Guide and walkthrough for "Final Fantasy VIII". Final fantasy viii: guides and walkthroughs Final fantasy 8 10000 kills how to achieve

Konstantin Inin

Fantasy is psychic. activity,

consisting in the creation of representations and

mental situations, never in general

not perceived by man


encyclopedic Dictionary

Have you heard of Action-RPG? Yes, yes, guy, these are such funny toys, where little gnomes run around the screen and mess with all sorts of evil spirits. Uh-huh - a relic of the past and all that. The heavy legacy of consoles. Zero playability. You're right - children's toys. Of course, they cannot compete with normal RPGs like Beholder and Baldur's Gate. final fantasy you know? What, no ear, no nose? That's right, you don't need it. Why waste time? What? Do you want to buy? On five compacts? Do you need it? Do you want to try? My advice to you is don't try. Why? Because, excel-moxel, and all that... You will be lost in this game. If you forget about Baldur's Gate, about all your hatred for consoles, you will forget your mother! Don't play it - it's risky.

A person reading this guide and not playing FFVIII will go crazy. Don't try to read this for your own pleasure. FFVIII has a very large, tricky and unusual game system that needs to be taught like a catechism. Getting a general idea of ​​​​it takes experienced player fluent in English, about half an hour. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the total time it will take you to play Final Fantasy. My task is to give a short but attention-demanding lecture to a person who is going to play FFVIII and prefers to do it competently. It's you? Go.


Let's first understand what a fighter can do besides inflicting heavy physical damage. In FFVIII, all this (that is, everything except scuffle) is implemented through the Junction system.

There is a certain set of Guardian Forces - GF "s received by the player in different places. I will not dwell on the plot aspects of this case - we are only concerned with the technical side. GF is tied to the character and, first of all, gives him the opportunity to do something other than Attack. Basic set– GF, Draw, Item, Magic. With the last two, everything is obvious - the use of items and the use of magic. Draw - drawing magic from opponents and special points on the ground; more on this below. The first point, GF, is to call the Guardian Force itself. In the vast majority of cases, this is causing serious damage to all opponents: about 170 HP for an unpumped GF. In addition to the above commands, over time, "junking" a particular GF may give new commands; in any case, you can only choose 3 from the list. This is done in the Junction/Ability menu.

It takes some time to call GF"a: the more often you use GF"a with a specific character, the less this time is. In the options, you can see the degree of "habit" of GF "s to the character. While the GF is called, all blows hit him and take off his hits. Since there are frankly more of them than the character has, the GF also serves as a shield. This does not apply to special effects : Cure on a character that calls GF "a, it is the character that will heal; GF "and it is impossible to poison, put to sleep, etc. After each battle, all GFs receive an exp equal to the exp received by the character and divided by the number of GF" s "attached" to him; in addition, they receive Ability Points. From the exp, the level increases - respectively, HP and damage dealt. As AP (Ability Points) are accumulated, GFs learn ability. You can specify the order in which ability is learned, even more: which ability you choose depends on which ability GF can learn in the future. Ability is diverse and the list of them is long: among them there are new teams of characters, and a banal increase in GF's parameters, and abilities relating to the entire party. About the two classes - in more detail.

First of all, the "junction" GF makes it possible to attach not only 3 new commands to the character, but also 2 more abilities. It works like this: first the GF has to learn an ability - let's say HP +10%. Then, in the same menu where commands for the character are set, this ability is hung up on him - the effect is obvious. There is the ability Move-Find - finding hidden Draw Points on the map; it will also work only if you put it on the character. All the parsley with a two-stage system is started because a character can only have 2 abilities, and you need to choose from the whole variety learned by GF "ohm.

Further: the second group is the ability, which allows you to tie (again junction "it, and let's continue to write this word in Russian and without quotes), and so, junction magic to different parameters of the player and his weapon. This is done as follows: if GF "has an ability that allows you to junction magic to HP, then you choose Junction / Magic, then the HP line and magic from the one you managed to train. The new value of the parameter will be shown to you as soon as you hover over the corresponding spell.

The parameters to which magic can be jacked are divided into 3 groups: these are character characteristics, elemental attack and defense, and status attack and defense. With the first, everything is clear - the parameter changes itself and changes. The rest of the crooked wording needs to be explained.

A character can make part of his direct - that is, a weapon, not magic - elemental attack: fire, water, etc. A character can be partially protected from elemental attacks - to varying degrees from different elements. Both are done by junctioning magic to the options that open up when you select Junction/Magic and press left. The corresponding lines will become white, that is, potentially "junk" (well, I will allow myself quotes), only if the GF has already learned the corresponding skill; this applies to the characteristics of the character too. The effect is obvious: 50% fire attack - significantly more painful for water creatures, 50% fire protection - halving fire attacks; By the way, one of the main enemies is full of fire, which is obvious from the intro. If the defense is more than 100%, the character is healed by the corresponding element.

Same story with status attacks and defenses. The character can put to sleep or poison the enemy with a sword; the character can be partially protected from sleep or poison (obviously, status effects are not exhausted by sleep and poison). The status parameters menu is opened by pressing “left” again after the element parameters menu is displayed.

Only one spell can be junctioned to each parameter, if GF "a does not have a skill that allows you to junction two at once. Junctioning to a character of 2 GFs with the ability HP junction will not correct the situation - only one spell can be hung on HP.

Here are the basic things you need to know about junction. In principle, in the corresponding menu there is an option to junction everything and everything with a certain orientation (attack, defense, balance), and those who don’t care about digging can do it and set everything up automatically. But after all, there aren’t those here who don’t give a damn and break into digging?

Now here's a bonus for you: a table of GFs with call effects, and most importantly, their location. That is, where you can grab a valuable animal and at what cost. Read carefully, it will come in handy.

GF Attack Location How
Quezatcotl lightning
Shiva cold Issued by Quistis when visiting Fre Cavern
Ifrit fire Fire Cavern Defeat Ifrit
Siren Physical Attack + Sleep Fight with Elvoret on the communication tower Draw from Elvoret
brothers Ground attack Tomb of Unknown King Defeat Brothers
Diablos -70% enemy HP Located in a Cid-issued lamp Save, Use Lamp (Item/Use), Fight Diablos, Load Save, Go Level Up, Repeat Until Effect
carbuncle Deling City Presidential Residence Draw from Iquion
Leviathan water attack Balamb Garden Draw from Norg
Pandemona Balamb Hotel, fight with Fujin and Rajin Draw from Fujin
Odin Centra Ruins Defeat Odin
Alexander Galbadia Garden Draw from Edea
Cerebrus Galbadia Garden Defeat Cerebrus
Ghoulish Collect 6 Steel Pipes, 6 Molbor Tentacles, 6 Remedy Pluses in fierce battles, find Solomon's Ring in Tears Point and use it
Bahamut Warship Island Defeat Bahamut
Sabotender Cactuar Island (Centra Region) Defeat Giant Cactuar
Tonberry Centra Ruins Defeat at least 20 Tonberry, then defeat Tonberry King
Eden Warship Island Draw from Ultimate Weapon

Pay special attention to those GFs that need to be pulled from someone: if you defeat the enemy without pulling GF out of him, then the GF will be lost to you. However, you can go through the whole game on 5 GF "ah, and nothing.


We turn to magic and items - consumables, so to speak, materials.

With objects everything is clear. They are mostly dropped from monsters, sometimes bought in the store, used in combat with the help of the appropriate team, or in a peaceful situation through the appropriate menu. In addition to various potions and Molotov cocktails, there are a lot of items with special uses; some of them will be discussed below.

Magic is more interesting. You have magic, roughly speaking, in the form of scrolls. That is, a certain number of consumable units of each spell. The effectiveness of using a spell depends on the character's Magic parameter - in some places the Japanese have it all in a simple way. Magic can be used in combat, just like items, with the help of the command (note that in both cases the character performs an action, that is, spends a “move”), or can be used through the menu; but the method of extraction is different here. Items fall out of defeated characters; magic needs to be drained during the battle, and this is also a separate team - the same Draw. You are shown a list of spells available to the enemy, you choose, after which Draw can be successful, or it can fail. "Move" is spent in any case. Here the question is how much the munchkin will speak in you: my friend pumped so much magic on the first disc that I didn’t have on the third. In addition, magic can be obtained from Draw Points found on the map (actually, apart from them, only Save Points are found on the map, so you can tell); Only the character who has the Draw command attached can perform the action.

Actually, the system of magic, as you can see, is simple. Still, those who shout that FFVIII is not an RPG, to put it mildly, are doing it in vain. That is, of course, this is not exactly an RPG, and not even an RPG at all, but at least the ways of passing are deeply individual. Most likely, there are people who fight with might and main with magic, although, say, I practically never did it - only for medical purposes or in critical cases. Both they and I are doing great.


Special attention to those who played FFVII. Finding a limit can drive you into hysterics, and it's actually very simple.

First the weapon. You cannot (as most likely already noticed) change the weapon issued to the hero; all you can do is upgrade it. Upgrades become available as you find Weapons Monthly magazines - what you have in Items is called Weapon Mon, let's say Mar. Or Jun. Or some other way. The last three letters represent the month. Each following magazine describes more and more cool "guns"; upgrading, you can see how the parameters change when switching to a new device. The magazines are located in the following locations:

March: Defeat Elvoret "a (Dollet)

April: Lying on Squall's desk and in his new room - after Squall becomes Seed

May: At Deling Sewers

June: Defeat BGH251F2 at Missile Base

July: Located in the Training Center "e Balamb Garden" (on the third disc)

August: 5 steps south of the gargoyle statue in Trabia Garden

Debut: Lunatic Pandora Research Center (last episode with Laguna)

After receiving the magazine, you go to the nearest Junk Shop (almost every city has it, for example, in Dollet; if you can’t find it anywhere else, then get there), give the required amount of resources and get a brand new cleaver. be sure to upgrade them sequentially: if you have a cleaver of the first level and the resources to make it of the second or third level, then immediately make it to the third. moreover: to make a second out of the third is the same as the second out of the first.) Here, in fact, everything is about weapons; armor, as you again already noticed, is not at all.

More interesting with limits. Limits, that is, special attacks, are activated when the character has a certain percentage of HP left - less than 25%. An arrow to the right appears next to Attack, if you press “right”, the name of the limit appears. If the arrow does not appear, then with the button that scrolls the finished characters (that is, it is selected which of the characters ready to walk will do it first; by default it is D), you can pull it out forcibly: you scroll it 6-8 times, it becomes brutal and ready for anything. Below is a list of limits.

Squall-Renzokukken. At the sight of an enemy, he loses his will, becomes furious, runs to the scoundrel and inflicts several terrible blows with his sword; if in time (namely, when the rectangle on the strip at the bottom of the screen flies through the window and the Trigger inscription appears) press E, then the blow will be stronger. Sometimes Squall will also land one of the 8 finishing moves - he also learns them as the game progresses.

Zell-Duel. Zell holds several receptions; if you turn off the Auto mode, then you can choose the tricks yourself - from the drop-down list. Zell learns new, very, very strong tricks from the numbers of King of Fighters; they are located in the following locations:

001: First floor D-District Prison

002: Awarded after defeating Raijin and Fujin

003: Issued randomly when spending a night at the Balamb Hotel

004: Randomly awarded when defeating one of the soldiers in Lunatic Pandora

005: Lunatic Pandora lobby

Selfie-Slot. Casts a randomly selected spell one, two or three times - also randomly selected; among the spells there are several not available elsewhere; in particular, from the very beginning, Selphie casts an extremely useful Full-Cure.

Rinoa - Angelo. Dog Rinoa has been learning a new move for some time after you find a Pet Pals magazine with that move; in a fight, the technique used is randomly selected. Location of magazines:

Issue 1: On the train to Timber

Issue 2: At the rebel base (deja vu?) in Timber in the episode of the capture of the president

Issue 3: Timber Pet Store

Issue 4: Timber Pet Store

Issue 5: Esthar Pet Store

Issue 6: Esthar Pet Store

See note about logs above.

Quistis. blue magic. One of the "spells" learned during the game. To learn a new spell, use a special item in the Item; here is a list of spells and items.

Irvine - in a state of limit, you can plant several bullets at the enemy at once by pressing R1 in sequence; different ways(for example, using the corresponding ability of GF "a) you can get very cool bullets.

Edea is also all sorts of magic. Powerful enough, nothing more.

Se la vie. Using limits is a risky thing, but very useful; dare!


Well, and sweet. The information below is very boring, but I strongly recommend studying it, since it is very useful to understand what this or that status is and how to deal with it. Status, as you understand, the state of the character: poisoned, stunned, sleeping, etc., and everything would be obvious if the game was not called Final Fantasy, etc. would be limited to 3-4 points. So the statuses are:

Status as shown What is How to fight
Disabled Lies "kick from the hooves" Drops out of the battle, does not gain exp when it ends Life-magic, Phoenix-item's, Revive team, spend the night at the hotel
doom A red timer appears overhead Character dies when time runs out Elixir-item "s, Remedy Plus, Treatment team
Critical Stands on one knee or otherwise halves growth; HP turns yellow Can make limits Cure-magic, Cure-items, White Wind E skill.
Poison Green bubbles fly over the character Takes damage on every action
Petrify Becomes stone Cannot take part in battle - and Petrify all characters means instant loss
Petrifying Overhead timer At the end of time - Petrify Esuna, skill White Wind E., Soft (Gold Needle), Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Darkness A black cloud hangs over the character The Hit parameter is halved Esuna, skill White Wind E., Eye Drops, Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Silence Three dots hang above the character Cannot use Magic (also applies to monsters), Draw and GF Esuna, skill White Wind E., Echo Screen, Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Berserk The character turns red Increased Attack and automatically select Attack every turn Esuna, skill White Wind E., Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Zombie The character turns grey-green Attack increases, healing magic starts to deal damage, Phoenix Down kills, attempting to cast Drain magic or the Absorb command on a zombie character causes damage to the one who tried to cast it Esuna, skill White Wind E., Holy Water, Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Sleep "zzz" appears above the character. Does not take part in the battle
Confuse The character is spinning in place Starts to act randomly - attack, cast and use items without any logic Physical attacks, Esuna, White Wind E. skill, Remedy-item's, Elixir-item's, Treatment team
Vitality Zero Character turns purple Vitality drops to zero Esuna, Remedy Plus, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Slow Time Bar turns blue Time Bar fills slower
Stop Time Bar turns blue Time Bar stops filling Dispel, Haste magic, Esuna, Elixir-items, Treatment team
haste Time bar turns red Time Bar fills up faster Dispel
Regen Character regenerates Dispel
float Character hovering above the ground Invulnerability to Earth attacks Dispel
Protect Blue energy field above the character Removes half damage from physical attacks Dispel
Shell Purple energy field above the character Removes half damage from magic attacks Dispel
Reflect yellow energy field Reflecting most magic attacks on the caster; does not work against strong magic Dispel
curse Falls to his knees (or otherwise, as was said, halves his height) Can't use limits Esuna, White Wind E., Holy Water, Remedy-items, Elixir-typed items, Treatment team
Aura Character becomes golden Ability to use limits Dispel
Defend Get into a defensive posture Immunity against physical attacks and half the damage from magic attacks is removed Disappears in one turn
Double All spells are cast at will in duplicate. Dispel
Triple All spells can be cast double or triple at will. Both in the case of Double and in the case of Triple, the spell pool is consumed accordingly Not
Invincible The character becomes transparent No effect of magical and physical attacks Not

Combat success. Pay attention to the development of GFs at the beginning of the game - the last 3 discs will seem like a sweet dream. The mat. part is a great thing.

seed rank

As you understand, you are Seed, a professional mercenary who receives a salary from Garden, and this the only way get any money. Your salary depends on your rank; in order to increase the rank, you need to answer 10 questions in Tutorial/TEST. The questions relate to the rules of the game and, in principle, it is not harmful to answer them yourself in order to learn a lot of useful things. If you are a dirty cheater - the correct answers to the questions for each level are at your service:

Test 1: Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N

Test 2: Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N N

Test 3: N N Y N Y Y Y N Y N

Test 4: N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N

Test 5: N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y

Test 6: Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y

Test 7: Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N

Test 8: N Y N N Y Y N N Y N

Test 9: N Y N N N N N N Y Y

Test 10: Y N N N N N N N Y N

Test 11: Y Y N Y Y N Y N N Y

Test 12: N Y N N Y N Y N Y N

Test 13: Y N N N Y N N N N N

Test 14: Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N

Test 15: Y Y N N N N N Y N Y

Test 16: Y N N Y N Y N N Y N

Test 17: Y N N N Y N N Y N N

Test 18: Y N N N Y N N N N N

Test 19: Y N N Y N N N N N Y

Test 20: Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N N

Test 21: Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N

Test 22: N N N Y N N N Y Y N

Test 23: Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y

Test 24: Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y

Test 25: Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N

Test 26: Y Y N Y N Y N Y N N

Test 27: N Y N N N N Y N Y N

Test 28: Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N

Test 29: N N N Y Y N N N Y N

Test 30: N Y N N N N Y N N N

If you are not a very dirty cheater, then you can connect your head to this matter. As you can see, after answering 10 questions, you are given the percentage of correct answers. There are two main ideas: firstly, the answers to all questions Y give you the ratio of answers Y and N. Secondly, you can easily find out the answer to any question: first you type all answers Y, then all Y, the question under study is N. And compare the results. Helps in situations where you try to pass honestly, but get stuck. Then, this is an honest hack: everything is more interesting than stupidly writing off a magazine.

In principle, fighting behavior can increase (and often run away from painful combat can lower) your Seed Rank without any tests. The maximum you can achieve is a salary of 30,000 gil. It is issued, as you noticed, itself at certain intervals.

Do you know that:

When forced to replace one fighter with another, can you transfer all the magic and all the junctions - both GFs and parameters - at once? This is done through the Switch menu.

Ability Boost works like this: while the GF is flying, hold F and press A often, often? The attack gets stronger.

That Squall hits with a sword about twice as hard if, immediately after the whistle of the sword in the air, you press E? The same E works as a trigger for Renzokukken

That walking in the woods increases the likelihood of a fight, while walking on the roads reduces it?

That the character who delivered the finishing blow gets exp more than others, and this blow should be inflicted by the character, and not by his GF? They don’t give exp for bosses, so if the screen before the battle shattered not as usual, but like a boss, then your greed can sleep peacefully.

That the exp is divided into all GFs attached to the character, but APs are distributed to each in a fixed amount, no matter how many there are? Hence the conclusion: you can hang non-combat GFs on one character, and then they will just pump abilities, and will not grow much. True, it turns out some kind of perversion.

That the combat designer's name is Hiroyuki Itou, and is that really it?!

The adventure begins with an amazing cartoon, after which you find yourself in the infirmary. You are a student at Balamb Garden preparing to take the final exam to become a member of a special military mercenary unit - SEED.
After talking with your teacher Quistis, you need to go to the main entrance on the first floor, where she is waiting for you. Your first challenge is to complete the Fire Cavern. But first, you can explore the garden, collect a few things and surf the computer (in the place where you were sitting). After leaving the classroom, talk to one of those standing near the elevator, he will give you 7 cards, so you can start playing cards. You can also take the girl on a tour that will meet you when you leave the classroom. Going down to the first floor in the center of the hall, you will see a guide to the garden. It will help you navigate what and where is in the garden. A Junior Classman sometimes runs by the guidebook, you can win a MiniMog CARD from him. If you go to the library, on one of the bookshelves you will find the first issue of the Occult Science magazine (OCCULT FAN I. In the cafe you can win a QUISTIS CARD from one of her big fans (Tripe Groupie #1). Go to the exit from the garden.Here you will meet Kuistis, after an instructive conversation with her and setting up your characters, you can go to the cave.But first, we advise you to fully review the section "Help" in your menu.

Fire Cavern
It is located not far from the Garden, in the east. Upon entering it, you will be asked your level of training and offered the time for which you can go through the cave. It is not difficult to pass it, both in 10 minutes and in 40 minutes, but it is better to choose the time option of 30, it all depends on you. The difference is in how you get through it. In the cave, run forward all the time and soon you will reach the fiery crater, here the first battle with the Guardian awaits you.

Ifrit : The Ifrit Guard has little energy, is also an elemental monster, and therefore is very afraid of ice. Attacks you with fire and physical attacks. Give one of your heroes an Ice Guard, and let the other hit him with a simple blow. Don't forget to replenish your energy. Using Guardian Quezacolt is not effective, as it deals minor damage to Ifrit, but takes too long to cast. You can deal with him in five minutes, but before you do this, pull all his magic from him to the chapel, later it will come in very handy, just this will take all your time. See that you have enough time to deal with him, otherwise you will have to start everything from the very beginning. For the victory you will receive.

After finishing this task, go back to the garden. After talking with the teacher, go to your room, which is located on the first floor, opposite the main entrance. Change and return to the lobby.

Field exam SEED (Seed Field Exam)
In the hall you will be given a command. Go to the parking lot, get in the car and go to Balamb (west of the Garden). After passing through the city, you will find yourself on the pier, loaded onto a warship, go to Dollet, to pass the main exam, whoever passes it is accepted into the SEED.
After landing at Dolleta beach, you need to go to the town square. Along the way, you will encounter Galbadia Soldiers. Once you reach the square, take out some of the soldiers hiding behind the cars to the right of Dollet's hotel. After that, your order is v to guard City Square. Noticing that the Galbadian soldiers have run to the Communication Tower, you decide to go and find out what is there. When you reach the Tower, you will meet the girl whom you showed the way in the Garden. After that, enter the Tower and take the elevator up. Here you will meet Biggs and Vij (Biggs Wedge)
Biggs Wedge: First you need to prepare for the fight. Deploy a Guardian to everyone on your team. As well as the ability to Pull. Ability The subject is mandatory for one, the rest is at your discretion, the ability Magic is also mandatory for one, the rest as you wish. They have little energy, but a lot of useful magic. Cleanse them by typing up to the chapel of magic, and then use your Guardians against them. A few hits and they'll be done. Next you will have a serious fight with Elvoret.
Elvoret: Has a decent amount of energy, uses both magic and physical attacks in combat. Uses the magic Gust of Wind and any other in conjunction. Below, to the left of the elevator, there is a Draw Point. Be sure to draw out the Darkness from it. When you fight Elvoret, use it on him. In this way, you will get rid of the damage caused by his physical attacks. Constantly try to keep your energy at the maximum. Attack him first with the Guardians. If they run out, then go to simple strikes and magic. With Elvoret, you can draw Double (Double), after which, by applying to yourself, you can use double magic in one turn. You can also pull Double magic up to your chapel, although it's not easy at all.
Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
When Elvoret appears, pull the SIREN out of him.
For defeating everyone, you will receive the WEAPONS MON mart + .

After the battle, you will receive a new order, everyone to return to the beach. You only have 30 minutes to do this. Get down on the elevator. As you exit the tower, X-ATM092 Black Widow will attack you.
X-ATM092 Black Widow: This machine is indestructible, don't even try. The only thing you can do is break it and when it starts to repair, run away from the fight. If you do not have time to escape, you will have to start all over from the beginning. First thing in combat, draw and use the Shield on yourself. So you will reduce by half all her physical blows. The Widow also uses Beam Cannon magic on everyone. Black Widow is afraid of electricity, so use Quezacolt Guard against her. If it runs out, then you just have to use blows. It is not reasonable to use other Guardians, since you have little time, and decently time is spent on their execution. Replenish your energy by drawing it from the Widow or from your reserves. After repulsing some of the Black Widow's energy, she will break down and require repairs. This is your chance to run faster from the fight. But this is not the end of the fight. On the way to the beach, the Widow will follow you everywhere. Whatever you enter into the next battle, you need to go through each screen as quickly as possible. If you linger a little, she will certainly attack you. When you get to the beach, get on the boat and go to Balamb. After a short conversation with the instructor, you can walk around the city. In the hotel on the second floor, to the right of the Preservation, there is an issue of Timber Maniacs on the table. Go to the Garden.

Seed Inauguration
In the Garden, go to the hall on the first floor, near the sign. Talk to Master Cid, the instructor, and Kzu. After that, go to the right and talk to Seifer outside the library. After the conversation, go up to the second floor. After talking with everyone near the class, you will be invited to the Master's office. Here you will be awarded diplomas and shine in SEED. Talk to Master Sid once again after the initiation. He will give you a BATTLE METER. The counter shows the total number of battles. How many battles you lost and won, as well as how far you went. You can find it in your Menu v Help v Information v Information v Battle Report. Back in your room, change into your SEED uniform, talk to Selfie, and enter the party. After talking with the instructor, you need to get to the "secret place". Head back to your room and change into your normal clothes. Go to the Training Center. The place you are looking for is next to the Save Point. After the dialogue, go to the exit. Help the girl attacked by Granaldo.
Granaldo Raldos: Cast Sleep on Granaldo first. If you do not have this magic, then you can pull it out from Granaldo himself. When he sleeps, the Raldos are not attacked. Thus, without difficulty and damage, you can pull out magic to your heroes to the chapel. Then use your Guardians. By calling them several times, you will end them all. It is also good to use against Granaldo Limit Quistis (Quistis) v Laser Eye. For victory . Go back to your room and go to bed.

First mission (First Mission)
When you wake up, pick up the WEAPONS MON April on the table next to your bed. Go to the exit from the Garden. Along the way you will meet Master Sid and his entire team. Will you be given a mission to get to the city of Timber and help the resistance? Forest Owls. After receiving the instructions and the password, talk to the Master again, he will give you the Magic Lamp.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Diablos: The Devil lives in the Magic Lamp. The devil attacks you with two types of magic. The first one is Demi, which takes away 1/4 of the character's energy. The second v is Gravija, which takes 3/4 of the character's energy. None of these magics kill your character, but the Devil also has a very strong physical attack that can easily finish you off. First of all, with all the heroes, start drawing Paula. It's not that easy, so the first few attempts will be fruitless. After you have drawn some Paula for yourself, start using it from your inventory. The devil will respond to this with a counterattack, perform the magic Treatment (Curaga) on YOU. In this way, you can constantly maintain your energy. The Devil has decent energy, has a weakness to the Wind (Wind). Use Guardians, magic and Limits. Use Paula on him, do not forget that it takes 1/4 of all his energy. Therefore, when the magic will take away very little, it means that the Devil has almost no energy left, go to simple blows. For victory .

Travel to Balamb. Buy train tickets to Timber and board the train. Once in Seed's personal compartment, talk to Zell, he will show you the Pet Pals VoL.1 magazine that he found. Then, in a strange way, you will fall asleep.

Laguna mission
Here you will meet for the first time three more heroes of the game Laguna, Cyrus and Ward. You will find yourself in the forest of Timber. You need to run to the Army Jeep, on it you will reach the city of Deling (Deling City). Once in the city, you need to get to the hotel of Galbadia. Walk to the right and you will quickly find it. Go down to the bar and talk to the waitress. Sit down at your table and listen to Julia play. After a short dialogue, approach the piano with Laguna, then sit back in your seat. After talking with Julia, go to the Porter. Ask him about Julia's room.

After you wake up
You just arrived in Timber. As you get off the train, a man will stand on the steps, he will ask you for the password. The answer is v "but the owls are still here". After that, you will sit on another train and go to complete your task. On the train, you will meet the leader of the resistance, Timber Owls, and his team. You will be asked to go and call Rinoa. She is in the back room, after talking with her, go back. In the briefing room, you will be taught how to enter the codes. After receiving the instructions, return to Rinoa's room, on the couch you will find Pet Pals VoL.2, go back and talk to Watts. But before you go on a mission, play cards with him, he has an ANGELO CARD. To unhook the first car, you will need to enter 3 codes. Zell and Selfi will keep an eye on the guards. To unhook the second car, you will need to enter 5 codes, but they will no longer help you, so look around yourself. After you have done everything, you will find yourself on the train, talk to Rinoa and go talk to the President. It is advisable to do everything right the first time, this will raise the credibility and rank of your team. Prepare your fighters, you will not have an easy fight.
Fake President/Gerogero: The President turned out to be a doppelgänger to lure the resistance and destroy it. He will attack you first. Very weak and has very little energy. Pull Cure from it to the aisle, if you haven't already. As soon as you finish him, Herohero will enter the battle. This is already a formidable adversary. Has a decent amount of energy. Attacks with physical attacks, as well as attacks that change status. Very weak against Light. He is also afraid of Fire and Earth. V's weakest point is that he is not a living monster. Set yourself a Shield, it could be pulled a little from the Black Widow. If not, there is nothing to worry about, you just have to replenish energy more often. Next, use Doubling (Double) on yourself, if not, pull it out from Herohero. After that, attack him with Ifrit Guardian. Let the rest use Cure on him. He will cast all possible magics on you, change the status, constantly pull out or use Esuna on yourself to heal. Get as much Zombie magic as possible from Herohero. It is very rare, but VERY effective and VERY powerful. Allows you to kill VERY strong opponents with one hit. There is also an easy way to deal with Herohero. Since he is already dead, just apply Revival (Phoenix Down) on him. He will immediately lose all his energy, so you will immediately earn victory and.

Timber TV Station
After the fight, talk to Rinoa, exit the room and talk to Watts at the door. Your new task is to get to the Timber TV Station. After unloading from the train, go to the Animal Store. There are many useful things here. But everything costs money, which you don't have yet. Here you can buy Animal magazines ¦ 3 and ¦ 4 (Pet Pals VoL.3 VoL.4). Above is the building of the editorial office of Timber Maniacs magazine, behind which is the road to the television station. Inside one of the rooms on the floor is an issue of Timber Maniacs. The whole city is under the control of the Golbadian army and therefore the inn is closed. To replenish, use Tears Owl-s. Walk to the right of the magazine's office until you reach the railroad. Climb up the stairs and enter the house. Talk to the old man, he will offer you to drink water from the tap. This is the Tears of the Owl. Fully cures all magics that can change status, as well as fully restores the health of your entire team. You can come here all the time and replenish your energy! But if you're too thirsty for money, then break open the old man's locker (explore it 4 times in a row) and get 500 Gil, but forfeit the privilege of replenishing healthier. The choice is yours. Go back and go down the stairs to the Pub (tavern). Eliminate some Galbadian soldiers outside (get a Buel card) and go inside. Inside you will see a vagrant who was robbed by Galbadian soldiers. He blocked the back exit. Talk to him and give him the map that was taken from the soldiers, telling him that you found it outside, he will go to look for the rest himself, thus clearing the way for you. Exit through the back door and go up to the TV station. After all the dialogues, go down the stairs. On the way, you will meet Rinoa, she will tell you that the Galbadian soldiers found the resistance base and destroyed it. She will ask you for help. Entering the tavern, they will offer you help and hide you in the house next to the Timber Maniacs office. In the house, talk to Quistis, and after everyone goes downstairs together, go to the exit from the house. You decide to escape Timber on the last train that leaves for Dollet. On the street you will meet a Galbadian soldier, talk to him, this is Watts. Go to the pyron near the old man's house and take the train. On the train, talk to Zell.

Galbadia Garden
Since you can't get to your garden, you decide to ask the nearest garden for help, which is the Galbadia Garden. In order for you to get into it. Exit at the west of East Academy Station and walk through the small forest between the mountains to the west.

Laguna mission (optional)
After the battle with the Estar soldiers, go right along the narrow bridge and go down the stairs. Go ahead and lift old key next to a pile of boards. Then move forward to a place with three hatches on the ground. Lock the center hatch and exit this screen. After the Estar Soldier fails, go back and block the right hatch. Go back to where you started, but now go straight across the other bridge to a fork. Go straight and go down. At the bottom of the barrier, on the left side, pick up another key. Go further to the place with three hatches on the floor. Now block the left hatch and return to the place where you picked up the first key (a bunch of planks). Climb up, past the stone, to the projectile (detonator) lying on the ground. Turn on the red switch first, then the blue one. Keep moving up until you reach a place with a stone against the left wall. Push it and climb up. In the SAVE screen, go upstairs and jump off the cliff. Completing this quest will reward you later in the game. When Lunatic Pandora flies over Estar.

After you wake up
Enter the Galbadian Garden. Go to the reception on the second floor. After all the conversations, go down to the hall to the first floor and go to the exit from the garden. Talk to Quistis and follow her. After the conversation, your road lies in the city of Deling (Deling City).

Parade and Assassination
There is a railway station near the Garden. Go there, there is also a train that will take you to the city of Deling. Once in the city at the station, go down the stairs and take the escalator up to the city itself. Walking a little ahead, you will see a bus stop (a man is standing nearby).
Wait for the bus to appear, get on it (talk to the man at this point). The bus will just take you to the Caraway's Mansion. But you will not be allowed into the mansion until you pass the test. The soldier at the mansion will tell you that you need to get into the Tomb of the Unknown King and bring student identification number (ID) who recently went there but hasn't returned yet.He will also give you a map.He can still drink for 5000 Gil.indicator of your location in the grave itself.Very useful thing, so if no money, then sell something in the store.You can also ask him to take you out of the city.

Tomb of the Unknown King
The Tomb of the Unknown King is located northeast of Deling City, at the end of a long island. Sword with identification number lies on the ground at the very beginning of the cave. You can take it and go back. But in this place the Guardian Brothers (Brothers) is also hiding. To get it, you have to run a little.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Brothers: If you have bought a location indicator, you will get there quickly. If not, then you will have to suffer a little. Look at the map, you need to get into the far right room. Here you will meet a statue that will bring the Sacred to life. Each turn restores a little energy to himself, so just hitting him will not be able to defeat him. Use your Guardians. Has little energy, so will soon give up. After freeing the switch, go to the leftmost room on the map. Turn on the switch here, it will raise the bridge. In this room, also take the Float magic to the right of the passage, on the hidden Pull point. Next, follow to the topmost room on the map. Break the chain in the room to drain the water. Now you need to get into the grave, this is the room in the center of the map. There is only one approach to it, this is from below (on the map). Here you are already waiting for the guards of the grave Guardian Brothers v Saint and the Minotaur. Very strong Guardian. The Saint replenishes himself with 100 divisions of energy, unlike the brother of the Minotaur, who restores himself 350 divisions per turn. They use only physical attacks, both on one and on all team members. First of all, you need to cast the Ascent magic on both of them, thereby depriving them of their energy recovery. Impose on all the heroes Protection (Protect), then attack them with Guardians and magic, do not forget to replenish your energy. For the victory, get the Brothers in your team, their cards + .

Returning to the city, give the sword to the guard, he will let you into the Karavay mansion. But first, go to the Galbadia hotel. Pay 100Gil for the rest, near the bed you will find Timber Maniacs magazine. Inside the mansion, talk to Rinoa, wait until General Karavai arrives. After the briefing, leave the mansion with the general. Go to the arch and talk to him, then follow the general further. Quistis decides to apologize for being harsh with Rinoa, and you all head back to the mansion as a team. Playing as Rinoa: Before climbing the boxes onto the roof of the Presidential Residence, go down through the hatch next to the car into the sewers, going left on the floor, you will find the WEAPONS MON May. Go back and climb the boxes on the roof. Meanwhile, the Assault Group was locked in a room. Take one of the wine glasses next to the door. Put it in the hands of the statue, which is even more to the left, a secret passage will open. Get down into the sewers. On the water wheel you will get to the door opposite, go forward. The sniper group decides to help Rinoa. Climb the already familiar path to the roof of the residence. Iguions await you inside.
Iguions: Have little energy, attack with both magic and punches. Magic Magma Breath inflicts petrification. Use Izuna to heal. Use your Guardians and magic to destroy them. For victory .
Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Draw out the Carbuncle first.

Go back a little, you will see a hatch on the right in the floor, go down and give the rifle to Irwin. You are now playing as an Assault Team again. There is nothing interesting in the sewers, besides, there is only one road to the exit. Go left, knock over the ladder, you can get to the draw point (Draw Point). Then up and to the right. When you get to the part of the sewer with two water wheels, jump on the left to the oles, then get off on the right. Now go down and jump off the wheel again. Down again and turning right, knock over another ladder. Do not cross it, but continue to move further to the right. Now jump onto the wheel on the left, further up to the exit from the sewers. You will find yourself inside an arch. Climb up and turn on the switch, which lowers the grate. Now you have to fight with the Sorceress Edea (Edea) and Seifer (Seifer).
Seifer Edea: The first fight will be with Seifer. Weak against Bio (Bio) and has little energy. Attacks mainly with simple blows, also uses the magic of Fira (Fira). Call your Guardians several times, after which it will be finished with him. Now fight with Edea. Attacks only with third-level magic. First of all, cast Reflection magic on everyone. Constantly replenish energy by drawing it from Edea. You can also try to draw other magics from it. Use your Guardians and magic. There is a quick way to defeat the witch. To do this, S quall must hit her with his Limit, after which she will immediately surrender. For victory .

Laguna mission
Get down downward and you will have a talk with Ellon (Ellone). Leave the house and go to the Pub (tavern), which is to the left of your house. Here, talk to Cyrus and go patrolling the village. To finish patrolling, you need to go to the opposite end of the village, then go back to the Pub, go up to the second floor and report on patrol to Rain. Now go back to your house and lie down to rest.

Galbadia D-District Prison
After waking up in prison, talk to Rinoa, then sit back in your seat. In the prison you will meet creatures v Mumba (Moomba). With the help of them, you can make the passage of the prison a little easier and get a few items.
First option: in the dialogue with Squall's torture, answer "...Just let me die" and then the Moomba-s will save him. When Moomba comes to your cell and drops the tray. A guard will appear and start beating him, stop him. After you return the weapon and go upstairs, three Mumbas will be waiting for you in the torture chamber. Everyone will offer you a shortcut (they will remove the blocks between the stairs), i.e. usually you need to do a whole circle, but only from stairs to stairs and that's it. But look, be sure to go through the floors that you indicated, otherwise you will not receive items !!! When you escape from the prison, you will meet two Moombas upstairs, one will give you a Cottage, and the other a Rename Card.
Option 2: In the Squall Torture dialogue, answer "...Just let me die." But when Moomba comes to your cell and drops the tray. Don't stop the guard who beats him up. When you go upstairs, two Mumbas will be waiting for you in the torture chamber. They will offer you a shortcut again. After completing them and returning upstairs, during your prison break, you will receive a Rename card.
Third option: In the Squall torture dialogue, lie to the guard. When Moomba comes and drops the tray, stop the guard, Moomba will join you. When you go upstairs, Mumba will open the torture chamber for you and offer you a shortcut. Back upstairs, when you escape from prison, you will receive a Cottage.
Fourth option: In the Squall torture dialogue, lie to the guard and don't help Mumba. Climbing up, you will find the torture chamber closed, try to open it by force and after a few battles, you will find the key.
After a few dialogues, talk to Quistis. Zell will go looking for the weapon, it is 8th level above you and easy to pick up. Come back and give it to the others. Here you will be attacked by old acquaintances Biggs and Vij from the Communications Tower.
Biggs Wedge: Not much of a threat. Pull their magic from them to all your heroes to the limit, then attack them with guards. A few Guardians and they're done.
Now you need to save Squall, he is at the very top. As soon as you leave the cell, the alarm will turn on, after which some doors on the floors will open. You can go upstairs to rescue Squall. Or first walk around the cells, collect some useful things and some cards.
On the 11th there is a Draw point and a man playing cards. Each game 200 Gil.
At level 10 there is a SAVE-S and a man who plays cards, each game is 300 Gil. If you win against him, he will make you an upgrade to the Combat Meter.
At level 9 there is a draw point.
There is a shop on level 8.
At level 6 there is Preservation.
At level 5 there is a guy who plays cards, he has a lot of new and powerful cards, but look, he has very tricky rules and each game costs 500Gil.
At the 2nd level there is a plate for the collar for the dog Rinoa (PET NAMETAG), in short, with the help of this thing, you can give her a new name.
At the lowest level there is a Save and a book of combat skills for Zell (COMBAT KING 001).
After freeing Squall, you will go down the elevator to the very bottom, and Zell will have to run away from the guards on the stairs. When help arrives, you will be divided into two teams, one will go up, and the rest will go down. Those who go upstairs will meet Elite Soldier and two GIM52A-s at the exit, destroying them is not a problem. Cross the bridge, the prison will begin to sink underground, and the bridge will begin to take shape. Crawl to those who managed to run across it (you need to have time to crawl to the green light, otherwise you will have to start everything from the beginning.). After the conversation, split into teams, one will go to the Galbadia Missile Base and the other will board the train to the Balamb Garden.

Galbadia Missile Base
Located west of Galbadian County Jail. To get inside the base, you must definitely drive into the base in the car that you were given. They won't let you in without a car. After changing into Galbadian clothes, go into the base itself. I must say right away that the longer you remain undisguised as soldiers, the easier it will be to pass the base. Area M-2: There are two doors in front of you, but they are both closed. Insert the ID card into the device between the doors and one of the doors will open. Area M-3: Try not to draw the attention of the guard, so you can pass without problems. Area M-6: Go down the stairs and turn left, go down. Area M-7: Talk to one of the technical service soldiers and send their message to the Launch Room in area M-6, then head back to area M-7. Now after talking to the soldiers, return to area M-2 and enter the power control room. After several attempts, you will be able to turn off the electricity. When you leave the room, you will meet the repair team, try to negotiate with them and say that you were just about to call them. Return to the M-6 area and help the soldiers in the Launch Room put the rocket launcher in place. There is a missile control panel next to the Launch Room, use it. In the TARGET menu (Tar get), first enter the missile hit error to the maximum (Set error ration), then upload the data to the missiles (Data Upload). Now talk to the guard near the stairs, this will take you to the control and missile launch room. Here, destroy the head of the base and two soldiers, be sure to pull the Slow magic from the head. Examine all the panels in this room, then go to the back room. Turn on the self-destruct mechanism and choose the time for which you have time to escape. The only difference is that if you choose 10 or 20 minutes, then the door on the right in this room will open, so you won't have to make a whole circle around the base, if 30 or 40 minutes, then the door will be closed. But we can say that 10 minutes is enough to complete this task. Now you need to run to the main gate, through which you got here. BGH251F2 is waiting for you at the gate.

If you were discovered during the mission and the alarm turned on, then you will have to go and enter the missile hit error. Next to the control panel you will find a wounded soldier, take the ID card from him.

BGH251F2 The Iron Clad: This is a machine, therefore afraid of electricity, as well as earth and water. Has decent energy, attacks with physical attacks and magic Beam Cannon(Beam Cannon), which immediately kills any of your heroes. First of all, draw out and cast on yourself Protection (Protect). It will also be useful to cast Slow magic on BGH251F2, after which start attacking with magic, Guardians and Limits. The main thing is to deprive the BGH251F2 of all its energy. During the battle, the more you beat off his energy, the more he will fail. After the BGH251F2 is completely out of order, his entire team will run out to you. It's easy to deal with them. For victory

After the fight, go to the gate, then run to the door of the building, then again to the gate.

Secret of Balamb Garden Go to the garden hall and talk to Fujin Raijin, after the conversation run around the garden, see what's what, until you see Kzu (Xu) going up the stairs to the elevator, go follow her and take the elevator. Catch up with her at the end of the second floor and talk to her. After the conversation, she will offer to go up to the 3rd floor, follow her to Master Sid's office. After talking with the Garden Master, go to the elevator, when it stops, press the buttons and then open the hatch in the floor of the elevator. Go down the stairs to the MD level. After passing it, two Oilboyles are waiting for you at the end. They are easy enough to kill, as they are afraid of fire and can be put to sleep by SNOM. They also have many useful magics (for example, 2nd level of healing) that will be easy to pick up and accumulate, especially if you kill one of the monsters. The decision to accumulate or quickly kill is yours. After you're done with the Oilboyles, go down the stairs to the control room and turn on the system. Talk to the Garden Master and go to the deck on the second floor, then return to the Garden Master's office. After sleeping, go to the hall and they will tell you that the master wants to see you, after that you have access to level B1. Go down the elevator, talk to Master Sid, then there will be a fight with NORG. After you deal with him, go to the medical office and talk to the doctor, say that you want to see Master Sid and go into the room. After you find out everything, go to the garden hall, then to the deck on the second floor, to meet the guests. Sid will ask you to find Ellone, she is sitting in the library.

Fisherman's Horizon
After you wake up, Master Seed will call you to his office. His task will be that you need to apologize for the destruction caused to the city and inspect the city. Leave the Garden through the deck on the second floor. First, go to the Master Angler (sits and fishes on the crane), go down the little visible stairs (which is in the screen with the elevator (upper elevator) a little to the left of it). Talk to him and he will give you an OCCULT FAN III journal, with this later you can earn yourself another Guardian. Talk again and he will ask you to go and check on his apprentice, who is located at the docks, next to the Junk Shop (which can remake weapons). Talk to the student and to the question "Do you like fishing ...?", say YES, talk again, talk again and to the question "Have you seen the Master Fisherman? ¦ say YES, to the question" and how do you like him ... ?", answer "I was impressed ...". After that, go to Mayor Dob (Dob), his house in the very center of the circle of mirrors. Listen to him and go back up the stairs, after rising, you will see that the Galbadians have come for you soldiers, the mayor will go talk to them and you follow him (on the railroad past the docks) and help him when he is in danger.Killing three Galbadian soldiers is not difficult, after which you will have to fight BGH251F2 again, he is strong damaged after the Missile Base, but still capable of doing quite a bit of damage.Before you throw him into the sea, it would not be bad to steal (Mug command) from him Adamantine - allows you to teach the guard the ability Vitality +60, but most importantly this item is very rare and allows you to make the most powerful weapon in the game, then feel free to finish with n them. The Devil has this ability, but if you haven't learned it yet, you can do it at the Training Center in the Garden. Of course, it will take a little time until you can get the right amount of AP. In the Training Center there is a very strong enemy Tyrannosaurus. He has a lot of energy and very strong punches. Use Zombie magic on him, then replenish his energy, this will kill him immediately. Reward. Talk to Rinoa and the mayor, then go to the docks to the apprentice of the Fishing Master, he will again show you how he throws a fishing rod, but this time he will succeed, he asks you to tell his teacher about it. On the way to the Master Angler, Irwin will join you. After talking with the Fishing Master, he will offer you to see him at the hotel, go to the hotel. Pick up Timber's Maniacs magazine on the second floor. As you listen to the story, when asked to stay with him a little more or return to the Garden, choose to stay, he will tell you to follow him, which you do. When you arrive at the Junk Shop, talk to its owner, and then to the Fishing Master, he will give you MEGALIXIR. Also go to the workshop further down the railroad and help Master Grease Monkey get rid of the Galbadian Soldier who is forcing him to fix the BGH251F2. Exit the workshop and enter again, the soldier will disappear, the master will give you MEGA PHOENIX for help. On the floor you will find another issue of Timber Maniacs. In this city, almost everyone plays cards. So there is not a bad chance to update and replenish your collection with new cards, the most real cards can be won from the chief master of the Galbadian Garden, Martin, who was expelled from Galbadia and now lives here. Also there is not bad cards Mayor Dob and his wife, including QUEZACOLT CARD. Once you've played enough cards, go back to the Garden. Along the way, Irwin will tell you that Selfi is not feeling well, you decide to see her, you can find her on the first floor in the Quad (concert stage), talk to her. After you wake up, go to the Garden Master's office. You will receive garden management.

After you have been given control of the Garden, your path lies in the city of Balamb. But before you go there, you need to visit other cities, this will help you understand the full depth of the game's plot, as well as collect a lot of useful and necessary things.

Let's start with the city of Dollet.
Go to the Pub (tavern) and find its owner, who is standing on the second floor on the left, next to the black jack table, there is also a Timber Maniacs magazine on it, do not forget to read it. He will offer to play cards with him, win it and he will offer to follow him to his special room, which is through the bridge outside. There he will reward you for defeating him and give you a Geezard Card (5), Red Bat Card (4), Buel Card (3), Anacondaur Card (2), Cactuar Card (1). Play with him until you win a SIREN CARD from him. Before you leave, read the stack of books to the left of the entrance well until you find an OCCULT FAN II magazine in it. Go to the hotel and stay overnight, in the guest room, take another Timber Maniacs on the table. You can leave this city, although there are still a few tasks left in it, but it is better to do them later (after defeating the sorceress Edea 2 times), since the prizes you will receive will be much better than now.

City of Timber
The girl was playing on the railroad, but the train will come soon, and she fell and lies on the road, help her and you will get the opportunity to relax in the hotel for free, do not forget to pick up Timber Maniacs on the table. Check out Timber Maniacs magazine. On the ground floor, among the stacks of books, find The Girl Next Door magazine (it will come in handy later).

Vinhill Village
Located on the Galbadia continent, south of the prison. In the mansion at the very top of the village, talk to the man standing on the steps. He will tell you that the vase is missing, examine the armor of the knight who is standing at the bottom left. The chocobo, running away, will throw a piece of the vase, give it to the man, and he will ask if you still find such pieces, then bring them to him. Go to the Pub, go up the stairs and talk to the woman 2 times, then go down and look at the white flowers on the tables. A ghost will appear behind the bar, talk to him, he will disappear and a cat will appear in its place, touch the cat and get another piece of the vase. Go down the road to the flower shop, talk to the old woman in it, and say that you like flowers, inspect the flowers again and find another piece of a vase. Go further down the road and see a little Chocobo running across the road, try to grab it three times. Chocobo will throw you the last piece of the vase and more GYSAHL GREENS and PHOENIX PINION. Return to the mansion and give all the pieces of the vase to the man, he will thank you and give you a HOLY STONE as a reward.

Village. Shumi
It is located northwest of the Tribia Garden, at the very end of the island. Go into the dome, on the left you will see a pull point, but it is guarded. By paying 5000 Gil, you can get Ultima. Go ahead and sit in the elevator, and he will lower you down into the village. Go to the furthest house in the village. This is the workshop where the Laguna statue is made. Talk to the sculptor, he will send you to the Elder, his house in the center of the village, guarded by Mumba. After the conversation, the Elder will ask you to help the sculptor finish the statue. Return to the workshop and talk to the master. The sculptor will tell you that there is not enough material and ask you to bring him five stones, with which he will complete the statue.
Blue Stone: Examine the large blue stone to the left of the statue.
Wind Stone: Examine the large stone to the left of the Hotel.
Stone of Life: Climb up the roots of the tree to the right of the Elder's house.
Shadow Stone: Take the elevator, near the steps on the right in a large shadow, you will find this stone. Water Stone: Enter the house to the right of the workshop. On the bed you will find an issue of Timber Maniacs. At the end of the room, to the left of the sink, you will find a water stone.
After you give the stone to the sculptor, go to the Elder. Before leaving the house, the assistant will give you a Phoenix Pinion. Take the elevator up, then go down again and go to the workshop, talk to the sculptor. On the instructions of the Elder, his assistant went to help the sculptor, complete the statue, but this task does not please him very much and he does not want to work. Return to the Elder and talk to him, he will give help to the sculptor Mumba. Leave, talk to Mumba and step back into the workshop. Go again and talk to the Elder, then go back and talk to the helper in the workshop. He will say that another master is needed to complete the statue faster. Go to the house, which is next to the workshop and talk to Masterov, who lives in it. He will tell you that once he met with other artisans and this meeting greatly influenced him. He will also show you what he has done, but will refuse to help in the workshop. Climb up and go to the Dirty Ape's workshop, which is located in the Fishermen's Horizon. Talk to the master and he will give you a Mumba doll. Return to the village and give the doll to the Craftsman. Now he will agree to help, and you go to the Elder. For helping finish the statue, he will give you a STATUS GUARD.

City of Deling
Go to Caraway's Mansion and talk to Rinoa's father. Ask him about the cards, he will tell you that he has his daughter's card. He rarely plays with her, if you give your Ifrit card, he will agree to play with you on card of his daughter.Now you need to lose your Ifrit card to him.To do this, put 4 weak cards and an Ifrit card into battle.After that, play with him until you win the RINOA CARD.When you win, ask him again about the cards, he will tell you he will tell you that he gave your Ifrit card to his friend Martin, who is in Fisherman's Horizon, near the mayor's house.Go there and beat your card back.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Ruins of the city of the Center (Centra Ruins)
Odin, Tonberry
Located in the north, above the house of Edea. (Edea House). This is a multi level tower. Once you enter there, you will be dealt with, says the voice of the legendary Guardian Odin. You only have 20 minutes to finish everything with him. Rise on the elevator, and further along the stairs to the left into the room, where turn on the switch. To the right, the steps lead to the Draw Point. Get down and turn on another one (the burning stone in the center of the sculpture). More steps will appear from the wall, climb them to the next level. There will be steps immediately to your left, climb them and pull out the left (red) eye from the sculpture. Climb the stairs to the right to the very top of the tower. At the top you will meet another sculpture, but with the right eye. Put your left eye in it, she will tell you the password to enter the door to Odin. Take both eyes, go down to the first sculpture and put these eyes in it. Enter the password and go to Odin. But he will not attack you, but if you do not have time to meet the time, then he will cut you with his sword - Zantetsuken and you will have to start all over again. He doesn't have a lot of energy, but magic hardly breaks through him. First, cast a Meltdown on it if you have it. If not, then first of all look with Scan how much energy he has, after that apply Triple on yourself, which you can pull out from Odin and beat him with magic or just with blows, depending on who is developed in your team. It's also good to use an Aura on yourself and beat him with Limits, if there is one, of course. If you meet, then get yourself into the Odin team, as well as. One is a guard who doesn't explicitly join you. You will not see it in the menu, you cannot control it. He will himself appear in battles against monsters when they are very weak (according to your level) and cut them with one blow.

Once you've dealt with him, go down to the first level of the tower. As you have already noticed, here you are attacked by a strange creature Tonbury (Tonberry). This is another Guardian, but it still needs to be earned. So, you need to kill 2 0 Tonbury. Tonbury has 20,000 bars of energy and is barely affected by magic. You need to first cast Triple on yourself, and then apply Demi on it several times and finally finish it off with just blows or magic. But do it faster, because if he comes close to you, he will use his knife, which kills immediately to death. It also has a strong counterattack. After you kill enough Tonbury, you will meet the King of Tonbury, who wants to avenge all the dead Tonberi. The King has a lot of energy (150000 bars), so it will be a long fight. Paula does not work on the King, so you will have to do with only magic and blows. Use stronger magic like Ultima. It's also good to use the Aura (Aura) on yourself, if it is, of course, and score it with Limits. Also their most powerful Guardians. Don't forget to replenish energy. For defeating him, get yourself into the Tonberry team, as well as.

Chocobo forests
It has already become common that with the FINAL FANTASY series, the World Map is studied in the form of moving around it on various mechanisms and animals. In this game, we are offered to do it on a Chocobo. Chocobo moved here from FF 7, it is a bird that can be used to move from one place to another in a very short time and without any battles. Also in combat, after you catch your first Chocobo, you can use Gysahl Greens and then the Chocobo will appear and attack your enemies. You can catch them in the Chocobo forests. They can be identified by their specific shape, a small round wood. When you enter such a forest, you will be met by the master of catching them - Chocoboy. For a small fee, he will teach you how to catch Chocobos. First you need a Choco Whistle, Chocoboy will give it to you for free (an indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen), select one of the whistle types in the whistle menu and hold down the walk button. But pay 1000 Gil to listen to his lecture on how to use the whistle. There are two types of whistles: ChocoSonar - it tracks where a Chocobo can fall from. The indicator at the bottom of the screen reaches the end and starts beeping. ChocoSonar is what you will use to catch the Chocobo when you determine the place from where it will fall. If you select a ChocoZiner and try to catch a Chocobo where there isn't one, your whistle will be stolen and you will have to shell out 700 Gil Chocoboy to buy a new ChocoZiner. You can also ask the master for help, he will show you how to catch Chocobos, also buy Gysahl Greens, ask a question for 10 Gil, and ask for a hint for 100 Gil. Your goal is to have only one Chocobo left on the ground. Then his mother will worry about him, and you will be able to catch her and leave the forest on her.
There are 7 Chocobo Forests around the world and six of them have puzzles on how to catch Chocobos.
When you catch your first Chocobo, Chocoboy will give it to you and tell you about ChocoWorld.

This is a separate game. You can run it with the Ch ocobo.exe file, which is located in the game directory. FF8 and ChocoWorld are different games, but they are related. In this game, you play as a Chocobo, collect exclusive items, and then you can insert them into the FF8 game. When you select SAVE (Save), then ChocoWorld will appear next to it, there you can familiarize yourself with the history, rules and management of the Chocobo, as well as how to send him to ChocoWorld and how to return him with the items that you find. Rank [A] items are the best.
The main goal is to find the MiniMog, if you find it, you can return it to FF8. This is a Guardian, but specific. For his discovery, you will receive for yourself the use of the MiniMog team, with which you can call him during the battle. The main task of the MiniMog is to add Energy to the Guardians in battle, but not to revive. The higher its level, the more it adds energy to the Guardians. A very useful thing, since the guards simply cannot raise energy during the battle. Mini Could come in handy in the game, especially at the end.


LOCATION: Trabia, Winter Island (next to Shumi Village)
HINT: "Try to find a place where only 1 drops."

There are 4 Chocobos in this forest. Finding them is not a problem, but the one you need is at the very top, closer to the boy. Catch him and Mom will appear. Use ChocoSonar to find another place where AURA STONE lies


There are 5 Chocobos here. Stand in the center and whistle the ChocoZiner, it should drop 3 Chocobos, stand further but in line with 2 and whistle again, it should drop 2 more Chocobos. Now send back the last one, bottom left, he will take another one with him. Now send back the most extreme one, at the top left, he will also take another one with him. Mom will appear after you grab the last one. Use ChocoSonar to find the spot where the FLARE STONE is.


LOCATION: Trabia, Bika Snowfield (north of Trabia Garden)
HINT: "Be careful with the ChocoSonar sound."

There are 4 Chocobos in this forest, two of them are already on the ground. Select ChocoZiner and send these two back to the tree. Go to the exit, call another one near the fallen tree, grab it and mom will appear. Use ChocoSonar again and find the place where they lie: SHELL STONE and HOLY STONE.


LOCATION: Centra, Nectar Peninsula (north of Centra Ruins)
HINT: "Search carefully, listen to where ChocoSonar beeps."

There is only 1 Chocobo in this forest, but he is well hidden. Quietly slowly, explore the place above Chocoboy on the right. Almost at the very top, on a patch of grass that is lit by the sun and there is a Chocobo, catch it. After mom appears, offer to play Chocoboy cards, you don’t have to play cards with him, but be sure to ask him to step aside. At the place where he stood, use ChocoSonar to find PROTECT STONE and METEOR STONE.


LOCATION: Centra, Lenown Plains (east of Edea's House)
HINT: "This is Chocoboling, 4 Chocoballs and 1 Chocoball."

There are 5 Chocobos here, as you can see from the hint, you need to line up the skittles and break them with the ball. Right in the center, you need to call one Chocobo, two more will fall with it. Stand behind the left extreme and call another one. After that, find and call the last one, he is near Chocoboy on the left, grab the last one, after which mom will appear. Use ChocoSonar to find the place where METEOR STONE, FLARE STONE and ULTIMA STONE are.


LOCATION: Esthar, Talle Mountains
HINT: "Gather everyone, then come in."

There are 5 Chocobos here. Stand in front of Chocoboy and use the ChocoZiner to summon a Chocobo, drop down 2, behind the guy. Stand a little further and higher than the left and call another one, while the one on the right will fly away again. Go to his place and call him, he will go down alone. Next, behind the right almost in the very corner, call another one. Stand in the center between them all and call the last one, grab him. Also find: METEOR STONE, HOLY STONE and ULTIMA STONE.

Holy Forest Chocobo
It can only be reached by Chocobo. And you need to go there only after you catch all the Chocobos in all 6 forests. Get yourself a Chocobo in the forest north of Trabia Garden. Go from the forest to the south, to the crater. Turn east here and go to the beach. In shallow water, go to another beach on the island, which is all overgrown with trees. As you enter the forest, keep left all the time and soon you will reach the Chocobo Forest. A performance awaits you in the forest. And you will be given a CHICOBO CARD. Before you leave, ask Chocoboy to let him catch the last Chocobo for you, so you will get back faster. Also, every time you return to this forest, you can buy Gysahl Greens for 600 Gil.

Occupied Balamb City
First, talk to the Galbadian soldier, near the gas station. After the conversation, run around Zel and in front of the soldier until he turns to you. After the conversation, assemble a team of 3 people and you will be allowed into the city. First of all, go to the house next to Zel's house and talk to the hotel owner's daughter. Now go to Zel's house and talk to his mom. Also talk to the Big Bad Rascal in the other room twice and he will run away. Go to the hotel and talk to the guards. Now go to the harbor and talk to the soldier who is squatting, and then to the soldier who has a dog. Next, go back to Zel's house and talk to his mom. Return to the pier and let the dog sniff you, after which it will run away. Then follow the dog, it will lead you to the station. Now go to the exit from the city and distract the guard until the Big Prankster talks to the owner of the hotel. Returning to the city, you will meet him standing outside the house, talk to him, he will help you escape the city if you want. Now go to the hotel owner's house and play cards with his daughter, if you win, get a PANDOMONA CARD. Go back to the hotel, Raijin is already waiting for you there with two soldiers outside, he has very strong physical attacks. Use protection on yourself. He also absorbs lightning. Weakness: Bio and can be easily put to sleep. A.P.
Then with Fujin and Raijin inside the hotel. Fujin strikes leaving you with only 1% energy. It also absorbs wind. Weakness: Bio, can be put to sleep. Steal their stuff!
Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Pull Fujin PANDEMONA, then finish them both off. Get for them

Tribia Garden
Follow Selfi through the wall. Go to the graveyard and pick up the Timber Maniacs magazine there. In the screen with the gargoyles, go in the direction you came from, but stop when the screen stops moving. At the very bottom (only the edge sticks out) of the screen is the WEAPONS MON Aug magazine. Go to the residential area and find Selfie. She will say that we need to meet at the basketball court, go there and watch a long cartoon. In the city, you can also get a SELPHIE CARD from her friend, who is sitting near the monument with the gargoyles.
Clash of the Gardens
You will find the Galbadian Garden above the forest near Edea's home (orphanage), hovering over the forest not far from it. Give orders and go down the elevator. Squall's team: Gather a team of three and go to Quad (concert venue). Along the way, you can go to the second floor and give orders, put things in order, so to speak. Talk to Zell and Rinoa, then return to the bridge. Team Zella: go left, after Rinoa hangs on a rock, go to the main entrance. There you will meet the Squall team, follow them. Squall's team: go to the classroom on the second floor (do not go to the third floor, there is nothing there ). Deal with 4 paratroopers, you can mock them, they have little energy, but you can pull some of the necessary magic from them. Then give the order to the children to go to the infirmary, and go to the bridge yourself again. After all the talk , take the elevator down to the second floor, you will be asked to find the boy, he ran towards the classroom, when you try to take him away, a Galbadian soldier will attack you, select "find another way", and then "open the emergency exit", then deal with him (If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry, try again.) Once in the Galbadian Garden, form a team of 3 people.
Go to the corridor to the right, climb the stairs to the right to the second floor, turn left on the second floor and go through the door to the right. Talk to the student and he will give you the Key Card. Return to the beginning and go to the left corridor, open the left door, go through the hockey rink and exit through the right door into the corridor. Enter the classroom on the right. The student who is in it will give you the Key Card. Exit the classroom and open the door immediately to the left (below) and go to the beginning. Go to the right corridor and go up the stairs on the right to the third floor and open the door. Jump down and go forward past the stairs to the hall. Turn left and enter the classroom on the left. The girl in it will give you the Key Card. Go back where you came from and go up the stairs you passed before. To the second floor. Turn left and open the elevator.

Seifer and Edea: Climb up and fight Seifer. For victory . Then take the elevator down and exit to the hall on the second floor. Go to the opposite exit and fight Seifer and Edea. Edea can be euthanized. Also draw more magic from her.

Do not forget to draw from Edea ALEXANDER. For defeating them, you will receive .

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Cerberus: It is located in the lobby, on the first floor in the center. Uses on himself Triple (triple), for this, use Dispel (removal of spells) on him. If you have time to remove Triple from him, then it will not be difficult to deal with him further. Just in case, put everything on your heroes with a Shell (reduces magical damage) For the victory, Cerberus will join you, and also get .

Edea House
Before going to the house of Edea (a shelter that is in the very south of the world map), you can complete a few more tasks in the city of Balamb and Dollet

City of Balamb
First make sure Zell is on your team. At the entrance to the city, talk to the girl, she will say that Zella was looking for a girl and went to his house. Go to Zell's house, ask his mother about her. She says she didn't see anyone. Go to the hotel and spend the night, when you wake up, Zella will not be in the room. Go down, there you will meet Zell. After his conversation with the girl, you will receive COMBAT KING 003. Also play with Zella's mother, she has a ZELL CARD.
NOTE: If you have not won a PANDEMONA CARD before, during the occupation of Balamb, from the hotel owner's daughter. Now you can win it from the owner of the hotel himself, who stands right on the street to the right of the hotel.

City of Dollet
Returning to this city, go past SAVE along the street further up. On the next screen, enter the house on the right. In the house you will see the grandfather (the father of the Queen of Cards) scolding his grandson for ruining his picture. After that, the grandfather will leave the house and go to the beach. Follow him there and talk to him and the girl next to him. Then go back to the house and look at the picture. In the picture, the bone shows the secret place where the dog usually hides. Find this place and get X-POTION. Go back to the house again, you will see that the guy has drawn another bone, but in a different picture. Find this place and get MEGA-POTION. Returning once again to the house, you will find another picture with a damaged bone painted on it. Find the last place and get ELIXIR.

Once at Edea's house, go to the backyard along the way and collect the Timber Maniacs magazine. After talking with Edea, return to the infirmary and talk to Rinoa.

Laguna mission
Ruby Dragon: This dragon is weak against light and ice, and is also susceptible to sleep. It is good to use DEMI (Semi) magic against him. For victory .

White Seed Ship
Before you go in search of the White SEED ship, go to the training center, turn left there, pick up the weapons magazine, for July (WEAPONS MON Jul). Then go to Edea's house and get a letter from her for the White SEEDS. You can also play cards with her and Sid (with Edea v EDEA CARD, with Sid v SEIFER CARD). Go to one of the harbors on the ESTAR continent. In the picture, the White SEED ship is shown as a red dot.
On the ship, go up to the upper deck and give The Girl Next Door magazine (the one you found in Timber) to Zone just like that, and in return he will give you RENAME CARD and SHIVA CARD. Also pick up the Timber Maniacs magazine near him. Next, talk to the captain of the ship, he is in his cabin.

Esthar City
Go to Fisherman's Horizon, from there you will open the road to the Great Salt Lake (Great Salt Lake). Go straight until you reach a dead end. SAVE will be on the right, turning left, you have to fight Abadon.
Abadon: His weak point is that he is already dead, so use restoration magic against him (you can get it from him). Give yourself a boost and put in the same Shell (reduces damage from magic), as he uses Ultima (Ultima). He doesn't have much energy, so you'll be done with him quickly. Don't forget to steal it! Then go right and go up the stairs, (it blinks on the screen), climb it into Estar. Go straight to the Elevator.

Laguna mission
After talking with the guards, talk to Mumba, then to the man at the remote control. Talk to Mumba again. When the guards come running, deal with them. Take the elevator up and exit the lab. After talking on the street with Dr. Odin's assistant, return to the laboratory. Pick up the first issue of the magazine about weapons (WEAPONS MON 1st), then go down the elevator again down. Destroy the guards and follow the doctor. This will take you to Pandora's Laboratory. Get rid of the guards, take the elevator in the center of the room. Enter the control room and take out the Estar soldiers. Use the remote on the right to open the door below. Go through the opened door and save Ellon.

When you wake up, you will be invited to the Presidential Palace. After talking with Dr. Odin, you will leave Rinoa in the room, and you yourself go out and take the elevator. Before heading to the Lunar Gate, you can collect some useful items in the city. First of all, win the WARD CARD, it is with Dr. Odin (the one next to Rinoa). To get the OCCUT FAN IV, you need to go to the Air station and talk to the Assistant to the President standing near it. Go back to the palace and at the entrance to the hall (where you left Rinoa), talk to the president's secretary. Examine the books that will remain after it. Go to the shops of Estar, there are many interesting things, including Books about Pets (Pet Pals VoL.5/VoL.6). Also talk to the soldier on the left side of the Skyway. Return and talk to him when you return to the city again (after that, Lunatic Pandora will fly in). Get COMBAT KING 004.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
DoomTrain: At the Tears Point (south of Lunar Gate), near the foot of the giant statue, take the SOLOMON RING. With it, you can summon the DOOMTRAIN Guard. For this you will need: 6 Medicines (Remedy +) - can be made from a simple medicines, with the help of the Fortify Medicine ability, which Guardian Alexander can learn, 6 Steel Pipes - can be stolen from Wendigo and 6 Malboro Tentacles - can be stolen from Marlboro Once you find all the things, just select the ring from yourself in inventory and the Guardian will join.

Crazy Pandora (Lunatic Pandora)
First you need to go to Dr. Odin's lab. It is located to the left (Left side) from the entrance to the city. At the entrance to it are 2 soldiers, and then the doctor's assistant. After talking with the doctor, go to the city center (skyway) and wait for Lunatic Pandora. You can get into it from three places in the city, but the first one is the most profitable! If you fail to get to it the first time, then you can do it elsewhere. To do this, from the presidential palace you need to turn right on, then down to the Highway. If you don't make it there, there's still one more boarding spot for Lunatic Pandora, it's located above the trade alley.

Find Mobile Type 8
Lunatic Pandora has a lot of useful things to collect before you leave it, but if you've done the full Lagoon quest (see Galbadia Garden):
Spd-J Scroll - can be found on the road from elevator number 1 up, turn into an inconspicuous cave on the left.
Also, if you take elevator number 3 and go to the lower right corner, you will find a ladder. Go down it and look for the Old Key on its right side. If you did everything right before, then it should appear there. Take it and open the door. Behind the door are LuvLuv G, Silence Draw Point and Phoenix Pinion, also if you continue your movement to the left, you will see COMBAT KING 005, lying on the ground. In the back room, if you have an Old key, you can dial Ultima for yourself (Draw Ultima).
Now go back to the hall and take elevator number 1 upstairs. Up the cave to the Save point, Mobile Type 8 is waiting for you upstairs from it.

In space
Talk to Piet near the door. Take Rinoa and take her to the Infirmary. Follow him to the control room. Look at the monitor next to Irwin (on the right). Climb to the second floor and go to the end of the corridor, to Ellon's room. Now return to the Infirmary. Return to the control room. Now you need to go up again to the second floor, but turn right. Grab the suit from one of the cabinets and follow Rinoa to the dock. After an unsuccessful attempt to catch up with her, return to the control room. Talk to Piet and follow him to the right to the escape pods. You will need to catch Rinoa. To do this, follow her movements and use your rocket engine to move faster (go/cancel button).

Spaceship Ragnarok
You need to get into the control room. But hostile monsters Propagators won't let you in there. To destroy them, you need to kill them in pairs otherwise they will come to life again.
Kill them in this order: Purple, then Green, then Red and Brown.
After that, go to the elevator and go up to the control room. After Rinoa head to the Sorceress Memorial, southeast of the Moon Gate. Return to the ship, go to the Passenger Room. Now follow Rinoa. After you free her, go to Edea's house.
Follow the dog to the flower field and after talking with Rinoa, go to Estar, to the presidential palace.

ALEXANDER CARD - located at Piet. If you don't play with him in space, you can do it later on earth when you find his escape pod. See picture.

LAGUNA CARD - located at Ellone. Win it from her before the evacuation is announced.

But before you go back to the Presidential Palace, you can complete a few tasks and get useful things.

In one of the Occult Science magazines you read about UFOs. It exists and to get to it you have to find it. It is found in the World Map in four different places.
1- Mandy Beach: This is the beach to the east of Timber town.
2- Winhill Bluffs: This is on the road that leads to Winhill village. (which is next to the village)
3- Kashkabald Desert: This desert is located in the southeast of the Estar continent. Near the island on which the cactus jumps.
4- Heath Peninsula: it is shown by an arrow in the figure.
Yellow Dot Tribia Garden
After you have met a UFO four times, fly and land on the mountain above Chocobo's Holy Forest. Here you will find a UFO. It will not attack you, but you will need to destroy it. First you can pull it out with him to Paul (Demi) to the chapel of your whole team.After that, go to the crater that Balamb Garden left behind.Here you will meet PuPu - this is an alien from another planet and the owner of the spaceship that you destroyed.You have two ways with him to do: The first is to kill him and get an ACCELERATOR (Auto - acceleration) The second is to give him five elixirs, for which he will thank you and give you a PuPu CARD.

Queen of Cards
If you want to collect all the cards in the game, then sooner or later you will have to play with the Queen of Cards. The first place where you will meet her is Balamb. Play a high-level card (Guardian or player cards) to her and she will say that she is bored with this area, and she will go somewhere else. Chase her in this way until she arrives at Dollet. This is her hometown and her father lives there. When talking to her, a question about her father will appear. Ask her, she will tell you that he is an artist and can create new cards, but he needs others in return. The first card that she will ask you is a MiniMog card. Play this card to her, her father will make a new card to replace it. And so you have to lose a few cards. All cards that you lose to the queen can then be played back. Go down the street and there is a door on the right, this is the house where her father lives. His grandson also lives there and takes care of the cards. He has all the cards that you lost to the queen. Here are the places where you can win new cards:

/ Deling City. The man who is standing on the left on the sidewalk, on the street near one of the shops. Dressed in black.
/Fisherman's Horizon. The wife of the mayor of this town. She is sitting in the house, in the center of the clearing of mirrors, on the second floor.
/ Balamb Garden. The student, who is sitting on a bench in the hall opposite the library, still has his hands clasped together.
/ city of Timber. At the bartender in the lower right corner of the bar.
/ city of Esthar. Advisor to the President at the Presidential Palace. Stands in the room where you brought Rinoa after the fight with Edea.
CC Group
After a certain number of victories in Balamb Garden, in a card game. You will be invited to play against yourself, members of the League of Card Lovers (CC Group). Start with the lowest ranked player in the League. After defeating him, you will be offered to play with the next ranked player in the League. And thus until the very best player, his name is King Card Master. Below is a list of League players and their location in the Garden.
Jack (Jack): walks in the hall of the Garden, near the sign.
Joker (Joker Card Wizard): stands in the Training Center on a small bridge, near the draw point. You can win LEVIATHAN CARD and GF REPORT from him - reports information about the guard.
Club (Club Card Knight): leaves the bar in the hall.
Diamond (Bubi Card Princess): in the Hall near the sign, standing and talking to another girl.
Spade (Spades Card Prince): on the second floor, one of the two near the elevator.
Heart (Worms Card Queen): stands on the bridge next to Needa her name is Kzu. She has a CARBUNCLE CARD.
King (Card Master): Go talk to Dr. Sada (Dr. Kadowaki), then go to your room and go to bed. The Card King will challenge you to a fight while you sleep. He also has a GILGAMESH CARD.

Lake Obel (Obel lake).
Near the city of TIMBER to the north, this lake is located. On an island in the center of the lake, a Black Shadow hid. Talk to her. Of the two answers: Throw a rock ¦Throw a rock¦ and listen carefully?Try humming¦. Select "Try humming". The shadow will ask you again, what is the answer? Try humming again¦. Talk to her again, she will ask you for a favor. Find her friend Mr. Monkey? Monkey¦. About answer? What is it¦. After talking to her again, she will give you two clues. Now head to the forest to the west of the city of Dollet. Entering the forest, throw a stone at the monkey, then return to the shadow and talk to her. Now every time you talk to her, she will give you different clues. As a result, you can get a good reward.

Puzzle Three Stars¦ (THREE STARS).

"Take some time off at the Eldbeak Peninsula."
Pininsula Peninsula (Eldbeak Peninsula).
Yellow dot Dollet.
Here you will get one of the puzzle pieces. You will also find a stone pillar with an inscription. The clue "Treasure at Minde Isle" is encrypted here. Now go to Minde Island. And search it south of the center. You will find LUCK-J SCROLL.
Minde Island
Yellow Tear's Point.

"You"ll find something on an island east of Timber, too."
Here you will find a stone with an inscription.
Yellow dot city Timber.

"There"s also something on top of a mountain with a lake and a cavern."
Above the waterfall you will find a nest with birds hatching eggs. After killing them, you will find a piece of stone with the inscription .
Yellow dot LDesert Prison¦.

"Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think..."
Come to the shadow and throw stones at it ¦Throw a rock¦ until it says "many many times"
After that, return to the forest to Mr. Monkey? Monkey¦. And throw stones at him until he throws a stone at you with the inscription.

After you have collected all four pieces of the puzzle, go to the shadow. The shadow will put the pieces of the puzzle in the right order and give a clue that the treasure lies in the Mordred Plain ("Mordred Plains has treasure.")
Yellow dot Lunatic Pandora Laboratory.

Fly there and land in the center of the plain. On it are located K-hameshki-Liars ("The Liar Rocks"). Talk to them until the Red-faced rock says, "The treasure"s not here!". Look again at this location and you will find THREE STARS.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
cactus island
Cactus Island is located east of the Kashkabald Desert. On the island, Green Cactus appears and disappears in the sands all the time. This is the Jumbo Cactuar cactus.
Get on Ragnarok (Ragnarok), land on the island and catch Jumbo.
Jumbo is very afraid of water, you can also apply Slow to it. Jumbo uses a 10,000 Needles strike that can kill any one player on your team, no matter how powerful they are. Since it takes 10,000 divisions of life, and the maximum in the game is 9999 divisions. It will be good to increase your speed and strength. The first thing to do is to use the Meltdown on Jumbo, so you can greatly lower his defense. Then make your heroes invisible using: Hero and Holy War, as well as Limit Rinoa "Invulnerable Moon". Next, use Aura on yourself. Then beat Jumbo to death with Limits. Jumbo has at least 100,000 bars of energy, plus he can run away from combat if you don't hurry. After defeating him, you will receive him in your team and.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)

The Deep Sea Research Center is also known as the Island of Warships.
located in the lower left corner of the world map. See drawing.
Yellow Dot Edea House
You can only get to it on Ragnarok. Once on the island and going into the center itself, you will see a shimmering blue core in the center of the room, and a voice will tell you to leave. Don't move when the core starts to catch fire or you will be attacked by the monsters. Take a few steps and freeze. When you reach the very core, it will speak to you. After each answer, you will be attacked by the Red Dragon (Ruby Dragon). Answer this way:
First question:
Answer: It "s not our will to fight
Second question:
Answer: Never
Third question:
Answer: It "s our nature ... (this answer is not visible, it is the second hidden inscription in this menu)

After that, Bahamut himself will attack you. He doesn't have a lot of energy, but he has very strong punches, as well as a signature blow with Mega Flare magic. Blind him first, succumbs to Darkness, so you will protect yourself from his physical attacks. Blindness is well imposed by Irwin with his limit, shooting Shadow bullets, 100% magic imposition. After that, do Triple on yourself, as well as Aura. You can also rob him and drain all the magic you need from him before finishing him off. For defeating him, he will join you.
Time Compression
Travel to Estar and go to the Presidential Palace. After talking with the president, challenge him to a game of cards and win a SQUALL CARD from him. Then sit down in Ragnarok and go to the Tears "Point. As soon as you find yourself inside Lunatic Pandora, Fujin and Raijin will attack you. It will not be difficult to deal with them. Be sure to cast a Meltdown on them, as well you can put them to sleep.They are well penetrated by Paul (Demi) and Ultima (Ultima), you will not need anything else.For the victory.
Go further into the hall with elevators and go up on the first one, go past SAVE upstairs and meet Mobile Type 8. It consists of three parts, a body and two arms. Do not touch your hands, they have self-healing and a lot of energy, in short, they cannot be beaten off. Go straight to the body. Corona Signature Attack v leaves all members of your team 1 bar of energy. He is afraid of lightning, he is also affected by the Meltdown and is not badly broken through by Ultima. Deal with him as quickly as possible. For victory .
Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Next up is a fight with Seifer. If you have already managed to defeat Odin, after which he joined you, then he will appear at the beginning of the fight with Seifer. But it will be cut and soon Gilgamesh will appear in its place. This Guardian will appear further in battles, as well as Odin and help you. Seifer hits hard, so it's wise to put yourself on guard. After that, apply Meltdown on him, and Aura on yourself. Under the blows of the Limits, he will quickly give up. Also not bad breaks through Ultima. For victory . When you're done with him, leave the room and go up the stairs to the right, Adel is waiting for you at the top. You need to destroy the sorceress, but do not kill Rinoa. Magic like Ultima cannot be used in this fight. Adele is constantly draining energy from Rinoa, so cast Regen on Rinoa or just give her energy yourself from time to time. Cast Meltdown on Adele first and then you can attack her with magic like Fire, Water, Ice or Lightning, it all depends on your magic power. You can simply beat it with blows, unless of course you put everything on the force. Don't forget to rob her, she has Samantha Soul. Although her energy is not shown in the scan, there is not much of it, so everything will end soon.

The Future
Save your game and go to the door opposite. Now you have to fight with several Sorceresses. All of them are vulnerable to Death. But the latter cannot simply be killed. They can also be put down. You can steal things from them, they will be useful to you later. Just pull the magic out of them. They have very little energy, so hit them with normal punches. The last sorceress uses powerful Ultima magic on all your team. Use Shell on yourself to reduce damage from Ultima. Use Meltdown or Doomtrain GF on her. After that, you can bring down all your most powerful magics and Guardians on it yourself. The magic Triple and Aura will help you well. For defeating her, you will receive . After killing her, you will find yourself in the house of Edea (Edea House). Go to the back yard. Climb up the chain to the castle of the sorceress Ultimecia Castle.

Climbing up the chain to the castle, you will pass by three portals. They take you to three different locations on the world map. The one at the bottom will take you to the Missile Base. The second will take you to the Serengetti Plains, not far from the Center Ruins. The one at the top takes you to the beach in the east of the Center continent. It is to the east of the city of Estar. Before going to the castle, it will be useful to walk around the world, gain experience and things. Experience is easiest to get on two islands. Island Closest to Hell, Figure 1, and Island Closest to Paradise, Figure 2. The easiest way to get AP is on Cactuar Island. Here you can find small cacti that have very little energy, but run away from the fight very often. To prevent this, you need to have a high percentage of accuracy, not less than 150%, and it will also be useful to increase your speed. For each you will receive 20 AP. In this world, you can get the last Guardian and try to win all the cards you are missing in the card game.

First of all, find your ship in this world (it also got here). To do this, go to the second portal. By calling the world map, you will see the location of the ship, marked with a red dot. Grab a Chocobo and head to the Kashkabald Desert near Cactus Island. Next to the ship, you will find another portal. If you enter it, it will become active in Ultimesia's castle. If you have completed (OPTIONAL QUEST) CC Group, they will all appear on the ship.

Getting the Guardian (Guardian Force)
Deep Sea Research Center
Eden :
If you return here, you will find a tree trunk growing from a hole in the floor, you can go down it to the center itself. I must say right away that it is not easy to pass this center, so if you have not pumped your heroes yet, then do not go here. The center is a building with several levels. Your goal is to go down to the excavation level. There are two ways how to do it.
FIRST: You must have Zell in your team. At the terminals, when asked how many points are needed to open the door to the next level, always answer 1 point. Do NOT enter the boiler room. In the end, you should be left with . Going down to the level with the generator, Zell will offer his help. Let him try to fix the generator. He can handle it and the door to the Deep Sea Deposit will open. You will also have 12 divisions.
SECOND MAN: This is if you don't have Zell on the team or you don't trust him. At the first level, to open the door to the next level, spend 2 spaces. On the third, spend 1 bar to open the door and another 4 bars to open the Steam Room, in the end you will have . Resupply 7 bars. At all other levels, spend 1 space to open the door. After going down to the level with the generator, spending 4 bars to open the door to the Excavation Level, you still have 10 bars left.
Then you need to go down to the very bottom. But it won't be easy, because the monsters will attack you all the time, even if you set yourself a command, NO BATTLE. Also, you can't run away from these battles. And most importantly, not light monsters will attack you at all. At least 40,000 energy. If you went down, then do not immediately turn on the remote control, but first of all, save. On the left there is SAVE, it is not visible just like that, set yourself the command GO v FIND and it will appear. After saving, you can safely engage in battle against ULTIMA WEAPON.

ULTIMA WEAP ON: Very strong opponent. Has a very fast time and strong magic. He is not affected by any magic, so remove the magic from the elemental attack, otherwise he will restore his health from simple blows. Uses the Light Pillar magic, which only affects one but kills immediately. Also, Graviga's magic is Semi's magic, but only on all team members at once. His weak point is he has little energy. First of all, cast a Meltdown on it or call the Guardian Hell Train (DoomTrain). Give everyone Triple and Aura. You can also become invisible for a while using magic: Hero and Holy War. Pull out the last, most powerful Guardian of Eden from Ultima. Then start attacking him with Limits. For the victory you will receive. After destroying Ultima, go upstairs. There is no need to come to the Deep Sea Research Center anymore.

queen of cards
She, too, fell into this world. Found by the rescue module that used to have Piet. See picture.
Yellow dot v Tear Drops Point.
She now chooses the rules of the game herself. In short, it's not easy to play with her.

Ultimecia Castle
In the castle you need to find the witch and destroy her, but it's not so easy. As soon as you enter the castle, the witch will seal all your abilities. When you leave the castle, the power of Ultimesia ceases to act on you and everything immediately returns to you. The only thing you will have left in the castle is the main characteristics (magic, health, survivability, etc.). Whatever she takes, she distributes among her servants. To get everything back, you will need to defeat them all. They are all immediately available and you can fight with anyone at once. But as you understand, their strength and abilities are very different. There are many options for passing, but in our opinion, we have given an example of the easiest way to regain all your abilities, as well as defeat Ultimesia. Once again, it is HIGHLY recommended to upgrade your heroes and make them the latest weapons, because the first few fights, you will only fight with simple blows. So, let's begin.
Entering the castle, you will find yourself in the main hall, climb the stairs to the top. Sphinx is waiting for you at the end of the stairs.
Consists of two forms Sphinxaur and Sphinxara, both forms fear Holy. Set Holy to elemental attack and go. Sphinxaur attacks you with fire, ice and lightning. Sphinxara summons various monsters to help and attacks you with parametric magic. If she still cast magic on you, then just after the battle, get out of the castle and show off. Each form has only 10,000 divisions of energy. If you have upgraded the heroes, then you will not spend much time on Sphinx. For victory . From the proposed list, print yourself the ability MAGIC (Magic).
Climbing up the stairs, you will enter a room with a large chandelier on the ceiling. Go straight on the chandelier, but it will fall, dropping you to the lower floor. In the floor of this room you will notice a hatch, open it. This is a wine cellar, go down into it. At the bottom, the Tri-Point awaits you.
Very weak against fire. Set fire to elemental attack and go. He will constantly attack you with his Mega Spark Counter. Set your lightning to absorb so it won't do much damage to you. Now you have the opportunity to use magic. Doesn't have much energy. For victory . Print the ability to use the EXTENSION (Draw).
Return to the main hall and switch to another team. With this command, go back to the room with the wine cellar. On the right you will see a knife switch and a switch between commands. Click it and switch back. Now you can safely cross the chandelier to the terrace, where Krysta is waiting for you.
Ice attacks do no harm. Has very strong resistance to physical attacks, but less to magic. Please note that you cannot yet revive your heroes during the battle, but only replenish energy. Performs an Ultima as a farewell before dying, so keep the energy of your fighters at a high level, otherwise everyone will die. Constantly responds with a non-elemental (i.e., you cannot put defense or absorption) counterattack. Set yourself an increase in magical power, to the maximum. Doesn't have much energy. First of all, cast a Meltdown on it. Next, make yourself a Triple. You can attack her Demi. It doesn't break through Ultima very well. For the victory you will receive. Print the ability to use Limit Break.
Return to the main hall, go up the stairs and turn right. Exit the door and go down. Enter the door below. You will be taken to the Art Gallery. Here is a little puzzle. Examine all the paintings, then go to the painting on the first floor, under which it says "the inscription is not legible ...". You will be presented with a list of all the titles of the paintings. The clock in the floor shows the time that Trauma appears. It must be introduced with the help of pictures into the inscription of this, as yet unnamed picture. Hours are entered first VIII = picture VIVIDARIUM, then minutes IIII = picture INTERVIGILIUM, then seconds VI = picture VIATOR. If you did everything right, Trauma will appear.
Weak against Wind, also vulnerable to Drain. Set the Outflow to an elemental attack and with each hit, you will replenish your energy. Uses physical attacks and magic on all Mega Pulse Cannons, and also summons Dromas to help him. Set yourself to increase strength to the maximum. First of all, cast Meltdown, and yourself Triple (Triple). Next, make everyone an Aura. You can use magic against him or beat him with Limits, they are now available to you. Do not be distracted by Dromas, he will destroy them himself. For the victory you will receive. Print the ability to use Resurrection.
From the Art Gallery, go through the opposite door. Change team. With this command, you need to go to the fountain and pick up the Treasure Vault Key near it on the left side. Go through the large door opposite and up the stairs. Walk along the wooden bridge, otherwise the key at the other end of the bridge will fall down. This is the Armory key. Having picked up the key, return to the fountain and change the team. After going down to the basement, go left to the prison cell. Take the key from the skeleton, you will be attacked by the Red Giant guard.

If you do not adhere to this description and you already have the ability to call the Guardians, then call the Devil (Diablos) first. He will cast a lot of parametric magic on the Giant. If you do not have such an opportunity, then the first thing to do is put Pain on him. This will blind your opponent, he will become almost helpless. It also lends itself to the magic of Paul (Demi). This magic is just from him and can be pulled out. You can cast Meltdown on him and using Aura on yourself, score him with Limits. For the victory you will receive. Print the ability to use GUARDS (GF).
After you deal with him, head to the next room. This is the Armory, you found the key to it on the wooden bridge. Gargantua awaits you inside.
Melt it down first or call Guardian Hell Train (DoomTrain). Has no weaknesses, responds to your every blow with a physical counterattack. You can pull magic from him, then finish him off with Limits or just magic. For the victory you will receive. Print out the ability to use Items.
After rising from the basement, change the team. You need to take her to the room with elevators and change teams back. Now go up the left stairs to the passage. Next, go straight ahead and put the team in the elevator, change teams again. So you can get to the pantry, where you can pick up the Floodgate Key. Go back to the elevators and change commands. Go to the treasure room.
In the treasury you need to unravel a simple riddle. Simply open the sarcophagi in the following sequence: leftmost, leftmost, rightmost, rightmost. After that, Catoblepas will appear.
Weak against Water and Earth, absorbs Lightning. Performed by Meteor before death. He uses magic that is related to lightning, so set yourself to absorb lightning. Melt it down first or call Guardian Hell Train (DoomTrain). Now you can attack him with magic or normal attacks. For the victory you will receive. Print out the ability to use SAVE.

Now go with the main team to the fountain, switch to the auxiliary team, go to the entrance to the art gallery and ring the bell. You have 1 minute to get to the organ room, quickly switch to another team and run there. There you will meet Omega weapon.
This is the strongest monster in the game. He uses the strongest magic and his special attacks. His first hit is LV5 Death - death on all members of the group, so put death on your resistance (parametric defense). It also uses the Medigo Flame magic, which kills all heroes, unless they are immersed in invisibility. Terra Break's magic knocks out 9998 bars of energy from all team members. Therefore, expose everyone to the maximum possible energy, in 9999 divisions. It also uses the Light Pillar magic, which kills one hero to death. His normal punches are also very strong. First of all, use Meltdown on the enemy. Then use Aura on yourself and make yourself invisible (Hero, Holy War and Rinoa limit - Invincible Moon). This monster has a huge amount of energy and therefore the whole battle comes down to constant hits with its Limits, imposing Aura and Invisibility on itself. For the victory you will receive. After you kill him, which is not very easy to do, the Omega item will appear in your menu, in the Help section. There you will read that now you are the best fighter in the whole world!!!
Now go and play the organ. He will open the door for you, which is located to the right of the fountain. The only way to open it is to play all the notes at once by pressing them once. Once you've succeeded, enter it, turning to the right, you will find the Rosetta Stone.
Now go up to the clock tower. Almost at the very top, you will see a large swinging pendulum, stand on the left side of it and when it approaches you, jump on it. This way you will reach the door on the other side. She will take you to the balcony where you will meet Tiamat.
It has resistance against Fire and Lightning, but no effect against Wind. He uses only one hit Dark Flare. Therefore, put yourself on the elemental protection of Fire and Flash. So Tiamat will not bring you any harm. Put a melt on him and use the strongest blows, magic and Guardians against him. For defeating him, you will receive . Print the ability to use the COMMANDS (Comand Ability).

Fight with Ultimesia (ULTIMECIA)
Jump over the pendulum back and climb to the very top of the tower. Go clockwise to the stairs and go down. Go to the room opposite and near the door do not forget to make a save. Outside the door, the evil sorceress Ultimecia herself is waiting for you. She chooses three of her own choice to fight, after one of them dies in battle, the next one enters the game. Here you will need all your skills acquired during the passage of the game. After defeating her, an amazing imagination VIDEO awaits you!

Information from the site was used

Can you please tell me what melody should be played on the organ in Ultimecla castle?
Everything is actually very simple. You need to open the steel gate. To do this, simply press all the keys at the same time and they will open.

Where is the best place to level up?
Cactuar Island on the east coast in the Kashkabald Desert is the best place, because cactuars are very weak, and you can earn a lot of experience and abitity points.

I can't figure out where to find the water stone in Shumi Village.
Examine carefully the stone frog that sits in the pond, and then look carefully and find a water stone in the craftsman's house. This stone is otherwise called "soap stone", and is used for washing.

I cannot locate the Deep Sea Research Facility.
This center is located in the south of the westernmost point of the world map, and can only be reached using Ragnarok.

When or where can I find the Malboro monster and get his tentacles?
Walk around the Gread Plans of Esthar or Grandidi Forest and eventually one of them will attack you. You can steal tentacles from him during the fight. However, there is a good chance that he will lose one of them when he dies.

How do I get on the White SeeD Ship?
This ship is hidden in a cave at the southern end of the western edge of the central crater Cenrta Creter. Fly there to Balamb Garden, and as soon as you touch it, you will immediately find yourself on board.

How to get energy crystals?
The following monsters sometimes leave energy crystals behind them if you defeat them: Behemoth (20th level), found in City Plains of Esther; Elnoyle (level 20 and above), found in Esthar City Unlimecia Castle; Ruby Dragon (level 20 and up) can be found in Trab'a Canyon and The Deep Sea Research Facility Lab.

Where can I find a monster named Adamanloise?
These monsters are very rare, but you can find them either on the beach near Hasberry plains or in Ultimecia Castle.

I have almost completed the collection of Weapons Monthly back issues and I am missing only the July issue. Where can you find it?
If you are on disc 3, you can find him near the fallen logs in the Balamb Garden Training Centre.

Thanks to shadow clues near Obel Lake, I found three stone tablets, but I don't know where the fourth one is.
Answer: Keep throwing rocks into the lake until you get the message "The rock skipped many, many times". Now go and find Mr. Monkey and throw rocks at him until he gives you the last stone pill.

I know that GF Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are somewhere in a secret research facility, but I don't know exactly where to find them.
The Hidden Deep Sea Research Center can be found on an abandoned drilling platform in the very bottom left corner of the map. As soon as you enter the room, you will see a flickering core. If you take at least one step when it burns, then you will immediately have to fight. Therefore, wait until it goes out, then approach it. Choose the appropriate option and fight Ruby Dragon. In order for you to have decent chances, you need one of your comrades to attack him all the time with the Level Down spell. After winning, select the Never option and another fight will take place. After the victory, select the third option at the very bottom and fight Bahamut. When you win, the core will explode. Return to Ragnarok, enter the meeting room, talk to all your comrades, return to the research facility and find your way down. There is a push door here that leads to the Ultima Weapon. To open it, you can use one of the following methods:
1. On the first floor, use four units to go down to the second floor. Then use one unit to get to the third floor and proceed in the same way until you are on the sixth floor. Examine the car and select the Let Zell handle it option. Otherwise. You won't be able to fight Ultima Weapon.
2. On the first floor, use four units to go down to the second floor. Then use 2 units to go to the third floor, here use 4 units on the monitor to the left of the stairs to get into the room where the steam is distributed between the cylinders. Use this room to recharge seven steam cylinder units. Now go back to the main room, use one unit to get to the fourth floor, and do the same until you get to the sixth. Here, in no case do not select the Let Zell handle it option, if Zell starts working with the machine, then nothing will work for you. Use four units to get right up to the Ultima Weapon.

The Card Queen, told me that the Invine Card (Invine Card) is on the Fisherman Horizon level, but I don't know how to get it. I also don’t know who has the Chocobo Card and where the Omega Weapon is located in the Ultimecia castle.
To find the Irvine map, you need to defeat Flo on the Fisherman Horizon level. You can win the Chocobo card from the student in front of the library on the Balamb Garden level.
After you defeat eight bosses in the castle, divide your squad into two groups. One fireteam will mine the Omega Weapon (it's useful to include Squall, Irvin and Zell), and the other fireteam will "summon" it. While controlling the fireteam, approach the fountain and use the green switch to switch to the second group. Then go up from the main entrance, turn right, run through the door and pay attention to the bell hanging from the ceiling. Climb down the spiral staircase and look for a rope at the bottom left of the screen, pull it and hear the sound of a bell. Now you have exactly one minute to find Omega. Quickly return to the green switch, switch back to the combat squad, enter the secret door and meet Omega here. Get ready for a hell of a tough fight.

Please help me find Edea's house on the second disc.
It's not difficult at all. When you fight the Galbadia garden guard, turn around and be sure to see Edea's House in the distance.

Help me find the Tomb of the Unknown King dungeon.
In Deling City, go down the escalator, exit the station and talk to the guy standing by the side of the road. Then talk to him again. when the bus arrives, and you can get on this bus to General Caraway's house. Press the S button to get off the bus at the very first stop, and talk to the guard on the right. The general's guard will inform you that before you get an audience, you you need to prove your skill by visiting the Tomb of the Unknown King dungeon, he will also tell you to bring the ID card number from the student and show you a small map of the dungeon, and then you can buy some useful items from him. , buy the Location Displayer.It is very useful.You can persuade him to sell for 5000 Gil.Ask the guard to take you out of the city and he will kindly show you to the garage (it is outside the city) where you can rent a car, for 3000 Gil - It's pretty decent money, but it saves you a lot of time and you don't have to fight enemies along the way. to the right and move along the coastline. Finally. You will find the entrance to the dungeon of the unknown king.

How to defeat the monster that dropped Major Briggs and Wedge from the communication tower? I can't do anything.
At the start of the fight, use your drow ability to get the GF Siren, and then another. so-called double (Double) spells. Immediately after that, use the acquired spell on your main character, who will now be able to perform double spells in any attack. Now use his ability and attack two other members of your squad with the Double magic spell, and then you can use double spells when performing healing magic spells. This will be very useful to you, as it will allow you to maintain a high level of HP. and your Guardian Forces attacks will cause serious damage to the enemy. Elvoret, your opponent, has a very powerful immunity against magic, and therefore physical attacks inflict serious damage on him. When you finally deal with this flying monster, you will be rewarded with two elixirs of G-Returner and Weapons Mon Mage magazine.

First level test.

* Balamb Garden Network (training panel).
Select the first option on the screen and you will be able to get information about G.F. (by choosing Tutorial) and much more. When you select Tutorial for the first time, you will be able to name two Guardian monsters - Shiva and Quetzalcoatl.
To exit this option, press X, and then select the 1st option. See the SeeD test in the test menu - here are the answers of this test:
Level 1: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N. N
Level 2: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, N
Level 3: N, N, Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N
Level 4: N, Y, Y, Y. H, N, Y, Y, N. N
Level 5: N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y
Level 6: Y, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, Y
Level 7: Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N
Level 8: N, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, Y, N
Level 9: N, Y, N, N, N, N, N. N, Y, Y
Level 10: Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, Y, N
Level 11: Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y
Level 12: N, Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N
Level 13: Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
Level 14: Y, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y, N, Y, N
Level 15: Y, Y, N, N, N, N N, Y, N, Y
Level 16: Y, N, N, Y, N, Y, N, N, Y, N
Level 17: Y, N, N, N, Y, N. N, Y, N, N
Level 18: Y, N, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N
Level 19: Y, N, N, Y, N, N, N, N, N, Y
Level 20: Y, Y, N Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N, N
Level 21: Y, Y, Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N
Level 22: N, N, N Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, N
Level 23: Y, N, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
Level 24: Y, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y
Level 25: Y, N, Y, Y, Y, N N, Y, N, N
Level 26: Y. Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, Y, N, N
Level 27: N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, Y, N
Level 28: Y, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N, Y, N, N
Level 29: N, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, N, Y, N
Level 30: N, Y, N, N, N, N, Y, N, N. N
Note: in the table N - means No (No), Y - Yes (Yes). So the maximum level for students (on the 1st disk) is 30th. You can reach rank A with a salary of 30,000 gil. Try to make such a career - it will make life much easier!

* Dark Shadow Puzzle.
Near Timber there is an unusual lake called Odol Lake. When you get to its center and press X. then you have a choice. Or throw a stone (throw a rock) or try to "buzz" (try hamming). If you select try hammer, a dark shadow appears and says "Hi" and then the same selection occurs. If you choose try hamming, the shadow asks you to find Mr. Monkey and at the same time gives a hint - "He can be found somewhere in the forest" ("Not should be in a forest"). The main thing now is to find this forest. Here is how this task is solved.
Mr.Monkey is located in the forest to the west of the city of DoJlef Go there and of course you will find him. However, no matter what choice you make, he will run away, so it's best to return to Obel Lake, where a dark shadow will give you some clues. One clue will lead you to the Eldbeak Peninsula, where there is a stone with the long word TRETIMEASUREATMINOFFDEISLE written on it. Extract the TIME OFF expression from this long password word and then the phrase TREASURE AT MINDE ISLE is left. Now it’s clear, go to Minde Isle (south of Esthar), where you will find the Luck J scroll.
Another clue that the shadow will give you will lead you to a stone with letters written on it... Find a stone on the beach near Balamb and you will see STSLRM written on it.
Fly (Ragnarok) to the island east of Timber and find another stone with the inscription REAIDR.
Climb the mountain near Galbadia Garden. Search the upper cave with water flowing out and you will see a Cokatrice bird there. Kill her and get another stone with the inscription EASNPD.
Head to the peninsula and shoot until The rock skirred many many times appears. Then go back to Mr. Monkey until he spits back one stone with the inscription URHAEO.
Now put all the stones with the inscriptions together and go back to the shadow. The stacked stones will form an interesting inscription MORDRED PLAINS HAS TREASURE Here it is a hint. This means that there are treasures in the Mordred Valley. Return to the Mordred Valley north of Esthar and you will see some rocks lying around here. At the same time, please note that everything that is written on red stones is a lie, and if it is written that there are no stones here, know that they are here. And this treasure is called Three Stars, i.e. three stars that give you a great opportunity (Expend x 3), i.e. You can perform a Triple spell, in fact, by performing a single spell.

Fantasy is psychic. activity,

consisting in the creation of representations and

mental situations, never in general

not perceived by man


encyclopedic Dictionary

Have you heard of Action-RPG? Yes, yes, guy, these are such funny toys, where little gnomes run around the screen and mess with all sorts of evil spirits. Uh-huh - a relic of the past and all that. The heavy legacy of consoles. Zero playability. You're right - children's toys. Of course, they don't stand up to any competition compared to normal RPGs like Beholder and Baldur's Gate. Do you know about Final Fantasy? What, no ear, no nose? That's right, you don't need it. Why waste time? What? Do you want to buy? On five compacts? Do you need it? Do you want to try? My advice to you is don't try. Why? Because, excel-moxel, and all that... You will be lost in this game. If you forget about Baldur's Gate, about all your hatred for consoles, you will forget your own mother! Don't play it, it's risky.

A person reading this guide and not playing FFVIII will go crazy. Don't try to read this for your own pleasure. FFVIII has a very large, tricky and unusual game system that needs to be taught like a catechism. Getting a general idea of ​​​​it takes an experienced player who is fluent in English about half an hour. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the total time it will take you to play Final Fantasy. My task is to give a short but attention-demanding lecture to a person who is going to play FFVIII and prefers to do it competently. It's you? Go.


Let's first understand what a fighter can do besides inflicting heavy physical damage. In FFVIII, all this (that is, everything except scuffle) is implemented through the Junction system.

There is a certain set of Guardian Forces - GFs - received by the player in different places. I will not dwell on the plot aspects of this case - we are only concerned with the technical side. GF becomes attached to the character and above all gives him the ability to do something other than Attack. Basic set - GF, Draw, Item, Magic. With the last two, everything is obvious - the use of items and the use of magic. Draw - drawing magic from opponents and special points on the ground; more on this below. The first point, GF, is to call the Guardian Force itself. In the vast majority of cases, this is causing serious damage to all opponents: about 170 HP for an unpumped GF. In addition to the above commands, over time, "junking" a particular GF may give new commands; in any case, you can only choose 3 from the list. This is done in the Junction/Ability menu.

It takes some time to call a GF: the more often you use a GF on a specific character, the less time it takes. In the options, you can see the degree of "habit" of GFs to the character. While the GF is being called, all hits will land on it and remove its hit points. Since there are frankly more of them than the character, the GF also serves as a shield. This does not apply to special effects: Cure on a character that calls GF will heal the character; A GF cannot be poisoned, put to sleep, etc. After each battle, all GFs receive exp equal to the exp received by the character and divided by the number of GFs “junked” to him; in addition, they receive Ability Points. From the exp, the level increases - respectively, HP and damage dealt. As you accumulate AP (Ability Points), GFs learn ability. You can specify the order of ability learning, even more: which ability you choose depends on which ability GF will be able to learn in the future. Ability is diverse and the list of them is long: among them there are new teams of characters, and a banal increase in GF's parameters, and abilities related to the entire party. About the two classes - in more detail.

First of all, the "junction" GF makes it possible to attach not only 3 new commands to the character, but also 2 more abilities. It works like this: first the GF has to learn an ability - let's say HP +10%. Then, in the same menu where commands for the character are set, this ability is hung up on him - the effect is obvious. There is the ability Move-Find - finding hidden Draw Points on the map; it will also work only if you put it on the character. All the parsley with a two-stage system is started because a character can only have 2 abilities, and you need to choose from all the variety that GF has learned.

Further: the second group is the ability, which allows you to bind (again, junction, and let's continue to write this word in Russian and without quotes), and so, junction magic to different parameters of the player and his weapon. This is done as follows: if the GF has an ability that allows you to junction magic to HP, then you choose Junction / Magic, then the HP line and magic from the one that you managed to train. The new value of the parameter will be shown to you as soon as you hover over the corresponding spell.

The parameters to which magic can be jacked are divided into 3 groups: these are character characteristics, elemental attack and defense, and status attack and defense. With the first, everything is clear - the parameter changes itself and changes. The rest of the crooked wording needs to be explained.

A character can make part of his direct - that is, a weapon, not magic - elemental attack: fire, water, etc. A character can be partially protected from elemental attacks - to varying degrees from different elements. Both are done by junctioning magic to the options that open up when you select Junction/Magic and press left. The corresponding lines will become white, that is, potentially "junk" (well, I will allow myself quotes), only if the GF has already learned the corresponding skill; this applies to the characteristics of the character too. The effect is obvious: 50% fire attack - significantly more painful for water creatures, 50% fire protection - halving fire attacks; By the way, one of the main enemies is full of fire, which is obvious from the intro. If the defense is more than 100%, the character is healed by the corresponding element.

Same story with status attacks and defenses. The character can put to sleep or poison the enemy with a sword; the character can be partially protected from sleep or poison (obviously, status effects are not exhausted by sleep and poison). The status parameters menu is opened by pressing “left” again after the element parameters menu is displayed.

Only one spell can be junked to each stat, unless the GF has the skill to junction two at once. Junctioning to a character with 2 GFs with the ability HP junction will not fix the situation - only one spell can be hung on HP.

Here are the basic things you need to know about junction. In principle, in the corresponding menu there is an option to junction everything and everything with a certain orientation (attack, defense, balance), and those who don’t care about digging can do it and set everything up automatically. But after all, there aren’t those here who don’t give a damn and break into digging?

Now here's a bonus for you: a table of GFs with summon effects, and most importantly, their location. That is, where you can grab a valuable animal and at what cost. Read carefully, it will help.

GF Attack Location How
Quezatcotl lightning
Shiva cold Issued by Quistis when visiting Fre Cavern
Ifrit fire Fire Cavern Defeat Ifrit
Siren Physical Attack + Sleep Fight with Elvoret on the communication tower Draw from Elvoret
brothers Ground attack Tomb of Unknown King Defeat Brothers
Diablos -70% enemy HP Found in a Cid-issued lamp Save, Use Lamp (Item/Use), Fight Diablos, Load Save, Go Level Up, Repeat Until Effect
carbuncle Deling City Presidential Residence Draw from Iquion
Leviathan water attack Balamb Garden Draw from Norg
Pandemona Balamb Hotel fight with Fujin and Rajin Draw from Fujin
Odin Centra Ruins Defeat Odin
Alexander Galbadia Garden Draw from Edea
Cerebrus Galbadia Garden Defeat Cerebrus
Ghoulish Collect 6 Steel Pipes, 6 Molbor Tentacles, 6 Remedy Pluses in fierce battles, find Solomon's Ring in Tears Point and use it
Bahamut Warship Island Defeat Bahamut
Sabotender Cactuar Island (Centra Region) Defeat Giant Cactuar
Tonberry Centra Ruins Defeat at least 20 Tonberries, then defeat Tonberry King
Eden Warship Island Draw from Ultimate Weapon

Pay special attention to those GFs that need to be pulled from someone: if you defeat the enemy without pulling a GF out of him, then the GF will be lost to you. However, you can go through the whole game on 5 GFs, and nothing.


We turn to magic and items - consumables, so to speak, materials.

With objects everything is clear. They are mostly dropped from monsters, sometimes bought in the store, used in combat with the help of the appropriate team, or in a peaceful situation through the appropriate menu. In addition to various potions and Molotov cocktails, there are a lot of items with special uses; some of them will be discussed below.

Magic is more interesting. You have magic, roughly speaking, in the form of scrolls. That is, a certain number of consumable units of each spell. The effectiveness of using a spell depends on the character's Magic parameter - in some places the Japanese have it all in a simple way. Magic can be used in combat, just like items, with the help of the command (note that in both cases the character performs an action, that is, spends a “move”), or can be used through the menu; but the method of extraction is different here. Items fall out of defeated characters; magic needs to be drained during the battle, and this is also a separate team - the same Draw. You are shown a list of spells available to the enemy, you choose, after which Draw can be successful, or it can fail. "Move" is spent in any case. Here the question is how much the munchkin will speak in you: my friend pumped so much magic on the first disc that I didn’t have on the third. In addition, magic can be obtained from Draw Points found on the map (actually, apart from them, only Save Points are found on the map, so you can tell); Only the character who has the Draw command attached can perform the action.

Actually, the system of magic, as you can see, is simple. Still, those who shout that FFVIII is not an RPG, to put it mildly, are doing it in vain. That is, of course, this is not exactly an RPG, and not even an RPG at all, but at least the ways of passing are deeply individual. Most likely, there are people who fight with might and main with magic, although, say, I practically never did it - only for medical purposes or in critical cases. Both they and I are doing great.


Special attention to those who played FFVII. Finding a limit can drive you into hysterics, and it's actually very simple.

First the weapon. You cannot (as most likely already noticed) change the weapon issued to the hero; all you can do is upgrade it. Upgrades become available as you find Weapons Monthly magazines - what you have in Items is called Weapon Mon, let's say Mar. Or Jun. Or some other way. The last three letters represent the month. Each following magazine describes more and more cool "guns"; upgrading, you can see how the parameters change when switching to a new device. The magazines are located in the following locations:

March: Defeat Elvoret (Dollet)

April: Lying on Squall's desk in his new room - after Squall becomes Seed

May: At Deling Sewers

June: Defeat BGH251F2 at Missile Base

July: Located in the Training Center's Balamb Garden "a (on the third disc)

August: 5 steps south of the gargoyle statue in Trabia Garden

Debut: Lunatic Pandora Research Center (last episode with Laguna)

After receiving the magazine, you go to the nearest Junk Shop (almost every city has it, for example, in Dollet; if you can’t find it anywhere, then get there), give the required amount of resources and get a brand new cleaver. Keep in mind that it is not at all necessary to upgrade them sequentially: if you have a cleaver of the first level and the resources to make it of the second or third level, then immediately make the third one. Resources are not cumulative: it costs the same to turn cleaver 1 into cleaver 2 as it does into cleaver 3 (moreover: to make the second from the third is the same as from the first to the second). That, in fact, is all about weapons; armor, as you again have already noticed, no at all.

More interesting with limits. Limits, that is, special attacks, are activated when the character has a certain percentage of HP left - less than 25%. An arrow to the right appears next to Attack, if you press “right”, the name of the limit appears. If the arrow does not appear, then with the button that scrolls the finished characters (that is, it is selected which of the characters ready to walk will do it first; by default it is D), you can pull it out forcibly: you scroll it 6-8 times, it becomes brutal and ready for anything. Below is a list of limits.

Squall-Renzokukken. At the sight of an enemy, he loses his will, becomes furious, runs to the scoundrel and inflicts several terrible blows with his sword; if in time (namely, when the rectangle on the strip at the bottom of the screen flies through the window and the Trigger inscription appears) press E, then the blow will be stronger. Sometimes Squall will also land one of the 8 finishing moves - he also learns them as the game progresses.

Zell-Duel. Zell holds several receptions; if you turn off the Auto mode, then you can choose the tricks yourself - from the drop-down list. Zell learns new, very, very strong tricks from the numbers of King of Fighters; they are located in the following locations:

001: First floor D-District Prison

002: Awarded after defeating Raijin and Fujin

003: Randomly issued when spending a night at Balamb's hotel

004: Randomly awarded when defeating one of the soldiers in Lunatic Pandora

005: Lunatic Pandora lobby

Selfie-Slot. Casts a randomly selected spell one, two or three times - also randomly selected; among the spells there are several not available elsewhere; in particular, from the very beginning, Selphie casts an extremely useful Full-Cure.

Rinoa - Angelo. Dog Rinoa has been learning a new move for some time after you find a Pet Pals magazine with that move; in a fight, the technique used is randomly selected. Location of magazines:

Issue 1: On the train to Timber

Issue 2: At the Rebel Base (déjà vu?) in the Timber during the Presidential Capture episode

Issue 3: Timber Pet Store

Issue 4: Timber Pet Store

Issue 5: Esthar Pet Store

Issue 6: Esthar Pet Store

See note about logs above.

Quistis. blue magic. One of the "spells" learned during the game. To learn a new spell, use a special item in the Item; here is a list of spells and items.

Irvine - in a state of limit, you can plant several bullets at the enemy at once by pressing R1 in sequence; in many ways (for example, using the corresponding ability of the GF) you can get very cool bullets.

Edea is also all sorts of magic. Powerful enough, nothing more.

Se la vie. Using limits is a risky thing, but very useful; dare!


Well, and sweet. The information below is very boring, but I strongly recommend studying it, since it is very useful to understand what this or that status is and how to deal with it. Status, as you understand, the state of the character: poisoned, stunned, sleeping, etc., and everything would be obvious if the game was not called Final Fantasy, etc. would be limited to 3-4 points. So the statuses are:

Status as shown What is How to fight
Disabled Lies "kick from the hooves" Drops out of the battle, does not gain exp when it ends Life magic, Phoenix items, Revive team, spend the night at the hotel
doom A red timer appears overhead Character dies when time runs out Elixir-items, Remedy Plus, Treatment team
Critical Stands on one knee or otherwise halves growth; HP turns yellow Can make limits Cure magic, Cure items, White Wind E skill.
Poison Green bubbles fly over the character Takes damage on every action
Petrify Becomes "stone" Cannot take part in battle - and Petrify all characters means instant loss
Petrifying Overhead timer At the end of time - Petrify Esuna, White Wind E. skill, Soft (Gold Needle), Remedy-items, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Darkness A black cloud hangs over the character The Hit parameter is halved Esuna, White Wind E. skill, Eye Drops, Remedy-items, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Silence Three dots hang above the character Cannot use Magic (also applies to monsters), Draw and GF Esuna, White Wind E. skill, Echo Screen, Remedy items, Elixir items, Treatment team
Berserk The character turns red Increased Attack and automatically select Attack every turn Esuna, White Wind skill E., Remedy-items, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Zombie The character turns grey-green Attack increases, healing magic starts to deal damage, Phoenix Down kills, attempting to cast Drain magic or the Absorb command on a zombie character causes damage to the one who tried to cast it Esuna, skill White Wind E., Holy Water, Remedy-items, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Sleep “zzz” appears above the character. Does not take part in the battle
Confuse The character is spinning in place Starts to act randomly - attack, cast and use items without any logic Physical attacks, Esuna, White Wind E. skill, Remedy-items, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Vitality Zero Character turns purple Vitality drops to zero Esuna, Remedy Plus, Elixir-items, Treatment team
Slow Time Bar turns blue Time Bar fills slower
Stop Time Bar turns blue Time Bar stops filling Dispel, Haste magic, Esuna, Elixir-items, Treatment team
haste Time bar turns red Time Bar fills up faster Dispel
Regen Character regenerates Dispel
float Character hovering above the ground Invulnerability to Earth attacks Dispel
Protect Blue energy field above the character Removes half damage from physical attacks Dispel
Shell Purple energy field above the character Removes half damage from magic attacks Dispel
Reflect yellow energy field Reflecting most magic attacks on the caster; does not work against strong magic Dispel
curse Falls to his knees (or otherwise, as was said, halves his height) Can't use limits Esuna, White Wind E., Holy Water, Remedy-items, Elixir-typed items, Treatment team
Aura Character becomes golden Ability to use limits Dispel
Defend Get into a defensive posture Immunity against physical attacks and half the damage from magic attacks is removed Disappears in one turn
Double All spells are cast at will in duplicate. Dispel
Triple All spells can be cast double or triple at will. Both in the case of Double and in the case of Triple, the spell pool is consumed accordingly Not
Invincible The character becomes transparent No effect of magical and physical attacks Not

Combat success. Pay attention to the development of GFs at the beginning of the game - the last 3 discs will seem like a sweet dream. Mat. part is a big deal.

seed rank

As you can see, you are a Seed, a professional mercenary on the Garden's payroll, and this is the only way to get any money. Your salary depends on your rank; in order to increase the rank, you need to answer 10 questions in Tutorial/TEST. The questions relate to the rules of the game and, in principle, it is not harmful to answer them yourself in order to learn a lot of useful things. If you are a dirty cheater - the correct answers to the questions for each level are at your service:

Test 1: Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N

Test 2: Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N N

Test 3: N N Y N Y Y Y N Y N

Test 4: N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N

Test 5: N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y

Test 6: Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y

Test 7: Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N

Test 8: N Y N N Y Y N N Y N

Test 9: N Y N N N N N N Y Y

Test 10: Y N N N N N N N Y N

Test 11: Y Y N Y Y N Y N N Y

Test 12: N Y N N Y N Y N Y N

Test 13: Y N N N Y N N N N N

Test 14: Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N

Test 15: Y Y N N N N N Y N Y

Test 16: Y N N Y N Y N N Y N

Test 17: Y N N N Y N N Y N N

Test 18: Y N N N Y N N N N N

Test 19: Y N N Y N N N N N Y

Test 20: Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N N

Test 21: Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N

Test 22: N N N Y N N N Y Y N

Test 23: Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y

Test 24: Y Y N N Y Y N N N Y

Test 25: Y N Y Y Y N N Y N N

Test 26: Y Y N Y N Y N Y N N

Test 27: N Y N N N N Y N Y N

Test 28: Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N

Test 29: N N N Y Y N N N Y N

Test 30: N Y N N N N Y N N N

If you are not a very dirty cheater, then you can connect your head to this matter. As you can see, after answering 10 questions, you are given the percentage of correct answers. There are two main ideas: firstly, the answers to all questions Y give you the ratio of answers Y and N. Secondly, you can easily find out the answer to any question: first you type all answers Y, then all Y, the question under study is N. And compare the results. Helps in situations where you try to pass honestly, but get stuck. Then, this is an honest hack: everything is more interesting than stupidly writing off a magazine.

In principle, fighting behavior can increase (and often run away from painful combat can lower) your Seed Rank without any tests. The maximum you can achieve is a salary of 30,000 gil. It is issued, as you noticed, itself at certain intervals.

Do you know that:

With the forced replacement of one fighter for another, is it possible to transfer all the magic and all the junctions - both GFs and parameters - at once? This is done through the Switch menu.

Ability Boost works like this: while the GF is flying, hold F and press A often, often? The attack gets stronger.

That Squall hits with a sword about twice as hard if, immediately after the whistle of the sword in the air, you press E? The same E works as a trigger for Renzokukken

That walking in the woods increases the likelihood of a fight, while walking on the roads reduces it?

That the character who landed the finishing blow gets more exp than the others, and this blow should be delivered by the character, and not by his GF? They don’t give exp for bosses, so if the screen before the battle shattered not as usual, but like a boss, then your greed can sleep peacefully.

That the exp is divided into all the GFs attached to the character, but the AP is distributed to everyone in a fixed amount, no matter how many there are? Hence the conclusion: you can hang non-combat GFs on one character, and then they will just pump abilities, and they won’t grow much. True, it turns out some kind of perversion.

That the combat designer's name is Hiroyuki Itou, and is that really it?!

In the introductory video, you are shown the scenes in which you have to participate in the process of passing the game. You will also see two young men, Squall and Seifer, desperately fighting each other, each of whom, at the end of the duel, is injured, in the form of a scar on his face.

You (the main character of the game, the name is Squall, but his name can be changed at the beginning of the game, but only once) are in the infirmary of the military academy, called the Balamb Garden (a corner of paradise, similar to a resort, but not like an academy :) , regaining consciousness and barely remembering past events. Dr. Kadowaki comes up to you and inquires about your well-being, you can leave the experience to yourself, or you can complain about a headache (the choice will not affect the development of the plot in any way). After talking with the doctor, a mysterious stranger will come up to you and say "well, here we are again and met", and then disappear.

Further, against the backdrop of unfolding events, Squall's martial arts instructor, Quistis, appears, after a dialogue with which you find yourself in the classroom. The lecture won't last long. When it ends, talk to Quistis and the rest of the students and sit down at the desk again. Start the computer and dig around there, you will find a lot of interesting things, get acquainted with the basic concepts, and get the first two GFs (Guardian Forces) in your team

You got Shiva and Quzacotl. Open the menu and select GF (ЗС) , Quizacotl "and, put training on Card . Leave the classroom and go along the corridor. Not far from the elevator, you will knock down a late student (for now, her name will remain a secret for you, but in Dollet's mission, she will join your party. Be friendly and ask if everything is all right with her, and if you offer to give her a tour, do not refuse her, you yourself will learn a lot. Near the elevator, there is a student who is waiting , to whom to hand over their cards, and then, by pure chance, you run through.

Walk around the garden, get to know your surroundings.

Enter the cafeteria, talk to the saleswoman (on the left) and listen to her son's story.

In the Quad, talk to the stranger you encountered on the second floor and sign up for the Garden Party Festival.

In the library, take the Occult Fan I magazine from the bookshelf

We collected everything, chatted with everyone, now march to the exam. At the entrance to the Garden, Quistis is waiting for you. After a short instructive monologue, you find yourself on the World Map. Don't forget to combine your newly acquired GF and set the following commands - Item, GF, Draw . Your exam has now begun.

In the future, you should not be distracted by secondary tasks, but focus directly on the task. If you run into a monster using the Draw command, get more Blizzard , Thunder , Scan and Cure magic at your disposal. Being on the world map, when you click on Select , a map will appear in the lower right corner. Destination Fire Cave, east of Balamb Garden.

2. Fire Cave

Upon arrival at the entrance to the cave, Quistis will give you new instructions on what to do with the received magic. Listen to her, and for one thing, learn how to use Squall's Renzokuken. Instead of the Item command, you can now set magic (now there is something to use). Approach the judges and select the desired period of time for which you are going to pass the test.

10 minutes will be enough. Enter the cave. Quistis will try to cheer up Squall with his ridiculous remark that in her presence, he loses his fighting skills. On the right, at the 4th location, there is some Fire magic. When encountering monsters, attack them with ice. Ice in this place is the most effective weapon. Next, go straight and do not turn anywhere, at the end you will find the Boss Ifrit.

Boss 1: Ifrit(GF)
HP: 1076 (7 Lv)
Data: Fire <
attacks : fire, PA (Physical Attack)
Magic : Fire, Scan, Cure

Ifrit Map

He does not represent anything complicated. Launch Shiva once, our future friend Ifrit will not be very happy about this, and then finish him off with ice. After the victory, he will join your party. You now have three summons. If you keep within 7 minutes, an additional point on the standings in Dollet. Get out of the cave and immediately go to the Garden. Without talking to anyone, change clothes and go to the first combat mission - the liberation of the principality of Dollet from the Galbadian invaders.

In the main hall, you will meet another new member of your team. Zell Dinch, a very energetic and impulsive young man, whose main argument in battle is physical strength. In appearance, he is a little clumsy and absent-minded, but this does not prevent him from making important decisions regarding the safety of his friends and the whole world. Next, you will see a trio - Fujin, Raijin and Squall's nemesis, Seifer. Seifer, as always, is full of determination and optimism, because he was appointed commander of your platoon, which means that you will have to follow his stupid orders.

After a short briefing, go to the parking lot. For a short period of time, you will be in control of garden vehicles, commonly used on combat missions. Do not try to get out of it, go straight to the city of Balamb. Next, you will have to act very quickly and decisively. Leaving the bus, immediately, without talking to anyone, get into the boat. Xu will meet you there, she will bring you up to date on the situation regarding the besieged principality. Talk to Quistis and ask her questions. After Seifer's skirmish with Zell, Seifer, as a commander, will give you an order to find out the situation. Without hesitation, agree.

3. Dollet

Exam grade

After completing the mission in Dollet, you will be assigned the rank of CID. The higher this rank, the higher your salary will be.

5 indicators affect the final score.

conduct- it can be your behavior. The less time you spent, the more points you get!! To get the maximum number of points you must reach the shore in 5 minutes, the minimum is 27 minutes. That is, deal with the robot: destroy or run away. The timer stops when it reaches the shore.

Judgment- decision of the commission. Complete the fire cave as quickly as possible (highest score - less than 7 minutes)

This item also includes the life of the dog, which must be saved when escaping from the robot, if he was not killed on the bridge. Also, after the exam in the fire cave, immediately, without talking to anyone, go to your room, change clothes and go to Dollet.

Attack- The more Squall kills enemies, the higher the final score. Get 100 points for 75 killed enemies. Only enemies killed physically or magically are taken into account (GF is better not to use).

Spirit- Fighting spirit. The fewer runs you make, the higher your score. For the maximum score is allowed, once and only from the robot.

Attitude- Conditions to be met.

1) Don't talk to anyone except Seifer.

2) Do not approach the Communications Tower without Seifer's orders. When inspecting the guarded perimeter, pass from the underside of the fountain.

3) After meeting with Selfi, go around the rock instead of jumping. In general, accept Zell's offer.

4) When escaping from a giant robot (if they did not kill him), near the fountain, scare the dog away so that it runs out of the way.

5) In no case do not run into the Cafe, they will remove 20 points.

After a breathtaking cutscene in which our ship breaks through an enemy blockade and makes a landing on the beach, you will have to take control of the party of Squall, Seifer and Zell. Equip them well so that there are no problems in battle. Don't talk to anyone. Go to the gap right down the street, destroying enemy soldiers. Let Squall kill as many enemies as he can. For this, he will receive a lot of attack points in the standings. After defeating the enemies, Seifer will give the order to clear the remaining area, go around the fountain from below and destroy the remaining Galbadian soldier. Wait.

Seifer, sooner or later, will get tired of sitting in one place, and having broken, he will run to the Communications tower. Follow him. On the way to the tower, you have to go along a mountain path, where two wounded Dollet soldiers will lie, do not pay attention to them (they will get out). One of the soldiers will say that this place is very dangerous, after which he will be attacked by the monster Anacondaur, a giant snake that has more HP than the first boss. Kill him. Near the tower, your team will split up and Seifer will leave your party. Next, you will see a funny video in which the same stranger who Squall knocked down at the beginning of the game falls off a small cliff. She will report that she has an order for the captain, but Seifer dumped it, which means she will have to keep this cute girl company in search of him. She recognizes Squall and introduces herself as Selfie Tillmeet, the fourth main character. After Selfie jumps off the cliff, you don't follow her, but quietly go around this rock from below. Approach Selfie and she will finally join your party. Equip her with what's left of Seifer (all of Seifer's magic went to Selfie).

Approach the tower and you will see how Seifer kicks out two soldiers and takes the elevator to the upper level, follow him. At the top of the tower, Elvoreti's boss lives two klutzes, Vij and Biggs, familiar names from the past parts of Final Fantasy (but having no relation to the plot and to the world of FF VIII in general).

When you reach the top level, you will be shown another amazing video where the giant tower transforms into a huge satellite dish. Biggs, clearing that we caught him by surprise, and in an unsuccessful attempt to make legs, met with resistance in the face of Seifer, who suddenly appeared. Get ready for the fight

Boss 2 : wedge Biggs
HP: 608 (9 Lv) HP: 610 (9 Lv)
Data: Fire < Data: Fire<
attacks : fire, PA attacks : fire, PA
Magic : Scan, Cure , Magic : Fire, Scan, Cure




After you remove all of Biggs's HP, Vij appears, and, together with the healed Biggs, continues his desperate attempts to win. They don't stand a chance. Take them out and get ready to meet a new boss, more difficult than the two previous places taken.

HP: 3300 (10 Lv)
Data: Bio<
attacks : Storm, PA
Magic : Double, Thunder, Cure, Siren
Things :

Elixir, Weapons Monthly #1

Elvoret has GF Siren. The main thing is that your HP does not fall below 170. He has an attack that removes 160 HP from all party members. Remove the Siren from him, aim Double at you, and attack him with magic, not forgetting to heal. If you win, you will get 14 AP (you can also get 18 if you kill Vij and Biggs at the same time with GF, but in this case, you will not be protected for victory), two Elixirs and the March issue of Weapons Monthly (Weapons Monthly)

After getting Serena, set the training to L-Mag RF (allows you to get healing magic from things). After gaining the L-Mag RF ability, combine Siren's Hidden Items ability. And as the game progresses, you will find a lot of valuable magic and hidden save points.

After the victory, Selfie will say that the departure time is 19:00, which means that there is less than half an hour left. The received Siren, combine in any character, and quickly leave the tower. You can save. Behind the scenes, Biggs, awake from recent beatings, will be shown launching a giant X-ATM092 robot to destroy Squall and his team. It's time to make legs, but it wasn't there, stupid piece of scrap metal, takes our team by surprise. Time to kick ass!!!

Boss 3 XATM-092
HP: 5580 (8Lv)
Data: Thunder >
attacks : Shell, Grab, Triple Strike, PA
Magic : Protect

Do not try to kill him, in this battle, you will not succeed, no matter how hard you try. When he begins to bend under the massive bombing of Squall, it's time to flee.

X-ATM092 for scrap!!!

You will receive a bonus of 100 points if the robot is destroyed. You can kill him anywhere except the first battle, but it's better to do it on the bridge or somewhere closer to the coast, otherwise after that you will have to run through the whole city and stumble upon enemy soldiers, which will take up precious time. In the place where the rock collapses, in order to avoid the battle, you need to quietly walk along the path. So, to defeat the robot, it is necessary, from the beginning, to remove about 8000 HP from it, after 1200HP, it will start to fall, do not stop, even after lifting it continues to lose invulnerability. After 4-8 drops (depending on the amount of HP removed), his regeneration abilities will stop functioning. Finish off the poor fellow and get a valuable little thing as a gift, plus 50 AP.

If you decide to flee from the robot, then at the end you will see a colorful cartoon where Quistis shoots him from a heavy machine gun. In any case, nothing good shines for the robot.

If you nevertheless killed him on the bridge, or somewhere else, hurry to the shore, the ship will not wait for you for a long time.

4. Balamb

Welcome home. Now there is nowhere to hurry, you can wander around the city and start collecting cards.

Go to Zell's house and play cards with his mother (win a Zell card).

In the city, play cards, collect the initial collection of medium cards. Most importantly, play with the Queen of Cards. It is located near the train station.

Card rules

At the beginning card game with the Queen of Cards, in the exchange field there may be different meaning:

One - the winner takes one card

Diff - the winner takes with a double difference between the points received

Direct - opponents exchange cards (not recommended)

All - the winner takes all the cards of the loser

If All pops up, stop the game. Now, when playing with any other character, in case of victory, you will take all his cards.

At the pier, sometimes a player in a brown jacket appears, if you play with him, then all acquired rules will be canceled (ex. Open)

Card players can be found all over the world. It is not necessary to play all but the cards, the cards are better to collect everything. Given the change of locations, you can find a lot of players.

City Balamb - 11 people.

Balamb Garden – 44 persons

Timber - 15

Dollet - 12

Galbalia Garden - 11

Delling City - 8

Galbadian Prison - 3

Fishing horizons - 7

Shumi - 9

Trabia Garden - 11

Chocobo Forest - 1 (On the Nectar Peninsula)

House of Edea - 2

Winhill - 8

Estar - 24

Moonbase - 4

Moon Gate - 1

Station - 1

Escape Pod Drop Site - 3

Regnarok - 7 (on 4 CDs, if successfully completed, the quest "Card Club")

Balamb Garden

Upon returning from the Garden, your entire team will disperse, awaiting the decision of the examination committee, leaving you in splendid isolation. In the main hall, talk to two students and answer the question asked by one of them - there is signal interference. On the way to the Library, Seifer is waiting for you, with another claim about the complete failure of the operation. Head Sid himself will intervene in the dispute, and will make it clear to Seifer that he spent so many years in the Garden in vain. Angry at the whole world, Seifer will retire. We will hear about him again and again.

Then, a message will be transmitted over the speakerphone to the students who have passed the test that they are expected in the hall on the second floor. Step into the hall and talk to Zell, and wait a minute, until the decision of the commission. Then a member of the commission will pass and will name the names of students who have passed the exam. Squall, Zell, Selfi, and Needa were honored to become SIDs, the Elite Mercenary Force, the pride of the Balamb Garden. Congratulations, you deserve it, but all the difficulties are yet to come.

After the inauguration, go to Master Cid and ask him for a battle counter. It will allow you to find out detailed information about your battle successes or failures in the help menu. In the hall, on the second floor, a safe will again stick out in ambush, but this time with congratulations, not claims. Then they will show the table of ranks. Highest score 9. Didn't score? It's okay, the main thing is that they survived :)

And now to the party, change clothes and in the company of Selfi, blow to the graduation ball.

Before the ball, try to solve 10 Sid tests. They will triple your salary. Now to the ball. There Squall will see Rinoa for the first time, but I won't tell you, you'll see for yourself...

After the ball, on the balcony, Quistis will approach Squall and ask for a favor, arrange something like a date for her, in the forbidden sector, the training center. Don't refuse :) Change your clothes and go to the training center. At the entrance to the training center, you will meet Quistis and she will teach you how to use status magic (a very important lecture). Next, cling to yourself all the GF and go to the forbidden section. Here you may encounter a T-Rex, a fairly powerful machine with 13,000 HP. Kills all heroes in two hits. The devil is not as scary as he is painted. In fact, he also has weak spots- weakness to magic Dream (Sleep). Point at him, this is the dream itself, and with ice remove 2.5-3 thousand HP from him, and then turn the card.

The forbidden section was chosen by students who arrange secret meetings there (according to the rules of the Garden, no romance between students is allowed, they are expelled for this). After a long monologue, Quistis leaves Squall with a yawn. On the way back, Squall hears someone screaming. At the entrance to the Training Center, a monster attacked the girl, well, you have to help the poor creature to die (I'm talking about the monster :)

Boss 4 Granaldo Raldo ( x3)
HP: 1482 (Lv 8) HP: 243 (9Lv)
Data: Aero< Data: Not
attacks : PA attacks : PA
Magic : Shell, Sleep, Blind Magic : Protect, Fire, Thunder
Things :

16 Wizard Stones

The boss is not particularly difficult, all he does is throw his "colleagues" at you. Finish him with limits or magic, in general, do not feel sorry for him. After the battle, you will recognize this girl, it was her Squall saw in the infirmary, at the very beginning of the game. She will thank him, and then leave the center, in the company of her two bodyguards, who arrived at the wrong time.

On the way to your apartment, Zell will meet you and say that all newly-made SiDs are entitled to a separate room (hooray, now you can run around in shorts without being ashamed of your neighbor :) In general, go to bed, morning evening, wiser.

The next day, Squall is woken up by Selfie and tells them that they are being sent on a new assignment in the Timber. What, so immediately, even if they gave a day off. Exit the Garden and at the entrance, your team and Head Sid will be waiting for you, with mission details. Zell will be late as always, but his appearance will be very effective. Sid will inform you that your new task will take place in the city of Timber, on the neighboring continent. All you have to remember is the password "But Owls still fly". After the briefing, approach Master Cid and take the Magic Lamp from him. Use it, but be careful, a very ferocious demon lives in it. Before the fight, try to increase your magical abilities to the maximum, they will come in handy.

Boss 5 Diablos (GF)
HP: 7200 (8Lv)
Data: Demi >, Aero >
attacks : Demi, PA , Gravija, Curaga
Magic : Demi, Cure
Things : Devil card

Drain Demi magic from him and use it against him, after using it, he will automatically heal you using Curaga. For protection, use Protect, and most importantly, do not forget to point Blind at him, this, although not completely, will still significantly reduce the number of successful physical attacks. Attack him exclusively with Demi magic. It will take away 1/4 HP from him, after using it eight times, he will have less than a thousand HP left. Finish him off with elemental magic or ultimate hits. After the victory, you will receive one of the most useful GF - Diablos.

Make the new guard teachTime- Mag RF and ST- Mag RF. After that, go toEnc- half, and then Enc- None. They will allow you to reduce the chance of a random battle. But its main feature is Mug, the ability to steal things from opponents on impact is also worth learning.

Well, now is the time to catch up.

Go to Head Sid, in his office on the third floor, and play cards with him - he has a Seifer card. One floor below, in the classroom, there are two girls, they can find out the number of monsters killed and the number of knockouts from Squall and Quistis, they also have a Quistis card, you should not miss it (you can also win it in the cafeteria at the student's table, on the right). If you see, on the second floor, in the hall, a student sitting on the floor, go up to him and talk. He will ask you to show him your sword. Then, you will see a funny scene where Mr. Aki scolds Squall for illegal use of weapons in the garden.

With the new set of cards, play with all the Balamb Garden students, especially the running student in the main hall (Mini Mog card). Go to the library and talk to the girl standing next to the bookshelf (but she may not be there). There is nothing more to do here. Go to the city of Balamb.

Character leveling
In this part Of the last fantasy, you won't have to puzzle over how to level up your heroes. It doesn't need to be raised at all. The level of all ordinary oncoming enemies is equal to the average level of the active party. The complexity of the battles depends primarily on the GF (Guardian Forces), or Sammons, as they are also called. Namely, the development of their characteristics and affects the combat skills and strength of your party.

But in any case, you will have to face monsters, and in order for the experience gained to bring you double benefits, you need to get several summons in your collection and develop the appropriate skills in them (see the section "Leveling characters"). These abilities, with proper behavior, can already be obtained in the middle of the second disc.

Until you get these abilities, it's best to avoid random battles. This can be done in the following ways.
1. Drive a car - the car requires fuel, but it costs money
2. Walk only on the road - roads are not paved everywhere
3. Activating Diablos' Enc-Half and Enc-None Abilities is the best way to avoid random battles, but only random ones.
4. Pressing every few steps "circle" and save if possible - not the most convenient way

5. If, nevertheless, you come across a monster, and you don’t want to gain experience, you can turn it into a card, with the help of the ability Quizacotl "and" Card". bosses cannot be turned into a map.

From ordinary opponents, cannot be turned into a card - JIM52A, Elnoyle, PuPu, G-Soldier, Elite Soldier, Esthar Soldier A, Esthar Soldier B, Guard, Base Soldier. The rest of the opponents remain vulnerable against this magic skill.

Also useful in this case will be the Break magic, which turns enemies to stone, but in this case, your GFs will not receive AP.

There are also mandatory battles that cannot be bypassed, these include, first of all, Bosses, but they do not give experience.

In Balamba, you can play cards with all available players, and at the same time improve your weapons if you learn the CardMod skill and get as many cards in your collection as possible. It is better not to touch rare cards, they will be useful to you in card battles. Buy 30 awnings from the shop. When transformed through L-Mag RF, each character will receive a full set of Cur aga, when combined with HP, you can be content with about 2500 HP.

Needed cards: When you play cards, try not to take everything in a row, but only those cards that can be of real use.

Map Vesh Ability Result
Gayla Mysterious ST-Mag RF Magic : melt down
mesmerize mesmerize Blade L-Mag RF Magic : Regen
Grand Mantis sharp spike --- Needed for weapons and ammo
SNow Lion arctic wind I-Mag RF Magic : Blizzaga
Tri-Face Curse Spike ST-Mag RF Magic : Pain
fastitocalon water crystal I-Mag RF Magic : Water
Armododo Dino Bone Time Mag RF Magic : Quake
Tonberry Chef's knife I-Mag RF Magic : Death
Abyss Worm windmill T-Mag RF Magic : Tornado
Vysage Wizard Stone --- Magic level 3
Blitz Dinomo Stone T-Mag RF Magic : Thundaga
Imp Wizard Stone --- Magic level 3
blue dragon Fury Fragment Supt-Mag RF Needed for weapons or Magic:Aura
Adamantoise Turtle Shell --- Needed for weapons
Elastoid steel tube --- Needed for Doomtrain"
Malboro Malboro Tentacle --- Needed for Quistis
Elnoyle Energy Crystal --- Needed for weapons
Behemoth Barrier --- Needed for Quistis
Iron Giant Star Fragment --- Needed for weapons
Ruby Dragon Inferno Fang --- Needed for Quistis

Quest with Zell.

A neighbor sometimes comes to Zell's house. If you see her, talk to her and go into the next room to the Big Bad Rascal. He will tell you that he tossed the frog into the umbrella stand. Worth checking out. In the umbrella stand, you will hear the characteristic qua-qua. If you go back to Balamb and find the Big Swindler in the same place, he will tell you that his second trick was the damage to Zell's painting. This, too, is worth a look. The third time, he will tell you that he found some amazing thing and hid it in Zell's room under a pillow. You will get access to this room after the Balamb rescue mission (2CD). After all, go to the port and find the Big Rascal there (to the right of the entrance), talk to him. Now go to Zell's room and search the bed. There should be a thing under the pillow - Speed ​​up.

If you have finished collecting all your things, then feel free to go to the station and take the train. Don't forget to buy a ticket (it costs 3000 gil), you won't be allowed to go there, so measure your expenses. Go to the compartment and talk to Zell, he will tell you about the situation in Timber, and give you a magazine Pet Pals vol.1 (Pets)

After a dialogue with Zell, Selfi will enter and complain that she is dizzy. Then all three will fall unconscious.

5. Lagoon. EpisodeI- Julia

You now play as Galbadian soldiers Laguna Loira, Kyros and Vard, a trio of inseparable friends. All experience gained in battles will be transferred to the main characters. After a short introductory dialogue, control will pass to you. Go straight ahead and don't turn anywhere. At the end of the road, transport awaits you.

After you get to Delling City, go to the hotel, it is located on the right, from where you parked. At the hotel, go to the restaurant and talk to the bartender. Sit at the table.

It turns out that our good soldier, a regular in this institution, and the reason for his frequent visits, is a pianist named Julia, to whom Laguna does not breathe evenly. After several unsuccessful attempts to show Julia's interest, Laguna will return to her comrades and continue the conversation. But the situation, suddenly, suddenly changes when Julia herself invites Laguna to chat with her alone. Without thinking for a long time, after a dialogue with your friends, go to Julia's room ... children under sixteen ..., no, in fact, they will not do anything obscene, so, they will quietly chat peacefully, about this and that, but this the quiet meeting will be interrupted by Kyros, who will be informed that it is time for them to leave for a new task, duty calls. This is where the meeting ends.

6. Timber - mission "Kidnapping the President"

By the time Squall awakened, the rest of the team had already recovered. Everyone is confused, what was it? Here Selfie intervenes and tells that she had a wonderful dream about Galbadian soldiers. After Zell clarifies some of the details of the dream, all three will come to the conclusion that they had the same dream. How can this be? But do not break away from the importance of the upcoming operation.

After the train arrives, a stranger will come up to you and say "The forest in Timber has changed a lot", it's time to remember the password. No matter what you say, the result will be the same, you will be taken for those who are needed and taken to the insurgent mobile base "Timber Owls".

After a not-so-friendly introduction to the resistance members, Watts and Zone, Squall will be asked to bring the "princess". Play cards with Utts (Angelo card) and go to the farthest room. When Squall enters the room, Rinoa, the girl he met at the prom, will appear before his eyes.

Rinoa was looking forward to the arrival of the SIDs, it was they who were supposed to help them get even with the cruel dictator Delling, the president for life of the militant Galbadia, who occupied Timber, for the independence of which rebel groups are fighting, one of which is "Forest Owls". But, unfortunately for Rinoa, the most expected guest, Seifer, did not appear, who arranged the meeting between Rinoa and the Head of Cid. After meeting Squall, Rinoa will explain about her limit technique.

After a short tutorial, return to your comrades and get ready for the task. The briefing will be quite long and tedious, the main thing you should pay attention to is entering the codes. After the briefing, save and talk to Rinoa. The purpose of the mission is to kidnap President Delling.

The entire mission takes place on the roof of a moving high-speed train. Once on the roof, follow Rinoa. Before you go down, make sure the guards are away from you, if you get into view, then GameOver will have to start over. If you do not have time, before the arrival of the guards, enter the code, it is better to go up. When Rinoa gives you the code, you will need to enter it on the numeric keypad within 5 seconds. There are only 4 buttons, duplicated on the joystick "" - 1, " " - 2, " " - 3, " " - 4.

1st task - enter 3 codes. Usually, you immediately get to enter 2 codes, then going up, and going down again (to go unnoticed by the guards), enter another code. Selfie and Zell will report to you about the location of the guards. When you enter all 3 codes, follow Rinoa.

2nd task - to enter 5 codes already. Selfie and Zell will no longer be able to report the approach of a patrol, for this you will have to hold down the R1 key. As soon as you see the soldiers, immediately go upstairs. After the introduction of all the codes, everyone will scatter and you will have to enjoy the colorful video and ... the boss. If you have entered all 8 codes and have never been spotted by an enemy patrol, your CID rank will be increased by 1. Save again, equip yourself and talk to Rinoa. During a personal meeting, our heroes learn that in the stolen car, there is not a real president, but his double, with whom you have to fight.

Boss 6 Fake President Gerogero
HP: 500 (7Lv) HP: 2150 (7Lv)
Data: No Data: Holy >, Fire >, Quake >, Bio<
attacks : PA attacks : Berserk, Silence, Slow, PA
Magic : Cure , Magic : Esuna, Ddouble, Barserk, Silence
Things :


8 Zombie Powder

The fighting tactics are simple, physical attacks and fire magic. Have Zell and Squall kick him and have Selfie cast Fire on him. You can draw a little Esuna out of him, a useful magic that removes harmful statuses.

After the victory, our heroes will hold a small meeting, in which it will become clear that the real president is at the TV Studio in Timber, which means we will have to visit him there. Rinoa has now joined your party, which is indispensable at the moment. Someone will have to sacrifice for a while, Zell or Selfie. When you form a party, you can read the newspaper clippings on the stand, near the model train, also look into Rinoa's room and take Pet Pals vol.2. Talk to Watts to enter the city.

You land in the city. Your main goal is to find a TV studio. Go first to the right to the exit from the city and help the two guards, then go to the Timber Maniacs newspaper office and talk to the editor-in-chief. Rummage through the pile of books in the corridor, there is an erotic magazine Girl Next Door (it will come in handy on the third disk). In general, go through all the houses and talk to people. Buy ten Amnesia Greens at the pet store. They are needed to remove unnecessary abilities from the guards. In the weapon shop, you can upgrade weapons for Rinoa.

Go into the house, next to the editorial office, and on the second floor talk to two brothers, they allow you to look out the window. From it you will see the place where you will need to get. Near the house there is a passage leading to the railway station. To the right is the station itself, in the same house where the granny lives with her family, it will be possible to restore health by drinking water from the tap (but first ask permission from the hostess). In the same house there is a buffet that holds 500 gil, savings for a rainy day. If you want, steal (it is not good to rob poor old women), but in this case, you will no longer drink healing water. At the exit from the house, there is a bridge behind which is a hidden save point. There is a girl on the platform who will tell about all the train routes, as well as her little personal drama, with the participation of a suspiciously familiar Galbadian soldier, by name, either Loire, or Lur ... but you understand who.

Now go to the Aurora bar. At the entrance, you will be met by two soldiers who will need to be taught a lesson. In the bar itself, you will need to persuade the drunkard to let you through to the TV Studio. You can get him drunk with what they sell there, or you can talk to him about cards, the result is the same, they will let you in, and in addition you will receive a Tonberry card. When approaching the TV studio, Squall will stop at the giant TV in which Delling is giving his speech to the whole world. In it, he calls on the leaders of all nations to unite and continue peaceful coexistence. He appoints the Sorceress as the ambassador of peace.

Let me remind you. According to the history of the world FF 8, 17 years ago there was a war of people against sorcerers, which ended in the defeat of the latter. To endow the sorceress with power, in these troubled times, meant the beginning of a new war. No one expected this turn of events, this must end, now or never. The situation escalated even more when Seifer intervened in the president's speech, putting his gunblade to his throat. In a peaceful way, the situation was tried to be resolved, Quistis suddenly appeared, and the broadcast ends here. Anyway, hurry up to the TV studio. The hostage swears that his army will avenge his death, and Zell intervenes in the conversation, who asks Quistis to take Seifer back to the Garden, thereby passing off this attack as an initiative of the SIDs.

Suddenly, a mysterious woman appears from the fog and takes Seifer away, and Delling, who has received his freedom, runs away. The trouble is just beginning. Then something hit Rinoa, and she began to hint at the incompetence of the SIDs, referring to Squall. After the skirmish between Rinoa and Squall, go to the house where you looked out the window. The mistress of this house is the leader of the Forest Owls. There you will have to wait out the unfortunate situation. After all the soldiers have scattered, your group will hold a meeting and decide to head to the nearest garden of Galbadia. The garden, although located in the territory of Galbadia, still has its own sovereignty.

When leaving the house, talk to the soldier. It will turn out to be Watts in disguise. Now follow from the station, opposite from the Aurora bar. Zone will meet you there and give you train tickets. Sit on it when you enter and talk to Zell.

Lake Obel

Not far from Timber there is a small lake. In the center of it, a small peninsula. Walk through it by clicking . A choice of two actions "Throw a rock" and "Try humming" will appear. If you choose the first option, then Squall will throw a stone. It is necessary that this stone bounce many times (Many Times), then choose the second option. Someone's shadow will talk to you, introducing herself as Obel. The first thing this creature will ask you to do is find his friend Mr. Monkey, he is in the forest, near Dollet. Go to him. If you rolled "Many Times" when you rolled the stone, you will receive from Mr. Monkey, a stone with inscriptions. Return to the lake and Obel will tell you that there are more of the same stones.

1 stone - Near the forest in Dollet (1CD)

2 stone - Beach next to Balamb (2CD)

3 stone - Small island, east of Timber (2CD)

4 stone - Cave behind the waterfall (3CD, after getting Regnarok)

This quest can be completely solved only on 3 CDs, after getting Regnarok.

To get the first stone, you need to catch a monkey in the forest next to Dollet. To do this, first throw pebbles into Odel's lake so that he jumps many times. Then return to the forest and take the stone from the monkey.

After collecting the stones, you will get an inscription in which the message “A treasure is hidden on the plains of Mordred” is encrypted. These plains are located north of Estar.

Obel will also give clues to other treasures.

1. East of Trabia is the Eldbeka peninsula. There is a stone on which it is written that a treasure is hidden on the island of Mainde (Luck-K Scroll). The island is located southwest of Esthar. (Requires Regnarok to get)

2. Obel will tell you about a beautiful village south of the Timber. This place is located east of Edea's house, a small green plain surrounded by forests.

7. Dollet - deviation from the course

Don't get off at the first stop, but keep going. The train will take you to Dollet. Remember the first mission.

In principle, there is nothing to do here, except for small quests.

Quest 1: There is a guard in the area of ​​the hotel, go up to him and talk. After he falls asleep, walk past him and you will see a rather funny scene with a robot (from the same series that you were running away from). Come back.

Quest 2: Casino. Beat the casino owner at cards ( he has a siren card) and get access to his personal room. There you can find some good cards and the second set Occult Fanatic, carefully rummage through the stack of books on the right, if the first time is not found, exit the room and return to it again.

Quest 3: The artist's house. Go into it and look at the picture with the landscape, which flaunts a white bone. Go there and find the dog, a thing is hidden next to it. Repeat the same two more times. The third picture will be the last.

Both the hotel and the casino have issues of Timber Maniacs.

Now you can leave Dollet.


Another one added to your card rulesRandom(random selection of cards). It's better to get rid of it. To do this, go back to Timber, save and play with the first passerby you meet (with a guard, for example). After playing cards, you may or may not have the Random rule disappear. In the second case, download again, until Random disappears.

Also talk to the failed reporter near the newsroom, support him and advise him to never give up. On the second CDin gratitude, he will give you a thing.

Very rarely, but it happens that in Dollet itself from the first time, this rule disappears. If so, then you are very lucky. In the quest with the queen of cards, this will greatly facilitate the exchange of the necessary cards.

Go back to the railway station you missed. A mountain range and a forest in the gorge are laid next to it. This is your next destination. When you enter this forest, Zell will begin to apologize for the fact that, inadvertently, he betrayed all the SIDs, then Rinoa will again cling to Squall with claims that he is a useless leader and cannot support his comrades. After this scene, Squall starts losing consciousness again and falls to the ground. Quistis and Selfi will also follow him.

8. Lagoon. EpisodeII -Escape from the Center.

You find yourself in the crystal mines located in the Center. Some time has passed since those events in Dellinge. Because of Julia, Laguna was sent on a mission from which he was not supposed to return (apparently, he was not the only one who fell for her). Meanwhile, she finds out that her lover has not returned from the war, and does not find peace for herself (you will know about this later).

And now for the plot. After Laguna informed Kyros and Vard that he had lost the map, their situation became threatening. You have to get out of the labyrinth at random.

Quest with Laguna

Go straight and then go down to the next corridor. There you will find three doors in the floor. They need to be opened. To do this, turn the lock in the middle door. After the Estarian soldier falls into it. Go back there again and activate the lock already from the right door. Then, through the back entrance, return again to the left door and also activate the lock on it. In the areas on opposite sides of the outer doors, there are two rusty keys in the trash, try to find them. All these open doors and keys, will be useful to you in the future in the episode with Pandora on 3CD. But everything will be upside down. Therefore, you can use these doors and collect rare items: Power Generator, Phoenix Wing. Go further and you will see a detonator lying on the floor. First, activate the charge, at the large boulder from below, and then from above. On the detonator, first select the bottom position, then the top one (if you do otherwise, you will ruin everything).

After you pass the long bridge, find yourself in a cave. To the left of the path, lies a large boulder. Move it.

When you reach the long bridge, run into the monster Elastoid, pull the magic from him Dispel, she removes from the enemy, all useful statuses, such as Defense and when combined, go well on Spirit. atGesper'and pull out Protect and Shell. That's it, now get out to the surface and fight with two Estarian cyborgs. After the battle, Ward will be seriously injured, after which he will be speechless. After clarifying all the circumstances, Laguna will help his comrades jump off the cliff and all three will sail away on a boat.

After everyone regains consciousness, you will be taken to the world map, next to the Galbadian Garden.

9. Galbadian Garden - Preparing for an assassination.

This place already looks more like a military academy than our sweet Balamb. Everything is strictly Spartan. Quistis is acting quite confident since she's been here before for an exchange.

After arrival, you can run around the locations to play cards, or you can immediately go to the reception on the second floor. There is magic in the center of the luminous pillars haste ( to move faster ) and on the tennis court Protect. There are no valuable cards here, as well as players, except that in the right wing, in the classroom, there are 3 students, you can win Boss cards of the 1st level from them.

In the waiting room, after speaking to Zell, Quistis will enter and explain that the authorities said that this attack on Delling had nothing to do with the Garden, and was an independent resistance action, hiding behind the name Balamb Garden. But Seifer, as the main participant, was sentenced to death, which has already been carried out. After this statement, Rinoa will begin to remember his acquaintance with Seifer, and that he was not as bad as Squall sees him, but he, in my opinion, does not care. Slightly maddened by reason, he will run out of the hall.

Now control passes back to you. You can go to the Auditorium and find a hidden item of magic there. Double, if needed. then return to the reception area and Quistis will say that everyone has already left, and are awaiting your arrival at the entrance to the Garden. Talk to Rinoa and a briefing for a new mission will begin. Martin, the Head of this Garden, will come on the bus and explain the details of the new operation. The order came from the Balamb Garden. Her main goal is to destroy the Sorceress. To complete this mission, the last main character will join your party - Irwin Kinneas, a lone sniper, also a womanizer. Before he had time to introduce himself, he began to paw Rinoa and Selfi, which made Zell wildly angry.

After getting acquainted, your party will be divided, and Quistis will give his last lecture - How to change a team member, with all its bindings.

Go to the railway station (located next to the Garden) and get on the train. When you enter the car, Irwin will start his business, and will start to drive up to Selfi, and then to Rinoa. It's better to follow this. After everyone is quiet, talk to Zell.

10. Delling City - Trial

After arriving in Delling, you find yourself on the main square of the station. Go to the conductor standing on the side of the road, and when the bus arrives, get on it and it will take you straight to General Caraway's mansion

Get on the bus and it will take you straight to General Caraway's mansion. At the entrance, a guard will be waiting for you, but he will not rush to let you through. First of all, by order of the general, you must prove that you are who you say you are. The guard will tell you that you need to pass the test. All you have to do is go to the Tomb of the Unknown King ( Tomb of Unknown King) and find there the identification number of students who recently took a test there and did not return. The guard will hand you a map, and for a certain amount of 3 and 5 thousand gil, he will give you a hint, and a pointer on the map so that you do not get lost.

Now he can relax a little and wander around the city, get acquainted with local attractions and play cards. Run also to the hotel (in the same one where Laguna was), take a room and take the issue on the floor Timber Maniacs. If you go straight north from the general's house and then turn left, you will find yourself in a parking lot where you can rent a car. On the world map, drive due east and you will reach a small forest located on the edge of a cliff. Get out of the car and enter it.

11. Tomb of the unknown king

At the entrance you will be met by two students running away from the horror, shouting "Swim from here." Pay no attention to them. There is nothing terrible there. When you enter the crypt, after going through a long passage, you will find yourself at a fork. On the right there will be a sword, on which the identification number we need is scratched. Remember it. If you don't like difficulties, you can go to the guard in Delling. And if you are looking for adventure, then welcome. Lives in this crypt GF earth elements. By clicking on Select, a map will appear with your location marked with a cross (if you bought a locator from a guard for 5000 Gil).

Move to point 1. Boss will attack you there Sacred.

Boss 7 : Sacred
HP: 1340 (8 Lv)
Data: Aero > Bio > Quake<, AutoRegen
attacks : PA
Magic : life, Shell, Protect, Berserk

Drain the magic from him before killing him. life. This battle has 2 endings: Victory and Escape. In the first case you will get 20 AP, nothing in the second. To defeat him, the best way is to kill him in one hit using Limit. Squall (at power level 100), one Renzokuken is more than enough. Once defeated, the boss will jump off his pedestal and run away.

Now, move to point 2 and start the mechanism there, in the left wall of the passage (also, there is a hidden save point there). Then go to point 3 and open the gateway. At point 4, the boss is waiting for you, or rather, there are two of them.

Boss 8 : Sacred Gerogero
HP: 1340 (8 Lv) HP: 1870 (8 Lv)
Data: Aero > Bio > Quake<, AutoRegen Data: Aero > Bio > Quake<, AutoRegen
attacks : PA attacks : PA
Magic : life, Berserk, shell, Protect Magic : D ou ble, Berserk, shell, Protect
Things :

Sacred Card

If you listened to the advice and pulled out last time life there is nothing else to do here. Using the same limit, take out the Brothers. After the battle, they will make sure how strong you are and join you in the form GF brothers.

Let them immediately learn the ability HP+40%, then HP+80% and the most important thing Bonus HP. Get out of here, there is nothing else to do here. After the battle, the spirit of an unknown king will appear and, for his salvation, he will give you a map Minotaur

12. Delling City - The Show Begins

Go to the general's house, talk to the guard again and tell him the password. Now you are in the general's house. Come and talk to Rinoa. She will be indignant, from a long wait and will leave us, saying that this is her house, and General Caraway is her father.

A bit of history. After Laguna was sent to war, Julia was informed that he had died. After some time, she nevertheless fulfilled her dream and became a famous singer. At the height of her popularity, she married the Galbadian general Caraway and bore him a daughter, whom she named Rinoa. When Rinoa was 5 years old, through the fault of her father, after a strong quarrel, her mother died in a car accident. After the death of her mother, Rinoa withdrew into herself and stopped talking to her father. At the age of 15, she left home and joined the rebel organization "Timber Owls", fighting against Galbadia. These are the cases - the father, an army general, and the daughter, a member of an anti-government group.

When the general enters the room, Zell asks where Rinoa is. But in a categorical tone, the general will make it clear that they do not involve his daughter in this matter and do not stick their nose into their family affairs. Now we have a short walk to the place of the operation. Your main task, this destruction of the sorceress. The group will split into two parts. The first - snipers must kill the sorceress, in case of a misfire, attack in close combat. The concern of the second group is to detain the witch's escort and bring her to the firing position. After the briefing, you can still wander around the city. Then go to the general's house.

The mission begins. Squall will have to decide who will be the commander of the second group, and unfortunately for Zell, he will appoint Quistis. When Squall and Irwin leave the room, Rinoa will appear and offer his plan of action. Quistis flatly refuses to accept Rinoa's offer and leaves the house. Then the general will come in and tell his daughter not to go anywhere, because there will soon be a panic outside and it will not be safe on the street.

When the sniper group is in its starting position, the action will switch to the second group. Quistis will begin to torment her conscience and she will come up with the idea of ​​apologizing to Rinoa. Get to the mansion. When you enter there, Rinoa has already gone cold, the door will suddenly close and this group will be locked up.

Now the action will switch to Rinoa. Go down the sewers and take the magazine there Weapons Monthly, then get out to the surface, climb on the car and then get to the presidential palace. Rinoa tries to achieve the same as the SIDs, but using a magical amulet to suppress the power of sorceresses. When Rinoa enters the throne room, she will encounter a sorceress. She will take Rinoa by surprise and bend her will

President Delling will be the first to appear in public and present to his subjects what he promised later. The sorceress Edea herself. All she needed was to get her powers. Now that she has achieved what she wants, she no longer needs the president, and she kills him in front of an astonished public. Rinoa looms behind Edea, unconscious. She comes to the attention of Irwin, and he convinces Squall not to remain indifferent to her life. Edea then, using her magic, brings to life two stone sculptures, giant lizards, which begin to move towards Rinoa.

The action now switches to the Quistis team. Your main task is to get out of here. All attempts by Selfie to unlock a door or window will fail. Approach the rack with glasses, take one and put it in the hands of the statue. A secret passage will open. There is a hidden save point on the stairs, you can use it. Get down downward, into the sewerage. Make your way through the sewer to a long corridor. When you reach the middle, the main actions switch to what is happening on the surface.

The performance has begun, and now your main task is to sneak through the crowd to the presidential palace and take a sniper position. There is nothing complicated here, do everything as intended. During the procession, the sorceress will introduce everyone to her knight - Seifer. And everyone thought that he was executed.

When you get through the gate, go up the same route as Rinoa. As you pass by, you will see the body of the dead President Delling. Go straight along the corridor and meet with two bosses, those very revived lizards.

Boss 9 Iguinon (x 2)
HP: 700 (7 Lv)
Data: No
attacks : PA, Plasma
Magic : break, carbuncle
Things :

They are weaker than many monsters. Pull out the Carbuncle and finish them off.

After the battle, talk to Rinoa and go to the room hidden behind the hatch in the floor. Rinoa will ask for forgiveness for his unrequited actions. After a nice conversation between Squall and Rinoa, Irwin suddenly admits ... that he is afraid to shoot!

Now the action switches back to the second team, wandering through the sewers in search of an exit. There is nowhere to turn here, so do not get lost, go where you can go, and where there are bars on your way, some of them can be removed. When you reach the save point, sign up and go upstairs. Look out the window and on the dial of the central clock it will strike exactly 20:00, which means we were on time. On the dashboard, flip the switch and the gate will close, trapping the sorceress' transport. Now it's time for the sniper group. After some persuasion, Irwin decides to shoot the sorceress, but she has already prepared for everything, shielding herself with a barrier. The bullet does not take, there is only one way out - to attack in the forehead.

Breaking through the crowd, Squall steals a car and quickly races to Edea to end this madness once and for all. But Seifer gets in his way. One on one battle.

Boss 10 Seifer
HP: 386 (7 Lv)
Data: Bio >
attacks : PA, fir a
Magic : Cur a, life, Double
Things :


A fighter from him is useless, therefore, if you have time, learn the ability Diablos" a Mug steal from him hero and get it. After this battle, you will have to fight Edea. She is much stronger than Seifer, so be prepared.

HP: 4600 (12 Lv)
Data: Not
attacks : Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
Magic : Cur a, Life, Double

Things :


After the battle begins, Squall will be joined by Rinoa and Irwin. Edea casts ice, fire and thunder magic, therefore, put a barrier from magic ( shell), and attack her with physical and ultimate attacks. After the battle, the final cinematic will immediately begin, in which Edea will demonstrate his signature limit, and kill Squall with a block of ice.

On this, the first disc of the game came to an end. Save and paste Disk 2.