Download the latest update mod pack from Jova. Mods from Jove (Jove modpack) latest version. She always presented herself in two versions.

Updated (13-05-2019, 10:12): version 44 for World of Tanks 1.5

Today we are going to take a look at the popular mod build from JOVE 1.5.
Most gamers have at least once tried to play with various tricks. Hacked accounts, installed, unlocked engineering menus. AT online game such actions are strictly suppressed. The punishment, as a rule, is the complete deletion of the account. But, on the other hand, it is allowed to make additional modifications to improve certain qualities or parameters. Legal methods can significantly improve game process. The popular tank simulator was no exception.

The mods for world of tanks 1.5 from Jova are of the greatest interest.

More functional than the standard sight. In tank or tank destroyer mode, it is possible to . Do you want to see the color of the driver's eyes? No problem! This is, of course, a joke. But it will become easy and simple to “target” the viewing slot of a heavy “IS” or get into the “ear”. Interface changes, both in the hangar and in battle. An excellent remedy for a wounded soul is the damage counter. He displays his data right during the battle.

"Deers" "merged" like the last "crayfish"? But, I dealt 1000 HP of damage in a fight. And this is visible immediately, and not in the final result. Let them try to reproach that I did nothing for common good».

This is only a small part of the various "goodies". Learn more by downloading the app from this link. Install it and appreciate the skills of the developers.

What is a Jove mod build?

Interesting moment - assembly of mods for world of tanks 1.5 from jove is a normal program. The distribution kit is received, the installer is launched, during the installation process, those items that are required for a comfortable game are selected. Do not forget that mistakes are common to everyone, so it is not surprising if shortcomings are found in the future. You should not worry, all errors are quickly eliminated by "modders".
A common question that arises among "tankers": “Will mods go with previous update for the next one?" Alas, it won't work that way. For each new patch, you will need to download fresh modifications (or learn programming and rewrite the program code for yourself).

One more nuance. If in old version If you have already used any add-ons, then it is better to delete the client program. Re-install the game (use the full installation package). A similar step is needed so that there are no conflicts between mods. Otherwise, trouble may arise. Imagine that in the middle of a tough fight, when you are surrounded by enemies, the game freezes. Or you will be kicked out of the program.

Overview of the assembly of mods from Jove

Unzip the archive, run the installer. Then follow the prompts. After that, check the list of mods that you are interested in and that you want to install on your WOT client.

Jove modpack for World of Tanks 9.20 has been released.

Mod #1 for World of Tanks - Modpack Jova 9.20. Download the latest version of the Jova modpack for WOT versions 9.20 you can on our website in the "Mods" section. The set includes damage panels, scopes, information panels, XVM mod, different hangar mods and much, much more. To download follow the link.

Joves Modpack 9.20

Mods that are in the Jove modpack for World of Tanks 9.20:

  1. Hangar mods remember the server you last played on. This will eliminate the need to select the server you need from the tab each time you enter the game. Plus, a gear-shaped loading animation from Jove "a and a branded hangar in a minimalist style from the author of the modpack.
  2. View armor in the hangar. This mod was created with the support of the Tornado team. It allows you to find out the reduced armor of each of the tanks without leaving the hangar.
  3. Mod - inventory. It helps to conveniently sell various equipment, shells, equipment and other little things that have been lying around in your hangar for a long time.
  4. The tree of development of tanks in the classic version. Specially designed for old-timers who have been playing tanks for a long time and are not used to a horizontal development tree.
  5. Maud detailed description skills and abilities. It will show in detail what this or that perk affects in World of Tanks.
  6. Mod allows you to view the levels of battles of all tanks in the carousel. It clearly shows on which tanks you still need to earn a master or increase the percentage of victories.
  7. The modpack added a mod for fixed sizes of vehicle cells: small or large. The same mod shows a list of tanks in three rows if you are missing one or two.
  8. Mod for auto crew and equipment return.
  9. The list contains a mod for additional sounds in the game.
  10. VBR mod from developers from the Tornado team for a random tank. This modification allows you to enable a random selection of a tank from those available in your hangar when entering a battle.
  11. Styling system messages.
  12. Additional notification skins.
  13. Increase the scrolling speed in the notification wall.
  14. session statistics.

The Jova modpack also contains the following combat mods:

  • Jova's scope, Murazor's scope and other scopes, as well as an additional server scope.
  • Improved armor calculator. The mod will help you effectively punch through enemies.
  • Mod for a constant value of the magnification of the sight when switching to a sniper scope. For example, you play a tank destroyer and walk around so that when you switch to sniper mode, your sight is immediately magnified, for example, x25 and no less.
  • Mod for various convenient UGN for fans of anti-tank self-propelled guns.
  • Mod to control the scrolling of the mouse and its inversion.
  • In addition, the modpack contains popular mod away from the camera.
  • Also hit mod free camera.
  • Alternative markers to replace the "potato" markers from the XVM mod. Next to alternative markers, you can put skill stars that will show the efficiency or BH8 of the tanks around you in battle.
  • Mod indicator of the nearest enemy shows which enemy is closest to you. Also, this mod signals you whether the enemy closest to you is in the chamber (can you open fire on him).
  • The information panel of the selected target shows the main characteristics of the enemy tank that you are targeting or that is attacking you.
  • The mod for disabling shooting at allies and destroyed tanks is very useful if you do not want to deal damage to either the first or the second.
  • The total HP of the teams shows what stage the battle is currently in. It shows whether you win or you are defeated. After all, the number of tanks does not always correctly reflect the state of affairs on the battlefield.
  • The mod for HP in the ears is similar to the mod for general HP, only it gives more detailed information and allows you to see the HP of each individual tank, which is within the limits of drawing your combat vehicle. In this case, it is not necessary to rotate the camera and peer into the numbers. Everything is very convenient and understandable.
  • Mod for custom icons of tanks in the ears.
  • The personal damage log will complement the post-battle statistics built into World of Tanks.
  • The module repair timer will show in seconds how long it will take for your caterpillar to be repaired.
  • The BH8 indicator lets you know how many BH8 you have accumulated in each battle. Very useful mod for extras.
  • Trolling filtering cuts off standard phrases from the chat of allies that do not carry a semantic load, as well as flooding and spam.
  • Displaying the results of the last battle in the chat allows you to find out its results right in the next battle without waiting for the end of the last battle in the hangar.
  • Colored messages in chat and automatic messages about light, damage and team damage allow you and your allies to perceive information more effectively.
  • Log of received damage in the chat.
  • Mod to disable the red flash on damage.
  • Mod for white downed caterpillars and white corpses of tanks. It will clearly show whether you shot down the caterpillar to the enemy or not. It will also show whether your enemy is hiding behind the corpse of an ally or not.
  • Advanced skins with penetration zones are also available in the Jove modpack for World of Tanks 9.20.
  • Mod for improved colored hit details. It will tell you what type of projectile was fired at you, where it hit, where the armor was pierced, where the high-explosive fragmentation projectile entered, etc.
  • Alternative crew voice acting.

In addition, Modpack Jova has been expanded with the WoT Tweaker Plus program. It is able to increase FPS on weak computers by disabling certain effects in World of Tanks. There is a texture clipping function for the weakest PCs.

We present you a unique collection of mods for WoT 1.4 from Jove. In addition to the presented mods, this assembly also includes other small but convenient things, for example, a special WN8 counter that will work during battle, useful efficiency stars that highlight players, a damage log and a sight that shows the reduced armor. Separately, it is worth highlighting the return of a special program that allows you to disable any effects - Wot Tweaker Plus. Thus, you will be able to run your favorite game again on ancient computers or laptops, because the FPS will increase noticeably!

Features of fashion from Jove for World of Tanks 1.4

Here is the list new mods included in the assembly:
- A mod that helps with the choice of tank (this happens automatically).
- Mod "Skins of Penetration".
— Maud reporting a coup.
- A mod that adds new sounds that will appear in the Light Bulb section.
- A unique mod that will definitely appeal to fans of history or, for example, self-propelled guns.
Mods from Jove designed for this game, which is rightfully considered one of the most popular in the MMO genre, must be respected, if only for the reason that this player is a professional in this field, only a few have reached his level.

Changes that are already included in its build

1. Unique handy sight that has aiming angles. The process of aiming with such a sight delivers only pleasant emotions.
2. The absence of interfering blackout in sniper mode. In recent updates, even the delays in this function have disappeared!
3. A small counter of damage dealt to the tank.
4. More than 10 design options for the indicator, which has the name "6 senses".
5. Sound accompaniment (voice calculation of enemies and critical damage).
6. The possibility of a stronger distance of the camera. Thus, the battlefield is transformed, and you gain an advantage.
7. The appearance of white models in place of the tanks that were destroyed by your team. The mod simplifies the further process of combat in this territory.
8. Classic exploration is back.
9. The fog that interferes with the conduct of the battle has been removed.
10. Adding unique programs: WOT Tweaker and Replays Manager. Thus, you will have the opportunity to play on weak computers (1 program) and view records of past games (2 program).
The new build from Jova includes a lot of innovations, but first we need to discuss other points. The fact is that the assembly was assembled into one unpacker program, you can choose specific modifications. It is also worth noting the speed of the appearance of this build, because it saw the light the very next day after the release of this patch. Now let's take a look at the mods themselves.

Mods included in the extended version

- "Asterisks". They show the statistics of each player.
- "Olenemer". This mod helps to analyze the statistics of a particular player (battles, percentage of wins, etc.).
— "Zoom X25". It has been significantly improved, bugs fixed.
- Armor Calculator. This innovation concerns the sight and shows the penetration of the projectile, taking into account the armor.
- "Counter WN8". It displays the efficiency progress during the battle.
- "Indicator of projectiles." You can find him during the fight in the Zayaz panel.
We also note the correction of errors regarding compatibility with Personal Combat Missions.

Mods from JOVE 1.4 and a few words

All available mods can be divided into groups according to their purpose. They include unique components.
1. Mod for sights
- Specially from Jova;
- turquoise sight;
— Amway921;
- flash sight;
- minimalistic;
- "Mjolnir";
- sight Desertod;
- sight from MeltyMap;
- sight Desertod;
- "Sword of Damocles";
- A sight that has convergence with the angle of the projectile.

2. Mod to improve the battle process
- Cleaning the sight;
- An indicator that reveals the direction of the shelling;
— Tank armor calculator;
— Rangefinder correction;
- Changing the time of the show "The Sixth Sense";
- The direction of the trunks located on the map;
- 15 meter circle.

3. Mod for aiming
- Special from MeltyMap;
- a corner;
- in a semicircle;
- a huge semicircle.

4. Mod on the panel that displays information
— Simplification of the panel;
Color design;
- Adding review and even reloading.

5. Battle chat mod
- The emergence of a big story;
- adding the message "Illuminated!"

6. Mod on the panel associated with damage
— From marsoff;
— From GambitER;
— From Jova;
— From Zayaz.

7. Mod for the sound of crit (bell)

8. Camera Mod
- The ability to reprogram the wheel so that it does not go into sniper mode;
- Correction of camera shake;
- Special X16 sight (four-stage).

9. Improving the designs of many things
- Disable interfering inscriptions;
- skins with penetration zones;
- white models of tanks (this also applies to wagons);
- highlighting objects on maps, for example, railway platforms;
— colored decals from shells.

10. Fix visibility

11. Innovations in the hangar
— Statistics of battles, sessions, etc.;
— detailed development tree;
— convenient and detailed list of tanks;
- accurate ping;
- descriptions of absolutely all skills, as well as - skills;
- displaying the level of battles;
- the appearance of the clock;
— display of the server on which the last game;
- a list of battles that has been finalized (on the Civil Code).

12. Mod XVM
- The appearance of a special mini-map, in which there is a sonar;
- an asterisk indicating how certain player dangerous in battle;
- Various markers: defenses, techniques and others;
- Team HP (be careful with this factor if you have weak computer, FPS may sag);
- the appearance of a damage log that was inflicted by you personally;
- pictures of the "sixth sense";
- a unique timer voice acting, activated at a certain time;
- voice acting several times mentioned "The Sixth Sense".

13. Mod to raise the number of frames per second using the WoT Tweaker Plus program

14. Mini-map, moved into the game from European servers;

15. Mod for viewing game replays using the program.

16. A mod that improves the streaming process on Twitch.

Important! All mods presented in the lists can seriously affect the number of frames displayed per second. Comfortable game is achieved when this indicator varies around 60 frames (this is most likely the maximum of your monitor). If you have a weak computer, then you may not be able to install some of the mods from the list. But, fortunately, everyone can find something for themselves!

Mods for those who are in the tank

Hi everybody! In this article we will tell you about everyone's favorite, most popular and, perhaps, one of the most useful modifications from the player Jove. This mod is not just one of the best and most popular, because it is he who allows everyone to make the game more comfortable and convenient. Modpack Jova becomes not only better, but also more optimized for the game than the previous one. All the mods in this build have already been thoroughly tested by many players, but nevertheless they need to be finalized and made more convenient each time. The developers of this mod try every time to take into account the opinion of the players and, listening to them, correct certain errors.

As for the next version of the mods, you can see, as always, more beautiful and convenient sights, informative and improved damage panels, as well as general game panels, a wide variety of light bulb icons, a special “clean” hangar, like Jov’s, and many many others. As always, the modpack has two bundles that can be found in the installer. It is in it that you can choose one or another mod to your own taste and preference, which can make the game not only more comfortable, but also productive - which is important, especially when you play in a responsible battle.

And let everyone say that modifications to the World of Tanks game do not increase statistics, do not improve the percentage of hits, and so on, so on, so on. But we know for sure how much more convenient it is to play with them and how much more calmly to see, thanks to them, where the enemy is looking, and whether it is worth rolling out on him right now. Of course, everyone says that playing without mods, the player becomes more experienced, as he trusts only his feelings and professionalism. But this can only be said about professional players, and everyone who has just started playing will definitely not be hindered by mods. As for the performance of the game after installing modifications, then you don’t have to worry about it even on the weakest machines, because the utility called WoT Tweaker was returned to the assembly and improved. Thanks to it, each player will be able to optimize and reduce the level of graphics so that the FPS is optimal and does not interfere in the most crucial moments of the game.

If we talk about the changes in this version of the mod, then they include the following:

improved armor calculator with tilt angles;

reworked mod of white tanks and caterpillars;

modified and improved zoom in sniper mode;

new, more pleasant sights;

the direction of the enemy's trunks on the map.

There is a new one in front of you Jova modpack for patch

All useful mods in one collection of mods from Jove World of Tanks:

Handy sights like Jov's with all the useful information.
- Damage panel + damage indicator.
- Remove blackness in sniper mode.
- Improved mini-map.
- Camera distance (zoom mode).
- XVM Lite Mod - OverTargetsMod complex mod to improve markers.
- Crit call and enemy voice detection.
- The old World of Tanks vehicle development tree.
- Disable developer camouflage.
- White corpses of tanks.
- Removing fog and turning off post-processing.
- Signature hangar from Jova.
- WoT Tweaker.
- Wot Replays Manager. Convenient program for sorting replays.
- Expanded combat statistics of the player.
- New picture for The Sixth Sense.
- zoom mod camera distance.
- Booking calculator.
- Damage log for you in the chat.
- WN8 log in battle.
- Player efficiency stars.

Here is a collection of mods from Jove for World Of Tanks and (in addition to the basic mods, the assembly includes such convenient things: the WN8 counter in battle; players' efficiency stars; the sight-calculator of the reduced armor; the damage log for you in the chat ).

Not forgetting about new products and finalizing mods for the new update, the authors brought back to life our most important program - Wot Tweaker Plus. Now your old PCs and laptops will once again get help in the form of disabling effects and squeezing textures. And we hope that your FPS will be higher than ever again!

1. New mod"Randomizer" - automatic tank selection. 2. New mod "Smart Tank Penetration Skins". 3. Mod notification of the coup of your tank. 4. New interesting sounds in the Light Bulb section. 5. And a super-mod for fans of self-propelled guns and history!

Jov mods for World of Tanks. The game is one of the most popular MMO games on the this moment. But not many players become true professional players. So Jove is one of the most experienced players world of World of Tanks. And already at the moment he is releasing an assembly of his additions to the game.

  1. Very user friendly sight interface. The main plus is the presence of aiming angles. What you need to enjoy the process of guidance.
  2. Removed blackout when switching to sniper mode. At the moment, there is no transition delay at all.
  3. Added damage counter. The indicator looks not bulky and quite attractive.
  4. New design of the "6 senses" indicator. There are over 10 variations available for download.
  5. Changed the soundtrack of critical damage and voice detection of the enemy.
  6. Thanks to the Camera Zoom function, it has become much easier to control the situation on the battlefield.
  7. Replacing the killed tanks with white models. You no longer have to look for the enemy behind a dead tank, its textures will be clearly visible on a white background.
  8. The classic tank research is back.
  9. Removed fog from locations, also now there is no standard processing in the game.
  10. Adding useful programs such as WOT Replays Manager and WOT Tweaker. The first is designed for comfortable replay management, the second is for optimizing the game on less powerful computers.

New assembly from the notorious Jove, who has been recording videos on Youtube about game World of tanks. In this assembly, a lot of new things are stuffed, and supposedly his sight, and everything is supposedly his, although this is far from being the case. But now is not about that.

The whole assembly is assembled by the unpacker program, and gives you a choice of modifications. Jove mod pack and is perhaps his fastest work. If earlier everyone waited for three or four days, then Jove succeeded and immediately after the release of patch and released his pack.

Offers best mods for our game - from smart sights that display the armor and reloading of the enemy, to complex mods that change the hangar and the interface in battle.

In addition to the standard basic mods, the extended version includes the following things:

* XVM updated - fixed compatibility with LBZ (Personal Combat Missions)

* PMOD updated - fixed compatibility with LBZ (Personal Combat Missions)

1. "Olenemer" - player statistics mod. Shows the number of fights, efficiency and the percentage of victories.

2. "Asterisks" of usefulness and danger of players.

3. Improved Zoom X25 - additional zoom in the sniper scope.

4. Improved Armor Calculator - shows the penetration of your projectile, taking into account the thickness of the armor and the slope of the armor plates of the enemy tank.

5. WN8 efficiency meter. Shows progress in efficiency right in battle.

6. The indicator of projectiles in battle from the damage panel of Zayaz.

Modpack Jova classic mods:

Mod list:

1. Convenient sights:

  • Like Jova
  • minimalistic
  • Turquoise
  • Flash Scope
  • Amway921 sight
  • Murazor scope
  • Desertod sight
  • White sight
  • Scope "Mjolnir"
  • Scope a la Ghost Recon
  • Super sight from MeltyMap
  • Art sight "Sword of Damocles"
  • Art sight "TAIPAN"
  • Mixing like K. Oreshkin
  • Convergence with the angle of entry of the projectile

2. Useful little things in battle:

  • Removing dirt from snipe. sight
  • Firing direction indicator
  • Disabling random shooting
  • Rangefinder correction
  • Your armor calculator
  • Increasing the display time of the image "Sixth Sense"
  • The direction of the trunks on the mini-map (highly affects the FPS)
  • Circle 15 meters from the tank

3. Horizontal Angle:

  • Corner
  • Semicircle
  • big semicircle
  • By MeltyMap

4. Information panel:

  • Reload and review
  • simple panel
  • color bar

5. Damage panel:

  • Like Jova
  • Interface by zayaz
  • Panel by GambitER
  • Panel by marsoff

6. Combat Chat:

  • The message "I'm lit!"
  • Message history

7. Crit call

8. Camera distance + free camera from WG:

  • NoScroll - the wheel does not switch to sniper mode
  • Turn off dynamic camera shake
  • 4-speed sniper scope (X16)

9. Appearance change:

  • Disabling camouflages and inscriptions
  • Skins with penetration zones
  • "White corpses" of tanks and wagons
  • Colored decals of projectile hits
  • Bright railway platforms on the maps
  • White downed caterpillars