Educational outdoor games for children. Educational, outdoor games for the child. Physical qualities that develop games

Games that develop strength and endurance


Description: players jump over the rope in various ways - on two legs, on one leg, etc. The one who lasts the longest wins.



Description: hopscotch is drawn on the playground. Players must, jumping on one foot and pushing the bat in front of them, jump from 1st to 10th grade. If the bat flies out of the classics, the player gives way to the next one. The first participant to jump all classes wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk, bit.

magic rope

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. Teams take positions on opposite sides of the center line. At the command of the leader, the players begin to pull the rope, trying to pull the opposing team to their side. Those who succeed win.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Rope, chalk to mark the middle line.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: The game is played in pairs. Players take positions on opposite sides of the center line. The task of the players is to pull the opponent's hands to their side. The player who goes over the line loses.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to draw the middle line on the playground.

Don't drop the bag

We develop coordination of movements, a sense of balance

Description: children put the bag on their heads, spread their arms to the sides. The players walk around the hall to slow music, trying not to drop the bags from their heads. The one who keeps his back straight and does not lower his head does not lose.

It should be noted those who have never dropped the bag.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Small bags of sand or grits.

Relay on all fours

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal of the host, the participants run on all fours to the flag and back. The team whose members complete the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Balloon Relay

Description: participants with a racket and a balloon run to the cube and back, leading Balloon racket, trying not to fall.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Tennis rackets, balloons.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. Each player assumes the following position: he squats, leaning on his hands from behind, and puts the ball between his legs and torso. In this position, at the signal of the leader, he runs to the flag and back. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the place of a turn, a ball.


Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team must have an even number of players. Players stand in pairs: one of the participants - on his hands, the second holds the first by the legs. In this position, the players, at the signal of the host, move around the playing area. The team whose members complete the distance first wins.

Chalk to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the turn.


We develop speed of reaction, agility

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of a step. In the center of the circle is the driver (“dog”). Players in a circle throw the ball to each other, and the "dog" must touch the ball. The player whose “dog” touches the ball stands in a circle, and the former “dog” takes his place.

Materials and visual aids for the game


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams, take a place at the start. The first member of each team pinches the ball between their knees. At the signal of the host, the players begin to jump around the playing field to the flag and back. At the start, they must pass the ball to the next team member. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A ball to indicate the start (finish) line; flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the turn.

Ball racing

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams, take a place at the start. The first members of each team sit on the balls and, at the signal of the host, jump to the flag and back. At the start, they pass the balls to the next participants. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Sports inflatable balls, chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the turn.


Description: The game is played in pairs. A rope is put on the participants of the game, which performs the function of a team. Players are located at the same distance from the center line. At some distance from the players, chairs are placed and bells are placed on them. At the signal of the leader, the players try to pull the opponent to their side. At the same time, they must grab a bell from a chair. Whoever manages to ring the bell first is the winner.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Long rope, midline chalk, 2 chairs, 2 bells.

Children's volleyball

We develop accuracy, coordination of movements

Description: the players are divided into two equal mixed teams. Children and adults throw the ball over the net, trying to get into the hoops lying on the opponent's side. For each hit in the hoop - a point. The team with the most points wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Ball, hoops, volleyball net.

Ram fight

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: 2 people take part in the game. Players sit in a circle on their haunches, stretching their arms forward. The task of the players is to push each other out of the circle by hitting the opponent's palms with their palms. The participant who succeeds wins.

The game can be played in various ways, players can push each other out of the circle:

Resting hands on the shoulders of the enemy;

Resting foreheads;

Resting his chest, clasping his hands behind his back;

Leaning back;

Standing sideways to each other, etc.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to draw a small circle.


Description: Participants are divided into 2 teams. 2 participants from each team stretch the ropes from start to finish. The task of the other players is to cross from the start line to the finish line, standing on skateboards and moving their hands along the rope. The players of the team who complete the distance first win. In the second version of the game, one of the participants of each team is at the finish line and holds one end of the rope. The rest of the players, standing or sitting on skateboards, take the other end of the rope. The player at the finish line starts to pull a friend. The team whose players are sent to the finish line first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Skateboards, long ropes, chalk to mark the start and finish line.

By pebbles

We develop coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm

Description: children are grouped in a column. The leader pronounces the text:

On a flat path The children are walking.

Our feet are walking

One, two, one, two. Children jump on two legs.

Stones, stones...

In the hole - boom! Children sit on their haunches.

Got out of the hole. The children stand up and raise their hands.

Materials and visual aids for the game

If the game takes place in a sports hall, then it is possible musical accompaniment.

Through the stream

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: a stream is drawn on the playground, which gradually expands towards the end. The facilitator starts the game with the words:

Through the field and into the woods

Our stream ran.

It is not narrow, it is not wide,

It's not shallow, it's not deep.

One step, two steps -

We crossed the stream!

Players are invited to step over the stream: first through its narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. At the widest point, the host repeats the verses, replacing the last lines.

One jump, two jump

Let's not get our feet wet!

If the players manage to jump over the stream, they need to be rewarded.

Materials and visual aids for the game


We develop coordination of movements, imagination, dexterity

Description: the children stand in a circle. A leader is selected from among the players, who is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players walk in a circle saying:

We brought gifts for everyone.

Who wants, he will take.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

Then the children stop, and the driver must name one of the listed gifts. If the driver chooses a horse, then the players imitate the movements of the horse, that is, they run one after another in a circle, raising their knees high, if the doll is dancing in place, if the top is spinning in place, and then squatting down, if the plane is running one after another in a circle, raising their arms to the sides, and then they stop and squat down. The driver chooses someone from the circle and changes roles with him.

Relay with hoops

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. The first player of each team receives the hoop. At the signal of the leader, the participants, jumping through the hoop, begin to move to the finish line. The team with all the players who complete the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic hoops, chalk to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the turn.


Description: Players are divided into 2 teams, each with an even number of participants. Pairs of players participate in the relay. They clamp the ball between 2 gymnastic sticks and, trying not to drop it, run to the flag and back. Then they pass the burden to the next pair and so on until all team members have covered the distance. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic sticks, balls, chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to mark the turn.

Relay race "friendship"

Developing agility and physical strength

Description: teams line up in columns of two behind the start line. At the feet of the first couples on the ground lies a hoop. On a signal, the first couples jump into the hoop, lift it up and, holding the hoop with both hands, run to the cube, run around it, and come back. The team that completes the task first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Hoops, cubes.


Developing agility and coordination

Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. The task of each player is to go the distance by hitting the ball on the floor with one hand. The team that does it first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A ball, chalk to indicate the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to indicate the turn.

Ball toss

We develop speed of reaction, coordination of movements

Description: Players line up. The first number throws the ball to the second number, he to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on until the last member in the team, who runs with the ball to the right flank of the line, stands next to the first number and passes the ball to him, etc. The team wins, in which the first number will return to its place faster.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Balls according to the number of teams.

Pole racing

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team player is to ride a skateboard to the flag and back, pushing off the ground with a pole. The team whose players complete the distance faster wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Skateboard, pole, chalk to mark the start and finish lines, flags on a stand or skittles to mark the turn.

Pole put

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: 2 players participate in the game. They are arranged in a circle, each seizing a pole from its own side. The task of each player is to push the opponent out of the circle.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Six, chalk.


Develop physical strength and agility

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. The first player leans forward. The next player jumps over it and also stands up, leaning forward. Then the next player jumps over the two who are standing and also gets up, bending over. As soon as all team members stand at a distance, the first player, who is now the last one, jumps over all those in front and again gets up, bending over. And so on until all players cross the finish line. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to mark the turn.

Get in the trail

We develop dexterity, coordination of movements

Description: the player is standing on the floor. The host outlines his feet with chalk. It is necessary, by jumping up and making a 360 ° turn in the air, to land in the same place.

Materials and visual aids for the game


We develop coordination of movements, agility

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. On the leader's signal, the first player runs the distance. When he returns to the team, the next player clings to him, and they run the distance together. The action is repeated until all members of the team run the distance, grappling into a train. The team that completes the task first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or skittles to mark the turn.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Multiple teams can take part in the game. On the playground, a start line is drawn (it is also a finish line). Bells for each team are attached to the upper crossbar of the Swedish wall. At the leader's signal, the players run to the wall, climb up and ring the bell. The team that completes the task first is the winner.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic wall, bells, chalk.

Ball pushers

We develop physical strength and eye

Description: The game is played on a sports field. The task of each player is to push the ball as far as possible. During the game, the leader marks on the court the place where the ball fell for each player. When all the players have finished throwing the ball, the results can be summed up.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Medicine ball, chalk.

Relay race with yoke

We develop physical strength and coordination of movements

Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. Turntables are placed on the playground, which players have to run around. On a signal from the leader, the players begin to move along the distance.

They carry a yoke on their shoulders - a gymnastic stick with buckets filled with tennis balls, trying not to drop it. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic stick, small plastic buckets filled with tennis balls, turntables at least 1.5 m high, chalk to mark the start (finish) line.

long jump

Develop physical strength and agility

Description: standing on the gymnastic bench and grabbing the rope, taken to the extreme point, the participant flies to the opposite point and lands on the mats. The one who lands furthest wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic bench, rope, mats.

Flexibility Games

Passing the ball

Develop flexibility and agility

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a step distance from each other. The task of the participants is to pass the ball to the player standing behind them over their heads. The team that does it faster wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Snake passing the ball

We develop flexibility

Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a step distance from each other. The task of the participants is to pass the ball to the person standing behind, with one of the players passing the ball over their heads, and the other between the legs. The team that does it faster wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Relay "tunnel of hoops"

We develop flexibility

Description: players are divided into 2 teams. Some of the team members hold the hoops, forming a tunnel, the other part, at the signal of the leader, runs through the tunnel. Then the participants change places. The team that completes the task first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic hoops.


We develop flexibility

Description: children crawl on their stomachs, moving their right arm and left leg at the same time, then the left arm and right leg. "Turtles" crawl around the area under the stretched ropes, trying not to hurt them. The player who touches the rope is considered to be caught in a "trap" and is out of the game.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Racks, ropes.

Relay race with a gymnastic stick

We develop flexibility

Description: The players are divided into 2 teams. They are arranged in columns at a step distance from each other. The first player, at the signal of the leader, steps over the gymnastic stick, which he holds in his hands, then passes it to the next player. The team that completes the task first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic sticks.

Football crayfish

We develop flexibility

Description: two arcs are placed on the site - these are the gates (without goalkeepers). The players are divided into two teams. During the game, they move based on their feet in front and on their hands behind their backs. Players must kick the ball into their opponents' goal. You can't play with your hands. The time in crayfish football is 3 minutes.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Two arcs, a ball.

circus performers

Description: any number of people can participate in the game. At the signal of the leader, the participants begin to twist the hoops at the waist. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Gymnastic hoops.

flying ball

We develop flexibility

Description: Players stand in a circle and start throwing the ball to each other. Their task is to keep the ball from falling as long as possible. Players must not move or even take their feet off the floor. Whoever drops the ball is out of the game.

Materials and visual aids for the game


Description: it is necessary to mark the playing field - a square divided into 16 parts. Players can take forfeits. A leader is selected from among the players, who, with the help of phantoms, determines the participant, and with the help of a turntable, the numbers of squares in which the participant must place his arms and legs. All players are placed on the playing field. The task of each player is to stay on the field in an uncomfortable position for as long as possible. The one who was able to resist the longest changes with the leading roles.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk, pinwheel with numbers from 1 to 16.


We develop flexibility

Description: a driver is chosen from among the players. All players stand in a circle, and the driver turns away. At this time, the players get confused without opening their hands. The task of the driver is to unravel the confusion.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Musical accompaniment.


We develop flexibility

Description: 2 teams participate in the game. Skittles are placed on the playing field, which will have to go around crawling players. At the leader's signal, the players lie down on the floor and crawl along the distance, trying not to knock down the pins. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags on the stand to indicate the place of the turn, skittles.

Children love to run, jump, compete.

Outdoor games develop not only dexterity, endurance, reaction speed, but also many of the games we offer develop attention, logical thinking, and the ability to quickly switch.

Swan geese

The game develops reaction and endurance of your child.

On one side of the site, a line is drawn that separates the "goose". In the middle of the site, 4 benches are placed, forming a road 2-3 meters wide. On the other side of the site, 2 benches are placed - this is a "mountain". All players are in the "goose house" - "geese". Behind the mountain, a circle “lair” is outlined, in which 2 “wolves” are placed.

On a signal - “Geese-swans, in the field”, “geese” go to the “field” and walk there. At the signal “Geese-swans home, the wolf behind the distant mountain”, the “geese” run to the benches in the “goose house”. Because of the "mountain" the "wolves" run out and catch up with the "geese".

Players who are never caught win.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street


In order to better remember the names, in order to train attention and the ability to quickly switch from one task to another, you can play such a game in a company of up to 15 people.

The host invites the guys for a certain amount of time (for 10, 15 or 20 seconds) to change places like this:

- so that all names are arranged alphabetically;

- so that everyone stands by the color of their hair (brunets on the left, blondes on the right);

- so that everyone stands in height (left - small, right - large).

Note. These exercises can be even more fun if there are wide benches, sofas, or very stable sturdy chairs. Then the guys must complete the tasks, standing on the benches, and cross without stepping on the floor.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination

Number of players: 5 or more

Place of play: indoor

Hurry up to pick up

With this game you can have fun in a team.

A participant with a volleyball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. Behind the player are 8 tennis (rubber) balls.

On a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while he is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball.

The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attention, coordination, agility, reaction

Number of players: 2

Place of play: street

Items needed: balls

Cones, acorns, nuts

A mobile game that children really like.

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle.

The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place.

If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction Number of players: 7 or more

Place of play: street

Birds, fleas, spiders

The group is divided into two teams. Each team, secretly from the other, decides who it will be - "birds", "spiders" or "fleas". Two teams stand in a line in the center of the hall, face each other with a gesture denoting the chosen animal.

Spiders run away from birds, fleas from spiders, birds from fleas. The one who did not have time to reach the opposite wall goes to another team.

Age: from six years old

Purpose of the game: relaxation, concentration

Number of players: 10 - 30

Place of play: spacious safe room


This is an interesting game that develops dexterity, accuracy and coordination. Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has a ball. Those outside the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend to make a throw.

The leader runs around dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, dexterity, accuracy, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

Give me your hand

Before the game, children choose a territory beyond which they cannot run out.

One leader is selected - a tag, the rest of the players freely move around the site.

Salka begins to catch players who run away from him, with the children eager to join hands with the closest player.

Hand in hand, they stop facing each other. In this case, the tag does not have the right to tag them.

If the tag caught up with a single player, they switch roles.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: alertness, endurance, agility, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

Jumpers - sparrows

Great children's game. First, a circle is drawn on the asphalt with chalk.

In the center of the circle is the leader - the "crow". Behind the circle are all the players who are "sparrows".

They jump into the circle and jump inside it. Then they also jump out of it.

The "crow" tries to catch the "sparrow" when it jumps inside the circle.

If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

british bulldog

Playing affects the stamina and reaction of the child.

Children assign two catchers ("bulldogs"). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the "bulldogs" all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the "bulldogs".

The game continues until all the runners turn into bulldogs.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: endurance, reaction, strength

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

homeless hare

Interesting game for younger kids school age. A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players are hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside.

The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape the hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because he becomes homeless, and the hunter will hunt him. As soon as the hunter catches the hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, endurance, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

White bears

Polar bears is an outdoor collective game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.

On the edge of the site, which is the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe, on which the driver stands - the "polar bear". The rest of the "bears" are randomly placed throughout the site.

"Bear" growls: "I'm going out to catch!" - and runs to catch "bear cubs". Having caught one "bear cub", he takes him to the ice floe, then catches another.

Two caught "bear cubs" join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. Having caught someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one finds himself between the hands, and shout: “Bear, help!”.

"Bear" runs up, taunts the one he has caught and takes him to the ice floe.

The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the cubs.

When all the "bears" are caught, the game ends.

The last player caught wins and becomes the polar bear.

Note. The caught "bear cub" cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding it until the "bear" has taunted it. When catching, it is forbidden to grab the players by the clothes, and those who run away run out of the boundaries of the site.

Age: from six years old

Game development t: dexterity, reaction, fantasy

Number of players: 7 or more

Three, Thirteen, Thirty

Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops the attention and quick reaction of children well. It can be used at school for physical education minutes for elementary school students.

The participants in the game stipulate in advance: which of the numbers - which action means. Players are built in a line at a distance of arms extended to the sides.

If the driver (teacher) says "three" - all players should raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on their belts, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements). Players must quickly execute the appropriate moves.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction

Number of players: 7 or more

The mobile game is not only entertainment. This is an important part of a child's development. This article lists the most popular and interesting outdoor games for a child.

All children love outdoor games. This is a way to have fun and "throw" energy in the "right direction". For children, games for distillation, ball games, cycling, skipping rope and other paraphernalia will be incredibly useful.

As a rule, children are always immersed in an exciting activity with interest and are always happy to play games that their parents, educators, teachers and friends arrange. Outdoor games can make children friendly and joyful. They are better than nothing to develop collective thinking and exercise in sports terms.

Mobile game develops the child

The new generation of children is growing up in very unfavorable conditions:

  • computer addiction
  • malnutrition, oversaturated with fats and carbohydrates
  • lack of physical activity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • stress and nervous tension
  • lack of attention from parents

All these factors negatively affect a small person, blocking his full development and worsening health. An ordinary outdoor game, which will be informative, active and interesting, can improve the quality of a child’s life.

Active movements have a positive effect on the development of the child. In addition, they are able to shape the personality of the baby from an early age. You can see how regular participation in games helps:

  • train perseverance
  • help children develop the ability to concentrate
  • develop speed response
  • cultivate perseverance and patience

It is interesting to know that the skills acquired in childhood during the game remain with a person throughout his life. If you exercise them regularly, they will not disappear anywhere, but on the contrary, they will become more refined and harmonious.

The role of the game in the physical development and upbringing of the child

The role of the game in the physical development of the child is simply undeniable. This is an important element not only of education, but also of personality formation. We can say with confidence that the child never gets tired of the game, he can only be bored with its monotony. After all, for children, the game is a leading activity in which they are able to open up and express emotions as much as possible.

In addition to physical education, the game gives:

  • mental development - the ability to think, analyze, calculate
  • moral development - the formation of personality and character of a person
  • aesthetic development - awareness of the beauty of things
  • social development - the ability to establish contacts in society

mobile games for fresh air

In fact, the game is probably the only child's labor, and the child undertakes its action without coercion. In the game, the child is able to express himself from all sides. show all the qualities that we appreciate in an adult. During even the simplest play, the child learns to live and adapt to life.

It is noticed that it is during the game that the child is most easily amenable to learning. It does not matter in what form the lesson is presented to him: verbally or non-verbally.

In the game, the child learns to evaluate the current situation. This skill will be especially useful to him in his adult life, making important decisions. Only in the game can you make it clear to the baby how necessary the cooperation and help of others. How important it is sometimes to be able to restrain yourself and show respect for other participants in the game.

Play is a way to hide negative and negative emotions and express only benevolent feelings in return. Yes, and it is impossible to imagine another activity that can bring so much joy to the child and bring benefits for a full-fledged healthy lifestyle. Games are useful at any age, both in nursery and high school. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the child and the older the participants, the deeper the game should be immersed in the social meaning.

outdoor games indoors

You are free to combine several types of activities in the game, the main thing is not to overdo it with excessive psychological stress on the child.

Follow some rules:

  • the game in no case should in any way disturb the mental balance of the child
  • try not to change your main activities very drastically
  • do not stop the game abruptly, it injures the child's psyche

10 outdoor games for kids of all ages

There is no such child who would not love to run and jump, frolic and have fun, laugh and do fun tasks. There are a number of notorious children who, for various reasons, are embarrassed to do this, but nevertheless they are also delighted with interesting games. Outdoor games should always be trained in a child:

  • dexterous skills
  • endurance
  • fast response
  • instant response
  • logic
  • Attention
  • the ability to quickly switch consciousness and thinking

outdoor games for children of all ages

Mobile collective game "Geese-swans"

This is a popular and very famous game. existing for more than a decade. the game is good because it is able to develop an instant reaction in children and carefully train the endurance of each participant. It is perfect for children over the age of six who are able to distinguish commands and respond quickly.

Rules of the game:

  • divide the zone into three sections: goose house, field and mountains - this is a prerequisite for the game
  • divide all the participants in the game (x can be about twenty or even more) into "geese" and "wolves"
  • explain commands to all participants to avoid misunderstandings

Place all participants by territory:

  • "goose house" - the habitat of those children who embody geese
  • "field" - a place where geese graze and fly
  • "mountains" - the habitat of wolves

teams for the game "geese-swans"
  • On a clear command “geese-swans fly”, all children performing this role fly out of the “goose-house” to the pasture and fly there, flapping their wings and having fun
  • On the command “wolves”, the geese and swans must go home, and the wolves at that time try to grab at least one goose participant
  • The team that remains uncaptured by the wolves wins.

In addition to endurance, this entertainment trains in children the coordination of all their movements, the dexterity of movements and teaches them to think correctly when planning their actions.

An outdoor game with a rope "Fishing rod"

This is very fun game that all kids love. For her, there is no time of year, no age restrictions. This fun teaches children to be hardy and precisely coordinate their every movement. The advantage of the game is that it can be played both outdoors and indoors and an unlimited number of children can be involved in this.

Rules of the game:

  • to play it is necessary to have a jump rope or a long rope with a weight at the end
  • there is one leader in the game - spinning the rope, and all the rest are participants
  • the host determines what the nature of the game will be: competitive (that is, knockout) or entertaining

mobile game "rod"

Children form a circle. One participant becomes in the center of the circle, who leads the rope on the ground. His task is to rotate the rope in a circular motion. The rest of the children should jump at the moment when the rope touches their feet. To do this, the leader must clearly predetermine the boundaries of the territory and forbid the rest of the participants to go beyond them.

If the tip of the rope hits the legs of a participant who did not have time or could not jump, he is considered a loser. There are two differences here:

  • AT competitive game, each participant drops out of the circle gradually until the number of participants reduces them to one person
  • In an entertaining game, the leader’s place is taken by a person whose legs were hit by a jump rope, and so the game continues until it gets boring.

The game trains such important qualities as: endurance, collectivity, quick reaction, and also gives children a little physical activity.

Entertaining game "Chairs" in nature and indoors

This game is as old as the world. Adults often play it at various events, but it got its start in kindergarten. The game well brings up in children the ability to react quickly, to be attentive to commands and others, to deftly perform movements. Unfortunately, this is not a crowded game and the optimal number of participants in it is about ten people.

outdoor chair game
  • Each participant must have their own chair. All chairs (or stools) are placed in the center or in a circle
  • One more participant is added to the total number of participants - without a chair
  • All participants stand in a circle framing a circle of chairs.
  • The task of the participants, at the command of an outside leader, is to move in a circle. It can be musical accompaniment and dancing, or maybe a “chaos” team, where each child rushes about and moves around as he pleases.
  • When the “chairs” command sounds or the music stops, everyone should sit on the chairs. There is not enough space for one person, he drops out taking a chair with him
  • the game continues until the last chair. The winner is the one who managed to sit down

Such a game is most suitable for a room where you can always find musical accompaniment and a large number of chairs.

Entertaining game in nature "The most flexible"

This game is very interesting for older children. She trains in the child the ability to adapt to the conditions, the ability to arch the body and coordinate all their movements. It should be carried out in nature, where you can find two trees growing side by side. Between them you should pull any rope, rope or elastic band.

Each player must pass under the given rope. An unlimited number of children are allowed to participate here. The complexity of the game is that each time, after passing the last participant, the rope drops by twenty centimeters. And sometimes it is simply impossible to pass under it without a strong bending back.

the most flexible game

You can diversify the game by adding musical accompaniment while bending under the rope, and complicate it by adding a few more ropes in different directions. The participant is eliminated only when he touches any side of the rope.

The game "the most flexible" contributes to the development of coordination of each of their movements and the ability to show dexterity in difficult situations.

Game for holding on the street "Traffic light"

This game is one of the most popular in kindergartens and schools. It is often held in health camps to attract and somehow interest children. Its essence is very simple:

  • An unlimited number of children can participate in the game
  • The leader performs the role of the so-called "traffic light". He must clearly define the boundaries of the game and show them to each participant.
  • The territory intended for the game is divided into two halves. All participants gather on one side
  • "Traffic light" stands exactly on the border of the two halves and turns its back to the participants
  • The task of the “traffic light” is to name one of the colors and turn sharply towards the participants
  • Each participant carefully examines his clothes for the estate of this color, and if he has it, this is a ticket directly to the opposite side
  • The rest of the participants who do not have this color must try by all means to get to the other half.
  • A "traffic light" tries to catch someone and if it succeeds, the caught player is either out or becomes the new "traffic light"

traffic light game

The game teaches children to react quickly to circumstances and requires the ability to quickly make decisions, as well as dexterity.

Entertaining game "Hunters" for children

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors. An unlimited number of children can participate. different ages. The peculiarity of the game is its main attribute - the card. Before the start of the game, the host lists all the participants and writes down the name of each on a separate card. The cards are shuffled and given to the children to draw.

To make the game fun and interesting, a prerequisite is the complete acquaintance of children with each other. Only then will they be able to respond properly. All children need to be explained that they are hunters. The task of the hunter is to catch the “game”. The game is the participant whose name is written on the card.

game "hunters" in nature

During the first play of the game, the children will not yet know that each of them is both a hunter and a game. All children gather in one area, it is advisable to turn on the music at this time so that they can dance. All this time, each hunter closely and imperceptibly watches his game. When the music ends, the hunters grab the game. What will be the surprise and joy of all the participants when they all grab each other together and the game ends with friendly hugs!

The game organizes children together into one friendly team, teaching them how to communicate and how to interact with each other, training dexterity and quick reaction.

Outdoor ball game "Hot Potato"

This is a very simple and understandable game for everyone. It requires an unlimited number of participants and one ball, which will embody a hot potato. Why hot potatoes? - The task of children is to pass the ball to each other with lightning speed so as not to “burn themselves”.

  • All participants should line up together in one big circle.
  • The ball is passed with quick movements from participant to participant
  • All this time, the transfer of the ball can be accompanied by cheerful music.
  • When the music stops or the host says the simple phrase “stop”. the participant whose ball is delayed is eliminated
  • The game continues until there is only one player left - the winner.

hot potato game

The game teaches children to quickly respond to commands, coordinate their movements, show dexterity, ingenuity.

Mobile game for children "The sea is worried"

Children love this game very much and it can be successfully played both outdoors and indoors. It allows children to develop motor coordination, develop aesthetic skills and train flexibility.

  • Children are divided into participants - "sea figures" and the leader
  • The facilitator turns his back to the rest of the participants and reads the words:
    "The sea is worried - once,
    The sea is worried - two,
    The sea is worried - three,
    Marine figure freeze in place!
  • While reading the leading words, all children perform dancing movements and, after finishing, take any form
  • The host evaluates the beauty of the figures and walks between them
  • The loser is the participant who moves or laughs while the leader walks between the figures
  • Showing the same figure multiple times is not allowed.

the game "the sea is worried"

The mobile game "Cat and Mouse" for children of any age

This game is very popular in kindergartens and primary school. This is active entertainment for children of all ages. An unlimited number of children can take part in the game. They all become in a circle, having previously determined one in the role of a “cat” and one more in the role of a “mouse”.

  • All children form a circle and hold hands, as in a round dance
  • The mouse should be outside the circle, and the cat should be inside
  • The task of the cat is to catch the mouse, and the task of the circle is not to let it be done.
  • It is the fact that the children hold hands that does not allow the cat to penetrate into the center of the circle, they try to interfere in all ways
  • At this time, the movements of the mouse are not limited and it can freely move both in the circle and outside it.
  • When the cat finally catches the mouse, the mouse assumes the role of the cat, and all other participants choose the mouse
outdoor cat and mouse game

The game teaches children to react quickly, be smart and coordinate their movements, plus it teaches children to communicate with each other.

Entertaining mobile game "ink and pen"

This game involves a large number of children to play. All of them are divided into two teams of equal numbers, which are placed at a good distance from each other. They all line up and hold hands.

  • One of the commands reads the words:
    “Black ink, white pen.
    Give us ... (child's name) and no one else "
  • After these words, the named child scatters and runs through the closed hands of the team.
  • If he manages to break the chain, he takes one of the participants whom he touched and takes him to his team
  • If he fails to break the chain, he stays on the opposing team
  • The game continues until there is only one player left on one of the teams.

black ink white pen game

The game teaches children to communicate in a team, to be one and coordinate their movements with precision.

Video: "Outdoor games for children"

Aigul Kamalova
The role and importance of outdoor play in the development of preschoolers

Game is a kind of activity of the child, which represents consciousness

telnoe, proactive activities aimed at achieving the

a fishing target voluntarily set by the player. The game satisfies

the physical and spiritual needs of the child are ventilated, it forms-

sya his mind, volitional qualities. The only form of activity of the child

ka is a game that in all cases corresponds to its organization.

In the game, the child seeks and often finds "work site" for re-

the development of his moral and physical qualities, his body requires

output in activities corresponding to its internal state.

Through the game, you can influence the children's team, excluding direct

my pressure, punishment, excessive nervousness at work. But at the same

time the game cannot serve as a learning tool preschoolers more

complex movements in coordination, requiring a certain clear

technique, increased concentration of attention, additional volitional

For juniors preschoolers outdoor games are vital

need. With their help, a wide variety of tasks are solved.

chi: educational, educational, health-improving. During games

favorable conditions are created for development and improvement

motor skills of children, the formation of moral qualities, as well as habits

check and team life skills.

The main tasks of physical education are to strengthen

health promotion, promotion of proper development, student learning

vital motor skills development of physical,

volitional and moral qualities.

Physical development is a process of change, as well as the set

morphological and functional properties of the organism.

The game creates a positive emotional background against which everyone

mental processes are most active. The use of

new techniques and methods, their sequence and interrelation will be

contribute to the physical education of children.

The object of research is the process of physical development of children

game activity.

Subject of study - influence outdoor games for the physical

child development.

The purpose of the study is to develop and prove the effectiveness of sub-

visual games for the physical child development.

Research objectives:

1) to study scientific, scientific-methodical and special literature

2) to characterize the current state of the application of gaming

activities in child development;

3) develop a complex outdoor games, contributing to pro-

active child development;

4) reveal the importance of outdoor games in the development of children.

Research hypothesis: the use of a special complex under-

visual games have a positive effect on the process child development.

Outdoor games- means of physical education of children. They are

give the opportunity develop and improve their movements. Miscellaneous

different movements require the active activity of large and small

muscles, promote better metabolism, blood circulation, respiration

niyu, that is, an increase in the vital activity of the body. Big influence

outdoor games also have on neuropsychiatric development of re-

bank, the formation of important personality traits. They evoke positive

body emotions, develop inhibitory processes: in progress games for children

you have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from moving

living with others. In these games the will develops, ingenuity, sme-

speed, speed of reactions, etc.

Joint actions in games bring children together, give them pleasure

the joy of overcoming adversity and achieving success. source

mobile games with rules are folk games, for which

racterns are the brightness of the idea, richness, simplicity and entertaining

compound. In the kindergarten education program for each age

groups of children are provided outdoor games, in which develop

movements of various kinds: running, jumping, climbing, etc.

Games selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their

opportunities to perform certain movements, observe game

regulations. Rules in mobile the game perform the organizing role:

they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationship

niya playing, the behavior of each child. The rules oblige

find purpose and meaning games; children should be able to use them in different


AT junior groups the teacher explains the content and rules

along the way games, in seniors - before the start. Organize outdoor games

are indoors and on a walk with a small number of children or from all over

group. They are also part of physical education. After

once children have mastered the game, they can play it on their own. Guide-

dstvo mobile games with rules is as follows. Under-

taking mobile game, the educator takes into account compliance with the required

its nature of motor activity, accessibility game rules and

all the children wailed, performing all the required game movements, but not to

letting go of excess motor activity which can cause them

overexcitement and fatigue.

Senior preschoolers must be taught to play mobile

games on your own. For this you need develop they have an interest in

games, provide an opportunity to organize them for a walk, in part

leisure activities, holidays, etc.

So, mobile the game is one of the important means of a comprehensive

parenting preschool age . Its characteristic feature is

the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the personality

banka: in the game, physical, mental,

moral, aesthetic and labor education.

The need to develop this topic is due to the fact that

change to fascinating collective games computer came.

Priority becomes intellectual, aesthetic development of re-

bank. Not denying them significance, it must be admitted that the child is getting smaller

less time left for outdoor games, walks, communication with peers

nicknames. Imbalance between play and other types of nursery

activities, between different types games ( moving and calm,

individual and joint) negatively affects both the co-

standing health, and at the level development motor abilities


Analysis of research related issues motor development

abilities and qualities of children (E. N. Vavilova, N. A. Notkina, Yu. K. Cher-

nyshenko, indicates that about 40% of senior preschoolers

have a level development below average motor skills.

Insufficient physical activity of children, especially during active

growth when accelerated development skeleton and muscle mass

reinforced by appropriate training of the circulatory systems and

breathing, is one of the reasons for the deterioration of children's health,


Thus, the search for ways of physical and spiritual

recovery preschoolers, effective means engine development

noah sphere of the child, development interest in movement based on life

the need to be agile, strong, courageous. Solution to this problem

we see in the creation of a set of socio-pedagogical conditions,

providing a holistic educational process, harmonious fi-

physical and personal child development.

Interesting games for the development of children. Games are aimed at developing: communication skills, emancipation, motor skills of hands, memory, mindfulness of thinking. Games for kindergarten and schools.

Fight for the ball

For the game choose a flat area. Draw circles with a diameter of about 1 meter. These circles should be located at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other.

Choose 3 - 4 drivers who stand between the circles. All other players take places in circles and begin to throw the ball to each other. The task of the drivers is to catch this ball. If they succeed, they shout: "Change!" Players must change places. Drivers try to occupy the vacated circles. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver next time. The winner is the one who has never been a driver for the entire time of the game.

A few mandatory rules:

1. Players cannot leave circles, and drivers cannot enter circles.

2. The ball can be passed in a variety of ways.

3. After the command: "Change!" no one can stay in their circles.

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

Game Mobility: Movable

Siamese twins

Siamese Twins is a game for introverted kids who want to fix that.

The purpose of the game: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote the emergence of trust between them.

Participants are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand side by side with each other and hug each other by the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only the right hand free, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the Siamese twin.

The facilitator gives a task, and the "Siamese twin" must complete this task (for example, tie shoelaces, cut out a circle from paper, comb your hair).

Age of players: from six years old

The game develops: communication skills, fluency

Number of players: 4 or more.

Broken fax

This children's game resembles a broken phone, but unlike that game, it develops children's sense of touch rather than hearing.

Players sit down one after another and look at the back of each other's heads. The first and last player is given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the exact same figure with his finger on the back of the neighbor in front.

Each next player draws on the back of the person sitting in front of what he felt on his back.

The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back.

After all, they compare the received pictures and have fun.

The last player goes to the beginning of the column and the game starts again.

Age of players: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, hand motor skills, memory

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 4 or more

Items needed: paper, pencil

Copy of the monument

A copy of the monument is a game that develops mindfulness in children and adolescents, helps to overcome shyness.

The game is suitable for children of primary and senior school age for holding on holidays.

Also suitable for adults for parties.

Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room

and blindfolded, the second (monument) at this time should take some interesting pose and freeze in it. Enter the player-copier blindfolded.

Without removing the bandage, he must determine the position of the monument by touch and take exactly the same. As soon as the copier has taken a pose, the blindfold is removed from the eyes. Everyone compares the original of the monument and what happened with the copyist.

The copyist becomes a monument, and someone from those present is chosen to replace the copyist

Notes. The game has no losers or winners.

Age of players: from six years to fifteen years

The game develops: mindfulness, sense organs, emancipation

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: indoor

Items needed: bandage


With the help of this game, it is good to give a child a hidden surprise / gift, because the child’s interest in the gift increases in the process of searching (just like a delicious smell from the kitchen increases appetite before dinner).

A surprise / gift is hidden from the child in advance. He must find it at the prompts of the presenter:

Completely frozen - it means that the surprise is very far away and the child is looking in the wrong direction. Cold - it means that the child is looking in the wrong place.

Again winter-winter has come - it means that the child is going in the wrong direction, after the right direction.

Already warmer means that the child has turned in the right direction

Warmer means that the child continues to walk / search in the right direction

Hot - the child is already close to a surprise

It's hot - baby close, close to surprise

Quite a fire! - the child is a few centimeters from his gift

The child is looking for a hidden surprise, according to the facilitator's tips described above.

The child enjoys the found gift. It is obvious that the gift found is the reward for the child.

Notes. If the child is not one, but there are several of them, then all the children are engaged in the search at once. For this occasion, the gift must be appropriate!

Age of players: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, thinking

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 2 or more

snow duel

Snow duel is almost a real duel, but on snowballs. The game well develops the coordination of movements and the reaction of playing children.

The game follows the rules of the duel, but with some changes. Namely:

The duel takes place not on pistols, but on snowballs, you can dodge hits and no one kills anyone. The maximum that you can get is a bruise under the eye and a slight concussion.

Two players stand 10 meters apart. Each duelist draws a 1 meter circle around him - within this circle he can dodge the opponent's snowball.

After the prearranged signal, the first duelist throws a snowball at the opponent. After that, the second duelist throws a snowball at the first.

If one duelist hit and the other missed, then the hit one is considered to have won the duel.

If both miss or hit, the duel is replayed.

A duelist who is being "shooted" can dodge a snowball within the circle outlined around him.

If there are other players, then new player becomes the loser and everything starts all over again.

Notes. To reduce the chance of injury, aim for the torso rather than the head. Also, do not make icy or very strong snowballs.

Age of players: from six years old

The game develops: coordination, reaction

Mobility of the game: sedentary

Number of players: 2 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: snow

Marine figures

For this game, you need to choose one driver. The rest of the players are at some distance from him. The driver says: “The sea is worried - one, The sea is worried - two, The sea is worried - three, Sea figure, freeze on the spot!” After these words, all participants in the game should freeze in place, depicting some kind of motionless marine figure, for example, a fish, crab, seahorse or other inhabitants of the seas and oceans. The driver approaches a player and taunts him. The player must show how the figure depicted by him moves. For example, a fish swims, a crab crawls, a frog jumps. The rest of the participants must guess who the player is portraying.

Next time, the driver can choose the participant in the game who depicted the most mysterious marine figure, that is, one that no one could guess. Or, on the contrary, you can choose the leader of the one who depicted the simplest figure that everyone immediately recognized.

Age of players: from six years old

Place of play: street, indoor

Mobility of the game: sedentary


Participants are divided into two equal teams. The players of each team line up in a chain, join hands and disperse so that the distance between the chains is approximately 7-8 meters. Teams agree in advance who will start the game.

The team that starts the game (the first one), without disengaging its hands, goes towards the opponents (the second team) and shouts: “The chains, the chains are forged, Who are you not loosened by?”

After that, she returns to her seat. Opponents, after conferring, call the name of one of the players of the first team. This player runs and runs with all his might into the chain of the second team, trying to break it.

If the chain can be broken, then the player who did this takes the one to his right to his team. In this case, the first team retains the right to break the chain.

If he fails to break the chain, he gets into the opponent's chain. The right to break the chain passes to the second team.

The game continues until one of the teams has only one player left. Or the team with the most players after a certain amount of time wins.

There is a game similar to this - Ali Baba. Its essence is the same as in "Chains", only the players shout different words. One of the teams starts the game with the words: "Ali Baba!" The second team answers in chorus: “About what, servant?” The first team speaks again, naming the name of one of the players of the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha here for us!”

Mobility of the game: mobile.


This is an old and beloved Russian game. It needs a large playground, a ball and a lapta (bat or board). Two lines are drawn on the site. Behind one of them is a “house”, behind the other is a “city”, and between them is a “field”.

The players are divided into two teams. The teams disperse: one goes to the “field”, and the other goes beyond the “city” line. One player from the “city” team hits the ball with a bast shoe, runs to the “house” and runs back to his place.

The selected players of the "field" try to intercept the ball and knock them down on the runner. If the player of the "city" understands that he will not have time to run to the "house" without being tagged, he can stop, and then run to the "city" together with the next player of his team. If the player managed to run across to the “home” and return to the “city” without being tagged, the team gets a point. If the ball is caught by a field player on the fly, or if a city player is tagged while running, the city team receives a penalty point.

The game takes place in two stages of 20 minutes each. At the end of each period, the teams change places.

Then the points are counted, and the winner is determined by their number.

Age of players: from ten years old

Place of play: street, spacious room

Items needed: ball, bast shoes

Game Mobility: Movable

sea ​​king

This game should be played on the shore, near the water. Choose one leader. He will be the "king of the sea".

The "sea king" lives in the water, and the rest of the participants go swimming and tease him. He must catch up and knock down one of the players. The “sea king” cannot go ashore.

If the "sea king" knocks down one of the players, then the next time the driver, that is, the "sea king", will be another player.

Age of players: from ten years old

Place of the game: shore of the reservoir

Game Mobility: Movable

live target

You need a flat area and pre-prepared snowballs. In addition, a sufficient number of players is required so that they can be divided into two teams. The essence of the game is to cross the area under the enemy's snowball fire and dodge the blows at the same time.

On the snow, a large rectangle 20 meters long is drawn on the site. One team, which has to run, stands at the start line (in front of the transverse side of the rectangle), and the other, which will fire, along the site.

The first player of the “defectors” starts off and rushes along the site to its opposite border. At this time, the players of the second team must throw snowballs at him, trying to hit him. The running player can wag, dodge, and dodge, but move mostly in a straight line. If he runs unscathed, his team gets a point. And if he gets hit with a snowball, he is out of the game.

As soon as the first player runs, the second one takes off, and so on. When the whole team has covered the distance, points are counted, and the runners become attackers.

The team that scores the most points wins.

Age of players: from ten years old

Place of play: street

Items needed: snow

Game Mobility: Movable

Cossack robbers

The participants of the game should be divided into two teams: the team of "robbers" and the team of "Cossacks". The "Cossacks" find a place for the captured "robbers" - a "dungeon", while the "robbers" hide in the meantime.

Then the "Cossacks" begin to search, and the "robber" must be caught up and touched. The "robber" who was taken prisoner has no right to run away. All prisoners are in the "dungeon", they are guarded by the "Cossack". "Robbers" can release a comrade from the "dungeon", but for this they must touch the "prisoner". And if he does not have time to run away immediately, the “Cossack” watchman can catch him again. The "Cossack" can also catch the "robber" who came to the rescue.

The game is considered over when all the "robbers" are in the "dungeon". Then the game can be started again, and the participants can switch roles.

Age of players: from ten years old

Place of play: street

Items needed: crayons

Game Mobility: Movable


A large circle is drawn on a flat area. Two players enter it and kneel in front of each other, each has a handkerchief or scarf - “tail” attached to the back of his belt. The task of the players is, without getting up from their knees, to approach the enemy from behind and grab the handkerchief with their teeth. You can't help yourself with your hands.

Age of players: from eight years old

Things needed: two scarves; something with which to draw or mark a circle

Place of play: any

Mobility of the game: sedentary


The participants of the game stand in a circle. Selected by lot or with the help of a counting rhyme, the driver enters the circle. The players pass the ball to each other so that the driver does not get it. That player, through whose fault the ball is caught, becomes the next driver.

This game has some rules.

1. You can not keep the ball in your hands for a long time.

2. You can pass the ball in different ways: throw it through the air, roll it on the ground, hit it off the ground. You can agree in advance and choose only one way to pass the ball.

3. Players are allowed to make fake moves, false passes, throws, turns, etc.

4. Any player, including the driver, can intercept the ball that has flown out of the circle.

If desired, the game can be somewhat complicated. For example, to agree that during the game everyone moves in a circle to the right or left, or all those who missed the ball join the leader and also try to take possession of the ball.

This game is similar to the dog game.

Age of players: from eight years old

Place of play: street

Items needed: crayons

Game Mobility: Movable