Chess is a stalemate. A hopeless, difficult life situation - how to find a way out of an impasse. "Always Alive" is not protected

What stalemate situation?

    Term A stalemate arose in the game of chess. This means that the king cannot make a move, and other pieces are either blocked or killed. This situation is not so rare in life when we are unable to do anything, and immediately remember this statement.

    This is the terminology chess games, however, such a situation happens quite rarely, as they say, when the king is not in check, but nevertheless there is no possibility of a move, and the player's only way out of this situation is to surrender to the enemy.

    This is a chess concept. A stalemate is when circumstances are such that there is no way out. In chess, a stalemate means that the king is blocked, he does not have a single move, the only way out is to surrender.

    A hopeless situation, when all the actions taken turn out to be completely ineffective and useless, is often called stalematequot ;. This definition comes from chess term stalemate;, which means the end of the game in a draw - a couple of steps back and forth can be done endlessly, but there will be no winner.

    The concept of a stalemate came to us from the game of chess. In chess, a draw situation is called a stalemate, when the losing side needs to make the same move to keep the draw, or rather alternate a couple of moves back and forth.

    In life, a stalemate can be, for example, mutual blackmail. When both of them know a lot about each other, and one of them starts blackmailing the other, the other one says that if the other one tells something about him, then he will also tell everything about the other.

    This is in chess - a situation in which the game can continue indefinitely! A stalemate is a generally hopeless situation, in chess it means a draw. A chess player cannot move a single piece and the main piece, the king, is not in check.

    This term came into everyday use from the game of chess. In chess it's not that bad, it's a draw. But in life situations, a stalemate is a dead end, and from which there is no turning back. Of the well-known stories, the hero of the fairy tale The Snow Queen — Kai. He collected the word Eternityquot ; from ice floes, and if not for Gerda, it would never have ended. Stirlitz often found himself in stalemate situations, but the screenwriter's happy pen threw him a salutary change in the plot. There are many other examples as well. What unites them is that in these conditions, this person can no longer do anything. We need a third force.

    A stalemate is a situation in chess in which a player cannot make a single move with either pawns or other pieces and the king is not in check. In a stalemate, the game comes to a standstill and can mean a draw.

    The expression is taken from a chess game. A very interesting situation arises when, with the advantage of one of the parties, a draw is obtained, due to the fact that the king, who has lost his entire retinue, stands on a safe cell and his move, but he cannot leave the shelter: there is a threat to life everywhere. A stalemate is created on the board by the inability to foresee it.

    The opponent has taken refuge in safety and does not climb out, because he will immediately receive what he deserves. Very common in real life.

Any chess player knows: a stalemate is when the situation has reached a dead end and no actions can bring it out of the dead end. (PAT - translation without any solution, hopeless (stalemate). | Explanatory dictionary).

Two wars are now going on in the world, riveting everyone's attention - in Israel and in Ukraine. And although these wars are completely different - in one the Arabs are fighting the Jews, and in the second the Slavs are killing the Slavs - they have one thing in common: both of these wars have reached a dead end, ended up in a stalemate ...

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. It is better to visit the place than to read contradictory materials of deliberately biased (if not naive) journalists of various media.

I have been to Israel twice. Once fluently, but the second time I traveled all over the country, one might say, far and wide. It was then that it became completely clear to me that there was no solution to the Palestinian-Israeli problem. Pat. Unless, of course, we do not consider the “solution” to be the complete destruction of one of the parties ...

Our guide on our trip to Israel was a Jew who had emigrated from Russia ten years earlier. Of course, he in every possible way justified the very fact of the creation of the state of Israel and all its subsequent policies. But he did it somehow uncertainly, often looking down…

I have the most disgusting impressions of Israel (except for the impressions of historical monuments). As it turned out on the spot, the Gaza Strip is far from the only reservation on the territory of Israel: Jews created several such reservations, surrounded by barbed wire with military checkpoints, where the Arab population was driven. It is very difficult for the Arab population to leave these reservations. For example, to visit their relatives in other countries, Palestinians must use only an airplane, and even then not directly, but through the UAE. Naturally, such “pleasures” are simply beyond the reach of the majority of the impoverished Palestinian population. Well, why is this not a concentration camp for Palestinians? But these concentration camps were created by Jews, who not so long ago, by historical standards, themselves massively suffered from German concentration camps ...

In the last two weeks alone, the Israelis have exterminated about 1,500 Palestinians, the overwhelming majority of them civilians. And after all, it is the Jews who are still crying about their Holocaust all over the world! But the Arabs will also never forgive the Jews for this many years of Palestinian "holocaust"...

Yes, Palestinian militants regularly shoot at Jews. And they will fire to the last Palestinian who knows how to hold a weapon in his hands. Because the fact remains: the Jews, with the help of the world's most sophisticated provocateurs - the British, brazenly climbed into FOREIGN territory, seized it by force, unceremoniously drove the indigenous population from it, which they methodically destroyed and continue to destroy to this day.

Like it or not, but by the middle of the twentieth century, the geopolitical map of the world took shape exactly as it did. And any territorial claims inevitably led to bloodshed. The fact that two thousand years ago the Jews in the territory of present-day Palestine had their own "kingdom" and therefore it needs to be restored sounds incredibly stupid in modern world. Does anyone ever have what? After all, there were Byzantine and Roman empires, there was Kievan Rus, etc. It was, yes it was overgrown.

It also sounds stupid that the Jews did not have their own state before Israel, and therefore it was necessary to create it. Neither the Kurds, nor the Gypsies, and many others have it. Yes, this is a historical injustice, but, alas, it can no longer be corrected without infringing on the interests of other peoples.

The creation of Israel on foreign territory was a mistake (or rather, as already mentioned, a deliberate provocation by the British) and this must finally be recognized. Therefore, Israel has no future. And this is clear to anyone who, like me, has been to Israel in detail. Hatred and danger are just in the air there, you feel them with all your senses. The Arab world will never put up with the occupation regime called "Israel" on its territory, and the Arabs and Jews will beat each other to the last fighter. Pat.

I have also been to Ukraine many times. In the western regions adjacent to Poland, there has always been a rejection, to put it mildly, of everything Russian. But in the eastern regions, in Odessa, there has always been a feeling that you are at home, that you are among your own. These parts of Ukraine were contrastingly different, artificially and forcibly united. And such a contradiction could not fail to come out sooner or later - so it got out. An abscess that has been ripening for decades has now burst, its pus has flowed ... But, instead of coming out and bringing relief, this pus has spread inside, provoking a general infection of the blood and the inevitable lethality of the body called the “state of Ukraine”.

Now the situation in Ukraine has reached a stalemate. The Pindos, of course, will not let their happily seized prey out of their teeth for any price: using their puppets, Maidan crests, they quietly got to the very, that neither is, the southern "underbelly" of Russia. From here it will be much easier for them to bite their long-term enemy, Russia, than ever before. Of course, they will not allow their proteges, Timoshenkos, to go to any negotiations on federations-autonomies of the primordially Russian eastern territories of Ukraine. It is clear.

On the other hand, Russia cannot allow the eastern lands of Ukraine, which are friendly to it, populated mainly by Russian-speaking people, to be forcibly “Americanized”. Otherwise, Russia will suffer enormous damage, both in terms of the economy and geopolitics, and in terms of international prestige ... And, therefore, the warring militia will continue to receive material and personnel support from Russia. The solution to this problem, alas, is also not visible, except, of course, for the “solution” of the third world war. Pat.

Why are such stalemate situations not uncommon in today's world? Yes, simply because there is no single world "judge", a powerful international organization that could fairly resolve such controversial issues, could forcibly "pacify" the raging aggressors, could not allow such stalemate situations.

What, for example, do reasonable people around, if they see a bloody fight not for life, but for death of two angry men? Of course, they immediately take them apart. And it doesn't matter which of the fighting is right and who is to blame. First, you need to separate the fighting madmen so that they do not kill each other, and only then wisely and legally sort out their problem.

The United Nations was originally supposed to be such a “pulling away” body. But ... did not justify these hopes. The recent UN is a completely discredited organization. Moreover, it clearly serves primarily the interests of the United States. The world was convinced of this by many examples: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and other countries in whose conflicts the UN showed itself either indifferently or even destructively.

We need a new world organization operating on carefully designed laws that are common to all countries. First of all, such an international organization must legally categorically prohibit the violent geopolitical redivision of the world: practically all countries have territorial claims, and the presentation of such claims inevitably leads to military conflicts. But peaceful solution We have repeatedly observed such problems in the examples of the voluntary disintegration of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the separation of the Baltic countries and other former Soviet republics from the USSR, the reunification of East and West Germany, the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, and some other examples.

Such issues, of course, should be resolved exclusively through referendums held among the population living in the territory in question and under the closest control. international observers. And the decisions of such referendums should be binding on all parties.

Likewise, any coup d'état, any violent overthrow of governments, should be prohibited. The change of power should be carried out only by re-elections, which again should be initiated by nationwide referendums, the procedure of which should be legally prescribed and really accessible to the population dissatisfied with the authorities.

Violators of all these international laws should be punished very severely - from global sanctions (which for some reason are now being used only against Russia) to the direct use of military force by the international peacekeeping contingent.

And the Earth is round... And twice two equals four... After all, what I write above is just as indisputable, just as clear to any reasonable person. And yet, nothing like this happens in the world, nothing in the world changes for the better. Instead of all this, the world is mired in more and more new wars, more and more stalemate situations are created, sometimes threatening even the very existence of mankind (let's not forget about the presence of a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons capable of blowing our unfortunate planet to dust several times).

Sometimes whales are thrown ashore in whole flocks and die. Science still cannot explain this phenomenon of self-destruction of whales. The human brain is disproportionately higher and more developed than that of whales - since it was this brain that managed to invent spaceships, submarines, computers and other complicated things. But can't this ingenious human brain be able to protect itself from the inevitable self-destruction given such unreasonable geopolitical behavior? Pat...

Fans of chess games are well aware that the result of the rivalry can be not only the well-known but also another, much more ambiguous result, which is called "stalemate". This is such a position in a chess game when the king is not in check, but at the same time there is no possibility of steps for the pieces. and from some time means a draw in the classical chess game.

Why are there no winners and losers?

How does a stalemate occur in chess? As a result of previous moves (in particular, the move made by the opposite player), the player who has the right to move cannot use this opportunity, since there are no options for moving pieces that do not violate the rules of the game. At the same time, the king is not in check, which means that no one wins. As a result, a hopeless situation arises, there are no losers and winners, but there are no moves either.

This situation was resolved and designated in the 19th century as a draw, which is quite fair. It is this interpretation of the stalemate that is enshrined in the World Code of Chess Rules (FIDE). However, earlier in different countries of the world other options for interpreting the deadlock that had arisen were proposed. Let's consider some of them.

When did a stalemate not equate to a draw?

So, for example, in the Middle Ages in many European countries, as well as in the Middle East, the winner was the one who made last move in a chess game. In the 15th-18th centuries in Spain, this situation also brought victory to the last player who looked like it, but its price was lower than the classic win. As a result, the winner received not all, but only half of the legal prize.

There were, however, other interpretations of this outcome of the game. The player who put up a stalemate (that is, created a stalemate) was considered a loser. These rules were in force in the 9th century in India, in the 17th century in Russia, and in England they were applied until the 18th century.

The parties were announced in Italy and France, and from the 19th century became the generally accepted rule around the world.

"Our whole life is a game", or On stalemate situations outside the playing field

However, it is not only in chess that the term "stalemate" is used. This is a fairly common expression today, applicable to various life situations. It can be used in a variety of areas of life, from love/family relationships to politics and economics.

Here are some typical examples when a stalemate occurs in life.

Pat in personal life

What does a stalemate in the family mean? Often there are cases when, in the course of living together, relationships come to a standstill. However, to come to some kind of solution, to find a way out of it does not work. For example, a classic story: a housewife takes care of the house and raises children, the husband drinks, but brings money to the family. Their relationship has long been based only on children, but they cannot part either, because children need both a father and a mother, and the woman herself cannot provide for the family. On the other hand, the offspring grows up and constantly watches the unhappy mother. Is it worse to divorce or continue to "artificially support family life"? Often in such cases, women feel the hopelessness of their situation, but they cannot solve anything. On the face of a stalemate, but with a strong desire, it can be resolved.

There are also less tragic examples of such situations. The simplest - two young men are looking after the girl. One is promising, promising and stable. She is in love with another, but she is not sure of his constancy, and even the possibilities to achieve success. What to choose - confidence and comfort or love with obstacles? Here is a stalemate for you. This is the inability to make a choice (move).

Stalemate in the economy

Another example is from the field of economics. Disproportion in the Russian venture capital market by sectors and the ratio of free money and real investments. Most of the investors' funds are invested in fast-payback Internet projects (up to 70%), which do not have much potential in the long run. At the same time, biotechnology/pharmaceuticals, the most attractive in terms of importance and growth rates, receive only 15% of the available investments in the market, while other segments account for even less available money. At the same time, there is a shortage of worthwhile projects and companies in which funds could be effectively invested. As a result, a stalemate arises - this is an overabundance of free Money along with a lack of projects to invest.

Stalemate in the political arena

Often this term is used in relation to various political events. So, for example, it was with the rally in and the situation that arose in Ukraine. Particularly noteworthy was the situation on the Maidan. The protest actions, which began with support for European integration, grew into a mass movement as a result of beating protesters by the police. The movement began to grow in scale due to the growth of the discontented (which is not surprising). But it was already impossible to turn back and leave, otherwise it would have been a defeat and in the future one would have to "hide from the police in any peaceful situation" (according to sociologist Andrei Bychenko). However, the authorities could not simply take and send Zakharchenko to resign, and start criminal cases against the Berkut fighters (who beat the students). So the confrontation continued, which led to numerous deaths and gave rise to what we have on this moment. The situation is a stalemate, but it was possible to get out of it with less losses with competent and deliberate behavior on the part of the authorities.

Conclusion: do not create stalemate situations

There are many examples when a dead end occurs in a game or in life. And if in chess this is just a draw, then a stalemate in life can turn into a much sadder, and sometimes even dangerous outcome. In personal life, a sense of hopelessness can gradually develop into a prolonged depression, in the economy - lead to loss of financial resources and imbalances in a particular market, in politics - to confrontation between the people and the authorities, to a decrease in the authority of the government, as well as numerous victims (as it times happened not only in Ukraine, but also in many other countries).

Therefore, it is so important to always have a choice and not allow a stalemate to arise, when there is no way out, and it is impossible to continue the "game".

I have a close family. My friend, her daughter, my goddaughter, and her common-law husband, as they say now.
My business lady friend. She has always been like that, from the 1st grade of the school - an excellent student, smart girl, rules and order in everything. A school with a gold medal, a university with a red diploma, the head of the production of the largest Moscow restaurant, then a co-owner, now the hostess.
Daughter in her)) Katyusha was an example for all our children - from the 1st grade she is independent, neat, an excellent student, a smart girl. A school with a gold medal, a top university, now the last year. Mom has never been to school or university, she has never seen a single problem from her daughter.
The girl is really very good and morally, kind, sweet, polite, but so ..... gentle. Mother always worked, always emphasized that she does everything for her daughter, but. But. The daughter loves the mother, is proud and equals, as a leader, a person, but there is no warm relationship. Too my girlfriend too..... very much too. Ideal.
This is all I mean, that this topic should be hidden from the mother. And it's hard to hide.
Now history. A year ago, Katyusha, getting off the subway train, stumbled, slipped, twisted her leg, the heel broke ..... and then HE is the subway driver))))) grabbed his arm, took him to the first-aid post, nailed his heel, helped him up the street, caught a taxi) ))))))))
They began to meet))) a boy from the periphery, neither a stake nor a yard, from a very large family, fulfilled his childhood dream - to be a machinist in the Moscow metro.
It is very clear that Katyusha loves. The truth is, she loves her very much, you can see it. In every word about her, in general in everything.
He turned to me as a doctor. I asked a colleague to examine him as a first approximation, BUT but.
He knew that he had suffered a disease in childhood, a cat. significant impact on the ability to have children. Found out that it is here, by the way, nothing to do with it.
BUT the boy is completely sterile. We will finish the protocol, of course. It is already clear that all 3 samples are completely empty. If there would be at least one suffocation .... but it is not.
His disease has nothing to do with it, it is an intrauterine disorder. Sexual function is completely preserved.
Now actually what to do?
I found out it was illegal. The lead doctor does not have the right to disclose information. I got into someone else's computer. This information is not publicly available to the clinic.
What should I do with this knowledge?
Talk to a colleague? She will report the results of the pretreatment to the patient, conduct a complete protocol, cat. there will be 100% infertility, male factor. She has no right to inform even her wife (and the girl is not a wife).
Click on the boy to tell Katyusha himself? She’s just a child, she won’t believe it ..... Or is she not a child? It's still 23...
Tell the girl to me? I have no right.
Tell a friend? There will be Armageddon ....... The boy will be sent to Siberia ...... Katyusha will push through that finally there is an excellent reason to get rid of the "filthy limits".
Me as in ancient Greece) for the bad news ...... I'm joking of course, to myself then ....

But he won’t leave it like that, it’s a tank then.
Yes, I don’t like this “union” either, the boy will obviously live on the money of his wife and mother-in-law, as much as they are used to spending, he will never earn. Both the apartment and the country house and cars are mother-in-law.
It will never work for its own level.
I need advice, tomorrow I have the same shift with the lead doctor.

Author LIS-ELIS asked a question in Society, Politics, Media

What is a stalemate "situation"? and got the best answer

Answer from Steyaz[guru]
A stalemate is a situation in chess when it is impossible to move a single piece, while the king is not in check. It means a draw (since the 19th century), and in some rule systems it means a loss or a win for the side that has fallen into such a situation.
Stalemate - a hopeless situation

Answer from Maksr[guru]
when the king has nowhere to go and there is no shah

Answer from Colt.45[guru]
in chess the situation is a draw.

Answer from Nadezhda Voronina[guru]
A "stalemate" situation is more correct ... when there is no one out .. and nothing can be done ..

Answer from past[guru]
if in chess - then a situation in which the game can either continue indefinitely (two kings are left and that's all), or a situation in which one of the players cannot make any move (the king cannot be placed under shif, and there are no other moves left)

Answer from Victoria[guru]
any move of the king or retinue and it's over, but there is no check - a draw

Answer from Dima Vilga[guru]
when there is no move in the game of chess and chess, but the game is not lost, since there is no checkmate.

Answer from Ѐonald Stroev[guru]
Agree with previous respondents.

Answer from Ўliya Elkova[newbie]
Dear Colleagues, A stalemate in chess when the king!! It's for him!! there is nowhere to go, because HE (the king) is under attack (check) by the opponent's piece. And the game ends in defeat.
In life, a stalemate means that no matter what path you take, no matter what you do, you will fail for whatever reason.
From folklore, we can recall the painting "The Knight at the Crossroads". Where it is indicated on the stone: if you go to the left, you will die from an arrow; if you go to the right, you will die from a spear; If you go straight, you will die by the sword. The roads are different, but the result is the same - death. Here Vityaz stands and thinks where to go.
A synonym for stalemate is hopelessness

Answer from Yotanislav Osychnyuk[expert]
"Yuliya Elkova Student (121) 1 month ago
Dear Colleagues, A stalemate in chess when the king!! It's for him!! there is nowhere to go, because HE (the king) is under attack (check) by the opponent's piece. And the game ends in defeat. "
What kind of nonsense?)) According to this logic, at the beginning of the game there is already a stalemate)) by the way, a stalemate is a draw, not a defeat.
A stalemate is when yours is hot, but there is nothing to move, for example, the pawns rested against the enemy, there are no pieces, and any move of the king is "in check". Pat and draw.
But "The roads are different, but the result is the same - death" is more like zugzwang