Magic trainer creator 1.27 Russian version torrent. Steaming with MTC

In this world, a new program for hacking games has appeared - Detective Story. Sorry... I meant to say - a utility for fixing developers' mistakes like not having enough money in games. It was written by your obedient servant and the author of this article. Immodest? And no one promised that someone would be modest. But to support a domestic manufacturer is not only never too late, but also not always too early.
In addition to being Russian-speaking, the utility in question has many other advantages over other programs of a similar nature: a simple, intuitive interface, many additions to enhance user convenience, it seems to be specially designed for entering hexadecimal codes from headings "CODEX" (especially impatient look at the end of the article). Add to all the "hit of the season" - the ability to return to the previous search! What is not even in Magic Trainer Creator. Yes, and it is inconvenient to use the same Magic Trainer Creator when the only necessary thing is the introduction of a hex code: the program is too cumbersome. And in Detective Story, everything is extremely simple. Launched the exe-shnik, entered the address and enjoy the result.

So, let's run the utility and take a closer look at the main window. The toolbar immediately catches your eye (if not, make sure you have a monitor). It has the following buttons:
1 - create a new table of addresses;
2 - open the table of addresses from the disk;
3 - save the current table of addresses;
4 - select a process for hacking (bug fixes). In the window that appears, select one of the processes and click OK. After selecting a process, buttons 5 and 6 become available;
5 - save the memory of the selected process to disk (if necessary);
6 - manual blocking (if you have an auto-blocking checkbox in the options, then you do not need to use it);
7 - first search. In the search settings window that appears, you can select the type of search (exact value or range of values), the type of the number you are looking for (long (4 bytes) is the most common) and enter the actual numbers you are looking for. Pay attention to the buttons "-" and "+" near the fields for entering a number - for integers they mean the smallest and largest numbers, respectively. That is, if you need to find numbers less than or equal to 1, then do this: select the "range of values", in the first field click on "-", and in the second enter "1". Flag "Check not only the main module" responsible for the search area. It is recommended to keep it unchecked - this way the search is much faster, but if you cannot find the desired value, you can try starting a new search with the flag checked, usually helps;
8 - search further. This button filters out addresses based on the conditions entered. The window that appears is the same as the previous one;
9 , 10 - these buttons serve to prevent attempts to hit the monitor with the keyboard and throw the mouse out the window. Unclear? Imagine: you have been weeding out a recalcitrant address with money for 20 minutes already. The end of the torment is near, but here you enter the wrong number, and, of course, you get 0 addresses. All efforts are in vain, and "those same" desires arise. The eighth button will take you back one search, and the ninth - forward (if you accidentally pressed the eighth). Both can be used an unlimited number of times;
11 - settings. Here you can configure the number of displayed addresses, the maximum number of found, the frequency of updating and freezing values, as well as check / uncheck the above-mentioned auto-blocking checkbox (it increases the search speed) and remove the blocking of the selected process after the program crashes. Settings can be saved in the registry with the corresponding button;
12 - window About. Highly recommended to take a look; here you can also write a letter to the author of the program (me);
13 - list of found addresses;
14 - list of ready addresses.

...and bottom
The following buttons are located at the bottom of the main window:
15 - move the selected (you can also select using the Shift and Ctrl keys) addresses from the found ones (list 13) to the ready ones (list 14);
16 - edit addresses selected (you can also select using the Shift and Ctrl keys) in the list 14. In the window that appears, you can set the value, explanation, address and type of selected addresses, as well as freeze or unfreeze it. ATTENTION! When editing multiple addresses, the changes will affect all selected addresses, but the unmodified fields will remain unchanged. For example: if you select several addresses and press the edit button, then enter only the value, then the explanation, freezing, address within the process and type will remain as they were, and the value for all addresses will become what you entered;
17 - allows you to manually create a ready-made address according to the entered values;
18 - serves to delete 14 addresses selected in the list.

And yet it spins!
Now consider the introduction of hexadecimal codes, which can be found in abundance in the "CODE" section of our magazine, using the example of a game Anachronox.
Executable file: anox.exe. Money - 55D093C (90), 55D093D (90).
In order for everything to work, you need:
1. Run the program.
2. By using buttons 4 select the desired program (in our case, anox.exe).
3. Click button 17 and fill in the window that appears by placing in the field "Address within a process" the first number (in our case - 55D093C), in field "Meaning"- converted to decimal form (Windows calculator and any other "translation" tool will do) the number in brackets (in our case - 144 ). In field "Explanation"- comment (in our case, you can enter "Money"). You can check the box if needed. "To freeze". Select value type "char (1 byte)". Click OK.
4. Repeat the procedure for the following addresses.
5. Ready! You can save the finished table to disk using buttons 3, after which, for example, take it to friends. Download it like this: click button 4, select a program, then button 2 load the table from disk.
I bid you farewell. I hope that my program will greatly facilitate the process of "hacking" games for you. For bugs, wishes and recommendations, write to me at [email protected] (you can also do this from the About window of the program). From now on, the utility will take place next to MTC on the CD "Mania" .

No, we are not going to talk about hacking the Moscow Telephone Network here, we will talk about a more serious thing that all Cool Gamers dream about - that is, hacking games. MTC is a super multi cool program for hacking your favorite toys. What Gamer at heart has not dreamed of cracking money in Age Of Empires or stopping time in Karmageddon. After all, admit that scouring magazines in search of cheats is not very fun activity. I'm not talking about the fact that it's vile and dishonest (don't lie, don't lie, you have sinned with this business more than once), it's another matter to crack the toy yourself and feel like a real Cool Hatsker. Personally, I liked this program with a large number of various tools for tracking addresses in games, besides, if you find an address with money in a toy, you can save it and download it next time. I also really liked the opportunity to create your own trainers, by creating them you can sell them to your friends for money and buy the latest issues of our Cool magazine (or maybe on new disk enough!)! In addition to all this, this program is Freeware and does not require registration (not like GameHack sucks with a naked interface)!

Okay, enough talk, let's get down to business. After you launch the Magic Trainer Creator, a window will appear in front of you with a bunch of all sorts of buttons. At the sight of all this for the first time, my eyes fled (after that I tried for a long time to put them in their place). Well, do not be shy, I will explain a lot to you (two magazines are not enough for everything). Well, we looked around a little, but how to use all this to hack the game? If you have dealt with programs of this type, it will be easier for you to figure it out (I personally figured it out myself), but if you are a lamer in this matter, I will help you (after all, this is my calling) And so, first install hotkey at the bottom (next to the image of the keys), the choice is small: Pause, F10, P and End, but that's okay. After that, launch the toy, start the game, and after the desired number appears on the screen, remember it (better write it down on a piece of paper) and press pause, then press the selected hot key, if MTC does not open, press the mouse button (dos games sometimes freeze). When MTC opens, click on the button in the upper left corner next to Process ID and select your game there (they write the names of EXE files). Then select the Search Mode Normal - normal, Advance - search by number and by any change, and Progressive - search by any change (“+”,”-“,”=”). Then enter the amount of money (wood, food, etc.) and press the coveted Start button. After the search is completed, if the window displays too many addresses and the inscription “Too Many Addresses Found, Continue the Search”, go back to the game and spend some money (wood, food, etc.), then go to MTC and write a new value and if necessary, repeat this several times until the number of addresses is reduced to a minimum. After all this, press the button with stripes in the upper right corner of the “Addresses Found” window and the found addresses will appear in the window below. That's it in it you can pervert in every possible way over money (wood, food, etc.). You can even freeze them. By clicking in the box on the number twice, a small window will appear and in it you can change the number by clicking on the poke button below, but unfortunately they are written there only in Hex and a maximum of two digits. But don't worry, for this case there is a special tool, the window of which is located under the “Process ID”. By clicking on the small button at the top, the “Poke” window will appear in front of you and in it you can enter the desired address from the “Values ​​to Write in Memory” window and change it to any number in Hex (hexadecimal) and in AscII (normal) , if you are a Cool Lamer and don't know what Hex is, then don't hesitate to write in AscII.

Well, what if I don’t know how many lives I have, since they are displayed in a column, you ask? That's what "Advanced" and "Progressive Search" are for. I usually use progressive in such cases (it's kind of cooler). There, instead of numbers, you need to click on a small button and indicate whether your number has decreased, increased or remained the same.

And so knowing how to use the search for addresses in MTC, we can move on to creating trainers. Trainers are easy to create. The button for creating a trainer is located in the lower right corner, to the left of the help button. By clicking on this button, a medium-sized window will appear in front of you. In the line ”TITLE” you must write the name of your brainchild, in the line ”Made By” you must write your name, in the line ”Date” you can write the release date and expiration date, in the line ”For” you must write the name of the game, in the lines ”INFO” you can write any nonsense, and finally in the line ”EXE NAME” you must specify the name of the EXE file. After issuing the identity card of the trainer, you will have to press the “EMPTY” buttons to insert the addresses you saved there and write in the line next to what your creation will freeze (do not forget to check the boxes next to and fill in all the information, otherwise nothing will come of it). After you have inserted everything you need, you must click on the faceless button in the middle right (look, do not click on the button below - exit or ENTER - the same thing, only without a prompt. After completing all these operations, you can copy your trainer to floppy disks and go to trade them in the subway (just don't forget to get a license, otherwise they will fine you).

Well, now, after reading my article, you can consider yourself a Cool Hacker and brag to your friends that you can easily hack any game and make money selling trainers on the market!

Imagine the situation: you can’t complete the level in your favorite toy, and at the same time there are no cheats for it. What to do? That's right, you need to use the trainer.

Trainer is a small program with which you can change some game parameters.

Let's say you start a game where you have 10 lives. With the help of the trainer, you can change the number of lives, for example, from 10 to 100, or even become immortal. Trainers provide incomparably more opportunities than ordinary codes. In general, most gamers try to use trainers rather than regular codes.

The principle of this program is as follows. The game is loading some data into RAM. These include the number of lives, money and many other game parameters. The trainer, which is activated after the game is launched, changes or "freezes" these parameters directly in the RAM.

To create a trainer, there are many different programs. One of the most common is the Magic Trainer Creator (hereinafter referred to as MTC), which can be downloaded, for example, from the site or site. Therefore, we will create a trainer with its help.

How to search for unknown values
For example, you want infinite lives in GTA vice city. First we launch MTC, then the game. We remember the number of lives and switch to MTC by pressing ALT + TAB. Then follow the instructions:
1. Switch to PID LOCK mode (Fig. 1) and select a running game from the list.
2. Select the Normal search algorithm.
3. In the Value to search window, enter the number of lives in the game.
4. Click the Start button.
5. After the search is completed, switch back to the game.
6. Spend some lives. For example, you have 90 left.
7. Switch to MTC.
8. In the search box, enter 90.
9. Click the Continue button.
10. At the end of the search, switch to the game.
11. Repeat these steps until only one value remains.
You can find and "freeze" in this way not only numerical values, but also bars (stripes of strength, endurance, etc.)

When you have found the desired value, you can change it or "freeze" - not let it change:
1. Select the frequency to update the value. The further to the right the pointer, the faster the address will be updated. If you don't know what to choose, move the pointer to the right border.
2. Double click on the Freeze button.
Now the value should not change.

Change the value to what you need:
1. Select an address.
2. Enter the desired value.
3. Click Poke.
4. If you have changed the values ​​for several addresses, you can click the Poke All button to make all the changes at once.

Remember that values ​​must also be entered in HEX format. That is, the number 75 that you see in the picture will not be 75 lives in the game at all (Fig. 2). In fact, there will be 117 of them, because. 75 in hexadecimal (which is called HEX) is equal to 117 in decimal. So that you do not get confused, a calculator is built into the program. As a rule, similar programs allow you to enter values ​​​​in the decimal system.

Creation of a trainer
Now that we have learned how to find values ​​and work with them, it's time to start creating a trainer. Before that, you need to save the "frozen" or changed value by you. Click the save button and save the parameter value to a file, the location of which must be specified on the disk. It can be saved to any folder.

The file will have *.gtc extension. Now let's proceed directly to the creation of the trainer.
Press the button shown in fig. 3. A window for creating a trainer will open.

Now you need to enter the following information:
TITLE: title of the trainer.
MADE BY: by whom.
DATE: when it was created.
FOR: for which game.
INFO: write what you want.
EXE NAME: The name of the file that will generate the MTC.
EMPTY: here we open the saved values ​​and give them the name we want to see on the trainer button (you also need to specify it). It is important that these keys do not coincide with the control keys in the game itself. Very often, moderated parameters are set to F1-F12, which can be used by the game.

Next to this inscription is a place for a tick. If the checkbox is checked, the value given address will be frozen. If there is no check mark, the value will be written only once and may change later.

In the lower left corner is the Auto PID option: if it is not checked, then only hot keys can be used in the resulting trainer, if checked, you can control the actions of the trainer from itself by pressing the buttons.

When everything is filled, click on the generate trainer button, and it will be written to the MTC directory. You will recognize it by its name and an icon depicting lightning bolts on a green background.

Of course, Magic Trainer Creator is far from the only program of its kind. There are similar ones, for example, ArtMoney or DetectiveStory. The principle of their work is the same. If you want to use other programs to create a trainer, then here are the links to them.

Imagine the situation: you can’t complete the level in your favorite toy, and at the same time there are no cheats for it. What to do? That's right, you need to use the trainer.

Trainer is a small program with which you can change some game parameters.

Let's say you start a game where you have 10 lives. With the help of the trainer, you can change the number of lives, for example, from 10 to 100, or even become immortal. Trainers provide incomparably more opportunities than ordinary codes. In general, most gamers try to use trainers rather than regular codes.

The principle of this program is as follows. The game loads some data into RAM. These include the number of lives, money and many other game parameters. The trainer, which is activated after the game is launched, changes or "freezes" these parameters directly in the RAM.

To create a trainer, there are many different programs. One of the most common is the Magic Trainer Creator (hereinafter referred to as MTC), which can be downloaded, for example, from the site or site. Therefore, we will create a trainer with its help.

How to search for unknown values
For example, you want infinite lives in GTA Vice city. First we launch MTC, then the game. We remember the number of lives and switch to MTC by pressing ALT + TAB. Then follow the instructions:
1. Switch to PID LOCK mode (Fig. 1) and select a running game from the list.
2. Select the Normal search algorithm.
3. In the Value to search window, enter the number of lives in the game.
4. Click the Start button.
5. After the search is completed, switch back to the game.
6. Spend some lives. For example, you have 90 left.
7. Switch to MTC.
8. In the search box, enter 90.
9. Click the Continue button.
10. At the end of the search, switch to the game.
11. Repeat these steps until only one value remains.
You can find and "freeze" in this way not only numerical values, but also bars (stripes of strength, endurance, etc.)

When you have found the desired value, you can change it or "freeze" - not let it change:
1. Select the frequency to update the value. The further to the right the pointer, the faster the address will be updated. If you don't know what to choose, move the pointer to the right border.
2. Double click on the Freeze button.
Now the value should not change.

Change the value to what you need:
1. Select an address.
2. Enter the desired value.
3. Click Poke.
4. If you have changed the values ​​for several addresses, you can click the Poke All button to make all the changes at once.

Remember that values ​​must also be entered in HEX format. That is, the number 75 that you see in the picture will not be 75 lives in the game at all (Fig. 2). In fact, there will be 117 of them, because. 75 in hexadecimal (which is called HEX) is equal to 117 in decimal. So that you do not get confused, a calculator is built into the program. As a rule, similar programs allow you to enter values ​​​​in the decimal system.

Creation of a trainer
Now that we have learned how to find values ​​and work with them, it's time to start creating a trainer. Before that, you need to save the "frozen" or changed value by you. Click the save button and save the parameter value to a file, the location of which must be specified on the disk. It can be saved to any folder.

The file will have *.gtc extension. Now let's proceed directly to the creation of the trainer.
Press the button shown in fig. 3. A window for creating a trainer will open.

Now you need to enter the following information:
TITLE: title of the trainer.
MADE BY: by whom.
DATE: when it was created.
FOR: for which game.
INFO: write what you want.
EXE NAME: The name of the file that will generate the MTC.
EMPTY: here we open the saved values ​​and give them the name we want to see on the trainer button (you also need to specify it). It is important that these keys do not coincide with the control keys in the game itself. Very often, moderated parameters are set to F1-F12, which can be used by the game.

Next to this inscription is a place for a tick. If the checkbox is checked, the value at this address will be frozen. If there is no check mark, the value will be written only once and may change later.

In the lower left corner is the Auto PID option: if it is not checked, then only hot keys can be used in the resulting trainer, if checked, you can control the actions of the trainer from itself by pressing the buttons.

When everything is filled, click on the generate trainer button, and it will be written to the MTC directory. You will recognize it by its name and an icon depicting lightning bolts on a green background.

Of course, Magic Trainer Creator is far from the only program of its kind. There are similar ones, for example, ArtMoney or DetectiveStory. The principle of their work is the same. If you want to use other programs to create a trainer, then here are the links to them.

Remember in the game the value you want to change, and in MTC enter it in the field Value to search(6). If this value is a numeric value, then select the search mode Normal(3.1). If it is a strip (life bar), then select the search mode Progressive(3.3).

For a numeric value, just press start, wait for the search to end, then change the value in the game, enter the new value in Value to search(6) and press Continue. Follow these steps until you find one desired address.

For the value expressed by the bar: first change the value in the game, then in the MTC in the field Value to search(6) button to set “ + ” if the value has increased, or “ - ” if it has decreased. Click start. When the search ends, change the value in the game. Return to MTC; if the value has decreased, again put “ - ”, if increased - “ + ”, and if not changed - “=”. Click Continue. Repeat all the steps until you find one address. If several addresses were found and it is no longer possible to find less, then you will have to determine by enumeration which one is correct.

If all these methods failed to find the desired address, then there is one more tool: search mode hunter. It is called button (8.1). A window will appear The Hunter(ten). First press the button start. Then we change the value in the game and press change. Then do not change the value and press no change. After several such manipulations, one or more addresses will be found. Next, click on the found address and continue to deal with it, as in previous cases.

In brackets after the address, I will indicate the maximum allowable value in hex code for this value, which can be set.

Actions in the hexadecimal number system (for example, transferring from one system to another) must be performed either on a calculator with this capability, or on a standard Windows calculator by switching it to engineering mode. If this does not help, look for the address as described above.

Using Hex Codes with Magic Trainer Creator

Start the game first, then MTC (Fig. 1). In field Process ID(1) select the executable game file.

If you need to enter a two-digit hexadecimal value, for example FF, then enter the address I specified in the field Values ​​to write in memory(5.1), enter the desired two-digit hexadecimal value into the adjacent small field (5.2). Then press ADD- the value will be added to the large field Values ​​to write in memory(5). If you need freezing, then select in the field Freeze setting(7) the update rate of the value (it is better to set it to the maximum) and press FREEZE. If the value needs to be changed, then click on it - a small window appears, in which we enter a two-digit hexadecimal value and click on the button of this small window. We press the button Poke or, if there are several addresses/values, then Poke All.

If you need to enter a value longer than two characters, for example FF FF FF, then enter the address in the field Address(2) and press WRITE. In field Monitor(8) press the lower middle button - you will see that a hexadecimal code has appeared in the field. In the very top line - usually at the very beginning of it right after the address I specified - the first few bits are the value that needs to be changed. Press the top left field button Monitor(eight). A window will appear where you can edit the hex code (11). Change the first few bits of the desired address, following my instructions. Click the button in the lower right corner of this window. Then again press the middle bottom button of the field Monitor(8), thereby updating this field. You should now see the line you edited. We return to the game and look at the result. Such values ​​can also be frozen, but for this you will have to break it into several two-digit ones, and each of them will have its own address. For example, we have the value FF FF FF, and all of this is located at AA7B01. We break it into two-digit, it turns out only three values. The first of these is located at AA7B01, the second at AA7B02, and the third, respectively, at AA7B03. We enter all these addresses in the field Values ​​to write in memory(5), as described above, set the value of FF for each and freeze it all.

If the address does not work. First of all, make sure you are doing everything right. If correct, but still not working for some reason, then most likely the game uses dynamically updated memory or the configuration of your machine is significantly different from mine. Then you have to look for the address yourself, as described above.