Which game has the best graphics? The most realistic graphics in the game. Video game Skull & Bones

We remembered ten games of all time with the best graphics. Some of them will not impress today, but in their time they were real visual Everests.

Myst (1993)

Released in 1993, Myst is one of the few games of the era to be released on CD. The carrier was jam-packed with stunning scenery, atmospheric sound, and real video. By the way, Myst is still one of the most popular games of all time.

Crisis (2007)

The first part of Crysis is still impressive graphics. Of course, we are talking about the PC version. In 2007, there was no computer capable of running this game at maximum settings. And later, for many years, the performance of systems was evaluated precisely by the ability to cope with Crysis graphics.

Shenmue (1999)

In a time when most people played on the outdated PlayStation One, Shenmue felt like something from another universe - a game with incredible attention to detail, a grand living city concept and, of course, stunning graphics. Still looks good, even after almost two decades.

BioShock Infinite (2013)

Grandiose not in terms of technical performance, BioShock Infinite- exactly a design masterpiece, a triumph of virtual architecture and a bright color palette. Well, the character models (in particular, one particular one) - for the top five.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

The stunningly beautiful universe of The Witcher number three, even after a few years, seems to be a role-playing pinnacle, a visual masterpiece, and indeed a masterpiece, from whichever side you look. And what sunsets and sunrises are here, you instantly want to pack your things and move to a magical kingdom.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)

In 2002 there was no role play prettier than Morrowind. Gorgeous water, pretty mountains, picturesque sky (especially at night), grandiose cities; yes, today it is somewhat outdated, but still full of charm.

Forza Horizon 3 (2016)

Of course, today it is the most beautiful console and computer race. Cute car models, gorgeous and diverse landscapes, special effects worthy of the best Hollywood blockbusters.

Grand Theft Auto V (2013)

Despite the age and generational change (transition from PS3/Xbox 360 to PC/PS4/ Xbox One), Grand Theft Auto V still knows how to surprise and delight. The liveliest of all cities in similar games with an open world and attention to detail make GTA V a real technological work of art.

Final Fantasy XV (2016)

Final Fantasy XV may not have been able to impress fans of the series with an outstanding story, but it certainly was a demonstration of the possibilities of modern technology. In addition, Square Enix managed to create a huge, almost seamless world with a very diverse landscape. If the game comes out on PC, it may well become a new testing ground for powerful computers.

Uncharted 4 (2016)

Exclusive to the PlayStation 4, a project with a huge budget, thanks to which the developers managed to recreate landscapes that reality itself would envy. In Uncharted 4, you can dive literally, as in clear waters Maldivian beaches. Feelings are similar.

Ho-ho, graphic jerkers, your time has come. This is the TOP of the most beautiful games on PC!

Someone will say that beauty is a loose concept. But there are things that are beautiful, regardless of our attitude to this - the sunset, the sky, the stars. Fortunately, the feeling of beauty is inherent in us from birth. But what does it mean? First of all, it is perfection, ideal, harmony, a combination of various elements of one object, phenomenon or image, which causes aesthetic pleasure for the observer.

Undoubtedly, we meet with beauty in computer games Oh. After all, modern engines allow you to create landscapes that can compete with the paintings of outstanding artists. Of course, beauty cannot be understood only as well-designed and smooth graphics - this is just a shell that cannot convey the beauty of everything beautiful, wonderful and inspiring. But add here the style, the unity of the image, the inner idea, and you will get the criterion by which the following TOP was compiled - most beautiful games on pc.

10 Skyrim

It's hard to ignore the last part of the series Eldar Scrolls. After all, this is not only a large and open fantasy world, but also a pacifying winter with a careful swaying of fir trees, inspiring rustle of grasses, faded green meadows, refreshing noise of waterfalls and rivers, amazing northern lights, sunsets and sunrises, as well as proud castle architecture. And also epic mountains, gloomy dungeons, wild steppes and hundreds of hours of enjoying this splendor.

Even the bloody scenes with the cutting of limbs strangely and somehow very picturesquely fit into this insanely beautiful world filled with the beauty of nature.

The work done by the developers is colossal. And even considering all the bugs, Skyrim is definitely gorgeous, as, indeed, all the games in the Eldar Scrolls series.

9. FarCrry

Name CryENGINE doesn't sound very impressive, but if you look at what's behind it, it's divine.

In the game Farcry 3 you are presented with tropical island, lush greenery, cheerful sun, tall palm trees, awesome ocean with its fabulous coastal depths. Yes, you can list the beauties of the game all day long. It is enough just to stop after the next automatic burst and breathe in the smell of natural beauties and close your eyes from the gentle sunbeam, and then continue your dirty work with a clear conscience.

Without a doubt, Far Cry would not have become what it is without the beautiful landscapes that make up the body and soul of this legendary shooter.

8. Crysis 3

But there is another game where all of the above is no less cool. In fact, the entire Crysis series is a hymn to natural splendor and natural perfection. Natural beauty is elevated here to the absolute.

Although the game is not about that at all, the developers are obsessed with the flora and fauna of our planet. Only this can explain the immense attention to detail and fanatical focus on individual leaves and blades of grass.

Crysis is one of those rare games, in which you want to play just because she is beautiful, and each new level opens before us new fantastic pictures of exotic forests, mountains and rivers.

7 Assassins Creed

Let's look away from what is natural. A person endowed with the divine gift of creativity is capable of creating beauty himself. Take architecture, painting and art.

The entire Assassins Creed series revels in the magic of human genius. The masterpieces of the Renaissance, the merits of inimitable masters, urban landscapes are ready to argue with their natural counterparts.

Maybe you don't always pay attention to it during intense parkour. But when the damned Templars close in their burrows, there is an opportunity to sit comfortably on a high spire and enjoy the results of a thousand years of history of human progress. It's true beautiful game!

6 Mass Effect

Since progress does not stand still, we are always interested in the future. There are quite a few fantasy games, stylishly revealing the picture of the future.

But you have to make sacrifices and stop at combining futuristic design, atmosphere, breathtaking space distances. And again the whole series Mass Effect- a gift to those who like to look into the future.

Sexy costumes, ingenious gadgets, alien cities and races, epic encounters, a friendly interface and fantastic landscapes - all these are the fruits of human striving for the perfection of forms, images and details.

5.Final Fantasy

A fairy tale about the beautiful - it doesn't matter if it's death or birth, creation or destruction, suffering or joy. Beauty can be found in everything. And the game Faynel Fantasy confirms this.

Heranobu Sakabuchi, when he created this universe of magic, conspiracies and heroes, must have raved about beauty. Based on the legends and myths of all mankind, he released the demons and angels of art. A huge variety of visual and graphic solutions is an attempt to touch the thinnest strings of the human spirit, when you need to see, observe and feel, and words are clearly superfluous here.

Final Fantasy- this is a classic of video games, which, precisely because of its beauty and aesthetic appeal, is so remembered by the players.

4 Bioshock

Series bioshock became something unusual against the background of monotonous military shooters. They shoot here too, but how! With a special taste, even charm! To atmospheric music. It is these products that give the word game a special meaning, often bordering on the concept of art.

It has everything that a keyboard and mouse knight can only dream of. The plot and its creative presentation. Deep atmosphere, stunning graphics, rich in the most modern technologies, and music that does not go out of my head for hours.

Bioshock is an ode to urban beauty, in which it is no longer the nature of nature, but the elegance of engineering that is put at the forefront of everything. And of course, such beauty also has its connoisseurs.

3. Just Cause 2

In this game, there are thousands of square kilometers of beauty - natural and urban. Herself just cause has many flaws, but the game world deserves applause.

The game archipelago is a group of huge islands connected by bridges. Five climatic zones fit in this territory at once. A variety of places are presented to our eyes - from sandy beaches on the shores of the turquoise ocean and deserts under the scorching sun, to snow-capped mountains and dark green tropical jungles. In seconds, you can change snowy peaks to sun-baked beaches or city blocks to an oil platform in the ocean. Absolute freedom of movement, actions and actions.

A variety of scenes and landscapes - that's what this game deserves a place in our TOP.

2. Prince of Persia

There is nothing beautiful about killing, you say. But the way the legendary hero Prince of Persia does it deserves a separate discussion.

Series Prince of Persia always smelled of antiquity, mysticism and mystery. What mind-blowing inventions did not have to be accepted by an ordinary gamer. Either he descended into the terrible inhospitable catacombs, then he explored gray-haired palaces, then he climbed inaccessible peaks.

But everywhere he was pursued by beautiful landscapes of oriental architecture and art. Even battles have become art, painted with the swing of swords. By this, a well-deserved place in the TOP of the most beautiful games!

1. Witcher

This is one of those games that proves once again that it's not all about the graphics. Colors, or rather their combination - that's where the key to beauty lies! Take, for example, graphic ad nauseam Battlefield, well, where is the Polish blockbuster before him? However, there is no soul in Battle - just a great action movie with a polished shell. Of course, this genre does not need more, but the Witcher came in handy with colors. Where there was not enough power, they managed with brightness, and the result is obvious.

But that's not all, of course. The whole style of the game, promotional trailers, various inserts, locations, unique characters and, of course, the big living world... - everything that is called presentation - gives the right to the hunter of evil spirits to be proud of the beauty of his realization. Beauty with a soul!

Some 15 years ago, realism in games did not even have to be thought of. Everything looked sketchy, angular and primitive. But technology does not stand still - over time, the picture has become more detailed, shaders, HDR and other effects that greatly raise the quality bar have appeared. More time was devoted to drawing the surrounding world, the physics of the objects located in it, the notorious cinematography appeared.

Below we will consider several especially technically advanced projects that managed to impress gamers with their graphical component.

Ten games for PC and consoles with the most realistic graphics

Star Wars: Battlefront II

  • Platform: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
  • Release date: April 15, 2017
  • Developer: EA Dice, Criterion

The continuation of Battlefront turned out to be a controversial project in all respects - too casual and monotonous game process, long leveling, unlocking weapons and, as the last nail in the coffin of player expectations, the aggressive imposition of donations in the form of . The only thing you can praise the developers for is the excellent graphics.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q51LZ2HpbE Video can't be loaded: Star Wars Battlefront II: Official Gameplay Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q51LZ2HpbE)

The Frostbite engine made it possible to show an excellent picture, realistic effects and a lot of small details, such as leaves swaying in the wind, circles on the water, or dust raised by vehicles hovering near the ground. When it comes to space battles, the wow effect does not go anywhere. Space stations, laser projectiles and explosions look no worse than in the original film.

L.A. noire

  • Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch.XBOX One
  • Release date: May 17, 2011
  • Developer: Team Bondi, Rockstar

Detective in the open world L.A. Noire is not a graphically advanced game. It was released on the previous generation of consoles, squeezing the most out of it (and even on the PC the situation has not changed much). Therefore, the players had to put up with low detailing of the environment, a small number of NPCs and other consequences of the desire to “shove in what is not pushed in”.

The game is definitely worth recommending to all fans of realistic graphics for its system of facial expressions of characters. All dialogues were recorded by professional actors using Motion Capture in order to thoroughly convey the characters' personalities. And this is not just a visual decoration, but a working gameplay mechanic. By interrogating suspects and witnesses, lies, fear, and other emotions can be revealed.

Detroit: Become Human

  • Platform: PlayStation 4
  • Release date: May 25, 2018
  • Developer: Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream has been managing to squeeze all the possibilities out of the current generation for the umpteenth time. Sony consoles. First there was a good Fahrenheit for PS2, a kind of pen test, then an unusually popular came out heavy rain and the dubious Beyound. And now, having received the power of PS4, the developers have managed to make an interactive movie with perfectly animated characters. There are, of course, minor flaws, but they are skillfully masked by a blue image filter and a slight “blurring” of the background.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BWFlO_cHjA Video can't be loaded: Detroit: Become Human - Trailer from E3 2016 in Russian | PS4 only (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BWFlO_cHjA)

The in-house engine with Tiled Forward rendering is simply beyond praise, and of course, the animations are well-detailed, as always at the height of Quantic Dream

Crysis Series

  • Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
  • Release date: 2007-2013
  • Developer: Crytec

Despite the fact that several years have passed since the release of the final part of the trilogy, it still manages to load the computers of gamers. And it's not for you Assassin's Creed: Origins, which, with an empty world and a truncated schedule, shamelessly slows down and lags. In Crysis, you can immediately see what the resources of the processor and video card are spent on. Realistic shadows and lighting, destructibility of small objects, detailed high-poly textures. The vegetation was especially good for the developers - blades of grass sway in the wind and bend to the sides when the character walks along them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvs8tv4lh9M Video can't be loaded: Crysis 3 - Official full gameplay trailer! (HD) 1080p (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvs8tv4lh9M)

However, not only the third part deserves attention. Even the original released back in 2007 looks more decent than many modern projects. Walking through the jungle dotted with vegetation, enjoying high-quality weather effects, is interesting even now (especially if you install the HD mod).

Once the kings of photorealism, Crytek created a truly cool graphics engine that works smartly and is still used today.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

  • Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One/One X
  • Release date: 2015
  • Developer: Crystal Dynamics

Last on this moment part of the adventures of Lara Croft raised the bar for the quality of video games to a new level. Own engine developers Foundation Engine produces an excellent picture, adequately loading the system. Physically accurate rendering of materials rendered surfaces realistic, while the combination of HDR and adaptive tone mapping produced superb lighting effects such as highlights, dark-to-bright transitions, and more.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRY4kooD9oM Video can't be loaded: Rise of the tomb raider PC Trailer 4K (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRY4kooD9oM)

Interaction with the environment was also successful. From the steps on the snow, realistic paths remain, and the bathing of the main character in the water is accompanied by circles diverging in different directions. We also worked on the character himself - all movements look smooth and cinematic. Of course, to experience all the benefits, you need to play on a PC or at least buy the PRO / X versions of the latest generation of consoles.

The Order 1886

  • Platform: PlayStation 4
  • Release date: February 20, 2015
  • Developer: Ready at Dawn

If you are a happy owner of a PS4 console, be sure to play The Order 1886. This dark steampunk action game does not offer any original mechanics, but it allows players to admire the beautiful graphics to their heart's content.

The efforts of the developers turned out to be a real interactive movie - you won’t immediately notice when a long interactive movie smoothly flows into the gameplay. The level of detail rivals early CGI graphics like the one shown in the Final Fantasy animation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hxz8IWWzt8 Video can't be loaded: The Order: 1886 | E3 2014 Full Trailer | PS4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hxz8IWWzt8)

Doom (2016 version)

  • Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch
  • Release date: May 13, 2016
  • Developer: id Software

The atmospheric shooter Doom has become a real treat for the eyes of gamers, while being perfectly optimized even for systems that are weak by today's standards. The game setting itself (the action takes place on a Martian base under attack by demons, and in hell itself) does not imply the presence of abundant vegetation, water and various effects that cause sagging frame rates. The power released from the additional load was directed to more worthwhile things - high-quality textures high resolution, effects from shots, explosions and realistic dismemberment.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEQuDIVcU7o Video can't be loaded: DOOM First Trailer E3 2015 in 4K UltraHD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEQuDIVcU7o)

Doom looks great even on medium settings, but it would be much better to crank the settings to ultra-nightmarish levels and increase the resolution to 4K. True, you will have to fork out for a modern video card with 6 GB of on-board memory and a monitor that supports 3840x2160.

Rainbow Six: Siege

  • Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4
  • Release date: December 1, 2015
  • Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

At the start of sales of the multiplayer shooter Rainbow Six: Siege, many gamers felt deceived and quite naturally threw accusations at Ubisoft. And all because the shown gameplay and graphics turned out to be severely curtailed when compared with the commercial released two years before the release. The developers had to cut some effects and remove destructibility in some places in order for their project to give out normal performance in multiplayer battles.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlbLLRdg9u8 Video can't be loaded: Inside Rainbow Official Trailer – Tom Clancy's Rainbow six siege(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlbLLRdg9u8)

Nevertheless, if we discard the opinions of people with the “high expectations syndrome” and look at the picture objectively, one can see the quality of the work done - realistic light and shadows, well-detailed textures of characters and environments. Various small effects like smoke from shots, bullet marks on the walls, etc., also look great.

The siege hits 60 FPS with almost completely destructible environments! Graphic programmers got the most out of the In-house engine!

gta v

  • Platform: PC, Xbox 360/One, PS3/4
  • Release date: September 17, 2013
  • Developer: Rockstar Games

At the time of release, back in 2013, new part GTA has set another high bar for open world gaming. The need to create a huge seamless space did not prevent the developers from Rockstar from detailing the environment, making a realistic change in weather conditions and time of day, natural reflections in glass, water and other mirror surfaces. To unleash the potential of the game and unscrew the settings to the maximum, gamers had to put consoles on the shelf and buy powerful PCs equipped with video cards with at least 4 gigabytes of memory.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFmArNoAVfw Video can't be loaded: GTA 5 NEW ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS MOD 2017 (4K) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFmArNoAVfw)

Now, of course, a new Just Cause is coming out, and the second Watch Dogs was able to show chic graphics (no). Against their background, GTA V is slightly outdated, but the situation is easily corrected by modders. Enthusiasts upload more detailed textures to the Internet, play with filters and lighting, and work on effects. This allows you to achieve impressive results - screenshots of a well-pumped version are difficult to distinguish from CGI and even real photos.

Project Cars

  • Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, XBOX One
  • Release date: May 6, 2015
  • Developer: Slightly Mad Studios

The developers of this excellent racing simulator have taken the old engine from NFS Shift and worked hard on it, making it a cutting-edge product in terms of graphics. The detailing of textures, both inside the car's interior and on the outside, is simply amazing. And the world around with its weather effects, dust from under the wheels, realistic lighting system, will also please fans of sitting behind the wheel of a virtual car. For connoisseurs of graphics, a special photo mode has even been invented that allows you to take pictures of sports cars from different angles.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjN6WfQUzbY Video can't be loaded: Project CARS | Ultra settings | Rain, Storm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjN6WfQUzbY)


As sad as it is to admit, computer game developers have stopped chasing a realistic picture in their games. This is due to their focus on the console market, which is able to provide much more profit than sales on the PC. And since the hardware of these systems is not particularly powerful and is not able to squeeze out a stable 60 frames in new products (the same upcoming Spider-Man from Sony will work at a modest 30 FPS in FullHD), no one will additionally hang the game with graphic bells and whistles. It remains only to wait for the next generation of consoles and hope that at least it will achieve a technological breakthrough.

Realistic worlds with high-quality drawing of even the smallest details, unusual visual styles and landscapes that you want to save as wallpaper on your desktop - set the settings to the maximum, because these are the top games with the most beautiful graphics for 2018.

Here are only the games of recent years with cooperative passage and multiplayer.

1. Black Desert - Open World MMORPG

Released in 2015, "" received a dozen awards from major publishers, including for a very high-quality picture.

Video game Black Desert

In addition, the game has a serious choice of activities - from home improvement to hiring slaves and robbing caravans.

  • Game website: https://www.ru.playblackdesert.com/Intro/Event/Archer_Main

2. Project CARS 2 - big, beautiful, reliable

"Project CARS 2" could be an ordinary good race, but realistic graphics make it stand out from the competition.

Video game Project Cars 2

  • Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/378860/

3. Forza Motorsport 7 is cooler than real life

And here is the main competitor of the previous game on the list - exit " Forza Motorsport 7" on PC was a surprise, but it quickly managed to move the competition in the ratings.

Video game Forza Motorsport 7

60 frames per second and 4K resolution - take a look at the trailer to see the image quality for yourself.

  • Game site: https://forzamotorsport.net/en-US/games/fm7

4. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - the most realistic star wars

« Star Wars: Battlefront 2 "2017 on the Frostbite engine is, without a doubt, the most beautiful game in the universe Star Wars of all that exist today.

Video game Star Wars Battlefront II

  • Game site: https://www.ea.com/en-us/games/starwars/

5. Destiny 2 is a fantastic shooter and some MMORPG

"" is not only more beautiful than the first part, but there is much more content in it.

Video game Destiny 2

And this is not the whole game, because in the near future the developers promise major additions with new story pieces, maps and items.

  • Game website: https://www.destinythegame.com/ru/home

6. Battlefield 1 - exciting World War I

Another Battle on this list, Battlefield 1 takes players to the trenched battlefields of the Great War.

Video game Battlefield 1

  • Game site: https://www.battlefield.com/ru-ru/games/battlefield-1

7. Call of Duty: WW II - classic World War II

When immersed in the campaign walkthrough of the new Call of Duty: WWII, it's easy to forget that you're playing a game and not watching a Hollywood action movie.

Video game Call of Duty: WWII

Perhaps the best game in the series in recent years, and certainly the most beautiful.

  • Game website: https://www.callofduty.com/wwii

8. GTA 5 - the most realistic banditry

The fifth part of the world's most famous gangster life simulator "GTA 5" impressed not only open card, but also a picture with a resolution of 4K and a frequency of 60 frames per second.

Video game GTA 5

  • Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/271590/

9. For Honor - epic medieval duels

Fights of knights, vikings and samurai in the multiplayer action " For Honor” are not only cheerful, but also spectacular.

Video game For Honor

Haters scold the game for problems with optimization and balance, but if you look only at the quality of the graphics, you forget about the shortcomings very quickly.

  • Game site: https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/game/en-GB/home/

10. Skull & Bones - whistle everyone upstairs

And the list is completed by a game that is still in development - and don't let the cartoonishness of the "Skull & Bones" picture from Ubisoft bother you.

Video game Skull & Bones

A colorful pirate action game will be released in the fall of 2018 and will try to impress us with a cool picture and a large selection of activities.

  • Game website: https://www.ubisoft.com/ru-ru/game/skull-and-bones/

Every year the developers promise to surprise us with even cooler graphics, and often they succeed! I wonder what games will be like in a couple of years and how outdated the picture of those that are considered the best today will seem.

Ordinary people tell stories about how they go to work, sit with friends in a cafe and sleep during breaks. To live brighter and have more cool stories in your arsenal about how you rescued princesses from the clutches of dragons, saved the world from the Forces of Evil and stole cars civilians at your leisure, do the right thing - cut into games.

An important point: this is not a top recognized best games, these are toys recent years, in which we, the employees of 2x2, buried more than one night and which we would recommend to anyone and everyone. Believe us, we will not advise bad.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Geralt, a specialist in the destruction of monsters, travels through the fantasy world in search of the girl Ciri, who can stop the coming of the Wild Hunt (just accept it as a fact that this is bad and scary). He walks through the fields and forests, kills griffons, sleeps with beauties and jokes during breaks. And the reaper, and the player on the pipe.

Any part of The Witcher is indecently good, and with each next toy in the series, everything just gets better. This is even unfair to competitors, who a priori should be very ashamed of what they are compared to The Witcher. " wild Hunt" - this is super-detailed quests, many of which hide an unrealistic cool story. All completed quests and decisions affect the final game, which is cool and motivating. Combat system got a lot of pluses here since the second part, Signs acquired in utility, the world is detailed and open as much as possible.

Even those who just love cool novels will like it. And adored, how much epic coubs spawned by localization!


Platforms: PS3, PS4

You are a mysterious someone, your goal is to get to a very distant mountain. The synopsis of the plot is described more than completely by this, but you can’t even imagine how magical and unusual gaming experience hiding behind it. This is very meditative and beautiful game- music, graphics, landscapes - in which you will need to go through very picturesque locations.

Everything here is really unusual and unusual. No map, no hints, no multiplayer per se, but! During the journey, you can meet with another player and move with him to the same mountain. You do not know anything about your companion - except that he is a living person. You have no means of communication other than a semblance of screaming, and only at the end, after completing the Journey, do you see your companion's name in the credits. Sooooo unusual and cool gaming experience.

Grand Theft Auto V

It makes no sense to advertise GTA. Every Pokémon knows about the delights of this world since the vice city. But the fifth part (aka the 15th game in the series) is something. Oh god, Rockstar blew 266! million! dollars! in game development! There are 3 main characters here at once with well-developed characters, whose stories are intertwined. The final goal is to rob the US Federal Vault, taking out more than 200 million dollars in bags and pockets. Oh my!

GTA V has maximum freedom: an open dynamic world, the ability to switch between heroes at any time, and as many as 3 main endings storyline. Stealing, going to strip clubs, stealing cars, loving, watching TV, doing yoga, playing Tamagotchi, taking selfies, smuggling! Everything is possible here.

And breaking news for those who slept in a hole in recent years: GTA V finally has multiplayer. Now all the same can be done online with your gang, and it is not necessary to have friends. But be prepared for Game of Thrones-style death - very, very sudden.

Deponia The Complete Journey

Platforms: PC

Deponia is cool humorous quest pumping logic and erudition. An ideal option for those who can't stand shooting games and consider ordinary quests to be primitive and boring. The plot of the quest is that Rufus, tired of life on a small planet littered with garbage, one by one makes the most ridiculous escape plans.

Aikyu of the level of Friends is not required for passing, do not be alarmed, but the puzzles and story are really cool and the solutions are not always obvious. Deponia The Complete Journey is one of the best representatives in its genre. The only thing is to be prepared for the fact that localization killed a good half of the jokes, so if English allows, pass in the original.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360, PS4, XBOX ONE

Fairy-tale cooperative puzzle-adventure with not the most intricate plot, but very powerful moral background. There are two brothers whose mother died a long time ago, and then all of a sudden the father got very sick. Only the juice of a huge tree that grows behind mountains, forests, fields, and generally very far away can save him. A strong and dramatic story that the creators managed to tell without the use of words (at least human-readable ones) at all.

There is no cooperative as such. you will play as both brothers at the same time(prepare joysticks, without them it will be hard). At first, the brain will refuse to understand how this is even possible, but over time it will get involved and even begin to enjoy such a process. Gameplay is original and intuitive: only two buttons to interact with the outside world, and two sticks to control the brothers.

There is nothing here besides the main storyline, and it goes through quite quickly - in 4 hours. All scenes and tasks are very original and atmospheric, there are no repetitive mechanics, but there are magnificent colorful landscapes. The story itself is sometimes cruel, bloody, but, most importantly, very magical and emotionally powerful.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

Team online shooter from Blizzard with fantasy art. In the future, the machines still rebelled, as promised by the Terminator. But the Overwatch organization was able to overcome the rebellious robots. Everything calmed down, the guys from the organization were no longer needed by mankind, because of which they were forced to go home. But after a few years, crime gained momentum, and Overwatch members had to re-team and take up arms in order to save civilians.

Multiplayer Ideal raised to absolute. By experience Team Fortress 2, which is played even after almost 10 years since its release, is basically obvious: team shooters live out of time, like Tsoi, as soon as they conquer their audience. Blizzard did not impose its game - the noise around it has risen and has not subsided since the first days of the beta release. And after the release of the server, which were designed for something inhuman, fell. The flow of those wishing to play turned out to be more than this very "inhuman".

Overwatch is very different characters , each with its own history and skills, a bunch of arenas and modes(3 cards each). Persians do not need pumping or customization, everything is decided only by your personal skills- nothing extra. Gameplay is intuitive and clear, and due to the drawing, even your girlfriend will like it: it will stick to the monitor while you are creating destroy.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX ONE

The nuclear boom gave rise to the post-apocalypse. Only those who managed to get to the bunker survived. Everything is either half-destroyed or half-mutated. After 200 years, the hero gets out of the bunker and goes for a walk around the ruined world in search of his son, Sean the lamb.

Generally recognized as one of the most anticipated projects of 2015 more successful than not. Locations are worked out, enemies are very terrifying, quests are interesting(although, in fairness, there is also wild boredom like “bring me that thing that lies quietly across the road”), the overall story is gaining momentum, and in the end it turns out that the hero is involved in some kind of wildest story. For fans of the original dilogy, it will cause pain and burning below the back, for everyone else it is very playable.

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE

Hipster Adventure Movie Quest, very cool interactive everyday life in which you live the life of a student girl Max. At a critical moment, a gentle creature discovers the ability to rewind time and correct mistakes. At first, the skill is used mainly for everyday student trifles, but in the course of action it turns out that the city of Max is threatened by the apocalypse, and it would be good to prevent it.

The game was released as a series, by episodes, and if the first parts are similar to a girl series with a teenage drama, then somewhere in the middle the suffering fades into the background, and the main one becomes The ultimate Twin Peaks Girl Disappearance Mystery. Every decision and action has its fruits and sooner or later it will definitely come around. Included - cool soundtrack, well-developed detective story, realism with a pleasant dose of mysticism. Disappointing, however, is the fact that the final choice is the same for everyone and does not depend on your previous decisions.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Platforms: PS4

The main character Nathan and his wife bought a house, chose the curtains to match the color of the sofas and live a happy quiet life, until Nathan's older brother, who had been considered dead for many years, is announced. Oh yes: in the previous parts of the game, Nathan was a treasure hunter. Little has changed here: suddenly, a living brother says that a treasure is waiting in Madagascar, and the guys go in search of the mythical Libertalia.

Impossible beautiful exclusive for Sonya, which made a lot of die-hard PC players get a console. "Way of the Thief" is well-developed third-person action game with puzzles, gunfights(weapons have increased in the arsenal, and gunfights are approaching the title of ideal), action scenes at the level of Hollywood action movies and the ability to choose answers in dialogues. But be prepared for a very poor Russian localization.

Need for Speed ​​(2015)

Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE

There is no point in talking about the legendary Need races for Speed- they earned their name back in the distant 2000s. This is not just a game, this is a real era. The 2015 relaunch has everything that the mutated series has managed to lose in recent parts: advanced car tuning and a brave new open world, and race against the police.

At first it seems that the restart of the series is not the idea of ​​the creators, but of PR people who wanted to more gold from an obsolete product. But in fact, it turns out that the game of the 15th year took in all the best previous parts , and the output is the very essence of the Need for Speed. A must for anyone who has ever felt an adrenaline rush at the keyboard, joystick or a real steering wheel.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX ONE

Welcome to the interactive Game of Thrones. You are a Dragonborn who very conveniently comes to the province of Skyrim just when he is needed the most. The world is threatened with death by dragons, and you need to overcome a lot of difficulties in order to stop the fire-breathers and their master Alduin.

The world here is also infinitely open, the player can do whatever they want. Graphics are wildly beautiful and cause multiple aesthetic orgasms. A plus complete freedom of creativity: you can start a family, you can become a thief, a murderer, a noble knight - yes, even a princess. There is spectacular fights, the ability to upgrade certain attacks and skills. The plot is good because certain RPG engines generate own stories which is original and captivating.

The most honest Skyrim trailer ever.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

Here everything is as gloomy as in horror stories about "a black-black street in a black-black city." People were mowed down by a disease that turns everyone into undead, and main character goes on a long trip to restore white balance and stop the impending Age of Darkness. And so you go around the world, completing quests and fighting enemy creatures.

It won't be fun or just - only difficulty level 180 and fear, only hardcore. Remember "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on Dandy, in which, dying, you found yourself at the very beginning? It's about the same, but lighter. Each creature taller than half a meter kills you in two spit, and each death throws back strongly, taking away the accumulated experience. But at least not at the beginning.

educates character and works magic with nervous system , but against the backdrop of a clear trend towards simplifying games, it is delightful and especially valuable. A must for those who really like to overcome difficulties.

Tomb Raider (2013)

Platforms: PC, MAC, PS3, XBOX 360

Tomb Raider 2013 is a prequel to the very first game in the series. Here Lara famously turns from an archaeological university graduate into a furious sex symbol for all gamers. According to the story, Lara and her expedition are looking for a lost civilization, but a terrible storm destroys the ship, and then throws all the survivors onto the shore of a seemingly uninhabited island.

When Crystal Dynamics announced that it plans to - modernize the most famous gaming woman, the world held its breath: of course, restarts are a terrible thing. But in the end it turned out very well: a perfectly executed third-person combat system, enjoyable gameplay and a realistic system for acquiring survival skills. Truth, brain-puzzling puzzles have gone into oblivion for which old Lara was so famous. But this is offset by a large number of advantages - take at least good competitive multiplayer system and Lara's chest, which retained its elasticity.


Killed joysticks Dendy and childhood will never be released, but time goes by. In recent years, "Mortal" is gaining momentum and evolving, and in the "top ten" it is felt especially powerfully: the bones here crunch louder than ever. For example, Sonya and Johnny Cage had children who inherited their parents' love for blood and also tear out the insides of everyone they hit. For example, in the 10th part, you can destroy, ahem, the manhood of a father by the hands of his own daughter.

New Predator type heroes, and also those who returned from vacation (for example, Tanya from part 4). All in all, perfect k-to-combo pairs for fighting. Yes, and the variety has increased: now each hero can choose priorities in battle. From controversial points - there was an opportunity ... buy Fatality. The archaic keystroke system still works, but now you can get away with it just by paying.


She is also "Look the Dog", "Watch the Dog" and how else this name was just not joked. A guy in a trendy cap is engaged in magical hacking - he hacks the phones of rich and respected people "by bluetooth". At one party, they fire him and start a chase, during which the hero's niece dies in an accident. And he decides to become an avenger.

Basic the plot is not that wow, not particularly memorable or stands out in some way. But there are funny dialogues and jokes, which smoothes the situation. All around full of beauty and detail, although there are problems with physics and textures. There will be many plot Easter eggs, hide-and-seek games, action, shootouts, racing and good missions outside of the main storyline.

True, we did not understand How do dogs have to do with all this?.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

First-person adventure-shooter-RPG mix in which you play as a guy whose vacation doesn't go according to plan. Jason Brody (this is you, meet you) comes with friends to an exotic island where they hang out, party, take selfies, skydive, until one day they are captured by sadistic pirates. Jason manages to escape, and he lights up with a desire to take revenge on a terrible revenge.

Cool open world with creepy realistic graphics and a plot from which there is no desire to break away. Players will need to storm pirate territories, hunt all kinds of animals and evolve from a weakling to a tough guy who saved his friends and matured during the time you spent with him. Special Mast for Lost Fans.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

A shooter that captures the imagination and strikes it to the deepest wilds. Private detective Booker receives an order: to get to a flying city, whose location is not really known, and rescue a girl from there. Then it turns out that some kind of sheer horror is going on in the world and a destructive war is about to break out.

Plot blanks are very classic- a princess in a tower, a hero with a dark past, the world is on the brink of disaster. But all this is summed up in such a way that the result is something completely new.. And although the world of the game is fictional, you still immerse yourself in it and believe: atmosphere and detail take their toll. Here, what's cool every little thing counts, but only. Spectacular fights, a truly intricate story told in a movie-like form of a shooter.

Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOX 360, IOS

Something very terrible happened in the world: everything fell apart into small pieces, and the only surviving place is the Bastion. The blond guy, for whom you have to play, wakes up in an incomprehensible place and is going to go towards this very Bastion, where he learns that the fortress is destroyed, and in order to restore it (and the world) and destroy the universal Evil, you will have to make a lot of efforts than you and get busy.

Very nice and detailed walker, in which it does not immediately become clear that WTF is happening here . You travel through different locations, fight local bosses and difficulties, then move back to the Bastion, where you choose which weapons you will take and which potions you will use before the trip. Toward the middle you're already basting strategically choose equipment correctly, which adds a decent amount of pluses to the game.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 460, PS4

Fantasy walker, which at first glance is very similar to Bastion (the same developer, after all), but in fact it is something completely different. You will have to play for the red-haired singer Red, whose life was recently made an attempt and who is determined to avenge fiercely for it. On her side is a huge talking sword Transistor, in which the consciousness of an unknown person who saved Red's life is placed.

Outwardly, everything is about the same as in Bastion: a third-person action RPG in which you have to travel through the most beautiful fantasy world, fight and do all sorts of small things. But the gameplay has gotten deeper since the studio's first game, more personal story, and the atmosphere is atmospheric. If you give free rein to whining, you can say about monotonous battles and a fairly short duration of the game.

Platforms: PC, PS3, XBOX 360

High-quality puzzle-experiment with fairly complex puzzles- for logically thinking masochists who like to test their thinking and do not imagine life without difficulties. The plot is simple: the main character, Chell, wakes up in one of the cells of the highly scientific laboratory Aperture and tries to escape. At her disposal is a portal gun, with which you can move yourself and other objects.

It won't be too difficult at first, but it's only at first.: Further, even primitive things will become confusing, and an empty room will turn into a quest. Extremely good localization and a lot of high-quality humor. It is bound to appeal to those who love brainstorming and want to get the maximum profit from games.