Prison architect black screen what to do. Prison Architect not starting? Game slows down? Flies out? Glitchy? Solving the most common problems. What to do if the game does not speed up

Someone from Introversion Software found and posted on the YouTube channel a 2007 video from Gamespot UK. The video tells about Multiwinia and subversion(an ambitious but canceled game).

Prison Architect comes to consoles

The year has just begun, and the guys from Introversion Software do not stop working and announce more and more new announcements on the part Prison Architect . In January, the developers announced versions for consoles of the following series - Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, after which they released Update 2 and 3 for the final version of the game, and in early March the game appeared in digital stores on consoles.

The developers did not stop there and announced that Update 4 for the release version is about to appear. We are waiting and watching two trailers. One announcing the game on consoles, and the second is already a release.

Happy New Year 2016!

2015 is coming to an end, which means that we need to sum up some results. This year we finally waited for the release of the final version Prison Architect, timely wrote about all the updates of the latest project Introversion Software.
But the developers did not put an end to this and managed to release two major updates by the end of the year. Both of them are finalizing what has already been started, for example, the escape system. In addition, female prisoners, as well as their children, are introduced into the game.

We hope that next year there will be even more good news from our English friends, so Happy New Year, friends! All the best and great news, good and different. Hooray!

Release of the final version of Prison Architect

Today Prison Architect leaves early access and the final version of the game is released. There will be no more alpha versions, only patches. The three-year development cycle of the game is completed, with which we congratulate everyone.

The release of the game turned out to be really interesting, because the developers have prepared a lot of interesting things for you and me. In version 1.0 we got:

- A story campaign consisting of five chapters
- Escape mode, the purpose of which is to try to escape from prison
- Many official languages, including Russian
- Eighteen achievements
- Collection mode, where pictures are collected stylized as pictures Polaroid
- Game "Bible", where there is detailed description everything that happens
- Six special overseers, each of which brings something different to the game
- And of course a bunch of bug fixes

Official trailer for the final game:

Video from the launch event:

A small English studio Introversion Software managed to grow from three school friends into a real company with a multi-million dollar turnover that makes us happy good games. Let's give the guys a break, and then wait for news with announcements of new games and preferably not in the simulator genre and in full 3D!

See you soon!

Exit Prison Architect Alpha 36

After three years of active development Prison Architect, the game enters the finish line before the release, which is scheduled for October this year. Every month developers from Introversion Software pleased us with major updates to their game, which earned us the unspoken title of ideal residents of the section early access in Steam.

So, the last, thirty-sixth update, in the status of an alpha version, brought the players the so-called random events, reminiscent of a disaster in the famous city ​​building simulator SimCity. The danger of these phenomena will depend on the size of the prison, the larger it is, the more dangerous the consequences.

In small prisons, something can break, for example, a generator or a fence, a pipe breaks, etc., but in huge institutions an epidemic can happen, a sudden riot, or the mayor can call the head of the prison with another crazy law that will have to be executed.

So, Prison Architect is in the final stages of development major update the game will receive in October, and after that, small patches will most likely be released to it. And there the guys can announce their new project. See you in October at the release party Prison Architect.

Exit Prison Architect Alpha 35

In the thirty-fifth update, the developers included gang leaders in the game. Now all members of one of the gangs will obey the leader. Also in gangs there is now a hierarchy of leadership.

If the leader of the gang is killed, then a riot immediately begins in the prison. But if he is alive, he will try in every possible way to crush the entire prison under him. Zones of influence are displayed in different colors.
The prisoners in the gang have their own budget, which goes to the purchase of weapons and other prohibited items.

Exit Prison Architect Alpha 34

In the thirty-fourth update, the developers included in the game a system in which some prisoners are members of gangs. Such people do little or no work, but they can easily start a riot in prison and protect members of their gang.
They differ from ordinary prisoners in that they have tattoos and the fact that they do not go through rehabilitation programs and more often hide weapons and smuggle contraband.

A new type of premises has appeared in the game - a store. Prisoners can work in shops, as well as buy essential goods.

Wages are now fixed for everyone - it's 50 cents an hour for any prisoner. The presence of a store on the territory of the prison can spur prisoners to work, but a huge amount of contraband is transported through the store.

Exit Prison Architect Alpha 33

The light saw a new alpha version Prison Architect. The main innovation of which was the improvement of the life of prisoners. Namely, now each prison cell is rated on a scale of comfort from 0 to 10.
The main factors influencing this:
— Camera area
- Presence of windows
- Tables and chairs
– TV and radio
- Bookshelf
- Shower

Every prisoner has the right to improve his cell. First of all, this is influenced by his behavior inside the prison. In addition, the reverse situation also takes place - if the conditions of detention are bad enough, then this affects the behavior for the worse.

Postal service was another innovation. Now every day at six in the morning bags of letters arrive at the prison. Naturally, someone and somewhere needs to sort the mail, so they came up with a new profession and a new room for sorting mail. Just be careful, smuggling can now get into the prison along with the mail.

Hey Igrozor!

Before we start, let me tell you a little about the game itself:

Prison Architect(Prison Architect) - a wonderful economic strategy with sandbox elements from British developers Introversion Software.

Prison Architect it's a prison simulator, with guards, bars and prisoners that you have to build. But before you start building, the player will be offered to go through several stories, along the way teaching the basic principles of the game.

Though Prison Architect the majority belong to economic strategies, I would not say so, since there are not so many economic moments in the game, but there are more than enough elements of the sandbox. Well, let's start the sandbox:

Create a new prison

Select the gender of the prisoner
Managing a men's or women's prison has several features, for example: in a women's prison, you will need additional cells for prisoners with children and children's rooms.

Fog of war
Hides parts of the prison that are out of reach of video cameras and guards. Without the Fog of War mode, video surveillance becomes a futile exercise.
Forests, lakes, buildings generator
At the beginning of the game, forests, lakes and buildings will be randomly generated on the map.
Defeat conditions
Includes additional terms defeat in the game.
In prison, some prisoners will belong to gangs that will be in conflict with each other.
Introduces additional incidents into the game (fires, floods, destruction of walls, etc.).
Weather and temperature
Adds heating equipment to the game and includes changes in weather conditions (rain, snow).
Unlimited funds
Allows you to build a prison and not pay attention to the personal account.
Allow the use of tools and cheat codes
A kind of developer mode in which you can install any elements that exist in the game.


1. Buildings

Buildings are perhaps one of the most expensive buildings in the game. Before you start building a new hull or block, make sure you have enough budget to upgrade it. At the beginning of the game, it is best to start with small buildings and gradually add the necessary areas to existing buildings. By the way, if you create an extension to the building, then the bordering wall can be removed so keep that in mind. Buildings can be brick and concrete, but besides the appearance, they have no other features, so about the issue of reliability in Prison Architect brick or concrete, no questions asked. Feel free to choose what will be pleasing to your eye.

2. Materials
- Road or floor covering
Road pavements can be conditionally divided into two types, some pavements can only be installed indoors (offices, cells, etc.), while others can only be installed outdoors (yard, delivery, etc.). The floor covering affects the speed of movement of employees and prisoners of the prison. For example: Slow movement it is best to use it in dangerous areas of your prison, for example outside it, so that prisoners cannot quickly leave the edge of the map after a successful escape. Or fast travel For example, a concrete slab is best used in areas where patrols normally take place, this can be a dog patrol around the perimeter of the prison, or to quickly move prisoners inside the prison, for example between buildings or cells. The road surface is also decorative character and helps to visually separate some blocks in the prison.
- Walls
The walls also have several varieties. Brick and concrete serve to build partitions in buildings and differ only in appearance. hedge serves to enclose an open area, such as the outer perimeter of a prison or a courtyard.
fortified wall, serves as an excellent protection against the escape of prisoners, since it is very difficult, or rather for a long time, to dig under it, digging happens much less often than with ordinary walls or a fence. fortified wall- an expensive pleasure and is usually installed along the perimeter, around an already formed prison, with an impressive number of prisoners, when escapes become no longer a rare occurrence. Also, keep in mind that it is impossible to conduct electricity or water supply through a fortified wall, and its structure will cut off existing channels.
- Fill up the tunnel
If the prisoners still managed to dig outside the prison, you need to fill in the existing tunnel. To do this, use this button to send 1 worker to backfill, after which you will immediately open the entire path of this tunnel, which you just need to fill up.
2 rooms
- Camera
Solitary cell for a prisoner - a standard 2x3 cell by default, in which a bed and a toilet must be installed. Also, if you care about the comfort of your prisoners, there is a reason to make the room larger and place an office desk, shower, chair, radio, etc. in it. Camera quality affects the needs of comfort and good conditions for prisoners. The quality of the cameras can be viewed in the section Logistics - Evaluation of the quality of the cameras, which is explored in the section "Bureaucracy". In order not to sacrifice space and slightly improve the comfort for prisoners, it is possible to fit a shower, a bookshelf and a radio in a standard 2x3 cell with a bed and a toilet, this will slightly reduce the dissatisfaction of the prisoner and eliminate the need to build an additional block for the shower room.

- General camera
The general cell, as a rule, serves for the temporary stay of prisoners, before being sent to other cells, for example, if new cells have not yet been built. You can install beds, benches, telephones, toilets and a shower room in it, comfort objects at your discretion.

- Family camera
The cell is exclusively for the women's prison. It is slightly larger than a regular camera (min. 4x4) and is necessary to accommodate prisoners with children.

- Children's
The nursery is intended for the women's prison, the so-called children's room. The nursery is best placed next to the kitchen, as a distributing table is installed in it and the cooks will deliver food to it.

- punishment cell
Serves to isolate offenders. After being in the isolation ward, the prisoner will be in depressed state, in which it will be incapable of sabotage. Built exclusively in 1x1 size. The objects have a special door for a punishment cell, but there is no difference between a regular lattice door and a punishment cell door, except for the price. The approximate number of rooms in the punishment cell depends on the number and complexity of the prisoners, if there are many dangerous prisoners in the prison, then more cells under the punishment cell need to be built, since clashes and violations will be more frequent.

- Multi-seat camera
Cell for 2 or more prisoners. Especially for such cells there are bunk beds. You can build a cell for 2 prisoners as well as for 10, but I want to warn you that the number of prisoners' capacity is directly proportional to the size of the cell, the number of beds does not play a role here. You can set up beds as much as you like, but if the size of the cell is small, then the capacity of the prison will not increase. For example minimum size cells for 4 prisoners - 6x3. Multi-bed cells in general may take up less space than single cell buildings with the same number of prisoners, but in general cells, prisoners have an increasing need for seclusion, which negatively affects the general peace in the prison.

- Canteen
A place to feed prisoners. In practice, the most dangerous zone, since it has the highest density of prisoners. It is best to build a large dining room with wide aisles and several exits, so as not to create " congestion"in prisoners. In difficult situations, can be set armed patrol and additionally put guards at the entrance. As a rule, the dining room is a constant place of skirmishes among prisoners, in some cases turning into a riot. Most often this happens at the time of entry into the dining room. In order to avoid large casualties and quickly respond to the situation, the entrance to the dining room can be made through the prison yard, within the radius of the entrance, watchtowers with snipers can be installed. Snipers quickly resolve the situation warning shots.

- Shower
Chambers for maintaining cleanliness among prisoners, in which a watering can and a grate are installed (so that puddles). Water is supplied to each watering can. A mass trip to the shower is set in the Reports - Mode section. But as I wrote above, I don’t install a separate shower room for 2 reasons, the first one - it takes extra space and time, and the second - the shower room is almost the second place in density, after the dining room, and such clusters of prisoners should be avoided. Installation of a shower in the chambers eliminates hassles and saves an extra hour in the prisoner's schedule, which allows increase the working day =).

- Yard
A place for prisoners to walk in the open air. In the yard, you can install telephone boxes, plant trees, put up benches and weight training equipment. The yard can be used to mark the entire open area inside the prison so that prisoners can move freely.

- Stock
Place for storing uninstalled or dismantled objects. Can be built both indoors and outdoors. It is best to install a warehouse outside the prison in order to once again avoid risks smuggling(see Intelligence - Risk Zones). You can mark the roadside area with sweets. Unnecessary objects cannot be sold, if unnecessary objects have accumulated, feel free to click throw away to free up space.

- Delivery
Place of unloading. Serves for unloading food, building materials, etc. Marked in an open area near the main entrance to the prison.

- Trash
It is installed next to the road, for loading various garbage (black bags) by workers. Doesn't require a lot of space. 4x6 will be enough or even less.

- Execution Room
To be built exclusively in the case of placing prisoners sentenced to death in their prison. More at the same time one no suicide bomber arrives. In order to send a death row inmate to your prison, you need to allocate a small block or cell for this and mark it death row(see Arrangement - Zones). Only after that, the suicide bomber will appear in the list of arrived prisoners. By the way, the death penalty ceremony is very entertaining, I advise you to hold it, who has not done it yet.

- Workshop
Room for work of prisoners. In the workshop, the foreman instructs on carpentry and safety precautions. In the workshop, prisoners make improved beds and license plates, for which the prison makes a small profit. Production of license plates and upgraded beds is also a criterion for a grant (see Reports - Grants). The workbenches in the workshop are electrically demanding, so it is recommended to build a separate generator for the workshop. The workshop is also the source smuggling(tools, weapons), so it is advisable to install a metal detector at the entrance.

- Security room
The guard room serves as a gathering place for the guards. For example, guards are based in it, who are currently not busy with anything. In security rooms, it is usually best to install door control system, monitoring consoles and a wiretapping system to quickly change a tired employee at the console.

- Cabinet
A standard prison will need 6 offices: for the head of the prison, head of security, accountant, psychologist, foreman and lawyer.

- Infirmary
Serves for the treatment of prisoners and prison staff. The infirmary is also needed for the drug addiction treatment program (1 bed - 1 patient). Be built in proportion to the proportions of the prison. The infirmary serves as a source smuggling (sharp objects, drugs), so it is best to put a metal detector and a patrol with a dog at the entrance, which will sniff out all the outgoing prisoners and prevent them from taking out illegal drugs.

- Mortuary
A room for the temporary accommodation of deceased prisoners or employees, before being sent. As a rule, it is placed together with the infirmary in one room, it can be separated by a wall.

- Restroom
The recreation room for prisoners serves not only for entertainment and relaxation, but also for group therapy for alcoholics conducted by a psychiatrist. If the prison is large, then it is best to place several of these rooms, to reduce the need for prisoners to rest.

- Laundry
Laundry and ironing room for prisoners. From the laundry, things are carried to the cells. Prisoners can also work in it. Installed in the laundry washing machines to which it will be necessary to supply water and electricity.

- Meeting room
A special room for communication between visitors and prisoners. It is better to allocate more space under the visiting room to accommodate more guests, as visits reduce the need indicator " a family". The room can be placed near the main entrance to the prison so that visitors do not walk around the prison. It is also recommended to install an additional door at the exit (pocket) so as not to tempt prisoners to escape. The visiting room serves as a great place for smuggling so a metal detector along with the dog on the way out of the room would be the best solution.

- Storage room
Serves for storage of various wastes and chemicals. Small area required. Serves as a source of smuggling.

- kennel
Rest room for cynologists with dogs. I try to build on the principle of dog cage = dog, so that there is always a place for dogs to rest, but this is not necessary, you can always take additional dogs as a plus and while some are on duty, others will be able to rest during this time.

- Armory
Armory is for hire armed guards and snipers. To build a weapon room, 1 cabinet with weapons and 1 table is enough, but the number of opportunities to hire armed guards will strictly depend on the number of lockers.

- Staff room
A small recreation area for prison staff.

- Library
Only prisoners who have passed basic course of study.

- Sawmill
Needed for the extraction of firewood, which will be supplied to the workshop. The territory is allocated in the open air and fenced. Serves as a source smuggling(tools, weapons). The sawmill is used only by gardeners and workers, so we mark the territory - only for personnel and put a metal detector at the exit.

- Class
Classes are necessary for the education of prisoners. In the classrooms, guards are also trained to wear shockers. Best of all, put 2 classes at once, as prisoners pass 2 stages of education - basic and basic.

- Sending goods
A small area under the open sky, which is best set along the road. Sending goods, for example, is used to send products made in the workshop license plates and superior beds.

- Chapel
Necessary for prisoners to reduce the need to "pray". Many prisoners hold various spiritual prejudices. So that prisoners can pray, install in the church benches and prayer rugs.

- Parole room
Room for early release of prisoners.

- Reception
The reception room is needed for the initial "processing" of prisoners before their distribution to cells. Before entering the room, it is desirable to install metal detector and dog in order to immediately seize contraband from newly arrived prisoners.

- Mail
Room for receiving and sending letters. Prisoners work at the post office.

- Score
Room for selling goods to prisoners. Brings insignificant profit to the general treasury of the prison. Only prisoners can work in the shop.

4. Staff
- Workers
They serve for the repair and construction of buildings, the transfer of garbage and backfilling of tunnels (undermining). It is not necessary to maintain many workers, and after the construction of the prison, leave a minimum so that there is enough for repairs and maintenance.
- Guards
They serve to maintain general peace in the prison. Together with shocker and body armor, will be more effective at suppressing especially violent prisoners.
- Armed guard
Armed guards are needed in particularly difficult areas of the prison, where inmate skirmishes can occur. They open fire only when their own lives are at risk. The presence of an armed guard in the room, reduces aggressiveness at the prisoners. In difficult situations, "fire to kill" can quickly calm the crowd.
- Doctor
Doctors are needed for treatment of prisoners and prison employees. No more than 4 doctors will be enough for 100-200 prisoners.
- Cook
The cooks prepare food for the prisoners and also train them to work in the kitchen. The number of cooks can be equated to the number of ovens, for each oven there is a cook.
- Gardener
The gardener takes care of the courtyard and plants trees. On average, 1-2 gardeners are enough for a prison.
- Cleaner
Cleaners are required to maintain cleanliness in the prison premises, as well as cleaners who carry out clean clothes.
- Cynologist
The cynologist works with dogs. Dogs sniff prisoners and staff for contraband (alcohol, drugs, etc.), it is very useful to establish a dog patrol at entrance or exit rooms or in narrow aisles.
- Sniper
Snipers are located on special towers, which must first be installed on the territory of the prison. Great at stopping escapes and possible riots.
- Head of Security, Foreman, Psychiatrist, Accountant, Lawyer and Warden
Principal staff in the prison. Required to open new research in "Bureaucracies". And also to perform some functions. For example, a foreman is needed to train prisoners to work in a workshop, and a psychologist is needed to conduct behavioral therapy, etc.
5. Engineering networks

Engineering networks serve to supply the prison with electricity, water and heating. One point worth noting, the power generators will not be able to work with each other, so there is no need to install them together. If the lines from different generators intersect, then one of the generators will constantly switch off. To increase power, capacitors are installed around the generators (important! 2nd circle of capacitors will not bring additional power to the generator). If you chose the weather mode at the beginning of the game, then a water boiler and a pipe for hot water will additionally appear in the engineering networks. The heating of the chambers can be seen in "Logistics" - "Temperature".

6. Arrangement (zones)
In the placement section, you can place guard patrols and set the number of guards in the premises. If you want to place a guard at one point, for example, at the entrance to the cell, then set the patrol you need at one point and click on it again to install an employee on it. Also in the arrangement, you can divide the prison into zones to prevent the free movement of prisoners. For example, some places can be marked " staff only" to avoid the admission of prisoners to this zone. Zones can also be used to separate dangerous prisoners from calm ones, etc.
P.S. The psychologist's room should not be marked as a personnel area, as this is where behavioral therapy for prisoners takes place.

7. Logistics
In logistics, prisoners are assigned to vacant jobs. Also, logistics allows you to see the distribution of the amount of food and the work of the laundry, in order to determine the proportionality of the work of the kitchen and laundry to the number of prisoners. In logistics, you can learn about as cameras and current temperature (see 5. Engineering networks).

8. Intelligence
Shows about the main sources smuggling. In intelligence, you can track exactly how smuggling enters the prison and find its sources. And also intelligence shows Additional information about prisoners and helps in the recruitment of informers (informers).

9. Fast construction

In rapid construction, you can clone completed building ( right button mouse) and quickly put the right room, very convenient when building prison cells. You can also use ready-made templates.

10. Layout

Planning helps to pre-plan future buildings in the prison.

11. Emergency Services

Used in critical situations where additional support is needed, such as fires, riots, etc.


- Shoot to kill
Allows armed guards and snipers to open fire on hits. A few seconds will be enough to quickly calm the crowd. Use carefully, numerous victims in prison can provoke penalties.
- Search
Begins a search in all cells of the prison.
- Door lock
Blocks all available doors.
- In cameras
Sends all prisoners to cells.


- Staff
Displays all prison staff.
- Prisoners
Displays all prisoners in the prison.
- Arrival
Regulates the number and ratio of prisoners who must arrive at the prison. For example, you can completely close the arrival for general regime and accept only maximum security prisoners.

- Works
List of jobs in prison.
- Needs (needs)
Displays the needs of prisoners. Using the needs tab, you can track, common problems prisoners. Red values ​​in needs affect the overall danger in the prison and affect the amount of unrest.

- Mode
Sets the daily routine for the prisoners.

- Rules
In the rules section, the measures that will be used against prisoners in case of violation of the rules of the prison (smuggling, beatings, etc.) are established. For example, you can set the camera to be searched for each violation, this will slightly increase the overall employment of the guards, but it will be more likely to find tunnels and stop escapes. It is also defined amount and food quality for prisoners. In the rules tab, you can use the cell quality classification - this function works in such a way that especially violent prisoners will never be put in good cells, and in case of good behavior, prisoners, on the contrary, will be transferred to good cells. The rules set the threshold for parole.

- Grants
Grants help to significantly reduce the overall cost of building a prison. At the very beginning, you are allowed to take only 2 grants at a time, an additional 3rd grant can be taken after researching in "Bureaucracy" - Additional grants. Also in the grant tab, after studying "Loans", you can take loans from the bank.

base prison
All grant requirements must be met: build common camera, shower room, yard, kitchen, dining room and also hire 2 guards and 2 chefs($20,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Administrative center
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to build 2 cabinets, hire warden, open " Finance accountant
Prison Block A, B, C, D, E
A - Increase prison capacity to 15 prisoners ($20,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
B - Increase prison capacity to 30 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
B - Increase prison capacity to 100 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
D - Increase prison capacity to 200 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
D - Increase prison capacity to 500 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
Health and welfare of prisoners
infirmary, hire psychologist and no less 2 doctors
Jail maintenance
Maintenance", "Gardening" and " housekeeping" in the Bureaucracy menu, hire foreman, gardener and no less 2 cleaners($10,000 advance + $5,000 bonus).
Right to date
To complete the grant, you must: build meeting room and install at least 3 tables for visitors. Build rest room and install in it a pool table, not less 2x TVs and no less 5 payphones($5.000 advance + $5.000 bonus).
Safeguard Certification
To implement the grant, you must: hire head of security, 10 guards. Open" Patrols" in the Bureaucracy menu and send 3 guards per patrol($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Employee Wellbeing Program
To complete the grant, you must: build staff room, release from work at least 5 guards and exclude all employees from signs fatigue($10,000 bonus).
State safety rating
To complete the grant, you must: send 2 cynologists and 2 armed guards on patrol ($15,000 advance + $15,000 bonus).
Super Strict Mode
Basic requirements to complete the grant: open " Bulletproof vest" and " shockers" in the Bureaucracy menu. Set monitoring console and video cameras, as well as increase the number of guards ($20,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to seize all stolen tools and that's it weapon($20,000 bonus).
P.S. It is very convenient to carry out together with the Anti-Drug Operation grant by starting a full search in all cells of the prison.
Anti-drug operation
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to withdraw 10 drugs($15,000 bonus).
P.S. Can be completed with the Disarmament grant by starting a full search of all cells in the prison.
Nutrition studies for prisoners
To complete the grant, you need to give two days small amount and low variety of food once a day and on the other two days to give large quantity and high variety of food three times a day($15,000 bonus).
P.S. To fulfill the grant, you need to change the amount of food (see "Reports" - "Rules") and remove (or add) time for meals in the daily routine (see "Reports" - "Mode"). After the changes, you need to wait 2 days, the percentage of completion will serve as a hint.
Reform through educational programs
To complete the grant, you must: open " Education" in the Bureaucracy menu, build Class, install 20 school desks, 10 prisoners must pass basic course training and 1 must pass main course training ($15,000 advance + $40,000 bonus).
P.S. It will take a very long time to complete the grant, since the education of prisoners is a slow process, I advise you to take it last.
Acclimatization and employment of prisoners
To fulfill the grant it is necessary: ​​to arrange 3 prisoners to work in laundry, on the kitchen, in pantry($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Prison production
30 license plates in the workshop ($20,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
carpentry training program
To fulfill the grant, you need to do 10 superior beds in the workshop ($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Short term deposit
You make a deposit for a period of 72 hours (- $5,000 upfront + $16,000 bonus).
Long-term deposit
You make a deposit for a period of 167 hours (- $5,000 upfront + $16,000 bonus).
- Programs
Safety in the workshop - conducts foreman in a workshop.

Safety and hygiene in the kitchen - conducts cook in the kitchen.

Carpentry - conducts foreman in a workshop.

Basic course of study - conducts teacher in class.

Basic course of study - conducts teacher in class.

Behavioral therapy - conducts psychologist in your office.

Drug treatment of drug addiction - conducts doctor in the infirmary.

Group therapy for alcoholics - conducts psychologist in the rest room.

Permission to carry a shocker - conducts head of security in class.

At the parole hearing - takes place in the parole room.

Spiritual guidance - conducts spiritual mentor in the chapel.

The appeal of the death sentence - takes place in the room on parole.

P.S. Some programs are of particular interest to prisoners
(Example: Parole Hearing) If there are a lot of people in the queue, you can increase the amount of time for the program by pressing the "Start" button again, this will add an extra hour to the program.

- Finance
Using the "Finance" tab, you can find out how much it takes to maintain prisoners and prison staff, as well as find out the total profit.

- Grade
Shows the total cost of the prison. The total cost of the prison comes in handy if you are preparing it for sale and are going to build a new prison with this money.


Warden of the prison- opens the Bureaucracy section.

Psychologist- opens a psychologist.
- Prison Rules - opens the "Rules" tab

Health- Unlocks Doctor, Infirmary and Morgue.

Education- opens the possibility of teaching in the classroom.

Security- opens the head of security.
- Placement - allows you to assign guards to posts.
- Intelligence - opens the "Intelligence" section
- Patrols - allows you to send guards on patrols.
- Watchdogs - unlocks cynologists and watchdogs.
- Surveillance - opens video cameras, surveillance and wiretapping consoles.
- Remote access - opens door control systems.
- Armory - opens the armory and allows you to hire armed guards.
- Shockers - allows armed guards to use shockers.
- Shockers for everyone - allows ordinary guards to use tasers.
- Body armor - allows guards to wear body armor (body armor increases protection by 50%, but reduces mobility by 30%).
- Watchtowers - unlocks watchtowers and snipers.

Finance- opens an accountant.
- Expansion - opens up the possibility of acquiring neighboring plots of land (you can expand your plot indefinitely).
- Additional grant - allows you to take 3 grants at the same time.
- Loans - allows you to take loans from the bank (see Reports - Grants)
- Tax incentives - reduces corporate tax rates by 15%.
- Offshore - lowers the corporate tax rate to 1%.

Micromanagement- opens the "Logistics" section

Maintenance- opens the foreman.
- Cleaning - opens the cleaner.
- Gardening - unlocks the gardener.
- Employment of prisoners - opens a workshop and laundry, and also allows you to employ prisoners.

Advocate- opens a lawyer.
- Legal training - required to open "Legal Protection".
- Legal protection - cancels all current warnings.
- Death row - allows the admission of prisoners sentenced to death to prison.
- Responsibility for the execution of the innocent - reduces the number of appeals and reduces liability in case of error (can be executed without waiting for all hearings).
- Indefinite punishment - allows you to lock prisoners in a cell indefinitely.
- Small cameras - overrides the minimum size for a standard camera.

Q: How much does a multi-seat cell hold?
Answer: The capacity of a multi-seat cell depends primarily on its size, and only then on the number of beds. For example, 4 prisoners can fit into a multi-seat cell 6x3 in size.
Important: If the cell is small, then adding beds to it will not increase the capacity of the prison.

Q: What are family cameras for?
Answer: Family cells are needed for prisoners with children in the women's prison. Prisoners with children arrive at the prison in varying numbers and may not be present on their first arrival.

Q: What is the nursery for?
Answer: Children's room is needed for children in the women's prison. The room is best built next to the dining room.

Question: How to build a shop?
Answer: About the store is written in the guide above, the screen clearly shows how to arrange the shelves.

Question: How to remove the pit?
Answer: To fill the tunnel, you need to select "Backfill the tunnel" in the "Materials" menu at the bottom and select the area of ​​the tunnel with the mouse. Undermining will begin to remove the first freed worker.
Advice: You can reduce the scale of the map and highlight the entire territory of the prison at once.

Question: How to reduce the number of shoots?
Answer: 3 surest ways to reduce the number of shoots:
1. Conduct periodic searches in the cells, and it is best to do it manually, click on the toilet and select "search" - in this case, the chances of finding a tunnel increase.
2. The construction of fortified walls around the entire perimeter of the prison significantly reduces the number of escapes.
3. Install towers with snipers outside the prison perimeter. If the prisoners, after digging, try to escape, the sniper will open fire and prevent the escape.

Question: How many cameras can be connected to one monitoring station?
Answer: 8 video cameras. If you connect more than 8 cameras to one monitoring station, the cameras will be switched off periodically.

Question: Why don't suicide bombers come?
Answer: Only one suicide bomber can be in prison at a time. To guarantee his arrival, it is necessary to open the "Death Row" in the "Bureocracy", build a cell for the death penalty and a cell for the death row (death row). Mark the territory of the cell as "Zone for death row" in the "Setup" section.

Question: How to recruit an informant?
Answer: To recruit an informant, you need to open the "Intelligence" - "Informants" section and select a suppressed prisoner, but keep in mind, informers are quickly killed.

Question: How to play as a prisoner?
Answer: To enable the game mode for a prisoner, select "Additional" - "Escape" mode in the main menu of the game, select the save you need - you're done! A great way to test your prison and a friend's prison!

From the author:
In this guide, I intentionally did not go into details about logical bridges, sensors and other nuances, since the guide is most of all addressed to beginners. This is my first article and if you find errors or shortcomings, write in a personal message, and also leave your questions in the comments if something is not clear. Thank you for watching.

List of changes in Prison Architect Alpha 13b:

Fixed: Critical bug with system deployment resulting in inability to split the map into sectors. This caused a problem with finding paths in the prison.

Fixed: Penalties exceeded five hours no matter what you set in the policy screen.

Fixed: Patrol positions are not saved properly.

Fixed: A bug in the laundry system that prevented prisoners from wearing clean uniforms.

There is currently a tooltip on the patrols screen to make it clearer.

Prison Architect Alpha 13 Changelog:

escape tunnels

Prisoners can now dig escape tunnels. They do it when we think they will sleep.
- They will start digging from the toilet towards freedom avoiding the walls of buildings as soon as possible.
- They will usually dig along the water pipes, as this makes their job easier.
- They need a tool to dig. They find it somewhere in the prison and keep the tool in their cell.
- A search of the prisoner and his cell will immediately open a view to us on his tunnel.
- Prisoners are motivated to dig tunnels if the prison is dangerous to their lives (dangerous prison and non-violent inmate (not translated)) or if they really want to be free (need appears if the prisoner has spent a long time in the cell)

New Material: Perimeter Wall
This is an expensive, new type of wall designed to prevent undermining - the walls are very deep and high. Prisoners will dig next to it and look for a way to escape (a hole, a simple wall, etc.), but it will take a very long time.
Note: You will not be able to build pipes and wires through these walls.

Policy report(not translated)

Now you can assign punishments to prisoners if they fought, tried to escape, destroyed things, etc.
- This ability is unlocked in the bureaucracy with the help of the Chief of Police, and gives you the "Policy" tab of the report.
- You can also arrange for a prisoner and/or cell to be searched when a violation occurs.
- For example, a prisoner was caught with an escape tool, and you can set up an automatic search of his cell.


Previously, the guards walked along any path for patrol, but did not leave their sector. AT new system you must manually assign guards to the patrol lane by clicking on the corresponding patrol box.
- The immediate advantage is that you can specify exactly which guards should walk this path. Patrols can now pass through many sectors.

Requirements system development completed
- Prisoners now have a need for the environment.
- Prisoners now have a Privacy option. That is, they need to spend time alone in their cell.
- Doors to chambers, junction chamber and isolator no longer have the "Always open" option.
- Distribution chambers and chambers must now be mandatory "Closed", that is, surrounded by walls and have a door.
- You can now perform various types of prisoner searches:
1) Search of the prisoner
2) Camera search
3) Search of all prisoners and their cells
- The highlighting of the necessary things for your prison has been disabled, because it does not work very well.
- The Steam Workshop window is now faster.
Fixed: Source trash and supplies areas.

Unfortunately, there are flaws in games: brakes, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not very errors. Often problems begin before the game even starts, when it won't install, won't load, or won't even download. Yes, and the computer itself is sometimes weird, and then in Prison Architect, instead of a picture, a black screen, control does not work, no sound is heard, or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download from a direct link) is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install the program WinOptimizer(download from a direct link) and turn on the game mode in it, which will end useless background processes during game launch and increase performance in the game.

The second thing to do if you encounter any problems with Prison Architect is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this even before the purchase, so as not to regret the money spent.

Prison Architect minimum system requirements:

Windows XP, Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 100 Mb HDD, Nvidia 8600 128 Mb

Every gamer should at least have a little understanding of the components, to know why a video card, processor and other things are needed in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

It's worth starting with the drivers for the video card. Modern graphic cards manufactured by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product spins the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the package of fresh drivers:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of Prison Architect is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to download quickly and easily latest versions drivers and install them with one click:

If Prison Architect does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or put the game in antivirus exclusions, and also check again for compliance system requirements and if something from your assembly does not match, then, if possible, improve your PC by purchasing more powerful components.

Prison Architect has black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be roughly divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they are often associated with the use of two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has an integrated video card, but you are playing on a discrete one, then Prison Architect can be launched for the first time on the built-in one, while you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens happen when there are problems with displaying the image on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, Prison Architect cannot work through an outdated driver or does not support a video card. Also black/ White screen may be displayed when running at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Prison Architect crashes. At a certain or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and here - bam! - everything goes out, and now you have a desktop without any hint of the game. Why is this happening? To solve the problem, it is worth trying to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If the flight takes place in random moment time without any regularity, then with a probability of 99% we can say that this is a mistake of the game itself. In this case, fixing something is very difficult, and it's best to just put Prison Architect aside and wait for a patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download the Prison Architect save and bypass the departure point.

Prison Architect freezes. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is about the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather, to the developer's mistake when creating it. However, a frozen picture can often become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in Prison Architect freezes, then use the programs to display statistics on the loading of components. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the loading and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If desired, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the Prison Architect picture.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards, they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. The processors are slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use the driver or the official utility from the manufacturer. You need to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and see if the operating temperature drops.

Prison Architect slows down. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

With stutters and low frame rates in Prison Architect, the first step is to lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are a lot of them, so before reducing everything in a row, you should find out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the picture of the game. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is negligible, so reducing the screen resolution should only be the last resort, when everything else does not help.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of texture files. Decrease the quality of textures if the video card has a small amount of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old hard drive with a spindle speed of less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just details). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power of the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means that this parameter should be reduced on video cards with a low core or memory frequency.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. In order to optimize, developers often abandon the full rendering and add a pre-render of shadows to the game. They are static, because in fact they are just textures that are superimposed on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the core of the video card.

Often, developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - determines how detailed the shadow cast by the object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, then it loads the core of the video card, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out bumps on the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. It allows you to get rid of ugly corners at the edges of objects by using a special algorithm, the essence of which is usually to generate several images at once and compare them, calculating the most “smooth” image. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms that differ in their level of impact on the performance of Prison Architect.

For example, MSAA works head-on, creating 2, 4, or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4, or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms such as FXAA and TAA operate a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Because of this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As in the case of anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. All of them use the resources of the video card, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on the “green” ones. HDAO, on the other hand, is optimized for AMD graphics cards. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it consumes the least resources, so in case of brakes in Prison Architect it is worth switching to it.

What should be lowered first? Shadows, anti-aliasing, and lighting effects are usually the most stressful, so it's best to start with them.

Often gamers themselves have to deal with the optimization of Prison Architect. For almost all major releases, there are various related and forums where users share their ways to improve productivity.

One of them is a special program called WinOptimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean up the computer from various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. WinOptimizer will do this for you, as well as analyze your computer to find ways to improve application and game performance.

Prison Architect lags. Big game delay. Solution

Many people confuse "lag" with "lag", but these problems have completely different causes. Prison Architect slows down when the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay when accessing the server or any other host is too high.

That is why "lags" can only be in network games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter is the least common. In online games, communication between the client and the server occurs by exchanging relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough for the eyes.

There is no sound in Prison Architect. I can not hear anything. Solution

Prison Architect works, but for some reason does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like that, but it's still better to figure out what's the matter.

First you need to determine the scope of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or in general on the computer? If only in the game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the matter is definitely in the computer settings. The drivers might not be installed correctly sound card, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error of our favorite Windows OS.

Controls do not work in Prison Architect. Prison Architect does not see the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? The problems of supporting specific devices are irrelevant here, because we are talking about familiar devices - keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded, almost always the problem is on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to turn to the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice, and gamepads are not compatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find exactly its driver. Often, devices from well-known gaming brands come with their own software kits, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all the functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to look for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, so you only need to wait for the scan results and download the necessary drivers in the program interface.

Quite often, the brakes in Prison Architect can be caused by viruses. In this case, there is no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can check your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32 . The antivirus has proven itself from the best side and has received the approval of millions of users around the world.

Suitable for both personal use and small businesses, ZoneAlarm is able to protect your computer with operating system Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attacks: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats. New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to the development of security. Versions of anti-virus programs for both PC and mobile devices are available on the developer's website, a 30-day trial version is provided. There are special conditions for business.

Prison Architect downloaded from torrent does not work. Solution

If the distribution kit of the game was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of work. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the course of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to check the license.

Using such versions of games is not only inconvenient, but even dangerous, because very often many files have been changed in them. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify an EXE file. However, no one knows what else they do with it. Maybe they embed self-executing software. For example, which, when the game is first launched, will be integrated into the system and will use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees and there cannot be.

In addition, the use pirated versions- this, according to our publication, theft. The developers have spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their offspring will pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if you encounter any problems with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using certain means, you should immediately remove the "pirate", clean your computer with an antivirus and licensed copy games. This will not only save you from dubious software, but also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

Prison Architect throws an error about missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs arise when Prison Architect is launched, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent manner.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is with a program. DLL fixer, which scans the system and helps you quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific, or if the method described in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our "" section. They will promptly help you!

We thank you for your attention!