Horizon gambling. Horizon Zero Dawn review is the latest addition to the list of must-have PS4 exclusives. From outcast to seeker

Next rising star onPS4.

The PlayStation 4 has never seen a game like Horizon: Zero Dawn. Okay, the platform has already seen big open games, for example, with The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but Horizon: Zero Dawn is likely to be remembered better than the previous ones.

Yes, we think she's so good.

This is purely our opinion, because while the game is not without flaws - at this stage the game is quite buggy, for example, it can collapse during a boss fight, an incredibly frustrating experience - it does a lot of other things right.

The game's characters are memorable. The story is confusing and then reveals itself incredibly towards the end. The combat system is brutal, almost every enemy can eventually kill you, fights are never repeated. Even open world, built by Guerrilla Games: big, complex and unique.

Obviously, this description is not enough to prove the uniqueness of the game, we will look at all the nuances further in the Horizon: Zero Dawn review, however, already now the game feels like it will become the next Uncharted - a staple in the collection of any PS4 owner.

Mysticism in response to engineering

Some of the appeal of the game quite obviously comes from the environment. You play as Aloy, an outcast girl who lives in a post-post-apocalyptic world where self-replicating mechanical dinosaurs are the main target of the hunt for scrap metal and parts. And while this concept may seem different to you from anything in the past, the gameplay feels familiar and welcoming.

However, Horizon: Zero Dawn is set in a surprisingly strange time and place. You see mechanized creatures that roam the surface of the world and yet in most parts of the world the inhabitants look like people from early human eras.

Most people from the Eloi (Nora) tribe live in huts, use spears and believe that the robots were sent to cleanse the world of sin. Their neighbors (Karzha), sun worshipers, believe that machines can be used to restore humanity, but knowledge is not enough for this, they live in clusters of clay houses under the hot desert sun. There is also the Shade of Karzh, a faction that broke away from the tribe with the death of the last emperor, now living uncontrolled in the western part of the game world.

You will visit the villages of these tribes from time to time to complete various side quests or buy new weapons, but most of the game you will spend living on the loose and fighting in a huge open world full of mysteries. And if it seems to you that something is constantly happening behind the scenes of the main plot, you will be right, it is so - in the literal sense.

At the beginning of the game, Aloy, a small, brave, curious and smart girl, finds herself in a cave filled with old electronics. This is a research lab from our time where she begins to learn about the Old Race (that's us). It is here that she will discover the Focus, a multifunctional tool from the technological era that allows you to scan objects, look for weaknesses and interact with relics from a bygone technological era.

You'll soon meet Rost, Ela's protector and surrogate father. The relationship that forms between the two characters sets the pace for the entire game - friendly yet mysterious. It is Growth that will teach Aloy how to hunt and extract resources from prey, it will also shape the moral perception of the world by Aloy. And the question of who is Aloy's mother corrodes her from the inside and becomes the main motivation for leaving the house and plunging into the dangers of an unpredictable open world.

Metal Age

And while questions about who is Aloy's mother may form the basis of the game's story, there are two more questions to be clarified: why the once-docile machines are becoming more and more aggressive in recent times and how did the machines come to dominate?

It's impossible to answer any of these questions until you uncover the storyline, and formulating your own theories about this is one of the most interesting aspects of the game.

So let's change the subject and talk about the stars of the show: the cars. In the game you will find a crazy amount of biomechanical variety for hunting, control or your own death, the world of Horizon: Zero Dawn is cruel.

The creatures you encounter at the beginning of the game seem simple at first glance - robotic raptors called Watchers alert surrounding creatures to your presence. There are also mechanical antelopes, herbivores, but they quickly transform into more wild forms. By the end of the game, you are fighting Thunderjaws (a robotic version of the Tyrannosaurus rex equipped with lasers and drones) as well as Deathbringers (Heralds of Death) on a regular basis.

And while any robotic animal is not directly related to any element or element, many of them use the elements - Glinthawks, for example, mechanical birds of prey, are equipped with ice canisters on their chests that allow them to throw chunks of ice from above. Understanding which element (fire, electricity, ice) the machine uses is extremely important to know. This is where Focus comes into play.

The device embedded in Aloy's face is much more than just a "trick" - it allows her to scan the weak points of machines. You may have seen similar mechanics in games like Batman: Arkham Asylum and similar action clones released in recent years, but the main difference is that using Focus prevents Aloy from doing anything else. This means that she cannot move, fight, navigate the terrain. Knowing when to stop and scan the enemy plays an important role in your combat strategy.

In this regard, the end battle, as a rule, develops with monstrous speed and dynamics: you do everything possible to avoid projectiles, dodge enemy close attacks, occasionally catching the moment when you can take a shot yourself. Given that your enemies are huge monster robots, it's no wonder they overwhelm you with fire easily and quickly, so the best defense in most scenarios is to set up traps - snares or tripwires - to disable or damage the machines before they will be too fast.

The final piece of the puzzle is the crafting system, which we found deep enough to intelligently research and invest resources without experiencing over or under resource issues. You must keep your character ready to fight in full gear - enemies can take a huge amount of damage before they cease to pose a threat. This means that you will have to spend some time looking for food, gear and equipment, although interruptions necessary resources rarely happen and this is not the main problem.

Whole gaming experience It may seem overwhelming at first glance - looking for enemies, scanning for weak spots, preparing (finding) ammo, setting traps, and then fighting from a distance - but by the middle of the game you'll get comfortable enough that these activities become second nature.

As for the mission structure, this is an open world game where you can always take on any task at any time. So that you cannot get ahead of yourself before the main storyline However, Horizon: Zero Dawn uses some light RPG elements.

There is a level system and a traditional skill tree, but you can never choose and limit a character to specific attributes. Each level, you get a new skill in the tree and 10 extra points for attributes. The system avoids the downright frustrating leveling of a character who can't survive the later levels of the game. Doing additional side quests or exploring the surrounding area will help speed up the leveling, obviously, but they are not absolutely necessary if you decide to follow the story strictly.

A daring (and beautiful) new world!

So far, we've carefully avoided talking about what Horizon: Zero Dawn looks like. There is a reason for this: we do not want to lavish praise on a work of art, it is difficult to find worthy epithets, because in front of you is a real work of art, without exaggeration.

Another reason is that we spent the entire time reviewing Horizon: Zero Dawn in 4K HDR on the PlayStation 4 Pro - a great option if you have this console.

However, we think the game looked stunning 95% of the time. There were a few areas - usually in caves - where the textures were too dark for us to appreciate the game's visuals, but the cutscenes and dialogue always looked great. A high-quality TV or, more likely, the all-powerful PlayStation 4 Pro is to be thanked.

We want to point out that the game will look great on any screen, but we have some caveats. Given that we'd like to spend more time playing Horizon in combination with another TV and PS4 before wrapping things up, we don't have that option. For this reason, we will limit ourselves to the following verdict: the game is aesthetically interesting, no matter what console you play on and what resolution is available to you, the experience is guaranteed.

Verdict: Play now!

Even when the impression subsided, I want to say that Horizon: Zero Dawn is great. This is the first compulsory game 2017, which will certainly qualify for the Game of the Year award.

Among the few complaints that can be made is the game's story - especially at the beginning - which feels a bit formulaic, and boss fights are almost always too difficult, even on easy difficulty levels. The camera seems too close for a comfortable distance, especially if you're already locked in a tight space (caverns) and the weapon selection should have been more varied. There are occasional occasional glitches here and there, we even encountered a badly synchronized voiceover - but the developer is already working on it and promises to fix it.

These are all small things and frivolous complaints, the game makes an outstanding impression, whether it's presentation or gameplay. We recommend Horizon: Zero Dawn to everyone.

Review of one of the main exclusives of the year for PS4 now in a convenient video format!


When Horizon Zero Dawn was announced at E3 2014, and the gaming community was surprised to say the least. No one expected from Guerilla Games, known for shooters about red-eyed neo-Nazis, Action / RPG about a fragile girl who is looking for her destiny in a post-apocalyptic world captured by clanging robots.

In general, we lied a little: Guerilla Games already had experience in creating third-person games. Few can remember more than twelve years ago, in which players try on the boots of a US Army recruit sent to the Vietnam War in order to convey to the local "natives" the fallacy of their beliefs. In other words, Guerilla Games is familiar with the concept. On the other hand, this is the first experience of the studio in the genre and, it is worth noting, the experience is quite successful.

The story takes a very intriguing and promising start, telling of the fall of human civilization. Largest cities in ruins. Few of the buildings that have stood under the relentless pressure of time have turned into grotesque skeletons with steel beams sticking out from all corners, crypts of former human greatness dotted with wide cracks. Dense vegetation covered everything with a dense green veil. Rust-eaten skeletons of cars and tanks lie on the streets. Last days humanity was clearly not from the rainbow.

Nature finally won back what is rightfully hers. In reservoirs and murmuring rivers, fish splashes, animals run through forests, fields and snow-capped mountain peaks - hares, raccoons, wild boars and foxes. Familiar at first glance, the idyll is broken only by numerous mechanical monsters. Some, similar to horses and sheep, peacefully process vegetation and soil into some kind of green slurry, others, imitating crocodiles, lurk in the water in anticipation of an unlucky victim, and the earth itself trembles from the heavy tread of others.

A society with a vague past and an unclear future - people in it look completely out of place and even repulsive. It is they, and not machines that live in harmony with nature, that look superfluous in the new world. Some turned into savages living in tribes and wiping themselves with plantain leaves, while others were able to hide from the unpredictable and cruel world of machines behind the walls of huge and insanely pretentious cities. And in an attempt to learn more about the nature of mechanical monsters, they catch them and take them apart for parts, then putting some parts on their heads like hats.

The main character Aloy is an outcast who is disliked and shunned by the entire tribe, considering her a curse and an evil omen. From the very first frames, the player is made clear that the world is a cruel place in which you have to rely only on yourself. And hope that the wooden arrows in the quiver are enough to pierce the armor of a mechanical T-Rex before it tramples you into the ground.

Over time, Aloy will learn why people are so degraded that they kindle a fire with a spark from stones, but first she will have to complete a long list of story and additional tasks, as well as exterminate more than one hundred wild boars and hares in order to sew bags for incendiary bombs and quivers for arrows from their skins.

The script doesn't devolve into platitudes and slowly reveals all the details of the apocalypse that happened through audio diaries found in abandoned bunkers and ice-bound science facilities, as well as holograms of long-dead scientists and military personnel. Most of the additional tasks not only help to better understand the world, but can also compete with the main ones in terms of interest. At times, the player is asked to participate in the defense of a tiny village of blacksmiths from flying vulture robots, or to play a direct role in a detailed plan for a coup d'état.

Not without frankly boring quests, of course, which have absolutely no effect on the storyline and carry absolutely no semantic load. So, Aloy may be asked to find a thief stealing fruit, or help a sodomy who is not allowed by the clergy to stare at a statue created by his lover. Such tasks are clearly needed to artificially increase the duration of the game, because after completing about 90 percent of all available tasks and playing at maximum difficulty, the passage is unlikely to take you more than 60 hours. And by the standards of large RPGs, this is not so much.

And since we are talking about the shortcomings, we can not fail to mention the moral choice system presented in the game. Branching dialogues sometimes offer to choose one of three answers, which, according to the logic of the game, will be explained by Aloy's iron will and anger, her cold and prudent mind, or altruistic, loving nature. A seemingly difficult choice will almost never have an impact on further development events: there is only one ending in the game, regardless of the decisions made. One gets the feeling that Guerilla wanted to leave room for the creation of the moral character of Aloy, but at the same time forbade players to turn her into a rare bastard. Therefore, often, even if the player chooses the most evil answers, Aloy as a whole does not cease to be a sweet and good-natured girl.

The world of the game is not as big as, say, in the same one (even without the addition ""), but certainly no less beautiful and interesting for research. The map is divided into several regions, each of which is controlled by one of the few human tribes. The eastern lands belong to the tribes of Nora, from which the main character herself comes, and it is them that the player first sees. There are flakes of snow on the ground and trees, and the tingling touch of cold winter is literally felt in the air. At times, it can rain heavily here, or suddenly a thick fog envelops everything. The arid and desolate west, with intermittent sandstorms, is controlled by two tribes: the pompous Karja and the techies Oseram. There are also several tropical areas with lush vegetation - predatory machines roam there, similar to panthers and able to become almost invisible, like an alien hunter from the movie "Predator".

By the way, about cars. Robots have perfectly adapted to their environment. They are more animals than clanging pieces of iron, and they are ready to jealously protect their territories from stupid bipedal savages with spears and arrows. Conventionally, the cars are divided into several categories: some just peacefully graze in the meadows, collecting grass in special containers on their backs, while others, meanwhile, protect them from various dangers, mainly from people. Gatherers rarely attack first, and in the event of a threat, they are more likely to run away from Aloy, although they can trample into the ground with iron hooves if something happens. Defenders, on the contrary, are more likely to climb on the rampage, trying to burn a stranger, freeze, bite in half, shy away with current or stun with a sound wave.

Almost every robot can use several types of attacks, from crushing blows with hydraulic arms to electrostatic discharges that damage, stun and disorient at the same time. The larger the robot, the more weapons installed on it and the more dangerous it is. But all machines have their vulnerabilities that can be destroyed by depriving their owners of certain types of attacks. For example, a disabled cryo-module on a crocodile around its neck will freeze it and prevent it from spitting snowballs anymore.

To unlock more parts of the map, Aloy must first find a giant, long-necked, flat-headed robot gracefully walking around the area, then mount it and reprogram its mapping system. It is somewhat reminiscent of the turrets from the Assassin's Creed series, only it is implemented more interesting and better.

The process of destroying enemies can be greatly simplified by mastering the ability to seize control of certain types of machines. It's much easier to scrap a whole herd of mechanical buffalo if one or two fight on the side of Aloy. The only pity is that even when captured, the robots do not leave their habitat. It would be great to roam the world accompanied by a huge beast that shoots lasers from its mouth and is able to crush multi-ton boulders into dust with just one blow of its tail.

Since humanity is just recovering from the apocalypse, anti-gravity, rapid-firing lasers, cryogenic guns and several thousand volt electric spheres, Aloy can counter with a bow, arrows with tips of various thicknesses, a harpoon, trip wires, several types of slingshots and something like a shotgun that shoots wooden stakes. But this is enough, because Aloy is first and foremost a skilled huntress. She can prepare for a fight by first studying the area, setting traps and noticing several points with tall grass at once, where she can hide in case of emergency.

The game also features a branching skill tree that allows you to develop Aloy in one of three areas, including stealth, increasing damage and stamina, as well as the ability to find more useful things in the carcasses of disabled robots and killed hares.

As for the technical performance, then, like the previous studio games performed at the highest level. Often you will slowly turn the right stick, trying to see in detail all the beauty and splendor of the surrounding world, in which every detail, even the smallest and most imperceptible at first glance, is made with reverent love. Whether it's the sun-scorched deserts of Karja, the snow-covered lands of the Nora tribe, or the time-lost and ice-bound complexes of the "ancients" - each location is beautiful in its own way. Sometimes you don’t even want to use the opportunity to fast travel, preferring a long and exciting walk through a scenic area, rather than a banal loading screen.

The game looks great on both PS4 and PS4 Pro. Any significant differences like draw distance and anti-aliasing will only be noticeable on a 4K TV. Regardless of the version chosen, the game keeps a stable 30 frames per second, only occasionally dropping this value to 28-29 - and then only in especially intense scenes showing the destruction of objects and many special effects like explosions and electric arcs from energy spheres.

Comparison of PS4, PS4 Pro and PS4 Pro graphics in 4K resolution

Guerilla took a big risk, trying to move away from the genre familiar to the studio, and this risk was fully justified. The studio managed to create a magnificent world full of secrets and mysteries, and write an interesting script with unexpected twists, which deliberately leaves several questions unanswered and open to interpretation. But this would not be enough if Guerilla were not complemented by an exciting gameplay in which even the smallest flaw is easily outweighed by a lot of advantages. And the ability to tame a mechanical tyrannosaurus rex.

Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the best and most beautiful games this generation, which is simply a must have in the collection of every PS4 owner.

On February 28, 2017, the massive open-world action/RPG Horizon: Zero Dawn will be released. Plus another high-profile event in the industry over the past month. The project is expected and promising. It has an interesting story concept and decent implementation in terms of overall quality. This generally applies to graphics, features, quests, music. Now when role playing with an open world full, the universe of Horizon: Zero Dawn is still of interest. There is a desire to study it deeper, to find out what is the essence of the confrontation between human tribes and robotic animals. Just the other day, Guerrilla Games lifted a strict embargo on journalistic reviews. Game resources received full version games for reviewing. Let's take a comprehensive look at their new offspring.

Not so long ago, an article was already written with the announcement of the project, the first information about the plot, the quality rating according to the official and beta versions. And now the decisive hour has come. Finished game and a portion of fresh impressions. As always, in order.

Plot of Horizon: Zero Dawn

The player meets a harsh post-apocalypse. And this is not some typical world with ruins after a nuclear disaster. Although the main writer is John Gonzales, who came up with Fallout 3 New Vegas. No, it's much deeper than that. Thousands of years have passed since the death of the forerunner civilization (as our contemporaries are called here). Apparently, they were killed by technology. The earth is now inhabited by animal robots different kind up to huge monsters. People also remained on it, but the level of development of their civilization is low and they are very scattered. Some tribes live according to the primitive system of the Stone Age, others have developed the state system a little more. The most advanced nations have some technology and developed politics, but still, this is the maximum level of the Middle Ages. There are few memories of the forerunner era, only ancient fossilized remains, which people simply cannot explore. It already feels like a serious scenario, doesn't it?

The main character of the game is the huntress Elloy. She was born into a tribe of pagans who worshiped the Great Mother (meaning nature), From the very birth she was made an outcast. These are special members of society with whom others are forbidden to communicate and are expelled from the village. It happened because of some misconduct of the parents, which Ella has yet to learn about. She lives alone far from the village and since childhood has been learning all the skills necessary for survival from another outcast named Rust. He is much older, experienced in many things. Rust became the girl's father and mentor. By the age of majority, she is already an excellent hunter, not afraid of robotic beasts and able to survive in extreme situations. She decides, by all means, to go through initiation into her native tribe and save him from the impending great danger. This is the plot of the story for more than 30+ hours of the main plot alone. With side quests, this number can be safely doubled.

Outcome. And from the plot, and in the course of the entire development of the storyline, it is clear that this is the work of professional screenwriters. The plot here is by no means just an excuse for action and quests. It is interesting to watch him, you empathize with the characters. Cut scenes and scripted videos on the game engine are staged perfectly. Some veterans of games and films with a similar storyline may find plot twists too predictable. But still, top notch.

Horizon: Zero Dawn Graphics

Guerrilla Games has never skimped on graphics when creating their PS exclusives. That Killzone 2 on Playstation 3 squeezed out very beautiful graphics, that the third Killzone on PS4. But those were corridor first-person shooters, but how are things with role-playing in a huge? The answer is unequivocal - no worse. Gorgeous detail, high-resolution textures (1080p for PS4, 4K for PS4 Pro), amazing scenery and light reflections. The developers have said they want to make the most beautiful PS4 exclusive to date. And partly it succeeded. Even the facial animations in scripted story cutscenes don't look as clumsy as they do in other RPGs, to say nothing of everything else. The environment of forests, mountains and fields, as if referring to Far Cry Primal. There's a lot in common. The animation of movements, battles and acrobatics is beautifully done.

Outcome. Console exclusives often try to show off the full power of their platform. And this is just the case. On PS4 Pro, the picture is simply gorgeous.

Gameplay Horizon: Zero Dawn

The gameplay of Horizon: Zero Dawn contains all the elements of a great open world RPG. The player has to perform story quests, collect resources, upgrade numerous skills, explore a huge map. In its type, the gameplay is reminiscent of the third Witcher. But here it is much more interesting to walk around the map just like that. This world is truly alive and beautiful. You believe in him.

You have to fight not only with powerful animal robots, but also with people. Humanity is incorrigible. No matter how few people and peoples inhabit the Earth, there will always be reasons for wars. Naturally, the approach to the destruction of machines and people is completely different. Combat mechanics games are varied. You can use stealth or try to go ahead. You also have to climb a lot of rocks and ledges. By the way, if in games like Assassin's Creed new places for a hook are highlighted or indicated as something else, then everything needs to be determined by eye. And this is good. Does not spoil the atmosphere.

At some point in the game, Elloy will find a special device called a visor. From now on, the gameplay will change significantly and acquire unique features. Now she can learn the properties of all objects, read traces, look through walls, see the weak points of robotic beasts, and much more. The subject of high technologies of the future (in this context, probably the past) on the head of a primitive huntress is an unusual approach. Immediately opens up a lot of space for stealth strategies and other quest-facilitating solutions.

Outcome. At its core, classic Open World RPG gameplay with a number of interesting features. Implemented perfectly.


This part was also ignored. Unlike no less, the music was not left here as a simple motive in the background. She sometimes gets goosebumps, emphasizing dramatic moments, tension, anxiety, fear. In addition, the game has excellent Russian localization and voice acting (which is rare lately),

Outcome. They didn’t even forget about this part and made it at the highest level.


The gaming press, as before, mainly evaluates the game as “good” and “very good”. And here it is impossible not to agree with the opinion of the majority. She obviously doesn't have any weaknesses or significant shortcomings. Beautiful, big, interesting. Whether she will become the “face of PS4” is still too early to judge, but there are all the prerequisites for that. If you are the owner of Playstation 4, and even better PS4 Pro, then it is definitely recommended to play.

Horizon Zero Dawn combines popular trends online games for solo play. Everything we are used to is here: gathering, crafting, open world, non-linear passage and more. It would seem that such a kit should have been boring for a long time, but maybe in some other video game. Horizon quickly addictive and does not bother at all, literally at every step the player is waiting for hints and hints, more and more piqued interest.

What is Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn is the story of a young huntress named Aloy, who is trying to find her place in the world around her.

The player sees an unusual universe in which people are thrown back into primitive society, and robots rule the planet. People live in small settlements, hunt and gather. Mechanical beasts are found in forests and meadows. Today, it is safe to say that this is where the most beautiful video game landscapes are. The world captivates with endless expanses, scorched deserts, snow-capped mountains, grassy ruins of civilization, gloomy caves. Everything looks like the real thing. It is worth noting that the developers have provided for the presence of a photo mode, with which you can save all the moments of the "journey".

Main character Aloy

The heroine grew up in exile with her mentor Rust. Throughout her life, young Aloy proved to others that she was a worthy person. But, without even blinking an eye, the fiery-haired archer becomes the hope of the tribe. The heroine is endowed with the following abilities:

    Finding a visor in the ancient ruins, she sees what is hidden from others. For example, she can determine the hidden places of cars, calculate the route of the robot, read information from old devices;

    Having matured, she becomes the owner of another artifact that allows you to open electronic locks, as well as intercept control of various mechanisms;

With this list of abilities, a huge arsenal and good stamina, Aloy has an increased chance of defeating opponents, which are armored vehicles equipped with a laser, bombs, and flamethrowers.

An interesting point is the emphasis on combining ammunition, "tuning" modifications. Available in the game and pumping Aloy, which is carried out in the direction: warrior, gatherer, hunter.

Horizon Zero Dawn is an RPG where tactics, focus, and personal skill play an important role.

The death of mankind, as a consequence of environmental pollution, wars and dangerous experiments literally does not leave the pages of Hollywood blockbusters, each time generating new incredible scenarios. fresh game from the Dutch studio Guerrilla does not lag behind the big cinema, offering a look at the Earth after 2065, where, after a terrible catastrophe, humanity rolled back in development a couple of millennia ago.

The beginning is reminiscent of the premiere demo of the restart God of War. Rast teaches little Aloy how to hunt and gather, protecting her from danger and helping her become a real warrior. Emotional moments show all the growing bonds between the characters, gradually immersing the player in the atmosphere of a sci-fi world. The exciting and well-thought-out training is replaced by the first big task. Aloy must be initiated to not only become a full-fledged member of the tribe, but also to get answers to important questions: who was her mother, why did she become an outcast, and what is behind the ban on visiting technological ruins?

The developers combine exploration and plot, which is revealed and overgrown with new details while exploring the rich world of the game. Some locations open gradually, but you are not limited in the exploration of the available environment. This is what becomes one of your motivators and makes you move on - to new discoveries. And although the heroine has a clear goal, in order to achieve it you have to consistently perform story missions, going to various points on the map and getting Additional information about the world and history through side quests, listening to recordings, and studying items. If you're not careful enough, you can miss out on a lot of the game's lore.

The nature of the new world does not allow us to accurately determine the location of the project. You visit dense forests, climb sheer cliffs, as in tomb raider, using highlighted environment elements. Stormy rivers offer you to hide from your pursuers or catch salmon with a well-aimed shot, which will come in handy to improve your inventory. Sometimes you'll come across random nomad camps where you can get a quest or learn about the place through conversations with other characters. The world is very similar to Witcher”, only the number of available tasks here is a bit more modest.

The main story flows into side quests. Following the new standards of role-playing games, Guerrilla Games here takes creativity as a bar CD Project Red, distracting the player from the main task with a set of side quests, research, or random challenges. So, in one of the early missions, you can help a randomly encountered tribal warrior save his daughter from a pack of mechanical predators in order to continue the task by searching for traces of a giant beast in which the legendary spear is stuck - all that the poor girl has left in memory of her dead mother. As in " The Witcher”, you search for people or robots using a special mode. True, instead of a special flair, you are invited to activate the visor, which shows the route of movement of not only the missing targets, but also the enemy passing nearby.

In the second case, you can set traps or plan an ambush. The visor also determines the type of enemy, their dangerous attacks and vulnerabilities, which allows you to deal with a dangerous creature even on high level difficulties.

Despite numerous action demos, he prefers the player to eschew head-on attacks in favor of tactical decisions. Hiding in the tall grass and quietly taking out the target in the head is a priority than going into a frontal attack, absorbing healing potions. Even in boss fights, it is preferable to set traps, dodge and shoot special arrows at weak points from afar than to engage in close confrontation. Unfortunately, stealth abilities do not involve hiding corpses, so you need to plan to eliminate opponents in the correct order without raising an alarm, keeping an eye on the routes of movement of the guards. This does not apply to the final part of the game, where the action component is mandatory, but by that time you should have already pumped enough.