Heroes 6 order walkthrough. Guide and walkthrough for "Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven". Practical exercises in alchemy

Drawbacks of Heroes of Might and Magic 6:
not optimized engine;
heroes cannot be fired;
the mechanics of skills are not described;
skills with zero characteristics (n., rebuff with a duration of 0 moves).
General campaign tips:

How to download a hero? General
Reinforcement (recruitment of troops), education (+20 experience), training (75% to other heroes), logistics (+3 moves - in principle, not necessary, if not for theft), theft (collecting resources from neighboring cells).
For mage: Summon Elementals, Stop Time, Petrify.

For war(example branch): education, logistics, pathfinding, ambush, economics1, training, theft, economics2, retaliation 1-2, push the enemy / tactics1, reinforcements 1-2, tactics2 / giant killer, 15: economics3, counterstrike3, durability , rampage, cleave, reinforcements3, intimidate, endurance/luck 1-3, archery/siege master 1-3.

For the side character: pathfinding, the entire branch of the economy
What not to build?
On the high levels: improvements to ordinary creatures; raising the bounty operating inside/outside the castle grounds; additional taverns; Inferno portals; lights of the Alliance of Light.
Artifacts of dynasties
Yes, the heroes are launched with the /offline key - no cracks, but ... everything will end up with the fact that without a coach in the future, in some area, fair play will simply stall. Artifacts of the dynasty that gain experience and grow in level (they can be actively changed between heroes during the game). Dynastic achievements (for example, "250 gold per day"). Deluxe version of the edition with personal belongings. You never know what the developers will come up with later. In addition - the cruel truth of life, once again - the heroes are less and less like a strategy, because each card has its own subtleties of passing, according to which this guide was written.
Campaigns are played in the following order:
Heart of Nightmares (only available in the Collector's Edition);
Prologue 1;
Prologue 2;
Recalcitrant Tribes (1);
Sanctuary (1);
Alliance of Light (1);
Inferno (1);
Necropolis (1);
Recalcitrant Tribes (2);
Sanctuary (2);
Alliance of Light (2);
Necropolis (2);
Sanctuary (3);
Recalcitrant Tribes (3);
Inferno (2);
Necropolis (3);
Inferno (3);
Sanctuary (4);
Recalcitrant Tribes (4);
Alliance of Light (3);
Necropolis (4);
Alliance of Light (4);
Inferno (4);
But for the convenience of description, we will collect them as expected, so:
Prologue - Introductory campaign for Duke Vyacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty
1 Death of the Griffin. There are hints.
2 Will of the Emperor.
Necropolis - The campaign of Anastasia, the killer of Vyacheslav. The path of blood is a warrior (you will be given a magician anyway, although playing for a magician pumped into tears with the skills of sacrifice, petrification, elementals of darkness and earth, stopping time will be much easier to play).
1 Trouble doesn't come alone

At the exit from the dungeon we grab the 1st lock. Then a new dungeon and a new castle. We take the quest on the list of the Inquisition. Will drop from the first scripted hero. The hardest part of this campaign is holding the 2nd castle while getting forts. For convenience, you can visit all the burial places. After capturing all the castles, we go into the portal with Jorgen. Again, you need a decent army or dynasty bonuses.

2 forward and inside
The most difficult mission of the second level. You will not be able to get troops at the beginning. Before talking with the spider, do not lose a single war (resurrection, wither). With minimal losses, we defeat Irina, and then Anton. At the fork, open the diary and read the quests - they will help us raise an army. We defeat Cyril and Jorgen takes us to the citadel - last Stand He is the lightest...
3 Dawn from all directions
Without delaying, we stomp into the dungeon, where we take away the castle and several forts from the orange. In the same place, the lich will give a quest for the dynastic weapon Sandro's staff. Only then we go to the unguarded zone below, where we receive a quest from an ally to destroy the orcs. We destroy the orcs, for which we get vampires from the allies. We deal with the ally Lyudmila by attacking the castle (if you leave her alive, then in the next mission she will be instead of Kaspar). We cross the sea and at the very bottom we capture the base with an orc. The main enemy hero will be waiting on the upper cape of the lower island in his castle with a decent army. We swing both heroes to the maximum level (24) and attack.
4 Spider Trick
On the top left is the rebuilt castle of Inferno, in the same week you can capture one from below in the West. Portals were illuminated for us - we go into them and begin to take out an enemy castle in each, after which the portal closes, but the enemy onslaught subsides. Your last opponent - the archangel, will not be a big problem with a well-accumulated army. Concentrate all your strength on him, and then defeat the remnants.
Alliance of Light - The campaign of Anton, the direct heir. The path of tears is a warrior.

1 Something is up

We capture the mines and the fort from below. Orcs are scripted. We go East to the cave for the Griffon eggs ( sounds wild). Now you can build Vultures. We capture the castle in the East. Then a fort in the South. We clean the south-west, prepare the army for the south-fort and the V-castle. We capture the south-west castle. The computers are flying. We immediately take the lock from each of them. The final castle of Djerj the ram remains.

2 Everything is mixed up, true and false

Fort, mine, on the way to the castle to the southeast we take the crystals above the stable, as well as the sawmill and the gnome pickaxe on the right. We take the castle a little to the west and there is a mine in the border of possessions. We go down underground, take the fort and the dwelling and immediately exit. We capture: SW fort, castle to the south-west, castle Sokol in the center, castle to the north-east, only then to the north-east fort, castle to the west. We go to the cave. several battles and the final battle with the necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map is notable for pumping dynastic weapons after 5 months.

3 Don't tempt the desperate

We look at the mines. It is possible to collect fragments of the lunar disk (in red), but blitz is preferable. We go to V. 2 forts, each one has a mine. We take the N-E castle. We build a boat and take it on the shore opposite. We dive into 2 whirlpools - one more. Now it would be nice to collect the grail. Then capture the castle just west of the center and the forts to the right and left of it. We go to Flamstein, we get the quest (all 3 altars will be marked on the map). Capturing. The final battle with Mukao (the portal under the castle will be illuminated).

4 Defeat and victory
The maximum level is 30, very soon all the heroes of the company will be at this level. But they have no relics and dynastic weapons. We capture the upper forts, we meet an ally (having captured 2 villages, the aunt will rush to "help" and grab the computer's castle, however, with her army she could well complete the campaign - not an ally !, but standing still). An egg in your pocket will hatch a golden goose - 2k/day. After that, the villages can be handed over by going down to the upper dungeon and taking care of the orange, take your time
to the center of the dungeon, build archangels, level up, take back the villages. Taking a breath - we kill the center of the dungeon - we get the grail - by the way, it is convenient to build it in the dungeon, but not in the center, because red will begin to visit there. We clean the map around the edges, the quest with healers can be omitted (for the latest patches), but 4 villages must be captured. We take out my aunt. Now we have 11 cities. We are saving the army, we are getting to the center. We are saving up an army for the final battle for a month. The blow of the boss takes away from 10 thousand hp.
Sanctuary - Campaign of Irina, young wife. Path of blood - mage (dynastic staff of water).
1 Rage in the Mire
"Let's run." We take the ability to swim without a boat if we have only water creatures. Having received the first dynastic weapon for the magician. We go to the cave. Having passed it, we take the first castle and several forts. In the north is an island with mines. The computer dims. For he still had a castle and there was nowhere to wait for help.
2 Defeat and victory
Here tears will look more profitable. We have a week to travel around the territory and capture 2 forts. Then we go down to the southwest, we get the second castle and next to the cave near the dragon Kirin we get the quest. We fight off the sailed robber (we get an oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is more interesting for us, because it gives the construction of all creatures. Now we grab another castle in the south. Then we go into the cave from which the computer is already climbing into full force. There is another castle at the exit and another one to the south. The last gate opens. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We will be given a second dynastic weapon - for a warrior.
3 Blood surf
4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them come under the control of necromancers in a week or two...
We are building our city, the undead will periodically visit it through a one-way (!) Whirlpool. And we go to the right - there is a castle-village. We agree to help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, we free the horde from prisons (regardless of the development branch, we choose the path of tears) and get 2 villages as a gift (we do not rebuild them). We collect parts of the lunar disk and build Asha's tear in the capital. Now you can rebuild all cities. The pumped orc will come. We capture the last village. We go to the very north-west of the map and destroy the remnants of the yellow army. And we sail on - capturing the last castle.
4 Life-in-death and death-in-life
Again, a stupid task - not to capture the enemy's cities - we do the opposite. Immediately capture the city in the North. Send the hero to the N-E, through the whirlpool in the South. There, at the very edge of the map, an island where all the creatures will join is a good army for the GG, but we don’t go into the portal - because it’s too early (blitzkrieg on the map still won’t work, you’ll have to work hard). Then another one in the East from the capital (the quest for the lighthouse can not be completed, because during the restructuring of the city - you will fill up the path of tears anyway). You can grab the city above us (total we have 4 cities). Going deeper into the North, we capture the 5th. Nearby is a cave, where, after defeating the boss (quite frail), we get Asha's tear. 2 more cities and the gates of the Wolf will open.
Inferno - younger son
1 And angels burning in the eyes
The hardest first mission. First, we completely clean the surroundings of the city. Then we go out and a purple demon attacks us (DO NOT TOUCH IT YET). We capture the castle at the bottom of the map and build an improved portal there. We run to the right and up (quite a long time), capturing 2 locks of orange. Now you can deal with purple by attacking the upper castle, and we capture the one next to the portal last. Will attack brown take out. During the storming of the castle, a battle with a demon awaits us: we curse the dogs, teleport and armageddon.
2 Creepy Symmetry
We go up to the left and down (for about a week castles: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). We quickly rebuild them to take advantage of the hero's ability. We put it improved (+ 10% to the call), and in the former necropolis - an improved portal. We accumulate an army and walk to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you can't grab both at once, take the left one. There is also a side task for queens, opening their construction in all captured castles. When capturing any fort, demonnesa will tell you that a demon is imprisoned in one of them - free him (the fort is the first turn to the right of the former necropolis) and you can build destroyers. As soon as you completely cut out the necromancers, you will have 4 green drops, go down to the dungeon and fight with one of the avatars of Asha.

3 In the night forests

Nothing remarkable. Additional tasks only for experience and help will not be given. We start cleaning from the castle from below. Then we go and completely clean the right side from the orcs. We dive into the cave there is another orc castle. Now we develop and go to the left of the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. Let's go and clean both. Then the last orc fort under this castle. After that, you can collect Asha's tear. We complete the story quest and we have the last castles and forts of the sanctuary (everything!). We stomp into the "hidden" cave, because a paved path leads to it from the last castle. There will be no battle.

4 A Marriage Between Heaven and Hell

So seizing the castle from the archangel will not be difficult. We explore the dungeon and rebuild. Upon exiting, a scripted immortal knight will attack us. On the surface of these lands, there are 7-8 heaps of shadow elementals, they then provide him with this immortality. And a lot of castles and exp. After capturing 3-4 castles, we cut off the knight from resources. And calmly kill the elementals (I repeat, they are all on the surface and islands). We defeat the knight, we go down the subway to the east of the central castle with the shipyard. We defeat a lot of elementals in the form of the final boss ... (slight disappointment). And an epic happy ending.

Recalcitrant Tribes - Campania Sandor, an illegitimate son, and therefore does not feel great love for his relatives.
1 Orcs don't belong here
We capture the mines and the city from below, then the city on the right in the center, we clean the cave there. Below is an "unfinished city", where they will give resources and fighters. Capturing last city. The first gate will open - there is a quest fort. We capture the final city (which is optional) and just sail away on the boat down.
2 The Good, the Bad, the Bloody
We go slowly on the way to the castle, they will puzzle us, they will give us a boat and we will find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Rebuilding with limited resources. We sit on the boat, take 2 forts and many mines. After that, it is no longer a problem to capture the castle, for which purple and yellow are fighting among themselves. And complete the side quest by taking on the orange ones. As in other campaigns, you need to complete side quests on livestock in order to get the corresponding extensions in your castle.
3 Barbarian Seven
And so we have one castle and a periodically visiting enemy. The task is to hold out for 4 months (!). At first friendly troops will join us, and the quest to upgrade units is not that difficult. Capture and hold all forts. Sandor's mother will give you a task to subdue the dragon. It is just below the Necromancer Fort - the boss, the reward is Asha's tear.
4 About worms and demons
We quickly master the island - there are 2 portals from which demons look in. After mastering, we sit in a boat and grab locks on opposite corners of the map (there are 3 in total). Now that you don't have to worry about orange - the accumulation of crystals will not be a difficult task. But take your time. The final boss will destroy the capital and hide in a cave (you need to click on the city) - stock up on an army in advance.

Epilogue - Choose a hero and one of the cards will be available depending on the path he has traveled.

1 Angels also cry- Final mission (Tears)

Anton has the perfect roleplaying (he does not need to rebuild castles - which means wasting resources). We seize the locks and do not touch the central fort (out of 3) under any circumstances. We find discs and Asha's tear. We are saving up the army until the PC simply refuses to stick out and we are still saving up - Michael is waiting for us (an unpleasant boss for the unprepared). Wait for the 4th month and it will seem like a lamb to you. We seize the fort (countdown 7 days). Accelerate the score by capturing the castle (3 days). Michael will attack the hero in a rage and without warning.

2 Too bright for darkness- Final mission (Blood)

The campaign is designed for barbarians, since they, with the help of movement accelerators, go through very quickly. Capture all the castles and forts around. Reaching the next gate guard, we evaluate our army. The last guardian Yorven is a gozh for pumping dynastic weapons. The final battle with Malassa (the case when the guard is stronger than the boss).

Drawbacks of Heroes of Might and Magic 6:
not optimized engine;
heroes cannot be fired;
the mechanics of skills are not described;
skills with zero characteristics (n., rebuff with a duration of 0 moves).
General campaign tips:

How to download a hero? General
Reinforcement (recruitment of troops), education (+20 experience), training (75% to other heroes), logistics (+3 moves - in principle, not necessary, if not for theft), theft (collecting resources from neighboring cells).
For mage: Summon Elementals, Stop Time, Petrify.

For war(example branch): education, logistics, pathfinding, ambush, economics1, training, theft, economics2, retaliation 1-2, push the enemy / tactics1, reinforcements 1-2, tactics2 / giant killer, 15: economics3, counterstrike3, durability , rampage, cleave, reinforcements3, intimidate, endurance/luck 1-3, archery/siege master 1-3.

For the side character: pathfinding, the entire branch of the economy
What not to build?
At high levels: improvements to ordinary creatures; raising the bounty operating inside/outside the castle grounds; additional taverns; Inferno portals; lights of the Alliance of Light.
Artifacts of dynasties
Yes, the heroes are launched with the /offline key - no cracks, but ... everything will end up with the fact that without a coach in the future, in some area, fair play will simply stall. Artifacts of the dynasty that gain experience and grow in level (they can be actively changed between heroes during the game). Dynastic achievements (for example, "250 gold per day"). Deluxe version of the edition with personal belongings. You never know what the developers will come up with later. In addition - the cruel truth of life, once again - the heroes are less and less like a strategy, because each card has its own subtleties of passing, according to which this guide was written.
Campaigns are played in the following order:
Heart of Nightmares (only available in the Collector's Edition);
Prologue 1;
Prologue 2;
Recalcitrant Tribes (1);
Sanctuary (1);
Alliance of Light (1);
Inferno (1);
Necropolis (1);
Recalcitrant Tribes (2);
Sanctuary (2);
Alliance of Light (2);
Necropolis (2);
Sanctuary (3);
Recalcitrant Tribes (3);
Inferno (2);
Necropolis (3);
Inferno (3);
Sanctuary (4);
Recalcitrant Tribes (4);
Alliance of Light (3);
Necropolis (4);
Alliance of Light (4);
Inferno (4);
But for the convenience of description, we will collect them as expected, so:
Prologue - Introductory campaign for Duke Vyacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty
1 Death of the Griffin. There are hints.
2 Will of the Emperor.
Necropolis - The campaign of Anastasia, the killer of Vyacheslav. The path of blood is a warrior (you will be given a magician anyway, although playing for a magician pumped into tears with the skills of sacrifice, petrification, elementals of darkness and earth, stopping time will be much easier to play).
1 Trouble doesn't come alone

At the exit from the dungeon we grab the 1st lock. Then a new dungeon and a new castle. We take the quest on the list of the Inquisition. Will drop from the first scripted hero. The hardest part of this campaign is holding the 2nd castle while getting forts. For convenience, you can visit all the burial places. After capturing all the castles, we go into the portal with Jorgen. Again, you need a decent army or dynasty bonuses.

2 forward and inside
The most difficult mission of the second level. You will not be able to get troops at the beginning. Before talking with the spider, do not lose a single war (resurrection, wither). With minimal losses, we defeat Irina, and then Anton. At the fork, open the diary and read the quests - they will help us raise an army. We defeat Cyril and Jorgen takes us to the citadel - the last battle - it is the easiest...
3 Dawn from all directions
Without delaying, we stomp into the dungeon, where we take away the castle and several forts from the orange. In the same place, the lich will give a quest for the dynastic weapon Sandro's staff. Only then we go to the unguarded zone below, where we receive a quest from an ally to destroy the orcs. We destroy the orcs, for which we get vampires from the allies. We deal with the ally Lyudmila by attacking the castle (if you leave her alive, then in the next mission she will be instead of Kaspar). We cross the sea and at the very bottom we capture the base with an orc. The main enemy hero will be waiting on the upper cape of the lower island in his castle with a decent army. We swing both heroes to the maximum level (24) and attack.
4 Spider Trick
On the top left is the rebuilt castle of Inferno, in the same week you can capture one from below in the West. Portals were illuminated for us - we go into them and begin to take out an enemy castle in each, after which the portal closes, but the enemy onslaught subsides. Your last opponent - the archangel, will not be a big problem with a well-accumulated army. Concentrate all your strength on him, and then defeat the remnants.
Alliance of Light - The campaign of Anton, the direct heir. The path of tears is a warrior.

1 Something is up

We capture the mines and the fort from below. Orcs are scripted. We go East to the cave for the Griffon eggs ( sounds wild). Now you can build Vultures. We capture the castle in the East. Then a fort in the South. We clean the south-west, prepare the army for the south-fort and the V-castle. We capture the south-west castle. The computers are flying. We immediately take the lock from each of them. The final castle of Djerj the ram remains.

2 Everything is mixed up, true and false

Fort, mine, on the way to the castle to the southeast we take the crystals above the stable, as well as the sawmill and the gnome pickaxe on the right. We take the castle a little to the west and there is a mine in the border of possessions. We go down underground, take the fort and the dwelling and immediately exit. Capturing: Southwest fort, castle to southwest, Sokol castle in the center, Castle to the northeast, only then to the northeast fort, castle to the west. We go to the cave. several battles and the final battle with the necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map is notable for pumping dynastic weapons after 5 months.

3 Don't tempt the desperate

We look at the mines. It is possible to collect fragments of the lunar disk (in red), but blitz is preferable. We go to V. 2 forts, each one has a mine. We take the N-E castle. We build a boat and take it on the shore opposite. We dive into 2 whirlpools - one more. Now it would be nice to collect the grail. Then capture the castle just west of the center and the forts to the right and left of it. We go to Flamstein, we get the quest (all 3 altars will be marked on the map). Capturing. The final battle with Mukao (the portal under the castle will be illuminated).

4 Defeat and victory
The maximum level is 30, very soon all the heroes of the company will be at this level. But they have no relics and dynastic weapons. We capture the upper forts, we meet an ally (having captured 2 villages, the aunt will rush to "help" and grab the computer's castle, however, with her army she could well complete the campaign - not an ally !, but standing still). An egg in your pocket will hatch a golden goose - 2k/day. After that, the villages can be handed over by going down to the upper dungeon and taking care of the orange, take your time
to the center of the dungeon, build archangels, level up, take back the villages. Taking a breath - we kill the center of the dungeon - we get the grail - by the way, it is convenient to build it in the dungeon, but not in the center, because red will begin to visit there. We clean the map around the edges, the quest with healers can be omitted (for the latest patches), but 4 villages must be captured. We take out my aunt. Now we have 11 cities. We are saving the army, we are getting to the center. We are saving up an army for the final battle for a month. The blow of the boss takes away from 10 thousand hp.
Sanctuary - Campaign of Irina, young wife. Path of blood - mage (dynastic staff of water).
1 Rage in the Mire
"Let's run." We take the ability to swim without a boat if we have only water creatures. Having received the first dynastic weapon for the magician. We go to the cave. Having passed it, we take the first castle and several forts. In the north is an island with mines. The computer dims. For he still had a castle and there was nowhere to wait for help.
2 Defeat and victory
Here tears will look more profitable. We have a week to travel around the territory and capture 2 forts. Then we go down to the southwest, we get the second castle and next to the cave near the dragon Kirin we get the quest. We fight off the sailed robber (we get an oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is more interesting for us, because it gives the construction of all creatures. Now we grab another castle in the south. Then we go into the cave from which the computer is already climbing into full force. There is another castle at the exit and another one to the south. The last gate opens. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We will be given a second dynastic weapon - for a warrior.
3 Blood surf
4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them come under the control of necromancers in a week or two...
We are building our city, the undead will periodically visit it through a one-way (!) Whirlpool. And we go to the right - there is a castle-village. We agree to help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, we free the horde from prisons (regardless of the development branch, we choose the path of tears) and get 2 villages as a gift (we do not rebuild them). We collect parts of the lunar disk and build Asha's tear in the capital. Now you can rebuild all cities. The pumped orc will come. We capture the last village. We go to the very north-west of the map and destroy the remnants of the yellow army. And we sail on - capturing the last castle.
4 Life-in-death and death-in-life
Again, a stupid task - not to capture the enemy's cities - we do the opposite. Immediately capture the city in the North. Send the hero to the N-E, through the whirlpool in the South. There, at the very edge of the map, an island where all the creatures will join is a good army for the GG, but we don’t go into the portal - because it’s too early (blitzkrieg on the map still won’t work, you’ll have to work hard). Then another one in the East from the capital (the quest for the lighthouse can not be completed, because during the restructuring of the city - you will fill up the path of tears anyway). You can grab the city above us (total we have 4 cities). Going deeper into the North, we capture the 5th. Nearby is a cave, where, after defeating the boss (quite frail), we get Asha's tear. 2 more cities and the gates of the Wolf will open.
Inferno - younger son
1 And angels burning in the eyes
The hardest first mission. First, we completely clean the surroundings of the city. Then we go out and a purple demon attacks us (DO NOT TOUCH IT YET). We capture the castle at the bottom of the map and build an improved portal there. We run to the right and up (quite a long time), capturing 2 locks of orange. Now you can deal with purple by attacking the upper castle, and we capture the one next to the portal last. Will attack brown take out. During the storming of the castle, a battle with a demon awaits us: we curse the dogs, teleport and armageddon.
2 Creepy Symmetry
We go up to the left and down (for about a week castles: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). We quickly rebuild them to take advantage of the hero's ability. We put it improved (+ 10% to the call), and in the former necropolis - an improved portal. We accumulate an army and walk to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you can't grab both at once, take the left one. There is also a side task for queens, opening their construction in all captured castles. When capturing any fort, demonnesa will tell you that a demon is imprisoned in one of them - free him (the fort is the first turn to the right of the former necropolis) and you can build destroyers. As soon as you completely cut out the necromancers, you will have 4 green drops, go down to the dungeon and fight with one of the avatars of Asha.

3 In the night forests

Nothing remarkable. Additional tasks only for experience and help will not be given. We start cleaning from the castle from below. Then we go and completely clean the right side from the orcs. We dive into the cave there is another orc castle. Now we develop and go to the left of the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. Let's go and clean both. Then the last orc fort under this castle. After that, you can collect Asha's tear. We complete the story quest and we have the last castles and forts of the sanctuary (everything!). We stomp into the "hidden" cave, because a paved path leads to it from the last castle. There will be no battle.

4 A Marriage Between Heaven and Hell

So seizing the castle from the archangel will not be difficult. We explore the dungeon and rebuild. Upon exiting, a scripted immortal knight will attack us. On the surface of these lands, there are 7-8 heaps of shadow elementals, they then provide him with this immortality. And a lot of castles and exp. After capturing 3-4 castles, we cut off the knight from resources. And calmly kill the elementals (I repeat, they are all on the surface and islands). We defeat the knight, we go down the subway to the east of the central castle with the shipyard. We defeat a lot of elementals in the form of the final boss ... (slight disappointment). And an epic happy ending.

Recalcitrant Tribes - Campania Sandor, an illegitimate son, and therefore does not feel great love for his relatives.
1 Orcs don't belong here
We capture the mines and the city from below, then the city on the right in the center, we clean the cave there. Below is an "unfinished city", where they will give resources and fighters. We capture the last city. The first gate will open - there is a quest fort. We capture the final city (which is optional) and just sail away on the boat down.
2 The Good, the Bad, the Bloody
We go slowly on the way to the castle, they will puzzle us, they will give us a boat and we will find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Rebuilding with limited resources. We sit on the boat, take 2 forts and many mines. After that, it is no longer a problem to capture the castle, for which purple and yellow are fighting among themselves. And complete the side quest by taking on the orange ones. As in other campaigns, you need to complete side tasks for living creatures in order to get the corresponding extensions in your castle.
3 Barbarian Seven
And so we have one castle and a periodically visiting enemy. The task is to hold out for 4 months (!). At first friendly troops will join us, and the quest to upgrade units is not that difficult. Capture and hold all forts. Sandor's mother will give you a task to subdue the dragon. It is just below the Necromancer Fort - the boss, the reward is Asha's tear.
4 About worms and demons
We quickly master the island - there are 2 portals from which demons look in. After mastering, we sit in a boat and grab locks on opposite corners of the map (there are 3 in total). Now that you don't have to worry about orange - the accumulation of crystals will not be a difficult task. But take your time. The final boss will destroy the capital and hide in a cave (you need to click on the city) - stock up on an army in advance.

Epilogue - Choose a hero and one of the cards will be available depending on the path he has traveled.

1 Angels also cry- Final mission (Tears)

Anton has the perfect roleplaying (he does not need to rebuild castles - which means wasting resources). We seize the locks and do not touch the central fort (out of 3) under any circumstances. We find discs and Asha's tear. We are saving up the army until the PC simply refuses to stick out and we are still saving up - Michael is waiting for us (an unpleasant boss for the unprepared). Wait for the 4th month and it will seem like a lamb to you. We seize the fort (countdown 7 days). Accelerate the score by capturing the castle (3 days). Michael will attack the hero in a rage and without warning.

2 Too bright for darkness- Final mission (Blood)

The campaign is designed for barbarians, since they, with the help of movement accelerators, go through very quickly. Capture all the castles and forts around. Reaching the next gate guard, we evaluate our army. The last guardian Yorven is a gozh for pumping dynastic weapons. The final battle with Malassa (the case when the guard is stronger than the boss).

Might & Magic is one of the oldest computer RPG series. First game called Might & Magic: Secret to the Inner Sanctum, saw the light back in the late 80s, and since then, New World Computing has never ceased to please fans role playing(Swords of Xeen does not count as it was created by another team).

And now we are waiting for pleasant surprises, among which will be:

- a fully three-dimensional game world with the possibility of flight;

- excellent sprite graphics that do not require hardware graphics accelerators and powerful computers;

- a well-thought-out plot that gives the gamer almost complete freedom of action;

- a variety of weapons, magic spells and much, much more.

Of course, there are some minor flaws in the game. The graphics engine is a little slow, but an RPG is not a 3D action game. There are also some complaints about the "bugs" associated with virtual world(some doors cannot be opened, some restrictions imposed by the rules of the game can be easily overcome). But all these shortcomings are not able to seriously "tarnish" the reputation of Might & Magic 6.

In short, along with Fallout, Might & Magic 6 is the coolest RPG of recent times. And that says it all.

When it was, in which direction - it’s hard to say about this ...

Long ago, there lived the Ancients. Who they were, where they came from and what called them on their way - no one now knows. Their spaceships roamed the endless expanse of space in search of inhabited worlds on which they could settle. And if there were no such worlds, the Ancients created them. How they created Xeen, a flat world in which the events of the previous parts took place Might games& Magic - Clouds of Xeen (part four) and Dark Side of Xeen (part five).

If you played World of Xeen (which is formed by the merger of the fourth and fifth parts), then remember how it ended - Xin became a normal spherical planet, which was ruled by Queen Kalindra and Prince Roland, rescued by you from the clutches of the cyborg sorcerer Sheltem and his Lord Xin's skeletal assistant.

But nothing lasts forever under the moon, especially under the moon of Xin. Some centuries passed, and the war for the redistribution of power began again. During this bloody conflict, Lord Ironfist seized power (this war is narrated by Heroes game of Might & Magic 1).

The conqueror ruled for a long time and seems to be happy. But the time came, and he died, leaving the throne to his sons, the "good" Roland (not to be confused with the one from World games of Xeen) and "bad" Archibald. The kids, as usual, could not get along with each other, and a new war began and new game– Heroes of Might & Magic: Succession Wars. They won, of course, the good ones. The necromancers' guild was dispersed, and Archibald, who patronized them, completely disappeared somewhere.

Roland was delighted and began to rule as a full-fledged king.

But not for long, and he was destined to enjoy the fruits of a peaceful life. On one sad day, a meteorite fell from the sky, bringing with it demons, who quickly began to restore order in Enroth (Enroth, the name of the kingdom in which you have to conduct your noble activities).

It occurred to Roland to deal with them, remembering his victory over Archibald. But this time you were not with him, and without a gamer, not a single hero has ever won in a computer game. So Roland went on a campaign and did not return. And in Enroth, disasters began - “either in the garden there is not a crop, then the cattle will fall, then the stove smokes from bad draft, or it leads the cheek to the side,” in the words of V. S. Vysotsky.

Among law-abiding taxpayers, rumors spread that all this was the wrath of the gods, because the Ironfist dynasty had lost the favor of the celestials, called the Mandate of Heaven and giving the right to rule. And then a new cult appeared - the cult of the Followers of Baa, who preached peaceful coexistence with demons.

But in fact, as you understand, everything is not at all like that. The meteorite was nothing but another spaceship, and the demons are evil aliens Kreegan, who have been at war with the Ancients since time immemorial. And now they have arrived at a colony once founded by their enemies, whose descendants have long forgotten the wisdom of their ancestors. Easy prey...

But he laughs best who laughs last. The demons missed something. Remember the little squad that ran away from them at the very beginning of the game (you will see this episode during the opening animation)? It is these simple people with a clear mind, a firm eye and iron muscles who will have to prevent the plans of alien invaders, reveal the secrets of the Ancients and, with their help, save or destroy their beautiful world.

Well, they will be commanded by the greatest hero of the kingdom of Enroth - you.

We need some good guys...

A real gamer will never let the computer and His Majesty Chance take over such an important and responsible task as the creation of characters. Moreover, the very process of creating heroes in M&M6 is a simple task, but at the same time very, very fruitful. If you know little tricks... We'll talk about them.

There are six classes in total. See their brief descriptions below.

Knight- a true warrior who despises all sorts of witchcraft "tricks". A knight who refuses to learn spells is able to learn everyone types of martial arts: wear any type of armor and fight with all kinds of weapons. The most viable character, able to withstand a considerable number of enemy attacks.

The last circumstance, as you understand, is a plus. And the minus is the inability to witchcraft.

Paladin- is a cross between a knight and a cleric. From the first, he took a number of combat skills inaccessible to the priest, such as the skill in handling a sword and putting on plank armor. As a legacy from the cleric, the paladin acquired a deep knowledge of the magic of the Body, Mind and Spirit. The paladin's health is not bad, magic is more or less, and he fights well.

Cleric- the holy father, who went on the warpath. In battles, he deftly wields a mace, does not shy away from chain mail. To be honest, the cleric is a mediocre fighter. This shortcoming is compensated by his achievements in the magical realms. The cleric's primary use is defensive and buff spells, although he will gradually add to his range of offensive magic.

Archer- a hybrid of a mage and a knight; a guy who devotes most of his free time to studying long-range weapons. He wears chain mail, does not like close combat, since in hand-to-hand combat it inflicts minor damage to the enemy. Health is not so much, but understands the magic of the Elements. Particularly effective in battles on fresh air thanks to the necessary room for maneuvering. Quickly and accurately shoots monsters that have strayed from the crowd.

Mage- fragile physique, clear mind. As a result, it has the least number of "lives" and the largest amount of mana. In his free time from battles, he learns the magic of the Elements. Can wear leather bib, with the proper skill at the expert level, swings two daggers well. Like other classes, the mage is able to use magic even with both hands occupied.

Druid is another hybrid. This time - a magician and a cleric, so he understands the areas of knowledge and skills of both of them. Advantage - can learn seventy-seven spells if he learns all available magic. Successfully combines the shortcomings of both "parents". Cannot wear more powerful armor than leather, severely limited in weapon selection. In general, he is unlikely to achieve much success in magic because of the inherent “multi-station”: having the ability to improve in all seven areas, he is unlikely to become a master in at least three or four.

The developers initially offer us the following class composition: paladin, archer, cleric and mage. Please note that all members of the presented party have certain magical abilities. Also note that the paladin and archer do not have access to Light and Shadow magic. But don't be too upset: the magician and the cleric have it. In principle, this version of the detachment seems to us the best.

Of course, you can experiment with classes: for example, play with only four knights (no magic, but a lot of lethal force) or make up a squad of only puny wizards and / or clerics, relying on their considerable knowledge of combat magic. Just listen to good advice, otherwise you will suffer with such games! Steel-clad knights give in to a couple of Warlock sorcerers, and after each misfortune, you will have to run to nearby temples and pay a lot of money for a cure for all sorts of diseases, poisonings and curses.

On the other hand, a party of magicians will cause a lot of trouble: they are quite difficult to start with, since they are a bit tight with initial spells. Do not forget that sooner or later you will encounter monsters with almost impenetrable magical defenses. The latter can be either natural (minotaurs, dragons), or previously imposed by the enemy on himself (enemy magicians). However, there is not much difference, the only thing is that natural protection will be a little stronger.

Now let's talk about individual characteristics and skills that you can set for your heroes.

So, minimize the paladin's intelligence while maximizing (that is, up to 25) his agility and strength.

Let's go to the archer. Set intelligence and dexterity higher, and personality (Personality) - lower, all the way.

Who is next? A high personality indicator of the cleric will allow him to accumulate a significant amount of mana, but this adventurer does not need intelligence at all, believe me. It is advisable to add a little dexterity to the priest so that he often hits with his mace (club) on the faces (faces) of enemies.

With a wizard, the situation is reversed: add intellect and subtract that same Personality. With a sensible distribution of fifty starting points should be enough. If not, then reduce the luck of each of the characters by one or two points. But do not overdo it, fortune is not only good resistance to enemy spells, but also a certain amount of luck in finding valuable items and large sums of freely convertible gold. You don't want to be a loser, do you? Although, if you reduce luck as much as possible when generating a character, then already in New Sorpigal it is possible to raise the level of luck by drinking water from one of the wells. A new portion of water that increases luck will be available in a week.

It's time to deal with Skills (they are skills). Mentally prepare for the fact that each hero will have its own specification.

Give the archer the ability to disarm traps and observation. Only this hero has the right to personally open any suspicious chests - and this must be constantly remembered in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of premature death. Then teach the paladin how to use a shield and wear mail. Have the cleric take the Detect skill in addition to the shield. Make the magician learn the basics of water magic and let him fix things.

At the same time, I strongly do not recommend remembering the existence of meaningless skills such as diplomacy or bodybuilding. Normal heroes don't need them. At the beginning of the game, I advise you to take care of acquiring the skill of trade, but you should not develop it intensively. Despicable Metal is not worth spending the ever-needed points to increase abilities.


Management of your wards is carried out using the keyboard and mouse.

Use the cursor keys to navigate the terrain.

To switch to running mode, press Shift and cursor key.

To move sideways (Strafe), press ctrl and cursor key.

To switch from real time mode to step mode, press Enter. Note that in turn-based mode you cannot move, you can only turn around and use weapons/magic/items from your backpack.

To perform any action (press the lever, knock on the door, search the corpse, take the object), click the mouse in the right place.

To call up the Inventory screen, double-click on the character's portrait.

To attack the nearest enemy with a weapon, press BUT. If the enemy is far away, the character will shoot him with a bow / crossbow (if he has one), and try to reach a nearby enemy with a sword / dagger / spear.

To cast a spell on a nearby enemy, either click on the button with the five-pointed star to the right of the portraits of the squad members, or click S. In the latter case, the character will use a "quick" spell, which must first be installed. To do this, click on the star button, select the desired spell, then click on the hand image at the bottom of the page.

To sleep, click on the button with the image of a tent to the right of the magic button. Remember, the characters can only sleep in a safe place (if there are no enemies around).

To lean down/raise your head, use the keys Ins/Del.

To go up/down (after casting Fly), use Page Up/Page Down.

You will figure out the rest of the intricacies of management yourself.

A little about skill points and experience

About points (Points) of skills - there are two ways to acquire them relatively honestly. The first and simplest is to bypass the stables scattered around the country in order to purchase horseshoes. Then you click on the character with this accessory (while in the Inventory screen) - the horseshoe will disappear (are they swallowing it, or what?), leaving behind two points. True, the above-described causal relationship may not seem entirely obvious, well, fuck with her, with logic. It is scientifically proven that in a couple of months the next crop of horseshoes ripens along with the revival of monsters living nearby. I advise you to have a three or two horseshoes in reserve in order to develop an unexpectedly needed skill.

The second way is less exotic and more understandable... As the level increases, the notorious points are automatically added to the hero's account. Their number strongly depends on the general development of the character. At the very beginning of the game, the heroes get five points; from the 10th level to the 19th - six; from the 20th to the 29th - already seven and so on. Acquired hundredth level will bring the hero as much as fifteen points. By the way, you probably already know that levels increase not only through the initial accumulation of experience, but also by subsequent training in specially designated places.

The experience itself is also accumulated in two ways: by completing quests and by killing all the creatures you meet (except for civilians). Completed quests not only give a significant amount of experience, but also increase or decrease your reputation.

Another option is also not bad - you can get hold of gold and pick up a valuable item that sometimes drops out of a monster (unfortunately, there is always one). In general, the property of enemies is automatically selected when searching corpses, so sometimes it can be difficult to understand what you have found.

The secret of steel

Before a direct description of the advantages and disadvantages of certain types of weapons, let's define the concepts. Quite often you have to explain what a sword attack under "3d4" means. The fact is that M&M6 uses the standard board games a way to determine the outcome of your combat actions by "rolling" the die by the computer.

In this case, the program rolls a four-sided die (dice 4 or d4 for short) three times. In the worst case, the warrior will take three lives from the enemy, and in the best (each time the die shows a four) - 12 lives. In total, the damage ranges from three to twelve. The arithmetic mean is seven and a half, which is the most likely result of the damage done to the monster. More advanced varieties of the sword also have a non-zero value, a kind of "additive" to the attack and the chance to break through the enemy's defense. For example, striking with a sword with "+10 3d4 + 2" increases the chance to hit by 13 and the arithmetic mean of damage by two. However, the level of damage dealt depends not only on the type and combat qualities of the weapon, but also on the value of the strength of the warrior and his abilities in wielding the sword. To find out how effectively the squad members are fighting, click Z- in the Damage column there are the numbers you are looking for.

A couple of tips on weapon selection. There is nothing complicated about this: the paladin swings a sword, the cleric swings a club (or, as it was called in Russia, a mace), a magician clutches a dagger (and then a pair of them), an archer, you guessed it, uses remote weapons. We did not find any special use for tridents, staves, axes, etc. They are quite rare and for the most part do not have any particularly useful advantages, existing purely for a change, “to be”. True, sometimes a powerful Titanic Trident can come across, which is worth giving to a paladin or a knight if they have one hand occupied by a shield that you do not want to part with (maybe it increases some character characteristics or gives a lot of protection). The fact is that the accuracy of a trident strike is higher than that of an average sword. True, your hero hits them more slowly than with a sword. In general, the sword is the most balanced and convenient weapon for close combat. By the way, this rule works not only in the M&M6 game world, but also in the vast majority of computer role-playing games.

Everything is simple with bows and crossbows - they help out very well when the enemy is far away, and when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, the archer stops shooting and fights with the weapon in his hands.

Ranged weapons are great for dealing with non-shooting and non-magic enemies. If you fight in real time, while quickly backing away and writing out unthinkable zigzags (keep the enemy in sight), then the bow is what you need. It is very useful to have an archer and a paladin with shooting skills at the very beginning of the game for a quick and hassle-free passage through the Abandoned Temple of Baa, where enemies fight only in melee.

Blasters, also known as Ancient weapons, are found near the end of the game in the Control Center. There is a lot of controversy over whether to use them or whether to rely on proven swords and bows. In our opinion, it makes sense to use a blaster gun, and in real time, in which it fires bursts of three shots. A big plus of blasters is their penetration of any armor and / or magical protection. No less big minus - in a relatively small level of damage.

mysteries of magic

Apparently, most of the attention of the developers was devoted to not bringing to mind various kinds weapons, but balancing the spells of all nine magical spheres. Their efforts were crowned with success: there is no one super-powerful (better to say, omnipotent) spell, after finding which there would be no need to use all other spells.

Well, it's time to go through the magical sections in order to deal with the most important and interesting spells. Please note that only the first three spheres are available to the paladin: Spirit, Body and Mind; the cleric, in addition to this set, will learn the magic of Light and the magic of Darkness. The archer, on the contrary, is able to comprehend the meaning of only four fundamental elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire; and the magician will add to this witchcraft repertoire the same magics of Light and Darkness.

As you can see, the cleric will not fireballs, and the wizard is unlikely to learn how to heal companions, so for best results, try to combine the advantages and disadvantages of certain classes and the areas open to them. Another piece of good advice: distribute the responsibilities of the adventurers in the study of spells evenly. A magician who tries to achieve perfection in the use of six spheres at once is doomed to failure in advance. It is better to let him first become a master of Water and Fire, and then "pump" and the magic of Darkness to the maximum.

True, there is another option - to make all members of the squad first experts in all areas of magic available to them, and only then "wind up" the magician and cleric. The point of this is that an expert's spell power is almost as much greater than an uninitiated's spell power as a master's spell power surpasses an expert's spell power. However, it is much cheaper to "make" an expert than a master. Draw your own conclusions.

Another tip: do not make masters in the same field at the same time from two or more characters. As you know, you chase two hares...

Also try not to use long range magic in settlements and in the Temple of Snake dungeon, so as not to hurt the idle NPCs.

It makes sense to duplicate only part of the spells different characters. The paladin should be taught all healing spells and two main attacking spells should be added - Harm and Flying Fist, and the archer should master part of the set from the elements of Fire (Fireball, Inferno, etc.) and Water (for those creatures that have a natural resistance to fire, for example , the spirits of Fire).


Initially subject to the paladin, the magic of the Spirit specializes in spells, both increasing the hero's performance (luck, damage dealt, hit accuracy), and healing and returning deceased comrades to life.

Of particular note is the Shared Life spell, which works great in conjunction with the bodily Power Cure. Divided Life equally distributes the lives of all party members, while Strong Heal increases their health at the same time. The tactic is most effective when one of the heroes is safe and sound, while others are having a hard time.

Sometimes it is useful to remember the Turn Undead spell, which turns the undead into a shameful flight.

By the way, before meeting with the kings of skeletons, I strongly recommend getting the Remove Curse paladin: damned adventurers often smear, plus they have serious problems with witchcraft.

Unfortunately, there are no war spells worthy of mention in the sphere of the Spirit and never will be.

Healing Touch is primarily used by a paladin to heal an unconscious cleric. Having come to his senses, the latter heals himself and the rest of the characters himself.


Clerics have some ability in Body magic, using it to cure disease and weakness, neutralize poisons, and heal wounds.

However, two offensive spells are available to them. Harm helps a lot in the mid game due to its relative cheapness and good stopping power, but Flying Fist often does not justify its magic cost. Unfortunately, a significant part of advanced monsters perfectly tolerate the effects of both "Fist" and "Harm" (for example, the same skeletons).

Before going to the Abandoned Temple, be sure to buy the Protection from Poison or (or better) Cure Poison spell - otherwise you will be tormented by running to the temple for treatment after a close acquaintance with local snakes. After learning all the spells of the Body, transfer the cleric to the study of the sphere of Light.


To be honest, the diametrically opposed views of M&M6 fans on Mind magic can confuse anyone. In my humble opinion, only three spells from this area will really be useful to you, and not only will they be useful, but they will turn out to be vital.

I list: Cure Afraid (it is hardly possible to achieve miracles of heroism from frightened characters), Cure Paralysis (gargoyles love to indulge in paralysis) and Cure Insanity (a mad mage is almost a dead mage, because he does not restore the necessary mana during rest).

Most likely, aesthetes will find Feeblemind useful (it “takes away” all the magic from the enemy for a while), and maybe even Telekinesis, although it’s unlikely - it’s much easier to open a booby-trapped chest with your own hands using the Disarm Trap skill. The study of Mind magic falls entirely on the fragile shoulders of the paladin. You do not need to be a master in it, but it is desirable to get the skill of an expert.


The low effectiveness of Earth magic is obvious, but there is no need to speak about its uselessness. In my opinion, her set of spells is somewhat unique.

Stun, as the name implies, temporarily stuns the enemy and thereby suspends his aggression, Deadly Swarm is a good spell against the average strength of monsters, and Stone Skin (familiar to gamers from HMM) increases defense.

I will especially note two spells with opposite properties. Although you won't need Stone to Flesh much, since only rarely seen Medusa turn heroes into stone, with Flesh to Stone you yourself will turn almost any monster into stone.

Rock Blast works in an original way: throw a pebble that will roll, bouncing off walls and other obstacles, almost like a grenade from Quake, and explode when it hits the enemy. Try to use this spell in attacks from around the corner or throw a stone into a small room, where he will certainly find his victim. However, it seems to me that the substitute for "Pebble", "Fiery Wall", is more convenient, more accurate and more efficient.

And the last thing: the range of Death Blossom is more of a minus than a plus. Moreover, this is one of the few spells that is unable to hit the target on its own, without prior guidance.


The main task of the archer will be the development of Air magic, with a couple of nice instances of combat sorcery and with a good selection of useful spells in everyday life. Whatever you say, a professional without a Wizard Eye is almost like without hands. The said spell brings to life a kind of radar, which marks the movements of monsters and the location of various valuable gizmos.

It is the “radar” that allows you to see the most serious AI “bug” in the game. It consists in the desire of creatures to follow their offenders, choosing the shortest path. If the monster knows that the heroes are on the opposite side of the wall, then it will not try to go around the wall, but will stand opposite and wait. Very often, this gap in the minds of monsters is expressed in their pushing around the corners near the doorway, getting stuck behind some kind of pedestal, or forced to stop due to their unwillingness to go around the corner. Get with the Wizard Eye and profitably use this kind of information about the strange behavior of your opponents.

As for Feather Fall, it is practically not used due to another well-known "bug" in M&M6. To safely fall from great heights, press "Enter" in time. When you land safely, return to real time. Everything ingenious is simple, isn't it, gentlemen?

Lightning is next, there is no need to talk about it much, lightning is lightning in Africa too. In his free time from shooting, the archer will undoubtedly torment the enemies of Implosion, since there are almost no monsters immune to this spell.

One of the strongest spells (but not suitable for indoor use), Flight, allows you to visit hard-to-reach locations, as well as shoot from above and pour meteor showers on enemies who had the misfortune to be under you.


Water Magic. Surprisingly, the Water sphere mostly contains offensive magic. Ice Bolt is perhaps the only viable way to deal with Fire Spirits, though it has proven to be excellent in field trials against other monsters due to its excellent damage-to-mana cost ratio.

You can’t say the same about Ice Blast: it is unsuitable for active use due to its unpredictability and high price.

Acid Burst is by nature not bad, but will not cause a storm of delight in any person more or less experienced in magical matters.

Of course, in the sphere of Water there are also purely peaceful spells. Awaken is the only way to manually wake up sleeping team members. Otherwise, they will wake up from the loss of "life".

Water Walk is easily replaced by Fly, although the latter is more expensive, but flying is much more interesting than just walking on water.

Add to the list of non-combat spells a couple of ways to instantly move in space. These are Town Portal (transfers you to the city fountain) and Lloyd's Beacon (essentially, teleportation to a pre-marked place).

There's a little trick: in theory, Master Water can only create five Lloyd's Beacons, but in reality we've created up to twenty teleport pads. The wizard fills all available slots, and then changes his position in the squad (select the sorcerer and, while holding control, specify its new position) and accesses the next five empty Beacons. If desired, the process of changing adventurers is repeated twice more. A total of twenty sites - four positions with five sites each. Here it is, the sphere of Water. Do your best to master it as quickly as possible.


Undoubtedly, the best set of offensive spells is in Fire magic.

Of the few peaceful spells inherent in this area, we highlight Torch. Included in the mandatory set of application after waking up in the next dungeon. No need to strain your eyes (hey, Unreal!) to see what kind of monster is coming towards you. In the dungeon, the torch burns constantly - this is an axiom. True, in nature, Torch does not bring any benefit, it disperses the darkness of the night rather weakly, so it’s better to wait for the day.

As for Haste, it is more useful than harmful. It does not give serious advantages, but the fact that the characters will become more cheerful and active has been proven.

And now about the sweet: about the spells that burn the flesh of the enemy. Good old comrade Fire Bolt - cheap in terms of costs and finances, but works well against the average strength of monsters.

Use Fireball's services when meeting enemies crowding in the distance. Effective spell, do not say anything. For example, one well-aimed hit in a bunch of goblins should forever calm down the little rascals. Be careful if it comes to melee: immediately switch to the aforementioned Fire Bolt.

The next most important spell, Ring of Fire, is used in conjunction with Wizard Eye to destroy adversaries located behind walls and doors. In most cases, it also burns opponents above (!) And below (!) You (one floor above and below). It's also great to break into the enemy camp at full speed and use the "Fire Ring" several times.

However, if you have already found Meteor Storm, then there is almost no point in such tactics. In my opinion, this is the best spell used outdoors against any kind of monsters, from goblins to hydras, titans and dragons. There is no point in praising Meteor Storm, its action must be seen.

True, there are two "buts". First, the enemy must be on the ground or hover low enough to take damage from the meteor strike. And secondly, this spell is known to the Demon King. Happy hunting guys - and for it to be successful, try to fight in the air.

Inferno - nothing interesting, but due to its availability at the beginning of the game, it will be useful when attacking one and a half hundred skeletons in the active temple of Baa.

Incinerate is my choice, and not only mine, but the undoubted choice of any professional. Try it in action in the dungeons - I'm sure you'll like it. Equally useful both in the middle of the game and towards the end. In order not to miss and waste such a valuable spell, use Incinerate in turn mode. By the way, the trees in the game are fire resistant, so it will not be possible to set them on fire.


Let's talk about the largest and most Light sphere.

Create Food is simply amazing if you don't want to make endless trips to the tavern for food. If you sleep on the grass (the cost of one unit of food), then even a complete layman in the magic of Light will be able to feed the squad. Note that camping on the road will cost twice as much food (two units of food). In general, to use Create Food effectively, train your character to at least Light expert level.

With the advent of Golden Touch, there will be no need for shuttle flights to the nearest city in order to sell the things left after the enemies. Perfectly replaces the trade skill, as the Light expert will no longer need money.

We did not find a justified use of Dispel Magic.

Slow, although cheaper than Paralyze, is almost twice as much, but it is the same number of times worse. They have the same duration, but a paralyzed opponent is a more pleasant sight than his simply “inhibited” counterpart.

There are two types of undead that are worth spending Destroy Undead on: they are Greater Lich and Power Lich, and as for skeletons and ghosts, they are too weak to justify the use of such a powerful spell.

Prismatic Light is similar to Inferno, differing from it in double damage and mana costs.

Sun Ray is almost never used (except against dragons), as it only works outdoors, where it can be easily replaced with Meteor Storm.

The semi-secret spell Divine Intervention allows the cleric to call to the heavens to fully heal the entire party, removing all negative conditions along the way. A curse on an amateur, in my opinion, it is preferable to simply visit the temple than to lose a good ten years for one favor from the gods.

Day of the Gods and Hour Power will be discussed separately. For one hundred mana, you will turn the group into a real death machine. The process of stacking enemies in piles will become a daily and quite commonplace.



As there is no day without night, so the magic of Light cannot exist without its opposite - the magic of Darkness. A characteristic feature when using Dark Magic is the highest mana costs compared to other spheres, which is offset by the highest power of spells and their non-standard.

Reanimate goes first. Its purpose is not entirely clear, it is probably needed to revive NPCs killed by mistake. It is quite possible to revive the monster and then kill it in order to increase the experience of the group.

The poisoner's best friend, Toxic Cloud, works well against demons and other creatures with increased resistance to most hostile spells.

Shrapmetal deserves an "excellent" rating: this is the only spell that affects (attention!) all known creatures. Try to use it by getting close to the enemy so that at least three or four pieces of hot metal hit him. It has been noted that if the master of Darkness hits the dragon with all seven projectiles, then the creature is no longer a tenant.

Unlike Shrapmetal, the Finger of Death spell will only try to destroy the enemy, while there is a very high chance that he will survive. It all comes down to "lucky - no luck." The odds of luck for non-Masters of Darkness are negligible.

Moon Ray - "neither fish nor meat." And it heals badly, and the damage to monsters is small. Moreover, normal people "like a thief in the night" do not fight, but prefer to solve their affairs during the day.

Dragon Breath gets its name from its beautiful eyes, which luckily dragons don't use. Winged beasts have difficulty breathing when you appear. This is the strongest spell in M&M6 and also has a decent damage radius.

Now Armageddon - the true purpose and use of this curiosity remained a mystery to me. When you are swimming in money, buy it - maybe it will fit for something. If you want to instantly gain Bad Guy reputation, apply it in the Free Haven region.

What you don’t need to spend money on is Mass Curse and Shrinking Ray, because the second semi-secret spell in the game, called Dark Containment, will not only curse and reduce the enemy, but also frighten, paralyze, turn to stone, reduce reaction, enchant and deprive his magic for a "ridiculous" price of 200 (two hundred) mana. The only problem is that Dark Containment will be found towards the end of the game, after solving the puzzle of the Obelisks.

It is appropriate to note that Day of Protection, which is in the top five spells necessary for the survival of your wards, will protect the heroes from all sorts of sores and many other harmful effects.

Good, bad and neutral

Viewing the group's overall statistics ( Z) you will certainly notice the Reputation column, which displays the ratio of the average inhabitant of Enroth to all members of the squad.

Renome affects both your success in conversations with NPCs, and many game events. So, especially malicious characters will not be able to communicate with the lords living in castles, since they will simply be sent to prison. However, both bad and good deeds tend to be forgotten over time, therefore, when you are released in a year, you will find yourself with a neutral reputation.

Negative reputation:

Notorious - to be a notorious villain; necessary for obtaining mastery in Dark magic;

Monstrous - monstrous; to quickly obtain this title, it is enough to kill the population of a small town;

Despicable - despised;

Vile - evil, vile;

Bad - acquired after several unsuccessful attempts at blackmail or other unseemly acts, as well as after completing the quest related to the return of the candelabra;

Average - neutral reputation, does not change over time.

Positive reputation:

Respectable - this status will be assigned to you after several donations in favor of the temple; unfortunately, your reputation will not increase above Respectable;

Honorable - it's easy to earn respect, just don't do bad things and complete quests;

Glorious - to get the title of "valiant", perform feats as often as possible until the inhabitants of Enroth forget about them;

Angelic - "like an angel"; enjoys considerable respect, and the addresses of many NPCs are simply filled with awe;

Saintly - only a saint can become a master in the magic of Light; it is difficult to become a saint, but it is possible if you regularly complete important quests (orders from the lords of the lands and the Oracle).

In addition to the above methods of increasing / decreasing reputation, there are many others. Becoming super bad is not easy, but very simple, having destroyed two dozen civilians, but being good is quite difficult. So, let's allow ourselves a few tips on how to remain good and kind in human memory.

Never threaten an NPC, but beg or bribe them. Don't mess with a buyer of human bones at Free Haven. Do not seek treatment in temples dedicated to Baa. In the High Temple of Baa (in Kriegspire), do not touch the giant stone image of this god - although each member of the group will receive 50 thousand experience points, your reputation will plummet down. Note that some of the characters accompanying the party also have a strong effect on reputation. For example, a thief hired to increase the skill of trade or a bard who glorifies the valor of heroes on all corners. Another tip - to reduce the time interval between completing quests, use Lloyd's Beacon and Town Portal. If you do good deeds once every few months, then things will not go further than Respectable.

It is logical that the practice of Dark magic will also gradually lower the reputation of the heroes.

About states

Almost all harmful states are characterized by the characteristic physiognomy of the hero - look at the faces of the wards, and you will understand what's what. The degree of danger of the disease is determined by the color of the corresponding inscription: green - a minimal threat to health, yellow - moderate illness, and red - serious or fatal. It is easy to see that some sores initially cannot carry something life-threatening (for example, Drunk), and some are only fatal (Eradicated). All types of ailments are treated in the temple, for money, of course. Priests also do not mind restoring to the maximum life and mana of a completely healthy character for a small bribe.

Sometimes the hero becomes the "happy" owner of several harmful conditions. The funny thing is that they are superimposed on each other and you only see one sickness. This is a very serious bug. For example, the adventurer was sent sleep and fear. At the same time, he only looks frightened, but a frightened hero is able to fight off enemies, but a fallen one cannot! Do not rejoice, even right-clicking on a portrait will not show its second state. Go to the characteristics of the character and click the rodent on the Conditions column, at the same time you will find out how much time your ward sleeps and is afraid of.

Afraid. A frightened character loses half of intelligence, personality, and hit, in return gaining a slight advantage in speed and strength.

Neutralization: Remove Fear (Mind)

asleep. There are two options for this state. Either the group's sleep was interrupted by the attack of monsters, or this is the action of enemy magic. The sleeping hero does not interfere in the course of the battle, even if nearby comrades scream in pain.

Neutralization: over time, from impact, Awaken (Water).

Cursed. The damned hero is terribly unlucky, although everything is in order with luck. The warrior cannot concentrate in any way for a well-aimed blow, and because of this he often misses. Mages are no better - only one spell works out of three cast. It makes me want to say "Damn!"

Neutralization: Remove Curse (Spirit).

Dead. Life, as you know, is given only once ... oh, once, yes again, and many, many more times ... will change. All items from the inventory, all skills and statistics will remain, as well as one item that you managed to grab with the mouse, but have not yet put in the “trunk”. The number of deaths is recorded in the records of the achievements of the heroes, because the only reason to avoid death is the desire not to have the shameful inscription "N deaths", where N is the number of deaths.

Neutralization: Raise Dead (Spirit).

Diseased. A character infected with the disease suffers from a decrease in physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, accuracy), and in the case of a more dangerous disease, mental abilities (personality, intelligence). Luck does not change. After the rest, only a certain part of the vital and magic units is restored. Moreover, the more dangerous the disease, the less health and mana the character will have after sleep (half - with a green degree, a third - with a yellow one).

Neutralization: Cure Disease (Body).

Drunk. Doubles your luck, and reduces your strength and stamina by the same amount. All other indicators are reduced even more, and agility drops by 90% of the original.

Intoxication is the only misfortune that cannot be neutralized with the help of magic. Get some sleep and everything will be taken care of.

Neutralization: rest.

eradicated. It is believed that this state is worse than death, since the hero not only dies, but also loses his own body. This state is most often organized by Terminators (Terminator Unit), and sometimes by yourself, unsuccessfully chemizing with bubbles. All of the above about death applies to the conversation about eradication.

Neutralization: Resurrection (Spirit).

Good. A normal state in which the character is not affected by any ailments. Watch out for sores, and the squad will always be in perfect order.

Insane. A crazy magic user, like other heroes, has a sharp drop in intelligence and personality indicators, and after sleeping, he wakes up with zero magical energy. However, madness is useful for warriors (especially for knights, who are not harmed by magic), making them berserkers, endowing them with gigantic power and unusual insensitivity to pain. Madness doubles the strength of the characters, one and a half times the endurance and slightly speeds up.

Neutralization: Cure Insanity (Mind).

paralyzed. Paralysis is actively sent by gargoyles. The hero continuously looks at one point, does not react to external stimuli and does not take any action. Sense from a paralyzed character tends to zero.

Neutralization: Cure Paralysis (Mind).

Poisoned. In terms of its effect, poisoning is in many ways similar to a disease. The amount of mana and health after sleep also decreases, however, judging by the smaller change in the statistics of the heroes, poison is a lesser evil, and the spell that heals poisoning spends half as much mana.

Neutralization: Cure Poison (Body).

Stoned. Turning a single adventurer into a stone statue; used only by Medusa. The effect is similar to paralysis, however, the degree of danger is indicated not in yellow, but in red. The cost of healing in the temple is seven times higher.

Neutralization: Stone to Flesh (Earth).

Unconscious. An unconscious state in which a badly wounded hero falls. It occupies an intermediate position between life and death: if the unconscious character starts to finish off the enemies, then he will die. In an unconscious state, the heroes (of course) do not take any action, but wait for urgent and proper treatment. If all the heroes lose consciousness, the group will die.

Neutralization: rest, restore lost health.

Weak. Weakness does not affect the main characteristics, but a tired hero has a slightly longer break between attacks, and the hit is weaker than expected.

Neutralization: Cure Weakness (Body).


Before visiting the altars, be sure to go to the seer (Seer) in the Ironfist region to consult about the shrine corresponding to this month. Initially, for praying near the altar, each character will receive 10 points of a certain characteristic, and on repeated visits in subsequent years - only three. The month affects not only the altars, but also the "Cards of Destiny".

Bootleg Bay (northwest island) Intellect Mist (slightly north of the city) Silver Cove Personalities (Northwest Island) Endurance White Cap (near the lord's castle) Agility Free Haven (West of town) Speeds Mire of the Damned (east of town) Good luck New Sorpigal (island east of the pier) Fire Kriegspire (inside the volcano, next to the castle) Castle Ironfist Electricity (NW) Cold Kriegspire (center of the map, next to the hut) Yada Eel Infested Waters (southwest island) Magic Blackshire (northwest corner)
Month Altar type Region
January Forces

Destiny Cards

Before using Decks of Fate on a character, understand their features. It has been established that the effect of cards depends on the month and week during which they were spent. In the month of strength, they will increase precisely the strength, and in the month of good luck - good luck. Cards are able to increase one characteristic in the range from one to four units. The minimum (+ 1) increase in luck will occur during the first week of the month of luck, the maximum (+ 4) - during the fourth week of the same month.

Practical exercises in alchemy

Each party member can (and will) carry a number of bottles of alchemy potions. With these potions, you can heal a character of poison, restore their health or magical energy, and even permanently increase some of their characteristics.

The preparation of the drug is simple - first, the juice of the plant is squeezed into the bottle, then this juice is mixed with the juice from another bottle. At the same time, the quantity options the mixing of bubbles among themselves is really great - according to the most conservative estimates, it exceeds two hundred. However, do not flatter yourself with this figure, it is not at all a fact that the experiment will end successfully and you will get something new with amusing qualities and properties from a combination of already known potions. Moreover, certain mixing methods will cause a small explosion, the power of which depends on the strength of the bubbles used in the experiment.

By the way, the necessary empty and already filled vials are in various chests or boxes and are freely sold in alchemy shops. The plants necessary for the experiments are also bought there, they are also scattered throughout the territory of any regions. Usually, a walk along the riverbank, where all sorts of herbs grow, will be enough to prepare a couple of black potions.

Theoretically, according to the strength of the impact and value, all potions are distributed into four main groups, or levels. The description first talks about the color of the bubbles, then their name in English (if there are other potions of a similar color), components and the effect of the potion.

Potions of the first level

Prepared by exposing an empty vial to a magical plant. They cost ten gold.

Red= red berries (Widoweep berries) + bottle.

Effect: restore 10 health points.

blue\u003d blue root (Rhina Root) + bottle.

Effect: restore 10 mana.

yellow= yellow flowers (Poppysnaps) + bottle.

Effect: Temporarily increase seven primary stats by 10.

Potions of the second level

Created from the combination of the bubbles listed above. Worth twenty-five gold.

Green= yellow + blue.

Effect: Temporarily increase all resistances by 10.

purple= red + blue.

Effect: neutralization of poison.

orange= red + yellow.

Effect: Temporarily increase defense by 10.

Potions of the third level

This group includes all potions white color, which, in turn, are obtained from alchemical experiments with multi-colored bubbles. Cost fifty gold.

White(Super Resistance) = blue + green.

White(Bless) = purple + blue.

Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, blesses the characters. Duration - 6 hours.

White(Stone Skin) = orange + blue.

Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, increases protection. Duration - 6 hours.

White(Haste) = yellow + green.

Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, it speeds up the character's actions. Duration - 6 hours.

White(Extreme Energy) = orange + yellow.

Effect: Temporarily increase seven primary stats by 20.

White(Heroism) = red + orange.

Effect: acting similarly to the spell of the same name, increases the damage dealt by the character. Duration - 6 hours.

White(Restoration) = purple + green.

Effect: Completely heals the character from harmful misfortunes, except for death and petrification.

White(Extreme Protection) = green + orange.

Effect: Temporarily increase defense by 20.

Potions of the fourth level

This group includes black potions, which, of course, are the most powerful and difficult to manufacture. They cost a hundred gold. Note that all seven Essense of... bubbles are permanent.

Black(Essence of Intellect) = blue + white (Stone Skin).

Effect: increases intelligence by 15, decreases strength by 5.

Black(Essence of Personality) = blue + white (Restoration).

Effect: increases personality by 15, decreases speed by 5.

Black(Essence of Luck) = purple + white (Super Resistance).

Effect: increases luck by 15, decreases agility by 5.

Black(Essence of Might) = red + white (Heroism).

Effect: increases strength by 15, reduces intelligence by 5.

Black(Essence of Speed) = red + white (Haste).

Effect: increases speed by 15, reduces personality by 5.

Black(Essence of Accuracy) = yellow + white (Bless).

Effect: Increases Agility by 15, decreases Luck by 5.

Black(Essence of Endurance) = yellow + white (Supreme Protection).

Effect: increases personality by 15, decreases strength by 5.

Black(Divine Cure) = orange + white (Restoration).

Effect: Restores 100 health. The character ages by one year.

Black(Divine Magic) = green + white (Super Resistance).

Effect: Restores 100 mana. The character ages by one year.

Black(Divine Power) = purple + white (Extreme Energy).

Effect: The character temporarily gains 20 levels. The character ages by one year.

Black(Divine Cure) = green + white (Extreme Energy).

Effect: removes all the effects of magical aging from the character. All the main seven characteristics are reduced by one.

When doing independent alchemical studies, be extremely careful and collected. Never experiment with black potions as one of the two ingredients. However, if you are visiting to the best friend(who also plays M&M6) and you want to make him a little dirty trick or just a joke, then offer him to mix something like:

White Potion (Haste) + Black (Essence of Personality);

White potion (Haste) + Black (Divine Cure).

War is nonsense, the main thing is maneuver

In Might & Magic 6, this postulate is undeniable. It is maneuvers that enable a relatively weak squad to confront and defeat strong enemies. Here we will consider some of the possible maneuvers.

strategic retreat

Once your mage is a master of Water and has the Town Portal and Loyd's Beacon spells, you can pull off one of the easiest yet most effective maneuvers in the game.

Let's say you need to clear the Dragonsands area of ​​dragons. Get to this area without any dragons around (to do this, enter the area on the road from the Blacshire area), and have the mage set a beacon (Set Beacon) first. Cast all possible defensive spells on the entire group. Take a look around. As soon as you notice the dragon, zigzag forward (so that the dragon does not hit with its fire) the jubilant crowd (your squad), foaming at the mouth, chanting the words of one of the Golden Calf characters: “Give me a million!”. Having approached the dragon, go into turn-based mode and quickly deal with it, after which the mage will immediately transfer the entire group using the Town Portal spell to the city of New Sorpigal. Now take the group to the local temple. If all members of the squad are alive (it is enough that they have at least one hit point) and are not affected by harmful spells or poison, then the full restoration of their health and mana will cost only 10 gold per person (in all other temples, the price is for treatment will be much higher). After exiting the temple, the mage will cast Loyd's Beacon (Recall Beacon) again and return the group to the Dragonsands area. Since very little time has actually passed, all previously cast protective spells are still valid and there is no need to spend mana on them. Again take on the next dragon.

This method allows you to go through dungeons and areas very quickly, thereby increasing the reputation of your heroes, which is very important if you want to make one of them a master of Light.

Avoiding enemy projectiles

The described tactics are suitable only for the owners of the Fly spell. Seeing the enemy, choose one of two behaviors. If he does not shoot or use magic, then he will not be able to respond to attacks directed from above. If the monster throws all sorts of nasty things in order to knock out the flying heroes, then get a little closer to it and go into turn-based mode. AT this mode heroes cannot move, but have the ability ( pg up and PgDn) to rise and fall, thereby moving away from the "shells". To abruptly avoid an enemy spell, press Home. Another interesting point - in turn-based mode, the chance to hit an enemy with a spell is approximately 85% - 95%, since he stands still and does not try to dodge, even if he can fly.

"Bug" with teleporting spells

If, in real time, during a battle with enemies, you switch to examining a book with spells, then, as you know, time will stop. However, if the mage uses the Town Portal or Lloyd's Beacon, then time will run again and you will be attacked by enemies, even if the mage is still choosing where the group needs to teleport, that is, he has not finished studying his magic book. At the same time, you do not see the enemies and are unable to fight back. To avoid repeating situations of this kind, switch to step-by-step mode.

Move all the time in running mode. Unfortunately, there is no Auto Run function in the game, so hold down the key Shift. On the open area practice running diagonally, indoors - moving backwards with your back, so that, retreating in an organized manner, do not let the monsters out of sight. During such a withdrawal, periodically glance at the “radar” so that the unexpected appearance of opponents in the rear does not take the heroes by surprise. Once in the fresh air, immediately cast a flight spell on the squad: it is more convenient to fight off enemies, visibility is further, and the speed of movement on the map increases twice. If you also “run” during the flight, then you can bypass any region in three to four minutes.

Search the corpses of enemies. So you pick up a certain amount of gold or find a valuable thing. Moreover, it is known that four types of monsters (dragons, high titans, ifrits and great wyrms) can carry an artifact or relic. Especially often mentioned items are found in red dragons. Be sure to upgrade your Perception skill to Expert or Master level - this is necessary to open doors in the High Temple of Baa, and will also come in handy when discovering secret doors, traps and switches. Information on them is displayed on the "radar" - an automap. It is also noted that a hero with the most developed powers of observation is more likely to remove an expensive item from the corpse of a defeated monster than his comrades.

Some enemies are able to break things in the inventory of the characters, repair them after the battle. If you notice that the hero has a broken weapon or armor, then it is better to repair them right away during the battle. You remove it from the character, give it to a friend with the repair skill, repair it with a mouse click and put it back on. Continue your military work.

Do not "spray" the damage dealt to the enemy. Agree, it's better to kill one monster and not touch the rest than to beat everyone a little. Keep in mind that monsters have a habit of fully regenerating "life" if you leave the room or move to the next area.

As you sit comfortably at your computer for a relaxing M&M6, have a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil ready. Such preparations will certainly come in handy, since a significant part of the information is not automatically marked in a travel notebook. In particular, you will have to write down or memorize all the interesting thoughts of the peasants about things that interest you, as well as especially important information on story missions- the "Quests" section speaks rather dryly about your assignments.

Heroes, like the mafia, are immortal. Characters, even brought to the millennium for fun, remained alive and well. Of course, their martial arts, as well as a number of characteristics, have decreased, but, judging by their faces, the heroes remained young and careless. Another fact: a large number of years spent on the road will significantly reduce the output statistics at the end of the game.

Experiment with both turn-based and real-time modes.

The first is great for battles on the surface, the second is more needed in the dungeons. Usually turn-based brings tangible results when fighting one or more strong and fast monsters, real-time - in a battle with a crowd of middle peasants and clumsy lone strongmen.

Magic tips for experienced players. Once in the dungeon, immediately cast the following spells: Day of Gods, Day of Protection, Hour of Power, Torch, and Wizard's Eye. Any sequence, but it is better to start with the "Eyes of the wizard" in order to immediately notice the enemies near you. Strengthened and protected in this way, with the proper approach, without risk to life, they will overcome any creature.

Think about Create Food in advance - there should always be a supply of food, even if you are not going to sleep. In nature, ditch Torch in favor of Fly and move only in a state of flight. Volatility is vital in the Dragonsands region and is especially relevant in turn-based mode.


We play tricky

To use the mistakes and shortcomings of programmers (“bugs”) in the game means not to cheat, but to show ingenuity and ingenuity. For fans of this kind of game, we reveal some secrets of Might & Magic 6.

Gaining access to class-restricted skills

Let's take a magician as an example. Many gamers have a great desire to pack the sorcerer in plank armor and hand him a two-handed sword, but in theory the wizard is not able to learn the corresponding skill. Okay, go to the nearest Berserker's Fury or Blade's End guild, where you can buy the magician all the skills offered to him. Then continuously click on the inscription that says "Seek knowledge elsewhere ..." (the process will take about half a minute), and as soon as you hear the sound of counting money, consider that the magician has acquired one new skill that is inaccessible to him. If you want to get other abilities, continue the process of "knocking out" skills. Having visited both of the aforementioned guilds, it is quite possible to teach the wizard how to use a sword, spear and ax, as well as the ability to wear chain mail and plank armor, use a shield. This trick works for all party members, regardless of their age, gender, or class background. Whatever one may say, but plank armor is the most durable, and in it, without exception, all characters are much less sensitive to enemy attacks, and a sword in the hands of a cleric will look much more beautiful than any maces. If you decide to use the above cheat, then get ready to tinker a bit, vp

1 2 3 All

Every fan of computer role-playing games is familiar with such a popular series as "Heroes of Might and Magic". The first part was released in the late eighties, and since then the developers from the NewWorldComputing team have never ceased to amaze gamers with their pleasant surprises.

With the release of the new part of the game "Heroes of Might and Magic 6", the passage promises to be no less interesting and exciting.

Main advantages

Generally speaking, the sixth part of the popular RPG was a success. What surprises pleased the developers?

  • Introduction of a fully 3D game world with the ability to hover in the air.
  • High-quality graphic design, for the full-fledged work of which special accelerators and powerful computers are not required.
  • A storyline with excellent and thoughtful moves, thanks to which the players have complete freedom of action.
  • A lot of unique weapons, a variety of magic spells and other artifacts useful in battle.

Of course, not a single game is complete without flaws, but during the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" they are almost invisible.

The beginning of a new story

In the sixth part, the developers decided to move away from options with universal cataclysms and focused on implementing the plot in the new world. If you look back a little at the previous game in the series, it becomes clear that we are thrown back by as much as four hundred years. The griffins had not yet managed to take possession of the Imperial throne, and Duke Paul, during the next battle with the monsters, was overtaken by death. After this event, the crown went to his son named Vyacheslav. He, in turn, managed to see much more than his father during his reign, he had five children, and the orcs who settled nearby also did not cause much trouble. In general, everything that Vyacheslav did was aimed at strengthening his own family. In this regard, he turned out to be much more far-sighted than Paul.

Plot and chapters

The passage of the campaigns of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" is tied around Vyacheslav and his heirs. We have to play for them. There are seven main campaigns - each corresponds to one of the heirs of the Griffin, plus additional ones contain a prologue with an epilogue. By the way, the right to choose the order of passing "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" goes to the player himself, which sometimes causes a little confusion in the chronology, but at the same time gives a little time to rest from the battles for the same factions.

Detailed information is most pleasant to learn from personal experience, so we strongly advise you to get acquainted with the plot during an independent passage of the game "Heroes of Might and Magic 6". We only note that he is really good and is one of best examples RPG storytelling. There is everything here: intrigue, betrayal, love and hate, unexpected twists and original scenario moves. One has only to remember the exciting mission inside the subconscious of one of the main characters, in which she fought with her childhood fears.

Game component

As we said earlier, the passage of the companies "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" stretches into seven main parts. The number of factions corresponds to the number of heirs of the Griffin, that is, there are five of them in total. While four of them — Heaven, Stronghold, Necropolis, and Inferno — are already familiar to us thanks to the previous games in the series, we encounter Sanctuary for the first time. There is a feeling that developers will be able to fill in such a small number of factions thanks to future additions and add-ons.The situation is the same with the number of resources - their reduction was justified by an attempt to clean up the gameplay from unnecessary details that could somehow affect the level of difficulty.

Another notable innovation was the decision of the developers to divide the map. Now it has several separate areas that are controlled by the fleet or the city. If you capture them, you can immediately take possession of all the buildings on the territory. As for the mine, it can be obtained without occupying the aforementioned key facilities, but this option is not reliable. There are no more guards in the mines, so now the war for necessary resources can only be conducted by assault or defense.

What is the conclusion?

To some, such decisions may seem a little strange, especially to those players who have come a long way along with the series. If in previous parts could undermine the economic stability of his rival with the help of constant raids, now such tactics will not work. In general, any attempt at sabotage can fail miserably, so you will have to attack only with the forces of a large army. Fortunately, it has become much easier to raise your own army.

About heroes

You can give preference to any heroes, whether it be the "Alliance of Light" or "Inferno" - the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" is based on the choice of the player. Taking the third part as a basis, the developers provided for each faction a default mage and warrior. During the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" the player will be asked to choose another specialization, choosing between two - the Road of Blood or the Road of Tears. This decision is usually based on the actions and decisions made related to the events in the course of the story. One of these moments will be the choice of the player in a situation with neutral monsters - we are noticeably superior to them in terms of strength, so we can both attack and leave alive. The first option, in which bloodshed is preferred over pardon, increases the points of the Blood faction, while the second, on the contrary, improves Tears.

What has gone and what has come?

The Wizards Guild was removed from the game, and the process of learning spells became similar to how we get logistics or luck - during leveling up. The character is rewarded with one point of ability at a time, so it will be easiest for warriors. Some fighters have the ability to use magic, but in the event that we want to get by with some passive skills during the battle, this is also quite realistic. And if you add artifacts to them along with the specialization of the character, then there is a high probability of being in a big advantage on the battlefield.

And the last novelty that deserves attention was the creation of dynasties. Thanks to a convenient editor, you can create truly unique characters, which will then be used while playing the multiplayer or single player campaign. Dynasty bonuses received are spent on various upgrades, such as additional parameters or some distinctive heraldry.

"Pure" classes

  1. A warrior is an experienced fighter who has access to all types of weapons and types of armor. He has the largest reserve of vitality, which allows him to withstand the onslaught of the most powerful enemies. What he is unable to do is use magic, which to some may seem like an obvious and major disadvantage. However, with the proper use of basic skills, you can achieve no less power without the help of magic.
  2. A cleric is a cleric who has chosen a battlefield instead of a temple. His weapon is a mace, and his defense is chain mail. A fairly average hero who covers his weaknesses with offensive and defensive magic. As with other heroes, you can use codes during the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6".
  3. Wizard - does not require much introduction, as it is one of the most recognizable classes in any RPG game. He has one of the smallest reserves of vital energy, but he has the highest level of mana. Having reached the expert level, you can teach him how to use a couple of daggers. When the Wizard is not busy in combat, he takes up the study of elemental magic.


  1. Paladin - Warrior and Cleric mixed in this class. The first passed on the ability to handle heavy weapons (for example, a sword) and the ability to wear plank armor. Thanks to the input of the Cleric, the Paladin is proficient in the use of Body, Spirit, and Mind magic. All qualities are located at the "medium" mark: he fights well and has good reserves of life and mana.
  2. Archer is another hybrid, but this time it's Warrior and Wizard. Prefers ranged weapons and tries to avoid close confrontations. Uses elemental magic inherited from the Wizard. You can try to protect a small supply of health with chain mail.
  3. Druid is the latest hybrid class to combine Cleric and Wizard. A successful combination of magical abilities allows him to learn more than seventy spells. As for the disadvantages, this includes the inability to wear strong armor, the restriction in the use of weapons, and a strong deconcentration of skills.