Which button to reload the drum in wot. Distinctive feature - weak armor

Hello tankers!

Today I will tell you about one of the most popular tops in World of Tanks - the French tier X medium tank Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. Despite the sonority of the name, due to the difficulty of pronunciation, the tank received a short nickname Bat-chat and is very popular among the players. So what is the secret of its popularity? Is it worth downloading and what you need to know so that all your suffering on Lorraine is not in vain? You will learn about this and not only from this guide. But first, a little history...

History of creation

In the 50s of the last century, the armament of tanks and the penetrating ability of shells stepped forward. new level. This was largely due to the widespread use of HEAT shells that appeared at the beginning of World War II. This type of ammunition has proven itself in the fight against heavily armored vehicles. Thanks to a directed explosion, called the Monroe effect, cumulative projectiles could hit targets that were inaccessible to conventional armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles. In this regard, tank designers around the world were forced to reconsider their concepts. Now any armor could be hit, which means that there was no point in continuing to increase the thickness of the armor plates. The former division of tanks into heavy and medium has ceased to be relevant, giving way to a new term - the main battle tank. At the beginning of the 50s, the French government announced a project competition for the creation of a new promising armored vehicle. One of the companies that undertook to present its vision of MBT was the railway company from the city of Nantes - Batignolles-Châtillon.

Batignolles-Châtillon was known in France as a manufacturer of locomotives and railroad cars. The terms of reference prescribed to implement the main principles of the main battle tank- light weight, mobility and combat capability. The project received the designation "Batignolles-Chatillon Char 25T". As the name implies, the mass of the tank was limited to 25 tons. It was based on a slightly extended and modernized chassis of the AMX 13 light tank, developed several years earlier. The basis of the tank is the most flattened hull. The main difference between the machine, like all French projects, was an oscillating turret or the so-called oscillating turret. French designers often used a drum automatic loader in post-war tank technology projects, so here they went along the already explored path. Such a machine is more like a store, by analogy with small arms. After using up the shells in the drum, the tank had to be stopped and the drum manually reloaded. However, it was the automatic drum loader that gave the tank the much-needed high rate of fire. A 90 mm gun with an initial projectile velocity of 900 m/s was installed on the vehicle. The tank did not receive additional weapons, however, before the competition for the prototype, a 7.5 mm machine gun was installed. The dimensions of the armored vehicle turned out to be more than compact: a little more than 5.5 meters in length and 3 meters in width with a height of less than 2.5 meters.

In spite of everything, the Batignolles-Châtillon project lost the government tender to the AMX 30 tank. The reasons for this were the shortcomings of the new suspension, which required mandatory maintenance after each exit, and an unpressurized turret, the use of which was unacceptable in the conditions probable at that time nuclear war. In total, 2 prototypes were produced in 1954. The only surviving of these is currently located in the Musée Des Blindés armored vehicles museum in the city of Saumur in western France.


The first thoughts that will visit any Bat-chat driver after Lorraine 40t - "It's AMX 13 90 again!" Another low silhouette high speed and fast acceleration. All these are characteristic differences of any light tank. But we will return to this comparison later. The dynamics of the car is really on top. The maximum speed of 65 km / h allows you to quickly move across the battlefield and retreat in the event of a collision with superior enemy forces.

A rapid-fire gun with a 5-round drum places certain restrictions on tactics. Due to the high speed of the projectile, Bat-chat shoots well at long distances, but not the most best accuracy guns does not allow to fully realize the makings of a sniper tank. Even despite the excellent disguise, in terms of the combination of pros and cons, the best choice for playing on Bat-chat would be the tactics of quickly entering the flank of the enemy, emptying the drum and reloading. Penetration of the main projectile is average, when meeting with heavily armored opponents, you will have to target weak spots in frontal projections, however, when firing at the sides, as a rule, there are no special problems.

On open maps, constant movement is recommended, especially artillery should be wary. Any stop, collision with an obstacle or damage to the tracks is fraught with the rapid destruction of your vehicle due to the almost complete lack of armor. On urban maps, you should be extremely careful due to not very good maneuverability when cornering at speed. A fully charged drum contains approximately 2000 damage and can be depleted in just over 10 seconds. Reloading the cassette, depending on the perks and modules, will take no more than 40 seconds.


The crew of the tank consists of 3 people: commander(he is also a radio operator and loader), gunner(he is also the second loader) and driver mechanic. For an active play style, the following sequence of crew perks is recommended:

You should choose perks based on what style of game you prefer. In any case, as with every drum tank, for the crew of the Bat-chat, the perk is fundamental "The Brotherhood of War", it will significantly reduce the long-term CD. For those who like to play from the bushes, the priority is the ability "Disguise". In addition, you can customize the tank a little by choosing the right additional modules.


Players who prefer close combat should pay attention to:

  • coated optics- it will increase visibility and help in reconnaissance, and
  • Vertical stabilizer- slightly compensates for the dispersion of the gun in motion.

If you plan to win back from disguise, you can install:

  • Reinforced pickup drives- they will allow the gun to quickly converge on the enemy after moving, and
  • camouflage net- will make you much more inconspicuous when stationary.

In both versions, the third module needs to be equipped with improved ventilation, which will allow to slightly reduce the reloading of the drum, and together with the brotherhood in arms, will also increase the overall efficiency of the crew. Among other things, it is worth applying camouflage, additional interest to disguise in our case will not be superfluous.


It does not make much sense to dwell in detail on the consideration of the reservation. In other words, it is very weak. In a real project, the hull was greatly lightened, and dynamic protection simply did not exist at that time.

Despite the angles of installation, thin armor plates will not be able to stop almost any serious projectile, and in many cases you will receive penetration even with land mines. It is especially worth being wary of British armor-piercing high-explosive hashes. When hit by artillery high levels frequent cases of one-shot. The reduced armor in the strongest place of the VLD does not exceed 142 mm. In this situation, the only thing left to rely on is constant movement, accurate calculation of trajectories and competent use of the terrain. In extreme cases, you will have to exchange HP.

The forward location of the engine entails its frequent damage during penetrations in the forehead, and due to the lack of armor, they will happen regularly. The probability of a fire is only 10%, but, unfortunately, this is offset by the frequency of critical damage to the motor. The ammunition rack is located in the aft part of the turret, as well as in the left side of the hull at the rear. There are also fuel tanks nearby. The entire crew of the tank is practically unprotected. Who will be shell-shocked by the next received penetration is a matter of chance.


The third one can be put automatic fire extinguisher. Or take another "remka". Trust me, you will most likely need it.


Summing up, it is worth mentioning that due to the small mass of the tank, despite the high speed characteristics, you should not get carried away with ramming, there is a great chance of losing a large amount of durability, causing incomparable damage to the enemy. At the beginning of the article, I did not accidentally mention the AMX 13 90. In fact, Bat-chat is a light tank. All the tactics used on the LT are perfectly applied on it. Slightly higher speed, slightly more damage, HP reserve, the same drum, the same dynamics, excellent camouflage, lightness and a sense of flight. And with the help of perks and modules, the view is easily brought to the maximum. Like this. Many people miss the top LT in the game, although it has been around for a long time. To a standard question "How's the tank?" about Bat-chat, you can safely answer "Like an airplane!" Therefore, there is no armor, not a single LT has it. And here the old tank joke comes to mind: “After the war, French children in schools had nothing to write on. The government took all the paper and cardboard from them for tanks..

6 years ago Comments: 2

Right now in game world of Tanks there are a lot of drummers (that is, tanks with automatic loaders) in the game. Most of them are among French tanks (for example, amx 13 75), although a branch with American vehicles equipped with automatic loaders has also appeared relatively recently. The developers are planning in the foreseeable future the second branch of the German tank destroyers, at the tenth level of which the vehicle will also be located with an automatic loader. Currently, there is only one tank destroyer with a drum in the game, this is a French vehicle of the tenth level.

The article is large and is divided into several subsections:
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5. ?

Features of "drummers"

Playing tanks with a loading drum is quite different from other types of vehicles and involves special tactics. The drum allows you to inflict very significant damage in a short period of time (about ten seconds), but then you need to go on a long (sometimes very long) cooldown. If reloading between shots is only a couple of seconds, then reloading between reels can take twenty or even forty-five. All this time the tank is defenseless.

Thus, a drummer can be both very dangerous and practically useless, it all depends on whether the drum is loaded or not. This makes a tank with an automatic loader extremely dependent on the team. Allies should both cover you while you're on cooldown and distract the enemy so you can deal maximum damage to them. Without proper cover and support, the formidable drummer turns into easy prey.

If you look at the Wargaming league records, you will see that tanks with automatic loaders usually make up more than half of each team. But why aren't there so many of them in random battles? The point is that the drummer becomes a formidable force in the team played, and in random battles he is often simply defenseless if he does not go to reload in time.

Playing tanks with an automatic loader is not easy

Playing drummers is quite difficult, as you have to literally learn some aspects of the game all over again. It will no longer be possible, for example, to confidently push through the direction alone if you are opposed by several tanks below the level. Of course, you outnumber them with firepower, but during the long reload time of the drum, you can be destroyed.

Thus, you need to ride with a group of allies who will cover you if necessary. One of the downsides of many drummers is the relatively small . For example, for the top gun T69, a medium American tank of the eighth level, it is 173 mm. For the eighth level, this is clearly not enough; it will be problematic to break through many opponents of their level in the forehead. Few can afford to use "gold" ammunition all the time.

Obviously, the ability of tanks with an automatic loader to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time is compensated by such a small penetration. This forces and shoot him in the side or stern. And here again, allies will be indispensable, because they must distract the enemy so that he does not turn around to you with a strong forehead.

You can ride the Drummer alone without much fear, only if you play a light tank. He has high speed and maneuverability, which allows you to simply drive away from the enemy after you have shot the drum. In general, the tactics of playing tanks with an automatic loader involve precisely such unexpected raids on an unsuspecting enemy, the rapid consumption of the entire drum and a hasty retreat.

Distinctive feature - weak armor

This tactic also works well because drummers are poorly armored. The "paper" armor of the French has long been the subject of many anecdotes, even heavy tanks of high levels of this nation easily break through in almost any projection, you can only hope for. The branch of American drummers also cannot boast of thick armor. The only exception here is the French tank destroyer of the tenth level, but it only holds a blow with its forehead, while the sides are covered "French cardboard" in 40 mm.

At the same time, discharging the entire drum into the enemy and not taking damage yourself is usually not easy, even if you went to the enemy immediately after he fired. For example, if there are five projectiles in the drum, and the reload between shots is two seconds, then it will take ten seconds to empty the entire drum. This is a fairly large period of time. The enemy may have a shorter reload time, other tanks can cover him, etc., so even in these ten seconds you can take damage.

Thus, you need to learn to guess the moment when you should leave and start unloading the drum. If you are attacking a group of enemies from several tanks, then you need to act especially carefully, even if they are distracted by allies. If you are noticed, then you should not be greedy, it is better to hide behind cover and go to reload than to put the last projectile into the enemy and take damage yourself.

Target - single tanks

The ideal target for the drummer is a lone slow opponent, often in random battles you can meet heavy tanks that have strayed from their team and are an easy target. It remains only to discharge the entire drum in them and hide in search of a new victim.

In general, a tank with an automatic loader can be effective on both open map, and in the labyrinths of the streets. Drummers perform well both in attack and in defense. But they are best suited, of course, for quick and unexpected, unexpected defense breakthroughs, when you need to inflict the maximum amount of damage in the minimum amount of time.

What skills to explore?

Of the skills and abilities, camouflage is often useful for drummers, as it allows you to hide in the bushes, wait for the right moment and surprise the enemy from an unexpected direction. Although it is difficult to advise something here, since the game on different types of vehicles is very different. The article does not pretend to be a comprehensive coverage of the issue, but you can easily get basic knowledge.

Once out of the early tiers of tanks, many of which are equipped with automatic cannons (often incorrectly referred to as machine guns), players are beginning to realize that some guns fire more often than others. Some deal significant one-time damage, others are limited to modest damage values.

Moreover, in the general case, many guns in world of tanks are compensated according to this principle. Small one-time damage, insufficient armor penetration often correspond to rapid-fire guns. So do not expect to receive only one pluses. Although gold for silver has changed the balance of the game even here, this is a topic for separate conversations on www.site, so we will not dwell on this in detail here.

With the pluses of the rate of fire, everything is clear, we have an increase in such an indicator as damage per minute. But here's the problem, it is not always possible to implement it. Firstly, an experienced enemy will not stand under your fire, but will hide after his own shot. In such a firefight, high one-time damage is more preferable, rather than rate of fire.

But if we compare different guns, often there is only one full-fledged gun on each tank, the tanker does not always have a choice. So, having certain characteristics in terms of reload time, we are interested in reducing it, there are several ways to do this in wot.

Increasing the rate of fire

First, train your crew. The degree of mastery of the main specialty of the loader or loaders depends on the actual reload speed. In the characteristics of the tank, which are displayed in the game itself, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated for 100% of the crew. Some perks will also help you shoot more often, but not always.

Only fighting brotherhood and desperate come to mind. The first download is long, but the effect is not too big (2.5%). Desperate for the loader will help to charge 9% faster, but for this you need to lose 90% of the durability yourself, so the buff from the perk will not always help.

The most effective method would be to install a gun rammer on the tank (additional equipment), it will increase the rate of fire by 10%. So we install it on all tanks, where possible. The fan (2.5% fire rate) will only work noticeably in conjunction with Combat Brotherhood, otherwise the effect will be very small.

Do not forget that the rate of fire of guns also depends on the tower in which we install it. So on different tanks the same gun will shoot at different speeds. Within the framework of one armored vehicle, a simple rule applies - it is better to use best tower, which one is available to choose from. However, we will not consider delusions about the superiority of some stock towers here.

Automatic loader (drum)

Separately, we mention the class of guns that use an automatic loader. Instead of a projectile in such tanks, a cassette of shells is immediately loaded. As a result, the actual reloading of the entire drum takes a significant time (3-4 times longer than the usual reloading of guns). However, the player gets the opportunity to shoot the entire drum in a short time. The delay between shots within the same drum takes only a few seconds.

This option allows the player to do a lot, up to changing the course of the entire battle. On the other hand, while reloading the drum, the tank will be defenseless. We also note that tanks with a loading drum usually have a number of disadvantages in the form of weak armor and a small margin of safety. Although in any case, the loading drums in the world of tanks raise a lot of balance questions.


A brief summary of the entire article can be reduced to two postulates. First, use the advantages of your tank's gun, while remembering its disadvantages. Secondly, be sure to install a rammer on the tanks, which will allow you to shoot more often. However, this is a standard additional equipment. We also mentioned drums a little. tanks wot, but this is a full-fledged topic for other articles.

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Today we will talk about the new mechanics of reloading the drum, which will fully appear in World of Tanks 1.0 in the spring of 2018.

The first nation with a new mechanism for reloading shells into the drum will be Italy. The first medium tank Level 8 in the premium class will be endowed with a new gaming system charging guns and will appear a little earlier than the nation of Italy. Before we talk about the essence of recharging, we note that in patch wot 1.0, a new interface will appear with an indication of the time for reloading shells into the drum. Under the scope, several interactive icons will appear in the form of projectiles that fill in green as the weapon is loaded.

The interface will also show:

  • how many shells are left
  • what time is left before loading the projectile into the drum,
  • what is the charging status now,
  • what is the reload between shots.

The interface will only be displayed on Italian tanks that have the new reload mechanic. Subsequently, in World versions of Tanks 1.0, tanks with the same mechanism for filling the drum with shells appeared in other nations in the game. Today, several dozen combat vehicles presented in the game have a loading drum. The time has come for a diverse application of the loading mechanism - the loading drum. We will talk about this below.

Now about the essence of the new mechanism. The first Italian tanks will have a reloading mechanism, including:

  • not one projectile for a shot, but several, as in a conventional loading drum;
  • a pause will be added between the shells when the tank will not be able to fire, called recharging inside the drum;
  • just like conventional guns, tanks with a reloading mechanism will load shells immediately after firing;
  • reloading of the gun will occur only in automatic mode (this is a distinctive feature of the drum reloading mechanism from a conventional loading drum);
  • if a shot is made before the reloading of the projectile ends, it will be interrupted and the reloading process will start again (To prevent this, you need to wait for the projectile to finish charging and only then make the next shot. Often you will not be able to shoot);
  • the reloading of the first projectile fired lasts 8 seconds, the second 11 seconds, the third 14 seconds (if you fired three shells at once, the first one will be charged in 14 seconds, the second 11, the third 8 - i.e. in reverse order).
  • the more shells in the drum, the faster it is reloaded;

Thus, the mechanism for reloading shells in World of Tanks is a middle, intermediate link between the cyclic principle of loading shells (for conventional tanks) and the cassette principle of loading shells (for tanks with a standard loading drum).

  1. you can shoot one projectile at a time, waiting for it to reload immediately after the shot (Then each projectile will be reloaded for 8 seconds. This is the most fast way load the gun from the Italian tanks).
  2. or you can shoot all the shells at once (But charging will then take so long that an Italian tank with a reloading mechanism will take longer to charge than any french tank with conventional loading drum).
  3. but the best option for using the projectile reloading mechanism would be the following tactic (You shoot once at the enemy. If the projectile ricochets, reload the drum while going into cover. Then repeat the shot and if it is made with penetration, make a series of shots, then retreat to reload.).

We remind you once again that Italian tanks appeared in World of Tanks 1.0, and today they have already grown into a development tree with a full-fledged branch of combat vehicles.