System requirements for world warcraft. World of Warcraft system requirements: detailed analysis. Mist of Pandaria expansion

My attitude to scientific and technological progress is ambivalent. On the one hand, I am interested in new products in every possible way, sometimes I write fiction on these topics. On the other hand, I see those obvious distortions that are artificially created by manufacturers and developers with the sole purpose of cutting down as much as possible.

The technological race in the field of hardware and software for the PC is a prime example of this. For twenty years, ever faster hardware has been produced, and developers have been writing more and more demanding software. Although for the mass user, this is not all that necessary. An office suite, a browser, an email client, maybe a graphics editor - that's all. And "stumps" with 64MB of memory were quite enough twenty years ago. More serious power was needed only for those who actively worked with graphics, scientists and gamers. All the rest of these gigahertz nafig were not needed.

One of the nice things about playing WoW was that it had very democratic requirements. I then came from Everquest 2 and if it took two or three minutes to enter the game, then I got to Azeroth in less than a minute. The seamless world and undemanding graphics were a definite plus. The permanent upgrade of iron was canceled and the last time I changed the system was five and a half years ago. I did not consider buying memory up to 4GB and a 1 terabyte screw a serious upgrade.

This morning the news about Legion's system requirements made me a little upset. Here's what the blue post says:

Minimum requirements:

Operating system: Windows 10.

  • Intel CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8500
  • AMD CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 720
  • Disk space: 45GB
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Nvidia GPU: GT440
  • AMD GPU: Radeon HD 5670
  • Intel GPU: HD Graphics 5000
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Intel CPU: Intel Core i5-3330
  • AMD CPU: AMD FX-6300
  • Nvidia GPU: GTX 750 Ti
  • AMD GPU: R7 260X

The first question that arises is why such demands are so frightening? New models appeared in WoD and it was clear why. What now? Three times the viewing range? So what? What cardinal changes have occurred in the engine that the requirements have jumped so much? Maybe I'm not a very demanding person, but for me, the picture of WoW has not changed much since WotLK. Yes, the textures have become better, but shadows have appeared, and everything has become a little prettier, but Christmas trees with sticks, what has changed?

Yes, of course, the system should have been changed a couple of years ago. Moreover, the stone and the map have already worked out their full. Five and a half years is quite so-so nothing. On the other hand, if it works, then what for to change? Now, if it breaks, then this is a reason to go to the store. So why waste money? Especially since all the other MMOs I've played didn't require much resources. Even Guild Wars 2 gave excellent FPS in massive fights, not to mention SWTOR and even more so EVE Online. WoW itself tossed and turned beautifully even in mythic raids, except that it could lag a little on the pool.

According to the minimum requirements, I, of course, will get through, in the system requirements, the mandatory presence of Windows 10 on the computer bothered me the most. You can call me a retrograde, but my criterion is simple - if something works and satisfies my needs, then there is no need to change it. If something is missing, then it makes sense to buy. Just like it used to be with the iPad. When the Palm TX ceased to satisfy requests, I bought something large and convenient.

In short, let's see. Maybe you really need to change the piece of iron.

System requirements World of Warcraft is a description of the approximate characteristics that a computer must meet in order for it to run any particular software.

These characteristics can describe the requirements for both hardware (type and frequency of the processor, volume random access memory, hard disk capacity) and to the software environment ( operating system, availability of installed system components and services, etc.). Typically, such requirements are compiled by the manufacturer or author of the software.

To be able to play World of Warcraft, your computer must meet certain requirements. There are minimum and recommended system requirements.

Minimum System Requirements World of Warcraft

The minimum system requirements of World of Warcraft most often indicate the PC configuration on which the game can be run without problems when minimum settings charts.

For comfortable and productive work or play, you need a computer that meets the recommended requirements. Although there are times when, if all system requirements are met, the program does not work or works with “buggy” errors.

System and technical requirements may change from time to time, in connection with which this document may be modified and / or supplemented.

Developer Interview

Hi, how are you? My name is Andrew Chambers. I am a senior game designer for World of Warcraft. I'm Michael Bybee, Senior Producer for World of Warcraft. AT recent times our team has been working on the fronts mode. it new opportunity, which is waiting for players in World of Warcraft, and we want to tell you about it.

Warfronts is a 20-player PvE mode where you help your faction - Horde or Alliance - raise an army and destroy the enemy base. And it's amazing. You fly in an airship, parachute into the thick of the battle, capture a base, take control of resource points such as a sawmill and an iron mine, use these resources to build up a base, crush enemies on the battlefield and fight in the ranks of a huge army.

As a result, you lay siege to the enemy base, break down the gates, break in and defeat the enemy commander. So, at the front, I can mine wood and iron. But what can they be spent on? First of all, the players must rebuild the base. At the base, you can build many different buildings.

At first, you only have the town hall, from where you can send farm laborers to mine iron. Then you build barracks. In the barracks you can train - for the Alliance - infantrymen and shooters. Later, after capturing a few points and starting an offensive on the front, you will be able to build an armory. In the armory, you can conduct research and improve the weapons and armor of the units. The best part is that the armor upgrades are visible to the naked eye.

One of the guys on our team kicked his ass so that every improvement is immediately visible, and it looks amazing. You can also build the Altar of Kings, it looks exactly like before, in the third Warcraft. Players can go there and order some upgrade.

If the armory makes the units of your faction stronger, then the Altar of Kings strengthens the players themselves. And finally, you can build a workshop. Here you can produce siege weapons. Military equipment deals siege damage. With the help of siege weapons you will destroy the gates of Ar& #39; goroka, the enemy base, and start the final assault.

Let's talk about squads. Your team spent a lot of time figuring out exactly which units should fight on the fronts and what abilities they should have. I remember there were many transformations - one thing, then another - while we tried different variants. But it seems that in the end it turned out exactly what was needed.

Tell me about what you personally liked the most, how you came to the final version and what to expect from the detachments on the fronts. Yes, creating troops was a very exciting task. How can I enter this. .. . .. element on the battlefield without reducing the contribution of players to victory? Players should feel that using all their abilities seriously affects the outcome of the battle. But squads make the battle really big.

They give weight to what is happening. When a player enters a new zone, and there are no fighting units in it, he gets the feeling that he is alone against all these enemies. But luckily we have units that spawn with the player and charge into battle from behind the hill behind the player. It was interesting trying to somehow balance it all.

We have done a lot of things to make squads important on the fronts. For example, when players try to capture a key point that the boss is protecting, he will use his abilities primarily against units. But if there are no units, he chooses the players, and it hurts. Fronts have become unique to us gaming experience, I would even say, a possibility - many units are fighting on the battlefield.

We even created for them new system AI. We called it "Battle Brain". What she does? As a rule, when there are a lot of units, they rush to one target and try to attack it all together. We wanted to make sure that our units on the battlefield don't look like a bunch of dummies.

And we set up the AI ​​of the squads so that they are distributed across the battlefield and the players get the feeling of a battle scene in a movie, when two huge armies rush towards each other and a huge battle begins. Looks just great. So, the player enters the battlefield, where enemy units are waiting for him. What else have you prepared? Players are waiting for a lot of different things.

We wanted to convey a sense of the magnitude of what is happening. Imagine: there are 20 players on the battlefield, all from the same faction, they are participating in a PvE battle. We have made it so that every player can find something interesting to do. The most obvious and important goal that many players will focus on is capturing key points. There are several strategically important objects on the battlefield.

Not all of them are equally valuable, but each is of interest. Controlling these objects strengthens your army and unlocks a number of advantages. Each of these objects is protected by the commander of the enemy faction and, of course, many ordinary fighters. Players should go there, preferably in a large group, destroy as many support units as possible and attack the commander. This is also an interesting challenge.

After defeating the commander, you can capture the flag. As usual, you click on the flags and stand still for a while, hoping that no one attacks you. After that, the point will be captured. When it comes under your control, reinforcements will arrive. In addition, some objects allow you to create new units. Foot soldiers, rangers, priests and knights can fight for you, much like in Warcraft III.

Great hello from the past. Very good. In addition, events take place in the game world from time to time, each time different. Let's say the battle is in full swing, everything is going on as usual at the front, and suddenly Fozruk appears. A huge elemental that roams the roads of Arathi. If you manage to defeat him, he will carry out your order. You can tell him: "Attack the Circle", or, say, "Attack the gates of Stromgarde." This is a great moment.

Events are all random, so players are waiting for new experiences every time. In general, Bybee, at the front, the main goal of the players is to establish control over the road of Braveglass in order to destroy the gates of the enemy base. What's next, beyond the gate? If I'm Horde and I've captured Braveglass Road, I break down the gates of Stromgarde and the enemy faction's commander is waiting for me behind them.

The Alliance commander may be Muradin, Turalyon, or Danath Trollbane, who has returned to reclaim Stromgarde for his people. If I'm playing Horde, I have one of three commanders in my base: Lady Liadrin, Eitrigg, or Rokhan. Each commander has his own special units. Muradin has Ironforge guards and dark sorcerers, plus these huge dark iron golems.

When fighting against Trollbane, you have to deal with Stromgarde spellcasters. When you're up against Turalyon, Lightforged around, paladins and all. This every time changes the alignment at the front. Each commander is a raid boss for 20 people. It is not a fact, of course, that he will often defeat players.

It seems to me that this is a great final chord of the battle. There are a lot of great features in Battle for Azeroth, but Warfronts are something new and unlike anything they've seen before. Yes. Of course, I look forward to when players can see the fronts, and today I was very happy to have this opportunity to talk about how we worked on this part of the game, to talk about what often goes behind the scenes.

It was a wonderful opportunity and I really enjoyed it. Thank you. I hope we can play fronts together soon.

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular multiplayer role playing games. computer games in the world. It appeared about fifteen years ago and almost immediately won the palm. Since then many similar games tried to get ahead of her, but none succeeded. In recent years, there have been no special attempts, since the genre of mass multiplayer role play became not so popular and was replaced by other games with a multiplayer mode, but the project has its own impressive fan base. Moreover, new players still gradually appear in the project. If you want to try your hand, then you should first find out the system requirements of World of Warcraft. It would seem that the game should go on every computer since it was released over ten years ago. However, it turns out that the developers are constantly releasing updates and additions for it. And with the game, the system requirements of World of Warcraft are also updated, so before downloading the client and purchasing a premium account for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with them and make sure that your system is suitable for this game, otherwise you may have problems with this massive multiplayer entertainment.

Operating system

Although the game was released when even Windows 2000 was still active, times have changed, and if you want the game to run on your computer, you should make sure that you have an operating system installed no older than Windows 7. Yes , even the classic version of XP is not allowed, since it is no longer supported by the developer, so it is not profitable for game developers to use it in their games. Naturally, there are also recommended system requirements for World of Warcraft, in which you will find the fact that the developers recommend that you use Windows 10, since it's no secret that this version of the operating system is called the best for PC games. In addition, it is the last in the series, that is, new versions of the system will not be released separately, so you can constantly download updates for this one and thus keep your finger on the pulse. Of course, the operating system isn't the only thing you need to know when looking at World of Warcraft system requirements.


If you ever read World overview of Warcraft, you know it's a massively multiplayer game. What does this mean? This means that it is designed to be played by a large number of gamers at the same time, while all of them are in the same game world and can interact with each other. Naturally, the requirements for such a project should be higher than for a regular single-player game, since the load on the computer is much higher. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that even minimally you will need a processor with two cores, the performance of each of which should be above three gigahertz. As for the recommended requirements, here it is worth considering purchasing a processor with four cores, since only in this case you can achieve the best result. Naturally, in original version World of Warcraft requirements were significantly lower, but as mentioned above, constant updates have contributed to the gradual increase in requirements.


One of the most important elements of a computer is RAM. It is it that programs use to function, and if it is not enough, the program will not be able to start or it will start, but at the same time it will “hang” the computer, since the limit of available memory will be exceeded. Games are the same programs, but even more demanding. Accordingly, you need to have quite a lot of RAM in order not to think about what game you are buying. Modern projects require mostly about eight gigabytes of RAM, although there are already those in which maximum performance can only be achieved if you have as many as sixteen gigabytes of RAM available. Fortunately, in the case of World of Warcraft, the requirements are not so high. To just run the game, two gigabytes is enough for you, while at maximum settings you can play without the slightest problem with four gigabytes. And if in any other game you can try to neglect the recommendations, it is better not to do this in massively multiplayer RPGs.

video card

If you've watched the World of Warcraft video review, you've seen that latest versions the games have pretty impressive graphics that are dozens of times better than what the game originally had to offer. Accordingly, you should acquire a quality graphics card if you want to enjoy all the beauties of the game world. The minimum requirement is one gigabyte of video memory, however, in order to set the graphics settings to the maximum, you should have at least two gigabytes of video memory.

Disk space

There's no way to tell exactly how much space World of Warcraft will take up. Bes paid servers, official and paid servers - each of them has its own client, which may differ in "weight". But in most cases, the game will take up about 45 gigabytes on your hard drive.

Blizzard Entertainment has released the minimum and recommended system requirements for World of Warcraft 5 for PC and Mac. With more detailed models and other graphical improvements, Warlords of Draenor is a bit more demanding than the previous addon, Mists of Pandaria.

The latest add-on will require 10 GB more free space on the hard drive and two to four gigabytes of RAM for the minimum and maximum settings, respectively. best quality pictures and excellent performance are promised to owners of a processor no worse than the Intel Core i5-2400 and AMD FX-4100 and graphics cards of the level of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 and AMD HD 5870 (for owners of Apple systems - GeForce GT 750M and AMD Radeon HD 6750M). You can take a look at the full list below.

Minimum system requirements:


  • 2 GB random access memory(for owners of Windows XP - 1 GB);
  • 35 GB free space on the hard drive;
  • broadband internet connection;
  • keyboard and mouse;
  • display with a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
  • OS Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 (with the latest service pack);
  • CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750;
  • video card NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, AMD Radeon HD 4850 or Intel HD Graphics 3000.
  • OS X 10.8;
  • CPU Intel Core 2 Duo;
  • video card NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT or ATI Radeon HD 4850;
  • 4 GB random access memory;
  • multi-button mouse with scroll wheel.
  • OS Windows 7/Windows 8 (64-bit, latest service pack);
  • CPU Intel Core i5-2400, AMD FX-4100 or better;
  • video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, AMD Radeon HD 5870 or better.
  • OS X 10.9 or newer;
  • CPU Intel Core i5 or better;
  • video card NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, AMD Radeon HD 6750M or better.

In a recent post on the blog, the Warlords of Draenor technical team spoke about some of the visual improvements in addition. In particular, developers switched from multiple anti-aliasing (MSAA) to a new Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing (CMAA) method. According to the creators, this decision will allow in the coming years to bring some long-conceived improvements to World of Warcraft. Also, the developers have reduced the processor dependence of the game by changing the level of detail when the camera is removed from the object (LOD).

Warlords of Draenor will go on sale November 13th. The service accepts pre-orders of the electronic version of the add-on for 899 rubles. Along with regular gamers, the deluxe edition is offered, including a mount and pet, portraits for StarCraft II, a clan flag for Diablo III and a shirt for hearthstone cards: Heroes of Warcraft.

Select retailers also offer the Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition. It includes game development videos, soundtrack, art book, mouse pad, and the same in-game bonuses found in the Deluxe Edition.

Shortly after release, World of Warcraft's 10th Anniversary Celebration will begin on November 21st and run until January 6th. All who enter their account During this period, they will receive a free Molten Corgi pet. Subscribers will also be able to participate in a 40-player raid and a battle between Southshore and Tarren Mill.

The specifics of PC gaming is such that before proceeding with the passage, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and correlate it with the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other constituent parts any personal computer. The usual comparison of the main lines of components is quite enough.

For example, if the minimum system requirements for a game include a processor at least Intel Core i5, then you should not expect it to run on i3. However, comparing processors from different manufacturers is more difficult, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that the performance minimum requirements enough to get the game up and running from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphic settings.