There were no different questions. Questions for the moderator

The facilitator takes turns approaching the audience and asking them questions. The players draw randomly pre-prepared answer cards and read them aloud. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray. In this game, a lot depends on the artistry of the participants: sometimes they read out the answer in such a way that it is simply impossible not to laugh.

Questions for the moderator:

  1. Do you often act cheeky?
  2. Do you like to fool around?
  3. Is it true that you constantly copy homework?
  4. Are you faking grades in your diary?
  5. Do you often fall in love at first sight?
  6. Do you fall out of bed at night?
  7. Is it true that you like to sing Russian folk songs in the bathroom when you take a shower?
  8. How often do you wake up in the middle of the night to empty your refrigerator?
  9. Do you drink hard alcohol?
  10. Is it true that you consider yourself the most beautiful person in the world?
  11. Do you often lie to your parents?
  12. Do you have a habit of flattering your teachers?
  13. Are you skipping classes?
  14. Is it true that you have a habit of kissing everyone?
  15. Do you often dance under the moon?
  16. Do you have a habit of being rude to adults?
  17. Admit it, are you ready for anything (ready) for the sake of money?
  18. Do you like to gossip behind your back?
  19. Is it true that you write obscene words on the walls of the school?
  20. Do you like to spin in front of the mirror and admire your reflection?
  21. Do you gloat when your friends get F's?
  22. Is it true that you like to incite your friends to commit anti-social acts?
  23. Have you ever disrupted (ruined) lessons at school?
  24. I was told that you visit a nude beach. This is true?
  25. Do you often lose your underwear?
  26. Is it true that you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  27. Have you ever had to swing on a chandelier?

Answer cards

  1. Of course, this is just the meaning of my life.
  2. Yes, Mondays are sacred to me.
  3. Yeah, especially when you don't feel like cleaning the house.
  4. Yes, especially when you are too lazy to do homework.
  5. I confess: rarely, but it happens.
  6. This is my main talent!
  7. I've been addicted to this since childhood.
  8. No, but I would love to.
  9. Yes, but only for company.
  10. Yes, but don't tell my parents about it!
  11. Not anymore.
  12. This is the most enjoyable thing in my life.
  13. Yes, and I even had to suffer from it.
  14. This is the dream of my whole life.
  15. And I won't tell you under torture!
  16. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
  17. Of course - I do it all the time.
  18. Of course! But what is it here?
  19. Unless no one sees.
  20. Yes, I'm without complexes.
  21. Always with great pleasure!
  22. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  23. Only if I'm strongly asked to.
  24. Oh yeah! This works great for me!
  25. Damn it! How did you guess it?
  26. Still, I am capable (capable) of everything!
  27. In daylight, not particularly, but in the dark - with pleasure.

The Truth or Dare game is a great way to spend time with a girl and seduce her. During the game, all participants have strong emotions, and communication becomes much more frank. You can play anywhere: at a party, at a party, in a cafe, on a date ... You can do it both together with a girl, and big company. "Truth or Dare" can be unexpectedly offered as a fun option. However, in order for the game to be really interesting, several points should be taken into account. In particular, ask the girl the right questions.

How to play

The rules are simple! One player asks another player a question: Truth or Dare? If the opponent chooses "truth", he is asked a question, which should be answered as honestly as possible. If he chooses "action", the task is given to perform some action that needs to be performed.

Regardless of the choice, this funny game for everyone, and loud laughter will surely begin to be heard in the room 😆 . To keep the game fun, make sure your questions can touch on sensitive topics. They should be provocative, embarrass the other player. However, be careful and make sure that the action you propose will not harm your opponent: everything must be within the law and not cause harm to health.

In this article, you will find great questions for a girl to play Truth or Dare. They will make the girl blush and be embarrassed.

List of questions for a girl in the game "Truth or Dare"

  1. Tell me about the worst date you've ever gone on?
  2. Did you have feelings for your friend's boyfriend?
  3. If you had to kiss a guy from high school/university, who would you choose?
  4. Do you have a choice: do not wash your hair for a whole month or go all day without a bra?
  5. Have you ever asked a guy out on a date? If yes, how was it?
  6. Have you dated a guy who is at least 10 years older than you?
  7. Worst kiss with a guy? How it was?
  8. What size are your breasts?
  9. Do you usually wear thongs or regular underpants?
  10. Do you love yourself in the mirror?
  11. Have you had unrequited love?
  12. What animal can you compare to in bed?
  13. Tell me about something you're still ashamed of?
  14. What turns you on the most?
  15. Ever went on a date and the boyfriend didn't show up?
  16. Do you love the movie "Twilight"?
  17. If you could marry a celebrity, who would it be?
  18. Tell me who you have feelings for this moment? Who do you like?
  19. What hairstyle have you always wanted to do, but never dared to do?
  20. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in front of the person you like?
  21. What part of your body do you like and what do you hate?
  22. If you could change one thing about your body or appearance, what would it be?
  23. Who was your first kiss with? Did you like it?
  24. Would you kiss a guy on a first date? Could you go further?
  25. What are the 5 most attractive guys from the class / group?
  26. How many children do you want to have in the future?
  27. Who do you hate the most?
  28. Ever flirted with your friend's brother?
  29. Jock, nerd or bad guy?
  30. What is the sexiest thing about a man?
  31. Sexiest thing about a girl?
  32. What would you do if you were a guy for a day?
  33. Tell me about your dream job?
  34. You would have to go to desert island. Name five things that you will take with you?
  35. If a young man is shorter than you, will this create obstacles to your relationship?
  36. Best friend says she's in love with your boyfriend. What will you do?
  37. Name one thing you would like to change about me?
  38. You won the trip and you are allowed to take two people with you. Who are they?
  39. What annoys you more about your best friend?
  40. Ever texted the wrong person? What was written there?

These are the questions you can ask a girl in the game "Truth or Dare".

Whatever the setting, do not miss the opportunity to create a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere. Then there will be something to remember. Also, you can create your own questions. The more comfortable the atmosphere in the company or on a date, the more original and cool ideas will come to your mind. Good luck!

Dear and respected friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters, video bloggers, fans of profiles, questions and answers, and just interesting and interested people! I offer you the fifth list of questions for filming tags for YouTube or written answers in LiveJournal. As you know, everything is known in comparison. Here you are invited to compare yourself and someone who is next to you, that is, the video is shot with a girlfriend, friend, or someone else. Sometimes, instead of the wording "Which of you", the more appropriate wording "Which of you" is used in meaning and style. (In general, it is assumed that there should be some degree of comparison in the question, since two people are compared with each other).

  1. Who of you walks more?

  2. Who of you knows English better?

  3. Who of you drink more liquid?

  4. Who of you more dieting?

  5. Who of you sleep more?

  6. Who of you more seriously?

  7. Who of you more afraid of death?

  8. Who of you walks more in heels?

  9. Who of you speaks more on the phone?

  10. Who of you got up early today?

  11. Who of you previously flown by plane?

  12. Who of you sick more often?

  13. Who of you send more valentines?

  14. Who of you wears skirts more?

  15. Who of you bolder?

  16. Who of you reads more?

  17. Who of you cries more often?

  18. Who of you more romantic?

  19. Who of you tried alcohol before?

  20. Who of you loves to swim and swim?

  21. Who of you eat more fish?

  22. Who of you quarrels more often with parents?

  23. Who of you more fun?

  24. Who of you more shy?

  25. Who of you before driving?

  26. Who of you gets more valentines?

  27. Who of you spends more time in the bath (shower)?

  28. Who of you sings better?

  29. Who of you stronger physically?

  30. Who of you spends less money (i.e. more economical)?

  31. Who of you more sensitive to weather changes (more weather sensitive)?

  32. Who of you care more about your health?

  33. Who of you draws better?

  34. Who of you loves winter more?

  35. Who of you funnier?

  36. Who of you less likely to be late?

  37. Who of you happens in nature outside the city?

  38. Who of you more interested in sports?

  39. Which of you better handwriting?

  40. Who of you earned first money?

  41. Who of you more often confused about trifles?

  42. Who of you go to the movies more often?

  43. Which of you incidents and troubles occur more often?

  44. Who of you worse pain tolerance?

  45. Who of you more emotional?

  46. Who of you more secretive?

  47. Which of you more friends in real life?

  48. Who of you change hair more often?

  49. Who of you easier to bear separation from loved ones?

  50. Which of you worse eyesight?

  51. Who of you more likely to slip in winter?

  52. Who of you more interested in politics?

  53. Who of you meaner?

  54. Who of you knows his city better?

  55. Who of you more like rollercoasters?

  56. Who of you runs faster?

  57. Who of you more susceptible to alcohol?

  58. Who of you more religious?

  59. Who of you more open to others?

  60. Which of you more frequent mood swings?

  61. Who of you more sentimental?

  62. Who of you luckier?

  63. Who of you more regrets about what he did?

  64. Who of you worse for smoking?

  65. Who of you loves school more?

  66. Who of you intends to get married before?

  67. Which of you more fillings (and holes) in your teeth?

  68. Who of you go to concerts more often?

  69. Who of you sexier?

  70. Who of you more loved by life and fate?