Download and install the latest version of the reindeer meter. Deer gauge not working (mod XVM). How to enable the display of reindeer count statistics

In this article, you will learn how to download, install and configure the Jove reindeer mod, which is included with XVM.

Let's first understand the terminology. Jov is primarily a streamer and blogger, and his modpack is handled by completely different hired people who simply collect various mods from other authors in one convenient installer. So saying " reindeer by Jova"We don't mean that Jove made this mod, just that you can download and install the XVM configuration the same as Jove uses.

How to install a reindeer gauge from Jova?

Before you start: it is best to perform these actions on a game client that is clean from mods. To do this, you need to clear the res_mods/ folder from everything content in it. Also looking ahead, if you encounter glitches, try .

In order to use the Jova deermeter, you must follow these steps:

  1. Run the installer, follow the prompts on one of the last steps you will be prompted to select the mods you want to install. Toward the end, you can also see XVM - this is the reindeer gauge:

Just tick off the elements that you want to put into the game. Be careful, some mods can reduce performance, which will be especially noticeable on weak computers.

How to set up a reindeer gauge?

Let's say you installed everything, everything works, but you want to change something. To do this, there is no need to go into the configuration files, since it is enough to re-run the Jove modpack installer and disable / enable various functions. At the same time, it is recommended to clean the mods (there is such a function in the installer itself, it will ask for this at the very beginning).

How to activate statistics and chances of winning?

It's very simple, exactly the same as for ordinary fashion XVM:

  1. Go to the official website of the XVM mod -
  2. In the upper right corner, the "Login" link - we enter the site under our Wargaming ID.
  3. After authorization, a menu will become available in the menu, with which you can:
    • activate the deer gauge;
    • update your statistics;
    • in the settings, choose whether to show a chance to win, select the displayed rating (WN8, WG, xTe, etc.), select the flag displayed next to the nickname, etc.
4 months and a week ago Comments: 303

Updated (13-05-2019, 10:31): official version of XVM-7.9.0 for WOT 1.5

Popular tank simulator. Technique selected. The fight begins. The distribution of forces in some cases is clearly unfair. It is immediately clear from the tanks that the chances of the Allied team are not great. Not like the enemy. But in addition to visual inspection, you can learn about your opponents, and a lot of interesting things about your allies. "The deer rushed to merge". In order not to fall into their ranks, you need to know what and from whom you can expect. To do this, you need to install a mod (a special subroutine), which gives out a lot of information and is called deermeter for world of tanks 1.5.

* World of Tanks

* adaptation for the battle mode "Front Line"
* updated sections:

* removed macros: ((v.rankCount)), ((v.rankSteps)), ((v.rankStepsTotal))

This addition is very important. With it, you can find out:

  • Red - bad;
  • Orange - below average;
  • Yellow - medium;
  • Green - good;
  • Turquoise - very good;
  • Purple is the master.
Thus, in battle, you can quickly determine how well the enemy plays in World of Tanks.

How are these ratings deciphered?

  • Winrate - percentage of wins;
  • EFF - efficiency rating;
  • WN8 - one of the wot-news ratings;
  • XVM - two-digit efficiency rating;
  • WN6 - another kind of rating from wot-news;
  • WGR - player's personal rating from Wargaming.

What else is included in the XVM mod

Improved mini-map, which are very fond of such watermakers as Jove, AntiNoob, ProTanki, Amway921 for their functionality. Its advantages:
  • It indicates the places where enemy armored vehicles were last seen. Using this, you can arrange a hot pursuit, if, of course, your team is winning.
  • Technology names.
  • The overview of your tank is indicated in the form of a circle.
All the numbers that the program gives out, of course, relative. But in order to understand the big picture, this is quite enough. You can even develop your own behavior model, depending on the type of equipment that you have chosen for the battle.

In what cases is a reindeer gauge useful?

Example. You entered the battle on a tank destroyer. Press the magic key, the XVM mod turns on (this is the official abbreviated name, which in English sounds like “Advanced Visualization Mod”. Analyze the situation. Find a serious ally on top tank. And follow him. In battle, he will be your cover. And you are a good support for him. Nobody forces you to “tank”, but it will be quite good to “surprise” the enemy with a good cuff in the viewing slot.

If you have chosen heavy tank, and " " threw you into the top, urgently look for allies from among the medium tanks and "petashki" for cover. In a couple of phrases, indicate your intended actions, for reliability, indicate the square where you are going to break through.

From gaming observations. Very often players like to blame everyone but themselves. “Where did everyone go? Why didn't anyone cover me?" And who asked for this at the beginning of the battle? Only wizards who live in Allods can read the thoughts of other people (but that's another story).

How to properly install the Olenometer

Run a convenient installer and follow the prompts.

How to activate the deer gauge XVM?

So, your decision to install the add-on is made, deer meter for world of tanks downloaded and installed. The next step may be difficult. To activate it, you need to go to the XVM website, log in via WG id and turn on the activation button. Activation is valid for 14 days, after which you will need to repeat the steps.

Olenemer from the Protanka Canal.

All famous watermakers produce their own assemblies.

Protanki- this is a popular channel on YouTube, on which an assembly of mods is released, which includes the XVM modification, which provides player statistics, that is, in other words, a deer meter. According to Yusha himself (the author of the channel), one of the goals of the team working on the modpack is to develop and add such mods that do not squander FPS in the game.

The assembly comes in two types: basic and advanced, which are constantly updated with the release of new game patches.

How to install a deer gauge from Protanki?

Installation must be performed on a clean client, remove old mods, as they may conflict with the assembly and the game may not work.

In order to install a deer meter from pro tanks, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Download and run .
  2. In the installer menu, you will be asked which specific mods you want to add to the game. To install a reindeer gauge, you must select the XVM mod in the third installation step :

Everything here is extremely simple and clear - check off what you want to activate, while hovering over a certain element, a screenshot and a preview will be displayed on the left.

Be careful! Activating a large number of reindeer meter functions can lead to loss of performance! We advise you to get by with the necessary minimum, especially if you have a weak PC.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to download a deer gauge from PROtanka separately for several reasons:

  • The reindeer has a very large config, consisting of several dozen files that can be easily edited through Yusha's installer. Theoretically, and practically, it is possible to achieve the same interface as the Protanka manually, but it will take much more time.
  • Modpack allows you not only to install mods once, but also to reinstall them, changing the previously saved settings.

What does the deer give?

The mod gained its popularity thanks to the function of displaying the statistics of WOT players right in the battle. In other words, it shows how well this or that tanker plays, how much your allies are able to pull out the battle, or how much this or that enemy is dangerous for you.

The mod includes such metrics and additions as:

  • displaying the player's efficiency (efficiency and rating);
  • percentage of wins;
  • overall chance of the team winning;
  • improved vehicle markers that can display useful data;
  • extended minimap options;
  • HP tanks in the ears;
  • damage log (it's always useful to know about damage when evaluating your effectiveness);
  • extended information in the hangar about tanks and players;
  • as well as other changes to the combat interface.

Most popular mod for World of Tanks to display statistics directly in battle and in the hangar, as well as many interface improvements.

Updated to version XVM-8.0.4 for World of Tanks


Mod XVM- The Extended Visualization Mod is essentially a continuation of the OTM mod, the creators of which expanded it and added a reindeer meter. Olenemer(aka deer meter or user meter) is the expanded combat statistics of the players during the battle. Shows the percentage of players' victories and highlights their nicknames depending on the skill (seen in the screenshot).

Before you is one of those mods that simply must be installed on your World client of Tanks 1.3. The mod consists of two parts - the actual XVM itself (modification of the interface) and statistics, or is also known as the reindeer meter (XVM Stat).

The XVM mod will allow you to slightly improve the game by slightly expanding the possibilities of the game interface. modification allows you to do such chips as:

  • Display player statistics.
  • Changed tank markers. Now customizing them for yourself has become even easier. The settings are very flexible.
  • Log damage done- very useful thing in battle for those who are interested in how much health you took away from opponents right during the battle.
  • - you can throw your picture in res_mods/icons/SixthSense.png.
  • Customization of the loading screen, list of players and statistics during the battle.
  • Adding clan and player icons to the game.
  • A modified capture bar that shows the number of invaders and the time remaining until the capture.
  • Improved minimap with model names and the location of the last enemy spot.
  • And much more...

How to install XVM reindeer gauge?

Install XVM: download the archive and unpack the contents to the root of the game. For example D:\Games\World_of_Tanks.

Example path to config files: E:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm

Config and setting up the reindeer gauge

The mod is controlled by a special settings file - "config". Starting with the version of the reindeer under World of Tanks 0.8.6, the config has been changed - it has been divided into more files, each of which is responsible for its own part of the mod. This was done for convenience and structure.

ATTENTION! For the config to work, you need to rename the res_mods\configs\xvm\xvm.xc.sample file to xvm.xc, and inside the file change the $("default/@xvm.xc":".") line to the path to your config.

The standard config files are now located in this path:


Note that the game version is not listed in the path. That is, the mod is installed, as it should be here - res_mods/1.3/..., and the config files are separate!

How to enable the display of reindeer count statistics?

What do the numbers in the reindeer gauge mean?

Next to each player we see the following numbers (example): 1k 1100 49%. Let's take a look at what each of them means.

In our particular case:

  • 1 to- reduced and rounded number of battles. 1k = 1000 fights, since "k" is a kilo, that is, a thousand. 10k = 10,000 and so on.
  • 49% - percentage of player's wins.
  • But between them stands another tsyferka 1100 , the meaning of which many do not understand. This figure is the player's unofficial performance rating.

World of Tanks efficiency rating

The efficiency rating is a conditional numerical value that determines the effectiveness of a player in battle. The mod developers themselves give the following definition of the efficiency rating: " a qualitative characteristic that determines the effectiveness of a player in combat".

But how is it considered? For this, a very tricky one was invented. There you can also read how to change it to 4 digits.

  • Update date: 11 Mar 2019
  • Checked on the patch:
  • Current version: 7.8.1
  • XVM Team
  • Total marks: 16
  • Average rating: 4.44
  • Share:

Information about the latest update:

  • Update to version 7.8.4.
  • Updated for

Important: Came out new patch and the mod installation folder will change, now they need to be installed in the WOT/res_mods/1.6.0/ and WOT/mods/1.6.0/ folders. Most mods are functional, just move them to the 1.6.0 folder, if any of the mods still does not work, wait for it to be adapted on our website.

XVM has been a favorite mod for most tankers for many years, and its list of features ranges from showing player statistics to global changes to the World of Tanks interface towards greater convenience.

This global modification covers hundreds of different aspects of the game. Improving the interface, adding new functions to it, showing statistics, the widest possibilities for customization... The mod is really huge and is constantly supported by the authors, so new versions are released almost immediately after the release of a fresh patch.

It is very difficult for a beginner to understand the variety of possibilities, but most of the functionality works out of the box, that is, just by installing XVM, you can already play. Let's deal with the main features of Olenemer.

Show player statistics

Perhaps this is the most requested part of the functionality of the XVM eXtended Visualization Mod. In World of Tanks, millions of tankers keep a close eye on their own statistics, and its impact on the community is higher than ever. But you can see the player's achievements only on external sites or in the hangar, statistics are not available in the battle, because only the player's nickname, the name of the tank and its icon are in the ears. XVM succinctly, without changing the standard style of displaying ears, adds information about the statistics of each of the 30 tankers in battle.

By default, the number of battles, the rating (not the one created by Wargaming (although it can also be turned on), but one of the old ones, RE, WN6, WN8 and others), as well as the percentage of wins are shown. Another feature is that with the minimum condition of the ears, the name of the tank glows in a separate color corresponding to the indicator of the rating used. The player himself can adjust the color gradation, by default the players are divided into red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise and purple. The closer to purple, the better the tanker shows himself on the battlefield.

  • the official Wargaming rating, known as Personal rating player or LRI;
  • xTE - this calculator is aimed at showing the skill of a tanker specifically on the vehicle on which he went into battle;
  • WN6, an old but still used calculator by some tankmen;
  • wn8, a new version WN6 and WN7;
  • EFF, rating created by wot-news. It is better known to players as RE - Performance Rating.

Attention! Immediately after installation, statistics will not work, because the XVM developers have disabled its display by default. To activate, you need to go to Olenemer's official website (the link to it will be visible in the system chat in the hangar when you enter the game), then go to it under your tank account and click on the button on the top in the "Activate services" menu. Activation works for two weeks, after this period the statistics will need to be updated.

OverTargetMarkers - markers over vehicles

Now few people will remember, but it was with the change of markers that the creative path of Olenemer's developers began. Initially, the markers did not shine with special functionality and convenience, which is why the XVM team set out to change and supplement them.

Now, in 2016, the markers are completely configurable, using the XVM settings, the user can remove or add some information. The level of the vehicle, its name, the player's nickname, the number of hit points, the clan, the damage received, etc. There is a huge amount of data, but the developers have made it so that the most valuable information is shown by default.

Markers are one of the most important parts of the combat interface in the game, because they display summary information about the vehicle.

HitLog - damage log

Damage logs, both incoming and outgoing, have long been popular with tankers, because in combat it’s damn interesting to know exactly how many hit points you have deprived the enemy team of.

  • the number of successful penetrations;
  • the name of the vehicle and an indicator of whether it remained operational or was destroyed;
  • the total HP hit by the player and the amount of damage from the last shot;
  • total values: penetration, last damage and its total value.

Like all other elements of XVM, the damage log is also configurable, with many macros and HTML support for advanced users to choose from. By editing the config, you can make the log minimalistic or more informative, of your choice.

Adding icons of clans and individual tankers to the lists of players

The developers of Olenemer have added the ability to assign clans or individual players their own icon in the ears. It can be absolutely any picture, but most often official clan icons are used for display, for example, from the TOP 100 list of the most successful communities. To add your own picture, you need to copy it to res_modsxvmresclanicons<нужный регион><иконка игрока или класса>.

Thanks to this feature, players will immediately notice that members of some popular community, such as the Red Alliance, have entered the battle. Of course, you can mark absolutely any clan with your icon, if necessary.

Changing the base capture strip and the light icon

The battle ends in three cases: when all the tanks of the team are destroyed, the time of the battle has expired, or one of the bases has been captured. During the capture, a progress bar appears on the screen, but its standard version is not particularly informative. XVM allows you to change it, but not only visually, but also with the addition of new functions. You can activate the display of the number of players who stand in a circle and even turn on the display of the remaining time. Please note that the remaining seconds are not shown with 100% accuracy, there is a small error.

The band is configured using HTML markup, so all components of the capture progress display can be easily changed.

When installing the standard XVM package, without editing the configs, the function of showing the enemy team's light indicators will also be active. If the enemy has not yet been detected, then the field to the right next to the vehicle icon will be empty, if it was in the light, but left, then a yellow and white light will appear if it is lit now. But be aware that these indicators on some PC configurations can affect the frame rate.

Extended minimap in XVM

The developers of Olenemer did not bypass the attention of the minimap either, its list of features has expanded, thanks to which the player receives much more information. By the way, thanks to the developers of the mod, the creators of the game understood in which direction to develop the minimap, and in recent patches, the XVM functionality is partially included in the game.

Let's talk about the minimap features that are not yet built into the standard World of Tanks client. You can turn on the circle for drawing equipment. If the enemy vehicle is within its limits, then it will be visible on the battlefield, otherwise the tank will only glow on the minimap. Other innovations include the zoom setting. In the standard client, the minimap is enlarged by pressing Shift +, but now its enlarged version will be visible when holding the Shift button, without a plus sign.

Other useful innovations have also been included in the expanded minimap, such as the camera direction indicator, Horizontal Aiming Angles, line of sight, marks of enemies that have emerged from the light, as well as inscriptions under tanks. Some of these elements are already included in the game, but thanks to XVM, everything is customizable in detail. Remember, the minimap is the most important part of the game's interface and expanding the information you get from it will increase your chances of winning if you pay attention to it.

By the way, one of the cheats (forbidden mods) will turn on enemies on the minimap.

Replacing the Sixth Sense Light Bulb

In addition to functional WoT changes, XVM developers have added the ability to replace the icon of the Sixth Sense perk. This skill is the most important as it gives the tanker a bit of a cheating technique to know that he has just been spotted. In the vast majority of cases, this perk is downloaded first, since its benefits can hardly be overestimated. The owners of light tanks and tank destroyers were especially pleased with this innovation, because they are extremely vulnerable. But there is one small problem - the standard light bulb icon is too dim, so in XVM it can be easily changed to your own.

To do this, go to the res_mods/mods/shared_resources/xvm/res/ folder and drop a new icon here, its name should be: SixthSense.png. Look carefully at the image format, no jpg or jpeg will work, only png is needed. We advise you to choose an icon with a red color, then you will definitely never miss it.

Innovations in the hangar

The changes also affected the hangar room. In addition to showing the clock, you can activate an extended carousel of tanks. Owners of hundreds of pieces of military equipment have little difficulty finding the right vehicle, despite the fact that Wargaming, in one of the last patches, added a cool filter by nation, level and class.

In XVM, you can easily expand the carousel by changing one row to two or three. This will increase the number of machines on one screen. Like all other elements of Olenemer, the carousel is also customizable. The position of tanks, the order of nations, icons, scale, transparency - everything can be changed to your taste.

How to set up XVM Mod?

Olenemer has a truly amazing system of settings where you can change almost all components of the mod. Details of the display of markers, statistics, switching on/off of individual functions, the position of elements on the screen and much, much more.

All configs are divided into individual files, corresponding to one or another part of the XVM functionality. For example, a separate config has been created to configure the carousel, markers, statistics, etc. In addition, when editing, Russian-language comments are visible, describing in detail all the functions of the mod. It’s easy to figure it out, you just need to spend a little time sharpening Olenemer for yourself.

In the video below, the author explains how the setup is carried out. By the way, pay attention to other videos from the playlist, with their help you can sharpen XVM even more for yourself.

How to install XVM eXtended Visualization Mod for

Before you download XVM for WoT, select the desired installation option, either as an archive or using an installer.

  • The first option: download the installer, run it, specify the path to the game client.
  • The second option: download the archive and copy its contents to the directory with World of Tanks.

If you run into any problems during the installation, check out these two videos, each one covers a different installation method.

Installer guide:

Installation from the archive: