Passage of the game doom 2 all levels. Doom (2016). Walkthrough

Level 11
Level 12
Level 13

  • Runes . Other modes .
  • Achievements . Questions - answers .
  • general information

    Developer: id Software. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.

    The Doom series of games is known to everyone as the progenitor of all modern 3D shooters. The previous Doom 3 was an action horror game, and this genre-shifting experiment failed. The new Doom 2016 returns to the origins of the series - it is a merciless, complex, exciting thoroughbred shooter with state-of-the-art graphics.

    Where to buy the game
    Doom 4 (2016)

    Score Price Link 1599 rub. 1649 rub. 1675 rub. 1695 rub. 1699 rub.
    Steam 1999 rub.

    System requirements
    Doom game 2016

    Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
    CPU Intel Core i5-2400
    AMD FX-8320
    Intel Core i7-3770
    AMD FX-8350
    video card NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB
    AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB
    DirectX 11
    NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB
    AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
    DirectX 11
    55 GB 55 GB
    Operating system Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8.1 / 10 Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8.1 / 10


    New Doom 2016 Walkthrough

    We regain consciousness on the operating table - the sarcophagus. We break out, pick up a gun and immediately shoot back from the monsters walking around the room. We approach the panel at the door, we look at the vision.

    In the next room we take the suit of a space marine. On the screen on the right we read a report from the director of the UAC on Mars about a demonic threat. We learn that one of the power units at our station is out of order, because of this, satellite communications do not work.

    We pass along the corridor, under the door we select a shotgun. We leave in the big hall, we kill monsters. Enemies are very mobile and often need to be chased down to kill them. In the center is a strange round installation of demons, we approach and destroy it. We can climb up the hill, the hero himself will pull himself up.

    We pass through the large gate, sit in the elevator, listen to another message from the director.

    Level 1
    Doom 4 (2016). Walkthrough

    Goal: Scout the situation. Find the entrance to the Resource Distribution Center

    We go to the surface of Mars. We jump into the canyon, climb to the next hill, in the recess on the right there is an entry (1/2).

    On a large multi-level territory, we fight with several types of monsters. After the victory, we pass into the corridor, we need to find a blue key card to open the doors. We go into the cave on the right, we take the key from the corpse of a man in the corner. Next to the corpse, we jump onto a hill, jump over to the balcony, at the top we take secret figurine (1/3). Use the key to open the entrance to the next location.

    In the lowland, on a cliff, there is a cargo platform with boxes, we climb up on it. We go along the left wall, through the cave we go to a dead end, we read the entry (2/2). We climb onto the platform with a mesh fence, here we hit the flying field drone (1) to take a weapon upgrade from it.

    We pass along a narrow gorge. We go along the left wall, enter the cave, at a dead end we take secret figurine (3/3). Further along the platforms we climb up. On the left railway the last cart has a set of armor. Having collected everything, we enter the building along any railway track.

    Level 2. Distribution Center
    Walkthrough Doom 4 (2016)

    Challenge: Two for the price of one. Kill 2 Possessed Shotguns with a single shot.

    Trial: Taste of Death - Variety 1. Brutally kill the Possessed in 5 different ways.

    Trial: Passionate Explorer. Find secrets (3).

    Goal: Restore power to the complex

    We clean the area around the freight elevator. The elevator does not work without power. Manually move apart the damaged doors from the side. In the corridor we take an automap, get to the control panel, restore the power of satellite communications. From this place we look back, jump onto a high balcony above the corridor, in the ventilation pipes we find a secret (1/8) with armor.

    We return to the elevator, we go down to the floor below. We clean the big room.

    In the next large hall there is an abyss in the center and a raised bridge. On the left second floor, you can climb a small box and a railing. On the right side of the abyss on the table we take the record (1/2). Next, click on the green illuminated panel, after which loads will drop near the far bridge. By cargo we climb to the second floor, jump to the balcony, take a large armor.

    We enter the side room, take chainsaw. We pass to a poorly lit warehouse, in the right corner we find a conveyor belt with boxes. We run past the boxes to a large pipe, go up the elevator to the ventilation, jump off. We clean the big room. We go up the elevator that has turned on, a drone (1) with an improvement flies here. To the left of the corpse we take yellow key card. In the corridor we jump into the hatch, again we find ourselves in a poorly lit warehouse. Open the door with a card.

    Secret. To the left of the opened door are two boxes, we jump on them to the top floor. At the top we jump into another room, on the panel we press the button to open the hatches. In the corridor at the dead end on the right, we jump into the opened hatch. In the ventilation we take the praetorian token from Elite Guard (1/3)- secret (3/8). Through ventilation, we climb up through another hatch, on the box we find pulse rifle- secret (2/8). There is a ventilation grate above the hatch, we climb in there, we return to the large hall.

    Secret. By pressing the button on the previous panel, we return to the large two-story hall, sit down in the elevator. Upstairs, where we took the yellow card, the door to the right room opened, we enter, we get the secret (5/8). In this room we climb into the ventilation, through it we get into a locked room to the left of the warehouse - secret (7/8), inside the armor and praetorian token (2/3).

    In the warehouse, open the door. We go to the guard post, take a new weapon - assault rifle , we also use the medical panel. Through the gateway we exit to the surface of Mars.

    On the surface we fight with a lot of monsters. On one of the platforms, a fiery clot hangs in the air, if we take it, we will get a berserker mode for a while - we can finish off the monsters hand-to-hand even when they do not blink.

    Once in the control cabin inside the building, press the button, this will move the crane with the satellite. We go outside, jump onto the crane, climb up, jump to the balcony of another building, enter.

    Enemies with shields will appear in the satellite building, it is better to blow them up with a grenade, or approach point-blank, hit, and only then shoot. On the left we find the message (2/2). In the large room we turn left, in the dead end room we find praetorian token (3/3).

    We reach the semicircular hall with the Vega computer. On the left we climb through the boxes to the second floor, at a dead end we find a figure secret (4/8). We enter the central round room, we communicate with the robot - which turns out to be the director of the UAC. He gives us the first argent cell, it increases the maximum health, armor or ammunition to choose from. We learn about the research of the gates of hell, about the transformation of people into demons, we get the task to save the foundry from destruction. Exit, go to the gateway on the right.

    Level 3 Foundry
    Doom 4 Walkthrough

    Trial: Three zombies, one barrel. Kill 3 Possessed with a single explosive barrel.

    Test: Face to the floor. Brutally kill 3 Possessed Soldiers with Heaven's Punishment (attacking from above).

    Challenge: Passionate Collector. Find collectibles (2).

    Purpose: Stop meltdown

    We leave the room, we see a large foundry. Until we can get there, jump over to the balcony on the left. On the table we take a message (1/3), a drone flies nearby (1). The first secret is visible through the ventilation grill, we will take it later.

    We reach the control room, press the button on the right, and on the panel on the left you need to use the handprint. On the right we go into a small foundry compartment.

    In the casting compartment, we move to the opposite side, to the highest path. We find a corpse near the door, cut off his hand. We return to the control room, activate the panel with our hand. We enter the opened room on the right, destroy demon nest (1/4), finish off the remaining enemies.

    Central workshop

    We return to the main foundry hall, we pass along the bridge. There are many closed blue doors here. At one of the boxes we find a corpse, we take it from him yellow key card.

    Secret. We go down to the floor below the locked room with blue doors. On the barrel we find the message (2/3). We jump into the corridor above, go to the next room. Before jumping into the room, we jump over to the balcony on the right around the corner, we get into a secret room on the top floor, inside we find a new weapon on the table rocket launcher- secret (4/6).

    The DOOM restart came out many times more confusing and full of secrets than expected. We examined the first two levels from head to toe, it's time for the next two.


    This level is much more reminiscent of the complexity of the old, intricate levels of DOOM II - it seems that the space is open, but there are many floors, there are enough passages and there are few landmarks. Here, another source of pumping appears - measuring the combat effectiveness of the suit. Just kill the maximum number of demons and get up to five weapon upgrade points! The level tests are as follows:

    • Three zombies, one barrel. The reference in Russian localization is less noticeable, but still recognizable. You need to kill three Possessed at once with a barrel explosion. There are a couple of places on the level where this is possible.
    • Face to the floor. You need to kill three possessed soldiers with an attack from above. To do this, you just need to jump next to stunned enemies, looking sharply at the floor.
    • Passionate collector. You need to find two collectibles. Easy peasy

    So let's go to open area. On the left is a cliff, behind it is a door on the left and a passage to the right. We recommend that you first go to the right, killing only soldiers and not shooting at small zombies - there are several barrels nearby, and the total number of possessed workers is six or seven, which is enough for the test.

    After completing the test, we go back to the door that we missed. We immediately beat the drone with a modification (I recommend taking a jammer for plasma), take a data cube on the left on the table, and out of the corner of our eye notice the armor behind bars.

    After a small portion of platforming, we climb to the level from which we jumped down, look to the right, we see a ventilation hatch. There is the same armor behind bars.

    We take a hand, open the room and see the first bloody nest. A new type of opponents immediately appears - infernal crushers that shoot with a continuous laser and are slightly more powerful than soldiers.

    We close the nest, go back, go to the door closed to the blue card. We go to the right along the bridge with the trolley a little to the left. Next to the cart is a lever that opens the door to the retro level from DOOM I, Nuclear Power Plant. The entrance is a little further, behind a lake of lava.

    After leaving the secret, we go to the right along the wall and come to the eye of Sauron. Again, pumping ammo.

    Here, by the way, you can arrange a secret death - burn in a lava pool and see a reference to Terminator 2. The last checkpoint, however, was immediately after the destruction of the nest, so you can just watch the video.

    We go back past the trolley, then to the right, to the room with four man-made columns. We kill everyone, we go along the lake with lava and take the yellow key card. We retreat just a couple of meters back and jump onto a barely noticeable ledge - there is a toy "Guy from the Vault", a model of an obsessed engineer. When you try to go back to the trolley, we meet the Knight of Hell, kill him, hiding behind the columns.

    The yellow key card opens the door at the very top. We go to the trolley and to the right up, along the steps. Another Hell Knight will meet us right at the steps, for killing him we will be given a weapon upgrade point. We open the yellow door, rise and go straight first to pick up the data cube on the table, learn more about Hayden. We pass further into the corridor, kill everyone, in one of the hollow cubes, on which mechanical hands are enthusiastically working, we find the second toy - a model of a plasma gun, “Prototype Guy”.

    Before reaching the next bloody nest, we go to an alleged dead end behind the boxes, climb them into the passage and five seconds later we find the second Praetorian armor.

    We destroy the nest, kill the demons, climb up and take the automap to the left of the door. Right at the exit - a body with a blue key. Then - a little more platforming, we go to those four columns. On the ledge around them we see armor, we take it if necessary. What is interesting is that if you go there along the burst pipes, the GG will receive damage, but if you jump back, then no.

    We go along the corridor, flashing red, on the right in the next room there will be one open locker, in it - Dopefish, the classic secret of computer games.

    We destroy the last bloody nest, we go into the door that opens from above. There is an intricacies of narrow tunnels, a data cube with information about the imp (its location is on the automap) and a secret with a rocket launcher, not marked on the map. Watch the video to find it.

    We go to the turbine hall, start the turbines, destroy the most worthy wave of demons. Right at the exit to the end of the level is the last Praetorian armor. Attention! After entering the room behind them, there will be no way to go back, only forward. Watch the cutscene and complete the level. In total, at the end we have 10 weapon upgrade points and 3 armor upgrade points.

    Argent complex

    This DOOM relaunch level is mostly outdoors, showcases several new types of enemies, and adds Rune Challenges to the build. The main landmark is a blue power shield. No, you can't jump over it, and there's nothing interesting there. The level tests are:

    • Path. You need to interact with the runic test. Just.
    • Bird's-eye. You need to get an automap of the complex.
    • Protect yourself, sir knight. It is necessary to kill two Knights of Hell with punishment from heaven, as possessed in the previous level. Here it is not always possible to just jump nearby - you need to jump from a ledge. At the same time, you need to act quickly, because the Knights of Hell very quickly come to their senses.

    We go to the gateway, go out into the open air and immediately dance to the right, behind the boxes - there is a little supply. We go to the right, go down the cliff and dance back again, this time under the bridge. There is a piece of armor.

    A little bit of platforming - and we come to the runic test, you need to kill 15 imps with a shotgun. We get the rune "Vacuum cleaner", which increases the radius of the selection of items.

    We go to the right, we wander along the left wall, we reach the data cube with information about the Argent complex, we go a step to the left and find the lever. We pull for it, we go into the corridor with a bunch of hanging meat and luminous pentagrams. There, the door to the old DOOM level, "Poison Processing Station" is open.

    We go out to Fresh air, we kill a crowd of enemies and a bunch of imps, the first Knight of Hell appears, we try to beat him next to a huge steel box, as soon as the demon starts blinking - we jump there and jump from it to the bastard, we finish it from above.

    We go out to the next platform, we see a drone - it flies down. A little to the right at the bottom on the cliff we see a box of happiness. You can take it right away, you can save it for later - the main thing is not to forget. And a little to the left along the wall is a hole and the first Praetorian armor on the level.

    Keeping track of where the drone flew off is not difficult, but I will still show you where to look for it. We jump down to the half-closed gate - the drone is in one of the rooms inside.

    We go to the box of happiness, whether we take it or not is up to the player to decide. We go to the cliff behind him, look down and to the left - there is a whole gap of illuminated space. We jump there, run forward and find the second Praetorian armor along with a bundle of resources.

    We return to the first bloody nest, the landmark is the blue power gate. We jump onto the assembly boxes, climb onto the hanging block, go right, jump onto the ledge and go forward. On the left is the third Praetorian armor.

    Returning to the hanging block, go right to open door, we go into the storage hangar, go further to the left and forward and find the second rune test, which will be useful in connection with the "Defend yourself, sir knight" test. In the test, you need to destroy barrels with a pistol. For passing, the rune "Dazed and Confused" is given, which increases the duration of the stun.

    In the area of ​​​​a large rounded container next to the bloody nest, we go to the box and jump onto the platform. The door ahead, theoretically, opens only after the destruction of the nest. Inside - a green laboratory with a large number of possessed and a drone with pumping on the second floor, plus - a little further there is a data cube with information about the infernal crusher.

    At the bottom is a door to the edge of the level. We go along it to the right, jump onto the ledge and jump over to the other side. On the left is a box of happiness. We go a little back, stand on the ledge and go along it towards the box. At the other end of the eaves is a toy "Inconspicuous guy", a model of a grenade launcher. And that is not all! We return to the ledge, go all the way, jump down to the left, go further, take the super-shotgun.

    We go into a large energy room with a killer floor, clear it, move to the second filter, on the left there will be a box of happiness and a data cube on the table with information about the Knights of Hell. At this moment, we understand that the creators of DOOM have a sense of humor, and the Soldier of Doom had Hayden's dream of Argent energy in mind and had a spit on the barrel. Instead of turning off the filters, he blows them to shreds. Samuel's reaction is, to say the least, amusing. After leaving the room, we meet the first Summoner. I recommend a guided missile launcher.

    The automap is in the same room behind the jammed doors. There is also an automatic machine and some resources.

    The Argent Cell is next to the old familiar force wall. After destroying the bloody nest, we go into a small recess to the left of the wall and enter the now open door.

    On the way from the last argent filter to the end of the level, the data cube of the complex AI, VEGA, lurked to the left. After going a little back and climbing on the boxes, you can find the last toy, "KLA Guy", a model of the Baron of Hell.

    After destroying the last nest, we pick up the fourth Praetorian armor and dance to the Argent gateway. Rip it, finish the level with 10 weapon upgrade points and 4 armor upgrade points.

    This completes the second part of the passage. We recommend visiting and / or.

    Who is in the subject, press the "Play" button and let out a mean nostalgic tear.

    How much time has been spent on this business, it’s already scary to remember! The task was the following - to complete all the maps of the game in the minimum possible time on the Ultra-Violence difficulty level (penultimate). Why not at max Nightmare? Yes, because Nightmare and fast running around the map are incompatible things. The monster activity in this mode is so high that the only strategy that works is a tedious sweep around the corner of everything moving, followed by a dash to a new corner, where everything repeats again. Naturally, there can be no question of any speed with this approach, on some cards it is extremely difficult to meet even Par Time. Therefore, sprint races were done on Ultra-Violence and lower difficulty levels.

    If you look at the dates of the creation of the files, the process lasted about eight months - from September 1999 to April 2000. Each map was run independently of the others and recorded separate file. Unfortunately, five demos are missing. I can’t remember exactly, but most likely I just didn’t go through these maps well enough and wanted to replay later, but in the end I scored.

    I played on a machine with a 486DX2-66 processor and a 14″ Samsung 3Ne monitor. The mouse is a Genius ball mouse that had to be constantly cleaned. To get the required smoothness of the picture, I had to turn off the sound and set Low Detail in the graphics settings. The native resolution of the game, let me remind you, is 320x200. If you show such an image to today's young gamers, they will think that they are being played with. When creating the video for YouTube, I used a later Windows version of the game and a resolution of 640x400 to bring the picture a little closer to modern standards. The music in the video is played through a screw MIDI synthesizer, which makes the sound also not quite authentic. But there is nothing to be done, there are no other options. In all other respects, this is the good old Doom II, as it is.


    Card number and name Time Par Time % of
    Par Time
    01 Entry way 0:06 0:30 20%
    02 underhalls 1:01 1:30 68%
    03 The Gantlet 0:36 2:00 30%
    04 The Focus 0:56 2:00 47%
    05 The Waste Tunnels 1:30
    06 The Crusher 1:36 2:30 64%
    07 dead simple 1:15 2:00 63%
    08 Tricks And Traps 0:37 2:00 31%
    09 The Pit 2:04 4:30 46%
    10 Refueling Base 0:50 1:30 56%
    11 Circle Of Death 1:33 3:30 44%
    12 The Factory 1:47 2:30 71%
    13 Downtown 1:26 2:30 57%
    14 The Inmost Dens 1:16 2:30 51%
    15 industrial zone 0:48 3:30 23%
    16 Suburbs 0:47 2:30 31%
    17 Tenements 4:21 7:00 62%
    18 The Courtyard 0:27 2:30 18%
    19 The Citadel 1:17 3:30 37%
    20 Gotcha! 2:30
    21 Nirvana 1:01 4:00 25%
    22 The Catacombs 1:10 2:30 47%
    23 Barrels O' Fun 3:00
    24 The Chasms 1:19 2:30 53%
    25 Bloodfalls 1:09 2:30 46%
    26 The Abandoned Mines 1:48 5:00 36%
    27 Monster Condo 1:40 5:30 30%
    28 The Spirit World 7:00
    29 The Living End 3:48 5:00 76%
    30 Icon Of Sin 3:00
    31 wolfenstein 0:36 2:00 30%
    31 grosse 0:16 0:30 53%