Passage of Ze Volkin grandfather 3 episode. Walkthrough of the first episode "A New Day" of The Walking Dead: Season One. "Present, Camp"


At the beginning passing The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 3 In Harm's Way watch a video about the events of previous episodes. Next, we try to take a butterfly sitting on a tree, after which we talk with Sarah, and then with Carver. As a result, the bound Clementine will be put in a truck. During the trip, Kenny will ask to find something sharp to cut the ropes, after a short argument with the others, in which he can choose to support Kenny or the others, he will find a way to free himself.

Home, terrible home

After everyone is taken out of the truck, the doctor is immediately taken to the infirmary, we support his daughter Sarah in a conversation. In the fenced area for the guilty, we will get acquainted with the one-armed Reggie, whom you can ask about two more people who are here, a guy named Mike and a girl whose name no one knows yet. Having finished talking, we inspect the territory while Kenny distracts Reggie, in the process you can talk to people, as well as see a hose, a fence, a hole in the fence, manure bags, a fish statue, etc. If you tell Kenny that you didn't find anything useful, everyone will end up going to bed.

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Calm and quiet

Waking up, we approach the gate and listen to Carver, during his speech, Sarah decides to talk to Clementine that Carlos will not like it, as a result, he will force Carlos to hit his daughter. At the end of this scene, everyone will be scouted for work, Clementine will be sent to work in the armory, and before she leaves, bags of manure will fall from the winch installed on the roof :). In the armory, loading stores, we communicate with Bonnie until Tavia comes for Clementine. Before leaving, Bonnie will give Clementine a jacket. The new place of work will be a greenhouse.

Too far

In the greenhouse, after talking with Sarah, support her and say that the villain is Carver, after which Reggie will appear who will be put to watch the girls. In the process of cutting branches, we will have the choice to do our job or help Sarah, whatever you choose, Carver who comes a little later will be unhappy and will punish Reggie by throwing him off the roof.


After telling Bonnie about what Carver did with Reggie, then tell the same thing to Kenny and Mike, and after the walkers burst into the room, we beat one of them with a board on the head. Then, by pressing the A button, we dodge the walker, while continuing to press A, we crawl along the wall, as a result, to push the shelf blocking the path, press Q several times, and when the indicator is full, press E. In the next scene, you will need to select a sledgehammer or a ladder by pushing the ladder onto one of the walkers we run away from the second one by pressing the S button, and after Clementine falls, we choose to raise the screwdriver or release the leg from the cable, one way or another, the walker will attack Clementine, so we press Q until Troy intervenes. On the way back, Luke will grab Clementine, press Q to bite his hand. After talking with Luke, we promise to bring him a walkie-talkie, the next day at the same time. Leaving the store, we tell Troy that we read comics, after which Clementine will go to Carver's office.


Arriving at the office to Bill Carver in a conversation with him, we agree with him or condemn him. As a result, the conversation will be interrupted by Tavia, who reported on the breakage of the gate. Returning to the courtyard, we communicate with the others by informing them about Luke and his plan, in the end you will need to choose one of two escape options or adopt both. At the end of the conversation, Jane will approach the group and tell them how to disguise themselves from walkers, as well as how to get into the warehouse, all that remains is to agree.

Breaking and entering

After Mike lifts Clementine, we grab the rope on which we get to the stairs. Grabbing the ladder, we climb it to the roof. Upstairs you can see on the left: the greenhouse door, the exit door from the roof and the glass hatch over Carver's office and on the right the same glass hatch over the warehouse. Once in the warehouse, we go down the racks and boxes, and when Tavia turns away or moves away, we run up to the walkie-talkies and pick up two of them, after which Clementine will return to her group, all that remains is to jump on Mike.

born to run

In the morning, Tavia will take Rebecca, Nick, Sarah and Jane to work, staying with Kenny and Mike in a conversation, we agree to take the walkie-talkies to Luke. After that, Troy will appear and take the rest to work, along the way Bonnie will take Clementine to her. Communicating with Bonnie, we tell her about the walkie-talkies and about Luke, and after she releases Clementine, she will go to the comic book store.

Failure in communication

Having run to the store, we inspect the premises in search of Luke until Troy catches you doing this, you can also immediately leave the store, then Troy will catch Clementine at the entrance.

An eye for an eye

After everyone is returned to the courtyard, Carver will push another speech and demand the stolen walkie-talkie starting the countdown so that you do not try to say the blame, Kenny will take the blame for which he will be beaten to a pulp by Bill. While Carver is beating Kenny, you can choose to try to keep Sarita or try to help Kenny by getting a butt from Troy. As a result, Bonnie will appear and report a breakthrough, and she will be left to guard the others. After talking with the rest, we decide that we continue to act according to the plan and agree on a meeting place in Parker Run, if we suddenly have to split up when escaping.


Once again on the roof, Clementine will sneak into Carver's office, having examined the unconscious Alvin, we approach the warning system console. Turning on the external speakers, turn the volume control and then inspect the CD-receiver with which there will be no CD. Taking the CD lying on the bottom shelf of the table and inserting it into the receiver, Clementine turns on the speakers. After talking with the awakened Alvin, Clementine returns to the warehouse, if Alvin is not in the office, taking the gun from the table and blocking the door, we go to the warehouse. In the warehouse, we jump onto Carver from the rack or shoot him, after which we decide to stay and watch Kenny kill Carver or leave with the others.


On the street, having hacked one walker with an ax, we rip open his belly and smear ourselves with his insides, after which we help Sarah to do the same. After Jane shoots Troy, we go through a crowd of walkers, until the moment when a bullet hits Carlos and walkers attack him. Trying to calm Sarah, we begin to fight off the walkers, dodging in the direction indicated by the arrows on the screen. To pull out an ax stuck in one of the walkers in the head, press Q several times, and then E. As a result, you will need to decide to hit the walker who bit Sarita or cut off her hand. On this passage of the third episode of the second season of the game The Walking Dead will be finished.

The game begins with the fact that Javier is our main character new season, hurries to his home, where his father is dying. On the porch we see his brother - David. We learn from him that his father is already dead. Choose an answer. This must be done within the allotted time, which displays the strip below. David beats his brother out of anger, tells him how his father was waiting for his appearance. All this action is noticed by David's son - Gabe.

After that, David tries to justify his anger at his brother, a heart-to-heart talk begins. During the conversation, choose the answer options. Javi finally gets inside the house and heads towards his mother. She is also angry with Javi. The girl carries a glass of water to her grandfather, in response to a question from adults, saying that he woke up. Entering the room, the family finds the grandfather at the window, standing with his back to them. Suddenly, the "grandfather who has risen from the grave" attacks one of them. The dead man manages to bite his mother before Xavi decides to knock out his father. The family is divided into two groups. David decides to take his mom to the hospital and later meets Javi and the others there. They get into the van and leave the house.

A little later we find the heroes on the way. They're running from a herd of walkers. Xavi and Kate, David's wife, get into the car and continue driving. Kate decides to smoke a little. You can join or refuse. In the car, through a conversation between Kate and Javi, we are told that she is the stepmother to these children. It's hard for her, but she manages. Children wake up and smell smoke. They obviously don't like it. The group decides to stop to replenish supplies.

Javi leaves the car and looks around as Kate drives it into the junkyard. Xavi turns his attention to the praying Marianne. Keith puts everything on the shelves and the first thing he says is to look for gasoline. The conversation is interrupted by a wandering walker nearby. We press the corresponding key to get a crowbar and finish off the dead man with two blows by clicking on the other. Then we talk with Marianne. She admits that she wears headphones in order to fool us, the batteries of the player are dead.

Now we manage to "steer" for the first time this season. We look at the landfill. You can talk to all the heroes, but our goal is to find fuel. In the depths of the dump we find a car. We approach and press the action key to start draining gasoline. A walker suddenly crawls out from under it. We kill him with one well-aimed blow. Then we continue to drain the fuel by pressing the button. We go around the containers and find another car, repeat the previously described steps. The last truck left at this location is a little further than the container on which Gabe is sitting. We pass to the very end and stumble upon the stairs. Might be worth a look to see what's out there. Javi decides to get up and takes Gabe with him. On the other side, they find a whole truckload of honey. help. The gas tank is locked, but it doesn’t matter, we have a crowbar, in one motion we tear off the lid and start draining the gasoline. There is a lot of fuel there, so it is worth looking around further. We demolish the head of another zombie and move forward. Behind the containers is some kind of dwelling. We go up the stairs to the door and try to open it. Locked up. Hmm, there's something interesting inside. There is a hatch on the floor. Might be able to sneak in from below. Near the veranda we move the board and climb into the hole. Using the movement keys, we crawl to the hatch, and with the next button we open it.

We examine the house from the inside. Batteries can be found in the desk drawer. Later, they can be given to Marianne for her player or saved for another occasion. We approach the shelves at the end of the room and find supplies. Everything you need is here: mattresses, blankets, food... We decide what to do, stay or move on. One way or another, this "choice" will not affect anything much, only Kate's attitude towards us, which we will support or not, respectively. After talking with her, we go to pick up a canister of gasoline. But here is an ambush, we are surrounded by thugs with weapons, it turns out we are stealing from them. At gunpoint, Javi is led inside. They let us in first. We pull the handle and open the door. The group managed to hide below, under the hatch. After looking around the premises, one of the guys decides to go get the handcuffs and leaves the black guy to look after Javi. We try to negotiate with him, but all in vain, because the group betrayed itself with a cough. Whatever we choose, everything will come to the point that we will be seized.

After a while, Javi is already riding tied up in a car with some guy. Javi tries to negotiate, but the trip is interrupted by a tree that has fallen on the road. The truck goes into a ditch. Lee, grabbing a gun, leaves the car. Soon our carrier will do the same. We decide to kill him or let him go. I chose the second option. Our freedom did not last long, in a second Xavi was taken at gunpoint. Oh my god, it's Clementine! She set up this whole truck ambush. She needed transportation. Xavi tells the whole situation and decides to help him return to the place from which he was taken. But in return, his van demands. Along the way, the characters meet. On the road, a zombie comes across, which Clem cracks down on first-class, thereby surprising Javier. The path is blocked by a large herd, Clementine offers to wait in the city nearby.

Moving towards the gate will have to warm up a bit. We dodge to the left of the walker. The gates are closing. To get inside you have to kill all the zombies on the street. We aim and shoot them in the head. Clem's weapon fails and she is attacked by a walker. We shoot him in the head. Now it's time to quickly get inside. We are allowed to stay here for a while if we don't stick our heads out.

Javi and Clem go to a local bar. She needs to talk to one person about ammo. She leaves us for a while. We approach the bar and try to talk to the locals. The bartender recognizes Javi, he was banned for life for cheating with bets. He himself introduces himself as Conrad, and the woman at the table is called Francine. She decides to consult when playing poker, what is best for her to do. We choose the option with equalization. He is clearly bluffing. Suddenly the situation with Clem and the conversation in general turns into an unfriendly one. Bald sold her non-shooting cartridges. Clementine proves this by shooting him, but the dealer lashes out at her with a knife. We often press the action button to confront the attacker, then another button to pacify.

Clem inadvertently pulls the trigger and hits him right in the head. headshot! Clem tells the rest of the bar's patrons that he attacked them and she was forced to defend herself. We can confirm it or not. In my case, everything turned out as she said. The chief decides to put the couple under lock and key and then decide what to do with them.

In the cage, Clem thanks for the cover. Soon a pretty doctor comes to look at the knife cut on Javi's face. Eleanor, that's her name, having learned that Xavi's people were attacked, decides to somehow help him. Tripp - the head of this "town" - says he will leave us in a cage for the night. But Eleanor offers to escape at night through the back gate. It's time to decide. We move out at night with a good doctor, but for now it’s better to lie down for a nap.

Clementine remembers the old days: she is looking for food with a little boy behind her back. The girl decides to leave him in the car for a while to hunt in peace. The cry of a child attracts walkers. Moving away, Clem discovers that zombies are already hanging out around the car. We shoot in the head what is rubbing near the car, then the second. After Clem is trapped with a clamped hand, we take a stone and beat a walker who is trying to attack us. Open the door and free your hand.

Time has passed and our heroes are on their way. Soon they arrive at the place. On the ground we find a walker and a couple of objects. We take a hammer and immediately bring down the zombies, we select a tape recorder. Marianne must be around somewhere. The girl was found, it remains to find Kate and Marianne's brother. A small crowd of walkers has surrounded the tractor in which Kate is hiding. We fight our way to the car, pressing in turn the buttons that pop up on the screen.

After freeing everyone, Xavi introduces all the heroes, and they head to the settlement nearby, from where Xavi and Clem recently escaped. On the way, Marianna finds her headphones, but suddenly events unfold very badly, as a result of which Marianna dies. The bandits are back! Kate, who decided to do something to help, is also injured. We shoot back in response to enemy fire. By doing this, we give the family a chance to go away. We decide that it's time to stay and help Clem fight, because the bandits can return if you don't get rid of them. We'll leave the family to Eleanor. One of the bandits throws explosives. We aim at Clem and protect her from the explosion.

Episode 2: Unbreakable Bonds (Part Two)

After what happened in the previous episode, we are transported to the past, to the house of Javi's brother, David. Javier tries to help Kate with the dishes and talk about what they will do next. Then Kate suddenly accidentally breaks David's army glass. He comes to the noise. In a conversation, you can provoke a quarrel or cool your ardor and resist the temptation to yell at David, which, in fact, we do.

This flashback ends and we are again with Clem near the dump. The armed thugs are gone, but Marianne can't be brought back. Clementine took care of the grave for her and dug a hole. Javi puts the body in the hole and prepares to cover the hole. You can put a cassette recorder for her or keep it for yourself and continue digging the grave. The sound of the dead is heard nearby. We kill the last remaining. Javier notices the mark on his neck. Clementine knows something about this. She's met these guys before. According to her, they are called " The New Frontier". Clem was in their camp, she was a prisoner, but she managed to get out.

Clem has found a car and still thinks about leaving her own way. In the meantime, they decide to return back to Prescott, where they took the rest of the group.

At the camp, Xavi finds Eleanor tending to an injured Kate. Her condition has stabilized, but if the bullet hit a little lower, we could lose her. Eleanor says that Gabe really wanted to help and stayed, but then he still could not stand it. It's worth finding him and talking to him.

In the courtyard, you can talk to Tripp. He is a kind man and invited us to settle in Prescott. True, he was a little upset that we left without telling him anything last night. Under the wing of the plane, going a little further, you can find water reserves, you should take some with you. At the gate, we are told that Gabe has walked to the front gate. The angry kid is desperately chopping the already killed walker into pieces. He wants to come back and bury Marianne. Xavi says he did it. The boy is also worried that he did not help Kate during the operation and ran away like a cowardly boy. We convince him that this is not so and say that he is not to blame. The conversation is interrupted by the sound of an approaching car...hell, we have guests. Javi and Gabe run to the gate. The group decides to take up defensive positions on the wall.

They were visited by old friends. On their necks they have the mark of the "New Frontier". The bandits want to take Javi and put him on trial for killing their people. But the fact is that he was only defending himself! To give an incentive, they took Francine out. After a couple of seconds, the woman loses her finger. We decide to open fire, because the words of these thugs cannot be trusted. The slaughter begins. As a result, Francine is killed. We aim and kill one of the thugs. There is open fire on the wall, we lean downward so as not to get hit by a bullet. While the enemy is reloading, we get out from behind cover and shoot in the head. One of the enemies made his way to the first gate line and decided to sabotage the fortification. We shoot at him, but the explosive falls from his hands and demolishes the gate. The guys get into the truck and decide to smash the gate to Prescott. A great idea that ended in an accident and the release of several walkers they brought with them. Xavi is attacked by one of them. We discard the dead man and finish it off with a knife. Tear gas grenades fly from behind the gate. Xavi decides to find Kate and Gabe. We make our way through the clouds of smoke and kill everyone in our path. A car suddenly appears from the gate, we jump off to the side and aim towards the door, from which the driver will appear. Let's take a good shot. The group gets into the car and leaves the place. Tripp tells them to go east, he will follow them.

Having left for a safe area, they decide to stop and discuss everything. Conrad lost his wife. The group tries to somehow cheer him up, but they only add fuel to the fire, which is why a conflict is brewing. He blames everything on Javi, if he had not entered the Prescott gate, everything would have been fine. Gabe intervenes in all this and points the barrel at Conrad. We tell Gabe to lower his weapon, to which he obediently agrees. Clem suggests going to Richmond, where there are people. There will certainly be food and it will be safe there. Javi supports Clem and Konrad eventually agrees to continue on their journey.

In the car, Xavi looks after Kate. She's thirsty. Good thing we brought a bottle of water with us. We give it to Kate. Eleanor sees a bad sign that she is thirsty. The sooner the group gets to Richmond, the better.

Half way there is a forced stop. The tunnel is littered with old cars and there is no way to get through. Behind them are a couple of walkers, but Clem and Conrad quickly deal with them. We'll have to push the cars to clear the way for the passage. You can't do it manually, even with Tripp.

Near the truck, you can find the garage door. We open it. Let's be careful, behind it is a walker who will immediately attack us. Having broken his skull, we take the key in the corner and interact with the winch. We use the wrench on the winch latch so that it can be pulled out and drag the cable to the car. On the left is the battery that needs to be powered to tow the car. Near the gas station in the trunk of a red car we find wires for lighting. We connect them and start the mechanism. Walkers appear from behind the car, where without them? They immediately attack the car in which Eleanor and an injured Kate are in. Let's start saving them, dealing with the ghouls. After clearing a path, Javi tells them to get out and continue on to Richmond.

The truck in which they arrived is already out of reach. Javier decides to climb onto the roof. We move the container to block the path of the walkers from behind, this is where Gabe comes to our aid. In the meantime, while he climbs the stairs up, we shoot at the walkers. Suddenly Xavi is attacked from behind by one of the ghouls. He shoots him in the head right next to his ear, which stuns himself. We climb onto the container and with the help of Konrad onto the roof. By that time, the whole territory was chosen by crowds of walkers. On the roof, Javi notices a silhouette of a man. He sneaks in there and finds a scarecrow. A moment later, Xavi feels the muzzle of a gun on the back of his head. Soon the rest of the group comes to the rescue and our new friend. They suspect that a new acquaintance from the New Frontier. Nobody can be trusted, so we check the mark on his neck. The guy did not lie, he is not with them. It also turns out that Richmond, where the whole group was heading, captured the New Frontier. This is not very good news, since Eleanor and Kate headed there. Stranger Proposes short cut to Richmond via the railroad tunnel. He himself introduces himself as Paul, for friends he is simply Jesus.

We are transported to the past and show another scene with Clem and the baby. They run away from a herd of walkers and find temporary shelter in some kind of trailer. We break out the door with two blows and get inside. We move the cabinet to the door so that no one gets inside. The kid is very scared and starts to cry, we try to sing a song to him so that he calms down a little. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door, it's a man. Soon a girl broke in. Help her hold the door. Subsequently, Clem first learns from Ava, that's her name, about the New Frontier group.

In the present, the group, along with a new member - Jesus, moves through the tunnel. Clem decides to tell more about what connected her with the New Frontier. She tells Xavi that she was their prisoner and shows her mark, the same one that the bandits who attacked them had. Clem can't show herself to them again, so she decides to leave the group once they're out of the tunnels. Going a little further, the group finds a whole bunch of walkers hiding in the tunnel. We kill a couple of zombies until Konrad gets into his head to shoot, SHOOT ... IN THE TUNNEL ... The only thing left for the group is to carry their feet as soon as possible and get to the surface. There is a train on the way, so they decide to go through it. Someone needs to stay and hold the door so the walkers don't follow. Javi along with Clem and Gabe decided to stay. We find a piece of pipe that can support the door. The deed is done, it's time to bring down ... but it's not quite possible. Konrad is on the way. It was obvious that he suspected something. He heard the whole conversation and asks Clem to repeat his words. She shows a label. The restless Conrad wants to turn her in to the guys from Richmond to profit. We tell Konrad to lower the weapon, after which we aim at him from our own. Black takes the kid hostage. Well, it's time to stop this mess. It was high time to get rid of him. We shoot at Conrad.

Clementine leaves us on this. And it's time for us to show ourselves to the rest. At the exit from the channels, everyone asks where Konrad is. It is worth lying, saying that he was caught by a walker, that he is no longer with us. You shouldn't tell the truth about Clem either, "she just left" - such an answer would be more profitable.

The streets of the city are empty, it is so quiet here, rather strange for the place where the New Frontier lives. The group, or rather what is left of it, finds the car in which the girls left. Inside, Javi finds Kate. She seems to be all right. But where is Eleanor? Kate says she went to get help and didn't come back. It's time to knock on their door and ask for help. Approaching the gate, we see the old bandits we already know from the New Frontier. Xavi offers to put aside all the disagreements for later and help the girl. He puts pressure on the bandits and tries to arouse their compassion. In the end, everything ends with the fact that the bandits agree to let the group in, on the condition that they lower their weapons. We give the order to remove the weapon. We do everything they say...for Kate. The gates open and ... they have David himself.

Episode 3: Outlaw

Javi, along with Kate, got out at night on the street in search of propane. Dangerous time of day, ghouls can appear out of nowhere. They notice the truck and find what they were looking for in it. We pick up the gas cylinder and ... unexpectedly, but it turns out to be empty. Kate throws it angrily. Oh, can you be quieter? Just now she was afraid of every rustle, and now she decided to lure all the walkers from the area, well done, friend.

While the heroes sat down to rest, a walker attacks Xavi from the back, press the appropriate keys to escape. The zombie turns out to be a child, damn...and again, Kate fails. Now, at least forgivably, she can be understood, she lost her daughter and did not dare to raise her hand against a zombie child. Xavi handles it. Kate recognized Gabe's friend Drew in the boy. Xavi explains to her that they are no longer people, only the appearance remains.

Returning to the house, Kate says that we need to get out of here and move on, where it's safer. Perhaps she is right. David disappeared for three months and never returned. You have to convince the kids somehow. They overhear the conversation and don't want to leave. We explain to them that every day it becomes more dangerous here. Gabe insists on his own and does not want to leave the house, saying that if he needs help, he will ask his friends. He should probably tell the truth about what Javi and Kate saw on the street. Gabe agrees to leave and wants to leave a note for his father if he does return. Final preparations and the family leaves the house.

Now we return to the place where episode 2 ended. All the heroes are kneeling in front of the "New Frontier" at the gate. Kate needs help. David picks her up and escorts her to the infirmary. The rest are taken to the cell, where Eleanor, who was seized, turned out to be. She worries about Kate's condition. Javi says they didn't even look for her, but now she's in the hospital. Eleanor also learns that these people are the "New Frontier" and the ringleader is Javier's brother. But this is not all, Tripp says that Kate is David's wife, so she did not get into the camera with the others. Later, the guys start discussing David and wondering if he is involved in the attack on Prescott and if he is involved at all, or if the New Frontier does not bring him up to date. Tripp wants to restore justice and answer them for what happened on his land. Javi decides to talk to David in private before making any rash moves. Speaking of David, he's right there. He wants Javi to see Kate. The rest remain in place. It is worth saying that we will return and will not leave them here.

The brothers are walking down the street, heading to the hospital. On the way, David says that Gabe said some strange things to him. Looks like he suspected something about him and Kate, well, let's tell the truth. But ... fortunately he is not about that. David is furious when he learns that they have lost Marianne. It is worth telling him the truth about the death of his daughter. Javi says that those who shot Marianne wore a boundary mark and Kate was shot by them too. He doesn't seem to know what's going on here. As it turns out, he's not the big shot here, and there are three others who rule Richmond. David is in charge of security. He found out about two of his guys who might be involved. Along the way, they meet Ava, the girl who first brought Clem to the New Frontier.

The brothers have reached the place where Kate is being cared for. Gabe was already in the room. Kate is happy to see Javi. Suddenly she becomes unwell. Gabe and David run off to get the doctor. Yeah, it was all about talking to Javi alone. She says that she is scared to be here, she wants to get out of here, says that these people are murderers. Xavi agrees and gives her the word that at the first opportunity they will leave this place. Soon the doctor arrives, Kate says that she is already better. Kind of weird. Playing along with her, Xavi says that it's possible that the stitches have torn. The Doctor is impressed with the work they've done to help Kate. He wants to see Eleanor. Javi tries to get the whole team out, but it won't.

Now the brothers are heading to meet with the rest of the New Frontier leaders. On the spot, David introduces Javi to everyone. The guys had prepared food and were just going to eat. We are offered a choice: a cake, vegetables, or say that everything is delicious. And there is. They seem to like Javi. They sit down at the table and start talking. After some time, Max comes up with a couple of guys. Everyone already knows that Max and Javi were at enmity. The first was asked to tell how it all happened. Following, unable to restrain himself, Xavi says that his people killed his niece and part-time daughter of David. We continue to tell the truth about what happened earlier. The main decides to put everyone out of the gate, David is unable to do anything.

So Xavi, Tripp and Jesus were thrown out the gate. Ava handed over the weapon bag from David. Tripp becomes stubborn and Ava punches him in the face. Well, let's see what's in the bag. There the guys find a map and a bat. We look at the map. On it we find all the points, interacting with each. On the map, David indicated the path to follow. Now we need to find the north in order to understand in which direction to move. Xavi looks at the sky, we find the brightest star itself. They put mostly weapons in the bag, no food. Well, you'll have to do without it. Along the way, Tripp says he never thought he and Kate weren't together. They have a heart to heart conversation. Jesus, walking ahead, noticed something. Walkers are showing up soon. The meat grinder begins. Press the appropriate keys to finish. Suddenly, a walker attacks from the side, the second one joins him, we need to do something, we quickly kill one, but the second one manages to knock down Xavi, we press [Q], then [E], Clem appears out of nowhere and helps with the final blow. Javi tells her that they were kicked out of Richmond and she learns that David is Javi's brother.

We are transported to the past and Clem resorts to stealing to save the baby. We make our way into the tent using the movement keys, the baby starts to cry, we calm him down with a song and look at what medicine is needed. Vancomycin. We take the syringe on the top right on the shelf, then there is only the medicine we need from below. We fill the syringe with medicine, and as always, everything cannot go smoothly. One of the residents wakes up in the tent and dissuades Clem from injecting the medicine, saying that the injection will not help the boy and she will only waste the last dose. Clem decides to get an injection, she has to. David comes to the cry of the baby. After a long conversation, he decides to kick Clem out. They decided to keep the baby. Clem was allowed to say goodbye, after which she left.

We return to the present. Hugs upset Clem. And again a meat grinder. Press [Q] to close the fence. Well, he'll hold out for a while, but we'll have to figure out how to get in. You cannot open the gate manually, the door is also locked. There is a car nearby and a jack nearby, in a wheelbarrow a pipe that can be used as a lever. We bring the jack to the gate and hammer on [E] to raise the gate. All team "Inside!". The doors need to be closed, a couple of kicks and Xavi knocks out the jack from the gate. Shots are heard, it's David! Clem wants to keep David out, but Javi decides not to listen to her. Upon entering, David is questioned about what happened to the boy. It turns out that he survived, they themselves did not expect it, but he came to his senses. In this place they left the car and provisions, David came to say goodbye. The conversation of the brothers is interrupted by a crowd of walkers who broke into the door. Without wasting a second, Jesus "carries" one of the walkers out the door in a jump. You need to prop it up with something. Javi finds the container and, with David's help, blocks the door. Tripp notices familiar markings on the container. It's all from Prescott. In the warehouse, not only things from Prescott, but also loot from other cities. Somebody's conversation was heard nearby, the sound was getting louder. Everyone took cover. A trio of David's soldiers showed up here. Well, the guys were caught red-handed. Max opens fire on command. David told Javi that his target is Badger. The younger brother follows him. We shorten from the falling rack and rise to the command post. A fight breaks out. Press the buttons that appear. At the end of the fight, you can punish him for everything he did...for Marianne...

David finished off Max and let Javi finish what he started. He looks more harmless than Badger, he didn't do anything, he didn't kill anyone. We extract information from him. Max cracks up and says that Joan is behind all this, she gave orders. Perhaps we should leave him alive, he will take us to Richmond and help us get inside.

On leaving the warehouse, Jesus decides to leave the group. Also, one of the three bandits escaped, he can raise the alarm. Time to move to Richmond. Tripp shares what he will tell Eleanor about his feelings upon his return. David knows the way to Richmond, bypassing all the patrols that will be waiting for us.

Through the sewers, the group reached Richmond. David suggests that they split up to work on two goals at once - Tripp will go after Eleanor, Javi after Kate and Gabe to the infirmary, and David with Max to Joan. What about Clem? She wants to find her friends at the New Frontier to find out where AJ is being held. Her further plans are to get into a wheelbarrow and get out of here.

Using , move forward behind cover. Bandyuki pass nearby and discuss Javier. To move on, you need to divert their attention. We throw a stone at the glass on the door and pass by. Javi finds Kate and Gabe. Kate said that Joan stopped by and said that David no longer runs the place. Javi tells her who Joan really is, that she's the one behind all this and it was her people who shot Kate. We need to stop her, but Kate is against it, according to her, it's none of our business. She just wants to run away. But Xavi decides to go to David's house. Gabe misses Clem. Javi tells him that he stumbled upon her and that she could use a friend. Well, it's time to go.

At the house, the heroes meet Ava. She says that David is talking to Joan and he might need help. But what about the family? They must be protected. Ava says they will be safe in the house. Xavi leaves them and goes to help with Ava. On the spot, Xavi tells all the ignorant members of the "New Frontier" what is really going on here. As evidence, the group brought Max, if he tells the truth, he will live. People will know the truth. But Joan justifies her actions (robbery and murder) by the fact that she obtained the necessary vital supplies for the group. Joan decides to take them to the cell, the brothers are put on their knees and hit Javi on the head...

Episode 4: Thicker Than Water

At the beginning of the episode, we are shown the past of two brothers, when there was still life on earth ... without the dead wandering around the area. They practice punches together. Some girl recognizes the former sports star - Javier Garcia and wants to get an autograph. Why not? As it turned out, she only wants to sell it. Well, "THIS IS NOT FOR SALE", go ahead... The game doesn't work when David watches Javi hit all the balls without losing his form. Well, he's a former baseball star, so what? Everything is bad with David: the work sucks, he constantly quarrels with his wife. A man decides to join the army and asks Javi to look after his family. Of course you can count. It is worth supporting him at this moment.

We return to the present. David, along with his brother, this time already finds himself in the cell, where he recently brought a group of Xavi. Joan's armed henchmen do not understand what is really going on and what she is. But after a while, Joan herself appears. David seriously hates her, for which he gets in the face, trying to pounce on her. She plans to call a meeting in the morning to explain to the residents why he was arrested. After the conversation is over, David is taken away. Okay, time to get out of this hole. You can try to leave through the door, but this is not a good idea, it is obviously closed. It is better to try to get out through the window, you just can’t get to it. Behind the wall near the shower we select a stool, with its help you can reach the window. You also need something to break the glass. We approach the sink and tear out the pipe, quickly press the [Q] key, then [E]. We knock out the glass and try to get the grate. Gabe comes to the rescue. He cannot cope alone, we help him by clicking on the key. The kid is worried about his father, unlike Kate, who has long forgotten David. Tell Gabe he can handle it, we're not leaving him. The guys get to a safe place. Suddenly, a stranger appears from the door. Quickly press to the side so as not to catch their eye.

Eleanor and Tripp can be heard talking outside the door. Looks like he took the time to tell her about his feelings. Kate greets Xavi with a hug. Let's answer her back. Tripp is clearly out of his mind. The showdown is interrupted by Xavi and the others who enter the room. Part of the group plans to leave while they can. The streets were already filled with crowds of walkers. Everyone is hinting at the need to leave. But you can’t just pick up and leave David, even though he is an asshole, he is still a brother. Gabe knows where to find weapons. Something, and a couple of trunks will definitely not be superfluous. Tripp consults Javi about Eleanor, who has no feelings for him. It looks like she needs time, maybe things will change.

Ava and Gabe, led by Xavi, go to find the weapon. Ava decides to distract the guard at the door so she can go inside. Gabe questions her loyalty when they are alone with Javi. If David vouched for her, then she should be trusted. The answer convinces the guy. Ava leads the guard, now you can get inside. We open the door and go in.

The door to the armory is closed. Of course. You can use a fire extinguisher as a key. What Xavi does. We hit the door several times, pressing the buttons that pop up on the screen. There are enough weapons. Xavi also takes a bat. Suddenly, Ava sneaks up from behind. It's time to leave, following the exit along the corridor, someone's steps are suddenly heard. We turn right and wait for the guard to pass. Suddenly, Gabe decided to be a hero and attacks him. As a result, he is on the verge of death, but Javi gets into a fight and saves his ass. We often press a button, then another to knock out the enemy. Xavi gets a knife in the shoulder. Thanks, Gabe, what the fuck?

We drag the sleeping beauty to the restroom using the movement keys. After examining Javier's injury, Ava offers to help him. Dr. Lingard is nearby in the infirmary. It's worth taking a look at it.

At the infirmary, Javi notices Doc lying in a chair and...Clem? Here is the meeting. Clem is here to ask Lingard where AJ is hiding. Looks like he's fast asleep. Clem notices Javi's wound and offers to stitch it up. While she is looking for a thread with a needle, Xavi notices that something is wrong with her. She says that she happens to women. Javi says it's growing up, it's okay.

It looks like the doctor is completely out of his mind, not even a slap on the cheek could wake him up. Okay, let's take a look around the room. In the upper right drawer we find codeine - a painkiller. Clem warns that they don't like stealing here, but who cares? There is a first-aid kit on the tabletop, darning tools are found. In the box on the right, you can also find a little thing for growing up Clem, it will come in handy. We speak with Clem and she begins to sew Xavi up, along the way telling a story about the past.

We are transported to that time. Clem is in the trailer. Suddenly she hears footsteps outside. Someone is clearly here, it is worth getting a knife. Ava emerges from the bushes. She brought some things for Clem. We examine things, but the main thing there is a drawing. It will remind her of the baby. Ava advises finding someone you can trust and who will trust you. In parting, Ava advises one place - Prescott Airfield, if support is needed. Clem says goodbye to her friend by shaking her hand.

At the end of the story, she had already bandaged Javi's wound with might and main, excellent work. It's time to talk to the doctor. He just comes to his senses. He says that it was thanks to David that the boy survived. Clem wants to find out from him where AJ is hiding. The doctor will tell only if he is given a killing injection. We agree to this and receive information. Do not forget at the end to put a knife in his head so that he does not turn.

Now all together they return to a safe place with the rest of the group. Eleanor says that Kate has taken a nap in the other room. Gabe shares the weapon he found with Clem, who refuses, but then agrees to take another gun so as not to offend Gabe. The group decides to speak in court. which will take place in the morning. They want to use the New Frontier truck to cover them from the walkers. Ava knows where it is, if it is stolen, then no one will stop us. Kate and Clem join the conversation. Gabe is trying to prove to everyone that he is cool and mature to take on such a task, he wants to show himself. He is even ready to die to free his father. Xavi protects him for now and tells him to cool down, not to climb into the heat. Small talks about Javi shooting Konrad. Tripp can't believe it and immediately rages. Tripp's trust, and with him Eleanor, is lost for Javi.

The group approached the location of the truck. The plan is this: Javi and Clem go to the truck, while Gabe and Kate stand on the nix. But Gabe is eager to fight, it's good that in the end he stayed behind the fence. We're heading straight for the building. Behind the gate is the truck we need. We open the door on the button and Xavi climbs inside ... damn, there are enemies walking nearby! Press down to duck. Keith and Gabe did not stand aside and also came to the truck. The engine cannot be started, it will attract both walkers and guys nearby. Keith will steer and everyone else will push. We often press the button to make the truck roll. Having rolled the car to a safe distance, you can start it. But the problem is that no one put the key in the visor. You have to close the wires. But we don't have the tools. Clem notices things scattered all over the place, maybe there are tools somewhere. Xavi finds a red toolbox. We reach for the wire cutters, but suddenly a walker grabs a hand. We aim at his skull and break it with one blow. Now we have the tools, we can get to work. Open the panel with a hammer. We cut alternately the blue, red and green wires. We connect the blue and red wire. The light is on. The walkers do not sleep, they immediately attack. We take the red and green wire and try to start the engine several times. Ready.

The group gets to the location and stops a few blocks from the square. It remains only to wait for the sunrise. During this time, Kate and Javi discuss the future of their children, perhaps Gabe and Clem will succeed. They also discuss their relationship. Kate wants to give her relationship with Javi a chance, but things get complicated when David is around, so she doesn't want him back. Xavi also shows sympathy for her and wants to see what happens.

Ava contacts the heroes on the radio and says that a demonstration execution was staged on the square, Joan wants to hang David. The conversation ends abruptly. I wonder what happened? They will have to go on foot, if they notice or hear the car, they will immediately kill him. Kate stays in the car to pick them up later.

In the square, Joan speaks her teeth to everyone present and tries by all means to accuse David and hang him. She exposes the bodies of Dr. Lingard and another person to the public. Joan spots Javier in the crowd. She was waiting for us. Joan said that she had a conversation with Eleanor and she said that Javi wants to rally the people against her. Soon, Joan brings out Tripp and Ava, who are tied up. She makes you choose who will live and who will die today. But, regardless of our choice, Joan will still change it. That is, if we choose "Save Tripp", then she will shoot him for "betrayal", the same will happen with Ava - we select "Save Ava", then she will shoot her for "betrayal". After this, Joan's people begin to doubt her adequacy. One of her people is Clint at a loss. It is worth provoking him to stop her. He negotiates a truce and everything goes to ensure that the group took David and got out of the city. We have a choice, kill Joan or make a pact with her. Given what she's done, she has no place in this world. Xavi takes a well-aimed shot right in the eye. Joan's henchmen knock over the stool and David is hung up. We press the buttons to the sides shown on the screen to shorten from the shots. Then we shoot at the armed bandit. We climb onto the platform and save David by cutting the rope, then press [Q] to drag him to cover. David asks his son to help him, but Javi stops him, saying that we are not here for revenge. Nearby, Clementine was surrounded and would need help. Kate contacts us on the radio. She heard shots. No matter what we say to her, she will appear in the square. Unfortunately, one of the bandits throws a Molotov cocktail and the truck becomes uncontrollable. We jump to the side, the truck flies into the fence and crashes, the leaked fuel provokes an explosion...

Episode 5: From the Gallows

Xavi with his brother and father are playing dominoes. We are given the chance to choose which knuckle to play with. Choose any you like. After the game, by chance, the brothers learn about the fatal illness of their father.

After a short conversation, we are transported to the present, to the exploded truck. Javi rushes to the truck to help Kate. On the way, we shoot at a walker, after which we immediately dodge to the left from enemy fire from behind. Press [Q] three times to keep the zombie away from the truck. It doesn't really stop him. It will be difficult to get close to him, Xavi is not allowed to lean out. Again we press the key three times, this time [E], shooting at the blind. There is a hit. We fight off the walker and overtake the truck. Kate is not inside.

Javi decides to talk to David about it. Together with him, the brothers go in search of Kate. A body similar in appearance to her fell nearby. David goes to check, but the walker is quite nimble and lashes out at him. We help the brother to escape by pressing [Q] the work ends...Kate?! She is alive! David is clearly unhappy with the unfolding relationship between his brother and his ex-wife. But now is not the time to save your asses. Xavi notices that Gabe and Clem need help, they are surrounded by walkers. But they seem to be doing quite well on their own. Clem taught the kid how to effectively neutralize them with a kick to the knee. Crowds of walkers advance, the group decides to take cover in a building.

Gabe is unhappy that Joan had to be killed and everything turned out this way. Xavi explains this by saying that in this case they were able to save David. But the little one just shows off.

David decides to check the other entrances to the building and make sure it's safe. He also invites Gabe to go with him, to which the son does not immediately readily agree and asks Xavi for advice. He tells the boy to be careful, in addition to everything, Clem goes for the company.

Left alone, Javi and Kate decide to find a safe place upstairs, away from the walkers. Kate begins to find advantages in the fact that Marianne, her daughter, did not live to see this day, did not see this horror that unfolded around. She also blames herself for the break in the wall, to which Javi replies that it's not her fault and they will fix everything together.

Entering the room, they find Eleanor. She is not very happy with the guys. Javi is eventually ready to forgive her for going astray and trusting Joan. Eleanor is a great doctor and she really wants to save lives and in this place she can do it. One of the women here has lost her daughter outside. It's terrible to lose a child in such a world...

It looks like this woman was completely blown away, and she pointed the gun at Javi. According to her, it was all the fault of brother David that started all this, without him everything was fine in Richmond. Javi refuses to admit his guilt. Kate gets up at gunpoint and tries to persuade the desperate girl. Noticing that she's calmed down a bit, David roughly picks up the gun and throws it on the floor. It’s worth at least this time to support him and say thank you, because that crazy woman could have shot. After David wanted to kill the girl, the whole group took up arms against him. Kate says it's better to talk to him like a brother.

Xavi finds his brother on the roof, he stands on the edge and looks somewhere. Wow, he doesn't look like someone capable of suicide. Come on, boy, don't be stupid. David asks his brother to come up to him. Well, we climb onto the parapet, hoping that nothing stupid will hit him in the brain. My God, below the entire territory was filled with crowds of walking corpses. The brothers start a heart-to-heart talk. Xavi tries to cheer up his brother and understand him. After a while, Kate climbs onto the roof, followed by the others, including...Thripp. The group let him in at the last moment when he was outside. A little embarrassing, especially after that situation in the square. Xavi does not regret what he did then. He would have done the same if that situation happened again. Eventually they reconcile. It's already good, at least with someone the relationship settled down.

The group discusses where to go now, because there are crowds of zombies on the streets and they can be said to be surrounded. Kate came up with a plan using the construction equipment she saw near the truck. Good, everyone agrees. It's time to get off the roof. Xavi notices the fire escape and jumps on it, we have time to press [E]. The group moves to another rooftop.

Now it's time to talk. David wonders why Kate was so happy to see Javi that she hugged him. Javier walks away from the conversation by telling him to ask her himself. This is where the serious discussion ends.

Downstairs, the group notices a guy who was captured by the ghouls. David reassures everyone and gives an introduction. To survive, you need to stick together and look both ways. They move further up the roof. Now walkers meet on their way. Together with his brother Xavi clears the site. There are only a couple of walkers nearby, it's boring.

Gabe talks to Xavi along the way and admits that he used to want to grow up like his father, but now he looks to Xavi and most of all hopes to become like him.

The path across the bridge is blocked by debris and a dump of cars. Kate is very afraid of heights, but she did it. It's our turn. Passing near the car, she began to roll down a little and Javi almost fell down, thanks for everything Tripp, he gave his hand in time. However, it is fortunate that we have established contact with him. It remains only to get over Tripp. Wow, as always, some ass happens to the last one, a walker got out of the car and attacked Tripp, but no such luck. The big man threw it over himself and miraculously escaped. Well done, however.

After reaching the end of the bridge, Javi talks to Clem about David. David himself hears the conversation and tells why he had to give AJ. Javi supports his brother and says that he did everything right. Clem also does not stand aside.

Javi inspects the bridge and the helicopter hanging from the wreckage. It is worth visiting the helicopter, the hanging half of the parachutist, the destroyed bridge itself and the water tower. Looks like we're getting close.

There is only one way to the other side - using the blades, fly over to the other side of the bridge. Risky. Well, there is no other way. Gabe goes first, then Clem, then Kate. So far so good, although Kate already had doubts about this idea. Children are one thing, but here the weight is already a little more. Xavi persuades his brother to go next. Next comes himself. Well, it looks like everything ends with Xavi. The blade breaks and sags down. Use the keys to go upstairs. We must be careful, because half of the pilot is left in his hands and can grab us. Press the key to the right to put the torso on the armature. The path is clear, calmly climb up. Xavi was able to save his own skin, but what to do with Tripp, he can no longer get over. You can't just throw it away. He tries to shoot back, but falls down along with a couple of walkers. There is a possibility that he still survived.

Having reached the place, the group decides to somehow distract the walkers in order to gain access to the equipment. Gabe notices a generator that needs to be turned on to distract them. And Clem, meanwhile, offers to rip open the belly of some walker and smear himself with his insides. She is no stranger to it, but the team looks at it with wildness. Looks like Javier will have to do it.

Xavi decides to hide behind a crate and distract one walker who fought back with a whistle. Well, then the matter is small, use the mouse and follow further prompts on the screen to cut the carrion. Now we carefully pass by the walkers, trying not to hurt them. The smell of guts is overpowered by the smell of the "survivor", so it's not that hard to get to the generator. Open the generator cover and press the button. The process has begun.

In the garage, seeing the car, David decides to leave this place and, of course, take the others who want with him. Xavi protests and says that the plan was completely different, it's suicide. Gabe takes David's side. Well, dude, you weren't expected to be reunited with your father right now. Kate went berserk and told David that he was done with. Finally! Xavi confirms her words by saying that they love each other. Perhaps it shouldn't have been done. David was hurt and a fight broke out. Events are unfolding rapidly. Xavi keeps saying that he loves his brother, but he does not slow down the pressure, but only reaches for the wrench. Well, now Gabe also fell under the arm of an angry father. Everything puts in place a shot at David. This one was Clem. It was time for someone to end this. But a crowd of walkers came to the sound. The group managed to fight back and take cover in the garage, but...David, what the hell? He closed the garage from the outside and left with Gabe in the pickup truck.

We can't wait any longer, there are people left in Richmond and they must be saved. Kate wants to take a bulldozer and go to save people, and Clementine will follow Javi, wherever he is, there she is. Gabe chose a side, he wanted to leave with David, so you need to help Kate save people in Richmond. In a box in the garage, Javi finds a weapon.

Richmond is already on the defensive. Jesus, it's unexpected to see him here, and even in such a guise. At the entrance to the gate we shoot the dead. Keith commands to climb into the bucket. This is prevented by a walker who grabbed Xavi by the leg. We deal with him and jump into the bucket. Keith lifts it up so Javi can get to the gate opener. Here we will find many buttons and levers. The one we need is green (the top one).

In the city, a bulldozer drives into a crowd of walkers, Xavi commands "full speed ahead" and starts distributing to everyone from the machine, you only have time to press the buttons. Ammo in the AK is running out and now Kate takes over. We change places with her and take control of the bulldozer. We use the keyboard to move the colossus in the right direction. We select a truck and block the passage for walking.

After a while, Clem says that we should go after Gabe. Their car has been in an accident and David is already dead, Gabe is not much luckier. He was bitten. We give the boy a gun so that he can commit suicide and not turn into this creature.

3 days later

In the church, Xavi and Kate hung another photo - Gabe, on the memorial wall, with the other dead.

Kate tells Javi that she wants to start a family, he does not mind, and agrees to it. The streets of Richmond were once again quiet and calm. Walkers out of reach behind the walls. In the courtyard Xavi meets Jesus who intends to leave this place and he sees something in us, he believes that Xavi can lead these people. Why not? After all, everything fell into place, everything is safe, it's time to settle down. Looks like it's time for Clem to go get the baby. But before she leaves, she asks for one favor. Looks like she needs to clean up new hairstyle would be a great idea. At this, Clem says goodbye to everyone and leaves Richmond in search of his boy.

Congratulations, the fifth episode is over, and with it season 3 of The Walking Dead.

View in the game from a third person.
Management: keyboard and mouse.
The movement is carried out using the keyboard buttons: W, A, S, D.
If you hover over an active point, a list of possible interactions will be displayed. To select one of the options, scroll the mouse wheel and click the left mouse button. To select options for replicas in dialogues, in addition to this method, you can also use the buttons with numbers on the keyboard. Only a replica needs to be selected for a certain period of time, which the scale will show.
The inventory is on the left side of the screen. If some item can be applied somewhere, then it will be indicated in the list of interactions to the corresponding active point.
Press Esc to exit to the main menu.
The game is non-linear. This route is only one of the possible ones.

Chapter 1: Empty City
Lee and Kenny go around town looking for supplies. Select two times 1 replica. After reaching the pharmacy, Kenny will climb the ladder onto the truck. Try to climb up behind him, but the ladder will break. We need to find another way. Come close to the jeep on the left. In an approximate view, you will see a winch in front of him. Grab it and answer Kenny 2 with a line. Attach the cable under the truck. Approach the jeep again and press the button near the door to start the winch.

Choose 1 replica. When the winch pulls the jeep up to the truck, climb on it. Choose 1 replica. Grab Kenny's hand, but he won't be able to pull you onto the truck. Choose 1 replica.

Chapter 1: The Price of Life
At this moment, a girl will run out of the building nearby, who is being chased by zombies. Choose 1 replica. If you leave the girl alive, she will attract zombies and you and Kenny will have more time to gather supplies. So click on right button mouse to lower the rifle.
Kenny will still be able to pull you onto a truck, and from there you will make your way to the pharmacy with him. Collect all the supplies that lie in front of you on the floor and shelves. Then click on A to go to the second zone (collect everything that is on the shelf and in the nightstand there), and then again on A and you will find yourself in the third zone (collect everything that is there). If you press D, you will bypass all three zones in the opposite direction. Act quickly as a timeline will appear after a certain period. When it's over, the zombies will come. If you manage to collect all the supplies, Lee will tell you about it.

Chapter 2: Deja Vu
When it's time to leave, Kenny will jump over the counter and you follow him. On the way to the exit, you will be crushed by the door that the zombies broke down. Quickly press Q until the arrows converge, and then press E. When you get to your feet, knock over the refrigerator to the right of the door to block the zombies' path. Then run to Kenny. When you meet a walker on the way, hit him twice. After that, quickly press Q until the arrows converge together, and then press E. After getting out of the drugstore, Lee and Kenny return to the motel.
In a conversation with Lilly, select the following lines: 1, 3, 1, 2, 1. When you go out into the courtyard, select 1 line.
Go to Lilly's room (door on the left) and select 1 replica twice. Lilly will tell you that antibiotics containing opium are disappearing. She wants you to find out who the thief is. Lilly will also give you a broken lantern that she found in the trash. He may be evidence. Choose 2 remarks to agree to help.

Chapter 3: Weirdness at the Motel
When Lee leaves the room, he will see Duck, who overheard the conversation and wants to help you. Choose 3 remarks to agree.
Go right and go up the stairs to Carly. Choose twice 2 lines, and then 1, to agree to Carly's offer to tell the others that you are a convicted murderer. Ask Carly all the questions. Then go to the right and talk to Clementine. In a conversation, select 1 replica. Also ask her about the broken lantern. Go right and talk to Kenny, calling him for a minute. Select 2 replica. Then talk to Katya, calling her for a minute. Select two times 2 replica. Start a conversation with Kenny or Katya and ask them all the questions. Katya will tell you that she saw broken glass near the ice machine. Go to Lilly's room and tell her about your secret. Choose 1 replica. Return to her room and talk about everything else. Then go left to the van Ben is sitting on and talk to him. Select 2 replica. Ask Ben the rest of the questions. Climb up the stairs to Carly and tell her about the results.
Then go left past the van to the fence. Broken glass lies on the pavement near the drawings. Look at him and use your hand. Learn that the glass is from a lantern. Lee peeks around the corner and sees a cross drawn in pink chalk on the wall. Look at him and use your hand. Ask Ben, Kenny, Katya and Carly about the chalk. Then talk to Clementine. You will find out that she had a pink chalk, but disappeared somewhere.
At this point, Duck will call you and tell you that he found a pink crayon near the gate. There is also a trace of him. When you get to the gate, give Duck five and talk to him. Look at the trace from the chalk and apply a hand to it. Exit the gate and go all the way to the right. Open the grate on the wall. Behind her is a package. Take it. Missing medicines will be in the package.
Lee will take the package to Lilly. During the conversation, she will see through the window that the bandits have captured everyone else. Lilly will take a rifle and climb out the window, and Lee will have to distract the bandits. Choose 1 replica, and then 3. At this time, Lilly will shoot one of the bandits, and Carly two more. When the fourth is climbing over the fence, shoot him, but miss. He will call other bandits from the forest. So the whole group should quickly get into the van and get out of here. And you will cover people.
Lean out from behind the van by pressing A and shoot the two bandits who are hiding behind the fence. They will get closer and closer, so time is limited. When these two bandits are killed, Carly and Ben will be able to run into the van. Lean out from behind the van by pressing D, and shoot three more bandits in the same way. Now Clementine will be in the van. At this time, zombies will attack Katya and Dak. Shoot him quickly to save them. Then kill four more zombies. And on the other side of the van, Carly will cover you.
As a result, the whole group will be able to leave the motel. Lilly will begin to pry out who gave the drugs to the bandits. Since they didn't get the last package Lee found, they decided to attack. Choose 2 replicas, and then 1. At this time, Kenny will knock down zombies and you will have to stop the van, as he is stuck under it. Lilly will tell everyone to go outside.

Chapter 4: Quarrel on the road
Lilly will arrange a vote to kick Ben out, as she believes he is the one to blame. Choose 3 replicas, then 1, and then 2. Lilly will kill Carly. Choose 2 lines so that Lilly continues the trip with everyone, and does not remain on the sidelines.
When the van starts moving, Katya will call you. Click to talk to her. Katya will tell you that Duck has been bitten. Choose 1 replica. Talk to Clementine and select 3 lines, then 2 twice. Lee will dream that Clementine turned into a zombie and attacked him. Quickly press Q until he wakes up.

Chapter 4: Train Wreck
By morning, the van will arrive at the railroad crossing where the train crashed. So now you can't get through. Lee and Ben will go to investigate.
Walk forward to the train and talk to Ben. Go left and open the door to the car. It looks like someone lives there. Take a bottle of water from the drawer on the right. Look at the card that lies on the floor between the mattress and the open door opposite and pick it up. It shows the route of the train that goes to the coast to Savannah. That's where Kenny wants to go. Exit via open door opposite and you will find yourself on the other side of the train. Go right to the junction of the wagons. Look at the train wheels on the right. The car has derailed. Return to the others and give Katya the water. Talk to her and select 1 line in the conversation. Talk to Kenny and show him the map. Kenny suggests taking the train further. But first you need to start it.
Go to Ben and go up the yellow stairs to his right. Now go right along the bridge along the train until it stops. Note that you will pass 4 doors that lead to the engine bay. Examine the door to the driver's cab and see that a zombie is sitting there. Use the pistol on the door. When Lee opens the door, click on the zombie to get closer. Research engineer. He's dead, but he won't turn into a zombie. Ben will press the yellow button. She turns out to apply the brakes, which still work. Kenny will come to the sound of the brakes and sit down to deal with the controls. You also need to figure out how to start the train. Talk to Kenny. Look at the notebook on the left with reverse side control panels.

The instruction sheet was torn off, but what was written there was imprinted on the next sheet. You need a pencil to read the notes.
Exit the cabin through the door on the left and find yourself on the other side of the train near the broken car. Look at the car door. Examine the zombie that sits in it, the crackers near his legs and the buckle of the seat belt. You cannot shoot him, as this may attract other walkers. So open the car door and unfasten your seat belt to free the zombies. When he climbs to the exit, hit him with the door. Then take the crackers.
Return to the others and give Katya the crackers. Then talk to Clementine and choose 1 replica. Talk to her again to ask about the pencil. Clementine will advise you to look for him in the van. Go to the van and go inside. Talk to Lilly. Look at the panel and take a pencil from the cup holder. When Lee turns around, he sees that Lilly has freed herself from the rope she was tied with and wants to leave. Select two times 3 replica. But Lilly will push Lee outside and steal the van. Select 3 replica.
Go to Kenny's cabin and use the pencil on the notepad. Now you can read the instructions and start the train. Do point six first, then five, and finally the ninth.

Apply your hand to the panel on the right and set the switches at number 6 as in the instructions (1 and 2 - down; 3, 4 and 5 - up; 6 - down; 7 - up). When you set them correctly, Kenny will tell you about it.

After that, again apply your hand to the panel on the right and turn the knobs number 5 as in the instructions (1 horizontally and 2 vertically).

Exit the cabin through the door on the right to the bridge along the train. Next, open the first doors to the engine compartment (if you count from left to right). On the left you will see the switch at number 9. Turn it according to the instructions first to the left and then to the right to start the train. Reply to Kenny 2 with a line.
Now you need to unhook the cars that have derailed. Open the engine compartment, on the doors of which the letters PV are painted. Take the wrench on the door on the right. Go into the car where someone lives and exit through the open door opposite to be on the other side of the train again. Go right to the junction of the wagons. Examine the hitch on the left and try to turn the handle, but it is broken. Examine the rod that connects the cars, and apply your hand to it, but nothing will come of it. Apply an adjustable wrench to the rod to uncouple the cars. Then climb back into the car.

Chapter 5: Another Survivor
At this point, you will meet a man named Charles who lives there. Select two times 1 replica. Talk to Clementine and Chuck. Then go forward to the train, near which stands Kenny. Everything is ready to go. Select 3 replica. When you and Kenny enter the cockpit, press the throttle (red lever).
On the way, select 1 replica, and then 2. Duck will bleed from his mouth. Pick up the rag from the floor and wipe it off. Katya will ask you to stop the train. Open the door on the right and go to the driver's cab.

Chapter 6: Stopping the Train
Talk to Kenny and choose these lines: 3, 1, 2. Talk to Kenny again and choose these lines: 1, 2, 1, 3. Kenny will stop the train.

Chapter 6: The Glade
Choose 1 replica. To prevent Duck from turning into a zombie, Kenny and Katya decide to kill him. Suggest that Lee do this by choosing 3. Kenny and Katya will go into the woods to say goodbye to Duck. Answer Clementine with 1 replica, and then 3. At this time, a scream will be heard from the forest. Lee will rush there and see that Katya has shot herself. Select two times 1 replica. Shoot Duck.
Chuck told Clementine that the same thing that happened to Duck would happen to her. When Lee finds out about this, she will go to talk to Chuck.

Chapter 7: Making plans
In a conversation with Chuck, select 2 lines twice, and then 1. He will advise Lee to draw up a plan for further actions, teach Clementine how to use weapons and cut her hair. Ask Chuck all the questions. Go to the cockpit and talk to Kenny. Try to take cards next to him on the wall in the basket, but first you need to distract Kenny.
Exit through the door on the right and talk to Ben. Choose 1 replica. Go to the train car and take a bottle of whiskey from the box on the right. Return to Chuck and give him the bottle. When he offers you a drink, refuse. Go to the cabin, talk to Kenny and offer him a drink. Kenny will go to Chuck and you take the cards.
Exit through the door on the right and open the door to the car, but at this moment Ben will say that he was the one who gave supplies to the bandits. Select 3 replica. Talk to Ben and select 2 lines.
Go to the car and talk to Clementine on all topics except the first one. Then tell her that she needs to know how to defend herself. Select 3 replica. When Lee places the bottle on the crate and Clementine aims and fires, pay attention to where it hit so you know how to correct your shot next time. For example, if Clementine fired to the right of the bottle, then tell her to fire to the left and not move. If Clementine hits the upper right corner, then tell her to shoot to the left and lower. You must help her break two bottles, and she will fall into the third one herself.
Get out of the backpack, which lies next to the exit, scissors. Apply them to Clementine and choose to cut her hair. During the haircut, select 1 replica, and then 2.
Show Clementine the map of Savannah and choose 2 lines, then 3. Lee and Clementine will make a plan of action: look for the boat and Clementine's parents. Choose 1 replica.
At this time, Kenny is abruptly stopped by the train, as the road is blocked by a tanker truck that hangs from the bridge. On the bridge are a guy and a girl - Omid and Krista. Choose 1 replica. Omid will offer Lee to inspect the crash site, so head up the stairs to the bridge. Select three times 1 replica. Examine the hitch that holds the tank, and apply a hand to it. But here some tools are needed. Examine the truck of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the left, open it and search it. Find tape.
Go down and select 1 replica. Go right and talk to Clementine and Christa. Go left and talk to Ben, who is standing on the roof of the train. Select 3 replica. Climb to the driver's cab and talk to Kenny and Omid.
Go outside and go right to the train station. Clementine will join you. When you get to the station, go all the way to the right. Try to open the door, but it is locked. Then look at the open window above the door and apply a hand to Clementine to plant her to the window. When Clementine looks inside, ask what she sees there. Clementine will manage to open the door. Come inside.

Chapter 7: We are a team
When Lee and Clementine enter the room, it will be too dark. So prop up the door with a wrench. To the right behind the bars between the shelves is a blowtorch. She could cut the tank. Try to open the door in the grate, but it is locked and the keys are hanging on the opposite wall. Then inspect the hole above the grate and plant Clementine to it. Once it's inside, two zombies will approach you. Back out to the front door by pressing W until you can pick up the adjustable wrench. Then hit the zombie on the right with it. Then quickly press Q until the arrows converge together, and then press E. When Lee deals with them, it turns out that there is another zombie behind the bars. We need to save Clementine. When she hands you the key, quickly take it, apply it to the lock of the grate and open it. After that, quickly shoot the zombies.
Krista enters the room. Select 2 replicas, and then 1. Take the blowtorch, select 1 replica and exit from here.
Returning to the bridge, talk to Christa and climb up the stairs. Then use the blowtorch on the hitch that keeps the tank from falling. But it turns out that the lamp hose is leaking. Apply to it the electrical tape that you found in the truck of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Now everything is all right. Use the blowtorch on the coupler again. While working, the cistern will move and nearly hit Lee, but Omid saves him. Use the blowtorch on the clutch again, but now Lee does not reach him. Give the blowtorch to Omid. While he cuts the hitch, Lee will hold him.

Chapter 7: The Crowd
While Omid is cutting off a cistern with a blowtorch, Ben will notice a crowd of zombies on the horizon, which is heading here. Need to leave soon. The cistern is finally cut off and fell off the rails. Kenny will start the train. Quickly push the blowtorch off the bridge and it will ignite the fuel that spills out of the tanker. Lee and Omid will have to jump from the bridge onto the roof of the train. Select 3 replica. Omid will jump unsuccessfully, fall to the ground and injure his leg. Krista rushes to his aid. When you have to choose who to help climb into the car, move the cursor to the right and help Omid. Krista will jump into the car herself.

Chapter 8: Express to the Atlantic
The train journey to the coast continues. Lee drives the train while Clementine sleeps in the chair next to her. Kenny will be in shortly. Choose 1 replica. At this time, you will hear that someone is trying to contact Clementine's walkie-talkie, which seems to be broken. An unknown voice will say that Clementine's parents are with him in Savannah and she must definitely look for him, despite Lee's opinion.
To be continued…
After watching the cutscene for Episode 4 - Around Every Corner, you will see the statistics of the game:
1. Sweet, merciful death. Did you shoot a girl in the street?
2. Abandoned. Did you leave Lilly?
3. Confrontation. Did you fight Kenny?
4. Heavy burden. Did you shoot Duck?
5. Helping hand. Did you help Omid?

Chat with Kenny, choosing any lines. Walk left to the front of the jeep so you can see the winch. Grab the winch hook. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Attach the hook to the axle of the truck between the wheels. Return to the jeep and go to its right door - the winch control panel hangs on it. Use the remote control - the jeep will be dragged to the truck. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Get in the jeep. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Grab Kenny's hand. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. When the girl runs out, choose any cue. Shoot her or not, the choice is yours. If you leave her to die and thus distract the walkers, you will have more time to collect supplies.

Time task: Once in the store, collect everything that comes to hand. Don't forget to move between screens. When Kenny says to leave, jump over the fence after him. Quickly press the Q button. Press the Q button quickly again, after the series of presses, press the E button. Drop the refrigerator located to the right of the aisle. Run forward after Kenny. Hit the helicopter, hit again. Again, quickly press the Q button, at the end of the series of presses, press the E button.

In a conversation with Lilly and Kenny, choose any lines. At the end of the conversation, go to Lilly's room - she is to your left, the door is ajar. Talk to Lilly, say that you want to know about the missing things, then choose any replicas. In a conversation with Duck, choose any remarks. Go left, behind the van, even more to the left, to the place where Clementine drew a drawing on the pavement. Slightly above and to the left of it are glass shards - pick them up. Go even more to the left and up, around the corner - you will see a cross on the wall. Reach out to him. Go right to Clementine. Talk to her, ask her about the chalk. Once at the entrance with Duck, you can give him five - you will please the child. Touch the chalk mark under the container with your hand. Move the container blocking the exit. Go right to the grate in the foundation of the building. Remove the grate. Take out the package.

In a conversation with the bandits, choose any remarks, just do not be silent.

Time task: If you want, shoot the fleeing bandits. Look to the left. Kill two bandits. Look out to the right. Kill three bandits. Kill the walker that attacked Katya and Duck. Kill the walkers as much as you can, aim for the head. If you left Carly alive in the first episode, she will cover your left flank, you will only need to shoot at those walkers that are on the right. If you left Doug alive in the first episode, he will shout from which flank the walkers are closer, from the left or right, respectively, in that direction you will need to look out.

During the conversation in the trailer, choose any lines. Whether to leave Lilly alone in the woods is up to you.

Talk to Katya, in a conversation, choose any remarks. Talk to Clementine.

Optional timed task: Press the Q button quickly.

Enter the trailer. Examine the dashboard. There is a pencil under the car radio - take it. If you took Lilly, it turns out that she was freed from the bonds. In a conversation with her, choose any remarks. Exit the van (or alternatively have Lilly kick you out of it). If you didn't leave Lilly in the woods, she will steal the van. If Lilly is left in the woods with the walkers, the van will stay, but you won't need it anymore anyway. Get on the locomotive. Walk right. Open the engine compartment second from the left. Take any key - it will come in handy. Close compartment. Go right and open the door leading to the cockpit. Use the key or the gun. Hit or shoot the seated person. Examine the corpse.

Optional task: Walk left. Exit through the left door. Examine the car door. To get to the cookies, you need to beat the walker. Open the door. Unfasten your seatbelt, and when the walker crawls up to you, knock him on the door. Take the cookies. Return to the locomotive.

On the blue-green case, on the back of the train control panel, there is a notebook with a purple stripe on top - inspect it. Draw on the notebook with a pencil - a diagram will appear. Turn right to the panel with toggle switches and touch it. In block 6, set the toggle switches as shown in the figure (from left to right): down, down, up, up, up, down, up. If everything is done correctly, electricity will begin to flow. In block number 5, set the handles according to what is shown in the figure (from left to right): horizontally, vertically. If everything is done correctly, the green light will turn on. Exit through the right door. Walk to the left and open the first engine compartment on the left. On the left is the control panel. Turn the switch on it first to the left, then to the right - the engine will start. Walk to the right, go into the cabin. Pull the throttle. Go through the right door. Walk left and go to the boxcar. You can pick up a bottle of water near the right door and a map near the left door. Jump off the left door of the wagon. Walk to the right to the place of coupling of wagons. Raise the hitch lock with the wrench. Get back into the car. In a conversation with Chuck, select any line. If you picked up a bottle of water or cookies, you can give them to Katya. Go left to Kenny - you will give him the map. During the dialogue, choose any replicas. Once in the cockpit, pull the throttle lever.

In a conversation with Chuck, choose any lines. Pick up the handkerchief from the floor. Wipe Duck with a handkerchief. Go through the door leading to the locomotive. Go to the cab. Show Kenny the handkerchief. In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines. Persuade Kenny, fill his face or expose your own to a blow - the choice is yours. Whom to send to kill Duck - decide for yourself. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any remarks. In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines. Who will finally finish off Duck is up to you. However, you can just leave it in the woods.

In a conversation with Chuck, choose any lines. Go to the cab. Exit through the right door. Get into the wagon. Take the green whiskey bottle by the right door. Take the scissors from the backpack by the left door. Talk to Clementine, tell her she needs to learn how to protect herself. Before shooting, select any replica. See where Clementine is and tell her how to correct it. Repeat the exercise. With the third bottle, Clementine should succeed. Show Clementine the scissors, cut her hair. During the haircut, choose any replicas. Go to the locomotive. Go to the cab. Go outside through the left door. Offer whiskey to Chuck, drink with him or not - decide for yourself. Return to the cab. Talk to Kenny. Tell him Chuck is offering him a drink. When Kenny leaves, take the card sticking out of the drawer by the window. Exit through the right door. Get into the wagon. In a conversation with Ben, choose any remarks. Get into the wagon. Show Clementine the map. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any remarks.

In a conversation with Omid and Krista, choose any lines. Climb up the stairs. In a conversation with Omid and Krista, choose any lines. Open the door of the van on the left. Search the van - you will find scotch tape. Go down the stairs. In a conversation, choose any remarks. Walk right to the station. Walk to the right to the unblocked entrance to the station. Examine the open window above the door. Take Clementine and lift her up to the window. In a conversation, choose any remarks. Get inside. Lock the door with the key taken from the locomotive. Examine the space above the grate. Lift Clementine so that she climbs through the grate.

Time task: Move back (W) until you reach the key that locks the door. Scroll the mouse wheel to select the use icon instead of the inspect icon, then left-click to grab the key. Finish off the first walker with the key, quickly press the Q button, at the end of the series of presses, press the E button to finish off the second walker. Take the key from Clementine, unlock the door with it, open the door, shoot the third walker.

In a conversation with Christa, choose any remarks. Take a cutting torch. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any remarks. Exit the building.

Climb up the stairs. Cut the hitch with a cutting torch. Seal the torn burner hose with tape. Cut the hitch with a torch. Offer Omid to cut the hitch with a torch.

Time task: If you want, you can reset the burner to fry some walkers. In a conversation with Omid, select any remark. Choose who you drag into the car first (however, stalling for time is also an option).

In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines.

Long road.

We watch a video that shows the events of the previous part of the series. The heroes went to the city for prey. It has visibly emptied since our last stay here. In communication with Kenny, we agree with his opinion that it's time to leave the motel. Nothing good awaits us here. Kenny climbs onto the truck and the ladder breaks. We can't follow him, but we'll try anyway. We move to the left, pull the winch out of the front of the car. Lilly does not cope with the duties of a leader, Kenny notices, to which we answer - "because you killed her father" (you slaughtered her dad). We stretch the rope to the truck and attach it somewhere between the wheels. We return to the car and use the switch on the door. Once again, let's try to reach out to the partner, climbing onto the hood. We hear the girl's voice, shoot her in the head with a rifle. Entering the store, we move between the shelves and collect everything that does not lie well. What they did, they did. Zombies make themselves felt, we jump over the shelf and immediately find ourselves squeezed under the door. We quickly press the corresponding button and fill up the passage with a cabinet on the right. We follow Kenny, a zombie appears on the left. We aim at it and strike, then quickly press the button again. We get out through the passage in the wall.

Returning to the camp, we communicate with Lilly and show her everything that we got. We will also inform her that we need to leave this place. As a result, the conversation turns into a fight between Kenny and Lilly. Once outside, Kenny became even angrier and left. Let's examine the truck, talk to Ben sitting upstairs. To the right, Kenny and his wife are sitting on the sofa, we'll talk to them. Then we'll look into Lilly's room and try to calm her down. We learn about an unknown local thief. We get a broken lantern, go outside. Duck appeared, he heard the conversation and he also madly wants to help in the capture. Well, let's give him that opportunity. We ask Ben about the lantern, we will talk with Clementine, who is behind Kenny. We go upstairs to Carly. For some reason she is preoccupied with our past and forces us to tell people about it - we agree.

During a conversation with Lilly, bandits burst into the camp. After talking with them a little, Lilly makes a control shot. We shoot the last one until he runs away. We lean out from behind the shelter and kill two. Three more on the right, the enemies can sneak up behind the lines and kill us! Everyone gets into the van, we quickly deal with the zombie that attacked Katya. We continue to shoot the approaching zombies. Finally, we all find ourselves in transport and leave this place teeming with enemies.

On the way, we are forced to stop, as we hit a zombie, and he got stuck under the car. We all go outside, and as usual, swearing about the traitor begins. In the end, Lilly kills Carly and we decide to leave her in the middle of the road. On our way there is a train on the rails, which so far cannot be bypassed.

We will scout the area with Ben. We enter the car on the left. We pick up a map from the floor, and a bottle of water from the boxes. We pass further to the head car. We get to the cab, inside we see a dead driver. We carefully go inside, inspect the corpse. Ben presses the button, the brakes work, although we're not moving anywhere, so it's just noise. We run Kenny and sends Ben to look after Katya and the children. We examine the white notebook - this is an instruction, but there are not enough sheets. Right from here we go outside, we see a walker in the car. We open the door, we release it from the seat belt. We beat the door until he stops making sounds. We take the crackers from under the feet of the dead man. We give Katya a bottle of water, we speak with Ben and Clementine. Inside the truck, between the driver's and passenger's seats, we find a pencil. We go to the locomotive, use the found item on the notebook. Here it is the instruction by which we can configure the composition control panel.

The panel is on our right. Kenny will comment on the correct actions. There is no nine here, so we go along the head car. We open the outermost cabinet on the left, unscrew the position, as shown in the instructions. We communicate with Kenny and pull the lever that will move the composition from its place. Nothing comes out, as the collapsed wagons hang like ballast. We get to the last car in which we entered. We unhook it with the help of a tool that can be found in the locker of the locomotive. We pass into the car, where we meet Chuck. He had already met the group, and for some reason we were the last to know about the intruder. We will talk with Kenny and hit the road by moving the lever in the driver's cab.

We speak with Chuck, suddenly Duck begins to choke on blood. We need to call Kenny, but before that we will pick up a napkin from the floor and wipe the boy's face. Kenny is on edge and he won't and won't let the train stop. Let's try to calm him down by choosing the appropriate replica. When Kenny attacks us, we do nothing, just wait until Lee falls. Then in a calm tone we will ask him to stop the composition. The family decides to end their son. Let's take on the heavy role of a killer. We communicate with Clementine while Katya and Kenny say goodbye to their son. We hear a shot, we run into the forest. We see a terrible picture: Katya lying with a shot through her head. She committed suicide out of desperation. We take the gun from Kenny and do what we must. We continue to move, Clementine reports that she, too, will die. Chuck informed her of this. We talk to him and get some advice. We communicate with Ben, he is at the end of the locomotive. Then we enter the car, where Clementine is. We take whiskey and scissors from the backpack. We speak with Clem, we teach her to shoot. We will see where it hit after the first shot and then adjust the accuracy. We destroy three bottles, then according to the program - a haircut. We take the drink to Chuck and inform Kenny that Chuck is not against the company. Let's pick up the map from the cabin and return to Chuck. We inform about the map, we are heading to Clementine. Ben spoke to us about the fact that he left supplies for the bandits. Let's ask why he did it. Let's show the card to the girl.

Suddenly the train stopped. As it turned out, the way was blocked by fuel tanks hanging from the bridge. Upstairs we see two survivors and tell them that we are friendly. We go up the stairs. After talking with new acquaintances, let's look into the van on the left and pick up the electrical tape. There is nothing else to do here, so we all go down together. After meeting, let's talk to Ben, he is on the roof of the train, and with Omid, he is inside the driver's cab. We will also talk with Krista and Clementine, who have already made friends. To the right of the stairs, we can go further under the bridge, Clementine has expressed her desire to come with us. We get to the door on the right and try to open it by all means. We examine the window above it, grab Clementine and help her climb up. The girl unlocks the door from the inside, and we enter the building. We use the tool on the door, as it is dark in the room. There is a lock hanging on the grate on the right, let's look up. We take Clementine in our arms and throw it through the connector from above. Two walkers appear from behind! We move back to the door, we select the tool. We deal with the zombies and quickly run to Clementine. There is another walker inside, we ask the girl to get the key. We take it from her hands, use it on the lock. Open the door and shoot at the enemy. Krista arrived at the noise, we tell her that we acted stupidly, but, nevertheless, survived. And most importantly, we taught Clem not to be afraid in such emergency situations.

We pick up the burner and return to the group. We go up and use the burner on the trailer. We can't continue because the gas is leaking. We tie the burner with electrical tape. We use it again, and we almost fall down, Omid saves us in time. Swap with him, hold him until he completely cuts the trailer. Meanwhile, dozens of walkers appear on the horizon. Having finished, we reset the burner down, and we ourselves are preparing for the jump from the back side. For Omid, the fall does not end well. We help Christie to climb, Omid can handle it himself. During a conversation with Kenny, we suddenly receive a message on the radio. To be continued in the next episode...