What games can you play in the car. Games for children on the road: ideas and printouts. Vacation with the whole family

Traveling with children requires special preparation, love, patience and care. In order for the trip to give pleasure to all family members, to pass without whims and boredom, take care in advance about what to do with the children on the road. In a car, train, bus or plane, you can always come up with interesting entertainment. Moreover, when playing with children, you yourself will not notice how time passes on the way. I, as a mother, a psychologist by education, a traveler with experience, wrote this article together with the children, together we recalled what we had fun on the road.

Where to begin? With the right fees on the road to vacation with children. The child must collect his own backpack with games for the trip. We wrote about this in an article where we give our advice to travelers:

This is a great educational moment. Children feel their importance, responsibility, independence, learn to plan and work in a team (even if it is a family one)). This is a good experience for future trips.

And in order not to get a “carriage and a small cart” of toys, the whole process of packing things takes place under the strict control and patient mentoring of parents.

How to assemble a children's backpack

Explain to the child in advance that only small, compact and light toys need to be folded, because he will carry his own backpack. (Of the large toys, our children carry with them only soft ones: a bear and a cat with which they sleep. They do not want to part with them even during the trip. But at the same time they carry their own toys).

Together with a child who can already write / read a list of games for the road.

At what age should a child begin to participate in the collection of his backpack with games? From 2.5 -3 years old - the age of "why". This is the time when the child begins to realize himself as a person. He often says: “I myself / myself ..”, does the opposite, proving his right to opinion and choice. It is clear that a 3-year-old kid still cannot assemble a backpack on his own, but choosing a few toys and folding them is quite possible.

Games, entertainment in the car, train, bus and plane

We have grouped the games into several groups.

1. Gadgets and books.

e-books, tablets, Cell phones, MP3 players, laptops, children's books. Download cartoons, children's books, games, music, movies in advance. Let the child read/see the guidebook , better buy special children's guides with bright pictures or books about adventures in the country , where are you going.

Reading in a car or bus is harmful to children's eyesight, in this case interesting audiobook- perfect solution. Get discs with educational games and interesting tutorials. On the road, the child can learn English, counting or letters. We bought a special adapter with which you can always recharge all devices in the car so that you don’t sit down.

I want to say right away that electronic gadgets will not replace communication. As a rule, they quickly bother children. Therefore, for a long journey, there should be a good supply of games and entertainment.

2. Everything for drawing.

An album or notebook, coloring books, pencils, colored pens and other creative tools take up a minimum of space in a backpack.

3. Toys.

Let the kids choose their favorite toys for the trip. You just follow the dimensions and capacity, let it be several types of miniature games and toys- dolls and baby dolls with clothes, dishes, a set of animals, a set of small models of cars.

You must have noticed that new toy able to interest your child for a long time. Create such an element of novelty on the road. If possible, go to the store with your child, (or look at online store) and choose a toy or game for the trip, but with the condition that the baby will play with them for the first time during the trip.

4. Board games.

It is best to take a plane, car, train or bus board road games, which do not have small parts (because they are easily lost) and do not require stability when playing (when driving in transport, such games will simply crumble and upset the baby). Puzzles with large components, lotto, a set of checkers / chess / backgammon on magnets, educational games.

For the little ones themselves (from 2 to 5 years old) - an excellent solution would be a set of educational cards with games.

5. Oral entertainment and games.

On a long journey, gadgets, drawing, games and toys get bored over time. The child often needs to switch from one type of game to another. So he will be less bored and capricious. (how less baby, the more frequent the switching). Therefore, all gadgets / toys are ideal to combine with communication, various oral entertainment.

For example, they watched a cartoon / played an oral game / further drew / sang / board games or toys / new oral entertainment. Such a distribution will help diversify the leisure of children and allow parents to periodically relax and enjoy the road.

A significant advantage of oral games is that they do not take up space in a backpack))) You can play them using improvised means. Their number is unlimited, you can always come up with something new, improvise.

Make a minimum base stock of oral games for yourself so you know what to do with the kids on the road. To help you - our selection of such entertainment for different ages. You just have to choose those games that are more suitable for your children)))

Oral games on the road:

The words- the rules are the same as for the familiar game of cities. A new word begins with the letter that ends with the previous word. For example, an apple is an island-water. This game is also useful for kids who have just started learning letters and sounds.

"What will fit in the jar?" This is an advanced version of the word game. We name the words under the same conditions as in a regular game, but we take into account the "capacity" in the jar. For example, the word "island" is no longer suitable, because it does not fit into a jar))

Associations. The first participant calls any word, the second one says an association word, etc. At the end, a very interesting associative series is obtained. For example, perch - fishing - lake - water - ice - North Pole - geography ...

Guess who you are is a question-answer game. One participant in the game guesses who he is by asking everyone questions that require a yes or no answer. The word for the riddle can be written, glued with a sticky piece of paper on the forehead of the guesser, just verbally agree.

Guess- think of an object that is in the field of view of children. The rules are the same as for the game above. Participants ask probing questions about the characteristics of the item that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.

Guess what's in the bag- another "guessing game". For her, you will need a pouch, bag or opaque bag. Put a few items inside (vegetables, fruits, etc.). Players take turns putting their hand into the bag and guessing by touch what the object is.

sea ​​battle, tic-tac-toe - all known and popular games. All they need is paper and pencils.

Let's count- an exciting game. Its essence is to count everything that we see outside the window: cars of a certain color, poles, cows / sheep / goats, houses with some kind of sign. This game was first used impromptu on the road, when our fidgets, out of boredom, began to use the handles above the door windows as a horizontal bar. For our two children, we even arranged competitions on the road. Whoever sits on which side of the car counts the cows from that side. The herd was counted as 100. But in the Odessa region, on the border of the Kotovsky district and Transnistria, there are villages, most of the houses in which are whitewashed blue. When the cows ran out, the blue houses were counted. In any country along the way you can find something special.

Crocodile– this game is more suitable for the train, because it requires a little space and a minimum of 4 participants. One player guesses the second word or phrase. The second should show it with gestures, without words. The rest of the players guess.

Let's sing songs- fun and easy time passes on the road for singing. Of course, such entertainment is more appropriate in your car than in a bus, plane, or train. Sing your favorite acapello songs with the kids, turn on your favorite CDs and sing to them. Name a word or phrase (widespread in songs. For example, spring, love, friendship) remember and sing songs with these words. Whoever knows more wins.

Guess the melody- turn on or sing the first notes of the loss to the song or the first line yourself. The first person to guess what the song is wins. Sing the whole song together.

« What changed?" is a game of attention. Lay out several items on the seat, album, book (toys, pencil, handkerchiefs, in general, everything that is at hand). Players try to remember what these items are and their location. After the players have turned away, the leader swaps, removes or adds new items. The task is to find all the changes.

finger games- for the little ones, they perfectly develop motor skills of the hands. These are nursery rhymes of such a format as "Magpie-Crow".

You can arrange a whole on the road finger theater - fairy tale. Now there are a lot of offers of finger toys for mini-theater.

We play with our hands- a game for attention and reaction speed. The famous game “Pushkin Street, Kolotushkin’s House” or the same “They sat on the golden porch: Tsar Tsarevich, King, Prince”. You can play with two or more. Children themselves can offer different modern interpretations of this game. The players hold hands with palms up so that the right one is at the top and the left one is at the bottom. Everyone says a phrase from the text and claps their right hand on the neighbor's hand. AT certain moment the task of the one who claps is to hit the neighbor's hand, and the task of the neighbor is to have time to remove his hand in time. The fastest one wins.

There are also easier option for two. The text can not be applied, but played in this way. Two players stretch their bent arms towards each other. One holds his hands down, but palms up, the other holds his hands above the opponent's hands, but palms down. The task of the first player is to clap the hands of the second, and the second to remove his hands in time.

Tongue Twisters- not without reason our great-grandmothers - great-grandfathers, being small, had fun with tongue twisters, sitting on the stove on long winter evenings. It turns out that this is very fun activity and useful. Try)))

Drawing with a secret- the players agree in advance in what order they draw. You need a piece of paper and a pencil. The first player starts drawing. Others don't peek. He closes his drawing by folding the sheet and leaving only the extreme lines and details for the next player. All repeats. Until the sheet ends. Then the whole picture is revealed. It turns out very funny.

Fanta- each player writes some funny task on a piece of paper. (Several sheets with different tasks are possible) All the pieces of paper are thrown into a common bag / bag. Everyone takes turns pulling out one task at a time and doing it. A very fun game.

My triangular hatfunny game for speed and focus. The task is to show with gestures everything that is said in the text, every word. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Text: “My triangular cap, my triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap.

Ocean is shaking is a game from our childhood. The host says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, freeze on the spot!” Before the word “Freeze”, you can actively move your arms and legs. As soon as it sounds, all players freeze. Whoever moves or laughs first becomes the leader.

silent- everyone gets tired on the road, sometimes you just want silence. And the energy of our children "spouts" in spite of everything. For such a case, there is a game of silence. Whoever spoke first, he lost.

As you can see, many travel games for children are widely known, they are fun and entertaining. Another great “fallback” option for entertaining kids on the road is let the children offer you their games. They love it very much)))

To make it easier for children to endure a long journey, it is advisable for little fidgets to give the opportunity to walk, run, jump. Walk with your child along the train car, along the aisle in the plane. Buses have stops along the way. Be sure to use this opportunity for jogging the baby)))

Schedule stops along the way for your car trip, try to do this every 2 hours. Choose a safe place to stop - so that there is a walking area away from the road. Let the children run freely.

We hope that our tips - our "parenting cheat sheet" - will help you entertain your children on the road. The main secret- play with enthusiasm and joy, show maximum patience, care and love to children.

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"We're going, we're going, we're going!" - everything is good in this song, especially the iridescent mood of traveling animals and children. In life, unfortunately, everything is not so fun. Traveling with kids, no matter how wonderful the purpose of the trip, can be tiring - sometimes traffic jams, sometimes queues at the airport, at the border. It is equally difficult for little fidgets to sit for hours in the back seat of a good car, in the seat of the fastest plane and in the compartment of the best train. Travel games and fun, complete with a “magic suitcase”, will help pass the time and entertain the baby.

My eye is a diamond

This game can be played in the train and car, at the airport while waiting for the flight. First, we select the color of the items we are looking for, for example, red. And we start the game: my eye - a diamond sees a red ... car. My diamond eye sees a red apple. My eye is a diamond sees a red hat. You can look for round, striped things.

I will take with me

This is a slightly more complicated version of "My eye is a diamond." Imagine that you are going on a trip and you are taking some things with you in your suitcase. Make a rule that you will only take… green items. Then you say, "When I go on the road, I will take with me ... a frog." This item must comply with the intended rule. Children ask if they can take an orange with them? Orange is not green, therefore, it is impossible. Can I take a cucumber with me? You answer: "You can" (since the cucumber is green). The one who can solve the rule wins.

Rules can be as simple (for example, what fits in a briefcase, everything is round, soft things) or complex. For example, your name and all items start with the same letter. Or all words of foreign origin.

The words

Playing cities - the most common version of this fun - we all know how. The essence of the word game is the same: to invent words, continuing the chain. The first player calls any word, for example, FISH, the next player must come up with his own word for the last letter of the word FISH, that is, for A. For example, watermelon. The move moves on to the next one, which must come up with a word for "Z". As a result, the following chains are obtained: ASH - ALPHABET - ALPHABET - VEST - ANTENNA, etc.

Very clear and simple, younger students confidently play words, preschoolers can actively participate, provided that you introduce a rule of several clues. Toddlers who still can't read often come up with an A-word - abezyan. The task of an adult is to correct in time, unobtrusively explaining the rules. We say "monkey", and we write "monkey". When a child comes up with a word for a long time, so as not to slow down the game, start slowly counting to 10. If the word does not come to mind, the player skips a turn.
During the game, quite a lot of interesting situations arise when you can argue, discuss something, see a pattern: for example, that often words end in A, O. You can prepare for this situation and come up with as many words as possible for these “cunning” vowels .

Plant, animal, mineral

Remember how the Lion from Lewis Carroll's famous piece tried to categorize Alice? "Who are you: plant, animal or mineral?". So we often played this entertaining “guess-ku”, winding kilometers around different cities and villages. The rules of the game are as follows: the host thinks of some animal, plant or mineral. The task of the rest is to ask questions, guess what it is? It should be noted that the ability to ask questions is considered by supporters of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) to be a very important skill for the development of a child. At first in similar games requires the active participation of adults.

Here is one of the scenarios for our plant, animal, mineral game. A 9-year-old child asked us a very difficult riddle.

    Is it a plant, animal or mineral?

    This animal.

  • Is it a mammal?
  • He has four paws.
  • No. But there are limbs.
  • Does he have fur?
  • Yes and no.
  • Does he live in burrows?
  • Is it a pet?
  • Yes and no.
  • Is it a wild animal?
  • Yes and no.
  • Can it fly?
  • Does it crawl?
  • Sometimes.
  • Does he have a developed brain?
  • It's a man!

This is the riddle of the Sphinx.

Good bad

Think with your child about what you want to talk about - some event or phenomenon. For example, it's raining. What is so good about it? Plants get moisture. You don't have to water the garden. You can slosh in the puddles in boots. You don't have to wash your car. You can see a rainbow. You can wash yourself in the summer rain. Mushrooms grow in the rain. When all good options exhausted, we turn to the search for bad consequences. It's raining. You can’t walk, it’s too wet and cold, floods, the crops are lost in the fields, when it rains for too long, you can get wet and catch a cold, the animals hide, they are cold and you won’t see them. This game teaches you to look at events from different points of view.


You say any word that comes to your mind. The kid repeats your word and comes up with his own. You repeat the first two words, adding a new word. So the words grow like a snowball. If you often train while playing, you can repeat more than 20 words at a time. A very useful activity for kids, as it develops memory and attention. It is also interesting to play the "snowball" with the plot:

Once upon a time there was a giant on the mountain, once he fell into a trap (the child continues), they put him in a closet, and a cockroach caught his eye.

I'm packing my suitcase

"I'm packing my suitcase," you say, "and I'm putting in my toothbrush, socks, mirror, comb"... Ask your child to repeat everything you put in the suitcase. If the child remembered everything that you put, let him also add something of his own. This game resembles a "snowball", but is thematically related to the road.

Roses - frost

Every word needs a rhyming word. For example, you say: stick. The child is a jackdaw or a rolling pin.


Highly funny game especially among preschoolers. Ask the child to choose a name for himself from kitchen utensils: a poker, a plate, a fork, a knife. Now say that you will ask questions, and all questions must be answered with “Kocherga”. Warn that you can not laugh (although this is unlikely).

  • The name of?
  • Poker.
  • What's on your nose?
  • Poker.
  • And what do you eat?
  • poker.

    • Who are your grandparents?
    • pokers.


In childhood, we counted poles, crossings, crows. You can count together all bearded men, all dogs, all cats, trucks.

Number plates

Each of you chooses any number from 0 to 9. Task: find 5 cars with license plates containing the chosen number.


We play this game in the car. I choose some object that can be seen from afar - for example, a tree or a road sign. All the passengers close their eyes and when they think we are passing a tree, they shout "here!". Whoever is closest wins.

The lady sent you a hundred rubles

This game can be played anywhere, anytime and in any weather. The essence of the game is that the host asks questions. When answering questions, you can’t say “yes”, you can’t say “no”, you can’t choose black or white. You need to remember the hint:
“The lady sent you a hundred rubles,

Whatever you want, buy

Black - do not take white,

"Yes" and "no" do not say.

Are you going to the ball?"

"Yes!" - the baby cries happily. And… the game starts over.

Another version of the counter:
“The young lady sent you a piece of blanket Told me not to laugh Sponges do not make a bow, "Yes" and "no" do not say, Do not wear black and white. Are you going to the ball?"
In this version, when answering questions, you can not laugh.

Game first aid kit

With you on the road, it would be nice to have a magic suitcase or a first-aid kit in which you put all the necessary items so that the child is happy and you are calm:

  1. Paper (notebooks, notebooks, albums). it universal way take time: paper is good for drawing, for games, for writing down children's impressions and stories, for origami.
  2. Pencils, markers, crayons. Highly useful thing on the road. They draw with pencils, count them, sort them, you can build something out of them, and also use them for imagination games, invent fairy tales where pencils will be characters.

"It's good to roam the world,
with caramel on the cheek ... "
And a board game
The one in the bag!

Are you going on the road? In the forest, on the sea, in the country, in an old castle or a modern hotel - a good board game is always appropriate. Even the smallest handbag or a child's backpack will fit a game in a small box, and you can put several games at once in your father's suitcase! For you, a selection of the most compact board games from the igroved store.

Vacation with the whole family

So, we are going to travel with the whole family, which means we need a board game that is interesting for both adults and children. It is desirable that it could be played by two or three, or maybe four ... In a word, so that every member of the family can join if they decide.

Compiling crossword puzzles is sometimes even more interesting than solving. Take a meaningless set of letters and make a word out of it. Dig into the back alleys of your memory, come up with words and arrange them vertically and horizontally. Shine with erudition! :)

On the sea, as well as in the mountains, dunes, forests, cities in the company of friends

What a great way to spend time with friends! And there is always someone to play your favorite compact board game with! Which one to take with you on the road?

Anyone who likes to have fun and chat with friends. A series of games and offer to explain as many words as possible in a short time. Get ready for insanely funny and sometimes very unexpected explanations!

Mafia (Squirl) decorated in vintage style: weight 50 g.

Children, travel and board games

There is no question whether or not to take board games with children on a trip. If parents care about their nerves - no doubt take it! While the children are playing (and not making noise, to the annoyance of others), you can safely eat, read, or even take a nap!

And if the child goes alone, for example, to the camp, then a simple and fun game will allow him to easily meet new friends. In a word, children, travel and compact board games are combined with a bang! It remains only to choose.

Nice vacation for two

We take a rest for two and games for a couple of participants. Whether there will be a desire and an opportunity to meet someone else is unknown, and a compact board game for two will always come in handy. Moreover, there are many such games and they are wonderful.

Traveler! Don't forget to take a couple of good puzzles on the road!

Puzzle is the perfect activity on the road. Easy, small puzzle can be taken anywhere - both on the bus and on the plane. More than a dozen tasks are waiting for you, which are becoming increasingly difficult, so during a long-distance flight there will be something to occupy your head. In addition, when solving puzzles, you will not disturb fellow travelers with loud screams. At least we hope so.

The "" series from the Bondibon publishing house is very versatile. Bright plots, many tasks, arranged from simple to complex, beautiful design in the form of small magnetic books, the best price. Plastic parts are not afraid of spilled juice or stuck sand - you can safely take puzzles on any trip! Weight 200 g.

Puzzle series IQ. We open a wonderful small (one might even say pocket) suitcase and we have a wonderful puzzle in front of us! Here are miracles! The whole series of spatial IQ-puzzles is distinguished by excellent bright execution, and the complexity of the tasks will satisfy the most demanding players. , make up sweet . Even more compact board games for one at.

- these are exciting tasks, unexpected solutions, high quality workmanship, compactness and, of course, affordability. Puzzles "Professor Jigsaw" are divided into several series, each of which contains puzzles of different difficulty levels. They are really diverse: wire, wooden, bamboo, metal, nails, cunning locks... They will make you an excellent company on trips. All you need is free hands and time :)

To paraphrase the words of my mother from the beloved cartoon “Vacations in Prostokvashino”: “I have 4 new wonderful games, but there is no time to play them. Everything! Decided! We're going to the resort tomorrow!" Have a nice rest!

At the request of 34travel, a game designer and expert in mobile games Usanio chose five not the most famous, but very exciting games to help you pass the time on the road. And in the end he even offered to play with him on a bet. All games presented in the review are free.

Daddy Long Legs

Just to say that this game is adorable is an understatement. Daddy Long Legs is an endless walking simulator where you play as a strange creature with two very long but wildly clumsy legs.

Your task is to go as far as you can, very carefully moving one foot after the other. The whole point is to take steps on time. If the steps are too fast or too slow, your walking adventure will end very quickly.

Peppercorn adds the ability to choose one of two characters that are very different from each other in walking physics. The first character is a luxurious square. The second is a perfect rectangle. And both are owners of slender, but clumsy long legs.

Sometimes on the road you will come across boxes of different colors, inside of which are a wide variety of costumes, hats, shoes and accessories. Dressing up your long-legged pet in a knitted winter hat is not a reason to play one more time?


Charming language game for lovers of English language and bears of various breeds. The playing field is buttons with letters. The player clicks on the letters and collects the longest possible word from them. All letters of the new word turn into bears, around which new letters appear.

Bears in neighboring cells are constantly united, transforming into larger representatives of this noble family of mammals. Large individuals give much more points than small ones.

This is how the game proceeds: with each new move, the bears take up more and more space, some unused letters disappear, and the number of points scored for the collected words increases many times over.

A large number of points collected per level allow the player to get special bears with unique abilities. These abilities affect a variety of parameters that make it easier to pass more and more new levels.

Fist of Fury

First of all, we note the fact that Fist of Fury was made by guys from Belarus. Therefore, connoisseurs of domestic igrostroya - it is strongly recommended.

In short, Fist of Fury is an exciting game about evil ninjas and sharp, like Boris Razor, blows to the belt. You play as a bald, but already gray-haired monk - a master of a strong blow. Insidious ninjas attack you from all sides, and you need to brush them off as long as possible. The more opponents killed, the better.

After playing once or twice, you will definitely want to know: “What is this mysterious strip with lightning located above the character and what will happen if it is filled with energy to the very end?”. The maximum concentration on the snap and accuracy of the blows will lead you to the answer to this question.

Among other things, during the passage of the game you will get coins, collecting which in the right amount, you can spend money on a new character: cowboy Chuck, Panda and even a Samurai.

cow evolution

Even if you do not like cows and animal husbandry in general, still pay attention to the game Cow Evolution.

Here you have to cross identical cows, subjecting them to mutations, thereby shamelessly stimulating evolution. As a result, new, terrible, but much more perfect individuals appear. Your farm expands first to the scale of entire continents, after which the score is already at the intergalactic level. How this evolutionary experiment will end depends only on you.

Tiny Thief

In this story-driven game, you'll have to put on the outfit of a tiny thief Tiny Thief and plunge into the unfair world of cartoon villains. All you have to do is steal, steal and steal. With the help of touches on the screen, you control a little blond, completing story tasks and raking everything that is badly in your pockets.

Love affair, stealing sweets, fighting pirates - Tiny Thief will definitely not let you get bored on long flights.

Attention! Try to beat the author of this review in Daddy Long Legs!
For this you need:
1. Install on your iphone game Daddy Long Legs.
2. Add a player named Usanio to GameCenter as a friend.
3. Send Usanio a challenge to GameCenter with your result. (Please do not spam and send no more than 1 call per 24 hours).
4. The player who runs the farthest with each of the two characters will receive a gift in the form of a paid game - a fairy-tale puzzle on his appstore account Monument Valley. The offer to fight in Daddy Long Legs is valid until September 1st.

One of the disadvantages of even the most exciting travel is the need to spend quite a lot of time on the road, for example, by taking a train or bus. However, there are many interesting unusual games, which do not require special props, but allow you to spend time usefully, having fun and joking along the way.

How not to get bored on the road - TOP-10 games for the company on the road


The leader is chosen - his task is to think of any word and inform the participants of the capital letter.

Now each participant thinks of a new word for this letter, and, without saying it out loud, tries to explain to the other participants what he has thought of. If the other participant guessed what in question, he must say loudly “There is a contact!” and at the same time with the guesser, start counting out loud in ten. When the count is over, you need to say the word again at the same time.

In the event that the spoken words match, the leader calls the second letter - then everything continues according to the same rules. If there is no match, then you need to come up with another word and explain it again.

get to know me

Participants must sit in a row. A leader is chosen who is blindfolded. Feeling the players, he must guess among them what is hidden.

For guessing, you can feel only those parts of the body established by the rules before the start of the game.

I never...

This game is perfect for travelers who want to get to know each other better. To carry out, you will need chips, but virtually any items can act as their role:

  • napkins;
  • coins;
  • matches and more.

The first player begins to tell what he has never done in his life. If among the participants there are those who were engaged in this business, they must give one chip to the guesser.


For this game you will need some simple props:

  • hat or cap;
  • small pieces of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

Each participant must come up with ten any words and write them on paper. Leaves move into the hat.

Next, the participants take turns taking leaves out of the hat and in a limited time must explain to others what is written on paper. For each guessed word, a point is awarded, and the winner is the one who, at the end of the game, will have the most points.


You can't play this game in transport, but you may have a lot of time waiting for a train or plane. So, first of all, you need to choose one leader among all, and the rest form a circle around him so that their shoulders adjoin, but their hands are hidden behind their backs.

As soon as everything is ready, the participants begin to pass the cucumber behind their backs, and when the opportunity is given, you need to quickly get it from behind your back and bite off a part. The facilitator needs to guess who is in this moment holding a cucumber. If he succeeds, then he changes places with him.

The game ends after the last piece of cucumber is swallowed.

Secret Keeper

This is not just an interesting and fun game. It will help you thoroughly stretch your brain! The chosen leader thinks of a well-known aphorism or quote, but he tells all participants only how many words are in the sentence.

Now players can ask the guesser any leading questions, trying to understand what kind of phrase he came up with. In their answers, the presenter is obliged to speak one word from a quote or aphorism, while the answer must consist of one sentence.

According to the results of the answer, the players must guess what kind of phrase they thought of.


If your company loves detectives, this game is created just for you - because you will have to solve real mysteries!

So, the essence of the game is that the host narrates some part of the event. After listening carefully to him, the other players try to reconstruct the full sequence of events.

To do this, they ask the facilitator questions, but they need to be formulated in such a way that any of the three words can be answered:

  • Not essential.

You can invent stories yourself, or you can search the Internet.


One of the oldest, but no less exciting games. Each player throws one thing into the bag (it is clear that there may not be a bag on the way, and therefore an opaque bag can be used).

A blindfold is put on one of the participants, and the leader takes out any thing from the bag. The player who is blindfolded without seeing the object must come up with a task for its owner, and he must complete it using the extended object.


You won’t really play this game on the train either, but in the parking lot or in a hotel, at the airport while waiting for a flight, it’s quite real. For jenga, you will need flat wooden blocks from which the tower is formed.

At each individual level, the bars are laid out in different directions - for example, the bars of the first and second levels will be perpendicular to each other, just like the second and third, third and fourth, and so on.

The essence of the game is that each participant must pull out one of the bars anywhere in the tower and shift it up. The player whose actions to move the block will cause the tower to fall will lose.


One of the most popular games for companies. Its essence is to show with gestures the word that was made up. The person demonstrating the riddle is forbidden to make any sounds, point to objects, and also try to demonstrate the word by syllables.

The one who guesses, in the next round, shows the word himself, and the one who showed it before that guesses to him.


There are no winners or losers here, but fun is guaranteed! Participants sit in a row or in a circle. The first person speaks any word in the neighbor's ear, he, without hesitation, passes on, but not this word, but any other that he associates with the first. And so on, until the last participant. The result of the game can be completely unexpected and the "locomotive" will easily turn into a "stripper".