Passage of the game oblivion the coming storm. From the fall of Cadia to the new Great Crusade. The plot of The Gathering Storm trilogy and what we think about it. About trust and secrecy

liquid solution

The owner of the "Sick Bernice" tavern considers herself mortally ill and asks to find and bring the Aquanostrum medicine. It can only be found in the Bramblebush Cave, which is overrun with grammites. Entering the cave, turn left at the first fork, then go along the tunnel and turn right. At the next fork, turn into the left corridor, and then straight to the entrance to the Nursery.

Once in the Nursery, jump into the pond with the aquanostrum. You can fill the bottle at the statue located in the center of the lake. Now return to Sick Bernice with the cure. The reward will be the Ring of Freshness, which increases health, stamina, resistance to poisons and diseases.

After a while, visit Bernice, who will again ask you to bring her medicine. And so endlessly.


It is said in the Crucible that there is a feud between the owner of the Mysteries of Iril and the thief Brythor. In the store, Iril will ask you to rid him of Brighton. It is worth talking to the thief, who will tell you that he is collecting a collection and he lacks five flawless pearls. There are several options for solving the problem:

find these pearls and give them to Brythor.

kill Brightor.

being the ruler of Dementia or the Mad Prince, talk to Kitlan, who will solve the problem with Brythor.

After getting rid of the thief, return to Iril, who will reward you with gold.

The coming storm

Ajaza in the Nakhodka store is very afraid of the upcoming storm, in order to protect herself she needs the Ring of Dehydration, the Amulet of Disintegration and Soothing Pants.

The easiest way to find the Ring of Dehydration, which is located in the Kunstkamera. You can see where it lies during an excursion, which the hostess of the Kunstkamera will gladly conduct. You can just steal it from the window.

The Amulet of Disintegration is hidden in Milkar, in the "Concentration of Efforts" chest, which is located in the middle of one of the rooms. The chest just won't open. But directly opposite the entrance is a bowl with a burning flame, two more smaller bowls are located on both sides of the entrance, and they need to be lit with the help of the Ritual torch, which lies on the floor. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to take it in hand. You can use a telekinesis spell, light it in a large bowl and transfer it to each of the smaller bowls. After the fire appears in the small bowls, the chest will open.

Soothing pants are available from New Sheoth Fimmion, who should be looked for in Bliss. He will agree to trade his pants for a sweet roll. Which, most likely, will have to be stolen from the famous culinary specialist Rendil Drarara. Things can be brought to Ajaza one at a time or all together.

Note: For each roll - a pair of pants, if there are more, the quest will fail. The Disintegration Amulet allows you to upgrade your blacksmithing skill, but it cannot be worn during combat. Donated items can either be redeemed or stolen.

final rest

Hirrus Cluthumeus can be found in the Crucible. When you try to talk to him, he will offer to meet after eleven o'clock in the evening at the statue of Sheogorath. During the meeting, he will say that he wants to end his life, but not by suicide, because he is afraid of becoming the ghost of Suicide Hill. He will ask you to kill him, but without him seeing it happen.

Just like that, even secretly, it will not work to kill him, right there your crime will be noticed by the Dark Seducer guarding the city. There is an easier way to help Hirrus get rid of life.

Follow him. He will climb the stairs and stand on the very edge of the parapet, go up to him, talk to him and push him down, choosing the top line in the dialogue.

After searching his body, take the key to his house. On the second floor in the box, your reward is a ring of Happiness, which increases the charm and the ability to transfer more weight, which also gives the ability to walk on water and lighting.

Ushnar's nightmare

While walking around the Crucible, you can meet the orc Ushnar accompanied by dogs. He is pathologically afraid of cats, including Khajiit, so he is very annoyed by Bish's kadzhet, often encountered on his way. Talk to Bisha, who, it turns out, loves dogs very much, and that's why he follows Ushnar's heels. Bisha will agree to leave Dementia for 100 gold, especially if you say there are a lot of dogs in Bliss too.

After Bisha leaves the Crucible, return to Ushnar. As a token of gratitude, he will give you one of his dogs - a skinned hound that will protect you. Unfortunately, she is not immortal.

Notes: If you yourself are a Khajiit, then Ushnar will not ask you for anything. If you are the Prince of Madness, it is enough for Bisha to simply order to leave the Crucible.


In Kunstkameria Crucible, the hostess will be happy to give you a free tour and show curiosities from all over the Shivering Isles. But her exposure is still small and she wants you to help her replenish it.

You need to find:

  • Friendship Dagger
  • Two-Headed Septim
  • strip ring
  • dog tooth key
  • shower tomato
  • Piece of amber resembling Sheogorath
  • mixing bowl
  • Silent Shout (in the arena of the ruins of Cann in a cluster of chants, from the entrance to the right and along the tunnel overgrown with plants).
  • Basin of Pelagius (in the Groaning Halls in a display case, from the entrance to the Assembly Hall, then up, through the door opposite the carpet)
  • Ashes (in Ebrokk in Ebbrokk's Crematorium on a shelf in a Gilded Urn, forward and right in the dungeon behind a metal door, across the room, a button under the shields).
  • Deformed swamp tendril (from the camp of lost time on the way south there are two small rocks, on one of them among the cluster and simple "whiskers")
  • Blind eye of the sentinel (in Milkar, at the very beginning, turn left from the locked door).
  • Ring of Dehydration (pick up from Ajazda)

For each curiosity, Una pays in gold.

Hammer of the antipode

On the Shivering Isles, you can find some kind of matrix designed to make armor or weapons. Yellow ones are for amber weapons, green ones are for insanity ore.

After finding the green matrix, take it to the Cutter in the Crucible, who, if there is an ore of insanity, will turn it into enchanted variants. Without an ore matrix, the Carver makes nonmagical weapons and armor. Madness ore armor is better than Daedric armor. This ore can be found on the bodies of dead Grumites and in the forts of Dementia.

The quest is endless.

In the Crucible, you can find the forge "Cutter's Weapons" and its owner Cutter. She, like Dumag gro-Bonk in Bliss, will be able to make weapons and armor for you, but from the ore of madness (Madness Ore).The scheme is the same: when talking with her, she will give you a list, which indicates what items she can create, and the amount of ore needed to produce them.Madness ore can be found in the dungeons of Dementia in the characteristic Madness Ore Deposits as well as Grummite. Extremely strong specimens often carry Madness Ore Matrices as well. As with Amber, the Cutter will not forge armor for you if you are below level 8- Go, the weapons and armor she makes are also leveled.

Visit Sick Bernice's diner in the Crucible and talk to its owner. This obviously unhealthy woman will ask you to find a cure for her. According to her, a special liquid, Aquanostrum, which can be obtained in the cave of the Blackberry Bush (Knotty Bramble), can help her. Bernice will give you an empty flask and mark the cave on your map. The cave is inhabited by grammites and has two levels. In the center of the lower level is the desired pool with a statue of the Grummit deity. Just stand in the water and after a while you will get a full flask for Bernice. Return to the owner of the diner and as a reward you will receive the Ring of Freshness (Circlet of Verdure) with the effects of resistance to diseases and poisons and increase health and stamina. (If you talk to her after a while, the unfortunate patient will ask for another portion of the medicine, and so on ... ad infinitum.)

Hirrus Clutumnus often stands on the landing of the stairs leading to the castle from the Crucible, or walks around the city. Talk to him and he will ask you to meet him after nightfall (after 11 o'clock) near the sewer drain near the statue of Sheogorath (if the quest is active, you can easily find Hirrus by the marker). At the meeting, Hirrus will tell you that his life is eternal torture and will ask you to kill him. It will not be possible to dissuade him from this, and he does not want to kill himself, fearing the fate of ghosts on the Hill of Suicides. So only you can fulfill his will. He also wants the murder to happen unexpectedly and look like an accident. Of course, you can kill him on the spot, but there is a spectacular way to fulfill his requirements. Given that he often stands on the landing of a very high staircase close to the edge, you can simply push him down. To do this, wait until he comes to the edge of the stairs, enter stealth mode and talk to him. You will have the option to push it. If you did everything right, then you will not add a penalty for killing, and the last will of Hirrus will be fulfilled. After Hirrus finds his ultimate rest, search his body below and take the key to his house. On the second floor of this house is a jewelry box (it does not have a red mark on it) - it contains your reward and Hirrus' will.

The inhabitants of Crucible say that Iril (Earil) from the store "Mysteries of Iril" (Earil's Mysteries) is greatly annoyed by the unfortunate thief Brytor (Brithaur), who is constantly trying to steal something. Visit Iril and talk to him. First, he will offer you to save you forever young, but also forever dead. After you refuse this crazy offer, ask him about Brytor. Iril wants Brytor to disappear forever, and as proof of this he will ask you to bring the heart of a thief. Find Brytor. He will tell you that simply likes to "take" things for his collection. And now he needs five flawless pearls (Flawless Pearl) - having received them, he will stop stealing. You have three options for action: you can just kill him and take his heart, you can bring him five flawless pearls or , if you have advanced far in the course of the main plot and in good relations with the court of Dementia, you can talk to Redguard Kitlanom (Kithlan), you will find him in the throne room of the House of Dementia, and he will throw Brightor into prison. After completing any of these actions, speak to Iril and he will give you a leveled amount of gold as a reward.

On the streets of the Crucible, you could already meet the orc Ushnar gro-Shadborgob surrounded by dogs. Behind him is the Khajiit Bhisha. Talk to the orc. If you are a Khajiit yourself, then the orc will not talk to you and you will not receive this quest. If not, then Ushnar will tell you that he is terribly afraid of cats, so he surrounded himself with dogs. But Bisha's Khajiit is stalking him, which can't help but increase his phobias. Talk to Bisha, and it turns out that this cat loves dogs very much, that's why he goes after them, and, consequently, after Ushnar. It is not necessary to kill this lover of our four-legged friends - you can give him 100 gold and he will move to Bliss. Or, if you have already become Sheogorath, you can simply order him to move. As a reward, Ushnar will give you his "former" dog - a skinned hound (Skinned Hound), which will become your companion, but, unfortunately, will die rather quickly in your travels.

The owner of the store "Nakhodka" ("Things Found") Ahjazda (Ahjazda) is preparing for an imminent disaster and collects everything you need in case of a cataclysm. She will ask the hero to get her a few things to finish her preparations. She needs: Amulet of Disintegration, Ring of Desiccation, and Calming Pants.

The Dehydration Ring is located in the Kunstkamera (The Museum of Oddities) on the second tier. Just steal it without anyone noticing.

The soothing pants are worn by sweet tooth Fimmion, who walks around Bliss. Talk to him and he will ask for a Sweetroll in exchange for pants. The easiest way to find rolls in Cyrodiil is from innkeepers. If you are too lazy to trudge to Tamriel, then try your luck in the kitchen of the famous culinary specialist Rendil Drarara (Rendil Drarara) in New Sheoth, in the houses of Halion (Halion) or Zoe Malena (Zoe Malene) in Hale, the home of Runs-in-Circles (Runs-in- Circles) in Highcross or Erver Devani's home in Deepwallow. Once you have the bun, trade with Fimmion for pants. Note that if you have several rolls, you can get the corresponding number of pairs of pants. Don't be greedy if you get multiple copies of the quest item, Ajazda won't recognize the pants and the quest will hang.

The Disintegration Amulet is the hardest to get. Head to Milchar - it is located at the top of a large lake in the Mania region, along the road. Follow the marker and you'll find a hall in the center of which is a magically sealed container called the Diligence Crux. Carefully inspect the hall - you will see three bowls for lighting a fire. One of them, opposite the entrance, is already on fire, and two more are located on opposite sides of the entrance. In the burning bowl you will find a ritual torch (Ritual Torch), the peculiarity of which is that it cannot be taken into inventory, but can be carried using the item transfer key. So, you need the fire to burn in all three bowls, then the container will open, but keep in mind that the fire goes out pretty quickly. Here the choice is yours: it is more convenient for someone to run with the key held down (by default, Z), and someone prefers to use telekinesis (the second option is more convenient, because then the torch does not fall while running and keeps straight). After focusing and spending some time, open the container and take the Amulet of Disintegration. (By the way, it can be used to upgrade the "gunsmith" skill.)

When you have obtained all three items, return to Ajazda and give them to her. She will give funny explanations why she needed them. As a reward, the Khajiit will teach you the Ahjazda's Paranoia spell, which inflicts Frenzy on everyone who is affected by it.

At the end of the quest, you can steal Soothing Pants from her if you like them, but note that they will be quest items and cannot be dropped. The rest of the things Ajazda will put on himself and steal them will not work.

Walking around the Crucible, you must have become interested in the Kunstkamera. Talk to the owner of this museum, Una Armina, and she will tell you that she collects any strange things scattered across the expanses of the Shivering Isles. You can also ask her to give you a tour of the museum, but there's not much to see on this one. We will have to assist the museum in replenishing the collection. Some of the things Una needs appear randomly, others can be found in strictly defined places. Here is a list of items that appear randomly (in dungeons, chests, on the corpses of enemies, and so on):

Two-Headed Septim (Two-Headed Septim)
-Dagger of Friendship
-Key from a dog fang (Hound's Tooth Key)
-Ring of Disrobing
-A piece of amber resembling Sheogorath (Sheogorath-shaped Amber)
-Mixing Bowl
-Soul Tomato

The rest of the items are in permanent places.

Mute Screaming Maw: This hard-to-find item can be found in the ruins of Cann, at the very bottom of the central bay near Saints Watch in Mania. They are inhabited by heretics and hungry (Hunger). Pass through The Great Hall to the Halls of Tranquility. There, find the entrance to the Arena below. After entering there, turn right and move along the tunnel overgrown with plants, go through a piece of stone ruins and find a cluster of screamers (Screaming Maw) on your left. Look in the roots next to them and find the wonder you are looking for.

Deformed Swamp Tentacle: First, travel to the Lost Time Camp, which is located in the center of the peninsula called Madgod's Boot in Dementia along the road. From there, go a little south along the road up to two rocks, on one of which you will find the desired tendril.

Ashes of Din (Din "s Ashes): It is hidden in Ebrocca (Ebrocca), north of New Sheoth (New Sheoth), on the map below the settlement of Highcross (Highcross). Go through the dungeon forward and to the right until you hit a closed Behind the door there is a room with four leather shields, push the two opposite the entrance and you will see a button that opens a secret passage to the Ebrocchi Crematorium, in which you will find the required ashes on a shelf in the Gilded Urn.

Blind Watcher's Eye: In Milchar (it is located at the top of the large lake in the Mania region, along the road), go forward to the cave with the door in the center, turn left, go a little and look for the sentinel eye plant ( Watcher's Eye) among a cluster of other plants.

Basin of Pelagius (Pelvis of Pelagius): It is kept in the Howling Halls (Howling Halls) - a fortress of heretics, built from the stones of the castle where the mad emperor Pelagius lived his life. At the end of the main quest of the Shivering Isles, you will need to visit this place, located north of New Sheoth, in the center of Heretics Horn. In the Moaning Halls, go straight, go into the Hall of Congregation, go upstairs, you will see a carpet, you will go through the door opposite the carpet. In a small aisle there is a table, and on it in the window is a basin of Pelagius.

*-Ring of Desiccation: If you haven't completed the quest "The Coming Storm", it will already be on a shelf in the museum. If you stole it for the above quest, you will have to kill Ajazda and take the ring from her, as she wears it and cannot be stolen. So you can return the ring back to the Kunstkamera. But keep in mind - this is not necessary to complete the quest, you will not receive any reward and in doing so you will kill the owner of one of the few shops in the Shivering Isles.

For each oddity, Una will give you a certain amount of gold in the range of 200-300 gold. Once you have found all twelve Curiosities of the Shivering Isles, the quest will be completed and you can ask Una to take you on a tour of the museum's already full display and recognize a couple interesting facts about your findings. (Note: The Mixing Bowl and Soul Tomato can indeed be used for their intended purpose, i.e. to create potions and store souls respectively.)

Nine Deities are boring. Daedra? You won't get bored with these. Ferul Ravel, Priest of SheogorathThe Trembling Isles... Lost in time and space, the realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath - the lord of madmen, the greatest of jesters, funny and terrifying at the same time


Guides and Walkthroughs

Nine Deities are boring. Daedra? You won't get bored with these.

Ferul Ravel, priest of Sheogorath

Trembling Isles... Lost in time and space, the realm of the Daedric Prince Shigorath - the lord of madmen, the greatest of jesters, funny and terrifying at the same time. What awaits the lone traveler, the will - or mockery - of the fate of finding himself in this embodied hymn to Chaos, the human mind is unable to foresee. What does God want? Well... why not ask him about it in person?

Entrance to the realm of Shigorat. Creepy scenery, to be honest...

Who are the Daedra, you ask? The inhabitants of the mysterious Oblivion, not gods (although some believe they are) and not demons (however, there are those who think so), the heroes of countless legends and myths, a scarecrow for small children ... hmm, perhaps, for adults too . The truth of their existence is undeniable. You may approach the shrine of any of the Daedric Princes, make the proper offering, and if deemed worthy, enter into conversation. Or even get a job. Do it - get a reward, no - it's better not to think about it. Never try to play a prank on a Daedra Lord - he will definitely have the last laugh.

I have always treated them with respect... and a certain amount of skepticism. Otherwise, you can’t - and jump off your mind for a short time. At the same time, to communicate with the Daedra, you need to be a little crazy. My words may sound contradictory, but do not judge strictly. This is one of those things that you either understand right away or you never understand.

I learned about a strange portal that opened on an island in the Nibenay Bay in the center of rumors, gossip and other news of Cyrodiil - the Imperial City. There is usually a lot of talk on the streets - even about the miraculous resurrection of the last emperor or a three-headed lamb born on a farm near Kvatch - but it was this rumor that caught my attention. Perhaps because genuine fear was heard in the voice of the speaker. Worth investigating, I decided, and a few hours later I was driving down the Ring Road, heading south.

I arrived at the city gates of Bravil in the evening. Darkness, black-gray clouds and pouring rain did not favor boat trips, and in general I wanted to hide in a dry corner closer to the fireplace until the morning, but spend the night in Bravil ?! Thank you humbly, I'm not a fan of dirty taverns and mattresses chosen by bedbugs, storing the smells of dozens of other people's bodies. Hm. Getting old, Melly, how long have you spent your nights in the open, wrapped only in your own cloak? ..

Standing on a narrow cape, waist-deep in damp grass, I peered into the dank gloom until my eyes hurt. Boats were not found. So you have to swim. Wetter than now, I still won’t, I chuckled darkly to myself and resolutely jumped into the water. A-ah! Cold infection!

It looked as if someone - or something - had bitten off a piece of some alien world and spit it out into the Niben. Tiny, barely fifty paces across, a piece of land, with lilac rocky ground, spreading trees covered with multi-colored foliage, and bizarrely shaped mushrooms. I am not an alchemist, but it seemed to me that nothing like this was found in Tamriel. Right in front of me towered a huge three-faced stone head - with four eyes and three mouths. The left lips were closed, the right ones were smiling, while in the middle the toothy mouth of the portal gaped.

I was not alone on this island. A guard was guarding the portal, a khajiit woman with a meaningless look was rushing about senselessly from side to side - either sick, or holy fool. She recoiled from me in horror, telling me to get out. No matter how. The guard, though scowling, seemed to be in his right mind. I went up to him and just opened my mouth, as Dunmer rolled head over heels out of the portal. His hair stood on end, he shouted something unintelligible, promising death to all living things. Oh my gods ... "This violent one!" - shrewdly noticed the guardian of order and attacked the poor fellow with a sword. "To help or not to interfere?" - flashed through my head, and the hand was already habitually pulling the blade out of its sheath ...

Meeting committee.

Peace be upon this Dunmer. Guy Prentus, that was the name of my new acquaintance, warned that no one else, having entered the portal, returned as he was before. Who listens to the guard? “I want to try too,” I said absently, looking at the dancing blue and white fire. - "No problem, madam, I promise to give you a decent funeral." Interestingly, he always sticks to girls in such an original way? I didn’t have time to finish this thought, because another voice sounded, coming, it seemed, from nowhere and everywhere:

Not worthy, not worthy, not worthy! Useless mortal meat!

Fall me through the ground, if this voice was not familiar! Well, yes ... who would doubt whose hands this cute party was done. A couple of years ago, I had already encountered his Daedric Lordship, Lord Sheogorath. Until now, I shy away from dogs, like the last hack.

The Mad God expressed regret over the death of another candidate, complained about annoying enemies and hospitably invited me to visit some Islands - they say, the weather is now miraculously good, it's time for a visit. When a Daedra Lord invites you, it's... uh, very impolite to refuse. And bad for health. I looked at the dead Dunmer, the mad Khajiit, the sullen guard... Remember what I said about a bit of insanity? I definitely have this bit, because instead of running without looking back, I laughed out loud and plunged into the flames ...

Poor Guy! He probably thought that, unlike the others, I was crazy before how to enter the portal.

beyond the mind

Small room. Stone walls, an earthen floor overgrown with grass, a perfectly round carpet, a table, two chairs. On the table, a strange device similar to a metronome clicks dryly for seconds. I don't know what I expected to see when I fell out of the portal, but it all looked quite prosaic. A lean, dignified man in an expensive black-and-red camisole with a high collar graciously invited me to sit down. I obeyed.

You are in the Shivering Isles, in the domain of Lord Sheogorath. You are here because you yourself decided so. You can leave if you wish.

What if I don't want to leave?

Then be ready to do the will of Lord Sheogorath.

And those crazy people outside?

They weren't ready, - my interlocutor dropped impassively. - Well, are you staying?

Oblivion take me! Cowardly driving away the thought that it was he who, it seems, finally took me, I firmly said:

I remain.

Go to the Gates of Madness. Oh, and be careful with the Guardian, he doesn't like strangers. Have a nice time.

This is how I met Haskill, the Mad God's valet.

The valet stood up, and immediately the stones of the walls, which seemed so solid, began to melt, as if corroded by acid, melting into thousands upon thousands of purple and green butterflies. I covered my face with my hands to protect myself from the fluttering wings, and when I looked around again, Haskill and the room were gone. Before me stretched the lands of the Reach.

I was walking down a road marked with oddly styled grey-green pillars - a mixture of Imperial and Ayleid architecture - and I was immediately attacked. Some sort of goblin-argonian hybrid. Nice start to the journey...

I walked past mossy boulders and strangely twisted trunks, to poor and simple looking houses, indicating, however, that people live here too. A moment later, I saw them. Two men, a Redguard and a Dunmer, engaged in peaceful conversation. I approached, hoping that their conversation would give me some idea of ​​the place. They were talking about a group of adventurers apparently in trouble, and they intended to go see... I didn't understand what. "I hope their blood doesn't splatter my boots," the Dunmer grimaced. What a cleaner. Without hiding, I ran after him.

We are almost late. The Guardian of the Gates of Madness - and a creature of gigantic growth, a terrible parody of a person, no doubt it was - has already finished off the unfortunate adventurers. I backed off. Before contacting this creature, you should have talked to the locals. I did not want to end my days in the arena trampled into the stones at the entrance to the realm of Sheogorath!

Redguard - his name was Shelden, and he was the mayor of the town of Pasval - said that the keys to the Gates were sewn into the body of the Guardian and no one had yet been able to get them. However, Jayrid Frostnerves was going to try. It's good, it's more fun together.

Tears and bones

Jayrid, an archer and my northerner countryman, promised to make deadly arrows for the Guardian from the bones lying around in the Gardens of Bones and Flesh, but the door leading there was locked. Smiling, I jingled the picklocks in my pocket, and we shook hands.

However, I would hardly have survived to thirty, if not for the habit of forethought. After telling Jareed to wait, I continued my questioning. The hunchback Dredwen, the owner of the inn, whispered that the Guardian killed anyone who approached him, with the exception of the sorceress Relmina Verenim. Why would she be in a special position?

As it turned out, Mrs. Verenim, a researcher obsessed with her experiments with flesh, once created the Guard with her own hands. She spoke of him as if she were her child. From a mixture of threats and ridicule, I fished out another name - Nanette. Her student. Students usually know a lot about their teachers...

I wasn't wrong. Although it was not easy to get the necessary information, since Nanette was frankly afraid of her mentor (I can’t blame the girl, this lady also caught up with fear on me). Alternating between compliments, idle chatter, and cautious questions, I gleaned from the red-headed dropout that Relmina was incredibly sentimental about her "baby." Every night she comes to him and cries, and for some reason her tears corrode the Guardian's flesh. Well, that sounded like a back-up plan.

I followed Relmina at night and had the dubious pleasure of seeing her sobbing, although I did not feel pity: the sorceress caused only disgust. But how to get her tears? I can't ask her to cry into a bottle! Luckily, Relmina dropped her handkerchief, which was soaking wet. I scrupulously picked it up by the corner. Really, it’s a pity to rub the sword with this dirty trick, but I’ll have to ... At the last moment, the damned creature nevertheless noticed me, and I had to hastily take my feet.

Arrows were easier. I broke into Jareed's house without much embarrassment at the beginning of the second night, shook the sleepy northerner, and we went for the bones. He, poor fellow, is so obsessed with them that he did not even send me to all the demons. I started to like the locals. They are not friends with the head, but it is possible to agree with them.

I can’t say anything sensible about the Gardens - I didn’t look around. I was more concerned about the local animal. While Jayrid was poking around in the remains of the previous Guardian, I had to drive through the clearing heels of hungry skeletons.

My countryman, tenderly pressing the extracted bones to his chest, yawned heartbreakingly and asked me to come in the morning for ready-made arrows. I didn’t really need them, I shoot a little better than a drunken goblin, but Jayrid will come in handy. I wiped Relmina's handkerchief on the blade.

In general, we managed with the Guardian, having remembered his “mother” with a kind word. With a bow, Jayrid granted me the right to fish the keys to the Gate from the body of a defeated enemy, and then Haskill appeared out of nowhere. The Mad God's valet descended to short lecture about the lands I hoped to set foot on very soon. The islands, he said, were divided into two regions - Mania and Dementia. Two sides of madness, opposite in everything, but equally dangerous. Bright colors and artists smiling at death against gloomy landscapes and paranoid people dragging out a miserable existence. No, if I am destined to go crazy, at least let it be fun!

Such here city ​​guard. At least it's nice to look at.

I tossed my head, exposing my hot face to the wind. The Key of Mania burned my hand...

It is important: choose any door. The only difference is the blessing you receive on the other side of the Gate. Mania gives the ability to enrage the enemy, Dementia - to demoralize him. That's all.

The doors of the Gate hastily closed behind me. Gods, what am I doing... Guy Prentus was right, a thousand times right when he said that no one returned from the portal the same way he entered it. I did not stay on the Islands for even three days, but they were already gradually changing my mind and will, and the essence of these changes remained incomprehensible to me ...

Haskill strictly ordered to get to New Sheoth, where Sheogorath's palace was located, as soon as possible. The city made a strange impression. Three districts were in it: the poisonous-bright Bliss, the heart of Mania; depressingly faded, somewhat similar to the slums of Bravil Crucible, where the inhabitants of Dementia lived, and finally - a palace that absorbed both cultures. Everything here was alien - plants, houses, thick iridescent liquid flowing in the channels of the Crucible, skies - greenish blue, with golden clouds that seemed to absorb sunlight, clothes, dogs ... Oh yes, dogs that someone seems to turned inside out. Vile creatures.

And people. Crazy, every single one, some more, some less. Or maybe I'm really insane?

Visiting the Mad God

I'm afraid my pen is unable to describe the meeting with Shigorat. The Gray March is coming, he said. Cataclysm, equivalent to a flood, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption and the end of the world at the same time. In any case, this is the impression. As for me, completely stunned during these few days, Sheogorath sent me to activate the fortress of Zedilian, for which he gave me a weighty volume with instructions and a device called the Judgment Attenuator. Finding Haskill with my eyes, I rushed to him for clarification, as to a saving beacon. The valet, smiling sympathetically, said that they needed to find three focusing crystals and place them in the Judgment Centers - this would allow the resonator to be tuned. He's kidding, isn't he?! Okay, we'll figure it out on the spot.

Xedilian is at the heel of the Mad God's Boot, and to get to him, you need to go down the South Road. The fortress itself was teeming with grammites. The shamans turned out to be especially dangerous, but it was from them that I took away the staffs with the focusing crystals necessary to activate the Judgment centers. Three shamans - three crystals. Everything is simple. The resonator looked like a huge druse of mercury-shiny crystals. As soon as I touched it with the attenuator, there was a low vibrating hum, and the crystal was enveloped in purple discharges. The ancient halls of Xedilian came to life... I stepped into the teleporter that had opened in the wall.

And almost screamed when a stranger called me dark Elf in a scarlet silk robe. Kiliban Nerandil, Guardian of Zedilian. He explained that the fortress served as a kind of test for candidates for the Shivering Isles. Curious system. Either die or go crazy and be accepted as an honored guest. And now, with Xedilian activated for the first time in years, I am the one who has the honor of deciding the fate of the aliens. Kill them or throw them into the abyss whose name is madness...

Shigorat Palace, a reflection of his dual nature.

I went up to the bars and pressed my face against the cold bars, behind which stretched a huge hall. Three treasure hunters have just entered. In the middle of the hall, a small gnarl stomped languidly - you know, something like a walking tree. It was in my power to either set a dozen of his fellows on the aliens (it is very difficult to resist such a nice company), or to increase the gnarl to four times its current size and use a hallucinogenic gas to make the victims believe that the walking tree wants to destroy them.

I felt sorry for these people. Either way, they were doomed. It would be easier and more merciful to kill them, but for some reason it seemed to me that such an outcome would not be to the taste of Lord Sheogorath. No, not like that - it will not entertain him. After hesitating, I pressed the right button. Gnarl grew until his head touched the ceiling, and then chaotically darted around the room. I saw from above that he was harmless, but the drugged fools fell into a real panic. After some time, the illusion faded, but the goal was achieved - one of the strangers, squeezing his temples with his palms and muttering some nonsense, fell to the floor, and the other two took to flight.

In the second hall there was a cage with countless treasures. Locked. I could activate a fire trap - or drop hundreds of thousands of keys on the astonished mercenaries. Let's find the right one. Come on, come on ... I casually leaned against right button, and the keys fell like an avalanche from the ceiling. Ha. Of course, the temptation was too great. The magician Sindelius burrowed into the heap with unhealthy enthusiasm, paying no heed to the warnings of his alarmed friend. Second... Well, greed does not lead to good.

The Mad God in all his glory.

Strangely, the most sane of the adventurers turned out to be an orc. Nothing, it won't be long. I laughed softly. I started to like my role. Power over minds... it's so attractive.

Finally, the third hall, covered in blood, full of mutilated corpses... It was time for the performance to end, although we all, perhaps, had a great time. One could just raise the dead, but I have a deep disgust for the undead. Plus it's boring. A light, almost imperceptible movement - and now the stubborn orc falls dead to immediately rise in the form of a ghost. A pitiful fool, he could not believe in his death. And rightly so, it was also an illusion. Deadly illusion.

Someone inside me was begging me to get out of here before it was too late, but I ignored those pleas. The Mad God will be pleased with my actions.

The reward proved worthy of all the effort: the sword Fang of Dusk... or Dawn, depending on the time of day. I fell in love with this weapon at first sight.

At the exit from the fortress, I was attacked by strange creatures in identical gray armor - the Knights of Order, as Kiliban called them. We must immediately report their appearance to Shigorat!

It is important: be sure to collect the hearts of Order falling from the knights. They will be very useful to you in the future.

Court intrigues and their consequences

I can't say that he was happy with this news. Rather, on the contrary. But something finally cleared up. Now I know that behind the Gray March is Jyggalag, master of the Knights of Order, also a Daedric prince, only terribly boring and disgustingly correct, according to my lord. But first, I needed to get to know the land I was to defend against Jyggalag and his gray hordes. And at the same time get acquainted with the rulers of both houses - the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia. By the way, now I could call on Haskill for help at any time (he could help, however, only with advice). Incited by the laughing Shigorat, I practiced this spell until the colorless eyes of the obedient valet glowed with embers of rage. Then I left the poor man alone.

About poisons and pleasures

Teydon is a charmer with a languid voice and sweetish mannerisms. I found him in the Alkyone Conservatory; he danced among the flowers. Quite graceful for a man. He asked me to find and bring him the Chalice of Inversion. I don't know what it is, but what little things... I'll ask the courtiers. From the Argonian Wide-eyed, I learned that the Cup is in the Root Hole, and to get to it, you need to take hellish dew (felldew) - a substance produced by elytra insects. The lizard so diligently averted her gaze and so unnaturally assured that everything was simpler than an orange - then it would have become clear to the Grummit that she was silent about many things. I had to use all my charm. Yeah ... This dew, then, is a dangerous drug that causes instant addiction. Extremely unhealthy, but the Cup can help grief. Now it is clear why Teydon, greedy for forbidden pleasures, needs her...

I found the Root Burrow on the map - it was located northeast of the capital and east of the Hope Camp if you go along the North Road. Not so far.

I was lucky, I collected hellish dew from the first elytra I met at the Root Hole. I didn’t really want to poison myself with this dirty trick, but otherwise the entrance, hidden in the roots of a huge stump, refused to open.

It is important: collect dew from all the elytra you meet (poison carriers are easily recognized by the emerald glow of their bodies). The effect of the drug ends extremely quickly, and it first reduces your characteristics, and then your health. Meanwhile, your path will be very long - the cave is simply gigantic in size.

I managed to curse Teydon and his bad habits a thousand times before I got to the Chalice. Moreover, several drug addicts guarding her had to be killed. They did not know how to fight, although despair and fear gave them strength. But at least the Chalice cured me of an annoying addiction as soon as I took it in my hands.

Delighted by the return of the Chalice of Inversion, the duke granted me a place at court. True, the point of this ...

About trust and secrecy

With the Duchess of Dementia Force, it was even more fun. For the first time in my life, I had a chance to try myself in the role of the Grand Inquisitor, revealing a conspiracy. I was under the impression that the conspiracy was worth revealing and noisily, even if there was none, if you know what I mean ... Yes, Syl is known for her tiresome suspicion. As assistants, they gave me the shoulder work of master Herdir, a lover of untying stubborn tongues and a great enthusiast of his work. I think we'll work.

Let's start with close ones. Redguard Caitlan seemed to me disgustingly an innocent simpleton, but Lady Anya Herrick, seeing Herdir happily grinning behind me, was so frankly frightened that everything became clear to her at once. True, she tried to lock herself up, but ... It's still nice to work in tandem with a professional.

So, Ma'zadda. If my memory serves me right, this Khajiit lives in the Crucible. He turned out to be a stubborn little contagion and demanded evidence. Otherwise, they say, there is nothing to talk about. Inquiries of the beggars did not give anything, Herdir was completely bored, and then on a whim I decided ... um ... to try my luck in a tavern. The hostess of this - she was called here Sick Bernice - always complaining of ailments, real or imaginary, did not persist for a long time. Confessed that Ma'zaddah had nightly meetings with Nelrin, captain of the Force guard. Yes, it looks like something is really being prepared here, I was surprised ... We must follow them. Herdir, although an excellent executioner, stomps like a herd of trolls, so I told him to wait for me in the tavern. He was so touchingly upset that no one else needs to be tortured yet ... Poor.

I ambushed the sweet couple at a dead end near the sewer grate, not far from Ma'zadda's house. Yes perishing, bogged down both on the very tips of the ears. Backed against the wall, the cat promised to find out the names of other conspirators and made an appointment for the next night. Well, now he's not going anywhere, you bastard...

I was mistaken. Khajiit still managed to slip out of my hands - into death. Irritably looking at his corpse floating in a pool of blood, I thought hard about what to do. Keys were found in the dead man's pockets... Mm, maybe he managed to hide the evidence?

Praise to Shigorat! On the top floor, in the sideboard, they found what they were looking for - the ceremonial sword of Nelrin. If you think about it, that's still evidence, but the Force is enough. Let's see what the dark temptress will sing now...

The elf Myurin led the conspirators. I never liked this old woman. Well, fine. The Duchess will be pleased...

By the way, she turned out to be more generous than the stingy Teydon, and gave me an excellent bow.

Between two fires

Now, when I already understood a little about the state of affairs in the Isles, Lord Sheogorat entrusted me with the next responsible task. As befits a good ruler, he primarily cares about his subjects. For the sake of their peace of mind, the Mad God ordered the Great Torch of New Sheoth to be lit, and this can only be done with the help of the divine Flame of Agnon, which, in turn, must also be lit in the ruins of Cylarn with the assistance of my lord's servants - the golden saints (Auril) and dark seducers (Mazken). Phew. These latter are always in competition with each other. Do I have to reconcile them for the sake of a great goal ?! Okay, let's get into a fight, and then we'll figure out who and what to beat, as one of my acquaintances, an orc, a philanthropist and a convinced peacemaker used to say.

Arriving in Cylarn, I found myself, in my own way, between a rock and a hard place. Both the dark seducers and the golden saints stubbornly pulled the blanket over themselves, asserting with confidence that made me laugh that they were the truly faithful servants of the lord Sheogorath, worthy of kindling the sacred Flame of Agnon on the altars of Despair and Pleasure. And so the detachments under the command of grakedrig Ulfri and aurmazl Kane held one altar each and sharpened their teeth on the missing one. I was tempted to play a cruel joke with both leaders and see how their arrogant physiognomies would stretch out - I'm sure Sheogorat would appreciate it. However, this could prevent me from reaching the goal, so I had to choose which side to take. Let there be Auril, their arrogance amused me. I made sure that although the main passage to the second Mazken altar was guarded very vigilantly, the side halls of Underdeep were practically empty, and I launched my small army into the attack. We took the dark ones by surprise; the battle was hot but short. I slew Ulfrey's grakedrig with my own hand and sent Kane to the sacrificial pyre.

Agnon's flame burned again. Without fear or hesitation, I stepped into the raging multicolor, taking on a piece of sacred fire. Everything was ready for the Great Torch of the Chapel of Arden-Sul to be revived. And here I also chose the side of Mania - the priest Dervenin was much more affable than his brother and rival Arctus from Dementia, and this determined my decision.

To the heights of power

Then Shigorat appeared and ordered me to take the place of the ruler of Mania or Dementia so that I could rally the people around me during the Gray March (the opinion of the rulers themselves was traditionally not taken into account). The Mad God himself intended to retire quietly, leaving the Daedric prince Jyggalag to destroy his kingdom. The height of caution, do not say anything.

I questioned both priests about the coronation rituals of the houses of Mania and Dementia. I got rid of the dementia right away. Cut out Duchess Seal's heart? Rough and dirty. I prefer more subtle methods. Sprinkle Teydon with poison, for example. Plus, I like his crown.

From the Argonian Wide Eyes, the court lady of Mania, I found out in detail about the ritual poison - green pollen - and the daily routine. There was no doubt that this lizard was delivering the drug to Teydon. However, Wide-Eyes flatly refused to reveal the location of the pollen. Well, all we have to do is see where she goes at noon. At the same time, the purpose of the bust of Shigorat, installed on the left side of the palace gallery, became clear. Good lock for a secret door. There was nowhere to spit in the vault due to the abundance of guards, so I was forced to use a strong chameleon spell, but I got the pollen. And then she snuck into the kitchen and poisoned Teydon's dinner and his wine. It was hard to make a mistake - the most luxurious tray and the largest bottle in the buffet.

At eight o'clock in the evening I sat at the table at the right hand of the duke and smiled sweetly at his lordship. He was doomed, though he didn't know it yet. After supper, excited Teydon got up and began to read his last (in both senses of the word) poem - rather mediocre, as for me, but sweet, by the way. In the middle of the stanza, he suddenly clutched his chest and collapsed on his back. His heart broke. What a poetic death.

I collected the green pollen-poisoned blood, took it to the chapel, and poured it into the bowl on the altar of Arden-Sul. The coronation ritual was completed, and Sheogorat named me the Duchess of Mania. However, as soon as I tried on the ducal crown, Syr suddenly appeared and expressed her attitude to what was happening in a very impudent form. Simply put, she cursed Sheogorath so that even the statues turned red, and announced that she was going over to Jyggalag's side. The sovereign, showing unexpected mercy, ordered the guards not to interfere with the traitor.

It is important: it doesn't make much difference in whose place you take. However, the rite of Dementia, in my opinion, is more boring. You need to find and kill Force. The duchess, maniacally suspicious, senses something is wrong and runs away, leaving a double in her place. Follow her into the secret passage. In a room with a blocked door, look for a button on one of the ledges. It is difficult to notice - but this is the only difficulty that arises when completing the task. The traitor in this case, of course, would be Teydon.

Too many crystals

Bitch Force, before escaping, reported one important news - the Reach was captured by the forces of the Order of Order. Here Shigorat became furious, and no wonder. The limit had to be recaptured as soon as possible.

I stepped out of the chapel and breathed in the cold night air. At night, the local skies are beautiful: deep blue, clouded with a purple haze, through which unfamiliar constellations glimpse ... Half an hour later I left the city.

Familiar places were barely recognizable. Growing everywhere, like mushrooms after rain, the crystals of Order seemed to draw all the colors and life juices out of the earth, leaving only a muddy greyness. Even the merry emerald lights that had always curled around me were now slowly settling into ash flakes. The houses looked abandoned. Where have the residents gone? Is it really dead? I quickened my pace, almost ran.

I was greeted by the pitiful remnants of the Golden Saints sent here. Even their radiant bodies were not spared by the ever-present greyness. Aurig Desha said that the spire in the center of Pasval once came to life, and the Knights of Order began to emerge from it. And no matter how many they were destroyed, the knights stubbornly reappeared. I walked around the area, collecting the hearts of the Order. Haskill mentioned that they can be used to destroy crystals. Aurig Desha vowed that another attack would follow soon. She was obviously expecting orders from me to lead the resistance. Oh no. I'm not going to hide behind other people's backs. I am the Duchess of Mania and their lady. Desha silently bowed her head, acknowledging my authority. After pointing out the positions of the swordsmen and archers, I headed towards the spire. Here they are!

Not a single loss. I could be proud of myself. Now it was time to penetrate the ruins of Zeddefen, find the base of the tower-portal and destroy it, if not stopping, then at least delaying the invasion. Guess who had to go there...

Zeddefen was south of the city and well guarded. But it was possible to replenish the reserves of hearts. More and more crystals of Order rose with a screech in my path, tearing stone slabs like a silk scarf.

Already at the very obelisk, I stumbled upon ... who would you think? Shelden! The same Redguard who called himself Mayor of Pasval. The cowardly little beetle abandoned everyone and hid in Zeddefen, but miscalculated a little and ended up in the very heat. Shelden begged to be taken outside. Yes, the devil, he knows how to fight, let him weave his tail. Leaving him to deal with the knights, I ran up to the obelisk. So what did Haskill advise there? One by one, I put three Order hearts into the obelisk. He shuddered as he digested the "eaten"... and, I hoped, choked! I barely had time to jump aside when there was an explosion. The floor shook, the walls cracked... Zeddefen shuddered, ready to fall right on our heads. A magnificent headstone, whatever you say, but I'm too picky. Run, Mellie!

With a wildly pounding heart (my own, not in Order), I rushed through the halls that collapsed before my eyes, dodging fragments of columns and lightning strikes from nowhere. Knights jumping out here and there did not make life easier either. Shelden was not far behind; I heard his heavy breathing. But at some point we were still separated by a fallen grate. Spit! No time for sentiment! I rushed, not understanding the road, obeying only instinct - and he did not disappoint. The last door, the jump - and I, panting, fell prone to the ground, not even trying to hide from the pouring rain. Ice drops flowing down my skin at least convinced me that I was alive...

Flesh and blood

Desha asked me to return to Lord Sheogorath with a report. Well, that matched my intentions. Now I had to correct the work of my and Jayrid's work and restore the Guardian of the Gate, for which I had to unite with Relmina Verenim. She probably won't be happy to see me, but who cares?

Relmina lived in Zazelma, a fortress west of Suicide Hill. A disgusting place. I didn't even have to wander in search of the sorceress - I was driven by screams of pain and horror. I don't know what to do with a man to make him scream like that, and I don't want to know. Here and there I came across mangled, broken bodies - the results of failed experiments. Some of them still lived, if you can call it that.

Relmina did what she loved - she tormented me. Where is the handsome Herdira before her... Overcoming disgust, I outlined to her the will of Shigorat. The mad researcher did not dare to object, but sent me to the Gardens of Bones and Flesh for the mystical components necessary to create a new Guardian: blood solution, bone marrow, skin membrane and breath extract.

Lucrezia Borgia, your way out!

It is interesting: try in a conversation with Relmina to demand the release of the captives and insist on your own, no matter what. Perhaps the result will amuse you...

I don't know who called this place gardens. An ordinary fortress full of flesh atronachs and other "brainchildren" of Relmina. An extremely dangerous labyrinth, moreover, of absolutely immense size, capable of completely repulsing any interest in science.

Upon returning, Relmina told me to select body parts for the future Guardian. Wow mosaic... Then we went to the Gates of Madness - the site of the ceremony. Obeying Relmina's gesture, the stone circle in front of Sheogorath's bust turned into a pool filled with a viscous violet-blue liquid. Following the instructions, I sequentially put into it first the body parts, then the components obtained in the Gardens. Then Relmina appealed to unknown and terrible forces - and they responded to her call. The pond swirled with a furious whirlpool, and the force that spilled over the edge threw me onto the stones ... A new Guardian rose from the font of birth.

save beauty

If you think that this business is over, then you are sorely mistaken. While I was receiving well-deserved compliments from Sheogorath, a messenger burst into the throne room and yelled that the Sharp-pointed Cliff, the citadel of dark seducers, was under attack. The gray march was coming. Island time is running out...

I doomedly inquired about the address of the fortress. The toe of the Mad God's Boot is not a dipped beam.

Mazken Adeo reported that the fortress is already in the hands of the enemies, and their leader is... the renegade Syl! Well, let's get even together. Syl had captured the leader of the dark seducers, Dylora, and the latter had to be released, because only she knew what to do with all this leapfrog. But, gods, how twisted these girls were when they realized that they would have to obey the duchess of a hostile house! Ha. This lessened their audacity and greatly cheered me up.

Of course, it was not without complications. We had no trouble finding Dylora, imprisoned in a crystal cage, and freed her with the help of a giant bell. Actually, it is intended for a little something else, but here it fits. But, what is most unpleasant, the rebel of the Forces has captured the Mazken Spring, in which they are reborn after death. Without the Source, their tribe was like annihilated.

I was convinced of the truth of these words only when I entered the next hall. Dailora shouted something about the frozen Well, and the dark seductresses turned yellow and fell to the floor like lifeless dolls. Nicely. The road to the Source was by no means strewn with flowers. My collection of Order hearts grew with every step. The Well itself was literally frozen into a huge crystalline pyramid. One bell is not enough here, I had to knock heartily on all four, installed in the corners of the hall. The Force Snake managed to get away.

As a reward, I was given a set of dark temptress armor. I grinned. In such, so to speak, armor, you can only count on the fact that the enemy himself will die - with laughter, for example, but this suit emphasized the figure quite well.

Flight of Sheogorath

Even the gods are not omnipotent. I stared fixedly at the place where the lord of the Shivering Isles had just disappeared in a flash of white flame. Its end. Jyggalag is coming, and the Gray March is unstoppable. We didn't make it. I heard a cough behind me, and a hand gently rested on my shoulder. Haskill! I clung to the poor valet like a thorn in a dog's tail. Maybe he'll come up with something!

And he came up with. He came up with such an idea that I almost fell into the fountain. Take Sheogorath's place?! Create his Staff?! So far, I have considered Haskill the most sane in this realm of psychos. Okay, let's say this is possible, but I'm not a Daedric princess! What little things, with a soft smile answered me. In order to fit your, excuse me, ass on the throne, this was not required. The staff was enough, and the "recipe" for its creation was hidden in the library of the Knife Hole, which is north of Suicide Hill.

I expected to see tall, ceiling-supporting rows of shelves crammed with dusty volumes in now dead languages; bookcases with tightly locked glass doors - a repository of dangerous magical scrolls ...

But I could not even think that the Knife Hole Library was one person. Gray-haired, chalky-pale, with sunken eyes, like a vampire who has been starving for thousands of years. At the sight of me, he heavily dropped only one word: "Dius". I also introduced myself.

The story of Deus is entertaining and instructive, but I do not undertake to retell it. It is enough that Dius told me the components for the staff of Sheogorath - a branch of the Tree of Images, growing in the Grove of Reflections, deep in the ruins of Milkar, and the eyes of Sirte, a woman who saw what mortals cannot see. Her abode is the Groaning Halls.

Milkar was closer, northwest of Knife Hole, so I went there first. As soon as I approached the Tree, the obelisk in the center of the reservoir blazed brightly, and... I appeared in front of me. I glared at the dark figure - it was like looking into a mirror in the semi-darkness. Well, she has a mess on her head. That is, I have. Gods, what am I thinking?! Not I summoned the Flesh Atronach, drew the Fang of Dusk, and assumed a fighting stance, a mirror image of my...

I can only say one thing - it was not easy. But the black branch of the Image Tree is softly light in my palm, and that's all that mattered.

With the Moaning Halls it turned out much more fun. At the entrance, a young man in a lilac robe attacked me. He fought badly. And the robe is cute. Try it on, right?

As it turns out, this was my smartest thought in the last few weeks. In any case, she saved me from having to fight with a bunch of associates of the slain. Well, they are simpletons!

It is important: if you decide to take off your mantle, you will be immediately attacked. These guys have strange ideas about reality, the right word ... In general, this quest can be completed in three ways, I will describe the most interesting one. Others are simple and do not require explanation.

In one of the lower halls, the cat Ra'heran was found, who turned out to be uncommonly smarter than his comrades. He immediately recognized me as a stranger and was overjoyed. Sirte does not appear to have been much loved by her followers. Having delivered a heartfelt speech in the spirit of "hand washes hand," Ra'heran demanded that I deliver him a weapon - more precisely, three daggers of the Apostle. The other did not suit him. Yes, I didn’t care, I got the daggers in an instant. Now everything was ready for a little rebellion. Ra'heranu power, me - the eye. Fair trade.

End or beginning?

I returned to Dyus, and he created the basis for the staff of Sheogorath. So far it was just a stick. It was necessary to lower it into the Font of Madness in the throne room in order for the staff to gain strength. To New Sheoth!

Do you want such an armored bikini?

Well, of course, fate once again tripped me up. The fountain behind the throne, like mud, was overgrown with small gray crystals. I was already shaking just looking at them. Fortunately, darling Haskill, as always, knew everything. The Pools of Madness feeding the Font have been poisoned by Jyggalag's minions, and it looks like Syr has been involved again. Hands itched to strangle the viper...

Hidden in the roots behind the throne was an inconspicuous door. I've always wondered what's behind it. Now I knew it. Well, down like that, down to the holy of holies of the Mad God's palace.

Entering, I ran into the root door, all in these damned crystals. It was impossible to open it. Strange as it may seem, the manual gnarl, hanging around right there, helped. He feeds on them, or something, a walking stump ...

However, the adherents of the Order, Oblivion take them, managed to foul almost every door in the cave. You can't save penkov. Fortunately, a toothy chrysalis was found nearby, in which something was clearly moving and rustling. Suddenly, there was a hideous smacking sound, and the chrysalis vomited up the gnarl. Fu ... But the "key" to the doors was found.

It is important: also similar doors and containers can be opened with the help of fragments of the Order, falling from the priests.

As soon as the priests of Order guarding the pool of Dementia fell at my hands, the crystals that defiled the sacred waters disappeared. Now you need to clear the Mania pool.

Hello, Sil, dear, never see your pretty face forever! The former Duchess of Dementia struck a pose and began a solemnly formidable speech. I listened for a couple of minutes with a dull air, and then the Fang of Dawn put an end to this cheap pathos. I don't like talkers.

The staff is ready, and I hold it in my hands. Does this mean that?.. Who is there?! The captain of the palace guard urgently needed my help. Hm. It is unlikely that they would dare to bother me over trifles.

The obelisks in the courtyard have activated! Hello from Jyggalag. How tired I am of him... It's time to put an end to this annoying Daedra. Where did my hearts of Order stay here? In deactivating the obelisks, I have already become adept and this time prudently took cover from the explosion behind the parapet. As soon as the second obelisk was shaken by a purple wave, the air in front of me trembled, and a huge mercury-gray figure appeared in a blinding radiance. Jyggalag! "What an honor!" I hissed ironically, grabbing the Fang of Dawn more comfortably...

He spoke to me. Then after the fight. But I will not reveal what this conversation was about. This only applies to Jyggalag, me... and Sheogorath.

I wonder if these stupid crystals will continue to disfigure my castle?!

marginal notes

My story is over, but during my travels in the Shivering Isles, I came across a lot of all sorts of mysteries. Interested?


Iril, the owner of a shop in the Crucible, simply shakes at the mention of Brythor. This is a local thief. How many times I stole, so many I got caught. Serve him right, clumsy. Iril offered a reward for delivering him from the unfortunate criminal. You can, of course, kill, but it's not interesting. I spoke to Brightor. He promised to become disgustingly law-abiding if I brought him five flawless pearls. Well, this stuff in the surrounding caves in bulk.

final rest

At the Crucible, I was stopped by a guy who identified himself as Harrus Clutumnus and made an appointment late at night at the sewer grate near the Sheogorath statue. I knew one eccentric who loved night dates - Glartir was called. But this one was even weirder. You see, he was tired of life, so he decided to settle accounts with her - with my hands. Funny. "I'll die so that everyone weeps." I ambushed him at the top of a long staircase and pushed him down. It must be murder, but everything in this place seems so fake...

liquid solution

The owner of the diner, Sick Bernice, dies of a serious illness. The only thing that can help her is a substance she called "Aquanostrum" from the Blackberry Bush Cave. I took pity on the woman and brought the medicine. This cave is not far from the South Road, on the left hand, and there are clearly more grammites in it than it should be.


There is one remarkable place in the Crucible - the so-called Kunstkamera. Its owner, Una Armina, collects all sorts of curiosities and welcomes those who are ready to add to her collection. I also brought a few. Here they are: an amber that looks like Shigorath, Pelagius' pelvic bone, the ashes of some Dean, a two-headed septim, a stripping ring, a sentinel's blind eye, a silent chant and a deformed swamp tendril. I can't remember where I found them - I must have turned over all the stones and climbed all the dungeons and the Islands. But it is unlikely that these are all the curiosities that can be found here ...

Hammer of the antipode

There is a blacksmith in the Crucible named Carver, who can make armor and weapons from the ore of madness. And Bliss blacksmith Dumag gro-Bonk does the same from amber. Also, they both know how to forge magic items, but only if you bring them the appropriate matrices.

The coming storm

Hadjit Ajazda from "Finds" is sure that the end of the world is approaching, and is preparing for it. For complete happiness, she lacks the Ring of Dehydration, the Amulet of Disintegration and the Tranquil Pants. I pulled off the ring here, in the city, in the Kunstkamera, the Amulet was found in one of the halls of Milkar (although I had to pretty much run around with the ritual torch so that all three braziers burned at the same time), and I took off my pants from Fimmion, a beggar in Bliss. More precisely, he himself took them off when I waved a roll in front of his nose. Oh those sweeties...

Ushnar's nightmare

Have you ever seen an orc scared to death of cats? Not? Well, then you should go to the Crucible and talk to Ushnar. He is terribly unnerved by the presence of the Khajiit Byshi, and he asked me to get rid of him. Strange notions of good neighborly relations in this city, the right word. I was not going to kill the poor fellow because of a crazy orc, for a hundred coins he himself found a way out of the Crucible. Nearly jumping for joy, Ushnar gave me a skinned hound. A pretty gift - only to scare children.

Wake up under the rubble

Handsome Fanrien from Bliss complained that he could not be near any walls - he was afraid that they would fall on his head. Shrugging my shoulders, I advised him to sleep outside. He beamed and asked to find someone who would agree to change beds with him. Who usually sleeps outside? That's right, beggars. Here Ungor, for example, was just happy to make an exchange.

Fork Ticklish

The Argonian Bighead in Bliss had lost a very dear Tickle Fork somewhere and thought that Bolving might know something about it. Bolving is a beggar, always muttering all sorts of nonsense like "rainy roo". It is usually impossible to understand him, but Big Head gave me an amulet that was supposed to serve as a "translator". Bolving admitted that militant heretics and zealots from Camp Longtooth, west of the Gates of Madness, fought over the Fork. The fork was indeed found in a box under a canopy.

Work without end

Comrade Restless, a crazy inventor from Bliss, is building a flying ship and is in dire need of tongs and calipers. Why does he need all this rubbish, it is unclear, but he pays five gold pieces for each little thing.

Ghosts of Vitharn

I heard somewhere that in the south of the Isles there is an abandoned fortress of Vaitarn. I found it on the "heel" of the Mad God's Boot, on Gravebank. This fortress was inhabited by ghosts. It seems that during their lifetime, some of them were enemies of others - even now, hundreds of years after their death, they continued the endless battle, fell, got up and fell again... The door to Vaitarn was guarded by some kind of supernatural force, but I managed to find a secret entrance in the roots of a gigantic tree.

Inside, Count Sirion spoke to me and told me that once Lord Sheogorath cursed his people for cowardice, greed and arrogance and doomed them to eternally relive the last day of Vaitarn - the day of the attack on the fortress of fanatics, the day of their shame ... They had almost no no hope of finding peace. I searched the fortress and found three unusual things that aroused my curiosity: Altel's arrows in the armory (the blacksmith did not want to let me into it, but I crept under the chameleon; and later the key was also found - on a table with decayed food, in the corridor), a Desideratus doll in the corridor near the armory and the Dagger of Exhaustion in a secret room in the chapel. To open it, you need to press the button on the stone throne. All these things once belonged to someone. Maybe look for their owners?

I turned out to be right. Althel was doomed to watch the mechanism of the main gate forever, and there I found her to hand over the arrows. Khloval Dreth was fighting in the yard. I returned the dagger to him; he was delighted and immediately poked them at me, impudent. After some deliberation, I burned the doll on a ghostly brazier. And I also guessed. Desideratus stopped crying about his beloved and returned to duty. Only the greedy orc could not be persuaded. Well, the devil with him. I returned to the count. He admitted that he tried to escape, leaving his subjects to their fate, and handed me his helmet. Covering my face with it, I went out into the courtyard of the fortress and slew the Possessed Fanatic. The ghosts of Vitharn finally rest...

great division

In the village of Split on the border of Mania and Dementia, a strange cataclysm happened. Some fool-wizard divided all the inhabitants into halves - demented and maniacs. The twins fiercely hated each other, wished their rivals death and were ready to pay for it. I lean more towards the Mania side, so I destroyed the dement half of the village, although I think it could have been done the other way around.


Mirili Ulven of Highcross is obsessed with writing an encyclopedia. To do this, she needed samples of almost everything that grows and runs in the Shivering Isles. To make things easier, she provided me with a list and paid me ten gold pieces for each new ingredient.

Help the hero

Have you heard of the Knights of Thorn? You know, it's a bunch of hotheads led by Count Cheydinal's son, Farvel Indaris. Once I pulled him out of the alteration, but this is not about that. In Hale, I met Pike, a former Knight of Thorn. He did not intend to return to Cyrodiil, but wanted to get back his medallion, which was lost in the Odorous Grove, southeast of the city. That's where I found it, in a chest in the middle of the Grummit camp. In gratitude, Pike gave me Thorn's shield.

Everything is in place

In the south of the Isles there is a rather unattractive place called Fellmoor. Basically, it's a farm. Out of curiosity, I went into one of the houses and found there the Khajiit Raynar-Joe, who was afraid of everything in the world. He refused to even talk to me until I won the trust of his friend Kishashi. It turned out to be quite simple. Five pods - and the cat gave me a spoon, which should serve as a sign of her trust. This time Raynar-Joe spoke: he complained about Sindalvi, the owner of the farm, and asked to steal her notebook, as well as arrange a rout in her home. It didn't work. Sindalvi gave me the book to read after a friendly conversation. And running around, remembering childhood, around the elf's house, knocking cups, plates, bottles and other small things on the floor and throwing fruits at the wall, was also terribly funny.

1 2 3 All

If you watched the movie "Watchmen" or read it, then you understand the meaning of the words "the clock froze at five minutes to midnight." For a long time, the essence of Warhammer was precisely this: everything is very bad, the Chaos believe that they can hasten the end of time, and everyone who opposes them (and others hostile to all factions) is trying their best to prevent it, but the general situation from this does not change in any way. There was no special progress in the “actual background” and the time, which is considered “real” for a forty-year-old, for a very long time. A few years ago, GW finally woke up the Necrons, brought the Harlequins to the battlefield, and finally let Magnus avenge Prospero (we wrote about all this). And, finally, since January of this year, books from the series “The Gathering Storm” (The Gathering Storm) began to come out. Over the past three months, not only the book about the Fall of Cadia has been published, but also the 2 subsequent ones: Fracture of Biel-Tan and Rise of the Primarch. And it is worth talking about what these books brought to the world of Warhammer and how they responded in the hearts of the fans.

"The Fall of Cadia"

Abaddon decides to complete the 13th Black Crusade and arrives at the head of a huge new army from the Eye of Terror to Cadia. From the side of the Imperium come the Space Wolves, the Dark Angels, the Black Templars, the Sisters of Battle, the Inquisition, later the Legion of the Damned, the Imperial Fists and many more. The batch begins, Celestine appears, which inspires the defenders of Cadia. Trazyn the Infinite also decides to aid the Imperium by activating the pylons inside Cadia and closing the Eye of Terror. Something goes wrong, Cadia starts to vomit, Abaddon Celestine is pierced with a sword, the Chaos escape to the ships. However, like the Imperials. The main characters try to run away, but Abaddon starts chasing them in order to prevent something important, capable of shaking the scales of a future war, from getting somewhere. The Imperials are caught up on the moon of Klais, where they are driven into a trap. The main characters are already preparing to say goodbye to their lives, when Eldar (dark, ordinary, harlequins) suddenly appear from the portal, smash the Despoiler's army and let the imperial troops into the Web. Cadia is torn apart, the Eye of Terror begins to grow exponentially. New warp storms are opening across the galaxy. It was the darkest hour in the history of the Imperium for several thousand years.

  • After reading The Fall of Cadia (and the subsequent announcement of the Schism of Biel-Tan), I realized one simple thing: Cadia is not the epicenter of the Saga. This is very difficult to understand and accept because of the idea that has been developing over the years that it will be the field of the final battle with the return of the Primarchs and other stories. Nothing had happened in so many years that even the thought of such a thing on Cadia was awe-inspiring. However, Games Workshop did the right thing and only set off the "reshaping of the galaxy" with events on Cadia that could turn the 13th Black Crusade into a true Crimson Path Crusade. Well, if Cadia is just the first page of the future chronicle, which Abaddon was going to turn over in passing, then the battles on it should have an appropriate (not the most epic) scale.

    In principle, I don’t want to argue about how true the book is “true to the spirit of the background”, because I liked it first of all as a holistic work, a story that I want to read to the very end. Even the combat - with some "twitchiness" due to the large number of fighting people - did not cause rejection. Before that, of all the books-campaigns of the new format, starting with The Holy Limit, in the literary sense, I liked only The Holy Limit itself and, to a slightly lesser extent, The Hatred of the Traitor, but The Fall of Cadia pleased me much more. And in many respects this happened because of the characters: Belisarius, Celestine and Katharinya Greyfax - adequately play their roles, but only thanks to Trazyn from "normal-average" the book became "good". He brought that absurdism and proper madness that recent times somewhere began to disappear from 40k.

    "The Split of Biel-Tan"

    The book begins shortly before The Fall of Cadia in Commore, where a new main character, the eldar Ivraina, goes to battle with Lilith Hesperax in the arena, from which she is wounded in the stomach, and then she is killed by the priestess Morai-Heg (who have not been seen since the days of the ancient Aeldari). Ynnead (God of the Dead among the Eldar) revives Yvraine and calls her "his daughter". The main character, when resurrected, causes a powerful energy storm that swept across Commore. The storm killed a million Eldar in an instant, opened the cells of the arena where the tyranids were, from which the massacre of the survivors began. The energy wave went further and subsequently collapsed the pocket dimensions, destroyed Kammora, opened the Gate, in particular the Gate of Khaine, from which legions of demons poured. Billions have died. Vect is furious, he orders the incubi to kill the main character, but Vizarch saves her (another new hero) with the followers of Ynnead. Yvraina and company flee Commora into the forgotten path of the Webway, where they are trapped by the Mask of Slaanesh, only to be rescued by the Harlequins. Together they go to Biel-Tan. But Skarbrand and the Mask of Slaanesh team up to attack the craftworld. As the legions of demons storm Biel-Tan, the Mask of Slaanesh sneaks in while Skarbrand fights Khaine's avatar. They both destroy each other. The mask manages to reach throne room Khaine, climb the throne and desecrate the Endless Chain. Biel-Tan begins to slowly rot from the inside.

  • Jain-Zar leads a counterattack against the demons, where he duels the Mask. Yvraina uses her psychic powers to turn demons into dust. The demons are defeated, but Biel-Tan is lost. A council of war is held, and there Ivraina says that she is an emissary of Ynnead, and that her god can kill Slaanesh and that it can be revived without the death of all the Eldar - they just need to get five special swords forged by Vaul himself from the fingers of the severed hand of Morai-Heg ( goddess of fate and ruler of souls among the Eldar). One sword is already in her hands, and the second is on Biel-Tan. However, the problem is that obtaining this sword will immediately destroy the artificial world. Despite the fact that some are against it, and even fight against the Ynnari (a newly formed faction of the Eldar who believe in Ynnead), Yvraina draws the Asu-Var blade (second sword) from a wraithbone. This destroys the endless chain, but awakens the avatar of Ynnead - Inkarne, who, in fact, is the avatar of the souls of the Eldar of Biel-Tan, who have died over the past 10 thousand years, and the twin of Slaanesh (since he was created according to the same principle of "eating" souls). Biel-Tan breaks into many small ships, turning into a fleet, and the Eldar are finally ready to fight Slaanesh. Yvraina and company travel to Belial IV to retrieve two more swords. There they are attacked by homunculi and demons of Slaanesh. The Eldar manage to get another, third sword, but they are forced to retreat before they can take the fourth one. Lianna Arienal and strike force rescued and sent to Iyanden. But this artificial world is also under attack, it was attacked by the Nurgles. Although the Eldar manage to kill the Daemon Prince Nurgle and repel the Chaos army, Prince Yriel is killed in the process and his corpse is infected. Yriel's body is brought back to Yyanden, but Lyanna cannot resurrect him, but Yvraina does. She stabs him in the chest with the Spear of Twilight and revives him, making Prince Yriel stronger than ever. The spear turns out to be the last, fifth sword from the fingers of Morai-Heg. A council of assembled Eldar forces gathers on Yyanden to determine the future of the Eldar race. They decide to team up with humans to defeat Chaos. And for this they are going to return to the people the hero of antiquity, the demigod, so that he leads them instead of the corpse-on-the-throne. And they also decide to go to the Cadian system to help in the fight against the Despoiler. The Eldar arrive on the moon of Klais just as the first book, The Fall of Cadia, has ended. They team up with the Imperials, saying that they share a common goal and enemy, and travel via the Webway to their next stop in Ultramar on Macragge.

    Judging by the fact that the book will not be translated on warforge for public access, but will be distributed for money, and even then within the framework of a single trilogy "The Impending Storm" + relatively less excitement around the book may give the impression that the Eldar movement is not particularly interesting to the people. "The Sundering of Biel-Tan" is an extremely important event for the entire galaxy, but at the same time it is perceived more as a "nice addition" and a story about events that run parallel to the "Fall of Cadia" and is an indirect prequel to "Return of the Primarch", explaining why the Eldar suddenly united and began to help humanity in its struggle against Chaos. Because of this, a complete reading of the book becomes optional for those who have not particularly followed the factions of the Eldar race all the past years, because a brief retelling as a whole reflects all the important events of the book.

    "Return of the Primarch"

    The survivors of Cadia arrive in Ultramar, which is being stormed by the forces of the Black Legion. The Eldar and the protagonists of the first book reach Macragge, bring Roboute Guilliman out of stasis, and resurrect him. He wakes up and is extremely surprised at what has happened to the Imperium in 9 thousand years, but quickly gathers himself and begins to free Ultramar from the Chaos. In a short time, he manages to throw out or destroy all the enemies of Mankind. Emissaries of various organizations of the Imperium reside in Ultramar, recognizing in it the leader who will lead Mankind in the name of the Emperor. Roboute is calling for troops to assemble under his banner for the difficult journey to Terra. On the way to the Cradle of Mankind, Guilliman's Crusade overcomes adversity, but in the end, thanks to Cairos Doomweaver, the Primarch is captured by the Red Corsairs, from where he is almost immediately rescued by Ivraina with Ynnari, the Legion of the Damned and Cypher with the Fallen Angels. When the Imperials arrive on Terra, they are attacked on the Moon by Magnus, who has appeared there from a corrupted Webway portal. The survivors of the Crusade, the Legion of the Damned, and Cypher and the Fallen Angels face off against the Thousand Sons Legion. Roboute Guilliman duels with Magnus. The Custodes and the Sisters of Silence come to the aid of the Imperials. Roboute, along with Ivraina and the Sisters, lock Magnus in a corrupted portal from which he (in theory) can never escape. The Avenging Son is heading straight for the Emperor. A parade is held on Terra in honor of the returned "from the dead" Primarch. After an audience with the Master of Mankind, Roboute removes some of the High Lords of Terra and installs proxies in their place, and announces the start of a new Great Crusade, in which even the Custodians will participate. A new era has begun in the Imperium.

    I'm an Ultra fan. True, in fact, I like many orders, but I was very pleased to see the first returned Primarch - Roboute Guilliman. The Primarch who essentially created the 40K Imperium. For Imperium 40K is more the merit of Roboute, in my opinion, and not the Emperor. And this is very important, because, in my opinion, the best element of the book, which I was most interested in watching, was the reaction. This is also Guilliman's reaction to the 40K Imperium, which does not understand what it is (and because of this, his character looks "alive" and the most interesting in the trilogy). And this is a reaction to the news of the return of the Primarch, which has created dissonance in the galaxy: among humanity, the Astartes, other organizations of the Imperium, as well as xenos, Chaosites, demons and even the gods of Chaos.

    These are truly the best moments in the book. Some cause a pleasant surprise from the pathos of the moment and the ongoing action, while others, on the contrary, break through with laughter. Take the reaction of the same Khornites: when the Blood God learned that the 13th son of the Emperor had returned from the dead, he howled in rage and ordered all his followers and servants to bring Guilliman's skull. The Khornites, on the other hand, did what they always do in such situations - they simply staged an all-out fight among themselves, began to sort things out with the help of a sword and an ax, who would get the right to kill Roboute. The most gifted simply took and quietly sat on a huge clockwork scorpion the size of a city, and went to storm the Crystal Labyrinth of Tzeentch.

    Ridiculous reaction was from the conclave of Nurgle's warmers - the Great Unclean Ones, who, like good-natured fat men, took the news with optimism, delight and enthusiasm. We immediately found advantages in it. What is there! They even began to sing a cheerful ditty about how they would come up with new diseases for the primarch. And that they have plans to reconcile Guilliman and the eternally dull Mortarion, so that the latter would have a little fun.

  • Tropical Storm Michael has formed off the Yucatan Peninsula. This is reported by the US National Hurricane Watch Center, writes NBC.

    The storm could intensify into a hurricane and threaten the coast of Florida. It is now 145 km south of the city of Conzumel, Mexico, and is moving north at a speed of 8 km per hour.

    According to the National Hurricane Center's forecast, Michael will make landfall off the coast of Florida on October 10th in hurricane strength. In addition, the storm will touch Georgia, North and South Carolina, which have not yet recovered from the devastating Hurricane Florence.

    A tropical storm warning is in effect for the Cuban provinces of Pinar del Río, as well as for the Mexican coast from Tulum to Cabo Catoche.

    Western Cuba is expected to receive 178mm of rain, while Yucatan, Belize and northern Honduras are expected to receive 102mm.

    On Monday, 102 mm of rain could fall in the Florida Keys.

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott said he has declared a state of emergency for Panhandle and Big Bend counties. It is currently difficult to predict exactly what rainfall and wind speeds to expect from the upcoming storm, but current information is that it will have winds of at least 74 miles (119 km) per hour.

    stdClass Object ( => 1 => Miscellaneous => category => no_theme)

    stdClass Object ( => 12 => US => category => novosti-ssha)

    stdClass Object ( => 2313 => storm => post_tag => shtorm)

    stdClass Object ( => 11566 => Florida => post_tag => florida)

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