ... (general)

The general resigned

After all, he sold his shoulder straps

Tolya, little trickster -

Growing up.... (Seller)

Seller in winter Oleg

Sold three snowdrifts.

Serf Oleg sculptor -

He is hereditary ... (builder)

Everyone needs the work of a builder,

Everyone needs a delicious dinner

Doctor to treat everyone

And a teacher to teach.

You need a pilot to fly...

Well, who do you want to be?

"Who will tell you more about the profession."

Tasks: to correlate the actions of people with their profession.

Game progress: The teacher clarifies the children's understanding of the words "profession", "action".


Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put to bed ... And what do you think, what is the profession of Oksana Alexandrovna, who cooks dinner for us? That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Children's statements). Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What does the chef do? (The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables ...)

What does the doctor do? (The doctor examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, makes injections, operations).

What does a tailor do? (The tailor cuts, basting, smacking, ironing, trying on, sewing).

The teacher also names the professions of a builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name the actions of people in these professions.

"Determine the profession by subject"

Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Get to know professions.

Game progress: Children take turns taking out objects from the bag (ladle, cotton wool, coins, comb, whistle, pointer, paints, threads, hammer, etc.) that are necessary for a particular professional activity. According to the subject, children must name the profession in which the subject is used.

"The main"

Game progress: The teacher distributes subject pictures to the children and tells a fairy tale, how representatives of different professions argued about which of them was the most important. Children describe the object shown in the picture according to the scheme in the first person and end their story with the words: "I am the most important." At the end of the game, the teacher concludes that all participants in the dispute are necessary and useful.

"Who works where?"

Tasks: to clarify children's ideas about where people of different professions work, what is the name of their workplace.


school teacher;

doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;

chef - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe ... etc.

"Who knows and can do it?"

Tasks: to expand children's ideas about what knowledge and skills people of different professions should have.

He knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children ... a teacher.

Plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches to sing, dance, plays with children in music games… music director.

Knows the human body, can provide the first medical care, knows how to recognize and treat diseases ... a doctor, etc.

“Clap your hands if necessary for ... (profession name)”

Tasks: exercise in the ability to correlate words and phrases with a certain profession of a person.

Game progress: Children are invited to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase suitable for a profession, such as a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, ambulance, sewing machine, patient reception, fashionable hairstyle, washing powder, white coat, snow blower, etc. .

"Who will name more actions?" (with a ball)

Tasks: teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

Game progress: The teacher names any profession and in turn throws the ball to the children, who name what the person of this profession does.

"Continue the offer"

Tasks: exercise in the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases that are correlated with a particular profession of a person.

Game progress: The cook cleans ... (fish, vegetables, dishes ...),

The laundress washes ... (towels, bed linen, bathrobes ...).

The teacher in the morning with the children ... (does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes ...)

A janitor in the yard in winter ... (shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths ...), etc.

"Who is on the photo?"; "Find and tell" (from photo)

Tasks: reinforce children's ideas about the work of employees kindergarten.

Game progress: Children are invited to name the kindergarten employee (from a photo) or select the desired photo and tell about this person: what is the name, what room does he work in, what is he doing?

"Let's draw a portrait" (verbal)

Tasks: to teach children to make speech portraits of kindergarten employees.

Game progress: Children are invited to compose a descriptive story (Who is it? What does it look like? What does it do? Etc.) about a kindergarten employee according to a model, plan, algorithm, using photographs, mnemotables.