Max payne heads. Full walkthrough Max Payne. Chapter II: From the scene of the crime

The bullet, scattering air molecules, flies to the human body in order to form a wound in it with the head part. It's a damn spectacular sight. For one who stands on the blind side of the trunk, it is pleasant. For someone who is open, usually a little less. But their thoughts no longer interest anyone. In the title role - a piece of lead weighing several grams; all the rest are just greedy observers, knowing that now there will be one less of them.

Fractions of a second have their shares, and those have theirs. For a bullet, these are huge periods of time: they make up its life. For a person, this is a matter of moments, and he will not be in time. The head part will inevitably form a wound, and a cloud of bloody fog will thicken around the small entrance hole. Swaying, the body will collapse to the floor. Balance for him is an unaffordable luxury.

The frantic crash of a pair of Ingrams, fell, rolled, a shotgun volley throws a man to the floor, and a blinding flame no longer bursts from the machine guns, reloading, turning, doublet in the face - no longer a face, but a bloody mess, the third tears the air with shots somewhere at the edge of the field of view, turn, jump - ...

Knock-knock...knock-knock...knock-knock... The blood hits the walls of the ventricles and the aorta heavily. A leaden swarm flies past, so slowly that you can knock all the bees down with clicks. The roar of the shotgun stretched to infrasound and its astonished face... and the falling body, around which the camera is slowly circling.

This - Max Payne . He is like that, through and through. The game, which was filmed by the director and cameramen; programmers only distilled film frames into binary code. It turned out awesome spectacle in style John Woo and "Matrices".

The long-term construction was not in vain.

Tactical tricks

Character control guide and handling instructions firearms I guess you don't need. AT Max Payne everything is more than obvious. I will limit myself to a few tactical tips on the conduct of hostilities, after which we will immediately turn to the passage. It is divided into chapters, so I hope it will be quite convenient to navigate.

Let's start with Bullet Time Aid (BTA). The developers introduced this feature not only to decorate their creation, but also to make it easier for the gamer to shoot criminals completely insolent from a quiet life. So if you see a crowd of brutal gangsters who sat down behind the barricades, then turn on this mode (by default - Shift and Mouse2) and give them a headache. For killing an enemy, a certain amount of BTA is added to you.

When storming an enemy fortification, the first thing you need to do is to shoot all the enemies that have long-range weapons: snipers and Colt Commando. Moreover, if the guards meet with snipers only once, then the bandits and security guards in the third part mainly use machine guns. No less dangerous are the "brothers" who have explosive objects, but they, as a rule, do not have time to use them and / or die themselves from careless handling of them. Well, okay, we have less headaches. You can not be afraid of other reptiles - they always smear with their pistols and shotguns, which upsets and pleases at the same time.

To smoke out enemies around the corner, use shotguns (but do not forget to turn on the BTA). Pyrotechnics work perfectly against barricaded scumbags.

Often, anti-social elements use mines with laser sensors (in a secret laboratory, they dazzle in the eyes). To neutralize such a present, it is enough to move away and shoot at it. If you can't shoot, then throw a grenade next to it.

Sometimes the bandits begin to fire right through their ranks, which cannot but please any crime fighter.

Bosses need to be fought in a slightly different way. To begin with, shoot all the standard enemies so that they don’t get under your feet, and then proceed to destroy the leader, who is much “fatter” than his subordinates, but did not go far from them in accuracy and dexterity. However, it will not be difficult for you to drive it into the box. And how you do it depends on the circumstances. The circumstances will be described in the walkthrough.


Part I


The prologue of the first part is the easiest place in the game. There is no point in writing anything.

Chapter 1

To get to the second chapter, you need to turn on the electricity at the station, which was captured by the bandits. The required switch is located in the control room located on the first (upper) level. But the door has code lock, which can only be opened by a transit service employee. To do this, go down the stairs - behind the door, on the left side, the friend you are looking for will be waiting for you. Lead him to the door. As soon as he opens it, they will shoot him, you also shoot everyone who is in the wheelhouse. Press the button, take Painkillers (4 pieces), go down and get on the train.

Chapter 2

After the sewers, you will come across a door that just does not open. It can only be blown up; the detonator is at the bottom of the bank. Raiders settled in the bank in the amount of 8 pieces. Perebeyte them, go to the terminal and first open door C, then A. There is a detonator on the table. Come back and blow the door to hell. Then you will have a meeting with a colleague Alex, who will also be killed, and a shootout. Exit the subway.

Chapter 3

After finishing the destruction of the local mafia, go downstairs and exit the room to the balcony. Go to the door on the left - the bandits are talking about something there. Shoot at the door and they'll hide... behind the gas tanks. Now throw a grenade into the hole in the door (you search the corpses, after all). No problem, let's move on. Go down to the third floor, and shoot everyone there too. Go to the door with a regular lock hanging on it, shoot it, the door will open (hehe). It will not be difficult for you to deal with four bandits. Then go to the fire exit: it will be closed, turn left (again!). Pass by the drug addict, by the way, each of them has a Beretta, leave the room into the corridor, shoot three enemies and go to room 313. But in no case do not open the door immediately, otherwise you will get a shot in the chest. In order for everything to work out successfully, you need to do this: go to the door, open it and jump to the side. The room will contain ammunition and a letter that lies on the table.

If you want to get three Molotov Cocktails, then follow the corridor to the door with a crack. Shoot it and you will find yourself in a room with a collapsed ceiling. Go along the ledge outside the window to the next room (the passage is boarded up with plywood that needs to be broken). Search everything there and return to the fork. Enemies will come out to meet you from the corridor on the left. Go into it and shoot at the boiler, jump into the resulting hole. Then there will be a short shootout with three bandits. We follow straight along the corridor to room 216. In it, to the right of the door, there is a closet; open it and find yourself in a secret room. Again you leave into the corridor and blow to the elevator. It is guarded by three opponents, it will be more difficult to deal with them than with the rest. Enter the elevator.

Chapter 4

You will end up in the laundry room, where bandits sit at the table. The easiest way is to shoot them right away, without waiting for them to approach. Go to the adjacent room and immediately shoot at the cylinders that are in the corner. It will not work to go through the door from which the enemies came out, but in the same room there is another one filled with boxes. Break them and go into the boiler room (you'll be here again). Then go up the metal stairs to the kitchen. We wet three reptiles and climb higher. Once in the lobby of the hotel, the first thing you should do is visit the killers in the room on the left. Be sure to take the key from the table. Then go to the other end of the hall, go through the door with the "Bar" sign. After a curious scene, step aside, the "godfather" will hide in the corridor, from which three will run out. Either shoot these three or give them a Molotov cocktail. After clearing the bar, go to where the "godfather" fled. He has more lives than those who have just been shot. It’s easy to kill him from Berett or Desert Eagle. Pick up Ingram. Follow on and, after shooting two adversaries, go into the radio room and make a call. In the room next to it, press the “Exit” button and go up the stairs to the club, exit the club on the roof, stand on the glass and break it, there will be a shootout, after finishing, leave the hotel.

Chapter 5

After the cutscene, walk along the street and check out the PAWN SHOP. Shoot two bad guys, confiscate Ingram. Further down the street, take the newspaper from the drawer. If you need shotgun ammo, you can get it from the van. Find the stairs to the basement in one of the houses. Get down. And there, three enemies are waiting for you. Do not go into any rooms, go straight to the gas cylinders. The passage behind you will be blocked, and the door along the corridor on the right is locked; shoot the cans and take cover around the corner. The door will kick down with the bandit. Another one comes running to help him. After shooting a bunch of people, move on to the phone, pick up the phone. Shoot again until you kill everyone. Go to the room with the barred window. Take the key and read the note, then hide so that the special forces do not notice you. Climb the stairs, but be careful: one of the bandits has grenades. Get to the platform, jump over the breach and step into the corridor. Come into the apartment where the brothers are watching TV. Extinguish them! Next - collect all the usefulness and climb through the window to the fire escape.

Chapter 6

Get down and go to the house; find a door with a window. They will tell you that they do not know you and will not open you. They will open the door to only one drug addict, who is in the next house on the top floor. There is also another gang of bandits. The drug addict must be led to the door... as soon as it opens (but not before!), shoot the traitor. Behind the door is a laundry room, be sure to shoot everyone so as not to interfere with the investigation. Go to the elevator. As you rise, turn right and head into the room. A gangster sat in the toilet. Watch the news. Exit through the glass to the street and go through the pipes to another house with bandits. Then go again through the pipes to another house. There, two bombers are arguing about which wire should be removed. Stand aside and wait until they test by experience. The next thing to do is make your way through the enemies to the room from which the screams are heard. Come in. At the end of the scene, there will be a shootout with several hooligans. One of them (in an intelligent suit) will run away wounded, follow him until he jumps onto the train. You wait for the next one and jump.

Chapter 7

Run after the bastard on the roof, shooting back from annoying enemies. On the way you will meet a police helicopter, you cannot shoot it down. Enter the house, deal with the villains on the stairs and continue the pursuit. Go outside and go to the construction site, shooting the bandits along the way. Then there will be a scene with a familiar intellectual. Rise on the same elevator. Walk along the roof to the glass window in it. Before you jump down, shoot at the cylinders - suddenly you will hit someone. Search the boxes, because they, as always, have a lot of useful things. Climb the stairs to the next floor. There you have organized a meeting of two gangsters. Again you leave to the roof and approach the fire escape. The door in front of you is closed, go downstairs. Come into the apartment, there is no one in it. We watch TV and move on. Four villains are talking in the corridor, one is opposite the door. Naturally, again disassembly. Next, go to the neighboring house, where an unpleasant surprise awaits you - a grenade... without a check. Jump back and hide, then shoot the Grenadier. When leaving, you will see a familiar intellectual who is breaking in the door. He will also notice you and call his friends to help. Some of them will climb towards you, while the other will remain below. Dealing with them is easy. After that, an intellectual will run out of the shelter. He's not particularly sharp. Use Ingram or double Berettas.

Chapter 8

To your right is the ticket office. Enter it and press the switch. A secret door will open, behind which two criminals are hiding. Collect a variety of ammo from the shelves in this room. Behind the next door, on the dance floor, four people are having fun: one in the bar, the other on the opposite side, upstairs, the third in the middle of the hall. The fourth one is taller than you - he is the most dangerous, throwing Molotov cocktails; tease him by running out of cover until he spends them, and then quickly calm him down. The next room is also full of bandits waiting for you, but there will be no problems with them. Follow the sign "Bar". It is better to lure the bandits out of the bar one at a time. In the bar, pay attention to the books lying on the table. Exit through the barred door. The stairs will lead you to the area above the disco. Go to the opposite side along the metal frame, there is a lot of Molotov Cocktail. Go back. Come into the hall with the sound control panel, it is guarded by two bandits, kill them. Save (by the way, the game puts its savegames in the My Documents folder) and go through another door. There is a drug deal in this office, but we will break it. After the shootout, reinforcements in the form of three mafia fighters will arrive here. There are boxes in the corner of the table, and Painkillers are in them.After all the events, go up the stairs to the very top.You will be shot at from above.Go out onto the roof, where you will find long walks along the beams - the main thing here is not to fall off.After you enter the building , go down the stairs. You will get to the stage. First of all, shoot everyone there, and then go to the monitors. One of them says "Stage control" - click on it, the door will open; wait a couple of seconds and click on the other one. the scoundrel will fry on fireworks.Climb up the ledges backstage.There will be four levers on the right, reverse their location.Go through the plates to the stairs and go to the door at the top (just don't fall).

Chapter 9

In this chapter, you will have to fight Lopino, the boss of the local mafia and part-time cretin, who imagines himself to be a Tambov (hehe, New York) wolf. Enter the hall with a large bowl in the middle and collect everything you can from the tables. After the bell is struck, a top of thugs will climb on you, and then Lopino himself. Don't spare any ammo or first aid kits - you won't need them later. Shoot the leader from double "Berettas", then he will not be able to reload his shotgun. See the scene.

Part II


In a dream, you will find yourself in a labyrinth, which is not difficult to pass. After the first fork, turn left all the time or go straight if you can't turn. You will come to the living room. Rise to the second floor, where there will be a labyrinth again. Walk to the end of the black and red line and jump over to another one, then turn left. You get into the nursery.

Chapter 1

Go to the locker and take the Painkillers. Go through the door opposite; further in the corridor there are a lot of bandits. Run out and show yourself to them, they will chase you. Hide behind the door and swing the bat - everyone who enters the boiler room will receive a turnip. Collect weapons and go to the warehouse - there are ammunition and painkillers in the boxes. In the room next to it, too, a lot of useful things. There is a lot of cannon fodder in the other room. Find a newspaper in it and go to the elevator in the corridor. The elevator doors will open and the bandits will attack you. Clear the meat warehouse and go outside to the hotel. Enter the hotel through the door on the left. We kill everyone in the hall and head to the bar, but first go to the toilet - one bandit relieves there. The bar, as always, gathered a warm company. Destroy the retinue, and then the leader.

Chapter 2

Kill the guard in the booth and open the gate. Around the corner you are waiting for those wishing to go to the other world in the amount of two pieces. Then go to the far left door. There are three guards in the warehouse, the most dangerous of them is the one upstairs. Kill them. Climb up there and pick up various ammo and Painkillers. You leave in a court yard in which two guards are carelessly strolling. Deal with them and again go to the left door (in the game you only go to the left!). This warehouse space guarded by only one criminal, which is easy to deal with. Climb up the lift and find the switch. When the cargo is moving, two guards will come running; shoot them and go through the door. You will be at the port. On the right, a bandit will be whistling. Kill him and go right. When you meet the next bandits, let them suffer the fate of the rest. Climb onto the crane and press the button; one of the containers will rise. Go to the formed passage. Follow the narrow corridors and shoot the villains. Next you should see a cargo lift. Approach it - it will start abruptly and drive in your direction, but you hide in the aisle and wait. Again there will be shooting and running between the containers. In the end, you will reach a raised bridge, and a little further in one of the containers is a sniper and a letter. Follow on, cross the barge to the other side. Look through the grate - there is a support under the trailer wheel. Shoot at it, the result - the bridge will be reduced back. Go through it. A guard with a shotgun will run out of the door on the right. Quickly show him and a few of his comrades where the crayfish hibernate. Search the room from which he left, and go further.

Chapter 3

Again a warehouse, and a sea of ​​guards to boot. Shoot them all! Exit the warehouse through the top door. You will see a port crane moving in your direction and a bandit bustling about on it. Shoot him with a sniper and sit on the crane. You need to go around the container lying on the tracks. The coast is guarded by enemy fighters on towers, each of them has a sniper rifle. Their vision is much less than zero, so they will not notice you. You will not have time to reach the entrance to the warehouse, as the bandits run in below. You can shoot them with a sniper rifle, or you can drive past. Come into the warehouse. Do you know how this one differs from the previous one? Nothing! As always, routinely clear the room, and then examine it. Go to the room upstairs. Before you get to the door, when... some oaf jumps out at you with a shotgun. Bullet in the forehead, so as not to stick out. Look at your feet in the room. Those cylinders that are below must be destroyed. Before leaving here, kill the guard on the ship, then press the button next to the door - this is an alarm. On a signal, two or three guards will come running. But they are just as stupid and oblique as everyone else. Exit the warehouse the way the guards came.

Outside, the ship is protected by two infidels, and five more roam the deck and bridge (you have already shot one). In the wheelhouse, go to the phone. Open the door behind you and step to the side. Then go past the lifeless body into the hold. The stairs are guarded by four frames, easily destroyed by a grenade. Go down and open the right door. In addition to the guards, the most important of Punchinello's henchmen will also be in the hold. Shoot the first ones quickly, and lure the boss to the bridge and kill him with a sniper (minimum 4 shots). Go back to the hold and collect ammunition. You will find Colt Commando and full ammo for it.

Chapter 4

Calm looking restaurant. But looks are deceiving. Take a couple of steps - and everything will fly to hell here. And all because some intruder poured gasoline on the floor. Run around the middle row of tables on the right side and go through the door with round windows. Exit the kitchen through the same door. Once in the closet, turn right and go through the door. Run down the middle of the corridor so you don't get hit by the fire. Once in the hall, turn left and rush along the corridor. Another room. Do not turn anywhere, but rush straight to the tables - you can safely walk along them. Climb up the stairs. Go through the door and run across the room. Stop here and wait for the shelves in front of you to light up. I run to the left. Stop after the next one. Otherwise, get a balloon in the forehead. Jump over the table and get out of this hell. One mercenary is waiting for you in the kitchen. Test the destructive power of the Colt on it. To the left of the table from which you took the grenades, there is a hatch in the wall. Throw one little thing in there - and the two bandits standing below will not be in trouble. Get down, find the hatch in the floor and jump into it. There is nothing interesting in the sewers, except for a dozen of Punchinello's henchmen doing it inexplicably in the city drains. After interrupting them, exit the sewer pipes. Vlad is waiting for you on the street (that Russian, remember, who once cut you off in a car).

Chapter 5

The mafia mansion teems like an anthill different kind bastards. Make your way through the basement - it's not difficult, just keep an eye on the rear, otherwise you will come across individuals who love to shoot in the back. Coming out of the basement, you will see a fleeing bandit - this is one of the three leaders of local groups. The trio sat in the next room. Dealing with them is quite difficult. To begin with, throw grenades at them, and then finish them off from some machine gun. Almost immediately, two guards will be sent here. Leave this room and go to a large room guarded by two types. Move on. In the room with the piano, one fool sat down, who hid behind a tree (he thinks they will not notice him). From this room, go to the bar. Two people are drinking at the bar. Seeing you, one will throw a grenade, so jump to the side; well, more clear. There are two again in the hall: one behind the vase, the other on the stairs. After the shootout, go upstairs. First go to the right door. The boss (in a white shirt) is guarded by two. Who will be the first of them to be judged is up to you. You leave to the stairs and approach to other door. She will be locked up. So, you have to knock. Did you knock? Stand back. The frame on the other side will fire from the M79 and blow the door to pieces. Now go to the previous door and take out the owner of the M79 from the sniper. In the room he was in, there are two more bandits hiding behind the bed. Enter the bathroom and quickly shoot the guard before he gets his weapon. Another guard with a shotgun will come running to the sounds of shots. Go further, and on the landing above the first floor you will see Vincent Magnano. Kill him without delay. Go into the room he was trying to enter. There are two bandits waiting for their boss. Exit through the other door to Punchinello's office. In the scene, tough security guards will bang him, who will then take on Max. Exit the office and open the door on the right. This dandelion granny is the head of AESIR Corporation. It was she who made all the mess. And she will pay for this. True, in another part.

Part III


Break the glass and jump down. Mines prevent you from going further. Shoot them from a safe distance. Collect weapons in the room. The warehouse is guarded by two militants, and another one is sitting in a container with the inscription "Cold Steel". Enter the computerized room. Gather ammo. At this moment, the enemy will come here. Kill him quickly so that he doesn't hurt you badly. Approach the gate and open it (the button should be white). Enemy fighters hid behind them. There are mines in the corridor, neutralize them. Then when you come to the next door, a grenade will fly through the window at you. Then a guard will come out. Dodge the grenade, kill the guard. Enter the shop through the gate. Three soldiers are on duty in it: two below and one above. Kill them and go to the opposite corner of the map. Behind the door, a saboteur and an assistant placed mines. What to do with them, and so it is clear. In another workshop, four bandits are already found. Give each person their due portion of lead. Climb up and go through the door. In the corridor you will meet three militants throwing grenades. Kill them and move on. In another corridor there is a room in which the mercenaries are talking about something. Kill the bastards and take the radio from the table. Exit the corridor.

Chapter 2

As soon as you get closer, militants will run out of the door on the left and from the office in front of you. The office has Painkillers, weapons and some important papers. Come out. Where the mercenary ran out, another one is sitting. He must have planted mines on the wall. Shoot them. The explosion will damage the pipe, and flames will burst out of it; the problem is solved by screwing the valve, which is located right there. Go through the door, and then quickly, quickly run to the other, to the one on the other side. Mines again. Disarm them by throwing a grenade. After the explosion, a militant will enter here, quickly neutralize him and move on. An enemy soldier is sitting around the corner in this room. The flame escaping from the pipe prevents you from going further. In order for it to disappear, it is necessary to screw the valve again. It is behind a closed door. But behind it you should notice a sparkling knife switch. Shoot him, go in and turn off the gas. The path is clear. As soon as you open the door, the barrels in the workshop will start to explode. To go further, you need to jump down to the container, but first kill the guard standing in the tracking room. Below, in a long container sat a mercenary. Kill him and take the M79 in the container. The door is further blocked by a drum loader. Shoot them. Now you can go. Climb up to the control room and hit the switch. Go to another shop. Go down and hit another switch. The gate cracked on impact. Shoot at them, an enemy fighter is sitting behind them. Move on. In the destroyed workshop, mines, not fire, pose a more serious danger. But they are also easily destroyed from the M79. Come through the gate. On the left, the gate will open when you approach it. A burning cart will come out from behind them. In that workshop there is a knife switch, by means of which the doors of the furnaces in the previous one are closed. Go to the next shop. According to tradition, it is guarded by three bandits. From here, exit through the gate. Call the elevator. He will not come empty, but with two passengers who need to be explained that they have the wrong floor. Get on the elevator and go down.

Chapter 3

Easy mission. I will only say one thing: even though the security guard turned on “Self Destruction”, this does not mean anything. You will need to hurry only at the very end.

By the way, to get out of the last decontamination chamber, you will have to shoot a mine through the glass. Just, I beg you, snuggle up to the wall, otherwise the door will knock. And then - run to the elevator.

Chapter 4

Also an easy mission. I'll give you some advice.

1. There is a bandit around every corner. Take immediate action.

2. Beware of the black van with machine guns. Wait for him to leave.

3. At the end there will be a boss - a bad cop. This policeman is completely blind, but tenacious, therefore, in order to destroy him as quickly as possible, you need to use the M79. After three or four hits, he will throw back his hooves.

Chapter 5

The last three missions are the hardest. So I will describe them in detail.

Go down to the basement. Shoot the mines and wait for the mercenary to come up. Turn right, there are two more mercenaries on the stairs. Clear the passage and move on. Wait a while for the mercenary on top to leave. Enter the Observation Room. Click on the screen. Immediately after the comic, two bandits will come here. Come out. On the right, a guard walks along the corridor, and in the center there is an exit. Come in. Right in front of you is a raider with a Molotov cocktail. At this moment, another one comes out of the elevator to the left, and a third one is waiting on the stairs. Shoot them and get up. There is a bandit at the entrance to the next floor, but he is not a problem. The problem is that now another one will come out of the elevator. First, he will throw two grenades, and then he will jump himself. Your task is to make him jump out dead. Climb further. A grenade will fly at you from the third floor. Then the one who threw it off will come running. Ask him pepper and go up to the third floor. Enter the office building. On the left, the passage is mined. Jump over the mine. The partition in front of you will fall, and the muzzle of the machine gun will appear from there. The next raider hid in the middle of the room in which he was the last guard. Go down the corridor to the right. Two mercenaries will attack you from around the corner. Send them to the forefathers. Come into the office, rummage through the papers and exit. Kill the soldier in front of you and go to the door. At the bottom of the stairs, a mercenary mines the passage. Shoot him and defuse the move back. Kill the guards who came running too. You can not go through the door from which the guards came. It is also not necessary to go to the left door. Get down. We don't need the door on the right. Come in to the left. Two mercenaries are talking on the steps, and in front of them is a mine. Jump over it and quickly kill the guards. Open the door and you will see the heels of some guy who has stuck mines on the walls sparkling. Shoot him in the back and don't think about anything. Follow the corridor and enter the door.

Chapter 6

Shoot the mines and jump to the right. There will be a guard near the wall. Kill him and return. Two bandits ran to the aid of the deceased. Calm them down and go up the stairs, shooting back at the mercenaries. In the place where they came from, an enemy soldier is sitting on the stairs. As soon as he sees you, he will immediately throw a grenade. Take care of your health first, and then his. Get up. Before going to the next floor, look under the stairs and grab 4 Painkillers. Go up the stairs to the library. Three mercenaries will descend into it by ropes. If they are not killed in time, they will lay mines. Climb up and exit the library. At the end of the corridor, two bandits will come out of the door on the left; shoot the villains. There is a sniper rifle at the end of the corridor they came from. Come into the conference room. Guards will come from the right door, hit them on the kumpol. Exit to the platform above the lower floor. You will be confronted by two guards, and one of them sniper rifle. Move on. When you approach the stairs, two mercenaries will come down from above. Try to kill them while they are still hanging on the ropes. Get down. To the left of the platform are two enemy soldiers. Deal with them and move on. Do not go through the door ahead, you need to go to the left. Two people are again sticking out on the landing, and a sniper sat down on the floor above. Kill them and go up the stairs. Seasoned security guards are chatting in the room, and the corpses of American intelligence officers are lying nearby. Step forward. There will be a difficult fight with a large crowd, use the M79 to quickly get out of here.

Chapter 7

Go through the metal detector (there is no other way), the siren will roar. Guards slap; I must say that the local security is much smarter than the one that was before. Well, slap her, so as not to interfere. Around the corner on the platforms is a trio of militants with M79s. Quickly run to the corner and crouch. Kill first the top, and then the rest of the guards. Approach the opposite wall. Two bandits with Colt Commando will come out of the door. Blow them up with a grenade. Climb up the stairs, destroying the clouds of guards. Don't forget to come in and pick up M79 from the dead bombers. You will reach a mined passage. There are a lot of mines here, and they move vertically. As you get to the middle, a mercenary will move towards you. Quickly kill him, otherwise you will fly into the air. Open the elevator. After the scene, kill the seasoned guards. And go back to the elevator. But before you go, look up. Do you see mines? They need to be destroyed from a safe distance with a sniper or a Colt. The next room is full of security to the eyeballs. First, kill everyone below, and throw grenades at those above. A lone guard sits in a separated room. Shoot him and press the button. A pack of mercenaries will come running, thirsting for your blood. Take the other elevator. He will go down to another elevator, which you need to jump into. The elevator will take you to the computer center. Throw a grenade to the right and left. There are two guards in the engine room. Kill them and climb over the top of the lamp. Destroy the blue lamps with a grenade and kill the incoming guards. Enter the right elevator. Get into the office to the grandmother. Kill the guards and go through the door.

Chapter 8

Run quickly to the corner. Kill the two run out mercenaries, reload and kill the next two. Hide behind the sculpture, then the helicopter will not hit you. Wait out the helicopter attack and continue your work. Exit the library to the roof. Run quickly to the other side. Make your way to the main office. Find the button in the corner of the table, a secret door will open. You don't have to shoot at grandma - it doesn't hurt her. Come out to the roof. In the course of the roller, two cables will break. You need to break two more. Shoot one cable; after the video, a crowd of bandits will come to you. Kill them and shoot another cable. And now - attention! Shoot the lightning rod.

Guess where it will land!? That's fine! Rejoice in revenge. Watch the video. And wait for the continuation.

After walking along the rails, climb onto the platform - there you
expects three terrorists. Break boxes to replenish
ammunition stocks. Going down into the tunnel, you will hear a dialogue between two
sappers. If you wait until their bickering is over, you will have to
fight just one of them.
There is a bomb on the door on the right, but no detonator. You need
blow this door. Go down the passage on the left - you will fall into
the premises of the bank "Aesir", filled with heavily armed
terrorists. To deal with them without significant losses
for health, wait for them to come close to you, and
shoot them.
Once in the control room, answer the phone and
go to the control computer - the monitor should
three letters will be displayed indicating the compartments: A, B, C.
Only one compartment can be opened at a time. Open them by
queues - one of them contains a detonator.
After receiving the detonator, return upstairs to the bombed
doors. Enemy reinforcements will be waiting for you there. By setting
detonator, move away from the door.
Next, Max will meet with his friend Alex. After
a friend will be shot, climb the stairs - in the booth,
intended for the sale of tickets, lost several
painkillers. After passing through the subway tunnels and being near another
one of the same booth, go into it and press the button. Gates
open and you can go outside.
Chapter III: Playing Bogart
First of all, the local killers will want to pulverize you.
meanings are the Finito brothers. Save and then jump for cover.
Shoot the bastards from cover and take out the first brother.
The second can be shot point-blank in slow motion. At
you have some time before three more gangsters
will burst into the room, so you must collect everything at the pace of the waltz
things scattered around the room, and reload the guns.
After dealing with the help, pull out the ammo and painkillers from
safe. After reading the letter on Finitos' desk, Max recognizes his
the next target is Rico Muerte. You must find his hotel room -
Climb down the stairs and break the window to the roof
hotel. Behind the next door, a couple of bastards are waiting for you. Now
go through the corridor and all open rooms - in one of them you
find a passage to the adjacent corridor of the hotel, in which it is located
room 313. There is a trap in it, so open the door
carefully. Once triggered, the trap will attract two killers located
at the end of the corridor. After dealing with them, go into the room and
read Rico's letter.
In the next room there is a huge pit. Shoot at
him until he collapses and releases the passage to the lower floor.
The three guards below will be frightened - seize the moment and
shoot them.
Moving further, you will find yourself in Candy Dawn's room. After reading it
diary, you will find a passage to another part of the hotel - it is located
in the toilet. After passing along the corridor, find the elevator and call it.
Chapter IV: Blood Veins of New York
Leaving the elevator, Max finds himself in the laundry room. Three guards
talk about the old days and do not hear how she came for them
death, so just jump out and take out all three
machine gun burst. After breaking the boxes, take the painkiller and
In the room with the stove, pick up the baseball bat and go through
door over a metal staircase. Behind her are two guards.
talk about the problems of vampires and their living space, so their
it won't be hard to get caught off guard.
In the next room, deal with the guards and break the boxes,
closing the doorway on the right. Next, you will enter a large
a room with a bunch of doors and neon signs. You need a bar.
To get the key to it, you have to shoot four
terrorists in the conference room. To deal with the four
painlessly, blow up a Molotov cocktail next to the doors -
killers will run out and fry right on the spot. Take the key and
head to the bar.
There are Rico Muerte, Candy Dawn and four guards. Rico
wash off immediately, and you have to deal with the militant five.
Lure the guards out of the bar and shoot one by one, and Candy
should be destroyed from a medium distance in a long burst of two
Stock up on health in the bathroom, run out of the bar and follow
Rico. There you will find another hot fight - the best
scatter a couple of Molotov cocktails.
There is an Exit button in the grate room. But now it's nothing to you
will give, as the exit is blocked by a lattice. Climb up the stairs
to the club and from there - to the roof, then break the glass and jump
down. You have to deal with four sickly killers.
Once they are dead, run into the room with the "Exit" button,
press it and go outside.
Chapter V: Let the guns speak
Go to the second-hand store ("Pawn Shop") and deal with the thieves,
cleaning shops. After that, rob the store yourself. Mining
- painkiller and cartridges for "ingrem".
Behind the turn on the right is a staircase leading to the basement of the hotel
Lupino. Having dealt with a couple of thugs, collect
unused grenades and Molotov cocktails. Walking through the corridors
you will find a small hall, at one end there are cylinders
with gas, in the other - a door that cannot be opened by natural
way. Take Max to a safe distance and shoot at
cylinders - the explosion will demolish the door.
After climbing the stairs, answer the phone and pick up
shop next door the key to the stairs. On the way up you will be gifted
with a grenade, so be sure to save before you get up.
When you reach the third floor, you will find that the way up
is blocked, so leave the stairs and go along the fragments of the floor along
the perimeter of the room. When you reach the hole in the floor,
jump over it and quickly move on, as part of the debris
immediately collapse down. Three killers are waiting for you behind the only door.
After dealing with the guys, head to the kitchen and jump out the window.
Chapter VI: Fear That Gives Wings
The first task is to get down to the ground without losing half of your health.
Do not rush to jump down, go down to the asphalt through the fireman
exit. Now it's time for more global tasks - to rise to the top
floor of the Lupino hotel. You need to find an elevator - it is located behind
laundry. In a state of emergency, anyone in
laundries, of course, are not allowed, so Max must find
accompanying person.
Head to the building opposite the hotel. This hole is just teeming
drug addicts and terrorists - you need to get to the third
floors, and on this way five killers will be waiting for you. stock up
health and ammo.
When you reach the third floor, look for a door hidden in the dark
corner, and pull the escort out of the room. With him
get down downward and iditol into the laundry room. Your escort is unclean
hand and, as soon as the laundry door opens, he will yell warning
guards. So while he's talking to the mafia, stand up
on the side and, as soon as the door opens, put a bullet in his forehead. Then
deal with a couple of thugs inside and follow to the elevator.
After wandering around the top floor, you will find yourself in a room with an open
window. Wait for the toilet whistling subject to enter the
room, and deal with him - otherwise you will get a bullet in the back. By
pipes, get over to the window opposite - there are four waiting for you well
armed thugs. After passing the second room, get out on
next pipe. Finding a passage inside the building, you will stumble upon
two guards deciding how to cut the wires from the bomb.
They will make the wrong decision, as a result of which the wall will be covered
cracks. To collapse it completely, knock on the door,
located right here. Climbing up the rubble of the floor in the dark part
building, you will be taken to Vinny Gogniti's office. In the next room
screams are heard - this is Vinnie complaining about life. Gather Painkiller
and every weapon you can find, save and go
into the room.
After the scene, you will have a fight with four well-armed
scum, and this fight will have to be repeated more than once. After,
as you deal with the killers, run after Vinnie Gogniti. So
next roof mafia boss will jump on the train - you will have to
repeat his jump, and it is by no means as easy as this
shown in films - so before traveling by train do not
forget to save.
Chapter VII: Police Brutality
Max continues his pursuit of Gogniti. The first difficulty is to jump
from roof to roof. Do not try to jump from the curb, but look for
place on the roof where it ends, something like an opening - and
jump off it. You should be met by crowds of Winnie's messengers,
so save after each successful shot. When Max
will go down the stairs, he will be met by three killers - first
kill the first one with a headshot, then finish off the standing one
right bad guy. The last terrorist has a weak weapon, and
tearing it to shreds will not be a problem for Max.
Chase Gogniti. After watching the scene where Vinnie climbs
elevator, run to the minibus and take grenades and painkillers.
Then call the elevator and go up after him. In room
break all the boxes - you will get enough ammo to
continue the fight. There will be a lot of enemies further, and the fight will be
serious. Save after every successful shot. Save
health. Look for gas cylinders to deal with killers
on a large scale. When you see the last scene where Gogniti knocks
at the door, a real raid awaits you. Use a ranged weapon
actions and deal with enemies one by one with headshots.
When it comes to Gogniti himself, his shots are rarely
they hit Max, but Winnie will have to put a lot of rounds into Vinnie.

The passage begins at the difficulty level - fugitive (others are not immediately available). After passing, the "time does not wait" difficulty opens - you are given 1 minute per game episode, but this is no longer interesting. I passed the introduction with the destruction of the mortuary orderlies, and then
uninteresting arrogance. But on the other hand, the level of difficulty "driven beast" became available, but let's go there. You can make 7 saves on it on each level, the developers are bastards.

The atmosphere of the game is, and in some places quite good.
And it is interesting for me to check the tactics of a real clash in the mode of computer games-shooters-shooters.
In the training mission, if you shoot at the flashing beacon of a police car, the siren will shut up.
The game has a lot of movie references and movie allusions.
The image of Max on the comic pictches does not correspond to the brutal horror-man, and rather resembles a silly clown, which brings dissonance into the perception of the game.

Part 1: Castle in the Air

Take the shotgun in the closet on the first floor. Go to the second floor. Flashback cutscenes will be distracting, but some dark comic book psychedelia is present in the game. There is also a slowdown effect. You will find two strange types in green suits of mortuary orderlies. The shotgun is a killer thing. The third will be in the room and it will not be immediately
it is seen. Here one of the problems surfaced - when entering the room, Max received a bullet, but it was not clear from whom. Probably it is necessary to break into the rooms with a somersault, time dilation and in the fall. Or just quickly rush in, rush into a corner and kneel.

Chapter 1: Roscoe Metro Station

Run through the Staff Only door. There will be a trail of blood running into the room and you will find the corpse of a guard. A Beretta will appear in your hand. It is necessary to inspect the premises, open cabinets, drawers of chests of drawers and break the boxes with a crowbar - they contain painkillers and cartridges (this is, as it were, by default, I will not remind you of this).
Now a couple of scumbags will appear at the exit, who are preparing to bring down everyone who gets off the train. Interesting metro station. Not every train stops.
In a firefight, the enemies died after receiving 5-6 bullets in the carcass. Strongholds, however.
You can see the difference when passing at different difficulty levels - on the fugitive, the enemies crowd and blunt, and on the hunted beast, one of the couple, after his friend folded his arms and died, ran off to the other end of the station. Positions means to change in his head.
Around the corner after climbing the stairs - two more enemies are looking at the corpse. Kill them. At the end of the corridor behind the bars, another gopnik will appear on the left, the bars miss shots, but I had to run closer to it.
Get down to the platform, go left and go through the grated door. Stumble through the combination doors until you can't get through. There are two enemies on the platform. After the death of one, the second will rush into the room. Get him and put him down. Go further along the corridor - there are two behind bars, they must be shot. You can bang the cylinders, you have to aim at the valve. Get back to the platform. Now go towards the yellow train, through the door on the left. As soon as you open it, the enemy will immediately shoot at you. Looks like you need to enter the doors in slowdown mode. Don't shoot the second dude - he's a metro guy and he'll open the code door for you. Go with him to the code, and then the joke is - even if you stand point-blank to the door, after opening it, the enemy will shoot exactly the metroman, and the doors will slam in front of you. However, there are so many dumb metro workers divorced that it is not a pity for them. If a game was released in RFii where it was necessary to kill metro workers and RZD workers, it would go with a bang, these creatures got everyone with their rudeness.

Go into the room, then open the door to the control room - there are 4 enemies, I burst into it in slow motion, firing a shotgun, and they killed me. Enemies were behind an obstacle - the panel. Apparently, Max's shotgun shoots from the belly, like in the Mafia with Tony Angelo. This means that enemies behind obstacles must be removed with pistols. And somersault is useless here, you need a different mode
slowdowns to use.
Go further to the right door, press the button under line 2. Go to the platform. Get on the yellow train, shining like a Christmas tree, by pressing the button on the side of the doors. The train will go and break through the barrier. Get out of the cab and go along the corridor, three crazy gopniks will come running there, pistol cartridges went well on them. Then, for fun, he fired at the gas
cylinders, they exploded and two more corpses appeared.
Go to the door.

Chapter 2: From the Crime Scene (EXCLUSIVE)

The underground noir continues. It’s not for nothing that Max is shown from a hole in the wall in the video - if you get a grenade, you can paint this level with a joke - throw a grenade into the hole (running away right away, because it will bounce off the hole) and a new mission “I declared war on nonhumans” will appear. They mean rats - 6 of them will pour out further when you jump from the rail onto the platform, after scoring an aggressive trinity behind the boxes. If you go up the stairs and shoot the lamp on the ceiling, then the rats will start shooting at you with pistols.
Since you don’t have grenades, you need to get them, if you’re lucky, from the bandits.
Launch the game with the "-developer" parameter in command line, or add to shortcut C:\maxpayne\maxpayne.exe -developer
Now you can open the console (F12 key) and enter the codes:
god -- god mode on
mortal -- god mode off.
getallweapons -- all weapons
getinfiniteammo -- infinite ammo
noclip -- pass through walls incl.
noclip_off -- wall pass through off.
getpainkillers -- get 8 PainKillers (no idea what it is)

I didn't use cheats
The shotgun needs a couple of hits, but the most serious drawback of the game is the bad view when entering the room.
Then a couple of incomprehensible bandit terrorists in the corridor and then again a trinity behind the boxes in the corridor. There is a bomb on the door on the right, but no detonator. Max will pick up the sawn-off shotgun. You can shoot at rats, they leave a red spot. Get down.
Then a shootout with 4 bandits, it's better to beat them in Macedonian with pistols from afar.
Then open the door to another room, fire and stand to the left of the door, grab the sawn-off shotgun and put 4 more attackers down. Shotgun is good in close combat. DesertEagle is more powerful than two berets, as it seemed to me.
Press the button a couple of times on the remote control, go to the premises, take the detonator.
On the way back - very angry boys will shoot from above. They will also throw a grenade, so it is better to demolish them from below with heavy pistol fire. Mount the detonator, hide and move on.
Before your eyes, Alex will be shot. Enter the booth and take the fight to the aggressive trinity.
Go up the stairs - and there are some painkillers in the locker in this ticket booth too. You have to deal with the four gangster gangsters who have a grenade, and when you kill the last one, the game shows how he flies back, having received a handful of bullets from you. Fly away, fly away. Push the buttons in the booth. Come outside.

Chapter 3 Adventurer (EXCLUSIVE)

You're behind a ledge of the wall, take down the first reptile with a shark grin from the pump, then finish off the second one, sitting at the table. After that, stand not far from the door, behind the ledge of the wall and put the help that has come running. Or stand on the couch and shoot from there. The safe in the room opens.
We need room 313 at the hotel.
Go down the stairs and go through the glass to the roof. Go to the right, a couple of carefree gopniks talking loudly will come out of the door. Shoot them and shoot them in the gas tanks.
The third naive young man will wait for the explosion and hoard.
Open doors, clear rooms, listen to TV, then shoot at it. Apparatuses with drinks are hollowed out from the sawn-off shotgun. One TV will shock when you try to turn it on. The beds have tables with a red button that turns on the vibration of the bed. One bed will move off and there is a shotgun under it.

You have to shoot the locks on the doors to open the door.
In the toilets you can meet drug addicts, they are quiet and mumble "I will die, I will die" until you start hitting them with an iron pipe. Then they pull out a gun. It's easier to calm them down right away. Fire extinguishers release steam when hit by bullets, unlike other games where they explode. The balloon can be set on fire with a blow of a bat, but you will not have time to escape.
When you find room 313 (first go to the toilet and kill the junkie and the thug with a shotgun) - enter it as they teach in the special forces - knocking out the door and immediately rushing into the corner. Otherwise, you will get a charge from a shotgun attached to a chair. Read the compromising letter that was relevant a couple of hundred rounds ago. Take your time from this floor - there is a cracked door opposite the toilet. Break it and go to the ledge. On the ledge to the right - into the window of the room with a corpse with an aspen stake in the back. There's a bunch of cocktail hammers and painkillers.
In another room there is a tilted tank - shoot it from a sawn-off shotgun, it will collapse down. Jump down and shoot three gangsters. Find the prostitute's room, read the diary. Now find a working elevator and get into it.

Chapter 4: In the belly of New York

There are three guards in the laundry room, another piece of bastards in the next room, heavy fire from my two berets caused some kind of explosion. Then a warehouse with boxes and bandits, crush the boxes at the door, open the door - there will be a shotgun behind it, which managed to say "damn" and die right there.
In the hall with the boiler room you will find a bat, go up the stairs - there are two, you will immediately fill up the shotgun, and the second faggot will bounce behind the racks and you will have to pick it out with DesertEagle. In the distance, in the darkness of the corridor, a third shoots, I took it out of the door.
Once in a large room, open the double door on the left, shoot once and run away backing into the toilet further down the corridor. The angry four mafiosi will jump out on two berets and lie down.
Take the bar key from their room. There will be a diplomat with money on the table, which made my heart skip a beat.
Go to the bar, after the scene shoot once and run back. Destroy the guards, and then in slow motion from DesertEagle, kill the whore in the corner of the bar, she's too strong. The local gaming miniboss, apparently.
Then a libertine with an ultrasound in some underpants will run away from you, but having received reinforcements, he will run towards you. Hit them with cocktail hammers from around the corner, as they take too many bullets on themselves. Climb the stairs and go to the roof, break the glass with a shot and jump down. Then two will come running from one door, and two on the left from the passage. When you beat them, run to the Exit button on the wall, press it and go outside.
In this level, you will get the Ingram submachine gun.

Chapter 5: Cannons will speak instead of us

But it’s better not to jump into a burning garbage dump.
Go to the store and kill two raiders. Go down the street to the minivan and take the gun from the back. Then go down to the basement of the building and bang the three enemies.
Walk down the corridors, piss junkies, shoot at the gas cylinders, and immediately run away. The balloon will fly and kick the door. Go there.
Answer the phone, kill a couple of frisky boys, one will run into the room, it's good to shoot him with a shotgun while jumping with slowdown. Go through the door and you will enter the shop on the other side of the lattice window. Take the key to the stairs. The policemen will come running, they will shoot through the bars, and they can kill you, but you will not be able to bang them.
Run into the hall and open the door. A fussy guard will come running to die immediately. The second tricky one is to throw a grenade. And then he will try to do this trick again, but your pump action will stop him. A peppy sawn-off shotgun will run out, bang it from around the corner. Then you need to finish off the machine gunner at the top. Go to the 3rd floor, walk along the railing past the hole in the floor and quickly fly into the floor - as everything will collapse behind you. In room 4, the well-wishers are watching TV. From the double Ingram, they are easy to talk to. Jump out the window.

Chapter 6: How to Grow Wings

From the stairs with pistols, kill two incomprehensible types near the burning garbage dump.
Go to the building opposite the hotel. Get to the 3rd floor, shooting bandits, rats and drug addicts along the way.
Find an escort. Follow him to the laundry room door. As soon as the door opens - get everyone out of the double Ingram, it's a pity, the ammo consumption of this thing is colossal. Kill another guard in the next room.
Get in the elevator. Once in the TV room, in which someone is whistling - take Ingram and the guard with a sawn-off toilet door off the table - there is a mafioso sitting on the push, an analogy with the film "Pulp Fiction". Kill him or he'll start cutting you with a knife.
Go to the roof, breaking the glass. Go through the pipes to another window - there are 3 bandits in the dark watching a working TV, they can be hammered out of the DesertEagle standing on the pipe. Go to the corridor, after the explosion, run through the open area with the railing and listen to the conversation. In one of the corridors, two dunces are discussing wires. An explosion, the corpse will fly through the air and crash into the wall, and a crack will appear on the other wall. Push into the door nearby, the wall will collapse.
Next, you need to kill the oncoming 4 bandits. Get up and visit the mafioso Goniti.
Set up double Ingrams in advance. Drive will get bullets in the belly and run, and you put down a trio of enemies. Next, you need to run after Drive through the pipes, then up the stairs. After the miss on the roof, jump onto the train below.
The wounded mafia man shows the miracles of acrobatics.

Chapter 7: Forced Arrest (EXCLUSIVE)

Jump on the pipes and go to the roof. A couple of enemies will jump out from around the corner. What they did there and where they came from - we will never know. It is also unclear how Max knew where to jump off the train.
Jump to the roof of another building in a place where there is no curb.
Two bastards will shoot from another building - it's better to wield the DesertEagle here.
Then three on the stairs will interfere - the first with a shotgun will run into your shotgun, the second will get a grenade at the boxes, and then finish off the third. When you leave the building - three enemies will hang around on the basketball court, you can kill them with pistols.
If you do not leave the basketball court and go to the closed lattice door in the aisle between the pulpits, a car will pass by. If at this moment you shoot at it a couple of times, then there will be a sound of an accident and an evil carrier with a pump will come running.
After the next cutscene, go up the stairs.
From the black minivan, a dude will run out to your shot. Then go to the edge of the roof - the enemy will shoot from the side of the luminous billboard - show him your DesertEagle.
Call the elevator and get up. On the way, I threw a Molotov cocktail behind the box where the bandit was shooting from. But before that, I jumped down, there is a corpse of a policeman in a box (a reference to the movie Stone Cold, where two cops were nailed into boxes and shot), and there is a first aid kit.
At the top, go around the corner and fell in the face behind a box of guns, then run back. A couple of violent guys with grenades will come running. Then after the light shield - on the left is a submachine gunner. Molotov-cocktail smokes such corners well.
In the room, watch the television, take first-aid kits in the bathroom and listen to the voice behind the door, which wants you to be stuffed with lead so that they put you in a coffin with a crane. But you're allergic to lead. Open the door and give out a double shot from a shotgun (which hits point-blank better than a shotgun), then slam with a shotgun remaining around the corner. Ricochet a grenade off the wall and run away because you will also be thrown a grenade.
Run further to the glass pyramid in the roof. One enemy can be hit immediately in the head, and the second will run away. Throw a grenade at the gas tanks and jump down. On the stairs, the surviving bastard will throw a grenade, have time to demolish it with a burst. Then his friend will come running to take revenge.

Clear the next rooms. and you will go out onto the roof, on the stairs and below a bunch of enemies. Demolish the neighbors with a shotgun, throw a grenade at the bastard behind the box below, and generally leave grenades in them, hammer the remaining ones from double berets and when he starts running back and forth, then he is left alone. Don't go to Goniti, but go to the satellite dish on the rooftop, climb onto the side and jump to the ledge of the building opposite, where the metal stairs are. Then from there, jump onto the grate, from it to the lantern on the wall and from there to the ground inside the fenced area. Go to the door - there are a lot of cocktail hammers and grenades. Come out from under the stairs. You are next to the mafioso, and you can hear his breathing. He is still strong, throw grenades at the trajectory of his movement and all the cocktails, then plant bursts at him until he falls.

Chapter 8: Ragnarok

Look at the inscription RAGNAROK and go left to the booth - there is a pump. Then go to the booth on the right, click on something, go up the stairs - there are two guards.

Go to the hall, there are two running from below and two enemies at the top. There are three enemies in the next room. One is very strong, in a black cloak. He needs two shotgun shots. As I understand it, if you hit in the head, then the enemies die faster. Mouzon cool plays in the halls.
Next is a room with a table where they play occult games. Climb up the stairs. Go through the double doors. Kill the enemy on the balcony, and another one on the opposite balcony. Having opened the doors to the hall with armchairs, immediately get back and wait for two strong men to come running to you. Take them out with the shotgun. From the remote you can start pyrotechnics on the stage. If
jump into the far right small box, there is a supply of cartridges. Climb further up the stairs and defeat a pair of black capes and a trio of their comrades hanging out by the barrels. You can appear and immediately run away, and then bang a Molotov cocktail in the doorway. Cloaks will burn.
Then stairs, enemies, first-aid kits on the wall, acrobatic stunts of crossing the beams, then you have to go around the outer beams and jump onto the ledge of the roof. From there, go through the window, destroy the enemies.
Finally you get backstage - there are drums, and Max can play them. But he was never fond of karaoke. Go to the console, lift the DesertEagle and press the button. The shield will rise and there will be enemies in the opening. Kill them and climb into the passage. There are stairs, and another remote control. if
first run down and stumble into the shields, the black cloak on the other side will throw a grenade at you and blow itself up on it. Go to the control panel and press 4 levers - a passage will open in the shields. Run up the stairs.

Chapter 9: Evil Empire

Weapons do not go to another level, there is no need to save. Before entering through the lattice door, drive in all the first-aid kits and select 2 berets. In the hall, you need to quickly jump on the tables to collect weapons and painkillers and run to the left of the stairs. From there, you can take down the black cloak on the 2nd tier, and go to the double-ingram, as the emergency will run towards you. After killing a couple of enemies below and a couple above, run across to the other side and there you can throw all the Molotov cocktails onto the stairs and hammer the emergency out of the engrams. Hide yourself in the corner under the stairs, and from there smash the last two PEs, then pound Lupino, who gorged himself on the flesh of fallen angels. Beware of incendiary bottles.

The bullet, scattering air molecules, flies to the human body in order to form a wound in it with the head part. It's a damn spectacular sight. For one who stands on the blind side of the trunk, it is pleasant. For someone who is open - usually a little less. But their thoughts no longer interest anyone. In the title role - a piece of lead weighing several grams; all others are just greedy observers, knowing that now there will be one less of them.

Fractions of a second have their shares, and those have theirs. For a bullet, these are huge periods of time: they make up its life. For a person, this is a matter of moments, and he will not be in time. The head part will inevitably form a wound, and a cloud of bloody fog will thicken around the small entrance hole. Swaying, the body will collapse to the floor. Balance for him is an unaffordable luxury.

The frantic crash of a pair of Ingrams, fell, rolled, a shotgun volley throws a man to the floor, and a blinding flame no longer bursts from the machine guns, reloading, turning, doublet in the face - no longer a face, but a bloody mess, the third tears the air with shots somewhere at the edge of the field of view, a turn, a jump - ...

Knock-knock...knock-knock...knock-knock... The blood hits the walls of the ventricles and the aorta heavily. A lead swarm flies by - so slowly that you can knock all the bees with clicks. The roar of the shotgun stretched to infrasound and its astonished face... and the falling body, around which the camera is slowly circling.

This - Max Payne. He is like that, through and through. The game, which was filmed by the director and cameramen; programmers only distilled film frames into binary code. It turned out awesome spectacle in style John Woo and "Matrices".

The long-term construction was not in vain.

Tactical tricks

I guess you don't need a character control manual and instructions for handling firearms. AT Max Payne everything is more than obvious. I will limit myself to a few tactical tips on the conduct of hostilities, after which we will immediately turn to the passage. It is divided into chapters, so I hope it will be quite convenient to navigate.

Let's start with Bullet Time Aid (BTA). The developers introduced this feature not only to decorate their creation, but also to make it easier for the gamer to shoot criminals completely insolent from a quiet life. So if you see a crowd of brutalized gangsters who sat down behind the barricades, then turn on this mode (by default - Shift and Mouse2) and give them a headache. For killing an enemy, a certain amount of BTA is added to you.

When storming an enemy fortification, the first thing you need to do is to shoot all the enemies that have long-range weapons: snipers and Colt Commando. Moreover, if the guards meet with snipers only once, then the bandits and security guards in the third part mainly use machine guns. No less dangerous are the "brothers" who have explosive objects, but they, as a rule, do not have time to use them and / or die themselves from careless handling of them. Well, okay, we have less headaches. You can not be afraid of other reptiles - they always smear with their pistols and shotguns, which upsets and pleases at the same time.

To smoke out enemies around the corner, use shotguns (but do not forget to turn on the BTA). Pyrotechnics work perfectly against barricaded scumbags.

Often, anti-social elements use mines with laser sensors (in a secret laboratory, they dazzle in the eyes). To neutralize such a present, it is enough to move away and shoot at it. If you can't shoot, then throw a grenade next to it.

Sometimes the bandits begin to fire right through their ranks, which cannot but please any crime fighter.

Bosses need to be fought in a slightly different way. To begin with, shoot all the standard enemies so that they don’t get under your feet, and then proceed to destroy the leader, who is much “fatter” than his subordinates, but did not go far from them in accuracy and dexterity. However, it will not be difficult for you to drive it into the box. And how you do it depends on the circumstances. The circumstances will be described in the walkthrough.


Part I


The prologue of the first part is the easiest part of the game. There is no point in writing anything.

Chapter 1

To get to the second chapter, you need to turn on the electricity at the station, which was captured by the bandits. The required switch is located in the control room located on the first (upper) level. But the door has a combination lock, which can only be opened by a transit service employee. To do this, go down the stairs - behind the door, on the left side, the friend you are looking for will be waiting for you. Lead him to the door. As soon as he opens it, they will shoot him, you also shoot everyone who is in the wheelhouse. Press the button, take Painkillers (4 pieces), go down and get on the train.

Chapter 2

After the sewers, you will come across a door that just does not open. It can only be blown up; the detonator is at the bottom of the bank. Raiders settled in the bank in the amount of 8 pieces. Perebeyte them, go to the terminal and first open door C, then A. There is a detonator on the table. Come back and blow the door to hell. Then you will have a meeting with a colleague Alex, who will also be killed, and a shootout. Exit the subway.

Chapter 3

After finishing the destruction of the local mafia, go downstairs and exit the room to the balcony. Go to the door on the left - the bandits are talking about something there. Shoot at the door and they'll hide... behind the gas tanks. Now throw a grenade into the hole in the door (you search the corpses, after all). No problem, let's move on. Go down to the third floor, and shoot everyone there too. Go to the door with a regular lock hanging on it, shoot it, the door will open (hehe). It will not be difficult for you to deal with four bandits. Then go to the fire exit: it will be closed, turn left (again!). Pass by the drug addict, by the way, each of them has a Beretta, leave the room into the corridor, shoot three enemies and go to room 313. But in no case do not open the door immediately, otherwise you will get a shot in the chest. In order for everything to work out successfully, you need to do this: go to the door, open it and jump to the side. The room will contain ammunition and a letter that lies on the table.

If you want to get three Molotov Cocktails, then follow the corridor to the door with a crack. Shoot it and you will find yourself in a room with a collapsed ceiling. Go along the ledge outside the window to the next room (the passage is boarded up with plywood that needs to be broken). Search everything there and return to the fork. Enemies will come out to meet you from the corridor on the left. Go into it and shoot at the boiler, jump into the resulting hole. Then there will be a short shootout with three bandits. We follow straight along the corridor to room 216. In it, to the right of the door, there is a closet; open it and find yourself in a secret room. Again you leave into the corridor and blow to the elevator. It is guarded by three opponents, it will be more difficult to deal with them than with the rest. Enter the elevator.

Chapter 4

You will end up in the laundry room, where bandits sit at the table. The easiest way is to shoot them right away, without waiting for them to approach. Go to the adjacent room and immediately shoot at the cylinders that are in the corner. It will not work to go through the door from which the enemies came out, but in the same room there is another one filled with boxes. Break them and go into the boiler room (you'll be here again). Then go up the metal stairs to the kitchen. We wet three reptiles and climb higher. Once in the lobby of the hotel, the first thing you should do is visit the killers in the room on the left. Be sure to take the key from the table. Then go to the other end of the hall, go through the door with the “Bar” sign. After a curious scene, step aside, the “godfather” will hide in the corridor, from which three will run out. Either shoot these three or give them a Molotov cocktail. After clearing the bar room, go to where the “godfather” ran away. He has more lives than those who have just been shot. It is easy to kill him with a Beretta or Desert Eagle. Pick up Ingram. Follow on and, after shooting two adversaries, go into the radio room and make a call. In the room nearby, press the “Exit” button and climb up the stairs to the club, exit the club to the roof. Step on the glass and break it. There will be a shootout; when finished, leave the hotel.

Chapter 5

After the cutscene, walk along the street and check out the PAWN SHOP. Shoot two bad guys, confiscate Ingram. Further down the street, take the newspaper from the drawer. If you need shotgun ammo, you can get it from the van. Find the stairs to the basement in one of the houses. Get down. And there, three enemies are waiting for you. Do not go into any rooms, go straight to the gas cylinders. The passage behind you will be blocked, and the door along the corridor on the right is locked; shoot the cans and take cover around the corner. The door will kick down with the bandit. Another one comes running to help him. After shooting a bunch of people, move on to the phone, pick up the phone. Shoot again until you kill everyone. Go to the room with the barred window. Take the key and read the note, then hide so that the special forces do not notice you. Climb the stairs, but be careful: one of the bandits has grenades. Get to the platform, jump over the breach and step into the corridor. Come into the apartment where the brothers are watching TV. Extinguish them! Next - collect all the usefulness and climb through the window to the fire escape.

Chapter 6

Get down and go to the house; find a door with a window. They will tell you that they do not know you and will not open you. They will open the door to only one drug addict, who is in the next house on the top floor. There is also another gang of bandits. The drug addict must be led to the door... as soon as it opens (but not before!), shoot the traitor. Behind the door is a laundry room, be sure to shoot everyone so that they do not interfere with the investigation. Go to the elevator. As you rise, turn right and head into the room. A gangster sat in the toilet. Watch the news. Exit through the glass to the street and go through the pipes to another house with bandits. Then go again through the pipes to another house. There, two bombers are arguing about which wire should be removed. Stand aside and wait until they test by experience. The next thing to do is make your way through the enemies to the room from which the screams are heard. Come in. At the end of the scene, there will be a shootout with several hooligans. One of them (in an intelligent suit) will run away wounded, follow him until he jumps onto the train. You wait for the next one and jump.

Chapter 7

Run after the bastard on the roof, shooting back from annoying enemies. On the way you will meet a police helicopter, you cannot shoot it down. Enter the house, deal with the villains on the stairs and continue the pursuit. Go outside and go to the construction site, shooting the bandits along the way. Then there will be a scene with a familiar intellectual. Rise on the same elevator. Walk along the roof to the glass window in it. Before you jump down, shoot at the cylinders - suddenly you will hit someone. Search the boxes, because they, as always, have a lot of useful things. Climb the stairs to the next floor. There you have organized a meeting of two gangsters. Again you leave to the roof and approach the fire escape. The door in front of you is closed, go downstairs. Come into the apartment, there is no one in it. We watch TV and move on. Four villains are talking in the corridor, one is opposite the door. Naturally, again disassembly. Next, go to the neighboring house, where an unpleasant surprise awaits you - a grenade... without a receipt. Jump back and hide, then shoot the Grenadier. When leaving, you will see a familiar intellectual who is breaking in the door. He will also notice you and call his friends to help. Some of them will climb towards you, while the other will remain below. Dealing with them is easy. After that, an intellectual will run out of the shelter. He's not particularly sharp. Use Ingram or double Berettas.

Chapter 8

To your right is the ticket office. Enter it and press the switch. A secret door will open, behind which two criminals are hiding. Collect a variety of ammo from the shelves in this room. Behind the next door, on the dance floor, four people are having fun: one in the bar, the other on the opposite side, upstairs, the third in the middle of the hall. The fourth one is taller than you - he is the most dangerous, throwing Molotov cocktails; tease him by running out of cover until he spends them, and then quickly calm him down. The next room is also full of bandits waiting for you, but there will be no problems with them. Follow the sign "Bar". It is better to lure the bandits out of the bar one at a time. In the bar, pay attention to the books lying on the table. Exit through the barred door. The stairs will lead you to the area above the disco. Go to the opposite side along the metal frame, there is a lot of Molotov Cocktail. Go back. Come into the hall with the sound control panel, it is guarded by two bandits, kill them. Save (by the way, the game puts its savegames in the “My Documents” folder) and go through the other door. There's a drug deal going on in this office, but we'll bust it. After the shootout, reinforcements will arrive here in the form of three mafia fighters. There are crates on the table in the corner with Painkillers in them. After all the events, climb the stairs to the very top. You will be fired upon from above. Come out onto the roof, where long walks along the beams await you - the main thing here is not to fall off. After you enter the building, go down the stairs. You will be taken to the stage. First of all, shoot everyone there, and then go to the monitors. One of them says "Stage control" - click on it, the door will open; wait a couple of seconds and click on another one. A villain who has just come running will be fried on fireworks. Climb up the ledges backstage. There will be four levers on the right, reverse their location. Go through the plates to the stairs and go to the door at the top (just don't fall).

Chapter 9

In this chapter, you will have to fight Lopino - the boss of the local mafia and part-time cretin, who imagines himself to be a Tambov wolf (hehe, New York). Enter the hall with a large bowl in the middle and collect everything you can from the tables. After the bell is struck, a top of thugs will climb on you, and then Lopino himself. Do not spare any cartridges or first-aid kits - you will not need them later. Shoot the leader with double Berettas, then he will not be able to reload his shotgun. See the scene.

Part II


In a dream, you will find yourself in a labyrinth, which is not difficult to pass. After the first fork, turn left all the time or go straight if you can't turn. You will come to the living room. Rise to the second floor, where there will be a labyrinth again. Walk to the end of the black and red line and jump over to another one, then turn left. You get into the nursery.

Chapter 1

Go to the locker and take the Painkillers. Go through the door opposite; further in the corridor there are a lot of bandits. Run out and show yourself to them, they will chase you. Hide behind the door and wave your bat - everyone who enters the boiler room will receive a turnip. Collect weapons and go to the warehouse - there are ammunition and painkillers in the boxes. In the room next to it, too, a lot of useful things. There is a lot of cannon fodder in the other room. Find a newspaper in it and go to the elevator in the corridor. The elevator doors will open and the bandits will attack you. Clear the meat warehouse and go outside to the hotel. Enter the hotel through the door on the left. We kill everyone in the hall and head to the bar, but first go to the toilet - one bandit relieves there. The bar, as always, gathered a warm company. Destroy the retinue, and then the leader.

Chapter 2

Kill the guard in the booth and open the gate. Around the corner you are waiting for those wishing to go to the other world in the amount of two pieces. Then go to the far left door. There are three guards in the warehouse, the most dangerous of them is the one upstairs. Kill them. Climb up there and pick up various ammo and Painkillers. You leave in a court yard in which two guards are carelessly strolling. Deal with them and again go to the left door (in the game you only go to the left!). This warehouse is guarded by just one criminal, who is easy to deal with. Climb up the lift and find the switch. When the cargo is moving, two guards will come running; shoot them and go through the door. You will be at the port. On the right, a bandit will be whistling. Kill him and go right. When you meet the next bandits, let them suffer the fate of the rest. Climb onto the crane and press the button; one of the containers will rise. Go to the formed passage. Follow the narrow corridors and shoot the villains. Next you should see a cargo lift. Approach it - it will start abruptly and drive in your direction, but you hide in the aisle and wait. Again there will be shooting and running between the containers. In the end, you will reach a raised bridge, and a little further in one of the containers is a sniper and a letter. Follow on, cross the barge to the other side. Look through the grate - there is a support under the trailer wheel. Shoot at it, the result - the bridge will be reduced back. Go through it. A guard with a shotgun will run out of the door on the right. Quickly show him and a few of his comrades where the crayfish hibernate. Search the room from which he left, and go further.

Chapter 3

Again a warehouse, and a sea of ​​guards to boot. Shoot them all! Exit the warehouse through the top door. You will see a port crane moving in your direction and a bandit bustling about on it. Shoot him with a sniper and sit on the crane. You need to go around the container lying on the tracks. The coast is guarded by enemy fighters on towers, each of them has a sniper rifle. Their vision is much less than zero, so they will not notice you. You will not have time to reach the entrance to the warehouse, as the bandits run in below. You can shoot them with a sniper rifle, or you can drive past. Come into the warehouse. Do you know how this one differs from the previous one? Nothing! As always, routinely clear the room, and then examine it. Go to the room upstairs. Before you get to the door, when... some oaf jumps out at you with a shotgun. Bullet in the forehead, so as not to stick out. Look at your feet in the room. Those cylinders that are below must be destroyed. Before leaving here, kill the guard on the ship, then press the button next to the door - this is an alarm. On a signal, two or three guards will come running. But they are just as stupid and oblique as everyone else. Exit the warehouse the way the guards came.

Outside, the ship is protected by two infidels, and five more roam the deck and bridge (you have already shot one). In the wheelhouse, go to the phone. Open the door behind you and step to the side. Then go past the lifeless body into the hold. The stairs are guarded by four frames, easily destroyed by a grenade. Go down and open the right door. In addition to the guards, the most important of Punchinello's henchmen will also be in the hold. Shoot the first ones quickly, and lure the boss to the bridge and kill him with a sniper (minimum 4 shots). Go back to the hold and collect ammunition. You will find Colt Commando and full ammo for it.

Chapter 4

Calm looking restaurant. But looks are deceiving. Take a couple of steps - and everything will fly to hell here. And all because some intruder poured gasoline on the floor. Run around the middle row of tables on the right side and go through the door with round windows. Exit the kitchen through the same door. Once in the closet, turn right and go through the door. Run down the middle of the corridor so you don't get hit by the fire. Once in the hall, turn left and rush along the corridor. Another room. Do not turn anywhere, but rush straight to the tables - you can safely walk along them. Climb up the stairs. Go through the door and run across the room. Stop here and wait for the shelves in front of you to light up. I run to the left. Stop after the next one. Otherwise, get a balloon in the forehead. Jump over the table and get out of this hell. One mercenary is waiting for you in the kitchen. Test the destructive power of the Colt on it. To the left of the table from which you took the grenades, there is a hatch in the wall. Throw one little thing there - and the two bandits standing below will not be greeted. Get down, find the hatch in the floor and jump into it. There is nothing interesting in the sewers, except for a dozen of Punchinello's henchmen doing it inexplicably in the city drains. After interrupting them, exit the sewer pipes. Vlad is waiting for you on the street (that Russian, remember, who once cut you off in a car).

Chapter 5

The mafia mansion, like an anthill, is teeming with all sorts of bastards. Make your way through the basement - it's not difficult, just keep an eye on the rear, otherwise you will come across individuals who love to shoot in the back. Coming out of the basement, you will see a fleeing bandit - this is one of the three leaders of local groups. The trio sat in the next room. Dealing with them is quite difficult. To begin with, throw grenades at them, and then finish them off from some machine gun. Almost immediately, two guards will be sent here. Leave this room and go to a large room guarded by two types. Move on. In the room with the piano, one fool sat down, who hid behind a tree (he thinks they will not notice him). From this room, go to the bar. Two people are drinking at the bar. Seeing you, one will throw a grenade, so jump to the side; well, more clear. There are two again in the hall: one behind the vase, the other on the stairs. After the shootout, go upstairs. First go to the right door. The boss (in a white shirt) is guarded by two. Who will be the first of them to end up in a terrible judgment is up to you. You leave to the stairs and approach to other door. She will be locked up. So, you have to knock. Did you knock? Stand back. The frame on the other side will fire from the M79 and blow the door to pieces. Now go to the previous door and take out the owner of the M79 from the sniper. In the room he was in, there are two more bandits hiding behind the bed. Enter the bathroom and quickly shoot the guard before he gets his weapon. Another guard with a shotgun will come running to the sounds of shots. Go further, and on the landing above the first floor you will see Vincent Magnano. Kill him without delay. Go into the room he was trying to enter. There are two bandits waiting for their boss. Exit through the other door to Punchinello's office. In the scene, tough security guards will bang him, who will then take on Max. Exit the office and open the door on the right. This dandelion granny is the head of the AESIR corporation. It was she who made all the mess. And she will pay for this. True, in another part.

Part III


Break the glass and jump down. Mines prevent you from going further. Shoot them from a safe distance. Collect weapons in the room. The warehouse is guarded by two militants, and another one is sitting in a container with the inscription "Cold Steel". Enter the computerized room. Gather ammo. At this moment, the enemy will come here. Kill him quickly so that he doesn't hurt you badly. Approach the gate and open it (the button should be white). Enemy fighters hid behind them. There are mines in the corridor, neutralize them. Then when you come to the next door, a grenade will fly through the window at you. Then a guard will come out. Dodge the grenade, kill the guard. Enter the shop through the gate. Three soldiers are on duty in it: two below and one above. Kill them and go to the opposite corner of the map. Behind the door, a saboteur and an assistant placed mines. What to do with them, and so it is clear. In another workshop, four bandits are already found. Give each person their due portion of lead. Climb up and go through the door. In the corridor you will meet three militants throwing grenades. Kill them and move on. In another corridor there is a room in which the mercenaries are talking about something. Kill the bastards and take the radio from the table. Exit the corridor.

Chapter 2

As soon as you get closer, militants will run out of the door on the left and from the office in front of you. The office has Painkillers, weapons and some important papers. Come out. Where the mercenary ran out, another one is sitting. He must have planted mines on the wall. Shoot them. The explosion will damage the pipe, and flames will burst out of it; the problem is solved by screwing the valve, which is located right there. Go through the door, and then quickly, quickly run to the other, to the one on the other side. Mines again. Disarm them by throwing a grenade. After the explosion, a militant will enter here, quickly neutralize him and move on. An enemy soldier is sitting around the corner in this room. The flame escaping from the pipe prevents you from going further. In order for it to disappear, it is necessary to screw the valve again. It is behind a closed door. But behind it you should notice a sparkling knife switch. Shoot him, go in and turn off the gas. The path is clear. As soon as you open the door, the barrels in the workshop will start to explode. To go further, you need to jump down to the container, but first kill the guard standing in the tracking room. Below, in a long container sat a mercenary. Kill him and take the M79 in the container. The door is further blocked by a drum loader. Shoot them. Now you can go. Climb up to the control room and hit the switch. Go to another shop. Go down and hit another switch. The gate cracked on impact. Shoot at them, an enemy fighter is sitting behind them. Move on. In the destroyed workshop, mines, not fire, pose a more serious danger. But they are also easily destroyed from the M79. Come through the gate. On the left, the gate will open when you approach it. A burning cart will come out from behind them. In that workshop there is a knife switch, by means of which the doors of the furnaces in the previous one are closed. Go to the next shop. According to tradition, it is guarded by three bandits. From here, exit through the gate. Call the elevator. He will not come empty, but with two passengers who need to be explained that they have the wrong floor. Get on the elevator and go down.

Chapter 3

Easy mission. I will only say one thing: even though the security guard turned on “Self Destruction”, this does not mean anything. You will need to hurry only at the very end.

By the way, to get out of the last decontamination chamber, you will have to shoot a mine through the glass. Just, I beg you, snuggle up to the wall, otherwise the door will knock. And then - run to the elevator.

Chapter 4

Also an easy mission. I'll give you some advice.

1. There is a bandit around every corner. Take immediate action.

2. Beware of the black van with machine guns. Wait for him to leave.

3. At the end there will be a boss - a bad cop. This policeman is completely blind, but tenacious, therefore, in order to destroy him as quickly as possible, you need to use the M79. After three or four hits, he will throw back his hooves.

Chapter 5

The last three missions are the hardest. So I will describe them in detail.

Go down to the basement. Shoot the mines and wait for the mercenary to come up. Turn right, there are two more mercenaries on the stairs. Clear the passage and move on. Wait a while for the mercenary on top to leave. Enter the Observation Room. Click on the screen. Immediately after the comic, two bandits will come here. Come out. On the right, a guard walks along the corridor, and in the center there is an exit. Come in. Right in front of you is a raider with a Molotov cocktail. At this moment, another one comes out of the elevator to the left, and a third one is waiting on the stairs. Shoot them and get up. There is a bandit at the entrance to the next floor, but he is not a problem. The problem is that now another one will come out of the elevator. First, he will throw two grenades, and then he will jump himself. Your task is to make him jump out dead. Climb further. A grenade will fly at you from the third floor. Then the one who threw it off will come running. Ask him pepper and go up to the third floor. Enter the office building. On the left, the passage is mined. Jump over the mine. The partition in front of you will fall, and the muzzle of the machine gun will appear from there. The next raider hid in the middle of the room in which he was the last guard. Go down the corridor to the right. Two mercenaries will attack you from around the corner. Send them to the forefathers. Come into the office, rummage through the papers and exit. Kill the soldier in front of you and go to the door. At the bottom of the stairs, a mercenary mines the passage. Shoot him and defuse the move back. Kill the guards who came running too. You can not go through the door from which the guards came. It is also not necessary to go to the left door. Get down. We don't need the door on the right. Come in to the left. Two mercenaries are talking on the steps, and in front of them is a mine. Jump over it and quickly kill the guards. Open the door and you will see the heels of some guy who has stuck mines on the walls sparkling. Shoot him in the back and don't think about anything. Follow the corridor and enter the door.

Chapter 6

Shoot the mines and jump to the right. There will be a guard near the wall. Kill him and return. Two bandits ran to the aid of the deceased. Calm them down and go up the stairs, shooting back at the mercenaries. In the place where they came from, an enemy soldier is sitting on the stairs. As soon as he sees you, he will immediately throw a grenade. Take care of your health first, and then his. Get up. Before going to the next floor, look under the stairs and grab 4 Painkillers. Go up the stairs to the library. Three mercenaries will descend into it by ropes. If they are not killed in time, they will lay mines. Climb up and exit the library. At the end of the corridor, two bandits will come out of the door on the left; shoot the villains. There is a sniper rifle at the end of the corridor they came from. Come into the conference room. Guards will come from the right door, hit them on the kumpol. Exit to the platform above the lower floor. You will be confronted by two guards, and one of them is with a sniper rifle. Move on. When you approach the stairs, two mercenaries will come down from above. Try to kill them while they are still hanging on the ropes. Get down. To the left of the platform are two enemy soldiers. Deal with them and move on. Do not go through the door ahead, you need to go to the left. Two people are again sticking out on the landing, and a sniper sat down on the floor above. Kill them and go up the stairs. Seasoned security guards are chatting in the room, and the corpses of American intelligence officers are lying nearby. Step forward. There will be a difficult fight with a large crowd, use the M79 to quickly get out of here.

Chapter 7

Go through the metal detector (there is no other way), the siren will roar. Guards slap; I must say that the local security is much smarter than the one that was before. Well, slap her, so as not to interfere. Around the corner on the platforms is a trio of militants with M79s. Quickly run to the corner and crouch. Kill first the top, and then the rest of the guards. Approach the opposite wall. Two bandits with Colt Commando will come out of the door. Blow them up with a grenade. Climb up the stairs, destroying the clouds of guards. Don't forget to come in and pick up M79 from the dead bombers. You will reach a mined passage. There are a lot of mines here, and they move vertically. As you get to the middle, a mercenary will move towards you. Quickly kill him, otherwise you will fly into the air. Open the elevator. After the scene, kill the seasoned guards. And go back to the elevator. But before you go, look up. Do you see mines? They need to be destroyed from a safe distance with a sniper or a Colt. The next room is full of security to the eyeballs. First, kill everyone below, and throw grenades at those above. A lone guard sits in a separated room. Shoot him and press the button. A pack of mercenaries will come running, thirsting for your blood. Take the other elevator. He will go down to another elevator, which you need to jump into. The elevator will take you to the computer center. Throw a grenade to the right and left. There are two guards in the engine room. Kill them and climb over the top of the lamp. Destroy the blue lamps with a grenade and kill the incoming guards. Enter the right elevator. Get into the office to the grandmother. Kill the guards and go through the door.

Chapter 8

Run quickly to the corner. Kill the two run out mercenaries, reload and kill the next two. Hide behind the sculpture, then the helicopter will not hit you. Wait out the helicopter attack and continue your work. Exit the library to the roof. Run quickly to the other side. Make your way to the main office. Find the button in the corner of the table, a secret door will open. You don't have to shoot at grandma - it doesn't hurt her. Come out to the roof. In the course of the roller, two cables will break. You need to break two more. Shoot one cable; after the video, a crowd of bandits will come to you. Kill them and shoot another cable. And now - attention! Shoot the lightning rod.

Guess where it will land!? That's fine! Rejoice in revenge. Watch the video. And wait for the continuation.

Part I: The American Dream

Chapter I: Metro station #Rosko#

After getting off the train, Max will be at the subway station #Roscoe# of the notorious New York area of ​​the Bronx. The exit from the station is closed, so the path is one H to the door with the inscription: #Only for personnel#. There, Max will find the corpse of a guard and get a #Beretta#. If you look around the room, you can easily replenish Max's luggage with a couple of painkillers and a few clips for #Beretta# H all located in the cabinets.

Now the exit from the station is open, and a couple of militant villains are waiting for you near it. When Max exits through the #Staff Only# door, the guys will have their backs to you. In order not to waste health, enter slow mode and kill both. As you head towards the stairs, don't forget to pick up clips from their weapons. There are two more standing around the corner up the stairs. Jump around the corner with a somersault and kill both of them in slow motion. At the end of the corridor, behind bars, is their friend Ch, be sure to kill him, otherwise you will get a treacherous shot in the back. After descending to the platform, go left and go through the door in the grate. Pay attention to the iron doors with a combination lock - this is the entrance to the control rooms of the station. Max will not be able to enter there until he knows the code.

There are two on the platform. As soon as you deal with one of them, the second one will run to the staff room. There, Max will be waiting for two guys of a serious look. In slow motion, shoot at the gas cylinders. There won't be a trace of the guys left. After examining all the drawers and cabinets in the room, return to the platform. Now follow the direction of the yellow train H on the left there will be another door #Staff Only#. Opening it, you will see a terrorist holding a subway worker at gunpoint. Shoot the bastard in the head immediately. Now lead the subway employee to the door from the control room, he will dial the code and the door will open. The guy will be killed, you go into the room. Four serious terrorists are waiting for you behind the second doors, deal with them in slow motion.

Enter the door on the right. On the main remote, press the yellow button below line two. On the monitor on the right, you will see that the lights have turned on in the train standing on the platform. Return to the platform. Get on the train and turn the steering wheel. The train will go and break through the wall. Get out from under the rubble and aim at gas cylinders so as not to waste time on individual reprisals against each of the four terrorists waiting for you on the tracks. Going further along the tunnel, turn the door to the left.

Chapter II: From the scene of the crime

Max ended up in an abandoned New York subway station. Behind each turn of the tunnel, a couple of villains await you. In the first room, you can get ammo by breaking one of several boxes. After going along the rails, climb onto platform H where three terrorists are waiting for you. Break the boxes in order to replenish the supply of ammunition. After descending into the tunnel, you will hear the dialogue of two sappers. If you wait until their squabble is over you will only have to fight one of them.

There is a bomb on the door on the right, but no detonator. You need to blow this door. Go down the passage on the left and you will enter the #Aesir# bank, filled with well-armed terrorists. To deal with them without significant health losses, wait until they come close to you and shoot them.

Once in the control room, answer the phone and go to the control computer. The monitor should show three letters indicating compartments: A, B, C. Only one compartment can be opened at a time. Open them one by one H in one of them is a detonator. After receiving the detonator, return upstairs to the door lined with bombs. Enemy reinforcements will be waiting for you there. After installing the detonator, move away from the door.

Next, Max will meet with his friend Alex. After a friend is shot, go up the stairs H in the ticket booth, some painkillers are lost. After passing through the subway tunnels and being near another booth of the same kind, go into it and press the button. The gate will open and you can go outside.

Chapter III: Playing Bogart

First of all, local killers Ch Finito brothers will want to pulverize you. Save and then jump for cover. Shoot the bastards from cover and take out the first brother. The second can be shot point-blank in slow motion. You have a little time before three more gangsters burst into the room, so you must waltz to collect all the things scattered around the room and reload the guns. After dealing with the help, pull out the cartridges and painkillers from the safe. After reading the letter on Finitos' desk, Max recognizes his next target as Ch Rico Muerte. You must find his room at Hotel Ch 313.

Climb down the stairs and, breaking the window, exit to the roof of the hotel. Behind the next door, a couple of bastards are waiting for you. Now go through the corridor and all the open rooms H in one of them you will find a passage to the adjacent corridor of the hotel, in which room 313 is located. There is a trap in it, so open the door carefully. Once triggered, the trap will attract two killers at the end of the corridor. After dealing with them, go into the room and read Rico's letter.

In the next room there is a huge pit. Shoot him until he collapses and releases a passage to the lower floor. The three guards below will be frightened. Take advantage of the moment and shoot them.

Chapter IV: Blood Veins of New York

Leaving the elevator, Max finds himself in the laundry room. Three guards are talking about the old days and do not hear how death came for them, so just jump out and destroy all three of them with a machine gun burst. After breaking the boxes, take the painkiller and ammo.

In the room with the stove, pick up the baseball bat and go through the door above the metal stairs. Behind her, two guards are talking about the problems of vampires and their living space, so it won't be hard to surprise them.

In the next room, deal with the guards and break the boxes blocking the doorway on the right. Next, you will find yourself in a large room with a bunch of doors and neon inscriptions. You need a bar. To get the key to it, you will have to shoot four terrorists in the conference room. To deal with the four painlessly, blow up the Molotov cocktail next to the doors. The killers will run out and fry right on the spot. Take the key and head to the bar.

There are Rico Muerte, Candy Dawn and four guards. Rico will wash off immediately, and you will have to deal with the militant five. Lure the guards out of the bar and shoot one by one, and Candy should be eliminated from a medium distance with a long burst of two #berettas.

After stocking up on health in the bathroom, run out of the bar and follow Rico. There you will find another hot fight. Best of all, spread a couple of Molotov cocktails. There is an Exit button in the grate room. But now it will not give you anything, since the exit is blocked by a grate. Climb the stairs to the club and from there C to the roof, then break the glass and jump down. You have to deal with four sickly killers. Once they are dead, run into the room with the #Exit# button, press it and go outside.

Chapter V: Let the guns speak

Enter the second hand shop (#Pawn Shop#) and deal with the shoplifting thieves. After that, rob the store yourself. Extraction H painkiller and cartridges for #ingrem#. Around the corner on the right is a staircase leading to the basement of the Lupino Inn. After dealing with a couple of thugs, collect unused grenades and Molotov cocktails. After passing through the corridors, you will find a small hall, at one end there are gas cylinders, at the other end there is a door that cannot be opened naturally. Take Max to a safe distance and shoot at the balloons. The explosion will destroy the door.

After climbing the stairs, answer the phone call and pick up the key to the stairs in the shop next door. On the way up, you'll be rewarded with a grenade, so be sure to save before going up. When you get to the third floor, you will find that the way up is blocked, so leave the stairs and follow the broken floor around the perimeter of the room. When you reach a hole in the floor, jump over it and quickly move on, as part of the debris will immediately collapse down. Three killers are waiting for you behind the only door. After dealing with the guys, head to the kitchen and jump out the window.