League of legends when the end of the season. Long time no see: preseason seven. What will happen to my preseason rank


Only a month left to get it more wins, so now is the time to remember the ranked queues and start earning rewards!



This year, you'll be able to get a new Victorious skin for Graves, a chance to show off your end-of-season rankings, and a Victorious ward skin for a purr-fect look. As promised earlier this year, we will also reward those who fought with honor.







The Victorious Graves skin, awarded to players who finish the season in Gold or higher, comes with additional chromas based on the queue.

Bilgewater's most dangerous criminal will show everyone that years of masterful robberies have not been in vain. He flaunts in the finest suit that gold can buy. His gleaming, gold-plated shotgun and formal wear will briefly distract enemies, making it easy to deal Collateral Damage to them.



new sign differences under the name of the summoner will allow you to show off your rating last season.

Now your insignia will not be displayed around the summoner icon (yes, we had borders there), but right in the center of the profile page.

This souvenir will be with you all next season - unlike the dream of finally getting the Victorious skin.



A new set of Summoner Icons - one for each Rank+Queue combo - is on the way to add to your collection. Icons come with traditional loading screen rank borders.

You can earn up to three icons - one for each ranked queue. Don't forget that a challenger's rank in the Cursed Forest is still a challenger's rank, no matter what anyone says!



Earn Silver in more than one ranked queue to earn the 2017 Victorious Totem.

We have revised the conditions for obtaining the Victorious Totem, and now it will only be given to those who play in several queues. While Victorious Graves still goes to Gold players, in the case of Totems we want to encourage your Silver V mid laner to start using these things (if only for a change).


We've come up with a great new way to reward teamwork, leadership, and resilience. All honorable players after the end of the season will know that they are great, because fighting with honor is a reward in itself.

Okay, that was a joke. Here's what you actually get:


If you reach Honor Level 3 or higher during the season, you will receive unique image totems, which depends on your level.




These images of totems have been carefully checked and tested. Studies have shown that when using them, the number of cases of unsportsmanlike behavior is reduced by 389%.

Frequently asked Questions

  • When will the season end?

    The 2017 season ends on November 7 at 11:59 pm BST. To be included in the final ranking, last game must start until 23:59. However, the position of the contender in the ranking is fixed at 23:45, so if you want to climb higher, your last game must be completed by this time.

  • When does the 2018 season start?
  • When will I receive my awards?

    All rewards will appear on your account within one month from the end of the season. Some rewards may appear before others, so don't worry if you don't get them all at once.

  • I don't have Graves, but I plan to finish the season in Gold! Help!

    If you don't have Graves and hit Gold or higher, the champion will come with the skin.

  • Are ranking frames awarded separately for each queue?
  • Can I use frames received in past seasons?

    Unfortunately no. We must keep up with the times!

  • Where can I read about the preseason?
  • What will happen to my rank in preseason?

    During the pre-season, your rank will not go anywhere - you will still be able to increase and decrease it. But during the pre-season, your rank will not decrease due to inactivity. When the new season starts, you will need to play 10 qualifying games, after which your new rank will be determined based on MMR and progress in qualifying.

  • Will I be able to receive these awards?

    As we said in August, some players will not receive seasonal rewards:

    – If at the end of the season their Account will be blocked, or they will be subject to a chat restriction.
    – If their account was suspended for a week or more after 8/22/2017.
    – If their account was banned for ranking up during the 2017 season.

    Players who have experienced fraud or whose account has been unfairly suspended will receive rewards this year.

  • What about the out-of-game challenger rewards?

    We listened to your feedback on last year's awards. Quality, check-in time, and shipping have been major sources of frustration, so we're revisiting the out-of-game challenger rewards program to create something better and easier to ship around the world. Details will appear later this year.

Each season of League of Legends - new story. And in the month that is reserved for the off-season this year, the players will try to adapt to the new world. A world where champions will die faster, the flora of the Summoner's Rift will be saturated with new plant species, and one of the camps is inhabited by nesting dolls. Here's an overview of the 2017 pre-season. Go!

A lot changes in League of Legends over the course of a year. Something changes during the season, but the pre-season sets the tone for the first half of the year. Of course, there are exceptions, such as updates before the World Cup or the introduction of Elemental Dragons, but in general, what is introduced next week will please the eyes of the players until the summer break.

Many are already shedding crocodile tears while scrolling through the beta tester server, and the rest are jubilant looking through the lists of changed, weakened and buffed champions. Everyone will find something for themselves, the only question is how much work will have to be done to make the find work.

Watch out, death is around the corner!

Fans of the third season rejoice and take out dusty fanfare from the mezzanine: the assassins are officially back. Two years of waiting behind the broad backs of champions like Azir, Victor and Cassiopeia is over. Before the seventh season, hardly the entire legendary gang was strengthened in one way or another, whether it be real strength or just the power of fear that the assassins, one way or another, have always inspired.

The quartet from this team has been radically changed. Katarina, the champion who ceased to be the face of League of Legends after Ahri appeared in Summoner's Rift, will become even more fun. gluttony passive ability, has not gone away, just as the same disastrous blade has not gone anywhere, with the help of which Katarina staged massacres where she wanted. Now the dagger will fly even more: the whole gameplay is built around it. Throw a dagger, jump to him on Shunpo to tear apart a wave of minions, a champion or an object? Easily. It's even easier to escape, because Shunpo's cooldown directly depends on whether Katarina finds a way to her dagger after the cold-blooded Death Flower.

Almost the main horror of every shooter on the ladder, the insatiable cat Rengar, will hunt for his trophies in a different style.

“Well, finally, my beloved Rengar was remade. 725 bush jump range plus passive damage for killing each of the enemies - I like it. Did you think it was hard to catch Rengar? The new W now heals without five stacks of Rage, and the fact that it grants an essentially free Purify makes Rengar almost unbalanced in teamfights. Especially given that Kitty will now rip up an entire team at once with Savagery, making him much more dependent on teamfights than just being able to catch a stray champion. Hunting Excitement, unfortunately, is a camouflage, not complete invisibility, so be careful with control totems! Cat will be very strong at 6.22, we'll see how it goes." - Reignover

Le Blanc - the champion who made Faker famous - was one of the few members of the Assassin caste to appear in competitive play. Notorious for her epic damage that can wipe out many, the Deceiver has a whole top hat of rabbits in store for those unprepared for her tricks.

“Le Blanc has remained overall champion with the same goals as before. Corruption and Ephemeral Chains have not changed, but Seal of Corruption has become a passive ability. That is, now you don’t have to wait for the Seal of Corruption to recharge in order to blow up your opponents from the inside in a matter of seconds. The old Seal of Corruption will be replaced by a Destructive Orb, which gives Le Blanc what she lacked so much *laughs*, namely the ability to clear waves of minions without using a double Warp. Ultimate, however, has not changed radically, but the fact that now there is an opportunity to use deceptive movements not every minute when you sag in health, but when you need it - I like it, ”- Maple

Talon, the champion with the image of the winner of the World Cup, despite his unpopularity in competitive games, will now please the eyes of fans of David Bell and Yamakashi. Jumping walls along the way, Talon covers the distance from the center line to the sideline in a few seconds, and given that you can jump over any wall, enemies often simply have no way out. Add to that the fact that with Noxian Diplomacy, Talon can jump at an opponent like an old Thug, stack Wounds with his new passive ability, causing him to bleed, and then flee the scene with Shadow Attack - the sideline will be terrified ban the champion a week after the defeat.

Six more received smaller gifts.

“The most interesting change, of course, will be Kha'Zix. Permanent invisibility after the evolution of the ultimate ability - the order of how to choose your evolutions will become a big question. Maybe even a Kha'Zix tank with the maximum research and evolution of the Abyssal Thorns, constantly slowing down the entire team, will be useful. For Shako and Akali, I don't think that anything will change, Ekko will finally be collected by the power of spells, and not all sorts of tank and split-pusher variations. Zed will still kill shooters on the ladder, but Fizz, I think, will be a very strong pick in the solo lane: the new Sea Trident, a big shark and Fizz's ability to run away from any attack on him - I'm already scared, ”- Reignover

Matryoshkas in the grass

The love of game designers to change how the forest looks will never reach the ceiling. And now the jungle of Summoner's Gorge will again change its appearance, and at the same time how the game itself will look like.

The main change, of course, will be the plants. Three types of plants - Cone Explosion, Seer Blossom and Honey Fruit - will provide what many have dreamed of, namely: even more unpredictable routes in the forest, gaining vision without totems and a free first-aid kit on the river. There will be many Cone explosions - four in each quadrant of the forest. The flower can be used to jump over walls, which is useful not only in attack, but also in defense if you need to blow your legs. There are also eight blooms of the Seer, on parallel points near large objects: the Dragon and Baron Nashor. By using the plant, you can gain vision over the area for 15 seconds, which is useful not only when you need to make a quick decision whether to jump into the lair in a desperate attempt to steal the object, but just in normal life. Honey Fruit appears on the river, and if the fruit is broken, it breaks up into four small ones, each of which restores a percentage of life and mana.

“In 6.22, the forest has undergone a dramatic change, even if we don’t talk about plants. Most junglers due to the new timers will now start with buffs, clear half of the jungle and continue to play according to the situation, because the disintegrating Krugs and more raptors will not change much. It's a pity there won't be any more effects after using Smite, but overall the jungle will be a lot safer, especially in the assassin meta where junglers like Lee Sin and Kha'Zix are boosted in priority. The fact that camps now respawn twenty seconds longer can be both a plus and a big minus. In general, aggressive picks that can win lanes for their teams will rule the world, and the jungle changes are in their favor. It's a shame for the tanks, but what can you do ... "- Reignover

Assortment in the store

The main change in the list of possible purchases in the store - pink totems are no longer available. Instead, they brought control totems that not only turn off enemy totems, but also find champions under camouflage effects like Kha'Zix, Rengar and Twitch.

Useful artifacts for assassins have also appeared - for example, the Blade of the Night will give an ability similar to Sivir's Magic Shield, the Twilight Blade of Draktarr will activate the old passive ability every time the champion is not visible, and in addition to this, the movements of the assassins will become even more dangerous: once every for a minute and a half, the item will make it possible to turn off the vision around the champion, which provides almost unlimited freedom in moving around the map. Youmuu's Ghostblade no longer grants a temporary increase in attack speed, instead granting passive movement speed, and Zev of Malmortius granting skill cooldown speed, which pleases champion fans like Riven.

"Finally nerfed"

“As of 6.22, items for support champions have been split into items for tank supports and mage supports. The first will be pleased with the Oath of the Knight, with the help of which it will be possible to bind oneself to anyone, granting them much stronger Stone Bonds, or the fact that the Face of the Mountain will be imposed both on the target and on oneself at the same time. The latter will appreciate Vengeance, with which they can either finish off enemies with a huge volley of pure damage, or heal their allies. Highly recommended on champions using Blessing of the Wind. What no one will like at all - they seriously weakened the Aegis of the Legion and, along with it, the Banner of Power and the Iron Solari Medallion, which no longer provide hit points and aura of magical resistance, which seriously increases the difficulty of the game against powerful mid players like Victor, Orianna or Cassiopeia. Mikael's Furnace will no longer heal, but will speed up, while the Blazing Censer will make the beneficiaries of the effect heal from their own attacks - let's see what can be done with these items, but it looks very promising ”- GorillA

Champions and Talents

The main change in the talent list is the replacement for Strength of Ages - Colossus Courage, which gives a huge shield every 30 seconds when you hit enemies with strong control. Champions like Poppy and Nautilus are crying with happiness, while gunslingers dream of quickly using Battle Trance, Double Edged Sword, and Gift of the Green Father to actively deal damage from the lane stage. However, the Assassins will not be left behind, for them the Combat Trance and Double-Edged Blade combo will become bread and butter, while for others there may not be any butter left.

As for the initial champion changes - Triumphant Roar is now Alistair's passive ability, while Stomp will deal a lot of damage when used properly. A nerf on Violent Tendency will make Kled a little weaker, but jumping onto Skaarl faster is a good start to a comeback. Vayne and Wukong will enjoy normal invisibility, while Twitch and Evelina are content with camouflage. The rat, in addition, also changed the Vial of poison, which will now lie on the ground for some time.

In early December, the seventh season will already begin, but while someone will celebrate the jacket with the Challenger badge, someone will rejoice at the Victorious Maokai, and someone, without taking a breath, will go into the wilds of the ladder, swearing and bathing one assassin after another. Soon 6.22 will also be on the tournament server, so there is a high probability that at the December Intel Extreme Masters Vega Squadron we will be shown something that others do not know about. Season 7 Hello!

This year, you will be able to succeed in two competitive ranked queues in Summoner's Rift: Singles/Doubles and Flex. Each of them has its own rating and requires different skills from the players. Prove yourself in both queues and get additional rewards at the end of the season!

Ranked Flexible Queue is now available in the Cursed Forest - queue up alone or as part of a group and leave your name on the altars of the Shadow Isles.

While this year's preseason was shorter than usual, you'll begin your 2017 Ranked Journey with a series of qualifying matches in both singles/doubles and flex queues. Your pre-season results will affect where you end up, however most of you will start with a lower ranking than at the end of last season.

With the start of the new season, there will be a new chance to get loot. Earn an S- or higher rating - or have your party mate earn it - to unlock the Hextech Chest of the champion you were playing as. Like last season, until the next reset, you can only get one chest per champion.

Would you like to show the whole world what a wonderful pentakill you have made? Do you want to conduct a laboratory analysis of your movements in the forest? Can't wait to find out how long the enemy team sat in ambush at the Baron's lair? In the updated client, you can download replays from the post-game screen or in the game history, so that you can analyze the match or record highlights.

For the first week of the season, all games in the Ranked Flexible Queue will be eligible for IP bonuses. You will earn 50% more IP by playing in the flexible queue between 03:00 December 8th and 02:59 December 15th Moscow time. It doesn't matter if you follow the path of a lone warrior or participate in a five-man clown fiesta, you will receive the same IP bonus anyway.

By the way, due to the limitations of the IP bonus system, the game will claim that singles are not participating in the promotion, but this is just a display error - you will still get 50% more IP at the end of the game!

At the end of the 2018 season, Victorious Orianna will take the stage! Strive to new heights and get ranked rewards based on your performance. All ranked players with Honor level 2 and above will be able to receive rewards. The season ends November 12th.

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Did you hit Gold or higher in any ranked queue? Your moment of glory has arrived! Your gilded weapons shine in the sun, and enemies are too mesmerized by their brilliance to dodge. Glide through the Rift as Victorious Orianna and use the stylish Return. And if you hit Gold in two or three queues at once, you'll also get up to two chromas for that skin.


Starting today and until the end of the season, new quests related to ranked play will appear every week. Once you complete all four quests, you'll receive the gorgeous, fluffy Victorious Porianna icon.


Let everyone see the 2018 season ranked icon on your profile! You'll earn exclusive icons for every ranked queue you've played this season.


Determined captains, unflappable gurus, and friendly allies will receive totem honor skins if they reach honor level 3 or higher at the end of the season. We've heard your complaints from last year, so this year you'll receive a totem for every honor you earn up to your current honor level.


Players who finish at the top of the leaderboard will receive the Challenger 2018 Backpack. Rewards will be sent to the Top 200 Solo/Duo Queue Players, the Top 40 Flex Queue Players, and the Top 10 Challenger Rank Cursed Forest Players in each region.


The 2019 ranked system design update will also include end-of-season rewards. Except new appearance There are other changes coming to Ranked Emblems as well, such as last season's rank being displayed where it wasn't before, including in the lobby. Details will be published before the end of the year.

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Ranked Games

As in previous years, your rank will be reset at the beginning of the season: the new rank will be calculated based on your current MMR, as well as the results of 10 qualifying games.

At Challenger rank in the Singles/Doubles queue, the ban on playing in pairs will be lifted. We've noticed that Challengers often run into groups of 2 Masters, which reduces the overall competitiveness of the queue (despite our goals) and penalizes Top Master groups for winning too often. We will be closely monitoring how this change impacts queue health in the coming weeks.

In addition, now, in order to receive rank rewards, you will not only need to take the desired rank, but also have an honor level of 2 or higher at the end of the season.


Like your position in the leaderboard, your honor level resets at the start of the season. Players who previously had Honor Levels 3, 4, and 5 will have to start their ascent from the beginning. More Details - Fight with honor and level up.

Honor Level 3 and above will receive rewards at the end of the 2018 season.

...And so on

After the start of the season, you will be able to start earning Hextech Chests for each champion again, earning S- and higher as you play.