Children's game tag. Cheerful sports game "Fifteen. Rules of the game "Turkish Fifteen"

wind breeze

(round dance game-fifteen)

The wind in the park turns the leaves,

(Children run in a circle, hands on their belts. In the center of the circle is a “wind” child.)

Circling in the sky, circling in puddles,

(Whirl around in place.)

He throws them at our feet,

(They run around again.)

Under our feet, on the paths.

Come on, breeze, breeze

(They run up after the word "leaf".)

Stain the sheet quickly!

(“The wind” tries to stain as many “leaves” as possible. Children try to run away under the fungus or onto the veranda, where it is no longer possible to stain.)


(round dance game-fifteen)

The rain jumps loudly through the puddles,

(Children move in a circle in leaps, hands on their belts.)

Crying all day today

(In the center of the circle is a child - "rain".)

Tilted the flowers and herbs,

(Stand facing in a circle, lean forward.)

The ditches have become full

(Raise hands, reach up.)

He soaked everything.

(They run in a circle. They scatter at the word “guys”.)

Come on, rain, stain the guys.

(“Rain” tries to stain as many children as possible. Children try to run away under the fungus or onto the veranda, where staining is no longer possible.)


(round dance game-fifteen)

In the swamp by the road

A long-legged stork is walking.

(Children walk in a circle with a high knee raise. The "stork" in the center of the circle does the same.)

Standing on one leg

(Everyone stands on one leg, freezes.)

The frogs guard.

Stork, stork, don't yawn!

(They run in a circle, "stork" - in a circle.)

Let's catch the frogs!

(At the word “come on,” “stork” begins to spot “frogs.” They run over the line at the far end of the site, where it is no longer possible to spot.)

Beware, perches!

(round dance game-fifteen)

Among the grass, at the bottom of the river,

Perches walk in a flock.

(Children walk in a circle, a "catfish" child squats in the center.)

gray backs,

Silver backs.

Suddenly the mustachioed catfish woke up:

(“Catfish” stands up to his full height.)

"Spread out, guys!"

(On the word “guys”, “catfish” begins to stain the children. The children run away beyond the line, where it is no longer possible to stain.)

On the river

We are racing

Along the river.

One stroke, then another.

We will make friends with the river.

(Children walk in a circle, making strokes with their hands, as in breaststroke swimming. The catfish child squats in the center of the circle.)

Dive once, dive twice.

(They stand facing in a circle, perform two squats.)

The old catfish will be surprised.

(Shrug their shoulders, throw up their hands.)

He will try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, four, five.

(On the word “five”, “catfish” stains children. Children run behind the line at the far end of the playground.)

Puppy and chickens

Mother hen chicks

Takes him for a walk in the garden.

(Children walk in a chain along the playground behind the “chicken” child, with their hands behind their backs, rhythmically nod their heads - “peck”.)

naughty chickens

(They run around the site. Move freely.)

Everyone fled somewhere.

(The “chicken” child stands at the far end of the playground.)

— Where-where! Where-where!

(“The hen” calls the “chickens” to her.)

Come on, come here quickly!

(A “dog” child comes out to the center of the playground.)

- Mom, the dog won't let us in,

He barks at us angrily!

- Hurry up and run to me.

(At the word “run”, the children rush to the “chicken” child, the “dog” tries to tarnish the largest number of “chickens”.)

And outsmart the puppy!

sparrows and cat

mother sparrow in the morning

Teaches sparrows to fly.

(Children follow the sparrow child in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.)

The sparrows are emboldened

(They run around the site, move freely.)

Everyone has gone somewhere.

("Sparrow" goes to the far end of the site.)

- Where are you all? Here! Here!

There would be no trouble!

(He calls the children to himself. A “cat” child enters the center of the playground.)

A cat came into our yard

Guards stupid birds.

- We will deceive the cat at once,

(At the word "now" the children rush to the "sparrow".)

Let's fly to you now!

("Cat" tries to tarnish the largest number of children.)


Here is a big mousetrap

(Children form a large circle. Walk in a circle.)

On the floor, in the corner of the pantry,

In a mousetrap cheese crust,

(Half of the children outside the circle move freely around the playground.)

And next to the pantry is a mink.

The mice wanted cheese

The mice are out hunting.

(The mousetrap children raise their hands. The mousetrap children enter the circle, run in and out of the circle, because the mousetrap children rhythmically raise and lower their hands.)

One, two, three, catch the mice!

(The mousetrap children drop their hands on the word “catch”. The “mice” inside the circle are caught.)


A goose walks near the house,

(Lines are drawn at different ends of the site.)

I am very afraid of him.

(Children should run from one line to another.)

Redhead on the way

(A “goose” child walks importantly in the center of the playground.)

I can't bypass it.

(He mimics a goose flapping its wings and hissing.)

flapping wings, hissing,

He has an angry look.

I can't wait long

I'll run past the goose!

(On the word “I’ll run,” the children run across the playground. “Goose” is trying to tarnish the largest number of children.)

Bear and bees

The bees hoard honey in the hive,

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

To live without worries in winter,

The whole day is full of work.

(The “bear” child moves outside the circle in leaps.)

Suddenly they saw someone:

clumsy, clumsy,

Climbs into the hive with a thick paw.

(Children stop, begin to rhythmically raise and lower their hands. The "bear" penetrates the circle and moves in the circle.)

- Better, bear, do not touch the honey,

Go your way!

(To the word “dear”, leaving the circle, the child runs away to the “lair” at the far end of the site. Children-“bees” try to “sting” him - to stain him.)

Midge and frog

Above the river in the evenings

Midges with mosquitoes curl.

A squeak is heard from all sides,

(Children move freely around the site, depicting insects, squeak, ring.)

Either a squeak, or a ringing.

It's bad business, mosquito,

Will you finish it until the morning?

The frog went out for a walk

(A “frog” child jumps into the center of the playground.)

Yellow-bellied frog.

Fly away from the water

To avoid trouble!

(At the word “trouble,” the “frog” begins to stain the “insect” children who are trying to escape to the far end of the playground beyond the line. Having stained 3-4 children, the “frog” gives up its role to the first stained child.)

Grandpa sowed peas

(tag chain)

Grandfather sowed peas.

The peas weren't bad at all.

(Children face in a circle. They make rhythmic jumps on their toes, hands on their belts.)

Round, sonorous, yellow, smooth,

(Alternately stamp their feet in place.)

Very smooth, very sweet.

Suddenly a sack of peas fell

(The “grandfather” child makes the same movements in a circle. Squat.)

The poor grandfather groaned.

There were peas, and on you -

Rolled around the hut!

(Making jumps, the children scatter around the playground. On the word “hut”, “grandfather” begins to stain the children. Each newly stained child will join the chain of “peas” that line up behind the “grandfather”. “Grandfather” must collect all the “peas”.)

wolf and bunnies

On the forest lawn

Bunnies are having fun

Tumbling in the grass

(Children-"bunnies" move freely around the site, jump, making "ears" from their palms.)

Jumping, pushing.

Suddenly a wolf came out of the thicket,

(A child enters the center of the site - “wolf”.)

He knows a lot about rabbits.

Run away, whoever

(To the word "trouble" "wolf" rushes to catch "hare".)

There would be no trouble!

(They run over the line at the far end of the court.)


The spider weaves a trap

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

For beetles, goats, flies,

Paws important rubs

(A spider child stands in the center of the circle and rubs his hands.)

And the prey awaits:

- I'll catch everyone now!

(He stamps his feet, shaking his finger.)

I'll send you all now!

Beware! Fly away!

Do not fall into my network!

(Children scatter around the playground at the word “don’t get hit”. The “spider” child tries to spot them. The children run over the line at the far end of the playground.)

An old dog is napping in a booth.

What is his name? Watchdog!

(A “dog” child is squatting in the center of the playground.)

The cherry garden guards

If anyone enters, they will catch.

(Children move freely around the playground, run, jump.)

We'll outsmart him

(Jumps move towards the child-"dog".)

Let's run past the booth.

(They jump around the “dog”, tease him.)

One two Three,

Barbos, catch!

(At the word “catch”, the “dog” rushes to spot the children. The children run behind the line at the far end of the playground.)

Bunnies and cabbage


(In the center of the playground there is a “watchman” child.)

There is a wattle fence in the garden,

(He puts his hands over his eyes like binoculars.)

Behind the weave cabbage

Sweet to crunch.

(Children-"bunnies" jump around the playground.)

Bunnies want cabbage

In the stomach of a hungry empty.

Bunnies - jump into the garden,

(Children jump close to the "watchman", jump around the "watchman", teasing him.)

And there is a guard at the gate:

- Run away, bunnies, away,

You must help yourself!

One two Three,

Catch bunnies.

(At the word “catch”, the “watchman” rushes to catch the “bunny”. The children run over the line at the far end of the playground.)


Here are funny tiger cubs.

Tiger - their father is striped.

(Children-"tigers" move freely around the site, jump, frolic.)

In the jungle, the kids frolic

Dad is not afraid at all.

(Children stand in the center of the playground - “tiger” and “tigress”. “Tigress” quietly “growls”.)

Next to him is a tigress-mother

(“Tigers” tease “parents.”)

Wants to punish children

To no longer be naughty

To be accommodating.

One two Three,

Catch the tigers!

(At the word “catch”, the “tigers” rush to catch the “tigers”, who run behind the line at the far end of the site.)

Herd and wolf

The sun has risen. Over the river

I run my sheep.

(The “shepherd” child drives the “sheep” children to the playground with a twig, pronouncing the text.)

There is juicy grass

(Children move freely around the playground.)

Green ant.

(A “wolf” child sits at the far end of the playground.)

There is water in the well,

To get them drunk.

("Shepherd Boy" goes to the opposite end of the site.)

Just suddenly a wolf sneaks

Gray wolf - click teeth.

(Children say the text while continuing to move around the site.)

- Hurry up and run to me.

Take care of your skins!

(“The shepherd” calls the “sheep”. At the word “take care”, they rush to the shepherd. The “wolf” tries to tarnish them. The one who is tarnished first becomes the new “wolf”.)


(tag chain)

Lots of beads like peas

(Children move freely around the playground.)

Rolled along the path.

(In the center of the playground there is a child - a “needle”.)

One, two, three, four, five,

Try to collect them.

(At the word “collect”, the “needle” begins to stain the children. Each stained one joins the “needle”. This is how a long chain of children is lined up, led by the “needle”. The last unstained “bead” becomes the new leader.)

Butterflies and beetle

beauty butterflies

circling over the flowers,

(Children move freely around the playground, flapping their arms like wings.)

beauty butterflies

Friends with moths

(They gather in pairs and circle in pairs.)

Only afraid of the terrible

May beetle.

(A “beetle” child runs out of the circle at the far end of the playground to its center.)

Arrives in the morning

He's from afar

He flies and buzzes

(He runs between the “butterfly” children and “buzzes” loudly. The “butterflies” tremble while standing still.)

From buzzing the whole trembles:

"I'll catch everyone! I'll catch everyone!

I'll cut off everyone's wings!"

(After the word “I cut off”, the “beetle” rushes to spot the “butterflies”. They run away beyond the line, beyond which it is no longer possible to spot.)

The rain is prickly

Suddenly clouds covered the sky

It started to rain prickly.

(Children face in a circle. Perform rhythmic jumps in place.)

One, two! One, two!

The grass became wet.

(They sit down.)

One two Three! One two Three!

(They jump rhythmically again.)

Everything is wet, look!

(They reach up with their hands up.)

One, two, three, four, five!

(Move around in a circle.)

The rain is running to stain us!

(They scatter at the word “stain”. “Rain” tries to stain as many children as possible. Children try to run away under the fungus or onto the veranda, where it is no longer possible to stain.)

Vaska gray

Sleeping on the stove Vaska gray,

He doesn't care about mice.

(The “cat” child squats in the center of the playground.)

Mice in the upper room frolic,

Mice are not afraid of Vaska.

(Children move freely throughout the playground, jump, spin.)

Suddenly a yellow eye opened.

("Cat" stands up to his full height.)

The cat will catch everyone now!

(The word “now” begins to stain “mice.” The children try to run away under the fungus or onto the veranda, where it is no longer possible to stain.)


The heron walks through the swamp

(Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high.)

The heron does the work

(The “heron” child in the center of the circle does the same.)

Looking for a black frog

(Change direction.)

Catches poor jumps.

Walks, nods his head

(Perform rhythmic tilts of the head.)

Who did not hide - will catch!

(At the word “catch”, the “heron” begins to spot the “frogs” children. They try to run away under the fungus or onto the veranda, where it is no longer possible to spot.)


An owl sits on a pine tree

Looking in all directions

(The "owl" child squats in the center of the playground.)

Where the mouse slipped

Where the hare crouched

(Children move freely throughout the playground, run, jump.)

Where is the sparrow on the branch.

Run up! Don't be shy!

(To the words “do not be shy”, the “owl” begins to stain the children. The children run away beyond the line drawn at the end of the playground, where it is no longer possible to stain.)

Fly away birds

Flocks of birds in the blue sky

Free birds fly.

(Children move freely around the site, depicting the flight of birds.)

The black kite suddenly flies

The beak shines like a blade.

Quick birds fly away

(A “kite” is squatting in the center. At the word “flying”, he also begins to move around the site, but begins to stain only on the words “do not fall”.)

Don't fall into this beak!

(Children try to run away from him behind the line, where it is no longer possible to stain.)

Raise your legs higher

Like this morning

We started a game -

(Children jump around in a circle.)

Cheerful specks.

Hey, Earrings and Natasha,

Run around the site

(They run around the site, move freely.)

Do a squat dance

(They squat down.)

Quickly circle in pairs,

(They circle in pairs.)

Raise your legs higher.

Sit on benches

Don't push, don't fight.

(The children again move freely around the site, and the leader, who until this moment was sitting on the bench, pronounces the words.)

I stain those guys

That they did not sit down, but stand.

(On the word “stand”, the leader begins to stain the children who did not have time to sit down.)

Hey frost!

And it's cold outside

Pinches our cheeks and nose.

(Children jump around in a circle, in the center of which stands a “frost” child.)

Our cheeks are flushed,

(As they run, they rub their cheeks with their palms.)

Why are we better.

We are not afraid of frost

(They keep moving in circles.)

We are laughing at his threats.

(Hands on the belt.)

Hey, frost, run to stain!

(They stop and stand in a circle.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(On the word “stain”, “frost” begins to stain children. Children escape from “frost” by standing in circles drawn with tinted water on the snow. There should be fewer circles than children.)

Machine beads

Masha collected beads

(Children run in a circle on their toes.)

Collected, dozed off,

Beads rolled off the thread at once,

(Hands on the belt. A child is squatting in the center. He closes his eyes.)

They ran away, turned around.

(Children run around the playground.)

Ride along the path

(Children jump on their toes and run around the playground.)

Multicolored peas.

Listen, Masha, stop sleeping!

Need to collect beads.

(On the word “collect”, the leader begins to stain the children. Each newly stained one joins the last one in the chain.)


In the river, as if in a line,

(Children leading form a large circle.)

A flock of bleaks swim -

(They have two light table tennis balls in each hand.)

Silver blue

And so beautiful!

(Children-"bleaks" move freely within the circle.)

One, two, three, don't yawn

And stain the bleak!

(On the word “tarnish”, the leaders begin to throw balls into the “bleaks”. Those who are hit by the balls leave the circle. When the leaders run out of balls, they count how many “bleaks” they managed to stain. Then the groups change places. That team wins , which stained more "bleaks".)

The materials in this article will be useful to teachers elementary school and educators of the GPA, teachers of physical education.

Mobile group games for boys and girls

Game for children "Hide and Seek"

Play from 3 to 10 people. The selected driver becomes in the agreed place with eyes closed leaning against a tree or other object. This place is called Kon. The driver loudly counts up to 20-30 (by agreement) or says a counting rhyme. Meanwhile, the rest are hiding in different places.

Having finished the count, the driver opens his eyes and begins to look for the guys. Seeing the player, calls him by name and runs to the horse. The one found runs there, trying to overtake the driver and touch the object at which he was standing. If he does this before the driver, then he is not considered caught and remains at the horse while the driver is looking for others. When all are found, the first player who fails to run to the horse before the driver becomes the driver.

Sometimes a wand is put on the line. Then everyone who ran earlier to the horse should tap the wand on the object and say: “Wand, help me out!” After these words, he is considered rescued.

Those hiding may not wait until the driver finds them, and at a convenient moment run to the horse. Therefore, the driver needs to keep an eye on this.

We can also agree on such a rule: if the last player manages to run to the horse before the driver, he shouts, hitting with a wand: “Wand, save us all!” After these words, everyone is considered rescued and the former player drives again.

Game for children "Twelve sticks"

This is a complicated type of hide and seek. A board 60-70 centimeters long is placed on a stone or bough, 12 sticks 12-14 centimeters long are placed on one end of it. One of the players or the driver kicks the raised free end of the board. The sticks scatter in different directions, and the driver begins to collect them. During this time, everyone is hiding. Having laid all 12 sticks on the end of the board, the driver goes in search. Each one found is out of the game. If one of those hiding managed to run to the board and with the words “Twelve sticks are flying!” kick her, then the driver collects them again, and the rest of the participants in the game (caught and not caught) hide. The last player found becomes the leader.

Game for children "Fast step"

The leader turns to face the wall or tree, covers his face with his hands or elbow and says: “Walk quickly, look around - freeze ... one, two, three, four, five ... Stop!” The driver can, after any number, say the word “stop!” and look around quickly. The rest of the guys, located behind the line 15-20 steps from the driver, during the count, quickly move towards the driver. When the driver shouts "Stop!" and turns to face the players, they freeze in place. A player who did not have time to stop in time or moved after stopping, the driver sends back beyond the line. After that, the driver closes his eyes and repeats the recitative. Everyone again moves forward from their places, including those who start moving from the line. This continues until someone comes close to the driver, touches him with his hand and, turning around, rushes over the line as quickly as possible. All players do the same. The driver runs after them, trying to overpower someone to hell. The salted player becomes the new driver. If it was not possible to catch up with anyone, the driver returns to his original place, the game continues with the same driver.

Game for children "Pyatnashki" ("Salki")

Participants (up to 10 people) scatter around the site, and the driver catches up with them in order to stain (stain) within the stipulated boundaries. The salted player becomes the leader.

Additional rules can be added to the game. Here is some of them:

1. All players, except for the tag, have a ribbon behind their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the runner, pulls out the tape from him, then the evader raises his hand and says: “I’m a tag!”

2. The player can escape from the tag if he joins hands with another player, stands on one leg, assumes the “swallow” position, etc.

3. If the tag is chasing someone, and another player has crossed his path, then he must chase the one who blocked his path.

"Fifteen with a skipping rope"

The players move around the court by jumping rope. Fifteen catches up with them, jumping on one leg.

"Fifteen with houses"

On the site, 1-2 circles with a diameter of 2 steps are outlined - houses where those who run away can escape from persecution. However, you cannot be in such a house for more than 5 seconds.

"Fifteen in a circle"

Players sit in a circle at arm's length. Two drivers are chosen, one of which becomes a tag, and the other becomes a runaway. Before the start of the game, they are located behind the circle from different sides.

On a signal, the tag runs along the circle, trying to pin down the escaping. The latter, when they begin to overtake him, becomes in a circle between the other players in any place. At the same moment, the neighbor on the right becomes the new evader, and the tag continues to pursue him. If the tag managed to touch the fleeing player's hand, they switch roles.

To complicate the game, you can introduce such a rule. If the fleeing player stands in a circle, then the neighbor who is on the right (or on the left - by agreement) becomes a tag, and the former tag, without wasting time, must run away from him. During the game, participants are not allowed to run through the circle.

Game for children "Second Extra"

Just as in the game "Fifteen in a Circle", the runner can at any moment get in front of one of the players, and then the one who is behind becomes the runner.

If there are a lot of players, they become in a circle in pairs in the back of each other's head. In this case, the evader (the third extra) gets ahead of any of the pairs, and who turns out to be third, runs away.

Game for children "The third extra on a walk"

The game differs from the above-described tags in that all its participants are constantly on the move. Having broken up into pairs, the players stand in a circle and slowly walk in one direction, holding hands or arm in arm, free hand on the belt. Two drivers. One of them runs away and the other catches up with him. The one who runs away, when he is in danger, attaches himself to any pair, taking the last one by the arm, and then he cannot be caught. The player who turned out to be third on the other side of the pair must run away from the driver and, also, fleeing from persecution, joins any pair on the right or left, grabbing the last one by the arm.

The game continues until the driver catches one of the runaways. Then the caught player changes roles with the driver. In this game, the driver and the evader are allowed to run through the circle, but it is forbidden to needlessly touch the players in pairs while running past.

Game for children "Empty place"

These are peculiar tags with a challenge. The players form a circle. The driver runs along the outside of the circle, touches one of the players, and then runs to reverse side. The called player rushes in the opposite direction. Having met, the players stop, give each other both hands, after which they squat, and having risen, they continue to run in the same direction. Everyone wants to take free place in a circle. The player who came running second continues to drive.

The winner is the player who did not play the role of a driver during the game, that is, he took the first place all the time.

Game for children "Hurry up to take a seat"

The players form a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver becomes the center of the circle. He loudly calls any two numbers. The numbers called must immediately change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The player left without a seat goes to drive.

The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Game for children "Golden Gate"

The game is played by 6 to 20 people. They choose two stronger players, they step aside and agree which of them will be the “sun” and which one will be the “moon”. Then they stand facing each other, join hands and raise them, forming a "gate". The rest of the players join hands and go through the “gate” in a string. In doing so, they can sing a song. When the last one passes through the “gate”, they “close” - the raised hands fall and the last one is between them. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: the “moon” or the “sun”. He chooses and stands behind the respective player. The rest go through the "gates" again, and again the last player falls into the "moon" or "sun" group. When all the players are distributed, a constriction is arranged between the two groups. In this case, a rope, a stick or players are used to take each other by the belt.

Game for children "Falling Stick"

Everyone stands in a circle and counts in numerical order. The first number stands in the middle of the circle, holding a gymnastic stick in his hands. He puts one end of it on the ground, and holds the other end with his hand from above so that the stick stands vertically. Then he loudly calls a number and releases the stick. The player with the named number must have time to catch the falling stick. The driver at this time runs back. If the called player managed to grab the stick and it did not fall to the ground, then he returns to his place, and the driver continues to drive. If he does not catch the stick, then he becomes the leader, and the one who drove goes in a circle to his place.

They play for a set time, after which it will become clear who was the driver the least number of times. He is considered the winner.

If there are more than 10 people who want to play, then it is better to organize two circles for the game.

Game for children "Compass"

On the ground, draw a circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters. At a distance of about 3 meters from the circle, they write (mark) the cardinal points, checking with the compass: C (north), S (south), 3 (west) and B (east). The players stand with their backs to the center and listen to the leader’s command: “South!”, “North!”, “West!”, “East!” Hearing, for example, the command “North!”, Everyone should turn towards the north. Players facing south turn 180 degrees, others only need to make half a turn to the right or left.

Various commands are given, and the players take the appropriate positions. The one who made a mistake (turned in the wrong direction) receives penalty points. The winner is the player with the fewest penalty points.

Game for children "Jump rope" ("Fishermen and fish")

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader with a rope in his hands. Holding the rope by one end, he begins to rotate it so that its other end sweeps above the ground under the feet of the players, who bounce at the moment when the handle of the rope is under their feet. The one whom the rope touches above the foot is out of the game. The driver spins the rope again. He himself does not rotate with her, but sits down and intercepts her behind his back.

Another version of the game involves changing the driver every time one of those standing in a circle touches her foot. He replaces the driver, who takes his place.

Everyone should learn how to spin the rope well (in a squat with an interception in front and behind). The rope can be replaced with a rope 2.5 meters long, to the end of which is attached a bag of sand weighing 150-200 grams.

Game for children "Wheel"

The players are divided into 3-4 groups of 5-7 people each and choose a driver. A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn on the ground. Each group lines up in a column one by one behind the guide, which approaches the circle) ". The columns stand on different sides of the circle in a radiant manner, like spokes in a wheel. The leader stands aside.

On a signal, he runs in any direction around the “wheel”, stands in the back of the head of the last player in any “spoke” and touches him. This player passes the signal to the one in front, and he - further, and so on until the first player of the “spoke”. After that, he shouts: “Yes!”, Runs out behind the “wheel” and runs around it in a circle outside, returning to his place. All the players in this column (and the driver) run after him, trying to overtake each other. The player who is the last in the column becomes the leader. It may also be the former driver, who continues to drive, standing near another “spoke” and running around the “wheel” with it. If the driver failed three times in a row to get ahead of the runners and take a place in the "spoke", he is replaced by a new player, and he stands at the head of one of the columns.

Game for children "Counting in circles"

Participants (6-8 people) stand in a circle and, on a signal, begin to count from 1 to 70 (from left to right). In this case, no one skips their turn. There is a rule that the number, which includes the number 7 or which is divisible by 7, cannot be pronounced, but the word “past” must be said. After that, the counting (without delay) continues. The one who named the forbidden number is eliminated, the player standing to his right continues the score. Gradually the circle gets smaller.

The winners are the guys remaining in the circle after the last participant says the number 70.

Game for children "Take the town"

For the game, towns (tennis balls, pebbles of the same size) are needed in the amount of one unit less than the number of participants in the game. For example, 6 towns are placed in a circle (1 meter from one another), and 7 players stand on the outside one step away from them. On a signal, everyone goes, then runs around the towns (to the right or left) until the whistle or the command “Take it!”. Then each player seeks to capture the town. Whoever does not get the item is out. There is one less player left, so one town is also removed from the circle. When 1 town and 2 participants remain at stake, they play for the first place among themselves.

Game for children "Catching in pairs"

A court (volleyball or smaller), bounded by lines, serves as a place where the players are located. The driver is selected, who stands outside the court before the game.

On a signal, he runs inside the court and pursues one of the players. Having salted him, he makes the one who is caught his assistant. Holding hands, they run to catch a new player, trying to surround him with free hands. The caught player steps aside and waits for a couple of players to catch another running around the court. After that, a second pair is made, which also catches the rest of the players. Each time, a new pair is made from the two caught by the catchers.

The game continues until there is only one uncaught player left on the court.

The rules of the game forbid players to run outside the area and break out after the catchers close their arms around the caught. It is impossible to grab clothes and hands, in this case the caught player is released. If running players break the rules, they are considered caught.

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Cheerful sport game"Fifteen"

One of the most popular games for children, where no equipment is required, is the "tag". And despite the fact that this game is known to many generations and the rules of the game "Fifteen" are very simple, there are many variations of the game that will make it even more interesting.

The players gather and choose someone to play the role of the tag. Children who are playing the game should run around the playground, and the one who drives should catch them. The one whom the driver caught up caught up and touched with his hand, that is, stained, and becomes a tag.

The one who is caught must linger and wait until his name is pronounced so that everyone can hear who should now be afraid. Everything is very simple. The kids love this moving game. If even more interesting rules are introduced into the game, thereby complicating it, then playing will become much more interesting.

Variations of the rules of the game "Fifteen"

During the existence of this sports entertainment, a lot of different variations of the game have been invented. The basic rules are the same, the differences are in the details. Here are a few of them:

  1. If the tag catches up with someone, and one of the runaways crossed his path, then you should chase him.
  2. The driver can only tarnish someone in the process of running, and to be safe, you can sit down.
  3. The player, if he wants to escape, must run up to the tree, stand near him and hug him.
  4. Fifteen cannot stain the player who, at a dangerous moment, took another player by the hand.
  5. If a player stands on one leg, and bends his friend back and holds, then he cannot be tarnished.

  1. All players, except the driver, hold a ribbon behind their belt. When the tag catches up with one of the players, his goal is to snatch the ribbon and hide it in his belt, then the player without the ribbon becomes the tag.
  2. Two players hold the rope at different ends and run away together, and when the tag stains someone, he must change it.
  3. You can also play with a ball. Fifteen must hit the ball in one of the players. Accordingly, the one they hit will be the new driver. But if the ball does not hit anyone, other players can pick it up and throw it to each other. In this case, the tag must either take the ball away or tarnish someone at the moment when the ball is in his hands.
  4. The site is divided into several sections. Maybe two, three or four. And each section should have its own driver, and distinctive symbols should be made for him. Other players can run around the lot. At each site, a circle can be drawn, which means a home of safety or rest for those who are tired of running a lot. The player who was touched by the tag should become the driver in the area where he was tarnished.
  5. When there are not so many players, you can try to play like this. Choose one player as a shepherd, two as wolves, and four or five as sheep. The shepherd wins when he catches the wolves, and the wolves when they catch up with all the sheep.

This game is good to play in a large room or on the court. The number of players can vary from five to twenty or more. You need to play until the guys have the strength, and they are not very tired. The most popular are tags with a pass, with a ball, from the ground, Turkish.

Rules of the game "Turkish Fifteen"

Consider the rules of the game of Turkish tags. In this game, the main difference is jumping. The difference from ordinary tags is that a player who has been overtaken can sit down at a dangerous moment. If the player was able and managed to sit down, then he is saved and can return to the grouping of other players. Fifteen further tries to catch and lie in wait for the victim, who is tired of escaping. And if he managed to stain someone clumsy, he becomes the driver.

An interesting variant of the game is the tag with the transfer. Again, a spacious place is chosen and everyone runs away from the driver. Fifteen is looking for a victim, and when it overtakes her, the player must answer him back with a fifteen and run away, that is, how to return the transfer to him. To achieve this goal, players must be agile and agile. After all, you need to try to be better and surpass one another.

In the game, children develop very much. It can be played not only by children preschool age but also to schoolchildren. Indeed, in the process of the game, a lot of physical exercises are performed, dexterity and endurance develop, which is very beneficial for health.

If children want to learn how to play football, then you can find the rules and features of the game here, and if you need to find a way to teach a child to perseverance, then you can refer to the site page. Entertainment for every taste for children and their parents without the use of computers is presented here.

You can easily find any game or page on our resource. To do this, you need to use it - it is very convenient and understandable.

One of the very first games in a child's life is the game "Fifteen". The essence of this game becomes clear as soon as your baby gets acquainted with numbers up to 15 inclusive. This game develops logic, gives the initial concepts of algorithms, fine motor skills of the fingers of both hands of your son or daughter get a little development.

Most recently, the Yandex search engine celebrated its 15th anniversary, in honor of this, the company's logo on the start page was made in the form of the familiar tag game, where all the tiles were mixed up. This event in many ways renewed interest in the children's game of Fifteen, forgotten by many. How to always learn to win in this game, and is it even possible? If the numbers were mixed from the initial (correct) location by moving them sequentially, then yes, it is possible. How to do this is below.

Laying out the first row

As a rule, there are no problems with restoring the first (top) row. Sequentially move the numbers 1-4 to their position. The only difficulty may arise with the number 4. If the numbers 1-2-3 fell into place, and the place of the four is occupied, then we use the following trick:

After this procedure, we remove the “extra” number (in our case, it is 11) and return the numbers 1-3 to their place

Setting up the second row

The second row is filled in the image and likeness. Please note that when placing the first row, we actually did not touch the bottom two (with the exception of those movements that are needed to pull out the numbers we need from there). Therefore, for the correct placement of the second row of numbers, the bottom row should not be used - the main movements occur in the third row.

Take places 9 and 13

In fact, you can put the tags with numbers 12 and 15 in their places - it's all the same. It is important to fix two figures of the same column and not touch them again - this is obviously not difficult to do.

Final arrangement

So we have 6 cells left to accommodate five numbers. As a rule, if you correctly set the third row (9-10-11-12), then the bottom row will line up automatically (this is if the initial arrangement was obtained from the original one by the “correct” movement of numbers - that is, without jumps).



________________ "CENTER FOR OUTSIDE SCHOOL WORK" _____________

155800 Ivanovo region Kineshma, 3rd Trudovoy per. 4 tel: 5-55-92

Approved by the pedagogical council

_______ from ___________________



Age of children 7-17 years

Program implementation period: 1 year.

Teacher of additional education:

Filina Olga Yurievna

Year of program development: 2012.



Today, the game, without exaggeration, is the most popular type of psychological work with children. With the help of the game, in 1.5-2 minutes you can set up children to work in a group, structured action according to the rules, a large and complex role-playing action, and much more. The game is a "little life" - which is lived by each participant. It allows children to gain experience that is valuable for their real, "real" life.

To increase the interest of children in the content of the lesson, increase their activity, switch their attention to the lesson or rest, you can use various game techniques. But at the same time, the teacher should understand that the game for him is a means of solving the educational problem. Therefore, games must be chosen carefully, such games that do not take children out of control, do not capture them so much that they psychologically switch from activity to game interaction.

But there is another possibility of using the game in the educational process. Let's call it play. In this case, the entire space of the lesson is occupied by a game plot, with its game rules and game logic of development of events. And all subject knowledge, skills and abilities act as game means. Without them, children cannot even take a step in the play space, they cannot solve their play tasks.

Why do most people at any age love to play so much? First of all, because the game is a holistic state of mind. In addition, the game is a unique fantasy space with great creative potential. You can create yourself, your relationships with others, your future and the future of the world in a completely safe atmosphere and situation. This is important at any age, but especially in childhood and adolescence.

For a certain category of children, behind the desire to play is the need for strong and holistic emotional experiences. This is especially true for younger students, fifth-graders. Games provide them with the opportunity to emotionally respond to various worries and difficulties, build relationships with others at the level of feelings, learn to control and regulate their inner world. For some, this attitude to the game persists for many years.

For another group of children, aged 11-14 years, the game is a safe "as it were" space for building relationships with other people. Boys - girls, followers - leaders, all these are systems of relationships that are incredibly difficult for teenagers to realize, build, change in real life. The game gives them that opportunity.

Well, for older students, the perception of the game as a psychological opportunity is typical. Opportunities to understand yourself and others, to see and feel the prospects for development, to live through patterns of behavior, relationships that previously seemed impossible or were not available.

These three variants of attitude to the game act both as individual characteristics of individuals and as stages of personal development.

So, the game as a psychological method when working with children can be used to solve at least three consecutive tasks:

    To teach children to live in a play space, to fully immerse themselves in the game world and play relationships;

    To teach to be free in the gaming space, to realize your own characteristics and build relationships with other people;

    Teach to comprehend gaming experience, use the game as a tool for self-knowledge and life experiments.

Purpose of the program : Creating a child-friendly environment different ages, their interactions. Awaken in children an interest in communication, teach them to build interpersonal relationships with people of different ages and characters.

Program objectives :

Educational - to teach children to interact correctly with each other, to rethink their actions, behavior and attitude towards other people.

Educational To teach children to see beauty in everything. To develop in children a sense of empathy for others, a desire to help loved ones.

educators - help children learn to live in a team. Each of them fulfilling their role, they must be able to cooperate with each other, help each other.

The necessary conditions:

    room with good daylight and evening lighting

    cabinet for storing manuals, literature, methodological fund.

    Necessary materials for games.

Organizational and pedagogical foundations of the program:

    the program is designed for 1 year;

    students age 7-17 years

    classes for 2 hours 2 times a week.

Expected results : the acquisition of new skills and knowledge by children in communicating with other people.

The program is designed for 156 hours, 4 hours a week. Of the total number of hours, 12 are devoted to leisure activities.


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours for theory. lessons

Number of hours for practical work lessons

Total number of hours

Getting to know children. Introductory lesson. Briefing. Game "Acquaintance".




Games for communication skills


"Good words"


"Pass around"

"Atoms - Molecules"



Games for attention


"Learn by sound"

"Cross out the letter"

"Forbidden Words"

"Carloson said"

"Shoe factory"


"Blind and guide"


Games for hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, memory, thinking.


"Graphic Dictation"

"Draw a Figure"

"Find the mistake"


"What changed?"

"Bird - fish - beast"

"Who has the longest row?"

"Finish the word"

"Say one word"

"What it is?"

"Speak the opposite"

"Guess and name"




"Russian folk tales"

"All About Insects"

"Insects - friends and foes"


"Who am I?"


"Wonder Bird"









Mindfulness puzzles




Children's mathematics




  1. Visiting exhibitions, museum, art gallery - 6 hours.

    Organization of the exhibition - 6 hours.


    Introductory lesson:

Acquaintance with students, acquaintance with the history of knitting, the program, the rules of conduct in the workplace, the mode of operation.

    Communication skills:

- "Good words". When playing the game for the first time, discuss with the children what, in their opinion, are kind, good words, and what are bad, evil, “prickly” words. Suggest giving examples. Lead to the conclusion that kind words create a good mood for a person, help to be self-confident, and evil, “prickly” words provoke quarrels and resentments. I don’t want to be friends with people who use the words “thorns”, it’s unpleasant to be around. Then, at each lesson, together with the children, choose kind, good words alphabetically, for example, with the letter “A”: neat, fragrant, appetizing, active; with the letter "B": thrifty, grateful, noble, lively, etc.

- "Ball". Children stand in a circle, facing the center of the circle. They take the ball in their hands. In a circle, starting from the one who has the ball, they pass it, calling their name clearly and loudly - 1 circle. 2 circle - the one who has the ball throws it to the neighbor on the right and at the same time calls his name. Complication. The leader gives the ball to any child, and he, having received the ball, must name three names - the name of the neighbor on the right, his own name, the name of the neighbor on the left. Then pass the ball to the next player, who also calls three names, etc.

- "Pass around" . Children are in a circle. They pass each other (by pantomime) a hot potato, a cold icicle that melts in their hands, a butterfly, balloon etc. After the game, the children choose the child who depicted the transmitted object best of all.

- "Atoms - Molecules".

The facilitator explains: an atom is the smallest particle. In the game, each player will be an atom. A molecule is made up of atoms, so the combination of several players in a chain in a game is called a molecule. The host says: "Atoms." All players begin to move randomly. After the word “molecule in threes”, the players must form groups of three. Anyone who can't get into threes is out of the game. And the leader continues to change the number of atoms in the molecules. The game can be made more difficult: the atoms must move with their eyes closed.

- "Mirror".

Everyone is divided into pairs and stand facing each other at arm's length. One in each pair plays the role of a mirror. He needs to copy, as accurately as possible, all the movements of a partner who can frown or be surprised, smile, wink - in general, as fantasy tells. Then the players change places.


- "Learn by sound" . Children recognize by sound various items(pencil, ruler, book, coin, etc.), which they emit when tapped or dropped.

- Cross out the letter. To conduct this game, you can use proofreading tables, as well as clippings from old magazines. For 2-3 minutes, the children carefully look through each line in the text and cross out the letter "A". Then they exchange leaflets and check if there are any mistakes, which ensures concentration of attention for a certain time, that is, it is also attention training. Complication. Cross out 2 letters; Cross out one letter, underline the other. If the children successfully cope with these tasks, you can offer to look for 3 letters, crossing out one of them, underlining the other, circling the third.

- "Forbidden Words" . Children are asked questions, they can give different answers, but the forbidden words “yes” and “no” cannot be said. After explaining the rules of the game, give an example. Questions:

You can fly? Snow white? Do you sleep in the bathroom? Have you been to the moon? Can you repair an iron? Can you swim in the river in winter? Etc.

- "Carlson said." All participants stand in a circle. Children perform various movements on command (raise your hands up, lower your hands, clap, turn right, etc.). In this case, one condition must be observed: to perform only those actions, the message of which will be preceded by the words: "Carlson said." For example, Carlson said: "Raise your left hand up" - the children perform the movement. "Lower your left hand down" - no need to perform the movement, those who made a mistake leave the circle. Accordingly, at the end of the game remains the most attentive.

- "Shoe factory".

Everyone takes off their shoes and puts them in the center of the circle. Each participant puts on two different shoes and tries to put a foot next to the foot, shod in paired shoes.

- "Steam locomotive".

Players stand up like a train, covering their eyes with their hands in front of the player standing. Thus, only the eyes of the last player standing in the train remain open, and only the first player has free hands. The task is set before the train - to get a certain object that the host places in the room after the players close their eyes. The last player turns his neighbor in the right direction with his hands, leads the engine. Along the chain, these movements are transmitted to the entire engine, and it begins to move. The game continues until the first player picks up the hidden object.

- "Blind and guide."

The guys are divided into pairs. Then the first numbers close their eyes. This is the "guided". The second numbers are "leading". The “leaders” lead the “followers” ​​through various obstacles that the leader shows them. Then the guys change roles (drive a person for at least 15 - 20 minutes).

    Hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation.

- "Color it right." Each child should have colored pencils and a sheet of paper with the outlines of houses and a strip of squares. Invite the children to color the second house on the left with a blue pencil, red for the third house on the right, green for the house that is in front of the blue, yellow for the house that follows the red, brown for the first house on the left. The second task is that the children should color the box marked with an asterisk with a black pencil. Color the cell below with a green pencil, the cell above with a yellow one, paint over the cell with a red pencil so that the yellow cell is between the black and red. Each task is repeated 2 times. After completing the work, repeat the tasks, and the children check whether they have completed everything correctly. Analyze mistakes with children.

- Graphic dictation. Material: pen, checkered notebook sheet, on which 3 dots are pre-marked on the left side of the sheet. They are located under each other at a distance of 4-5 cells. From the left edge of the sheet, they are removed by 2-3 cells. The task of the children is to draw a pattern under dictation, starting from the indicated points, then continue drawing this pattern on their own until the end of the line. Each point has its own pattern. Dictate slowly and clearly. While drawing, the pen (pencil) must not be torn off the paper. When children learn how to make simple patterns, offer more complex patterns for drawing. Before completing the task, clarify the concepts of "up", "down", "right", "left".

- "Draw a figure." Material: a checkered sheet with a picture of a figure, a pen or pencil. Children are invited to carefully consider the figure and draw exactly the same next to it. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult by increasing the elements of the figure.

- "Find the mistake" . Children are asked to listen to phrases, find mistakes in them and correct them.

Z-S The hostess welded a tooth. Oats grazed in the meadow. The boy climbed over the cathedral.

P-B Boy poured water from a glass. Daddy was sitting on a flower. From the kettle came a bar. Water was stored in the kidney.

D-T In this volume I live. Wood grew in the meadow. Mom has a small dot.

GK Football players scored a count. The dog chewed on the guests.

F-Sh Air heat in the hand. On the ground after the rain formed a large lusha. In the summer I sewed with my grandmother. The patient had a strong ball.

SH-S I love tomato shock. The roof came out of the hole.

- "Figures". To identify leaders.

The group stands in a circle. Everyone holds on to a common rope with both hands. At the same time, everyone should stand close to each other, and the rope should be taut.

The group is given the task to make a figure (square, triangle, hexagon, etc.) with their eyes closed. The eyes can be opened when the group decides that the figure is built. Discussion during the construction of the figure is prohibited.

- "What changed?". Arrange 10 items on the table (you can use pictures or small toys). Invite the children to look at them carefully for 2 minutes and ask the children to turn away or close their eyes. Swap 2-3 items. Then ask what has changed. Complication. You can increase the difficulty of the game by increasing the total number of items, increasing the number of items that change location, and reducing the memorization time.

- "Bird - fish - beast." Children in a circle. The host walks around the circle inside and offers each participant in a free order three words “fish”, “bird”, “beast”. Suddenly stopping in front of one of the players, he utters one of these words. The participant must, in response, recall a representative of one species or another. It is impossible to repeat what has been said before. Example: bird - bullfinch, fish - bream, fish - crucian carp, beast - bear, etc.

- "Who has the row longer?" . The teacher calls a noun, for example, a cat. One of the students repeats. Then the teacher adds another word, for example, sheet. The child repeats: cat, leaf. Then the teacher adds another word, for example, pear. The student repeats all the words, etc. The goal of the task is to memorize as many words as possible. Examples of word chains: cancer, bridge, bathrobe, web, gloves, thermometer, can, pipe, attic, forest; core, awl, bee, flowerbed, rhinoceros, briefcase, gun, helicopter, blanket, watermelon, soap, summer.

- "Finish the word" . The teacher pronounces the first syllable of the word, and the children must complete it. In turn, the teacher throws the ball to each child, says the first syllable, the child catches the ball and finishes the word. Then he must throw the ball back. Syllables: ra, go, po, zem, do, la, ka, etc.

- "Call it in one word." Invite the children to replace several words with one word: hammer, saw, ax - tools; soup, porridge, cutlets - food; piano, violin, guitar - musical instruments; siskin, rook, sparrow - birds; ladle, frying pan, cup - dishes; briefcase, pencil case, pen - school supplies; Russia, Ukraine, America - countries; Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Saratov - cities, etc.

- "What it is?". Children are encouraged to explain what a particular word means. For example, “a letter is a piece of paper on which you can write about yourself and mail it in an envelope.” To ensure that children give an exact definition, which contains an indication and individual species characteristics. Sets of words can be very different: boat, magazine, scarf, loafer, steamboat; plane, hammer, book, friend, shoes, etc.

- "Speak the other way around" . A game for teaching children the ability to find objects, phenomena, words with the opposite meaning. The facilitator calls the first word of the pair. The child must choose a word for it that has the opposite meaning or meaning. You can start with the simplest pairs, for example: large - small, short long (so that children better understand the conditions of the game). Then move on to more complex pairs, for example: cry - laugh, go down - rise, open - close, attack - defend, start - finish, close - far, etc.

- "Guess and name." Name the word according to its meaning.

An inscription on a letter, parcel, telegram, which indicates where and to whom the letter is sent, etc. (Address)

A place where medicines are prepared and sold. (Pharmacy)

Parking and car repair facility. (Garage)

Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup. (Jam)

The one who fights the enemy. (warrior, fighter)

Sheep cub. (Lamb)

Deciduous tree with white bark. (Birch)

Slice of bread with butter, cheese, sausage. (Sandwich)

Part of the day from the end of the day to the beginning of the night. (Evening)


- "Russian folk tales"

What is always valued in the fairy tales of all peoples of the world? Answer: Um.

What in fairy tales, evil always wins? Answer: Good.

What words do Russian folk tales begin with? Answer: “Once upon a time ...” “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...”.

What is the name of a stringed musical instrument, to the sounds of which ancient Russian singer-storytellers sang songs, epics and other works of oral folk art? Answer: Gusli.

What affectionate word do the heroes of Russian fairy tales very often call their fathers? Answer: Father.

What do noble people arrange in Russian fairy tales in honor of a wedding or victory over an enemy? Answer: Pier.

What is the most popular number in Russian folk tales? Answer: Three.

What animal is named Sivka-Burka? Answer: Horse.

In what fairy tale did the hut stagger from the thrown hat? Answer: In the fairy tale "Ivan - the peasant's son and Miracle Yudo."

What was the name of the king from whom Ivan Tsarevich stole the Firebird in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"? Answer: Afron

What item can be used to kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? Answer: Needle.

How did a peasant divide one goose without offense into seven: a master, a lady, sons and two daughters, and not offend himself? Answer: The master - the head, the lady - the tail, the legs for the sons, the wings for the daughters, and for himself - the whole body.

How is the dwelling of the man-eating snake called in the Russian folk tale "Nikita Kozhemyak"? Answer: Berloga.

What is Ivanushka the Fool's favorite place to sleep and relax? Answer: oven.

What did the evil stepmother bake at the failed commemoration for her stepdaughter in the Russian folk tale Morozko? Answer: Pancakes.

What hero was spent on pies? Answer: Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

What in the Russian folk tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is called "alive" and "dead"? Answer: Water.

What are the two main characters of the Russian folk tale "Truth and Krivda" up to? Answer: Dispute.

What did the fox smear on the plate and serve as a treat to the crane in the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"? Answer: Kashu.

What food product helped the hen save the life of the cockerel in the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"? Answer: Oil.

What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts"? Answer: Sani.

What was the name of the princess who became the wife of Ivanushka the Fool in the Russian folk tale "Sivka the Burka"? Answer: Elena.

What terrible object, put on a stick, did Baba Yaga give Vasilisa as a light source? Answer: Skull.

Without which main product, the soldier would not be able to cook porridge in the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax"? Answer: No grains.

In what way did the crane serve okroshka on the table in the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"? Answer: jug.

- "All about insects"

What beneficial insects do you know? Answer: Hercules beetle, dung beetle, ladybug, ant, bee, etc.

Do butterflies grow? Answer: No.

Who has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings? Answer: Grasshopper.

What is the name of a male bee that does not participate in the collection of honey (in a figurative sense - an idler)? Answer: Drone.

What insect "wears the rank" of a naval officer? Answer: Admiral Butterfly.

What insects are the most dangerous? Answer: Mosquitoes carry malaria.

Not a bird, but with wings, flies over flowers, collects honey. Answer: Who is it? Bee.

Who has an ear on their hind legs? Answer: Grasshopper.

What insects stop trains? Answer: Locust (when it lay down on the rails in a thick cloud).

Who works in the artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce, drags a log along the mounds - is it more than a carpenter? Answer: Ant.

How many eyes does a fly have? Answer: Five.

The fashionista is winged, the dress is striped, although she is small, if she bites, it will be bad. Who is it? Answer: Wasp.

Should dragonflies be protected? Answer: Yes, they destroy midges, mosquitoes.

How many legs does a fly have? Answer: Six.

Where does the sound produced by a grasshopper come from? Answer: A grasshopper rubs its hind or front legs against each other.

Who is the most dangerous enemy of aphids? Answer: Ladybug and its larvae.

How do ants cross ditches and streams? Answer: Ants make a living bridge, grappling with each other with legs and jaws, along which the rest of the ants cross.

Who has a nose like a needle? Answer: A mosquito.

When and where was killing a cat punishable by death? Answer: Ancient Egypt.

This animal is a heavyweight in the insect world. It can carry a load 850 times heavier than its own weight. If this insect were a person, it could lift 60 tons. Who is it? Answer: Goliath beetle.

Which beetle bears the name of the month in which it was born? Answer: Maybug.

Are spiders insects? Answer: No.

- "Insects: friends and foes"

Favorite treat stork and herons. Answer: Frog.

Butterfly as a child. Answer: Pupa, caterpillar or larva.

Helicopter insect. Answer: Dragonfly.

You can't see yourself, but you can hear the song. Answer: Mosquito.

Harmful domestic butterfly. Answer: Mole.

Luminous insect. Answer: Firefly.

Type of butterfly. Answer: Machaon.

- "Antenna" at the beetle. Answer: Mustache.

Singing insect. Answer: Grasshopper.

Five-eyed insect. Answer: Muha.

Wild relative of the bee. Answer: Wasp.

An insect that produces honey. Answer: bee.

Ladybug delicacy. Answer: Aphid.

Eating cabbage. Answer: cabbage.

The enemy of fields, orchards and orchards. Answer: Locust.

Centipede, loves to live in a damp place. Answer: Mokritsa.

Bee house. Answer: Uley.

Butterfly - a lover to eat nettles. Answer: Urticaria.

- Quiz "Berries"

How are berries harvested for the winter? Freeze, dry, make jam, make juice.

What berry bush has adapted to protect the fruit - armed with sharp thorns? Gooseberry.

Juicy bunches of this berry serve as an excellent dessert, and climbing vines adorn arbors and walls of houses. About what berry in question? Grape.

Which berry got its name because of the dark blue, almost black color, and also because of the fact that everyone who eats it has their teeth and tongue become inky blue for a while. Blueberry.

What berry is most often found in forests and ravines, grows well along the banks of streams and lakes, as it loves moisture, bears often feast on it? Raspberry.

Which berry, growing in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra and taiga, is especially useful for vision and growth? Blueberry.

Which bunches of berries delight us in parks and forests in the midst of a snowy winter, and many birds are saved from hunger? Red rowan brushes.

The fruits of all varieties of mountain ash contain a lot of vitamin C. But they cook healing jam and make compotes from the varieties of this mountain ash. Which? Chokeberry.

What tropical berry leaves are used to make sailboat ropes? From banana leaves.

What berry will replace lemon? Cranberries have citric acid in them.

How many years does lingonberry live? Up to 300 years.

- Quiz "Who am I?"

- “I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the lair thin, hungry and angry. (Bear.)

- “I live in the Far North. I eat fish and seals. I love the sea very much. A thick layer of fat under the skin and a long white coat protect me from hypothermia. And my paws are like flippers, so I'm a good swimmer and I'm not afraid to swim far into the sea. (Polar bear.)

- “I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, in order to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks. (Wolf.)

- “I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry. (Beaver, or beaver.)

“My sense of smell is very acute. The biggest delicacy for me is field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it for a hundred meters, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat. (Fox.)

- “I live with my family in a mink, which I dug with my front paws and covered with soft grass and fluff. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat. (Hare.)

“I have very beautiful antlers, but every winter I have to shed them. The body is covered with beautiful small light specks. Wool protects well from frost, and wide hooves do not allow me to fall through the snow. I pride myself on good eyesight, and my hearing and sense of smell allow me to detect danger without much difficulty. (Deer.)

“I look like a clumsy fat mouse with big cheeks. I have round shiny eyes, short legs and a pointed little tail. I build a mink at a depth of 1-2 meters underground, which consists of several "rooms": in one I sleep in the winter, and in the other I store supplies. Sometimes they keep me at home, in a cage.” (Hamster.)

- “I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them. (Mouse.)

- “I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. The tail, almost equal to the length of my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump along the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. On severe frosty days, I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dry mushrooms, nuts. Squirrel.

- “I am a small animal with velvety dark gray fur. I have strong front paws, like large shoulder blades. Claws grow on them, with which I dig the earth and throw it back. I have eyes, but they are just tiny beads covered in fur and skin. I don't need eyes, as I constantly live underground in pitch darkness. But I have a great sense of smell. I can smell an earthworm from a few meters away.” (Mole.)

- Quiz "Vegetable"

Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Black onion, onion sets, turnip onion).

What was given in ancient Egypt after dinner for dessert? (boiled cabbages).

What vegetable was the idler called in the old days? (Peas).

Which vegetable contains the most starch? (Potato).

Which vegetable resembles a flying (space) saucer? (Squash).

What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion).

That radishes are not sweeter? (Horseradish).

The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word "kaput"? (Cabbage).

What does the word "bog" mean? (Garden).

What vegetable contains a large amount of growth vitamins? (Carrot).

Round and smooth, bite off - sweet ... She sat firmly in the garden ... (Turnip).

What vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

What has become of Cinderella's carriage? (Pumpkin).

He sits in the ground, his tail looks up, sugar can be obtained from it, delicious borscht can be cooked. (Beet).

What caused the princess' insomnia? Peas.

- Quiz "Wonder Birds"

Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)

What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)

Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

What is the smallest bird in our country? (King.)

What bird has a long tail? (Peacock, magpie.)

Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

What bird of our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling.)

Which bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness? (Swan.)

What bird is considered the mistress of the night forest? (Owl.)

What bird lives in a basket nest? (Oriole.)

What yellow bird with a black tie builds a nest on sand and pebbles? (Plover.)

Which birds catch insects in flight? (Swallow, swift.)

Which birds are faithful to each other all their lives? (Swan geese.)

What birds are named after their beaks? (Dubonos, broadnosed)

Which birds hatch chicks twice a summer? (Tits, pigeons.)

Which bird's nest looks like a floating island? (Chomgi.)

Where does the chiffchaff build its nest? (In the grass, her nest looks like a hut.)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)

Which bird's beak is like a hook? (Hawk.)

What bird's beak is a real bag? (Pelican.)

Which bird's beak looks like a net? (Kozodoya.)

What instruments do wader noses look like? (On an awl and a sickle (awl and curlew-sickle).)

For some reason, this bird is called that, although it does not catch any turnips? (Repolov.)


    There are no clouds on the horizon

    But an umbrella opened up in the sky.

    In a few minutes

    Got down…


    I have no legs, but I walk

    There is no mouth, but I will say

    When to sleep, when to wake up

    When to start work.


    He is always at work

    When we say

    And resting

    When we are silent.


    Along the river, along the water

    A line of boats floats

    The ship is ahead

    Leads them along

    Small boats have no oars,

    And the boat hurts a walker.

    Right, left, back, forward

    He will turn the whole gang.

    (Duck with ducklings)

    He wanders importantly across the meadow,

    Comes out of the water dry

    Wears red shoes

    Gives soft feathers.


    They knock, they knock - they don't tell you to be bored.

    They go, they go, and everything is right there.


    They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.


    Carpenter with a sharp chisel

    Building a house with one window.


    I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:

    Either I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you walk.


    Angry touchy

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

    Too many needles

    Not just one thread. (Hedgehog)

    Everyone tramples on me, but I'm getting better.


    Has no language

    And who will visit

    He knows a lot.


    I decorate the house, I collect the dust. And people trample on me,

    Yes, then they still beat with batogs. (Carpet)

    It has no legs and no wings,

    It flies fast, you can't catch up with it.


    He runs along the wires - You say here, but you can hear it there. (Telephone)

    He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty

    During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a watch. (Rooster)

    Thirty-two warriors have one commander.

    (Teeth and tongue)

    twelve brothers

    They roam one after another

    They don't bypass each other.


    Not the sea, not the land

    Ships don't sail

    And you can't walk.


    This is a cramped, cramped house:

    One hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters

    Can flare up like a fire! Do not joke with sisters, Thin ...

    (with matches)

    She has her whole soul wide open,

    And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,

    Not a turkey, but inflates,

    And not a bird, but flooded.


    If it weren't for him,

    Wouldn't say anything.


    There is a fat woman - a wooden belly,

    Iron belt. (Barrel)

    Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.


    What is it with Galochka?

    thread on a stick,

    Wand in hand

    And a thread in the river.

    (Fishing rod)

    A climber stands on the roof

    And catches the news for us.


    I silently look at everyone

    And everyone is looking at me.

    Merry see laughter

    I cry with sadness.

    Deep like a river

    I'm at home, on your wall.

    The old man sees the old man,

    The child is the child in me.


    Under the roof - four legs,

    Under the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

    They beat him with a hand and a stick - No one feels sorry for him.

    Why are they beating the poor guy?

    And for the fact that he is inflated. (Ball)

    Every day at six in the morning

    I'm cracking: it's time to get up!


    I am related to Moidodyr,

    Turn me away

    And cold water

    I will kill you alive. (Tap)

    You are given

    And people use it.


    Meets everyone with one hand,

    The other handle accompanies.


    Admire, look - the North Pole is inside!

    There sparkles snow and ice,

    Winter lives there.


    On a pole - a palace, in a palace - a singer.


    Blacker than all migratory birds,

    cleans the arable land from worms.


    He has a rubber trunk

    With a canvas stomach.

    How his engine hums

    He swallows dust and rubbish.

    (A vacuum cleaner)

    Doesn't burn in fire

    Doesn't sink in water

    Does not rot in the ground.


    In linen country

    On the river sheet

    The steamboat is sailing

    Back, then forward

    And behind him such a smooth surface,

    Not a wrinkle to be seen.


    The house is a glass bubble, And a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame.


    If I got up, I would reach the sky.


    small, round,

    And you can't catch it by the tail.


    On the wall, in plain sight,

    Gathers the news together

    And then its residents

    They will fly in all directions.


    sheet of paper in the morning

    They bring us to the apartment,

    On one such sheet

    a lot of news.


    He reveals himself, he closes you,

    As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.


    The monster's emerald eye blazed.

    So you can cross the street now.

    (Traffic light)

    I have a robot in my apartment.

    He has a huge trunk.

    Robot loves cleanliness

    And buzzes like a liner "TU"

    He willingly swallows the dust,

    Not sick, not sneezing.

    (A vacuum cleaner)

    A warm wave splashes

    Under the wave of whiteness.

    Guess, remember

    What kind of sea is in the room?


    Two brothers

    Looking into the water

    They will not converge in a century.


    Inside is empty

    He himself is silent

    And they beat - grumbles.


    Five brothers - For years equal, different in height.



    Mindfulness puzzles:

    Children's Math:



    A guide for teachers. I.N.Fedorova, A.I.Osadchaya, V.I.Emmanuilova, E.I.Krivitskaya, M.P.Stukachenko, A.V.Petrov.

    Magazines "Wonderful Moments". Moscow.

Additionally, Internet resources were used.