Download game about flowers. Flower shop - download the game for free

Nadezhda Baranova
Card file of games on the theme "Flowers"

I bring to your attention a card file of games (moving, didactic, finger, speech) on the topic "Flowers". I took note of the games in various sources, designed them on cards. At the right time, they are always at hand. Games will help children remember the names of flowers, their places of growth, teach how to compose descriptive stories, teach them to love and protect nature.


The "gardener" is chosen. The rest of the children sit in a circle and put their hands behind their backs. A vase or flower pot is placed in the center. The gardener comes out. He has cards with flowers in his hands. He pronounces the words: "I love my flowers, I will water my flowers." Depicts him watering the flowers and gives the cards to some of the children. The "gardener" calls these cards: "poppy, chamomile, cornflower ..." Then the children say the words: "one, two, three, collect the bouquet!" The players who received the cards must get up, go outside the circle, run around the circle to their place, run into the circle and put their flower in a vase. The player who placed the flower first becomes the "gardener". He takes the flowers out of the vase and the game is repeated.

FORGET-MENT (mobile)

A "forget-me-not" and a driver are selected. The rest of the children are flowers, they are given one card each with the image of a flower. "Flowers" scatter throughout the room. The leader chooses three flowers, puts the children in one line and says: “I am always happy with all the flowers. I will plant flowers in a row. Poppy, chamomile, cornflower (or other three flowers). The driver puts the flowers in a certain sequence. Further, the three selected "flowers" are "lost" among others. "Forget-me-not" must find them, put them in the right order and name them.


"Bees" are selected, they are given toy buckets. The rest of the children are given cards with the image of honey plants (dandelion, willow-herb, cornflower, clover) and simple flowers (chamomile, bluebell, lily of the valley).

The host (adult) once again pronounces the names of all the flowers, draws the attention of the children to which of them are honey plants, Then the host says: “Bees, bees, to the meadow! Collect your honey!" “Bees take cards of honey plants from children, name them and put them in buckets. Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.

Grasshoppers. HERBS, BUTTERFLIES, FLOWERS (mobile)

Children are divided into grasshoppers, butterflies, flowers, herbs and rehearse the roles: grasshoppers jump, grasses squat, butterflies wave their hands, flowers fold their palms like cups of flowers. The host (adult) pronounces the words: “The game begins, it’s time for everyone to wake up.” Children turn into inhabitants of the meadow and perform their movements. Then the leader says: "The sun disappeared until the morning, it's time for everyone to sleep in the meadow." Children sit down and "fall asleep". Then the children choose other roles for themselves, and the game is repeated.


Children become flowers. First, they do gymnastics for the "roots": They stomp their legs, squat, raise their legs forward. Then gymnastics for the "stalks": they stretch their arms to the sky, sway in the breeze, bend over, greeting good travelers. Then the “flowers” ​​do gymnastics for the “leaves”: they lower and raise their hands, tilt their hands to the right and left, clap their hands. And, finally, they do gymnastics for the “flowers”: they open and close their palms, do “flashlights”, squeeze and unclench their fingers.


Children are divided into 2 equal teams. 2 daisies from petals are laid out on the floor. (there should be as many petals as there are children in the team). Teams are invited to move the flowers to a certain distance (5-7 meters) and lay out the petals around the prepared centers. The teams are behind the line. Each participant can take only one petal. The player starts the movement after the previous player slaps his hand. The team that collects the flower first wins.

BELL (musical and didactic)

The driver leaves the room. The rest of the children hide the bell flower (a picture of a flower) in the group, take the bells, invite the driver and start ringing the bells. The driver is looking for a flower. The closer the driver comes to the flower, the louder the children begin to call - so they tell the driver where to look for the bell.

LIVING FLOWER. (low mobility)

Children become flowers: Ivan tea, St. John's wort, clover. Pay attention to the children that Ivan-tea is the highest among these flowers. Children, depicting ivan-chai, stand in the center of the circle and raise their hands up. St. John's wort is a medium height flower. Children, depicting St. John's wort, stand in a circle of tall flowers and walk in a circle, holding hands. Low clover - children form a second circle: they surround "ivan-tea" and squat. To the words of the host: one, two, three, flower bed, freeze! ”- the children freeze.

"FIND A PAIR" (didactic)

Cards with the image of different flowers are cut in half, the children are given one half of the flower. Children are looking for their soul mate. The pair that first makes a flower of 2 halves wins.

FLOWERS (fingerprint)

Our scarlet flowers open their petals.

(fingers open, hands turn left and right)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

(slowly wiggle fingers)

Our scarlet flowers, close the petals,

(close fingers together in a bud)

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

(hands down, circular movements with the hands).


Each player chooses the name of a flower for himself. The same name cannot be given to more than one child. By lot, the selected flower, for example, "Rose" starts the game: it calls a flower, for example, "Poppy". "Poppy" runs, and "Rose" catches up with him. When he is in danger of being caught, he says the name of some other flower, the next flower runs away. The caught one changes its name and is included in the game again. You can not come up with the same name of a flower repeatedly.


To pick flowers for us

We need to sit together.

We pick poppies, cornflowers and make bouquets.

ON THE LAWN (mobile)

Daisies on the lawn (you can change the name of the flowers)

The beetle flew in a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies,

Quietly swinging in the wind, bending low-low (actions are performed according to the text).

1-2-3- FLOWERS GROWN (warm-up)

(children sat down, imitating unopened flower buds).

1-2-3- flowers have grown!

(children rise slowly, stretch their arms up and open their palms with spread fingers - the buds have opened).

Stretched high towards the sun (on toes)

They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by, the stems shook (the child "wind" runs among the children)

Swinged to the left - crouched low,

Swinged to the right - crouched low (movements in the text)

Wind, run away!

Don't break flowers!

Let them bloom, grow, bring joy to children! ("breeze" runs away)

FLOWER (finger)

It's closed early in the morning

But closer to noon

Opens the petals - I see their beauty!

By evening, the flower closes the corolla again.

And now he will sleep until morning like a baby bird.

(actions can be discussed with the children and performed at their request)


I am a cheerful Maybug,

I know all the gardens around. (option: flowers around)

I’m circling over the lawns, and my name is Zhu-Zhu (option: I’m friends with flowers)

(they clench their fists, spread their index finger and little finger to the sides and move their “mustache”).

A bee sat on a flower, she drinks fragrant juice.

(pull out the index finger of the right hand and rotate it, then the same thing with the finger of the left hand).

"BOW ON THE DANDELION" (breathing)

On a bright sunny day

Golden blossomed flower.

A light breeze is blowing - our flower swayed.

A strong wind blows - the petals excite.

(children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of the movement of the petals)

Fluffy white ball

Showed off in a clean field, blow on it lightly,

There was a flower - and there is no flower.

(then they blow on the cotton wool - “dandelion” without puffing out the cheeks).

DANDELION (warm-up)

Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, rise slowly)

The stem is thin, like a finger.

If the wind is fast-fast (scatter)

Will fly into the meadow,

Everything around will rustle. (say sh-sh-sh)

Dandelion stamens will scatter in a round dance (join hands and walk in a circle)

And merge with the sky).


Children-"seeds" take their places on the rug, sitting on their knees, hiding their heads.

The leader (adult) walks between them, touching everyone, says: “I soot

marigolds (or another flower suggested by the children). I sprinkle the seeds with earth, water them with water (performs the appropriate actions, loosens (strokes the children on the backs).

Grow, marigolds, to my joy, to the envy of the neighbors (you can say about work).

After "watering", "loosening", the children depict how the root sprouts, leaves appear, the stalk grows. Children straighten up, show how the breeze shakes the flowers, bends, how they turn to the sun.


The attention of children is drawn to the individual elements of flowers, it is reported that the wind plucked all the petals from the flowers. Flowers need to be collected and revived (according to the main colors of the spectrum).


The host calls the flowers growing in the flowerbed and among them one meadow.

The child must name which flower is superfluous according to the place of growth.

Also - among the meadow flowers to find a garden one.


The child lists the flowers:

bell-one, cornflower-two, forget-me-not-three, etc.

FLOWER SHOP (according to mnemonic tables)

The child comes to the "shop", names the characteristic features of the flower, gives a description appearance, names the place where the flower grows.


One tulip, two tulips, three tulips and more.

NAME WHAT? (verbal)

A field where cornflowers grow - cornflower

A field where daisies grow - chamomile

violet eyes - violet

Forget-me-not eyes - forget-me-not

Clover honey - clover

The aroma of lily of the valley - lily of the valley, etc.

PLANT A FLOWER (didactic)

The sheet shows a flower bed, a field (in the middle). There are various flowers along the edges of the sheet (depending on the knowledge of the children).

Children are invited to indicate the place of growth with a connecting line.


Cut a card with a picture of a flower and invite the child to collect it, name the flower, indicate where it grows.


According to the template, children cut out a flower for themselves (or get it ready, twist the petals from it, lower it into the water, watch how the flower “blooms”


Children are invited to list flowers of a certain color:

Reds are beautiful

White - gentle,

yellow - sunny

Blue - heavenly (or variants of children).


When introducing kids to wild flowers, it is proposed:

Children, you are bees, you need to fly to the named flower:

1, 2, 3, fly to the chamomile, 1,2,3, fly to the bell ...

Children can be offered bees made from kinders or put on hats.

Flowers - cards or artificial ones are laid out in the "clearing".

Also, the role of flowers can be performed by children in hats made by their parents - flowers.

Iris was one of the top students at the Fairy Tale Academy of Floristry. She loved her job and wanted to learn as much as possible about it. But one day she received a letter written by an old friend of her parents, asking her to return home as soon as possible. Arriving at her native farm, Iris learns that her parents, having gone on an expedition, did not return in time and communication with them was completely lost. How to save your parents, or at least find out what happened to them? Fortunately, a friend of his father advised him to turn to a good detective. He is ready to take on the investigation of this case. Per certain fee, of course. Where to get money to pay for the work of a professional? They can be earned on the parent farm, doing what you love.

At the first levels, the game "Iris Farm: Flower of the Elements" is not striking in its diversity. A tiny plot of land, several beds and only one single bush - an ordinary chamomile. Let's start with what we have. In addition, there is a certain amount - you can buy another chamomile bush. And even with two bushes there is quite a lot of trouble. First of all, you need to water the bushes from the barrel on time. Leaving the plant without water, you doom it to death. In order for water to always be in sufficient quantity, it must be purchased, giving a lot of money. You also need to quickly collect flowers from the bushes - at the first levels, these are just ordinary daisies, but later more beautiful ones will appear. Do not forget to drive away a variety of pests - ladybugs, wasps and snails. All of them can destroy plants. For their destruction, you can get a bonus - additional gold, points or water.

Gradually, by earning enough money, Iris will be able to afford new purchases. Additional chamomile plants, money tree and even roses. She can also buy new water containers, another flower box, and even a well that provides free water. During the passage, the gamer will have to show not only the abilities of the farmer, but also the merchants. Make beautiful bouquets of flowers, giving preference to more complex, but at the same time the most expensive, in order to get the most profit. Throughout the game there are a variety of tasks - earn a certain amount, collect the right amount of flowers, snail shells, and many others.

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Perhaps the game which can be downloaded for free and performed in the genre, there is no age limit. This casual game is able to captivate the youngest players along with their grandparents into the enchanting world of entertainment! Ease of passing levels, incomparable graphics and an exciting plot make game process fun and simple at the same time.

Do you want to grow beautiful, and the most unusual flowers? Do you know where they grow best? Not?! We will advise you on tropical island! it the best place for them! In the game flower shop you'll play as a sly girl, Meg, and she comes up with a better idea. This sweet girl decided to open her own shop right next to the flower garden. But the trouble is, the girl is not very versed in business, she is very good in flowers, but not very much in money, so you just need to help her! For this you need download free and without registration game Flower Shop, and create a flower empire! And she needs your help! Become a real florist with the heroine. To do this, collect and sell bouquets, grow, care for fresh flowers, try not to let precious rose bushes wither. It is important to monitor the mood of your customers, because if they do well, then you will make a profit, which means you will go through many levels!

In the game flower shop you need to watch the growth and flowering of beautiful plants, open your shop in four different locations, and complete all 60 exciting levels. You won't be bored, help each client decide on a purchase and visit a real flower paradise!

Flower Shop game free download full version

Pretty girl Meg loves flowers very much, but understands little about business. So, having opened her own flower shop, she was confused! Players will have to establish the business of her life. In this fun and colorful arcade game, you have to take care of all kinds of tulips and asters, as well as sell as many bouquets as possible. Over time, it will be possible to open four stores in the most unexpected locations. Different flowers require a special approach. But the main thing is to keep them fresh. Then the buyers will be satisfied!

Can you help Meg turn her tiny shop into a real flower gallery? All you need is to make sure that customers are satisfied, flowers do not fade and money flows like water. Easily? How many clients can you serve at once? Watch the flowers bloom right in front of your eyes, and rejoice that your business is expanding! More than 60 fantastic levels are presented to your attention: So what are you waiting for?

Flower Shop Product Features:
Watch the growth and flowering of beautiful plants
Open shops in four different locations
Overcome over 60 exciting levels
Help each customer make a purchase decision
Visit the whole family in a real flower paradise

Original name: Flower Shop: Big City Break
Genre: Farm Simulator / Business Simulator
Release date in Russia: June 2009
Platform: PC
Format: exe
Medicine: not required (Full version install and play)
Interface language: Russian
Game size: 21 MB

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