After formatting, it does not see the microsd. What to do if the phone does not see the memory card. The contact of the usb flash drive has come off or the tracks in the socket have been erased

What to do if Android does not see the microSD flash drive? This question often worries owners of smartphones and other gadgets, regardless of manufacturer and cost. The problems of obtaining data from the DVR, installing software on a tablet or smartphone can be solved independently if you know the main causes of the malfunction and how to solve them.

How the problem manifests itself

The malfunction manifests itself as follows: after replacing the micro-SD card, after rebooting, flashing or simply turning on the device, the gadget does not see the flash drive or its contents. As a result, data or installed software is lost, the camera and programs begin to write information to the internal memory of the device. The latter quickly clogs up, there is no place left for recording service information of the OS, and the gadget loses performance and starts to freeze.

As a result, if the internal memory is low, it becomes impossible to work without a memory card.

To fix the problem, you need to establish the causes of the breakdown. Very often it turns out to eliminate the defect with one's own hand, without going to the workshop.

The phone does not see the flash drive due to formatting problems

The partition table can be damaged in any file system (NTFS, ExFat, Fat32). As a result, Android cannot read files written to SD. Most often this happens when the user tries to format the memory card himself and performs incorrect actions. Another option is a card with a different file system is inserted, for example, from a camera. You can restore the card's performance by formatting it again. This can be done either by the phone itself or by another Android device, or by using a computer with a card reader.

The menu of some phones allows you to format the SD card by selecting the appropriate item in the settings. If it is not there, you can reboot the phone, enter the “Recovery” mode and format the file system of the card by selecting the “Wipe cache partition” item.

Important: errors when working with the device in the “Recovery” mode can lead to the loss of all data and even the inoperability of the OS. Therefore, inexperienced users should not adopt this method.

It is easier and safer to format flash drives on a computer. To do this, you need a card reader and a formatting program (standard, built into the OS, or any other). It is necessary to remove the flash drive from the device, insert it into the card reader and format it in exFAT or FAT32 format. After formatting, Android should start to “see” the flash drive. If this does not happen, the problem is more serious.

Memory card is out of order

Flash memory has a limited number of read-write cycles. In addition, the device may be damaged due to microcracks in the board or static electricity. In this case, after installation in the card reader, the computer does not detect the flash drive. It is also unreadable on other devices.

It is impossible to recover a damaged memory card or the data on it. This cannot be done either from the Android device itself, or by connecting it to a computer as a USB flash drive, or from a computer via a card reader. It remains only to purchase a new flash card that is compatible with your device.

Important: sometimes, due to a malfunction of the board, phones and tablets can “burn” memory cards. Therefore, if after a short time after replacing the flash drive it fails again, it is necessary to diagnose the android device.

Memory card and android devices are incompatible

A smartphone or tablet may not see a flash card if it is simply not designed to work with modern storage media. When there is a suspicion that the card does not correspond to a tablet or phone, then it is worth trying to read it on a computer with a memory card adapter. If the gadget does not see the card, but the computer sees it, the reason is incompatibility.

All gadgets have limitations on the maximum memory card size: 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB. This happens if, for example, you bought a 64 GB card, and the limitations of a smartphone (tablet) are 32 GB.

Another option is that the flash drive is made according to a technical specification unknown to your device. In this case, the gadget does not recognize it. Therefore, before buying a memory card, you need to study the documentation of your tablet or phone in order to buy an SD card of the appropriate size and type.

In addition to incompatibility, the device may be damaged or a software failure may occur. In this case, the computer will also see the flash card, but the phone (tablet) will not.

Software error

In this case, the gadget either does not see the memory card at all, or certain programs do not see it. If you know that the card is empty, although it shows that the place is occupied, the problem is in the settings or performance of the OS and software of the phone (tablet). If the android does not see the SD card in applications, but sees it in recovery, try looking at the settings first. Perhaps for applications, the save path is set not to the card, but to the internal memory. Fix it.

Another solution when only one application does not see the map is to reinstall or update it, and also check its own settings.

Important: often the phone's OS starts to see the inserted card only after a reboot. If the flash card is not visible without a reboot, and then it works fine, nothing else should be done.

When the above does not help, it is worth trying to update the tablet (phone) firmware. Often after flashing the OS for more new version the device starts working correctly with the SD card.

Damaged SD card slot

If the smartphone does not see a flash drive installed from another smartphone, while it corresponds technical requirements devices, the problem is in the smartphone itself. In this case, you can try to insert the card so that the contacts in the phone fit snugly into its tracks. To do this, you should try to clean and bend them a little. If it's not about contacts, but about damage to the controller or card slot, it remains to send the gadget for repair or replace it with a new one.

For example, the HTC workshop repairs all models of this manufacturer, as well as other brands. Look for a service center for your phone in your city.

Portable storage media made a splash in the computer technology market - with their appearance, data transfer was not difficult. At one time, floppy disks had a small but sufficient amount of memory to store text documents, bitmaps and tables inside. They were replaced by optical discs - a product that is an order of magnitude more expensive than floppy disks, but with a large amount of memory. It was then that it was born new era in multimedia - cassette recorders have replaced players. There were also discs that could be overwritten like old floppy disks. And it seemed that everything was enough for everyone and the discs took their place in the industry, but progress did not stand still.

The person wanted to reduce the size of the disk and increase the amount of memory on it, and the disk also did not possess special strength. And then came the era of flash drives. It was hard to imagine that a small piece of plastic could store as much information as a disk, while the size of this piece was ten times smaller.

A flash drive is a portable memory storage device, like a hard drive, and is connected using a USB port. But sometimes it happens that the computer, for some reason, does not see it. What to do in such situations? Let's see how to restore a micro SD flash drive if the computer does not see it?

Mechanical damage

First you need to find out if it has mechanical damage. The small size of the drive, in this case, plays a cruel joke with the owner, since the flash drive does not have standard type chips. Accordingly, the slightest interference will lead to a non-working state. In other cases, special utilities will help us.

Formatting a flash drive

Move on. The easiest way to "revive" a flash drive for a computer is to format it on another device, be it a phone, tablet or camera. With a high degree of probability, after that the computer will be able to recognize it.

No drivers

If this did not help, it is possible that the computer does not have the necessary drivers to read this drive model. Even the newest computers and laptops cannot boast of having the latest drivers. So we open the browser and look for special programs for automatic updates. If you want to figure it out yourself - follow the section "My Computer", then "System Properties", then select "Device Manager". Select the name of your flash drive from the list, click on it right click mouse and select Update Driver. Updating your USB drivers may also help.


If you failed to restore the SD card and the computer still does not see it, it is better to contact specialists. And be sure to watch this video on flash card recovery.

In some cases, the phone does not see the microSD, but not all users know why this happens and how to fix the problem

Moreover, this problem is serious, since it does not allow access to all the information stored on the flash drive.

For users whose phone is a player, a device for Internet surfing, such a problem can be a serious problem.

The essence of the problem

How does it manifest this problem? How to understand that the phone really does not see the device? This is quite simple and becomes clear immediately after installing a memory card.

The device does not reflect that it was installed. At the same time, there is no memory card icon on the panel on the home screen, nor is removable media displayed in the Memory section in Settings.

Accordingly, in all directories of the phone (for example, Music, Gallery) there are no corresponding files, before .

Sometimes, after installing external media into the phone, the device does not immediately display a message about its installation, as it usually does.

Sometimes, while working with microSD, it may suddenly turn off, and a message will appear on the screen like "Memory card disabled".

In the most rare cases, the device reports damage to the memory card.

A problem can occur both on a new device and on an old one. And also as with old map memory, and with a new, empty media. Regardless, the causes are often the same for all cases.

Possible reasons

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Conventionally, they can be divided into two large groups: problems with the phone and problems with the drive itself. The first group includes:

  1. Direct damage to the memory card slot;
  2. Other hardware problems in the device;
  3. Problems with the functioning of the software, due to which the device does not see.

From the side of the memory card itself, there may be the following problems:

  1. Device failure (especially when a previously working card suddenly ceases to be recognized or the device reports its malfunction, which is typical for old memory cards with great wear);
  2. Physical damage to contacts on the card or other problems;
  3. File system mismatch (some newer file systems don't "see" old phones, then it shows that the drive is missing).

Depending on the cause of the malfunction, certain methods of its elimination can be selected.

<Рис. 2 Слот>


There are several ways to deal with such problems. They are selected depending on the cause that caused the malfunction.

If this reason is not clear, then you will have to try several methods.

Working with hardware

<Рис. 3 Контакты карты памяти>

First of all, you need to check what exactly the problem is. Install another memory card in the device, and if it is detected, then the problem is in the drive itself.

If not, then the problem is most likely in the phone.

What can the user do in this case? It is recommended to clean the card slot from dust, as well as wipe the contacts on the carrier itself. You can do this with a cotton swab.

Most likely, this does not solve the problem, but sometimes it helps. However, if it turns out that the card slot is broken, then the only way will be his replacement.


<Рис. 4 Восстановление>

Each has a Recovery mode. Its launch will allow you to “roll back” all questionable settings to factory settings.

Thus, if the device previously saw cards, but now it does not, then this method can help.

  1. To get started, perform a normal reboot of the device (not turning it off and on, but just rebooting);
  2. If this does not help, proceed to recovery;
  3. Hold down the power and volume down buttons at the same time and hold for up to 10 seconds (most often, access to the recovery function is opened in this way);
  4. As soon as the device restarts, a special start menu will open in Windows;
  5. Go to the Wipe cache partition item in it (you need to do this with the buttons or by clicking on the screen, depending on the device);
  6. Reboot the machine (rebooting may take much longer than usual).

The map should now be defined. If this does not happen, then you will have to work with it on a computer.


<Рис. 5 Форматирование>

Insert a memory card into a computer using an adapter. Open it through the "My Computer" section in order to make sure that the device is working.

If the computer does not see the drive, then such a memory card is faulty.

  1. Press Win + R and wait until the Run window opens;
  2. In it, write the command diskmgmt.msc;
  3. A window should now open showing all memory devices - external, internal, formatted, not formatted;
  4. If the letter designating the card matches the letter of, for example, an optical drive, etc., then you need to rename the card;
  5. In rare cases, renaming may solve the problem;
  6. If the problem is not solved in this way, then you need to completely format the card and create a new file system (of course, it is worth remembering that the data from the media must be copied before this);
  7. You can format the device from Explorer;
  8. Click on the memory card with the right mouse button;
  9. A menu will open in which you need to select the line Format;
  10. A window will open in which you need to remove the marker from the box next to the inscription "Quick Format";
  11. Specify below that you want to create a format file system (most often this option is set by default);
  12. Click OK;
  13. Wait until the end of the process.

Then install the memory card in your phone. It should be successfully recognized. If this still does not happen, then it is possible that there is still a specific hardware malfunction in it.

Restoration of work

<Рис. 6 Восстановление через ПК>

Restoring the operation of a MicroSD card is a specific case when a media that was successfully recognized earlier suddenly ceases to be recognized by the same device.

At the same time, there was no damage to the carrier or phone, no changes were made to the phone software, etc.

Also this method can help when the phone says that "Unable to access memory card", "The memory card is damaged, etc.".

This method is quite effective, but only for older cards. And only on condition that they worked properly before. For new cards, this method is useless.

  1. Connect the memory card to a PC or laptop to make sure it is working;
  2. Open Explorer and right-click on the map;
  3. Select Properties from the drop down menu;
  4. Go to the Service tab;
  5. Run Check disk, having previously indicated the need for automatic correction of detected errors and malfunctions;
  6. In the same section, you can Surface test with automatic recovery of bad sectors (although this is not necessary).

A more complex option is troubleshooting by working in the HKLM branch. This is done as follows:

  1. Find the SYSTEM directory in the folder tree;
  2. In it, open the StorageDevicePolicies section;
  3. In the right part of the window, the parameters that need to be changed will appear;
  4. Assign a zero value to the defining parameter (write the number zero in brackets in the combination 0x00000000(1)).

Now the card should interact normally with the phone.

File system

<Рис. 7 Файловая система>

There are microSD HC and microSD XC memory cards. The second option is typical for cards with a capacity of more than 32 GB.

They have a different file system, which has its own advantages (for example, recording speed and length of recording segments), but is not recognized by all phones, tablets and other devices.

Thus, some phones are simply not designed to support cards larger than 32 GB. Changing the file system in this case is almost impossible without special skills.

However, it is worth remembering that the type (HC or XC) of the card is written directly on it, so it is important to choose the right one.


The phone does not see the MicroSD flash drive: what to do, how to fix it?

Today, one of the most popular types of media is the flash drive. And no matter what anyone says, the CD/DVD age is coming to an end. Moreover, the price of one flash drive is only 3-4 times more than the price of a DVD disc! True, there is one small “but” - it is much more difficult to “break” a disk than a USB flash drive ...

Although not often, one unpleasant situation sometimes happens with flash drives: you take out a microSD flash card from your phone or camera, insert it into a computer or laptop, but he does not see it. There can be quite a few reasons for this: viruses, software errors, failure of a flash drive, etc. In this article, I would like to dwell on the most popular causes of invisibility, as well as give some tips and tricks on what to do in such cases.

Types of flash cards. Is SD card supported by your card reader?

Here I would like to stop in more detail. Many users often confuse one type of memory card with another. The fact is that there are three types of SD flash cards: microSD, miniSD, SD.

Why did manufacturers do this?

It's just that there are different devices: for example, a small audio player (or a small mobile phone) and, for example, a camera or camera. Those. devices are completely different in size with different requirements for the speed of flash cards and the amount of information. For this, there are several types of flash drives. Now in more detail about each of them.


Size: 11mm x 15mm.

MicroSD flash cards are very popular thanks to portable devices: players, phones, tablets. Using microSD, the memory of the listed devices can be increased by an order of magnitude very quickly!

Usually, when buying, they come with a small adapter so that this flash drive can be connected instead of an SD card (more on them below). By the way, for example, to connect this flash drive to a laptop, you need to: insert the micsroSD into the adapter, and then insert the adapter into the SD slot on the front / side panels of the laptop.

2. miniSD

Size: 21.5mm x 20mm.

Once popular cards used in portable technology. Today, they are used less and less, mainly due to the popularity of the microSD format.

Size: 32mm x 24mm.

These cards are mainly used in devices that need a large amount of memory + high speed. For example, a video camera, a DVR in a car, a camera, etc. devices. SD cards are divided into several generations:

  1. SD 1 - from 8 MB to 2 GB in size;
  2. SD 1.1 - up to 4 GB;
  3. SDHC - up to 32 GB;
  4. SDXC - up to 2 TB.

Very important points when working with SD cards!

1) In addition to the amount of memory, SD cards indicate the speed (more precisely, the class). For example, in the screenshots above, the class of the card is “10”, which means that the exchange speed with such a card is at least 10 MB / s (for more details about classes: It is important to pay attention to what flash card speed class is required for your device!

2) microSD using special. adapters (they usually write adapter (see screenshots above)) can be used instead of regular SD cards. True, doing this always and everywhere is not recommended (just because of the speed of information exchange).

3) SD card readers are backwards compatible: i.e. if you take a device that reads SDHC, it will read SD cards 1 and 1.1 generations, but will not be able to read SDXC. That is why it is important to pay attention to which cards your device can read.

By the way, many "relatively old" laptops have built-in card readers that are not able to read new types of flash SDHC cards. The solution in this case is quite simple: buy a card reader connected to a regular USB port, by the way, it looks more like a regular USB flash drive. Issue price: several hundred rubles.

The same drive letter is the reason for the invisibility of flash drives, hard drives, memory cards!

The fact is that if your hard drive has a drive letter F: (for example) and your inserted flash card also has F:, then the flash card will not be displayed in Explorer. Those. you will go to "my computer" - and you will not see a flash drive there!

To fix this, you need to go to the "disk management" panel. How to do it?

In Windows 8: press the combination Win + X, select "disk management".

In Windows 7/8: press the combination Win + R, enter the command "diskmgmt.msc".

Next, you should see a window that will show all connected drives, flash drives, and other devices. Moreover, even those devices that are not formatted and that are not visible in "my computer" will be shown. If your memory card is on this list, then you need to do two things:

1. Change its drive letter to a unique one (to do this, simply right-click on the flash drive and select the operation to change the letter in the context menu, see the screenshot below);

2. Format the flash card (if you have a new one, or there is no necessary data on it. Attention, the formatting operation will destroy all data on the flash card).

Lack of drivers is a popular reason why the computer does not see the SD card!

Even if your computer / laptop is brand new and only yesterday you brought them from the store, this absolutely does not guarantee anything. The fact is that the sellers in the store (or their specialists who prepare the goods for sale) could simply forget to install the necessary drivers, or simply be too lazy. Most likely you were given discs (or copied to a hard drive) of all the drivers and you only need to install them.

In general, there are special programs that can scan your computer (more precisely, all its devices) and find the latest drivers for each device. I already wrote about such utilities in previous posts. Here I will give only 2 links:

  1. Software for updating drivers:
  2. Find and update drivers: /li>

Connecting an SD card via USB using some device

If the computer does not see the SD card itself, then why can't you try to insert the SD card into some device (for example, a phone, camera, camera, etc.) and connect it to the PC already? To be honest, I rarely take out a flash card from devices, preferring to copy photos and videos from them by connecting them to a laptop via a USB cable.

Do I need special programs to connect my phone to a PC?

New operating systems such as Windows 7, 8 are able to work with many devices without installing additional software. Drivers are installed and the device is configured automatically when the device is connected to the USB port for the first time.

For each brand of phone / camera, there are utilities recommended by the manufacturer (see the manufacturer's website) ...

The micro SD card helps to significantly increase the memory capacity of your Android device. Therefore, if Android does not see the microSD flash drive, users immediately need to understand the causes of the malfunction and eliminate negative factors.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Memory card problems

If Android does not see the memory card, then the cause of the problem may be on the side of the device itself or in the operation of the flash drive. Start diagnostics from an external drive. Common causes of failure include:

  • Wrong file system (for example, NTFS or ExFat instead of Fat32).
  • Formatting errors, file system failures.
  • Incompatibility of the card and phone, unsupported volume (the device cannot work with cards larger than 16 GB, and you put a flash drive of 32 GB, 64 GB or 128 GB).
  • Hardware problems of the memory card, physical damage to the contacts.

If the card from the camera or from the DVR is not readable when installed in the phone, then the first thing to do is to make sure that the mobile device supports this format and volume.

An incompatibility problem can only be corrected by replacing the drive with a suitable one. It is much easier to deal with errors in the file system (or the wrong file system). After formatting, the card will be detected without rebooting and other unnecessary actions:


Formatting will delete all data on the memory card. If this is critical, save them to your computer before cleaning the drive, and after changing the file system, put them back on the card.

Phone problems

If the memory card is compatible with the phone, the file system is in a format that is suitable for Android, there is no hardware damage, then the reasons should be sought in the operation of the smartphone. If the smartphone does not see a flash drive installed from another smartphone, but the computer does, then the following factors can affect this:

  • Incorrect drive installation.
  • Damaged/dirty memory card slot.
  • Android software glitch.

Try to pull out the memory card, and install it again, making sure that the slot is working. If you see that the contacts are dirty, clean them with a regular eraser or a damp cloth. If cleaning doesn't help, chances are the contacts are loose or damaged. Repairing them yourself is problematic, usually a component replacement is required.

If the device in Recovery sees a flash drive, while Android does not see the SD card in applications, although it shows that the space is occupied, then the cause of the problem should be sought in the system. If the error occurred due to a system failure, restarting the device will help fix it.


Another solution is to reinstall the problematic application or transfer from internal memory to microSD. What to do for this:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the "Applications" section.
  3. Select the application that is having problems.
  4. Click Move to SD Card.

If you have difficulty detecting an external drive after flashing the device, you should reflash it again using the official Android build from the manufacturer. You can get by with a less radical method and simply reset the settings through the Android interface or the Recovery Menu.