Ori game tips. Achievement guide. Skill slot locations in Ori and the Blind Forest

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In distant times. In another universe on a small planet. There was a magical forest full of mysterious spirits that lived according to its own laws. In the middle of this forest grew a great tree of life. There were many leaves on this tree, one of them had the name Ori. On one of the most terrible days there was a strong storm. A stormy wind carried baby Ori very far from home. Having fallen to the ground, the leaf turned into a charming animal, something like a snow-white luminous kitten. In this form, Naru found him. She looked like a big, clumsy bear. She took the poor baby in her arms and took it to her cave. Naru takes care of Ori like a mother. But the time has come when darkness enveloped the forest. A dark spirit that looks like a big owl. He stole the heart of the tree of life, from which the forest began to lose its vitality. The fruits on the trees stopped growing, and the animals of the forest began to starve. Naru and Ori wandered through the forest and continued to look for food, but found only one fruit. Then they went home. Already at home, Naru knew that everything would die exactly and gave food to Ori. Naru didn't want the baby to see her die and her last last request was for Ori to leave. He fulfilled the request. Realizing that he was left alone. Ori was walking in an unknown direction and met a spirit named Sein. The spirit told that the heart was stolen from the tree of life and because of this the forest began to lose strength. Ori went to the tree. But a dark spirit stood in his way. He was about to attack the baby. But there was thunder, a volcanic eruption. After all, all this time he was restrained by the power of the tree. Ori ran from the spirit pursuing him and the already approaching lava. In setaki, the spirit caught up with the baby, grabbed it in its paws, flew up very high and let the baby go. He fell to the ground, tried to get up but couldn't. The dark spirit landed next to Ori. Naru ran up to him, and Sein followed her, she took the animal in her arms and embraced it. The dark spirit, seeing this, remembered himself as a child. Then he took the heart of the tree and returned it to its place. At the same moment, a bright light appeared, due to which the owl was spoiled, the lava disappeared, and the forest began to bloom again. Naru went home with the baby. Now the forest was not threatened by anything.



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Fandom: CreepyPasta Rating: PG-13 are fanfictions that may contain kiss-level romance and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Size: Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 1 page, 1 part Status: frozen Tags:

Girls 13 years old named Jay fell in love with one boy. But this love turned into many losses, but also a new life.

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Fandom: Ori and the Blind Forest Pairing and Characters: Ori, Naru, Gumo, OP Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience."> G Size: Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 6 pages, 2 parts Status: frozen Tags:

Some time has passed since the events of the game. The Forest of Nibel has blossomed again, life goes on... What adventures await our main characters? And how will their life change after the appearance of an unfamiliar creature from another world?


Fandom: Ori and the Blind Forest Pairing and Characters: Characters: Ori, Spirit Tree, Kuro Chick, Laya, Dark Spirits, Gordar, Korri, Zero, Hori, Astral, Magmadar. Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience."> G Size: Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: from 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 36 pages, 7 parts Status: completed Tags: Mini - small fan fiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 3 pages, 1 part Status: completed Tags :

Life changes, but is still life.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a platform game developed by Moon Studios. The publisher is Microsoft Studios, the release of the project took place on March 11, 2015 for the platforms Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Once upon a time, Ori, a guardian spirit, during a powerful storm falls into the forest, he is found by a bear named Naru, who adopted Ori as her own child and took care of him for many years. A chain of natural disasters destroyed life in all its manifestations. The trouble did not bypass Ori either, Naru dies of hunger and the guardian spirit goes to meet his fate in order to save his house and end the darkness forever.

The action of the game begins with a prehistory, the guardian spirit Ori leaves the Spirit tree and enters dark forest where to find it Naru. The bear takes the main character to him and takes care of him as if he were his own child. The storm launched a chain of natural disasters that led to the death of the forest. The bear Naru dies of hunger, and Ori is forced to go to meet his fate.

And now, in the thick of the dark forest, deprived of strength and any possibility of survival main character in anticipation of his imminent death receives help from his creator. Further, Ori passes under the control of the player, at this stage the spirit can only run and jump.

Lower bogs

In the Lower Bogs we move to the left. Before jumping down on the advice of the game, running along the tree trunk, you need to go further - Ori will raise a vessel with spiritual light (on the map - 1, this substance allows you to get skill points).

We go down and continue to move to the left, cross the reservoir (you should not jump into the water, since Ori cannot swim at this stage of the game) and raise a shard of life (on the map - 2, replenishment of spent health). The main character will find an energy cell (on the map - 3), with which the player can save the progress of the passage (i.e. he uses one energy cell to create a so-called spiritual connection).

Further, Ori meets an aggressive inhabitant of the bogs, at this stage the spirit cannot attack, therefore it is necessary to approach the wall and jump over the enemy (4 on the map, a small collapse will occur). We continue to explore the forest, under the tree trunk it is worth paying attention to a vessel with spiritual light (on the map - 5, most likely, the player will have enough light to learn the skill). We climb the tree trunk and find seina(on the map - 6), which will join the Ori and enable the main character to attack using the flame (the player will immediately have the opportunity to try out new skills on the creatures of darkness).

After repulsing the attack, it is worth walking through the studied places and knocking out the light from various objects (flowers and various obstacles, when destroyed, leave behind resources). By destroying the wall of thorns, Ori gains access to spirit well(on the map - 7), which allows you to save the game (in the same area there is a skill vessel that allows you to get a skill point, but you can climb the ledge after gaining the ability to climb walls).

We go up and destroy another wall of thorns (on the map - 8), under the tree you should pay attention to stone key which will open Spirit Gate(on the map - 9). Next, we go up, with the help of wooden beams and move to the left, another one will be hidden on a small ledge. stone key(on the map - 10). Now that the main character has received two keys, we open the Gate of Spirits (on the map - 11). At this stage, Ori must go to Upper bogs to find the spirit tree, however, you need to gain the ability to climb walls.

According to the storyline at the fork (on map 12) near the gate, we move to the left, but it’s worth going right to the Upper Bogs, a little higher on the ledge you can find cell of life, which will allow you to increase the amount of life (on the map 13, break through the wall glowing in blue, Ori will be able to later). The protagonist will discover the locked Spirit Gate(on the map - 14), we go in search of the Stone Keys.

We go down and move to the left (on the map - 15), running along the tree trunk, jump down and move to the right. The player discovers a broken stone map(on the map - 16), at the end of this branch there will be the first Stone Key.

At the fork (on the map - 17) we begin to descend again, simultaneously clearing the forest from the creatures of darkness. At the end of the path, Ori discovers a small tree of Spirits (on the map - 17), as a result of absorbing light, the main character receives the ability climb the walls(on the left we climb up the wall and get an energy cell).

We rise to the fork and move to the left (on the map - 18), after repelling Ori's attack, you need to push stone boulder avoiding contact with traps. Using this large stone, the main character will climb the ledge and get the second Stone Key (on the map - 19, in the upper left corner there will be a fragment of energy).

We continue to move to the right, use the lever and lower the wooden beam. We jump over the abyss and get splinter stone map (on the map - 20, by placing a fragment in a damaged monument, the player will open a map of the unexplored part of the location). Back to Spirit Gate and remove the seal (on the map - 14), we begin to rise, avoiding contact with traps (on the map - 21 and 22, along the way we collect Stone Keys). In this area there is a locked door, which can be opened if the main character collects 4 energy cells. Gathered in the area 4th Stone Key, we rise to the locked gate (on the map - 23) and open them.

Upper bogs

Next, Ori leaves the Lower Mire and enters the Upper Mire. The protagonist discovers the dormant Tree of Spirits, which tells about the causes of disasters. Kuro, during the Ori summoning, kidnapped Sein and defiled the Spirit Tree. Previously, the Spirit Tree nourished three important components - the Water Element at the top of the Ginzo tree, the Wind Element in the depths of the Forlon Ruins, the Heat Element in Mount Horu, and they in turn maintained harmony in Nibel. In order to save his home, Ori must restore the three elements.

Quest for the element of water

We move to the right and find the damaged floor, in order to continue moving, it is necessary to force the forest dweller, similar in habits to a frog, to jump to the designated place. We go down and go to the left branch of the cave (on the map - 1), Ori will find the spirit of Anno, who teaches the main character to use Empowered Flame(This ability helps to destroy fragile walls).

We break through the wall with the help of a new skill and move to the right, climb up with the help of a wooden beam and activate the lever (on the map - 2, the lower part of the cave will lead Ori to a vessel with spiritual light). With the help of the lowered beam, the spirit will be able to overcome the obstacle, climb onto the tree trunk and go down (on the map - 3).

We destroy the wall and continue to explore the Upper Bogs. The main character discovers a large stone, which is covered with spider cocoons (4 on the map). We climb along the wall and destroy the stone boulder on which the web rests. We jump onto the dropped stone and go to the right side of the cave (on the map - 5, on the left you should pay attention to the cache in which Ori will find an energy cell). We cross a water barrier, at this stage the main character cannot swim, but it is quite possible to jump out of the water.

With the help of blue buds, we rise to the top of a rotten tree and on the left we find a fragment of a stone map (on the map - 6). We restore the stone monument (on the map - 7) and move to the fork to the right (on the map - 8).

needle swamp

At the new location, we move to the right and overcome the system of traps (on the map - 1, at the end of the cave there will be a well of spirits), it is necessary to move the boulder to the pit with thorns (we push the stone to the right, after which we jump over it and push it to the left).

With the help of a boulder we go up and continue to explore the swamps, Ori discovers Gumo from the Ruins of Forlon, who stole the Water Vein from the Ginzo Tree (on the map - 2). We move to the right and jump into the abyss after Gumo (on the map - 3), we clean the area from the presence of creatures of darkness (in the right branch of the cave you can find the Vessel of skills) and go to the left (on the map - 4).

During the pursuit, Gumo locks the door (on the map - 5), in order to continue moving, it is necessary to provoke a hostile plant to attack the barrier (i.e. Ori must gradually move away from the shelling in order to destroy the transitions for the plant).

moon cave

The main character leaves needle swamp and gets into the Lunar Cave, we overcome the system of traps (on the map - 1) and go down (on the map - 2, Ori will find a well of spirits, which will save the game).

We continue to pursue the kidnapper, Gumo manages to activate the sliding bridge (on the map - 3) and the Guardian Spirit falls into Gumo's hideout(the main character will be next to the map of the area, the fragment of the map is on the left side of the abyss, on the map - 7). We move to the right through the system of traps and find Spirit Gate(on the map - 4).

The first stone key will be located in the same part of the cave to the left of the gate (on the map - 5), the second key is in the abyss on the right (to gain access to the second key, Ori will have to defeat a relatively simple boss, it is necessary to attack the enemy at the time when he jumps out of the ground ).

We activate the locked gate (on the map - 4) and continue to move to the right, at the end of the cave, Ori discovers the Tree on which Leroux rests (on the map - 8). The main character gets a new ability - a double jump.

We return to the stone map in Gumo's lair (there is an energy cell in the upper part of this branch of the cave) and overcome the spikes using a new skill (on the map - 9, climb the wall on the right and jump over to the opposite side). We return to the fork (on the map - 10) and cross the water barrier, overcome the next system of traps with the help of a double jump (on the map - 11, there will be a small cut-scene with Gumo, it is better to save before passing through this place and after it too =)).

We move to the right and again we observe the fleeing villain (on the map - 12), we cross the abyss with the help of a new skill and begin to climb to the top. Gumo activates the trap, and Ori will have to move away from falling stones during the ascent (on the map - 13).

Ori takes Gumo out of the blockage and, in gratitude, a resident of the Forlon Ruins gives the main character the stolen Water Element.

Ginzo Tree

We leave the Moon Cave and return the Element to the Ginzo Tree (on the swamp map - 2), the main character needs to climb to the top of the tree. To do this, the spirit can use a very intricate system of portals (on the map - 1). Link to location map

In a cave with a flower (2 on the map), the main character needs to solve a small puzzle (it is necessary to use mobile wooden shelters to break the cracked walls).

Further, Ori gets into a locked room, the doors will open only after the destruction of an aggressive plant (on the map - 3). In the course of further exploration of the Ginzo Tree, the guardian spirit will stumble upon a closed Spirit Gate (on the map - 4), to activate which you need 4 stone keys (on the map - 5, to get to them, the player again needs to use portals).

Behind the Gates, Ori will find the spirit of Rome (on the map - 6), which teaches the main character how to use the "Strike" ability (allows you to make a strong jerk relative to some objects, for example, near a lantern in a jump, you need to hold down the C key and select the direction of movement with the mouse during a pause) .

In the next rooms/caves, Ori is taught to use a new skill (on the map - 7), which allows not only to overcome serious obstacles and long distances, but also to inflict damage on the enemy, redirect enemy projectiles in the right direction.

Next, the player needs to collect 4 Stone Keys (on the map - 8) to unlock the locked gate (on the map - 9, using the newly acquired ability). Ori will have to defeat the Boss (on the map - 10), who will attack the main character with clots of dark energy. To win, it is necessary to direct energy at the enemy under the means of "Strike".

Finally, the guardian spirit reaches hearts Tree Ginzo (on the map - 11), in order to breathe life into it, Ori must destroy the filth from both sides. In the right room (on the map - 12), the essence of the task is to control the flight of the projectile in order to break through the damaged wall (that is, it is necessary to change the direction of flight in time so that the energy is reflected from the luminous objects).

In the left room (on the map - 13) the puzzle is similar, except that Ori must use his enemies (the frogs will allow you to jump higher; a fired projectile aimed at a damaged wall will break it).

After Ori revives the Heart again, the flood will begin, you must quickly get out of the Tree with the help of "Strike". The protagonist is expected to meet with Kuro, but Ori tries to escape and falls from the top of Ginzo (Ori saves Gumo).

The article is part of the Complete walkthrough of Ori and the Blind Forest

Keywords: ori and the blind forest, ori, naru, kuro, nibel, lower bogs, sein, stone keys, spirit gates, stone cards, energy cells, platformer, spirit tree, storm, upper bogs, water element, anno spirit, humo, spiky swamp, moon cave, humo hideout, tree heart

We present to your attention an exciting walkthrough of the game. This is a platform game that was developed by a little-known studio. The plot tells how the Forest of Nibel dies. An unknown powerful storm has launched a series of negative consequences and the protagonist of the game sets out to find his courage in order to eventually fight the enemy that hangs over this world. You will be able to learn the story of one little orphaned creature who will become a hero.

Here you can find a complete and text walkthrough of the game, which is presented below. In our walkthrough you will be able to find and reveal all the secrets of the game. If you met a difficult place in the game, a difficult puzzle, or even got into an incomprehensible situation, then our walkthrough of the game will undoubtedly help you go all the way of a little hero!


So, you are introduced to the two main characters of this game, in addition to this, you will be shown the story of their incredible friendship. After the hero named Naru dies, the Ori go wherever their eyes look. Soon, the spiritual tree breathes new life into Ori, and he, having received new hope, sets off to travel.

The note: After you complete the "Prologue", you get a new and first achievement "The Journey Begins".

Start of the Journey

Lower Bogs

The note: If you immediately go a little forward and after, run further along the log that lies here, then a little further you can find a secret wall behind which a good bonus will be waiting for you. As soon as you take your first bonus, you get a new achievement called "So Many Secrets".

Go down by pressing the keys - S + Shift. Keep moving forward. Turn left and after, dive into the gorge, what will happen here. You just have to move on along the only available path that will be here (western direction). At some point, you meet your first enemy the Hedgehog. The enemy is not too dangerous, you just need to react in time to the shots that he will fire at you in order to successfully dodge them. A new secret area will be located under the fallen tree, so go there, take a new bonus and go further.

Soon you find a spark and it turns out to be the heart of that same Spiritual Tree, and its name is Sein. Your cute conversation is interrupted by new enemies, namely Monkeys! When a jump occurs, then rather run under them and then fire without interruption by pressing the key - LMB. Once you can defeat all your enemies, then look at the map. To open the map, press the TAB key. So, it becomes clear that you need to move in an easterly direction. In your spiritual connection that was created a little earlier, you can finally spend skill points. To do this, press the key - E.

The note: Rather, use skill points - spend them and get a new achievement called "How Many Opportunities".

Now you have to destroy the disputes that block your further path. After their destruction, you find the Spirit Well, which will allow you to save, as well as replenish your strength: spirit points and health. At the top there will be a new barrier, which consists of growths, so destroy it and go further. Soon you will come across a stone that will need to be dragged to the right side. You can do this with the help of the key - Shift + movement arrows. Immediately behind the stone you will find a key with which you can unlock special doors. Climb to the top and then jump on the logs that will hang here. After a short obstacle course, you find the second key. Now go down and find doors there that can be opened with previously found keys. You can do this with the help of the key - LMB (you need to click twice).

Spirit Cave

Move further down and a little to the left. Soon you will come across the Ancestral Tree. This tree gives you the ability to climb walls. To do this, you just need to press the Space key and move with the movement buttons. In general, climb the wall to the left and soon get an Energy Cell.

Climb back to the place you came from and then head west. At some point, you will again have to drag the stone to the left edge, so that after that, climb higher and get to a new secret area, where another bonus awaits you. Climbing higher, you will find another stone that will be past the spinning beaters. Use the stone that stands nearby to go further and after, lower the lever. Now go a little further and soon you will see a fragment of a stone map. After that, go back down and go to the right side. A fragment of the stone map that you found earlier, now insert it into the whole stone map and as a result, you will open a fragment in which you can take the key a little to the right. Climb back to the top and dodge the shots that the flowers create. Next, pick up two keys already. When you get over the trunks of trees, then try to be careful. In the end, you will be able to take another key, which is located a little higher on the left side.

Continue through and this time go to a large area where you will have a great view of the Spiritual Tree. At this point, a cutscene takes place, and after it you are told how you can restore the balance back, which should be in nature. So, to begin with, you will have to kindle all three elements of light, which in turn feed the Spiritual Tree. Well, it's time to help nature, so go to the right side and soon find yourself in a place called "Upper Bog".

Quest for the Water Element

Upper Bog

First of all, in this place you will need to do the following: lure the monkey to loose terrain so that it breaks your way down, then go down after the monkey and go to the right side. Soon you find a lever. Turn the lever and as a result, the log will fall.

Now head southwest and soon find another Ancestor Tree. Near it, you get a new skill with which you can create explosions. To create an explosion, hold the key - LMB and then release. So, now go back to the top and climb higher. You can climb to the top on the logs that will hang here. Keep in mind that slugs will be waiting for you at the top. With slugs, you can either fight or just walk past them.

The note: If you destroy a huge slug once, then it immediately shatters into several pieces. At this very moment, you will need to charge your explosion, then roll down the wall and jump over it, then release the key - LMB. As a result, your explosion will immediately destroy a couple of enemies and you will receive a new achievement called "Flying Death".

Soon you will come across a wall, which you can destroy with the help of a new ability - an explosion. After you go further, you will see a huge lump of cobwebs. Use your explosion on it as well and knock it down. On the right side, you can destroy another wall and get an extra cell for life. Near the cocoon you will meet a new enemy - a spider. The spider will shoot at you from time to time and you will need to dodge its attacks in turn. After a short fight, go down to a small lump of cobwebs and go to the left side - here you will find an additional cell for the spirit.

Now move east to the lake. As you find yourself near it, then get over it and continue to go further to the right side, simultaneously jumping on a variety of mushrooms. Near the new stone map you will meet another new enemy. This time your enemy is a toad. When fighting a toad, try to keep your distance from it and dodge its shots from time to time. As you deal with the toad, then climb to the top and destroy all the disputes that will be there, then take a piece of the map that lies in the hollow (a little later it will still come in handy for you). So, continue to move to the right side in the same way and soon you will reach a new area called "Spiny Swamp".

Spiny Swamp

Behind the spinning mallets you can find a new spiritual well. Push the stone back a little and after, climb higher on it. At this point, a cutscene occurs, after which you need to chase the thief.

The note: As soon as you first meet a character named Gumo, you immediately get a new achievement called "Come back!".

In the pursuit, you meet a new hostile creature - the Shadow. In the fight with the Shadow, you will need to dodge his targeted attacks and constantly be on the move. Attack this enemy should only be when they appear. Chasing a dark creature, you will soon see that it is hiding behind stone doors. In this location there will be destructible branches and even stones. You should stand on these objects and then provoke the Shadow to shoot at you. You just have to leave in time. Also keep in mind that the shadows will destroy the nests of other shadows and so on to the doors. You can still destroy the doors in the same way, provoking a shadow. After that, continue your journey.

Moon Cave

After a short video cutscene, the chase continues. Once you reach the next cutscene where an unknown creature is throwing glowing masses, you can find a Spirit Well on the right side. In the end, an unknown creature throws you down and you are already in a place called "Gumo's Refuge".

Gumo's hideout

In this unknown place, run immediately to the right side and after, down. In the place where the horizontal columns will be pushed together, a new piece of the map will lie. In addition, you will also meet the Shadow Mini-Boss right there. She will jump right over your head and shoot only once at you. You also need at this moment not just to stand, but when you see a flash of purple color, dodge it and then shoot at the Shadow while it is still in the jump. Run under the shadow and keep shooting, as it will be safer, dodge the purple flashes along the way.

After you win another victory, the doors open for you, and the key for the doors is behind the doors. Climb back to the top and go to the east side. Soon you will have to overcome a new obstacle - moving columns. As soon as you pass a series of obstacles, you will find a key below along with two columns and more spikes. It's time to open the doors and after passing all the thorns, move on to the right side. Shortly ahead, you find a new Ancestor Tree and gain the double jump skill. To make a double jump, then press the key - Space (twice).

Go back to the spiked columns and jump to the top in that place. To do this, you have to push away from the walls. In the end, climbing up, you find an additional cell for energy. Now move west all the way to the stone map and when you get near it, activate it. Jump up the wall on the right side and double jump at the top to jump over the thorns and reach the log on the opposite side. As you find yourself on the other side, then go down and then go through the pool to the left. At this point, a small cutscene takes place and after it, you will have to chase the unknown creature again. In pursuit, you have to pass the columns that will drive out over the thorns. Try to be careful. At some point, there will be a new cutscene in which an unknown creature starts a collapse and you have to dodge falling stones. In the end, climb to the top and save a creature named Gumo, who soon becomes your true friend.

The note: After you save Gumo for the first time, you get a new achievement called "Let's Be Friends".

So, Gumo soon gives you the stolen Water Vein Orb. You now need to return to the top, which will be indicated on your map. Try to stay near the edge on the right side and constantly check your map so you don't get lost.

As soon as you get to the point indicated to you, then insert the Water Vein into the tree. As a result of your actions, a new area called "Ginzo's Nest" will soon open up to you.

Ginzo Tree

The note: As soon as you enter the Ginza Tree, you will receive a new achievement called Rotten Within.

Now start climbing. At the very first fork, select the teleport on the left side. A little mystery awaits you. Climb to the top and, together with the flower, throw the wooden stump down, then push it into the portal on the left side and wait for the moment when the flower destroys the rotten roots.

A little further on, a new Mini-Boss awaits you, also by the way, Shadow. In general, an old friend who uses the same tactics, but this time instead of jumping, she will climb out of her holes. As usual, you will have to shoot and dodge. As you defeat this enemy, then in the next area you can pick up two keys. As you take them, then go through the portal on the left side.

The note: In this room, jump from teleport to teleport, where more keys hang, make five double jumps and use teleports. In the end, you get a new achievement called "Aviator".

In the next area, take two more keys and unlock the doors. Going a little further ahead, you meet an Ancestor Tree and get a new skill with which you can strike. To apply it, press the button - RMB. Now rise to the top and use your new skill in a variety of situations. At this stage, use the skill to destroy the dilapidated pieces of wood: direct the shot towards the teleporter and after that, run after the shot and after again, direct them in order to correct them correctly.

Next, you meet a new Mini-Boss, but this time it will be an Energy Ball. So, this enemy will reflect all your shots at him, and in order to defeat him, you need to jump during the first shot and cling to the wall on the left side or on the right, while it is important not to fall and reflect the shots. As you defeat the enemy, then a door opens on the right side, which leads to the Spiritual well. Then continue heading north.

After a short cutscene, move to the left side and use the shots along with the enemies jumping on you to climb to the top. After that, use the spider shots to destroy the already dilapidated wall on the right side and destroy all the growths on the left side. As a result, you open the way down. Now go to the right side and kill all the hedgehogs that will be here. Now use the shot again, but already a flower and gradually direct it to the hanging stumps. After that, rather fly next. Now make the flower shot hit the wall on the left side at the top. Next, destroy all the growths and go down below. At this point, listen very carefully to what Seina is telling you. At this place, the final cleansing of the Ginzo Tree takes place and soon the flood occurs. You will have to leave this place as soon as possible. Use flashlights, shots and your enemies to escape.

The note: For a successful escape, you will receive a new achievement called "On a Thread".

Quest for the Wind Element

Spiny Swamp

After the cutscene passes, Gumo unexpectedly saves you. You can safely dive down, but do not forget that you will need to replenish air supplies so as not to die. Below in the lake, on the left side, there will be a key and you need to swim to the right side to get another second key along with a piece of the map. In the end, get out to the surface and move in an easterly direction. You will come to a door that needs to be opened.

After opening the doors, go to the new territory and go to the new area, right there you will also find the Ancestral Tree. From this tree you get the new Stomp ability. To use the "Stomp" skill, press the key - Space + S. Climb to the top and go to the eastern part. In this place, with the help of a recently acquired skill, drive in a beam. At the bottom you will meet another Mini-Boss, which turns out to be Taran. To defeat this enemy, then at the moment when he attacks you - jump and immediately press the key - RMB. As a result, you will nail him to the ground and at this moment you need to use a new skill. You will need to repeat this a few more times, until the victorious end. As you win, the doors will open for you, after passing through which you can return back to the lake. Dive back into the lake and swim down. You should swim to the very first passage on the left side, where with the help of a bomb, destroy a log that will interfere. Now return back to the surface and go west, where you will eventually find yourself near the stone map. This new found stone card will need to be activated. After activating the card, you can take the bonus, which is located a little above this card on the left side. As a bonus, you will receive an additional skill point. So, we do not deviate from the main path: break through the passage down and after, go to the left side until you find yourself in an already familiar area. Follow the sign that will be on your map and constantly keep your way to the west. As soon as you get to the passage to the place "Upper bogs" there will be a new video screensaver with the participation of Kuro.

Exit to the panorama of the Spiritual Tree and continue on your way on the left side. Soon you will need to destroy the wall that blocks the further path. As you overcome this obstacle, you will meet a new enemy in front - the Little Owl. This enemy is harmless if you manage to dodge by pressing the RMB key. As the meeting with the little owl passes, then go west until you hit a dead end. This is followed by a large number of jumps on the lanterns. After that, move further along the right side and climb up to the top near the spiders. As a result, you will exit to a new place called "Foggy Forest".

Foggy forest

Now you just have to go through part of the place called the Valley of the Wind, distract more Kuro and open the way to the forest. So don't waste time and move forward. To jump, use lanterns and small owls, then use the "Stomp" skill, after which Kuro flies away and leaves behind only one feather. Taking his feather will give you the new ability "Soar through the air". Move west and soon find yourself in a place called the Misty Forest.

Continue walking in the same direction as before. You will pass by a source of smoke. Soon you find the key. As you take it, then turn back and move down. In this place, take another key. Now go to the right side to the new passage and you will soon notice that there is a Torch atsu behind the wall.

Go to the left side and dive into the gorge, where there will be thorns. In order to instantly not die there, use shadow shots. Head west and you'll soon reach the Ancestral Tree, where you can get the new Climbing ability. Thanks to this ability, you can run along the walls, and you can do this by holding down the Shift key. Go to the right side and overcome a new type of obstacle, which is a disappearing mushroom. Passing this place, the most important thing is not to rush and take small pauses from time to time. Soon you will find another key. Now go back and open a new road at the bottom on the right side. Jump straight to the beams, the mushrooms, in turn, can cover you. From the third mushroom you can go forward, but keep in mind that you cannot jump - hold down the Shift key and move to the next mushroom. In general, you need to move until you find the last key.

Now it's time to go back to the new passage. Move the thorns that will be here with shots and go to the top. Go to the right side up to the platforms that will fly. There will also be mushrooms on these platforms. In general, jump on these mushrooms to the left.

In this place you meet another Mini-Boss, which is two ghosts. Tactics against each ghost is the same: use the skill with which you can deflect shots. If you do everything correctly, then the battle will soon end. After you pass these ghosts, then open the doors and take away the Torch atsu behind the doors. The found item will need to be carried to the right side past all shots and all enemies (when you carry it, you can also shoot).

The note: After you put the Torch atsu on the indicated "lamp", you will receive a new achievement called "Clearing the Picture".

Take the item called Gumon Seal and go to the right side to the broken bridge to the place called Wind Valley and jump down. On the left side, pick up a piece of the map and go to the right side and soon you will come across a lever. Pull this lever and jump down and stick to the left side. Below, with the help of a monster, break the wall on the right side and a little lower (there you can find another piece of the map). Lure the creature down and break the third wall there, behind which there will be a stone map. Now take advantage of the ram and jump to the top straight to the lever, and then open the doors. Head west and open the doors with the Seal of Gumon.

Ruins of Forlorn

Pick up the Vessel of Light. By taking it, you can now activate the gravel of structures and even walk on hot structures. And by the way, you don’t even have to be afraid that you will lose him, since he will always be with you.

In general, move to the top and do not forget to release your Vessel of Light with the Shift key as well when you encounter any difficult areas. In addition, along the way you will soon be able to take the key, and to take the second key, which is located near the hot cube: stand in front of this hot cube (on the ceiling) and release your sphere. As a result of your actions, you will be able to float in the air, but be careful and land on the ground. As you stand on the jumper, then jump from it and as a result you will fall on a stone block. After that, jump to the next cube that's on fire. Get on it - that is, bottom and after, jump to the right side to another cube, which will be already on the roof. Get up on the right and jump to the left - that is, up, and then activate the Spiritual well.

By the same principle, you have to go through further obstacles. Finally, take two keys. With the keys you found, open the doors that lead to the altar. Place the Vessel of Light on this altar. After that, get to the top and activate the mechanism there with the help of Gumo, who will decide to help you. As a result, the complex begins to collapse.

The note: Restoring the Winds of Nibel will allow you to get a new achievement called "Solid Ground".

Use your ability, with which you can hover in the air, and fly very carefully to the top. At some point, huge boulders will start falling on you, so you need to try to dodge them. If you dodge, then they break the way for you.

After miraculously escaping, you find yourself in a place called Kuro's Nest. In the new intro video, you will learn about what caused the enmity between Kuro and the Spiritual Tree. After that, the mother will return to her nest and Ori has to quickly leave here. In the end, you find yourself in a new place called "Valley of the Wind".

Quest for the Fire Element

Valley of the Wind

Rather, run to the right side and grab the nearby lantern, and then hide in the tree, which is broken. Now use the spider's shot to make a collapse and the tree fell. Climb to the top and lure out the beetle now sitting here (it is under you). As the beetle comes out, then use it to break the wall, which is located on the right side. Jump down and hide behind the log. Now push this log to the right side and then run away into the cave. In the cave, move north. Look at the map and look for a place called "The Gorge of Sorrow", as you will need to get there. In this place, by the way, you once threw off stones on Kuro.

Gorge of Sorrow

In this place, first of all, use the feather, with which you can ride the wind. When you do this, then fly to the top. On the right side there is a rounded place and it is there that you can find a piece of the map and the stone map itself (in order to get to it, use the toad shot). Next, take the three keys that are not far from you (here carefully navigate on your map). Keep in mind that one of the keys will be hidden behind an invisible wall. It's time to dig a little deeper into this place. Soon you find a couple more keys (and in addition, you have four extra keys, they will help you open non-story doors - remember this). In addition, remember that there are a lot of invisible doors in this place. So, let's continue: take a small lump of wood and push it all the way to the doors, then go down below and use the same lump to close the beam that bothers you; the next lump must already be substituted under the air flow. As you do this, then raise it to the top and after, hammer in the wedge, and with a lump, in turn, the beam on the right side.

Now break through the floor and open the way for the wind. Along the way, take the two keys on the right side and move west. In the end, you will find two more keys, and one of these two keys will, as usual, be hidden behind an invisible wall. In addition, on the right side behind the doors is the Ancestral Tree, which gives you a new ability, Strong Jump. You can use a strong jump by pressing the keys - W and Space. The new ability will help you break through walls (and this applies to both horizontal and vertical walls). After going a little further, you will be able to find the Spirit Well. In this place, you will also need to use a spider shot to destroy the wall (you will have to reflect the shot twice: the first - fall behind, the second - to the right). So, now destroy the floor and climb to the top.

The note: Once you can claim the Sun Stone, you will receive your new achievement called Top of the World.

Now it's time to return to the old location called "Upper Bogs" and from there move east.

Upper Bogs

Make your way through the mini-pond in which there will be beams. Then move in a northerly direction. You need to get to the old tree, where you once found a piece of the map. In that place you will need to climb to the top and go to the west side - that is, to the left. Along the way, you will meet another new enemy - Energy Bolt: just run past him at the moment when he tries to burn you, at the end he starts shooting single charges, and if you use them, then you can easily defeat the enemy. After that, you will stumble upon a wall that can only be destroyed with the help of a beetle, so use the nearby beetle and then hammer the beam with the stomp skill. As a result, you will open a new passage. After passing through it, move to the top and after, break the wall again with the beetle (on the right side). Now save in the last Spirit Well.

The note: After you have saved in all the Spirit Wells, you will receive a new achievement called "Safe".

Now move west towards the huge gate.

The note: So, keep in mind that at this stage of the passage, the game is already approaching its final part. The moment you enter a place called "Mount Horu", you will not be able to go back. So if you have not done something yet, then it's time to finish all your business in the game.

Mount Horu

The note: As soon as you enter a place called Mount Horu, you immediately get a new achievement "Into the Fire".

Climb to the very top and from there, go to the right side. Here, with the help of a beetle, smash another wall. Move on. You find yourself in a new place, where there will be an unstable stone. Soon Sein collapses it and a new road opens up for you further. Near the collapsed stone, above, another secret area will be located. Make the lifts go down and use them to get back.

Move west to the next passage. Use the lever to call up a new platform and then press the lever again. Act quickly and carefully so that you have time to jump onto the leaving platform. As you can make an enhanced jump, then jump onto the platform, which is located higher.

Exit back and go to the next passage, which is located a little lower in the eastern part. In the same room, you will need to destroy small bundles of energy using their own shots. Also, don't forget about the ability that allows you to float in the air. In the end, you will need to drive another wedge into the stone, after which it in turn falls and blocks the lava flow, thus creating a path for you. Now exit and head west. Go to the new passage. Here you will need to hammer in another wedge, soon a cannon with a beam begins to rotate. At this moment, you need to quickly run to the right side, there push off from the wall and jump into the cannon. After that, rather go to the left side and hide behind a stone. When the beam passes, then throw off the stone as soon as possible and, hiding behind the same stone, push it. In the end, you block another lava flow with this stone.

Exit back and move east and go down a little lower to a new passage. Move deep into the new area until you hit the lever. As you click on it, then cling to the platform and hide behind the beam from the opposite side. Climb further to the top and throw down the stone. Now exit back and head west.

In this passage, you have to overcome a new obstacle course, and then use the Sein to collapse another stone. After that, go back and move to the right side, then go down a little lower. Keep moving forward. In the end, you will be able to find a stone that will be watered with lava. You need to roll it back and then throw it to the top, using the RMB key. After that, move to the right side and throw the same stone as before into the nearby lava flow. As a result, you will be able to run further along the wall and in the end, click on the lever. Now you will need to throw a stone on the platform.

The note: From this platform, throw a stone five times, while trying not to let the stone fall to the floor. If you complete everything successfully, then you will receive a new achievement called "The Juggler".

So throw a stone. which you took with you to the summit. Use Sein again to throw the stone back onto the lava flow. Now exit and head west to a new passage. Move on the right side to the new area of ​​this place. Drive a wedge here and then, rather, run back to the beginning. Open a new path that leads down and drive another wedge there. Come back after that.

Get down below. In this place you have to fight with the new Mini-Boss - Shadow with minions. So, the main Boss will be helped by small minions that are located along the edges of the main enemy, but otherwise it is still the same shadow that you have already defeated more than once, so you should not have any difficulties. Use the same tactics as before. As soon as you kill this Mini-Boss, the path down will open for you.

The note: Talk to Sein and he will soon fan the flames, after which you will receive a new achievement "Rebirth of Heat".

The final

At this stage of the game, Kuro arrives. Run away to the right. Now you have to overcome a number of obstacles: first you will need to overcome the reservoir - dive and swim; then use your feather and hide rather on the ledge on the right side while Kuro will fly nearby; now use your boosted jump and keep moving to the top, bouncing off small pebbles along the way.

A cutscene soon takes place in which Ori tries his best to fly to the Spiritual Tree, but is suddenly intercepted by Kuro!

The note: When Naru approaches Ori, during this meeting you will receive a new achievement called "Love".

In the end, Kuro sacrifices his life in order to save his chick and after, is reborn as a Spiritual Tree. As a result, life, together with the natural balance, begins to recover.

The note: Before end credits you will get another achievement called "The End of the Road".

This is the end of this wonderful game. The game play is over. Below you can share your tips and impressions, we are waiting for your comments!

General information:

Achievement difficulty: 6/10

Offline: 50 (1000 )

Online: 0 (0 )

Estimated time to get 1000: 30-35 hours

Missable Achievements: Yes (“No stone unturned / Under every stone”, “Safe and Sound / Safe”, “Powerhouse / Power player”)

Does difficulty affect the achievement: Not

Achievements that can't be earned: Not

Glitched Achievements: Yes (read below)

Optional equipment: Not required


Ori and the Blind Forest is a Metroid and Castlevania-style platformer with some RPG elements. If you have played Shadow Complex or Dust: An Elysian Tail on Xbox 360 then this game very similar to them. The game has a large map with a huge number of locations, and as soon as you unlock new abilities, you can return to past locations to open additional zones, which can be explored for hidden secrets and items. The game has an incredibly beautiful visual style and an excellent soundtrack, which are complemented by high-quality platform gameplay. Good game and one of the first contenders for GOTY.

Glitched Achievements:

Players are reporting some buggy achievements. Most often it comes to achievements with the first secret and the first map, as well as with the search for secret areas. Fix this problem Fortunately, it's not a big deal. Read more “No stone unturned / Under every stone” to find out more on this subject. There is also a small problem with the " Elite / Elite", read more about it before Step Two.

Step 1: 100% completion

The first playthrough will be your main one. Do not think about death and time, instead enjoy the game, open the entire map, collect all the items and upgrade all the abilities, and also knock out all the combat achievements.

There are four locations in the game that cannot be returned to, so collect collectibles in them to avoid the risk of missing any of them. These locations are: Ginso Tree, Misty Woods, Forlorn Ruins and Mount Horu (point of no return). Move through these locations slowly and collect everything you can. I would also recommend copying your save file to a new slot before leaving the location data. If you need a video guide with all the collectibles, then I advise you this one. On this map, you can see all collectibles marked with a special symbol:

Warning: Before proceeding to the second step, delete ALL saves, leaving only one playthrough. You can delete saves directly from the game hub, which will also delete them from the cloud storage. Achievement for completing without acquiring additional abilities is a little buggy, the game will look for all achievements for the presence of purchased abilities, so deleting all saves, you most likely will not encounter such a problem.

Step 2: Passage without abilities

It's best to do this walkthrough separately from the speedrun and no-death walkthrough. You don't have to buy additional abilities. You can, of course, combine this step with the third if you wish, but such a task will not be easy.

Step 3: Speedrun without death

During this playthrough, you will have to rely on the save system, using it as often as possible. If you manage to exit the game before you respawn, death will not be counted towards you. Try to copy your saves as well - if you die at the end or run out of time, using early saves can significantly reduce the retry. Try to complete each section in 15-20 minutes. Most of the players managed to keep within about two hours.

Step 4: Finishing

To present moment you should not be left with unearned achievements. Otherwise, finish off the ones that are left and enjoy your coolness.

The Journey Begins 20

Complete the prologue.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

The Ancient Being / Ancient 20

Meet the Ancient.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Get back here! / Come back! 20

Find a character in the shadows.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Lets be Friends / Let's be friends! 40

Find an unexpected friend.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Rotten Inside 20

Enter the Ginzo Tree.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Run for your Life 60

Purify the heart of the Ginzo Tree.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Close call / Dangerous situation 20

Save yourself from danger.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Obtaining Clarity 30

Clear the misty forest of fog.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Solid Ground 60

Restore the winds of Nibel.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Fight to live another day 20

Fight melee.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Top of the World 40

Climb to the top of the Nibel.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Into the Fire / Into the fire 20

Enter Mount Hora.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Rekindle / Heat Revival 60

Fan the flame.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

Love / Love 20

The vow of the beloved.

Cm. " The Journey Ends /Endtravels".

The Journey Ends 100

Complete the game.

You will get this and all previous achievements just by progressing through the storyline of the game.

Life Saver / Savior 10

Create 50 Spiritual Links.

The chain of souls is doubled during saving and upgrading. To create a chain, you need to collect a small amount of spirit energy (will fill the blue orbs at the bottom of the screen), then hold down in a safe location. So you spend one sphere and create a chain. During the passage, you will often use this function, so that the achievement will be knocked out automatically.


Kill 4 enemies at the same time with a single empowered flame.

Watch the video to achieve " flyingFury/ Flying death”.

Deadly Deflection 10

Kill 25 enemies using a strike to deflect projectiles at them.

The Strike ability is unlocked in the Ginso Tree. you can pinch near opponents, projectiles and wisps to rush in the direction you are directed. But in order to deflect the projectile, you need to aim in the opposite direction. For example, if a pink fireball is flying at you, and the enemy is standing below, you need to aim up.

A New Path 10

Shorten the path 5 times with Empowered Flames.

When you unlock the charge your own flame skill to create a small explosion (by holding ), you will be able to eliminate the large blue columns that have cracks. They look like this:

Choices Choices / How many possibilities 10

Use the first skill point.

Skill points are given to you for collecting yellow spirits (experience). Fill in the yellow circle at the bottom of the screen. When you get a skill point, you can upgrade the ability in the upgrade menu by creating a chain of souls and entering it by clicking on . Select an ability from the upgrade tree and the achievement will unlock.

Deadly Dash 10

Kill 5 enemies with a powerful jump.

Power Jump is unlocked in Sorrow Pass and performed by holding and jump on just like a normal jump. You will jump high and create a small wave of energy behind you, which will cause damage to opponents. To get this achievement, find five enemies. Clamp and wait for them to gather nearby, then press to jump and kill them.

So many secrets / So many secrets 5

Find the first secret.

Cm. "".

Seasoned Explorer / Seasoned Explorer 10

Find 50% of all secrets.

Cm. " No stone unturned / Under every stone”.

No stone unturned / Under every stone 25

Find all secrets.

To unlock this achievement, you need to explore all the locations, find all the secret areas hidden behind fake walls and covered with illusions. A little later in the game, you will unlock the skill to see translucent dots that you can jump on. There are 43 to be found in total.

The game also has four zones, leaving which you will not be able to return to them. Before entering Moru Horu, make sure your collectibles counter is at 90%. Copy the save file before doing this as well.

You can watch the video guide.

This achievement is buggy, but you can try this trick by opening the same secret in the same location to fill up the counter of secrets found.

Marking the way 5

Restore the first stone map.

Cm. "".

Halfway There 10

Restore 50% of all stone cards.

Cm. " World at your feet / The whole world at your feet”.

World at your feet / The whole world at your feet 25

Restore all stone maps.

Waystones are gray stone forms that are missing an embossed area (a small shard that glows yellow). In total there are 8 such stones in the game. The shard looks like this:

When you find the shard, you will need to find the main stone and insert the shard into the niche - this will restore the power supply and update the information on your map.

You can watch the video guide.

Good Eye / Vigilant 10

Find the lost corridor in the Misty Forest.

This is a secret area that can be accessed after you restore the wind in the forest, or use the triple jump if you managed to open it.

You can watch the video guide.

Safe and Sound 20

Save in each Spirit Well.

Spiritual Portals (Spirit Wells) are save points scattered throughout the levels that you can use if you cannot create a chain of souls yourself.

You can watch the video guide.

Master of the Forest / Ranger 10

Visit 100% of the map.

When you open the map, below each location, a percentage shows how much you have opened in each zone. Secret locations for achievement " No stone unturned / Under every stone” do not count towards progress open card so for 100% you don't have to look for secret areas. Before going to Mount Horu make sure you get 100% in all locations as you won't be able to come back after. Also be careful on the locations of Ginso Tree, Misty Woods, Forlorn Ruins and Mount Horu - you will visit them only once.

Power Player 15

Collect 200 Energy Shards.

Energy Shards are small blue crystals that fill the blue orbs at the bottom of the screen. In the process of passing you will collect enough crystals.

Soul Master / Spiritual Master 15

Master all effective skills in the skill tree.

Cm . “Phenom / Gifted”.

Utility Master / Function Master 15

Master all functional skills in the skill tree.

Cm . “Phenom / Gifted”.

Combat Master 15

Master all combat skills in the skill tree.

Cm . “Phenom / Gifted”.

Phenom / Gifted 25

Master all the skills in the skill tree.

In total, you have to unlock 28 abilities. Passing the game at 100%, you will receive a sufficient amount of experience. Kill enemies, collect all souls and you will unlock all skills.

Powerhouse / Power player 20

Collect all energy cells.

Energy Cells look like large blue orbs that increase the maximum capacity of your Soul Orb. In total, you have to find 15 cells.

Master Guardian / True Guardian 20

Collect all life cells.

Health cells look like large green orbs and they increase your maximum health. There are 12 health cells in total in the game.

You can watch the video guide.

Juggle Master / Juggler 5

Throw a stone into the air 5 times without it touching the ground.

The stones can be found in the Sorrow's Pass location and in one of the zones in Mount Horu. They are used in puzzles where you need to put them to protect the hero from influences environment. To pick up a stone, you can use the Bash ability by pointing the stick down. After hitting you will land on the ground, you will need to quickly jump up and make another hit - repeat this 4 times, trying to prevent the stone from falling to the ground.

You can watch the video guide.

Bash Master 5

Hit enemies 10 times in a row without touching the ground.

Using Bash (hold downnear the enemy), you need to find an enemy with enough health, or hit pink bubbles that split into small enemies. The easiest way to do this is with rhinos. Aim by 45 degrees up and when you land, keep hitting.

Deadly Dodge 5

Force an opponent to kill another opponent 5 times.

At the very beginning of the game, you will find five pink plants that spit spiked balls at you. When you step on them, they will hide in the ground, but as soon as you move away, they will stick out again and start spitting. Find two plants standing next to each other and step on one, allowing the second one to aim. As soon as the plant releases the projectile, jump off the second plant. Repeat this with five opponents.

You can watch the video guide.

Flying Fury 5

Kill 3 enemies without touching the ground.

This achievement is easier to get at the same time as “ Deadly Detonation / Deadly explosion". Find one huge pink bubble. When it splits into four parts, charge up your fire and jump into the air to make an in-flight explosion. The explosion will kill four enemies and you will get both achievements.

You can watch the video guide.

Self Destruction 5

Force the enemy to kill himself.

Cm. " CrushingBlow/ Annihilating Strike ”.

Crushing Blow 5

Hit the ram.

This achievement can be unlocked at the same time.”Selfdestruction/ self-destruct ”.

Stomp Master / Stomp 10

Trample 50 enemies.

Stomp - Ori's skill, in which he falls to the ground and creates a shock wave around him. This skill is the only one that can break through the armor of Rhino-type enemies. It deals quite a lot of damage to other types of enemies.

Blast Master / Demoman 10

Kill 100 enemies with empowered flames.

Empowered Flame is an upgraded version of your standard button-press Spiritual Flame skill., releasing which will cause a small explosion. This attack is useful against pink bubbles.

Flame Master / Fakir 10

Kill 500 enemies with spiritual fire.

This is a common attack on, which you will use for most of the game. Kill everyone and everything that you meet on your way.

Supersonic / Super Speed 25

Complete the game in less than 3 hours.

Cm. " Elite / Elite”.

Airborne / Pilot 10

Make 5 double jumps in a row without touching the ground.

There are several ways to get this achievement, but the easiest way is while you are climbing the Ginso Tree. You will enter a room with six teleporters and two keys to find. Now you will need to go between the portals on the right side of the screen and double jump each time. After five double jumps, land on the middle platform to unlock the achievement.

You can watch the video guide.

Immortal / Immortal 25

Complete the game without dying once.

If you die, then it is useless for you to simply reload the last save, since the game fixes your death. But if you manage to exit the game before you respawn, then death will not be counted. You can view the number of deaths in the pause menu in the upper right corner. If at the same time you will also try to beat the game for a while, try to keep each task from taking you no more than 15-20 minutes.

Elite / Elite 25

Complete the game without using any skill points.

Before playing the game for this, delete all saves. The achievement is a little glitchy and may credit you with skills from other saves. Do not buy any upgrades from the upgrade menu.

Translation - CAH4E3. Editing - Madnfs

Of the four years it took to create , Moon spent a year and a half just fine-tuning the mechanics. This time is definitely not wasted: Ori may look as beautiful as you want, but first of all it is still an exceptional platformer - balanced, thoughtful, complex.

Nature, your mother

In the center Ori and the Blind Forest- exploration of the vast world and the solution of platform puzzles. Not intricate puzzles, as in, but those that test your reaction and dexterity first of all.

Tiny Ori is tasked with saving his native forest from an impending disaster, and for this he must find three elemental spheres - water, air and fire. Ori is accompanied by the firefly Sein. He does not speak in verse, like Igniculus from, and does not get the squeaky "Hey, listen!", Like Link's fairy, but he knows how to destroy obstacles and beat monsters.

A touching introduction briefly tells about how the inhabitants of the magical forest lived before the cataclysm. As you can see, much better.

Ori moves smoothly from simple to complex. Ori and Sein learn new abilities, and these abilities are immediately reflected in the level design. Double jump and wall running are opened - and the game immediately finds a use for them. They allow you to jump away from enemies, launching yourself into the air like a rocket - get ready for tasks where you need to control the direction of the flight of projectiles, use monsters as trampolines and consolidate the acquired skill in the battle with the boss, whose patterns are tied to using a new skill.

Mechanics develop, supplement, intersect with each other, but all this happens gradually. New skills are naturally woven into the general outline, and after minutes there is already a strong impression that they have been here all the time.

When Ori finds one of the orbs, the forest waters clear up, hidden caves open up, and new problems appear - predatory fish, for example.

In such conditions, the open world works especially harmoniously. You constantly return to old locations and discover places there where it was impossible to reach with your previous abilities. The surrounding world evolves along with the main character, the filth that torments the forest weakens its grip. Places you've been to are changing, opening up new paths.

Ori encourages explorers: by being attentive, you will constantly find new paths and hiding places. After a series of difficult fights or another grueling platforming stage, returning to already completed locations in Ori is a very pleasant relaxation.

The "great evil" in Ori and the Blind Forest is the ancient spirit Kuro, blinded by hatred for everything that feeds life.

The farther into the forest

Ori can be called anything: diverse, thoughtful, breathtakingly beautiful ... but not simple. It requires good concentration and does not forgive mistakes. Here are platforms that open and close every time you jump. To them are added a couple of deadly rays, spikes underfoot and flocks of terrible crows, ready to pounce on Ori. Something didn't stick together - roll back to the checkpoint.

But the thought “they went too far” usually does not arise: in the design of the tests, Ori is honest and does not stoop to petty tricks. Didn't have time to react, jumped too early, didn't calculate the flight path? Himself to blame.

The forest thicket is perhaps the most atmospheric location. Ori manages to instantly get lost there: the map does not work, eagle owls hoot somewhere in the distance, and the forest changes every now and then, opening up new nooks and crannies.

A flexible save system comes to the rescue. Checkpoints in Ori are a kind of consumable resource. You can save almost anywhere (if only not in the middle of the battle), but mana is spent on this - which is also needed for Sein's spells. As a result, you yourself find a balance between strength and safety: either fly through all levels on courage, incinerating monsters with powerful combat spells, but risking losing everything you have achieved after one fatal mistake, or you move quietly, sedately, remaining after each obstacle course, but losing in combat power. Recall how you neglected save points in or for more rewards and adrenaline. In Ori, it turned out very similar.

With such an impromptu parachute, you can cross large abysses and, in which case, quickly get away from enemies.

The further into the forest

Looks Ori amazing, and it's hard to say which is more impressive: the amazingly smooth animation of everything in the world or the fact that in this world there is not a single blade of grass that is the same. The jungle is replaced by underwater grottoes, volcanic caves and eerie forest edges with owls hooting somewhere in the distance and bats hanging on branches.

As a game, Ori needs a little time to accelerate: the same skirmishes with monsters at first are not very inspiring and even annoying. But soon Ori learns, for example, to break through the armor of strong monsters in a jump or turn their own attacks against enemies - and the tedious fights at first turn into an amazing dance. Amazing both externally and tactile sensations.

In the bowels of the volcano, you will experience one of the most intense moments of the game.

Ori can also be chided for interfering with her open world take place as an open world. Nothing prevents you from straining and unlocking the map by 100%, collecting all its particles and keys from the doors, and at the same time developing Ori's abilities to the limit, but this is simply tiring. Closer to the finale, Ori literally flies through the levels, but when you abandon the plot and decide to purposefully search the opposite latitudes of the world, suddenly comes the longing for fast travel in any of its manifestations.

An important note for those who leave the secret nooks and crannies for later: after the credits, the passage automatically starts again. Keep this in mind if you are going to beat all the achievements, and before the ending, save to a spare cell.

In this puzzle, you need to control the flight of the projectile, from time to time redirecting it from one portal to another. One wrong move and you have to start all over again.

* * *

But all this is trifles. AT Ori there is little new and original, but almost everything that others have done before her, she retells with diligence and admirable talent. This is both a lovely children's tale and just an exceptional platformer. Handsome and refined.