Overview of the add-on "University course" for the game "Potion making. Potions. University course. Supplement University course addition to the game Potions

Playing with the University Course add-on. The university course pleases with a variety of spells that radically change the strategy of the game. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

Spell of the Forbidden Forest. Destroying two of his creatures, the player gets 14 points, which in the face of fierce competition is a good help in the fight for victory. So you can build a strategy around this spell and creatures. It is advisable to play the Forbidden Forest again to pick it up.

The curse of diversity. Very often it is this spell that decides the outcome of the game. The secret is very simple: when there are 6-8 cards left in the deck, we play two variety spells in a row (or we play one, pick it up with a spell of magical knowledge and play again). Thus, we take the remaining cards into our hand, gain an advantage in the number of moves, and then leave the opponent “with a nose” with the elixirs and spells that came into the hand.

The spell of necessity. With the help of this spell, you can deprive the enemy of the mana of strong cards. The most commonly requested elements are the Phoenix Feather (to "knock out" the Forbidden Forest spell or the Great Talisman of Magic), the dragon's tooth (to "knock out" the manifold spell or the Great Talisman of Magic) or the elemental magem (to "knock out" Alchemikote, the talisman of Sorcery, a grain of Conscience) .
The appearance of junior talismans has significantly increased the variability of strategies. In case of an unsuccessful scenario, sometimes the only chance is to bet on them. You don't always have to take the lead. Sometimes, by slowing down a little and simply discarding cards, you can keep up with opponents, since the junior talismans of growth and income will give 1 point each, and the junior talisman of utility will bring 1 point for each discarded card. Thus, recipes that cannot be collected are discarded, and good cards will remain at the end of the game, where it will be possible to make a "feint with the ears" and get ahead.

A few tips when playing with the "University Course":
1. Always use the collected elixir of versatility on your turn, do not leave it for your opponent
2. Having received the Talisman of Sorcery in your hand, do not rush to collect it from the enemy’s junior talismans, it may be more profitable to collect it from your talismans in the last move.
3. Having received a grain of conscience in your hands, do not try to give it away right away, because. on the next turn it can be returned back. It is better to wait for the moment when it will be impossible to return it, and give this "gift" to the opponent.

Game with addition "Guild of Alchemists". The basic rule of the game with this addition is no bribe to the opponent. Because of what, a fierce struggle always ensues in the game.

A few tips when playing with the "Guild of Alchemists":
1. Try to always do 2 moves, so it is more likely that the cards you need for the sequence will come to you.
2. Cards in hand that are needed for the opponent's sequence, discard and use as ingredients for recipes.
3. To confuse the enemy, do not immediately put recipes in your sequence
4. Do not leave assembled recipes for the sequence lying on the table - immediately put them in the sequence.
5. Supreme Elixir and Great Talisman of Magic collect from those ingredients that the enemy needs for the sequence
6. Take your time to transmute at the start of the game, as there are 2-3 copies of the required recipes in the deck. Use this spell in cases where there are no required recipes in the deck, or your recipe is part of another and it will no longer be possible to extract it.

A game with 2 additions or UGA (university guild of alchemists) in the slang of potions. When using 2 additions, the game simultaneously becomes very diverse in tactical plan, however, this can feel a bit long (especially for two players). Due to the larger number of cards, the sequence is more difficult to collect, which means that it is necessary to obtain the necessary recipes with all the spells at hand. Try to focus on your sequence by playing the trismegist spell and the manifold spell as soon as it comes into hand. If you have a magical or common knowledge spell, use it to pick up used spells and play them again. Otherwise, use the tips for playing with the "University Course" and "Alchemy Guild".

same sequence . If you and your opponent have the same sequence when playing with the Alchemists Guild add-on or with 2 add-ons, get ready, a noble battle is ahead. The transmutation spell is a treasure for this party, save it for the final push. Putting the next recipe in the sequence, try to "hide" the previous one from the opponent. To do this, use it as an ingredient for a more complex elixir or talisman, or send it to the closet with a transform spell.

About the rules. In the process of getting to know the game, we, like many Potions masters, had questions regarding some aspects of the game. For answers, I had to turn to the author of the game, Sergey Machin, who dotted all theі for which many thanks to him.
The following are questions and answersauthoron them:
1. New sequences appeared and, in connection with this, the question arose - does the junior talisman work if it lies at the extreme in the sequence? - Yes
2. When an opponent plays a necessity spell, I discard the indicated element in a cabinet that does not contain the element. Should I be added for this point? And if so, do they work? this moment utility charms? -No. No.
3. Regarding spells: on the spell of destruction, transformation, knowledge, it is written "play one more card", but on the spell of necessity, magical knowledge, it is written that "the player MAY play one more card", i.e. Is it necessary to play another card? - Yes. Exactly.
4. game situation, when my rival with a Talisman of Sorcery takes my 3 Minor Talismans of Universality. Therefore, he gets 8 points for the talisman of Sorcery, and I - for the use of my universals, 3 constituting * 4 points * 3 minor talismans = 36 points. Is it correct? Have we correctly understood the essence of the talisman of universality? - You get 12 points - half (8/2) for each of the recipes taken from you, regardless of the number of Talismans of Universality you have.
5. The rules say that a grain of conscience cannot be given away if it is the last card in the hand. Is it possible to give it away if it is not the last one, but the opponent has already finished the game, and you still have a lot of cards in your hand? - Yes, you can.
6. The last card cannot give away a grain of conscience, you cannot play the anatorum spell, because. for this you need at least one more card, variety and transmegisters, because there are no cards in the deck, but the rest of the spells can be? Many of my friends are sure that the last card if this spell can only be played as an element. So is it possible to play the forbidden forest with the last card? destruction? transform, etc.? - "Forbidden Forest" is perhaps possible, but "Destruction" and "Transform" - no, due to the considerations set forth in question "3"
7. When using the spell of necessity my opponents don't have the requested element and I do, should I play a card from my hand in this case? - Must.
8. I also heard from one person that the spell of necessity can only be cast if the element is not in the closet, because it is a spell of necessity, and since it is in the closet, then there is no need to request it. Is it correct - Well, formally, there is no such condition. I think you can still play.
9. As it became known, the points received for each of the taken recipes do not depend on the number of Talismans of Universality available. And what about the junior talismans of utility? If there are two or more utility talismans, does the player who owns them still get one point for each element dropped into the cabinet? -In my opinion, junior talismans act like this:

MT of Utility - 1 point per card played as an element, REGARDLESS of the amount of MT of Utility the player has;
MT of Universality - the player receives half points for each element once, REGARDLESS of the number of MT of Universality the player has;
MT of Growth - the player receives 1 point FOR EACH MT of growth;
MT of Income - the player receives 1 point FOR EACH MT of growth.
I must say that some reputable Potions tournament judges are of the opinion that a player gets 1 point regardless of the number of Growth (Income) Talismans he has.

Home rules . At our company, we have made changes to the rules:
1. when playing with the Alchemists Guild or UGA expansion, recipes cannot be placed in a sequence from the hand
2. The game continues until the end of the cards in the decks.
We assure you: the game will become more strategic and fun, because there will be more opportunities for dirty tricks, and luck will play a smaller role than before.

"was released in the summer of 2005 and quickly gained popularity. Comprehending magical science, students of the school of witchcraft and wizardry brewed potions and drugs from various elements, created creatures and magical talismans. Successes in the magical field did not go unnoticed by the developers of the game, and by the end of 2005, the first add-on for Potions under the name "University Course" appeared on the market. "University Course" is not a standalone game, it can only be played in conjunction with "Practice". Now the game is played with two decks, the cards in which do not mix with each other.

first look
"University course" consists of 63 cards. Total in the "University course" 21 new map, each of which is presented in triplicate. Among the 21 cards: 10 recipes, 10 spells and 1 artifact. Recipe cards still consist of two parts: an element and a recipe, but all recipes are new.
The rules of the "Practice" have undergone minor changes. Players now draw up to seven cards in their hand each turn (you can draw cards from any deck), after which you can either draw one more card and play one card, or play two cards in a row. This rule allows you to realize the desire of many players in the "Practice" - toss elements into the cabinet required card to myself.

What we have?
Four recipes of the "University course" (two elixirs, a creature and a talisman of sorcery) are similar to the recipes of the "Practice", the rest are fundamentally new. These include the Elixir of Versatility, which can be crafted from any two elements. Elixir of Versatility does not score points, but it can be used as an ingredient for a more complex recipe in place of any missing elixir. A kind of joker in the Potions deck that helps players collect complex recipes. The "joker" cards also include a new base element- universal magem (can be used as an ingredient instead of any other element) and Powder of Life - a new powder that can replace any other powder when creating a magical creature. However, when using the Elixir of Versatility and elemental magem as part of a recipe, you should remember that if another player takes this recipe from you in order to collect a more complex recipe, you will not receive the required bonus points.
Also, junior talismans appeared in the "University Course", giving the player who collected them permanent bonuses.

New Spells
In the deck of the "University course" there are as many as thirty cards of Spells (there were only six of them in the "Practice"). With new rules that allow you to play multiple cards in a turn, ten different spells truly allow you to work wonders during the game. With the help of new spells, you can easily create and destroy your own and other people's recipes, draw additional cards from the deck and force other players to drop cards into the cabinet of elements.
In addition to recipes and spells, Artifacts have now appeared in Potions. The only (so far?) artifact card - "A Grain of Conscience" introduces an element of direct sabotage to other players into the game. The player can transfer the "A Grain of Conscience" to any other player who has more points. The one to whom the Grain of Conscience is given takes this card into his hand and loses five points.

Team play
"University course" brings another innovation - a team game. Now, if there is an even number of players at the table, you can play in teams of two. Members of the same team sit side by side to be able to talk and toss each other desired cards. On his turn, instead of playing a card, a player may pass one card to his teammate (you cannot pass cards if the teammate already has eight or more). At team game The winning team is the one that includes the player who scored the maximum number of points at the end of the game.

The "University Course" is recommended to all fans of the "Practicum". Now the parties in "Potion" become more interesting and longer. Turns are made more slowly, players are considering various options for using spells, several cards come into hand per turn, and the game environment is constantly changing. The luck factor present in the "Workshop" is minimized. Now the result of the game depends solely on the ability to dispose of the cards received.

Another addition to Potions has already been released, dedicated to the search for the philosopher's stone. It's called the Alchemist's Guild and adds another deck to the game.

Board game

Potions. University course (supplement)

10+Minimum age 2-6Number of players 60–120 min. Game time

Price: 630 r.

32 bonus points.


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Reviews and comments (32 )

    Feedback | Tatyana, Samara | 11/17/2017

    Is it possible to replace magem in the recipe with elixirs or talismans?

    Answer from the store Igroved: Hello, Tatyana. According to the rules, any other ELEMENT can be substituted for Elemental Magema when making a recipe. We believe that it is impossible to replace the elixir or talisman with Elemental Magem.

    Feedback | Denis, Orenburg | 05/24/2016

    After casting the Magic Whirlpool spell, all element cards are discarded in the cabinet. And if at the same time there were elixirs created with the help of elemental magem, now they do not differ in any way from the rest, and when using them, points will be awarded to players?

    Answer from the store Igroved: Hello Denis. Yes, it would be logical, since from now on it is not clear which elixirs and potions were created using elemental magem and which were not. And points for their further use by other players should be awarded according to the usual rules.

    Feedback | Olga, Moscow | 02.02.2016

    Tell me, please, is it possible to play a spell card not as a spell, but simply lay it out as an element in the cabinet? If you have collected a minor talisman, is it valid for the entire game or can its action be used only once?

    Answer from the store Igroved: Olga, hello.
    Yes, you can.
    The talisman is valid throughout the game.

    thanks a lot for the prompt reply! We will play with double pleasure)))

    Feedback | Natalya Chizhova | 01/09/2016

    thanks for the answer. but still not clear on the first part: elemental magem does not give the player points for using his potion, but he has a talisman that gives half the points from each recipe used. how do they interact? does the talisman cancel the effect of the magem in the recipe? or magem does not give points regardless of the presence of a talisman of universality?

    Answer from the store Igroved: Yes, in this situation the player gets points, because the talisman (Junior Talisman of Universality) cancels the rule mentioned below, which is stated separately: "The player gets points even for the Elixir of Versatility and recipes collected using Elemental Magem."

    Feedback | Natalia Chizhova, Moscow | 09.01.2016

    hello. we really like the game "potions", but there were questions about the "university course"
    1. Another player has a Minor Talisman of Universality and one of the potions has been assembled with an elemental magem. I'm making my recipe from my potion and another player's potion with elemental magema. does the other player get points for it?
    2. Another player has three minor charms (including the minor universal charm). I have a recipe for a talisman of sorcery and I make it up from someone else's three talismans. how many points does the other player get: half of the cost of the great talisman (4) or 12? does the junior talisman of universality work at this moment or is it no longer?

    Feedback | Alexey Smirnov | 04/10/2013

    Good game, lacking only more detailed analysis spell cards. Now, if they made a video for the entire Potions series with detailed examples, it would be just great. I recommend it to all beginner boarders. Learns quickly, captivates for a long time. AT general game for table gatherings with tea and snacks =)

University Course is the first expansion for the Potions board game. The set includes 63 cards with ten new recipes, ten new spells and one artifact, as well as rules. To play, you need the basic Potions. Practicum". In addition, the "University Course" can be combined with the second addition - "The Guild of Alchemists".

In Potions, players create magical powders and elixirs from a variety of ingredients, earning victory points for their research. The simplest potions are made from two or three basic elements, such as a snake's eye, a dragon's tooth, or a phoenix feather. Then, from simple potions, more complex ones can be made - up to the unique supreme elixir and the great talisman of magic. The more complex the recipe you complete, the more victory points it earns.

Universal Ingredients appear among the University Course cards for the first time. An elemental magem replaces any base element: if you need, for example, a fern flower or an air crystal that is not on the table, you can use a magem instead. Similarly, an elixir of versatility, which is created from any two elements, can replace any two-component elixir. However, potions obtained with the help of universal ingredients will not earn you points if another player uses them.

Almost half of the expansion cards are spells. Now they allow you to draw cards from the deck, kill magical creatures for victory points, play additional cards, require other players to put the desired element on the table, etc. Among the new recipes are minor talismans four types, which bring victory points not only at the time of creation, but also on subsequent turns - until they are destroyed or used. Another innovation is the “Grind of Conscience” artifact, with the help of which lagging behind players will be able to slow down opponents who have pulled ahead a little.

The University Course cards are not mixed with the cards from the base game (they even have different shirts), but are laid out on the table in a separate deck. During the course of the game, players can draw cards from both this additional deck and the old Practice deck. In addition, in a game with an addition, each participant receives on his turn not two actions (draw a card, play a card), but three. Thus, in one move, you can either take two cards and play one, or take one and play two, which allows you to implement more complex combinations. And with the help of spells, players can build entire chains of actions, with each move getting more and more victory points.

With the "University course" "Potion making" becomes more varied and deep. At the same time, the game becomes somewhat more difficult and longer, so we recommend the addition only to those players who have successfully completed the Practicum. For "Potions" there is another addition - "Guild of Alchemists". And if you want to purchase the full set of the game at once, pay attention to the deluxe edition of Potions.