Space rangers race. Space Rangers. Keys common to all modes

Who's favorite race?

What race played the game for the first time?

Why did you choose this race?


The Maloks are large, powerfully built humanoids, adherents of the cult of strength, and are the most technologically backward civilization in the Commonwealth.


Pelengir - the race of bearings refers to the species of amphibians that are commonly referred to as leprasses. Bearings are pirates, saboteurs and provocateurs. Although formally they are members of the Galactic Commonwealth, in fact, the Bearings do not have strong economic ties or diplomatic relations with other races.


People, I think, do not need to be described.


The Faeyane are a race of hermaphrodite humanoids with large brains and compound eyes. These are sedentary, physically weak creatures, most of whose activity is aimed at mental activity. The Faeyan race is distinguished by the highest level natural mental abilities. These are philosophers, researchers and innovators who cultivate their own technocratic culture and their own original vision of the universe.


Gaalians (children of Gaal) are humanoids that have been modifying their biological form for thousands of years by genetic modification of embryos. At the moment, the Gaalians are the most highly developed race.

Developer: Elemental Games
Publisher: Firm "1C"

System requirements


Pentium II 233 MHz
High Color (16 bit) video card supporting 800x600 resolution and compatible with DirectX 7.0

300 MB free disk space


Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP or Windows 2000
Pentium III 733GHz
High Color (16 bit) video card supporting 1024x768 resolution and compatible with DirectX 7.0
Sound card compatible with DirectX 7.0
700 MB free disk space

Introduction. Peculiarities

"Space Rangers" - a new space-themed computer game from the Russian developer company Elemental Games, is a rather interesting mixture of several popular genres at once. Here you have role-playing and adventure elements, a bit of tactics and strategy, and to top it all off - a few purely arcade moments. Games like this one are extremely rare, and the uniqueness of its concept alone cannot but arouse interest.

In the game, we have to take on the role of one of the space rangers, an adventurer who, for the sake of money, fame, or other goals, went to conquer outer space. In our subordination there will be one (and sometimes several) spaceships, and we will have to fly through space and hyperspace between different systems, galaxies, visit different planets, trade, fight with other rangers, solve puzzles and more. The global goal of the game is to destroy the main, mother ship of the hostile Klissans race, as well as to neutralize the leader of the hyperspace pirates, Rachekhan.

In order to have a place to turn around for our wide ranger soul, the authors created a huge world that lives and develops on its own. It is divided into eight sectors, which consist of more than fifty star systems, numbering over two hundred planets and other space objects. Among these planets we will have to travel, interact with various objects and characters. Most of the planets have individual appearance and design, as well as characteristics. In addition to the usual outer space, hyperspace will be available to us, through which intergalactic jumps will be carried out. There are also many important objects in hyperspace. The main principle of the game is to earn money (through trade, piracy, completing quests, etc.), improve the characteristics of the ship and then destroy the main opponents. Everything is pretty simple.

The main action of the game takes place in turn-based mode. That is, we will have to give orders to our ship and then press the end of the move button, after which the world "comes to life" and the orders begin to be executed. Together with our ship, other ships and planets will move along the planned courses. Often you will have to participate in space battles. Some of the battles in the game will take place in turn-based mode, and some - in arcade mode. In this case, you yourself will have to control the ship and fight enemies using the keyboard.

Technically, the game is implemented, albeit not too impressive, but quite attractive. The two-dimensional engine does not look too archaic, there are quite a few interesting graphic solutions, and the space landscapes and illustrations for text quests created by the game's artists look very cool. Separately, you can praise the musical themes. In a word, with the exception of some nuances, we have an excellent game that continues the traditions of the long-standing Star Control, and in the absence of worthy adventure games on a space theme, the game is simply doomed to success. So hurry up to enroll in the ranks of the space rangers.


The game takes place in the distant thirtieth millennium. It is not clear why this figure was so attractive to the scriptwriters of the game (and to many other science fiction writers), but we start the game exactly in the year 3000. By this time, humanity is already traveling through the galaxies with might and main, has established contacts with alien races (there are four of them in the game) and is waging war already at the cosmic level. Relations between the five races are not going quite smoothly (in the game you yourself will have to be involved in many interplanetary intrigues), but, nevertheless, for their own preservation, all races found a common language and united to defeat a common enemy.

At the general Galactic Council, people, Maloks, Pelengs, Faeyans and Gaalians gather, make decisions and implement a global defense plan against the sixth warlike race - the Klisans, who suddenly appeared from unexplored regions of the galaxy. At the beginning of the game, no contacts were established with the Kleesans, so it is not clear why they came, what they are looking for and why they systematically conquer peaceful star systems. The coalition of five races had nothing left to do but to start a bloody and protracted war against the uninvited guests, and at the same time to develop a device that would be able to decode their signals in order to establish verbal contact with their mother ship. When the actions of the Kleesans, who won one victory after another, became too threatening, and there was a real threat of their conquest of other races, the Galactic Council decided to allow lone adventurers to fight against the Kleesans. The government figured that independent volunteers could single-handedly destroy the Kleesans' main ship Mahpella faster, and there would be no need to increase the cost of maintaining the army, because the volunteers equipped themselves. Thus, space turned into a huge military republic, and rangers appeared, who, following the example of cowboys in the Wild West, began to wage an almost guerrilla war against the Kleesans, pirating along the way and chasing easy money.

The character that the player controls is just one of these rangers. So we, among many other volunteers, a total of more than forty (they are controlled by a computer), will have to survive and win in this cruel world, trying to reach career heights and become the first ranger in the ranking. At our disposal we will get a simple spaceship with a minimum set of equipment, a map of a part of the galaxy, permission to conduct military or trade operations, and ten thousand credits insurance that will be sent to the family if their son turns into a pile of space debris. Then turn around as best you can. All expanses are open to us... Trading activity, that is, transportation of goods between planets and playing on the difference in prices, piracy - that is, extortion of money and cargo from vulnerable merchants, or their complete destruction. War with the Klisans for military rank and honor, or the fulfillment of orders from the governments of various planets for hard cash. It is noteworthy that in the game the player's freedom of action is brought to the limit (while the developers managed to maintain a balance), since there is no plot development at all. Right at the very beginning of the game, you can fly and destroy the main bases of the Kleesans and pirates. Another thing is whether the player has enough strength and power for this ... So, the accumulation of these forces is the main time of the game. For some, such a simple system may seem boring, but in fact, this simplicity is very exciting and it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the game, as it contains a lot of interesting features and nuances.

The developer managed to create an organic world that lives and develops dynamically in accordance with the actions of the player, which in turn is also constantly in a very close relationship with the outside world. Almost any action the player makes will have its own resonance in the world around him and will be judged from the point of view of other rangers, as well as planetary governments. As mentioned above, the game does not storyline, but there are a number of local events that will happen to your hero throughout the game, and these events will occur depending on your actions. All other characters that are part of the vast world live an independent and at the same time closely connected life with your character. Pirates robbing honest merchants may start robbing you if you are weak, or, on the contrary, ask for help if you are a reputable space filibuster. Warships protecting their systems will seek to kill you if you are wanted in a given sector of the galaxy, or protect you if their command respects you. Merchants will bypass you if a pirate flag flies over your ship, or tell you where to buy what goods cheaper if you have always treated merchants with respect. And so on. A lively spirit, a spirit of employment, a spirit of competition hovers in this airless space. Everyone is striving somewhere, scurrying about their business, achieving something.

It seems that increasing your wealth in loans, rank or position in the ranking is not an empty phrase, this increase has never been felt so clearly.

You can complete the game (that is, neutralize Mahpella and Rachekhan) in several ways, so at the very end of the game we will have several different endings. After all, you can simply destroy the main Klissan ship, or you can act more humanely and wait for the invention of the Mental Communicator to make contact with Machpella to find out the reason for the Klissan invasion and their attacks on our systems. The same with Rachekhan: you can kill him, or you can set the formidable pirate free. As usual, the fate of the universe is in our hands, and we decide what to do with it. Let's now look at some features of the game world.


In total, the game features six different races: people, Maloks, Pelengs, Fayans, Gaalians and Klisans. We will have to closely communicate with all of them during the passage, so let's look at the nature and characteristics of each race in more detail. First, a few general considerations. The people who are in the middle of this list are average in the game. That is, they are in the middle between two poles: warlike and rude Maloks and wise and humane Gaalians. From this one can easily draw general conclusions about the character and preferences of each of the races.


Maloks are large, strong, dim-witted and rude humanoids. The most important thing for them is physical strength and strength of mind. They respect it in other races, they show it in solving almost all issues. The brute strength of simple weapons and the strength of power are the main priorities of the Maloka civilization. Due to their contempt for mental activity, their development compared to other races has not gone very far. They consider the military as the most priority industry, therefore the economy of their planets is focused on the production of as many weapons as possible, which allowed them to create a fairly strong space fleet. Their development is largely due to the fact that the physical strength and endurance provide the Malokam with high viability and reproduction in the most unfavorable environments. The Maloki absolutely do not accept art, so the importation of all types of luxury and products of cultural and intellectual activity to their planets is prohibited and is considered smuggling (the same rule applies to drugs and alcohol). In their opinion, all this rubbish leads only to freethinking, which the Maloks consider the main threat to stability. But their simple and rough products (even stools) sell very well on the planets of art connoisseurs, which is extremely surprising to the narrow-minded giants. Your character will be respected by Maloki if you fight a lot, trade little and eat well. Most of the quests given by the governments of the Malok planets are related to the destruction of something or someone. The Maloki do not like weak Faeyans and wise Gaalians, and they are indifferent to people and bearings. This must be taken into account when choosing a player race.


The race of bearings are representatives of the species of amphibian gills, also called leprasses. This kind of creatures, equally well adapted for life, both in water and on land, prefers swamps to all the benefits of civilization. The best compliment for a Peleng woman would be to compare her with a piece of swamp mud. Bearings, sometimes contemptuously referred to as reptiles or simply frogs, are able to breathe almost any nitrogen mixture. Bearings prefer to live in swamps and eat everything that these swamps create - algae, acid plankton, and so on. What good can be expected from leprosy? Due to the fact that their technical development has not stepped too far, the bearings prefer to engage in piracy, sabotage, arrange various provocations and get involved in various intrigues. Despite the fact that they, along with other races, are members of the Galactic Commonwealth, they shamelessly rob, steal technology and carry out industrial espionage on the planets of their nearest neighbors, for which, however, they are often punished. All this compensates for the lack of both strong economic ties and diplomatic relations with other races, and sufficient own production capacities. The short-sighted nature of the bearing makes him look for direct and quick momentary benefits by any means. This principle is manifested in all the main political and economic maneuvers of the Peleng civilization. The Dzuhallag Peleng Spy Department is considered the best espionage and sabotage organization in the entire Galactic Commonwealth. Get their badge as a reward for completing a particularly difficult spy mission extremely honorable. But at the same time, the Pelengs dislike those who are smarter than them and treat all other races equally badly and suspiciously. In a word, they are quite difficult subjects to communicate, so outwitting any bearing is considered quite difficult. Everything is allowed to be imported to the Peleng planets. The Pelengs are very proud of this.


What is a person - "Homo sapiense" - is well known to everyone. As mentioned above, people are average among all five races. Average technological development, average weapon strength, average mental strength. Subtle psychological and diplomatic moves allow people to maintain equally good relations with all races, but at the same time, they especially single out the race of older brothers in mind - the Faeyan. Faeyans often helped people in technological plan, since the main successes people have achieved only in the economic sphere. Human merits include the emergence of a general galactic trading network, and the introduction of a common monetary unit - galactic credit, which is why the Maloki often call people traders. But this is not entirely true, as humanity became famous not only for trade. People managed to introduce a common time system, as well as the right to freely move around the galaxy of citizens of any race. It is traditionally forbidden to import drugs to human planets.


Feyans - personify the familiar image of those same big-eyed egg-headed aliens that are shown in popular science and feature films about UFOs. This race is characterized by extreme physical weakness, but at the same time, it boasts remarkable abilities in everything related to mental activity. This is explained by the fact that any feyanin can arbitrarily divide his consciousness, mental activity and vision into segments that function independently, which allows them to simultaneously observe, analyze and investigate several processes at once. This peculiarity of the organisms of the Faeyans served to ensure that technical progress and scientific thought gained unprecedented scope on their planets. When you visit a Faeian planet, you can always expect to be offered a variety of technical innovations. At the same time, these philosophers and researchers, who have their own original vision of the world, treat with reverence the most ancient humanoids of the galaxy - the Gaalians, while they condescendingly call people "younger brothers", and generally consider the Maloks to be thoughtless animals. Often the Faeyans are in conflict with the Pelengs, whose spies are constantly trying to steal the latest Faeyan technology. A caught spy will face severe punishment, so the relationship between the Faeyans and the Pelengs is constantly on the verge of conflict. In the galactic community and in the fight against the Kleesans, the Faeyans play a crucial role. On them lie all the research carried out in the framework of the joint exploration of space and the conduct of hostilities against the Kleesans. It was Faeyan scientists who created many types of weapons used by most ships of the coalition of weapons and studied many of the phenomena that formed the basis of modern movement in outer space. On their planets, the Faeyans are trying to eradicate the use of alcohol and drugs, so the import of these goods to their planets is prohibited. It is also forbidden to import weapons to the Faeyan planets.


The Gaalians (children of Gaal) are the oldest and wisest race in the galaxy and the Galactic Union, it is, so to speak, the key to its existence. For millennia, the Gaalians have been developing their physiological form through genetic modification of embryos, so that now their original, natural form has already been lost. The Galaalians, being, so to speak, the fathers of all other races, carry the most important function of responsibility for them and the preservation of the Galactic Union, therefore they promote constructivism and humanism in solving all issues. They use their most powerful military fleet only to neutralize impending conflicts and ensure peace and order in the Commonwealth, and they themselves never attack first. The Gaalians treat all other races equally well, although a little condescendingly, and without singling out someone in particular. The role of the father makes them believe that no matter how badly the other races behave, they are all carriers of positive tendencies, and those mistakes that sometimes happen are due to their youth and are a passing and easily remedied matter. Let them frolic, if anything, we will control it. Weapons and drugs are illegal on Gaalian planets.


We only know about the Klisans race that they are our main enemies, and the player in the process of passing will have to find out who they are and why they came to our world. All Klissan technologies are based on biochemical and genetic developments, that is, all their ships and weapons are living organisms or other biological substances. The Galactic Council is aware that they have a main mother ship called Machpella, and scientists are creating a special device "Mental Communicator", with which they expect to make contact with her, and finally find out the reason for the invasion. But so far, at the beginning of the game, no contacts have been established with either Makhpelooa or other Klissan ships: all Klisans rush into battle furiously, die silently and never ask for mercy. The "living" technology of the Kleesans is in no way inferior to the most advanced technologies of the coalition, and in some ways even surpasses them. The Commonwealth's policy to combat the Kleesans also includes studying the structure of their ships and other technologies, which is extremely difficult as they cannot be scanned. Therefore, the only source of materials for study is the wreckage of Kleesan ships, which can sometimes be picked up on the battlefield before they are destroyed by Mahpell's queen. Also of great scientific interest is a substance called protoplasm, which remains after the death of the Klisan ships.

Outer space and hyperspace

The world of "Rangers" consists of a huge outer space, divided into eight sectors. Each sector contains several star systems and constellations. Each star system consists of a star and several planets orbiting around it. Some planets are habitable and some are not. Habitable planets are inhabited by representatives of one of the five races, and when we land on a planet, we come into contact with the government of the planet, which consists of representatives of the inhabiting race. This is the physical structure of the universe.

The main action of the game will take place in star systems, that is, among a group of planets revolving around a single star. We can move freely in our spaceship through the star system in turn mode, land on any planets and make contact with other ships currently in this system. To do this, we just need to select the required action from the command panel (talk to the ship, attack, scan, etc.) or indicate the flight route (for example, a planet, or some other point in outer space), and then click the "End Turn" button. The selected orders will begin to be executed. The game has a rather convenient system of interaction with other spaceships. All ships can communicate with each other: plan a joint attack, extort money, ask for help, report profitable trade offers, hire a player, and so on. If the ship agrees to make contact with you, a dialogue window will open in which you can select the necessary replica with an offer. The pilot of the other ship will agree or refuse your offer. In the same way, communication with other rangers hired by you takes place. Through the communication mode, you give them orders where to move, whom to attack, and so on.

It is worth remembering that the part of the star system displayed on the mini-map is our radar reading. If the radar breaks, then you have to navigate blindly. To expand the "visibility zone" of the mini-map, you should use more powerful radars. Negotiations and other types of interaction with other ships and objects (except for attacks) are possible only within the radar coverage area.

In addition to interacting with other ships and flying to various points in a given star system, in open space you have access to information about your ship's systems, a ranger rating screen, and a star map. Movement between different star systems can only be done through hyperspace using galactic map navigation. On the galactic map, we must choose the star system to which we want to fly. The green circle around our current location symbolizes the zone within which we can move. The width of this zone depends on the type of the ship's engine (jump value in parsecs) and the amount of fuel in the tank. We can jump to any star system within the area shown. After giving the order to fly, the ship will move to the edge of the current star system and enter hyperspace.

Hyperspace usually consists of several clusters connected by transitions.

The autopilot plots a safe route through them, as some hyperspace clumps (as well as black holes) can be inhabited by Rachekhan pirates. If we do not want unexpected meetings, then we can trust the computer, and if we want to fight, then we should look into one of the clots (later we will have at our disposal a device capable of detecting the number of pirates in clots). If we have chosen a safe route, then upon reaching the exit point, the ship will “emerge” in the desired star system, and if we have chosen a battle, then we will first have to fight in arcade mode. We will talk about the features of conducting arcade and tactical battles in the corresponding chapter.

On the planet

Immediately after the start of the game, we find ourselves on one of the planets of the galaxy, depending on which race we will play for. A man starts on Earth, a little one starts on Ramgatra, and so on. Before starting independent activities, the local government will offer us a brief briefing, which will describe the most basic principles of conducting trade and military activities in the world of "Rangers".

We will only tell you about what you can expect when landing on any of the inhabited planets in the galaxy.

Each planet has a number of places that you can visit. Moreover, not always you will be available to visit all possible places. If your relationship with the local government is not too warm, then you will only be allowed to visit the spaceport and the government of the planet. The government will demand from you a bribe on an especially large scale, which will serve to warm your relationship. You can receive a special task from the government of the planet (that is, a quest) only if your relationship with him is excellent. How you are treated on this planet can be seen even before landing, or after it, on the information panel in the upper right corner of the screen.

So, what are the places you can visit on any planet with a good attitude towards you:


- the place where our spaceship "moored" when landing on the planet. Here you can perform the simplest ship maintenance work: refueling fuel tanks and repairing the ship's hull. From here, the departure from the planet is carried out.


- by selecting this item, we will be able to pay a visit to the local government. Here we will be expressed our attitude towards our activities, given some recommendations, and sometimes valuable economic advice and suggestions - where, what to buy cheaper, and where to sell more expensive. Here you can sometimes get a special government task (only if your relations with the government are excellent) and purchase a star map - a map of any of the sectors of the galaxy that you have not explored. Without a map, flying to this sector is impossible. If you are not too happy to see on this planet, then you can pay money to the government and the situation will change instantly. The only exception is when your relationship with this planet is so bad (for example, you regularly robbed merchant ships flying from this planet) that you have been put on a wanted list and you are outlaws here. In this case, local warships will try to force you to land on the planet, and you will be arrested immediately upon landing. Arrest and stay in prison is similar to the passage of text quests, which we will discuss later in the "Quests" section.

Hardware store

- here you can buy, sell or repair various equipment and equipment for your ship. The assortment on different planets and military bases differs very significantly. New technologies will appear in stores as the game progresses. We will tell you in detail about the types and features of equipment for the ship in the "Ship" section. But you can always easily determine the technological level, that is, the "advancement" of a particular device. To do this, under each item put up for sale there is a corresponding indicator in the form of two colored dots. To determine the technological level of an item, there is a colored comparison bar at the top of the screen. It displays the full range of technology levels from the lowest (blue) to the highest (black). In total, there are eight technology levels for equipment.

Shopping center

- this is the place where you will carry out your commercial activities, buying and selling various goods. On the left of the list are the goods in the warehouse of the mall, and on the right are the goods on board your ship. You can quite easily make any transactions by clicking on the desired product in the left or right column and then choosing its quantity. Goods prohibited for sale on this planet are marked with the sign "Smuggling". The amount of goods you can purchase is limited by the cost or capacity of your ship's cargo holds. We will talk about the types of goods that are in use in the world of "Rangers" a little later.
Prices for certain types of goods (as well as their availability) largely depend on what the economic system and political system on this planet are. Planets with an agricultural type of economy produce a lot of cheap food, and planets with an industrial type - a lot of cheap technology, and so on. The type of economy of the planet and its political system can be seen on the information panel in the upper left corner of the screen.


- in the world of "Rangers" some events constantly occur: various cataclysms occur on the planets, new space stations open, black holes open, new systems are freed from Klisans, famous pirates are arrested, and so on. The player can always learn about these events from the planetary news. There is little really valuable information in them, but sometimes it is interesting to find out where medicines can be sold cheaper (on a planet infected with another epidemic) or where it is most profitable to piracy (in the system where the most cargo is transported) and so on.

The three remaining points are available to us not only on the screen of the planet, but also in any other place in space.

Ranger Rating

- a register of all rangers who plow the expanses of the universe, along with their personal merits, points scored and flying ranks. The one who surrenders the most protoplasm will be in the first place in the ranking. Along the bottom of the screen are portraits of honored figures in three areas: trade, war and piracy. You can get here only by showing yourself very strongly in any of these three fields. Here you can evaluate your personal achievements against the background of others. The position in this rating is taken into account, for example, when hiring other rangers: a higher ranger in the rating will never go to work for a lower one. Also, the position determines the degree of respect for you from other rangers and planetary governments.


- opens the screen of your ship and its equipment and the screen of your character's personal statistics. We will consider this section later.

Galactic map

- a map of the entire known and developed part of the galaxy. It consists of eight sectors that open as you acquire galactic maps. When opened from the planet screen, it is just a map, and can be used to measure the duration of the route before agreeing to complete the task. In space, with the help of the screen of the galactic map, moving from system to system through hyperspace is carried out.


In the world of "Rangers" you can trade eight types of goods. Each product has three parameters - weight, selling price, and buying price. On some planets, it is profitable to buy one type of goods and sell another, but there is one unspoken rule - the sale of the most expensive goods brings the greatest income, and if at first you carry food and minerals, then in the later stages you will begin to trade in luxury, weapons and drugs. Cheap goods take up a lot of space in the holds of the ship, but bring little income, and the most expensive and contraband goods - weapons and drugs, are not bought everywhere, and they are rarely in stock in sufficient quantities. However, the trade in smuggling is quite a profitable business. Smuggling deals are frowned upon by the local government, and relations with it immediately deteriorate. But a respected and rich person can afford everything, and even quarrels with the governing bodies, so smuggling deals sometimes more than pay for themselves. So, let's look at all types of goods in more detail.

Food- a product that will always be in use, but due to its low cost, it is profitable for trading only at the beginning of the game. Often planets get into difficult economic situations, and then they buy food at high prices. Food is cheap on agricultural planets.

Medicines- a product that is quite suitable for trading at an average level. Often they give a good income, especially on planets infected with some kind of epidemic or survived a catastrophe.

Technique- it is profitable to buy equipment on planets with an industrial type of economy and sell it where there is an active harvest. With an average cost, it brings average income and is suitable for trading at an average level of commercial activity.

Luxury- trade in luxury and art objects is one of the most profitable activities. Luxury has a high cost and therefore is available only to wealthy merchants, but at the same time, the income from its resale can be very impressive. It must be remembered that luxury is prohibited on the Malokov planets, which means that it can be sold there at fabulous prices.

Minerals- the cheapest commodity in the universe. Only five credits and you are already a happy owner of one kilogram of bricks and other minerals. Another way to enrich yourself with this garbage is to destroy asteroids orbiting stars and collect their remains. It is impossible to get any significant profit from trading in minerals, since by fully loading your ship with minerals on one planet, on the next one you will be able to sell the entire batch for fifty credits more. This is not serious.

Alcohol- a medium-priced product, but due to the fact that it is not popular with all races, you can’t do good business with it. Alcohol is especially respected by people.

Weapon- deals with weapons are beneficial in that, with the average cost of this product, the range of prices for it is very large, and sometimes it can reach a two-fold increase in the original price. Another thing is that open sale weapons are not allowed everywhere. Traditionally, militaristic-minded planets of the Malok race are ready to pay good money for weapons.

drugs- this most expensive product is forbidden for sale on the planets of almost all races (except bearings), which means that you can make very good money on it. On the sale of just one unit of a narcotic substance, gain about a hundred credits. Drugs are a commodity for real businessmen.

space stations

In addition to the planets, in space, in some star systems, we can meet a few more objects that we can land on. These are various space stations. They are of four types.

Ranger centers

- all rangers gather here to discuss and evaluate their ranger tricks. Here it is necessary to bring and hand over the protoplasm remaining after the destruction of the Klisan ships in exchange for ranger points. Based on the merited ranger points, the centers form the ratings of the rangers and award points for various feats. Ranger Points can be used to upgrade your character's various stats. Ranger centers also provide a small amount of background information about the functioning of some of the game's mechanisms.

Scientific bases

- various technologies left after the destruction of the Klisans, as well as the remains of enemy ships, must be brought to scientific bases for study. The more technologies you bring back from the enemies, the faster the development and creation of the "Mental Communicator" necessary to establish contact with the Klisans will go. Local scientists can also improve the performance of any standard equipment installed on your ship for a moderate (and sometimes not moderate) fee, and this is the only place where you can repair and purchase any non-standard equipment.

military bases

- this is the place where the second branch of your character's career development is developed. For destroying pirate and Kleesan ships in military bases, you will be awarded warrior points. After accumulating a certain number of points, you will be given the next army flying rank, along with a ration containing valuable instruments and technologies or voiced loans. It is also believed that at military bases you can get the most sophisticated weapons, but practice shows that this is not always the case. At military bases, the actions of the rangers are coordinated with the actions of regular troops. Here you can see the progress of the fighting. At military bases, you can repair any standard equipment.

Pirate bases

- perhaps the most interesting place to visit. Here, for money, you can change the racial identity of your character, if the local authorities really do bake, not allowing honest piracy. After changing the race, we get a reputation as clean as a baby's tear, and we can continue the outrages further. Here you can also purchase a couple of containers of protoplasm, for exchange at the center of the rangers. This option is suitable for players who prefer to conduct trading rather than military activities. Why fight and fight when you can save money and buy anything with it? Pirate rangers are given substantial discounts. Here you can buy used (or stolen) equipment at discounted prices.

All space stations are allowed to trade, and it is not regulated in any way. You can freely sell or purchase any prohibited and contraband goods. Also at all stations there are equipment stores and information and news centers.


Various tasks that you will receive from the governments of different planets are called quests in the game.

We will also adhere to this terminology. Arriving on the planet, and talking with the local government, you will probably receive an offer for a certain amount to complete this or that task. After evaluating the situation, you can agree or refuse, or demand to simplify or complicate the task (accordingly, the terms will be increased or reduced, as well as payment for its implementation).

Before agreeing to a task and choosing its difficulty, it is worth using a galactic map to estimate how long it will take to fly to the star system indicated in the task. If you agreed to the task, then there is no way to terminate the contract, and failure to complete the task will entail a significant decrease in your reputation in the eyes of the government of the planet on which you received the task. All current tasks and other valuable information is displayed as icons on the information panel at the bottom of the screen.

Almost any important information in the game can be written there. If you complete the task, you will most often be able to get credits at the place where you completed the task, but sometimes you will have to fly to the planet of the customer. The result of the task can be not only money, but also rewards

(they increase your prestige in the eyes of the race whose reward you received and dispose to entrust you with other tasks), and a variety of technologies and artifacts.

There are usually three types of quests in the game: transporting an object to another star system, destroying a ship, and, finally, more complex and interesting - text quests. Everything is clear with the first. Fly, with an object where they ask, communicate with the local government and - money in your pocket. This type of task is the lowest paid and you should agree to complete them only at the beginning of the game. The second type of tasks is related to the search and destruction of any ships. There are several problems associated with these tasks. Firstly, at the initial stages of the game, the player has an extremely weak weapon at his disposal. It is very difficult to destroy someone from it. And then, the search for the victim takes too much time, since the coordinates issued by the customer are most often inaccurate. But these tasks are paid very well.

Finally, the third type is text quests. There are about twenty of them in the game, and when passing some, you will seriously have to break your head. These tasks are the most interesting. What do they look like? In text form, you describe the environment around you and the current situation. The following is a suggestion to perform one of several proposed actions and describes what was the result of these actions, and how the situation has changed. The hero even has a small set of items that he can use if necessary. Here it is impossible not to note the high artistry and skill of the writer. Despite the abundance of textual information, the dynamism of the game is preserved, and the events are described in a very lively, vivid language.

I have never seen so many high-quality and varied text assignments anywhere. You will have to go to university, try out new weapons, participate in ikebana, hatchball and car racing competitions, destroy factories while riding a superbike, rob banks, defend fortresses,

redeem sacred totems and transport the gods in a boat to the other side of the river. True, some of the tasks seemed a little complicated to me.

Some of them are based on well-known mathematical puzzles (for example, about two vessels, three and five liters in volume), and some are based on a simple enumeration of options, but in fact on a test of the player’s patience (I think the quest about dong, gong and vile kshong will be remembered for all life). And these quests somewhat spoil the overall pleasant impression.


There will definitely come such a coin in the game when your immense interests will be cut short with someone else, and no less immense. You will have to resolve this kind of situation with the help of weapons and military tricks. In this part of the article, we will talk about the features of combat using the onboard guns of our spacecraft.

So, you will have to fight in the game in two modes: tactical (that is, turn-based) and arcade. The appearance of one or another battle mode depends on the place where you met with the enemy. Battles in black holes and hyperspace take place in arcade mode, while battles in all other parts of outer space, that is, in star systems, take place in tactical mode.

In arcade mode, on a limited area of ​​the terrain (we will call this area a level), controlling the ship using the keyboard, you must destroy all enemy ships, which can be from one to five on the level.

Those who remember Star Control will understand what I'm talking about. In this mode, you can use all the weapons that you have on the ship by switching them with the numbers on the keyboard. Please note that after releasing a certain number of charges, the weapon will go into reload mode and you will have to wait until it reloads or use a different type of weapon. A variety of bonuses are scattered throughout the levels, which you can "eat" by flying into them with your ship (after a while, the bonuses appear again). Bonuses are very diverse: restoring the "health" of the ship, invisibility, increased power of guns, increased speed and maneuverability, and so on. After the destruction of all enemy ships, you will be able to leave the level, having previously collected the equipment and technologies left after the death of the enemies. And there are no more tricks here.

I will not hide the fact that this mode can unpleasantly strike many players with its unpretentiousness and simplicity, although it is very easy to die in an arcade battle.

For those who do not like arcade battles too much, the authors have provided an automatic battle mode - with an autopilot, although this autopilot fights extremely mediocrely and you can not count on defeating serious opponents with it. However, the tactical combat mode is not far from the arcade one in terms of interestingness.

A feature of the tactical battle mode in "Space Rangers" is that it almost does not require any intervention on your part. If you want to attack any ship in open space, you just need to fly up to it within shooting range, select a weapon to attack and press the "End Turn" button. Any weapon has a kill zone, which displays the area of ​​your ship, if an enemy ship is in this zone, then it can be fired from the selected type of weapon. It is also possible to attack the enemy at once from all types of weapons installed on board the ship, in this case all the affected areas will be displayed around your ship at once. In addition to the weapons for attack, you can choose the course of your ship's further movement: chasing the enemy close, chasing the enemy at a distance of a shot from the longest-range weapon, or any other.

So, after you have decided on the weapon and course, you press the end of turn button, and your ship will go on the attack, firing at the enemy with the selected weapon. The battle can take place in two modes: automatic - until one of the ships is completely destroyed, or turn-based - with a stop at the end of each turn (that is, a day). In automatic mode, you have the opportunity to stop the battle at any time, in order, for example, to retreat and land on a planet for repairs. It should be noted that the stop will occur only at the end of the started move. If several ships take part in the battle at once, then the computer characters will make their moves at the same time as you. In this case, you can trace the trajectories of their movement and attack. In the upper left corner of the screen there is an information panel that displays all the information about your ship and the enemy ship: ship type, hull strength (i.e. "health"), victory probability (if a probabilistic analyzer is installed), and so on. If the battle takes a dangerous turn for you, then you can try to make peace with the enemy by paying him money, or call other rangers for help.

All negotiations are carried out through the mode of communication with other ships.

Role elements

The role-playing system implemented in the game is quite simple. Before starting the game, we choose the race and class of our character. Race determines a favorable attitude towards us from some humanoids and a negative one from others. We have already considered the features of racial relations in the "Races" section. The choice of class (warrior, merchant, pirate) determines the initial set of characteristics of your character, as well as the attitude of some races towards your character. A pirate starts with an advanced technique knowledge skill. A warrior has all the qualities of a leader and can hire a partner. The merchant is strong in trade and has mastered the basics of technology.

In total, you can develop six characteristics for a character:

Accuracy- the higher the accuracy skill, the closer to the maximum will be the damage inflicted by the character's ship. With a skill developed to one hundred percent, the character will inflict the maximum possible damage to the enemy. That is, if a weapon installed on a ship can inflict 16-32 damage, then with a fully developed character's skill, it will inflict 32 points of damage.

Maneuverability- This skill is responsible for the ability to maneuver in space and avoid enemy hits. A pilot with a highly developed "maneuverability" skill is practically invulnerable in combat.

Knowledge of technology- this skill allows the character to repair his own ship and take care of it. This significantly extends the life of equipment and weapons on board. Full development of this skill will make the equipment last twice as long.

Trade- developing the trade skill allows your character to lose when selling old equipment less money. At zero skill development, the equipment loses half of the original cost, and at the maximum equipment will be sold at the purchase price (unless, of course, it is broken).

Charm- if you are a charming person, then many sins are forgiven you. Developing this skill allows you to mitigate the negative reaction of others to your actions. The maximum development of the "charm" skill makes any government treat your character twice as well.

Leadership- this skill allows your character to hire other rangers as subordinates. The higher this skill, the more rangers you can hire (from zero to five). However, it must be borne in mind that a ranger of a higher rank and position in the ranking will not be hired by a lower one.

To improve these characteristics, Ranger points are spent, awarded for freeing star systems from Klisans, completing government tasks, and bringing protoplasm to the ranger centers (one point per unit of protoplasm). Each characteristic has six levels of development, and the higher the degree, the more points are required for its further development.

In addition to the characteristics in the game, there is a system of flight ranks assigned to a character for downed Klasan and pirate ships. By accumulating the required number of points, a new rank will be assigned to you immediately upon arrival at any nearest military base. Along with a new flying rank, you will receive valuable gifts.


Your ship can be equipped with a wide variety of equipment. You can buy equipment in a store on the planets, recapture it from the enemy, or purchase it in another way. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive the simplest case, on which only the engine and fuel tank will be installed. These three things are mandatory on your ship, because without them you cannot fly into space. In addition, you can install several more different devices on your ship: a radar, a scanner, a gripper, a repair robot, a protective field generator, and, of course, a variety of weapons. When you open the ship screen, you will see the ship's hull and places to install various equipment on it. The empty cells below are a place in the hold of your ship. All equipment purchased or received in battles will first fall into the hold, and must be installed on the ship to start its operation. Each type of equipment has the following characteristics: type, weight, manufacturer's race and cost. The more developed a race has made this or that thing, the more expensive it is, and the longer it will serve without requiring repair. The Peleng engine will cost more and last longer, exactly the same, assembled by little ones, and the Feyan one - human, etc. Now let's take a closer look at all the equipment that will be available to you in the game and the dependence of its characteristics on the type.


The hull is the foundation of your ship, it is where all the other attachments are attached to, and it also determines your ship's carrying capacity and armor strength. According to these parameters, it is worth choosing a case. When buying a new case, the old one will be sold automatically. It is worth remembering that the amount of "health" of your ship is equal to its volume. In fact, if your hull has a durability of 350, then you can load equipment or cargo with a total volume of 350 units into it. The scheme is a little strange, but quite simple, let's leave it to the conscience of the developers. Most of the ship hulls have numerical bonuses to armor, these bonuses greatly increase the cost of the hull, but provide significant advantages in battle. The hull type determines the strength of its armor, that is, the amount of damage absorption inflicted on the ship. The more complex the structure of the material from which the hull is made, the stronger the armor.

Hull types in ascending order of strength:



The engine is used to move your ship in space and hyperspace. The type of drive affects the speed it can reach (i.e. how far you can travel in one day in normal space) and the width of the hyperjump zone (i.e. how far you can travel in one hyperspace jump).

Engine types in ascending order of power:


Fuel tank

The larger the volume of the fuel tank, the farther hyperspace jump the ship can make without refueling. Fuel is consumed by jumping, and is not consumed by moving around star systems, but when it runs out, the ship can only move within the current star system. The fuel consumption in hyperspace is one unit of fuel per parsec, so if you have a fuel tank of 30 units, you will be able to jump thirty parsecs (provided you have an engine that develops such power). Sometimes the volume of the fuel tank exceeds the "jumping" power of the engine and the jumps have to be made in several stages, with stops in several star systems, but without refueling. A damaged fuel tank gradually loses fuel. The volume of the fuel tank depends on its type.

Types of fuel tanks in ascending order of volume:

aqua dotted


The radar allows you to fix various space objects (planets, stations, other spacecraft, asteroids, etc.) and their the most important characteristics- strength, size, speed, name, probability of victory and so on. Information received from the radar is displayed on the mini-map in the upper right corner of the screen and on the information panel in the left. Without radar, many important operations are impossible, such as communicating with other rangers and obtaining information about their ships, plus, without it, you will have to navigate almost blindly in star systems. Also, without a radar, it is impossible to use a scanner. The range of the radar depends on its type.

Radar types in ascending order of power:

full raster
Sub transfer


The scanner is the most useless device on your ship. With it, you can, like an X-ray machine, illuminate an alien ship in order to see what equipment and weapons it has installed, and what is inside its holds. This information is almost useless in combat, especially after installing a probabilistic analyzer. The only use of the scanner is to identify the goods that truckers are transporting in order to decide whether it is worth destroying this ship or whether it is empty or transporting cheap minerals. Scanning another ship is possible only if the power of your scanner numerically exceeds the protective field of the scanned ship. Scanning without a radar installed or outside its coverage area is not possible. The power of the scanner depends on its type.

Types of scanners in ascending order of power:


Repair robot

The repair robot can repair a certain number of hull damage points per day (this does not apply to other equipment). This is quite convenient when fighting in tactical mode (the robot does not work in hyperspace), because if you receive not too significant damage, the robot will restore every turn. The amount of damage a robot recovers depends on its type.

Types of repair robots in increasing efficiency:



With the grapple, you can pick up various items in space and hyperspace: weapons, equipment, and so on. and place them in the hold of the ship. When you start using a grapple, a circle will appear around your ship, indicating the grapple's area of ​​effect. You can mark all items that fall within its area of ​​effect with a hand icon, and after the start of the turn, they will be "magnetized" by the capture and get on board the ship. The grapple can only grab objects of a certain size. The range of the gripper and its lifting capacity depend on the type.

Types of grabs in order of increasing load capacity and radius of action:


Protective field generator

The protective field generated by the generator blocks a certain amount of damage inflicted on the ship (in percentage), as well as attempts to scan your ship (really, what computer ranger would think to scan your ship?). The percentage of damage blocked depends on the type of generator.

Types of protective field generators in increasing power:


In addition to these standard pieces of equipment, you can equip your ship with additional attachments, usually to improve the performance of standard equipment or provide other bonuses. You can win back these devices from hyperspace pirates or purchase them at scientific stations.


In the game you will meet twelve different types of weapons, and a couple more specific devices that can hardly be classified as weapons. Weapons can be bought at any hardware store and installed on the ship, just like any other equipment. It is worth remembering that some types of weapons are more convenient to fight in arcade mode in hyperspace, while others are designed for tactical battles. Therefore, you have as many as five seats for weapons on the ship, so you can switch to a more convenient type of weapon at any time.

photon gun- the simplest, weakest and most affordable weapon of all available in equipment stores. Deals minor damage to the enemy and is therefore only suitable for use in hyperspace (where the actual power of the weapon is not that important).

industrial laser- the laser was developed for industrial purposes, so it is only suitable for destroying asteroids. This laser is not suitable for any serious combat, since the damage it inflicts is too small. The radius of destruction of targets is medium.

Explosive weapon- the rather low rate of fire of this plasma cannon pays off with good firepower and low cost, that is, availability at the initial stages of the game. Can only hit targets at very close range.

Graviton Beam Launcher- A fast-firing beam weapon capable of inflicting medium damage at a fairly large distance.

Retractor- this type of weapon does not cause any damage to the enemy ship, but reduces the speed of its movement by a certain number. The retractor is equally good for both attack and defense. In the first case, the retractor will slow down the movement of the enemy ship, and you can easily catch up with him, and in the second case, he will help you just as easily escape from pursuit.

Keller Phaser- the first real serious weapon that will become available to you in the game. The Keller phaser is capable of inflicting very significant damage to any enemy ships. Its main disadvantage is the limited range.

Aeonic blaster- one of the most balanced types of weapons in the game - with sufficiently large damage, it has a large radius of destruction.

X-defibrillator- This type of weapon does not cause direct damage to the hull of an enemy ship, but instead destroys the equipment installed on it (including the engine and cannons). Has a medium damage radius.

submeson cannon- this gun deals damage not only to the ship you are attacking, but also to a group of objects located in its immediate vicinity. Great for attacking several nearby targets at once and clusters of several enemy ships. The gun is capable of inflicting fairly large damage with an average radius of destruction of targets.

Field Annihilator- Deals a lot of damage and has a medium damage radius. At the same time, the field annihilator is a very bulky and heavy installation, that is, it takes up a lot of space on board the ship, which negates the possibility of using it in parallel with a large number other type of weapon.

Tachyon Cutter- can deal quite a lot of damage and at the same time has a very large radius of destruction.

Swirl spotlight- this type of weapon has the most destructive power in the game, but has a small radius of defeat, yielding in this to the previous type.

Graphics and sound

There is not much to say about the graphic design of the game: it uses a two-dimensional engine that supports two resolutions - 800x600 and 1024x768.

Despite the fact that 2D graphics technology can be called outdated, the 2D engine makes an extremely pleasant impression, and this, above all, is the merit of the designers and artists who created magnificent space landscapes.

This applies to both outer space (here you have nebulae, and comets, and the cosmic wind), as well as planets and what we will see on them upon landing. The design of the spaceships and their animation was pretty well done.

However, there are not so many ships in the game - there are only four types available to the player and about twenty types you will meet in the vastness of space. At the same time, the game's graphics engine is quite simple, there is little "live" graphics and animation in it, but it is replete with many static nuances that are pleasant to the eye and is not demanding on computer hardware.

There are not many special effects in the game, and those that are are rather sketchy.

There are no animations in the game. In a word, you should not expect anything supernatural from the graphic design of the game, but this is more than offset by other advantages of the game.

The sound design of the game was done at an average level. The music in the game is really good - the game has more than fifteen wonderful "space" musical themes that very clearly emphasize and complement the atmosphere of the game. But the set of sounds is very standard for this kind of games, the sounds of shots are inexpressive and sound like a toy, ships fly without sound at all, and so on. There is nothing more to say here.


Since the days of Star Control, there has not been a more interesting deep and quality game on the theme of space and sci fiction. Many very interesting and unusual ideas are reflected in the game, this applies to both the gameplay and the presentation of plot moves. Among the minuses of the game, one can name only a modest graphic design (but the game can easily work on weak computers), as well as a large amount of textual information, which is not always easily perceived by the player. Otherwise, "Space Rangers" is an excellent product that can be recommended to absolutely any audience of players, especially fans of space fantasy. Finally, we have a worthy successor to the traditions of Star Control...

Space Rangers is a sci-fi style computer game developed by the Russian studio Elemental Games. Published by 1C in 2002. In the West, the game was released under the title Space Rangers. The game belongs to the genre of "epic games" with RPG elements, turn-based strategy, text quest and arcade.

The game tells about the confrontation between the Galactic Commonwealth, consisting of 5 races and the invading forces klisan- an unknown, aggressive life form. The player will take on the role of a volunteer ranger, a member of an organization created specifically to fight the Klisans. Due to the Klissan invasions, conflicts and wars between races are prohibited, however, attacks by space pirates on peaceful ships are not uncommon in the game world. The main habitat of pirates is hyperspace, and the pirate organization also plays a big role in the game's ending.

The Klisans were first encountered by Gaalian scientific expeditions exploring the second arm of the Galaxy. All attempts to make contact with them ended in failure, as the Klissan opened fire. And although it would seem that they did not know about the inhabited arm of the Galaxy (where the game takes place), they somehow found their way there. Extremely aggressive, do not come into contact with the player and the Coalition of 5 races at all. Scientists at the scientific base can develop a device to make contact with Mahpella - the brain center of the Klisans.

The story is copied from almost any other game about "space and boats". Fits in a couple of lines:

The distant year 3000, everything was fine, but suddenly enemies of all living things appeared. Thousands! Having committed an all-out genocide, the vile Kleesans are confidently moving towards destroying the last planets. Here, the surviving inhabitants of a cozy universe are founded by the Federation of Rangers, one of which is our alter ego. All the banality of the plot is redeemed after half an hour of the game, when the player realizes that everything is not so simple. The Klisans do not want to die, they brazenly continue to capture the stars, and the local troops do not want to fight, who have little guts for normal military operations. That is, it may happen that the Kleesans will win. At all.

To win, you need to deal with the bosses. There are 2 of them: the leader of the klissan Mahpella and the pirate Rachekhan (who, by the way, you will not see until the final battle).

Despite the player's freedom of action, the main goal of the game: stop the Kleesan invasion and, if possible, find out its cause. To do this, you can destroy the Machpella, the main ship of the Klisans, but if you wait until the development of a program that allows you to negotiate with the Machpella, then the game can be completed by negotiations with her. The ending of the game is a combination of 2 player decisions: what to do with Machpella (kill or just send home) and, if the player starts communicating with Machpella, whether or not to kill Rachekhan (but only if the player managed to find out where and how to find him) .

Another important principle appeared in Space Rangers - the world around the hero lives its own life, independent of the actions of the player. Other computer-controlled rangers, like the player, trade, fight Kleesans, piracy (or may themselves be attacked by pirates), improve their equipment, and so on. This principle, so far rarely seen in computer games, is probably one of the reasons for the success of the game. One of the features of the game's plot is the abundance of humor, often parodic (for example, in text quests).


At the start of each game, the player chooses their race, character, name, and difficulty level. The level of difficulty has 4 degrees and determines the following factors: the size of the initial capital, the "coolness" of the klisan, the size of the reward for the quest, the frequency of opening holes, the size of the artifacts.

The game is played in turn-based mode, with the exception of battles in black holes and hyperspace clots. The gameplay is reminiscent of Close Combat battles: the player gives an order (plots a course, aims an onboard weapon, selects debris to capture), presses the “end of turn” button, and watches the action in real time for some time without the ability to intervene. The player's ship travels in space between planets and space stations - within one system - and through hyperspace - to travel from one system to another. Each turn in the game corresponds to an in-game day. Before pressing the "end of turn" button, the player can enter into a dialogue with the ships of the commonwealth or scan them (if they are within the range of the radar), reinstall the equipment from the hold to the ship's slot or throw it into the airlock, activate a special artifact. All these actions are performed "out of time" and do not require spending game moves.

Upon landing on a planet or space station, the player is able to choose between different tabs, thus moving from the hangar to the government center or hardware store. The player has access to:

  • government building, in which you can receive a government task, hear valuable trading tips, purchase maps of nearby stars, or give a bribe to improve relations;
  • hardware store, where you can purchase equipment or weapons that have 8 gradations of technical excellence;
  • shopping center for transactions of purchase and sale of 8 groups of goods, and some of these goods may be considered contraband;
  • information centre, which publishes the latest galactic news, in addition, in this center you can search for any space object, whether it be a planet, a ship, a space station or equipment.

Both in space and on planets, the player always has access to 3 buttons that open the internal structure of his ship, a galactic map and a global rating of rangers. The galactic map, in addition, makes it possible to choose the direction of the hyperjump to go to another system. To do this, it is necessary to fly up to the border of the system and go into hyperspace. Once in the hyper, the player is on the screen for laying the route. You can travel along the arrows (only in one direction) from one hyperspace cluster to another. You can enter into clots. The color of the clot characterizes the probability of meeting a pirate in it. The end point of the route is a star symbolizing the system. Time in hyperspace moves, but more slowly than in outer space. Entering a clot or flying into a black hole, the player enters the arcade battle in real time, like in Star Control.


Quests are tasks that are usually issued by the governments of various planets (although there are exceptions). The quest on the planet can only be obtained if the government treats the player at least "good". Upon completion of the task, the attitude of the government towards the player improves to the degree of "excellent", for failure, the reputation deteriorates to the level of "bad". As a reward for completing a task, the player receives money and in some cases an artifact, equipment, ranger points, or a medal. Any quest can be both complicated and simplified. Depending on this, the deadline for completing the task and the size of the reward will change. To complete the task, sometimes you just need to complete the task, and sometimes return to the customer planet. In total, the game has 120 regular tasks and 26 text ones.

Role system

The pilot of every ship in the game has 6 skills: accuracy, maneuverability, trade, knowledge of technology, charm, leadership. Each skill has 5 levels of development. To move from one level to another, points are required, which are awarded for the delivery of protoplasm - a special substance of klisans. The number of points required for the next increase in the skill grows in arithmetic progression. Depending on choice initial race and class, the player at the beginning of the game has already learned several levels of skills. The total number of points (including points spent) determines the position of each ranger in the global ranking.

In addition, there are military points for which rangers receive military ranks. Points are awarded for destroying ships and freeing captured systems. The player can only hire rangers who are junior in rank. At some point, the military hands the player-ranger a hyperspace direction finder, a device that indicates the number of pirates in hyperspace clumps.


  • Mixing practically all game genres, although in general Space Rangers can be called a turn-based RPG. Even an analogue of artifacts is present in the form of artifacts such as “black goo” or “nanitoids”, which give bonuses with fuel, repairs, etc.
  • Runs even on old computers, and the size of the chips does not exceed 600 MB.
  • Nearly complete freedom of action, although you can’t play after the victory, but if after the destruction of everyone you don’t fly into the center of the rangers, then it’s quite possible.
  • Really living universe. Soldiers fight, merchants trade, scientists explore, pirates rob caravans. On low difficulty levels, the Coalition can clean up the galaxy even without the help of the player. By analogy, on the super hard difficulty level, she safely loses all star systems within 2 months, with the exception of the one the player flies through. But it can also be crossed off the list for 3-4 months.
  • 5 races and 3 classes, more precisely, the nature of the character, determined by his actions in relation to the ships of the Coalition, to the ships of the Kleesans and to goods in the market / in outer space. For each race and character there are unique quests and tasks.
  • Occasionally appoint the best merchant/warrior/pirate of the galaxy. Getting into their number is not forbidden. If you try hard, you can win in all 3 categories at once.
  • Diverse gameplay. Text quests, arcade battles and, in fact, a turn-based part.
  • Constant inflation, the real global economy: in 3301 the most expensive ship will cost about 20,000, and for a simple quest you will be paid about 4000. In a year, like, in 3380, an average ship will cost about a million, and for quests you will be given 200 thousand each. However, in there is a flaw in the game - inflation does not affect prices in text quests, so in the same year 3380, completing a quest with a reward of 200 thousand, you can get a “solid” bonus in the form of 500-1000 credits in the quest itself.
  • high replay value. Each party is not like the previous one.
  • domestic manufacturer.
  • Also in the game there is an ordinary human greed - that is, a constant desire to get a better boat and equip it better, in fact, for this the whole game is started.
  • The main villains can not only be killed, but also chatted, ordered to kill themselves or even forced to leave.


5 intelligent civilizations: Gaalians, Pelengs, Humans, Maloks, Feyans

Arranged in order of increasing brains, starting from zero, which corresponds to the quality of the equipment: Maloka clothes seem to be made in China, and Gaal can hammer nails.

  • Maloks are warriors, they despise other people's luxury and don't like to sell their own (you won't believe it, but their stools are very popular in the galaxy). They love exclusively forceful options for solving problems (solutions with intelligence and cunning are considered a shameful deception). Their appearance and character can be called patriotic cattle. There is no democracy on the planets of the Malokov. Despite their equipment nightmare, their hulls are spacious and strong (and cheap as well as fuel). They also love the color red.
  • Bearings are green, slimy, toad-faced, four-armed and cunning. On their planets, you can trade everything you can. Among bearings, it is customary to throw mud at each other (in every sense), to deceive, betray and mock at everything in a row. In addition, the constant desire to deceive everyone around, the presence of the best intelligence service in the galaxy "Dzuhallag" and eternal secret conspiracies. The name for the AI ​​ranger is found in the game - Kuchma Khan. All pirate stations are either Peleng or human, as well as military stations are either Malok or Peleng.
  • People are excellent traders, they imposed time on the whole galaxy in their own way, they convinced everyone that it would be better if there was only one currency left in the galaxy, they taught everyone to trade, even the little ones, who believe that trading is worse than disobeying the commander. People's technologies are worse than those of the Gaalians and Feyans, but better than those of the Pelengs and Maloks. For the "cultural" expansion of people, other races are not very fond of, primarily because this "culture" is crowding out the ancient sacred customs of other races.
  • Feyans are purple tadpoles, almost the complete opposite of the Maloks. Establish cultural ties with people by sending them cool technology (which they do not understand at all).
  • The Gaalians are swarthy and golden-eyed. It was the gloomy Gaalian genius that gave rise to the “wunderwaffle”, thanks to which the Machpells appeared - in fairness, representatives of other races each time pulled the pin, secretly tearing off the drawings buried away from sin. They are proud of their inner world, in short - the elite. Nevertheless, the most technically advanced race, even more abruptly than that of the Faeyans (in fact, the Gaalians have discovered everything a long time ago, but super-technologies were mothballed until the backward neighbors themselves get to them). Their original appearance is unknown, the current state being achieved by a large number of genetic enhancements. They fight fiercely against the drug trade in the galaxy, as they are the most easily addicted race to substances.
  • "Space Rangers" ("Space Rangers") is a racial American television series in which these very Space Rangers fly on a shaking vessel through the farthest corners of space, rescuing people, shooting villains, catching shipments of illegal substances, etc. The series compares favorably with Babylon 5 and Star Treks are not only a motley team, but also an almost complete absence of epics and pathos.
  • If you get sick with chekumash (causes hallucinations), you can see the death star in space, the battle of ships from star wars and the Babylon 5 space station.
  • You can meet Luke Skywalker and other Star Wars characters and even get a lightsaber.
  • The name of the Peleng race is consonant with the name of the Fereng from Star Trek, they were also cunning bandits and merchants.
  • There are a lot of jokes in quests, for example, the Windows virus that raged on Earth, a documentary about dominators "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", an inscription in the toilet cubicle: "Let this toilet be a bastion of struggle for peace!".



For about three years, three tough guys from Vladivostok have been riveting their dream game.

It all started with Dmitry Gusarov. Now he runs a large studio, makes mmos, kicks journalists who confuse HOM & M with King's Bounty at exhibitions. And then there were only "generals" and two guys found on the internet - Alexander Yazynin, an artist with education, and Alexey Dubovoy, a programmer with ten grades of education and expulsion from the first year of Tsatsko-Peda University Yazynin at that time got a job as a web designer in some local charade, and Gusarov taught at his native university, and Dubovoy, imbued with the idea of ​​his Elite (the space setting was chosen only because there was no artist at first), threw all his work to his mothers, counted his own belongings - $ 1000 - the budget for the next three years, and sat down to write the engine in Delphi. And now no one knows whether it was his own engine or just DelphiX shoveled ... slightly.

All the publishers sent the guys away. And b-gomerzskaya 1C agreed, but at the same time did not provide the game with any advertising. As a result, the game came out in 2002, but if it were not for the stupid nomads and zombies with their nines, this article and the children of Anonymus would not exist. However, they don't exist. But the game had the wildest success both among the players and critics, the assessment of is indicative. Moreover, as all the reviewers claimed in unison, they guessed to review the game only because they accidentally saw it in a stall on the way to work.

The developers tried to force the second part in the West in 2004, but suffered a crushing failure: again no advertising and a disgusting translation. As a result - a lot of victories in the nomination "Best Game Nobody Played". By the way, a year before that, exactly the same 1C medal was won with Silent Storm.

Universe and game concept


Arranged in order of increasing brains, starting from zero.

Severe Malok humor

  • Maloki- red-backed warriors, they despise other people's luxury and don't like to sell their own (you won't believe it, but their stools are very popular in the galaxy). They love exclusively forceful options for solving problems (solutions with intelligence and cunning are considered a shameful deception. Probably this is because it is dishonest to use the brain against someone who does not have it). Their appearance and character allows us to call them jingoistic cattle. (spoiler:It is the Maloks who should be thanked for the Dominators - even before the war with the Klisans, contrary to the agreement between the five races, they left the technology of self-reproducing robots with them, because they were the most technically backward.) They also hit each other in the face as a greeting. There is no democracy on the planets of the Malokov, because it is not according to the charter (although for some reason there is anarchy). Despite their failing hardware, their hulls are spacious and strong (and cheap as well as fuel). Cast iron, lol. this is not any bio-slot armor for you. And they are terribly fond of red, which kakbe hints at. To the question: "Is there a G-d?" They answer: “There is no God, because this is not mentioned in the charter.”
  • Bearings- green, slimy, toad-faced, four-armed and smart-assed. On their planets, you can trade everything you can. Among bearings, it is customary to throw mud at each other (in every sense), to deceive, betray and mock at everything in a row. In addition, the constant desire to fuck everyone around, the presence of the best intelligence service in the galaxy "Dzuhallag" and eternal secret conspiracies give them cosmic HR. Even the names of the pilots and the names of the planets look like vile Yiddish or Hebrew words. The name for the AI ​​ranger is found in the game - Kuchma Khan. All pirate stations are either Peleng or human, as well as military stations are either Malok or Peleng. From bearings (always) you can buy a fraction of substances completely free, unlike other races (not always), which delivers. In KR 1, a lot was delivered by real spy probes (!), Which were placed in space by "peace liners" (!!). Well, you got it.
  • People- miserable people, wonderful traders, sold time to the whole galaxy in their own way, convinced everyone that it would be better if there was only one currency left in the galaxy, taught everyone to trade (except Klisans), even Maloks, who believe that they should engage in trade - worse than disobeying the commander. People's technologies are worse than those of the Gaalians and Feyans, but better than those of the Pelengs and Maloks. For the "cultural" expansion of people, other races are not very fond of, primarily because this "culture", due to its pop and hamburger character, displaces the ancient and consecrated customs of other races.
  • Fayane- purple tadpoles, almost the complete opposite of the little ones. Establish cultural ties with people by sending them cool technology (which they do not understand at all). You can think of them as galactic nerds. Faeries are also hermaphrodites, which is very convenient for nerds.
  • Gaalians(children of Gaal) - swarthy and golden-eyed. It was the gloomy Gaalian genius that gave rise to the prodigy, thanks to which the dominators appeared (and earlier, the advent of Machpella) - in fairness, representatives of other races each time pulled the DDD check, secretly tearing off drawings buried away from sin. They are proud of their inner world, in short - ilita. Nevertheless, they are the most technically advanced race, so in addition to fuel and lubricants, they also have a well-developed matan, even more abruptly than the Feyan nerds (in fact, the yellow-faced discovered everything a long time ago, but super-technologies were mothballed until the backward neighbors themselves they will not be reached). Their original appearance is unknown, the current state being achieved by a large number of genetic enhancements. They fight fiercely against the drug trade in the galaxy, as they are the most easily addicted race to substances.


CR became an epic wine not only because of the gameplay, but also because of the winrar text quests.

Yes, yes, baby, quests were not always about Petka and once they were completed without using a cow for a hammer. When your mom and dad were little, real red-eyed nerds played Interactive fiction, which in literary translation means “text quest”. That is, instead of drawn backdrops with whistles and fakes, in front of you is something similar to a notebook with text like “You are naked and in the forest. Your actions?". At the same time, there were not always ready-made options for action - it was necessary to enter commands in English from the keyboard. Roughly speaking, as in DOS.

Now this is left in these games of yours about loli, where, choosing lines with actions, you still fuck her. Unfortunately for many, you can’t fuck loli in the game, they don’t exist at all, instead of them in one of the text quests you can fuck a whore, for money, though, which will increase your well-being and mood! In fact, in one quest from the first part, some chan could still be fucked. The truth is only in the head. But after ratting in her bag, the player received a spray of neuroparalytic gas, which helped a lot in the task. But an attempt to use a night butterfly for its intended purpose was punishable by the death of the protagonist. So, children, it’s better not to go to the women - you will be safer.

In the quests, there are a lot of all sorts of lulz and laughs (for example, the Windows virus that raged on Earth, a documentary about dominators "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", an inscription in the toilet cubicle: "And let this toilet be a bastion of struggle for peace!" )

Yuri Nesterenko had a hand in writing texts and scripts, which, however, did not make the game less winrar.

The plot of the first part

Here it is - Ranger Happiness (a huge number of nishtyaks from the broken-down ships of the epic battle)

The essence is more than completely copied from any other game about “space and boats” (the older the version, the more clearly the Spectrum “Elite”) is recognized. Fits in a couple of lines:

Various championships were also held at the forum. They were interesting, delivered some lulz and brought points to the ranger and his team. There were also competitions. In one of them, it was necessary to guess from a piece of 50x50 pixels which game landscape or prodigy it was taken from. Well, for the victory they gave medals and karma.

The administration of the forum fought gourmets in every possible way. One of the rules of the forum read "The use of the so-called" padonkaff vocabulary "(LP) in its pure form is strictly prohibited." It is worth noting such a paragraph of the rules “It is forbidden to promote the consumption of counterfeit products. For example, to disseminate information about the methods of hacking StarForce protection.” Warnings were issued for violations, the list of heroes and their exploits still pleases the eye

All the conditions for the prosperity of phallometry were created at the forum. Not only karma was determined by the vote of the participants, but also fame. Karma could be lowered / increased, fame from any vote increased. Begging for karma was punished, in especially the wildest cases - by a banhammer. For the number of posts and the repeated passage of the game, they were given titles on the forum. A "surviving" member of the forum received various benefits. Newfag could only walk with a standard avatar, without any fake whistles. With the growth of his rank, not only the CSF, but also his rights grew: at first, the right to put one of the standard avatars from the game was given, and later it was allowed to upload his own avatar. And they even made a special award for true oldfags. It was possible to measure the rating of a team or a clan. Later, another rank system was added, tied only to the number and quality of the game played by the participant. And what a drama took place during the polls of the Most Popular Forum Member, held once a month!

The same second part with hung whistles and fakes, there will not be any innovations on the patch. The developers are positioning "Reboot" as an addon, although the patches that came out before the addon introduced more innovations than the addon itself. Officially, "Reboot" is a package of all those patches and fake whistles together for those who do not have an Internet (or something like that). In compensation, the difficulty was skyrocketing: if earlier it was possible to pass 200%, only a little pushing at the very beginning, now the coalition is very quickly pissing all systems, and the player observes the inscription "did not live to win." Igrozadrot-kun passing 200%+Iron Will tells the secret:

Take a fairy with two rocket launchers, make sure there is one business center. You agree to study, fly to the business center, take out a large loan (on the way, winning the first planetarium and increasing your capital), return and trade in full during the study. The houses will give credit for you;) and you quickly tune the ship all the way, then find the "junior droid" (or sub-portal, and with the help of a droid), catch Keller with this prodigy and make him bam (skillfully so in the very first year of playing time ). After that, the houses are no longer cakes, and you have a lot of time to broach for speed + pigamar, beat off the sector and get a submodem (you are unlikely to feed the scientists). While luring the kelleroids with the transfaker and quickly flying into the empty system, make a “dotted line” in Cayo. You won't be able to ride Sharik-Khuyarik alive, so cut off his breeder. Here at least sleep on the planet - two dropped out, the Coalition now rules. You can slowly feed the scientists until the solution of the Rubik's Cube, slam it with a standard program, and then unleash Sharik-Khuyarik hand-to-hand.

There is a lot of creativity of “fonnats” (and “folk”, but kosher-approved maps / quests, too, as far as fucking) and a ranger badge that made nerds shit bricks and run to the store for a collectible box. The main innovation of "Reboot" is the absence of Star Force, which allows you to freely run a licensed copy of this game in Vine. Also, the KR2D:P disk includes the latest version of the KR1.

Memo to gamers on laptops

Alas, anon, the collapse of the developer company, the source code breakdown and the punishable initiative in writing your own original 2d engines have done their job: on modern laptops with Windows 7 with a discrete graphics card and an Intel processor, your boat will not fly out of the center of the rangers (or rather, it will fly out, but You will only hear it, you will not see it). The reason is simple: in the presence of Optimus technology in laptops, for some reason alone, the built-in Intel "ov card does not draw a 2d image on the screen from the frame buffer, and it does not matter whether you play the game through it or through the nvidia" card (output with nvidia it still goes through the intel microcircuit). Even introductory videos do not draw, you bastard. Planetary battles, if you manage to launch them from the main menu by touch, are drawn and played perfectly. Connect an external monitor - everything is drawn on it just wonderfully. Through the built-in - horseradish. Owners of AMD APUs with, again, a discrete radeonchik in a pair, experience the same bouts of blindness, although there is an opinion that they can get out.

At the moment, a solution has been found! An unknown Good Samaritan with the nickname Lexeich filed a 7 kb program that allows you to play the KR without problems. First we launch the program and then the game itself. Well, VMware can help too.

Plus, you can: in the folder with the game in the cfg.txt file, replace the line Debug=No with Debug=Yes.

Developer Scandal

Shortly before drinking the Reboot addon, Dmitry Gusarov, the main developer, quarreled with Alexei Dubov, the main programmer. The essence of the quarrel was that Gusarov wanted to make “King’s Bounty” or something else fantasy, and Dubovoy was eager to continue gluing fantasy games on space topics, CR 3, for example. It all ended in failure for both: the business was registered to Dubovoy’s mother and he sued the company itself, and Gusarov lured all the employees away and washed down Katauri Int., where he began to rivet his King’s Bounty. The result is that Katauri Int. with a crowd of employees has already released its game, which received awesome ratings from journalists and even an addon for it, and is now working on finishing up the Royal Quest MMORPG project, and Elemental Games has not released anything worthwhile (although read about it below).


Ranger phages and an outsourcing company that helped develop the CR, washed down an unofficial patch add-on that adds new planetary battles, text quests, government tasks, item models and several bugs to the game. Such a fierce imba as a pigamar was cut out, as a result of which the game at 200% + ZhV ceased to turn into a beating of babies from a certain moment and delivers to the end. In return, tricky quests are given in several moves.

Space Rangers HD: Revolution

The global addon was released on March 15, 2013. For this and the licensed second part, the blasphemous 1C asks on Steam for no less than 15 killed raccoons, which is an exorbitant amount for HD reissues of even bourgeois games. However, the hamsters bought it - for the first three weeks, the Rangers were in the top sales of Kanobu and the 1C store, bending over the discounted Bydlofield, Code and other crap. There is a discount for those who have a "Reboot" in the incentive, but that's bad luck - because of a srach with Dubov (the uncle believes that the CD belongs to him - although this is not the case on the papers, everything started from that, the details are unknown) "Reboot" was removed from the steam , so linking the boxed version of the game that 99% of the fans have to Steam will not work.


  • Pirate clan. They have a secret sector, which can only be discovered by obtaining the title of Baron. They like to use it to attack the Coalition systems in packs of 15 - 20 ships, greatly interfering when playing at 200%.
  • Fucking raised difficulty. The bending of 200% of wigwams by Atomic visions in the 15th year is out of the question. An attempt to lean out of the native sector entails hordes of houses in the Coalition systems. It comes to the point of absurdity - while you free one system, the houses capture five.
  • New goodies:
  • Hybrid, on the forum called Frigid, droid. To get it, you need to complete the tasks of special agents. And you can get these tasks only if you fulfill +100500 different conditions (Pirate title Ataman, if you get Khan, then fuck you, not a droid, Coalition title Captain or higher, 30+ killed clansmen, pirate campaign completed as a special agent, Mr. Shu was killed and etc.). But he's worth it.
  • Cruiser "Shadow of the Empire". An epic prodigy with the texture of the Imperial Star Wars cruiser and a bunch of fake whistles not available on other hulls. To get it, you need to have a rank not lower than Adept in the sect of Random, but better than Priest. Jump for half an hour on your left foot, then 2 hours on your right, spit over your left shoulder, pray to Random and go to dig uninhabited planets, and then, perhaps, after 3 hours of real time you will find the Ancient Holocrystal. The more planets they dug, the more likely it is to generate it when landing on a planet. And then a mere trifle - 2,500,000 credits and 500 nodes (after one of the patches, scientists even learned how to remove nodes from the account at the Ranger Center) and the tadpoles from the Science Base will decipher the data from the crystal and build the case. And do not try to fly into the Black Hole on this ship. You simply won't be able to fly, as its width exceeds the width of some corridors.
  • In the 18th patch (1st content patch), weapons were added: Esodafer (fragmentation), Kafacitor (energy), Lyrekron (missile) and the Aegis artifact.
  • In the 19th patch, the composition of weapons was expanded by adding seven types of modifications, similar to "prefixes" in Diablo, etc. Modified weapons received slightly changed graphics.
  • Sliced ​​Rocket Launcher in PB. Now it will not work to pass maps with one robot. Some other weapons, on the contrary, have been strengthened - the Discharger, for example, reloads 11.5 times faster (as it turned out, a minute reload was not a feature, but not a bug).
  • The assholes of TR nerds (nerds who set records 10 times higher than the record of the average player) shine like stars in the night, because now the amount of experience gained is inversely proportional to the amount of accumulated experience, and many tactics to increase the final score have been cut out.
  • Unique cases have been sawn out (several more modest in terms of parameters unique versions of ordinary "acrine" cases have been sawn down instead), but they can be connected by selecting the appropriate option in the fine-tuning menu. But a game with fine tuning will not work in TR.
  • The aforementioned fine tuning. If you wish, you can even return the hypertransition from WP1, but if you accept these changes, the game will not go to the new TR.
  • MakeDump is a save editing tool. There are many possibilities, and with almost every patch there are more. But the modified save cannot be sent to the TR, and you cannot receive achievements on it.
  • Extended toolkit for mods.
  • Achievements, achievements, achievements, thousands of them! For example, " Descendant of Brezhnev" - get all the medals; Karagon Mail (Karagon is a human sector, in any game 90% of the planets in it belong to people, the system of the Sun and the planet Earth are also generated there, of course) - fail 10 delivery tasks.
  • 14 different endings.
  • Campaign to fight pirates (no, with others). Scandals, intrigues, investigations.
  • For lovers of freebies and torrents, the developers did one tricky thing: the heat of the star is so hot that you can’t fly without a droid. Also, in one system there can be so many asteroids that FPS sags even on cool computers.
  • Now this miracle can be more or less normally run on a “non-emulator”.

According to the assurances of the developers, it has nothing to do with the free "Revolution", and the name is only a tribute to it, and the artists honestly re-drawn, for example, the Transcendent Engine and it purely by chance turned out one to one like Taurine in the free one, Biogenic droid - like Shaishuulud, etc. As of 05/11/13, bugs and the flow of crash reports on the forum and VK, which has exceeded 2000 messages, have dried up, although the lucky ones with Asus Xonar still need to switch the sound to the built-in card, unless of course they want crashes or freezes every 5 minutes.

Other. "Empire", KR online

Throughout the existence of the forum, a lot of concepts for online CR have been proposed by many fans. But since the game is turn-based and it is difficult to fit in online, there was plenty of space for sraches on both sides. But one fine day, unexpectedly for everyone, Alexey Dubovoy (aka dab also Krabe), director of Elemental Games, did file a browser-based online version of the CD.
Loners ratchet up their empires on a server that is reduced to a single Vgolactek, with the addition of flagship robbers, but no cows. There is a political regime of clans and a brave noob without a clan will crawl out into the top through shit and robbery. Also, there are holivars on various soils between clans or just sharp potsans. In the dry end, most players did not accept this fork, because Empire is a browser, and browsers are such browsers, and there is still no atmosphere of the Kyrgyz Republic here. Oh, and also a terrible donat, without which it is impossible to play, and there is actually nothing for mere mortals to do there.
The developers, who have nothing to lose, are trolling players with fake news about Space Rangers 3: Children of Eltan.

Perspectives. The third part

There is no third part. And Gusarov said 9,000 times that she was not needed. On the basis of the third part and its release, srachs are constantly growing, and there is more than enough space for green-assed ones. Some of the fans switched to Kings Bounty: The Legend of the Knight, because there the texts are written in a similar style, there are frills, you can choose the ranger badge as the coat of arms, the author of KB LoR Gusarov. The rest are replaying CR, setting records, writing fanfiction, doing new quests in TGE and creating maps for planetary battles. At the beginning of October 2011, 1s suddenly organized a competition for knowledge of the KR universe, updated the website, logo, and also sent models to Igromir in costumes with colors and symbols of space rangers. Alas, instead of the third part, 1C decided to sell the fans an addon with whistles and fakes, as we read above. So it goes.

Aleksey Dubovoy (dab), while remembering the KR, furiously shoots rays of diarrhea towards the fans, calling the latter ideots.


  • "Space Rangers" ("Space Rangers") is a racial American television series of 1993, in which these same KR fly on a shaking vessel through the farthest corners of space, save people, shoot villains, catch batches of illegal substances, etc. The series is profitable differed from those of your Babylon-5 and Star Treks not only by a motley team, but also by the almost complete absence of epics and pathos. By the way, in one of the main positive (!) Roles is an excellent movie villain Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa.
  • In this GTA IV of yours, there is a bantering cartoon series Republican Space Rangers on the in-game TV, which, judging by the description, makes fun of the aforementioned racial American series, and the appearance of the Rangers is also inspired by the aforementioned Buzz Lightyear.
  • In CR2 there is a weapon IMHO - (Molecular Chaotic Deviation Emitter), which can be obtained by sawing out terronoids.
  • The 2013 film “Oblivion” is dedicated to Keller’s arrival on Earth, with comrade Cruise in the title role (thanks to the laziness of the Russian distributor, who did not bother to translate the title, it is known to viewers as “Oblivion”). The design of the drones is also suspiciously reminiscent of the Earth-made repair droids from CR2, hinting at where the script's legs are coming from.


  • Official website of the HD version of the game, which was released on March 15, 2013
  • AHIKH - Analyzer of Hack and Freebies in CR2 - an epic breakdown of the covers from CR2 (Beware! Mosk!)

If it were not for the Brotherhood of the Coast, you would never have traveled to the New World, because there would not have been a single French colony that you should have visited.

R. Sabatini, Good Luck for Captain Blood

When the first "Rangers" appeared, it was a sensation: they knew absolutely nothing about the game, 1C did not bother to give a single advertisement.

Now, of course, that sensation will no longer exist: everyone knows what the Space Rangers are. Even those snobs who squeamishly turn up their noses at all two-dimensional engines know that the game is a hit, and, therefore, its second part is obliged to collect its share of applause.

Elemental Games could well have made CR2 with minimal changes: new plot, replicas, quests, several types of weapons. Well, draw the graphics. And this already would be a success. But they went much further.

Preparing this guide for you, I found myself in a difficult position: on the one hand, the game has a lot of familiar things to experienced space pilots, on the other hand, many familiar things have gained new meaning. Therefore, I will describe the game as if from scratch, but I will especially focus on the innovations of the second part.

So, in this guide, you will learn about:

  • races, professions, ranger skills and experience gain;
  • ships, planets and space stations;
  • all kinds of equipment;
  • text quests and their passage;
  • planetary (ground) battles;
  • tactics, strategy and keys to defeating the dominators.

For those who are familiar with Space Rangers and want to learn about the main novelties of the second part as soon as possible, I recommend paying attention to the following chapters:

  • "Flying Heroes" - section "Skills".
  • "A flying barrel or something else?" - section "Space stations".
  • "On the dusty paths of distant planets" - all about planetary battles.
  • "Cold Iron" - section "Hull".

Flying Heroes
or about the role system

As before, at the initial stage of a career, we will have a choice of five races - malok, bearing, human, feyanin, Gaalian - and professions, of which now there are not three, but also five: warrior, mercenary, merchant, corsair and pirate.


As before, the choice does not particularly oblige you to anything. No one prevents a merchant, having saved up some money for decent weapons, to become a space hero, a pirate to “reforge”, and a fighter to engage in racketeering or an honest business. Only the initial parameters and the vessel provided depend on the choice.

Tip: A newcomer to the world of CR should start as a trader. The life of "business sharks" has become much more pleasant in the second part, since trading is now able to bring quick profits.


The choice of race does not have to determine your entire life either; initial relationships and equipment depend on it, but it is not difficult to establish friendship with other races by fighting with dominators (and spoil it with piracy). The set of available text quests also depends on the race (some, very few, are not given to everyone), but ... the race can also be changed if desired. At the pirate base.

Gaalians&mdash is a race of thinkers and sages, occupied mainly with creation and contemplation of beauty. As a result, they have quite decent relationships with everyone, and on their planets you can get cheap (relatively) luxury items. The equipment of the Gaalians is insanely expensive, but reliable. The Gaalians (and Faeyans) outlaw alcohol, drugs and weapons.

It is interesting: the degree of compliance with prohibitions depends on the political system on the planet. For example, in anarchy, practically no restrictions are given a damn. But the Gaalians almost always forbid drugs: apparently, because they love them very much (the prices for them among the Gaalians are exorbitant).

Fayane&mdash "eggheads", a race of engineers and scientists. They are usually the first to have all sorts of technical innovations - of course, not cheap. Their planets often have good prices for equipment and medicines. The Fayans completely spoiled relations with the maloks and bearings.

It is interesting: when playing as a Faeyan, you will not be faced with the question of gender. Faeyans are hermaphrodites.

People&mdash, as expected, average in everything, which in this case is not bad at all. Their things show a good "balance" between price and quality. People are in close friendship with the Faeyans and are very cold towards the Maloks. Drugs and weapons are illegal, but alcohol is too important an element of human culture.

It is interesting: galactic credits, on which the economy of the entire galaxy works, are originally the human currency.

Bearings, amphibians, also known as "mean toads," are the most infamous in the universe, not excluding the dominators. They do not disdain anything, they have the most abundant pirate fleet. On their planets allowed for sale all. It is clear that no one loves them (although the Gaalians and people somehow endure). Often on the Peleng planet you can buy something absolutely incredible - well, a pirate got it, drove it in his homeland ...

The most greedy rangers are sometimes bought from bearings with all sorts of illegal stuff and then sold to the Gaalians in one batch (and then not for long and thunder). Enrichment is really instant, but check if your gills grow after such tricks ...

Be careful when completing Peleng quests. To inflate with payment is the sweetest thing for them.

It is interesting: in galactic jargon, “bearing” means to compare with bearing, i.e. humiliate, humiliate.

Maloki&mdashbrutal thugs professing a cult of brute force. Accordingly, their space technology is made with the help of scrap and such and such a mother, therefore it costs a penny and is repaired almost for nothing, but it also breaks at the first opportunity. Since these brave guys do not tolerate effeminacy, they, the only ones in the entire Universe, have illegal luxury (as well as usually drugs and alcohol, but only a latent suicide can ban the little ones from selling weapons). Maloks have a decent relationship with the bearings, with the Gaalians - so-so, with the rest - on the verge of a massacre.

It is interesting: Malocs disdain trade, so you can ruin your relationship with them by simply trading too much on their planet. Speculation is, in their opinion, the most vile of perversions. It is much more honest to select what you need: therefore, they have very moderate claims against pirates.


There are six skills. For their development, you should invest in them, as before, experience points.

But there is an important difference from the first part: experience is now given not for the surrender of protoplasm (now it is called "nodes"), but directly for participating in hostilities. Well, for quests, of course.

Accuracy and maneuverability&mdashcombat skills: they determine, respectively, the amount of damage inflicted by a shot and the scale of damage that you receive from hits. A fighter should develop them harmoniously, but it seems that accuracy is a little more valuable.

Technique&mdashA skill that reduces wear and tear on equipment (including under enemy fire), which means it provides warriors with greater cost savings. Although the level of wear reduction is not really great, it is still worth considering (but not in the first place). The technique also increases the number of probes that can be controlled - see below in the Science Stations chapter.

Trade provides the best selling prices equipment(and only him). But if earlier this skill actually determined the amount of profit per battle (because the main income of a warrior is the surrender of dominator spare parts), now scientific stations always buy them at face value. Moral: Trading is a contender for the Most Useless Ranger Skill.

Charm&mdash, on the contrary, it's a great thing, because it increases the profit from quests (however, do not forget to visit the medical bases (see below) for the Ragobam whisper). In addition, charming rangers are better credited for hunting dominators and are more willing to forgive piracy and smuggling.

Leadership&mdash for those who prefer to fight in the company. This skill, as before, determines the number of available mercenaries.

Flying barrel or something else?
or about what might be encountered in outer space

The world is made of ink and luminaries,

There is a lot of filth in it.

Stars fly without a rudder and sails,

Galaxies are swirling around.

Our world is like a ball.

Hedgehog sleeps in the center of it.

O. Ledenev

It's time to talk about what we can meet in deep space.

I will immediately inform experienced rangers that the list has been significantly lengthened, and many familiar and familiar objects have changed their meaning. Therefore, when you see the familiar “flying barrel” of a ranger station in space, do not rush to draw your conclusion.

Stars and planets

As before, there is always one star in the system, and its only meaning is that it is not worth flying too close - the hull will begin to be damaged from the heat. Oh yes: also, if you hover the mouse over it, you can get a list of the planets and stations of the system.

Well, there is much more entertainment on the planet - at least if this planet inhabited.

First, there is score with an abundance of various goods for trade and another with ship equipment. Gable icon with columns allows you to chat with a representative governments: here our brother is given assignments, rewards for the work done, sometimes - useful information ... well, sometimes a brainwasher, if you deserve it.

AT ship screen, by calling it from here, you can repair any part of the equipment - or the whole thing. You can also send part of the cargo to the warehouse, so that later, if necessary, pick it up.

Advice: Going on a big trade raid, remove everything superfluous: a droid, a scanner, and even guns (if the engine is good). More hold - more turnover ...

In the same screen, the improvement of our abilities for experience points is now performed.

Very useful button information centre. There you can regularly hear rumors about planned military operations, places of profitable purchase or sale of goods, and for a ridiculous price of 3 credits you can get a certificate from the local network. This is the most important opportunity for any merchant, this is how they plan flights with goods - after looking at the prices on the planet of interest. In addition, the information network will help to find planets or stations where advanced technology has already gone on sale.

Hangar– it’s the take-off screen – as before, it allows you to refuel and repair frame ship.

It is interesting: now on the planet, entering the takeoff screen, you can see what other ships are currently in port. True, nothing can be done with them, but at least you can find out where this damn Phantom Lime, for which we have a contract with Mars, has gone ...

But it's all about inhabited planets. What about uninhabited?

They are no longer decorative objects, serving only during rare quests or for hiding from persecution. Now on any uninhabited planet you can look for something valuable. For this they serve probes.

The probe is purchased at the scientific station. Arriving on the planet, you leave it in orbit, and after a while you arrive - and look what he managed to sniff out. Lightning enrichment usually does not occur, but it is quite possible to make money in this way.

space stations

Huge constructions, lazily floating in orbits along with the planets, are space stations. On them you can do everything the same as on the planets (excluding communication with the government - well, there is none there!) - plus something else, special for each type of station.

During a dominator invasion, every decent ranger tries to stay close to such stations. Firstly, they help to shoot back, and they can be repaired; but the main thing is that if the stations are not defended, they will be blown to pieces, and even after the valiant reconquest of the system, they will not appear ... at least not immediately. Left without a single business center or scientific base for many parsecs around, you will immediately feel some ... discomfort.

Ranger Center

Home, sweet home! Here I received my first paternal order from the captain, here I was taught to fly... Here, puffing, I once dumped tanks with Klissan protoplasm, receiving honor, rating and experience for this.

Dominators, due to their mechanical nature, do not have protoplasm, but this deficiency is replenished by "micronodes". What it is and how it differs from protoplasm - I have no idea. Well, there were green snot, now they are multi-colored ... But they still sell them here. True, this is no longer the main source of experience. But for the delivered nodes they give micromodules.

A micro-module in magical worlds would be called an "enchantment". This is such a small thing that improves the characteristics of some piece of iron, usually with a side effect (for example, the object increases in size). In general, about the same thing that they do at a scientific station for ordinary money (and the smart people there do everything without bad consequences).

Advice: do not transfer micromodules to crappy equipment. You can't take them out of there. Put them on something with which you plan to fly for more than one month.

In general, I have to admit: the center of the rangers has ceased to be the center of the universe for us.

scientific stations

The mysterious tribe of eggheads (no, I'm not talking about the Faeyans, more precisely, not only about them) lives at scientific stations. There they are engaged in "research of dominators" - or rather, their pieces, which I sometimes drag them.

The main reason why we are at war with the dominators is to “feed” scientists with dominator spare parts. Like our ancestors - Klisan.

At the same time, for some reason, scientists are developing individual funds from each of the three types of dominators - which is strange, because their ships are exactly the same. And I, therefore, should try not just to fight with the dominators anyhow, but to choose precisely those whose spare parts are in short supply today.

In fact, it is possible to give them parts from the “wrong” dominators, but this is simply unprofitable: if you hand over pieces of the “red” dominators to the “blazeroid” department (blue - to the kelleroid, green - to the terronoid), then they will be accepted double price, and this very good money. It is quite realistic to live only by this, without exchanging for more peaceful pursuits.

In their free time (from working at the scrap metal collection point) scientists can, as before, improve your equipment, charging for this by no means a modest fee. But it's worth it. In addition, only here and with pirates you can repair artifacts.

Finally, there is such a funny innovation as probes: with their help, you can find some material values ​​on uninhabited planets. But not to say that it was so profitable: the search usually goes on for quite a long time, then you return after half a year - and you find some kind of scrap metal for 500 coins ... Moreover, the probe needs to be repaired from time to time ... However, a technically advanced probe scans the planet fast enough that, say, when you return to the system for quest money, you can already harvest.

Medical centers

There were no such stations in space at all three hundred years ago, and if there were, then the war with the Kleesans would have ended many years earlier.

The fact is that here they give out the most powerful stimulants, with which the most snuffy ranger can become a great hero. Do you want to fight from the first days of the game? That way.

Here are the most important of the local funds:

  • Gaalistra of time. I never thought that from dripping turpentine on the back of the ranger, not only he accelerates, but also his engine. However, facts are stubborn things. Agility also increases from the gaalistra, in general, with it you will leave your grandmother, you will leave your grandfather, and even more so from the urgant. It also has a peaceful use - flying to trade or doing quests with such an afterburner is also a pleasure.
  • Maloka Sizha. This good is already a purely combat stimulant, overhaul increasing accuracy and maneuverability. Until they themselves pumped - must have.
  • Star dust. Since haalistra and sizhu can not be bought always and everywhere, the dust also finds its connoisseurs. It simply raises almost all skills by one bar.
  • Ragobam whisper. They accept him, intending to earn extra money: with him, the rewards for quests increase markedly. In addition, it allows you to eat Ragobam toads. If anyone finds at least one, be sure to report it to the Discovery channel.
  • Supertech. This substance inspires you with powerful engineering knowledge, as a result of which the equipment on your ship does not wear out. For a fighter, the importance of such an injection cannot be overestimated, because the repair of the ship's internals is the main expense item, and the hull can be repaired with a droid.

There are a few less important ones - they increase the charm, the power of the scanner and radar, and the most, perhaps, amusing one makes merchants throw cargo into space on demand. A pirate can make a fortune on this.

In addition to all this drug addiction, diseases are also treated here, but such an attack will happen to you infrequently.

However, when it does occur, action must be taken urgently. How do you, for example, holy fanaticism when all ships without exception seem to be dominator? Or chekumash, in which "phantoms" appear around - non-existent planets, black holes, ships? Or enigmatic luatance, she is also viral pacifism (here, severe mental suffering is slightly brightened up by regular aid from the Luatan support fund)? Or bitter veil, at which the sufferer begins to destroy equipment on his own ship?

But in general, you need to know the main thing about illnesses: if you get sick, don’t play the fool and heal quickly.

military bases

Many rangers visit these establishments only to receive the next title and the prize that comes with it (which, as a rule, is immediately driven to the flea market due to irrelevance). But recently there are two other reasons for this:

  • combat programs awarded from time to time to distinguished Rangers. They can do a lot, it's a pity that the number of "charges" is very small. But those who want to feel like a magician and wizard are happy to make the dominator shoot into the white light or throw their own droid and cannon overboard...
  • Order of a military operation&mdash is the latest achievement of military-economic thought. Indeed, if a ranger wishes to join the battle fleet, and not fight at his own peril and risk, why shouldn't he pay for this privilege? A relatively modest contribution (over time, its modesty decreases significantly) - and now the squadron of Maloka "drakars" is ready to take off.

The only pity is that they determine the goal themselves.

Pirate bases

Well, and for those who have no problems with the law, and ardent love for the authorities is written on their faces (especially those of their representatives that are depicted on banknotes), the direct road is to the business center. It is to these institutions that we owe the fact that in today's space, trade is more than profitable.

The first possibility is getting a loan. This is where life in big business most often begins. The terms and interest are quite soft, and if you miss the "hour H" - just pay a fine. True, if you remain deaf to the voice of debt, sooner or later deceived businessmen will spread dirty rumors about you throughout the galaxy (and no one will give you a single quest without bribes), and will also set pirates on you.

Further - market research. For a fairly moderate amount, you are offered ready-made options for the most profitable trade routes! Of course, the same thing can be found by digging for a long time on the local network, but it’s much easier and more pleasant this way. Just keep in mind that they choose according to a single principle - the maximum difference in percents between the buying and selling price. In other words, it can sometimes be more profitable to trade at a less remarkable difference, but more expensive goods (10% in the price of luxury is often nicer than 30% in the price of products).

Investments- the funniest thing ever. You do not like the location of the stations? Ha, I have a problem too! A small financial transaction - and here you have a brand new business center or a military base ... It's a pity that possible locations are determined without our help.

Well, and the last - insurance. Everything is simple here: pay some money, and for several years you will be able to use the services of doctors at half price. In my opinion, there is nothing to think about: everyone must have a policy!

Asteroids and space debris

In CR 1, many initially chose the career of "space scavenger": shooting asteroids, collecting free-floating minerals, or chasing them into hyperspace. The latter is now problematic, but hunting for asteroids - here you are in your right. However, don't be fooled too much: garbage is inexpensive, and time flies.

If you decide to deal with garbage, firstly, take care of the engine more decently (asteroids run fast), secondly, about an industrial laser (only it splits the asteroid, retaining most of the minerals - the rest have very low efficiency), thirdly - about a decent radar, otherwise you will be looking for these volatile warehouses for a long time.

Black holes

Black holes - randomly opening passages from one star to another - remained the same as they were. As before, an arcade battle awaits us in the black hole with one or more ships of unknown nationality, and the reward is an artifact - and a certain amount of minerals. And, of course, the final meeting with the dominator boss is supposed to take place there.

There are more black holes now than ever before. This is understandable: after all we no longer have other sources of arcade battles, the opportunity to fight with pirates in a bunch of hyperspace during an interstellar transition was taken away from us. As before, the inhabitants of the holes cool the faster the more often you visit them. And sometimes, in addition to UFOs, you can find such things there ...

Battles, perhaps, have not become harder, only now you need to fly more actively, because there are a lot of healing prizes on the new maps, and if you don’t harvest first, the enemies will resist you for a very long time. I won't describe the combat technique in detail - I'll refer you to the manual for the first CDs on our CD. Let me just say that the "tachanka" tactic, when we fly exclusively backwards, turning our guns towards the enemy, is still more than relevant.

It is important: if you want to collect prizes in hyperspace after the battle, pick them up with the Alt key, and not with a mouse click: the mouse now immediately takes you out of hyperspace after the battle.

Sometimes it is known in advance (from galactic news) exactly where the hole leads.

Love black holes, the source of artifacts and "free" movement through the galaxy.


Ships of sentient races

Space is full of diverse people running somewhere about their business. Many of them do not care about you at all, others are ready to attack at the first opportunity, others are potential comrades in arms. But everyone has their own occupations, except to "serve as a decoration for a great hero."

The nationality of most ships is determined by the color of the hull and a dot on the radar, and you can know in advance what to expect. Red - Maloki, green - bearings, blue - people, pink-lilac - Faeyans, yellow - Gaalians. But this does not apply to rangers (and some pirates): what kind of corps they have acquired for themselves, they have such a color. The fact that you fly on a Faeyan ship does not make you a friend to all Faeyans...

The direction of the ship's movement is indicated by the radar (if the ship is within its reach). The number of hit points it has left is the scanner (unless the ship's defenses are better than what the scanner can overcome.

It is important: and yet, even without a scanner, you can get some information about the remaining hits of the enemy. If the questions (which stand instead of numbers) have turned brown, it means that the adversary will not smoke the sky for long.

If the ship is within range of the radar, you can talk to it. This is useful to:

  • find out the direction of movement of the military squadron (whom they are going to release);
  • find out some rumors about profitable goods (for this we talk with transports);
  • agree on a joint attack (with a pirate - on a peaceful ship, with a civilian or warship - on a pirate, with a ranger - on a dominator);
  • demand "trick or treat";
  • agree to hire a ranger to serve you.

Peaceful ships

Liners, diplomats and transports, as a rule, do not get into battle first (except perhaps against a well-known pirate, and only a bunch), they often show accommodating in the issue of ransom, and, in general, do not like to fight. Although sometimes the number of guns on board and the good spirits of the “Malok peaceful tractor” may surprise you.

Pirates benefit from them a lot, the rest - except to find out about supply and demand or request help against a bandit.


These gentlemen are usually found in packs and are not at all averse to slapping pirates, enemies of their race or home planet in the forehead. It is not easy to negotiate with them if they already have a grudge against you. The warships are armed, as a rule, decently, but the government always skimps on good engines, so in which case it is quite possible to “go to plan B”. True, soldiers usually fly without cargo, which affects speed.

Destroying a warship seems to affect racial relations more than robbing a civilian transport, but less than attacking a diplomat.

The benefits of soldiers are, first of all, that they fly in a large bunch to liberate worlds from dominators, and behind their broad backs you can shoot at flying evil spirits to your heart's content. As a rule, they keep military secrets weakly, they easily admit who they are going to go to, and it is not difficult to cling to. As I said, the operation can be ordered at an army base for your own money. Since the engines of the soldiers are so-so, you can easily escape from the fire according to the principle that one wizard once stated:

“Are you hoping to run faster than a troll with this spell?”

“No, I hope to run faster than the rest of the company!”

However, there is one drawback in joint hunting with the army: soldiers are alien to profit, as a rule, they don’t have a capture, and therefore, in the absence of more worthy targets, they simply shoot everything that flies in space. As soon as this type fires into a generator for 20,000 coins, anti-army sentiments immediately light up in all the rangers!

Warriors (maybe, except for the Peleng ones) always willingly respond to the proposal to jointly attack the pirate.


These fly all over the place and are very interested in poorly protected ships, from which they solicit cargo or money. Many rangers who are tempted by illicit profits fall into the same category. This living creature will be especially abundant in the vicinity of their bases, as well as in the Peleng and - a little less - Maloka worlds.

Oddly enough, pirates usually fly on antediluvian tubs, and all they really have is guns and, sometimes, an engine.

Pirates have a well-developed instinct for self-preservation, and, deciding that they are superior in firepower, they calmly sit down on the planet, where they sit out hard times.

Often you are given a quest to destroy another John Silver, and this property of the Knights of the Jolly Roger bothers you a lot. What to do?

And here's what. Wait on the sidelines until the pirate takes off and heads for the edge of the map. Follow him not too fast until he is far enough away, after which try to get between him and the planet. In addition, a cannon named after is very helpful in hunting corsairs. treton, which slows down an enemy ship.

Shooting pirates (even without a quest) is not forbidden by anyone except ... the pirate's home planet. She can sometimes take offense at such concern for the safety of her orbit. Especially if the planet is Pelengskaya or Malokskaya. It can be extremely disappointing to see an army squadron on your tail, taking up arms against you for "cruel treatment of pirates"...

To prevent pirates from touching you, 3-4 guns are usually enough. Suspecting that here you can get punched in the face, the pirates will fly around you on the tenth road. And, of course, a fast engine will deprive them of the chance to present you with any claims.


The ranger brethren are busy with about the same thing as you, and enjoy a similar degree of freedom, except that they do not touch text quests. Ranger can meet you in any guise, on any ship, he is free to become an indifferent merchant, a die-hard warrior or a greedy pirate.

But in general, the rangers are not so much your competitors as your colleagues. At least 80% of the credit for freeing the systems and at least 50% for defending them from the Dominators belongs to the Rangers. And as soon as you are interested in the final victory, don't hunt rangers, even if they behave disgustingly, dirtyly extort money from passers-by and swear like Maloka.

No, in principle, a particularly arrogant specimen can be nailed, but this should be an exception. In addition, pirate rangers often stray into a flock, so you really have to deal with not one, but three or four.

Rangers, unlike warriors, are independent guys, and it is impossible to order their visit to one or another system. But you can cooperate with them like this:

  • to hire;
  • "hang out" around the toughest fighters among the rangers, knowing that they are busy clearing star systems almost all the time (you can learn about the movements of these heroes from the galactic news);
  • arrive in a system where they are already fighting (to be guided by the crossed blades icon, which is not very convenient, because everything can end by your arrival);
  • try to negotiate directly (quite difficult);
  • launch an attack and wait for their arrival.

The last one is worth mentioning in more detail. The fact is that rangers, like you, know how to look at the map and find icons with crossed blades there. And they also prefer not to fight the dominators alone. Therefore, for the appearance of colleagues in the system, it is often enough to fly a few circles around the edge of the map, moving away from shelling. Convinced of your serious intentions, the rangers will catch up...

On a note: to ensure the protection of the planetary system (you never know, suddenly it is something dear to you ...), sometimes it is worth ordering a ranger base there (with the help of the nearest business center). Rangers try to protect them and do not give them to the dominators to eat. A similar effect - in relation to the army - has a military base.

When fighting side by side with comrades, remember that the rangers are by no means disinterested and will gladly collect pieces of dominators and nodes flying in space, and preference will be given to the first. And, unlike warriors, they may well do this even when a fat, juicy dominator equntor swims nearby.

True, the ranger is limited by the possibilities of his capture, and the good that he cannot pick up, never doesn't shoot. And thanks for that.

By the way, your colleagues are completely stupid people in terms of business. You will not believe, but they never hand over production to a scientific base. Although you can earn several times more there - after all, they accept goods at full price, and if you take it to the right department, then double it! But no matter how you arrive at the scientific base, there is only the rubbish that you personally brought. And it's amazing.


And here they are, those for whom we are gathered here today. The figures show samples of the Kelleroid fauna; Blazeroids prefer red trim over blue trim, while terronoids prefer green trim.


Interestingly, dominator military thought clearly developed under the influence of the Klissan. A brave mutt is easily guessed in the shtip, the urgant was a nondus as a girl, and the equalor was made under the license of the Egemon factory.

Therefore, the tactics of dealing with them are largely similar. In particular:

  • the most dangerous ships are smersh (former katauri). It is they who primarily determine the combat capability of the dominator squadron. Menok and shtip are fired by a well-armed ranger (five barrels of a modern model) in 2-4 volleys, and the urgant and equventor are so lazy and clumsy that you can easily carry out the “Grill” maneuver with them (see below);
  • dominators almost never retreat, and only a very few of them know the third law of robotics (the one that tells you to keep yourself intact. However, the other two laws are unknown to any of the dominators);
  • you can safely count on the fact that if you are not reachable, and someone else is reasonable and kind swimming nearby, the dominator will cheat on you and start passionate love with the nearest available target;
  • they are also nervous about spare parts and nodes floating in space, and if they cannot reach you, they are engaged in shooting all this stuff, so you need to try to lead them along so that they do not have the opportunity to destroy your prey;
  • Urgants and Equentors like to spread a harmful wave around them, while shooting all the trophies in the vicinity at once.

But there is also something new.

Although dominators rarely refuse to attack you, they do not necessarily fly to you along the shortest path. Therefore, they are not as easy to lure as Klisan used to be to “bask in the sun”, and moreover, they are able to choose a course of preemption, surround, etc. Sometimes they even decide to retreat in order to quietly repair (but this happens so rarely that I don’t even know if this is a planned measure or a failure).

In the event that there are several different targets nearby, the dominators try to choose a target according to the principle of “maximum damage and maximum vulnerability”. They seem to determine these parameters by honest scanning, so the protection generator can prevent them from doing this. At the same time, the dominators try not set several heavy ships (Urgants, Equentors) on one target if there are more than one of them within reach.

Scan dominator ships impossible. True, the scanner regularly shows the remaining hits of the enemy (if, of course, it overcomes the defense).

Dominators of different varieties differ in equipment. So, Blazeroids are better armed than others, and Kelleroids usually fly faster. In addition, there are the following types of "branded" equipment:

  • blazeroids usually armed with torpedoes (and generally have a weakness for rocket weapons);
  • kelleroids&mdash lovers of a strange contraption called "vertix";
  • terronoids they carry a weak, but easily penetrating defense, IMHO-9000 gun.

Grill maneuver

There is nothing fundamentally new in this idea, it worked with the Kleesans, but there are some specifics.

The point is to circle around the star to push the brats closer to the sun and make them gently fry.

Firstly, even flying around a star by itself, if you manage to fly around a sufficiently large arc, makes sense: Dominator missiles and torpedoes fly towards you in a straight line, which means they will burn out in the flames of the sun.

Secondly, you have to completely abandon weapons of this kind - for obvious reasons.

Thirdly, in order to lure the dominator "to the light", you first need to fry a little yourself - fly up to a dangerous distance and let the dominator catch up with you there. After that, the program no longer prevents him from sunbathing until he is completely satisfied! Of course, if you fly too far, he will crawl out of his solarium, but until then he will sit there, and you are completely safe from his missiles, and hits are “written” from him quite quickly.

Of course, this can only be done with Urgants and Equentors - the rest are not inferior to you in maneuverability. And don't forget that if the enemy explodes in the area of ​​the solar flame, all the loot will disappear with him. As soon as the numbers of his hits turn brown - release the roast, otherwise it will burn.


Ships that do not belong to any of the known races are usually found in hyperspace and serve as a source of adrenaline and artifacts. However, twice I met a strange brown ship in ordinary space. The first time he was "bitten" by the dominators, the second time I "made it before".

It did not want to enter into negotiations, attacked immediately and, despite good weapons, was destroyed. Two (!) artifacts and a very decent gun were found in his remains. What it did in the Witt Prayonis system has not yet been established by science. If this riddle is solved, I will not fail to inform you about it.

On the dusty paths of distant planets
or about battles in the unearthly firmament

I would give all these flying heroes and sailors to the infantry for a month. To see what kind of war it is when you look at it without a spyglass.

F. Konyshev

As everyone who has been following the announcements of the game knows, planetary battles have appeared in CR2, and they are going on in RTS mode.

To begin with, I will reassure everyone who has these three Latin letters cause an allergic reaction, as well as those who in the morning, turning their faces to the monitor, say: “There is no RTS, except for Warcraft, and Arthas is her prophet.” that this mode is only for those who wish, and no one will force you to clean up the planets.

Planetary battles are just another type of quest, on par with the text quests beloved by the people. And those who are disgusted by the idea of ​​​​RTS in the Rangers can tell the quest giver that “such tasks do not interest me,” after which no one else will bother them with dirty offers.

  • no time is wasted on these quests: they usually have to be completed right on the spot, where they were asked. And time is still the Ranger's most valuable resource;
  • for them it doesn’t matter at all what equipment you have, how many guns and whether the engine is fast;
  • and finally, it's just nice.

Before the fight

So, we succumbed to the lure of novelty and landed on the surface of the planet. Before that, we were given the opportunity to choose between three options:

  • get pluses to armor;
  • receive more frequent reinforcements from the base;
  • do without these advantages to earn more money and experience.

If you are confident in yourself, you are on the third track, but honestly I will tell you that some of the RTS missions (for example, the one where you need to clear the autotrack of dominators) are very difficult without “indulgences”. Well, with amplification, most tasks are completed with a bang.

It is important: in planetary missions, as well as in text quests and hyperspace fights, saving the game No. There is only a restart from the beginning (but after choosing the advantage).

Which plus to choose depends on the mission, and it is not always obvious at its beginning. You may need to load the game before the mission to make your choice again.

If you have problems with resources, it is better to take care of frequent reinforcements. If there is a lot of everything and you basically play with the maximum possible number of robots, then armor will help better.

Rules of the game

You have a certain number of bases and factories, as well as the enemy.

The factory is a source of resources, besides them, it can only produce gun turrets, and only in pre-marked places. Each plant produces resources of one of four types (titanium, micromodules, energy, plasma).

The base (its characteristic feature is the elevator platform in front of the building) can do two more things: produce combat robots and call for reinforcements from time to time (if you are stingy with a more frequent delivery of reinforcements, this will very infrequently).

Robots are produced very quickly - literally in a couple of seconds, turrets - for a relatively long time, and the base can only build one thing at a time (so if you need to quickly protect the base, it is often more reasonable to build robots).

In addition to the rate of profit of resources, the number of bases and factories depends limit on the number of robots who you can call to your service.

The task, as you may have guessed, is to rid the enemy of real estate. As a rule, you will have more than one rivals, and they also fight among themselves - this must be used.

To privatize a building, it is necessary and sufficient to command your (any) robot to capture the building (the button in the center of the command panel) and wait until the building becomes your property. Of course, it would be nice if your fighter was not shot during this time ...

Probably the most significant new feature in planetary combat is the ability to design robot to your liking. You do not have an initially set range of fighters - there is only a set of "spare parts" from which a working configuration is assembled.

While you are fiddling with the design of the robot, the game is paused.

Assembly of robots

The robot consists of a body, an engine, guns - from 1 to 4, depending on the selected body - as well as 1-2 additional modules.

Each detail costs some resources, and most of them affect armor as well.

The hull determines primarily the number of gun ports. To be honest: I used one-two-port only at the very beginning of the battle, and then I had such fighters only as help from the customer.

Why don't they hit each other? It's not fair!

From the trunks, turn Special attention on the repairer. Without it, your robots and buildings do not regenerate at all, so not using repairmen is pure suicide. Build a four-barrel repairman on a fast enough chassis (just make sure it doesn't roll ahead of the squad) with maximum armor and send with any squad. And with large groups, even two repairmen are better; Let's not forget that he can't heal himself!

The most powerful gun is the plasma gun, but it wants a lot of plasma, you just can’t get enough of it. When there are plenty of resources, then you are welcome: such a robot demolishes turrets in just a couple of seconds. And more often you have to do with rocket launchers. Plus, all combat robots should be equipped with an additional, fifth barrel - a mortar. But the repairman - better not, because this is another reason for him to get into a fight.

There is also such a tricky thing as an arrester - theoretically, it paralyzes an enemy robot. True, they often defend themselves against it. But still put one a spark gap for one robot out of three pays off.

The rest of the barrels can be installed as needed, but on average, in my opinion, they pay off worse than rocket launchers.

Now about the chassis. They differ in speed and permeability. It would seem that anywhere can be reached by road, so the second should be unimportant: however, this is a mistake. The fact is that wheeled robots (and others with low traffic) are forced to line up on the road in a column, in single file. As you know, this is the most unfortunate system for combat.

At the beginning, in order to quickly capture neutral factories, we rivet robots on antigravs; in the future, for the sake of economy, you can get by with acroplanes. If the group is intended mainly for defense or for a slow mass assault, let it go on caterpillar tracks (they provide maximum protection).

Well, and additional equipment... Protection against an arrester is needed infrequently, as a rule, a mortar is better (an exception is a repairman). On the head, additional armor looks best, although there are also different schools of thought here.

Main tactical device here - a “concave mirror”: in front of the bottleneck, we place the army in an arc so that all enemy robots that do not fly are forced to act individually into the focus of fire. 3-4 fully armed robots plus one repairman behind in this way can repel almost any scale attack even without turrets. You should also move in an arc, keeping the “healers” behind the arc, so that any target falls into the field of fire of the entire brigade at once.

Since we have several opponents, the choice of direction for expansion is very important. The principle of "divide and conquer", as usual. Our map is a kind of labyrinth in which there are nodal intersections; if such a node is common to you and two opponents, do not rush to capture it, let them thin out each other themselves. And do not beat the weakest of the enemies - by doing so, you allow the more dangerous to become stronger.

If the adversary dug in at the base and does not want to get out, the method of a false attack by a heavily armored caterpillar brigade contributes. And the main assault group - of course, on antigravs - waits until everyone crawls out to repel the invasion and quickly breaks through.

It is possible - and sometimes necessary - to capture a factory or a base before that as the turrets are destroyed. But you shouldn't get carried away with this: the turrets have enough "wit" to shoot first of all at the invader. But the maneuver, when in this way the fire is diverted to the most armored of your monsters, sometimes works (especially if there is a repairman nearby); it's a pity that the tracked robots still won't crawl to the capture point fast enough.

Turret selection

As you know, we have four turrets. What is one type or another good for?

As turrets outside the base, most actively use rocket launchers. They need plasma, but if you not arm your robots with plasma guns, this resource will not be in short supply. And other funds are spent on them little. In addition, rockets are quite powerful and hit armor well.

Inside bases are an ideal tool - heavy gun. It gives the most powerful damage, and its not very long range will not affect it there. But a heavy cannon is not cheap, and using it often means cutting back on the resources needed for mobile units.

laser turret expensive and not very effective, but there is one situation when it turns out to be in place: if the enemy is carried away by heavy armor (a characteristic feature is caterpillar robots). The laser beam doesn't care about armor. At key points of defense, sometimes you should not skimp on the laser.

What is good for light gun? The answer to this question is unknown to modern science. Of course, it costs next to nothing, but who is rich enough to buy cheap guns? Especially when they occupy extremely scarce gun platforms? Theoretically, her two quick-firing barrels should help against high-speed "runners" on anti-gravs. In practice, it can be described in one word: obsolete

cold iron
or about equipment

There is a case on the table - not low, not high, not recumbent, not SLIM, and the power supply with it.

L. Kaganov

In this chapter, we will talk about everything that a ranger ship is equipped with. Of course, it will not surprise anyone that many new types of weapons, artifacts, etc. have appeared; but note that the rules about corps changed very significantly. In addition, the chapter "Micromodules" talks about a fundamentally new type of equipment.

It makes no sense to give exact parameters - they change, and even on the same planet you can easily find a couple of industrial lasers with different parameters. But I will bring complete lists all types of basic equipment - if only because it's easier to look for them in a local search engine. The larger the item number, the better and more expensive it is (although do not forget about the mass: a hefty heavy piece of iron, of course, is cheaper, but it’s better not to take it - it will take up the entire hold).

The race of the manufacturer also matters. As its technical sophistication grows (in the order: malok, bearing, man, feyanin, Gaalian), the equipment wears out more slowly, but it also costs more (including in terms of repairs). In addition, many micromodules have a restriction on the manufacturer's race.


If in the first "Rangers" all the hulls differed only in size (it's the volume of the hold, it's the number of hits), the absorption capabilities of the armor yes appearance, now another major difference has been added: the number of positions for equipment of all grades.

In the picture you see the scheme of the case. In different buildings, certain cells can be painted over - this means that nothing can be put here. For example, in our example, two of the five cells for weapons are painted over - therefore, more than three guns will not fit here; two of the four artifacts are painted over - the conclusion is clear. There are cases without a droid, without a scanner, without a capture ... Only the engine and the fuel tank are always present.

It is important: pay special attention to this unique "button". For hulls that lack the afterburner function, it is not painted over, but absent. You don’t need to put anything there, it’s just a property of the hull that does not require additional equipment. Afterburner is the ability to dramatically increase speed due to rapid engine wear. Not a stupid idea - to fly on a weak and cheap engine, but burn it with afterburner and reach high speed. In any case, with an afterburner hull, you will always have an extra chance to escape, catch up, and so on. The most valuable thing!

Nothing prevents you from getting not one, but several buildings, and storing the extra ones in warehouses. For example, get a special transport corps for trading operations - a huge hold and no guns.

A combat corps is, as a rule, all five (or at least four) cannon ports, certainly a droid, almost certainly a capture (you didn’t take a vow of poverty, right?) And, normally, at least two artifacts (anti-gravity and rocket launcher , for example - a great combination). Forcing is highly desirable. The scanner can be neglected, the radar too, although this is already more difficult. The protective field generator has been relevant far from the beginning of the game - less than 25-30% protection is not worth the space in the hold. Well, I would like the dimensions to be not quite Spartan ... So that, so to speak, there is no sting in the shoulders. According to these principles, we will choose our corps for battles. And the absorption properties of armor are, of course, an important thing, but, at worst, they can be developed for money on a scientific basis.

Case types:

1. Gravicore.

2. Mesostructural.

3. Horny.

4. Brominated.

5. Chrobite.

6. Polymorphic.

7. Nanochitin.

8. Bioslot.

It is important: the configuration of the case is determined not at all by its appearance, but by the series (for example, "Hershey" or "Ideal"). Annoyingly, the local search engine for hull series cannot search, and finding the “Ideal” (this is a hull with all open cells and afterburner) is possible only by chance. The best thing to do is to look for "ranger corps" or "pirate corps" - among them, most often something decent comes across ..


Nothing has changed here. As before, the engine model determines the maximum speed and range of the jump. As before, a heavy ship with the same engine goes slower than a light one (which makes the antigravitator perhaps the most valuable of the artifacts).

On a note: an artifact called "hypergenerator" replaces the jump range with 40 regardless of the engine model.

"Base" speed assumes a mass of 500 units. At more weight vessel speed is reduced (formula: speed in % = 122.333 - 0.045 * Weight), but never falls below a third of the base.

This applies, however, only to the speed in a "calm" state: in battle, if you are often hit, the engine overheats, and the speed drops (may drop by half of the original). An artifact with the colorful name "Thugs" protects from this effect. Also, a cannon called "treton" additionally reduces the speed of the target.

Although the afterburner + hypergenerator is a combination that replaces a high-quality engine quite well, and the “gaalist of time” stimulant can correct the shortcomings of the “motor”, it’s still not worth saving on the engine. After all, both speed in battle and the ability to quickly trade and complete tasks depend on him ... Although such an unambiguous dependence, as in the first CR - as his colleague Khorev said, “ the engine is the key to absolutely everything' is no longer observed.

Engine types:

1. Diving.

2. Singular.

3. Gillweed.

4. Streaming.

5. Splash.

6. Graviton.

7. Stationary.

8. Temporal.

Fuel tank

Fuel is spent on hyperjumping, and nothing more. It is necessary to have a tank no less than the maximum jump range that the engine allows. Do you need a margin beyond that? Sometimes - yes, it will allow you to fly without refueling, in particular - to escape from an unprofitable battle. But no one forbids simply carrying a spare tank or tank for refueling in the hold.

Advice: since much is not needed from the tank, it is often advantageous to take a low-class tank and strengthen it with a micromodule - then its repair will cost mere pennies. The same is true for capture and radar.

Types of tanks:

1. Hyperfluid.

2. Condensate.

3. Reduction.

4. Protobubbly.

5. Positional.

6. Endocluster.

7. Gyroscopic.

8. Tecrine.


It's not strictly required, but very simplifying life, because without it you will have to look for everything manually, determine the value of prey “by smell”, refuse negotiations and mercenaries, from scanning (yes, the scanner also does not work without a radar!). In general, it's better to wear a radar. But the latest model is definitely optional. Let there be some.

Radar types:

1. Wave.

2. Subtransfer.

4. Beam.

5. Catahurny.

6. Neuroflow.

7. Ethane.

8. Zero-contact.


Hundreds of rangers without a scanner have lived and will live. Is it possible for a pirate to be interested in how valuable the cargo is transported and what is better to offer - to give the cargo or pay a fee? For the rest, only information about the number of hits is valuable, but you can definitely do without it - when the ship is close to death, this can be understood by the color of the hit line.

The work of the scanner is hampered by the generator of the protective field (they are divided according to the penetration power). Dominators cannot be scanned.

Scanner types:

1. Trace.

2. Vortex.

3. Neuroprobe.

4. Molecular.

5. Colloidal.

6. Tektorny.

7. Deatomic.

8. Quantifier.


But the droid is an essential item for everyone who plans to participate in battles. And even an avid pacifist should get at least inferior ones - so as not to spend money on repairing the hull after an accidental projectile or a collision with an asteroid. Well, for a fighter, a droid is almost the most important indicator of his “toughness”.

The droid determines how many hull hits it will heal per turn (the simplest, biotic, gives 5, suspensor 10...). The best models sometimes provide complete recovery after a volley of a couple of deaths!

But don't forget the droid repairs body only. Damage to the engine, guns, other equipment (and the droid itself) will have to be repaired for money.

Advice: when repairing on a planet or base, if you are not going to immediately return to battle, do not use "full repair" - repair things one by one. Otherwise, they will charge you a tidy sum to repair the hull, which the droid will fix anyway.

Droid models:

1. Biotic.

2. Suspensor.

3. Trekking.

4. Stem.

5. Fireball.

6. Tensor.

7. Pin.

8. Duplex.

Defense Generator

This device reflects some percentage of the damage inflicted on you (shortwave generator - 5%, then 5% per stage). In addition, it protects against scanning (if the scanner is weaker than the generator, scanning is impossible).

At first, the generator is a waste of money and, more importantly, space in the hold, since 5-10% of the deflected damage does not really make a difference. The real benefit starts at about 20-25%, and by the time zone generators appear, this is already a necessary piece of equipment for any fighter.

Types of generators:

1. Shortwave.

2. Polarizing.

3. Meson.

4. Mesh.

5. Polygonal.

6. Zonal.

7. Microlevel.

8. Ultraplasma.


Capture determines only one thing - a piece of what size can drag a ship into its hold without choking, and from what distance it will be able to do this.

In fact, even the most ordinary, starting one, is quite enough if you strengthen it on a scientific basis and add a micromodule: then fixing it will cost a penny, and it will be able to pick up more than 100 units, which is enough in 99% of cases. True, there is an unverified opinion that steeper grips also pull the object faster, and this can be critical if you collect trophies right in the thick of the battle.

You can exist completely without capture only if you are not fundamentally interested in trophies. Therefore, it is not a sin to unload it when setting off for a quest or on a trade flight, but only inveterate unmercenaries go to war without capture.

Grip types:

1. Activator.

2. Telekinetic.

3. Plasmonite.

4. Ectogenic.

5. Piezotron.

6. Erymetroid.

7. Optical wave.

8. Microtonal.


So we got to our hope and joy - all kinds of guns and rays. Since the last time, only an industrial laser remained with us, the rest of the list was changed.

Weapons are now divided into three types: fragmentation, energy, rocket. The difference between the first two classes is small, but it depends on which micromodules can be installed; the rocket one is very different - see the details on the sidebar. In the future, fragmentation and energy weapons, in contrast to rocket weapons, will be called "guns".

As before, guns can be divided into groups according to range. In Space Rangers, ranged weapons outperformed melee weapons despite less damage; in CR2, the imbalance has been smoothed out a bit, but nevertheless it makes sense to take either only long-range guns (perhaps along with missiles), or only heavy melee weapons. A motley collection of both is inappropriate: in close combat you will be defeated by those who have only heavy weapons, and in the long-range they will be shot because of the small number of guns reaching the enemy.

industrial laser

Range 2

Not so much a weapon as a tool: when it breaks asteroids, it turns out much more minerals than if you use something else. If “gathering” doesn’t disgust you, carry the laser with you. At first they even fight ...

fragmentation gun

Range 1

The first weapon with a meaningful level of damage, but you can actually hit them at close range.

Did you know...

That in Space Rangers 2 you can optionally play any quest, planetary battle or arcade battle?

To do this, in the main menu, press:

  • Calling the list of quests: Ctrl+Shift+livebook
  • Calling up the list of planetary battle maps: Ctrl+Shift+robotrumble
  • Arcade Mode Activation: Ctrl+Shift+fastfingers to see developer portraits in WP2?

Connoisseurs of the first part are probably already wondering where they were hidden this time. Now they "sit" deeper than before.

You need to fight Terron on his planet (or load the terron fight map as above) and bring one robot with a bomb and full health (!) To the room in the center of the map. Blow it up there and observe the effect...


Ranger in the pasture.

Range 5

The longest-range cannon of the early period. Due to this, it remains relevant right up to the advent of disintegrators.


Range 4

In a past life, the treton was called a retractor. It is remarkable in that a successful hit from it reduces the speed of the target. Therefore, the running maneuver with its help is to shoot with a treton at a strong enemy so that he lags behind the weak one, at whom the rest of the guns are aimed.

wave phaser

Range 2

It hits hard, but not too much, and the streaming blaster (appearing almost at the same time) is much better.

stream blaster

Range 4

The best weapon of its time, without a doubt. It hits very far, and nothing available at this time outweighs it significantly in strength.

Electronic cutter

Range 3

The weapon of perverts and dominators, because it destroys the internal equipment of the enemy. In theory, they should become defenseless from this, but your trophies really die ...


Range 3

The thing is powerful and relatively long-range; based on it, you can build a configuration "for medium range".

Atomic Vision

Range 4

Not only is it powerful and long-range, it also acts in areas. A set of five visions "puts" changes and pins in whole squadrons.


Range 5

In my personal opinion, the best weapon in the game. And let the turbogravir hit harder, but the disintegrator is not much inferior to it, and its distance is such that few cannons can reach it at such a distance. The Professional's Choice!


Range 3

The heaviest of all guns. Dot.


Range 3

I have no idea what the terronoids had in mind when they created this signature weapon of theirs. It's called funny, but I didn't notice much use from it. Maybe there is some special effect, I'm not sure.


Range 3

And Kelleroids are no better either. Just as bulky and stupid contraption.

rocket launchersuperweapon or scrap metal?

This question worries many rangers. Rocket weapons are very different from everything else, and the question is whether to use them? — is far from obvious.

pros missiles and torpedoes are as follows:

  • their range is almost unlimited;
  • they cause very serious damage (torpedoes - by themselves, rockets - thanks to a volley);
  • rockets (but not torpedoes) take up very little space. This is perhaps the lightest weapon of all.


  • a rocket can be shot down from a cannon (a torpedo too, but it has a lot of hit points, and this is not always possible);
  • this weapon needs to be recharged, which costs a pretty penny, and even when the systems are released, it’s hard;
  • you won’t be able to fly around the sun - your rockets will burn out in it;
  • damage is not applied immediately, which means that the enemy will still have time to shoot, and besides, it is more difficult to calculate the fire - because if the target is destroyed, and the missiles are still flying towards it, then the missile salvo was wasted.

At first glance, it may seem that the cons outweigh the pros, but this is not entirely true. With a fast engine (either on an afterburner or with a gaalistra of time), you can shoot a few studs and menks with missiles, earning valuable experience (and even loot), while approaching the distance of the beam, you will be destroyed. Missiles do not force you into a threat zone, and the importance of this cannot be overstated. And having completely switched to missiles, it is quite possible to destroy even equalors.

Main trick: don't use rocket launchers piece by piece. While a couple of missiles are flying at the enemy, he will probably have time to shoot them off. And if you load four barrels into it, even the equalizer will not have enough gunpower!

Sometimes it seems that it is unprofitable to shoot missiles while turning back to the chasing enemy - while these missiles are still deploying ... But this is not so: if the missiles eventually fly towards the enemy, this means that they will probably get closer in a move, greater range of his guns! That is, he will not be able to shoot a single missile and will receive all the ammunition on board.

And finally, let's not forget that the cost of constantly recharging rocket launchers is somewhat offset by the fact that much less money is spent on repairing damaged equipment (you are not exposed to fire!).

In general, the moral is simple: rockets are good if you use them a lot, if you are not lazy to earn extra money with quests from time to time, and if you don’t forget to switch from them to newer weapons when the enemy’s defense becomes too strong for a rocket launcher (approximately in the era of mass production of streaming blasters).

Should I arm myself with torpedoes later? This is a more difficult question. Many by this moment are no longer afraid to get under fire, it is more important for them to have time to collect trophies. But if you are lucky enough to get several torpedo tubes with a low mass - try this way of fighting ...



Artifacts are obtained only in three ways: in black holes (guaranteed), in a military base as bonuses (sometimes) and as a reward for quests (occasionally).

There are quite a few of them in the game, but I will not describe them all - I will limit myself to the most useful or interesting ones. And I will divide them into groups, so to speak, by occupation.

I did not describe a whole series of artifacts that allow you to change the structure of the ship - for example, connect additional guns instead of a defense generator or three artifacts instead of a droid, as well as amplifiers for weapons and some other items.


Antigravitator. It reduces the mass of the ship, and since it affects the speed very much, it is one of the most useful artifacts in the entire game.

Hypergenerator. Regardless of the engine, the jump range becomes 40 parsecs. If you find this thing early enough, completing quests becomes a gold mine.

Scumbags. Eliminate the effect of slowing down the engine in battle due to overheating and the effects of tretons. Without them, your speed in battle will gradually decrease.

Psi accelerator of matter. It just increases the speed of the ship.

The battle

Droid Jr. The extra droid in the kit has never bothered anyone.

:Iron bugs. As before, they increase the absorption capacity of the body.

Quark bomb. You throw it out of the hold, fly off to the side and undermine it with weapons - and everyone around becomes very sad and sad.

Swallow, rocket launcher give additional protection against energy and missile weapons, respectively. The swallow is much more powerful.

Tranlucator&mdashan additional combat ship, which, being unloaded from the hold, fights for you! By the end of the game, he is of little use, but at the beginning he is able to make you a career alone.


Blast wave localizer. Significantly increases the amount of prey dropped from the victim! With him, “shoot” a full hold of light and expensive parts is a matter of minutes.

Nanitoids. As before, nanitoids provide the fighter with the biggest profit, eliminating the cost of repairing all equipment except the nanitoids themselves. They are slowly but surely fixing everything they can get their hands on. By the way, they lost their stupid habit of starting with the repair of production in the hold.

Oblivion connector. Same as nanitoids, but only repairs the engine. But fast enough so that afterburner could fly for a very long time! Therefore, this is actually the most powerful acceleration of the ship.

Black goo. Gradually fills the tank with fuel. If in the first CR it was the most valuable thing, because it allowed you to escape from the enemy system without recharging, now no one bothers to carry refueling with you, and the importance of slurry has noticeably decreased.


A micro-module is an improvement to any piece of hardware on your ship. They are mined for surrendering nodes in the ranger center, as well as a reward for quests and for freeing systems. Sometimes they also "fall out" from downed dominators.

By itself, the micromodule weighs almost nothing, and, which is especially nice, does not modify (unless otherwise stated) the price of the item in which it is installed. This means that an old gripper with a micromodule with a capacity of +70 is still being repaired for a penny...

You cannot remove the supplied micromodule.

It is important: do not rush to install a micro-module if you plan to improve the thing at a scientific station. They do not work with items that have “something non-standard”. First, improve, you will always have time to install the module.

Search for the names of modules (as well as series of cases), alas, does not work.

There are modules that can be installed in different types of equipment, for example, in a droid or in a protection generator. If the module description says something like "Droid: +5 units, generator: +5%", this means that it can strengthen either one or the other. It will not give both effects at the same time, because you will have to put it in a specific device. But if both effects are related to the same device - for example, engine speed and jump distance - then both will work.

Below, if I write “+ so many units” about weapons, I mean units of damage, not range.

Micromodules of the third level (cheapest)

Antent. Improves the performance of scanning and radar devices. It is built into the antenna amplifier, increasing its power. Radar range: +210 units. Scanner power: +3 units.

Upper. Increases the power of the engine and radar, by increasing the efficiency of energy conversion. Engine: +20 Speed, Radar: +400 Radius.

Berserk. Supplements weapon systems with a fairly massive particle accelerator and antimatter generator, significantly increasing the combat characteristics of weapons. The strength of any weapon: +5 pts. Range: +20 pts.

Botter. Updates the repair droid's software to make it more accurate and efficient. Compatible only with Faeyan equipment. Droid Efficiency: +5 pts

Brond. Capable of generating ultra-dense particles at high speed, used in the defense of the ship. Compatible with housing and field generator. Hull armor: +3 pts. Field generator: +5 pts.

Vortex. Contains an additional high-precision microcontroller for engine navigation systems. Due to the higher accuracy of calculations, the speed and range of the jump increase. Only compatible with human motors. Engine speed: +30 units. Jump Range: +3 pts.

Gromodryn. Removes unnecessary service blocks from the droid (protection against noise, radiation, fool, etc.), replacing them with additional repair modules. This operation, which increases the efficiency of the droid at the expense of its cost, is feasible only on droids of the Malok and Peleng production. Droid Efficiency: +15 pts Cost: &mdash50%

Gugaal. Allows you to maximize the speed potential of Gaalian engines, which is inherent in the design, but not used in modern propulsion systems. Design changes are minor, but they nevertheless increase the cost of the engine by 25%. Engine speed: +60 units.

Rangefinder. Reduces the inertia of the corrective systems of the gun, increasing the firing range. Range: +25 pts.

Dalstar. Allows you to increase the range of the equipment by eliminating the statistical error of calculations, which manifests itself in bearing equipment when calculating in limit intervals. Compatible only with bearing types of equipment. Jump Range: +8 pts. Radar range: +500 units. Weapon range: +30 pts.

Dronner. Enhances the droid's capabilities by replacing some of the parts with more efficient, but also heavier ones. The droid's weight increases. Droid Efficiency: +20 pts Size: +18%

Interdesign. Due to more rational re-equipment of the ship's premises, the hull capacity is increased by 7%. Case Size: +7%

Klein. Increases the power of any weapon, while reducing the range of its fire. Energy weapon power: +7 pts. Shard weapon power: +15 pts. Rocket weapon power: +10 pts. Firing range: &mdash20 units

Mini size. It makes a number of replacements of large texo elements with more compact ones, but at the same time very cheap ones. Compatible only with equipment of the human race. Does not interact with energy and rocket weapons, as well as with the hull. Size: &mdash20%. Cost: &mdash30%

Paxton. Allows you to more rationally re-arrange the elements of the protection generator, made according to the Maloka technology. This leads to a reduction in the size of the device, while its performance is not disturbed, but the power drops slightly. Field Generator: &mdash2 units Size: &mdash75%.

Patch 0.96 alpha. Contains a set of flashing modules for software for computing and corrective devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the accuracy and speed of floating point calculations. The alpha version is compatible with the equipment of all races. Engine Speed: +25 HP Radar range: +250 units. Scanner power: +2 units. Droid Repair: +4 HP Range: +30 pts.

Platinos. Covers equipment with a thin layer of platinum, increasing its value. Cost: +20%.

Streamline. It is built into the flow block of the scanner and allows you to increase the spectrum of received waves. Scanner power: +5 units.

Rocketon. A micromodule containing non-directional beta conductors. Significantly increases the strength of missile weapons, and partially of energy weapons. Energy weapons: +4 pts. Missiles: +10 pts.

Resis. Softens and deforms the walls of the fuel tank, increasing its volume. Tank: +10 units, size increases by 20%.

Feijoule. It is added to the navigation system of the engine, increasing the clock frequency of the device's computing unit. Compatible only with Faeyan equipment. Engine Speed: +25 HP Jump Range: +8 pts. Size: +20%

Cent. Affects the component of the material of any object (except for the body), slightly increasing the size of the object. The cost, on the contrary, is reduced by 4 times, which leads to the profitability of subsequent repairs. Size: +10%.

Rustle. Increases the effectiveness of the shield generator noise filter. In this case, the active micromodule occupies a rather large volume. Generator power: +5 units. Size: +25%

Electro. Affects the strength of an energy weapon using the principle of pulse generator power multiplication. Energy weapons: +5 pts.

Micromodules of the second level

Addon. Attaches an additional cargo compartment to the hull, increasing its capacity by 15%. For some reason, application to Peleng corps is impossible. Hull Size: +15%.

Armor package. Equips the ship's hull with additional sheets of composite armor. Placed inside the hull, gyroscopic hinged attachments of armor plates and shock absorbers occupy a fairly large volume, significantly reducing the ship's capacity. Hull armor: +8 pts. Size: &mdash10%.

Dioschit. Replaces the moving parts of the shield generator and missile weapons with elements of the dominator principle of operation. Joint development of faeyans and people, works only with the equipment of these races. Field Generator: +8 pts Rocket weapon power: +10 pts.

Dronz. Improves the vector-type batteries, so that the droid can last longer and therefore repair more damage. Useless on human, Faeyan, and Gaalian droid models. Droid Efficiency: +25 pts

Impelgun. Replaces the magnetic generator of the scanner with a more expensive impulse-gravity one, thereby increasing the power of the device. Scanner Power: +12 HP Cost: +25%

Integrator. Increases the damaging coefficient of the weapon by singularly amplifying the initial impulse. Energy weapon power: +5 pts. Shard weapon power: +15 pts. Rocket weapon power: +5 pts. Size: +25%

Kolebrator. Improves the characteristics of the wave emitters of devices. Increases the power of equipment that uses continuous radiation and waveform fields, such as radar, capture, and field generator. Radar range: +700 units. Capture: +40 pts Field generator: +5 pts.

Convector. Built into the mechanical part of the device. Increases scanner power and radar range. Compatible with human equipment only. Radar range: +1000 units. Scanner Power: +10 HP

Magnicum. Increases the potential of the field generated by the capture, thereby increasing the power of the device. Grab Power: +70 pts.

Maform. Produces a physical deformation of the compensatory modules of the Malok weapons in the direction of increasing, while increasing the damage. Since this is one of the most expensive nodes, the cost of weapons increases dramatically. Size: +20%. Cost: +60%

Microstrel. Changes the coordinate system of the correction module to the Faeyan ecliptic, increasing the firing distance of the guns and the range of the engine hyperjump. Not suitable for use in Maloksky and Pelengsky equipment. Jump Range: +10 pts. Range: +50 pts.

Volumetric. Curves the area of ​​space inside the tank, allowing you to hold a larger volume of fuel with the same mass and size of the tank itself. Compatible with Peleng and Faeyan types of equipment. Tank volume: +20 units.

Optimator. Removes non-functional and decorative components and parts from Peleng equipment, reducing its overall dimensions. Not used for hulls and gun systems. Volume reduction by 20%.

Paragon. Replaces the capture energy source with a more powerful and expensive one. However, the new generator takes up more space. Not compatible with equipment of the Peleng race. Grab Power: +80 pts. Size: +10%. Cost: +20%.

Patch 0.95 beta. Contains a set of flashing modules for software for computing and corrective devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the accuracy and speed of floating point calculations. Due to its dampness, the patch conflicts with Faeyan and Maloq equipment software. Engine speed: +50 units. Radar range: +500 units. Scanner power: +5 units. Droid Repair: +5 pts Range: +50 pts.

Shift. Modifies the engine acceleration system, thereby increasing the range of the jump in hyperspace. Adapted for bearing and human engines. Jump Range: +14 pts.

Compress. Replaces the largest boards with their smaller modern counterparts. Reduces the size of any equipment and weapons other than the hull. Compatible with Faeyan equipment types only. Size: &mdash40%.

Spay. A quasi-intelligent unit that greatly increases the power of a Gaalian radar or scanner through the use of "pseudo-intuition". Radar range: +1500 units. Scanner Power: +17 HP

Splinter. Adjusts the breech mechanism of fragmentation weapons to improve firing efficiency. Compatible with Malok and Peleng weapons. Shard weapons: +10 pts.

Stop play. Replaces moving parts of equipment with stronger platinum ones. Reduces the size and increases the cost of equipment. Not applicable for gun systems and hull. Size: &mdash30%. Cost: +50%.

Strater. Generates a zero-friction field, reducing engine energy loss at the output, thereby increasing speed. Compatible only with Maloka equipment. Engine Speed: +80 HP

Turing. Replaces the massive gun turret with a power mount. Part of the generator's energy is spent on dampening the recoil, so the range and power of the shot are reduced, but the gun occupies half the volume. Weapon Strength: &mdash5 units Firing range: &mdash10 units Size: &mdash50%

Exploder. Built into the engine. Destabilizes the molecular structure of the fuel, increasing its detonation properties. This allows you to increase the speed of the engine, however, due to high overloads, the range of the hyperjump decreases. Unfortunately, Maloka engines cannot withstand the increased loads. Engine Speed: +150 HP Jump Range: +7 pts.

Energos. It is added as an auxiliary device to the beam synthesizer for energy types of weapons. Energy weapons: +7 pts.

Excalibur. Invented by human scientists, this micro-module modifies energy weapon transducers, greatly increasing their lethality. For patriotic reasons, this module is only compatible with human equipment. Energy weapon power: +15 pts.


Micromodules of the first level

Antifey. Increases the charge of rocket weapons. For unknown reasons, rejected by Faeian equipment. Rocket Weapon Power: +30 HP

Bach. Special nanobots make changes in the molecular structure of the fuel, reducing its real volume, which makes it possible to store a larger amount of fuel with the same characteristics of the fuel equipment itself. Compatible with Gaalian and human equipment. Tank volume: +35 units.

Broing. The unique and expensive generator creates a surface repulsive field with a high degree of absorption of kinetic and thermal energy, and can be used to increase the protective properties of the housing and field generator. Compatible only with Peleng production devices. Hull armor: +13 pts. Field Generator: +13 pts Cost: +40%.

Vintar. Increases the explosive power of fragmentation weapons by increasing critical mass. Weapon cost is increased by 50%. Suitable only for Malok and Peleng types of weapons. Shard Weapon Power: +35 HP

Dalpun. Attaches an atmospheric targeting system to the weapon, increasing the range of energy and fragmentation weapons. Increases the occupied volume due to the built-in atmic scanner. Incompatible with Gaalian weapon types. Range: +120 pts. Size: +35%.

Dvima. Modifies the movement crystal fillers, increasing the speed and range of the jump. Suitable for small engines. Speed: +180 HP Jump Range: +20 pts.

Jumpgate 3.11. Patches the software part of the navigation module and instant engine correction to version 3.11, increasing the range of the engine jump. Jump Range: +20 pts. Cost: +40%

Jake. Replaces fuel filters, increasing the degree of purification of the fuel, thereby increasing the speed of the engine. Speed: +140 HP

Zhampa. Installs an additional converter that allows you to increase the energy potential of the fuel for a short time. This increases the range of the jump. Jump Range: +14 pts. Size: +20%.

Burning. Adds additional damaging elements to projectiles using antimatter particles. Significantly increases the power of weapons, especially splinter-type weapons. Compatible with Gaalian and Peleng types of weapons. Energy weapon power: +20 pts. Shard Weapon Power: +40 pts. Rocket weapon power: +30 pts.

Ikebanit. Applies a decorative spray that gives any Gaalian equipment the color of a finished Gaalian Ike-baana. The cost of such equipment grows by 2.5 times. Cost: +150%.

Krepchak. Built into the body. Attaches its microgrid of repulsive stationary nanobots that partially block incoming damage. Compatible only with Peleng and human type hulls. Hull armor: +12 pts.

Microsized. Reduces distance in molecular grids of any equipment and compensates for changes in intramolecular forces. Cannot be applied to the hull and weapons, as in this case their functionality is lost. The micromodule allows to reduce the size of the equipment by 30%. Use in Gaalian equipment is not possible.

Minivision. It replaces the radar navigation unit with a new miniature, balanced and highly efficient element. Radar range: +1500 units. Size: &mdash15%.

Shell. Conducts high-frequency bombardment of the hull with energy quanta, increasing the protective characteristics of the material. This processing is included in the standard operations for making hulls for all races, except for Maloks, therefore it is effective only for Malok hulls. Hull armor: +14 pts.

Reduza. Reduces the internal diameter of the engine nozzles by building up composite crystallides, resulting in an increase in the speed of the jet. It is used only for Peleng engines. Engine Speed: +140 HP

Univers. Fits into a standard expansion slot of any equipment. Actively participates in the operation of the device, optimizing the calculations and the operation scheme of the equipment. Hull armor: +10 pts. Tank volume: +15 units. Engine Speed: +70 HP Radar range: +800 units. Scanner Power: +10 HP Droid Efficiency: +20 pts Shard Weapon Power: +30 pts. Rocket weapon strength: +20 pts.

hub. Attaches an additional hub-block to the case, increasing its volume by 25%. Originally designed exclusively for human hulls, the Faeyans also licensed its use and adapted it for their ships. Hull Size: +25%.

Hokus. Changes the oscillation period of the capture wave field in accordance with the characteristics of the material of the captured object, increasing the penetrating power of the field and, accordingly, the capture power. Grip Strength: +150 pts.

Extremer. Due to a more rational program for the use of the internal space of the cargo compartment and the elimination of non-functional structures, it increases the capacity and cost of the ship's hull. Suitable only for Maloka hulls. Size: +20%. Cost: +60%.

Anti-dominator programs

Strictly speaking, this is not really equipment, because it does not take up space.

You get them at military bases - just for military merit. The range depends on number of delivered nodes so don't neglect this activity.

Anti-dominator programs are really powerful, but you can’t use them regularly, because the supply of “charges” is limited. So, from time to time - to “solo” free the system or kill a particularly harmful Urgant. Or force the equalor to throw valuable equipment overboard.

To use the programs, you need an Intercom - a dominator signal decoder. The number of his "charges" is also limited, keep an eye on him.

List of programs:

Emergency Signal. After receiving an emergency signal, the dominator will throw out a piece of equipment and weapons. A valuable thing, because you can pick it up right there.

W-Encoder. Universal codec for selection and replacement of gun system passwords. The dominator will need time to recover the data. Doesn't work very well.

Gatrix matrix. A huge matrix of chaotic data overloads the electronic circuits of the robot with a stream of information. The robot senselessly flies and shoots at random. There is almost no beneficial effect.

Shocker-5300. The program interferes with the operation of electrical circuits, making it difficult to navigate. The robot flies slowly, shoots badly. A little better than the previous one, but not by much.

Ultimate weapon. Level zero order to self-destruct. Dominators obey implicitly.

System shutdown. All robot data is deleted. The dominator turns off, does not react to anything else.

In the first CRs, the advice was simple: go to prison and win seed capital in prison. After the patch, it has become different: fly through safe clumps of hyper and collect garbage, that is, minerals.

Now, neither one nor the other can no longer be called an ideal way to extract money. Today, other methods are in honor.


Trading in WP2, unlike WP1, really brings excellent income. The main thing is to act according to science, and not at random.

First of all, we fly to the nearest business center and boldly take a loan there: without it, nowhere. Loans are different; if we can immediately purchase a decent engine (we found it with the help of a search engine not far away and not too heavy), we take a large loan, if not, one so that there is something to trade on.

Right there, in the center, we leave everything superfluous - that is, all the equipment, except for the engine and tank, for the lazy - also a radar. Yes, yes, including guns and capture.

Now we ask for an analysis of the market - for short-range and long-distance routes at once - and we begin to study the proposed options. Analysts offer us the best routes in terms of percent profit, but we are not interested in this, but in profit per unit volume: if the loan just taken is large enough, we will have enough funds to fill the hold, and there is no need to bother with cheap things. However, it is worth doing everything that was recommended.

Arriving on the planet with the optimal selling price, before buying, we do two operations:

  • check whether the purchase price where we are going to deliver the goods is still good enough;
  • is there any closer, in the first place - right in this star system, planets where all this can be sold at a good price. Let it be a couple of coins lower than somewhere out there, far away, but we will fuse the goods quickly and gain time.

What follows is more or less clear.

Having made a profit, we try first of all to strengthen the engine and hold. If we plan to engage in trade for a long time in order to make up a decent capital, it makes sense to even buy a merchant’s hull or a liner, a lot of guns are useless to us at this stage. A couple of barrels will be enough to protect against a pirate - and the hulls of the liners will allow you to carry these guns and leave enough space for cargo. The main thing - do not forget to leave enough money for trading operations.

No decent engine? Do not despair. Ride a hull with an afterburner, and the cost of repairing a cheap engine will easily pay off.

Especially for bearings, let me remind you that loans are supposed to be given. Otherwise, fortune will quickly turn its back on you: business centers will simply stop serving you, the planets will become angry, and pirates, tempted by the prize for your head, will begin to take an active interest in it.

Small and unprincipled people can get a one-time super profit by purchasing cheap illegal goods from the Pelengs and driving them to the Gaalians or Fayans. But if you abuse it, your red curls will become familiar and you will be beaten. Do not forget that business centers operate legally and no smuggling flights are reported.

By the way, pay for health insurance. You will need stimulants.


There is not much to say here, but I will still give a couple of tips.

Firstly, this method is for the owners of a decent reputation. Pirates and smugglers don't worry. Secondly, before the "quest" certainly pump up at the medical station with the Ragobam whisper; if desired and possible - Absolute status (with it you can safely take the "harder" conditions, the terms are soft) and the Gaalistra of time (speeds up your wanderings).

The most profitable of all quests are planetary battles: you don’t need to fly anywhere, everything is here, in place, without the slightest cost you get a profit.

Text quests are next in terms of profitability, followed by courier ones. If you have a decent engine (especially in terms of jump range) - take more difficult conditions, and the golden key is in your pocket.

Hunting for pirates offers a large fee, but, as before, this is an inconvenient business. Not because the pirate resists, but because he strives to take refuge on the planet, and even, what good, to thunder into a prison - and then your quest cried. Well, at least what is possible in this case see his ship on the planet where he was imprisoned...

The protection of star systems is a tedious and unpleasant task. Firstly, you can miss something, and secondly, it is very long. On the other hand, pirates don't often kill peaceful ships, but for the fact that they just shot at the liner, they will not deduct from you; so you can take advantage of this time to trade in the system.

But quests like “our liner is in distress, bring medicines” from the second part have disappeared somewhere. Apparently, the liners have learned to bring them on their own?

When flying on quests, carry a spare tank of fuel with you so as not to land on the planet during a transit flight. Of course, this is if the main tank is not enough for two jumps.


War has become a profitable business. Selling Dominator parts for double the price (rather than half as it was with the Kleesans) can make a great deal of business.

But "collecting carrion", as it used to be, is now more difficult. Spare parts of the dominators will be assembled without you. Nodes - they are lying around freely, and if desired, they can be collected even on transport, when the warriors beat the dominators. But they give little money for the nodes. True, as one Faian poet said, “protoplasm is not for sale, but modules can be sold”...

Don't forget that when some research is completed, the corresponding parts can no longer be sold at double the price. You can hand them over to other departments on a single one. And when all three studies are completed, this way of earning will be closed ... but why do you need earnings after that?

Alas, in the war you not only earn, but also spend - on repairs, and this pleasure is very expensive. Usually, profits and costs are quite comparable. But there are things you can do to reduce costs. Namely:

  • regularly take the stimulant "Super-tech". It pays off, and many times over, especially towards the end of the game;
  • to train knowledge of technology;
  • get nanitoids - the most important artifact for saving money;
  • never use a full repair: repair things separately, and let the body repair the droid for free (this can save 10-20 percent, depending on the situation);
  • at the beginning of the game, earn yourself a pirate rating, and then repair at pirate bases at a reduced price;
  • use the "Cent" micro-module, which reduces the cost of the part, especially for the engine and, occasionally, guns;
  • minor details - a capture, a radar, a scanner, sometimes a tank - are taken from the cheapest models reinforced with micromodules (the capture is still better than Faeyan or Gaalian, so that it does not break too often, but the most primitive version): micromodules without increasing the price greatly raise the characteristics of these details;
  • get an atomic vision and shoot it in such a way as to undermine the cloud of enemy missiles.


And he has 10100 hit points...

The most controversial way to make money, because there are a lot of bumps for this, and the income is so-so. We will probably return to this topic in separate tips from the masters.

Piracy makes sense mainly at the very beginning of the game. It is recommended to choose the appropriate race - bearing or small, so that at least at home you are loved and understood.

Start your piracy career by taking a loan - walking like walking - and medical insurance. Try to always fly under Gaalistra + One-Eyed Hamas.

Hamas makes it possible to demand and receive tribute: otherwise, even the most peaceful ships do not always agree to share their cargo. A robbed ship is much better for your reputation than a slain one.

Try to rob the ships of other races, so as not to inadvertently be unable to land on your own planet. It's not bad, for example, to arrive in the Gaalian system, rob a couple of transports (they carry luxury and equipment there) - and quickly escape to another.

When “you are already known everywhere” — at the pirate base, change your citizenship to a trustworthy Faeyan, human or Gaalian, and enjoy your “resurrected” reputation.

An option for "honest pirates" is to pump up the charm and go to war with the dominators. Restoring a reputation like this from “below the plinth” to excellent is real. Especially if you first make a contribution to the business center for benefits to the families of the dead rangers.

Perhaps the most important advantage of such a career is the earned pirate rating, which allows you to repair cheaply on pirate bases. It makes your further war much more economical.

Black holes

Black holes have ceased to be an important source of income. No, a visit there brings some profit in the form of minerals and an obligatory artifact, but you won’t get rich selling artifacts, and minerals, as always, are cheap.

Do not forget that you can collect minerals with Alt and a mouse click, but after winning, a mouse click immediately takes you out of the black hole, so only Alt remains. I hope the patch will fix this inconvenience.


Now we will lose the repairman. It is unacceptable.

A method for the most humble and unhurried. You need a large hold (for hauling cheap cargo), a decent engine (to catch up with the asteroid), an industrial laser (don’t even try to do it without it - 20 tons of minerals will fall out of the asteroid, which won’t even pay off your hero’s beer costs).

If you wish, you can make up the starting capital for trading in this way. But why, if you can take a loan at not extortionate interest?

How to save the galaxy

We talked a lot about what you can do in the game. What's in it need do?

Dominators, like Gaul from the time of G.Yu.Caesar, are divided into three parts. Reds, blues, greens, or blazeroids, kelleroids, and terronoids. For the final victory, you must get rid of their command centers.

In theory, you can just find them and try to destroy them... But even if the armor is strong and the droid is fast, it won't be easy; except that Keller is armed rather weakly for his position. For the sake of experiment, your obedient servant for many months ran in circles from Mr. Terron and his relatives, engraving him with five decorated turbograviers on all sides, all up to his ears in stimulators, and I will say: beat him really. But he has 10,000 hitoa, 15 armor, and 46% defense, so judge for yourself. Yes, and the retinue does not sleep. True, Terron's droid heals only 30 hits per turn, which, as it were, is not serious for such a carcass. And this is your chance.

If you decide to use the head-on method, then the advice is simple: first shoot your retinue, the boss lives in a stationary orbit and wanted to sneeze at you. Before entering the system, take stimulants, of which the main one this time will be super technician: The most difficult thing in a protracted battle is to keep the droid and guns intact. When you have cleared the sky of small things, you can fight on the machine, just be careful not to slide into zero hit points, and if necessary, fly to the side from time to time to heal. As you can see, nothing supernatural, but with low accuracy, weak weapons or a bad droid, there is nothing to do here. Of course, the quark bomb helps a lot - with Terron's predictable trajectory, it's not difficult to set it up.

It's worse with Blazer because he's more heavily armed.

How to find bosses?

Blazer and Terron usually live in the farthest corner of the Universe from your starting world (yes, the one where the whole corner of the map is filled with dominators. As a rule, there are three worlds there - Blazeroid, Terronoid and Kelleroid. Two bosses live at home, and Keller is walking around and you'll have to run after him, but you can find him too.Try to find a world where the Dominators just invaded and around the same time a black hole opened up - most likely, this is where Keller lives.Or - a system with a black hole, occupied "blue" dominators. In this case, Keller is probably not in the system, but in this very hole. In any case, you will almost certainly have to kill him in hyper, and not in ordinary space.

Regular method of destruction

But it’s not for nothing that we have been feeding scientific bases all this time, right? There is also a regular way to achieve victory. Sooner or later, scientists will develop means that allow one way or another to exterminate the leaders of the dominators.

On a note: no one forbids you to donate terronoid parts to the blazeroid department, etc. You will not receive double money, but research will be in full swing!

However, it's not just about finding a boss and waving science around...


With this, everything is the easiest. You really just need to enter into a conversation with him and win these negotiations. There is only one trick here: when you offer Blazer a "new super program" and he asks what you want for it, explain that you hope to receive an immunity guarantee, otherwise he will not believe it. Well, after downloading the program, calmly tell Blazer to command all your robots to do hara-kiri, and go to the defense program of your system yourself ...


The scientists refuse to destroy Keller: he, you see, is their colleague, and his murder disgusts these rotten intellectuals. Therefore, you first have to frolic with him in a black hole, where he will be covered by an equalizer and some smaller living creatures. Moreover, with the healers in this section of the hyper, there is a real misfortune - only one for the whole map, in the center, and if Keller picks it up, it won’t seem enough. The moral is obvious - lure him to the edge and from time to time make quick raids to the healer.

Sounds scary, but you don't really have to be an arcade brawler to push Keller into a negotiating position.

After that, it remains only to convince Keller to stop his scientific activities. He counters that taking apart for parts is a natural method of exploration, and the fact that you can't put it back together after that is your personal difficulty. He is very grateful to the living for what they did, but this is not a reason to refuse to know you.

True, it can be postponed for a while, since some material has already been collected, and completely unexplored Klisans live in the next dimension. So send him there, to the delight of all the Machpellas ... Of course, in a couple of hundred years they will come here to see who is so smart here, and you will receive the glory of the new Rachekhan (who does not know who we are talking about - I sympathize, apparently, Klisan you spent the war from CR1 in the rear, evading for health reasons). But after all, we already know how to defeat the Kleesan, don't we?

If you chose this method (rather than destroying Keller), then the Kelleroids will still remain in the systems. But it is no longer necessary to fight them - even if they are not destroyed, it will still count as a victory for you.


If Blazer is defeated in space and Keller is defeated in hyper, where is Terron? That's right, in a planetary battle. The planet, ironically, is Terron himself.

To do this, you need to apply a program from scientists for hacking the planetary shield and land directly on the surface of the boss. After that, the most interesting RTS mission in the game awaits you.

You have two groups of robots: one is a balanced army at the bottom of the map, with four repairmen, the other - above - a group of kamikazes armed with bombs. There is no base - and where would it come from? The enemy has many, many turrets and several robots with them.

The bottom group moves carefully, disabling the turrets one at a time. To do this, three assault robots crawl up to the turret in a neat row, followed by three repairmen. You cannot afford any significant losses, so the "naked" turrets must be taken so that the skin is not scratched. The bombers ram their bombs into the passage from the corridor where they initially sit.

After the reunion, the logic is simple - forward the bomber, followed by the assault group.

As you can see, one significant part of the game remained behind the scenes - text quests. Alas, it simply did not fit into the room as a whole, and it seems inappropriate to give part of it. Therefore, I regret to inform you that we will talk about text quests in the February issue of the LCI. But you will not be tempted to immediately go through everything on the cheat sheet, and you will probably get even more fun!

Have a good flight!