The passage of the league of explorers heroic steel sentry. The passage of the Great thief Rafaam in heroic mode. Passage of the Indomitable Thief Rafaam in heroic mode

The Hall of Explorers is the fourth and final wing of the League of Explorers adventure. This time you will be expected by four bloodthirsty bosses, strong and dangerous. But they also have their weaknesses.

Skeletosaurus Anorex

This fossil will be the first to meet you in the last part of the League of Explorers adventure. His Hero Power - Ancient Might - gives both heroes one card each, costing 0 mana. This ability is free and Anorex will use it at the start of each of his turns.

Anorex Skeleton Tomorrow deck in normal mode

  • Tenetnik x2
  • Ancestral Spirit x2
  • Bear trap x2
  • Bloody Marsh Raptor x2
  • Curse of Rafaam x2
  • Possessed Creeper x2
  • Huge toad x2
  • Serpent Trap x2
  • Imperial cobra x2
  • Tropical panther x2
  • King Mukla x1
  • Arcane Golem x2
  • Tail Strike x2
  • Wild Wanderer x2
  • Monster x1
  • Gahz'rilla x1
  • King Crush x1

Strategy for playing against Skeletosaurus Anorex in normal mode

Anorex's game tactics will be based on summoning a large number of animals and their synergy with each other. Nevertheless, the deck of the first boss of the Hall of Explorers is frankly weak, and when destroying the opponent's key creatures, you can easily pass this boss.

With a lot of bad luck, the Raptor Hero Power can be a problem, but again, with the right trades and control of the table, you can win even if fortune is on your opponent's side.

Mage's Budget Deck Against Anorex's Skeleton Tomorrow

Reward for completing Anorex's Skeleton Tomorrow

The reward for defeating the Skeletosaucer for you will be 3 pairs of cards - the Petrified Diacosaur and the Raven Statue and the Tomb Raider.

Steel sentry

The second person to stand in your way in the Hall of Explorers will be none other than the Steel Sentinel. The strength of his hero - Lata - lies in the fact that the hero cannot receive more than 1 damage at a time from any source. This ability is passive and will cost the sentry absolutely nothing.

Steel Sentinel deck in normal mode

  • Squire of the Vanguard x2
  • Champion of the Vanguard x2
  • Armor Master x2
  • Cleave x2
  • Sparring partner x2
  • Silver Rider x2
  • Stun x1
  • Scarlet Crusader x2
  • Sword of Justice x1
  • Armored Mount x2
  • Silver Blade x2
  • Arcanite Reaper x2
  • Brawl x1
  • Brether tuskarr x2
  • Vanguard Commander x2
  • Great Breter x2
  • Black Knight x1

Strategy for playing against the Steel Sentinel in normal mode

Even though Steel Sentinel's Hero Power seems unfair and imbalanced, this shouldn't scare you too much. All you need to do in the confrontation with this boss is to establish control over the board, and then gradually break through the opponent's hero, causing minor damage to him every turn. Yes, this duel can take a long time, but in the end you will notice that passing the second boss of the Hall of Explorers will not be such a difficult task.

Aggro decks with a lot of cheap creatures will look great at this stage. However, do not build decks aimed at quickly killing the opponent - remember that more priority should be given to board control.

Budget Paladin deck vs Steel Sentinel

Reward for completing Steel Sentinel

As a reward for completing the second boss of the last part of the League of Explorers adventure, you will receive 3 pairs of cards - the Cursed Blade and the Museum Caretaker and Animated Armor.

Great Thief Rafaam

The third on the way to the coveted reward will rise great thief Rafaam. His hero power - Unstable Portal - works the same way as the mage spell of the same name (you get a random creature in your hand, the cost of which will be reduced by 3 mana).

Rafaam does not have his own deck, he steals it from you at the very beginning of the game - that's why he is a thief, after all.

Your deck against the Great Thief Rafaam

  • Twinkle x2
  • Goldshire Soldier x2
  • Inner vision x2
  • Rare spear x2
  • Raven statue x2
  • Acid Ooze x2
  • Explorer's Hat x2
  • Illumination flare x1
  • Precious Scarab x2
  • Museum caretaker x2
  • Forgotten Torch x2
  • Sinister Statue x2
  • Mystic Kezana x2
  • Harrison Jones x1
  • Heming Nesingway x1
  • Nightblade x2
  • Burial x1

Game strategy against the Great Thief Rafaam

To win an easy victory over this thief, you need to use his vice against the boss himself. In other words, we collect the weakest and poor-quality deck and boldly press the "Play" button. The great thief will certainly not refrain from stealing it, and we will have no choice but to laugh sinisterly at him.

Be sure to include a large number of useless cards in your deck (Spark, Target Dummy, Ancient Watcher, and others). Rafaam will try to resist you with his Hero Power, but he can only succeed if he is very lucky. Well, or your bad luck - depending on which side you look at.

Reward for completing the Great Thief Rafaam

After defeating the penultimate boss, you will also receive 2 pairs of cards - Rafaam's Curse and Pygmy Tower.

Indomitable Rafaam

We have been walking to this moment for a long time - and it has come. There's one last push left before claiming the reward for completing the entire League of Explorers adventure!

This time you have to fight the Indomitable Rafaam. Staff of Creation - this ability is passive and gives the last boss of the adventure immunity for two turns, and on the third it summons a random boss of this adventure. And so it will continue throughout the battle with Rafaam.

However, your hero will also be given a new ability. Searches - this power will randomly give you free cards throughout the match. This ability will cost nothing, and after you get all 10 free cards, it will summon a 1/1 Explosion Bot onto the battlefield.

Indomitable Rafaam deck in normal mode

  • Curse of Rafaam x2
  • Huge toad x2
  • Unstable Portal x2
  • Thief x2
  • Furious Macaque x2
  • Dark Cultist x2
  • Ancient Shadow x2
  • Guardian of Uldaman x2
  • Faceless Manipulator x2
  • Sea witch x2
  • Burial x1
  • Tower of Pygmies x2
  • Twisting Nether x1
  • Power lamp x2
  • Mirror of Doom x2
  • Hours of horror x2

Cards that will be given out when using your Hero Power

  1. Blood Hakkari Cup
  2. Shard of Sulfuras
  3. Eye of Orsis
  4. Mote of blessing
  5. Crown of Kael'thas
  6. Medivh's Medallion
  7. Vessel of Putress
  8. Pipe of Khadgar
  9. Tear of Ysera
  10. Greave of Lothar

Strategy for playing against the Indomitable Rafaam in normal mode

Considering that 2/3 of the fight your opponent will be invulnerable to your encroachments, the whole strategy of playing against him will come down to building up your potential on the board, seizing control of the board, and then dealing maximum damage to Rafaam in one turn. It should be noted here that the last boss has few strong creatures, so it will not be difficult for you to seize total control over the battlefield.

In addition, on each turn you will also receive a nice bonus from your renewed hero power, among which will appear both healing spells and those spells that will help you get new cards, effectively destroy enemy creatures and deal a lot of damage to your opponent.

Budget Druid vs Indomitable Raphaam Normal

Reward for completing Indomitable Rafaam

Desert Camel and Sinister Statue - this is what your reward will be after Rafaam's health indicator drops to zero. And as a reward for completing the Hall of Explorers and the entire adventure in general, you will receive two legendary cards- The great thief Rafaam and Eliza Stargazer.

Hi all! With you Rabin! Lots of interesting things about Hartstone and card games you can find on my channel: Lets play TCG !

So, let's start the adventures "League of Explorers" in heroic mode via budget decks. Today we will talk about the last quarter - the Hall of Explorers

Skeletosaurus Anorex

Deck idea: Since Anorex has an unlimited supply of creatures (and
spells), we must take advantage of this fact. Therefore, we use different cards, the effects of which depend on the number of creatures on the opponent's half of the table. We also use cards that steal or destroy Secrets, since Anorex also has a large number of them.


  1. We use the combination of Release the dogs + Juggler with daggers + Carrion Hyena. We shoot enemy creatures, finish off with dogs, buff a hyena that hits the enemy in the face. Hunter's Mark and Timber Wolf will help you successfully trade with a heavy creature.
  1. For the fastest finding of Release the Dogs (or other useful cards), use Track and Precious Scarab.
  1. To deprive the boss of the Secrets, use the Mystic of Kezan and the Illumination Rocket.
  1. As soon as there are 4 or more creatures on the opponent's board, use the Mental Technique to take possession of one of them.

Starting hand: Release the Dogs, Dagger Juggler, Carrion Hyena, Explosive Trap or Dart Trap.

Steel Sentry

Deck. Click to reveal

Deck idea: Since this boss, like all creatures on his side of the table, only take 1 point of damage from any source, regardless of the actual damage of the attacking creature or spell, we need a lot of small creatures that would bring more small creatures with them. We will also need to heal a lot, since the Steel Sentry has quite powerful creatures and weapons at its disposal, with which he most often hits the hero in the face. Therefore, we use creatures that can deal multiple damage when summoning new creatures, as well as when healing a hero. We also use creatures that can repeatedly heal the hero and friendly minions to ensure constant damage to enemies in single hits throughout the game.


  1. Use Wells of Light, Tournament Healers and Power Word: Glory to heal. We combine them with Shadow Boxers so that with each treatment the Steel Sentinel is dealt damage. We combine the Juggler with daggers and various small creatures to inflict damage on the enemy through daggers.
  1. If it is necessary to exchange with the creatures of the enemy, we put the Head of the cult in order to get cards from the deck during the exchange.
  1. Divine Spirit, Power Word: Shield and Velen's Chosen are needed for more profitable exchanges of buffed creatures with Steel Sentinel creatures. It's best to buff creatures that you must save, such as the Shadow Boxer. (It makes sense to cast Inner Fire on the Shadow Boxer, which is not in the deck, but which can be put, for example, in place of Power Word: Shield. This will help him survive when using the Coliseum Exit).

Starting hand: Shadow Word: Pain, Well of Light, Dagger Juggler, Shadow Boxer

Thief Raffaam

Deck. Click to reveal

Deck idea: Just lay down any bad rares you have. The worse the better. It is desirable that the cards do not synergize with each other and have an effect more beneficial to you than to the boss. And we hope that the boss does not get too valuable cards from his unstable portal.


  1. We dress the hero with a Rare spear. You can already start to beat them in the face of the enemy. The main thing is to make sure that your weapon does not break. We are waiting for the appearance of rare cards on the opponent’s table so that our weapons get +1/1 to the characteristics if they are already at the limit of durability.
  1. We are waiting for the appearance in Rafaam's hand of the Cursed Blade. We can hit with all the creatures on the table and weapons in the face of the enemy (unless, of course, we urgently need to destroy the enemy’s table in order to avoid losing the next turn) - now for 3 turns all the damage inflicted on Rafaam will be doubled.
  1. If you manage to build a deck of rare cards for 1 and 2 mana, then you can try to use the Sinister Statue as a source of additional damage. But first you need to make sure that you can clear the opponent's table (and your own too) during the next turn, after placing the Sinister statue on the table (of course, the Sinister statue itself does not need to be cleared).

Starting hand:.Rare Spear, Precious Scarab, Black Archaeologist, Raven Statue.

Indomitable Raffaam

Deck. Click to reveal

Deck idea: Since we need to somehow get rid of 10/10 creatures with powerful effects (previous bosses) every 3 turns, we will need all possible removal spells. We can combine these spells with the Summoning Stone to get an instant effect and summon a creature to the battlefield at the same time. Most of the spells in the deck are aimed at destroying or capturing enemy creatures.


  1. We put the Well of Light and the Healer of the tournament to heal the face and the hero and creatures. We try to eliminate enemy creatures for the first time for several turns with the help of cheap removals, for example, Shadow Word: Death and Shadow Word: Pain. Or we are looking for removals and AOE spells through the ability of the hero.
  1. Starting from the 5th turn, we try to combine spells with the Summoning Stone in order to summon additional creatures to the table, which will also help in clearing Rafaam's table.
  1. When a creature is lost in battle, we can draw cards from the deck if we first put the Head of the Cult on the table. New map, will most likely turn out to be a spell, so we will have the opportunity to cast it and put a new creature on the table to replace the old one.
  1. Use Inner Vision and Stolen Thoughts. Sometimes they can bring very useful cards, such as one of the 3 powerful artifacts of Rafaam or the Faceless Manipulator.
  1. Use removals like Shadow Word: Death, Burial, and Mind Control to destroy or steal the 10/10 legendary creatures that Rafaam summons through his hero ability.
  1. Saving Unearthed Evil for Zombies!

Starting hand: Shadow Word: Pain, Dark Word: Death, Well of Light, Summon Stone.

Farewell, League of Explorers!

Thank you for your attention, I hope I helped you in completing the heroic mode of the Hall of Explorers!

Hi all. With you Kucha, and today I will tell you about how I passed the 4th wing of the League of Explorers. This time we were waiting for 4 heavy bosses, with which I had to tinker pretty badly.

Since many of my readers were unhappy with the large number of Freeze Mages in previous playthroughs, this time I decided to do without it.

Skeletosaurus Anorex.

This boss has one of the strongest abilities of all bosses. For 0 mana each turn receives random card, and its cost is 0. Thanks to its Hero Power, Anorex gains a huge advantage in cards and tempo. Already since
on the first turn, he can fill the table with powerful creatures that are very difficult to deal with. Also, the opponent has the Spirit of the Ancestors, which only increases his advantage.

There are 3 secrets of the Hunter in the arsenal: Snake Trap, Bear Trap and Dart Trap. The deck itself consists of a large number of animals, as well as the Hungry Buzzard card, which is weak point decks. Thanks to a large draw of cards, we have the opportunity to win on fatigue, which I took advantage of.

Our strongest card is Vanish. Thanks to her, we destroy all the plans of the enemy and send him far back. The very same deck strategy is to give the opponent as much as possible more maps and leave him without a deck. It will be great if you do not activate the traps until the Hungry Buzzard appears. This will give us a big advantage, since the opponent will draw a lot of cards from the deck.

Watch your health, since the opponent has King Krush. We will need a lot of luck to defeat this boss, as he can get a very strong start.

Mulligan: Sap, Master of Death, Preparation, Eviscerate.

Steel Sentinel.

This boss also has a very strong hero power. They all its creatures take only 1 point of damage. So, to kill a 5/5 creature, you need to hit it 5 times. Having strong creatures in the arsenal, we will get little advantage, because we will not deal more than 1 damage anyway.

I chose the Paladin deck, since this class has the ability to deal
1 damage very often, thanks to Recruits, as well as the Avenging Wrath card. We also have Equality, Aldor Peacekeeper, and Ulduman Guardian, which help to weaken enemy creatures.

It is worth noting that the opponent has an Entrance to the Colosseum and a Brawl. Try to play aggressively and destroy your opponent as soon as possible. Use Ironbeak on Tirion Fordring or the Provocateur if you have a Lethal.

The great thief Rafaam.

At the very beginning of the game, Rafaam steals our deck, and Elise the Stargazer gives us her deck.

The cards in our new deck are not very strong, but there is a Rare Spear, a 1 mana 1/2 weapon that gets +1/+1 every time an opponent plays a rare card. By swinging this weapon to high values, we will be able to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, we build the deck as badly as possible, but using rare cards for our weapons. We choose a hero with the ability to restore health, since we will use the face as a resource.

I advise you immediately surrender if you haven’t given yourself a weapon, since it will be very difficult for you to win without it.

Indomitable Rafaam.

The strength of this boss lies in the ability of the hero, which allows you to attack him only 1 time in 3 turns, and also puts a 10/10 creature with a random effect on the battlefield. That's why I chose the Hunter deck. This deck has great removals to fight 10/10 creatures (Hunter's Mark, Frost Trap, Death Shot, Master Hunter), as well as the ability to deal a lot of damage in one turn (Catch Command, Eaglehorn Bow, Release the Dogs).

Try to use the hero power as often as possible, as you can get very valuable cards. The opponent has Twisting Nether and Wave of Fire in their arsenal, which makes sense to play around.

Don't drag out the game, since towards the end you will be given not very useful cards from the hero power, and you may not have enough resources to win.

Mulligan: All early drops except Frost Trap, Pet and Master Hunter.

The last quarter brought me a lot of positive emotions. It was complex and interesting. I spent 5 hours in it, but this time flew by unnoticed. I hope my experience will help you in the battle with these difficult opponents. Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

Designed True Enemy

Steel sentry- This is the second boss of the Hall of Explorers, the fourth quarter. In this guide, we will tell you about cheap decks that can be used to defeat him in normal and heroic modes.

Rewards for defeating the Steel Sentinel

For completing the fourth quarter, you will receive 2 cards:

Tactics and decks on the Steel Sentinel

Steel Sentinel's Hero Power prevents him from dealing more than 1 damage. damage in one go. This effect delays the fight, but does not actually affect the course of the game. After you seize control, the boss is unlikely to be able to recoup. As a result, you will systematically kill sentry creatures and gradually break through him. In other words, the key to victory in normal mode is patience.

In heroic mode, the fight becomes more difficult, because. the boss's hero power also affects his minions. Thus, you are unlikely to be able to seize control and cause periodic damage to the boss. Since the attack power of your creatures is completely unimportant in this case, you will need cards that summon several small targets, such as Call to Battle or Imp Master. Repentance or Equality will allow you to effectively clear the board, so we recommend using a paladin deck.

Basic Paladin (Normal)

The Paladin is great for fighting the Steel Sentinel, because. he is able to summon small creatures with his Hero Power. In addition, in the deck in question there are other cards for summoning additional creatures. As noted above, the key to defeating the Steel Sentinel is patience. Summon creatures and deal more and more damage to the boss with each turn.

Cheap Paladin (Heroic)

Since the hero power of the boss also affects his minions and health pool in heroic mode, it makes no sense to include creatures with high attack power in your deck. Your task is to put as many creatures on the table as possible. While there are board clears in the boss deck (particularly Brawl), there aren't many of them, so most of the time you'll have 5 or more creatures in your half of the table.

It's a long fight, but with judicious use of Equality, Repentance, and Uldaman's Guardian, you should eventually be able to defeat the Steel Sentinel. Don't play these cards too early. Wait for the appearance of large provocateurs and the Kraken of the North Sea. The boss can only win if he puts a large creature on the field, which you will not be able to deal with for three or four turns. To prevent this from happening, always keep at least one of the cards listed above in your hand.

Submit your decks for passing the Steel Sentinel and We will add them to this guide.