Passage of naxxramas in hearthstone heroic deck mode. Hearthstone walkthrough: Curse of Naxxramas

If you are a Hearthstone fan, sooner or later you will want to get legendary cards. You can buy them, but you can not spend real money. To do this, you will have to complete dailies and get in-game gold. For it, you can already participate in adventure mode. One of them - "Naxxramas" - heroic mode, the passage of which can be performed, or you can not touch it. This is already an additional part that appears immediately after the full normal mode.

normal mode

Before we talk about the Naxxramas walkthrough in Hearthstone, whose heroic mode you are interested in, it is worth paying attention to the normal one, since without it it is impossible to get everything heroic awards. Normal mode is called Curse of Naxxramas. It was released for Hearthstone in the summer of 2014. It consists of five gloomy and mysterious quarters in which you will have to fight fearsome bosses.

The reward for completing the normal mode will be 30 new maps. Moreover, do not immediately think that it will be mystical and legendary. There can be both neutral and class ones. By completing tasks, you will receive those cards that are not in boosters, and they cannot be crafted from dust. They also cannot be sprayed.

Quarters and bosses

The first grim stop is the Spider Quarter. Here you will have to face the characters:

  • Anub'Rekan.
  • Widow Farlina.
  • Meksna.

Upon completion of the passage of this quarter, a legendary will appear in your collection - Mexna.

In the Plague Quarter you will not be greeted hospitably, and you will have to defeat a couple of villains:

  • Note of the Plague.
  • Hagan the Wicked.
  • Loathib.

For them, you will receive Stone Gargoyle, Unstable Ghoul and Slime Belcher. And the collection gets a new legendary card - Loathib.

"Military Quarter" has also prepared some challenges for you. On your way there will be villains, defeating which, you will be able to get a good reward:

  • Razuvius instructor.
  • Gothic Reaper.
  • Baron Rivendar.

At the end of this quarter, you receive a golden Baron Rivendare card.

The quarter of abomination turned out to be inhabited by enemies. Here, instead of the usual three, you will be met by four thugs. For them, you will also receive rare neutral cards.

  • Patchwork.
  • Grobbulus.
  • Glut.
  • Thaddius.

Due to the fact that there are more bosses in this quarter, you will receive as many as two legendaries: Stalagg and Feugen.

The last quarter is the most furious. Despite the fact that there are only two bosses - Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad, you still have to sweat. But for them you will receive two mystical cards: the Dividing Ooze and the Shadow of Naxxramas. And as a reward you will receive the legendary Kel'Thuzad.

So now we know what Naxxramas has in store for us: a heroic mode that won't be difficult for you to complete, especially when you've already defeated everyone. But there are some details you need to know.

Heroic mode and its gift

Of course, first of all, you want to know what you get for completing the heroic Naxxramas mode. Nothing less than a new card back. Many consider this an unjustified and too simple gift. But it is worth considering that in the heroic mode you meet the same bosses that you already knew about: all their strengths and weaknesses are clear to you, and the mechanism for dealing with them has already been found.

Of course, they get slightly improved abilities, and their deck becomes stronger. However, even completing Heroic Naxxramas with a base deck can be successful for you. Now in order about each quarter in the new mode.

Heroism in the Spider Quarter

To defeat Anub'Rekan, you need cards that will clear the board quickly: big creatures and taunts. With the help of spells, you can buff them and trade them. Druid is considered the best for passing this boss.

Widow Farleena can be defeated by the "erserk Gurubashi. At the same time, your game should be as fast and error-free as possible. The second option for defeating this boss is the basic Warrior.

To defeat Mexna, a regular deck for passing "Naxxramas" in heroic mode will not work. Here, the main heroes should be cards with a dash and a battle cry, so it's better to go into battle with Palladin. The essence of the game - you let the boss set a full table, choose characters with a jerk and use the Ancient Healer.

Heroism in the Plague Quarter

You can't use weak creatures against Noth the Plagued, and it's better to heal all your cards in time. So, you guessed it, Priest is the best choice.

But against Hagan, the Nerubian Egg and Berserk Gurubashi cards you have already won are perfect. The main task is not to allow strong cards to the extreme left position of the table. Heigan's ability - 3 damage to the creature, which is located exactly on the left side. The Priest is also perfect for passing.

To defeat Loatheb, you just need to spam the table. It's better if you have Elven Archer and Rocktusk Boar in your deck. It will stand up well against Lothib Shaman.

Heroism in the Military Quarter

To defeat Instructor Resuvius, you need more provocations and heals. Your best bet is Acid Ooze in the Shaman deck.

Gothic Reaper can be dealt with gradually. Rushing here will not work, the only option is total control of the table. We use the Defender of Argus, the Priest Sin "dorai, the Hero of Stormwind and various buffs. The druid will help you.

For Baron Rivendare, you need to stock up a taunt and an Acid Ooze in

Heroism in the Abomination Quarter

The vile Patchwork can be defeated by a Mage with taunts and slugs. Grobbulus will be able to destroy the Priest. You just need to trade and heal your creatures. For Glut, Palladin and slugs will do to deal with the villain's weapons. But with Thaddius, the Warlock will have to fight with his Corruption, Arrow of Darkness and Soul Burn.

Heroism in the Frostwyrm's Lair

So, we have already gone through a lot and got close to the main villains. We have felt the power and we know who Naxxramas is. Heroic mode - the passage of the Lair of the Frost Wyrm - completes our adventure. We need to defeat Sapphiron with a cunning method. There should be no cards in the deck to draw, except for the Vashj "Ira oracle, we will also take Dancing Blades. Now it remains to stock up on a good heal and control for the Mage.

But our final boss Kel'Thuzad is very difficult to pass. All of his abilities are insidious and imbalanced. However, it's better to take Palladin or Shaman, spam the table and hope for your luck.

If you do everything right, then Naxxramas will simply submit to you. The heroic mode, the passage of which is not mandatory, will still give you a lot of interesting and exciting games with strong villains. You will also become the happy owner of a card shirt, which not many have and will testify to your courage and strength.

How to play as a hunter is written in the passage of the first quarter. The only one who was able to strengthen the standard deck is Mental Technician. If the opponent has 4 or more creatures, he will convert one of them to your side.

The ideal starting hand looks like this: Mental Tech, Frost Trap, Release the Dogs. If one of these cards does not arrive on time, defeat is guaranteed. The difficulty lies in the fact that at the beginning there is a demon with 3/4 parameters on the table at Heigan. His ability allows you to deal 3 damage instead of 2 and at the same time costs nothing. Therefore, on the second turn, you need to force the opponent to return the creature to his hand, and then try to gain a foothold on the table.



Dead Aura Hero Power (0 Mana): Deals 3 damage to the enemy Hero.

In the fight against Loathib, the priest is the best choice. The deck should consist mainly of cards that restore health to the hero. The most important thing is to win the early game and put a couple of creatures on the battlefield. A very useful map starting hand becomes Shadow Word: Pain. The spell will eliminate the Bog Creeper, allowing you to attack the hero and trade with other enemy creatures.

After you have managed to gain a foothold on the table, replenish your health and wait for Loatheb to start placing spores. Break them and attack the creature until nothing remains of it.



normal mode


Spider Whisper Hero Power (2 Mana): Summons a 3/1 Nerub to the battlefield.

The key card in Anub'Rekan's deck is "Lord of Death" (ability: "Taunt. Deathrattle: Your opponent puts a creature from his deck onto the battlefield"). If you have Cairn Bloodhoof and Ragnaros in your collection, be sure to put them in your deck. There is a chance that one of the minions will be able to put on the battlefield.

Both cards also look great in a paladin deck.

Most importantly, collect 2-3 mana cards in your starting hand. Then the “heavyweights” will enter the battle, which will help to consolidate the advantage and finish off the opponent. Note that Anub'Rekan has three spells that destroy all creatures with 3 health. So walk carefully, otherwise you may end up with nothing.

If with legendary cards problem, collect budget deck to the hunter. This class is perfect for clearing the first quarter.

At the start, you need to collect the main combination "Hungry Buzzard" + "Let the dogs down". If it is not there, the hunter will not be in trouble on the 5th or 6th move. The combination works great when the opponent's table is full of creatures. Not only do you draw a lot of cards, but you slow down the pace of the game.

As a fallback, there is a spell "Stalking". Don't try to play it on the first turn or you'll ruin everything. First, it is very important to collect as much as possible more maps. "Stalking" saves at the moment when you need to draw a card that ends the game. For example, the spell "Command" Take! "".

Tactics with such a deck is simple: most of the time you need to attack the hero and periodically clear the board of enemy creatures. It is very important at the same time to “fatten” the “Carrion Hyena”, which will divert the attention of the enemy to itself.

Grand Widow Farlin

Rain of Fire Hero Power (2 Mana): Fires a shot for each card in the opponent's hand.

Farlena likes it when a player has a lot of cards in his hand. This gives her the ability to deal more damage than anyone else could ever dream of. Therefore, it is necessary to act extremely aggressively against it from the first moves. The fewer cards in hand, the better.



Cocoon Hero Power (3 Mana): Returns a random enemy minion to their hand.

Compared to the two previous characters, Mexna is not that strong. The deck consists of weak creatures, and she rarely uses her ability. A cheap hunter deck does a great job with all three opponents.

Test mode


The main opponent in this match will be Farlina. How to play against her, you learned in the first quarter. Therefore, try to collect a combination of "Fissile Ooze" + "Sign of Nature" (or "Power of the Wild") at the very beginning. The slug will split at the end of the turn and you will have an exact copy of it. This will allow you to take control of the table and calmly play all the cards in your hand.


The robber will have to fight Mexna. Since the player's deck consists mainly of creatures, the initiative must be seized before 3-4 turns. Leave creatures with a mana cost of two or less in your hand. Fissile Ooze, Brotherhood Leader, and Rookie Engineer are great places to start.

Don't forget that there are two Sea Giants in Mexna's deck. Therefore, when you see Master Hunter in your hand (ability: “Battlecry: Destroys a creature with 7 or higher attack”), do not rush to put it on the table just like that. Most likely, it will come in handy more than once. Young Brewmaster will help you re-play this card (ability: "Battlecry: Returns your minion from the battlefield to your hand").



Spider Whisper Hero Power (2 Mana): Summons a 4/4 Nerub to the battlefield.

Compared to normal mode, the hero's health has increased from 30 to 45 units. The character has also become much more powerful - now he puts a creature with parameters 4/4 instead of 3/1 on the battlefield.

In this case, there are two options: beat him again with a paladin or hunter deck. The tactics of the assassination does not change.


Grand Widow Farlin

Rain of Fire Hero Power (1 Mana): Fires a shot for each card in the opponent's hand.

Farlena's strengths are that, firstly, she uses the hero power for 1 mana, and secondly, the worshiper creature has the parameters 2/4 and the ability "Your hero gains +3 attacks until the end of the turn" (and not +1). When there are several such minions on the battlefield, the death of the hero comes very quickly. Therefore, it is very important not to let her take over the table.


Cocoon Hero Power (0 Mana): Returns two random enemy creatures to their hand.

At the beginning of the battle, Mexna has two Possessed Crawler creatures on the board. In this situation, the insidious spider can be won by two or even three classes: a priest, a hunter and a magician.

When playing as a hunter, it is very important to get Explosive Trap and Ironbeak in your starting hand. The role of the latter is that he first imposes the effect of silence on the spiders. After that, you can safely kill them.

Once the operation to disable enemy creatures is completed, it is very important to quickly put three, and preferably four creatures on the table. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to cope with Mexna's aggressive strategy and will lose.

In the case of the priest, the situation is similar. Only he has more spells and creatures in his hands that allow him to change the outcome of the meeting.

Tactics for the mage is even easier. Freeze all minions until turn 7, then incinerate them with Fire Wave. Then you play Alexstrasza on turn 9, and then finish it with a combination of three spells "Fireball" + "Fireball" + "Frostbolt". And victory in your pocket.

The magician's deck contains a large number of spells that will help destroy the enemy. So look at the situation, how best to use them.

Hello everyone, friends. I recently bought Naxxramas and decided to go through everything with the base priest deck (in its latest edition), replacing only Slime with Inner Vision. The deck is still only basic cards, so that each of you can repeat it. Go!

There were problems with Patchwork, and we were no longer able to go through the entire Naxxramas with one deck in the Abomination Quarter. For Patchwork, Zu Warlock decks and other aggro decks with a large number of provocateurs and inexpensive creatures are perfect. But since Zu Warlock with base maps- sucks, but I don’t know the decks described above, I had to create a special deck for Patchwork.

That's it, everything else in Naxxramas is easily passed by the basic priest deck without much difficulty, with the exception of Noth the Plague. It is not surprising, because: "Not is just a plague."

Deck "On Patchwork"

Patch puts on his weapon as soon as he takes it off, and it's completely pointless to use creatures to destroy it - he attacks on the same turn. I recommend taking a sorcerer as a class - Mirror reflections decide, besides this, a water elemental can save your skin, but only if there is another provocateur on the battlefield (Patchwork is not at all stupid and will destroy the elemental otherwise). Therefore, the more creatures with a dash and cheap provocateurs for the first time (up to 4 mana) you have, the better.

Let's create something from the base cards that can defeat him:

And finally, I will show a video of the fight with Patchwork:

Naxxramas Challenge Mode

The challenge mode is another thing that you will have to tinker with. Here we cannot choose a deck, we must pass the test with the deck that we were given (it is always the same, so some tricks can be used).

I hope with this video and the Naxxramas deck, your game in this fun mode will no longer resemble rigging. Regarding the passage of the heroic mode of Naxxramas- I do not recommend wasting your time, for this you will not be given rewards, except for a card back, and for each boss you will have to create a special deck. Thank you for your attention!

The first boss of this dungeon is Knot the Plague.

He has 7.7 million hp on heroic mode, and 2.8 million on normal dungeon mode. Abilities used by the boss:

Curse of the Plagued - Places a curse on 8 random players. If you remove this curse, then all players in the raid will be infected by the Wrath of the Plague.

Wrath of the Plague - inflicts damage from dark magic and hangs at the same time on DotA players.

Skeletons - every 30 sec. Noth the Plagued summons skeletons to fight for this boss.

All players in the raid must enter the room where Noth the Plagued is located at the same time, because when pulling, all doors will close. During the battle, the boss can teleport to the balcony, in which case it is impossible to beat him. When the boss is on the balcony, you need to kill all the skeletons that the boss has summoned. When the boss teleports the second and third time, the skeletons should be killed first, the boss should not be touched at all, all the attention of your raid should be on these skeletons.

The second boss is Heigan the Unholy.

He has 8.4 million hp on heroic mode, and 3 million on normal dungeon mode.

To fight this boss, you need to constantly run around the room with the boss to avoid trying to get into the poison. The fight has two phases.

The first - heals and dd of long-range combat, namely magicians, loka, elem shams, hunts should stand on the platform, where there is no poison. The tank and melee dds run around the room with the boss running away from the poison, you need to try to keep the boss away from the platform so that he can't hang Destruction of Magic on healers and casters.

The second phase - the boss will teleport to the platform, and will be there for about 45 seconds. Players are not allowed to be there, so healers and ranged damage dealers need to go as far as possible from the platform so that the boss does not touch them with his magic. Since this boss does not have Enrage, you can finish it even when half of your players have died.

Loathib (Merzot)

This boss has 20.2 million HP on Heroic and 6.7 million on Normal.

As with the previous boss, you need to enter Loathib's room at the same time with the whole raid. This boss has a very bad raid ability, "Dead Aura", it covers the entire room where the boss is located, and completely prevents all healing effects for 17 seconds, which means you can only heal the raid for 3 seconds out of 20. In these 3 seconds healers should wiggle the whole raid to full hp. It is best to start healing early. In addition, the boss will call on his assistants - disputes. If you kill one of the disputes, then on those. Who will stand nearby will hang a buff that will increase the chance of a crit and reduce the threat generated by 100%. You need to kill the spore so that the buff would be hung on all the raid players, but only except for the tank, otherwise the aggro will disappear from it and the boss will kill all the players.

Here we are doing a marathon with might and main: we clean up puddles of slurry, we sew the best abominations on a living thread, in a word, we are preparing the necropolis for an unforgettable adventure. The "Curse of Naxxramas" is inexorably coming! And we know you're just dying to finally play it. It's time to explain in detail how to get into the city of the dead and what awaits you in heroic mode.

Pass to Naxxramas

Naxxramas is a sky-floating necropolis that is home to many undead bosses. They are ready to fight with a worthy opponent, who want to test their gambling passion in business. In order to join the battle in the next quarter of Naxxramas (there are five in total), you must first obtain the right to penetrate it. However, don't worry about the price. To the great chagrin of Thaddius, no one is going to skin you.

The Curse of Naxxramas will unlock gradually over five weeks: one block after another. The order is: Spider Quarter, Plague Quarter, War Quarter, Abomination Quarter, and Frostwyrm Lair.

Anyone who starts adventuring in Naxxramas within the first weeks of opening will be able to enter the first Arachnid Quarter for free. (This "exit phase" will last for about a month, so you'll have plenty of time. We'll talk more about that in a moment.) The bosses Anub'Rekan, Widow Farlyn, and Mexna are found in heavily webbed passages and corridors. By defeating them, you can add new cards to your collection, and at the same time get a first glimpse of what awaits you in Naxxramas next.

After the Spider Quarter entrance to each next quarter will be paid and will cost 700 gold (or 229 rubles). You can earn gold in the game - for completing various tasks or winning the Arena. But if you want, you can pay for the entrance with real money.

If you prefer to open several blocks at once, you can pay for the kit (there are different options). Such neat, compactly packed kits - just for the spider part.

Please note that even if you pay for admission to several quarters at once, they will still open one per week. But you can be sure that you will be among the first in the next quarter!

If you play Curse of Naxxramas in the first weeks after opening and decide to immediately pay for all the quarters with real money, then you will only need to purchase 4 quarters and you will be able to play them as soon as they open.

If you paid for the entrance to the next quarter for gold, and then decided to buy the rest for real money, then you can still purchase them as a set, i.e. at a bargain price. For example: in the first weeks you entered the Spider Quarter (for free), then you opened the second one, the Plague, for gold, and you want to pay for the other three with real money. So the price for them will be like for a set, at a discount - see the list of prices above.

Don't forget to enter Naxxramas in the first weeks after opening. All this furry, rustling company in the Spider Quarter is waiting for you, and getting to know her is completely free!


When you defeat all the bosses in a particular district for the first time, you will be able to complete that district on Heroic difficulty. In it, the bosses are much stronger than in the usual one, and even hardened Hearthstone veterans will not be able to cope with them. But for defeating them, a new card back awaits you.

The creepy undead in Curse of Naxxramas are dying to get to know you. We hope that very soon you will meet her in the gloomy labyrinth of the necropolis.