The debate on the case of officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya was held. Pyramidal tombs of the great khans of Tartaria

An Augusta Westland AW-169 helicopter, owned by Leicester City owner Vichai Srivadhanaprabha, crashed about an hour after the end of the 2015/16 English Premier League game in which the national champions of the 2015/16 season hosted West Ham United (1: one). The accident occurred immediately after the aircraft was lifted into the air.

According to the English media, Srivadhanaprabha was on board. Together with him in the helicopter were two more - a passenger and a pilot. All died. Personalities are established.

However, the club has not yet made official statements regarding the fate of the owner.

“We are assisting the Leicestershire police and emergency services in dealing with the aftermath of the incident near the stadium. The club will make a more detailed statement when it appears. Additional Information”, — stated in the message on the official website of “Leicester”. A more specific appeal to the fans at the club is planned to be made on October 28 in the afternoon.

According to eyewitnesses of the tragedy, the helicopter crashed into the parking lot near the King Power arena and caught fire almost immediately after taking off from the stadium lawn.

A few hours after the tragedy, information appeared that the aircraft's tail rotor had failed. The Leicester owner's helicopter lost control immediately after takeoff. After climbing to a height of about 60 meters, the car crashed into a parking lot near the stadium.

There is little chance that Srivadhanaprabha survived. The businessman leaves almost every Leicester City home game by helicopter. The fall happened a little more than an hour after the duel between the Foxes and the Hammers ended. The final whistle sounded around 21:20 Moscow time, and the signal to the rescue service arrived at 22:38 Moscow time.

The area near the parking lot was immediately cordoned off, the stadium was evacuated. The players of the teams participating in the match were not injured - the club buses had left the arena by that time. However, eyewitnesses reported seeing the team's Danish goalkeeper sobbing near the parking lot.

Now Leicester players are posting in in social networks posts with "prayer" emoji. Former players of the team also joined the support action, for example, the Algerian midfielder Riyad Mahrez, who currently plays for Manchester City.

At the time of the crash, the Leicester City owner's helicopter was only two years old, and its value was estimated at £2 million. The car could accommodate eight people - six passengers and two crew members.

Srivadhanaprabha, 60, is the founder and CEO of King Power Duty Free, a major duty-free chain. Experts estimate the fortune of a businessman from Thailand at $ 3.3 billion. Srivadhanaprabha became the owner of the "foxes" during the 2010/11 season, then the club hung out in the second division of the country, the Championship. The Thai billionaire spent a little £39 million on the purchase. Since that time, his son Ayawatt has served as vice president of the club. He, according to British media, was not in the cabin of the helicopter at the time of the tragedy.

Leicester City won the 2015/16 Premier League title. This triumph was the first in the club's 130-year history. That success of the "foxes" became a worldwide sensation.

However, the very next season, Srivadhanaprabha sacked head coach Claudio Ranieri, who led Leicester to the title.

“Thanks to those who continue to complain about me and management. I understand you too. Please respect my decision. I will never let Leicester down. I've been working hard for seven years making the club better and better. No need to talk about money. They all return to the club through investments, ”the businessman explained his decision on Instagram.

Srivadhanaprabha is married. In addition to Ayawatt, he has three more children.

Other news and materials can be viewed on the page, as well as in the groups of the sports department in social networks

Many have already heard about the Great Tartaria. Some researchers and even scientists have found it on old maps digitized by Western libraries and museums or photographed at historical exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries. Tartaria was an empire, had its own ruling dynasty, coat of arms, flag and other attributes of an independent state with its own characteristics and history.

This legendary country, founded by the Scythians by origin, has become a bone in the throat of the official version of history. Unfortunately, the topic of Tartaria is discredited in every possible way by various theories that are shocking, and at the same time, they hardly stand up to criticism. One of these versions says that the political center of the country was located in southern Siberia, a little south of the modern city of Anadyr, and the tombs of the Tartar emperors are or were located in Chukotka. We decided to test these two versions and were amazed by the results of our research.

Indeed, what prevents us from being researchers of Tartaria for a while? We offer you a fascinating journey into the depths of centuries, to the times when Moscow was still a small fortress, and Samarkand - a huge metropolis.

Fra Mauro Map 1450

Where was the center of Tartaria?

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, European cartographers had little idea of ​​what the continents, state borders, and coastlines really look like. They knew little about the real distances from one region to another. At that time, on the basis of Christian ideas about the world and biblical events, maps were depicted in the form of the letter T, placed in a circle.

Asia was usually placed at the top, Europe at the bottom left, and Africa at the bottom right. After the global flood, which allegedly happened several millennia before the birth of Jesus Christ, the earth was distributed among the sons of Noah - Shem, Ham, Japhet. Which region went to whom is an open question, because opinions on this differ in different sources. Jerusalem and Noah's Ark were often placed in the center of such maps.

On maps dated approximately to the 13th century, next to the countries modern at that time, there is no Tartaria, but there is Scythia. But the Scythians should have disappeared from the maps of their contemporaries as early as the seventh century! Tartaria appears on the maps of the 14th century - exactly on the site of Scythia, moreover, the new state acts as an empire. Europeans stubbornly write about a certain emperor of the Tartars, whose residence is located in the Cathay region (Catayo, Cathay, Catai).

At the same time, the borders, sizes, cities, rivers, reservoirs of Tartaria are known to Europeans quite approximately, everyone sculpts them wherever he pleases.

Sometime in the second half of the 14th century, and perhaps even later, an atlas of the world was created in Spanish Catalonia. If you believe its authors, the capital of Tartaria was at that time somewhere in northeast Asia, the concept of "Siberia" did not exist in the minds of Europeans then. This atlas does not contain either Chukotka or Kamchatka. Toponyms and country names are scattered in Asia according to the principle “out there”.

1452 year from the birth of Christ. Venice. We approach the map, over which the Catholic monk carps ... His name is Fra Mauro. Let's look over our shoulder... what do we see? The majestic capital of Tartaria Khanbalyk or Kambala with the residence of the great khan is located somewhere on the territory of modern Siberia. The tombs of the emperors are not so far away, approximately on the territory of modern Chukotka. Until everything fits.

We are moving closer to our time ... Yes, this is Christopher Columbus himself! Shortly before his famous discovery of America, the legendary traveler imagined the world something like this: (map of Christopher Columbus). The map dates from the late 15th century.

On it, the Tartar regions of Katai and Tenduk are located much further south than previously thought, the kingdom of Gog and Magog is somewhere in the northeast.

Asia itself and Tartaria are written with the prefix - “Magna”, that is, “Great”. Let us note that the outlines of Asia are generally drawn very approximately - there is no Hindustan, Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Korean Peninsula, the African continent is generally twisted. The northwestern part of Eurasia is also “sick”. In fact, everything is logical. At that time, Europeans did not have a clear idea of ​​the location of certain Asian states and regions.

Sixteenth century! Where shall we go? Let's visit Nicolas Desliens. It is now 1566. North and South America have already been discovered, but their outlines on the maps are still far from ideal. The same applies to Asia, the south has already been studied enough, but Europeans practically did not drive deep into the continent, to the center and north of this part of the world. Thus, the north of Asia is outlined uncertainly, without detailed place names and coastlines. Moreover, the inscription “Terra Incognita” - “Unknown Land” is walking along the north of Eurasia. This means that the north modern Russia did not exist in the geographical understanding of the inhabitants of Europe.

A similar situation exists with other maps of this period. Here, for example, is the famous atlas of Abraham Ortelius of 1570, on which New Earth- it's almost whole continent in the Arctic Ocean.

The outlines of the north of Asia are already close to real, but the regions that the same Columbus placed in Central Asia are located here in its northern part. On the face - the fragmentation of geographical data on these territories. The inscription “Katay” as the center of Tartaria, together with neighboring regions, “roams” from the center of Asia to its north; this is what happens on different maps at about the same time. Therefore, use at least one of them as a sample for comparison with satellite imagery by no means is it possible.

Seventeenth century. Toward the end of the century, Moscow Tartaria and Siberia appear on the maps of Europeans. In reality, this means the gradual conquest, as we would now say, the annexation of the western part of Tartaria by the Muscovite tsars from the Romanov dynasty. In parallel with the formation of Moscow Tartaria, Velikaya appeared, in which the Tartar capital of Khanbalik and the residence of the great khan no longer exist.

On some atlases, you can still find the Cathay region - the same political center with neighboring regions and cities. And, by the way, in Russian culture, the memory has been preserved that Katai or China is the foundation around which a fortress, a kingdom, an empire is built. Look from above at the Moscow Kitay-Gorod - the Kremlin, Moscow, then Muscovy, and even later - the Russian Empire were rebuilt around it.

And this is the year 1626. Map of the Englishman John Speed. Cathay is shifting south to such an extent that it practically borders the Great Wall of China.

A similar trend is observed on other maps of the 17th century. We see the same thing on the Manesson-Mullet map of 1683, and so on.

Want to see the missing territories? Before you is a French atlas of travels and discoveries of 1752. And here it is, finally - Chukotka and Kamchatka, drawn as it should! We see adequate coastlines and sizes. On these lands there is an inscription that the Muscovites discovered them 20 years ago!

And the Russian official version of history pushes this date back almost 100 years earlier! We are told that Kamchatov discovered the peninsula in 1658-61, and the Russian reconnaissance team visited these places in 1696 ... Given that since the reign of Peter the Great, that is, since the end of the 17th century, relations between Russia and Europe became denser than dense, we can say with confidence: the French in 1752 had reliable data on the geographical discoveries of the so-called “Muscovites”.

The collapse of Tartaria. The fate of the Cathay region

And what do we get? The closest successors of Peter the Great are actively developing the territories of Siberia, renaming cities, villages, rivers, lakes, building new fortresses, establishing infrastructure, because these regions have not developed for a long time due to the fact that Tartaria has been mired in an economic, industrial and political crisis for decades: it has lost ruling dynasty, the capital and broke up into kingdoms, or in our opinion, republics. And after some time, they were snapped up by neighboring empires.

Western cartographers are surprised to learn about the existence of hundreds of millions of unexplored hectares in the north and northwest of Asia. The former political center of Tartaria Katai on the maps of European and Russian scientists has shifted to Central Asia, namely to Mongolia and the expanses of modern Northern China. And this is the most correct location of the capital of Tartaria, Khanbalyk or Kambalu. Therefore, we say “China”, and not “China” or “China” - because our language has preserved the memory that the Cathay region, that is, the center of the Horde, on which we have long depended, is located somewhere in the south Mongolia. On the maps of the 18th century, Katai is still present for some time - between the lands of modern Mongolia and the Great Wall of China.

Such neighboring cities of Khanbalik as Kampion, Guza or Zuza, Kamul, as well as the Tangut region continue to stand in their places - that is, in Central Asia. Approximately, from the middle of the 18th century, Western cartographers get used to the new name of these places and sign them with the word “Ordos” or “Orthus”. And it's not for nothing that French travelers in Chinese Tartaria, even in the 19th century, found ruins and fragments of palaces similar to European ones and completely unusual for Chinese architecture.

In the north and northwest of modern China, mummies of white people - Scythians, as well as pyramids are often found. This circumstance constantly prevents the PRC authorities from promoting the idea of ​​a great ancient China, great Chinese culture and great Chinese future. Therefore, they try to advertise the mummies of the Scythian-Tartars as little as possible, but with trees, while secretly conducting excavations, which are not allowed to mere mortals.

Pyramidal tombs of the great khans of Tartaria

We have dealt with the political center. Focusing on vintage cards and the real location of the main residence of the emperors, we will try to find their tombs. In fact, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Since European cartographers remembered the burial places of the rulers of Tartaria for quite a long time and always placed in the Altai mountains- both on early maps of the 15th, 16th centuries, and on later ones, for example, the 18th century. Closer to the moment of the collapse of Tartaria, Europeans stop changing the name “Altai” into “Aitai” or “Antai” and already finally determine the location of this mountain system.

Together with KATAY and its neighboring cities, the tombs of emperors in the form of pyramids (as contemporaries describe them) cease to “roam” and finally “settle” in Central Asia.

Now it becomes clear to us, as well as to Western cartographers of that time, that the Altai Mountains with the pyramids of the great khans should be looked for not in the north of Asia, not in Chukotka, but in the region of Mongolia, as well as in the Altai Republic. And the capital of Tartaria and the former region of KATAY are in the north of present-day China-China.

Over time, Western scientists realized that Altai was at a fairly decent distance from the political center of Tartaria, but when this became clear, the KATAY region ceased to be listed on maps starting from the second half of the 18th century. Instead of KATAY, ORDOS appeared, which means “PALACES” in Mongolian.

Back to our time...

Now mummies of the Scythian-Tartar elite are being found in Altai. Let us recall at least the Altai princess and other mummies of white people found in the region of the Altai Mountains. Perhaps the tombs of the great khans are hidden much more securely, and we cannot find them? Perhaps the imperial tombs have long been secretly studied, and all traces are hidden. Or European pundits and travelers like Marco Polo were wrong, and Altai had nothing to do with it at all, and the tombs were not pyramids. Or are the Chinese pyramids the same tombs?

We need research not only from European written sources, but also from Russian-language sources, which for some reason are hidden from us. Research documents in other languages ​​are needed. It is important to raise the topic of Tartaria on high level study and start professional analysis terrain, archaeological finds, cultural similarities, and so on - both in Russia and in China, other countries whose lands were once part of Tartaria. It is time to expose this lie about the Tatar-Mongol yoke, so that in the future there will be no room for deliberate or accidental distortion of historical truth.

Anastasia Kostash, specially for Kramola website

Basic moments

The resort village stretches along both banks of the Chukhukt River, which flows into the Black Sea. Closer to the mouth of the river, Magistralnaya Street, laid along the left bank, is considered to be the main one, and higher, Kurgannaya Street, which runs along the right bank of the river. At the top Katkova Gap there are hydrogen sulfide springs and several horticultural associations. Grocery and hardware stores are open in the village, but there is not a single nightclub or bar.

Resting in this part of the Black Sea coast, you can swim and sunbathe to your heart's content. During the summer, Katkova Gap is worth enjoying with a variety of inexpensive fruits and vegetables. In addition, local residents are always ready to sell fragrant honey of excellent quality and delicious homemade wine to tourists.

Not only beach lovers prefer to stay in Katkova Shchel. Fans of hiking and horseback riding, jeep riding and rock climbing are very fond of the local places. On the surrounding mountain slopes there are all conditions for outdoor activities.

Travelers are popular with exits to ancient dolmen megaliths, beautiful waterfalls, rocky gorges and caves. And those who are bored with silence can always leave Katkovaya Shchel for Lazarevskoye or Sochi, where there are enough places of entertainment, party places and tourist attractions.

The history of the village of Katkova Shchel

The resort village got its name from the name of Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov, whom he bought these lands after the end of the Caucasian War. Until 1864, there was a tribal Shapsug aul Tsyukh (Chukh), named after the ancient Abaza family, who lived for many centuries in the Caucasian foothills. When the Caucasian War ended, the people who remained in the village were resettled in the Ottoman Empire. Nowadays, only the name of the river flowing through the village, Chukhukt, reminds of the indigenous peoples of these places.

In 1872, M. N. Katkov, editor of the popular magazine Russky Vestnik and the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti, began to own the former aul, and with his money they began to build an estate here. By the beginning of the last century, 56 people lived on the site owned by Katkov: 43 Georgians, 5 Slavs and 8 Greeks. First World War and the revolution that followed led to the fact that the estate fell into decay, and during the period of general disorder it was completely plundered. In 1923, 23 Greek families and 3 Slavic families lived in the village of Katkova.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War in Katkova Shchel there was a sanatorium of the Air Force. In this regard, for a long time the area was closed to outsiders. Interestingly, the local nature and wonderful climate helped to restore health to many Soviet cosmonauts.

Katkova Shchel became open to tourists only in the early 1990s. Almost immediately, the village began to be actively built up for the needs of vacationers. The development of tourism infrastructure continues today.

Climate features in different seasons

The Lazarevsky district of Sochi is famous for its warm subtropical maritime climate. There are up to 200 sunny days here a year, and the swimming season lasts from late May to mid-October. In May, the sea water temperature is +18 °С. Of course, it is still quite cold for long swims, but it is quite acceptable for a refreshing swim. At the end of spring, there are few tourists in Katkova Gap, and therefore the prices for renting rooms and rooms are kept at the off-season level.

At the peak of the tourist season, in July and August, swimmers can enjoy a truly warm sea of ​​+25°C. At this time of the year it is hot +27...+30°С, but the sea breezes and winds blowing from the mountains in the evenings make staying in Katkova Shchel quite comfortable.

Real connoisseurs rush to the resort village in September, when the Black Sea is still warm, and the majority of vacationers have already left. From mid-September, housing prices begin to fall, and a lot of ripe fruits are sold in the markets. A big advantage of resting in the Rolling Gap in the fall is the absence of sweltering heat, and this is greatly appreciated by people with problems of the cardiovascular system and a weakened immune system. Even if the sea is stormy, in September you can always go to Lazarevsky water parks "Nautilus" and "Starfish" to have a great time in the pools and water attractions.

Tourists come to Katkova Shchel not only in the warm season, but also in winter, and this is not surprising. The mild climate and the air saturated with sea salts are useful at any time of the year. In the coldest months, the air temperature in the village does not fall below -10°C, and snow falls only 1-2 times per season. The local winter is more like a protracted autumn, which smoothly turns into spring.


The beach strip at the mouth of the Chukhukt River is quite wide. It is covered with small pebbles and is cleaned every day during the high tourist season. The beach is separated from the winds by a high rocky shore. There is a railway track nearby, but trains run here infrequently, so the proximity of the railway does not in the least interfere with a comfortable beach holiday.

The main beach of Katkova Gap is public and free. It is never crowded. And the pebble strips, remote on both sides of this beach, are often used by lovers of secluded relaxation and nudists. There is no cafe on the village beach, but on the way to Katkova Shchel, mini-markets are open in summer, where you can buy everything you need.

There are not many people in the resort village, so the sea is famous for its cleanliness. The entrance to the water is gentle, and the coastal strip is perfectly warmed by the sun - that is why couples with children choose to rest in Katkova Shchel.

Excursions from Katkova Gap

Almost all resort villages in the Greater Sochi region are connected by a highway (federal highway M27) ​​and a railway. Such transport opportunities allow you to make exciting excursions to natural and historical attractions at no extra cost.

From Katkova Shchel, you can take a bus to Lazarevskoye, where the ethnographic museum (Pobedy Street, 97) operates, and not far from it, the remains of a Russian fort built by Mikhail Lazarev have been preserved. A dolphinarium was opened in Lazarevskoye, as well as the Tropical Amazon oceanarium, where the inhabitants of underwater depths, penguins and exotic animals.

An hour's walk from Katkova Gap, in the tract of Soloniki, there is a very beautiful waterfall "Miracle Beauty". Rainbow trout are found in the flowing river, and during a walk you can see many picturesque places and swim in the cool streams under the waterfall.

In the neighboring resort village of Volkonka, there are the remains of a medieval fortress. They are located at the mouth of the small Godlik River (Kurskaya Street). The ancient fort was used by the Byzantines (V-VIII centuries) and the Genoese (XIV-XV centuries). Archaeologists have repeatedly worked on the ruins of the fortress, they found many fragments of "Khazar" ceramics.

It is interesting to go to the village of Golovinka, where the famous tulip tree stands 0.5 km from the mouth of the Shakhe River. The mighty tree impresses with its large size, rough bark, bluish, lyre-like leaves and greenish-orange flowers. The giant crown of the American liriodendron has a diameter of 30 m. There is an opinion that the overseas seedling was brought and planted in 1840 by Russian soldiers commanded by N. N. Raevsky. However, botanists are not sure about this and believe that the tulip tree is much older. In the upper part of the Shakhe valley there is a cascade of picturesque waterfalls, to which excursions are taken from many resort villages of the Black Sea coast.

From Katkova Shchel, walks to beautiful mountain gorges are popular - Svirskoe, "Berendeevo kingdom" and Mamedov's gap. These are natural monuments of amazing beauty, where species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants endemic to the Caucasus grow. If you are interested in getting acquainted with the culture of growing Krasnodar tea, you should go on a trip to the tea plantations, which are located between Dagomys and Loo, in the village of Uch-Dere.

Fans of active walks can make jeep trips from Katkovaya Shchel to the Prokhladny canyon, Zubova Shchel and the Ashe river valley. Jeep rental is organized in the resort village for independent trips and with a driver.

Where to stay

Several guest houses, chalets and mini-hotels have been built for tourists in Katkova Shchel. All of them offer about the same level of amenities - furnished rooms equipped with air conditioning and a refrigerator, designed for one to five people. Many private areas have swimming pools and saunas.

Guests can use the shared kitchen and cook their own meals, or order food from the hosts. Almost all guest houses and hotels have a small parking lot and provide transfer services for their guests from Sochi, Lazarevsky or Tuapse. Since Katkova Gap is a popular place for families, most guest houses have playgrounds for children.

In addition, private owners can rent turnkey rooms and cottages. As in other places on the Black Sea coast, housing located closer to the sea is more expensive. The most expensive and sought after rooms and cottages are in July and August. But even at the peak of the tourist season, accommodation in Katkova Shchel is cheaper than Lazarevsky, and even more so Sochi.

How to get there

The nearest airport to Katkova Shchel is located in Adler. From here you can get to the resort village by taxi or regular buses to Tuapse or Lazarevskoye.

If you get to railway, you should take a ticket to the station "Lazarevskaya". It and the resort village are separated by about 11 km. There are taxis from the station to Katkov Shchel, as well as regular buses and minibuses heading to Sochi.