Technological map for the installation of supports vl. Installation of overhead line supports Technological map for the installation of support 1u110 2


Application area

A typical flow chart has been developed for assembly work and installation of supports for power lines.


Support types. According to the purpose, the supports are divided into intermediate (P), anchor (A), corner (U), end (K) and special (C). The locations of various types of supports on the route were shown on the plan and profile of the section of the 10 kV overhead line.

Intermediate supports installed on the straight sections of the overhead line route are intended only to support the wires and are not calculated for the load from the tension of the wires along the line. In normal operation, intermediate supports perceive vertical and horizontal loads from the mass of wires, insulators, fittings and wind pressure on the wires and supports. In emergency mode (when one or more wires are broken), the intermediate supports take the load from the tension of the remaining wires, are subjected to torsion and bending. Therefore, they are calculated with a certain margin of safety. Intermediate supports on the lines are 80-90%.

Anchor supports installed on straight sections of the route for crossing overhead lines through engineering structures (roads, communication lines) or natural barriers (ravines, rivers) perceive the longitudinal load from the difference in tension of wires and cables in adjacent anchor spans. During the installation of the line, the anchor supports perceive the longitudinal load from the tension of the wires suspended from one side. The design of the anchor supports must be rigid and durable.

Corner supports installed at the angles of rotation of the overhead line route, under normal conditions, perceive the resultant of the tensile forces of wires and cables of adjacent spans, directed along the bisector of the angle of rotation of the line. Corner supports are intermediate and anchor. Intermediate ones are installed at small angles of rotation of the line, where the loads are small. At large angles of rotation, anchor supports are used, which have a more rigid structure.

End supports are a type of anchor and are installed at the end or beginning of the line. Under normal operating conditions of the line, they perceive the load from the one-sided pull of the wires.

In addition to the considered so-called normal supports, special supports are also installed on power lines:

transpositional - to change the order of the wires on the supports;

branch lines - for the device of branches from the main line;

cross - for crossing overhead lines in two directions;

anti-wind - to enhance the mechanical strength of overhead lines;

transitional - for crossing overhead lines through natural obstacles and artificial structures, etc.

According to the method of fixing in the ground, the supports are divided into those installed directly into the ground and on the foundations.

According to the design, the supports are divided into free-standing and with braces. Both types of supports can be single-column and portal. Free-standing supports also include A - shaped supports and supports with struts. Free-standing supports are designed to transfer the loads acting on them directly through the posts to the ground or foundation. Racks of supports with braces transfer only vertical loads to the ground or foundation; transverse and longitudinal (relative to the axis of the overhead line) loads are transferred to the ground by braces attached to the anchor plates.

By the number of wires, both supports and overhead lines can be single-, double- and multi-circuit.

According to the material of the support, there are wooden, reinforced concrete and steel.

Arrangement of wires on poles. The number of wires on the supports may be different. As a rule, each overhead line consists of three phases, therefore, the supports of single-circuit overhead lines with a voltage above 1 kV (Fig. 1, a) are designed to suspend three phase wires (2, 3, 5), i.e. one chain; On the supports of double-circuit overhead lines (Fig. 1, b), two parallel chains are suspended, i.e. six wires (2,3,5 and 6, 7, 8).

Fig.1. The location of the wires on the supports of the overhead line:

a - single-chain,

b - double-chain,

c - up to 1 kV,

d, e - when suspended on single-chain and double-chain according to the "zigzag" scheme;

2, 3, 5, 6. 7, 8 - wires,

4 - lightning protection cable

They also construct overhead lines with split phases, on which, instead of one phase wire of a large cross section, several wires of a smaller cross section fastened together are suspended. Usually, in each phase, 6-220 kV overhead lines are suspended one wire at a time, 330 kV overhead lines - two wires located horizontally, 500 kV overhead lines - three wires at the vertices of a triangle, 750 kV overhead lines - four wires at the corners of a square or five wires at the corners of a pentagon and VL 1150 kV - eight wires at the corners of the octagon. Split phases allow you to increase the transmitted power, reduce losses (with the same wire cross-sectional area), and in some cases refuse to install vibration dampers.

If necessary, one or two lightning protection cables 4 are suspended above the phase wires.

Supports for overhead lines up to 1 kV (Fig. 1, c) allow you to hang from 5 to 12 wires for power supply to various consumers in one overhead line (outdoor and indoor lighting, electric power, household loads). On overhead lines up to 1 kV with a dead-earthed neutral, in addition to the phase ones, a neutral wire is suspended. In addition, wires of lines of different voltages and purposes can be suspended on the same supports.

The arrangement of wires on the supports can be horizontal (in one tier), vertical (one above the other in two or three tiers) and mixed, in which the vertically located wires are horizontally displaced relative to each other. In addition, on single-circuit supports, wires are often arranged in a triangle.

Developed and improved new system hanging wires on intermediate supports according to the "zigzag" scheme. At the same time, on single-circuit overhead lines (Fig. 1, d), the lower wire 5 on the first support is suspended from the lower traverse, and on the second - to the upper one; the lower wire 3 is hung the other way around: on the first support - to the upper traverse, and on the second - to the lower one. The upper wire 2 is fixed on the first support on the right side of the upper traverse, and on the second - on the left. The height of the suspension of the lower wires with this scheme increases on average by half the distance between the lower and upper traverses, which allows you to increase the span between the supports or reduce the height of the supports.

Suspension of wires according to the "zigzag" scheme on double-circuit overhead lines (Fig. 1, e) allows you to further increase the length of the spans, however, the design of the supports is somewhat more complicated.

Unification and designation of supports. Based on the results of many years of practice in the construction, design and operation of overhead lines, the most appropriate and economical types and designs of supports are determined for the corresponding climatic and geographical regions, overhead line voltages and wire brands, and they are systematically unified. At the same time, the number of types of supports and their parts is reduced as much as possible. Many unified parts can be used both for various types of poles, and for poles of overhead lines of different voltages. So, reinforced concrete stepchildren for wooden poles of overhead lines of all voltages are taken of one profile - trapezoidal (three sizes).

The unification carried out in 1976 adopted the following designation system for metal and reinforced concrete supports of 35-330 kV overhead lines. The letters P and PS denote intermediate supports, PVS - intermediate with internal connections, PU or PUS - intermediate angular, PP - intermediate transitional, U or US - anchor-angle, K or KS - end. The letter B denotes reinforced concrete supports, and its absence indicates that the supports are steel. The numbers 35, 110, 150, 220, etc., following the letters, indicate the voltage of the overhead line, and the numbers following them after the hyphen indicate the size of the supports. The letters U and T are added, respectively, to the designation of intermediate supports used as corner supports and with cable support. For example, the designation PB110-1T is deciphered as follows: an intermediate single-circuit single-column reinforced concrete pole with a cable-resistant one for 110 kV overhead lines.

Wooden poles are designated in accordance with the unification of 1968-1970, according to which after the letters P, U, C and D, meaning, respectively, intermediate, anchor-angle, special and wooden poles, there are numbers indicating the voltage of the overhead line and the conditional number of the pole size ( odd - for single-stranded and even - for double-stranded). For example, the designation UD220-1 stands for: wooden anchor-angle single-circuit support for 220 kV overhead lines.

The unification of supports allows the use of industrial methods of their assembly and installation using power tools, cranes, drilling machines, as well as organizing the mass production of elements at specialized factories, which reduces the construction time of overhead lines.

Reinforced concrete supports

Reinforced concrete supports are widely used for the construction of overhead lines with voltage up to 750 kV inclusive. At present, the share of overhead lines with reinforced concrete supports is about 80% of the length of all lines under construction.

Reinforced concrete supports have high mechanical strength, are durable and do not require high operating costs. Labor costs for their assembly are much lower than for the assembly of wood and metal. The disadvantage of reinforced concrete supports is their large mass, which increases the cost of transportation and necessitates the use of heavy-duty cranes during assembly and installation.

In reinforced concrete supports, the main forces in tension are taken up by steel reinforcement, and in compression - by concrete. Approximately the same coefficients of thermal expansion of steel and concrete exclude the appearance of internal stresses in reinforced concrete during temperature changes. A positive quality of reinforced concrete is also reliable protection of metal reinforcement from corrosion. The disadvantage of reinforced concrete is the formation of cracks in it.

To increase the crack resistance of reinforced concrete structures, prestressing of the reinforcement is used, which creates additional compression of the concrete. As reinforcement, steel wire of a periodic profile or round, rods and seven-wire steel strands are used.

The main elements of reinforced concrete supports are racks, traverses, cable racks and crossbars.

Reinforced concrete racks of an annular section (conical and cylindrical) are made on special centrifugal machines (centrifuges) that form and compact concrete. Racks of rectangular section are made by vibrating, in which the compaction of concrete in molds is carried out by vibrators. For power lines with a voltage of 110 kV and above, only centrifuged racks are used, and for overhead line supports up to. 35 kV - both centrifuged and vibrated.

Centrifuged conical racks SK are manufactured in six standard sizes 19.5-26 m long (butt diameter 560 and 650 mm), and cylindrical STs - seven standard sizes 22.2-26.4 m long (butt diameter 560 mm). The production of new centrifuged cylindrical posts 20 m long and 800 mm in diameter was launched, on the basis of which free-standing anchor-angle supports for overhead lines up to 330 kV inclusive, as well as intermediate portal supports 40 m high, consisting of two columns connected by flanges, were developed.

Vibrated racks of rectangular section have a length of 16.4 m and a cross section of the upper and lower parts, respectively, 200X200 and 380X380 mm. For supports of overhead lines with a voltage of up to 10 kV, vibrated SNV racks 9.5 and 11 m long are used with a cross section of the lower part from 170X 170 to 280X 185 mm, as well as centrifuged conical racks C 10 and 11 m long with a lower base diameter of 320-335 mm and top 170 mm, having through holes for attaching equipment.

VL supports up to 1 kV. On overhead lines up to 1 kV, unified reinforced concrete free-standing single-column (intermediate), as well as single-column with struts and A - shaped (corner, anchor and end) supports are installed. In some cases, anchor and corner supports are assembled from two vertical posts installed side by side.

From the vibrated START racks, single-column supports and supports with struts are assembled, designed to suspend from two to nine wires of overhead lines and two to four wires of a radio network. All types of supports have steel traverses with welded pins. Racks with a height of 9.5 and 11 m are equipped with embedded parts with holes that allow mounting the traverses with one bolt. Outdoor lighting fixtures, cable glands and wire branch brackets can be mounted on these supports.

Fig.2. Reinforced concrete supports of overhead lines up to 1 kV:

a - intermediate,

b - angular,

in - anchor (terminal);

1 - centrifuged conical rack,

2 - brace,

4 - traverses,

5 - undertraverses,

6.7 - anchor and base plates

Figure 2, a - c shows reinforced concrete supports with conical centrifuged racks 10.1 m long and wooden traverses made of impregnated timber with a section of 100X80 mm. Intermediate supports (Fig. 5, a) consist of racks 1 and traverses 4. In weak soils or with a large number of wires, they are reinforced with crossbars.

Angular A - shaped supports (Fig. 2, b) have two racks of the same length, the tops (Fig. 3) of which are interconnected by plates 2 and double traverses 3. The traverses are fixed in settings with through bolts and connected to each other for rigidity by planks 6. On on a tensile stand (see Fig. 2, b), an anchor plate 6 is installed, which increases the pull-out resistance of the support, and on a compressed stand, a base plate 7 is installed, which reduces the specific load on the ground.

Fig.3. Top. A-shaped corner reinforced concrete support of overhead lines up to 1 kV:

1 - centrifuged racks,

2 - plate,

3 - traverses,

5 - traverse mounting bolts,

6 - planks,

The end A - shaped supports (see Fig. 2, c) are similar in design to the angular ones and differ from them in the fastening of the traverses (sub-traverses 5 are used).

Work is underway to create fiberglass traverses, single-column anchor and corner supports. Separate sections of overhead lines with such traverses and supports are in pilot operation.

Supports VL 6-10 kV. On 6-10 kV overhead lines, single-column intermediate, single-column with struts and A - shaped - angular, end and anchor supports are used. Single-column intermediate supports made of vibrated START struts (Fig. 4, a) are equipped with a traverse 2, designed for suspension of three aluminum wires with a cross section of up to 120 mm. On single-column angular struts (Fig. 4, b) and anchor supports from the same struts, the struts 5 are fixed with metal brackets 4, and the wires are fixed on steel traverses 3 separate for each phase.

Fig.4. Reinforced concrete single-column supports of 6-10 kV overhead lines:

a - intermediate,

b - angular with a strut;

1 - stand,

2, 3 - steel traverses.

4 - bracket for attaching the strut

Single-column intermediate, as well as corner, end and anchor A-shaped supports from centrifuged racks have standard wooden traverses with a section of 100X80 mm (they are fixed with through bolts and braces), as well as top pins.

Supports VL 35-500 kV. On 35-500 kV overhead lines, unified free-standing and single-column and portal supports with guy wires are used (Fig. 5, a - c), the main elements of which are rack 1, traverses 2 and cable rack 3. Rack 1 has a waterproofing of the lower part at a length of 3.2 m, made with asphalt-bitumen varnish. To prevent moisture from entering the rack, end caps are installed at its ends. The bottom cover, in addition, increases the support area of ​​the rack, which increases the strength of its embedding in the ground. Through holes are made in the upper part of the rack for mounting the traverses. Inside, along the rack in concrete, a special grounding descent is laid.

Fig.5. Intermediate reinforced concrete supports:

a, b - single-column single- and double-circuit for 35-220 kV overhead lines, portal with a metal traverse for 330 kV overhead lines,

2 - traverses,

3 - cable rack,

Traverses are attached to the rack with through bolts (Fig. 6, a) or clamps (Fig. 6, b). Holes are made in the traverses and cable racks for installing special brackets, clamps, rollers, to which coupling fittings are attached - earrings or staples. Rope racks have a welded metal structure and are attached to the rack with clamps.

Fig.6. Fastening traverses to reinforced concrete poles:

a - through bolts;

b - clamps

On 35-220 kV overhead lines, reinforced concrete single-column free-standing single- and double-circuit supports with conical and cylindrical posts are installed as intermediate ones (Fig. 5, a, b), and on 330-500 kV overhead lines - single-circuit portal poles with metal traverses (see Fig. .5, c).

As corner anchor supports on 35-110 kV overhead lines, single-column reinforced concrete supports with guy wires are used, and metal ones are used on higher voltage lines.

In recent years, on 110-330 kV overhead lines, single-column free-standing reinforced concrete poles with racks with a diameter of 800 mm have been used as corner anchor supports.

Metal supports

Metal supports are usually made from steel, and sometimes from aluminum alloys. The high mechanical strength of steel makes it possible to create powerful and high metal supports that can withstand huge mechanical loads. However, such supports are much more expensive than reinforced concrete and wooden ones. In addition, their disadvantage is a small corrosion resistance. Supports made of aluminum alloys are less affected by the external environment, but their high cost limits their widespread use.

The scope of metal supports is practically unlimited. Steel poles are installed on power lines of all voltages passing in areas with severe climatic conditions, on hard-to-reach routes and in mountainous areas. Corner and anchor metal supports are installed on 110-500 kV overhead lines, together with intermediate reinforced concrete ones, and also as transitional ones at long crossings.

Main elements. By design, steel supports can be single-column (tower) and portal, and by the method of fixing on foundations - free-standing and with braces. At the same time, single-column supports, having the dimensions of the lower part more than the width of the railway car (2.7 m), are called wide-base, and less - narrow-base. The main elements of metal supports (Fig. 7) are trunk 1, traverses 2 and cable rack 3. Some supports have braces 4.

Fig.7. Intermediate metal supports:

a. b - free-standing single- and double-circuit tower type,

c - single-circuit with braces;

2 - traverse,

3 - cable rack,

4 - braces,

5 - anchor plate

The trunk (Fig. 8) is usually a tetrahedral truncated lattice pyramid made of rolled steel profiles (angle, strip, sheet), and consists of a belt 1, a lattice 2 and a diaphragm 3. The lattice, in turn, has bracing rods and spacers, as well as additional connections.

Fig.8. Elements of the metal support barrel:

2 - lattice,

3- diaphragm

The connections between the chords, diaphragms and bracing rods with the chords can be welded (overlapped) or bolted (Fig. 9, a, b).

Fig.9. Connection of bracing rods with a support belt;

a - overlap,

b - bolts

Depending on the method of connecting the support elements, they are divided into welded and bolted ones and, accordingly, are made in the form of separate spatial sections or small flat galvanized elements with holes for subsequent assembly on the overhead line route. Sections of welded supports are assembled at the installation site using pads and bolts. Elements of bolted supports, as well as bolts, washers and other parts are shipped from the factories as a set.

When transporting welded supports, the load capacity of machines is used extremely low (no more than 10-30%). Bolted supports are economical in transportation, but require a significant increase in labor costs for assembly (1.5-2 times).

Traverses of single-column supports have a conventional flat frame or spatial structure and are made of channels. For suspension of lightning protection cables, a cable rack in the form of a lattice truncated pyramid is installed on the top of the support shaft. Rope racks of portal supports, as a rule, are mounted on trabepcax. There are holes at the ends of the traverses and cable supports of metal supports or special parts are installed for attaching coupling fittings.

The belts of the trunks of free-standing supports end at the bottom with support shoes - heels, which are attached to the foundations with anchor bolts (Fig. 10, a). Support shafts with braces are attached to the foundations with special hinged heels (Fig. 10, b). The braces of such supports are attached to the traverses (or trunk) on one side, and to the anchor plates on the other (Fig. 10, c). The knots for attaching guy wires to anchor plates allow you to adjust the length and tension of guy wires.

Fig.10. Fastening shoes (heels) of free-standing metal supports (a), with a brace (b) and brace to the anchor plate (c)

Structures of metal supports. The main types of metal poles for 35-500 kV overhead lines are single-column free-standing single-circuit and double-circuit ones with a vertical arrangement of wires, as well as portal braces. For single-circuit lines passing along hard-to-reach routes, single-column supports with guy wires have been developed.

Intermediate supports of 35-110 kV overhead lines (see Fig. 7, a, b) are made single- and double-circuit. Free-standing intermediate supports have a welded upper part of a rectangular design with parallel chords. The lower sections are bolted. Wires on a single-circuit support are arranged in a triangle, and on a double-circuit support - in a "barrel". The traverses of double-chain supports are of the same type as those of single-chain ones. On the cable sections of the overhead line, cable racks are mounted at the top of the trunk. The supports are fixed to the foundation with two anchor bolts located on each of the four footrests.

Intermediate supports with braces (see Fig. 7, c) are used only on single-circuit 110 kV overhead lines. These supports have three double split guys. The lower ends of the two guys are attached in pairs to a common anchor, and the upper ends - to the middle of the lower traverses. The third guy, located in the plane of the traverse, is attached directly to the trunk from the side where two traverses are located (upper and lower). Guys are placed at an angle of 120° to one another.

Intermediate supports of 220 and 330 kV overhead lines are similar to 110 kV supports shown in Fig. 7, a, b, and usually have a bolted structure, with the exception of some welded parts (for example, support shoes, traverses), but differ from 110 kV supports in the distance between wires and traverse length. In addition, portal intermediate supports with guys are used on 330 kV lines.

Anchor-angle supports of 35-330 kV overhead lines are made free-standing tower type. Due to heavy loads, the transverse dimensions of the shaft of these supports are significantly increased, and the height of the suspension of the lower wire is reduced.

Painting and galvanizing of supports. To protect against corrosion, metal supports are painted at the manufacturing plants by dipping the finished welded sections into a paint bath. Less commonly, paint is applied with brushes or pneumatic spray guns. Sometimes the supports are painted at the installation site. For priming and painting supports, oil paint, varnishes with aluminum powder and enamels are used.

A more reliable protection of steel supports against corrosion is hot-dip galvanizing. Preliminarily degreased structures are cleaned in a pickling bath with a solution of sulfuric acid, washed with hot running water, covered with flux and lowered into a vertical cylindrical bath with molten lead. In the upper part of the bath, a layer of molten zinc floats on the surface of the lead. When rising from the bath, the structure heated with lead passes through a layer of liquid zinc, which forms a film 0.10-0.12 mm thick on its surface.

The method of protecting the support metal from corrosion in many cases determines the choice of the type of connection of the lattice elements. Thus, the coloring of the supports allows the use of both bolted and welded joints, including overlapping with welding of elements on both sides. At the same time, hot galvanizing does not allow overlap welding of parts, since the acid used to pickle the elements before galvanizing can flow into their gaps and subsequently destroy the connection.

In view of the scarcity of zinc, a pilot-industrial introduction of aluminum coatings has begun, the mechanical strength and adhesion of which are not inferior to those of zinc.

The degree of readiness of metal supports. The number of parts and parts sent from the factory determines the degree (group) of the factory readiness of the support and characterizes the amount of work on its assembly on the overhead line:

Group I - separate elements (in bulk) or separate parts of sections come from the factory; on the VL route, the supports are assembled from bolted elements and parts;

Group II - individual spatial sections and support parts are received from the factory; on the overhead line route, pre-assembly and general assembly on bolts is carried out;

Group III - whole main parts come from the factory that do not require pre-assembly on the track; general assembly is carried out on bolts.

Each element or part of the support sent by the factory has a conditional code called a shipping mark. When completing and assembling the supports on the track, they use the so-called shipping album, which contains drawings of the shipping brands of the supports.

wooden supports

The widespread use of wooden poles is mainly due to the low cost of wood, its sufficiently high mechanical strength, as well as natural round assortment, which provides simplicity of construction and the least resistance to wind loads. The high electrical insulating properties of wood make it possible to use a smaller number of suspension insulators on wooden poles than on metal or reinforced concrete ones, and on overhead lines up to 10 kV, use light and cheap pin insulators. In addition, in some cases, there is no need to hang a lightning protection cable and ground these towers. Reinforced concrete stepchildren or piles are used as foundations for wooden supports.

Wooden supports are about 1.5 times cheaper than reinforced concrete and metal ones, but are less durable. To prolong the service life, the wood of the supports is subjected to anti-rotten treatment (antiseptic treatment) at special factories. It is promising to use supports made of glued wood, the designs of which are developed in recent times. Such wood is made from pine boards impregnated with an oil antiseptic and glued together. The use of glued wood makes it possible to increase the service life of supports, eliminate hidden defects, and also use short-length poles.

In the Russian Federation and other countries rich in forest resources (USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland), overhead lines with a voltage of up to 220 kV are built on wooden poles. In the USA, experimental sections of 330 and 460 kV overhead lines were built on wooden supports, and in the Russian Federation similar supports were developed for 330 and 500 kV overhead lines.

Technical properties of wood. For the manufacture of wooden supports, pine, larch and, less often, spruce are used. Pine and larch wood contains a lot of resin and therefore resists moisture well. The poles are made from tree trunks. The lower part of the trunk is called the butt, and the upper, thinner, cut. The natural taper of the trunk from the cut to the butt is called the run.

The strength of wood is largely dependent on moisture. With a decrease in humidity in wooden supports, due to the shrinkage of the wood, the joints are broken: nuts and bandages are loosened. To obtain wood suitable for the manufacture of supports (with a moisture content of 18-22%), it is dried. The main method is atmospheric, i.e. natural air drying, which, although time consuming, gives the best results. In recent years, high-temperature drying of wood in petrolatum, as well as drying with high-frequency currents, has been used.

The strength of wood is also affected by rot, knots, cracks, oblique and other damage. The most dangerous defect is rot, which occurs when wood is damaged by fungi. Decayed wood is covered with small cracks, becomes rotten and disintegrates from a light blow. The most intense decay occurs at a temperature of 20-35 ° C and a humidity of 25-30%.

To protect against decay, the wood is impregnated with oily and mineral antiseptics. Pine is best suited for impregnation; the outer layers of larch and spruce are impregnated with antiseptics very poorly. As oily antiseptics, pure creosote oil or creosote oil mixed with fuel oil, which serves as a solvent, is usually used. The disadvantages of oily antiseptics are their harmful effects on human skin and mucous membranes, as well as flammability. Oily antiseptics are impregnated with finished elements of wooden supports at the factory.

When assembling supports on the track, all places that have been treated are additionally covered with safer mineral antiseptics: sodium fluoride, dinitrophenol, uralite, which are diluted in water. In a number of foreign countries (USA, Canada), a solution of pentachlorophenol in fuel oil or kerosene is widely used for wood impregnation. Other synthetic materials are also being developed and tested, which simultaneously serve as an antiseptic and protect wood from fire.

The average life of untreated wood is approximately five years. Impregnation of pillars with oily antiseptics increases this period to 15-25 years. Therefore, for overhead line supports, it is allowed to use only factory-impregnated pine and spruce logs, and in exceptional cases - unimpregnated air-dried larch with a moisture content of not more than 25%. Supports of temporary overhead lines (for example, for power supply of construction sites, dredgers, etc.) can also be made of untreated poles. In all cases, the diameter of the logs in the upper cut of the main elements of the supports (racks, stepchildren and traverses) must be at least 14, 16 and 18 cm for overhead lines 1, 6-35, 110 kV and above, respectively. The diameter of the pillars for auxiliary elements for overhead lines is up to 1 kV must be at least 12 cm, and for overhead lines above 1 kV - at least 14 cm.

The disadvantage of wooden poles is their relatively easy flammability, which can be caused by fires, lightning strikes and leakage currents resulting from pollution or breakdown of insulators. To protect against ground fires, an area with a radius of 2 m around each support is cleared from grass and shrubs or it is dug in with a fire groove 0.4 m deep and 0.6 m wide. . Good tightening of bolts and tight fit of metal parts to wood provide a decrease in electrical resistance and a decrease in leakage currents to safe values. Abroad, to protect supports from fire, chemical compounds (flame retardants) are used that increase the fire resistance of wood.

VL supports up to 1 kV. Three types of unified wooden supports are installed on overhead lines up to 1 kV: single-column (Fig. 11, a, b), single-column with struts (Fig. 11, c) and A-shaped (Fig. 11, d). Single-column supports are used as intermediate, and single-column with struts and A-shaped (so-called complex) - as corner, anchor, end and branch. Two series of such supports have been developed: for suspension of 5-8 and 8-12 wires with fastening, respectively, on hooks and pins.

Fig.11. Wooden poles for overhead lines up to 1 kV:

a, b - single-column intermediate with fastening of wires on hooks and pins,

c - single-column corner with a tray and fastening of wires on hooks,

g - A- shaped corner with fastening of wires on pins:

1 - prefix,

2 - rack,

5, 6 - traverse and its brace,

7 - support strut,

8 - crossbar

The main elements of supports of all types are racks 2, attachments 1 and struts 7. Racks and struts are made of impregnated wooden poles 6.5-11 km long with a diameter in the upper cut of at least 14 cm. To increase the service life of the supports, they are usually used standard reinforced concrete prefixes PT 4.25 and 6 m long, and in some cases wooden ones 4.5 m long. Supports without prefixes (with solid racks and struts) are also installed. In soft soils, the strength of the embedment of supports is increased by fixing reinforced concrete slabs or wooden crossbars in their bases 8.

To pair (Fig. 12, a - c) wooden 3 and reinforced concrete 9 attachments with racks 1, wire bandages 2 and fitting clamps 6 are used. Bandages for single-rack supports are made of eight turns of galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm, and for complex ones - of 12 and tightened by twisting or coupling bolts 5 with shaped washers 4. The length of the pairing of racks of single-column supports with wooden and reinforced concrete attachments is 1350 and 1050 mm, respectively, and complex - 1500 and 1350 mm.

Fig.12. Pairing attachments with racks of supports of overhead lines up to 10 kV:

a. b - wooden wire bandages,

c - reinforced concrete clamps;

1 - stand,

2 - wire bandage,

3, 9 - wooden and reinforced concrete attachments.

4 - bandage washer,

5 - coupling bolt,

6 - fitting clamp

8 - plank

The struts with the uprights and the tops of the A-shaped supports are bolted together. Traverses are made of impregnated wood and equipped with pins and braces. Standard traverses have a rectangular section of 100x80 mm; traverses of circular cross section with a diameter of 140 mm are used only on end supports with 12 wires. The traverses are fixed to the posts with a through bolt and two braces (see Fig. 11, b).

The distance between the wires on the traverses of the intermediate supports should be 400 mm, and on the corner and anchor - 550 mm. Hooks on the supports are placed on both sides of the rack in a checkerboard pattern; at the same time, the distance between them (on one side) should be 400 and 600 mm on intermediate and complex supports, respectively. The upper hook is installed at a distance of 200 mm from the top of the support.

Supports VL 6-10 kV. On 6-10 kV overhead lines, unified free-standing wooden poles of three types are installed: single-column - intermediate; A - figurative - end, anchor, branch; three-rack (A-shaped with struts) - corner anchor. A - shaped trusses of anchor and end supports are installed along the axis of the overhead line, and angular - along the bisector of the angle of rotation of the line.

Figure 13 shows the main types of wooden poles for 6-10 kV overhead lines with reinforced concrete and wooden attachments and wire suspension on hooks and traverses. Single-column supports (Fig. 13, a) consist of a rack 2, attachment 1 and hooks 3. For hanging wires of large cross sections, instead of hooks, a traverse 6 with pins 4 and a head 5 are installed (Fig. 13, b). A - shaped and three-post supports (Fig. 13, c - e), in addition to racks and attachments, have under-traverses 9, with which the traverses are attached to the racks, as well as cross-beams 10 (reinforcing the rigidity of the A-shaped truss), crossbars 8 and struts 11. In addition, poles 11 m long without attachments (with solid racks) are installed on 6-10 kV overhead lines.

Fig.13. Wooden poles VL 6-10 kV:

a, b - intermediate with fastening of wires on hooks and on a traverse with a head,

c - angular intermediate with fastening of wires on a traverse,

g - liquor,

d - corner anchor;

1 - attachment.

2 - stand.

5 - head.

6 - traverse,

7 - brace,

8 - crossbar,

9 - undertraverse,

10 - cross member,

11 - brace

Details of supports of all types are unified: the posts have a length of 8.5 m, reinforced concrete attachments - 4.25 and 6 m, wooden attachments - 4.5 m.

Installation (assembly) of supports is one of the most important and difficult stages of construction. overhead lines power transmission associated with the use of large-scale mechanization of electrical work.

The choice of the way to install the supports depends on the design of the supports and foundations, local conditions on the line route, as well as the fleet of mechanisms and devices that the construction and installation organization has. Currently using various ways installation of supports, which can be combined into 3 groups:

Installation of supports by extension allows:

  • perform work on a small site;
  • use relatively light rigging, the carrying capacity of which is several times less than the weight of the mounted support;
  • do not reinforce a support that is not rigid enough to be installed in the assembly.

However, the installation of supports by building up has a number of serious disadvantages:

  • work on the installation of supports by extension is carried out at a height, on a limited installation site, which places high demands on the training of personnel and the organization of safe work;
  • only free-standing tower-type supports can be mounted using the vertical extension method. Supports on braces, supports of the "Rumka" type, portal supports cannot be mounted by this method;
  • installation by extension has a greater labor intensity and duration in comparison with the rotation method;
  • the safety of work on the installation of supports by building up is affected by weather conditions, work with wind speeds of more than 10 m / s, snowfall or ice is prohibited.

In this regard, if the dimensions of the support, its mass and local conditions allow, preference should be given to installing the support assembled by turning.

Additional material

  1. Routing- Installation of a single-column anchor-angle single-chain steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-1 using one crane [download document] .
  2. Technological map - Installation of a single-column anchor-angle double-circuit steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-2 by extension method [download document] .
  3. Technological map - Installation of a single-column anchor-angle single-chain steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-3 using one crane [download document].
  4. Technological map - Installation of a single-column anchor-angle double-circuit steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-4 by extension method [download document] .
  5. Technological map - Installation of a single-column anchor-angle single-chain steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-5 using one crane [download document].
  6. Technological map - Installation of a single-column anchor-angle double-circuit steel multifaceted support 330 kV MU330-6 by extension method [download document] .

Consider the most commonly used methods of mounting supports.

Installation of supports with auger cranes

For the installation of single-column wooden and reinforced concrete supports up to 10 kV, having a relatively small mass and height, boring crane machines are used.

The method of installing the support with auger cranes is the most rational and economical, requiring a minimum volume preparatory work, rigging and mechanisms.

Installation of supports by a crane

The lifting capacity of the crane must correspond to the mass of the installed support, and the working stroke of the crane hook and the outreach of the boom must ensure the full lifting of the support. The support is pre-assembled and laid next to the pit. Then it is lifted by a crane to a vertical position and installed on a foundation or in a pit. In the process of fixing the support on the anchor bolts of the foundation or backfilling the pit, the crane holds the support in a vertical position. After backfilling the pit by at least 2/3 or attaching the support to the anchor bolts, the slings are removed, the crane is released and transferred to install the next support.

Cranes are usually used to install single-column poles with voltage up to 220 kV.

Installation of supports by crane and tractors

If the mass of the support is greater than the carrying capacity of the existing crane, and the lifting height of the hook from the ground is insufficient to lift (hang) the support above the pit, the support is installed by a crane and tractors. The calculated force on the crane hook when lifting the support should not exceed its carrying capacity, and the lifting height of the hook should ensure that the support rotates at an angle of at least 30-45 °.

The assembled support is placed horizontally next to the foundation, the legs of the support are connected to the foundation elements using a mounting hinge. The crane is installed in such a way that it does not fall into the zone of a possible fall of the support. The support from a horizontal position is lifted by a crane at an angle of 30-45°. Next, the traction force is transferred to the tractor, and the crane moves into position to brake the support and prevent it from tipping over. Further lifting of the support is carried out by a tractor.

Installation of supports with a falling boom and tractors

If it is impossible to install the support by the methods listed above, it is raised using a falling boom and tractors.

When installing supports with a falling boom, the maximum force in the traction cable occurs at the initial moment of lifting. Then it gradually decreases and, when the support assumes a vertical position, disappears. Similarly, the force in the falling arrow and the "reins" connecting it with the support shaft changes. This is an advantage of the method of installing supports with a falling boom, since rigging faults identified at the beginning of lifting can be easily eliminated. The loads acting on the hinge and foundations when the support is lifted can increase and reach maximum values ​​at its inclination angles of 30-50°.

Installation of supports by helicopters

In difficult conditions, when conventional methods cannot be applied or are not economically feasible, helicopters are used. The support assembled at the assembly site is delivered in a vertical position by helicopter to the picket and immediately installed on the prepared foundation. Preliminarily, special catching devices are installed on the foundations. In this way, metal supports of a relatively small mass are usually installed.

For example, the method of mounting supports by helicopter was used in the construction of the 110 kV overhead line "Mamakan-Muskovit". A section of the overhead line route 3.5 km long passed along a slope with a slope of about 35 ° along the river bank. Arrangement of the site for the assembly of supports near the installation site was difficult, since the slope was covered with accumulations of stone blocks ranging in size from 1 to 3 meters with rocky soil. Driving along the highway in this section is impossible; access to the installation sites of supports could only be carried out from the side of the river. At the same time, for the layout of sites and entrances to the place of assembly and installation of supports, heavy earth-moving equipment was required, which was not possible to deliver. The use of a helicopter eliminated complex excavation work on the layout of sites for the assembly and installation of supports and the organization of entrances to them.

Heavy metal supports are installed by helicopter by turning. To do this, hinges of a special design are pre-mounted on two foundations, the heels (shoes) of a pre-assembled support are connected to them and a lifting cargo cable is fixed on its top. The helicopter, rising into the air, rotates the support around the hinges and brings it to a vertical position. After that, the hinges are removed and the support is fixed to the foundation.

Installation of supports by extension using a creeping crane

The installation of the support by extension is carried out by creeping cranes or masts. These devices are called creeping because they are fixed at the top of the mounted section of the support and after mounting the next section of the support with their help, they rise to the newly mounted section for mounting the next section of the support.

Depending on the size and construction, the pole can be mounted in welded sections (small transition poles), planes or rods (large poles made of steel pipes). The weight of the lifted parts of the support must not exceed the lifting capacity of the cranes or booms with which the support is mounted.

Usually, the lower one or two sections are mounted with an overhead crane or an erection boom, and the next ones with an extension. The prepared sections are lifted by a creeping crane, a creeping boom or a tower crane and installed in the design position, where they are fixed.

Installation of supports by vertical extension using helicopters

At present, the installation of individual transitional supports by building up is carried out using special helicopters. Such helicopters are usually equipped with an additional cabin, from which the co-pilot, having sufficient visibility under and behind the helicopter, can control the machine and lift cargo using a cargo winch.

Installation of supports using a helicopter is as follows. The lower section of the tower is usually installed on the foundation with a crane and secured to it. On the upper end of the mounted sections of the support, four guide angles bent to the vertical axis are temporarily fixed. On the site located near the place of installation of the support, the enlarged assembly of the sections of the support is carried out. The helicopter lifts the assembled section and slowly, in order to avoid its swinging, transfers it to the mounted support. Having hovered over the mounted sections, the helicopter lowers the section onto the rails.

Picture. Installation of supports by extension using a helicopter: 1 - lower section; 2 - section mounted by a helicopter by the method of vertical extension; 3 - guide.

Wooden pads may be used to prevent shock during lowering. The landing of the section is corrected from the ground, giving commands to the pilot via radio. After lowering the section into place and uncoupling the sling from the helicopter, the installers climb the support and mount the parts for connecting the sections, after which they transfer the guides to the top of the mounted section. The following sections of the support are mounted in the same way.

Helicopters are allowed to operate only in wind speeds less than 6 m/s. The use of helicopters for the installation of supports by the extension method, which requires the use of complex and advanced equipment, careful preparation, good organization of work, makes it possible to increase labor productivity, allows the pre-assembly of sections of several supports to be carried out on one site, located far from the foundations of the support.

Installing supports manually

With a small amount of work or when it is impossible to use large-scale mechanization, the racks of wooden supports, which are light in weight, can be installed manually. In this case, hooks, tongs, braces and other devices are used.


Installation of overhead lines

  1. General requirements. 4
  2. The procedure for the production of works. 6
  3. The need for machines and mechanisms, technological equipment and materials. eleven
  4. The composition of the brigade by profession.. 11
  5. Solutions for labor protection, industrial and fire safety. 12
  6. Scheme of operational quality control. 24
  7. Work production schemes. 26
  8. Reference list. thirty

1. General requirements

The technological map was developed for the implementation of a set of works for the installation of supports of a 10 kV power transmission line along the route during the construction of the facility. The technological map was developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory and technical documentation:

  • SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1 General requirements;
  • SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2 Building production;
  • SP 12-136-2002. Labor safety in construction. Solutions for labor protection and industrial safety in projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works;
  • SP 126.13330.2012 Geodetic works in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84;
  • SP 45.13330.2012 Earthworks, bases and foundations. Updated edition of SNiP 3.02.01-87;
  • SP 48.13330.2011 Organization of construction. Updated edition
    SNiP 12-01-2004;
  • SNiP 3.05.06-85 Electrical devices
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 384-FZ dated December 30, 2009 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
  • SP 20.13330.2011 Loads and impacts. Updated edition
    SNiP 2.01.07-85;
  • SP 52-101-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without prestressing reinforcement;
  • OR-91.200.00-KTN-108-16 "Procedure for the implementation of construction control of the customer when performing construction and installation works at the facilities of organizations of the Transneft system."
  • OR-91.040.00-KTN-109-16 “Requirements for quality services of construction contractors at the facilities of organizations of the Transneft system”.
  • OR-91.010.30-KTN-111-12 "Procedure for the development of projects for the production of works for the construction, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of objects of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines."
  • RD-93.010.00-KTN-011-15 Main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. Construction and installation work performed on the linear part of the main pipelines
  • OR-91.200.00-KTN-201-14 Main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. The procedure for organizing and exercising construction control over compliance with design decisions and the quality of construction of underwater crossings MN and MNPP

2. The procedure for the production of works

Work on the installation of overhead lines should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • route breakdown;
  • preparation of entrances to the places of installation of supports;
  • layout of sites for horizontal installation of mechanisms;
  • preparation of the support installation site;
  • laying out the support;
  • enlarged assembly of support structures;
  • installation of supports by a truck crane on a foundation with fastening;

Structures manufactured at factories are brought to the storage site, where they are received and prepared for installation.

It is necessary to carry out the input control of all structural elements entering the construction. Input quality control is carried out in order to prevent the launch of products that do not meet the requirements of design and regulatory and technical documentation, supply contracts and permit protocols in accordance with GOST 2.124-2014 “ESKD. The procedure for the use of purchased products.

Before starting the installation of the support, the following work must be performed:

  • the construction of the foundations has been completed;
  • completed the assembly of the support with fixing it on the foundation with mounting hinges;
  • all rigging for lifting supports must be prepared in advance and, if necessary, tested in accordance with labor protection rules.

Work on the assembled structures is allowed only after their final fixing.

The installation of overhead line supports is preceded by a set of organizational and technical measures, basic and preparatory work:

- get working documentation;

- obtain a work permit;

Appoint a person responsible for the quality and safe performance of work, the safe operation of cranes;

- to provide access roads;

To familiarize the machinists of the equipment with the working drawings, the project for the production of works;

Provide jobs for machine drivers with first aid equipment, firefighting equipment;

– organize incoming control of incoming materials;

– to check how the entrances to the pickets are arranged for vehicles and mechanisms;

- mount foundations for this type of supports;

- clear the installation site from trees, stumps, shrubs and other objects that interfere with the work.

The dimensions of the mounting area must be determined depending on the type of support and foundation. When determining the size of the site, one should also take into account the place for laying out, assembling and installing the support.

Assembly of metal supports

Large assembly

The assembly of large-sized supports on the track is usually preceded by an enlarged assembly of their individual parts (trunks, sections, engraver, struts, etc.).

The extended assembly includes:

- preliminary layout of sections; their connection on temporary assembly bolts;

- connection on settlement bolts;

- reconciliation of the assembled structure.

An enlarged assembly of bolt-type supports is performed on the lower face and by the method of parallel faces.

In the first case, the lower waist corners of the lower section are hinged to two footrests from the side of the support laying out. At the upper and lower ends of the waist corners, transverse diaphragms are installed, to which, in turn, two other waist corners are attached. After that, between the waist corners, the braces of the lattice are installed and fixed, first in the side, and then in the lower and upper faces of the section. The waist corners of the next section are attached to the upper elements of the first section, and then the lattice is filled in the same sequence. The remaining sections of the trunk are also assembled, increasing the support from the bottom up - from the foundation to the top.

In the second case, the waist corners of the lower section are laid out in pairs on linings in a horizontal plane. Then, from the elements of the lattice on each pair of corners, the side faces of the section are assembled, they are turned over by cranes and installed vertically, after which the upper and lower faces are assembled, attaching the corresponding elements of the lattice to the belt corners. The heels of the lower section are mounted in hinges on two footrests. So same collect other sections.

General Assembly

The order of the general assembly is determined mainly by the design of the support and the readiness of the foundation. The technology of the general assembly is the same as the enlargement.

The general assembly of single-column supports consists in assembling the trunk from sections and attaching traverses and a cable rack to it. First, the lower section of the shaft is hinged on two footboards of the foundation and the middle section is attached to it, for which it is captured by a crane and brought closer to the bottom, the joints are aligned and the sections are connected with temporary mounting bolts.

Some supports are immediately assembled on the calculated bolts.

In the same way, the following sections and a cable rack are connected to the trunk. After assembling the trunk, traverses are attached to it: first the lower ones, then the middle ones, and finally the upper ones.

The assembled support is verified according to the drawings, the defects of individual elements are corrected and the damaged color is restored.

In the general assembly of the portal-type supports, the heels of both shafts are first fixed in hinges on the footboards of the foundation, the shafts are assembled, a traverse is attached to them, a strut and cable racks are installed and the dimensions are verified.

In hard-to-reach places or cramped conditions, supports can be assembled by vertical building up of elements from the bottom up with a crane.

When assembling metal supports, mechanized (electric or pneumatic wrenches, drills, center punches) and hand tools, as well as various devices, are widely used.

The data on the assembly and alignment of the supports is recorded in a journal, which is signed by the foreman (or construction foreman) and the foreman of the assemblers.

To align the support, it is allowed to install linings between the fifth support and the foundation. The dimensions of the pads must be at least 150 × 150 mm. The total height of the pads should not exceed 40 mm and no more than 4 plates. After alignment, the linings are welded to the heel of the support.

Anchor and corner supports

Before starting work, the head of the work on lifting the support is obliged to check that the dimensions of the anchor bolts of the foundation (footrests) correspond to the dimensions of the support, and also check the vertical marks of the foundations.

In case of detection of deviations exceeding the established tolerances, the support may be lifted only after the defects have been eliminated.

The installation of supports on the foundations is planned to be carried out using a truck crane.

The sequence of mounting the support with a crane:

- the truck crane is set in position for lifting the support;

- above the center of gravity (counting from the base of the support), slings are attached;

- ropes (braces) 20-25 m long, 30-50 mm in diameter are attached to the base of the support;

- the support is raised to a vertical position by 20-30 cm above the piles and, with the help of braces, the support shoe is directed to the foundation base and aligned;

- the support is installed strictly in a vertical position and fixed;

– verticality is controlled by a theodolite;

- after reliable fastening of the support to the foundation, the slings are released.

The installation of anchor-angle supports, which is the final stage of the main construction work, is started if there is a sufficient number of assembled supports and ready-made foundations. It is impossible to skip individual supports, since this, firstly, does not allow mounting wires in the anchor span, and, secondly, leads to significant losses of time for the return of the brigade.

The installation of supports consists of preparatory work, lifting, alignment, fixing the supports and dismantling of auxiliary equipment and fixtures.

Preparatory work includes the arrangement of machines, mechanisms. Lifting the support consists in bringing it to a vertical position with the help of machines and mechanisms. When reconciling, the raised support is set to the position that it should occupy according to the project. After fixing on the foundation, the support acquires the calculated stability and readiness for the installation of wires. The work is completed with the dismantling of equipment and rigging and the transition to the next support.

The most rational and economical is the method of installing the support with a crane, which requires a minimum amount of preparatory work, rigging and mechanisms.

Alignment and fixing of supports. The raised support must be aligned, i.e., brought to a position in which its axis is vertical, and the traverses are at an angle of 90 ° to the axis of the overhead line. All supports must be located in the alignment of the line. The traverses of the corner supports should be directed along the bisector of the angle of rotation of the overhead line.

Control the alignment with a theodolite, a plumb line. After alignment, the supports are finally fixed on the foundations.

Metal free-standing supports are fixed with nuts on the anchor bolts of the foundations. On intermediate supports, one nut is installed on the bolt, and on anchor and corner supports, two, followed by reaming, after tightening the nuts, the threads of the anchor bolts to a depth of at least 3 mm.

After alignment of the supports, grounding is connected to the support through the plates, using bolted connections.

It is allowed to remove slinging ropes and devices only when the support is fixed.

The installation of the supports is documented in a journal, in which the deviations of the supports and their elements from the design position and other data are entered.

3. The need for machines and mechanisms, technological equipment and materials

The equipment specified in Table 3.1 and hereinafter in the text of this technological map can be replaced by the Contractor with a similar one available at the time of work, based on the required performance and technical characteristics.

4. The composition of the team by profession

The composition of the brigade is shown in table 4.1

Table 4.1

5. Solutions for labor protection, industrial and fire safety

When performing work, the following requirements must be observed:

– SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements”;

– SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production”;

- VSN 31-81. Instructions for the production of construction work in the protected zones of the main pipelines of the Ministry of the Oil Industry;

- SP 12-136-2002. Solutions for labor protection and industrial safety in projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works;

– GOST R 12.4.026-2015 System of labor safety standards. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods;

- SP 36.13330.2012 Code of Rules "Main pipelines"

- SP 52.13330.2011 Code of Practice "Natural and artificial lighting"

– Safety regulations for the construction of main steel pipelines;

– Rules for labor protection during construction (Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2015 N 336n);

- Rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices (Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2015 N 552n);

– RD-13.110.00-KTN-260-14 “Main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. Safety rules for the operation of the facilities of OAO AK Transneft”;

Persons not younger than 18 years of age, who do not have medical contraindications for performing this type of work, who have the appropriate qualifications, are allowed to work. independent work in accordance with the established procedure, having an electrical safety group not lower than II. The person responsible for carrying out the work must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate operational personnel.

Before starting work, the personnel must put on overalls and safety shoes, PPE appropriate for the weather conditions, in accordance with approved standards, a helmet with a chin strap. Overalls, safety shoes and PPE must be in good condition, fastened with all buttons and fasteners. It is not allowed to perform work in overalls and PPE contaminated with combustible or toxic materials that have expired.

Workers admitted to the installation of supports are required to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions, as well as the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions for the operation of the equipment, tools, technological equipment used.

Installers must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Code.

Before leaving for work, the foreman must personally inspect the tools necessary for the work of the brigade, safety belts, rigging devices, protective equipment, ropes, cables, etc. in accordance with their requirements.

The installer is obliged to perform only the work assigned to him by the works manager, and provided that the safe methods of doing it are well known. If the working conditions at the workplace threaten the life and health of the employee, he may refuse to perform work.

The installer, who has discovered a malfunction in the mechanisms, rigging devices and in the structures of the support prepared for installation, must immediately suspend work and inform the work manager about this. Without his permission, it is prohibited to start work on lifting the support.

The workers involved in the lifting of the support must stand in the places indicated in advance by the head of the work on the installation of the supports. Only the supervisor is allowed to approach the support for inspection and check during lifting. The paths of approach to the support must be free from any objects that could prevent the worker, if necessary, to quickly retire to a safe distance equal to one and a half height of the support from the middle of the foundation.

You should approach the support from the side where the traction cables are located (lifting side). When installing supports in winter, the mounting site with a radius equal to one and a half height of the support must be cleared of snow to ensure a free approach to the support and safe work. It is prohibited to carry out work on a site that has not been cleared of snow. The installer is prohibited from climbing the support until it is fully secured.

Requirements for labor protection in the organization and conduct of work at height

In the production of pre-assembly and installation of overhead lines, high-risk work includes work at height.

Persons who have reached the age of eighteen years are allowed to work at height.

Employees performing work at height, in accordance with applicable law, must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations.

Workers performing work at height must be qualified for the nature of the work performed. The level of qualification is confirmed by a document on vocational education (training) and (or) qualification.

Employees are allowed to work at height after:

a) training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

b) training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height.

The employer (a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, before the start of work at height, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height of employees:

a) allowed to work at height for the first time;

b) transferred from other jobs, if these employees have not previously undergone appropriate training;

c) having a break in work at height for more than one year.

Employees who perform work at height using scaffolding, as well as on sites with protective fences 1.1 m or more high, and who have successfully passed the test of knowledge and acquired skills based on the results of training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, are issued a certificate of permission to work at height.

Employees allowed to work without the use of scaffolding, performed at a height of 5 m or more, as well as performed at a distance of less than 2 m from unprotected differences in height of more than 5 m on sites in the absence of protective fences or with a height of protective fences of less than 1, 1 m, on the instructions of the employer for the performance of work, an order-permit for the performance of work issued on a special form is issued.

Workers allowed to work without the use of scaffolding, performed at a height of 5 m or more, and also performed at a distance of less than 2 m from unprotected differences in height of more than 5 m on sites in the absence of protective fences or with a height of protective fences of less than 1, 1 m, as well as employees organizing the implementation of technical and technological or organizational measures during the specified work at height, are divided into the following 3 groups according to the safety of work at height (hereinafter referred to as groups):

Group 1 - employees allowed to work as part of a team or under the direct supervision of an employee appointed by order of the employer (hereinafter - employees of group 1);

group 2 - foremen, foremen, internship leaders, as well as employees appointed by the order-permission as responsible performers of work at height (hereinafter - employees of group 2);

Group 3 - employees appointed by the employer responsible for the organization and safe conduct of work at height, as well as for conducting briefings, drawing up an action plan for evacuation and rescue of workers in the event of an emergency and during rescue operations; employees performing maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE); workers issuing work permits; responsible managers of work at height, carried out according to the work permit; officials whose powers include approval of the plan for the production of work at height (hereinafter referred to as employees of the 3rd group).

Employees of the 3rd group also include specialists who provide training in working at height, as well as members of the certification commissions of organizations that provide training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, and employers.

Periodic training of employees of groups 1 and 2 in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height is carried out at least once every 3 years.

Periodic training of employees of the 3rd group in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height is carried out at least once every 5 years.

It is not allowed to work at height:

a) in open places at an air flow (wind) speed of 15 m/s or more;

b) in case of a thunderstorm or fog, which excludes visibility within the front of work, as well as in case of ice from icy structures and in cases of ice wall growth on wires, equipment, engineering structures (including power transmission line supports), trees;

c) during the installation (dismantling) of structures with a large windage at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

At workplaces, the stock of materials containing harmful, flammable and explosive substances should not exceed shift needs.

During breaks in work, technological devices, tools, materials and other small items in the workplace must be fixed or removed.

Storage and transportation of materials is carried out on the basis of the instructions of the material manufacturer.

After the end of work or shift, it is not allowed to leave materials, tools or devices at the workplace. Bulky fixtures must be secured.

The design of ladders and step-ladders must exclude the possibility of shifting and overturning them during operation. At the lower ends of ladders and ladders there must be fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground.

The upper ends of the ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hook-grabs that prevent the ladder from falling from wind pressure or accidental shocks.

Suspended ladders used to work on structures or wires must have devices that ensure that the ladders are firmly fixed to structures or wires.

When using a ladder or stepladders, it is not allowed:

a) work from the top two steps of ladders that do not have railings or stops;

b) to be on the steps of a ladder or ladder for more than one person;

c) raise and lower the load on the ladder and leave the tool on it.

It is not allowed to work on portable ladders and ladders:

a) over rotating (moving) mechanisms, working machines, conveyors;

b) using electric and pneumatic tools, construction and assembly guns;

c) when performing gas welding, gas flame and electric welding works;

d) when tensioning wires and to maintain heavy parts at a height.

When moving the ladder by two workers, it must be carried with the tips back, warning the oncoming ones of the danger. When carrying a ladder by one worker, it must be in an inclined position so that its front end is raised above the ground by at least 2 m.

Equipment, mechanisms, manual mechanized and other tools, inventory, fixtures and materials used when performing work at height must be used with security measures that prevent them from falling (placement in bags and pouches, fastening, slinging, placement at a sufficient distance from the border height difference or fastening to the worker's safety harness).

Tools, inventory, fixtures and materials weighing more than 10 kg must be hung on a separate rope with an independent anchor device.

After completing work at height, equipment, mechanisms, small-scale mechanization, hand tools must be removed from a height.

All hoisting machines, mechanisms and devices, including winches, chain hoists, pulleys, hoists, hoisting bodies, hoisting devices and containers, construction hoists (towers), facade hoists are registered, put into operation, are subject to periodic inspections and technical inspections in the prescribed manner are provided with maintenance, their technical condition and operating conditions are subject to appropriate supervision and control.

Each lifting mechanism and device must have documentation provided for by the relevant technical regulation, standard or technical specifications for manufacturing.

Each lifting gear and lifting device must be clearly and conspicuously marked with the maximum safe working load.

Safety requirements for climbing work

Climbing work is classified as work of increased danger and is carried out according to a work permit, which should provide for organizational and technical measures for the preparation and safe performance of these works.

Mounter's claws must comply with the established requirements and are designed to work on wooden and wooden poles with reinforced concrete stepsons of power transmission and communication lines, on reinforced concrete poles of overhead power lines (VL), as well as on cylindrical reinforced concrete poles with a diameter of 250 mm VL.

Mounter's manholes are designed for climbing onto reinforced concrete supports of rectangular section of the overhead line, universal manholes - for climbing onto unified reinforced concrete cylindrical and conical supports of overhead lines.

Claws and manholes must withstand a static load of 1765 N (180 kgf) without permanent deformation.

The service life of claws, manholes (except for spikes) is set in the manufacturer's documentation, but not more than 5 years.

On the foot of the claw, the manhole should be applied:

a) the trademark of the manufacturer;

c) date of manufacture.

Claws and manholes are subject to mandatory inspection before and after use.

Maintenance and periodic checks of claws and manholes are carried out on the basis of the manufacturer's operational documentation.

It is forbidden to use claws and manholes for climbing ice-covered supports, in the presence of ice-frost deposits on the wires and structures of line supports that create an off-design load on the supports, as well as at an air temperature below the permissible value specified in the claw or manhole manufacturer's operating instructions.

It is not allowed to perform work at height in open places with a wind speed of 10 m/s or more, thunderstorm or fog, which excludes visibility within the front of the work. Belts must comply with the requirements of technical specifications for belts of specific designs. Belts should be adjustable in length and provide a waist circumference from 640 to 1500 mm.

The width of the straps of the load-bearing belt should not be less than 50 mm, the strapless belt in the back should not be less than 80 mm.

The weight of the belt must not exceed 2.1 kg.

The static breaking load for the belt must be at least 7000 N (700 kgf).

The belt must withstand the dynamic load that occurs when a load weighing 100 kg falls from a height equal to two lengths of the sling (halyard).

The dynamic force during the protective action for a strapless safety belt and for a safety strap belt with only shoulder straps should not exceed 4000 N (400 kgf), for a safety strap belt with shoulder and leg straps - no more than 6000 N (600 kgf).

The carabiner of the sling (halyard) of the safety belt must provide quick and reliable fastening and detachment with one hand when wearing a warm mitten.

The duration of the "fastening - unfastening" cycle should be no more than 3 seconds.

The carabiner must have a safety device that prevents its accidental opening.

The lock and safety of the carabiner must close automatically.

The force for opening the carbine must be at least 29.4 N (3 kgf) and not more than 78.4 N (8 kgf).

The sling (halyard) of the belt for electric and gas welders and other workers performing hot work must be made of a steel rope or chain.

The conditions for the safe use of a sling (halyard) must be specified in the technical specifications for belts of specific designs.

The metal parts of the safety belt must not have cracks, shells, tears and burrs.

On each belt __ must be applied:

a) trademark of the manufacturer;

b) size and type of belt;

c) date of manufacture;

d) stamp of the quality control department;

e) designation of the standard or specifications;

e) sign of conformity.

Safety belts before being put into operation, and also every 6 months, must be subjected to a static load test according to the method given in the standards or specifications for belts of specific designs.

After the load test, a thorough inspection of the belt is carried out and, in the absence of visible damage, it is allowed to operate.

Safety climbing devices must ensure smooth braking of the safety rope when it is pulled out of the device at a speed exceeding 1.5 m/s.

The safety climbing device must have an element for attaching it to a support or to another securely fixed structural element of a building or structure.

The output end of the safety rope of the safety climbing device must be designed in the form of a loop or equipped with a ring or carabiner, to which the worker attaches the slings (halyard) of the safety belt.

The drum system of the safety climbing device, equipped with a ratchet device with a spring, must ensure the winding of a safety rope of a certain length that can withstand the dynamic load that occurs when a load of 100 kg falls during braking until its fall stops completely at a braking distance from 0.6 to 1, 5 m

With a weight of a safety climbing device of 8 kg, the safety rope has a length of 5 m, with a weight of 9.4 kg - 10 m, 11 kg-12 m, 14 kg-20 m, 21 kg-30 m.

Based on the specific conditions of work, a safety climbing device with the required length of a safety rope should be used, allowing the worker to move relatively freely during work operations at a distance of up to 5 and even up to 30 m (depending on the safety climbing device used) down from the place where the safety climbing device is fixed. device, without re-fastening the carabiner of the sling (halyard) of the safety belt.

An employee using a safety climbing device, when falling, must beware of hitting the structure during the pendulum swing of the activated safety climbing device.

After each case of operation, as well as periodically during operation, every 6 months, a survey and test of the safety climbing device should be carried out according to the method specified in the technical specifications of the manufacturer.

The safety belt should be fixed to the elements of building structures in one of the following ways:

- with a sling in the girth of the structure with the carabiner fastened to the sling;

- with a sling around the structure with a carabiner fastened to the side ring on the safety belt;

- a carabiner for a mounting loop or a safety rope. In all cases, the safety belt should be fastened in such a way that the height of the possible fall of the worker is minimal.

Work at height in the open air, performed directly from structures, ceilings, etc. when weather conditions change with visibility deterioration, during a thunderstorm, ice, strong wind, snowfall, they stop, and workers are taken out of the workplace.

Workplace lighting

At dusk, a temporary lighting tower is installed on the site to illuminate the place of construction and installation work. Electricity is supplied from a mobile diesel or gasoline generator of the Contractor (diesel station). Norm of illumination of the construction site - 10 lux

Based on GOST 12.1.046-2014, electric lighting of construction sites and sites is divided into working, emergency, evacuation and security. At nightfall, work sites, workplaces, driveways and passages to them must be illuminated: at least 10 lux when excavation; at least 100lux at the workplace when performing installation and insulation work; at least 2 lux on driveways within the working site; at least 5lux in the aisles to the place of work.

At night, lighting of the working pit should be carried out by searchlights or lamps in an explosion-proof design.

Fire safety

When performing work, it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the impact of fire hazards, as set out in the following regulatory documents:

– RD 13.220.00-KTN-148-15 Main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. Fire safety rules at the facilities of the organizations of the Transneft system.

- Standard instruction on the procedure for conducting welding and other hot work at explosive, fire and explosion hazardous objects of the oil industry.

GOST 12.1.004-91. SSBT. "Fire safety. General requirements";

GOST 12.1.010-76. SSBT. “Explosive safety. General requirements";

Fire safety rules in the forests of the Russian Federation. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 417 dated June 30, 2007;

Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
from 25.04.2012 №390

All employees engaged in work must be trained in PTM (fire-technical minimum), undergo fire safety briefings. Primary briefing at the workplace and targeted briefing before starting work should be carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, site manager, etc.). Introductory briefing on fire safety should be carried out by a fire safety engineer, fire safety instructor.

Engineers of organizations responsible for carrying out the work must be trained in a specialized organization under the fire-technical minimum program. This requirement for the contractor must be included in the special conditions of the contract, in accordance with clause 7.1.7 of RD-13.220.00-KTN-148-15.

The work foreman must check the implementation of fire safety measures within the work site. It is allowed to start work only after all measures to ensure fire safety have been completed.

The contractor's work supervisors are responsible for compliance by subordinate personnel with the fire safety rules in force at the facility and for the occurrence of fires that occurred through their fault, in accordance with clause 7.1.17 of RD-13.220.00-KTN-148-15.

The completion of work sites with primary fire extinguishing equipment, depending on the type and scope of work, must be carried out by the contractor in accordance with clause 7.1.18 of RD-13.220.00-KTN-148-15.

Roads and entrances to sources of fire-fighting water supply must ensure the passage of fire equipment to them at any time of the day, at any time of the year.

When placing and arranging temporary (cars), be guided by the requirements of section 6.5.9 of RD-13.220.00-KTN-148-15.

It is necessary to establish a fire regime at the work site in accordance with the Fire Regulations in Russian Federation(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390) and

Actions in case of fire

Actions of workers in the event of a fire

Each employee upon detection of a fire or signs of burning (smoke, burning smell, temperature increase, etc.) must:

a) immediately inform the fire brigade about this by phone; in this case, it is necessary to give the address of the object, the place of the fire, and also give your last name;

b) take measures to evacuate people and, if possible, preserve material assets, extinguish the fire with primary and stationary fire extinguishing means;

c) inform the dispatcher (operator) of the facility or the manager of the facility (senior official of the facility) about the fire.

Managers and officials of facilities, persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety, upon arrival at the fire site, must:

a) report the occurrence of a fire to the fire brigade, notify the management and duty services of the facility;

b) in case of a threat to people's lives, immediately organize their rescue, using the available forces and means for this;

c) check the inclusion in the operation of automatic BPDs, if any (fire extinguishing, cooling (irrigation), smoke protection, warning systems and management of people evacuation in case of fire);

d) if necessary, turn off the electricity (with the exception of the CCD), stop the operation of transporting devices, units, apparatus, take other measures that help prevent the development of fire hazards;

e) stop all work (if it is permissible according to the technological process of production), except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;

f) remove all employees who are not involved in extinguishing the fire outside the danger zone;

g) to carry out general fire extinguishing guidance (taking into account the specific features of the facility) before the arrival of the fire department;

i) ensure compliance with safety requirements by employees participating in fire extinguishing;

j) simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, organize the evacuation and protection of material assets;

k) organize a meeting of fire departments and assist in choosing the shortest way for access to the fire;

l) inform the fire departments involved in extinguishing fires and conducting related emergency rescue operations with information about hazardous (explosive), explosive, highly toxic substances processed or stored at the facility, necessary to ensure the safety of personnel.

Upon the arrival of the fire department, the head or the person replacing him informs the head of the fire extinguishing about the design and technological features of the facility, adjacent buildings and structures, the quantity and fire hazard properties of the stored and used substances, materials, products and other information necessary for the successful elimination of the fire, work UPZ, anti-emergency systems, also organizes the attraction of forces and means of the facility to the implementation of the necessary measures related to the elimination of a fire and the prevention of its development.

6. Scheme of operational quality control

Construction control should be carried out by the construction control units of the CCM at all stages of the implementation of all types of construction and installation works. It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation works without the participation of the JCC. Responsibility for the organization and quality of construction control is assigned to the contractor.

The CCM must carry out construction control during each technological stage of work. The results of the construction control are recorded daily in the construction control log of the contractor at the work site, the general work log and the notes and suggestions log. The construction control journal of the contractor is drawn up in accordance with Appendix B OR-91.200.00-KTN-108-16.

The following measures should be observed:

Written notification from the head of the section (flow) of the construction contractor to the responsible representatives of the customer and the IC body at the work site for the time sufficient to mobilize the customer's IC specialists, but not less than 1 calendar day, about the start of new stages and types of construction and installation works, changes in the number of brigades (columns) performing work, shifts of work performed, the need to conduct a survey of hidden work, as well as other cases requiring a change in the numerical and / or qualification composition of the customer’s IC specialists, indicating the responsible representatives of the building contractor’s body and representatives of the quality control service of the construction contractor.

Notification of the customer and the IC body of the need to carry out control measures for the acceptance of work performed 3 working days in advance if it is necessary to submit work that requires specialized control and measuring equipment.










Typical flow charts (collection) K-III-33 were developed by the Department of Organization and Mechanization of the Construction of Power Transmission Lines (ZM-20) of the Orgenergostroy Institute.


A collection of typical technological maps has been compiled for the installation of intermediate and anchor-angle steel supports with stands given in the album (stock number 5713 tm-t1 "Catalogue of unified supports", issue 1968 - 1970), developed by the North-West Department of the Energosetproekt Institute .

Technological maps are compiled in accordance with the guidelines for the development of standard technological maps in construction, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee on July 2, 1964, and serve as a guide for the construction of 35-500 kV power lines on unified supports.


In winter, when the soil freezes 0.25 m or deeper, do not install spacers.

It is forbidden to install supports on foundations that are not completely covered with soil;

b) install the T-100M tractor with the L-6 winch and the K-162 crane according to the diagram for the P110-5 support (Fig. 4 sheet 17), and for the P110-6 support - fig. 10 sheet 28;

c) carry out slinging of the traction and brake cables in the places indicated in fig. 4, sheet 17, for support P110-5 and fig. 10 sheet 28, for support P110-6;

d) fasten the traction cable to the tractor winch;

e) using a K-162 crane, using a sling 6, raise the support assembly to a height of 14.2 m;

f) hold the support in the raised position with a traction cable;

g) release the K-162 crane from the sling and transport it to the place indicated in fig. 4 (sheet 17) for support P110-5 and fig. 10 (sheet 28) - for the P110-6 support (2nd position) and fasten the brake cable (pos. 4) to the crane forkopf;

h) using a traction tractor and a crane standing on the brake, bring the support to a vertical position;

i) fix the support by screwing the nuts onto the anchor bolts, while the nuts should not come close to the surface of the support shoes. Then slightly tilt the support with a traction hoist and remove the mounting hinges;

j) align the support in accordance with the norms and tolerances indicated in the map, and finally fix the column on the foundation with nuts tightened.

To align the support, it is allowed to install linings between the heel and the foundation. The dimensions of the pads must be at least 150´ 150 mm. The total height of the pads should not exceed 40 mm. After alignment, the linings are welded to the heel of the support;

k) dismantle the rigging from the support.

B. Support P330-3 with stand C58 5 m high

When installing the P330-3 support with the C58 stand 5.0 m high, the operations specified in p.p. , and for supports P110-5 and P110-6 also apply to these supports.



number of people


Electric lineman (foreman)


Crane operator

tractor driver


B. Support P330-3 with stand 5 m



number of people


Electric lineman (foreman)


Crane operator

tractor driver


AT. Supports P330-2 with a stand 5 m high



number of people


Electric lineman (foreman)


Crane operator

tractor driver


G. Supports U110-2 with two stands with a total height of 14.0 m and U330-3 with two stands with a total height of 14.0 m



number of people


Electric lineman (foreman)


Crane operator

tractor driver


D. U220-2 supports with two bases in common height 14.0 m



number of people


Electric lineman (foreman)


Crane operator

tractor driver


VL 35-500 kV




In summer time

AT winter time

Labor intensity, in man-days



Operation of mechanisms, machine shifts



Brigade size, people

Diesel fuel consumption, kg

Brigade productivity per shift, supports



Duration of installation of one support, shifts



General instructions on the organization of the support installation technology and work methods of workers, related to all cards, are given on sheets 4 - 11 of this collection.

The support is installed according to the diagram shown in fig. , sheet 62.

The scheme of lifting the falling arrow is shown in fig. , sheet 63.

The details of fastening the cables to the boom head are shown in fig. , sheet 64.

Fastening the cables to the support in fig. , sheet 65.

Rope schemes are given in fig. , sheet 67.

The support installed on the foundations must satisfy the tolerances given in fig. , sheet 66.

The mechanisms, fixtures, tools and materials required for the installation of supports are shown on sheets 68, 69.

Technical characteristics of the support U110-2 with supports C12 and C13


Number of parts, pcs.



number of bolts, pcs.


hardware weight, kg


Deposited metal weight, kg


The total weight of the support with subst. without zinc coating, kg


Weight of zinc coating, kg


The total weight of the support with subst. with zinc coating, kg


Rice. 28. Anchor-angle support U110-2 with supports C12 and C13


Type of



Technical specifications

Tractor with winch L-8



Engine power 108 l. With.

winch Q = 8 t, driven by tractor PTO

Tractor crane


Boom with an insert, rotary on the T-100M tractor. Lifting height 12 m, Q = 3.8 t

NOTE: In winter, a D-686 bulldozer is added to clear the area from snow




Arrow A-shaped metal, height 22 m, pcs.

See hell. No. 656.12.00.80

Steel cable d= 27 mm from support to boom (reins),l= 36 m, pcs.

GOST 3071-66 27-G-1-N-160

Steel cable d= 18 mm for traction chain hoistl= 330 m pcs.

- "- 18-G-1-N-160

Steel cable d= 20 mm for brake, support,l= 75 m, pcs.

- "- 20-G-1-N-160

Steel cable d= 20 mm for raising and lowering the boom,l= 110 m, pcs.

- "- 20-G-1-V-160

Steel cable d= 27 mm from the boom to the pulley block,l= 12 m pcs.

- "- 27-G-1-N-160

d= 20 mm, l= 12 m, pcs.

- "- 20-G-1-Y-160

Universal steel cable lanyardd= 20 mm, l= 4 m, pcs.

- "- 20-G-1-Y-160

Universal steel cable lanyardd= 27 mm, l= 7 m, pcs. fifteen.

Koush 60, pcs.

Bracket SK-45, pcs.

According to the catalog of the trust "Electrosetisolation" SK-45 1A

Bracket SK-25, pcs.

According to the catalog of the trust "Electrosetisolation" SK-25-1A

Rack jack 10 t, pcs.

Assembly key for M42 bolt, pcs.

The same for the M36 bolt, pcs.

Scrap with a diameter of 28 mm, pcs.

Bayonet shovel, pcs.

Cross saw, pcs.

Ax, pcs.

Fitting belt with carabiners and chains, set

Bench chisel, manual, pcs.

Thermos for water, pcs.

First aid kit, set

Steel tape measure 20 m, pcs.

Theodolite with tripod, set

Plumb, pcs.

cotton rope, d= 20 mm, m

Design and materials for temporary fastening of reinforced concrete footboards

Reinforced concrete crossbars R1-A, pcs.


Profession and rank


The norm of time for the installation of one support in h / hours

For the entire volume in h / days

In winter conditions, K = 1.188 in h / days

Applies § 23-3-13 tab. 2 p. 61

Installation of U110-2 type anchor-angle steel poles with two stands C12 and C13 with a total height of 14 m.

The weight of the support with stands is 15.5 tons.

Email lineman

6 times.

Crane operator 6 times.

Truck driver. Five times.


10 people


Support 1





Support 1







Brigade time spent - days:

a) in summer 11.71: 10 = 1.17

b) in winter 13.90: 10 = 1.39

TsNIB - 1966 MSES

N&R Issue. 1 § 16

Clearing the area from snow in winter

1000 m2



Note: 1. The correction factor for labor costs in winter is taken average for the 3rd temperature zone.

2 . The length of the working day is assumed to be 8.2 hours.

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Installation of a free-standing anchor-angle support stand on the foundation for a 500 kV overhead line,

type U2 (turn method)

You can download in doc format

I General part

This project for the production of works (PPR) was completed on the basis of order No. 1154 dated December 28, 2015 "On the assembly and installation of overhead line supports on the territory of the training ground of the personnel training center"

II Scope of the project

The PPR includes the Technological map for the performance of work using truck-mounted boom cranes, boom-type loader cranes, loader cranes and PS-1 hoists.

III Explanatory note

In order to improve the qualifications of the personnel of linear sections, gain practical experience in assembling and installing supports, increase readiness for performing ATS, as well as equipping the training ground, a Project for the installation of a metal free-standing support of an anchor-corner support (type U-2) was drawn up for further implementation this project.

The weight of the anchor-angle support type U2 is 5.712 kg.

PPR includes the following stages of work:

Preparatory work. Preparation of the installation site (clearing snow);

Fixing the metal post of the U2 anchor-angle support on the foundation with mounting hinges;

Raising and fixing the support.

Completion of work.

No. p / p

Sequence of operations

Job title


by EB



Preparatory work. Site preparation (snow removal)

Evaluate the installation site where it is necessary to clear the snow (relief, swampiness, soil condition, the presence of uncleaned forest, large stones, fresh stumps).

On the installation site, determine the direction of the route passages of the bulldozer.



Conduct a targeted briefing for the brigade with registration in the work permit. In the briefing, it is necessary to indicate safety measures during work, the procedure for operations, the technology for performing work, indicate the directions of the bulldozer route, and at the end of the work, indicate the place where the bulldozer is parked. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Perform work on the preparation of the installation site and put the bulldozer in the parking lot. Clean the foundations from snow manually (with shovels).

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Bulldozer driver- brigade member

Arrange completion of work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Fixing the metal post of the U2 anchor-angle support on the foundation with mounting hinges

Check the conformity of the dimensions in the centers of the reinforced concrete footings (foundations) with the dimensions of the support, as well as the vertical marks of the foundations.

In case of detection of deviations exceeding the established tolerances, the support may be lifted only after the detected defects have been eliminated.

Inspect the structure of the support stand to be installed and make sure that it cannot fall. The presence of all bolted connections, structural elements of the support. Check tools, fixtures, protective equipment and materials.

Secure the danger area with tape.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Conduct a targeted briefing for the brigade with registration in the work permit. In the briefing, it is necessary to indicate safety measures during work, the procedure for operations, the technology for performing work, and the danger zone. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);


Install a truck crane at the workplace in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

Truck crane driver- brigade member



Place the hinges on the pole leg foundations (using wooden shims to push the hinge after the pole is in place) and on the pole shoes.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Carry out the slinging of the support stand. With the help of a truck crane, bring the shoe support rack to the foundations. Fasten the support shoes to the hinges. Install wooden spacers at the place where the wire stand is attached to prevent the support from touching the ground and to level the support horizontally.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician (slinger) - member of the brigade

Fasten a two-loop sling to the support post (at a distance of 17 m from the base of the support) and lead a mounting rope Ø 23 mm to the traction mechanism (in accordance with Appendix No. 2). Similarly, from the opposite side of the support, lead the cable to the brake mechanism.

Electrician - team member

Start a sling for lifting the support post with a release device, fastening it to the crane hook. Install wooden pads under the sling (or inventory pads under the sling). (in accordance with Appendix No. 2).

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician (slinger)- brigade member

Raising and fixing the support.

Carry out the arrangement of vehicles in accordance with Appendix 1. Remove unused workers from the danger zone before lifting the support (during the installation of the rack, before moving the mechanisms, it is also necessary to remove unused personnel from the danger zone).

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

The truck crane smoothly raises the support. The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Raise the support post to a height of 200-300 mm.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Check the serviceability of the traction mechanisms, rigging devices, the installation of braces, as well as the correctness and reliability of fastening of all rigging under load.

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

The truck crane smoothly raises the support. The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Raise the support post at an angle of 35-40 degrees from the ground level. Remove the load from the truck crane and transfer it to the traction mechanism.

Master -responsible work manager(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Pull out the release device, releasing the hook of the truck crane. Move the truck crane to the transport position, move it out of the danger zone.

Truck crane driver- brigade member

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

The traction machine smoothly starts moving from the support post, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to exclude the creation of slack. Install the support post on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Install square washers on the rack shoes and thread the nuts onto the anchor bolts. In this case, the nuts should not come close to the surface of the rack shoes.

Electrician - team member

With a traction machine, give tension to the cable for a slight inclination of the support leg. Dismantle hinges. With the reverse smooth running of the traction machine, place the support post on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- member of the brigade;

Align the support leg according to the tolerances. If necessary, to align the support leg, install pads between the fifth support and the foundation.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Tighten the nuts and locknuts of the anchor bolts. Weld the linings to the heel of the rack. Weld anchor bolt washers on three sides.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - team member

Electric and gas welder- brigade member

Completion of work.

The electrician should climb up to the support post with the endless rope block to the place where the rigging is fastened, stand on self-insurance, fixing the lanyard of the safety harness to the support structure, fasten the endless rope block to the support post.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

For electricians on the ground, lift a fitter's tool along an endless rope in a cotton bag.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

For electricians on the ground, hold the endless rope to prevent a sharp descent of the rigging. Lower the rigging and the tool one by one to the ground.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

The electrician, who is on the support, descend with a block of endless rope to the ground.

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Electrician - team member

Remove the workplace, rigging, tools, equipment.

Whole brigade

Remove the team from the workplace

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);

Arrange completion of work.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - foreman of works (allowing);