How to pass the game comic zone. "Comix Zone" walkthrough. Additional game releases

Comix Zone is an arcade action video game released for game console Sega Mega Drive in 1995 (5 years later it was ported to other platforms). main feature The game consists in its stylization as a comic book - the action of the game takes place on the pages of a comic book.

The music for the game was written by composer Howard Drossin (later released on a separate disc). The graphics were mostly done by comic book artists. The game's characters have been ported over from real people by digitization and motion capture technology, thanks to which they looked and moved with great realism for that time.


Sketch Turner, an artist and independent rock musician, is working on his new comic called Comix Zone. His work tells about the attempt of the New World Empire to save the Earth from the attack of rebellious aliens, which Sketch invents with inspiration.

One night, while Sketch is quietly working on a comic book, a violent thunderstorm breaks out and one of the lightning strikes Turner's house, affecting his desktop as well. At the same moment, the main villain of the comic, Mortus, breaks out into the real world and throws him into Comix Zone frustrated artist. Since Mortus himself is a cartoon character, he cannot fully express himself physically in real world while the author of the comic is alive.

In the comic, Turner meets General Alice Kane, who mistakes him for a superhero who has come to save the post-apocalyptic world from Mortus and alien invaders. Despite Sketch's protests, Alice sends him on missions while maintaining contact via radio. Mortus, who is in the real world, seeks to interfere with Turner in every possible way, drawing additional enemies for him and, in one case, setting fire to part of the page.


Since the world where the hero is located is paper, everything that is within the Comix Zone can negatively affect the Sketch, reducing his health bar. The hero carries out his journey together with his hand-held rat Roadkill, also transferred to the comic. The little friend helps the Sketch in finding useful items, as well as in switching hard-to-reach levers.

The game has three endings depending on the outcome of the final confrontation with Mortus. In the good ending, Sketch, defeating Mortus, manages to save Alice, and together they leave the world of Comix Zone. In the bad ending, Sketch, defeating Mortus, does not have time to save Alice, and in the final video they show how he mourns for her. If there was a rat in the pocket at the end of the game, we can see it in the final video. In case of failure of the game (the hero died and all lives are spent), the villain Mortus is established in the real world, turning from a cartoon character into a real one.


  • Knife- seriously injures the enemy, activates levers inaccessible at a distance.?
  • Bundle of dynamite- is placed on the floor and, after a while, explodes.?
  • Grenade- rushes in an arc and explodes.?
  • Fist- Sketch turns into a superhero and delivers a powerful blow, erasing everyone visible enemies from the comic panel.?
  • Question- randomly gives you any prize (except for a rat). Can explode and deal damage.?
  • road kill- Sketch's pet rat, transferred to the comics. Activates inaccessible levers and finds hidden items. Can shock enemies with electric current and instantly destroy female warriors.?
  • jar of milk- restores 50% of energy.?


The game consists of three episodes, each of which is divided into two levels:

  • Episode 1: Night of the Mutants (New York)
    • Streets/sewers
    • Mutant base
  • Episode 2: Welcome to the Temple (Himalayas)
    • Mountain trail/Tibetan city
    • Kung Fung Temple
  • Episode 3: Curse of the Lost Ships (New Zealand)
    • caves
    • Abandoned shipyard


  • Grevis is the first enemy encountered in the game. A tall, powerful mutant capable of launching exploding Slinky springs at the player.
  • Styx is a Shao-Lin monk who wields a pole with which he can jump above normal levels, as well as attack the Sketch with rings that rotate around the pole and fireballs.
  • Mognoria is a female warrior who throws her scythe with a hook at the end of the comic book author and swings on it. Easily killed by Roadkill.
  • Strigl is a mutant found mainly in the sewers, as well as guarding passages to another panel of the comic. The weapon is a hooksword that Strigl uses to cling to sewer pipes. In addition, it can launch fireballs at the player and teleport a short distance.
  • Abomination - a small green mutant that can spit acid and horn, is also capable of fast movement and mutation into other enemies (with a relatively long delay in capture).
  • Pelagus is a mutant swinging on the top frame of a comic book page, spitting acid and throwing exploding springs. Found at the first level of the third stage.
  • Creep is a mutant that resembles a bat with a sting-tail, with which it attacks the player.
  • Crawler is a mutant scorpion that is food for mutants. Usually emerges from cocoons.

Additional game releases

The game was ported to the Game Boy Advance, but was criticized by fans, as the ported game had a significantly smaller screen size, which worsened gameplay, and also had inconvenient controls due to the small number of buttons on the console. The game was also part of the collection Sega games Megadrive Collection for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. In 2007 Comix Zone was released for the Wii Virtual Console. On June 1, 2010, the game was released on PC, available for purchase on Steam or as part of the Sega Megadrive Pack. Also, the game was released as part of the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In 2017 - in the Appstore and Google Play, on Apple Ios and Android platforms.

Good day, dear friends! Greetings from Vladimir Alexandrov, with this article we are opening a new section - "Passing Sega games", a popular game console of the 90s of the last century!


Sketch Turner, an artist and independent rock musician, is working on his new comic called Comix Zone. His work is about the attempt of the New World Empire to save the Earth from an attack by rebellious aliens, which Sketch invents with inspiration. One night, while Sketch is quietly working on a comic book, a severe thunderstorm begins, and one of the lightning strikes Turner's house, affecting his desktop as well. . At the same moment, the main villain of the comic, Mortus, breaks out into the real world and throws him into Comix Zone frustrated artist. Since Mortus himself is a cartoon character, he cannot fully incarnate physically in the real world while the author of the comic is alive. In the comic, Turner meets General Alice Kane, who mistakes him for a superhero who has come to save the post-apocalyptic world from Mortus and alien invaders. Despite Sketch's protests, Alice sends him on missions while maintaining contact via radio. Mortus, who is in the real world, seeks to interfere with Turner in every possible way, drawing additional enemies for him and, in one case, setting fire to part of the page.


Game control can be changed in the options. Below are the tricks and combinations with default controls.

A- hit
B- jump
C- block (can be changed in the options for other actions)
X,Y,Z- use item
B,A- flying kick
DOWN+C- sitting block
DOWN+A- sitting kick
UP+A- uppercut
FORWARD+A(close) - grab the enemy
A(when the enemy is captured) - "scissors" (does not take life)
BACK+A(when the enemy is grabbed) - throw the enemy back
BACK, FORWARD+A(press slowly) - kick
BACK, FORWARD+A(press quickly) - shoulder strike from the spot (takes lives)
DOWN,UP+A(press quickly) - "scissors" from a place (takes away lives)
UP,DOWN+A(press quickly) - Shaolin strike from the spot (takes lives)
A(hold) - let the airplane go (takes lives)
A,A,A,A,A- regular combination
A,A,A,A,A holding UP+FORWARD- top combination
A,A,A,A,A holding DOWN+FORWARD- lower combination
UP+FORWARD+A,DOWN+FORWARD+A(repeat several times) - alternating combination

If you are hanging from a beam or rope:

BUT- hit
AT- jump off
FROM- block
UP- pull up your legs
X,Y,Z, - use item
UP+A- double kick
DOWN+A- kick down


Items in the game are displayed in three cells that are above the life bar. The first, second and third cells are activated with the buttons X, Y and Z respectively.

Knife- throws itself at the enemy, causing him a small amount of damage, approximately equal to the damage from the "scissors" technique. It can also be useful if you need to activate the lever from a long distance. Dynamite- Explodes 2 seconds after you place it, causing massive damage to objects and living beings, immediately destroying them. Use it carefully, because the explosion can harm the Sketch. Grenade- rushes along a curve, dealing average damage, and damage to living beings is inflicted more than to objects. Fist- Sketch turns into a superhero and destroys all enemy creatures in the room (if they are bosses, then they deal a lot of damage). Does not affect objects. bottle- restores a little more than half of the energy. Use sparingly. rats- it will help us find other objects and pull levers in places where main character won't be able to do it. Question- this prize is unpredictable - it can contain any other prize (except for a rat), it can also simply explode, taking away a significant part of your lives. It can drastically change the balance of power at the level, but it is not known in which direction. Therefore, everyone must decide for himself whether to select this prize.

Walkthrough Comix Zone.

Episode I: Night of the Mutants

First part of the episode:

So, the villain Mortus shoved us into the comic, and we get (or rather, just fall) to the command center, where with the words “There you are!” we are met by a girl (where without them). The girl's name is Alice (we're probably in Wonderland), she tells us that Sketch is the chosen one and that we (as always) must save the world. Well ... We have to agree ... We select ammunition. They will come in handy on the road ... Goodbye, the quiet life of an artist! Adventure begins!
We're in the New York of the future! But… What happened to him? Everything is destroyed, mutants roam the streets... Alien invasion? Nuclear war? Well, at least the rain is not acid ...
Grevis didn't recognize his father? In vain! Throw a knife at him, beat him, and he will calm down... Do the same with the second grevis, which Mortus will draw. Now we have a choice of path - to the right or down?

You are going right.

Once you get into the room, hold the right button until you pin the Grevis against the wall. After that, throw the dynamite and jump back. So we get rid of three problems at once - grevis, barrels and manhole covers. In the next room, we see that our rat has also been imprisoned in a comic. Free the poor animal by hitting the cage with your shoulder. As soon as we free the animal, as the floor below us ... will tear (!), And we will have to jump down. Everything is simple here: a door in the floor and a lever that opens it. Sometimes Sketch doesn't want to take the lever. Then come close to the lever and press "A + Forward". Sketch will perform a shoulder strike and grab him. There are 3 barrels waiting for us at the bottom. Kill them with shoulder strikes. A creep will fly out of the last barrel. Finish off the vile creature! There is a secret in this room. Let the rat take a walk, in the right corner she will find a knife. Move on.

You are going down.

Break all barrels with shoulder strikes and carefully take FIST. Why be careful? Because if you take an extra step, you will move to another room without taking the prize with you. In the next room, we run up to the grevis and use dynamite to get rid of not only the enemy, but also the cage and the hatch cover. Next time, let him think about how to put someone else's rat in a cage! Taking the animal, we go down into the sewer. It will appear ... No, no! Where to get the Boogerman in New York?! It will appear ... Yes, what does the ninja turtles have to do with it! Sewers and New York? No, they are not. And there is no need to be so angry! I'm also a fan of TMNT, but now I'm not talking about them. So… Where did I stop… Oh yes. A pair of strigles will appear. Here it is best to use the fist that we found. We go down.

Path connection.

Whichever way we choose, we will still end up in this room. This is the sewer where the shear will be. What did he say there? "Loser"? I'll show you now who's the loser! In the next room, you will need to push the box forward, but not to the wall itself. Then stand on it, pull the lever, jump into the space between the box and the wall and push it down. Voila! Next - an empty (already empty) room. Just break the grate on the right. Now, if you initially went to the right, then quickly run up to the grevis and throw a knife at him. He will fall into the hole. I sincerely hope that there is deep. If you chose the bottom first, then you just need to beat the grevis with your hands until the Sketch does the “scissors”. There are also 2 creeps in this room. Be careful not to fall into the hole! Jump over the edge! Half of the episode completed.

Second part of the episode:

We appear in front of a metal door. I advise you not to break it (spend many lives), but to release the rat. She will find dynamite, which can blow up the door. Inside, we see that we got to some kind of factory ... But ... What does it produce? When the little crawlers appear, kill them... Or you can just smash the things they come out of. This is best done with uppercuts. Throw the haircut on the fan. Then his death will be quick, and therefore humane. After defeating the strigl, do not rush to break the fan, he will not like it, and he will hit you painfully. It's better to let the rat in first so that she turns it off with a lever. Now you can safely break the fan with your shoulder and go down. Crap! Fans again! But now everything is much simpler: move the dangerous box towards them and move away! In the next room, you will need to make another choice. There is a grenade in the crate, but if you break it, you won't be able to go left. So don't rush. Calmly kill two creeps and think where to go. To go left, you need to jump onto the box, climb onto the pipe and use it to get to the next screen.

You go left.

After killing the creep, take the dynamite and throw it down at the grevis. That's what he'll be happy about!

You are going right.

We are waiting for a small corridor where you can stretch your fists. It is fists, not shoulders, otherwise lives will be taken away. Below - the corridor is longer, there you are already waiting for grevis. Poor fellow... Grevis will drop a prize, don't forget to pick it up... Though... I don't think it will be of much use to us.

Path connection.

Here we are waiting for something resembling a clock. In order not to take damage, you need to use the lever to stop the arrows so that they together point to the blue bundle between them. That is, the first hand must be set at three o'clock, and the second at nine. The clock has exploded, you can go further. The next room is filled with strange aquariums. I will say right away - here we will have to fight a lot. Therefore, as soon as you finish the crawlers, immediately release the rat to the left side of the screen - there is a bottle. After that, there will be a good fight with bigger mutants (so that's what they produce here!), Which will splash out (!) From the aquariums. Next is the boss fight.


The boss of the first episode is a big ugly mutant who is the "mother" of the creatures we destroyed. This is the easiest boss if you know how to defeat him.
If at this level you went to the right, then it will be easier for you. As soon as you appear in the room, immediately throw a grenade at the vile creature and roll under it. If you chose another path, then kick her in the air until she screams, and only then do the slide. After that, jump over the barrel and place it under the boss. Just do not push right away - first let the mutant light it himself. Here comes a phrase from one famous game: “I… Architect of my own destruction…” When you place the lit mutant barrel, just step back and enjoy the view…

Episode II: Welcome to the temple

First part of the episode:

Probably, after the murder of the main mutant, we were sent on vacation. Only one "but": it's cold here. Very cold. We appear somewhere in the Himalayas. In the first room we take a rat, but we are not in a hurry to leave: in its left part (not rats, but rooms, of course!) Is a fist. Move on. As soon as we see Styx, we can immediately use this fist: then our inventory will be full. You will have to tinker with the second Styx, but he will soon calm down. There are 2 prizes in the next room, but you need to take them very carefully, because you can accidentally click "down" on the arrow, and then you will be left without prizes. The first is the dynamite hidden on the left side of the room. The second is a healing bottle, which is located in a box without an exclamation mark. We take dynamite with the help of a rat. And in order to get a bottle, you need to jump to the very edge of the second box and hold the “right” button, and then break the box with your shoulder. In the next room we have big choice actions. What we have? A mountain of stones that needs to be destroyed in order to go further and a pit from which creeps crawl out. We can jump on the first stone and put it on the pit so that the creeps do not fly out and blow up the rest of the stones with dynamite. Then we can break or not break this stone - there is a knife there, but it will take your life a little. And for some reason, the knife appears there only after the destruction of the remaining cobblestones. You can wish the creeps a Happy New Year by throwing dynamite into the pit. I guarantee they will be so delighted with the gift that no one will fly out of there. After that, you need to destroy all the stones by launching the airplane. It should only be remembered that when making an airplane, we take our lives and after launching it, be sure to sit down, because the plane is like a blind boomerang: it returns and does not see who it shoots down. After the destruction of the cobblestones, we are waiting for the choice of the direction of the further path.

You go left.

Here, break the barrier and move the boxes towards the totem, constantly sitting down, because if you do not do this in time, you can catch the fireball with your face. At this point, you regret that in the game you can’t move objects with a slide. If you took a knife in the room with stones, then move away and throw it into the boxes. And if not, then kick them while crouching so that the explosion does not hit you. Don't want to make yourself feel so bad? Please! There is another way! Simply, as soon as you enter this room, make an airplane. A crawler awaits in a small room downstairs. I do not think that he will delay you ... Break the wall on the right - there is a secret room. Of the prizes, I advise you to leave a rat, a bottle and a fist in your inventory (or a second bottle if you have not received damage before).

You are going down.

Here, break the mountain of snow on the left to destroy the moving obstacle with a stone. After that, kill the shear and go down. There is a prize here - a question mark. Take it or not - decide for yourself. But my opinion: risk is a noble cause.

Path connection.

We are waiting for a test of strength - a tournament. Check out the skills you have earned while playing. You can not use a fist and grenades here - the fight must be fair, so the dead fighters will be drawn again. First, there will be two shearers, then Grevis, Styx, and, finally, a mongoria girl. The latter is best defeated with the help of a rat: all the girls are terribly afraid of them. When we win the tournament, we will be told about some temple. Let's go there. Now we appear high in the mountains. There is a very self-confident strigle here who thinks that no one will pass by him. Now let's check ... Let the rat go to get a grenade next to the left corner. Only immediately after that catch the animal, otherwise it will fall into the abyss! Approach the edge and throw a grenade. Well? Who was right? If you didn’t have a rat in your inventory, you can get by with an airplane. Move along the rope without stopping so that you are not thrown down. They're spreading the news fast! Styx, having apparently learned about our victory in the tournament, will decide to commit suicide - he will jump into the abyss. Well... If they are afraid, it means they respect them. Destroy creeps carefully, do not fall. Temple, we're coming!

Second part of the episode:

The guards at the temple are useless - just a couple of creeps. To open the doors of the temple, you need to hook your hands on one of the boards of the pillar and quickly roll under them. We get to the training area. Here we will be met by one Styx, from which a bottle will fall out - useful thing... And on the left side of the screen you can find a question if you release your tame rodent. Below you are waiting for as many as 3 mongoria. The rats here will be very useful to you, just make sure that he does not get hit. There were times when raging girls made the animal slide off the page. Take a grenade and choose the direction of movement.

You go left.

As soon as you enter the room, Mortus sets fire to the comic book page! Keep in mind that if the edge of the burning page "catches" you, you will immediately lose a life. Quickly smash the fire goblet (JK Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books, is probably a Comix Zone fan) and the wooden door leading down, then another. After that, make no mistake - there is no passage down under the next cup: there is a knife that cannot help you in any way. Instead of a goblet, break the floor on the right side of the screen and quickly press down. The page is no longer on fire (put it out?), so you can calm down. Take out the shock on the totem and move on.

You are going right.

Treat the shearer with a grenade and break the box in the left corner. We have to pass some kind of “final test”. No problem! We climb into the well on which the strigle was sitting to go down to the dungeon. What should you do in the next room so that you get the least damage? To be honest, nothing. No, seriously, after you get here and hook on the stick on the rope, don't do anything. Look - they hit you with the tongue, you fall, the trap does not take your life at all. The loss of life in the room is minimal. Did you not learn something? By the way, you can also find a knife here.

Path connection.

There are 3 punching bags here and a styx that shoots two small flames at us. The way out is to simply jump and wait for the stupid enemy to destroy the barrier that saves him from our wrath. After that, we sweep it away (it's kind of frail) and go down. There is a pear with spikes, a box and a lever. Many gamers make the mistake of pushing the lever under the spiked bag. You don't have to do this! Better break the box with your shoulder and pick up the bottle. Do not even try to break a spiked obstacle. Better send a rat to pull the lever and quickly roll under it. We'll have to leave the animal here.


The boss is a grandfather who trains the people of Mortus. Apparently, he has not cut his fingernails since childhood ... But this will not help him! Hope…
You won’t be able to defeat him with cunning, you will have to rely on your fists and legs (especially on your legs). First, the coach shoots fireballs across the floor, which you need to jump over. At this time, he is invulnerable. After that, the grandfather will start shooting his nails, which will immediately grow back (well, regeneration). This is where it is necessary to attack him, best of all - with jumping blows, because the old man almost does not let him close to him. Try to push him onto your own nails, stuck in a wooden wall (even though we know that it is paper), so you will inflict the most damage on him. Drink a bottle at the first opportunity, it will still be taken to the next level ...
And now the boss is defeated and goes to hell with wild cries.

Episode III: Curse of the Lost Ships

First part of the episode:

- Hello, rats! How did you get here?
- Came in a taxi...
- Crap! But I didn’t guess ... I barely got here, I almost died on the way ...
Let's look around. There are some rocks everywhere here... We pick up a rat, deal with mutants... Next, we are waiting for a room with another mutant and... more... something. With the mutant, do the same as always, but feed the rat to this something. Don't worry about her, she won't disappear. After the rat is in the mouth of this creature, beat it with your hands (yes, beat the creature, not the rat!). The field of this take away the rodent and dynamite. We go down. The Ministry of Health warns that mines are dangerous for your health. This room of the ball would be terribly simple ... If not for the creep. The vile creature strives to throw us at the mines. But there is one sure way - jump to the ledge, and when the creep flies after you - jump back. Now you have switched places with him, and he will not be able to push you into mines. After destroying the creep, jump again to the ledge, then to the next, put the dynamite and jump back very quickly! If you fall into this explosion, you can immediately take away half of your lives! After everything calms down, mongoria will appear. This is the last mongoria in the game and the only one that does not need to be scared by a rat. Kill it without the help of the animal and get a bottle. But do not think that rats are not needed here at all: between the ledges, he can find a fist. If you fail to detonate the mines without taking damage, then you can simply launch an airplane from the last ledge. It will break the rock, and you can go further by jumping off the ledge and holding the "left" button. Only in this case you will not see a bottle and a fist. Inside the cave, drop the dangerous crate onto the platform below and pull the lever. Be sure to take a knife (if you are going to walk through the lava). Grenade flavor. After that, drop the box on the sharp rocks below and go down yourself. If you let the rat go for a walk, then near the left corner he will find a secret passage that can make your life a lot easier. Choose where to go - down or to the right. It's like choosing "easy" and "hard".

You are going right.

Here we meet a very tenacious creep. It will withstand 5 of our jump kicks. We take the bottle (leave the rat here, let the knife be with you for now), then jump over to a small movable platform and move on. This is a difficult room. First, we destroy the green creature with kicks. Or you can do “get a fascist grenade” (if any). After that, we throw the knife forward. As soon as a platform appears, we jump onto it, and from there - to the other “shore”. There we take a rat, pull the lever a couple of times, jump back to the platform and quickly press the “down” button. With some degree of probability, the damn lava will not hit us and we will fall into the next room. There are 2 green creatures here. If you have a fist prize (which I doubt), then now is the time to use it. And if not, then you have to fight a little. Next is a room with sharp stones. Everything is simple here - we hold the “down” button, and then there will be no problems - we destroy everyone with kicks while sitting. In the middle of this room, the rat can find a knife.

You are going down.

This is the most profitable shortcut in the game. There are 2 prize-questions in a tiny room. The main thing for us is bottles and one slot for a rat. We still need her. Only when you change prizes, do not click "down" on the arrow ahead of time.

Path connection.

As soon as you get into the room, it is best to immediately grab the grenade lying in the right corner and, standing on the ledge, throw it at the green mutant. If it doesn't work out, then kick him while jumping, but be careful: he can make mines! If he manages to make them, do not rush to destroy them: it is much better if 2 shearers, who will soon appear, do it themselves. Then just finish them off. “Soon the whole world will be ours” - look what you want! I wonder what those ships are in the background? In the next room, pinch the poor mutant between the soles of your boots and a spiked post. After that, do everything slowly and carefully. Jump over the first pillar. Carefully! There's a mine! Then release the rat. Wait for 2 more pillars to drop. And only after they go down completely (do not get up until the bus stops completely) jump over them. You can do all this without risk: just launch the airplane at the beginning of the room. WELL DONE TURNER!

Second part of the episode:

Well, here we are! Mortus' lair! And although we know that he is now in Sketch’s house and is brazenly watching us (it’s good that he doesn’t think of erasing us with an eraser), it’s worth visiting him. Mdaaa ... Well, a hole ... A cemetery of ships! Now it’s clear why he decided to exchange apartments with us ... Probably sitting there now in our favorite slippers, drinking tea from a thermos ... This needs to be stopped!
In the first room, we are waiting for 2 prize-questions between mines. Please note that if at least one of these prizes explodes, then 2/3 of the health will immediately be gone. So think for yourself. "To be or not to be, that is the question." Although... This is not the only question. Choose where to go.

You are going right.

Break the doors on the right. There were two crawlers lurking there. It's an ambush! We are dead!!! If by some miracle you managed to survive (just kidding), then here you will need to defeat the shear with styx. I wonder how they got along? By the way, in the place where we were ambushed (when you remember it, your knees begin to tremble nervously) there is a bottle. That's what we need right now! We climb inside the largest ship. Break the mechanisms that give birth to mutants. In the next room, we are very disturbed by grevis. Therefore, it’s better not to be chemical there with a lever and a ball, but simply kick the enemy and break the door with your shoulder. Or just launch the plane.

You are going down.

We jump onto the deck of one of the ships. There are two boxes here: one is useful, the other is dangerous. I think you can figure out which one is the bottle. Here we again need to choose where to move. If you go to the right, you will find yourself in the room with the mechanisms described above. And if you go to the left, then you will need to kill the Nth number (usually 7 or 8) of crawlers jumping out of the hold. I will say right away - it will be necessary to destroy the creatures honestly, with hands and feet. If you just throw them back into the hold, then you will not succeed. Let's be honest, gentlemen. At least occasionally. After the victory, we jump into the hatch. Inside, you need to do the following combination of actions: pull the lever (minus the crawler), pull the lever again (so that nothing explodes ahead of time), hit the ball with your fists (so that it falls), move it to the mechanism (it’s necessary because) and pull for the lever for the third time (minus the ball, minus the door). Phew… It seems to have spoken… Okay, who needs difficulties? We make an airplane at the very beginning of the room and demolish everything to hell !!!

Path connection.

Hmm... The drawing here by the local ammunition reminds me of something... Just now...
In this room, everything is simple: we wait for a moment and pull the lever to magnetize the ball. Let's go down... Wow! Yes, there is a whole factory producing weapons! So that's what this drawing is! Mortus! Push warheads on chains into each other with shoulder strikes. Here we are met by two shearers. Were they taking steroids? They are stronger than others! Ugliness! Who let them into the game? Where does doping control look? Okay, Sketch doesn't care. Knockout them both. So... It turns out that Mortus wants to blow up the entire planet! And when it comes to all the villains that world domination is impossible if everything is blown up ... Alice says that she will now. Ok... We are waiting... At the bottom we throw grevises into the mechanism (they are also on steroids, by the way) and select the knife with the help of our rat. Next, a creep awaits us, a box with a question inside, a lever into which you need to throw the found knife to open the door... And here it is... We've been coming here the whole game... Behold... An unfinished, but already ready to blow the whole world to pieces nuclear missile. O! And Alice is already here!
- Hi Alisa! How did you get here?
- So we have teleporters ...
“Why didn’t they bring me here from the very beginning of the game?!
- Well ... We somehow .... Didn't think...
- @#!?!!
Alice is trying to defuse the bomb, but suddenly a terrorist appears with an AWP ... Damn! I mean, Mortus appears and puts her inside the rocket, where some kind of liquid is gradually gaining.

Last Boss.

So, the last Boss is Mortus. Immediately make a reservation - the game has 2 endings. And they depend on whether Alice survives. So I advise you to hurry up. Mortus can be beaten different ways. The first way: just hit him like everyone else - with combinations, uppercuts, jump shots ... But it will be difficult to save Alice, because Mortus will constantly disappear. If Mortus comes very close to us, we do “scissors”, a shoulder strike or a Shaolin strike from a place. These blows are great for him, but they are difficult to make. The second way: you can stand in different parts of the room, fold the airplanes and throw them at the adversary. May the origami force be with you! And finally, the third way: lure Mortus down and use the lever that activates the rocket's turbine. It is located at the bottom right of the screen. Perhaps this is the most easy way deal with the mustachioed bastard.
Don't forget to use all the items that come across: grenades, fists, dynamites... All this deals a lot of damage to Mortus and creeps. Only hit creeps after Mortus is dead, but don't let them hit you. Oh yes! Don't forget to pull the lever at the top when you take out the enemies! He will free Alice and you will get out of the comic together. There is another ending, but I'm sure you'll do it right... Happy End...
Congratulations, you have completed the game.

? What other platforms did Comix Zone come out on?
! – In addition to SMD, the game exists on PC and GBA.

? - Why in the room where Styx shoots at pears, they break in a different sequence, although their “lives” are the same?
! “Because he shoots with two lights, and some pears get hit by two lights, and some only get hit by the top one.

? - After each level there is a scoring, it is carried out by a kind of stadiometer. What needs to be done to get his last, small division?
! – To do this, you need to save Alice in the last battle, then this division will turn green and the game will be completed in 100%

Curious bugs and shortcomings of developers in Comix Zone

Apparently, the developers wanted to release the game early, so it was poorly tested (although 19 testers are listed in the credits). The game is full of bugs and things that the developers have not taken into account. It's a pity that then it was impossible to put patches on games... Now I'll tell you about the interesting flaws found in the game.

Departures from the level:

These are the most common bugs in the game. I'm sure you've all seen them at least once. If someone is pressed against the wall, then he simply flies out of the level. And this applies to almost everything: Sketch can be thrown off by grevis, strigles, when they jump out of the ground, throw each other off, grevis standing against the wall can fly out of the level due to a knife, a grenade fired close to the wall will not explode, but fly away per level… There are many such examples. Even without enemies, you can fly out of the level ... For example, in the bathhouse (read more below) or in the fourth room of the third episode (this is the one where there is a dangerous box, a lever, a sharp piece of rock and a crawler). If you jump on this sharp piece of rock, then you can fall between it and the wall, and then, with a little twitch, you will fly out of the level and die. But what to do, we are in a comic book with fragile paper walls, so we fly out of the pages ...

Grenade explosion:

In games, the invulnerability of enemies to explosions, friendly attacks, traps is very often annoying ... In Comix Zone, everything is just fine with this. Striggles hit each other, grevises fly off the presses, mutants hit each other with acid spit... So much more interesting. And the main character also takes damage from all this. We are especially touched by various explosions. But try to throw a grenade at someone, standing close to him. No, I'm not psycho. Yes I am sure. You will only be hit with a 25% chance. But this is of course only if you specifically do not jump on the explosion.

Cross on leg:

You may have noticed that Sketch has a red X on his leg. So, this cross constantly appears on the left leg, then on the right. We always see him, in whatever direction our hero runs. It can be assumed that he has such a cross on both legs. But these are not so: do some kicks with two legs, jump, do anything, you won’t see two crosses.

Easy victory over the crawler:

The easiest way to defeat a crawler is to kick him while seated and immediately uppercut him. The mutant will fall through the floor and die.

Pusher of the Void:

When you push the box down in the first episode, don't let go of the move button and Sketch will pretend for a couple more seconds that he's struggling to move something.

Glitch room:

There is a room that is always buggy. This is the fourth room of the second episode, where there are four stones and a hole with creeps. In this room, you will always lag at least once.

Bath tricks:

"Bathroom" is what I call the room in the second part of the second episode, where Mortus burns the page. It just kind of reminds me of a bathhouse. I don't even know what. So. There are as many as 3 flaws in this room alone! The first of them is more related to the already described “level crashes”, but this is a special case. The fact is that this is the only useful sortie. As soon as you appear in the room, immediately jump into the space between the wall and the goblet, and roll to the left side. You will fall off the edge. If you quickly press “RIGHT”, then you can immediately get to the second and first floors of this room, bypassing the hatches in the floor. And those who do not have time to quickly break all the hatches and move on can take advantage of the following flaw: if you sit down on the first floor of the room, the fire will not kill you, but will stop at the last second. Now you can get up and even jump, but stay alive. And the last flaw in this room: if you break the hatch on the first floor with a grenade, then the arrow will not appear. Apparently, this is how we blow it up along with the hatch. If you are playing on an emulator, then this is not a problem for you. But it will not be so easy for those playing on the console: in the worst case (if the fire has already gone down), they will have to reload, because nothing can be done ... And if the page has not burned down yet, you can kill yourself, because on the second level they give an extra life . Crap! I meant to kill my hero, not myself! Stop banging your head against the wall now!!! Wake up the neighbors!

Hang on the ceiling:

In the left part of the room, which is to the right of the bath (there is still a box and a shear sitting on the well), you can cling to the ceiling, like a beam. To do this, you need to jump there from the well or box.

Foreground Layer Offset:

At the very beginning of the second part of the second episode (where we enter the temple), immediately after you pass the moving door with a slide, jump without approaching the arrow. At the top of the screen, you will see a slight offset of the foreground layers.

Game freeze:

When playing on a console (it was not noticed on the emulator), it happens that when we enter the room to the second boss, the game freezes and we have to restart the console. This was noticed on different cartridges and SMD, so it was not only me. This glitch is always very annoying: you are preparing for a battle with the boss, and you are so abruptly broken off ...

Funny ending:

When you defeat Mortus, you will need to pull the lever to free Alice. So, when you grabbed the lever and already pressed “ BUT" can very fast press jump or block. And if you have time to jump forward (this is difficult, but you can try it on an emulator with downloads), then Alice will jump out of the rocket and hug the void. In this position, it seems that she turns on some kind of switch (this is due to the scenery in the background).

Developer errors:

Here I will write things deliberately added by the developers, which I consider wrong. Of course, it's not for me to judge, but I will express my opinion.
I never liked dumb American humor. At first glance, Comix Zone is devoid of toilet humor, but why did the developers of the game introduce the ability for Sketch ... to let off gases ?! Don't believe? I didn't believe it either when I saw it for the first time. Check if you want: quickly press the “DOWN” button several times. It does not work everywhere, but only in some places. When Sketch stands for a long time, he will take the shoe and... turn away from the terrible smell. But even this looks like a funny childish prank, along with passing gases. Although ... Who cares ... Some people love toilet humor, especially Americans ...
Only 2 codes were introduced into the game: invulnerability and level selection. Well, each level has its own code. So, in fact, there is only one “helping” code, and this is invulnerability. But think about who the codes are designed for? I think that most often this is for younger kids school age, who can’t complete the game, but they are interested to find out what’s next, what kind of ending the game has ... I think we all used cheats at least a little in childhood. So, with “invulnerability”, only 25% of kids will be able to pass the game. Why? And all because of the lava! If you touched the lava in the third episode, you just get stuck in it and can't do anything about it! You have to restart the console ... I think the developers could finalize their only useful cheat, since they decided to introduce it into the game! Annoyingly, in the room where the arrow is in the lava, we can be hit with a 50% chance when we try to go further. Why this luck check? Could have come up with something...
In some places, you can go through the room without losing lives. For example, the developers made a beautiful well, with a trap at the bottom, attacking dragon heads ... In front of this room, you can take dynamite, and I think it's just for this trap, because it won't be so useful after that ... But we can just fly down from the impact of the first head, and in this case, the trap-trap will not take our lives at all! Why is that? The whole idea is down the drain. Or, for example, the ability to easily pass through a moving obstacle. Remember, this is in the second episode, in the place where you need to break the accumulation of snow in order to substitute a stone under a moving pillar? So the fact that it is possible (but very difficult) to go through it with a tackle, in my opinion, is a plus. But the fact that if it’s stupid to run at him like a tank, then he will hit you only once, and then let you go further, this is bad. Because it will take even fewer lives than breaking a snow blockage. In the second room of the second part of the first episode, you can not let the rat in so that it pulls the lever that turns off the fan, but simply run towards it and as soon as it hits you, jump forward. The lives from one blow will be taken away as much as if you broke it. Again, the intent of the developers is not used, we simply bypass it ... And these are not all such features, there are more of them in the game ...
But all the errors and bugs become insignificant as soon as you sit down to play Comix Zone. The developers gave us one of best games throughout history gaming industry. This game will be remembered by mankind for a long time ...

Read Romomania further, in this issue you will find many more interesting things, but for now I'll go and buy some comics… Haven't read comics since childhood… Oi! What is this hand from the article climbs?! Who are you?!! BUT!!! What are you doing?!! Noooooo!!!

With the person who wrote this article, everything is fine ... Uh ... That is, I wanted to say with me ... Nobody pushed me anywhere! He was joking... I mean, I was joking... Damn! Confused ... Okay, you opened me up, but it doesn’t matter anymore! Get ready, miserable people, soon this world will be mine! And no one will stop me!


Computer games are fun not only for children, but also for adults. The article will talk about one of them. It appeared first on Sega but was re-released on PC. Game developers for Sega have created a lot. However, this game will give gamers more than one hour of exciting and exciting pastime.


Comix Zone is an arcade action game from Sega that was introduced to the world back in 1995. After 5 years this game has also been released on other platforms. A feature of the game is the stylization, as you might guess, under the comic. In other words, all actions take place as if on the pages of a magazine. In addition, the game has another significant plus. The characters were drawn very realistically, as the artists used a new digitization method in those years, as well as a capture technology called Motion capture.

PC features

Minimum system requirements are required to play Comix Zone Classic. Now we will reveal the essence of this concept. The most suitable OS will be Windows XP and above. A 32-megabit video card will do just fine. DirectX version - from 9, and the hard drive must have at least 50 megabytes of free space for a full game. Now you are familiar with the description and system requirements for your computer, so, as promised, we will tell you how to become a winner in Comix Zone.

Passage of the arcade comic. Night of the Mutants

You are in a small room. There is a bottle on the floor. Drink all the contents, you will increase your vitality. Grab the dynamite and knife. You can use these items at any time. Approach the yellow arrows. Now you are in a new location. You meet the first monster and eliminate it. We go further, but then another monster appears. You send him to the knockout. Then you see two arrows. A reasonable question arises: where to go? You choose.

Moving down

In a completely new location, except for four barrels, there is nothing. Use dynamite. After jumping to the nearest barrel, place explosives. Quickly hide in the corner of the location. Now the path is clear. There is a secret here. If you destroy the barrels without dynamite, then in one of them you will find a fist, but you will lose some of your vitality. The fist will allow you to destroy enemies in the line of sight. Our team for fair play Comix Zone - codes for immortality are not for us! But below you can see them. We move further. An enemy is waiting for you in a new place. We get him out of the way. Don't forget to save the rat from the cage. In this game, the rodent will help you.

What to do next? After all, the cherished arrow did not appear. Pay attention to the hatch. Feel free to destroy it. Then move down. Around - the water, from which a couple of mutants come out. Eliminate them. Be aware they can shoot! To defeat them, use the pipe.

Moving straight

There have been no difficulties in passing Comix Zone (Sega) yet, move on. This location contains one barrel with a monster. Don't come close! Otherwise, the burn will be guaranteed. While squatting, kick it with your foot until it crumbles. Eliminate the monster. Then dismantle the hatch. Below you will find a cage with a rat. Save the animal. Then the floor is destroyed by an earthquake. You are falling lower and lower. Grab the lever, open the hatch and jump into it. The barrels explode, and you hide from the shock wave. So the cherished arrow appears.

The paths converged

The routes of passage of different locations converge in the sewers. A green mutant emerges from the muddy water. Beat him and run away. The next thing you see on the screen is a door, a drawer, a lever. The door leads to the cellar. To pull the lever, move the box, but not close to the wall. Open the door by pulling the lever, but it's too early to jump! Stand between the wall and the box. Move it towards the hole. Explosion? Then feel free to jump. Destroy the grid. "Warm" reception provided by the monster. Send him to the abyss. And don't fall into the trap yourself. Near the cliff you will meet two more monsters with strange tails. By the way, the second mutant will approach from behind. Those who could not defeat them immediately usually use "immortality" in the Comix Zone. With a running start, make a big jump across the black abyss. Congratulations! You have passed the first stage.

Top of page

So, you are in the game - at the top of the comic page. An iron door blocks the path to the next location. It's time for the rat. Feel free to release it. The animal will find the dynamite for you. Take it and explosives, then blow up the door. In the new location, you see two fans that prevent you from taking action. Take care of the villains. Shoot down the shooting things from the ceiling. Meet the green mutant here. The fan will help to cope with it by sawing the enemy. Deal with the fan from below. Here is the arrow! Get down. Again fans and box. Move it to the turntable. Explosion. Move on. New narrow location where skeletons fly. The paths are separated.

Method one

Do not destroy the box. Eliminate skeletons. Move the box tightly to the left wall. There is an arrow above it. You make a jump. Next similar room. Eliminate the enemy. There is an explosive on the top left of the pipe. Take it and go below. The enemy is attacking you again. After killing him, go down the arrow down.

Method two

Consider the second option for passing the Comix Zone. In front of you is a location with boxes and skeletons. Break the wooden box. For this you will be rewarded with a grenade. Grab it and move to the right. In a cramped room with a pipe, you will again be attacked by scorpion hatcheries. Don't expect an ambush. Eliminate them in a timely manner. You go down and find yourself in a location with the same vile pipe. Eliminate arthropods again. At the end, beat the mutant. As a reward for crushing him, take the "fist".

The paths converge again

We deal further with the passage of Comix Zone (Sega). On the spot you see an unusual mechanism and lever. Click on it when the first arrow touches the blue bar. Stop the second in the same way. With the right actions, the arrows explode, and you go down. In a place with two scorpions and boxes, eliminate the arthropods. Then release the rat. She will find a bottle. Drink the contents and take the animal. Don't relax. Mutants will attack you from containers. Hit them from a distance. In the next location, the Boss is waiting for you, and dynamite or lemon will help you deal with it. While he is very sick, you slide under him to the barrel. But the Boss gets angrier and throws a fireball at you. Rather, hide behind a barrel. Beware, it will ignite soon! So, move it under the enemy. He dies, and you go to a new page of the comic!

Welcome to the temple

Use the rat - she will find the "fist". Next, you are met by an evil Asian with a stick. Eliminate it. Then the second type appears. Beat him too. Go to a new cramped place where there are three boxes. Break the top. Drink the elixir. Release the animal - the rodent will find explosives. Below you will see a hole and four boulders. Skeletons will fly up to you from the abyss. Close the hole with the first block. Kill the skeletons and throw dynamite on the boulders. Again, you have several options. Where to go?

If you go left

Here the stake blocks the way. Take it away. Here you will be met by a skull spewing flames. Crouching, hit him. Then move the boxes to the wall. Step back to leg length, crouch and hit them. Here comes the arrowhead. You again found yourself in a narrow space, where you are again attacked by an arthropod. But don't follow the arrow! Hit the crack in the wall with your hands. You have revealed the secret. Drink the elixir and grab the "fist". Move down. As you can see, without codes, Comix Zone is very easy to get through.

If you go down

Again, a sharp stake blocks the way, and behind it is a green mutant. Stones lie peacefully in the left corner. Break them, behind them is a stone block. Drag it to the stake. Of course she will break it. Destroy the enemy and move even lower. And forward to a new location!

General route

Next, we talk about the passage of Comix Zone. You are in competition. Fight in a kung fu tournament. Move below. The shooter prevents you from jumping over the abyss. Move towards the hole. Eliminate the green enemy and move to a new location. Here it will be a little more difficult. Try to get through without Comix Zone codes. Make sure the skeletons don't hurt you. With two fists, it will be easy to deal with the robbers so as not to fall. So, eliminate the skeletons, and then the Asian. Congratulations! Stage completed!

Stage 2

We pass further Comix Zone (it is even more interesting to play in Russian). In the first location, you meet skeletons again. Take them apart and move on. Stakes ahead. You pick them up and very quickly slip under them. You make a jump to the first support. You are hooked on the beam, so the stakes soar up. Jump and spin under them. The main thing is not to waste time.

An Asian appears in the next location. Defeat him and the developers will reward you with an elixir. Drink as needed and release your companion. The animal finds a question mark. You take her back. Whether it is worth taking this sign is up to you. Below, an evil hand draws a treacherous woman with a hook. Feel free to remove it. Then destroy the left wall. Behind her is another villain. Deal with her too. Destroy the right wall. Behind her is a third girl. Destroy the third wall, grab a grenade and choose your path.

Road to the left

We study further the passage of Comix Zone. An evil hand draws fire for you. Don't hesitate, because the comic book page is on fire! Demolish the torch and hatch, fall. Break the hatch again. Fly even lower. In front of you is an ominous torch. Try to break it in time using your arms and legs. For this you will be rewarded with a knife. Destroy the floor on the left and follow the arrow. Now fight the skull. Release the animal, take the dynamite he found and move to the right.

road down

In a new place, move the box to the well. Then eliminate the enemy. You break the box. Grab the dynamite and turn right. After going down the well, remove the enemies from the path. In a new location, immediately throw dynamite. This technique will help eliminate the trap at the bottom, which takes 50% of vitality.

General route

Comix Zone (Sega) games are varied. Trying to apply various ways fight against the enemy. Move on. Pay no attention to the pears. Go to the fight with the Asian. You go down. There is a trap near the box: a pear with a needle sneaks from behind. Break the box and restore health.

Release the rat. She will help with the pear. If it is not there, then put explosives under the trap. You turn left. Meet Boss #2. He throws knives. When they are in the wall, your task is to jump over the monster so that the guns turn around for him. Attack. He flies on his own blades. You repeat these steps several times. Victory over the enemy is assured.

The curse of the sunken ships

So, your pockets are empty again! Pick up a rat. Two enemies jump out of the pipe. Deal with them one by one. In the next location, don't come close to the dragon's mouth. Attention, behind the green mutant! Defeat him and release the rat. She enters the mouth. In the meantime, you jump up and hit the enemy. The enemy is hurt. It then self-destructs.

Take the rat and the reward, go down. Be careful: in the new location, the floor is mined, and a skeleton flies from behind. Deal with it, and then with mines, putting explosives on them. After a series of explosions, release the rat. The assistant will find a “fist” for the fighter. At the end of the location, the passage is blocked by stones, and it is impossible to approach them because of the mines. Walk along them, making a passage. There is an enemy on the way, kill him, take the elixir, drink it and head to the left side through the pipe. Jump off. Move the box to the right until it falls. Operate the lever below. Take a grenade. Push the box, it explodes. Then you go further.

Common Path

A green enemy is crawling along the ceiling. Hit him with a knife, then finish him off. There is a grenade in the right corner. Grab her. Then two mutants enter. Hit them with a lemon. Turn right - there is a green enemy at the entrance. Jump over it with the spiked board. Encounter again. But you can't jump over them - that's work for a rat. Jump over the beams and move on to a new stage!

Let's go down

You are at a fork. There are two boxes ahead. Destroy the top one, take the elixir and turn left. You are in a new location. There is a rope here and a hatch into which you should not fall. Eliminate all enemies and go down. Approach the lever and turn it on. The scorpion dies, and you go ahead and destroy the door.

Way to the right

Bunker location. Inside sits a pair of scorpions. You remove them, then the green mutant and the Asian. Entering the bunker, sit down. An elixir will appear. Further in a small cabin on the ceiling - incubators with arthropods. Feel free to break them. Approach the lever. Wait for the crane to bring the ball to the mutant, press the lever. There is no enemy. Pick up the ball and drop it on the floor. Pick up the mechanism again and drop it near the door. The explosion took her out.

Common Path

The last stage of the Comix Zone. The OST accompanies you throughout the game. Use the lever to lift the ball. Go down. Explode torpedoes. After the explosion, green mutants will appear. Deal with them. You open the door. So, the last Boss. He locks the girl in a box that is filled with water. Pay attention to the lever! Remove the Boss and save the girl. After this battle, your heroes return to the human world.

Codes for Comix Zone (Sega)

To gain invulnerability, you need to enter the options on the main screen. Open jukebox. In this mode, you must enter the code by ticking the numbers in turn, while pressing C: 3, 12, 17, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7, 11.

If you did everything right, you will hear the main character say: “Oh, yes!” Now, using numbers from 1 to 6, you can select a specific location to play from the place you are interested in.

Now you know the codes for immortality in Comix Zone.


Pay attention to the following points:

  1. The protagonist's secret. If you press the A key for a long time, then the comic artist will tear off some paper from the sheet and launch the airplane. His lethal force can only be envied. But be careful, because on the way back the plane can knock you out too!
  2. If Turner stands idle for a long time, he will take off his shoes and sniff his own sock. Then he will loudly express his displeasure.
  3. At the first stage, go down, deal with the barrels, one of which contains a superpower.
  4. Mortus is the most important enemy in the game. It is his hand that draws enemies in the way of Sketch Turner throughout the game.

Our article has come to an end. We hope that you do not have any questions related to the passage of the game.

Comix Zone is an arcade action video game released for the Sega Mega Drive in 1995 (ported to other platforms 5 years later). The main feature of the game is its stylization as a comic book - the action of the game takes place on the pages of a comic book.

Comix Zone is an action-platformer in which the player progresses through panels not so different from the pages of a comic book. To progress, the player must fight their way through ranks of monsters and solve puzzles.

Music for the game was written by composer Howard Drossin (Howard Drossin), later released on a separate disc. The graphics were mostly done by comic book artists. The characters of the game were transferred from real people by digitization and motion capture technology, thanks to which they looked and moved with great realism for that time.

Sketch Turner(Sketch Turner) is a "hungry artist" and freelance rock musician working on his latest comic book of the same name as the game. Comix Zone - a story about the attempts of the Empire of the New World to protect the Earth from the invasion of alien renegades; inspiration comes from Sketch's strangely vivid dreams and nightmares.

One night, while Sketch is working on the Comic Zone, a thunderstorm breaks out and lightning strikes the comic book panel. At the same moment, the main villain of the Comic Zone - a powerful mutant named Mortus - runs away from the book pages and throws the stunned Sketch into the Zone. Having no powers in this reality, Mortus wants to free himself by destroying the Sketch in the comic book.

Inside the comic, Sketch meets a general named Alice Cyan ("Blue"); Alice is sure that Sketch is a superhero (“chosen one”) who came to save their post-apocalyptic world from the evil Mortus and aggressive aliens. Ignoring Sketch's protests, Alice sends him on a mission, broadcasting instructions and hints over the radio.

Mortus, outside of the Comic Zone, is free to change the world at will simply by drawing enemies in front of the Sketch (or, in one case, burning part of the page). In the final and somewhat incomplete panel, Sketch discovers a nuclear weapon ready to be launched; Alice is working on disarming him. Enraged, Mortus climbs into the Comic Zone and shoots Alice inside the nuclear facility, which begins to fill with liquid. Sketch must defeat Mortus once and for all and also try to save Alice from drowning.


Since the world where the hero is located is paper, everything that is within the Comix Zone can negatively affect the Sketch, reducing his health bar. The hero carries out his journey together with his hand-held rat Roadkill, also transferred to the comic. The little friend helps the Sketch in finding useful items, as well as in switching hard-to-reach levers.

Sketch is able to rip backsides to shreds and fold them into paper planes that are thrown at enemies as weapons. Since the paper world is part of everything in the Comic Zone (drawn on paper), this action significantly reduces the player's health. Certain combos will push enemies together, and if a fragile frame gets in the way, the enemy will tear it apart. Sketch's rat, Roadkill, is also able to operate switches and find objects hidden in panels.

The game has three endings depending on the outcome of the final confrontation with Mortus. In the good ending, Sketch, defeating Mortus, manages to save Alice, and together they leave the world of Comix Zone. In the bad ending, Sketch, defeating Mortus, does not have time to save Alice, and in the final video they show how he mourns for her. If there was a rat in the pocket at the end of the game, we can see it in the final video. In case of failure of the game (the hero died and all lives are spent), the villain Mortus is established in the real world, turning from a cartoon character into a real one.

The game consists of three episodes, each of which is divided into two levels:

Episode 1: Mutant Night (New York):

  • Streets/sewers
  • Mutant base
Episode 2: Welcome to the temple (Himalayas):
  • Mountain trail / Tibetan city
  • Kung Fung Temple
Episode 3: Curse of the Lost Ships (New Zealand):
  • caves
  • Abandoned shipyard


A sketch can carry a maximum of 3 of the following items:

Knife- seriously injures the enemy, activates levers inaccessible at a distance.
Bundle of dynamites- is placed on the floor and, after a while, explodes.
Grenade- Throws at the enemy.
Fist- Sketch, turning into a superhero, clears the screen from enemies.
road kill- a tame rat, transferred to comics. Activates inaccessible levers and finds hidden items. Can shock enemies with electric current and kill female warriors immediately.
Cold tea- restores 50% of energy.
Question- randomly gives you any prize (except for a rat). Can explode and deal damage.


Sketch Turner: the game's protagonist, comic book artist and rock musician working on the Comic Zone comic. Sketch gets inside his Zone, where he must fight various enemies. After reaching the end of each page, Sketch temporarily transforms into a superhero. The superhero meter fills as you progress.

Alicia Sayan: general of the New World Empire. Encounters Sketch in the command center. Alicia believes Sketch is the "Chosen One" and sends him on a mission against alien forces.

Roadkill: Sketch Turner's tamed rat living in real time. Sketch discovers a comic book rat trapped in a cage and rescues it. Roadkill's tail is slightly hit by lightning, so it is electrified and can shock enemies. Often, Roadkill must assist his master in avoiding obstacles and finding hidden items to solve problems.

Strigil: shadow alien renegade. Known for the ability to teleport everything around, merging it with the ground. In addition, he carries a weapon named after him, using it to fire blasts or hold rods.

Gravis: a giant and muscular alien renegade. Steam often comes out of the inlets on its back. Gravis relies on his ability to generate explosive springs and launch them at enemies.

Styx: a monk located in a Tibetan city. He wields a powerful stick, which he uses in one of 2 ways: shooting a fiery charge or jumping like a pole.

Mongolia: a dangerous female warrior using a hook attached to her long, braided hair. Montgoria is afraid of mice…sometimes.

Pelagus: a renegade who prefers to grab hold of everything used for climbing. His attack methods include slime balls and springs that turn into mines.

Breeding mutants: these mutants emerge from the sludge. Capturing a mutant only makes him stronger.

Crawling Cocoon: food source for newly emerged mutants; tries to sting the player.

Flying creature: not very strong, but very unpleasant winged mutants.

Dragon "Big Mom": a giant reptile hanging from the ceiling of a mutant base. "Mom" gets quite upset when Sketch destroys her children. Hoping for revenge, she vows to get rid of Sketch. This fire-breathing reptile also has the ability to gnaw at an enemy. Fire barrels make it easy to get rid of Mom, who is torn to pieces when she dies.

Kung Fung: Master of the Temple in the mountains. Trains Mortus' men to fight in the Tournament. Kung Fung decides to teach Sketch a lesson after he comments on his long nails. This character sends fireballs into the water on the floor of the room and also launches explosive nails.

Mortus: the main villain of Comix Zone. Departs from the pages of a comic book after being struck by real lightning. After throwing his creator, Sketch, into a book, Mortus picks up a pen and starts drawing enemies, hoping to kill the Sketch to become real. Becomes the final boss after Sketch reveals his plans to launch nuclear weapons on the New World Empire. During the final battle, Mortus teleports randomly and constantly taunts Sketch. When defeated, Mortus explodes.


All movements and techniques are carried out taking into account the fact that your Sketch character is on the left side of the enemy. And if vice versa, then the arrows of the direction of movement ([Left], [Right]) change in the opposite direction. This also applies to special moves.

← - movement to the left; move an object.
→ - movement to the right; move an object.
- bend down; pull up your legs (when hanging on a pipe and so on).
↓ - sit down; take an item; look down; move to the next zone (when the yellow arrow points down).
A - attack; action button; kick in a jump (after holding).
B - jump; hang on a pipe; jump down (when hanging from a pipe and so on).
C - block.
X - use the item in the first slot.
Y - use the item in the second slot.
Z - use the item in the third slot.
Start - game start; pause in the game.
← + A - side kick with a turn to the left; throw (after the capture).
→ + A - capture of the enemy (carried out close to the enemy); combo followed by a jumping kick (when pressed multiple times).
+ A - uppercut; kick with two legs at the same time (when hanging on a pipe and so on).
↓ + A - cutting; kick to the lower level (when hanging from a pipe and so on).
→ + + A - kick to the upper level; combo followed by a jumping roundhouse kick (when pressed multiple times).
→ + ↓ + A - kick to the lower level; combo followed by a kick from top to bottom (when pressed multiple times).
B, A - jumping roundhouse kick.
→ + B, A - side kick in a jump with movement to the right.
←, →, A - shoulder blow (this blow takes away part of health).
, ↓, A - kick from top to bottom (this kick takes away part of health).
↓, , A - jump kick (this kick takes away part of health).
A (pressed) - launch a paper boomerang plane (you need to hold down the [A] button for a few seconds; this technique takes away some of your health).
↓ (squeezed), → - somersault to the right.

By alternating different attacks, you can perform a variety of combos that will help you quickly deal with any opponent and save your health.

"Oh, yeah!" . Now click START to exit the jukebox and start playing; you will see that the energy does not decrease.

Stage selection:
As above, select "Jukebox" and type the following code (in the same way):
14, 15, 18, 5, 13, 1, 3, 18, 15, 6.
Again Sketch will say: "Oh, yeah!" Now highlight one of the numbers from 1 to 6 and press C to go to one of the steps according to the following rule:
1 - Episode 1, part 1;
2 - Episode 1, part 2;
3 - Episode 2, part 1;
4 - Episode 2, part 2;
5 - Episode 3, part 1;
6 - Episode 3, part 2.
Click START to exit the jukebox and start the game - you will start from the selected stage.

Stage selection and invulnerability:
If you have full energy at half the level, press:
A, C, A, B, B, B, A, C, UP, DOWN, A, C- the choice of stages.
If you immediately type: A , B, C, C, B, A, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, B, DOWN, A- get immortality.

View credits:
On the title screen, enter "options", then press simultaneously A+B+C- Titles will appear.

Tips / Jokes

1. Jack Turner's secret move. If you hold button A for some time without releasing, then the artist will tear off a piece of paper from the page of his comic book and make an airplane out of it. The lethal force of such a weapon is simply fantastic, it takes down enemies the first time. Just be careful: on the way back, if you do not duck, this terrible paper projectile can hit you too.

2. By the way, did you know that if you leave Sketch for a long time without moving, he will take off his shoe, smell his sock and loudly express his displeasure at its freshness. And if you quickly and often press down on a picture free from enemies, then the artist will simply FUCK, destroying all the enemies in the room with this formidable weapon.

3. Go down on the first choice of the direction down, break the barrels and the superpower is yours!

4. In the room with two clocks, you need to use the lever to set the hands on the left dial to 3 o'clock, and on the right - to 9.

5. On the second level on the second page (where the well) you can cling to the top of the picture. To do this, make Strigil crawl out of the well, and when he is on the ground, jump on him. The opponent will throw an uppercut and you will hook on the top of the picture.

6. When you soak Mortus, go to the lever near the flask in which Alice is imprisoned there. Very quickly press the lever and immediately jump to the right. Alice will crawl out of the flask and, in gratitude for the release, will begin to hug ... an empty place!

7. The game has a gauge next to the superhero, it fills up as you progress through the game. But in order to fill the last segment, you need to save Alice. And thus see a good ending.

8. Crawling green monsters with a flick of the wrist turn into ... even more disgusting mutants. To do this, come close to one of them, hold to the right and press A.